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Inservice Insp Summary Rept Interval 3,Period 1 & 2 Refueling Outage Dates 981109-1229 Cycle 19,970327-981229
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/15/1999
Shared Package
ML20205Q509 List:
NUDOCS 9904210285
Download: ML20205Q510 (200)






Prepared By: ~


inspection Supervisor Reviewed By:byg ISI Program Engineer b1M Approved By: i Supenntendent of Material and Special Processes l Report Date: 3 -/f- f 9 l l 1


9904210285 990330 PDR ADOCK 05000282 G PDR ,, l j u_



REPORT f INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2,1998 l TABLE OF CONTENTS l l l l CONTENTS PAGE (S) l I. Summary 2 l lI. Form NIS-1, Owner's Report for Inservice Inspections 3 Ill. Form NIS-2, Owner's Reports for Repairs or Replacements 54 l APPENDICES PAGE (S) A. Interval 3 Period 2 inspections by ISOllTEM 17 . B. Interval 3 Period 2 inspections by ASME Source Document number 17 C. Interval 3 Period 2 inspections by inspection Report number 17 D. List of Section XI VT-2 Examinations 1 E. Results of Steam Generator Eddy Current Exam; nations 87 F. List of Snubber Inservice Testing 1 G. Interval 3 Period 1,40 Month Reactor Vessel Examinations 6 i




1. Summary Page 1 of 2


The 19th Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Unit 2 refueling outage began November 9, 1998 and ended December 29,1998. l This summary report will convey the components examined, the examination methods used, , the examination number and summarizes the examination results performed during the 2"' I period of the 3 interval, (Cycle 19) see appendix A, B and C. Appendix G contains the 1 period Reactor Vessel 40 month exams. The 3'8 interval, 12-21-1994 to 12-20-2004 is based on the examination requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI,1989 Edition no addenda.  ! l 2.0 PERSONNEL Visual and nondestructive examinations were performed by Northern States Power (NSP), Lambert Macgill and Thomas (LMT), Wesdyne International, Inc., Zetec, Inc. and Rockridge Technologies, Inc. personnel. Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and insurance Company, provided the Authorized Nuclear Inservice inspection. Certifications of examination personnel are maintained on file by Northern States Power Company. 3.0 INSPECTION


Appendix G contains the results of the First period 40 month reac+.or vessel exams, performed by Wesdyne International. Rules of IWB-2412 for decreasing or extending a period by as much as one year to enable an inspection to coincide with an outage was invoked for this exam. Steam Generator examination results are located in appendix E of this report. Hanger and component support examinations listed in appendices A through C as F-A, B, C include the applicable examination requirements of ASME Section XI Subsection IWF and applicable requirements of Code Case N-491. Results of the examination indicates that the integrity of the plant systems has been maintained.




1. Summary (continued) Page 2 of 2 4.0 EXAMINATION REPORTS, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Examination reports contain references to procedures, equipment and materials used to complete the specific examination. Copies of the examination reports, examination procedures, and equipment records are available at Northern States Power Company.

This summary report contains several abbreviations which are identified below; A = Augmented examination BL = Baseline examination FSAR = Final Safety Analysis Report GEO = Geometry, evaluation of a indication HELB = High Energy Line Break IN = Informational Notice IND = Indication requires further evaluation NAD = No Apparent Defects NC = Non Code commitment NCR = Nonconformance Report l


OEA = Operating Experience Assessment R1, R2 etc. = consecutive examinations following repair, rework or evaluation of a initial exam SE = Safety Evaluation TS = Plant Technical Specification




11. Form NIS-1 Page 1 of 3 FORM NIS-1 OWNER'S REPORT FOR INSERVICE INSPECTIONS As required by the Provision of the ASME Code Rules
1. Owner: Northern States Power Company Address: 414 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55401
2. Plant: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Address: 1717 Wakonade Drive E, Welch, MN 55089
3. Plant Unit: 11 4. Owner Certificate of Authorization: NA
5. Commercial Service Date: 12-20-74 6. National Board No. NA
7. Components: (See appendices for components inspected this outage)





7. Components: (continued)

Manufacture Component or Manufacture or installer State or National Appurtenance or Installer Serial No. Province No. Board No. SAFETY INJECTION BINGHAM - -- -- PUMP NUMBER 22 ACCUMULATOR DELTA SOUTHERN 41037-69-1 -- 2575 TANK 21 ACCUMULATOR DELTA SOUTHERN 41037-63-2 -- 2576 TANK 22 BORIC ACID NAVCO - --- --- TANK 21

8. Examination Dates 03-27-97 to 12-29-98.
9. Inspection Period Identification: 1 and 2
10. Inspection Intervalidentif; cation: three, from 12-21-1994 to 12-20-2004.

i l

11. Applicable Edition of Section XI 1989 Addenda none  ;


12. Date/ Revision of Inspection Plan: 11-07-98 / Revision 1
13. Abstract of Examinations and Tests.

See appendices A through G (attached)

14. Abstract of Results of Examinations ano Tests. l See appendices A through G (attached)
15. Abstract of Corrective Measures.

All unacceptable indications detected have been documented on plant nonconformance ' i reports and have been dispositioned to assure continued plant integrity. i



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2,1998 Page 3 of 3 FORM NIS-1 OWNERS' REPORT FOR INSERVICE INSPECTIONS As required by the Provision of the ASME Code Rules I We certify that a) the statements made in this report are correct b) the examinations and tests meet the Inspection Plan as required the ASME Code, Section XI, and c) corrective measures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. l Certificate of Authorization No. (if applicable)_#4 Expiration Date #4 . l Date/k /5~19 N Signed /Vaersta'fureu R> ave By b + h //$ m $ (Owner) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, hold a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectore and the State or Province of /bn (5fa and employed by bar W brem bei fe' [CE of har'~ or y CcM , have inspected , the component's described in this Owner's Report during the period of 3 ' 2 70 7 to /2 h #f V and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed exam,aations and tests and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the inspection Plan and as required by the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations, tests, and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. b Commissions /W D/7Y Wspector's Signature National Board, State, Province and Endorsements Date: Naec rs /b 19 N  ;



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2,1998 111. FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS Twenty seven Form NIS-2s are attached which identify plant system repairs and replacements that have been completed at Prairie Island between the dates of 3-27-97 to 12-29-98.

1) Main Steam (30-2MS-1,31-2MS-1)
2) Main Steam (CV-31116)
3) Reactor Coolant (2-RRCH-253)
4) Residual Heat Removal (12-2RH-58)
5) Steam Generator (21 Steam Generator Series 51) Gaskets
6) Steam Generator (21 Steam Generator Series 51) Manway Covers
7) Staam Generator (21 Steam Generator Series 51) Manway bolts
8) Steam Generator (22 Steam Generator Series 51) Handhole Covers  ;
9) Steam Generator (22 Steam Generator Series 51) Manway Bolts l
10) Steam Generator (22 Steam Generator Series 51) Gasket Surface l
11) Safety injection (2SI-9-6) l
12) Safety injection (2SI-9-3) I I
13) Safety injection (2SI-6-4)
14) Safety injection (6-2SI-258)
15) Chemical and Volume Control (2VC-8-11)
16) Chemical and Volume Control (2-2VC-21 B)
17) Chemical and Volume Control (2-2VC-21 A)
18) Chemical and Volume Control (2-RCVCH-1727)
19) Steam Generator (22 Steam Generator Series 51) Plug SG Tubes
20) Reactor Coolant (21 Pressurizer) Bolt hole #8
21) Reator Coolant (21 Pressurizer) Manway Bolts
22) Reactor Coolant (21 Pressurizer) Manway gaskets
23) Caustic Addition (2CA-9-1)
24) Reactor Vessel (CRDM Housings) I
25) Reactor Vessel (Lower Canopy Seal CRDM)
26) Steam Generator (22 Steam Generator Series 51) Manway Bolt Hole Inserts
27) Steam Generator (21 Steam Generator Series 51) Plug SG Tubes.

I FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS ~ As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. owner Northern States Power Co.

N.m. oote

                                                                                                         / . f '7 1717 Wakonade Dr. E, Welch, MN                                       55089 sheet          /      of     J7 Andress
2. Plant Prairia' Island . Unit b '

Nome Saae 100 u-K Ord<.rs 9S/.2$*4C , 9E/,3.ST,L Adersee R. pear Orgenteeston P.O. No., Joe No.', etc.

3. Work Performed by Owner Type Code symbol stamp MN '
                                               "***                              Authorization No.                   A/ 4 Expiration Dete                    A/ N Address
4. Identification of System . b/M ~

E. le) Applicable Construction Code 3 /. / 19dEdition. Addende_ Code Case (b) Appilcable Edition of Section XI Utillred for Repairs or Replacements 19 N E. Identifiestion of Components Repelred or Repieced and Replacement Components ASME Code Repaired, Stemped National , Board Other Year Replaced, (Yes Name of Name of Manufacturer No, identification Built of Repiscement or No) Component Manufacturer Seriel No. nfS faf6 o sac.w n c 2& Aj & bo- M S-l L ~} R&ArL A/ Of L ll /6 Ot tgis t y& NA 3 I- Dm S-t b7 26/Aiu O

7. Description of Work uk OM hk bM5
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic O raeumatic 0 Nominal Operating Pressure psi Test Temp. *F p h' Other Pressure NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings mey be used, provided (1) stre 1 8% in. x 11 in., (2) Informe.

tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. (12/B2) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 E. 47th St New York, N.Y.10017

                                                                                                                                   ,,e. 4 ,            6 FORM NIS 2 (Back)
9. Remarks Appitcabia Manufacturer's Date Reports to be attached

CERTIFICATE OF COMPL!ANCE .. We certify that the statements made in the report era correct and this N,M r"~ conforms to the rulet of the ASME Code, Section XI. '*8**'A'*****"' Type Code Symbol Stamp -- N Certificateff Authorization No. N Expiration Date Signed M N, Date Owner or Owner's Designee, Title /

                                                                                                                                        ,19 CERT!FiCATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION
1. th1 undersigned holding a vall commission issued by the National Board a Boiler nd Pressure V t I inspectors and the State or Province of AM SO ri and employed by asa se 6 fe e NOs & I([ og L4bl CT have ininected the components describee in this Owner's Report during the period *2;.77 97 to /2'29* and state that to th) best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report In eccordance with the requirements of the ASME Code Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the

  • cxaminations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shdi be liable in any manner for any personalinjury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspectlIn.

W A-

                     ' inspector's 519 nature Commissions National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Dat,           f      .  [i               19  99 2
   *: I FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OP rtEPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
1. owner _No rt h e rn S t a t e s Power Co. oete j / kT N.r -

e 1717 Wak0nade Dr. E, Welch, MN 55089 Sheet 2' of 47 Marese >

2. Plant Prairie Island Name unit M same Moraes Mo#K O'b" YO DN Receir creenization P.o. No., Joo No., ett.
3. Work Performed by Owner Type Code Symbol stamp A/4 Authorization No. M

'N Expiration Date Al 4 Moraes

4. Identification of System 1 M OA ^- O '
5. (e) Applicable Construction Code M 19 Edition. Addende_- Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 M
6. Identification of Components Repelred or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Replaced, (Yes Year Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification or Replacement or No)

Built mom 34eom 5'ckt+t- t $c lauy ISela4<a n et/ Koedum i 70-4-u AJA M- 3 m t, t.7 bpme- y i m 1 i

7. Oescription of Work #kud a2([ b d3 h M T'S , Obd S MITM N "/9 3 - C .84
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 eneumeiic 0 Nominal Operating Pressure 7.l Other O Pressure /00d .psi Test Temp. S(/O 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings snay be used, provided (1) size is 8% in. x 11 in., (2) Informa-tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E000303 may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017 '4

1 ( Q.u + o2 of A FORM NIS-2 (Back) 1ix< Po< L,x; b.s/aan, J . Aho f~ao la u J h a.1,c.,, jg Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reposts to be attacNed l CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE .. We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this rf do m conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, ktion XI. ""******** Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificate f Authorization N Expiration Date Signed tWe 7wner or Owner's Designee, Title '

                                                              -           E                 Date         b f

M 19 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPEr. TION 1, the undersigned. holding a vali commission issued by the Na anal 8 ard o Boiler nd Pressure Ves i inspectors and the State Cr Province f O/MN758 G and employed by . ach e W 7. s% Oor u I& og a o have inspected the compor.ents described in this Owner's Report during the period 3'D*N7 to I 2 * *N  ; and state that 12 the best of my knowledge and bellef, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector not his employer call be liable in any manner for any personal Irilury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising frorn or connected with this inspection.

  • Vf ~ Commissions #
  • Inspector's Signature National Board, State. Province.' and Endorsements oste Fe 4. # ,, 9 9 5

O t e..I

l l l l FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI j

1. owner Northern States Power Co .

u,,, ooge M /} hk 1717 Wakonade Dr. E, Welch, MN 55089 sheet 3 of et7 Addre 1 Plant Prairie Island . Unit Name Same U O< WASb5 Repair orgen!*stion P.O. No., Job No., etc. Addreas

3. Work Performed by Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp MA Name Authorization No. Al N Expiration Date NN Addrese
4. Identification of System . Q. A C- b 00 N ~
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code  !! 19 b 7 Edition. Addenda: Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 29
6. Identificatlon of Components Repelred or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code Repaired, Stamped National Board Other Year Reptoced, (Yes Name of Name of Manufacturer Component No. Identification Built or Replacement or No)

Manufacturer Serial No. i

 }-lAesc M                     -                         -            ~         p -gecH-us              -      /apa,e                N
7. Description of work rf d Od kotA4 A- Mf brUS ffd
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure O Al 4 Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in forrn of lists, sketches, or drawings inay be used, provided (1) size is 8% in. x 11 in., (2) Informa.

tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. (12/821 This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME 345 E.47th St., New York, N.Y.10017 S

e.g h 0E A FORM NIS 2 (Back)

9. Remarks Otigk 6 Mt2.S / dhht Ist.d db v'W l3 l lAS[4.C4 W Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be a]tached 1

CERTIFICATE OF COMPL!ANCE __ We certify that the statements made in the report era correct end this 48F conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. '*P'"OA'***'"*"' l l Type Code Symbot Stamp b Certifica of Authorization o. uk Expiration Date l s Sign M ,< b Date 19 Owner or Owner's Destones, Tftle CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, th3 undersigned, holding a va id commission issued by the National oard of Boiler and Pressur Ve i Inspectors and the State (r Province f N/71A No 4 m,1d employed by Nae oe C4 A O/ f"r [ of a r f-b / . C have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 3*27* 7 to /2 ~ 1I" f b and state that to th) best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neithat the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or impiled, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shrt be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or e loss of any kind arising from or connected with this insection.

                                   >                           Commissions V/                    Inspector's Signature                                  P4etional Board, State Province, and Endorsements Dat:        #                            ig    hk 0

l FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. owner Northern States Power Co.

Name osto A/ N 1717 Wakonade Dr. E, welch, MN 55089 heetS Y of =17 meme

2. Plant Prairie Island Nome
                                                                                 . Unit                    b 5ame Moreas W ' N12             A*l . Wl2H4 9849.59/

Repair Organization P.O. No Job No., etc.

3. Work Performed by_ Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp M Authorization No. A/ d Expiration Date MN y Meses
4. Identification of System . C3*  ! *0V' *
5. (^) Applicable Construction Code  !"! 19 7 Edition: Mdends- cme Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 87
6. Identification of Components Repelredor Reptoced and Replacement Components ASME Code National Repaired, Stamped MWe of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Replaced, (Yes C.m."onent Manufacturer Serial No. N o. Identification Built or Replacement or Nol

1[/MS ~'~ ~

                                                                                        /.3-J R d - fd       -

ks$ a r'

7. Description of work ru ou t- h c. $1-r ge!5

[rio <. To /s / / es ! Janc be

5. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Ocorating Pressure gh Other Pressure oil Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemented sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drowings inay be used, provided (11 size Is 8% in. x 11 in., (2) Informa-tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on e. sheet, and (31 each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the O Cept., ASME,345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017

             .                                                                      7

S M V o d? l l l FORM NIS 2 (Back)  ;

s. nemarks WO Pr1 mars VM ok [ (~ c m O V <.M
                                             / Applicable Manufacturer's Date flopcrts to be entsched l

l i CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE _ We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this ICbiF conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. '**"E'**'***'"*"' ' l Type Code symbol stamp-Cerbf of Authorization No, _ Expiration Date i 1 33ened h Owner or Owners Desiones,71 tie a b ' Date  ! 19 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION

1. th2 undersigned, holding a well commission lasued by the Na nal a d of oiler and Pressure Ves i inspectors and the State or Province of- A/ M o r5 o $

o md employed by_ af F 9 24 * #[ fr IT of

                    &             *d                                                       have inspected the cornponents described In th!: Owner's Report during the period 7)* 2 7 ' 7 7                                I 2 ' 2 *I" &

to end state that 13 the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Sectusa XI. By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the

  • examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector not his employer shell be liable in any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

C Commissions M (// in e ciors 53enature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements .j Dete- ob / ___. jg kk i



x. l l FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR R6 PAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section X1

                                                                                                                 /                                            -
1. ownerRorthern States Power Co. ee,e d /A 49
     ,                                               N.m.                                                         -         s 1717 Wakonade Dr.                    E, Welch, MN                 55089 eet_

Sh F o, 27 Acar __

2. Plant Prafrie Island . Unit A n.m. ._

Same L. e_ b ut r-S< Ed Repair Creenitetton P.O. No., Job No., etc.

3. Work Performed by Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp

>.t Authorization No. ? '8 Empiration Date Ad

4. Identification of System, Nam e r 4[o e -
6. {al Applicable Construction Code bcT" N 19 Edition: Addenda _ . Code Case Ib) AppIIcable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 @9
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built or Replacement or Nol osn e ne r- =4.e Ms.s4 imkew se. NA A/ A Se.rie s r/ e Rep m 4 4
   ,                                                                                                     a
7. Descripilon of Work a C.kL nC.d Q a i Nc.Y $4 < @A c<3 N

Pi ma e & d.< I S. Tests Conducted:

  • Hydrostetic O Pa ==><ie p Nominal Operating Pressure Other O Pr====,e s23 ,,1 re,t rem,. m .,

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided [1) size is 8% in. x 11 in (2) Infortna. tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded et the top of this form. (12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept ASME,345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017



                                                                                                                               ).ael-5 o P*?7 FORM NIS.2 (Back)
9. Remwks lll ot-l O r' b Y/
  • N dt *h 0 f !rimdq $4 3 6./. E yA q *
                                                       .po VWIDW7 ' ??/acL-<. $nis/-uenof                        les ,o,be- s: est.

m a r,neoo,,s to ee .mo,.dG a s b l- G r At u . YO> N hM .P L v" Nt.1 hf AA 1.o

                                                                     $    uS4       OnA L1 (/ $                                                      ~~

CERTIFICATE OF COMPl.!ANCE We certify that the statements made in the report era correct and this INA# conforms to the tu es of the


ASME Code, Sectico )r1. Type Code Symbol Stamp Cartifica f Authorization No. Expiration Oate Slgn Date 19 Cwn.t or Owner's Designee, Title ( / CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSP ECTION t, the undersigned, holding a valid mmission issued by the Nat nal f Cr Pro inc f O Mr1(Io and employed by o ord of Boiler 5feuand Pres/~fe .Ve/s),I

                                                                                                        / ,,             Irzinspectors and ,, the State d,-    b) C.T                                                                     have inspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period 3
  • A 7*i 7 to 'I 2'29'EE . and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements ef the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the - cxaminations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the lospector nor his ernployer I shil be liable in any manner for any personalinjury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Insr actlon. 7

                                        -                              Commissions     /'I/l/    O Y '/7'!

Nettones soord. State. Province,' end Endorsements Inspector's Signature  ; l Oste 68 /1 1, 97 1 1

                -                                                                                                     8 i                                                                                                                                 *E' l

l0 ..

FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. owner Northern States Power Co. osse c7 / > 99
  • Name 1717 Wakonade Dr. E, Welch, MN 55089 sheet 6 of 47 Ames.
2. Plant Prairie Island . Unit A

Same WaMapeer 00 r P.O. $WN

                                                                                             -EOrgenlastion      No., Joe .No., esc.


3. Work Performed by Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp
                                            "***                                Authorization No.

Empiration Date Adereas Om dC v- A., # -

4. Identification of System .
5. (e) Applicable Construction Code LP 19 Edition, Addende- Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 N
8. Identification of Components Repelred or Replaced and Replacement Cnmponents ASME Code Hepaired, Stemped National Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Replaced, (Yes (

or Replacement or No) ) Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built 2l .Wa s A/4 sy a4 Ljaat,- V Gewa 4td k/c.34d ute. M/S 3c. rte.

7. Description of wort kack.s % kmknt $ak W ma43 b W ri -
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 easu=stic 0 Nomiasi coeretini eressure /

Other Pressure /#8O psi ' Test Temp. NO 'F


NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drewings rney be used, provided (1) size is 8% in. x 11 in., (2) Informe. l tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded et the top of this form. (12/83) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017

            .                                                                                                   a            y Il                                  ,

i She ! & 0-e27 FORM NIS 2 (Back)

       ' 9. Remarks              O                              t'0 l L          b4 t ^ t vt 9                           -

42 Y! n 1 0424.-- M C/J l Applicable Manufacturer's dra Reports to be attached '


A. ) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this I Ud I ASME Code, Section XI, conforms to the rules of the Type Code Symbol Stamp Certifica sf Authorization N . Expiration Date 330 24 Mi Date  ! Owner or Owner's Designes, Title & ' 19 ,


CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION f, the undersigned, holding a va id commission issued by the Na ional Board of Soiler and Pressure V ssel Inspectors and the State or Pr vi A a rt M ff e' and ernployed by or

  • b4A O* fF [f2 of l Od . (7 have inspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period 3*77"i7 to / 2
  • A ~ N and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.
 .3              By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his ernployer makes any warranty, eapressed or implied, concerning the czaminettons and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer
 '           shfl be liabic in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a less of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection.                                                                           ' '
               "                                A-inspector's SL9neture Commissions            #         9 * /7 '/

National Board, State. Province; and Endorsements

  .          oste-     Fe4/1                         1,19                                                                                                l 9

e 1 i

    .,                                                                          l1                                                                ..

n i FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FCR REPAIRS OR REPt.ACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1

1. Owner Northern States Power Co .

Nem. D.te M 7 1717 Wakonade Dr. E, Welch, MN 55089 Sh eet 7 of 27

  • Address j
2. Plant Prairie Island . Unit b i Same Address Or- L O '- d " N Receir Organization P.O. No., Joo No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Owner' Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.

Empiration Date

4. Identifiestion of System . 6M ^EN # *
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code c.T 19 Edition, Addends- Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 N
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National Repaired. Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identiftestion Built or Replacement or No)

C N C ,. a.a % & A Secles et ua 7.phe,A Y j

7. Description of Work dB '
                                         !d k          r" 19" A N             4 v\w %            bcfb          U14               b3 I                      /                  *
3. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 0 Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure M3T pst Test Temp. 8W 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets In form of lists, sketches, or drawings rnay be used, provided (1) size Is 8% in. x 11 in., (2) Inforrna.

tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. (12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017

                -                                                                                                 2          'aj 13

t_ t. O FORM NIS.2 (Back) wars,a %s: l Yf Wou i H,,E . fa.) do. IT 7I* S N 03 A is u.nue-,ur.<s o. neo.rts to n. e ened Sp Lern d I M , S<. k :., Ya 4 aos : 536,csrHg6 ena s36ycsroo7


A[u:rs'. I gu[ ~ ' Pd do. a bj33 A Ho / - CERTIFICATE OF COMPl.!ANCE _ We certify th at the statements made in the report are correct and this M f>= h onforms to the rules of the sue code. s.ction xi. '***a"o - at l b Code Symbol Stamp ftific. e tf Authorization No A! Expiration Date Signed - Owner or Owner's Designee, Title-N Cate

                                                                                                     !               19                     ,

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION th3 undersigned, holding a vapi commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vesse} lnspectors and the State Province tf Dr nsi f3 0 ru and ernployed by N l! S* **

  • Y'% k $9 I l*** 5"l' E of di fo^c[ 6 have insoected the components described this Owner's Report during the period 3 27* 7 to / 2 *2 9* N E and state that p the best af my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this f

Dwner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. l Sy signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or impiled, concerning the

  • j-ts,aminations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer i fell be liebt) In any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
  • Commissions
 . V/                 Inesector's Signature                                  National Boere. State Province, and Endorsements Oet.      Feb. M                          ,, n
                                                                                                                                     ._                  i e
                ..                                                                                                 8            ' *j                      ;

14 .. .

l l t .~. . FORM NIS 2 CWNER'S RE?CRT FOR RE? AIRS OR RE?uCEMENTS As Requitec by tne Provisions of tne ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner North ern S tat".es PcVer Co . o,c, j / 9i Nom.

1717 Wakenade Dr. E, Welch, MN 5 5089 heet S 8 of


27 , Accrem

2. P! ant Prairie Island . Unit A Name Same IOo E O tl' '~ SlN O T Adoram Recett Crganizetton P.O. No Joe No., etc.
3. Woric Performed by_ Own et- Type Code Symbol Stamp
    ..                                                Narne                            Authorization No.

Expirstion Cate Ad arse

4. Identification of System b4< 0 M "d a#
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code 4d 19 Edition. Addenda Code Case (b) Apottcable Edition of Section XI Utiltzed for Repairs or Replacements 19 N
6. Identification of Components Repaltsd or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code Repaired, Stamped National Other Year Replaced. (Yes i Narne of Name of Manufacturer Board Identificaticn Built or Replacement orNol l Component Manufacturer Serial No. No.

l J M M M4 wt 08nsekNV YC.$ hshoufC N L e-5 $l f tr l l

      .                                                                                                                                               l
s. '.
  • I
7. Description of Work b% W O

( 1

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 0 Nomiaaioneratias a ressure I OtherO Preiiure- /** asi Te=' Tema. Wo *F l

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, orcreided (1) size is 8% in. x 11 in (2) informa-tion In items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top af this form. (12/821 This Form (E00000) may be obtained from the Order Cept., ASME,345 E. 47th St..New York, N.Y.10017

               -                                                                                                  a             g i

I5 - l

r . s SGdh-8 09 2 7 FORM NIS-2 (BacM S. Remarus 04 I n a vt 4 M f 4-f 8 N 85 d <- M f /J I Asplicante Manufacture /s casa Mesorts to be #ettached #

  • - U , a .~. 93
              .                                                                    CERTIFICATE OF COMPL!ANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this M b'                 conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.                                                            *"*****"*

Type Code Symbol Stamp Cartifica' f Authorization No. Expiradon Date Signed c , Date '

                                                                                                                                      !                 19 Cwner or Owners Casignee, Tf/le


1. the undersigned, holding a valljcommission issued by the National 8 ard of Sciler and Pressure V sel Inspectors and the State or Province of M rFf M UD r
  • Md employed by o 8' N4 8 b88 U bI of No r-f ba rl , O.I a

_have inspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period 3'77*I7 to / 2 *U* 7 0 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report In accordance with the requituments of the ASME Code, Section XI. , By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his ernployer makes any warranty, empressed or implied, concerning the

 ? d            .; y;             examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer
 ! " */ .        , , , ,

shall be fiable in any manner for any personalinjury or property darnage or a foss of any kind arising from or connected with this . inspection.


A& -- f Commissions lW SS *l? f Nationes soard,5 tete. Province; and Encorsements Insoestors Signature cate Fe6 /7 ,, n 4

                                                                                                                                    *          ')

i , l& . 1 l

FORM NIS.Z CWNER'S RE?CRT FOR REPAIRS CR RE?uCEMENTS As Required by ths Provisions of :he ASME Code Sect:an XI

1. Owner NCet her 1 States Pever Co.

n n. o,ie 8 /d Qi 6

       '1717 Wakonade Dr. E. Welch, MN                                       5 5089shes.           9      of         37
  • uere.  !
2. Plant ___ Pra irie Island . Unit b

Same b'03 r* k - 0 r5 " Y l SA'l> $5l0 ET)-$ Amoreas Receir Crgenfastion P.O. No Joe No. etc.'

3. Work Performedly___ Owner Type Code symbos stamo-Authorization No.
  ,                                                                                    Empiration Date
4. Ifendftcation of System d i,w A L C8L F -
5. ( ) Appilcable Construction Code d. c.T" 19 Edttion. Addenda- Code Case (b) Appilcable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Reelecements 19 - N
5. Idendflestion of Components Repelred or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National Repaired. Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Replaced. (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built or Replacement or No) a1 ur
  • Genor.A , d.t %bu . O A-~ AJ A 3eelesf/ v4 [g/,,,,M y' ,

'i 'l e

7. Description of wort 60 h k r1v"Af5 4 Aw% h c f b (.a 14 [k j l

I / '

5. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 raeumatic 0 Nominal Coersting Pressure Other Pressure .2. 2 3 5"' est Test Temp. 8W *F n7  ;


                                                                                                                                                   . i NOTE: supplemental sheets In form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (11 size is 8% in. 11 in (2) informa.

tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is Included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. I12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the order Dept ASME.345 E.47th St New Yorts, N.Y.10017 J N I7 -

S A eJ- 9 c -4 7 3 FORM NIS 2 (Back)

1. Remarts -- $ .* // Thd i /l, , aJ do,/7 3 5 b6 d
                                                            ._,._,e      s .

SL~( 9 %w sas .coYa.o..  : a aos : .r s to oe .t,_su, cts as arca s3a,c.cs-N7 krs . Dfg7ius ~ 'Pa m. abihn ao1 -

  - wa            w2m                     pc,- caa                         L, .              9pnas                  A , n.,


                                                                                                                                   ,    at- le7 CERTIFICATE OF COMPT.!ANCE We certify that the statements made In the report are correct and this d!4CJh ASME Cor.;e, Section XI.                                                                              onforms to the rules of the Type Code Symbol Stamp                  h Certif! e of Authorization No                                              *#**     " 
             %                           %                            0           ate                                    19
         ' ~ owner or owner's casiones, Tit (e                                                                                              '

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, th3 undIrsigned holding a valid cornmission issued by the Nat onal B ard of oiler and Pressure Vessel nspectors and the State or Province f- /ff A ( 8

  • Y*A and ernployed by 4' O# C# ^ c' / M 16 of O s* ^ d . C. T have insoected the components described in this Owner's Repork during the period 3 *=2 7 7 to- / 2 'N Y" II' and state that to thi best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed exarninations and taken corrective measures described in this Cwner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By Signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer rnakes any warranty, expressed or implied, concfrning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal iniury orproperty darnage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspectlin. * ** insooctor's Signature Commissions l8?N  ?"I f' National Board, Stata, Province, and Encorsements Date 99 f7


c l.B .. n

l a FORM NIS.2 CWNER'S RE?CRT FOR REPAIRS CR RE?t.AC5MENTS As Required by the Provisions of me ASME Code Section XI

1. Ownee Ncethern S ta t es Pcver Co.

Nam. case r# /-


49-1717 Wakonade Dr. E, welch, MN 55089 $h e.,_ /0 ,, J7 Accross .

2. Plant _ Prairie Island Name
                                                                                      . unit _                    A Same Accreen he bW N St b Resear Creenlastion P.O. No Joe No., ete.
3. Nric Performed by Ovner Type Code Sytnbol Stamp Mb Authorization No.

