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Staff Exhibit A-34,consisting of Taped Conversation from NRC Tape 75,Side a
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/17/1995
OLA-3-A-034, OLA-3-A-34, NUDOCS 9506300205
Download: ML20085N476 (10)





_J /  ;

l 00CIET50 ~N l


'95 ,, i'l i .92 @ --


/ VOICE /Cood morning 3 voleE: Good morning.



,6 VOICE: Good morning. ,

7 [ Pause.) .'

, f


/ 8 VOICE: Good morning. p' /

9 VOICE: Good morning.

10 VOICE: Good morning. /

11 VOICE: Okay, Unit 1 100 percent reactor power.

12 [ Inaudible) average for last,.24 is 1128. Current hour is 13 1150. 10,100 BTUs.

[Inayd'ible) . Average [ inaudible) 14 connectivity on the staa's generator is about .32. /

15 We current 1y' have the RAN [ inaudible) 120 LCO.

16 The 14-day report should be worked on today. We just added 17 another LCO [ir. audible) maintenance. [ Inaudible)'and it 18 should stay on line. We had several instances last night of 19 the LCD [ inaudible). I got a recorder booked up to the 20 sonitors trying to isolate what the problea'is.

21 I guess IC has an [ inaudible) out on Loop 4 that's 22 due today or they were found during the,' night that'll 23 , require my taking a look at that, whether it's' just a'due 24 , date or a late date. - .


25 . Now we're [ inaudible) on the run' back, on the O ffJCLEla REGULAICID COMMIS$!CN s o-y a y-ow i Docket uo Sa 129-et4-1 Oba! Exh No. 68f 11'- 3 4 in th rnaar cf Cr FC et al-Staff EfmFdo 5-App 4 m V Tu TNED s-Int rumor REfCTED Conig C?r Cor,t:ae;r ogr o y _ f 7 - q 5-0"!er W' z ,q J M k m ,oa R0purter C. A%

9506300205 950517 PDR ADOCK 05000424 C PDR

I 6

/ .

1 Vo! cts [ Inaudible). And recal scae feedwater.


2 V ICE: They've got an under-power ev4nt. l

. / l 3 VOICE: oh*, an under-power event? on Unit 2i  !

/ /

4 VOICE: ,.fInaudible). /

/ i 5 VoICEt, No, this is Unit 2. /

, ,/

6 VOICE: [Inaudib1 J. /

/ /

7 VOICE: e e, I gues Gus was making a stink 8 on getting the

' dell,/

cal? Is that right on Unit'17

/ ,

be they i

/  ! May/

9 <


went over/ and [inaudiWie). / /

/ VOICE: [ n/ audible).


/ ,

/ / /


11 / VOICE: want to e ock into/that. Ita on th's '

, / s 12 screen for Unit . Therewa/ s a feedwater cel fissua. ,

13 , VOICE: [Inaudi e). ,

14 VoI E What? < /


15 VOICE: [ Inaudible). / e



i f Zirite fouwb op


16 /t.N  : ridt, they :' '

L__, out e gcal, er 17 somethin . Somethirig like that. ,


18 7 4 Woscas ,[Inaudib1's).

19 4M untess/ You did -'

, 20 1.

4 SA [ Inaudible) Un / *

/ / / -

21 jf 4 M ite2de s oka . Did ypu get at powered up?

I 22 (6-d ^ = -- - - --i :- '-: ^ )r's eN rw percukr g4 . .

/ /

23 g4 /7  : eah. Y may t to take a lo k at 2* " in . (s* o or /)seg urrus.p) 25 rgs watext -7  : _ um s rm.r; ru oitut s ru l



i i

i I

i 7

?d/ S/tTG i i

1 MLA1-wetee: *ba tabulation of the t'- ~' : - i. I l ff' .* NE AD Tb^KAM m: ;

mJ a.JI TM T/YT /EC4ADJ f,lg[ & i 2 think I got them all. ^T--- Some of then aren't

] i 3 4#.**## 8 ,E M C# D " ,fn'au*dible1.

