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Advises That Due to Reassignment,Jj Clark No Longer Needs to Maintain Senior Reactor Operator Licenses
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/17/1990
From: Dennis Morey
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
FNP-90-0459-TRN, FNP-90-459-TRN, NUDOCS 9009270165
Download: ML20064A713 (1)



,m M: , ' r ,. _

r :*i 4= ' Alabima Power Company ~ l

(' ~

1J, M. Farley Nuclear Plant - -- l

[, , ,; L P. O. Drawer 470-


' Ashford, Alabama 36312 - ' '

o ' .--  ?"' Telephons 205 899 5156 -

AlabamaPower j

. mesoxvvedvisprem . i FNP-90-0459-TRN September- 17, 1990; I

. .i ti Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation -(

United States Nuclear Regulatory Coninission  ;

' Washington, D. C. -.20555 '

Dear Sir:

Due to the. permanent: reassignment of.Mr. John J. Clark, docket number 55-6195-and license numbers SOP-3135-6 and 0P-5577-4,' Alabama Power _ Company ~

submits that Mr. Clark no' longer has the need to maintain his: licenses..

LTherefore, Alabama Power Company is hereby notifying the Nuclear Regulatory a cCommission of this< reassignment in accordance with the requirements-of-  ;

, s 10CFR50.74. 1 o -Contact Mr.' Lee S. Williams at-(205).899-5156 if any' additional information4 .


Sincerely, 1


'$4 9%/

D. N. Morey //

General ManagerFFarley Nuclear Plant jDNM/LSW/TEHimjk1 cc: . Chief, Operator Licensing Branch, U.S. Nuclear Regulat'ory Commission,.- I

-Regional: Administrator, Region II l

-J.:D. Woodard

. W. G..Hairston,'III ,

1 J.cJ. Clark s

. l

, i 9009270165 90091'7 PDR ADOCK 05000348 V PDC I't 0

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