'S Empiration Date Nb Accrees

4. Identification of System M MPd o Y"" *
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code $2c T" I 19 deltion - Addenda, code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 2'
6. Identf fiestion of Ccmponents Regelrud or Reefaced and Replacement Components l

ASME Code National Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Yest Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. or Replacement or No) Identification Built YWA b e ne. r- Ad er NLikvykc41c, Nb Al b he. rte s $~/ GhF 4 .. , 21

7. Description of Work aC kL *t d Ca T Nt+ bV A C '.I
  • k f" ! VRai V"'7 bt d'* -

Q ' i S. Tests Conducted: Hydrostat!c Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure

                      ,           Other O Pressure MN$                os! Test Temp.      M            'F
  • NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8% in. x 11 in., (2) inforrr.a.

tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet. and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. (22/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept.. ASME,345 E. 47th St., New York, N Y.10017 i i I9 8 9

Skea /0o % 7 FORM NIS 2 (Back) i

9. Romerts WWE Orb M N
  • Nedsnh (ofd 4 btm4q [3a gy LA, c, )*

4 con ni.,.g: e.. a.o.,o to n. am .'o { EDVA0 ' 7Nachm 4. l- b.1- Y r-s u a s~, G as & f- % r-Pa v .


i 0 > b hwa- 47 b4.1 fM kouf4 [] n A f/ f - - - - - J , 'n . CERTIFICATE OF COMPl.!ANCE We certify that the statements made In the report are correct and this N f 3 P conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Sectiori XI. "**"**'***'"*"* Type Code Symbol Stamp Cartif! cf Authorization No. Expiration Date l Sign Arw44 ! A - owner or Owner's casionse, T! fat M bo Cate b /M 19 a CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undtrsigned. holding a valid mmission Issued by the Nati nal card of Boiler and Pressure Vesse inspectors and the State j O ^ A W4 % cr Provi ce of U r d r1 (J ca =ad employed by H" * / ( [d of I O*No# 2 O I have inscee- the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 3

  • N' to # *2Y~ and state that to the best of my knowiedge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this j

Owner's Report in ac:ordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. i By signing titis certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warrancy, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer i

      .        shall be llacle in any manner for any personalinjury of preserty damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this                   .


  • U Comrninions Ib'I '/7V inspector's signature Nationsa soord. State. Province. and Encorsements Date- 19 f7 I

I , s j , l

b. i 2.0

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

    ,-   1. Owner _ Northern States Power Co .

n.,n. O,te S/ 9i

                                                                                                        .          i 1717 Wakonade Dr.                     E,    Welch, MN               55089 heet S         //~ of 27 Addreas
2. Plant Prairie Island 3 Nam.
                                                                                     . unit                   b Same                                                             M o r t. 04t r WO TW/

A4.orous Rapstr Ortenization P.O. No., Job No., etc. i 3. Work Performed by Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp AJ A-Authorization No. MM

  • Expirstlori Date MN Address
4. Identification of System . O ^(E W
5. (a) Applicable Construr.tlon Code /! 19 b7 Edition. Addenda. Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs of Replacements 19 N
6. Identiftestion of Compons nts Repelred or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufactuner Board Other Year Replaced, (Yes Component Serial No. No. Identification Built or Replacement or No)

Maaufacturer 61y-31iva Chut t)a In L/ elan -> sm AlA Asz 't-6 - Repare Al th th-L sr .. do a u

  .~ .n
  .az ,
7. Description of Work A 48-- TOIb ll I M M MB 8 '-


8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 Pasu=><iop Nominal Operating Pressure @

pii Test Temp. W7 *p Other O Pressure # 3. NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings rnay be used, provided (1) size is 8% in. x 11 in (21 informa-tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

       ,  J12/82)                     This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 j. 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017
      ;                                                                          2I                                                              .


t a Oh nd- N o T' .?7 i FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks

Apoilc.ase uenufacturer's cata neoarts to ne attacned l

 ,  b ,i . . .'



We certify that the statements made la the repon era correct and this I Y"' conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. "' "*'***'"*"* ' Type Code Symbol Stamp Certific of Authorization No. Expiration Date Signe L

                            ' ~ Owner or Owner's Designee, Tnte i                  be              Data          b
                                                                                                                            /                19-     i CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a val commission issued by the Nat nal           rd o Boiler and Pressure Ves I inspectors and the State or Provi e of N/dd t"5 *                     and ernployed by      #        '       I   f* A [Yo e# [#f                          of O^        #d _                                                               have i ected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period             7'2 7"IY                    to    / 2" )         8                and state that to the best of my knowledge and befef, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this                      l Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code Section XI.

In N ' By signing this certificate neither the Inspector ncr his employer makes any vyarranty, expressed or irnplied, concerning the 1 l h- examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer , shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this ' inspection, V - t une ; tors Signature Commissions PW 1* /7/ National Board, State. Province,' and Endorsements Date d  ! 19 l l i 2.2. ..

FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPCRT FOR REPAIRS OR REPt.ACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1, owner Northern States Power Co. n.m. o,te b s 79 - g 1717 Wakonade Dr. E, Welch, MN 5 5089Sh eet- M of 27 Address

2. Plant Prairie Island . Unit .,

name Same Adorous Nort OO UN Repelr Crianization P.O. No., Job No., etc.

 ., .,   3. Work Performed by Owner                                                     Type Code Symbol Stamp                 M E ~~                                                    N***

Authorization No. A/N Expiration Date MO Address

4. Identification of System <- "lC
  • t
6. (a) Applicable Construction Code b 3/M 19 b 7 Edition, Addenda: Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Reptar:ements 19 U
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Cade National Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Replaced, (Yes Coniponent Manufacturer Ses4ei No. No. Identification Bullt or Replacement or No) med.

5iy-3tN6 NN W $ fan -/3 m h $~$~~ 3 fG)3Q s e-

          ).O & $)                                                               .

Te P.d q v., e,

7. Description of Work b 44.1 b u 4 Or@f -

l MO TO V L M _

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 raeum=Jtic Nominal Operating Pressure h ps! Test Temp, SY7 'F Other O Pressure M@m NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of IIsts, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8% in. x 11 in (2) informa-tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is (nc!uded on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
      ,, J12/82)                     This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 j. 47th St., New York, N,Y.10017 i                                                                                                                      *5
23 -

f kb g (( i l FORM Nis.2 (Back) {

9. Romerks Applicable Menufacturer's Osta Reports to be attached
     . . i
 .      2. 4 CERTIFICATE OF COMPT. LANCE                                               ..

We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this I O b l P conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. '***'#**'*****"* Type Code Symbol Stamp g Cartifica of Authorization No. M Expiration Date - Sign Owner or Owner's Designee, Title 8

                                                                         .               bo           Date                                        19

i i i l CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION ' l, the undersigned holding a valid ommis,sion issued by the Nat onal o rd of 4.ler and Pressure Vessel nspectors and the State or Province of O//VI de (4 and employed by ** 8' I be8r N N8/ & OI of N er# b [ed . OU have insp ted the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 3 ~ 2 7"I 7 to ll* 2O ~ II and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Coce, Section XI. 9.-.* By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the W- 1 examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shell be !!able in any manner for any personal injury or property darnage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection,

                             --             .n.p   to s , .n.ture e                 Commissions            M            ~!
                                                                                                     ~ . t o n .. .,o. . t.t.. .,o..n... .nd . no .r.   .nt.

Date_ d 19 f


1 M ..

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPt.ACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Northern States Power Co.

Name o,te N /h ki s l 1717 Wakonade Dr. E, Welch, MN 55089 Sheet M of 27

                                               .o ., .e.


2. Plant Prairie Island . Unit i Name {

Same M OrSW Y b]SO nopear orgentration P.o. No.,Joo No., etc. Adoreas

 ..,       y 3. Work Performed by Owner                                                    Type Code Symeal Stamp             NM qEe                                                        Name Authorization No.               M                            f Expiration Date                MN Adorous
4. Identification of System . ^ R L- " *
                                                               \        Y
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code b"! 19 b Edition, Addenda: Code Case l (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 U

G. Identification of Components Repelred or Replaced and Replacement Components j ASME Code National Repaired, Stamped Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Reptaced, (Yes Name of Component Geeie6 No. N o. Identification Built or Replacement or Nol Manufacturer

                                                              / bod.
                                &        D tk              NO                  "

hUkY ~

                                                                                                                            $L)hl i e--       Y Acc u m Loopl)                        4                                -
  . .e ,
7. Description of Work f.rA.t 0 L MN
      - '     8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic O Pneumatic 0 Nominal Operating Pressure                               p Other O Pressure _

psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (11 size is 8% in.x 11 in (2) Infornu. tion in Items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

         ,    J12/82)                     This Form (E00000) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 E,. 47th St.,N,ew York, N.Y.10017 i                                                                       15                                                                  .


Shel a o N7

FORM NIS.2 (Back)

9. f4emarks -

Aspitcable Manufacturer's ceta Reports to tie attacned ," 15 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE . We certify that the statements made in the report era correct and this IF conforms to the rules of the ASME Code. Section XI. '*''''***'"*"* Type Code Symbol Stamp Certiff f Authorization No Expiration Date . Sign M . ate ' ,,  ! Qwner or Owner's Designee. Title' ( / ' CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a v d commission issued by the N nst rd of oiler and Pressure Ves i inspectors and the State i or Provinc of U/d4UO 4 and employed by ae o .a IDen 8n c# fC og f a a No.e d . C.I Nve inspect the components described  ! In this Owner's Report during the period 1'2 ~f2 to I d' b , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this ' Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code. Section XI.

  '6' By signing this certificate neither the lespector nor his employer makes any warrantf. expressed or irnplied, concerning the A 3 examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any pers3nal injury or preperty damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection.

7 Irupeitor's Signature Commissions WI~ National soord. State, Province; and Endorsements Oa,e_ F 4 /1 ,, 17

     .                                                                                                                                                             1 I

l h ..

 . i*

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. owner Northern States Power Co. oste M /> 49 Nam. . 6 1717 Wakonade Dr. E, Welch, MN 55089h t /f S of 27 Addreas
2. Plant Prairie Island Unit N--

Name same Adarean hjor/L Or ele r WOOOT nopelr organization P.O. No., Job No., etc.

3. Work Performed by Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp MA Authorization No. MN i

Expiration Date M Address

4. Identification of System - f- "* k"
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code N'/ 19 Edition: Addenda- Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replegements 19 b
6. Identification of Components Repelred or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code Natloviet Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Replaced, (Yes (

Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built or Replacement or No) l

                  # k/4                                                              ~~~

d:p dWSff ~ hI8' i ?-i

                                                                        .                                 =
7. Description of Work f rYion M. ICL) Io7 00/ I"3fM M
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 4 Other O Pressure Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure O pil Test Temp. 'F u4 NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings rnay be used, provided (1) size is 8% in. x 11 in., (2) informa-tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet s i numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

112/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017 27 . 4

 .,'                                                                                                               S k ee !                  Ne f'a7 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

S. Romerks Applicable Manufacturer's cete Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report era correct and this I conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Sect!an XI. '***"**'"*'"*"' Type Code Symbol Stamp Certifica f Authorization No. Expiration Date Signed  %

  • b Date 19
                    ' Nwner or Owner's Oe: Jones, Title /

l l CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned holding a valid commission issued by the Nationalfojrd of Boiler and Pressure V ssel Inspectors and the State or Propvy beetAP3ef4 and employed by Y*'f Y Y $Yf'th S*?!ft SYr of r7=-T b r/ CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 3 7~77 to M*77*A . and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. i By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and ccrrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer

  .,         shell be liable in any menner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this in.eeuen.

A_m: Insoector's Signature Commissions ~! National Board, State, Province; and Endorsements O.te- Feb ]y ,, 77 n . O l 2.8 ..  ; p+ l _

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR Rr. PLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Northern States Power Co.

N.m. cete M. . 49 1717 Wakenade Dr. E, Welch, MN 55089 heet 6' S of M Address

2. Plant Prairie Island . Unit Nam.

Same IA]or C O O r' ' SVO bbY$ Adoroes fle9str Organlastion P.O. No., Job No., stc. .. 2 3. Work Performed by Otiner Type Code Symbot Stamo M p Nem Authorization No. MN Expiration Date M Address

4. Identification of System CM h O nck d lL4 W L 0 ro f -
5. (a) Appilcable Construction Code *! 19 b Edition, Addenda _- Code Case (b) Appftcable Edition of Section XI Ut!!1 zed for Repairs or Replacements 19 IO
6. Identillestion of Components Repaired or Reptsced and Replacement Components ASME Cade National Rep aired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Jadal No. No. Identification Built or Replacement er No) me d 6h TD f A-
             %t vake kxwall swfana                                                           9x+H                  -
                                                                                                                            %c                  d
                                          @@ r-1                                  '-

s ; * :.,

7. Description of Work W d M U0W UbN 04 ^

{7 / ~ .

  • 8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic 0 Nominal Operating Pressure C h Other O Pressure pil Test Temo. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets In form of lists, sketches, or drawings rnay be used, provided (1) size is 8% in. x 11 in., (2) informa-tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

p , (12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 j. 47th St N,ew York, N.Y.10017 i

  • 29

1 R. & f O i FORM NIS 2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicetde Manufacturer's Data Reports to be etteched l


  • CERTIFICATE OF COMPL!ANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this I kb I I conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. '***#"**'***'"*"'

Type Code Symbol Stamp Certifi of Authorization No. Expiration Date _ Sign - Owner of Owners Designes, title M Date  ! 19 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION

1. the undersigne , holding a v id commission issued by the Nat al od Boil d Pressure Inspectors and the State or Provin /4 A de 4 l f and employed by & # o# N / f' Id of G A bbd i OI have inspected the components described i in this Owner's Report during the period 3'27*77 to /*2*) Y' S and state that  !

to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section xt. ' N-By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the ~'A.3 examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector not his employer sha!! be liable in any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Irtgection V/ InspeTcre Signature Commissions /'I/I/ ~/7f National Board, State, Province,' and Endorsements Date [ tg k-

  • 1 30 -

FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRS OR REPt.ACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. owner Northern States Power Co . osse S/ -

Ti name 1717 Wakonade Dr. E, Welch, MN 55089shee. /l= of J7-Amore.

2. Plant Prairie Island . Unit -

name Same

                                                                             ^ Wor K. Ordsr~s : W/9203, W /2?o f Address                                             Repeer Organization P.O. No lee No., etc.
3. Mrk Performed by Owner Type Code symbol Stamp M
                                            "*""                              Authorization No.                #A Expiration Date                  M4 Address
4. Identification of Svetem . O hem t6 } N d[t* m t bh08 f -
5. (1) Applicable Construction Code S/ / 19dEdition Addenda- Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 198i
6. Identification of Components Rapalrd or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code Repaired, Stamped National Other Year Replaced, (Yes Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Identification Built or Replacement or No)

Component Manufacturer Serial No. No.

   /i h.                        -                    -                 -

o-ax.m -  %,, a Description of Work c.,%49 L dt C- t tai N 1/cr *[C /$/ Ut $ Ag.b m

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 easumatic 0 aamiasi operatian Pressure O y4 a'i Test Tema. 'F Other O Pre ===re-NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, protided (11 size is 8M in. x 11 in., (2) informs.

tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

~ (12/82)                    This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 E. 47th St New York, N.Y.10017 3I                                                        ..

S k & A o-P'7 FORM NIS 2 (Back)

3. Remarks Appilcable Manufacturer's Date Aeoorts to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this NbI conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. '***'**'***'"*"'

Type Code Symbol Stamp n Certificotiof Authorization No. () /4 Expiration Oate e S*egn i O Date Owner or Owner's Deslenee. TMle ( ' 19 ' CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a vai commission issued by the Nati nal o d of oile and Pressure V ssel I spectors and the State or Provinc of Or 71/l s#28 9 and employed by W b /> W o/"Pe b E __ of era bb e rk _ CI have Inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 7#27"I2 to 22* *Ik and state that t2 tha best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI, By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Impiled, concerning the ' Czaminations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this

 ' Inspecti:n.

M =0; Commissions V inspector's sieneture Nationd goerd, State, Province; and Endorsements Date 6  ! ig__ 31 . .

FORM Nis.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS j As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI j

         -                                                                                                                                                     I M /} 64                                        j
1. owner Northern states Power Co. Date i 1 Nome 1717 Wakonade Dr. E, Welch, MN 55089 Sheet /7 of 27 j Address
2. Plant- Prairie Island . Uni M Name Same 4)* k' & L~ 9FMI Rooetr Organization P.O. No., Job No.. etc.

Address 3.1Nork Performed by Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp MA

  • *T ,, ,. j Nanie Authorization No. MN Expiration Date MN Addrous
4. Identification of System W ICA 4 0 m C- ^ "8  !
6. (a) Appilcable Construction Code N*! 19 b 7 Edition, Addenda- Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section X1 Utlitzed for Repairs or Replacements 19 b
6. Identitlestion of Components Repelred or Replaced and Replacement Components l

ASME Code l Repaired, Stamped National Other Year Reptoced, (Yes Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Identification Built or Replacement or No) Component Manufacturer Serial No. No.

                                                                        "               ~

p .,2 VC 4 ) A ' Sefa s <* W ht } /^19 - Y

  • 3
      .=w ;
7. Description of Work vn 04 L C $+ n E GS Iof lN IM N W
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 eneumatie 0 Nominal Operating Pressure O yM pil Test Temp. 'F OtherO Pressure NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches. or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8% in. x 11 in,. (2) inforrna.

tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. (12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017 i 33 ..

i Sk ect- /7 of 27 FORM NIS 2 (Back)

9. Romerks Applicable Manufacturst's Date Reports to be eetached

~ , * .

g. :L -f t CERTIFICATE OF COMPL!ANCE We certify that the statements mede in the report are correct and this ,

IF conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. ""'""'***'"*"' Type Code Symbol Stamp Cartifica f Authorization No. //A Expiration Date Sign . b Date --- h ' 19 owner or owner's Designp. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION t, the undersigned. holding a valid commission issued by the Natigal Boydpf Boilgr an Pressure VesyI in ectors and the State or Provi ce of U s 4 A f.5 c' b and employed by tro e r to* M Neo A Dof & f(T of 4 hoe eh' . C I have i ected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period ~3 '2 7 'I 7 to /2*} Yb and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. M-By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the

.%5                 examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall be liebte in any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with thls inspection.

Commissions 7 Inspictor's signature Nationes soard, State, Province, and Endorsements o.,e felaI1 ,, 9 7 i


FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. owner Northern States Power Co.

Name oste O/

  • L Ti 1717 Wakonade Dr. Er Welch, MN 55089 heet S M of M sors.
2. Plant Prairle Name
                                                                                 ._.    . Unit Same                                                              410'LO'             W $NVY Repair Crianisetton P.O. No., Job No., etc.

Adoraes Type Code Symbot Stemp A> M

3. Work Performed by Owner g

g Name Authorization No. MA Expiration Date N# Address

4. Identifleetion of System - C "M 1 CA d l 8!U M C O  ! ~
5. (e) Applicable Construction Code /* / 19d Edition, Addenda. Code Case (b) Ang!1cebte Edition of Section XI Utillzed for Repairs or Replacements 19 R 7
6. Identification of Components Repelred or Reptsced and Reptscement Components ASME Cnde Repaired, Sternoed National Other Year Replaced, (Yes Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Identification Bullt or Replacement or No)

Component Manufacturer Serial No. N o.


er ~~~~ "

                                                                                            $=$C(JCA*r2)?-                     $ bed
  . 4 :: ,
7. Description of Work e 4 C.4 4 A4 4 I
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 0 Nomiani oversiia Preisure O yA' psi Test Temp. 'F OtherO Pressure .

NOTE: Supplemental sheets In form of lists, sketches, or drawings rnay be used, provided (11 size is 8% in. x 11 h., (2) Informa-tion in items 1 through $ on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded st the top of this form. (12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017 i

35 -

I I leek /8 o? 27 i i FORM NIS-2 (Back)

  .~*       .
9. Remarks Appilcable Manufacturer's co'ta Aaports to be etteched I
a. -

I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLlANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this IM #U conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. '***I'**'***'"*"' Type Code Symbot Stamp Certifica Authorization No. n& Expiration Date Sign a Date  ! ' 19 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title' / CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION t, the undersigned, holding a vai commission issued by the N onal rd of iter Pressure snel nspectors and the State or Provi e of N/M #.3* =ad employed by #f

  • N* EU 2 of d,a bor O CI have inspected the components described in this Owners Report during the period 3*)7*77 to I 9* AI'I b and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owners Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his on.sloyer makes any warranty, espressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective rnessures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection.

                                 /                      b                           Commissions V'             inspector's Signoture                                     Nationel Board. State. Province; and Endorsements e.,e      F.el              11            ,,n I.

j 34 -

FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Northern States Power Co. o,,e c4 -

7 Nam. 1717 Wakonade Dr. E, Welch, MN 55089Sh eet /f of 27 u ar

2. Plant- Prairie Island . Unit b Name Same W0 WW 98MF% WN 59.2--

Repolt Orgenlastion P.O. No., Joe No., etc. Amareas

3. Work Performedby Owner 8b Type code Symbol Stamp M 'I-l "*'"*

Authorization No. Expiration Date M areas MM

4. Idctification of System - 4K
5. (e) Applicable Construction Code W 19 b IEdition. Addends- Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 U
6. Identification of Components Repelred or Repleced and Replacement Components ASME Code l Repaired, Stamped  !

National Other Year Replaced, (Yes Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Identification Built or Replacement or Nol Component Manufacturer Serial No. N o. y *" (tts $/ Nb tylc'

   ', N
, s . ,.
7. Description of Work 2-(44 m M4 k 3
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic @ Pneumatic 0 Nominal Operating Pressure O OtherO Pressure MS EOpsi Test Temp. N '7 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets to form of lists, sketches, of drawings may be used, provided (1) site is 8% in. x 11 in., (2) informa.

tion In items 1 through 6 on this repart is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. (12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the order Dept., ASME,345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y.100t 7

        .'                                                                               37                                                                ,

4 _= _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ .

i 5/ eel /f c/.27 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks 4M 9/ M (A b (- [ 9 / vt $ 0 r' M b4 m QtMys D
                                                 /.                 plicable Manuf turer's be*ta Aehrts t       attached                       /

C. C. '"l, ALL // oh u n+t W\d q 4. /d t-a -- -- - ( , .t % '.4 CERTIFICATE OF COMPL!ANCE .. We certify that the statements made In the report are correct and this N,N 'I conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. '""******* Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificge of Authorization No. Al A Expiration Date S1gn * - Date 19 Owner or Owner's Desigpee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a vali commission issued by the Nat nel d of Boiler and Pressure Ve sei inspectors and the State or Provi of N 8fM s'Ir5

  • and employed by 8P N6 df A A #i F" "*'

III of 88 ' ( have inspe ted the components described in this Owner's Report during the period N'l'2'f7 to I3*2I~ and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. i-By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the

    'e examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any menner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

e- . - Commissions  ! 7' inspector's signature Nationst Board, state, Province; and Endorsements Date is 38 ..

I FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPA!RS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

         -  1. Owner Northern States Power Co.                                             oete             8 /)        e i

N.m. 1717 Wakonade Dr. E, Welch, MN 5 5089she., & or A7 Addrous

2. Plant Prairie Island unit N Name Same LOod 0,k W /D T'7 0 Accreen Repelr Orgenization P.O. No., Jetz No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp NA I y, :] .

Nome Authorization No, MN

  • Expiration Date Mb Adorous
4. Identification of System . (A r O S. (a) Applicable Construction Code n'6 I 19 d I Edition. M "b b Addenda /Yd ! Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 M
6. Identification of Components Repelred or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code Repaired. Stamped National Other Year Replaced. (Yes Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Identification Built or Replacement or Nol Component Manufacturer Serial No. No.

91 Irusurow WakLuzu /l9/ /,9- r? 7/ hp e- Y J%

  ,+ ; .
7. Description of Work Pl& % $ bCYfC-O*$ eN 0cm $ k~ $ t-- *S
     -        8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic            Pneumatic 0 Nominai Operstianeressure M Other      Pressure .22 5T         psi Test Temp. Ev7              *P NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (11 size is 8% in. x 11 in (21 informa-tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

J12/82) This Form lE00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME.345 j. 47th St.. N,ew York, N.Y.10017 i

  • l

bc Af t e l t-FORM NIS.2 (Back)

9. Remarks Appitcable Manufessurer's Date Reports to be estacned

We certify that the statements made in the report ere correct and this I@lI conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. "'I'**'***'"*"' Type Code Symbol Stamp Certifi of Authorization No. Expiration Date Sign M . b Date ' 19 Owner or Owner's Desiense, title ' 8 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION

1. the undersigned, holding a vaild commission issued by the Na 'onal Board o Boiler and Pressu V sset inspectors and the State or Provi ce of diWJob md employed by 8Noe Nh a/ re IT of e#f M 6 have inspect the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 3*~27'II to I2*)hI and state that to the best of my knowledge end bellst, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code. Section XI.

Sy signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the W- 1 examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector not his employer shall be liebte in any menner for any personalInjury erproperty damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. V/ Inspectors STenature Commissions mob Nationes soord, State, Province, and Endorsements Date # 19 hf

       .\.                                                                                                                        e t

t 9 ..

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPA!RS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. owner Northern States Power Co . este M /9 9k s <

N.m. 1717 Wakonade Dr. E, Welch, MN 5 5089 sheet M ' of M Addreas

2. Plant Prairie TSland . Unit Nam.

Same ObV Or b r~ ?O70$ Hepair Organization P.O. No., Job No., etc. Acoross

3. Work Performed by Ovn et* Type Code Symboi stamp AJ4


                                                            ***                           Authorization No,               MA Expiration Date                  M
4. Identification of Syr".m EO P O 4*
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code M6 19 b Edition. O bb Addenda:  ! O! Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 I7
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components i

i I ASME Cnde Repaired, Stamped National Other Year Replaced, (Yes Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Identification Built or Repf acement or Nel Component Manufacturer Serial No. N o. Ot bacunw- tdaM,u u lMt 67-17 2/ hau J Y 1

7. Description of Work CDfA W N H d 4 bob CAJt d b eb 1 1
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 eneum ticP Nominal Operating Pressure [

Other Pressure _ .M 3 5 psi Test Temp. 5Y7 'F I i NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (Il size is 8% in. x 11 in (2) informa. tion in Items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is j recorded at the top of this form. l l l

              , (12/82)                    This Form (E000303 may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 j. 47th St., N w York, N.Y.10017 4,


Q.{ 2/ o 27 I FORM NIS.2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufactuser's Data Reports to be,ettached

[ *$ :. - CERTIFICATE OF COMPL!ANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this @ #W onforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. ""*'*****"* Type Code Symbol Stamp Cartifica of Authorization No. Expiration Date Sign #"h b O Owner or owners Designee 'rltle Date 19 h ' CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION or Province of A,tM f3 O Tn1,md the undersigned d of Boilerjnd Pressure Vessyl inspectors and the State employed by Qe holding

                                                                                             'W a$/   vajtfOd kcommission h6 / It*e issued  $fE by theofNat onal N6e b [ov 2            W                                           have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 9'27*77                              to     / 2* A E ~ II                  and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in tha Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.
   ' ? **

By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any werranry, expressed or implied, concerning the 4 1 examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions

                      "/'              inspectors Signature                                   National Snard, State, Pr'ovince; and Encorsernents Date d                          19 O

I 1

42. ..

i l l l . ~i FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI l

1. Owner Northern States Power CO. o.te -G /} h 9, Name - u 1717 Wakonade Dr. E, Welch, MN 55089Sh eet M of M Adorses
2. Plant Prairie Island Unit Name N&N 1

Same Adorses Notk- 05 Repair Orgenlaation P.O. No., Jotz No., etc.

3. Work Performed by Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp M4 Authorization No. M4 d 's _ Expiration Date u&


4. Identification of System - 6- 4" ~

S. (el Applicable Construction Code MM 19 dIEdition: dd* Addenda,  ! Code Case  ! (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacement: 19 W

6. Identification of Components Repelred or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code National Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. or Replacement or Nol N o. Identification Built
             }       v4.$.13 ftief  b)e9llng)ouJC. ll9/                     h50                                   ]l      ke94o r~u).              Y
. , .1 h; 3
7. Description of Work M/C C.) e ne d FM A n LA) dLa. 44IEal b f eat _a_.


8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostat!c 0 Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure @
 .*.                                                                    psi Test Temp. IV7 Other      Pressure JJ5                                             'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in f         of lists, sketches, or drawings rnay be used, provided (1) size is 8% in. x 11 in., (2) Informa-tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017 I

   .:                                                                                  'l3

i 1 hheL h5 OS Af 1 l l l l l FORM NIS 2 (Back)

9. Remarks 4f d 5[1 e u.1 A 4. f+f h I
                                                             #A pplicable Manufactur.r's O.ta R. ports to be attach.d
                                             ~ ~ - .          - _                                         ,

l CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE l We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this M h I f~~ conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. "'"*****"' Type Code Symbol stamp A/ Certificate f Authorization No. Expiration Date Signed h , 3 OM Date b , 19 i Own.c or 0.s6gnee Tide " CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned. holding a valijcommission Issued by the Nati naljoard of soiler3nd Pressurpyesse) Inspectors and the State l tr Provin of_ DHfM50 re employed by G er $o +) S rn ~ Ue Wen IrZ as debbed , Y have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period ~$

  • 2 ~7
  • 7 7 to / 2 "N
  • EI . and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the

 .*4 examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liebte in any menner for any personalinjury orproperty damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

M Commissions


r ,n.o to s ...n.tur. ..t n. . . .,o. .t.s.. .m.. . .n. . nc o.....n t . Date .  ! 19 ff i P O 44 ..

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1, Owner Northern States Power Co. osta S O 97 ' ' Name 1717 WakOnade Dr. E, Welch, MN 55089 sheet ' 513 of 27 Address

2. Plant _ Prairie Island . Unit Name Same YoM Orbr- $90VW Flapeir orsentastion P.O. No., Job No., etc.


3. Work Performed by Owner Type Code symbol stamp AlN Name Authorization No. Al A Expiration Date NN Addreas
4. Identification of System . M St /C- DINd ~
5. (:) Applicable Construction Code -  !! 19 N Edition, Addende, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utillred for Repairs or Replacements 19 D
6. Identification of Components Repelred or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code Repelred, Stemped National Other Year Replaced, (Yes Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Component Identification 8vilt. or Rapiscoment or No)

Manufacturer seday4o. N o. Mohl fuSr, d O 8& # C- ^!A uwe J X 1~ 13 Hf &?CA 4-t 97 Ry/a w d 7, Description of Work eA/4CA, UL eda Qss 3

8. T;sts Conducted: Hydrostatic Q Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure @

Other O Pre ==ure

  • asi Test Tema. '70 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, nrovided (1) size is 8% in x 11 in., (2) Informe.

tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded et the top of this form. (12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 E.47th St., New York, N.Y.10017 HS

F Qe.h. Oh 1 l l FORM NIS 2 (Back) l EL A !Q Ce- !VC M A. (A) A 3 A A ha nS v-Owq L -

9. Romerks
                          '                          Appelcable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be ettdched
                                    ~-               . _ . _ . _                              , , ,

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIAMCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this 4 f> h conforms to the rules of the

                                                                                        '***l'**A8***'"*"*                                                   ;

ASME Code,Section XI. I Type Code Symbol Stamp b Certificsy of Authorization No. AJ V Expiration Date Signed - b Date ( 19 Owner or Owner's Desienee, title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION , I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the Nati nel o rd of Boiler lins

                                                                          / de       r/       S re  d Pressure
                                                                                                       ~ $ es ,*Vesse/rs=pectors 1/C and        of the State er Province o O ut 4 /J
  • Y* and employed by_

de ber , bI have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 3 ,2'7 57 to /2 21-7F , and state that i 13 th) best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI, By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or impiled, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer sh*'t be lieble in any mesmer for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. N f Ce mmissions MI Insoectiir's Signature National Board, State, Province,' and Endorsements V/ Date fk jg

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. owner Northern States Power Co.

N.m. cate

                                                                                                        . /> N  .      -

1717 Wakonade Dr. E, Welch, MN 55089sh t 'IM of 27 Amare.

2. Plant Prairie Island . unit b Same hLReoelt Orgenlaation
                                                                                                       'M              '

P.O. No., Job No., etc. Asser

3. Work Perfonned by Owner /4dobia b rutt.40 /d " Type Code Symbol Stamp M~

Nemf Authorization No. " Al4 ~ I Empiretion Date 'M" Ad

4. Identification of System . f* COO I I" !
5. (a) Applicable Construction CodeSt.tI M b. k9 Edition,._ Addenda- Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilland for Repairs or Replacements ID N l
6. Identifiestion of Components Repelred or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code Repaired, . Sternped National Board Other Year Replaced, (Yes Name of Name of Manufacturer Component Serial No. No. Identification Bunt or Replacement or Noi j Manufacturer UseaS >~ '

bear Wssd d etgusor- - moh. NRP 2es. ired /

                            ) O / R,6 hDM ICALfrtLb8M             /AJDu377EJd1
7. Description of Work #f AC e / bu va d t'b (4atN s OM 64 $ # rt41 Wadi \rtA/tM hu3f
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic h Pneumatic 0 Nominst Operating Pressure Other O Pressure 2 M psi Test Temp. fY7 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings iney be used, provided til size is 8% in. x 11 in., (2) Informa-tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded et the top of this form.