64 tex i 7 Apis /c, 4 vo! : [Inau le).

5 ICE: [ udible).

6 VOICE: Do you ve any id why it we here?

i 7 Vo E [I dible). '

s VOICE ou know, metimes wp inaudible) t at ther oap) icular [1,na ible) o his [inaudibd)/ .

10 ,/ / VOICE: Ja'ih . ,

< / /

11' VOICE (/ [Inaudi e). ,-,

12 ,

VOICE: Du t wasn't,-[ inaudible <

' /

j 13" VOICE Yeah. Itr'was blowin the --

! 14 V CE: In t4e directio - I could see -t' hat it 15' [inaud le).



Right<* , ,



i 16 Vo!'CE:

1 / VOICE: .,r[naudible) th noor. ,,

./ /

18 VOICE: It was.{fnaudible).

de [ inaudible)",.


1 switche#[p-inaudible}[ / .-

! 20 voIRE's You cou144a put it closer but it4as 2 inaudi / -

22 voIC

'/ I think that,was probabl .an inadvar 6t



2 [inaudibi turned on. Maybe it was sosre' body's i to

24 [1 ible)understg,youklnow

/ dible/)

2 VOICE: I don't kn .



4 l


l l


1 1

31 1 (TAPE 75, SIDE 5)

Sc wxAr Dw rca """

rawx ? 1*krp4rs*J 2 -

e- good.

// M statcE: 4 i --- - ^ ^ ^ t - i 4 3 7(r4 Statet (Inaudible). //vN f pr urfs 4

JL M m A M .

.5 9 d[k inoset: ;jys"' : _ ^ agree with wha !'-- kc~~f .

5 __1-;. car

% ror 6 /**% meset: This is the best data there is. This is a ,

7 combination of multiple portions of data. There is no E better data -- this is better than any single source of 9 data. This is an integrated data. g, ,,4f 10 [dA 1e02ct.: It sounds like ther4 satorial '!-"*-)

M 11 JJ&- /N 7"Nr 4E4 12 h 4NtteR3 These are not logged in the ContrC1 room 7 hear f-13 log. These are not logged in the diesel log. +femend4 Met i 14 you couldn't tell initially, but this is my interpretation 15 of what actually happened, having talked to Kenny. l 16 totees Those are the ones that really concern me. l 17 IIM tatet That one ought to concern you. That one is ought to concern you. That one should concern you. That l 19 one. In fact, there's a lot of them. I mean, these are 20 obviously real live problems, okay? And there are problems l 21 with the features that we're investigating.

22 VOICE: [ Inaudible).

23 /,x, gettes.: But as far as I can tell, th t i a o

, 24 a list as exists, and a better list than -- well ' - - ~

4-25 -i I ^ 'i f #

g ones that aren't in the log.j DNES 7"NMf CONCEsw ME) TMr$ r i

i i

4 I


, , . -. m -e ,- ,w. - - , ,, -,-,-----om-- r

32 I 7' wivt O 1 / % 1toscsJ Yeah. h 4bothereeg se :ks that thirigs 2 aren't in the 109 3 70 Wosct: I don't understand this ['- ,.

4 VOICE: (Inaudible).

5 6: I thought that was a (inaudible).

6 [*ientet: That's a three-minute run here.

7 p wee *** That's another thing that bothers se a 8 little hit -- taking credit for these one- and two-minute 9 runs.

10 74 -90$cS But it did run.

11 /L ef N Did it?

12 74 4 40289: Yes.

13 06 ite'AS.: Why would we run it for three minutes?

14 db itOscts Anything that is a blank, any -- these --

15 anything that has a number in this column is a start and A* " "

  • wspy w W n Y eY, 17 34 geset tiemand4hL*t g shut it down and restart it.

18 /% 1t02c8: That's part of the logic testing.

19 J8 m Yeah.

20 / W 402CE: East control logic test. They were 21 tripping it on the various sensors, I believe.


23 )65 90308: Okay.

