MONTHYEARML20080G1431995-01-24024 January 1995 Inquires About Reason for Puzzling Delay Concerning Patient Discharge Rule ML20080G1591995-01-10010 January 1995 Ack Receipt of ,Which Answered 941130 & 1212 Ltrs to Chairman.Informs That Ltr Entirely Unsatisfactory ML20057E2811993-09-17017 September 1993 Provides Correction to Second Paragraph of Page 1 of Final Rept of Confirmatory Survey of Boelter Reactor Facility for UCLA in Los Angeles,Ca ML20057C1001993-09-0909 September 1993 Forwards Final Rept of Confirmatory Survey of Boelter Reactor Facility,Univ of California,Los Angeles,Ca IR 05000142/19930011993-09-0303 September 1993 Forwards Orise Rept Also Being Identified as NRC Insp Rept 50-142/93-01.Areas Surveyed Appear to Meet Criteria of Reg Guide 1.86, Termination of OLs for Operating Reactors ML20057C5081993-08-24024 August 1993 Forwards Advance Copy of Final Rept of Confirmatory Survey of Boelter Reactor Facility,Univ of Ca. Bound Final Copies Will Be Mailed in Approx Two Wks ML20116L5461993-02-22022 February 1993 Forwards Response to Comments from NRC & Oak Ridge Inst Re Review of UCLA Rept, Final Decommissioning for Boelter Reactor Facility ML20128G2081993-01-28028 January 1993 Forwards Final Release Survey Rept for Boelter Reactor Facility Dismantlement & Final Decommissioning Project ML20127K2731993-01-0404 January 1993 Forwards Final Decommissioning Rept for Boelter Reactor Facility Dismantlement & Final Decommissioning Project ML20116E2951992-10-12012 October 1992 Provides Clarification of Two Items Noted in Insp Rept 50-142/92-01 & Informs of Personnel Change at UCLA ML20086J2451991-12-0404 December 1991 Discusses Changes in Organizational Structure at School of Engineering & Applied Sciences & Radiation Safety Ofc Since Issuance of NRC 890728 Order Authorizing Phase II Decommissioning.Revised Organization Chart Encl ML20073B9901991-06-18018 June 1991 Forwards Rept Summarizing Findings of Orau Review of 59 Docket Files for Terminated Research & Test Reactors ML20055J3881990-07-26026 July 1990 Advises That Author Retiring from Position of Radiation Safety Officer,Effective 900731 ML20248A3441989-09-20020 September 1989 Advises That Batch of Approx 5,000 Lb of Neutron Activated Lead Transferred on 890818 to Another Licensee for Possible Recycle Into Shielding for Waste Disposal.No Radioactive Matl Remaining at Univ & Licensee Complied W/Agreement ML20246F6201989-08-24024 August 1989 Forwards Commission Safety Evaluation & Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact for Phase II Decommissioning of UCLA Research Reactor,Per 890810 Request.W/O Encl ML20247Q6951989-07-28028 July 1989 Forwards Order Authorizing Phase II of Facility Dismantling & Disposition of Component Parts,Per 880610,21,1207 & 890331 Requests.Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact & Safety Evaluation Also Encl ML20245B4531989-06-0808 June 1989 Forwards Encl Listed Info on Decommissioned & Shutdown Reactors Requested During Discussions at Saxton on 890511 ML20245C5411989-04-12012 April 1989 Submits Followup to & Response to Ltrs from C Woodhead & D Hirsh Re EPA Regulatory Problems Concerning Transfer of Neutron Activated Lead Remaining at Reactor Facility to Univ License for Future Use as Shield Matl ML20248F7901989-03-31031 March 1989 Forwards Plan for Improvement of Procedures & Documentation for Final Reactor Facility Decommissioning,In Response to Insp Rept 50-142/89-10 ML20236C9381989-03-14014 March 1989 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Decommissioning Phase II Plan Submitted on 880610 & Suppls on 880621 & 1207.Response Requested within 15 Days of Ltr Date ML20235V8791989-03-0303 March 1989 Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App J Documents.App J Documents Also Available in Pdr.App K Documents Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 4) ML20235Z1401989-03-0303 March 1989 Responds to Appeal of Denial of FOIA Request for Documents 36-61 on App C.Releases Documents C-38 - C-58,C-60 & C-61. Other App C Documents Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5) ML20236A1481989-02-27027 February 1989 Forwards Insp Rept 50-142/89-01 on 890131-0201.No Noncompliance Noted ML20235V1671989-02-14014 February 1989 Informs That Proposal Re Transfer of 4,000 Lb of Radioactive Lead Shot & 1,000 Lb Lead Brick Does Not Conform to Settlement Agreement.Related Correspondence ML20195D6371988-10-27027 October 1988 Responds to Re Decomissioning Review of Reactor Facility ML20207M1931988-10-12012 