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Forwards Third Status Rept Identifying Changes to Initial Test Program as Described in FSAR Chapter 14.Changes Made Per Provisions of 10CFR50.59(b)
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 09/15/1987
From: Carey J
2NRC-7-20Z, TAC-63534, NUDOCS 8709210211
Download: ML20234C237 (7)


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g 2NRP-7-20Z Beaver Valley No. 2 Unit Project Organization (412)643 5200


Telecopy (412) 643-5200 Ext.160 i f,o,so*[$2I September 15, 1987 Shippingport, P A 15077  !

i United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Vashington, DC 20555- l


Beaver Valley Power Station Unit No. 2 Docket No. 50-412 BVPS-2 FSAR Chapter 14, Test Change Status Report i

i Gentlemen:

Forwarded to NRC is the third status report identifying changes to the Initial Test Program as described in Chapter 14, of the FSAR. These changes are made in accordance with the provisions of 10CFR50.59 and reported to NRC in accordance with 50.59(b) within one month of initiating changes per BVPS-2

. Facility Operating License Condition C.(3).


VJ.Q/Carey Senior Vice President ,

VRB/ij r i M11/VRB/NRC/ STATUS Attachment 1 AR/NAR cc: Mr. P. Tam, Project Manager (w/a)

Mr.'J. Beall, NRC Sr. Resident Inspector (w/a)

Mr. L. Prividy, NRC Resident Inspector (w/a)

Mr. P. Ven, NRC Reactor Engineer, Region I '(v/a) l INP0 Records Center (w/a) j OSCd$!oM22 [d PDR


United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission BVPS-2 Chapter 14, Test Change Status Report Page 3 I

FSAR Section Title

1) Verification of Performance Calculation (50V) l t

Test S0V-2.05A.03, which verifies transmission of plant analog data from plant instruments to direct computer readouts, is being performed at 30, 50, 75 and 100% power plateaus during the course of Power Ascension Testing as scheduled. Verification of the computer's ability to perform l internal calculations using direct computer input data to produce complex '

data readings '(i.e. Primary / Secondary Thermo Calculations) is being developed and vill be performed prior to initial criticality after the first refueling. The PCS computer is non-safety related, and is not required to be operable by the Technical Specifications.

2) Auxiliary and Vaste Handling Building, Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning Systems Test (SOV)

Test S0V-2.44D.01's retest 44D-001, which verifies the final air balance for the Emergency Exhaust System and vibration levels on [2HVP-ACU211A],

vill not be completed prior to 50% Power Operation. The remainder of the test has been completed. The Emergency Exhaust System is safety related, however, no Technical Specifications apply. The retest will be completed prior to Commercial Operation.

3) Condensate Polishing Building Heating,  ;

Ventilation and Air-Conditioning System Test (S0V)

Section VII.A. (Process Air Filtration System Logic), VII.H. (Health Physics and Chem. Lab System Logic), and VII.I. (overall system performance) of S0V-2.44G.01 have been tested and the systems are operational. Several minor test deficiencies were generated and are  !

presently being addressed on Maintenance Vork Requests (MVR's) and Engineering Memorandums (EM's) which vill not be completed prior to 50%

Power Operation. The subsystems are non-safety related and no Technical ,

Specifications apply. Appropriate retests vill be conducted upon 1 completion of deficiency resolutions prior to Commercial Operation.

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i United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission )

BVPS-2 Chapter 14, Test Change Status Report Page 4 PSAR Section Title 1

4) Engineered Safety Features Equipment Ventilation Test (PO)

Test P0-2.44B.01's retest 44B-001, which checks the vibration of three j safety related air conditioning units and verifies the Cable Vault and Rod i Control Area final air balance, vill not be completed prior to 50% Power Operation.Section VII.A. (Main Steam Valve Area Ventilation System) vill not be completed prior to 50% Power Operation because the "B" Train Fan motor has recently been repaired and testing is presently in progress.

The "A" Train Fan has been tested and is operational. The remainder of the test has been completed. These subsystems are safety-related, however, no Technical Specifications apply. Section VII.A. and retest 44B-001 vill be completed prior to Commercial Operation.

5) Supplement Leak Collection and Release System Test (PO)

Test P0-2.16.01 requires a review of the final air balance report for completion of this test. At the time of completion, the report had not ,

received a final engineering approval. It is recommended that this review 1 and approval for the final balancing report be deferred beyond 50% Power Operation, as all preliminary data concerning total system flov, Charging 3 Pump / Component Cooling Pump flow, and unducted smoke flow checks have been j determined to meet acceptance criteria. The Final Air Balance Report will j be reviewed and approved prior to Commercial Operation. j

6) Plant Performance Following Main Steam Line (Test IST-2.21A.02) Isolation Valve Closure at Power (IST)  !