02/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345 E. 47th St.,New York, N.Y.10017 84 7 -

3k4ChE O 4 FORM NIS.2 (Back)

s. nemarss SeM t Your* ** arh le d d.Nhm Nouseass. se s 0ha nn A.,na. 'u.nufacto,.r . o.=,u i. a.'.tt..n.d ' '

Alo. 99CIO5 C o< x. D & n u 99m74o , 98'0074/ , 9760 74.1., 0 900 N9, 98007W, W6oWf 9?00170 Vfd O 7 f*As 92009 73. i


llOEor Ma5 &c./d I w; Se raI ees i /AX'., doc d ens G9, Z 7, 87,G $~


CERTIFICATE OF COMPl.!ANCE . We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this b i# conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section ::1. '***"*A'***'"*"' Type Code Symbol stamp Certifica ,e of Authorization No, M Expiration Date Signed M > b N Date 19 Owner or Owner's Designee, Titid CERTIFICATE OF INSERV!CE INSPECTION 1, th1 undersigned, holding a v}ild cornmission issued by the N onal Board o Boiler and Pressure Ves 1 Inspectors and the State e r Provi of A 181/1 clorre and employed by U

  • b # "L b I I" MI of 8Nbd C. I. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report d'uring the period '3 ' *I 7"i ~I to /2 '2 k"I and state that to th) best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report In accordance with the rue.uirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the inspector not his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the ' czaminations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions V Inspector's signature National Board, State. Province; and Endorsements O te bI /7 is M 4 B~

I l l FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Northern States Power Co.

N.m. D.te MN . 1717 Wakonade Dr. E, Welch, MN Addreas 55089 Sheet M of M

2. Plant Prairie Island . Unit Name Same /#4. WA N 7 Ad dress Repelt Organization P.O. No., Joe Nc., etc.
3. Work Performedby Owner !61o/ dim berVIW , 4 Type Code Symbol Stamp N*** Authorization No, Mb Expiration Date MN Addreen G, identification of System . <.a e o f U <., 5 5 4- l -
6. (C) Appilcable Construction CodhEe + 8 L 9 Edition, Addends Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 8 9
6. Identification of Components Repelred or Reptoced and Replacement Components ASME Code National Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufactunt Board Other Yese Replaced, (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built or Replacement or No) u a a-Reack asc4 Gedusof - ~ n w.MP kt.rd Y
0. A b ^ ) O / h'd ,,

tr1LW o% /u bw$ff/CS i

7. Oescription of Work e Ae iv. decoaf4 At so A Es.A. / os Fuit ien,A 6Om '

6# 4 l

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic @ Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pre sure O Other O Pressure M psi Test Temp. I7 *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8% in. x 11 in., (2) Informa.

tion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. (12/82I This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME.345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017

(L. FORM NIS 2 (Back)

9. Remarks - C 115 m. Au m t. 974Vo6 Ipplicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be ettsched a v' LQQA Y L{da M be t' U t t.t Z  ; MC ,
                                                  . __ .4                                    .

CERTIFICATE OF COMPl.!ANCE ._ We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this Nb 8 F ASME Code, Section XI. conforms to the rules of the


Type Code Symbol Stamp -- Certifica f Authorization No. Expiration Date

   $lgned                                         i Date Owner or Owner's Designee, Titt/                                                                          ' 19     f CERTIFICATE OF !NSERVICE INSPECTION 1, fro or  th2 iundersigned ce of b,f11/7holding
                             /J en a4 vali commission issued by         the Nat nal oa of iter and Pressure V ssel spectors and the State and employed by      4'        8          Nar A           N*            f d _of V        ^

C I. have inspectej the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 3 *27 ~ 7 to l'2 ' d I" 7 E' , and state that to thi best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described Irt this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Impfled, concerning the cuaminations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspectlin.

         /            inspector's Signature Commissions                         !

National Board, State, Province, and Endorsernents D:te gg S'O

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPCRT FOR REPAIRS OR REP (.ACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

        -  1. owner Northern States Power Co.

N.rn. o,,e M // f9 1717 Wakonade Dr. E, Welch, MN 55089 Sh eet M of M Address

2. Plant Prairie Island Unit same 3 "- WM Adar M apetr Organlastion P.O. No., Joo No., etc.
3. Work Performed by Owner /[Alc.Sdtwekok5O Type Code Symbol Stamp Alb slL - U Name '

mg,,y ne & A-

         -                                                                                 Expiration Date                   NO Address
4. Identification of System &M ^W #

S. (a) Applicable Construction Code E8 19 b Edition, Addenda- Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 D

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Code Rep aired, Stamped National Manufacturer Board Other Year Replaced, (Yes Name of Name of No. Identification Bullt or Reptacement or No)

Cornponent Manufacturer Serial No. RlY &+a AlA a& sec,e3 sv a Reet r- 4' y>, - rp:::

7. Description of Work E Mit' 1* I ma r*7 4N441 lb ff.I d $ t A.4 l W I E-r l ( (
      .'     8. Tests Conducted:       H)drostatic 0 eneu==itcD Nominal Operating Pressure Other O Pressure A223 J            psi Test Temp. IN            *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8% in. x 11 in., (2) informa-tion in Items 1 through 6 on this report ts included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

(12/82) This Form (E00030) may be obtairred from the Order Dept., ASME,345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017 51 { .

0 C- h0 he2f FORM NIS-2 (Bacid

e. Remarus bJoe L. &cle.e s hl%KV , WIM$N S$~ONN b 04 m c1 a n e e d ,co,

_. 4 - . __ ho / 4- o.nur-su,. 4 o /-( s O.o&. cons t dti ihm so h. .no .d 1 o a 4- cd %y c d

             -. b < t.c. d <;         on1 l n L a e 4-1 ^ i be.MC-o i f 04 r 024 b d aut< 6 u l sif ~
                                                                       >                           c                        t                     1
               /n $< r h a ee                    SA -/ 9.3         0 racb. $ 7 ~ Acc.% Sc ee.a .0 -/O .

bc h r co h Sayr O A }g 98 2 C.O 3 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this PE 04 t / conforms to the tu es of the ASME Code, Section XI. '8"#*8'"***"* Type code Symdos stamp A_I Cartificat of Authorization No. Expiration Date Sign M 4n Owner or Owner's Designef Titte

                                                       ,           b                       cate      b     '

M' gg 8 9 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the uncersigned, holding a vpid commission issued by the Na i nal d o Boiler and Pres e V ssel Inspectors and the State tr Provin : of UltfMOOi 4 and employed by F # - M DI r* F D[ of (# 'h ch b b. have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 3*)7*i7 to /

  • d 7* I and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranry, expressed or implied, concerning the r k

*'-          txaminations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

I r e Commissions

               /'                 Inspector is signesure                                  National Board, State, Prov,nca, and Endorservisnsd oate         f.e L l1                      ,,9 7 I

i .

  • l i.


                                                                                                                       .            c 0,

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlRS OR REPt.ACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Northern States Power Co. e.,, 8 /A 79 1717 Wakonade Dr. E, Welch, MN 55089 Sheet of M Address

2. Plant Prairie Island . Unit Name same Mnet OrtI"* WO733 % W Oy W Addream Regelt Organleation P.O. No., Joe No.. etc.

3 3. Work Performed by Owner b b** Type Code Symbol Stamp NA Authorization No. M Expiration Date MN Address O. Identification of System . b b4 ^ L r "

5. (e) Applicable Construction Code b 19 bIEdition, Addenda. Code Case (b) Appilcable Edition of Section XI Utillzed for Repairs or Replacements 19 Q
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ASME Cnde National Repaired, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Replaced, (Yes ,

Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built or Replacement or No) l I l n , as r- uA NA 3,,as 37 NW Rp f < Y

      ,                                                                                                                                                   j

. .n .

7. Descrfotion of Work 14AC J

bbe A M O cA- " "I LJ

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic @ Pneumatic 0 uomiasi Operarias Pressure Other O Pre ==ure S280 asi T'it T ma- M 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings rney be used. provided (1) size is 8% in. x 11 in., (2) inforrna-tion in Items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet,and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
      ,     J12/821                     This Form (E00030) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME,345j.47th St., N w York, N.Y.10011
      .'                                                                              53                                                                  i
37 h < C., O FORM NIS-2 (Back)

E. n.m.,,, %m er wdn. huLe elan, andaste e m .pe < Y f u hl Sham ct t ar rabe, Asp!!t cable I a - -. - --

                                                                                      &cc /+pp   $au5t'
                                                                                                          ~G.ter's Data Repork to be attac
                                                                                                        .                                       g
  • $ .b $

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLlANCE __ We certify that the statements made in the report era correct and this NNlI conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. " "* **'"*"* Type Code Symbol Stamp Certlff of Authorization No. Expiration Date Signed D' Owner or Owner's Designee / Title Nb Date ' b' 19 - CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION t, the undersigned, holding a alid commission issued by the Na lonal card of sei inspectors and the State or Prov ce o OIAM ** and employed by se b) Boiler S fr,and m Aoi e e-V TG Pressure ag 8^ b^ ,OI have inspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period 3*27~I2 to I3

  • Ai~ W and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Reoort in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.
 'N*                 By signin2 this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the

~ ; . 3 examinations and corrective rneasures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personalinjury orproperty damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. A Commissions


V/ inspect & s ilgnature National Soard, State, l'rowince; and Endorsements Date  ! 19 hk 0 4 i . 4 3 i Sy



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2,1998 l APPENDIX A INTERVAL 3 PERIOD 2 INSPECTIONS BY ISOllTEM 17 Pages Note: Pages 12 to 17 contain Section XI IWE and non-code inspection result information. The information contained in this appendix is computer generated by the ISI database management system , includes IWE and other non-code inspection results. As allowed by 10CFR55a(g)(6)(ii)(B)(5) the containment inspection program (lWE) will be maintained and i availaible for NRC audit and review at the plant site after September 9*,2001. The IWE and non- l code inspection results listed within this appendix have not been reviewed or certified by the ANI inspector and are not covered by the form NIS-1 submitted with this summary report. I I i i

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Iso / Item 414 Nicollet khil Welch, MN 55089 Commercial service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item Report Number Method Results Bystem item Description tram Date ASNE Rection XI Item 1106-245 FW- 1 98-0300 (A) UT45 NAD Feedwater B Pump to Pipe 12/17/1998 HELB 2-151- 1A H- 4 98-0004 VT3 IND Seal Injection A Restraint 11/10/1998 F-A, CL 1 Drawing discrepancy: 2-ISI- IA H- 4 90-0004R1 VT3 NAD Seal Injection A Restraint 11/14/1998 F-A, CL I Engineering Evaluation 2-ISI- 1A H- 5 98-0003 VT3 NAD Seal Injection A Spring Hanger 11/10/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 1A W-10 98-0006 fPT NAD Seal Injection A Elbow To Pipe 11/10/1998 B 9, 21 ISI- IA W-11 98-0096 PT NAD Seal Injection A Pipe To Elbow 11/25/1998 8 9, 21 2-ISI- 1A W-15 98-0007 PT isAD Seal Injection A Pipe To Valve 11/10/1998 B 9. 40 2-ISI- IB W- 7 90-0005 PT NAD Seal Injection A Pipe To 45 Elbow 11/10/1998 B 9. 21 2-ISI+ 3 H- 4 98-0023 h VT3 NAD CL RTD Takeoff A Double Spring / Clamp 11/12/1998 F-A, CL I


2 4 H- 5 90-0024 VT3 NAD HL RTD Takeoff A Spring 11/12/1998 F-A, CL 1

                                                                                                                    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

2-ISI- 4 W-11 98-0056 PT NAD HL RTD Takeoff A RTD Manifold To Pipe B 9. 40 l11/17/1998 2-ISI- 4 W-15 l 98-0057 ~ PT NAD HL RTD Takeoff A Elbow To Pipe 11/17/1990 B 9, 21 2-ISI- 4 W-18 98-0058 i PT NAD HL RTD Takeoff A Pipe To Elbow 11/17/1998 B 9. 21 l '~ ' 2-ISI- 7A H- 5 90-0085 IA) VT3 NAD Spray To Pzr Br A Seismic Anchor j11/23/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 7A H- 6 90-0063 (A) VT3 IND Spray To Pzr Br A Double Rigid ]11/19/1998 F-A, CL I I No Load 2-ISI- 7A H- 6 98-0063R1 (A) VT3 NAD Spray To Fzr Br A Double Rigid 11/25/1998 F-A, CL I _ Rework 2-ISI- 7B H- 1 90-0001 (A) VT3 NAD Spray To Pzr Br A Seismic Restraint 11/23/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 7C H- 3 98-0082 (A) VT3 NAD Spray To Ptr Br A Rod / Clamp 11/23/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 20A B- 1 98-0288 (A) VT1 NAD RHR HL Takeoff A Valve Bolting 12/11/1998 07. 70 2-ISI- 10A W- 1 98-0100 UT45 GEO RHR HL Takeoff A Pipe To Nozzle 12/01/1998 B 9. 31 2-ISI- 10A W- 1 98-0173 PT NAD RHR HL Takeoff A Pipe To Nozzle 12/01/1998 8 9. 31

        ~2-ISI- 10A                    W- 2                               98-0120            PT                                        NAD RHR HL Takeoff A             Nozzle To Pipe                     11/28/1998         B 9. 11 03/16/39                                                                                                                                    Page 1

Prairie Island Nucisar Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Iso / Item 414 Nicollet Mall Welch, MN $5089 Commercial Service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MW 55401 ISO Item Report Number Method Results system Item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 10A W- 2 98-0175 UT45 RAD PHR HL Takeoff A Hozzle To Pipe 12/01/1998 B 9, 11 2-ISI- 10A W- 5 98-0119 PT NAD RHR HL Takeoff A Elbow To Pipe 11/28/1998 8 9. 11 2-ISI- 10A W- 5 90-0174 UT45 NAD RHR HL Takeoff A Elbow To Pipe 12/01/1998 B 9. 11 2-ISI- 10C B- 1 98-0031 VT1 NAD RHR HL Takeoff A Valve Bolts 11/14/1998 B7 70 2-ISI- 10C H- 3 98-0032 lVT3 IND RHR HL Takeoff A Single Support 11/14/1998  ; F-A & B10. 10 98-0032R1~

               ~ -                                                                                                  ~~

FI'SI-30C' H- 3 3 NAD RHR HL Takeoff A Single Support 11/17/1998 F-A & B10. 10 4_Enginegrigjg_ Evaluation , 2-ISI- 11,__ H- 2 98-0080 (A) VT3 IND Accum Discharge A Seismic Restraint 11/23/1998 T-A, CL I 2-ISI- 11 H- 2 h90-0000R1 (A) No Rotation, Extra parts VT3 NAD Accum Discharge A Seismic Festraint 11/25/1998 F-A, CL I , _ _., Engineering Evaluation I _2-ISI- 11 l W- 8 90-0198 PT jIND Accum Discharge A Elbow to Valve 12/02/1998 B 9. 11 l Rounded Indications 1 2-ISI- 11 W- 8 98-0277 UT45 lNAD Accum Discharge A Elbow to Valve 12/09/1998 B 9. 11  ; 2-151- 11 W- 8 98-0278 LUT60 i NAD _ Accum Discharge A Elbow to Valve 12/09/1998 B 9. 11 2-ISI- 11 W- 8 98-0198k1 PT 3A5 Accum Discharge A Elbew to Valve 12/08/1998 B 9. 11

                                                                                          !Rewerk 2-ISI- 12A                     H- 6                              90-0010         jVT3                                   NAD Seal Injection B               Restraint                         11/10/1998        F-A, CL I

_ _ . . _._4 2-ISI- 12A _W-25. _ _ _ '98-0092 lPT NAD Seal Injection B 45 Elbow to Pipe 11/24/1998 B 9, 21 2-ISI- 12A W-26 98-0093 PT NAD Seal Injection B Pipe to Elbow 11/24/1998 B 9. 21 2-ISI- 12B W- 2 98-0094 PT INAD Seal Injection B Pipe to Elbow 11/24/1998 B 9. 21 2-ISI- 12B W- 9 98-0009 PT NAD Seal Injection D 45 Elbow to Pipe 11/10/1998 B 9. 21 2-ISI- 12B W-10 98-0008 PT NAD Seal Injection B Pipe to Elbow 11/10/1998 B 9. 21 2-ISI- 12C B- 1 98-0011 VT1 NAD Seal Injection B riange Bolts 11/10/1998 B 7. 50 2-ISI- 12C B- 2 98-0012 (A) VT1 NAD Seal Injection B Flange Bolts 11/10/1998 B 7. $0 2-ISI- 12C W-20 90-0015 PT NAD Seal Injection B Pipe to Pump 11/11/1998 B 9. 21 2-ISI- 13A W-10 98-0036 PT NAD Cold Leg Charging B Elbow to Pipe 11/14/1998 B 9, 21 Page 2 03/86/19

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection P.eport Log Northern States Power Company 1717 wakonado Drive Third Interval By Iso / Item 414 Nicollet Mall Welch, H4 55089 Commercial Service Dates December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Iso Item Report Number Method Results System Item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 13A W-12 98-0035 PT NAD Cold Leg Charging B Elbow to Pipe 11/14/1998 B 9. 21 2-ISI- 13B H- 1 98-0050 (A) VT3 IND Cold Leg Charging B Rigid Restraint 11/16/1998 F-A, CL I No Load, Gap in Baseplate 2-ISI- 138 H- 1 98-0050R1 (A) VT3 NAD Cold Leg Charging B . Rigid Restraint 11/19/1998 F-A, CL I Engineering Evaluation 2-ISI- 13B H- 6 98-0051 (A) VT3 IND Cold Leg Charging B Spring / Lug 11/16/1998 F-A, CL I Incomplete Weld 2-ISI- 13B H- 6 90-0051R1 (A) VT3 NAD Cold Leg Charging B Spring / Lug 11/23/1998 F-A, CL I Engipeeging.[valuatfop 2-ISI- 13B W- 2 90-0049 PT NAD Cold Leg Charging B Elbow to Tee 11/16/1996 B 9. 21 2-ISI- 138 W- 9 98-0052 PT NAD Cold Leg Charging B Valve to Pipe 11/17/1998 B 9. 40 2-ISI- 13C W- 6 98-0090 PT NAD Cold Leg Charging 8 Elbow to Pipe 11/24/1998 B 9, 21 3-ISI-13E H- 1 98-0040 VT3 IND Cold Leg Charging B Double Spring 11/16/1990 F-A, CL I Hot Load setting mismarked 90-0040R1 VT3 NAD 2-ISI- 13E H- 1 Cold Leg Charging B Double Spring 11/23/1998 F-A, CL I g i Engineering g aluation 2-ISI- 13E H- 2 98-0041 VT3 IND Cold Leg Charging B Restraint 11/16/1998 F-A, CL I No Grout H- 2 98-0041R1 VT3 NAD 2-ISI- 13E Cold Leg Charging B Restraint 11/23/1998 F-A, CL I g Engineef.13g,Eyaluation W- 1 i96-0044 PT NAD 2-ISI- 13E Cold Leg Charging B Pipe to Elbow I11/16/1998 B 9. 21


2-ISI- 13E W- 8 98-0043 PT NAD Cold leg Charging B Elbow to Pipe 11/16/1998 B 9. 21 A- - 2-ISI- 19 W- 1 98-0162 PT lNAD RCS Draindown Pipe to Nozzle 12/01/1998 B 9. 31 W- 1 98-0202 UT45 NhD 2-151- 19 RCS Draindown Pipe to Nozzle 12/02/1998 8 9. 31 Limited, Less than 90% W- 98-0203 UT60 NAD 2-ISI- 19 1 RCS Dre'.ndown Pipe to Noz21e 12/02/1998 8 9. 31

                                         ,                                 g                J upp,lemental 60deg exam W- 2                              98-0163 (A)        PT                                 NAD 2-ISI- 19 RCS Draindown                    Nozzle to Pipe                  '12/01/1998          B 9. 11 W- 2                              98-0205 (A)        UT45                               NAD 2-ISI- 19 RCS Draindown                    Nozzle to Pipe                    12/02/1998         B 9. 11 Limited, Exceeds 90%

W- 3 98-0100 PT NAD 2-ISI- 19 RCS Draindown Pipe to Reducer 12/01/1998 B 9. 11 3 98-0204 UT45 NAD 2-IS1- 19 W- 3 RCS Draindown Pipe to Reducer 12/02/1998 B 9. 11 98-0164 (A) PT NAD 2-ISI- 19 W- 4 RCS Draindown Reducer to Elbow 12/01/1998 B 9. 21 Page 3 D3/16/19

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Iso / Item 414 Nicollet Mall welch, MN 55089 Commercial Service Date: December 20, 1974 Minnoapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item Report Number Method Results System item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 19 W- 4 90-0183 (A) UT45 NAD RCS Draindown Reducer to Elbow 12/01/1998 8 9. 21 Limited, less than 90% 2-ISI- 19 W- 5 98-0161 PT NAD RCS Draindawn Elbow to Pipe 12/01/1998 B 9. 21 2-ISI- 19 W- 5 98-0104 (A) UT45 NAD RCS Draindawn Elbow to Pipe 12/01/1998 B 9, 21 Limited, Exceeds 90% 2-ISI- 19 W- 6 98-0166 (A) PT NAD RCS Draindown Pipe to Elbow 12/01/1998 89 21 2-ISI- 19 W- 6 98-0185 (A) UT45 NAD I RCS Draindown Pipe to Elbow 12/01/1998 8 9. 21 Limited, Exceeds 90% l 2-ISI- 19 W- 7 98-0165 (A) l PT NAD RCS Draindown Elbow to Valve 12/01/1998 ' B 9, 21 2-IS!- 19 W- 7 98-0186 (A) UT45 NAD RCS Draindown Elbow to Valve 12/01/1998 8 9. 21 Limited, Less than 90% 2-151- 19 W- 8 (A) PT NAD [98-0167 RCS Draindown Valve to Pipe [12/01/1998 0 9. 21 i l l 2-101- 19 W- 8 98-0187 (A) UT45 NAD RCS Draindown Valve to Pipe 12/01/1998 j B 9. 21 {Limi_ted, Less than 90% 2-ISI- 19 W- 0 '98-0180 (A) {UT00 NAD RCS Draindown Valve to Pipe 12/01/1998 B 9. 21 _ Supplemental 60deg Exam 2-ISI- 19 _'W- 9 98-0160 (A) PT NAD RCS Draindown Pipe to Valve 12/01/1998 B 9. 21 2-ISI- 19 W- 9 98-0189 (A) UT45 NAD RCS Draindown Pipe to Valve 12/01/1998 B 9. 21 Limited uless than 90%_ . 2-ISI- 19 W- 9 98-0190 (A) UT60 NAD RCS Draindown

  • Pipe to Valve 12/01/1998 B 9. 21 Supplemental 60 del exam
                                                                                                          ~ " '

2-ISI- 20A W- 8 98-0258 (A) PT lNAD l kHR HL Takeoff B Pipe to Elbow 12/07/1998 B 9. Il l

                                                                      -                     L                                 2
                                                                                                                                  'NAD 2-151- 21                                                        98-0021            VT3 lH-4 RHR Return B                   Double Rod Hanger                 11/11/1998          F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 21                    ' W- 7                              98-0014             PT lNAD RHR Return B                   Elbow to Pipe                     11/11/1998          B 9. 11                            l W- 7                              98-0028             UT45                                  NAD 2-ISI- 21 RHR Return B                   Elbow to Pipe                     11/13/1998          8 9. 11 W- 9                              98-0013             PT                                     NAD 2-ITI- 21 RHR Return B                   Elbow to Pipe                    11/11/1998          9 9. 11 W- 9                              98-0218             UT45                                   NAD 2-ISI- 21 Elbow to Pipe                     12/03/1998         B 9, 11 RHR Return B 98-0020 (A)        VT1                                    NAD -,-

2-ISI- 22A B- 1 Accumulator Disch B Valve Bolts 11/11/1998 B7 70 98-0019 \i3 NAD 2-ISI- 22A H- 2 21/11/1998 F-A, CL I Accumulator Disch B Spring Hanger 98-0286 (A) VT1 NAD 3-ISI- 22B B- 1 Accumulator Disch B Valve Bolts 12/11/1998 B7 70 Page 4 03/16/19

I i Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 wakonade Drive Third Interval By Iso / Item 414 Nicollet Hall I welch, let 55089 Commercial Service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 I 180 Item Report Number Method Results System Item Description l Exam Date ASME Section XI Item  ! 2-1S1- 22B H- 2 98-0034 VT3 NAD Accumulator Disch B Restraint 11/14/1998 F-A, CL I I I 2-ISI- 22B H- 3 98-0033 ~UT3 UAD Accumulator Disch B Rupture Restraint 11/14/1998 F-A & B10. 10 2.ISI- 228 H- 4 98-0022 VT3 NAD Accumulator Disch B Snubber / Clamp 11/11/1998 F-A, CL I { 2-ISI- 22B W- 6 98-0265 PT NAD Accumulator Disch B Elbow To Valve 12/11/1998 8 9. 11 2-ISI- 22B W- 6 98-0298 UT45 NAD Accumulator Disch B Elbow To Valve 12/16/1998 B 9. 11 _4 ---A t _ 2-ISI- 22B - W- 6 98-0299 (A) fLi_mitedysst(gan911 UT60 NAD Accumulator Disch B Elbow To Valve 12/16/1998 l B 9. 11 dS_upplemental60degexam 2-ISI- 24 W- 7 98-0053 PT NAD Aux 111ary Spray Valve to Pipe 11/17/1998 B 9. 40 2-ISI- 24 W- 9 98-0054 PT NAD Aux 111ary Spray . Elbow to Pipe 11/17/1998 B 9. 21 J W-11 _a 98-0055 . 2-ISI- 24. i PT NAD I Aux 111ary Spray Elbow to F1pe 11/17/1998 B 9. 21 i 2-IS1- 28 B- 1 98-0115 VT1 NAD Reactor Vessel SIS B Valve Bolting 11/25/1998 B 7. 70 2-ISI- 28 V- 1 38-0116 ( VT3 NAD Reacter Vessel SIS B Valve Int Surfaces 11/25/1998 jB12. 50 l 2-ISI- 29 B- 2 98-0155 VT1 NAD Reactor Vessel SIS A Valve Bolting 11/30/1998 B ?. 70 2-ISI- 29 H- 5 36-0251BL VT3 NAD Reactor Vessel SIS A Strut / Clamp 12/04/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 29 V2 90-01'54 Y T3 UAE~ heactor Vessel SIS A Valve Int Surfaces 11/30/1998  ! B12. 50

                                    +                                    4                                                       [

2-ISI- 308 lB- 1 90-0283 VT1 NAD - Pressurizer Safety B l Flange Bolts 12/09/1998 B 7. 50 2-ISI- 308 B- 2 98-0282 VT1 NAD Pressurizer Safety B Valve Studs 12/09/1998 l B 7. 70 2-ISI- 308 IV-1 98-0284 VT1 NAD Pressurizer Safety B Valve Int Surfaces 12/09/1998 B12. 50 2-ISI- 31 H-1 90-0037 VT3 NAD Pressurizer Surge Spring 11/14/1998 F-A, CL I 2-1S1- 31 H-2 99-0038 ~VT3 NAD Pressurizer Surge Spring 11/14/1998 F-A, CL 1 2-ISI- 31 W- 1 98-0048 PT NAD Pressurizer Surge Pipe To Nozzle 11/16/1998 B 9. 31 ,


2-ISI- 31 W- 1 98-0059 UT45 ~E E~ Pressurizer Surge Pipe To Nozzle 11/17/1998 B 9. 31 Limited, Less than 90% 2-ISI- 31 W- 2 98-0047 FT NAD Pressurizer Surge Nozzle To Pipe 11/16/1998 B 9, 11 03/16/19 Page 5

I 1 ! Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report I.og Northern States Power Company 1717 wakonada Drive Third Interval By Iso / Item 414 Nicollet Mall welch, MN 55089 Commercial Service Date December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Iso Item Report Number Method Results System Item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 31 W- 2 l98-0060 i UT45 NAD Pressurizer Surge Nozzle To Pipe 11/17/1998 B 9. 11

                                                                  ~                                                               ~

2-ISI- 32A W- 1 8 Wes . ~NkD Reactor Coolant A Nozzle To Safe End 11/23/1998 B 5. 10 2-ISI- 32A W- 2 ~ 98 Wes UT NAD Reactor Coolant A Safe End To Pipe 11/23/1998 B 9. 11 2-ISI- 32A W- 5 90-0293 PT NAD Reactor Coolant A 50 Red Elbow-Nozzle 12/14/1998 H 9. 11 2-ISI- 32A W- 5 98-0297 UT45 NAD 12/15/1998


Reactor Coolant A 50 Red Elbow-Nozzle B 9. 11 Limited, Less than 90% 2-ISI- 32A l W- 5 98-0296 UTO lNAD Reactor Coolant A 50 Red Elbow-Nozzle 12/15/1998 I B 9. Il i 2-ISI- 33A iW- 1 ~ T8 Wes U VAD heactor Coolant B Nozzle To Safe End 11/23/1998 B 5. 10 I 98 Wes UT AD 2-ISI- 33A lW- 2  ! Reactor Coolant B Safe End To Pipe 11/23/1998 h 9. 11 1



                                                                                                                             '          '~

2-ISI- 33C W- 1 98-0147 ND Reactor Coolant B Fump To Pipe 11/30/1998 8 9. 11 Yd5T 2-131- 33C W- 1 Ufd' iAi Reactor Coolant B Pump To Pipe 11/30/1998 B 9. 11 Limited, Less than 40% g 2-ISI- 33C j W- 1 98-0267 UTO {NAD Reactor Coolant B Pump To Pipe 11/30/1998 B 9. 11 Limited,~Less than 90%

                                                                                                                                ' ' ~ ~

2-ISI- 35 B- 1 98-0264BL VT1 ~~1 NAD ~ l Pressurizer Manway Studs 12/06/1998 . D 7. 20 l l I i l 2-ISI- 37A lB- 1 *98-0265BL i VT1 NAD I Steam Generator 21 lInletManwayStuds 12/08/1999 B 7. 30 l l 99-02i6BL VT1 NAD 2-ISI- 37A B- 2 Steam Generator 21 Outlet Manway Studs '12/08/1990 'fB7 30

          '2-ISI- 37A                   Y1l 5-0066            ~ HT   i NAD Steam Generator 21             jFeedwaterNozzle                      11/20/1998                    C 2. 21 2-ISI- 37A                       N-   1                            '98-0076                        UTO                                           NAD Steam Generator 21                Feedwater Nozzle                   11/21/1998                    C 2. 21

2-ISI- 17A N- 1 98-0077~ Ui45 NAD Steam Generator 21 Feedwater Nozzle 11/21/1998 C 2. 21 Limi_t ed, Less than 90s 98-0078 UT60 NAD 2-ISI- 37A N- 1 Steam Generator 21 Feedwater Nozzle 11/21/1998 C 2. 21 Limited, Less than 90% N- 1 IR 98-0079 UT70 GEO 2-ISI- 37A Steam Generator 21 N Nozzle Inner Radi 11/21/1998 C 2. 22 98-0123 (A) HT NAD 2-ISI- 37A H- 1 Ring Tee Steam Generator 21 W Ring / Tee supports 11/20/1998 NC IN 93-20 f 1 98-0122 (A) VT3 NAD 2-1S1- 37A N- 1 Ring Tee Steam Generator 21 FW Ring / Tee supports 11/28/1998 NC IN 93-20 98-0029 MT NAD 2-ISI- 37A N- 4 Steam Generator 21 Main Steam Nozzle 11/13/1998 C 2. 21 Page 6 03/16/19

l l Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice 2nspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1117 wakonade Drive Third Interval By Iso / Item 414 Nicollet Hall Welch, W 55089 Commercial Service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item Report Number Method Results System Item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 37A N- 4 98-0061 UTO NAD Steam Generator 21 Main Steam Nozzle 11/18/1998 C 2, 21 d _1___ 2-ISI- 37A N- 4 98-0045 UT45 GEO Steam Generator 21 Main Steam Nozzle 11/14/1998 C 2. 21 Limited Exceeds 90% 2-ISI- 37A N- 4 98-0046 UT60 GEO Steam Generator 21 Main Steam Nozzle 11/14/1998 C 2. 21 J mited _ gExceeds 90% 2-ISI- 37A N- 4 IR 98-00398L UT70 NAD Steam Generator 21 MS Hozzle Inner Radi 11/14/1998 C 2. 22 2-ISI- 37A N- 5 IR 98-0294BL UT70 GEO Steam Generator 21 Nozzle Inner Radius 12/14/1998 B 3.140