24 Am isoscas . Maybe I'll sake a copy of that for George.

l 7

25 I think somebody needs to do something about it. I think 4



1 I

l l

4 k


f i

, - - . . _ . _ ~ - . - . . . . . _ - . _ , _ _

1 some information is -- Aces 4Arr.

2 VOICE: [ Inaudible).

I 2 ,,

Vo!CE: -- inacen A$e.u,,_

4 7 V E: [I dible) eting w ,,finaudibley

[Inaud e).

/e' 5 .


1. .


/ -

8 , CE: Iw 't invit .

9' VOIC are you ited [in ble).

10 / VOICE: [Ina ble) iny d, I thin 1 VOICE: got a o all fr ordon. I,d 12 Jinaudible).

1 VOICE: h.

14 .Afr ICE: And I a phone e n back n 1 George wanted to t to you, a saf1f and San Cr n at 4:15 16 in his office 17 $m VOICE: He 1 king about"the droppe d, and

, s"

  • 18 N 's not inv .in that /

/ -

1 CE:

[3nauilible) . /

20 48 voICV I don't knou/They're e nTused.

2 v_/oICE

Okay./[ Inaudible se if you can do f

22 a ing. ,,.'

2 M OICE: In r know anythip . p 24 VOICE: 4 you talk to ailey yet?

2 f,$m CE: No, not y . We're sti dible) in

53 1 VOICE: [ Inaudible).

2 .40ZCE: yee , we're going to [inaudiblei-copie -.

,.- / ,- ', f Let ne'make sash extra copies. ,.


/ / / /

p:qVOICEv, oka[/. d to do. I 5 wasgoingto[iKa'udible).J,That's .

'./411 Ifwas going .

< /

s / /

6 eif,

,y0' ICE: we1L, let me make a copy /for stoye's and 7 l ,f one to f31aey / , , ,

8 VOICE: [ Inaudible) two pa/. ges. / -

VOICE: " audible).

se varetr rinaudib .


(34fAK IN f*AfrNg) ~~~

11 Ai H:- - - we oox*r we 9 0e n~nr.7 12 f( c3 % r2OrLOCA ,

4 moses: Tell as where the problems are. Is this 13 the probles side or is this the problem side?

14 VOICE: [ Inaudible).

15 fr$ iseseeJ !s this the problem side?

16 g y 1sosct: No. Does that say "Not logged in the 17 control loga7 18 JL Af m: Yeah.

19 M 1R03CE: That's just the statement of fact, 20

^' TMJc Af4F

-- ? - -jgnot logged in the control log. But that's not a 21 probles [ inaudible).

22 jd' 903C8: What is the problem?

23 *st sozct: The problem is this. The problem is I 24 believeg/e- Mes4eas-;4the fr4rrrrrwr NRCMA.0C ^^ - - - Th(were

- - "^t-3 incorrect.Arp4 pix + piangs 4

25 Remember what we said? That was the COA response. COA 1

.I T


i j


. , - . - - - , . - - ,. - - - - - - , - , e ,u- , - -

,e,..--- ,w--, e n-- ,- -,,-n ----

54 1 response said --

2 VOICE: [ Inaudible).

1~Sr HMcM/A'f, f*MC 3 h wezet: COA response saidg ' 'E l-i-A and B NAcMtA'E WELY 4 W was started 18 and 19 times respec since 5 the 30th, and there have been no problems ;' ' ' E ' 21 6 ~ ~ == h' ' '01 start counting back from that date, you go one, l 7 two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, p 9b/M e eleven, twelve, 13 has a probles, 14 tripped, 15 - ''='_

H 9 probles, ~ - fil:- j 10 A w , ;); tripped, w-whatever,- :.p.,

- Eb Jf e *b/c-> y '

il rf[ Soses:

[ Inaudible).f.97 sted ** 7., J# j,,,4 1

13 M *****'

,7 r3 meses:

" Q '% .,.ig",%li? a..x '

. h.


