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Comments on Proximity of Facility to Robin Hood Geological Fault Running Through Montsweag Bay.Test Borings Should Be Taken.Requests Reply by NRC Re Actions That Will Be Taken
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 06/26/1979
From: Conway P, Fernandez R, Klein L
To: Hendrie J
NUDOCS 7909240804
Download: ML20136C483 (6)


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.g cm 2.TE3 June , 1979 r,-)

Kenneb.d pc-t, nine :- VN

%00. !. UiiL. FAC. ,f_Q, .'.30$

Joseph Hend-ie, Chair =an -

T,?. uto hc%

!!uclea;. Regulatory Co-4 ssion .

p  %

1717 H St. h*d

ashington, D.C. 2 COO 2

& 10' ' 5'- fs- e 3 -@

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ear Chair =an Hencrie, \\ .g}

This letter cencernes the rhine Yankee Nuclear Power Plant and it @ @

proxi=ity to the Robin Hood geological fault runnin th ough F.ct:nswea; 3ay. It is very disturbing to learn that this suspected fault, shown en 10'75 Geclogical Survey ::aps, and lying less than a mile f.~= Maine Yankee, has not been taken into censideration, er even investigat,ed by the EC in licensing procedures.

I.spect="y in' licht of our recent earthcuakes in 14ine centered near the ..'iseasse; area, it is incerative to understand ar =uch as ccesible abcut the area geclogic*Ur and the potential fer da= ace to n ' - s: es, and tnus to all livira in Esine.

~Je feel that l'a.ine Yankee shculd be closed deta. while test, berings are taken and a ec=;rehensive study conducted, as this i=fer:atice. is e ucial to the operation of a nuclear power plant.

This :stter cencerns us deeply. Please reply te us regar ' g that s.ctions i.C he ta'cen.

?.esceet 11, 7 V.other's D_- Cc 'tnent non LCL y.,......_.


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' 4Centanued b'e$ hs O'nei' [.','NN,%y*T$eI N In and ^accaddt.

fadure and prneerwt erme at hae Yankee.. 'nerlow Saad;, However. . hen sewn' fank and say as aresdest osadar to that which romanasistact e , a a sceurrW at Three M4 ladas( reedd happes. 7*! havva'l lost lash is'aartear power. We


here M ~ . . Y ?J .3

  • l ^.w' e Maine Yankee Two PresdentIo'hn' af moreei==dy *Thurtow sad ;Must havi Randanna says the Then We Island incideath Pat Carrvet of Steckten Springnia former proved that safereerds aganam, euclear thenwal engmeer andphysus professor; has estastrophes wort. It was
  • sale areident.*
  • devoted'the pad Eve years'fe studyvig the he says, eraaruing the media for turneng thevaeclear bene. He serves as,Lechaara8 adeiner event bete *minuteby<asaste hart drama.*y** for Sale Power for h==. b'euclear wet.

' Nacicar Regulasary d' - ^

Feier. e& dog groep e^rgnasse in 1974 when Central A. Bradierd usews the accadent as a waraang 'Maane Pe=ee Ca proposed eeestructa~oe of a that more aregeet regwL' -== are needed. mer.iear farality at Sears !aland. G arrett is one

~11 as we leers from Threv .h0le taland is , of the industry's'most -"rMe erstics.' '

that it was high drama. thee methmg y ' .~ .MaineJankee is operating with a number prevent another maser secident nimilar se =** el maresolved sale 3y , problema. Carrett er worse thaa - h. Male laiand la she ipoesta suL,;,,' . ,g....,, , , ,

sear.tetaQBredssed prh is a repea y. ..r e a, Joaking feelreds ..<p ,;, .,ye.P.g!5 ** 7%weecThe plast-wnwimmed trem June to Deese-JA'.js25JE,stady,cmacsedad ethat - thseher!.1974.'.,4e.reptem 7,43 Wesectree ciassf1 c(tancej da,eure(mePJoe'e~eerurrasi#sean t [ ' ~ Joakag 'redioactlJity home tha.

ence in Maalhonyoars. Set de NRC with %eacter  ? coolaat. base Yankee recovered $3 drew'im' support bes's part of the 1&veliine ' =N= from e