                                                                       ,                    , Li_mited, Exceeds 90%

2-ISI- 37A N-1 IN-IR 98-0124_(A) ' MT NAD Steam Generator 21 Feedwater Nozzle 11/28/1998 NC IN 93-20 2-101- 37A W- F VT 90-0121 (A) VT1 NAD Steam Generator 21 Trans Weld int VT 11/28/1998 NC IN 93-20 2-IS!- 37B B- 1 98-0267BL VT1 NAD Steam Generator 22 Inlet Manway Studs 12/08/1998 B7 30 2-ISI- 37B D- 2 98-0260BL { VT1 IE'D Steam Generator 22 Outlet Manway Studs 12/08/1998 B 7, 30


2-1S1- 378 B- 3 98-0279BL VT1 NAD Steam Generator 22 Inlet Manway Bushing 8 6.110 l12/10/1999


2-ISI- 37B iW-A 98-0206 UTO NAD Steam Generator 22 Tube Sheet to Head 11/26/1998 B 2. 40 I Limited, Exceeds 901 _2-ISI- 37B W-A 98-0207 (A) 7 UT45 Steam Generator 22 , Tube Sheet to Head 11/2(/1998 B 2, 40 l IND__

                                       !                                                       Limited, Exceeds 901, Linear indications 2-ISI- 37B                    'W-A                                98-0208 (A)      :

UT60 lIND Steam Generator 22 Tube Sheet to Head l11/30/1998 B 2, 40 l Limited, Exceeds 904, Linear' i rdica t ion.s 2-ISI- 378 W-A 98-0207R1 (A) UT45 jNAD Steam Generator 22 Tube Sheet to Head 12/18/1998 B 2. 40 l Flaw Evaluation 2-ISI- 37B W-A 98-0208R1 (A) UT60 NAD Steam Generator 22 Tube Sheet to Head . 12/10/1998 B 2. 40

                                                                        ,_                      Flaw Evaluat,1cn 2-ISI- 37C                      H- 1                              98-0289             VT3                                   NAD Steam Generator 21              Snubber 1                         12/14/1998           F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 37C                      H- 2                          f98-0290              lVT3                                    NAD Steam Generator 21              Snubber 2                       1 12/14/1998        l F-A, CL I                          !
                                                                         !                   l                                    l 2-ISI- 37C                      H- 3                              98-0291              VT3                             7    NAD Steam Generator 21              Snubber 3                         12/14/1998           F-A,    CL I 2-ISI- 37C                      H- 4                              90-0292              VT3                               [NAD Steam Generator 21              Snubber 4                         12/14/1998           F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 37C                      H- S                              90-0145              VT3                                  IND Steam Generator 21              Spring 1                          11/30/1998           F-A,    CL I Load setting mismarked 2-ISI- 37C                      H- 5                              98-0145R1            VT3                                  NAD Steat Generator 21              Spring 1                          12/02/1998           r-A, CL I Enginee.ri_ng Evaluation 03/16/19                                                                                                                                    Page 7

Prairie Island Nucirkar Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonado Drive Third Interval By Iso / Item 414 Nicollet Hall Welch, MN 55089 Commercial Service Date December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 130 Item Report Number Method Results system Item Description Exam Date  ? ASME section XI Item 2-ISI- 37C H- 6 90-0146 VT3 IND Steam Generator 21 Spring 2 11/30/1998 F-A, CL I ,


2-ISI- 37C H- 6 98-0146R1' hAD Steam Generator 21 Spring 2 12/02/1998 F-A, CL 1 Engineering Evaluation 2-ISI- 37C ,H- 7 98-0152 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Pad 1 11/30/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 37C H- 7A 98-0153 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Pad 2 11/30/1998 F-A, CL 1 2-ISI"- 37C H- 8 98-0149 fVT3 IND Steam Generator 21 rad 3 11/30/1998 {F-A, CL I l Weld configuration l 2-ISI- 37C H- 8 '98-0149R1 VT3 !NAD Steam Generator 21 Pad 3 12/02/1998 F-A, CL 1 I

                        - - _ . .    .                                                    .ME91n'*LE3Evaluat1.on 2-181- 37C                      H- BA                           98-0148             L VTJ                                     IND Steam Generator 21              Pad 4                           11/30/1998               F-A, CL I Eg ra_ parts 2-151- 37C                      H- 8A                           99-0148R1               VT3                                  NAD Steam Ge,.erator 21             Pad 4                           12/02/1998               F-A, CL I

_Engireering_Fvaluation 2*ISI- 37C H- 9 98-0151 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Girder 11/30/1998 . F-A, CL I l 2-IS1- 37C H-12 90-0210 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Fixture 3 12/01/1999 F- A, CL I 2-151- 37C H-13 98-0191 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Lower Pad 1 12/01/1998 F-A, CL I 2*ISI- 37C H-16 98-0192 [VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Lower Pad 4 12/01/1998 lF-A, CL 1


2-151- 37C H-17 98-0182 VT3 ~NAD Steam Generator 21 Col 1 Bumper 12/01/1998 j F-A, CL I _  ! 4 2-ISI- 37C H-20 ___98-0181 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Col 4 Bumper 12/01/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 3E T-21 $80179 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Col 1 Top connect 12/01/1998 F-A, CL I 2-1S1- 37C H-22 98-0178 ' VT3 Steam Generator 21 Col 2 Top connect 12/01/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 37C H-23 E0177 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Col 3 Top Connect 12/01/1998 T-A, CL I 2-151- 37C H-24 90-0176 N"f 3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Col 4 Top connect 12/01/1998 F- A, CL I H-32 98-0280 VT3 NAD 2-ISI- 37C Steam Generator 21 Column 4 12/10/1998 F-A, CL I N- 7 98 Wes UT NAD 2-ISI- 40 9eactor Vessel Outlet Nozzle A 11/23/1998 D 3. 90 N-7IR 98 Wes UT NAD 2-151- 40 Reactor Vessel Outlet Nozzle A 11/23/1998 B 3.100 NAD 3-ISI- 40 N-10 98 Wes UT Reactor vessel Outlet Nortle B 11/23/1998 B 3, 90 Page e 03/16/19

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company l 1717 Wakonado Drive Third Interval By Iso / Item 414 Nicollet Mall l Welch, MN 55089 Commercial Service Dates December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 l ISO Item Report Number Method Results System Item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 40 N-10 IR 98 Wes I teT NAD Reactor vessel Outlet Nozzle B 11/23/1998 l B 3.100 l 2-ISI 42 RV- 1 98-0095 VT3 NAD Reactor Vessel Interior 11/24/1998 B13. 10 2-ISI- 42 Threads 98 Wes UT NAD Beactor Vessel Threads in Flange 11/17/1996 B 6. 40 2-ISI- 42 W- 1 90 Wes UT NAD Reactor Vessel Vessel Shell-Flange 11/17/1998 B 1. 30 2-ISI- 43A B- 1 98-0117 UTO NAD RC Pump 21 Flange Bolts 11/27/1998 , B 6.180 A ~ 2-ISI- 43A Pump p 21 98-0118 UTO ~INAD RC Pump 21 Flywheel keyway 6 Bore 11/27/19951 TS.4.2-1 l 3

                                                                                            .                                      I                I

rump # 21 98-0114 (A) HT 1 NAD l 2-ISI- 43A RC Pump 21 Flywheel Periphery 11/27/1998 TS.4.2-1 I 4 2-ISI- 43A Pump e 21 99-0125 UTO NAD RC Pump 21 Flywheel Periphery 11/28/1998 ' TS.4.2-1 2-151- 43B B- 3 98-0088 i VT1 NAD 11/24/1998  ! RC Pump 22 Lower Seal House 60


lB7 2-ISI- 43B H- 7 98-0195 lVT3 NAD BC rump 22 Col 1 Top Connect 12/02/1998 ' F-A, CL 1 2-ISI- 43B H- 8 98-0194 VT3 NAD HC Fump 22 Col 2 Top Connect 12/02/1998 F-A, CL I 2-151- 43B H- 9 98-0193 VT3 l NAD RC Pump 22 Col 3 Top Connect 12/02/1998 lF-A, CL I l 2-ISI- 43B H-12 98-0196 [VT3 NAD RC Pump 22 Col 3 Base 12/02/1998 F-A, CL I b _ _ _ . _ _ _.98-0197

                                                                                     . .__ d
                                                                                               ' VT3                                    NAD___      !

_ , _ _2-ISI- 43B. H-15 PC Pump 22 Column 3 12/02/1998 F-A, CL I . l I 2-ISI- 4(,A H- 1 MT NAD l99-0274 Main Steam A Rupture Bestraint 12/09/1998 j F-A & C 3. 20 i Limited, Less than 901 { 2-151- 46A H. 2 98-0273 - MT NAD Main Steam A Seismic Restraint 12/09/1998 F-A & C 3. 20  ; Limited, Less than 90% I 2-ISI- 46A H. 3 90-0275 MT NAD Main Steam A Seismic Restraint 12/09/1998 F-A & C 3. 20 Limited, Less than 90% f 2-ISI- 40A H- 4 90-0281 MT hAD Main Steam A Rupture Bestraint 12/10/1998 F-A 4 C 3. 20 2-ISI- 46A W- 1/LSD 98-0064 UT45 NAD Main Steam A Nozzle to Red Elbow 11/19/1998 C 5. 50 Limited, Exceeds 90% 98-0030 NAD

        '2-ISI- 40A                    W- 1/LSD                                                    MT Main Steam A                  Nozzle to Red Elbow              11/13/1998                 C 5. 50 t

2-ISI- 40A W- 4/LSUD 98-0067 MT NAD Main Steam A Elbow to Pipe 11/19/1998 C 5. 50 W. 4/LSUD 98-0065 UT45 fiAD

         ~T2 ISI- 46A Main Steam A                 Elbow to Pipe                    11/19/1998                 C 5. 50 Page 9 03/16/19

Prairie Island Nuclear Generatir.g Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Iso / Item 414 Nicollet Hall Welch, rei 55089 Commercial Service Date December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 gao item Report Number Method Results system Item Desertption Exam Date ASME section XI Item 2-ISI- 46B H- 6 98-0091 (A) VT3 NAD Main Steam A Double Snubber / Clamp 11/24/1996 F-A, CL II

                                            ~                                                                                                  -

2-ISI- 46B W- 3/LSUD 78 Ib5 ~iiT NAD Main Steam A Pipe to 59 Elbow 12/01/1998 C 5. 50


2-ISI- 40B W- 3/LSUD EIO170 UT45 NAD Main Steam A Pipe to 59 Elbow 12/01/1998 C 5. 50


2-ISI- 40B W- 4/LSUD 90-0171 HT NAD Main Steam A 59 Elbow to Pipe 12/01/1998 C 5. 50 2-ISI- 40B W- 4/LDUD 98-0172_ _ _ . _ UT45 NAD Main Steam A 59 Elbow to Pipe 12/01/1998 C 5. 50 Main Steam B Rupture Restraint 12/03/1998 F-A & C 3. 20

                                                                                                                   - _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _+_                  ...____.,._....-____.i                             _

Main Steam B Snubber 12/03/1998 F-A, CL II 2-ISI- 47B W-23 98-0113 (A) UTt,0 CEO Main Steam B Pipe to Valve 11/27/1998 C 5. 51 2-ISI- 48 ]H-13 98-0086 MT NAD Feedwater A Seismic Restraint 11/23/1998 r-A & C 3. 20 2-ISI- 48 W-18 98-0083 '~] MT  ! NAD reedwater A Valve to Elbow 11/23/1998 I C 5. 51 I l 1

          ;             4g~~~                                       W-19                                                                              UT45                                                 NAD
                                                                                                            }@dO84 reedwater A                                               Valve t o Elbow                          11/23/1998                            ; C 5. 51

3 tig! 78~ ~ ~ ' W-24 NAD I MT Feedwater A Feducer to Nozzle !98-0042 11/16/1999 l C 5. 51 i

                                                                  !                                                                                !                                                    i 2-ISI- 40                                               fW-24                                      90-0087                                  UT45                                                 NAD I

reedwater A Reducer to Nozzle 11/23/1998 C 5. 51

                                                                                                                                                                  - ??
        --[    g, , 4 g tgggg               - - - - - -                                                     ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                     --+ fgO Feedwatwr A                                               Redacer to Nozzle                        11/23/1998                               C 5. 51
        ~~2-ISI- 51                                                 H- 1                                     98-01578L                        "'l VT3                                                      IND MIR Pump B Suction                                        Seismic Restraint                        12/01/1998                                F-A, CL II
                                                                                                          ,                                       . Strut does not swivel 2-ISI- 51                                                 H- 1                                     98-0157BLR1                           i VT3                                                   NAD kHR Pump B Suction                                        Seismic Restraint                        12/02/1999                             !r-A,     CL II l Ergineering, Evaluation 2-ISI- 51                                                W-12/LSUD                                98-0000                                                                                       NAD           j f PT RHR Pump B Suction                                       Pipe to Tee                              11/21/1998                             j C 5. 10
                                                                                                                   ._._                          _.1 2-IS1- 51                                                W-12/LSUD                                98-0072                                  UT45                                                 NAD RHR Pump B Suction                                       Pipe to Tee                              11/21/1998                                C 5. 10
        ~^2-ISI- 51                                                 W-13/LSUD                                9A-0069                                   PT                                                  NAD RHR Pump B Suction                                       Tee to Pipe                              11/21/1998                                C 5. 10
        - _ . _2-151- 51                                            W-13/LSUD                                90-0073                                   UT45                                                NAD RHR Pump B Suction                                       Tee to Pipe                               11/21/1998                               C 5. 10

I M I- 51 W-14/LSUD 98-0070 PT NAD kHR Pump B Suction Pipe to Elbow 11/21/1998 C 5. 10 _ _ . _ . _+ 2-ISI- 51 W-14/LSUD 98-0074 UT45 'NAD RHR Pump B Suction Pipe to Elbow 11/21/1998 C 5. 10 03/16/19 F898 10

Praisie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern Ststes Power Company 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Iso / Item 414 Nicollet Mall welch, MN 55089 Commercial Service Dates December it. 1W14 Minneapolis, MN 55401 180 Item Report Number Method Results Byutem Item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 51 W-15/LSUD 98-0071 PT I NAD RHR Pump B $ action Elbow to Pipe 11/21/19 % C 5. 10


2-ISI- 51 W-15/LSUD 98-0075 UT45 NAD RHR Pump B Suction Elbow to Pape 11/21/1998 C 5. 10 2-151- 52 H- 4 98-0158 VT3 IND RHR Pump A Suction Seismic Restrant 12/01/1998 F-A, CL 11 cap _in basep_ late  ! 2-ISI- 52 H- 4 98-0158R1 VT3 NAD RHR Pump A Suc. ion Seismic Restrant 12/02/1998 F-A, CL II Engi ne? ripg__Ev_a l,ua t ion 2-ISI- 52 H- 5 98-0159 VT3 NAD RHR Pump 1. Suction Pump Base (Slide) 12/01/1998 F-A, CL II RHR Pump A Discharge Pipe to Valve 11/13/1998 C S. 11 ) 2-ISI- 57 W-22 98-0111 UT45 NAD RHR Pump A Discharge Pipe to Valve 11/25/1998 C 5. 11 __,4 Limited, F.xceeds 904 l

        .-ISI- 57                                           W-22                                           90-0112                              UT60                                                         NAD RHR rump A Discharge                                 Pipe to Valve                                 11/25/1998                           C 5.       11                                                                    j
                  . _ . . . _ _ . _ _ _                                  _ - . . . _ . - . . _ . . _                _ _ _ . . _ _ . ..                                               ____._. - .._ ~                __

St Pump 21 ISupport C 11/11/1998 F-A & C 3. 30 l __._7 -L i m i_t e. d. , _ L.e_.s. s_ t.. ha.n_9. 0._%. -.-_ . q St Pump 21 Support c 11/06/1998 F-A & C 3. 30 2-ISI- 60A H- 4 96-0017 MT NAD S1 Pump 21 Support D 11/11/1998 F-A & C 3. 30 3D 2-ISI- 60A H- 4 -UU5E St Pump 21 Support D !11/06/1998 IF-AsC3. 30

             . ..         ___.._.._.-.__._.._I_                      ._ _ _ - .- ._ _ ___ _ !                                     _...-l                                                    _._        4               ._

RV Safety Injection Snubber & Strut l12/03/1998 I F-A, CL II 2-ISI- 70 'W- 2 90-0213 PT NAD RV Safety Injection Pipe to Elbow 12/03/1998 C 5, 11 2=ISI- 70 W- 2 98-0220 UT45 NAD RV Safety injection Pipe to Elbow 12/03/1998 C 5. 11 2-ISI- 70 W- 6 96-0214 PT NAD RV Safety Injection Pipe to Valve 12/03/1998 C 5. 11 _._____M._. ____ RV Safety injection Pipe to Valve 12/03/1998 ' C 5. 11

                                                                                                                                                                                                    ~ 75iAD

2-ISI- 90A W- 7 7~ {E8U018' S! 21 Discharge ' Valve to Elbow 11/11/1998 C 5. 21 2-1S1- 90A W- 7 98-0025 UT45 NAD S1 21 Discharge valve to Elbow 11/12/1998 C 5. 21 Limited, Less than 90% 2-ISI- 90A W- 7 98-0026 (A) UT60 lNAD SI 21 Discharge Valve to Elbow 11/12/1998 C 5. 21 j 2-ISI- 908 H- 3 98-0209  % 5' NAE S1 21 Discharge Box 12/03/1998 F-A, CL II 98-0199 U PT NAD 2-181- 900 W-12 Si 21 Discharge lElbow to Pipe 12/02/1996 C 5, 21 l _J -- Page 11 03/16/19

Prairio Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonado Drive Third Interval By Iso / Item 414 Nicollet Mall Welch, MN 55089 commercini service Date December 20 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item Report Number Method Results System item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 90B W-12 j98-0200 UT45 NAD SI 21 Discharge Elbow to Pipe '12/02/1998 C 5. 21 2-ISI- 93C W- 4 98-0150 PT NAD SI 22 Discharge Elbow to Pipe 11/30/1998 C 5, 21 2-ISI- 93C W- 4 98-0201 UT45 NAD SI 22 Discharge Elbow to Pipe 12/02/1998 C 5. 21 2-ISI- 95D H- 4 98-0259 VT3 NAD Reactor Vessel SIS A Rigid Hanger 12/07/1998 F-A, CL II 2-ISI- 958 W-19 [0211 l PT NAD Reactor Vessel SIS A Pipe to Elbow (12/03/1998 l C 5. 21

                                                                        !                                                           i
                                                                                                                                    *                  \

2-ISI- 950 W-19 198-0231 i UT45 iNAD Pipe to Elbow I Reactor Vessel SIS A (12/04/1998 C 5. 21 I ' 2-ISI- 97 $1- 2 570212 ~P'T~ [NAD SI Test Pipe to Elbow 12/03/1998 C 5. 30

        ~2-IS!-301                      C-30A                              98-0260BL            VT3                                       IND Primary Containment             Penetration Surface               11/28/1998           E 1. 12 2-IS!-301___

dC-30A i98-0260BLR1

                                                                                              ._P1a ki ng,,Pa i n t V1 J f

jNAD Primary Containment , Penetration Surface l12/19/1998 E 1. 12  ! Engineering Evaluation l {. _ _ _2-ISI-301 C-30B 98-0261BL VT3 6 IND__ I Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 "2- 515301 7 -30B 98-0261BLR1 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 Engineering Evaluation j 2-ISt-301 G-32 98-0232BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Moist Barrier-outer 12/04/1998 E 5. 30 ) i

        ~2-ISI-301                  NG-33                                  E-T233BL          i'VT3                                 [NAD Frimat y Contalranent        ! Moist Barrier-outer                12/04/1999         l E 5. 30 I-                                 1   ~             '

1 T-ISI-301 IG 58 98-IUiB VT3 NAD l Primary Containment jHolst Barrier-outer 12/04/1998 E 5. 30 1 2-1S'-301 'G-39 l98-0235BL VT3

                                                                                                                                 ]NAD Pr' mar / Containment
            .                            Moist Barrier-outer               12/04/1998            E 5. 30 2-ISI-301                       G-44                              98-0236BL             VT3                                      NAD Primary Containment             Moist Barrier -outer              12/04/1998            E 5. 30 4

2 1S1-301 G-45 90-0237BL VT3 NAD Primary containment Moist Barrier-outer 12/04/1998 E 5. 30 4 2-151-301 G-50 96-0230BL 'VT3 NAD Primary Containment Moist Barrier-outer 12/04/1998 E 5. 30 2-ISI-301 G-51 98-0239BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Maist Barrier-outer 12/04/1998 E 5. 30 E SI-301 G-56 98-0240BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Maist Barrier-outer 12/04/1998 E 5. 30 ,

          -         -                                                                                                                 {

2-1S1-301 G-57 98-0241BL VT3 ' NAD Primary Containment Moist Barrier-outer 12/04/1998 E 5. 30 2-ISI-301 S-33 98-0262BL VT3 3AD Primary Containment Plate Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 Page 12 03/16/19

Prairis Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 wakonada Drive Third Interval By Iso / Item 414 Nicollet Hall Welch, MN 55089 Commercial Service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item Report Number Method Results System Item Description Eram Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI-301 S-34 98-0263BL l VT3 l NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 2-151-301 S-30 98-0242BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 2-131-301 S-39 98-0243BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-301 S-44 98-0244BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment .' late Sur f ace 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-301 S-45 98-0245BL fVT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/04/1998 jE1.12 2-151-301 S-50 ~ 7 98-0246BL j VT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-301 S-51 '98-0247BL - /T3- ~ '*I4AD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-301 S-56 ,98-0248BL IVT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface {12/04/1998 E 1, 12 ,

        ~2-131-301                        S-57                                         98-02493L              VT3                                    NAD ~

Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-302 i-19 96-0100BL ~~ VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12


2-1S1-302 f G-05 ' 98-0101BL VT3 ~ ~3UD Primary Containment l Moist Barrier-inner E 5. 30 f l11/24/1998

                                                                                                           . _ L.!9.$ n iture Jarrig[_

Primary Containment , Moist Barrier-inner 12/19/1999 E 5. 30 l

                           - _ _ _.. ._d G-66                      _

98-0102BL _. Repair VT3 NAD 2-ISI-302 l Primary Containment Holst Barrier-inner 11/24/1998 E 5. 30 2-161-302 S-65 98-0103BL VT3 NAD l Primary Containment Plate Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12 2-1S1-302 98-0097BL jVT3 IND lS-66 Primary Containment Plate Surface 11/24/1998 jE1.12 J_PaintJyrapes v _.. 2-151-302 1S-E6 98-0097BLR1 VT3 lNAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/15/1998 E 1. 12 6 2-1S1-303 G-68 98-0110BL Id Primary Containment Moist Barrier-inner 11/24/1998 E 5. 30 2-151-303 G-68A 98-0099BL VT3 1 IND Primary Containment Moist Barrier-inner 11/24/1998 E 5. 30 Damaged moisture barrier 2-1SI-303 G-68A 98-0099BLR1 ' VT3 NAD Primary Containment Moist Barrier-inner 12/19/1998 E 5. 30 3-ISI-303 S-68 98-00980L IND Primary Contairment Plate Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12 Paint chips 2-151-303 S-68 98-0098BLR1 VT3 jNAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 1 {n n3i_ng Q aluat103 g _ _ Primary Containment Fenetration Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12 Page 13 03/16/19

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection P.eport Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonado Drive Third Interval By Iso / Item 414 Nicollet Mall Welch, H4 55089 Commercial Service Dates December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item Report Number Method Results System item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI-304 C-17 98-0105BL VT3 NAD l Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12 2-181-304 C-2 98-01098L VT3 NAD Primary Contairment Penetration Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12 2-13I-304 C-3 98-0100BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12 ) 2-1S1-304 C-34D 90-0272BL VT3 IND Primary Contairment Penetration Surface 12/07/1998 E 1. 12 Bare metal and discolored

                           ~~                   ~                                              ~'                                                           ~~

2 1SI-304 C-34D 98-0272BLh1 NAD Frimary Containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 Jngineering Evaluation 2-ISI-304 C-35 98-0104BL IVT3 NAD Primary Contrinment Penetration Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12 2-1S1-304 C-37A '98-0250BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/05/1998 E 1. 12 _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ l _. Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/04/1998 lE1.12

                                                                                                    }                    j Rust, water marks, and paint
                                                                                                    !                      blistering 2-151-304                                         C-37A-A                                 j98-0221BLR1           VT3                                         NAD Primary Containment                               Penetration Surface                         12/19/1998         E 1. 12 I                      Engineering Evaluation 2-ISI-304                                         C-37C                                                          VT3                                          NAD l96-0252BL Primary Contalmnent                               Penetration Surface                     5   12/05/1998         E 1. 12 I

Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 Rust, water marks, ar.d paint


2-151-304 C-37C-A 98-0223BLR1 [ NAD Primary Contairanent Penetration Surface 12/1')/1998 l E 1. 12 ineering Evaluation, _ _ Primary Containment Penetration Surface E 1. 12 l12/05/1998 2-1S1-304 ~C-38A-A 98-0225BL IND Primary Containment Penetration Surface lVT3 E 1. 12 f12/04/1998 Rust, water marks, and paint l i blistering 2-1S1-304 C-38A-A 98-0225BLR1 '~UY3 TNAD Primary containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 j E 1. 12 Eng inee r ing_Ev a lu.a t_l on 2-ISI-304 C-38C 98-0254BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/05/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-304 C-38C-A 98-02278L VT3 IND Primary Containment Penetrat on Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 Rust, water marks, and paint blistering 2-ISI-304 C-38C-A 98-0227BLR1 VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1999 E 1. 12 i k Eggineering Evalua pon j 2-1S1-304 98-0255BL VT3 NAD fC-42B Primary containment Penetration Surface 12/05/1998 E 1. 12 2-1S1-304 JC-6D 98-0269BL VT3 IND Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/07/1998 E 1. 12 Paint blistering 03/16/89 Page 14

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonade Drive Third Interval By Iso / Item 414 Nicollet Hall welch, >N 55089 Commercial Service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Iso 2 tem Report Number Method Pasults System Item Description Eram Date ASME P.ction XI Item 2-ISI-304 C-6D 98-0269BLR1 VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1, 12 Engiftee rin5L.Evalua tion 2-ISI-304 C-8C 98-02578L VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/05/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-304 C-3D 90-0107BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12 2-151-304 S-73 95-0256BL VT3 NAD Primary containment Plate Surface 12/05/1998 E 1. 12 2-151-304 S-73-A 98-0229BL VT3 IND Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/03/1998 E 1. 12 _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ ___._i____._ . ...l M .._and_ paint ch.ips_ _ _ __. 2-ISI-304 S-73-A 98-02298LB1 l VT3 NAD Primary Contairment Plate Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 Engineering Evaluation 2-ISI-304 S-74 98-0270BL i_VT3 IND Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/07/1998 E 1, 12 Paint chips, arc strikes, and r q discolored paint h, __ 2-151-304 lS-74 98-0270BLR1 }VT3 lNAD Primary Containment 12/19/1998  ! E 1. 12  : {PlateSurface

                                                                                                        ~                                         ~ ~ ~ ~
                                                                                  ' T 98~7

2-151-304 S-82 6276BL IED I Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/07/1998 ' E 1. 12 A l Paint chips and grinding Lmar,ks 2-ISI-304 S-82 98-0276BLR1 lVT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 Engineering Evaluation _ 2-131-305 IC-34A 98-0271BL VT3 IND Primary Contaircent Penetration Surface E 1. 12 (12/07/1999

                                       ~                                                                                   ~         '

2-ISI-3b 526275BLiii . NAD Primary Containment {PenetrativnSurface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 ingp_ing Jvaluatign_ _ _ .. _ , . Primary Containment 11/28/1998 l E 1. 12 l' Penetration Surface l l ~- 221S1M 06 E 8A 98-0131BL VT3 )IND Primary Containment ' Penetration Surface 11/20/1998 E 1. 12


2-1S1-306 C '8A 98-0131BLR1 NAD Primary Contairment P,netration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 Engineering Evaluation 2-ISI-306 C-308 98-0132BL VT3 IND Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12


2-151-306 C-36B 90-0132BLR1 3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1999 E 1. 12

                                              +                                                              _ ,}ypaknt 2-1S1-306                                                                     98-0127BL                  VT3                                        IND lC-36C Primary Containment                  j Penetration Surf ace                   11/28/1998                 E 1. 12 l                                                                   Bare metal 2-ISI-306                         IC-36C                                      98-0127BLR1                VT3                                        NAD Primary Containment                     Penetration Surface                   12/19/1998                 E 1. 12

[-~i5[I3-~ 3 ~ C-37B 90-0133BL I NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/20/1998 lE1.12


2-1S1-306 C-37B-A 98-0222BL VT3 IND Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 Rust, water marks, and paint blistering . Page 15 03/16/19

i l Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Iso / Item 414 Nicollet Mall Welch, MN $5089 Commercial Service Dates December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 1 ISO Item Report Number Method Results System Item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-1S1-306 C-378-A 96-0222BLP1 VT3 NAD l Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 1 _ . . . M n9 1naering __ Evaluation j 2-ISI-306 C-37D 98-0134BL VT3 NAD i Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 l 2-1S1-306 C-37D-A 90-0228BL VT3 IND Primary containment Penetration Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 kustt and. paint blist_ering _

        .2-151-306                                  C-37D-A                                       98-0228BLR1          VT3                                                 NAD Primary Containment                        Penetration Surface                           12/19/1998           E 1. 12 Engineerini, Evaluation 2-1S1-306                                  C-38B                                         98 0135DL            VT3                                                 NAD Primary Containment                        Penetration Surface                           11/28/1998           E 1. 12 Primary Containment                        Penetration Surface                           12/04/1996           E 1. 12                                       i Pust, water marks, and paint blistering                                                          I 2-181-306                                  C-30B-A                                       90-0226BLR1          VT3                                                 NAD Primary Containment                       Penetratiun Surface                           12/19/1998           E 1. 12
                                                ~                                                                                          -                  ~~

2-ISI-306 C-3BD 98-O L MBL NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12

                                                                                                                     }                                      ~

2-1S1-306 'C-38D-A 98-0224BL VT3 IND Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/04/1999  : E 1. 12 a l Rust, water marks, and paint

                                                                                                                     ! blistering 2-151-306                                  C-38D-A                                       98-0224BLR1          VT3                                       ~ 5 'D Primary Containment                       Penetration Surface                            12/19/1998          E 1. 12 I.
                                                                                           ,                       q. Engineering P. valuation 2-1S1-306                                 C-42C                                          99-0295BL           VT3                                                 IND Primary Containment                        Penetration Surface                           12/14/1998          E 1. 12 Bare metal, and paint _ chips _

2-ISI-306 C-42C . _._ ,90-0295BLR1 VT3 lNAD Primary Contair. ment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 }

        "2 5 i-306                                ~ C-42D                                        '90-01288L                  3                                             ISD Primary Containment                        Penetration Surface                           11/28/1998          E 1. 12 il[gT![0[~                                 C-42D                                          90 -0128 B LR1                                                          NAD Primary Containment.                       Penetration Surface                           12/19/1999        f E 1.            12 Repaint 2-ISI-306 __                               C-42E                                         98-0137BL           VT3                                                  NAD Primary Containment                        Penetration Surface                           11/28/1998          E 1. 12
         ~2-1S1-306                                  C-43A                                         98-0138BL           VT3                                                  IND Primary Containment                        Penetration Surface                           11/28/1998          E 1. 12 B_. ore metal

_,2-151-306 C-43A 98-0138BLR1 VT3

                                                                                                                                                                    ]NAD Primary Containment                        Penetration Surface                           12/19/1998          E 1. 12 u  Repalpt 2-1S1-306                                  C-438                                         98-0139BL           VT3                                                  IND Primary Containment                        Penetration Surface                          11/28/1998           E 1. 12 Bare metal 2-ISI-306                                 C-43B                                         98-0139BLR1          VT3                                                 NAD Primary Containment                        Penetration Surface                          12/19/1998           E 1. 12 I-                                                                   Pepajnt                                    A IA'ISI-306                               'C-43C                                          90-01298L            VT3                                              ! IND Primary Containment                        Penetration Surface                          11/28/1998           E 1. 12 Bare metal 2-ISI-336                                 C-43C                                         90-01298LR1          VT3                                                 NAD Primary Containment                        Penetration Surface                          12/19/1998           E 1. 12
                                                   &                                                                   _Pepaint Page 16 03/16/19

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 wakonada Drive Third Interval By Iso / Item 414 Nicollet Hall Welch, MN 55089 Commercial Service Date December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item Report Number Method Results System item Description Eram Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI-306 C-44 98-0140BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1, 12 2-ISI-306 C-46C 98-0141BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 , 2-1S1-306 C-51 98-0142BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1, 12 2-1S1-306 C-52 99-0143BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 Primary Containment Plate Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 2-181-30b S-84-A 98-0230BL i VT3 } IND Primary Cor.tainment Plate Surface 12/03/1998 E 1. 12 { Rustn and palnt chips j 2-101-306 S-84-A 98-0230BLR1 VT3 NAD _ Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 Egiggering Evaluation [ 2-ISI-310 C-36A 98-0126BL VT3 'IND Primary Containment Penetration Surface '11/28/1998 E 1. 12 hD


Mi1T3~jf ~~ ~ ~ ^ [c.36A 98 012[B5R [ Primary Containment  ! Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1, 12 j Repaint ' XH 1001-604 RX Head Lugs 98-0062 MT NAD Ex Head Lift Lugs Rx Head 11/14/1998 Nureg 0612 NC __ . _ _ _ . . . _ __._1__ 1 1 I

                                                                                                                                                            '*'* 17 03/16/10 I



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2,1998 APPENDIX B INTERVAL 3 PERIOD 2 INSPECTIONS BY ASME SOURCE DOCUMENT NUMBER 17 Pages Note: Pages 8 through13 and 17 contain Section XI IWE and non-code inspection result information. The information contained in this appendix is computer generated by the ISI database management system , includes IWE and other non-code inspection results. As allowed by 10CFR55a(g)(6)(ii)(B)(5) the containment inspection program (IWE) will be maintained and availaible for NRC audit and review at the plant site after September 9*,2001. The IWE inspection and non-code results listed within this appendix have not been reviewed or certified by the ANI inspector and are not covered by the form NIS-1 submitted with this summary report. I

i I Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company l 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Source Doc # 414 Nicollet Hall l Welch, MN 55009 Commercial Service Dates December 20, 1974 Hanneapolis, MN 55401 i Iso item Report Number Method Results System Item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 1 2-ISI- 42 W- 1 98 Wes UT NAD l Reactor Vessel Vessel Shell-Flange 11/17/1998 B 1. 30 l

                                                                                                                                                                                                              ._4 2-ISI- 37B                                            W-A                                                 98-0206                             UTO                                                        NAD                l Steam Generator 22                                     Tube Sheet to Head                                  11/26/1998                         B 2. 40                                                                       j Limited, EFCeeds.90%                                                          j 2-ISI- 37B                                             W-A                                                 98-0207 (A)                        UT45                                                       IND Steam Generatur 22                                     Tube Sheet to Head                                  11/26/1998                         B 2. 40                                                                       !