[feeedtbie)Aoriginal T ,v effnndly f*T tipel,* T*

14 AM #Dete ttumin*+4*4e+4 numbers together the first 15 time. You know, you've got George's presentation, you've 16 JEA got the COA response letter, and you've got the gIA8h-5gt NCNS 17 4868+* : [ Inaudible) the COA response letter 4

is [ inaudible).

19 VOICE: [ Inaudible).

14, 20 -*a+eF* "?-- " * ; the 1A diesel was started is 21 times, and the 15 diesel was started 19 times [ inaudible).

22 No f ailures or problems have occurred in any of these 23 starts.


we + 6sf 2f M I.


^[ Inaudible]474<.sv a-r A **'

Ap m I?-- ' ; 3.

i i

f 1

4 6


. I i

SS 1 VOICE: No, no. This is only B.

-w e 2 I don't have an A 4 ^ -----~ i- -(

3 8df moscs: [ Inaudible). The thing in question is 4 probably no failures or problems have occurred in any of 5 these starts --

/ W A N Y C/= rhcu~

6 / 4./7 m starts. 3 M

7 .iMg VOICE: [ Inaudible) didn't declare it operable e until --

9 A/ Nseecs: The second f Y' --


lo PAGE S K ip -tosee: -- the second t4a===+++r+=t you know.


  • same t**

11 Failed to start the first time [in audible) &t Maintenance w .r s aJ r 12 (inaudible). [ Inaudible)4t ake credit for that time, ANd SAY Ne

.1_ , f ailures or/Aedt t'Y1 MArr oc c.M4rA 13 _L' _  ;'-- ^"t-1 14 "

7"X This s -' "..

g 4~ S-15 31steSA This is your standard inadequate J75w "d*a /.=/ /,.ne 16 ' -

_g_I;ofthe"' " " fsilure to start every time, 17 right?

18 36,* 40o548: %s } a cn ol / kr> c4- ha ..

h 19 VOICE: [ Inaudible).

.5h /[ 55W 20 /% toget1 Two trips, onejt riph:f 21 "- " ' ' -


-: T The o or I h..E fvv*

22 k m: ,1._ _ ^ " _' 1.. ; get it, down and ados:er.


23 j' - _ _. . . , , ( Oh*' l


'.F I * ##" # # }

24 VOICE: [ Inaudible).

25 Sg/# eseecs: [ Inaudible) h [ inaudible).


56 1  : talks about comprehensive test a J563 2 program. It= - r 1-4those words.'4--- -' ' ' ' _ -

3 VOICE: [ Inaudible).

4 [*S'voscts (Inaudible) numbers. It has the 18 number 5

and comprehensive test program. Thg L was what corporate AND 6 added,jthe way they doctored the par"up for final submittal.

7 VOICE: [ Inaudible).

8 h* Seeses: It's i^ -


b d"

fr I -

9 VOICE: [ Inaudible).8'[#b b- '{yy ],'

10 /4N 1p03cs: Yeah.

--A.. ,, M ,

11 r*** 1soses: There's numbers in it.

12 [ pause.} (dAEAK /N 7A//N4)

IM. V 13 /4 //1toses: -fewm=#4 heart . George has asked you to work 14 with somebody,,tT M4 7-'% y y,'-'c f 31g-A!4 r r __ ,_.. ----- ,_which I 4 -- - -_ -

' g rN4/V y ron es.

15 guess would be


16 ar/ W P h

/AuA cAJNIIeRet Uh-huh./

,"o $ge'd t /F 17 M W 9tters te===H*+=t that list is a good list.

4 18 VOICE: [ Inaudible).

19 7'#C.

30303: W. jgov $9 20 AM WOSCE: I'm go g to give the list to Kenny. Rals--



f i Metput etnes$tasseddeute$ together and figure out what 22 the [iftsuddMe) number is.

23 f/[apb ineeese 1- * ' ^ _ t'/s 24 VOICE: [ Inaudible). -

25 h 903 cts All righ w ,. s. .~ ,s>

cens e, sier e) i a


i-4 T

1 1

4 J


_ _ - _ _._ _ . . _ ___ __ _ _ _ _