7) Verification of Plant Performance Following (Test IST-2.04.03) Turbine Trip Coincidsnt with Loss-Of-Offsite Power at Load (IST)
8) Turbine-Driven Auxiliary Feedvater Pump (Test P0-2.24B.02) Test (PO)

The above test.= vere scheduled to be performed prior to the plant operating above 30% power. These tests were deferred until after performing non-t challenging tests at 50% power. The plant was later returned to 30% power to I

perform the above tests. Test deferral for IST-2,21A.02 and IST-2.04.03 was provided with justification earlier to NRC by letter 2NRC-7-197 dated August 28, 1987. Technical Specifications (Main Steam Isolation Valves) and (Auxiliary Feedvater Pumps) were satisfied by previous tests.

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. United States Nuclear' Regulatory Commission l BVPS-2 Chapter?14i Test Change Status Report ,

' Page 5 -

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-FSAR Section Title -

9) Load Swing Test (IST)-

'(IST 2.04.04)

10) Verification of Plant Performance Following

.(IST-2.04-06) Plant Load Rejection / Trip From Power (IST)

FSAR Test Abstracts and are being revised per

. Attachment A to allow for a load sving per test IST-2.04.04 instead of a load

- rejection per test IST-2.04.06 at 50% power. .The test schedule maintains the load rejection requirement at '100% power per Reg. Guide 1.68. Technical Specifications are not applicable to the load rejection test' at 50% power.

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4. The turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump will be verified to cold; quick start automatically and operate for at least 1/2 hour or until.the plant stabilizes with loss of all offsite power.

Accestance Criteria

1. 'The ability of. the ' plant to sustain a turbine trip coincident with loss-of-offsite' power at load has been demonstrated.

l 2. .The. turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump automatically, qutek starts, -and remains within design limits .with respect to bearing / bearing oil temperatures and vibration. Pump room ambient- conditions (temperature.. humidity) do not exceed environment ' qualification limits for safety-related equipment in the room.

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1'4.I.126.6I,oadSwingTest (IST)

Test Objectives To verify the- proper transient response of the plant and the

-automatic control systems during step and ramp load changes at-various plent power levels and to demonstrate the ability of the charging system to respond to step load changes.

' Prerequisites

'1. Required plant control systems are in the automatic control mode.  ;

2, The plant is in operational mode 1 with reactor power level established as required. )

i Test Methods  !



1. Design step and ramp load changes will be applied at each power level (approximately 30,3 75, and 100 percent) during power l ascension testing, q 1
2. The primary and secondary plant parameters will be monitored as required to verify the proper response of the plant and its automatic control systems. {

Acceptance Criteria j Plant parame ters remain within design specifications throughout the  !

l application of each load change, and the automatic control systems {

re-establish stable operation at each new power level. j j

l Amendment 12 14.2-46 June 1986 l


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-Test Methods 1

1. At power levels of approximately 75'and 100 percent, a 50-percent power decrease will be initiated by rapidly closing the turbine f j

. governor, valve until the primary plant reaches the desired power.

level. The rate of power change should be' approximately 200-percent per minute.

2. The transient- plant parameters will be, monitored as required to-verify the proper response of the plant and its automatic control systems.

-3. When the lower oower level is reached, the reactor control rods will be manually adjusted for plant operation at the new load.

Acceptance Criteria

' 1. 'The reactor and turbine do not trip during the. test.


2. The automatic control systems return the plant to a stable 'j i

operating condition, and. the plant operating -parameters -are within design' specifications.. :l Verification . Of Plant Performance Following Plant Load

. Rejection / Trip From Power.(IST).

J Test Objectives To. verify -the ' proper transient response of the automatic control systemr. following a net load rejection from-44-endr100 percent power-and a plant trip from 100 percent power.



1. The plant is in operational mode 1 near 50 ;;:::..; er 100 percent rated thermal power as appropriate. t
2. Plant trips at lower power levels have been performed during i power ascension testing.

Test Methods

1. At 40 . c.d ;h;- 100 percent power, a net load rejection will be initiated'by tripping the main transformer 345 kV power circuit breakers. At 100 percent power, a plant trip will be initiated by tripping the main turbine.  ;


2. The plant parameters will be monitored as required to verify the proper operation of the plant and automatic control syste ns. <

14.2 47 June 1986 Amendment 12


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3.- The response time of the reactor coolant system (RCs) hot leg resistance temperature detectors (RTDs)' will also be verified during the plant trip from 100 percent power. ,

Acceptance Criteria

1. . Plant response to the net load rejections and plant trip are in accordance with design specifications.
2. The response times of the RCS hot leg RTDs are within design  ;

-specifications. J This section intentionally deleted from the FSAR. Main Computer System

. Computer Input and Printout Data Test (50V) j l

This section has intentionally been deleted.

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Amendment 13 14.2 48 January 1987 i

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