Limited, Exceeds 90%, Linear _ ._ . % .indicatiggs 2-ISI- 37B W-A 98-0200 (A) lUT60 IND Steam Generator 22 Tube Sheet to Head 11/30/1998 j B 2. 40 j l Limited, Exceeds 904, Linear  ;

                                                                                                             - _ _. __ _ . [ i nd4.a t t orgs___ __ _ _ L_                                                                              I W-A_ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ .                                                   ! UT45                                                         NAD
        . . . _ _ _ . _ .2-ISI- 17B                                                                                 i98-0207R1 (A)

Steam Generator 22 Tube Sheet to Head i12/18/1998 l B 2. 40


3~iSi~' 37 B W-A 5208R1 (A) 6 7Ii) Steam Generator 22 Tube Sheet to Head 12/18/1998 B 2. 40 Flaw Evaluation 2-ISI- 40 __N- 7 99 Wes NAD l UT Reactor vessel Outlet Nozzle A 11/23/1998 l B 3. 90

        --2-ISI- 40 . _ . . - . - . . . -                           N-10                                               98 Wes .                            UT                                                         NAD Reactor Vessel                                          Outlet Nozzle B                                     11/23/1998                         B 3. 90                                                ,

Reactor Vessel Outlet Nozzle A 11/23/1998 B 3.100 l 2-IS!- 40 N-10 Ik 98 Wes i UT NAD Reactor Vessel , Outlet Nozzle B 11/23/1998 lB3.100 ) C . i

           '2-ISI- E A                                              N- 5 IR                                          '98-0294BL                            UT70                                                        GEO Steam Generator "                                      Noz le Inner Padius                                 12/14/1998                         B 3.140 Limited, Exceeds 90%                                    !                    .

78 Wes i NAD 51'SiTUE W- 1 UT f Reactor Coalant A Nozzle To Safe End 11/23/1998 { B 5. 10 98 Wes UT NAD 2-IS!- 33A lW- 1 11/23/1998 8 5. 10 l Reactor Coolant B jNozzle To Safe End ' l , 2-ISI- 42 i 98 Wes " UT NAD l Threads Threads in riange 11/17/1998 8 6. 40 Reactor Vessel B- 3 98-02798L VT1 NAD 2-ISI- 37B 1 Steam Generator 22 Inlet Manway Bushing 12/10/1998 B 6.110 l i i 98-0117 UTO NAD 2-181- 43A B- 1  ; 11/27/1998 8 6.180 I RC Pump 21 Flange Bolts I


98-0264BL VT1 NAD 2-ISI- 35 B- 1 Pressurizer Manway Studs 12/08/1998 B 7. 20 98-0266BL VT1 NAD 2-ISI- 37A B- 2 i Steam Generator 21 Outlet Manway Studs 12/08/1998 87 30  ; I 98-0268BL VT1 NAD S ISI- 378 B- 2 87 30 I Steam Generator 22 Outlet Manway Studs 12/08/1998 98-02678L VT1 NAD 2-ISI- 37B l B- 1 Steam Generator 22 ' Inlet Manway Studs 12/08/1998 a7 30 t i f y . _ - . . - - - _ , . _ - _ _ - - _ - . - -

                   ..-              .-.-- --- _ _              -.-.s B1 30                                                   f Steam Generator 21                                      Inlet Manway Studs                                 12/08/1998 1

l Page 1 03/16/1g i 1

l l l I Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report 1.og Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval Dy Source Doc # 414 Nicollet Hall Welch, M4 55089 Commercial Service Datet December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item Report Number Method Results System Item Description Exem Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 12C B- 2 98-0012 (A) VT1 NAD Seal Injection B Flange Bolts 11/10/1998 B7 50

        ~2-ISI- 12C                    B- 1                                98-001T             VT1                                            NAD Seal Injection B               Flange Bolts                       11/10/1998          8 7. 50 2-181- 30B ~                   B- 1                               98-0283             VT1                                            NAf Pressuriser Safety B           Flange Bolts                       12/09/1998          B 7. 50
                                                                                            .f 2-ISI- 43B                     B- 3                               90-0008             VT1                                            NAD RC Pump 22                     Lower Seal House                   11/24/1998          8 7.        60 2-151- 10c                     B- 1                               98-0031             VT1                                            NAD RHR HL Takeoff A               Valve Bolts                        11/14/1998          B7 70 Accumulator Disch B            Valve Aoits                        12/11/1998          B7 70                                      !

2-ISI- 22A B- 1 98-0020 (A) VT1 NAD Accumulator Disch B Valve Holts 11/11/1998 B 1. 70


2-ISI- 10A B- 1 Te-0288 (A) VT1 NAD RHR HL Takeoff A Valve Bolting 12/11/1998 B7 70 2-ISI- 28 t B- 1 96-0115 VT1 NAD Reactor Vessel SIS B Valve Baltir.g 11/25/1998 B 7. 70 96-0155

                                                                                                                                  -b          hAD 2-ISI- 29                      D- 2                                                   VT1 Reactor Vessel SIS A           Valve Bolting                      11/30/1998           B 7. 70 2-ISI- 3CB                    B- 2                               9'0-0282            VT1                                          'NAD Pressurizer Safety B          Valve Studs                        12/09/1998           H 7. 70 2-ISI- 10A                    W- 2                               98*0120              PT                                             NAD RHR HL Takeof f A              Natale To Pipe                    11/28/1998           B 9. 11 L98-0175                                      _

_ fNAD 2-ISI- 10A W- 2 UT45 RHR HL Takeof f A lNozzleToPipe 12/01/1998 8 9. 11 2-ISI- 10A W- 5 98-0119 PT NAD RHR HL Takeoff A Elbow To Pipe 11/28/1998 B 9. 11

          ;        W~~ ~ '               wW
  • 98 0174 UT45~ NAD RHR HL Takeoff A Elbow To Pipe 12/01/1998 8 9.'11 2-1S1- 21 W- 9 98-n013 hT - NAD Eltow to Pipe 11/11/1998 8 9. 11 f RHR Return B I

W- 9 98-0218 UT45 NAD 2-ISI- 21 RHR Return B Elbow to Pipe 12/03/1998 B 9. 11 W- 7 98-0014 PT NAD 2-181- 21 RHR Return B Elbow to Pipe 11/11/1998 B 9. 11 W- 7 98-0028 UT45 NAD 2-ISI- 21 RHR Return B Elbow to Pipe 11/13/1998 9 9. li NAD 5S1-32A W- 5 90-0293 PT Reactor coolant A 50 Red Elbow-Nozzle 12/14/1998 8 9. 11 W- 5 98-0297 UT45 NAD

          '2-ISI- 32'A Reactor Coolant A            50 Red Elbow-Nozzle                12/15/1998          B 9. 11 Limitedu Less_than 90%

W- 2 90-0047 PT NAD 2-IS!- 31 Pressuriser Surge y Nortie To Pipe 11/16/1999 B 9. 11

          ..                         O Page 2 03/16/10

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Innervice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonado Drive Third Interval By Source Doc # 414 Nicollet Mall Welch, MN 55089 commercial Service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Iso Item Report Number Method Results System Item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 31 W- 2 98-0060 l UT4 5 NAD Fressurizer Surge Nozzle To Pipe 11/17/1998 l B 3. 11

        ,2-ISI- 33C                                            W. 1

__f 98-0147  ! Limited fExceeds 90% PT NAD Reactor Coolant B Pump To Pipe 11/30/1998 D 9. 11 2-ISI- 33C W- 1 98-0156 UT45 NAD Reactor C',lant B Pump To Pipe 11/30/1998 8 9. 11 Limited, Less than 90% 2-ISI- 19 W- 2 98-0163 (A) PT NAD RCS Draindown Nozzle to Pipe 12/01/1998 8 9. 11 I 2-181- 19 W- 2 l96-0205 (A) UT45 iNAD RCS Draindown Nozzle to ripe l12/02/1998 B 9. 11 l l 1.imited, Exceeds 901 i 2-1S1- 19 W- 3 798-0100 PT NAD RCS Draindown Pipe to Leducer 12/01/1998 B 9. 11 2-ISI- 19 W. 3 98-0204 UT45 NAD RCS Draindown Pipa to Reducer 12/02/1998 D 9, 11 2-ISI- 20A W- 8 90-0258 (A) PT NAD RHR HL Takeoff D Pipe to Elbow 12/07/1998 B 9, 11 2-ISI- 11 W- 8 .____ y _98-0198 . . .PT IND l Accum DLscharge A Elbow to Valve il2/02/1998 B 9. 11 _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ . - _ _ . - . _ _ _ _ . _ __ _ _._4. Rounded Indications 2-131- 11 W- 8__ 98-0277 l UT45 NAD Accum Discharge A Elbow to Valve 12/09/1998 i B 9. 11

                                 , _ . - . . . _ _ . _ _                 . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ - . _ . - _ _ _ .                                     ._.~..__..I                            . . _ . _ _ _ _                            4           __

Accum Discharge A Elbow to Valve l12/09/1998 . B 9. 11 I

                                  ..___..____._._1                  _ . _ .                   _                              ...          .       _ ._ _

Accumulator Disch B Elbow To Valve t12/11/1998 B 9. 11 9I-N9['

                                                                                                          ~                                                                                            ~

2-ISI- 22B 57 5 UT45 [NAD Accumulator Disch B iElbow To Valve 12/16/1999 l B 9. 11 l 1 i f Y r ...Le 3 s_y.,an, {,_n_ Accumulator Disch D 'Elbaw To Valve 12/16/1998 B 9. 11 2-181- 11 W- 8 98-0198R1


P TD Accum Discharge A  ; Elbow to Valve 12/08/1998 B 9. 11

         .                                _ - . _ _ _ . _ _ _                                  _._._.____[                                                     _ ....             d. 8 Oi k, ,_               _     _ _ _ , , , , ,            .

Reactor Coolant B Pump To Pipe 11/30/1998 {B9. 11

                                                                                                                                                                                      . Limited, Less than 90%

___..4 _ _ _2-ISI- 32A__ _ __. _ _ ._ _._._ W- 5. _ _ . _ _ '98-0296  ; UTO NAD Peactor Coclant A $0 Red Elbow-Nozzle 12/15/1998 l B 9. 11 Limited, Less t han 90% W- 2 99 Wes i UT NAD 2-ISI- 32A Reacter Coolant A Safe End To Papa 11/23/1998 B 9. 11 W- 2 99 Wes UT NAD 2-151- 33A Reactor Coolant B Safe End To Pipe 11/23/1998 B 9. 11 _1 . __2-ISI- 1A - . _ lW-10 90-0006 PT NAD Seal Injection A Elbow To Pipe 11/10/1998 B 9. 21 4 ._ y Seal Injection A Pipe To 45 Elbow 11/10/1998 l B 9, 21 j i  !

             ~25't 2          -4                                       W-18                                                                        98-0058                                     PT

MAY ~ HL RTD Takeoff A Pire To Elbow 11/17/1998 B 9. 21 u __.__2 Page 3 03/15/19

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 wakonade Drive Third Interval By Source Doc # 414 Nicollet Mall Welch, MN 55089 Commercial Service Date December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Iso Item Report Number Method Results System item Description Exas. Date ASME Section XI Iteri 2-!SI- 4 W-15 98-0057 i PT NAD HL RTD Takeoff A Elbow To Pipe 11/17/1990 B 9. 21 2-131- 1A W-11 98-0096 PT NAD Seal Injection A Pipe To Elbow 11/25/1998 8 9. 21


2-ISI- 12A W-26 38-0093 PT NAD Seal Injection B Pipe to Elbow 11/24/1998 8 9. 21 2-131- 12A W-25 98-0092 PT NAD Seal Injection B 45 Elbow to Pipe 11/24/1996 B 9. 21 Deal injectior. H Pipe to Elttow 11/10/1998 , B 9. 21 i

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -._.._.+                          ._

Seal Injection B 45 Elbow to Pipe 11/10/1998 8 9, 21 e_ . _ . . _ _ . . _ . - - _ _ _ . ~ _ . - - - - . . _ . _ . _ _ ._. Seal Injection B P1pe to Elbow 11/24/1998 B 9. 21


2-ISI- 13A Wii 98-0035 PT NAD Cold Leg Charging B E to Pipe 11/14/1998 l 13 9. 21

           .               . . . . _ . . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ . . . . _ l lbow_.

l l Cold Leg Charging B fElbowtcfipe  ; 11/14/1998 l B 9. 21 Cold Leg Chorging D Elbow to Tee  ! I l f11/16/1998 l B 9, 21 1

                           ,                                                                                                                                                                                           .j.. _ . -_ _

Cold Leg Charging D Elbow to Pipe l11/24/1998 1 D 9. 21 i L . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _( Cold Leg Charging D Elbow to Pipe .11/16/1998 , B 9. 21

                                  .. -                  - _ - -                                            -                             _ _ . -{                                        .._

7 _ , Cold Leg Charging B } Pipe to Elbow {11/16/1998  ; B 9. 21

                                                                      !                                                                                l                                                       i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ~                                       '

2-ISI- 24 ;W-11 iB505'5~ T '5 D Aux 111ary Spaay l Elbow to ripe 14/17/1998 lB4 21 i l 2-181- 24 lW- 9 99-0054 jPT l NAD Aax111ery Spray tElbow to Pipe 11/11/1998 i B 9. 21 l I I 2-1S1- 12C W-20 'N 001i IT 'Nk'D Seal injection B Pipe to Pump 11/11/1998 B 9. 21 I


2-ISI- 19 i[~ 4 99-0164 (A) PT NAD RCS Draindown Reducer to Elbow 1.2/01/1998 0 9. 21

                         ~                   ~~

i-TS1'-7 9 W- 98-01U~(A) UT15 NAD RCS Draindown Reducer to Elbow 12/01/1998 B 9. 21 Limited, Less than 90% 2-ISI- 19 W- 5 98-0161 PT NAD RCS Draindawn Elbow to Pipe 12/01/1998 B 9. 21 2-1S1- 19 W- 5 96-0184 (Al UT45 NAD kCS Dratndawn Elbow to ripe 12/01/1998 8 9. 21 2-1G1- 19 W- 6 NAD l98-0166 (A) RCS traindown Pipe to Elbow 12/01/1998 8 9. 21 2-ISI- 19 W- 6 98-0185 (A) UT45 NAD RCS Draindown iPipe to Elbow 12/01/1998 B 9. 21 l . Limited y Exceeds 90% l 03/16/19 Page 4

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonade Drive Third Interval By Source Doc e 414 Nicollet Hall Welch, be4 55089 Commercial Service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Iso Item Report Number Method Results j System item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 19 W- 7 98-0165 (A) PT NAD PC$ Draindown Elbow to Valve 12/01/1998 B 9. 21 i 2 131- 19 W- 7 98-0186 (A) UT45 NAD PCS Draindown Elbow to Valve 12/01/1998 0 9. 21 Limited, Les:3 than 90% 2-ISI- 19 W- 8 98-0167 (A) PT NAD RCS Draindown Valve to Pipe 12/01/1998 0 9. 21 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .__ _ _ . _ _ _ _                 1 2-ISI- 19                                                       W- 8                                                               98-0187 (A)                           UT45                                                              NAD RCS Draindown                                                   Valve to Pipe                                                      12/01/1998                            B 9. 21 b!SI- 19                                                 __. _ .W-9 98-0168 (A) _ _ _ _ PT                _.11milequLe.ss_than 901                                          NAD RCS Draindown                                                   Pipe to Valve                                                      12/01/1998                            0 9, 21
                                                                                                           ^                                             ~                                                                       ' ' ' ~

2-ISI- 19 W- 9 98-01Ii9 iA) U'T45 A b~'D PCS Draindown Pipe to Valve 12/01/1998 B 9, 21 Mil 719 W- 9 98-0190 (A) +5A$ ~ RCS Draindown Pipe to Valve 12/01/1998 B 9, 21 Supplemental 00deg exam 2-!SI- 19 W- 8 98-0188 (A) UT60 NAD RCS Draind un Valve to ripe 12/01/1998 B 9, 21 l

                          . . . _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _                                                                       _ . _ _ _ _                                       m.           .l.**en.t.81.. 60deg_E x,ar .,. .

RHR HL Takeoff A P'pe To Nozzle 12/01/1998 8 9. 31 i _ _ _.-4 _ . _ . _ _ . _ . I RhR HL Takeof f A Pire To Nozzle j12/01/1998 B9 31 i I l I W- 98-0048 PT NAD  ! 2-IGI- 31 1 I Pressurizer Surge Pipe To Nozzle 11/16/1998 8 9. 31 Pressurizer Surge Pipe To Nozzle  !!1/17/1998 B 9. 31

                                       .__ _ .                 _ _ _ .            _ . _ _ - - _ . ~ . . _ _ . . _                                              _ _ _ .
                                                                                                                                                                                        " I.t e d ,, Ass 1han,_903 _ , __ _ _ _

RCS Draindown Pipe to Nozzle 12/01/1999 8 9. 31 98-0202 UT45 NAD 2-151- 19 W- 1 RCS Draindown Pipe to Nor le 12/02/1999 8 9. 31 t eth_ Le s s yn 90( ___ _ _ RCS Draind3wn Pipe to Nozzle 12/02/1998 l B 9. 31 _ _._ q l mental 10dag,ex_am_ _,._ . PP.'. _,,. HL RTD Takeoff A PTD Manifold To ripe l11/17/1998  ! B 9. 40 j _ _ _ . _ _ _ _, _._ . _ . _ _ . . __f - _ _ _ _ . _ _ kAD

           . 2-131-
               - . _ _ _ . _ IA                                              W-15                                                               98-0007                              PT Seal Injection A                                                Pipe To Valve                                                      11/10/1998                           8 9. 40 W- 7                                                               99-0053                              PT                                                                 NAD 2-ISI- 24 Aux 111ary Spray                                                Valve to ripe                                                      11/17/1998                           B 9. 40

_W-MAD 2-1GI- 13B 9 98-0052 PT l Cold Leg Charging B Valve to Pipe 11/17/1998 B 9. 40

                                                                                    .         _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _                         +                                                                              _

Reactor Vessel SIS B Valve Int Surfaces 11/25/1998 B12. 50 I Reactor vessel SIS A Valve Int Surfaces 11/30/1999 B12. 50 98-0284 VT1 NAD 2-1$1- 30B V- 1 Pressurizer Safety B Valve Int surfaces 12/09/1998 B12. 50 Page 5 03/16/19

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inapection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Source Doc # 414 Nicollet Mall welch, MN 55089 Commercial Service Date December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item Report Number Method Results System Item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 42 RV- 1 98-0095 t NAD lVT3 Reactor Vessel Interior 11/24/1998 B13. 10 2-ISI- 37A N- 4 98-0029 HT NAD Steam Generator 21 Main Steam Nozzle 11/13/1998 C 2. 21

        ~~2-ISI- 37A                     N- 1                            98-0066              MT                                 NAD steam Generator 21              Feedwater Nozzle                11/20/1998           C 2. 21 2-ISI- 37A                   1N- 1                              98-0076              UTO                                NAD Steam Generator 21              Feedwater Nozzle                 11/21/1998          C 2. 21 2-ISI- 37A                      N- 1                            98-0077              UT45                               NAD Steam Generator 21              Feedwater Nozzle                 11/21/1998          C 2. 21 Limited, f.uss tnan 90%        .

2-ISI- 37A N- 1 98-0078 ' UT60 }NAD Steam Generator 21 Feedwater Nozzle 11/21/1998 C 2. 21  !

                    ~                                                                   ~               ~

2-ISI- 37A N- 4 9ti-0061 NAD Steam Generator 21 Main Steam Nozzle 11/18/1998 C 2. 21 2-ISA- 37A N- 4 j98-0045 UT45 GEO Steam Generator 21 Main Steam Nozzle '11/14/1998 C 2. 21 g Limited, Exceeds 904 ~ i 2-ISI- 37A N- 4 l98-0046 UT60  ! GEO Main Steam Nozzle I 11/14/1998 Steam Generator 21 C 2. 21 Limited. Exceeds 901 . 2-ISI- 37A .N- 4 IR 98-00398L  ! UT70 1NAD Steam Generator 21 MS Nozzle Inner Radi 11/14/1998 l C 2. 22 2-ISI- 37A N- 1 1R 98-0079 UT70 GEO Steam Generator 21 FW Nozzle Inner Radi 11/21/1998 C 2. 27 l 2-ISI- 51 W-12/LSUD '98-0068 PT NAD RHR Pump B Suction Pipe to Tee 11/21/1998 C 5. 10 TI51TT- S W-12/LSUD ~[98-0072 l UT45 NAD RHR Pump B Suction Pipe to Tee l11/21/1998 lC5.10


21 ~

        ~~7 ~SI- 51                      W-13/LSUD                       98-0069              PT                                 NAD RRR Pump B Suction              Tee to Pipe                   l11/21/1998            C 5. 10

271S1- 51 W-13/LSUD 98-0073 UT45 NAD RHR Pump B Suction Tee to Pipe j11/21/1998 C 5. 10 j 2-131- 51 I W-14/LSUD 4 98-0070 r PT NAD RHR Pump B Suction Pipe to Elbow 11/21/1998 lC5.10 1 2-ISI- 51 W-14/LSUD 98-0074 UT45 NAD FHR Pump B Suction Pipe to Elbow 11/21/1998 C 5. 10 2-IST- 51 W-15/LSUD 98-0071 PT NAD RHR Tump B Suction Elbow to Pipe 11/21/1998 C 5. 10 2-ISI- 51 W-15/LSUD 98-0075 UT45 NAD RHR Pump B Suction Elbow to Pire 11/21/1998 C 5. 10 2-ISI- 70 W- 6 98-0214 PT NAD RV Safety Injection Pipe to Valve 12/03/1998 C 5. 11

         '2-ISI- 70                      W- 6                             98-0219             UT45                               NAD RV Safety Injection             Pipe to Valve                    12/03/1998          C 5. 11 Limited, Less than 90%

2-ISI- 70 W- 2 98-0213 PT NAD DV Safety Injection Pipe to Elbow 12/03/1998 C 5. 11 03/30/19 Page 6

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 wakonade Drive Third Interval By source Doc # Welch, MN 55089 414 Nicollet Hall Commercial Service Date December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item Report Number Me *. hod Results System Item Description Eram Date ASME Section XI Item 2-1S1- 70 W- 2 96-0220 UT45 NAD BV Safety injection Pipe to Elbow 12/03/1998 C S. 11 2-ISI- 57 W-22 90-0027 PT NAD R}{R Pump A Discharge Pipe to Valve 11/13/1998 C 5. 11 2 ISI- 57 W-22 98-0111 UT45 NAD RHR Pump A Discharge Pipe to Valve 11/25/1998 C 5. 11 Limited, Exceeds 90% j 2-ISI- 57 W-22 98-0112 UT60 NAD RHM Pump A Discharge Pipe to Valve 11/25/1990 C 5. 11 , I l 2-ISI- 9FA W- 7 98-0018 PT NAD SI 21 Discharge Valve to Elbow 11/11/1998 C 5. 21 I 2-ISI- 90A_ . _ . _ . _ . _ , . _ . _ . _ . . - . . _ - . _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ 1._.._.-__.._ W- 7 90-0025 UT45 j NAD GI 21 Discharge Valve to Elbow 11/12/1998 C 5. 21

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ' ~ '        ~

2-151- 908 W-12 99 -01 M ND GI 21 Discharge Elbow to F1pe 12/02/1998 C 5. 21 2-131- 90B W-12 _ [ _. _ .._, I 98-0200 UT45 NAD l SI 21 Discharge Elbow to Fipe 12/02/1999 , C 5. 21 l S1 22 Discharge Elbow to Pipe 11/30/1998 I C 5, 21 i 1 _ _ . . . _ _ _ . . _M _ . . _ . . _ . _ . . . _ _ . - . . ~ _ . . _. . SI 22 Discharge Elbow to Pipe 12/02/1498 f C 5. 21

                                                                                                                                                                                  -                                                                              ~

2-ISI- 958 Peactor vessel SIS A W-19 Pipe to Elbow 38 02T1- - - ~ ' 3 ~~ 12/03/1990

  • C 5. 21
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~'~ {N5D 2-151- 958                                                                       iW-19                                                                               96-0231                                              UT45                                                                 NAD Reactor Vessel SIS A                                                                Pipe to Elbow                                                                    12/04/1999                                          C 5. 21 I
                                                        '                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ~~'

2-ISI- 90A W- 7 198-0026 (A) UT60 'D G1 21 Discharge  ! Valve to Elbow h11/12/1999 { C 5. 21 l "lM d .L888.thu t _9,0%., .Q ,_ GI Test lPipetoElbow 12/03/1998 I C 5. 30

            .              -. , . _ _                  _...._---d..,_                                     _

___-._.__1-___ . _ . - - Main Steam A Nozzle to Red Elbow 11/19/1998 C 5. 50 2 ml.ted _Exceejs 40% Main Steam A Nozzle to Red Elbow 11/13/1998 C 5. 50 2-ISI- 4tA W- 4/LSUD 98-0067 MT NAD Main Steam A Elbow to Pipe '11/19/1996 C 5. 50 2-131- 46A W- 4/LSUD 90-0065 ' UT45 NAD Main Steam A Elbow to Pipe 11/19/1990 C 5. 50 SiiiiI38 4 51 3/LSUD 98-0169 [MT NAD Main Steam A Pipe to $9 F.lbow 12/01/1998 I C 5. SO 2-IGI- 460 W- 3/ LSUD 98-0170 UT45 lNAD Maln Steam A lFipe to 59 Elbow 12/01/1998 Ct 50  ! I ' 2k151- 46B W+ 4/LSUD 90-0171 Mf SId Main Steam A 59 Elbow to Pipe 12/01/1990 C 5. 50 l Main Steam A 59 Elbow to Pipe 12/01/1999 C 5. 50

                                   ~ . . _ . . ~ . _ _                                                                                     _ _ . _ .                      __ t                                                                                   __.~.._-.__d..

03/16/19 Page 7

Prairie Island Nuclear Generatir.g Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Source Doc # 414 Nicollet Hall Welch, MN 55089 Commercial Service Date December 20, 1974 Ktnneapolis, MN 55401 130 Item P.eport Number Method Results System item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 48 W-24 90-0042 MT NAD feedwater A keducer t o Nozzle 116/1998 C 5. 51 2-ISI- 48 W-24 98-0087 UT45 NAD reedwater A F.educer to Nozzle 11/23/1998 C 5. 51 Limited, Exceeds 90% 2-ISI- 48 W-18 99-0083 MT NAD Feedwater A Valve to Elbow 11/23/1999 C 5. 51 2-ISI- 48 W-18 98-0004 UT45 NAD reedwater A Valve to Elbow 11/23/1998 C 5. 51

            .'-ISI- 48                                           W-24                                                          90-00fl 9                                UT60                                                GEO Peedwater A                                          Reducer to Nozzle                                             11/23/1998                               C 5. 51 2-ISI- 47B                                          ,

W-23 96-0113 (A) l UT60 GEO Main Steam B ' Pipe to Valve 11/27/1998 lC5.51

                                                              -_.~._____.___4.-_--                                                                              _d.______._.._..__+._.___

2-15I-304. _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ - _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _C-2_ 98-0109BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12

                                               ~                                                                                          ^

2-ISI-304 C-3 90-0100BL VT3 NAD Primary Conrainment Penetration Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12 _ _ _ . _ . + _ . Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/07/1998 E 1. 12 f _ . . __., Pdi.r3 t 1 t11stering_ _ __ _ j 2-ISI-304 C-8C  ! 98-0257BL VT3 !NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface f12/05/1998 E L 12  !