October 1988 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re 880610 & 21 Phase II Decommissioning Plan.Response Requested within 60 Days of Ltr Date ML20154M8311988-09-20020 September 1988 Responds to Request for Info Re Phase I Nuclear Reactor Decommissioning.Concerns Raised Re Time Element for Review of Phase I Rept While Awaiting Approval Order for Removing Remaining Reactor Structures & Decommissioning Facility ML20207D1741988-07-18018 July 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App G Documents Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 4) ML20195E5741988-06-24024 June 1988 Ack Receipt of 780616 Response to 750529 Notice of Violation.Understands That Necessary Training of Police Officers Will Be Completed in Jul 1975 ML20195G6351988-06-21021 June 1988 Forwards Revised Pages for Phase II Plan for Former Reactor Facility.Some Editorial Corrections Made on Pages 6,12,15 & 16 ML20195G5041988-06-21021 June 1988 Forwards Pages 6,12,15 & 16 for Placement in Phase II Plan for Former Reactor Facility Sent on 880610.Editorial Changes Made to Pages ML20195E5531988-06-13013 June 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App F Documents Encl & Available in PDR ML20155C6211988-06-10010 June 1988 Forwards Rept of UCLA Reactor Decommissioning,Guide for Phase Ii,Final Phase. Rept Covers Removal of Remaining Structures.Expeditious Review to Enable Distribution of Request for Proposal to Prospective Contractors Requested ML20155H4331988-06-0303 June 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App E Documents.App D & E Documents Available in PDR ML20154E5341988-05-13013 May 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request.App C Documents Encl & Available in PDR ML20151S6331988-04-19019 April 1988 Forwards Amended Page of Attachment I to Je Mclaughlin to a Adams Correcting Typos ML20151G2601988-04-12012 April 1988 Forwards Responses to Questions 9-15 & Phase I of Summary Rept Dismantlement of Reactor,Per NRC .Phase II Plan Under Development ML20150D9721988-03-18018 March 1988 Informs of NRC Relocation to Stated Address.Mailing Address Unchanged.A Adams Project Manager & TS Michaels back-up Project Manager ML20149M0501988-02-18018 February 1988 Ack Receipt of 880112 Answers to Remaining Questions Re Phase I of Decommissioning Effort & Request for Quotation Concerning Phase Ii.Plan to Dismantle Facility & Dispose of Component Parts Requested Per 10CFR50.82 ML20237H6751987-09-0101 September 1987 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re UCLA Security Plan.Documents in App a Already Available in Pdr. Forwards App B Documents.App B Documents Also Available in PDR ML20215C0501987-06-11011 June 1987 Informs of Recent Reorganization in Nrr.Organization Now Called Standardization & Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate.Project Manager for Facility Is a Adams ML20203M8871986-08-30030 August 1986 Informs of Change of Address ML20211Q2831986-07-14014 July 1986 Forwards Order Authorizing Phase I of Facility Dismantling & Disposition of Component Parts,Per 851029 Application. Finding of No Significant Environ Impact,Safety Evaluation & Environ Assessment Encl ML20210H9231986-03-27027 March 1986 Lists Change in Telephone Number for H Bernard,Facility Project Manager,Due to NRR Reorganization.D Tondi New Nonpower Reactors & Safeguards Licensing Section Leader. Correspondence Should Be Sent to Listed Address ML20140D0901986-03-21021 March 1986 Forwards Answers to NRC Questions 1-8 Re Reactor Facility Dismantling Plan.Questions 9-15 Will Be Answered as Part of Rept Submitted at Conclusion of Phase I of Dismantling Operations ML20141P1521986-03-12012 March 1986 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re 851029 Reactor Decommissioning Plan.Response Requested by 860321 ML20136C5061985-12-16016 December 1985 Repts Organizational & Other Changes Made in Response to App 2 of ASLB Order ML20137Y8731985-12-0404 December 1985 Responds to 850925 Request for Amend to License R-71 Tech Specs.No Action Can Be Taken on Request.Aslb 851108 Order Terminated & Superseded License R-71 ML20210A4121985-11-13013 November 1985 Forwards Correction to ASLB Proposed Order Prepared in Response to 851030 Memorandum & Order on Behalf of Parties ML20210A4421985-11-0606 November 1985 Requests Signature on Encl Correction to Settlement Agreement 1995-01-24
