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Insp Rept 70-0371/85-12 on 850819-21.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Radwaste Mgt,Transportation Activities & Licensing Action on Previous Enforcement Items
Person / Time
Site: 07000371
Issue date: 10/22/1985
From: Keimig R, Roth J
Shared Package
ML20198J091 List:
70-0371-85-12, 70-371-85-12, NUDOCS 8605300666
Download: ML20198J094 (5)



U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION I Report No. 70-371/85-12 Docket No.70-371 License No. SNM-368 Priority 1 Category UHFF Licensee: UNC Naval Products / Division of UNC Resources, Inc.

67 Sandy Desert Road Uncasville, Connecticut 06382 Facility Name: UNC Naval Products Inspection At: Montville, Connecticut 06382 Inspection Conducted: August 19-21, 1985 Inspector:


.)i P N,' Project Engineer

// date 2//k_

Approved by:

R. R. Ke'imig, Chief, Sa uards Section f/ Ldate d'J Nuclear Materials' afety and Safeguards Branch, DESS Inspection Summary: Inspection on August 19-21, 1985 (Raport No. 70-371/85-12)

Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced inspection by a region-based inspector (30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />) of: operations, radioactive waste management, transportation ac-tivities, and licensee action on previously 4 lentified enforcement items.

Results: No violations or deviations were observed.

8605300666 851127 PDR ADOCK 07000371 C PDR

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1. Persons Contacted
  • G. H. Waugh, Executive Vice President, Operations
  • R. J. Gregg, Director, Technical Services
  • W. Kirk, Manager, Nuclear and Industrial Safety T. Collopy, Manager, Nuclear Materials
  • present at the exit interview
2. Licensee Action on Previously Identified Enforcement Items (Closed) Violation (371/81-06-01) Failure of personnel to perform contam-ination surveys when exiting contamination controlled areas. The inspec-tor verified that the licensee had installed and was us'ng a system of j audible alarms at contamination survey stations. If personnel exit the area without ccnducting a survey, the alarm will sound and a sign will light reminding them to su:vey. If an inadequate survey is conducted (not

)! sufficient time lapse since the start of a suri ,), the alarm will also J sound. Corrective actions n3ve been completed on 4 violation.

3. Review of Operations i

The inspector examined all areas of the plant to cbserse operations and '

activities in progress, to inspect the nuclear saft t y- aspects of opera-tions, and to check the general status of cleanliness, housekeeping, and adherence to fire protection rules.

a. Nuclear Criticality Safety Postings i

During inspection of the East Building, the inspector observed a nuclear criticality safety posting in the northeast corner of Annex 2 with no delineated work station. The inspector determined, upon discussion with licensee representatives, that a fuel bearing com-ponent welding station had been located in this area, but had been inadvertently removed. The licensee stated that the work station will be reestablished subsequent to this inspection.

, b. Container Labeling The inspector observed that a cabinet located in Unit I contained uranium contaminated equipment but was not labeled with a Caution Radioactive Materials sign. This was immediately corrected by the licensee.

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c. Contamination Survey Instruments The inspector observed that the personnel contamination survey instru-ment, located at the exit to Unit 2, was not operating properly. It was not responding to a check source, as required. The licensee immediately repaired this instrument.
d. Housekeeping The inspector observed that housekeeping in the Shipping-Receiving and the Decontamination areas of Building B-South had improved. How-ever, housekeeping in Trailer No. 2, located near the Building B-South shipping dock, was not adequate. This trailer contained mis-cellaneous contaminated equipment, drums of metal chips, and other miscellaneous items. The licensee stated that housekeeping in this trailer would be improved.
e. Facility Modifications During examination of yard areas external to the buildings, the in-spector observed that the lisensee had initiated construction of two

) building extensions. One construction project wa; to extend the Building M component inspection room and the othe project involved the u struction of a new waste storage building ;i an area east of M and south of the East Building. The net waste storage

.:iding # i be attached to Building M by an enclosed corridor.

4. Radioactive Management a- Organization Through discussions with licensee representatives, the inspector de-termined that an organization was established to ensure that solid radioactive waste was properly handled, packaged, and transported to an approved burial site. The organization consists of a radwaste supervisor and three operators. Nuclear Materials Control has also assigned an engineer to review all activities of this orcanization from a quality control assurance viewpoint, to further ensure that all waste shipments are in accordance with NRC/ DOT regulations. The inspector also determined that the licensee was currently in the process of reviewing and revising, as necessary, all of the existing facility radwaste handling procedures. Additional procedures will be written, as needed.
b. Training The inspector examined training records of the individuals assigned to the radwaste organization. Topics covered included: types of waste generated at the site, packaging procedures, DOT requirements, NRC requirements, burial site requirements, facility nuclear material  ;

control requirements, and facility health physics and nuclear safety I


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requirements. The inspector determined that training was comprehen-sive and attended by all required individuals.

5. Transportation Activities
a. SNM Shipping Guide The inspector examined the facility SNM Shipping Guide whicn con-tains general guidance required by personnel to ensure that all ship-ping regulatory requirements are addressed prior to release of a shipment. This document is currently being revised to address cur-rent NRC/ DOT regulations. A draft copy of this revised guide was examined by the inspector. Specific guidance to radwaste personnel is contained in procedures which are referred to in the SNM Shipping Guide. No significant inadequacies were identified in the draft guide examined by the inspector.
b. Quality Assurance Audit for Shipping Containers The inspector examined the licensee's Quality Assurance Audit for Shippir.] Containers, conducted on February 26, 1985. Several in--

adequacies concerning the status of shipping and packaging proced-ures, contamination control, liquid waste solidification processes, and storage of empty shipping containers were identified. The rad-waste organization, previously described in paragraph 4a, was es-tablished in response to this audit to ensure that adequate correc-4 tive actions are implemented, i c. Waste Shipments The inspector examined records of waste shipments made to the burial site in South Carolina, between January 16 and July 10 1985. It was noted that radiation and contamination surveys were com,pleted on each package and radiation surveys were conducted on each transporting vehicle, as required. During a review of shipping papers maintained for each shipment, the inspector determined that the sole use in-

structions contained on the UNC Bill of Lading referred to an incor-i rect paragraph in the USDOT regulations. The paragraph referred to was 49 CFR 173.392(c) instead of 49 CFR 173.425(b)(9). The reference was incorrect as a result of revisions to the USDOT regulations during 1983. The licensee stated that the indicated- reference would be corrected. This was identified as an inspector followup item (IFI 85-12-01).



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d. Scrap Shipment The inspector observed the loading of a transport vehicle with pack-ages containing special nuclear material. The material was being transported to a processor to recover the special nuclear material.

The packages were surveyed, labeled and marked as required. The packages were also properly blocked and braced in the transporting vehicle. Through: examination, the inspector detennined that the shipping papers for this shipment were properly prepared.

6. Exit Interview The inspector met with the licensee representatives (denoted in paragraph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection on August 21, 1985.

The inspector presented the scope and findings of the inspection.

The inspector also held a pre-exit discussion with the Director, Technical Services. These discussions were helpful since licensee management was able to address their planned actions at the exit interview. The inspector did not provide the licensee with any written material during the inspection.


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