                                                                                                                            \                                       >                                                   l Primary Containment                                  Penetration Surface                                        i                                           E 1. 12 lll/24/1998                                                                             ~

2-1S1-304 C-138 98-0106BL VT3 UAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12

                                                                                                                      "                                                                                           ~~

2-1S1-304 jC-17 98-0105BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment lPenetrationSurface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12

        . .                   ___._.._.__._._i                       . _ _ . . . _ _                             _ _ . .                                                    _ . . _ _ _ _ _           _ _ _ _ .                  , _ _

Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12


2-Is!-306 C-270 98-0130BL VT3 ~5 N Prirrary containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 2-!!!-306 C-2BA i98-0131BL VT3 IND Prietary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 I E 1. 12 5 Paint chip.s __. 2-ISI-301 C-30A 98-0260BL jVT3 IND Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 j E 1. 12

                                                                                                                                                           ~                                     ~                    ~

2-ISI-3d C-30B 98-0261BL 3 IND Primary Containment Penetratic,n Surface 11/28/1999 E 1. 12 Flaking _ Paint 2-151-306 C-368 98-0132BL VT3 IND Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-304 ~ ~ Y 37A 98-0250BL '3 'NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/05/1998 E 1. 12 2-131-306 C-37B 98-0133BL VT3 AAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12

        ~2-ISI-304                                               C-37C                                                         98-0252BL                                VT3                                                  NAD Primary Containment                                  Penetration Surface                                           12/05/1998                               E 1. 12                                                               l 03/15/19                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 8

l r 1 i Prairie Island Nuclear Generating inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company l 1717 Wakonade Drive Third Interval By Source Doc # 414 Nicollet Mall l Welch, MN 55089 Commercial Service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 ) I 180 Item Report Number Method Results System Item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Ytem 2-ISI-306 C-37D 98-0134BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1996 E 1. 12 3-151-304 C-38A 98-0253BL ~ VT3 NAD Primary ContaiNnent Penetration Surface 12/05/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-306 C-36B 98-0135BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/19aB E 1. 12 2-ISI-204 C-3BC 98-0254BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/05/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-306 C-3BD 99-0136BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-304 C-42B 98-0255BL VT3 NAD Frimary Containment Penetration Surface 12/05/1999 , E 1. 12 1 2-ISI-306 C-42E 98-0137 8 L lVT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1, 12 2-151-306 C-43A 98-0138BL VT3 IND Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-306 Primary Containment C-43B Penetration Surface {.. _ _ _._ _.VT3 98-0139BL 11/28/1998 _ .[ Hare_metal E 1. 12 _ _ _ IND t l Bare metal 2-ISI-306 C-44 98-0140BL VT3 NAD _ Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1999 E 1. 12


2-151-306 7 C-46C 98-0141BL ~VT3~ 5AD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-306 C-51 98-0142BL NAD lVT3 Primary Containment l Penetration Surface 11/28/1998  : E 1. 12 i l - . - . a.. e __ 2-151-306 ic-52 '98-0143BL ,NAD lVT3 Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 = E 1. 12 l l 2-131-304 S-73 93-0256BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/05/1998 E 1. 12

                                                                                                                    ~                           ~

2-1S1-306 S-84 '90-0144BL VT3 N Primary Containment Plate Surface 11/20/1998 E 1. 12 2-1S1-301 S-34


98-0263BL VT3


T NAD 11/28/1998 Primary Containment Plate Surface lE1.12 2-ISI-301 3-33 98-0262BL VT3 NAD Primary Centainment Plate Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 I 2-1S1-301 S-38 98-0242BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 2-1S3-301 S-39 99-0243BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 2-IS!-301- S-44 98-0244BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/04/1998 E 1, 12 4-. . 2-1S1-301 S-45 98-0245BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 2-1S1-301 S-50 90-0246BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 Page 9 03/16/19

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Source Doc 8 414 Nicollet Mall Welch, MN 55089 Commercial Service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item Report Number Method Results System Item Description Eram Date ASME Section XI Item 2-131-301 S-51 98-02478L VT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/04/1998 E 1, 12


2-ISI-301 S-56 98-024eBL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-301 S-57 98-0249BL VT3 NAD Primary Contairnent Plate Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-302 S-65 98-0103BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 11/24/1998 E 1, 12 2-ISI-302 S-06 98-00978L VT3 IND Primary Containment Plate Surface 11/24/1999 E 1. 12 T.Ti[.]oT ~~~ S-68 98-0095lBL IED-Primary Contair. ment Plate Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12 ) T-~IhQ[0-~ -]C-3CA '98-0126BL T IND Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-306 C-36C 98-01278L j FIND Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 , E 1. 12 I



                ~                                                                                                           ~

T-isis 0 C-42D IUD-~ Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/20/1998  ! E 1. 12 l i I 2-ISI-306 C-43C 98-0129BL T 15 ~ Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12

                                                                                                       .. Dare meta _1                                         j 2-ISI-305                                 C-34A                                                  VT3                                   IND            I l93-0271BL Primary Contaiteent                       Penetration Surface             (12/07/1998            E 1. 12
        ~2IT ~SI-3[                                  C-34D                               d272BL                                                   IND            ;

Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/07/1998 E 1, 12 1 Bare metal and discolored l

        . . . -        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _                                    ..                            i n_t         ____                     _

Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/07/1998 E 1. 12 Paint chips and grincing 2-1S1-304 S-74 90-0270BL ~7 3 TND Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/07/1999  ! E 1. 12 j faint ct.ips, arc strikes, anct I disectored paint [ 2-1S1-304 C-35 98-0104BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-304 C-37A-A 90-0221BL IND lVT3 Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/04/1999 l E 1. 12 Rust, water marks, and paint I blistering 2-ISI-306 C-378-A 9e-0222BL VT3 IND Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 Rust, water marks, and paint blistering _ 2-ISI-304 C-37C-A 90-0223BL VT3 IND Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 Rust, water marks, and paint blistering 2-!SI-306 C-31D-A 98-0228BL VT3 IND Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 Rust, andJ aint blistering 3-ISI-304 iC-38A-A 98-0225BL VT3 IND Primary Containment lPenetrationSurface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 l Rust, water marks, and paint 03/86/19 Page 10

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report 1.og Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Source Doc # 414 Nicollet Mall Welch, MN 55089 Commercial Service Dates December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item Report Number Method Results System Item Description Eram Date ASME Section XI Item blistering 2-ISI-306 C-388-A 99-0226BL VT3 IND Primary Containment renetration Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 Rust, water marks, and paint blistering 2-131-304 C-38C-A 98-02278L VT3 IND Primary Containment renetration Surface 12/04/1998 E 1, 12 Rust, water marks, and paint blistering 2-ISI-306 C-38D-A 98-0224BL VT3 IND Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/04/1998 E 1. 12 Rust, water marks, and paint

                                              .m S-73-A

__ r _ __ 98-02298L

                                                                                                             ;__blis ty( ng VT3

[.IND 2-ISI-304 Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/03/1998 E 1. 12 s.eglA


T.]51 ~ 98-0235L~ 3 IND Frimary Containment Plate Surface 12/03/1998 l E 1. 12 Rust, and paint chips 2-ISI-306 C-42C j98-0295BL VT3 IND Primary Containment Penetration Sarface !12/14/1998 E 1. 12 j

        .. _ _                       ._____ _ d.          __
                                                                                .-__ d _            _ _ _-            e._mptalt_an_dpaint.eMpp._j Primary Containment                    Penetration Surface                      12/19/1998             E 1, 12

T-ISI-56 i-36C E-0127BLil ~3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12

                                                                                                        -        8? Paint 2-1SI-306                             C-42D                                 l98-0128Bl.R1             VU                                       NAD Frimary Containment                   Penetration Earface                    l 12/19/1998             E 1. 12

2-1S1-306 IC-43C 99-0129BLR1 3 NAD ~ Primary Containment !PenetrationSurface 6 12/19/1998 !E1.12 6

                                                                                                                   . .aj nL__ _                        _

Primary Containment Fenetration Surface 12/19/1996  ; E 1. 12 l Repaint  ! 2-IS!-306 C-43A 98-01388LR1 ET3 NAD Frimary Containment renetration Surface II/19/19 M E 1. 12 Repaint 2-ISI-306 C-43D 98-0139BLR1 I,VT3 NAD I Frimary Containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12

        . - _ _ . _                                                                                          . N Pa$!Lt 2-ISI-306                             C-42C                                    98-0 2 95B LR1         VT3                                      NAD Frimary Containment                    Fenetration Surface                     12/19/1998              E 1. 12 Repaint 2-ISI-302                             S-66                                     98-0097BLR1        }VT3                                         NAD Frimary Containment                    Plate Surface                            12/19/1998         I E 1. 12
                                                             ~ ~ ~                ~

2-ISI-303 S-68 98-CJ98BLR1 NA5 Primary containment Plate Surface 12/19/1998 E 1, 12 Engin_eering Evaluation 2-151-306 C-28A 98-0131dLR1 VT3 NAD Primary Containment Fenetration Surface !12/19/1998 E 1, 12

                                                                                                                .__Epgineeri_ng Evaluation 2-ISI-304 ..                           C-37A-A                                  98-0221BLR1            VT3                                     NAD Primary Containment                   renetration Surface                      12/19/1999             E 1. 12 Engineering _ Evaluation
          .2-18 -306                              C-37B-A                                  96-0222 B LR1          VT3                                i NAD Primary Containment                   renetration Surface                      12/19/1998             E 1. 12 Engineering _ Evaluation 2-ISI-304                             C-37C-A                                  98-0223BLR1            VT3                                     NAD Primary Containment                   Penetration Surface                      12/19/1998             E 1. 12 Engineering,Evaluat1_on          1 Page 11 03/16/10

Prairie faland Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 wakonada Drive Third Interval By Source Doc # 414 Nicollet Mall Welch, MN 55089 Commercial service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 130 Item Report Number Method Results System item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-151-306 C-3BD-A 98-0224BLR1 ' VT 3 NAD l Prirary Containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 , I 2-15I-304 C-36A-A 98-0225BLR1 EngineerM g, Evaluation VT3

                                                                                                                                   ]_                      l l

lNAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 l Engineering Evaluation l 2-ISI-306 C-38B-A 98-0226BLR1 VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 Er}qineering Evaluation 2-ISI-304 C-380-A 98-0227BLR1 VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 2-131-306 C-37D-A 96-0228 BLR1 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 i Engit ce r_i_ng_ Evaluation [ .. _ 2-ISI-304 is-73-A 90-02298LP1 VT3 iNAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 __ J Engineering Evaluation _ . . _2-1S1-306 S-84-A 98-0230BLR1 VT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 Engineering Evaluation

        '2-ISI-301                      C-30A                             98-0260BLR1               VT3                                      NAD Primary Containment            Penetration Surface               12/19/1999                E 1. 12                            j 1  Engineering. Evaluation         j 2-ISI-301                      C-30B                          '98-0201BLR1                                                    ; NAD lVT3 Primary Containment            Penetration Surface            f12/19/1998                  E 1. 12                            l Engineering Evaluation             i 2-ISI-304                      C-6D                              99-0269DLR1               VT3                                 'NAD Primary Containment            Penetration Surface               12/19/1998                E 1. 12 Engineering Evaluation                 .

2-1S1-304 'S-74 99-0270DLR1 lVT3 iNAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 Eng!qefring E, valuation 2-151-305 C-34A i98-0271BLR1_ VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface l 2/19/1998 E 1. 12 h98-0272BLR1 m . Egg iree ring _E_va l,tg tl on 2-ISI-304 tC-34D jVT3 NAD Primary Containment ' Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 j E 1. 12 . _ _ . _ i Engin_ce_ ring Evaluation . I 2-151-304 S-82 98-027tBLR1 jVT3 jNAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 12/19/1998 I E 1. 12  !

                           ~~~                                                                                                  ~

2-ISI-301 98-0232BL Primary Containment h32 Moist Barrier-cuter 12/04/1998 E 5. 30 NAD 2-1S1-301 G-33 98-0233BL l VT3 NAD Primary Containment Moist Barrier-outer 12/04/1998 l E 5. 30 2-ISI-301 G-38 98-0234BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Moist Barrier-cuter 12/04/1998 E 5. 30 2-!SI-301 G-39 98-0235BL VT3 NAD Primary containment Meist Barrier-outer 12/04/1998 E 5. 30 2-ISI-301 G-44 98-0236BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Moist Barrier -outer 12/04/1998 E 5. 30 2-ISI-301 G-45 98-0237BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Moist Barrier-outer 12/04/1999 E 5. 30 2-1SI-301 G-50 9'-0230BL 8 VT3 NAD Primary Containment Moist Barrier-outer 12/04/1998 E 5. 30 2-131-301 G*51 98-02398L VT3 NAD Primary Containment Maist Barrier-outer 12/04/1998 E 5. 30 Page 12 03/16/19

l l l l l l Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Source Doc # 414 Nicollet Hall welch, >t4 55089 Commercial Service Date: December 20, 1974 Ktnneapolis, MN 55401 Iso item Report Number Hethod Results 8vetem item Description Exam Date ASME Bection XI Item 2-ISI-301 G-56 98-0240BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Moist Barrier-outer 12/04/1998 E 5. 30 2 151-301 G-57 98-0241BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Moist Barrier-outer 12/04/1998 E 5. 30 2-ISI-302 G-65 90-0101BL VT3 IND Primary Containment Moist Barrier-inner 11/24/1998 E 5. 30 Flaw in Moisture Barrier 2-ISI-302 G-66 90-0102BL VT3 NAD Primary containment Moist Barrier-inner 11/24/1998 E 5. 30 l 2-ISI-303 G-60 98-0110BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Meist Barrier-inner 11/24/1998 E 5. 30 2-151-303 lG-68A 98-00998L ' ~hiI ~ ~~ IND Primary Coritainment Molst Barrier-inner 11/24/1998 l E 5. 30

                                                                                                                                         .E_amaged molature barrier 2-ISI-303                                     9 G-68A                   _
                                                                                             . . _ _98-00998LR1.                          VT3                                         NAD Primary Contairanent                             Moist Barrier-ir.ner                        12/19/1998                         E 5. 30 Repair 2-ISI-302                                        G-65                                        98-0101BLR1                        VT3                                         NAD Primary Containment                              Moist Barrier-inner                         12/19/1998                         E 5. 30                                 .

_._._ _ _ j a.i_.r. _ _ _ ] _ 11/14/1998 RHR HL Takeoft A Single Support F-A & B10. 10 2-ISI- 22D H- 3 98-0033 3 TAD Accumulator Disch B Rupture Restraint 11/14/1998 F-A 6 B10. 10 2-ISI- 10C H- 3 -0032R1 VT3 NAD RHR HL Takeoff A Single Support '11/17/1998 F-A & B10. 10 91"**flD9 2 .aluat,Lon Main Steam B Rupture Restraint 12/03/1998 i F-A 6 C 3, 20

                         ._____m.._                                 . _ _ _ _ _                        .          _ _ _ . _ _ . .                     . _ _ . _ - _                        _

Main Steam A Pupture Restraint 12/10/1998 F-A & C 3, 20


2-ISI- 46A H- 1 98-0274 MT NAD Main Steam A Rupture Restraint 12/09/1998 F-A 4 C 3. 20 _._1 Limited, Less than 90%

                                                 ..__.m 2-ISI- 46A                                      ! H- 2                                 .____98-0273                                                                          NAD l MT Main Steam A                                      Seismic Restraint                           12/09/1998                    i F-A 6 C 3. 20 I Limited, Less than 9M 2-ISI- 46A                                        H- 3                                     I96-0275                                                                          NAD fMT Main Steam A                                      Seismic Restraint                           12/09/1998                     l F-A & C 3. 20
        . _ _ _ _                                                                                                                    [ Limited, Less than 90%

2-151- 48 H-13 98-0086 ' MT NAD Feedwater A Seismic Restraint 11/23/1998 F-A 6 C 3. 20 2-ISI- 60A H- 4 9I-0017 MT NAD S1 Pump 21 Support D 11/11/1998 F-A & C 3. 30 Limited1 p ss than 90% 2-ISI- 60A H- 4 98-0002 VT3 _NAD SI Pump 21 Support D 11/06/1998 F-A 6 C 3. 30 2-ISI- 60A H- 3 98-0016 MT NAD S1 Pump 21 Support C 11/11/1998 F-A 6 C 3. 30 l

                                                                                                                                      ._ Limited, Less than 9M                      !

2-ISI- 60A H- 3 98-0001 VT3 NAD St Pump 21 Support C 11/06/1998 F-A & C 3. 30 2-1S1- 1A H- 5 98-0003 VT3 NAD Seal Injection A Spring Hanger 11/10/1998 F-A, CL 1 03/16/19 Page 13

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 wakonada Drive Third Interval By Source Doc # 414 Nicollet Mall Welch, MN 55089 Commercial tarvice Dates December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Iso Item Report Number Method Results System item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 4 H- 5 98-0024 VT3 NAD HL RTD Takeoff A Spring 11/12/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 1A H- 4 98-0004 VT3 jIND Seal Injection A Restraint 11/10/1998 F-A, CL !


4 Drawing discrepancy: 4 2-ISI- 12A H- 6 98-0010 VT3 NAD Seal Injection B Restraint 11/10/1998 F-A, CL I 2-131- 3 H- 4 98-0023 VT3 NAD CL RTD Takeof f A Double Spring / Clamp 11/12/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 13E H- 1 98-0040 VT3 IND Cold Leg Charging B Double Spring 11/10/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 21 4 90-0021 ] UAD lH- 11/11/1'399 RHR Return B Double kod Hanger lF-A, CL I _____.-_._.._.j._.______-_____a _ . _ . _ _ . . _ _ . . . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ Accumulator Disch B Snubber / Clamp 11/11/1998 F-A, CL I l i i


b1SI- 13E UI 98-0041 VT3 IND Cold Leg Charging B Restraint 11/16/1998 F-A, CL I _ _ . _ _ _ _ ._ m __ - _ ______ L. g Grout ,__ Accumulator Disch B Spring Hanger 11/11/1998 F-A, CL I i 2-ISI- 37C H- 9 98-0151 VT3 lNAD Steam Generator 21 Girder 11/30/1999 F-A, CL I l Steam Generator 21 . Column 4 12/10/1996 F-A, CL I

                                                                                                      ~                                                                            ~

2-131- 37C lH-20 -0181~ ~ ~ VE3 ~biAD ~ Steam Generator 21 ' Col 4 Bumper l12/01/1998 8 F- A, CL I [ 2-ISI- 37C H-24 l98-0176 VT3 i NAD. . - _ Steam Generator 21 Col 4 Top Connect l12/01/1998 F-A, CL I f I I

                                   - . _ . ~ . . .                      __.                _.                                    ___      .

___..__.__.___w _ _ _ . RC Pump 22 Col 3 Base 12/02/1998 lF-A, CL I j

                                               '     ~                        '

2 131 430 H- 9 98-0193 3~ NAD RC Pump 22 Col 3 Tcp Connect 12/02/1998 F-A, CL 1 2-1S1- 37C ~ H-16 E-0192 E3 ED Steam Generator 21 Lower Pad 4 12/01/1999 fF-A, CL I 2-ISI- 43B H-15 98-0197 VT3 NAD RC Pump 22 Column 3 12/02/1998 F-A, CL 1 T-ISI- 13B H- 6 90-0051 (Ai VT3 IND Cold Leg Charging B Spring / Lug 11/16/1998 F-A, CL 1 Incomplete Weld 2-ISI- 13B H- 1 98-0050 (A) VT3 IND Cold Leg Charging B Rigid Restraint 11/16/1998 F-A, CL I No Load u Ga p_in Baseplate 2-ISI- 7A H- 6 98-0063 (A) VT3 IND Spray To Pze Dr A Double Rigid 11/19/1998 F-A, CL I l No Load j 2-ISI- 11 H- 2 98-0080 (A) ThT3 IND j Accum Discharge A Seismic Restraint 11/23/1998 F-A, CL I J No Rotation, Extra parts 2-151- 31 H-2 98-0036 VT3 lNAD_ Pressuriser Surge Spring 11/14/1998 F-A, CL I 03/16/19 E*9" 18 i

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Source Doc # 414 Nicollet Hall Welch, MN 55089 commercial Service Dater December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item . Report Number Method Results System Item Description Eram Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 31 H-1 98-0037 VT3 NAD Pressurizer Surge Spring 11/14/1998 F-A, CL I 2-1S1- 37C H- 1 98-0289 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Snubber 1 12/14/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 37C H- 2 98-0290 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Snubber 2 12/14/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 37C H- S 98-0145 VT3 IND Steam Generator 21 Spring 1 11/30/1998 F-A, CL I Load setting misnarked 2-ISI- 37C H- 7 98-0152 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Pad 1 11/30/1998 F- A, CL I Steam Generatur 21 Pad 2 11/30/1998 F-A, CL I ' 2-ISI- 37C H- 8 90-0149 VT3 IND Steam Generator 21 Pad 3 11/30/1998 F-A, CL I Weld configurat_lon [ 2-ISI- 37C H-12 98-0210 VT3 l NAD Steam Generator 21 Fixture 3 12/01/1998 F-A, CL ! 2-ISI- 37C H-13 98-0191 VT3 jNAD Steam Generator 21 Lower l'ad 1 12/01/1998 F-A, CL I l

                         . - - - - - - - . .                        - - - - . - -           -.              N                          - - - -

Steam Generator 21 Col 1 Bumper 12/01/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 37C H-21 98-0179 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Col 1 Top connect 12/01/1995 F-A, CL I l ' 2-181- 37C H-22 ~98-0178 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Col 2 Top Connect 12/01/1998 F-A, CL I r l


i 2-ISI- 37C H-23 98-0177 VT3 neb Steam Generator 21 Col 3 Top Connect 12/01/1998 F-A, CL I

                                                                                   - . -.98-0195
                                                                                                         ._   -.                                           +.--.-_.
            -~~2-ISI- 43B. . . -                   H- 7                                                          VT3 RC Pump 22                            Col 1 Top Connect                      12/02/1999             F-A, CL I

2-ISI- 43B H. B 9 8-i)[94 VT3 NAD RC Pump 22 Col 2 Top Connect 12/02/1999 F-A, CL 1

            'i-ISI- 228                            h- 2                                   98-0034                VT3                                            NAD Accumulator Disch D                   Restraint                              11/14/1998             F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 37C                           H- 6                                   98-0146                VT3                                            IND Steam Generator 21                   Spring 2                                11/30/1998            F-A, CL I Loose farts 2-ISI- 37C                           H- 8A                                   98-0148               VT3                                            IND Steam Generator 21                    rad 4                                  11/30/1998            F-A,  CL I Extra parts 2-ISI- 37C                            H- 3                                   98-0291               VT3                                            NAD Steam Generator 21                    Snubber 3                              12/14/1998            F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 37C                            H- 4                                   98-0292               VT3                                        i NAD Steam Generator 21                    Snubber 4                              12/14/1998            F-A, CL I

2-ISI- 1A H- 4 98-0004R1 VT3 NAD Seal Injection A Restraint 11/14/1998 F-A, CL I Engineering Evaluation. _ 2-ISI- 13B H- 1 98-0050R1 (A) VT3 lNAD Cold Leg Charging B Rigid Restraint 11/19/1998 jF-A, CL I l Fngineering Evaluation . Page 15 03/16/19

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Source Doc # 414 Nicollet Phil welch, MN 55089 Commercial Service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 iso Item Report Number Method Results System Item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 7A H- 5 98-0085 (A) lVT3 {NAD Spray To Pzr Br A Seismic Anchor 11/23/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 7B H- 1 98-0081 (A) VT3 5AD Spray To Pzr Br A Seismic Restraint 11/23/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 7C H- 3 99-0002 (A) VT3 NAD Spray To Par Br A Rod / Clamp 11/23/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 13B H- 6 98-0051R1 (A) VT3 NAD Cold Leg Charging B Spring / Lug 11/23/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 13E H- 1 98-00VR'1 3 ] NAD Cold Leg Charging B Double Spring 11/23/1998 lF-A, CL I  ! t Engiptering E_valua_ tion __  ! 2-ISI- 13E l-2 H 98-0041R1 ) VT3 lNAD _ Cold Leg Chstging B Restraint 11/23/1998 lF-A, CL I l M.Eng MLee r ing_E_v a 1 ua t i on_

        .__  _11 2-ISTu                         H- 2                      _ _ _ . __99-0080R1 (A)  l VT3                                           NAD__

AN um Discharge A Seismic Restraint 11/25/1998 {F-A, CL I i Engineering Evaluation 2-ISI- 7A H- 6 98-0063R1 (A) VT3 NAD Spray To Pzr Br A Double Rigid 11/25/1998 lF-A, CL I ,


2 d I- 29 ]H- 5 90-0251BL NAD Reactor Vessel SIS A  ! Strut / Clamp 12/04/1998 ' F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 37C 'H- 6 98-014tR1 NAD l VT3 Steam Generator 21 Spring 2 12/02/1998 i F-A, CL I . 2-ISI- 37C H- 5 98-0145R1 - -k NAD Steam Generato: 21 Spring 1 12/02/1998 lF-A, CL 1 (pg Qeerigg_ Evaluation _ 2-ISI- 37C H- BA 98-0148R1 VT3 jNAD_ Steam Generator 21 Fad 4 12/02/1998 F-A, CL I Engingerin_g Evaluation 2-ISI- 37C 'H-8 l VT3 JNAD [98-0149R1 Steam Generator 21 Fad 3 12/02/1998 lF-A, CL I f 2-ISI- 47A =H- 6 '98-0216 AD~-~ Main Steam D Snubber 12/03/1998 F-A, CL II 2-ISI- 90B  ! H- 3 98-0209 VT3 NAD SI 21 Discharge Box 12/03/1999 lF-A, CL II I 1 2-ISI- 95B H- 4~ '98-0259 [VT3 NAD Reactor Vessel SIS A Rigid Hanger 12/07/1998 lF-A, CL II I J 2-ISI- 70 H- 3 98-0215  ! VT3 lNAD RV Safety Injection Snubber 6 Strut 12/03/1998 F-A, CL II NAD 2-IsliS2 H- 5 98-0159 VT3 j RHR rump A Suction Pump Base (Slide) 12/01/1998 F-A, CL II i [H- 6 99-0091 (A) VT3 NAD 2-ISI- 468 Main Steam A Double Snubber / Clamp 11/24/1998 F-A, CL II 98-0158 VT3 IND 2-131- 52 ~ H- 4 RHR Pump A Suction seismic Restrant 12/01/1998 F-A, CL II _ Gap _in basepla,t_e

                                      " H- 1                                 95-01578L          VT3                                         IND 2-ISI- 51 RHR Pump B Suction            ~ Seismic Restraint                   12/01/1999          F-A, CL II                             ,

Strut does not swivel  ! 98-0157BLR1 VT3 NAD 2-ISI- 51 H- 1 RHR rump B Suction seismic Restraint 12/02/19')0 F-A, CL Il  ! Engineering _ Evaluation ___ Page 16 ! 03/16/1g

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonade Drive Third Interval By Source Doc # 414 Nicollet Hall welch, >et 55089 Commercial Service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item Report Nunber Method Results System item Description Eram Date ASME Section XT ftem , 2-IGI- 52 H- 4 98-0158R1  ! VT3 l lNAD RHR Pump A Suction Seismic Restrant 12/02/1998 lF-A, CL II _IEMS.their_ihiEvaluation 1106-245 FW - 1 98-0300 (A) UT45 NAD Feedwater B Pump to Pipe 12/17/1998 HELB 2-IS!- 37A N-1 IN-IR 98-0124 (A) MT NAD Steam Generator 21 Feedwater Nozzle 11/28/1998 NC IN 93-20


2 ISI- 37A N- 1 Ring Tee 98-0123 (A) 'HT NAD Steam Generator 21 FM Ring / Tee supports 11/28/1998 NC IN 93-20 2-131- 37A N- 1 Ring Tee 98-0122 (A) NAD lVT3 Steam Generator 21 fW Ring / Tee supports 11/28/1998 ' NC IN 93-20

                                                                                                         -~    - ~      ~ ~ ' ' ~ ~          ~

2-ISI- 37A W- F VT 56 OT21 ( 5' f "VT1 35 Steam Generator 21 !TransWeldIntVT !11/28/1998  ! NC IN 93-20 l I  !

                                          - {EX 5e~ad Lu f ' ~ ~ ~f98-0065
                                                  ~                                                                                 ~~~

XH 1001-604 5i' 'iiUT ~ Rx Head Lift Lugs Rx Head 11/14/1998 Nureg 0612 NC

        ~2-151- 43A                             Pump e 21                         98-0118               UTO                                            NAD RC Pump 21 Flywheel                    Iteyway & Bore                    11/27/1948            TS.4.2-1 1

2-ISI- 43A Pump # 21 j98-0114 (Al HT NAD RC Pump 21 Flywheel Periphery l 11/ 27 /1998 TS.4.2-1 l l l

        . . _ . . _ _ _ _ . - _ _ . _ .      -4__.___                          -

2-ISI- 43A Pump e 21 98-0125 i UTO .. I' NAD RC Pump 21 Flywheel l Periphery 1 11/28/1998 TS.4.2-1 03/16/19 #*9* 17



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2,1998 l APPENDIX C INTERVAL 3 PERIOD 2 INSPECTIONS BY INSPECTION REPORT NUMBER 17 Pages Note: Pages 6 through 8 and 12 through 17 contain Section XI IWE and non-code inspection result information. The information contained in this appendix is computer generated by the ISI database management system , includes IWE and other non-code inspection results. As allowed by 10CFR55a(g)(6)(ii)(B)(5) the containment inspection program (IWE) will be maintained and availaible for NRC audit and review at the p' ant site after September 9"',2001. The IWE and non-code inspection results listed within this appendix have not been reviewed or certified by the ANI inspector and are not covered by the form NIS-1 submitted with this summary report. I 1 t

( 1 l Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company l l 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval by Report # 414 Nicollet Hall welch, Det 55089 Commercial service Dates December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item Report Number Method Results System item Description Enam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-181- 32A W- 1 98 Wes UT NAD Reactor Coolant A Nozzle To Safe End 11/23/1990 B 5. 10 4 _ _ . . _ _ - _ .._..-_- . 3 Reactor Coolant A Safe End To Pipe 11/23/1998 B 9. 11 2-ISI- 33A W- 1 96 Wes UT NAD Reactor Coolant B Nozzle To Safe End 11/23/1996 B 5. 10 2-ISI- 33A W- 2 99 Wes UT NAD - 1 keector Coolant B Gafe End To Pipe 11/23/1998 B 9. 11  !

                                  ...~.--_--a.                         - - . _ .                     - - - - - - - ..                          . - - . . - -           .                        --                          --                -

React or Vessel outlet Nozzle A 11/23/19M B 3. 90 2-ISI- 40 N- 7 IR 98 Wes UT  ! NAD Reactor Vessel Outlet Nozzle A 11/23/1990 B 3.100 i _._..____.-__._._q. 2-101- 40 N-10 98 Wes UT t NAD keactor Vessel Outlet Nozzle B ,11/23/1998 B 3. 90 Heactor Vessel Outlet Nozzle B 11/23/1998 B 3.100  !


2-ISI- 42 W- 1 !98 Wes UT NAD Reactor Vessel Vessel Shell-Flange l11/17/1998 B 1. 30

                                                                                                                       ~             ~             '                                               - ' ~ ~                                       ~
                                               ~~                                                      ~

2-ISI- 42 Threads 6 Wes' Ui~ Nh kcactor Vessel Threads in Flange '11/17/1998 l B 6. 40 j


2-10I- 00A H- 3 U-0001 VT3 NAD S1 Pump 21 Support C 11/06/1998 F-A & C 3. 30 2-1S1- 00A H- 4 98-0002 I VT3 NAD SI Pump 21 Support D 11/06/1998 !F-A&C3.30 J11/10/1990 F-A, CL 1 Seal injection A lSpringHanger l i 4 I VT [

                                                                                                                  ~          ~                                                                                ~

2-ISI- IA i H- 4 950'OE ~-~ l'NU Seal Injection A Restraint F+A, CL I j11/10/1949

                                                                                                                      . _. _. _ J           -

_ + prawi.ng_ discrepancy _;_ __ 2-ISI- 1A H- 4 198-0004H1 VT3 NAD Seal Injection A Restraint I F-A, CL I l11/14/1998 Erginee r i ng, Evalua tion 2-ISI- IB W- 7 l98-0005 PT NAD Seal Injection A Pipe To 45 Elbow 11/10/1998 B 9. 21 2-151- 1A W-10 98-0000 PT "EAD Seal Injection A Elbow To F1pe 11/10/1999 B 9. 21 2-ISI- 1A W-15 98-0007 PT NAD Seal Injection A Pipe To Valve 11/10/1990 B 9. 40 2-ISI- 12B W-10 ~ 96-0008 PT NAD Seal Injection D Pipe to Elbow 11/10/1999 B 9. 21 2-151- 10B W- 9 98-0009 PT TAD Seal Injection B 45 r.lbow to Pipe 11/10/1999 B9 21


H- 6 90-0010 VT'3 NAD 2-ISI- 12A Seal Injection B Pestraint 11/10/1998 F-A, CL I B- 1 90-0011 VT1 NAD 2-ISI- 12C Seal Injection 8 Flange Bolts 11/10/1998 B 7. 50 Page 1 03/16/19

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Report 0 414 Nicollet Hall Welch, M4 55089 Consnarcial Service Dates December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item Report Number Method Results System Item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 12C B- 2 98-0012 (A) l VT1 NAD Seal Injection B Flange Bolts l11/10/1999 H 7. 50 2-ISI- 21 W- 9 98-0013 PT NAD RHR Return B Elbow to Pipe 11/11/1998 B 9. Il 2-ISI- 21 W- 7 98-0014 PT NAD RHR Return B Elbow to Pire 11/11/1998 B 9. 11 2-ISI- 12C W-20 98-0015 PT NAD Seal injection B F1pe to Pump 11/11/1998 B 9. 21


2-ISI- 60A l-3 H 98-0016 MT NAD SI Pump 21 Support C 11/11/1998 F+A & C 3. 30 mit d uLgss thaft Q .__ _ ,, SI Pump 21 Support D 11/11/1998 F-A & C 3. 30


2-ISI- 90A W- 7 98-001H NAD SI 21 Discharge Valve to Elbow 11/11/1998 C S. 21 2-ISI- 22A H- 2 98-0019 VT3 NAD Accumulator Disch B Spring Hanger 11/11/1998 F-A. CL I 2-ISI- 22A D- 1 98-0020 (A) VT1 lNAD Accumulator Disch B Valve Bolts 11/11/1998 87. 70

        ..2-151- 21                                 H- 4                               98-0021                 VT3                                  RAD         (

RHR keturn B Double Rod Hanger 11/11/1998 F-A, CL I 2-1S1- 22B H- 4 90-0022 VT3 NAD Accumulator Disch D Snut,be r /Clanip 11/11/1998 F- A, CL I

                                          ~     ~

2-151- 3 ~ H- 4 98-0023 VT3 NAD CL RTD Takeof' A Double Spring / Clamp 11/12/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 4 H- 5 I99-0024 VT3 NAD HL RTD Takeoff A Spring 11/12/1998 F-A, CL I

                                                  ~W-                               N i-0025
        ~2 .151   90A SI 21 Discharge 7

Valve to Elbow 11/12/1998 UT45 C 5. 21 fNUI Limited, Less than 90% NAD l 2-ISI- 90A W- 7 98-0026 (A) UT60 S1 21 Discharge Valve to Elbow 11/12/1998 C 5. 21 Limited gLess tha,n 901 , W-22 98-0027 PT lNAD 2-ISI- 57 RHR Pump A Discharge Pipe to Valve 11/13/1998 C 5. 11 W- 7 98-0028 UT45 NAD 2-151- 21 RHR Return B Elbow to Fipe 11/13/1998 B 9. 11 E SI- 37A N- 4 90-0029 HT NAD Steam Generator 21 Main Steam Nozzle 11/13/1998 C 2. 21 W- 1/LSD 98-0030 MT NAD 2-ISI- 40A Main Steam A Nozzle to Red Elbow 11/13/1998 C 5. 50 98-0031 VT1 NAD 2-151- 10C B- 1 RHR HL Takeof f A Valve Bolts 11/14/1998 B1 70 H- 3 98-0032 VT3 IND 2-ISI- 10C RHR HL Takeof f A Single Support 11/14/1998 F-A & B10. 30 Extra Parts 98-0032R1 VT3 NAD 2-ISI- IOC H- 3 RHR HL Takeoff A Single Support 11/17/1998 F-A & B10. 10 Engineering Evaluation Page 2 03/16/19

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonado Drive Third Interval By Report # 414 Nicollet Mall Welch, MN $5089 Commercial Service Dates December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 130 Item Report Number Method Results System item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 22B H- 3 j98-0033 VT3 NAD Accumulator Disch B kupture Pestraint *11/14/1998 F-A 6 B10. 10 2-ISI- 22B H- 2 90-0034 VT3 NAD Accumulator Disch B kestraint 11/14/1998 F-A, CL I


2-ISI- 13A W-12 90-0035 PT NAD Cold Leg Charging B Elbow to Pipe 11/14/1998 84 21 2-IS!- 13A W-10 98-0036 PT NAD Cold Leg Charging B Elbow to Pipe 11/14/1998 8 9. 21

                     -.--- .                          ~            -.
                                                                                            -- -- N                       --                                                 - - .          ...