MONTHYEARML20055J3881990-07-26026 July 1990 Advises That Author Retiring from Position of Radiation Safety Officer,Effective 900731 ML20245C5411989-04-12012 April 1989 Submits Followup to & Response to Ltrs from C Woodhead & D Hirsh Re EPA Regulatory Problems Concerning Transfer of Neutron Activated Lead Remaining at Reactor Facility to Univ License for Future Use as Shield Matl ML20248F7901989-03-31031 March 1989 Forwards Plan for Improvement of Procedures & Documentation for Final Reactor Facility Decommissioning,In Response to Insp Rept 50-142/89-10 ML20154M8311988-09-20020 September 1988 Responds to Request for Info Re Phase I Nuclear Reactor Decommissioning.Concerns Raised Re Time Element for Review of Phase I Rept While Awaiting Approval Order for Removing Remaining Reactor Structures & Decommissioning Facility ML20195G5041988-06-21021 June 1988 Forwards Pages 6,12,15 & 16 for Placement in Phase II Plan for Former Reactor Facility Sent on 880610.Editorial Changes Made to Pages ML20195G6351988-06-21021 June 1988 Forwards Revised Pages for Phase II Plan for Former Reactor Facility.Some Editorial Corrections Made on Pages 6,12,15 & 16 ML20155C6211988-06-10010 June 1988 Forwards Rept of UCLA Reactor Decommissioning,Guide for Phase Ii,Final Phase. Rept Covers Removal of Remaining Structures.Expeditious Review to Enable Distribution of Request for Proposal to Prospective Contractors Requested ML20151S6331988-04-19019 April 1988 Forwards Amended Page of Attachment I to Je Mclaughlin to a Adams Correcting Typos ML20151G2601988-04-12012 April 1988 Forwards Responses to Questions 9-15 & Phase I of Summary Rept Dismantlement of Reactor,Per NRC .Phase II Plan Under Development ML20140D0901986-03-21021 March 1986 Forwards Answers to NRC Questions 1-8 Re Reactor Facility Dismantling Plan.Questions 9-15 Will Be Answered as Part of Rept Submitted at Conclusion of Phase I of Dismantling Operations ML20136C5061985-12-16016 December 1985 Repts Organizational & Other Changes Made in Response to App 2 of ASLB Order ML20210A4421985-11-0606 November 1985 Requests Signature on Encl Correction to Settlement Agreement ML20138M8861985-10-29029 October 1985 Forwards Decommissioning Plan:Phase I:Dismantlement & Radiological Assessment of UCLA Argonaut Reactor Facility. Final Step of Plan Includes Submission of Formal Plan for Achieving Ultimate Decommissioning of Facility ML20133G1461985-10-0808 October 1985 Advises That Dismantling & Decommissioning of Reactor Will Be Done in-house Rather than by Outside Contractor,Per Review on Informal Bids.Detailed Analysis of Radiological Status,Dismantling Plans & Organizational Charts Encl ML20133A3631985-09-25025 September 1985 Forwards Suppl to 850830 Application for Amend to License R-71,consisting of Proposed Amend 14 of Tech Specs, Eliminating All Authorization to Possess SNM & Need for Physical Security Plan Attendant ML20099H5901985-03-13013 March 1985 Advises That Development of Detailed Plans for Dismantling & Decommissioning Reactor Continuing.Excerpt from Third Generation Draft of Request for Proposal & Brief Synopsis of Present Status of Reactor Encl ML20107F9241985-02-15015 February 1985 Forwards Info Re Disassembly of Reactors as Followup to Author ,Per Request.Univ Will Not Submit Dismantlement Plan Until Contractor Proposal for Work Plan Reviewed ML20113D4001985-01-16016 January 1985 Advises That UCLA Has Returned All Reactor Fuel Described in License R-71 to DOE at Idaho Chemical Processing Plant ML20113E1311985-01-16016 January 1985 Informs That Disassembly of Reactor Core Necessary to Conduct Radiation Survey of Residual Radiation,In Anticipation of Reactor Decommissioning.Authorization to Conduct Intended Survey Assumed Unnecessary ML20113E3371985-01-16016 January 1985 Requests That All NRC-approved Security Plans & Amends Be Returned to Univ or Treated as Proprietary Info & Withheld from Public Disclosure to Restrict Dissemination of Hardware Info ML20112C8891985-01-0707 January 1985 Advises That Transfer of All Irradiated Fuel from UCLA Reactor to DOE Reprocessing Facility in Idaho Falls,Id Completed.Related Correspondence ML20108A9451984-11-13013 November 1984 Forwards Univ Answer to Committee to Bridge the Gap 841024 Petition for Hearing & Leave to Intervene.Placement of Names of Univ Attys on Svc List Requested ML20099E3511984-11-13013 November 1984 Forwards Changes to Security Plan.Changes Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20094A0641984-10-31031 October 1984 Informs That Conditions for Withdrawal of License Renewal Application Unchanged.Use of Suitable Shipping Casks Secured & Arrangements Made to Ship Remaining