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Forwards Response to 810218 Request Re Conceptual Design Descriptions for NUREG-0737,Item III.A.1.2, Upgrade Emergency Support Facilities. Discusses Technical Support Ctr Instrumentation,Instrument Quality & Reliability
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/12/1981
From: Heider L
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-3.A.1.2, TASK-TM FVY-81-93, GL-81-10, NUDOCS 8106180173
Download: ML20004F337 (5)



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c. . VERMONT YAN KEE NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION SEVENTY SEVEN GROVE STREET RUTLAND. VERMONT 0G701 ftEPLY TO; ENGINEERING OFFICE 1671 WORCESTER ROAD FRAMINGH AM, M ASS ACHUSETTS O17ol TELEPHONE 617 872 8100 June 12, 1981 FVY 81-93 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Mr. D. G. Eisenhut, Director Division of Licensing


(a) License No. DPR-28 (Docket No. 50-271)

(b) Letter, D. G. Eisenhut to All Licensees of Operating Plants And Holders Of Construction Permits (Generic Letter 81-10), dated February 18, 1981 (c) Letter, VYNPC to USNRC, WVY 80-7, dated January 8,1980 (d) Letter, VYNPC to USNRC, FVY 81-65, dated April 14, 1981


Submittal of Documentation for NUREG 0737 Item III.A.1.2, Upgrade Emergency Support Facilities

Dear Sir:

4 Reference (b) requested that conceptual design descriptions be submitted for upgraded emergency support facilities at Vermont Yankee. The purpose of this letter is to forward the attached information in response to that request.

Please note that additional descriptive information on this rubject has already been submitted via References (c) and (d).

We trust this information is satisfactory; however should you have any further questions, please contact us.


L. H. Heider Vice Preside -- '< ~

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, Attachment

1. Task f unctions of the individuals required to report to the TSC and EOF upon activation and for each emergency class.


The individuals required to report to the TSC and EOF for each emergency class are provided below.

Vermont Yankee Emergency Response Emergency Unusual Site Area or Center Event Alert General Emergency Technical Not Activated Plant Superintendent Plant Superintendent Support (Technical Support Center (Technical Support Center Cente r Coo rdina to r) Coordinator)

Instrumentation & Instrumentation &

Controls Supervisor Controls Supervisor Chemistry and Health Chemistry and 1:ealth Physics Supervisor Physics Supervisor Reactor and Computer Reactor and Computer Supe rviso r Supe rviso r Operations Supervisor Operations Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor Engineering Support Engineering Support Supe rviso r Supe rviso r Systems Engineer-NSD Safety Analyst-NSD Radiological Engineer

- NSD Emergency Not Activated Emergency Coordinator Emergency Coordinator Operations (Duty and Call Officer) (Duty and Call Officer)

Facility / Recovery Manager Recovery Manager Recovery Assistant Plant Assistant Plant Center Superintendent Superintendent Training Superviso r Traininf; Supervisor Administrative Supervisor Administrative Supervisor Plus other P1nt personnel Plus other Plant personnel called by Duty and Call called by Duty and Call Officer Officer according to needs and according to needs and Tag Tag Board Assignments: Board Assignments:

Ocordinator's Assistant Coordinator's Assistant Radiological Assistant Radiological Assistant Manpower and Planning Manpower and Planning Assistant Assistant Communications Assistant Communications Assistant Personnel Equipment Personnel Equipment Monitoring Team Monitoring Team

Emergency Unusual Site Area of Cente r Event Ale rt General Emergency Radiological Monitoring Radiological Monitoring Teams Teams On-Site Assistance / On-Site Assistance /

Rescue Team Rescue Team Director of Conmunications Director of Communications Radiation Protection Engineer - NSD Emergency Plan Engineer - NSD Yankee Environmental Lab Personnel Nuclear Industry Assistance The task functions of the individuals listed above are dercribed '.n the Vermont Yankee Emergency Plan.