Pressurizer Surge Spring 11/14/1998 lF-A, CL I

          -_...__..._._.___.__.~.._.+                          _ . _ _ _ _ _ - . _ ~ _ - - . .

2-ISI- 31 H+2 98-0038 VT3 NAD Pressurizer Surge Spring 11/14/1999 F-A, CL I 2-151- 37A N- 4 1R 96 00399L UT70 NAD Steam Generator 21 MS Nozzle Inner Radi 11/14/1998 C 2, 22 2-ISI- 13E H- 1 l96-0040 VT3 IND Cold Leg Charging B Double Spring }11/16/1998 F-A, CL I l t Lga.d_.s_e t t.Ln2, m] ____ Cold Leg Charging B Double Spring l 11/23/1999 F-A, CL I j En31neering Evaluation _ l 2-ISI- 13E  : H- 2 98-0041 ' VT3 iIND,_ Cold Leg Charging B Pestraint 11/16/1998 F-A, CL I


2-ISI- 13E H- 2 90-0041R1 3 NAD Cold Leg Chargirig B Festraint 11/23/1998 F-A, CL I I 2-IS!- 40 W-24 l98-0042 NAD Feedwater A ' Reducer to Nozzle l11/16/1998 j C 5. 51 j

                                                                                                              !                                   !                                             I 2-ISI- 13E                                     W-  B                                               }96-0043                            ' PT                                         lNAD Cold leg Charging B                            Elbow to Pipe                                       :11/16/1998                             B 9. 21                                  !

I I g.. . . - . Cold Leg Charging B Pipe to Elbow 11/16/1998 B 9. 21

                                                                                                                                       -'                             ~             ~
          ~2-ISI- 37A                                     N- 4                                                   98-0045                              UT45                                          5'O Steam Generator 21                             Main Steam Nczzle                                      11/14/1998                           C 2. 21 Limited, Exceeds 90%

2-ISI- 37A N- 4 96-0046 ' UT60 GEO Steam Generator 21 Main Steam Nozzle 11/14/1998 C 2. 21 Limited, Exceeds.90% 2-ISI- 31 W- 2 98-0047 PT NAD Pressurizer Surge Nozzle To Pipe 11/16/1998 B 9. 11

                                           ~                                                                                         ~

2 ~' W- 1 98-0048 PT NAD Pressurizer Surge Pipe To Nozzle 11/16/1998 8 9. 31 2-ISI- 138 W- 2 90-0049 PT NAD Cold Leg Charging B Elbow to Tee 11/16/1998 B 9. 21

          ")-ISI- 13B                                      H- 1                                                   98-0050 (A)                         VT3                                   )IND Cold Leg Chargir.g B                            Rigid Restraint                                       11/16/1998                           F-A, CL 1 No Lo_.adn   Gap in Baseplate 2-ISI- 13B                                     H- 1                                                   90-005081 (A)                       VT3                                           NAD Cold Leg Charging B                            Rigid Restraint                                        11/19/1998                           F-A, CL I Engineering _Fval_uation T-ISI- 13B                                       H- 6                                                   90-0051 (A)                         VT3                                           IND Cold Leg Charging B                            Spring / Lug                                                                                F-A, CL 1 l11/16/1998                            Inegmplete Weld i

Page 3 03/16/19

i Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspectinn Report Log Northern States Power C.ompany 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Report # 414 Nicollet Mall Welch, >M $5089 Commercial Service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item Report Number Method Results l System Item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-!SI- 13B H+6 90-0051R1 (Al i VT3 NAD Cold Leg Charging B Spring / Lug 11/23/1990 f-A, CL I p gineering Eval ation 2-ISI- 13H W- 9 _._.98-0052 FT NAD Cold Leg Charging B Valve to Pipe 11/17/1998 B 9. 40


2-ISI- 24 W- 7 98-0053 fPT NAD Aux 111ary Spray Valve to Pipe 11/17/1998 B 9. 40 2-ISI- 24 W- 9 98-0054 PT NAD Aux 111ary Spray Elbow to Pipe 11/17/1998 89, 2)

                                                                                                                                                + _ _ _ _ _             _________y 2-151- 24                                                      !W-11                                       i98-0055                     PT                                       NAD Aux 111ary Sprav                                               [ElbowtoPipe                                l11/17/1999                  B 9, 21
                                                                           !                                                                     i
          .        . . . . - . . . . - - - - . - . - . . . _                      - - -                     -.-                  . . - -       ._+       --- ._ _ --

HL kTD Takeoff A f RTD Man 1f ald To hpe !11/17/1998 89, 40 l

                                                                                                                                                                                     ~ I 2-ISI-        4                                                'W-15                                         98-0057                    PT                                       NAD HL RTD Takeoff A                                                  Elbow To Pipe                               11/17/1998                89, 21 2-IS!-        4                                                   W-18                                        98-0050                 lPT                                        NAD HL RTD Takeoff A                                                  Pipe To Elbow                               11/17/1998             j B 9,    21
                                                                                                                    '780c$9 Ws] 3)                                                           ij w.1                                                          - . UT45                                    7.NAD Pressur1rer Surge                                               ' Pipe To Nortle                              11/17/1998                B 9. 31 l
                                                                                                                                                  , Limited, Less than 934                i 2-151- 31                                                         W- 2                                       '98-0060                 [UT45                                      NAD Pressurifer Surge                                                 Nozzle To Pipe                              11/17/1998              ! B 9. Il 2-ISI- 37A                                                        N- 4                                        96-0061                                                            NAD Steam Generator 21                                                Main Steam Notzle                           11/18/1998                C 2. 21
           ~I X 1001-604 ~                                                      RX Head Lugs                                98-0062              7    MT                                       NAD Rx Head Lift Lugs                                                 Rx Head                                     11/14/1998                Nureg 0612 NC h-ISI- 7A                                                        fH-6                                         98-0063 (A)               VT3                                      IND Spray To P2r Br A                                                lDoubleRigid                                 11/19/1998                F-A,   CL 1
                                                                                                                           ~             ~                           ~


                                                                ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

2.ggy if ~ ~ H. 6 9820dR1 (A) D Spray To Pzr Br A , Double Rigid 111/25/1998 F-A, CL 1

                                                                                                                                                         'k                              ,.

Main Steam A Nozzle to Red Elbow 11/19/1998 C 5. 50 Limited, Exceeds 90% 2-ISI- 46A W- 4/LSUD 98-0065 UT45 NAD Main Steam A Elbow to Pipe 11/19/1998 C 5. 50 2-ISI- 37A N- 1 98-0066 MT NAD l Steam Generator 21 Feedwater Nozzle 11/20/1998 C 2. 21

            ~2-ISI- 46A                                                        W- 4/LSUD                                  98-0067                   MT                                       NAD l            Main Steam A                                                       Elbow to Pipe                              11/19/1998                C 5. 50 2-151- 51 MiW-12/LSUD                                     98-0068                    PT                                      NAD RHR Pump B Suction                                              ! Pipe to Tee                                11/21/1998                 C 5. 10 2-ISI- 51                                                         W-13/LSUD                                  98-0069                    PT                                       NAD RNR Pump B Suction                                                Tee to Pipe                                11/21/1998                 C 5. 10 2-ISI- 51                                                         W-14/LSUD                                  98-0070                    PT                                       NAD RHR Pump B Suction                                                Pipe to Elbow                               11/21/1998                C 5. 10 2-1S1- 51                                                         W-15/LSUD                                   98-0071                   PT                                       NAD RHR Pump B Suction                                                Elbow to Pipe                               11/21/1998                C 5. 10 Page 4 03/16/19

r l i ! Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonado Drive Third Interval By Report # 414 Nicollet Mall welch, ted 55089 Commercial service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 180 Item Report Number Method Results System item Description Exam Date ASME Section X1 Item i 2-ISI- 51 lW-12/LSUD l98-0072 UT45 'NAD RHR Pump B Suction IPipe to Tee j11/21/1998 a C 5. 10 T-YiIT51 ~ E15LSUD


90-0073 UT45 NAD kHR Pump B Suction Tee to Pipe 11/21/1998 C 5, 10 2-181- 51 W-14/LSUD 90-0074 UT45 NAD RHR Pump B Suction F1pe to Elbow 11/21/1999 C 5. 10 2-ISI- 51 W-15/LSUD 90-0075 UT45 NAD RHR Pump B Suction Elbow to Pipe 11/21/1998 C 5. 10 2-ISI- 37A N- 1 98-0070 UTO NAD Steam Generator 21 feedwater Notzle 11/21/1998 C 2. 21


2-ISI- 57A H- 1 j90-0077 ' UT45 NAD Steam Generator 21 Feedwater Nozzle 111/21/1M8 C 2. 21 ted, Less than_90_t_ Steam Generator 21 Feedwater Nozzle 11/21/1998 C2 21 I Limited, Less than 90% 2-ISI- 37A JN- 1 IR 98-0079 UT70 GEO Steam Generator 21 W Nozzle Inner RadL 11/21/1998 C 2, 22 2-ISI- 11 E2 50580 (5) VT3 IND Accum Discharge A Seismic Restraint 11/23/1998 F-A, CL 1 No Rrtation, Extra parts 4 2-ISI- 11 H- 2 98-008081 (A) VT3 NAD Accum Discharge A Seismic Restraint 11/25/1998 F-A, CL I Engineerin1 Evaluation , , 2-ISI- 7B H- 1 98-0061 (A) VT3 NAD Spray To Par Br A Seismic Restraint i 11/23/1998 , F-A, CL I . Spray To Pzr Dr A jRod/ Clamp F-A, CL I I'11/23/1998 2-151- 48 iW-le i96-0083 MT Feedwater A Valve to Libow 11/23/1998 l C 5. 51 lNAD Feedwater A Valve to Elbow 11/23/1998 C 5. 51 2-ISI- 7A H- 5 3 8-0005 (A) T'T 3 NAD Spray To Pzr Br A Seismic Anchor l11/23/1998 F-A, CL I

                                                '                                                                                                                ~

2-ISI- 48 H-13 98-0086 MT NAD F-A & C 3, 20 Feedwater A Seismic Pestraint g11/23/1998 i 2-ISI- 40 W-24 98-0007 UT45 NAD Feedwater A Heducer to Nozzle 11/23/1998 C 5. 51 Limited, Exceeds 90% 2-ISI- 43B B- 3 98-0088 VT1 NAD RC Pump 22 Lower Seal House 11/24/1998 D7 60 2-ISI- 48 W-24 98-0089 UT60 GEO Feedwater A Reducer to Nozzle 11/23/1998 C 5. 51 2-ISI- 13C W- 6 98-0090 3 NAD Cold Leg Charging B Elbow to Pipe 11/24/1998 B 9. 21 2-IS!* 46B H- 6 98-0091 (A) VT3 NAD Main Steam A Double Snubber / Clamp 11/24/1998 F-A, CL II j 2-ISI- 12A W-25 98-0092 PT NAD l Seal Injection B 45 Elbow to Pipe 11/24/1998 0 9. 21 1 03/16/89 Page 5 L

7 ,. ( l Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 trakonada Drive Third Interval By Report # 414 Nicollet Mall Welch, MN 55089 Commercial Service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 \ 180 Item Report Number Method Results l y tem Item Description Fram Date ASME Section XI Item l 2-ISI- 12A W-26 98-0093 } PT NAD Seal Injection B Pipe t o Elbow 11/24/1998 ' B 9. 21 j 1-IS b 12rs

                                                      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

W- 2 9,3-0094


W ~ NAD Seal Injection B Pipe to Elbow 11/24/1998 8 9. 21 j Iteactor Vessel Interior 11/24/1998 lB13. 10 2-ISI- 1A W-11 98-009t, PT NAD Seal Injection A Pipe To Elbow 11/25/1998 B 9. 21 2-ISI-302 _ . _ _..._ qS-06 98-0097BL VT3 IND Primary Containment Plate Surfa.ce ,11/24/1998 j E 1. 12

                                                                                        . _.        - _ _ _ _ _                                                   _ _ _ . . ..             TU FI8P*.S _ . _ . _                                             ._ .._

Primary Containment ,01 ate Surface 12/19/1998 l E 1. 12 9 9?.*fl01 Eyalyat1pg____ _ _ _ _ , _ , Primary Containment Plate Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12

                                                               ~ ~

i Paint chips i S-08 VT3 NAD 2-ISI-303 f96-00988LR1 ] 112/19/1998 E 1. 12 j Primary Containment  ; Plate Surface

                                                                                                                                                                                        .h31. nae g i ng _E va 19a t i o.g_,__,.               .       _.

Primary Containment  ; Moist Barrier-inner l11/24/1999 E 5. 30 l

                                                                               !                                                           I                                           Damaged moisture barrier                                    1                                                  j I

2-151-303 G-66A 98-00998LR1 iNAD Primary Containment Maint Barrier-inner 12/19/1998 f'VT3 E 5. 30

                                                                                                                                                                               ] Re air Frimary Containment                                                Penetration Surface                                     jll/24/1948                                E 1, 12 I                                      i 2-1SI-302                                                          G-65                                                                                               VT3                                                                 IND
                                                                                                                                             !90-0101BL Primary Containmer.t                                           i   Moist Barrier-inher                                      l11/24/1998                             ; E 5. 30

_ _ _ . . . _ . _ _ _ - _ _ . _ _ . _ . . _ . . _ . . _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ . aw ift o}nture_ M Barrier _ Primary Containment Moist Barrier-inner 12/19/1998 F. 5. 30 i i Fepair 4 2-151-302 I G-66 98-0102BL VT3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    *I NAD Frimary Containmer.t                                               Mois'. Barrier-inner                                         11/24/1998                             E 5. 30                                                      <

l _.__.__7 2-ISI-302 S-05 98-0103BL jVT3 lNAD Frimary Containment Plate Surface 11/24/1999 E 1, 12 1

                                                               ..__.-__{                                                                                                                           _ - . . . . _ _ . _ _ _ _                     .

Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/24/1998 E 1, 12 1  ! 98-0105BL VT3 NAD 2-151-304 !C-17 Primary Containment  ! Penetration Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12 1

                . . _ _ . _ . _ _ . _                                          J                                                                                                                                              _

C-11B 98-0106BL VT3 NAD 2-ISI-304 Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12 C-8D 98-0107BL VT3 NAD 2-ISI-304 Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12 3-151-304 C-3 90-0108BL VT3 NAD -.. i Primary Containment renetration Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12 C-2 98-0109BL VT3 NAD 2-ISI-304 Primary Containment Penetraticn Surface 11/24/1998 E 1. 12 98-0110HL VT3 NAD l '2-ISI-303 G-68 trimary Containment Moist Barrier-inner 11/24/1998 E 5. 30 l Page 6 03/16/19 l

f I l l l Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonado Drive Third interval By Report # 414 Nicollet Hall ! Welch, MN $5009 Commercial Service Dates December 20, 1974 Manneapolis, MN 55401 gao Item Report Number Method Pasults system Item Description Esam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-151- 57 W-22 98-0111 UT45 NAD RHR Pump A Discharge Pipe to Valve 11/25/1998 C 5. 11 _ _ _ . _ _ 4_ Limited, Exceeds 90% 2-ISI- 57 W-22 i 98-0112 lUT60 ' NAD RHR Pump A Diacharge Pipe to Valve !11/25/1998 l C 5. 11 I l

          ~2 dS7[7 B                                             W-23                                                                            98-0113 (A)                                f60                                                              GEO ~

Main Steam B Pipe to Valve 11/27/1998 C 5. 51

          '2-1SI- 4 i                                             Pump # 21                                                                      98-0114 (Al                              MT                                                                  NAD RC Pump 21 Flywheel                                  Periphery                                                                      11/27/1998                               TS.4.2-1
                                                                                                     . - - .                      . . - .                                       --.e.-.-.-.                                       . _ _ _ - . .

2-15.- 28 y_B 1 - 98-0115 - - .  ! VT1 NAD Re'; tor Vessel S1S B Valve Ebiting 11/25/1998 iB7 70 Reactor Vessel SIS D Valve Int Surfaces 11/25/1998 i B12 50 l l _ ~ _ . . . . . _ . . _ _ _ .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       }           _.

RC Pump 21  ! Flange Bolts 11/27/1999 0 6.180 Pump # 21 98-0118

                                                                                                                                                                                  & ' UTO                                                               iNAD 2 .15I- 43A 11/27/1998                                TS.4.2-1                                                     !

RC Pump 21 Flywheel ,Feyway & Dore kHR HL Takeoff A Elbow To Pipe 11/28/1998 11 l B 9. 7..gsg. 101 w. 2 [98-0120 PT NAD RHR HL Takeoff A Nozzle To Pipe l 11/ 28 /1998 D 9. 11 8T ONi

                                                                                                                                                       ~ (5
            '2-151- 3i                                            W- F VT                                                                                                                  VT1                                                           jNAD Steam Generator 21                                   Trans Weld Int VT                                                               11/28/1998                          j NC IN 93-20                                                       l I

2-IS!- 37A 98-0122 (A) j VT3 NAD jN+ 1 Fing Tee Steam Generator 21  ; W Ring / Tee supports j11/28/1999 lNCIN93-20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              '                 ~

8TOE2'3 (A)

                                       ~~               "

N- 1 Ring T'ee kT' 55D 2-ISI- 37A Steam Generatcr 21 [FWRing/Teesupports I I NC IN 93-20 t l11/20/1998 I 2-ISI- 37A :N-1 IN-IR '99-0124 (A) j MT NAD Steam Generator 21 11/28/1998 l NC IN 93-20 lFeedwaterNozzle  ! 1 Pump # 21 98-0125 UTO NAD 2-ISI- 43A RC Pump 21 Flywheel Periphery 11/28/1996 TS.4.2-1 C-36A 98-0126BL VT3 IND 2-ISI-310 Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 2-1SI-310 C-3f.A l 98-0176BLR1 T NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface il2/19/1999 E 1. 12 f Pepaint C-36C 90-01278L VT3 JND 2-ISI-306 Primary Contair. ment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998

l. EBare
1. 12 metal I
                                                                                                                                                                                           'UI3 C-36C                                                                          98-0127BLR1                                                                                                  NAD 2-ISI-306 l              Primary Containment                                  Penetration Surface                                                            12/19/1998                                E 1. 12 I

Repaint { C-42D 98-0128BL VT3 IND

             ..2-ISI-306 Primary Containment                                 Penetration Surface                                                            11/28/1999                                 E 1,    12 Bare metal 98-0128BLR1                              VT3                                                                 NAD 2-ISI-306                                           C-42D Primary Containment                                  Penetration Surface                                                            12/19/1998                                E 1. 12 Repaint C-43C                                                                           98-0129BL                                 VT3                                                                IND 2-ISI-306 Primary Containment                                  Penetration Surface                                                            11/28/1998                                C 1. 12 Bare metal                                           ____

Fage 7 03/36/19

I prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Report # 414 Nicollet Mall j Welch, >94 55089 Commercial Service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis , bei 55401 ISO Item Report Number Method Results System item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item l 2-1S1-306 C-43C l98-01298LR1 VT3 NAD Primary Contairment Fenetration Surface !12/19/1998 E 1. 12

                                                                            ~                                                                           ~            ~                  '

2-ISI-306 -23 8 ~ '9831'30BL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AU Primary Containmer.t Eenetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1, 12 2-1S1-306 C-28A 198-0131BL VT3 IND Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 Paint chips 2-ISI-306 C-28A 98-0131BLR1 VT3 NAD Frimary Containment Fenetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1, 12 Engj ne. erin 3_Evaluat 1cn 2-151-306 C-3tB i98-01'2HL J VT3 IND , Pr imar y Ct.,nta tnment Fenetration Surface l11/28/1998 lE 1. 12 (

           ..                  __ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . .                    _ . . _ . . _ _ _ . _ . . - _ . _ . .                           . ..       . _ _ .         Rar _ petal _, _ __ __,,,                            .         . _ _ ,

Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 i f 1, 12 l l l Papairit l 2-131-306 C-37B 98-0133BL VT3 NAD F 1 mary Containment Fenetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI-306~ C-37D 98IO134BL VT3 ~~ INAD Primary Contaircent Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 f

                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~ ~ ~

2-151-306 C-3BB 98-0135BL VT3 NAD l Frimary Containment Fenetration Surface .11/28/1998 E 1. 12 l l 3 Primary Containment renetration Surface 11/20/1998 E 1. 12 Primar y Conta!reent Penetration Surface E 1. 12 l11/20/1998 Frimary Containment renetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 I Bare metal  ! 2-101-300 C-43A 98-013PBLR1 j VT3 NAD Frimary Containment Per.etration Surface 12/19/1998 1 01, 12

                                                                                                                  . _ _ . . . . _ . _ _ _ _ .             .. _ _ _ .           Iaint                    __                           .

Primary Containment Fenetration Surface 11/20/1998 g E 1, 12

                                                                                                                                                                        ! Bare metal 2-ISI-306                                                C-438                                                                  98-0139BLR1               ~VT3                                                           NAD raimary Containment                                      Fenetration Surface                                                    12/19/1998                    E 1. 12 Repaint 2-ISI-306                                                C-44                                                                   98-0140BL                     VT3                                                        NAD Frimary Containment                                      Penetration Surface                                                    11/28/1998                    E 1. 12 2-ISI-306                                                 C-46C                                                                  90-0141BL                     VT3                                                        NAD Primary Containment                                      Penetration Surface                                                    11/28/1998                    E 1. 12 2-ISI-306                                                 C-51                                                                   98-0142BL                     VT3                                                        NAD Primary Contairanent                                     Fenetration Surface                                                    11/28/1998                    E 1, 12 l

2-151-306 C-52 98-0143BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment renetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1, 12


2-ISI-306 S-84 98-0144BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 "2-ISI- 37C H- 5 98-0145 VT3 IND Steam Generator 21 Spring 1 11/30/1998 F-A, CL I Load setting ~ mismarked

                                                                                                                                                                                          - ' ~

, _2-ISl- 37C H- 5 98-0145R1 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Spring 1 12/02/1998 F-A, CL I

                                                                                                                                                                            .En3193ging .Evaluat,1pn.

03/16/19 Page 8 [.

I l ! Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company l 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Report # 414 Nicollet Mall l Welch, M4 55089 comunarcial service Date: December 20, 1974 Manneapolis, MN 55401 Iso Item Repcit Number Method Resulta system Item Description Eram Date ASME section XI Item j 2-ISI- 37C jH- t 98-0146 VT3 IND i l Steam Generator 21 Spring 2 11/30/1998 F-A, CL I l Loose parts 2-!SI- 37C f H- 6 98 -014 f.R 1 IVT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Spring 2 12/02/1998 F-A, CL I j Engineering, Evaluation i 2-131- 33C W- 1 98-0147 PT NAD j Reactor Coolant B Pump To Pipe 11/30/1998 B 9. 11 4- ____ ._..% H- BA VT3 IND 2-151- 37C.___. ~ _ _ _ l98-014e Steam Generator 21 Pad 4 F-A, CL 1 l l11/30/1998 2-ISI- 37C H- BA 98-0148R1 f..FxVT3 t r a ,pa r t s NAD Steam Generator 21 Fad 4 12/02/1998 lF-A, CL I .

                                                                                                                                                    ._ Q Epgineering Evalu_ation_                           __l___                          l H- 8. . . . . . _ . _ . _ . _ -_ . _ . .98-0149         _.....                ' V13                                                      IND                  l 2-13!- 37C Steam Generator 21                                               Pad 3                                                  11/30/1999                 F-A, CL I Weld configuration _ _ _                             _ _ _
                                                                     .. . ., H - 8                                                   98-0149k1              i VT 3                                                     NAD 2-ISI- 37C                                                   j Steam Generator 21                                           ipad 3                                                     12/02/1998                  F-A, CL I Engineering Evaluatton

_98-0150 NAD

            .._2-151- 93C . -.____ . _                                        W- 4..-                                                                            PT SI 22 Discharge                                                  Elbow to Pipe                                          11/30/1999                 C 5. 21                                          .

y - - ._.-- - _.-~- _. .. _. - . _98-0151 I VT3 NAD

            .--2-131- 37C - . . - - . _ .. - - - - -H+                           - .9. . - . - . . . - .

Steam Generator 21 Gitder ,11/30/1998 !F-A, CL I i l 4 __._m j H- 7 96-0152 VTJ NAD 2-151- 37C Steam Generatur 21 I Pad 1 11/30/1998 F-A, CL I 98-0153 VT3 NAD 2-ISI- 37C jH-7A Steam Generator 21 11/30/1998 F-A, CL I l l' Pad 2

                                                                        & V--2 _                    ..._.--.-..-           ,
                                                                                                                             --n                  _   . - , . .                                           - __. L
              .2-151- 29. - _ - - -                                                                                                j90-0154                      VT3                                               ! NAD Reactor Vessel SIS A                                             Valve Int Surfaces                                  l11/30/1998                   012. 50                                           !
                                                                                                                     .           {

B- 2. . - _ _ - . . 98-0155 j VT1 NAD 2-!SI- 29 Peactor Vessel SIS A lValveBolting e 11/30/1998 I B7 70 W- 1 98-0156 UT45 NAD 2-131- 33C Pump To Pipe 11/30/1999 89, 11 Reactor Coolant B L!mited, Less than 90t __._..___.4_.__...___.. IND

              . . . _ _2-ISI- 51                                            { H- 1                                                 {98-0157BL           __ f VT3 PHR rump B Guction                                              Seismic Restraint                                    '12/01/1998                {F-A, CL II
                                                                                                                                                               ' Strut does not swivel 98-0157BLR1              ~ VT3                                                      NAD 2-ISI- 51                                                       H- 1 RHH iump B Suction                                              Seismic Restraint                                      12/02/1998                  F-A, CL II
                                                             ' ' ~ '

35tTig' -~~~~ [ IND H- 4 f9b-0158 F-A, CL II i BHR Pump A Suction Seismic kestrant l12/01/1998

                                                                                                                                                      .. _ J ap_in baseplate 98-0158R1                   VT3                                                      NAD j               2-ISI- 52-_.                                                    _H-    4 RHR Pump A Suctjon                                               Seismic Pestrant                                      12/02/1998                  F-A, CL II Eng }_ nee r in_g _E valua t ion 98-0159                     VT3                                                      NAD 2-151- 52                                                        H- 5 Pump Base (Slide)                                     12/01/1998                  F-A, CL Il RHR Pump A Suction 98-0160                     PT                                                       NAD

_2-151- 19 W- 3 RCS Draindown Pipe to Reducer 12/01/1998 B 9. 11 T-TSI-19 W- 5 90-0161 7T~ Nk^D FCS Draindawn Elbow to Pipe 12/01/1998 B 9. 21 98-0162 PT NAD 2-ISI- 19 W- 1 BCS Draindown Pipe to Nozzle 12/01/1998 B 9. 31 Page 9 03/16/19 t

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 wakonada Drive Third Interval By Report # 414 Nicollet Mall welch, MN 55089 Commercial Service Date: December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Iso Item Report Numbet Method Results Byatem item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI- 19 W- 2 98-0163 (A) lPT NAD RCS Draindown Nozzle to P1pe 12/01/1998 i B 9. 11 RCS Draindown Reducer to Elbow 12/01/1998 B 9, 21 2-ISt- 19 W- 7 99-0165 (A) PT NAD RCS Draindown Elbow to Valve 12/01/1998 B 9. 21 2-ISI- 19 W- 6 98-0166 (A) PT NAD ICS Draindown Pipe to Elbow 12/01/1998 B 9. 21 _ _ _ . _ _ . , _ . _ _ _ _ _ .. ...-..__-,.__..g._..____ . _. __  % 2-ISt- 19 W- .8 1 98 -01 t,7 (A) PT lNAD RCS Draindown Valve to F1pe 12/01/1998 B 9. 21 l 2-IS!- 19 RCS Draindown W- 9 Pipe to Valve 98-0168 (A) 12/01/1998 PT B 9. 21

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ~ l U' ,

1 I 2-ISI- 468 'W- 3/LSUD_ _ _ _ _ 98-0169 MT . ._ , NAD Main Steam A Pipe to 59 Elbow 12/U1/1998 C 5. 50 2-IS!- 46D W -- 3/LSUD 98-0170 UT45 NAD l Main Steam A ripe to 59 Elbow 12/01/1998 C 5. 50 f l Main Steam A 59 Elbow to Pire j12/01/1998 lC5.50 l I

                                                                                                                                                                    *                                                 ~

T.iig- 4(B ~~~ w- 4/LsUD ~ ~ ~ ] 98-0172- UT45 NAD Main Steam A 59 Elbow to Pipe 12/01/1998 C 5. 50

                .          __.                         . _ . _ _ . _ _ . ...        . _ . . . . _ _                                     .___4                                                             __._

l RHR HL Takeoff A Pipe To Nozzle 12/01/1998 B 9. 31 2-ISI- 10A W- 5 98-0174 }UT45 lNAD RHR HL Takeof f A Elbow To ripe 12/01/1998 I B 9,11 j I

                                                                                                                                                                                                               ~~~ I 5-

2-ISI- 10A W- 2 i98-0175 iUT45 RHR HL Takeof f A Nozzle To Pipe ' B 9. 11  ! l12/01/1998 1 '

                  - - 37C                                                      H-24                                                             98-017t,                'VT3                                                     NAD Steam Generator 21                                                Col 4 Top Connect                                                12/01/1998                  F-A, CL I l

2-ISI- 37C H-23 98-0177 ~ VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Col 3 Top Connect 12/01/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 37C H-22 98-0178 iT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Col 2 Top Connect 12/01/1998 F-A, CL I H-21 98-0179 T VT3 NAD a 2-ISI- 37C Steam Generator 21 Col 1 Top contect 12/01/1998 T-A, CL !