Nuclear Fuel ML20098E9741984-09-26026 September 1984 Advises That WE Kastenberg Replaced I Catton as Director of Nuclear Energy Lab & Subsequently Appointed to Chair Radiation Use Committee,Effective 840920 ML20099A0581984-09-0707 September 1984 Forwards Correspondence Between Aftergood & G Turin Re Request for Meeting to Discuss Decommissioning.Related Correspondence ML20095F0061984-08-13013 August 1984 Forwards M Gonzalez-Cuesta Memo Re Assessment of Risk from Seismic Errors in Design & Const,Per 840810 Telcon ML20093L4381984-07-27027 July 1984 Forwards W Wegst to H Denton Requesting Amend to License R-71 & Tech Specs & 840726 Application to Terminate License Per 10CFR50.82 ML20090C7691984-07-11011 July 1984 Requests Opportunity to Reply to Committee to Bridge the Gap 840703 Response to Univ Request to Withdraw Application for License Renewal.Reply Will Be Served by 840720 ML20090C7631984-07-11011 July 1984 Forwards Response in Opposition to Committee to Bridge the Gap 840622 Emergency Petition.W/O Encl ML20207D2281984-07-10010 July 1984 Forwards 14 Partially Withheld Pages to Amend 7 to Physical Security Plan ML20092P7361984-07-0202 July 1984 Forwards Wf Wegst to HR Denton Requesting OL Be Amended to Possession Only License & Describing Action Taken to Render Reactor Inoperable.Related Correspondence ML20092N1621984-06-26026 June 1984 Forwards Correspondence Between State of CA Assemblyman G Davis & UCLA Executive Vice Chancellor Wd Schaefer Re UCLA Plans for Reactor Security During Olympic Games.Related Correspondence ML20092G9581984-06-14014 June 1984 Forwards CE Young to Commissioner Palladino Re Withdrawal of Application for Renewal of License R-71. Application for Termination of License Will Be Submitted ML20197H3421984-06-14014 June 1984 Notifies of Decision to Withdraw Application for Renewal of License & of Intention to Decommission Reactor.Potential Expense of Reactor Operation Unjustified in Light of Decline in Importance to Academic Programs.Related Correspondence ML20092G9761984-06-14014 June 1984 Informs of Decision to Withdraw Application for Renewal of License R-71 & of Plans to Decommission Reactor ML20197G6621984-06-11011 June 1984 Forwards Transcript of B Ramberg 840607 Deposition.W/O Encl.Related Correspondence ML20091A8711984-05-24024 May 1984 Forwards Prof Qualifications of GL Hofman,Testifying in Response to Committee to Bridge the Gap Hearsay Objection to Answer 8 of UCLA Rebuttal.Related Correspondence ML20084F1831984-05-0101 May 1984 Forwards Declaration in Response to ASLB 840413 Memorandum & Order.App a to Declaration Contains Protected Info & Is Being Served Per ASLB Protective Order Requirements ML20088A7051984-04-0606 April 1984 Forwards Suppl to Rebuttal on Credibility of Graphite Fire at Facility & Suppl to Rebuttal on Credibility of Cbg Fission Product Release Model,Per ASLB 840322 Order ML20087N6311984-03-30030 March 1984 Informs That Schedule for Required Maint & Restart of Reactor Not Established & Will Not Be Considered Until at Least After Conclusion of Summer Olympic Games ML20087K9691984-03-20020 March 1984 Responds to 840315 Inquiry Re Info Reported in 840310 Washington Post Article.Reactor Will Remain Shut Down Until After Olympic Games.Barricades & Armed Guards Planned. Related Correspondence ML20079P7921984-01-25025 January 1984 Forwards Proposed List of Authorized Persons Who Need Access to Protected Info,In Response to ASLB 840118 Memorandum & Order.Addition of Paragraph Clarifying Exemption Clause of Protective Order Requested ML20079R2511984-01-10010 January 1984 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-142/83-04.Corrective Actions:Emergency Drill Conducted on 831220 ML20083J2071984-01-10010 January 1984 Forwards Affidavit of Nc Ostrander in Support of Univ 830909 Response to Citizens to Bridge the Gap Comments on Fuel Inventory,Per ASLB 831223 Order ML20083A5711983-12-13013 December 1983 Informs That Criticism Stated in J Davidson Resulting from Newspaper Article in Daily Bruin Incorrectly Inferred.Testimony Not Understood by ASLB Because of Univ Failure to Respond Comprehensibly to Specific Questions ML20082R6851983-12-0707 December 1983 Forwards Neutron Transport Calculations Supporting Proposed Renewal of License,In Response to Committee to Bridge the Gap 831118 Request.Related Correspondence ML20082M3091983-12-0202 December 1983 Forwards Requested Supplementation of Shutdown Mechanism Testimony.Encl Rewritten to Simplify Unduly Complicated Matters ML20082B4821983-11-17017 November 1983 Forwards Corrected 831107 Rebuttal Testimony Re Shutdown Mechanism ML20081M3041983-11-0707 November 1983 Forwards Rebuttal Testimony Re Reactor Shutdown Mechanism & of Credibility of Graphite Fire & of Committee to Bridge the Gap (Cbg) Fission Product Release Model & Rebuttal to Cbg Panel I Rebuttal & to Cbg Energy & Dispersion Testimony 1990-07-26
