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Forwards Documents Supporting Partial Director'S Decision
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 06/25/1987
From: Paton W
To: Nerses V
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20244D847 List:
FOIA-88-198 NUDOCS 8904270062
Download: ML20245C233 (4)



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s Ab /fh Note to: Vi tor Nerses, NRR C. Ichard Van Niel, Emergency Preparedness Branch


DOC ENTS SUPPORTING THE PARTIAL DIRECTOR'S DECIS ON IN PILGRIM 2.206 procedures r ulre that we obtain a copy of each document referred to in the Director's D ision. in the event of an appeal of the Decision, the Solicitor's office will eed the copies immediately.

Attached is a three-p e list of each document referred to in the Decision. I have checked each of e documents that I now possess. I have marked "JH" (Joe Holonich) next to those documents we need to obtain from NRR and I have marked "DVN" (D ck Van Niel) next to those documents we need to obtain from Emergency PI nning.

William D. Paton OGC ACCE Rdr AGCE Subject Paton Chron Schinki info Coldberg info 3

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6 yP Name of document Date '

l 2 Letter from Mr. Taylor to Petitioners 8/12/86 2 51 Fed. Rg. 29728 Ack. Receipt 8/20/86 2 Letter from Mr. Taylor to Petitioners 12/19/86 2 Letter from Dr. Murley to Petitioners 2/20/87 1 2 Letter from Dr. Murley to Petitioners 4/1/87 2 Letter from Petitioners to NRC 2/25/87 [

3 SALP No. 85-99 2/18/86 3 Diagnostic Team inspection Report 4/2/86

( 3 SALP No. 66-99 4/8/87 4 Letter Region i to Licensees 5/23/86 4 Confirmatory Action Letter 86-10 4/12/86 [ I 4 Letter to BECo from Dr. Murley 8/27/E6 /

6 Cover Letter SALP No. 85-99 2/18/86 9 " Joint State and Local Radiological 9/29/82 ) Y N Emergency Response Capabilities for the Pilgrim Power Station, Plymouth, Massachusetts" (by FEMA) 10 " Report to the Governor on Emergency Preparedness for an Accident at the 12/86 )Yk Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station" (by OPS / MASS) l, 10 " Evaluation of Offsite Emergency Preparedness in the Area Surrounding 1/87 [Yh the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station" (by IMPELL) 10 FEMA Letter to NRC 3/31/87 /


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1 P_jge Name of document Date 3 11 Memorandum from NRC to FEMA 4/29/87[N N

g " Report to the Selectmen on the Plymouth 3/87)/M g (11 N Radiological Emergency Response Plan" 15 NUREG-1251 [ Presently untitled] soon IN U p s*T76-Q 16 Memorandum by Dr. S. H. Hanauer 9/20/72 74 9

kl7 NUREG-0474 "A Technical Update on 7/78/

Pressure Suppression Type Containments

% in Use in US Light-Water Reactor Nuclear

\ Power Plants"

\  !

17 Memorandum by Dr. S. H. Hanauer"fi (yta 6/20/78hs AVlook 18 NRC Letter to Mark i Owners s e

'~/ 2/75 18 NRC Letter to Mark i Owners '



t 19 NUREG-0661 " Mark l Containment Long-term Program Safety Evaluation 7/80 [

Report" 19 " Plant Unique Analysis Report (PUAR) 10/27/82 of the Suppression Chamber-Mark l Containment Long-term Program (TR-5310-1)"



\ 19 "PUAR of the Torus Attached Piping-Mark i Containment Long-Term Program (TR-5310-2)"

10/26/P' [


% 20 j,I NRC SER (re 2 items above) 1/30/85 [I 20 NUREG-CR-4594 " Estimated Safety Sig-nificance of Generic issues 61" 6/d6 /

h 21 " Policy Statement on Severe Reactor Accidents Regarding Future Designs and 8/8/85 Existing Plants" 50 Fed. Reg. 32138 22 "The Reactor Safety Study" (Wash-1400/ 197 ,j .

N U REG-75-014) /

22 "The Reactor Risk Reference Document- 2/87 Draft" (NUREG-1150) 23 Inside NRC, Volume 8, No.12 Denton Statement 6/9/86 [


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Py Name of document Da e 23 NUREG-0956 " Reassessment of the Technical 7/86 Basis for Estimating Source Terms" 26 BWR Owners Report " Evaluation of BWR Accident 8/86' Mitigation Capability Relative to Proposed U l NRC Changes" 27 Letter from Varga (NRC) to Bird (BECo) 4/30/87

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