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Notice of Violation from Insp on 870301-0430
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 06/15/1987
From: Zech G
Shared Package
ML20215K262 List:
50-259-87-14, 50-260-87-14, 50-296-87-14, NUDOCS 8706250285
Download: ML20215K291 (2)


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-Tennessee' Valley Authority Docket Nos. 50-259, 50-260 ~and 50-296 Browns Ferry License Nos. DPR-33, OPR-52 and DPR-68

During 'the Nuclear ~ Regulatory Commission (NRC) ' inspection conducted on March 1 - April 30,1987, a. violation of NRC requirements was identified. The


. violation involved _ failure to comply with Control Room Emergency Ventilation System (CREV) operability and flow ; rate testing requirements. of Technical Specification :3.7.E. In1.accordance with the " General Statement :of Policy and

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Procedure' for NRC Enforcement Actions," 10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C (1985), the

'l Lviolation-is 11sted below:

Technical Specification 3.'7.E requires that : the Control Room Emergency y

Ventilation. System :(CREV). flow rate shall be shown to- be within plus or J

<minus:.10% of. design flow when tested in accordance-with ANSI N510-1975.and


d that when neither tone of the two CREV trains are operable, refueling- 1 operations,shall be' terminated within two hours.

o Co'n trary to the above, the requirements were not met in the following two exa'mples:

1. The licensee discovered on March 2, 1987, that the B train CREV flow rate Ewas' and 'had been 20% below the ' design flow for 'a period in

- excess of several -years. The condition ' existed because . of an erroneous . flow test method contained in Surveillance Instruction 4.7:.E.5, Control Room Emergency Ventilation System Flow Rate Test.

This method indicated a flow rate of about 530 SCFM whereas actual

. system flow when accurately measured was about 400 SCFM. CREV design flow is 500 SCFM.

2. The licensee conducted refueling operations on March 2,1987, for a l period ~in excess of two hours while both CREV trains were inoperable.

Train A was made inoperable at 6:20 a.m. for maintenance while train B was simultaneously inoperable for a low flow c;ndition since

' 6:30 p.m. on March 1, 1987.

This is a Severity Level IV Violation (Supplement I) and is applicable to all three units.

Pursuant to the p,rovisions of 10 CFR 2.201, you are hereby required to submit to this Office within.30 days of the letter transmitting this Notice a written statement or explanation in reply including: (1) admission or denial of the g violation, (2) the reason for the violation if admitted, (3) the corrective I steps which have been taken and the results achieved, (4) the corrective steps g[2 a

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which will be taken to avoid further violations, and (5) the date when full compliance will be achieved. Where good cause is shown, consideration will  ;

be given to extending the response time. 1 FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION

- m fe c*t'N Gary-G. Zech, Assistant Director, Inspection Programs Division of TVA Projects Office of Special Projects Dated at Atlanta, Georgia  !

this /6t5 day of June 1987 I

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