MONTHYEARML20080G1431995-01-24024 January 1995 Inquires About Reason for Puzzling Delay Concerning Patient Discharge Rule ML20080G1591995-01-10010 January 1995 Ack Receipt of ,Which Answered 941130 & 1212 Ltrs to Chairman.Informs That Ltr Entirely Unsatisfactory ML20057E2811993-09-17017 September 1993 Provides Correction to Second Paragraph of Page 1 of Final Rept of Confirmatory Survey of Boelter Reactor Facility for UCLA in Los Angeles,Ca ML20057C1001993-09-0909 September 1993 Forwards Final Rept of Confirmatory Survey of Boelter Reactor Facility,Univ of California,Los Angeles,Ca ML20057C5081993-08-24024 August 1993 Forwards Advance Copy of Final Rept of Confirmatory Survey of Boelter Reactor Facility,Univ of Ca. Bound Final Copies Will Be Mailed in Approx Two Wks ML20116L5461993-02-22022 February 1993 Forwards Response to Comments from NRC & Oak Ridge Inst Re Review of UCLA Rept, Final Decommissioning for Boelter Reactor Facility ML20128G2081993-01-28028 January 1993 Forwards Final Release Survey Rept for Boelter Reactor Facility Dismantlement & Final Decommissioning Project ML20127K2731993-01-0404 January 1993 Forwards Final Decommissioning Rept for Boelter Reactor Facility Dismantlement & Final Decommissioning Project ML20116E2951992-10-12012 October 1992 Provides Clarification of Two Items Noted in Insp Rept 50-142/92-01 & Informs of Personnel Change at UCLA ML20086J2451991-12-0404 December 1991 Discusses Changes in Organizational Structure at School of Engineering & Applied Sciences & Radiation Safety Ofc Since Issuance of NRC 890728 Order Authorizing Phase II Decommissioning.Revised Organization Chart Encl ML20073B9901991-06-18018 June 1991 Forwards Rept Summarizing Findings of Orau Review of 59 Docket Files for Terminated Research & Test Reactors ML20055J3881990-07-26026 July 1990 Advises That Author Retiring from Position of Radiation Safety Officer,Effective 900731 ML20248A3441989-09-20020 September 1989 Advises That Batch of Approx 5,000 Lb of Neutron Activated Lead Transferred on 890818 to Another Licensee for Possible Recycle Into Shielding for Waste Disposal.No Radioactive Matl Remaining at Univ & Licensee Complied W/Agreement ML20245C5411989-04-12012 April 1989 Submits Followup to & Response to Ltrs from C Woodhead & D Hirsh Re EPA Regulatory Problems Concerning Transfer of Neutron Activated Lead Remaining at Reactor Facility to Univ License for Future Use as Shield Matl ML20248F7901989-03-31031 March 1989 Forwards Plan for Improvement of Procedures & Documentation for Final Reactor Facility Decommissioning,In Response to Insp Rept 50-142/89-10 ML20154M8311988-09-20020 September 1988 Responds to Request for Info Re Phase I Nuclear Reactor Decommissioning.Concerns Raised Re Time Element for Review of Phase I Rept While Awaiting Approval Order for Removing Remaining Reactor Structures & Decommissioning Facility ML20195G5041988-06-21021 June 1988 Forwards Pages 6,12,15 & 16 for Placement in Phase II Plan for Former Reactor Facility Sent on 880610.Editorial Changes Made to Pages ML20195G6351988-06-21021 June 1988 Forwards Revised Pages for Phase II Plan for Former Reactor Facility.Some Editorial Corrections Made on Pages 6,12,15 & 16 ML20155C6211988-06-10010 June 1988 Forwards Rept of UCLA Reactor Decommissioning,Guide for Phase Ii,Final Phase. Rept Covers Removal of Remaining Structures.Expeditious Review to Enable Distribution of Request for Proposal to Prospective Contractors Requested ML20151S6331988-04-19019 April 1988 Forwards Amended Page of Attachment I to Je Mclaughlin to a Adams Correcting Typos ML20151G2601988-04-12012 April 1988 Forwards Responses to Questions 9-15 & Phase I of Summary Rept Dismantlement of Reactor,Per NRC .Phase II Plan Under Development ML20203M8871986-08-30030 August 1986 Informs of Change of Address ML20140D0901986-03-21021 March 1986 Forwards Answers to NRC Questions 1-8 Re Reactor Facility Dismantling Plan.Questions 9-15 Will Be Answered as Part of Rept Submitted at Conclusion of Phase I of Dismantling Operations ML20136C5061985-12-16016 December 1985 Repts Organizational & Other Changes Made in Response to App 2 of ASLB Order