  • Rasmussee repert*-last January, staung tautty fuel - ."Zagineering for the At accelent raka were unpona.har to Reetime tesung of the emelant dessng saiculate. The NRC dd not aseessettly sheadeus test Maret revea6sd some fusi consader the run to be higher er lower. leakage. het met enougt te warrant Bradford espiamed. *We're seyng we east replacement of the fuel assembhes. offinals make sweepeng statements eenceresse these nad. NRC Commesseene Bradford sad fuel rinha. Most of the report a stdl useful and u eew leakmg as a fractwe 41,4@ el the 1974
  • aad. he adoed. rate.

Radaausa esposure NRC anseector Wilham Lazarue eas6ed the The Rasmusnes report est. mates that the leakage s *cesunse arearrence* during worst possible nuclear acedent weesd reiease sautdown, but sasd the Jacharge womad be enough radioecuvity to reeun a re6eratsee of carefully monaarsd. The leakage will met peepee tsomt te sa area 290 square maies of alter the amount of radiartmty eastted into the plant, decantamaatsen of 3.200 ades. the oevvenmeet during normal plaat and meastermg el feed, water and sulk opersues. Maane Yaahee speseasaam Densid suppises enthia 32.000 square mdee for C. Vigise saed.

neveral moetha. Maine as aeost J3.200 square la 1974 plant efficiais rotereed 12 reseases mdesis area. of radiachve gases, totating 10.681 evbec feet.

Es posere to radmacteve substances These were reteemed aAer he*g held is tanks -

renessed by a ma,ier nuclear eredent eewd be for sa average of 28 days estead of 60 days'l ~

fatal. couid esuas caerer. genetar damage er as requared under the peset s operaung tn.wreid dtness dependag en the level af license.

rsassactivity nuewar officsass say. Ptpe broah k'ent:f^e Cua es shew : rat a sho.e oudy A 1976 NRC report raesed the questeen of oose os beteces 240 i.e 340 rada nas a $0 whe6her the rearter vessel support system pereent enance of besag deadiy. The wouid faJ durmg a less of consaat accident Rasmusses report esumates that a <!4CA). _

  • maasmam ereeinee acedent." womad result *Nebody really known stat wou6d happen. : r in 3J00 .mmessate aestas 45.000 earty Garrett noted. aung what a knows as dinesses. e '.*JO :hyreed illnesses per year. *asymmetrie leading
  • en the NRC's list of 1J00 !atent caaeer fataunes per year and 170 enresolved generie proodems-instances el genetse damage per year.ever a As queeuna e the rearnera anehty se be few decades. brought safely to a eend shutaews a the Nuesear proponents and opponesta event of a saper pipe break. The NRC is generady agree taat effecta of new-;evel curresuy saaessing reactereseandsty te hear ratation emsued frere sae piana darteg easculated need reemiung from such a pipe wrmal es,erauos are uma neo s. Im a ruptere.

torument suomstted at a 19'? iscensieg 11's a generw prooiem - not specafee te

,earme. hae Yar.eee effcaas served =sth Mame Y ansee." Masse Yanaee Vue me veners -.4 5 *.. canset se preven Presdent Randaaza sad *%eie esponded e avtaer er set wenifeant esserse effecta se ail NRC qisesteens.* he sad. adding that a er at se oates etich mgst resort trem less ad eeussas arensent = as entremefy

.rne ,ne c.a >f Lse i ar.kee There unthete.

Jv ne wme o , eves ellect. Mt the actual A pipe crad in the co*iant reetrenag sarrstuce *aaret se defined
  • system was detected by piaM empseyees sa Le safe in L ao Taasee? Maren 1977. hae Yaahee reported that the 4 S

e a se e s sarv. cracked perteos couid est be saved for 9

,. s . fear ese* s abwee,y esammatme. but dete*mmed that the cause

. 1'a e . v ' e,

  • es. cent of me fa.'as e saa precas;y a f'aw in the

%-1 . 'The nesnoe s ce the ortraal weed.


a c ts we r s. e aA Perneemei traimag

>>r.* c3

  • sas .r etter ba ADOMJ MS traan*e sF Mame Yahtee

-s ' . N.r* e- are 'ai ed ec.w :ireise !esis .? . .re * ?*!