2. Descriptions of TSC instrumentation, instrument quality, instrument accuracy and reliability.


Plant process parameters are available in the TSC via the plant process c ompute r . The present capabilities of the existing equipment include:

a. One digital display window in the Computer Room which provides continuous visual display of any selected analog parameter.
b. Four available analog outputs in the Computer Room for chart recorder trending of any selected analog parameters.
c. One typer available in the Computer Room for printing of various logs which include the following:
1) Prir.t Value Summary - With one operator action, all points in the process computer will be printed.
2) Alarm Summary - With one operator action, all current points in alarm status will be printed out.
3) Value Print - Any computer point can be selected to print with a frequency of


...Every 30 secs for up to two points

...Every 120 secs for up to six points

4) Special Logs - A total of 31 logs containing a maximum of 15 points each in a pre-selected grouping can be requested for typer print. An' additional log will give the value of the 15 most recent points in the alarm status. These logs can be requested to print out at the following frequene.y:



...Every 1 minute for up to two logs

...Every 5 minutes for up to five ?.ogs

. . .Every 20 minutes for up to . thirty- two logs

d. There are approximately 580 calculated and process parameters which are available from the process computer as analog values.
e. There are approxicately 240 digital, on/off, points available from the process computcr.
f. Any or all of the output devices in the Computer Room can be used without interf ering with information display in the Control Room.
g. In the Computer Room, til output devices can be used simultaneously;

, this includes 1 digitar display window, 4 chart recorders, and 1 typer.

It is Vermont Yankee's opinion that the present capabilities for displaying and transmitting plant status to those knowledgeable individuals located in the TSC is more than satisfactory as an interim mea sure .

Completely independent of NRC requirements, Vermont Yankee has hired an outside consultant, and with the aid of the Yankee Nuclear Services Division, ia assessing its long-term cca.puter system requirements. TSC, Control Room and EOF instrumentation /ctoputer interface upgrading is part of the overall study; however since the computer upgrading study has not been completed -it is ptemature for us to provide all the details requested by this item. It is our intent to provide the requested conceptual design information in sufficient detail to allow for NRC pre-implementation rev!ew prior to 1/1/82. Parameters presently being considered for an enhanced TSC display include those necessary for TSC personnel to monitor primary system performance, i.e., neutron flux, water level, pressure, temperature. In addition to this effort, Vermont Yankee is monitoring a program in which the Yankee Nuclear Power Station uin Rowe, Mass., is cooperating with EPRI and NSAC to develop a visual display system to aid station operators in essessing emergency situations. Information gained from this program will be factored into Vermont Yankee's final display design.

3. Descriptions of the TSC power supply systems, power supply quality, reliability and availability, and consequences of power supply inte rrup tion.


A description of the TSC power supply systems to be installed to meet the final. TSC requirements is not available at this time. See the response to Item 2.

4. A description of the design of the TSC data display systems, plant records, and -data available and record management systems.




A description of the design of the enhanced TSC data display systems is not available at this time. See the response to Item 2.

The following documents / records are availabla in the TSC. It should be noted that management (control) of these documents is rigidly controlled by plant procedures.

1) Technical specification
2) Plant Procedures, including operating, emergency and administrative procedures 3)~ _ Emergency Plan
5) Plant drawings, including flow diagrams, layout / arrangement drawings, wiring and control diagrams, instrument lists, cable lists, detailed equipment drawings.

All of the above data is filed in an orderly manner and is easily accessed.

5. Descriptions of the data transmission system to be installed between the TSC and Control Room.


A description of the enhanced data transmission system to be installed between the TSC and Control Room is not available at this time. See the response to Item 2.

It is expected that data transmission between the TSC and Control Room will be via the plant computer or some other data acquisition / management system.

6. Description of data to be provided to the EOF.


The EOF will be staffed as described in the response to Item 1. Those individuals will be provided with sufficient instrumentation /information to allow a continuing evaluation and coordination of all activities / parameters related to the emergency and having potential environmental consequences, i.e., radiological and meteorological monitoring.


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