ML20210A4421985-11-0606 November 1985 Requests Signature on Encl Correction to Settlement Agreement ML20138M8861985-10-29029 October 1985 Forwards Decommissioning Plan:Phase I:Dismantlement & Radiological Assessment of UCLA Argonaut Reactor Facility. Final Step of Plan Includes Submission of Formal Plan for Achieving Ultimate Decommissioning of Facility ML20133G1461985-10-0808 October 1985 Advises That Dismantling & Decommissioning of Reactor Will Be Done in-house Rather than by Outside Contractor,Per Review on Informal Bids.Detailed Analysis of Radiological Status,Dismantling Plans & Organizational Charts Encl ML20133A3631985-09-25025 September 1985 Forwards Suppl to 850830 Application for Amend to License R-71,consisting of Proposed Amend 14 of Tech Specs, Eliminating All Authorization to Possess SNM & Need for Physical Security Plan Attendant ML20127A0521985-07-29029 July 1985 Submits Current Committee to Bridge the Gap Svc List,Per Proposed License Renewal & Request for Orders Authorizing Dismantlement.Related Correspondence ML20133H6641985-07-29029 July 1985 Forwards Current Svc List for Committee to Bridge the Gap Re staff-generated Correspondence & Documents Concerning Facility ML20117M2551985-05-13013 May 1985 Advises That Negotiations Among Parties Not Complete.Target Date for Completion of Written Stipulation Postponed to 850715 by Oral Agreement of Parties.Related Correspondence ML20134D5881985-05-0808 May 1985 FOIA Request for Documents Re NRC Proposed Decommissioning Rule & Implementation of Rule to Decommissioned Reactors ML20237H6471985-03-21021 March 1985 FOIA Request for 11 Categories of Documents Re Safeguards & Security at UCLA Reactor Facility & SNM Formerly Possessed Under License R-71 ML20099H5901985-03-13013 March 1985 Advises That Development of Detailed Plans for Dismantling & Decommissioning Reactor Continuing.Excerpt from Third Generation Draft of Request for Proposal & Brief Synopsis of Present Status of Reactor Encl ML20107F9241985-02-15015 February 1985 Forwards Info Re Disassembly of Reactors as Followup to Author ,Per Request.Univ Will Not Submit Dismantlement Plan Until Contractor Proposal for Work Plan Reviewed ML20113E3371985-01-16016 January 1985 Requests That All NRC-approved Security Plans & Amends Be Returned to Univ or Treated as Proprietary Info & Withheld from Public Disclosure to Restrict Dissemination of Hardware Info ML20113E1311985-01-16016 January 1985 Informs That Disassembly of Reactor Core Necessary to Conduct Radiation Survey of Residual Radiation,In Anticipation of Reactor Decommissioning.Authorization to Conduct Intended Survey Assumed Unnecessary ML20113D4001985-01-16016 January 1985 Advises That UCLA Has Returned All Reactor Fuel Described in License R-71 to DOE at Idaho Chemical Processing Plant ML20112C8891985-01-0707 January 1985 Advises That Transfer of All Irradiated Fuel from UCLA Reactor to DOE Reprocessing Facility in Idaho Falls,Id Completed.Related Correspondence ML20100G6171984-11-18018 November 1984 Informs of Recent Communications W/Doe Re Shipment of UCLA Reactor Fuel to Idaho Falls,Id.Jb Whitsett to Aftergood & to Nc Ostrander Encl.Related Correspondence ML20108A9451984-11-13013 November 1984 Forwards Univ Answer to Committee to Bridge the Gap 841024 Petition for Hearing & Leave to Intervene.Placement of Names of Univ Attys on Svc List Requested ML20099E3511984-11-13013 November 1984 Forwards Changes to Security Plan.Changes Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20094A0641984-10-31031 October 1984 Informs That Conditions for Withdrawal of License Renewal Application Unchanged.Use of Suitable Shipping Casks Secured & Arrangements Made to Ship Remaining Nuclear Fuel ML20098E9741984-09-26026 September 1984 Advises That WE Kastenberg Replaced I Catton as Director of Nuclear Energy Lab & Subsequently Appointed to Chair Radiation Use Committee,Effective 840920 ML20107M0101984-09-20020 September 1984 FOIA Request for Correspondence Between UCLA & NRC Re Research Reactor Decommissioning.Documents Not Served on Parties in Reactor Relicensing Proceeding in Previous 6 Months Required ML20097A5661984-09-0707 September 1984 Requests That D Thompson Be Replaced W/Rl Kohn on Svc List. D Thompson Will Be Out of Ofc Temporarily for Extended Period Beginning on or About 840910 ML20099A0581984-09-0707 September 1984 Forwards Correspondence Between Aftergood & G Turin Re Request for Meeting to Discuss Decommissioning.Related Correspondence ML20096D7441984-08-29029 August 1984 Forwards D Hirsch on UCLA Application for License Amend & Order Re Facility Dismantlement ML20096A6591984-08-25025 August 1984 Requests Prompt Notification When Petitions for Leave to Intervene & for Hearing May Be Formally Filed on Proposed Parallel License Amends & Related 10CFR50.82 Dismantlement/ License Termination Application ML20096D7471984-08-25025 August 1984 Discusses UCLA 840614 Application to Withdraw Renewal Application & Order Re Facility Dismantlement.Committee to Bridge the Gap Insists on Rights to Participate in Proceeding If Dismantlement Issue Deferred 1995-01-24