. .e . se "ee 9 aA * ' e sneev e q

  • eet Y v.e
  • y y
  • w.e meus 1

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-, . The Times Record. Brusmca. W., Tues.. June 5,1979 7 had 98 'ide). dents' g.en= .


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'* "'W as they seesd e aey other pt. .% eenpsyees N'I**8*'3***'*******"##*

a-EMII*$*y* C*f'* had been perger,n,eg ,rh they were est Ba* there n as se need for the relene of 3,* - e qualifwd te perferen. Theenasm noud. + rysmeetin ecusa.ons entsade ihe piant. b{W a .

                                                       . 11 anyto g .as -re.g. ne         4,,,u,,,i                              C idetobe er
  • G C+ry e - e m_ .. .. . . .j at tse ,sa. .we. i. the rexwr -e . dar aed er k..-u 3--t p,. -
                                                      == a deca                         is one, i.e e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .;                                                 - - -s.

t.o. es c ires reos .ess.ed is sade w peepie t, taie as m.

                                                                                       . % --*aee           tse .e                                                                                                        .

up and doe s *gisese' tubes. Danag a g;pt ,, . 9 , 1 knew they were met ready? <

Refermg to ao rent inc 7eh,,,' 4 -

N v .; ' U. radieseti e ram e rs d the ,ta= ca,eew seedew su.e4 aaermai refusag=1-6 ear. year, one tuon M* . ,, N een-sts -

                                                                                                                                                                                         . ., . . 2                   .4 - n M                                                                                i cahernporee performance "stserfy ines.                 *** re i'eeved before the plaat reopened.                                             ,

I ,L J s- V J ' ' - * ~ ~ ~

  • Carmtt says more tubes cowd have in-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     "r O ,.w w,[

n' .some, m e 1 s y-PAS g ENA.Caug. m gl'r**F M i t.r-b - -

                                                                                                            *r:1.eevirg De taben is esiy a temporary
                                                                                                                                                                           "# R*8
                                                                                                                                                                                     .g                 .v%u, ,-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                - .,*t.
                                                                                                             ~eas           urett u n                                                                       U '#(         -

N'; '. e .- has , Garrett and Yankee President 1 s , ( "us =_.iaEr #

  • t ' ps
                                                                                               .**                                                                                                                                                               we* av                        m,         14, g hm                                                     Tsurlew agree that the reassa ter wear a set,                        jl l
  • y g


                                                     .mmo, w e. c,e.

Rebia Cran 3 " aat P **"" b= Te ars* ~"=.- . ' .? _ ? ..'W7 _ 2 m^ *

  • e
                                                                                                             =**[t               *= -""n"e.                                               , I' ' 'KT' /                  'l
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od ,, ..._ stes entered the paa Medda' e-

                                                                                                                                                 =3'tr ""'*-                                                                                                                           -                         -

fr.e e. m w ,,,,d,,c - t a n.mes,- . e, - -e  :,p;; w.c -- =.n ~ 3"%'"'iT*'l[, a pamfuce g est hara , r [c'w'ar"op"ee*ne'r*"EUi tts peat to the Price An-v!F [ T N ,/, g., M,r3. , ,m 'h ,4 d @ $. [t' ~ .- .;

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 "r la lf'1 tre younger Cranstem was feene                ' r'**   A'    ***ftd'"I*i                                                                              ~~

N' v' u " ~

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I - anorerst of cearfen he drtarve Jewee ' .'## atute *hmats

                                                                                                                          *# han2ty lor damages resubeg                                                              ang                         .a.              y                      *
                                                    'A*T.42ms. a 6ormer Piavney Clue buna,* e om a sucear acrecent to IMJ moben la.
                                                                                                                                                                                   -- . A                                            . 7.,                        ',"

SM.nt Per in.n w . J ody se. sy. r t.d - Cra,eae ara a n'",ai '

  • em m =8

came to her *oee la Buropa tam % **"# '"# '

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          - /*".         '

g. hr ng the e4st of feb 14 and the raern ag " * " * ' I."- e .

