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Part 21 Rept Re Static Load Rating on Anker-Holth,Baxter Hydraulic Suppressor.Caused by Failure of Torrington self-aligning Ball Bushing.Recommends Replacement W/ Paul-Monroe Hydraulics Part PA-89492 & PA-89493
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach, Prairie Island, 05000000
Issue date: 06/21/1984
From: Newhart M
To: James Keppler
REF-PT21-84 NUDOCS 8406290257
Download: ML20092L142 (3)



- - >' BAXTER })1]

, FLUIDPOWER GROUP June 21, 1984 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 (312) 790-5500 Attention: Mr. James G. Keppler


Anker-Holth, Baxter Fluid Power Grot:p Report (10CFP Part 21) dated June 5, 1984 Subsequent Notification of Problem / Defect Wisconsin Electric Power Company Point Beach Nuclear Plant Northern States Power Company Prairie Island #1 and #2

Dear Mr. Keppler:

Baxter Fluid Power has completed the review of all of its other previous designs and herewith issues the subsequent report per 10CFR Part 21 to the report issued and dated June 5, 1984.

Two (2) additional locations have been determined to have potential problen/de-fccts upon completion of our review, due to the downrating of the self aligning ball bushings, as purchased from and supplied by the Torrington Company, sub-sequent to the manufacture of the hydraulic suppressors (snubbers).

These locations are:

1. Wisconsin Electric Power Point Beach Nuclear Plant 800,000 pound rating Quantity (8) supprecsors Anker-Ilolth Part Number 21.16620.013 using Torrington bushing 40SBB64
2. Northern States Power Prairio Island Numbers 1 and 2 90,000 pound rating Quantity (2) suppressors

'0 0' Anker-!!olth Part Number 25.05620.001

$N00 using Torrington Bushing 12SF20 JUN 25 984 00 y At time of manufacture of part number 21.16620.013 in 1969, the Torrington bushing o (40SBB64) had a load rating of 1,600,000 pounds, which subsequent to snubber man-h ufacture has been downrated to 533,000 pounds. At tine of manufacture of part 00 number 25.05620.001 in 1971, the Torrington buching (12SF20) had a load rating of 156,000 pounds, which subsequent to manufacture has been downrated to 52,000 pounds.


0 h Anker-Horth,2723 Conner Sum 4 Port Hurr>n. Mchge U S A 48060 feephorw ath 985 7t81 TW* 8t0 23160'n EMG tuo Accomutators Inc.,27a Cwer sne 4 Pon Hean Men an s us A 48000 Trepnce osa) 9as 7mt IWx eso ni 60 n V$4Y viceroy huid Power,262 twuki FloM o On'ro. CeMa MJW iHS Telephone (4?O 675 7020 Tom 06 989201 f O'v@Ong of Bas?nr IpChNW705 COfpO'1?'On i O

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U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission June 21, 1984 PAGE 2 As noted in the June 5, 1984 report, the safety hazard crr:ated by a failure of the self aligning ball bushing is the potential non-functioning of the appropriate suppressor due to critical mis-alignment from failure.

Also, as noted in the June 5, 1984 report, as of May 31, 1984, Baxter Fluid Power, Anker-Holth completed the formal conveyance of all design rights, documents, and data to Paul-Munroe Hydraulics, Inc.,1701 West Sequoia, Orange, California 92668 (Contact: Mr. John McCabe) 714-978-9600.

Recommended corrective action is to replace the existing Torrington self-aligning ball bushing (40SF64), existing load rating of 533,000 pounds (snubber rating of 800,000 pound) and Torrington bushing (12SF20), existing load rating of 52,000 pounds (snubber rating of 90,000 pound), with a new self aligning ball bushing having a load rating exceeding the load rating of the respectivo suppressor.

These new bushings are Paul-Munroe Ilydraulics, Inc. part numbers pA-89492 and PA89493 respectively.

The notea par

  • numbers PA-89492 and pA-89493 are directly and dimensionally interchangeable with the existing bushings.

The length of time to complete the above noted recommended correctivo action, is as stated previously, ostimated at up to one year (twelve months) allowing for sufficient time to procure the replacement parts, schedulo the suppressor facility for outage, remave the suppressors from their mountings, de-contam-inate as required, replace the bushings, and re-install.

We feel the above will complete the necessary requirements to maintain the noted suppressors at their originally designed, manufactured, and installed load capacity ratings.

Sincerely, ANKER-IIOLTl!

Baxter Fluid powerGro p 1/

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Max R. Newhart Vice-president operations

!!RN amk CC: File The Torrington Company 59 Field Street Director of Inspection Torrington, CT 06790

& Enforcement (3 copies) Attn: fir. J. II. (Jack) Williams Vice-president paul Munroo flydraulics, Inc. (203) 402-9511 1701 West Sequoia Orange, CA 92668 Mr. Clyde Landrum Attn: Mr. John McCabo Chief Engincor, lloavy Boarings (714) 978-9600 Mr. Jack Convoy Chief Et@incorg_ Noodle Bearings

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.U. S. Regulatory Cousilasion June 21, 1984 1 PAGE 3 Carolina Power & Light i H. B. Robinson Plant P. O. Box 790 Hartsville, SC 29550 Attn: Mr. Rick Dayton (803) 383-4524 Ext 354 Northern States Power Company (Red Wing, MN) 612-388-4761 Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Units #1 crd #2 Prairie Island, 28 55066 Attn Ken Albrecht Quality control Manager (612) 388-1121 United States Nuclear Regulatory Conunission Mail Stop EW-359 Washington, D.C. 20555 Attne Mr. Michard Kiessel (301) 492-8119 Wisconsin Electric Power Company Point Beach Nuclear Plant 6610 Nuclear Moad I Two Rivers, W8 54241 l Attna Mr. B. E. Duenkel I

-(414) 755-2321 )

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