[Table view] |
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RECEIVED UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN? "s, LOS ANGELES MM UCLA armatur oms. causs. i.os 4scrus antauor sw oirco. so rm4senco j
sp eganpg swis cacz y
MUNfTY SAFETY DEPARTMENT omCE OF R RCH er 0CCUPATIoNAL SAFE 1T I.DS ANcELES, CALIFORNIA 90094 January 10, 1984 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region V 1450 Mario Lane, Suite 210 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Attention:
R.A. Scarano Docket No. 50-142 OL R-71
Dear Sirs:
This is in response to your letter of December 5, 1983 which transmitted Report No. 50-142/83-04 and a Notice of Violation (Severity Level IV).
On January 4,1984, Mr. Ostrander (UCLA) called your office to request an extension of the date for responding to the Notice. The request was based upon an apparent mail delay (the letter was not received at UCLA until December 13,1983) combined with Mr. Ostrarider's absence from the campus from December 17, 1983 through January 2, 1984.
Mr. Emilio Garcia of your office responded by granting a time extension to January 15, 1984.
The Violation was for falling to perform an evacuation drill between the period December 1982 and November 3, 1983 This violation was not due to either willful neglect nor oversight on the part of our staff, but occurred because we misunderstood the status of our two Emergency Response Plans, and failed to document an actual evacuation (horn test) conducted by Messrs Ostrander and Zane.
Even though we think that it is rather artificial to induce abnormal occupancy of the evacuation area for the purpose of performing an evacuation drill, it can certainly be done and UCLA has now conducted such a drill, as follows:
An emergency drill conducted on December 20, 1933, included all available reactor personnel (five), fif teen members of support groups (ambulance, medical personnel, emergency personnel, Research f, Occupational Safety personnel, and police personnel), and several observers. The realism of the drill drew unexpected press attention, and the enclosed article from the UCLA Daily Bruin is in good agreement with the verbal reports and critiques of the several observers.
Participants and observers agreed that the drill was highly Instructive in illustrating how multiple emergency groups interact and how those Interactions could be improved with better understanding of participants' roles.
8402020138 840130 PDR ADOCK 05000142 G
v 4
I personally collaborated in preparing the drill scenario and was a non participating observer of the event. The kind of exercise performed here is a better measure of UCLA's concern with emergen y preparedness than might be inferred from the Notice of Violation.
Now that we understand that UCLA apparently has two Emergency Plans, compilance will be achieved by alternately doing the internal evacuation drill and the 1erger preparedness test at approximately six month intervals, in order to fulfill the semi-annual requirements of the Technical Specifications.
Sincerely, Walter F. Wegst, h.D.
Director, Research &
Occupational Safety cc:
Nelli Ostrander WFW/gr
. Nucl ar drHI tests personnel Lab and med center staffs come out ' prepared' By Robina Luther, Staff Writer developing a short set of Wegst also said the labs on use radioactive instructions for medical campus that A full-scale emergency drill personnel to read in order to materials may not be well-conducted last month at prepare themselves for dealing educated on the methods of ith a contaminated UC L A's nuclear. reactor with such an accident.
dealing w"We're person.
working on en bled campus community Assistant Director of the safety officials to assess the Emergency Medical Center training the hundreds of preparedness of the nuclear Dr. Larry Baraff disagreed people who work with radia-energy lab staff and the with Wegst's conclusion and tion on campus," he said.