                                                   >f ae ncu eay . , sse a.                                                 *
  • is= not
                                                                                                                                     ", ear..w       ? Renard                                                                                          j.f .u.[
                                                                                                                                                                                             ,f;.* 5, e te s,.

stanoitt at p,. g,%g .5e ansee- e u3s ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .,L                                                 ig -

at?,, Saver came um u u ,eg- 9 he c.ree.or ter site .echne.ogv et N RC. e3 _g 't -3; , . 4

                                                                                                                  'A3 #'?" "* "d " ' #*'* !""'#

Naed aid :seu he- sne sad tas'ea.e.,,.ig ,***5 e'** i ne years. .e f.nd ae " postoie Control rooms operator .%bert Races d teads the com puter peutent la the esatrol

                                                                                                                                                                              ,, y 3.'s 3.ary a4. .'e      aat *!m gmne to anoen ,see ,vt. *ase
                                                                       . , m.3 . , q -

we w,,,t*-* rs sa.e ano sale *, r,e said in a de t a we r==2 r,ets a ire enn u cea 4.epasne e a t e r vies trem As %c, ear techneiogs ;fr. pros es. M.C they are not sa e. he sat d

                                                  '"ra ette 4 geter, sse ,44 but sne seat eo:                  ' M' W N8"e is m W many 5.% staN gum fu gewn piaat kenws chang.                                                                  %e are 'saown to be Wer das
                                                  **.a.=,..*%.~..s..,,                                          . err ,'erseao ac = tse tne fne enemeer Oe.use sant. That some plants de not meet othe's The saaie prog-ess that maaes better m :sssor e- sa e v re.r.ed tasues.                todav s pdehnes coes not necessards mean manes neuee reacters.* be saad.

i ( l l l l l l l l

Em, den..(

     ,                                             c ,.n 19 m .- .. map                                                                            _

At{J'Y8D h k sunum g Reactor near ' fault' g  ? Am NRC sus member saad rerody tan WISCA$ SET - A suapawd sawecale there beve bees as many as tour earthquakes many m setne

  • Hussey saad. E=edence of "Nr(e ne prof that any ed am lan&ta
                       $        vapahie of causing a meeerste ear. at the ate in & lut 20 years thu moved the taWt can be feeed a sheansg of rect t qsake hes less than one-%aJ male from the
                     \ tame Yaasee Nuclear Suuen. ac- - met,e.

keee shaken the Wane Yank ee reacter masses and obvious mvement of ret systemt Jtackard !)easse said a me that th unsta." state gemaegwal servey mapa. gram these urthquaes ou Husaey said a neceed numer urthquake in The faalt appareetly did nos esser sta a ",,arw.*egesalent s to the sput for the my. sesire"of th, the shutdows. e as centerms asse dartag recent revww by federal norwar e%ais ai a the Richeised area. the plaat s earthename ssfetr eysuma The reacter ens shut de=m kret 15 after d.h'M bW g, , h Pw & m , Aceerding to NRC reartars budt meer faena that have esperwared movement h NucW Recalatary Ceaumaname N ME Emd WWag w % durmg the last500.000 years are subpset im teund nacter systems magts not be abee te that a faelt en the inued had awwed wun **""'**'" I #**'*"' **

                   %eid up a the event of as earthganas. he g ,,,, g 7,,,,                                                              ,         g,,q g              planta budt es staber grevad.

ordee =an tafted by 24 aner tae andry . time hast allowed by NRC. . . I "" ** *'IP***#' commaced NRC the the piaat ees male. a %&ut Less benop at the hise Yanhee spokesman thquake coved sand. ereer se thaa fanit.* as NRC Chns Neisee. NRC prosect manager ter aste. H.Lesey naad yestarday, a a enpensibae hae Yaahee, aa d reeww el the speciGr to determine bow actave the Wt aNRC er how reeww of the piast's salmy systems no;ogy the uudy at ne , .. dermer of urthquake syssessbaaemsed e bis te as b'- earagenhe in.w tag ae tsait m.sht e espected to eestmee ews theurb the.

