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LER 82-007/03L-0:on 820519,during Operability Testing,Hpci Steam Inlet valve,MO-14,blew Fuses When Stroked & Turbine Stop valve,HO-5513,failed to Close in Response to Remote Trip Signal.Steam Inlet Valve Repacked & Switch Replaced
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/21/1982
From: Cooney M
To: Haynes R
LER-82-007-03L, LER-82-7-3L, NUDOCS 8207020345
Download: ML20054K582 (1)

Event date:
Report date:
2782082007R00 - NRC Website


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No. 3-82-07/03L-0 Mr. R. C. Haynes Adminastrotor U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cossission 631 Park Avenue King of Prutsia, PA 19406

Dear Mr. Haynes:

The folkowing LER describes HPCI system problems discovered during an operability test. The applicable Tech Spec reference is 3.5.C.2.

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RE pom T Da t E SC EVENT DEsCRiFTION aNo PRosaBLE CONsEQuf Ncts bio gl After being out of service fTr maintenance, an operability test j 3 3 g was performed on the HPCI system and two problems were observed. g

g ;,; ; The HPCI st eam inlet vaive (MO-It) blew fuses when stroked and g the turbine stop valve (HO-5513) failed to close in response to  ; ,

,ggs; ; l a Mmot e trip signal. ADS, RCIC. LPCI, and Core Spray synems wue  ;

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pql verified oper ble. Applicable Tech Spec reference is 3.5.C.2 j I

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l i o [ HPCI steam inlet valve was repacked and the torque switch j Valve was ret est ed satisfactorily. The hydraulic j i i i replaced.

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