UCLA Medical Center in the said, "It was one of the best Wegst said one of the mcct treatment of accident victims drills we've ever had." Baraff important results of the drill contaminated with radiation.
said the medical center was showing UCLA's medical follows "a very detailed pro-personnel that the treatment The Dec. 20 drill was conducted in Boelter Hall's tecol in line with what is of a contaminated person is nuclear energy lab to fulfill recommended by REACITS, very similar to the treatment Nuclear Regulatory Com-the national training program of a patient with an infectious mission requirements, which for radiation accidents." disease. "You use gloves, Baraff said there has never gowns, hats - the same way dictate that an emergency drill must be held every six been a significant radiation as with infectious materials. It months. At the recommenda-accident in Los Angeles.
Continued on Page 7 tion of Walter Wegst, director I
of UCLA's Office of Commu-nity Safety, the drill was tive materials often come in a extended to include the med*-
crynh b - and, at cal center so his staff couki stseed from Fage I the same time, injuring his Coa.t reall different," he said. head. The head injury, not i evaluate its preparedness in g,,
Normafly persons contami-dealing with contaminated the contamination, was the i Patierits.
nated with a radioactive reason the medical center was Since t U
material do not need medical involved in the drill, Wegst,
t, attention unless an unusually said.
.,j large dose of radiation is The drill's scenario did not T
aIfoh ing received, Wegst said.
Most involve an accident resulting m
ave a radioactive-contaminated pa-the ume, au ymn need is a from a malfunction d the
' Ink, soap and water, to get reactor, but frorn a spill of,-
tients, whether they come from UCLA or off campus' nd I the contamination, he radioactive matenal that was Wegst said said.
supposedly being stored at the When asked if the medical situadon podulaW in reactor.
center was well prepared for the drill, however, involved a Although it was situated at treatment of a contaminated nudear energy lab worker the nuclear reactor to satisfy patient, Wegst said, "Realis-falling down and spilling a NRC requirements, Wegst ticall '
He f radiation - which said the drill is applicable to s urce cdded t at hs office ' is was represented by a jar of many other locations on salt in the drill since radioac-Continued on Page 8 Dq B4 7
10, tut e
r6 dr " $-
Continued frean Page 7 campus which use radioactive Baraff agreed and said "If-it had been a real vi$ tim, materials for experimenta]
everything would have gone purposes.
real well." He said emergency
" Radioactive materials are medical technicians are not used in literally hundreds of II"*d I"
I labs at UCLA " Wegst said a cident victins contaMaated explaining that the potential wie radiation, but that. the for an accident involvin a radioactive source is as liby medical center plans to train EMTs who man the. am-in one of the chemistry or ances in Se trea%t d biology department's labs or in the medical center as at energy lab in nu ear The precautions Wegst said would be taken in trans-To cope with the danger of porting a radiation-radiation contamination, most contaminated patient were labs have a safety shower, observed in the drill.
which douses the contami- "Everyone was wearing nated person with a large gloves," said Associate Re-quantity of water. "They (the search Engineer Chuck showers) are there primarily Ashbaugh, who was the reac-for washing off chemical tor operator in the drill.
spills," Wegst said, but he added that they are also Other precautions used to a effective in washing off radio. contamination accident and active contamination, used in the drill to simulate a real rtdiation problem in-The nuclear energy lab staff cluded covering a victim with and the emergency medical a blanket to limit the spread personnel were evaluated by a of radioactivity and covering group, including Wegst, who the ambulance and the gurney took notes during the drill and with plastic sheets so they contributed suggestions for would not be contaminated.
improving operations if a similar accident were to oc.
The Office of Community Safety determined before the cur.
drill that the " contaminated" "Had that been a real victim, played by one of the accident, there would have employees of the nuclear been no major problems," energy lab, would be taken to Wegst said, the morgue of the hospital to Wegst admitted that there eliminate the spread of con-were a few " glitches" in the tamination through other operation, but concluded that areas of the hospital. The all the participants in the drill morgue is a good place to take performed appropriately. contamination victi ns, Wegst Everybody did quite well. said, because it is easily They used common sense to accessible through a loading solve the little problems that dock nearby and because the arose that they maybe never tile walls and metal examina-had had to face before."
tion tables, normally used for aut pies, are easily cleaned.
One of the " glitches" Wegst mentioned imalved the am-In a case of contamination, bulance personnel who would the victim's clothes are cut off have spread contaminated ma-his body on the way to the terial if the drill had been for hospital to stop further spread real. The contaminated mate-of radiation, and this pro-i rial would have been spread.cedure was observed in the to the ambulance, but Wegst drill as well, although the said it weuld have only "made worker was given disposable a mess that would ha've been coveralls so his own clothes hard to clean up."
"It would not have to be sacri-wouldn't have endangered ficed.
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