                 "ali operstag pleasa.'                                                 *                     -W:- N                                . . .

nuwr km ben c== ciuramee ter rearme. NRC suff said the m-last mese.

                                                                                     . . He added there is en reases to beheve that t.,  He.ever,            NRC geoisessa dal meessagase ~the famit is any more er le a*We                                                               acuve  dee's haseethe  a clear and pneees daner best '

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                 .he plant. No.sua saad. "The p-== frame                               =as ruoaanible                     tor  %. aunt 1 q.she =hether the semeur eage =put -=

centered .a Woulewh. ap-

e geoiegy separtment dusa't chaage propriase?

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                     ' In the Matter of                                              )                                                                                                                  N
                                                                                  ,)                                                                                                                    - .-n MAINE YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY)                                           Docket No.(s) 50-309                                                                                  53.
                                                                                     )                                                                                                                  !-5; (Maine Yankee Atomic Power                                     )                                                                                                                  C.2 S tation)                                                   )                                                                                                                  EEi -
                                                                                     )                                                                                                                  55 19:
                                                                                     )                                                                                                                  EE.
                                                                                     )                                                                                                                  .=.'. i 1



I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing document (s) ] upon each person designated on the official service list co= piled by i.Z the Office cf the Secretary of the Coc:sission in this proceeding in .._.7 accordance with the requirements of Section 2.712 of 10 CFR Part 2- .] . Rules of Practice, of the Nuclear Regulatory Co=ission's Rules an6 Regulations.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            ' i; l                                                                                                                                                                                                              .

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                                                                                                                            .                                                                            ;;r r*

Laced at Washington, D.C. this - day of '.h of


197f. 1. [ >

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s E/102/  ! Eni07Ma Office / df' the Secretary of the Ccu6:issrion e*+ ' se Q l y -y=r-=qrem-g g9 .ey gir7 --' gv.m-- -~e---ery,y4 y .=-e-r,-gw.m g ge w*a -+q -g.-- -9 n. -M g y-- g y-he-a-ty.q--m,q-e+ c--eg p9 s. . v Wyeyg99my-q w tm- w w 7-y-


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                -= ? ;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -r-       :

In the Matter of ) # ~~


! ) . MAINE YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY ) Docket No.(s) 50-309 2

                                                                                                        )                                                                                                         .

(Maine Yankee Atomic Power ) "r-- Station) ) d=5i , ) $_ .. 1-SERVICE LIST _--

!                                                                                                                                                                                                            br Mr. E.W. Thurlow, President                                                                    Mrs. L. Patricia Doyle,. President                                                (..

l Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company Safe Power for Maine E2.. 4 9 Green Street P.O. Boc 774 T l Augusta, Maine 04330 Camden, Maine 04843 -


Mr. Donald E. Vandenburgh First Selectman of Wise. asset - ~ ~ j Vice President - Engineering Yankee Atomic Electric Company Municipal Building - [_.. ] U.S. Route 1 t, . " 20 Turnpike Road Wiscasset, Maine 04578 Westboro, Massachusetts 05181 --- l , Chief, Energy Systems Analyses y-- j John A. Ritsher, Esq. Branch fAW-459) === l Ropes & Gray Office of Radiation Programs - 4 225 Franklin Street U.S. Environmental Protection Agency  : .. . Boston, Massachusetts 02110 401 M Street, S.W. , Rocnn 645 . J_ . . ! Washington, D.C. 20460 ' - / Mr. John M.R. Paterson Assistant Attorney General U.S. Environmental Protection Agency State of Maine Region I Office ~

j Augusta, Maine 04330 Attn
EIS Coordinator JFK Federal Building j Mr. Nicholas Barth Boston, Massachusetts 02203 Executive Director _

Sheepscot Valley Conservation State Planning Officer j Association, Inc. Executive Department


P.O. Box 125 189 State Street iE""~ ' . Alan, Maine 04535 Augusta, Maine 04330 c ... Wiscassett Public Library Assoc. Mr. Robert R. Radcliffe High Street Office of Energv Resources , Wiscasset, 1bine 04578 55. Capitol Street Augusta, Maine 04330 s D 1 d I i 4


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