              ?-ISI- 10A                                                       W- 1                                                             98-0100                     UT45                                                 GEO FHR HL T1keoff A                                                  Pipe To Nozzle                                                  12/01/1998                  B 9, 31 H-20                                                             99-0181                     VT3                                                   NAD 2-ISI- 37C Steam Generator 21                                               Col 4 Bumper                                                     12/01/1998                  F-A, CL I 2-IS!- 37C                                                        H-17                                                            98-0182                     VT3                                                   NAD Steam Generator 21                                                Col 1 Bumper                                                    12/01/1998                  F-A, CL 1 W- 4                                                             98-0183 (A)                UT45                                                  NAD 2-ISI- 19 RCS Draindown                                                    Reducer to Elbow                                                 12/01/1998                 B 9, 21 Limited2 Less than 90%

W- 5 98-0184 (A) UT45 NAD 2-ISI- 19 RCS Draindawn Elbow to Pipe 12/01/1998 B 9. 21 Limited, Exceeds 901 i Page 10 03/16/1g

Prairie Island Muclear Generating inservice Inspection Report 1.og Northern States Power Company 1717 wakonade Drive Third Interval By Report # 414 Nicollet Mall welch, >et 55009 Commercial Service Dates December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Iso item Report Number Method Results l System Item Description Fxam Date ASME Section XI Item 2 ISI. 19 i W- 6 98-0185 (A) UT45 }NAD RCS Draindown i Pipe to E1 Low .12/01/1998 B 9. 21 l l _ _ . _ . . _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ + ted__E e 3c,eds_904 _,, _ __ . . _ _ _ . RCS Draindown Elbow to Valve 12/01/1998 B 9. 21 Limited g_Less than 90% 2-IS!- 19 W- 8 98-0181 (A) UT45 NAD RCS Draindown Valve to Pipe 12/01/1998 8 9, 21 Limited, 2-ISI- 19 W- 8 98-0188 (A) UT60 ' Less than ~ ~90% ~~ ~ 7 NAD RCS Draindown Valve t o Pipe 12/01/1998 8 9. 21 sq plemental 60deg Exam 2-ISI- 19 W- 9 98-0189 (A) f,UT45 NAD RCS Draindown Pipe to Valve 12/01/1998 l D 9, 21 _ . . . . _ . . . . . - _ .__._._._.p.._.---_...-._.__.._.f W- 9 98-0190 (A) I Limited, Less than 90% UTC0 NAD 2-ICI- 19 i RCS Draindown Pipe to Valve 12/01/1998 B 9. 21

m. _ _ _ . _ . _ _
                                                                                                                                                                                      .. E p i gme n.t a 1_60deg _e.x+2m_ _ _

Steam Generator 21 12/01/1998 I F-A, CL I l Lower Pad 1 __ j _ _ . - _ ___ 2-101- 37C H-16 98-0192 _VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Lower I% . 12/01/1994 , F-A, CL 1 RC Pump 22 Col 3 Top Connect l12/02/1999 i F-A, CL I

                          . _ _. _ _                                                                                      ._ _ __                                    . - ._J RC Pump 22                                                         Col 2 Top Connect                                              12/02/1998                                  F-A,            CL 1 2-15!- 43B                                                         H- 7                                                           98-0195                                   iT3                                                                              NAD RC Pump 22                                                         Col 1 Top Connect                                              12/02/1998                             - F-A,               CL I I

BC Pump 22 Col 3 Base {12/02/1990 fF-A, CL I RC Pump 22 Column 3 '12/02/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 11 W- H 8-0198 jPT IND Accum Discharge A Elbow to Valve il2/02/1998 ' B 9. 11 l

                                                                                                                                                                  ~                                                                                      "

2-ISI- 11 W- 8 98-0198R1 3A5 Accum Dischargow 12/07/1996 B 9. 11 2-ISI- 958 H- 4 98-0259 VT3 NAD Reactor Vessel SIS A Rigid Hanpr 12/07/1998 F-A, CL II 2-ISI-301 C-30A 98-0200BL VT3 IND Primary Containment Penetration Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12 I-ISI-301 CT30A T~O2IO5Lil 98 lNAD Primary Containment Fenetration Surface {12/19/1998 , E 1. 12

           -          _       _ - . , . . . . . _ _ . _ . .                              . . . . _ _ . _ . . _ . _ . . _ _ _ _                                   _ _ _ _ .                iP e*r1ng
                                                                                                                                                                                               .       pal.uat1on _. _.                    _,

Primary Containment jFenctrationSurface l11/28/1999  ; E 1. 12 a k igg fa,nt_ __ __, __ __ Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 Engineering Evaluation _ 2-ISI-301 S-33 98-02620L VT3 NAD Primary Cuntainment Plate Surface l11/28/199? E 1. 12 1 2-ISI-301 S-34 98-0263BL VT3 NAD Primary Containment Plate Surface 11/28/1998 E 1. 12

                                                                           ~                                                                                                                               ^
           ~2-1E5~35                                                             B- 1                                                              98 -02 t.4 BL
                                                                                                                                                                             ' l tUfl Pressurizer                                                    lManwayStuds                                                        12/08/1990                         B 7. 20                                l'sh5-I                      ,
                                                              ._____d..                                                                                                          !

_ __ ] __ ] _2-ISI- 37A lD- 1 198-0265BL  ! VT1 lNAD l Steam Generator 21 j!nlet Manway Studs !12/08/1998 lB7 30 l

                ..._._........___.__.--._b.,__                                                                               __                                                                                                  . . .

2-ISI- 37A B- 2 98-0206BL , VT 1_ _ _ _ _ _ NAD steam Generator 21 l0utletManwayStuds

                                                                               ;                                                                   12/08/1998                    lB7 30                                                               l l                                                                                                 l                                                                    l 2-ISI- 37H                                                     I B- 1                                                              98-0267BL                     ! VT1                                             NAD Steam Generator 22                                                       Manway Studs                                               12/08/1998                     {B7 30 lInlet                                                                                             !

r-I 2-ISI- 37B B- 2 -t 98-02 00 BL- l VT1 ,NAD Steam Generator 22 Outlet Manway Studs 12/08/1998 l B 7. 30 g

            . .           ____._.._._. _ _ _                                                                                       __.._.____4                         _ . _        -       _                         _ _ _

l i Primary Contairaent Penetration Surface 12/07/1998 E 1. 12 Paint.Elistering_ _ 2-151-304 C-6D 98-02698LR1 VT3 NAD Primary containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12

           ~2-ISI-304 -                                                          S-74                                                              90-0270B'L                                                                       IND Primary contairaent                                              Plate Surface                                                     12/07/1998                         E 1. 12
                                                                                                                                                                                  ' Faint chips, arc strikes, and discolored _ paint          __,

l 2-101-304 S-74 98-0270BLR1 VT3 NAD _ Primary Containment Place Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 l Engineering Evaluation T IND l 2-ISI-305 C-34A 98-0471BL VT3 f Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/07/1998 E 1. 12 Paint chips _ 2-151-305 C-34A 98-0271BLR1 VT3 jNAD Primary containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 l Engineering Evaluation  ! 2-ISI-304 C-34D 90-0272BL VT3 lIND Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/07/1998 E 1. 12 I Bare metal and discolored paint j 03/16/19 Page 15

I Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonada Drive Third Interval By Report 0 414 Nicollet Hall Welch, MH s5089 Commercial Service Dates December 20, 1974 Minneapolis, MN 55401 130 Item Report Number Method Results System Item Description Exam Date ASME Section XI Item 2-ISI-304 C-34D 99-0272DLR1 i VT3 NAD Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 Eh3M9 erin _g_Evaluatlon_ __ _ , _ _ , 2-ISI- 46A H- 2 98-0273 MT NAD Mann Steam A Seismic Restraint 12/09/1998 F-A 6 C 3. 20 Li mi t ed, Less than 90% 2-ISI- 46A H- 1 98-0274 MT NAD Main Steam A kupture Bestraint 12/09/1998 F-A 6 C 3. 20 Limited, Less than 90% 2-ISI- 46A H- 3 99-0275 MT NAD Main Steam A Seismic Restraint 12/09/1998 F-A & C 3. 20

                                                                                                                        ~                                                                                                                 ~



2-ISI-304 S-82 3 IND Frimary Containment Plate Surface 12/07/1998 i E 1. 12 l l t jPaint chips and grinding

           . . . _ . . . . _ . . _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ .                 ..____1_______.._______)_..._...___.                                                                                                          ! marks                                                         .

2>;SI-304 S-82 '98-027W LF1 VT3 }NAD Primary containment Plate Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 f _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _. . . _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . . . . _ . _ _ . _ ..__.___4fngigering_ Evaluation l _2-ISI- 21 W- 8 98-0277 bNAD lUT45 Accum Discharge A Elbow to Valve 12/09/1998 t B 9. 11 i Accum Discharge A Elbow to Valve 12 / 09 /19 I+8 B 9. 11 l

                                                                                                                      ~                                                                                          ~                     ~                               ' ~ -
          ~I5S1-2               378                                                         D- 3                                           ~~j96-0279E                                                                     VT1                                                                  NAD Steam Generator 22                                                           Ir.let Manway Bushing                                                 12/10/1998                                              B 6.110
          ~2-ISI- 37'C                                                                 H-32                                                                  98-0200                                               7T3~~                                                                   NAD Steam Generator 21                                                          Column 4                                                              12/10/1999                                               T-A, CL I 2-ISI- 46A                                                                  H- 4                                                                  98-0281                                               j MT                                                           fNAD Main Steam A                                                                 Ruptute Restraint                                                     12 /10/19 M                                           l F-A 6 C 3. 20 2-IS!- 308                                                                10-       2                                                             98-0282                                                  VT1                                                                  NAD Pressurizer Safety B                                                        Valve Studs                                                           12/09/1998                                            i B 7. 70
                                                                                                                                                      !                                                            l 2-ISI- 30B                                                                  H- 1 l98-0283                                                     ; VT1                                                                   NAD Pressurizer Safety B                                                        Flange Bolts                                                   ;12/09/1996                                                     B 7. 50                                                     l l                                                                                                                           l Pressurizer Safety B                                                        Valve Int Surfaces                                                    12/09/1998                                               B12. 50 7A
                                                                                                                      -                                                                                                                                 ~                      -

2-ISI- 22B W- 6 9T7'28U 0 PT Accumulator Disch B Elbow To Valve 12/11/1998 0 9. 11 5 131- 22B B- 1 98-0286 (A) VT1 NAD Accumulator Disch B Valve Balts 12/11/1998 B7 70 3 2-ISI- 33C W- 1 98-0297 f UTO ~ NAD Reactor Coolant D Pump To Pipe 11/30/1998 B 9. 11 _. . __ y_ Limited, Less than 904 _2-ISI- 10A B- 1 98-0288 (A) VT1 NAD kHR HL Takeoff A Valve Bolting 12/11/1998 87 70 2-ISI- 37C H- 1 98-0289 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Snubber 1 12/14/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 37C H- 2 98-0290 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Snubber 2 12/14/1998 F-A, CL I 2-ISI- 37C H- 3 98-0291 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Snubber 3 12/14/19*8 F-A, CL 1 2-ISI- 37C H- 4 98-0292 VT3 NAD Steam Generator 21 Snubber 4 12/14/1998 F-A, CL I 03/26/19 ' Page 16

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Inservice Inspection Report Log Northern States Power Company 1717 Wakonade Drive Third Interval By Report # 414 Nicollet Mall welch, MN 55089 Commercial service Dates December 20, 1974 Manneapolis, MN 55401 ISO Item Report Number Method Results System Item Description Exam Date AF+fE Section XI Item 2-ISI- 32A W- 5 98-0293 PT NAD Reactor Coolant A 's0 Red Elbow-Nozzle 12/14/1998 8 9. Il 2-ISI- 37A N- 5 'I R 98-0294BL UT70 GEo Steam Generator 21 Nozzle inner Radius 12/14/1998 B 3.140 Limit edf Exceeds 90% 2-ISI-306 C-42C 98-0295BL VT3 IND Primary Containment Penetration Surface 12/14/1998 E 1. 12 Bare metal, and_ paint chips 2-151-306 C-42C 90-0295BLB1 VT3 NAD Primary 'ontainment Penetration Surface 12/19/1998 E 1. 12 2-ISI- 32A Reactor Coolant A W- 5 50 Red Elbow-Nozzle 90-0296 12/15/1998 fi B 9. 11 NAD LlHted,_Less than_9Cn ______y_.______ 2-1SI- 32A ._._._____q-5W 98-0297 l UT45 ,NAD Reactor Coolant A l50 Red Elbow-Nozzle 12/15/19M {B9. 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _.g _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ L.,i n ted,_less_t_ hen,p0} _ _ _ _ Accumulator Disch B Elbow To Valve 12/16/1990 b 9. Il _ L_imi.t e,d Less than 90% 2-ISI- 22B W- 6 96-0299 (A) UT60 _ NAD Accumulator Disch D Elbow To Valve 12/16/1999 B 9. 11 1106-245 FV- 1 90-0300 (A) 45 h5D~~ reedwater B P 12/17/1998 . HELB

                                        ! ump to Pipe                                                         i J                            a                                            !

03/16/19 Page 17




ISI RESULTS UNIT 2 3/30/97 - 1/1/99 i I

 .. 7;, m .,4v , , v:g:-
          .                ,: ISI PRESSURE TESTS UNIT:2 c ' r.                    - -"-

d SYSTEMjd$.dLASSdD DESCBlPJlON1.x,mdEROdED.URE1 .,;..DRNWING L DATEc s 1 f RC 1 Reactor Coolant 2070 NF-39835 12/29/1998 FW 2 Feedwater 2168.17 NF-39843 3/6/1998 i VC 2 Chemical Vol Control 2168.16 N F-39836-7 10/15/1997 l l b- Page1 B:!Sl299.XLS i






REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2; 1998 RESULTS OF STEAM GENERATOR EDDY CURRENT EXAMINATIONS 9811 REFUEL OUTAGE During the November 1998 scheduled refueling outage 100% of all accessible tubes in steam generator 21 and 22 were examined full length as part of the inservice inspection. The examination was conducted utilizing the multifrequency eddy current technique. The inspection program was as follows:

1. Bobbin Coil Examinations - The bobbin coil technique was used to examine all tubes full length, except the U-Bend region of rows 1 and 2. These bobbin coil examinations were completed using magnetically biased 0.720 inch,0.700 inch 0.680 inch and 0.650 inch diameter probes.
2. MRPC Examinations - The 0.680 inch and 0.650 inch dual motion Plus Point MRPC technique was ,

used to examine the U-Bend region of rows 1 and 2. The 0.720 inch 3-Coil (0.115" mid range pancake l

       / Plus Point mid range / 0.080" high frequency shielded pancake) MRPC technique was used to examine 100% of the hot leg tubes tubes from three inches above the secondary tube sheet face through the tube end. The 0.600 inch (Plus Point mid range magnetically biased) MRPC technique was used to examine all B&W Inconel 600 (hot leg and cold leg) roll plugs and 25% of the ABBCE inconel 690 hot leg roll plugs.
3. SuoDiemental Examinations - The 0.680 inch and 0.650 inch dual motion Plus Point MRPC technique was used to examine all free span dents > 5.0 volts located in the U-Bend region of the tube.

The 0.720 inch 3-Coil MRPC technique was used to supplement the bobbin coil data to further characterize all: absolute drift signals, copper deposit signals, other deposit signals, dent signals > 5.0 volts in the straight section of tubing, indications not reportable > 1.5 volts at tube support plates, manufacturing burnish mark signals, mix residual indication signals, possible loose part signals, possible support ligament indication signals, non quantifiable indication signals, distorted indication signals, cold leg thinning indications equal to or greater than 40% through wall and a sample (12 per S/G) of cold leg thinning indications less than 40% through wall. The 0.720 inch magnetically biased , 3-Coil MRPC technique was used to disposition MRPC permeability variation indications. l

4. Pre-Service Baseline Examinations - The 0.730 inch combination probe (bobbin / 0.115" mid range pancake / Plus Point mid range) was used to baseline examine and profile all tubes rerolled this outage.

Rockridge Technologies, Inc. was contracted to acquire and evaluate the eddy current data. Zetec was contracted to perform a completely independent evaluation of all data acquired by Rockridge utilizing manual analysis on all MRPC data and Computer Data Screening (CDS) of all bobbin coil data. The scope of all the work contracted was completed using remote positioning devices and the Zetec MlZ-30 digital test equipment along with associated acquisition and analysis software. The software utilized was Zetec, Inc. EDDYNET98 version 1.0 including Patch _E98_1.11. A summary of the distribution of indications can be found in Table I and cumulative lists for each category are listed on page 31 and attached. A summary of the distribution of indication disposition can be found in Table 11. Lists of: tubes left inservice with no additional reroll from previous outages, tubes left inservice with no additional reroll from this outage, tubes left inservice with one additional reroll from previous outages, tubes left inservice with one additional reroll from this outage, tubes left inservice with two additional terolls from previous outages, tubes left inservice with two additional rerolls from this outage and tubes plugged this outage can be found in Tables ill through IX respectively. A list of and a summary of the total tubes plugged to date (12/98) can be found in Table X. I



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 TABLEI i Distribution of indications l 1 S/G NO. 1 - 19% 20 - 29 % 30 - 39 % 40-100% CODES l 21 44 63 26 7 613 22 64 67 30 4 391 CODES INCLUDE: MAI. MAN,MCl,MVI,PLC. sal, SAN,SCl SVI & VOL TABLE 11 Distribution of indication Disposition S/G NO. 40 - 50 % F*O F*1 F*2 PLUG 21 2 102 576 22 30 22 1 74 342 22 16 40-50%: tubes left inservice - old AVB wear below Tech. Spec. Limit TABLE Ill l Previous outage F*0 Tubes GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS i 21 H 1 4 SAN TRH - 2.6TO- 2.4 F*0  ! 21 H 3 6 MAN TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*0 21 H 1 7 SAN TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*0 ) 21 H 2 7 MAN TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*0 21 H 2 8 SAN TRH - 2.5TO- 2.3 F*0 l 21 H 5 8 SAN TRH - 2.6TO- 2.4 F*0 21 H 1 9 SAN TRH - 2.2TO- 2.2 F*0 21 H 2 10 SAN TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F'O l 21 H 15 10 SAN TRH - 2.2TO- 2.0 F*0 l 21 H 1 11 MAN TRH - 2.2TO- 2.1 F*O 21 H 2 11 SAN TRH - 2.8TO- 2.6 F'O j 21 H 3 11 MAN TRH - 2.3TO- 2.2 F*0 21 H 13 11 SAN TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*O 21 H 2 12 SAN TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*0 21 H 7 12 SAN TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 15 12 SAN TRH - 2.6TO. 2.5 F*0 21 H 28 12 MAN TRH - 2.4TO- 2.2 F'O 21 H 1 13 MAN TRH - 2.3TO- 2.1 F'O 21 H 6 13 SAN TRH - 2.7TO- 2.6 F*0 21 H 7 13 MAN TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*0 21 H 1 14 MAN TRH - 2.5TO- 2.3 F*0 21 H 7 15 SAN TRH - 2.4TO- 2.2 F*O 21 H 27 15 SAN TRH - 2.7TO- 2.6 F*0 21 H 2 16 SAN TRH - 2.4TO- 2.2 F*0 21 H 3 16 SAN TRH - 2.8TO- 2.7 F*0 21 H 5 16 SAN TRH - 2.8TO- 2.7 F'O 21 H 7 16 MAN TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*0 21 H 18 16 MAN TRH - 2.5TO- 2.5 F*0 2




21 H 7 17 MAN TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*O l 21 H 33 18 SAN TRH - 2.5TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 7 19 SAN TRH - 2.2TO- 2.1 F*0 21 H 22 19 SAN TRH - 2.5TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 6 20 SAN TRH - 2.2TO- 2.1 F'O 21 H 25 20 MAN TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 33 20 MAN TRH - 2.7TO- 2.6 F*0 21 H 33 21 SAN TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 5 22 SAN TRH - 2.7TO- 2.6 F*0 21 H 7 22 SAN TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*0 21 H 1 23 SAN TRH - 2.5TO- 2.2 F*0 i 2
        '1    H    7     24      SAN     TRH   - 2.6TO- 2.5      F*O    l 21    H     1    35      SAN     TRH   - 2.9TO- 2.8      F*0 21    H   25     41      SAN     TRH   - 2.7TO- 2.5      F*0 21    H     1    47      MAN     TRH - 2.5TO- 2.2        F*0 21    H   24     60      MAN      TRH  - 2.5TO- 2.4      F*0 21    H   24     61      SAN      TRH  - 2.3TO- 2.3      F*0 21    H   27     61      MAN      TRH  - 2.9TO- 2.7      F*0 21    H     1    62      SAN      TRH  - 2.9TO- 2.8      F*0 21    H   15     62      SAN      TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3       F*0 21    H   25     63      SAN      TRH   - 2.4TO- 2.3     F*0 21     H  29     63      SAN      TRH   - 2.4TO- 2.3     F*0    l 21     H    1    64      MAN      TRH   - 2.4TO- 2.2     F*0 21     H    2    64      SAN      TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3        F*0 21     H    1    65      SAN      TRH - 2.6TO- 2.4        F*0 21     H    1    66      MAN      TRH   -  2.6TO- 2.4     F*0 21    H  25     66      SAN      TRH   - 2.8TO- 2.7      F*0 21    H     1   68      SAN      TRH   -   2.7TO- 2.6    F*0 i

21 H 27 68 SAN TRH - 2.2TO- 2.0 F*0 21 H 25 70 SAN TRH - 2.3TO- 2.2 F*0 21 H 31 71 SAN TRH - 3.0TO- 2.9 F*0 l 21 H 31 72 SAN TRH - 2.7TO- 2.7 F*0 l 21 H 1 75 SAN TRH - 2.3TO- 2.2 F*0 21 H 1 76 SAN TRH - 2.8TO- 2.1 F*0 ! 21 H 16 76 SAN TRH - 2.6TO- 2.4 F*0 21 H 27 76 SAN TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*0 21 H 1 77 SAN TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 3 77 SAN TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 20 79 SAN TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*O 21 F 1 81 SAN TRH - 2.8TO- 2.7 F*0 22 H 1 7 SAN TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*0 22 H 1 33 MAN TRH - 2.6TO- 2.4 F*0 22 H 1 34 SAN TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*O 22 H 1 37 MAN TRH - 2.3TO- 2.2 F*0 22 H 1 41 MAN TRH - 2.3TO- 2.2 F*0 3 l



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 1 GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS l 22 H 2 42 SAN TRH - 2.3TO- 2.2 F*O 22 H 1 43 MAN TRH - 2.6TO- 2.3 F*0 l 22 H 1 45 MAN TRH - 2.4TO- 2.2 F*0 22 H 9 48 SAN TRH - 2.3TO- 2.2 F*0 l 22 H 5 49 SAN TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*0 l 22 H 7 49 SAN TRH - 2.8TO- 2.5 F*0 22 H 7 50 SAN TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 22 H 1 51 MAN TRH - 2.7TO- 2.5 F*0 22 H 4 51 MAN TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*0 22 H 7 51 SAN TRH - 2.8TO- 2.7 F*0 22 H 1 52 MAN TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*0 , 22 H 1 53 MAN TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*0 22 H 1 56 MAN TRH - 2.8TO- 2.7 F*0 22 H 34 58 MAN TRH - 2.3TO- 2.1 F'O i 1 22 H 1 62 MAN TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*0 22 H 34 63 MAN TRH - 2.1TO- 2.0 F*0 22 H 1 64 MAN TRH - 2.4TO- 2.4 F*0 22 H 7 65 SAN TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*0 22 H 37 67 MAN TRH - 2.3TO- 2.1 F*0 22 H 8 68 SAN TRH - 2.4TO- 2.4 F*0 22 H 34 68 MAN TRH - 2.4TO- 2.2 F*0 22 H 1 69 MAN TRH - 2.9TO- 2.7 F*0 22 H 1 70 MAN TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*0 22 H 24 71 MAN TRH - 2.3TO- 2.2 F*O i 22 H 1 72 MAN TRH - 2.9TO- 2.3 F*0 22 H 37 72 SAN TRH - 2.3TO- 2.1 F*0 22 H 1 73 MAN TRH - 2.9TO- 2.7 F*0 22 H 1 74 MAN TRH - 2.8TO- 2.2 F'0 22 H 1 75 MAN TRH - 2.6TO- 2.3 F*0 22 H 1 76 MAN TRH - 2.5TO- 2.3 F*O 22 H 1 77 MAN TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*0 22 H 1 78 SAN TRH - 2.3TO- 2.1 F*0 22 H 1 79 MAN TRH - 2.3TO- 2.2 F*0 22 H 1 80 MAN TRH - 2.7TO- 2.3 F*0 22 H 1 81 MAN TRH - 2.7TO- 2.5 F*0 22 H 1 82 MAN TRH - 2.6TO- 2.3 F*0 22 H 1 83 SAN TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*0 22 H 1 84 SAN TRH - 2.7TO- 2.6 F*0 22 H 1 85 SAN TRH - 2.1TO- 2.1 F*0 22 H 6 94 MAN TRH - 2.1TO- 2.0 F*0 4 L



REPORT lNSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 l TABLE IV New F*0 Tubes GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENTS STATUS 21 H 2 3 MAI TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*0 I 21 H 3 3 SAI TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 1 6 sal TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*0 21 H 7 7 sal TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 4 9 sal TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*0 21 H 25 10 SAI TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*0 21 H 13 16 SAI TRH - 2.7TO- 2.6 F*0 21 H 15 16 sal TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 26 19 SAI TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 26 22 SAI TRH - 2.5TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 8 24 sal TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*0 l 21 H 33 24 SAI TRH - 2.6TO- 2.6 F*0 1 21 H 33 25 sal TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 33 30 sal TRH - 2.0TO- 1.9 F*0  ; 21 H 1 34 SAI TRH - 2.5TO. 2.4 F*0 21 H 1 49 sal TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 1 60 SAI TRH - 3.3TO- 3.2 F*0 21 H 17 62 sal TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 15 64 sal TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*O 21 H 29 64 sal TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 26 65 SAI TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*0 21 H 8 68 SAI TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*0 l 21 H 1 69 SAI TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 15 69 sal TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*0 21 H 24 69 MAI TRH - 2.7TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 30 70 sal TRH - 2.9TO- 2.8 F*0 21 H 17 71 SAI TRH - 2.2TO- 2.2 F'O 21 H 27 72 sal TRH - 3.1TO. 3.0 F*0 21 H 25 73 SAI TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 l 21 H 6 76 sal TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 21 H 1 78 SAI TRH - 2.8TO- 2.8 F*0 21 H 21 79 SAI TRH - 2.8TO- 2.7 F*0 22 H 1 27 SAI TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 22 H 2 29 SAI TRH - 2.3TO- 2.3 F*0 22 H 1 32 SAI TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*0 22 H 42 35 SAI TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 22 H 1 36 sal TRH - 2.7TO- 2.6 F*0 22 H 2 45 SAI TRH - 2.1TO- 2.0 F*0 22 H 10 48 SAI TRH - 2.3TO- 2.2 F*0 22 H 37 48 SAI TRH - 2.3TO- 2.2 F*0 22 H 10 50 SAI TRH - 2.4TO- 2.4 F*0 22 H 3 51 sal TRH - 2.4TO- 2.4 F*0 22 H 9 51 SAI TRH - 2.6TO- 2.4 F*0 22 H 9 52 sal TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*0 5 J



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 l GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENTS STATUS 22 H 10 52 SAI TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*0 22 H 7 53 sal TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*0 22 H 37 53 sal TRH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*0 22 H 5 54 mal TRH - 2.3TO- 2.2 F*0 22 H 34 54 SAI TRH - 2.3TO- 2.2 F*0 22 H 2 56 SAI TRH - 2.6TO- 2.5 F*0 22 H 37 57 SAI TRH - 2.5TO- 2.4 F*0 22 H 26 59 mal TR_H

                                         -   2.2TO- 2.2   F*0 22    H   34  60     MAI      TRH   -  2.1TO- 2.1   F*0 22    H    5  64     SAI      TRH   -  2.5TO- 2.4   F'O 22    H   37  66     SAI      TRH   -  2 3TO- 2.2   F*O 22    H   37  70     sal      TRH   -  2.3TO- 2.1   F*O 22    H    5  74     SAI      TRH   - 2.2TO- 2.1    F*0 22    H    6  74     sal      TRH   - 2.3TO- 2.3    F*0 22    H    4  77     SAI      TRH   - 2.3TO- 2.2    F*0 22    H    5  80     SAI      TRH   - 2.5TO. 2.4    F*0 22    H    6  85     SAI      TRH   -  2.7TO- 2.6   F*0 l

l l 1 6



REPORT I INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 TABLE V I Previous outage F*1 Tubes GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 21 H 5 10 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 12 10 NDD F*1 21 H 4 11 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 5 11 MAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 14 11 INF 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 11 12 INF 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 14 12 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 2 13 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 0.7 F*1 21 H 4 13 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 2 14 SAN 1BH - 3.8TO- 3.7 F*1 21 H 7 14 SAN 1BH - 3.7TO- 3.6 F*1 21 H 11 14 MAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.9 F*1


1.0TO- 0.9 21 H 1 15 MAN 1BH - F*1 21 H 13 15 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 16 15 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 0.9 F*1 1 21 H 18 15 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 1 16 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 1 21 H 4 16 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 0.9 F*1  ! 21 H 8 16 INF 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 17 16 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 29 16 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 1 17 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 14 17 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 18 17 NDD F*1 21 H 19 17 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 25 17 INF 1BH - 1.8TO- 1.7 F*1 21 H 1 18 INF 1BH - 1.2TO. 1.2 F*1 21 H 3 18 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 4 18 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 5 18 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 19 18 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 27 18 INF 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 1 19 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.0 F*1 j 21 H 4 19 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 6 19 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 9 19 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 I 21 H 19 19 MAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.9 F*1 l 21 H 23 19 INF 1BH - 1.1 TO. 1.0 F*1 l 21 H 25 19 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 l 21 H 27 19 INF 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 1 21 H 31 19 NDD F*1 f 21 H 4 20 INF 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.9 F*1  ! 21 H 7 20 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1  ! 21 H 9 20 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 7 l



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 j - . - GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS l 21 H 13 20 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 0.9 F*1 l 21 H 17 20 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 ! 21 H 27 20 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 0.9 F*1 l 21 H 29 20 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 i 21 H 7 21 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 l 21 H 9 21 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 11 21 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 14 21 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 16 21 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 17 21 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 24 21 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 26 21 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 31 21 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 1 22 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 2 22 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 3 22 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 4 22 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 8 22 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 14 22 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 l 21 H 16 22 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F'1 21 H 17 22 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 39 22 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 l 21 H 3 23 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 6 23 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 8 23 NDD F*1 21 H 12 23 INF 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 14 23 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 16 23 MAN 1BH - 1.1 TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 19 23 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 24 23 INF 1BH - 0.8TO- 0.8 F*1 21 H 30 23 INF 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.9 F*1 , j 21 H 31, 23 NDD F*1 l ( 21 H 3 24 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.5 F*1 21 H 5 24 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 6 24 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 0.8 F*1 21 H 9 24 SAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 12 24 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 30 24 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 8 25 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.5 F*1 21 H 14 25 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 16 25 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 4 26 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 5 26 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 17 26 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 18 26 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 8 27 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO. 1.3 F*1 21 H 12 27 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 8




                                         ' ) 9 3H CATION    & EXTENT          l 21    H   17   27     MAN '              -   1.3TO- 1.2    F*1 21    H   26   27     INF     'I ~'SH    -

1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 27 27 INF 3dH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1  ; 21 H 28 27 SAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 { 21 H 30 27 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 0.9 F*1


21 H 32 27 SAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 1 21 H 1 28 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 3 28 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 5 28 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 6 28 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 9 28 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO. 1.0 F*1 21 H 11 28 INF 1BH - 0.9TO- 0.8 F*1 21 H 14 28 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 15 28 SAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 16 28 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 18 28 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 19 28. SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 20 28 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 21 28 MAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 23 28 MAN 1BH - 0.7TO- 0.4 F*1 21 H 38 28 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 4 29 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 7 29 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 16 29 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 18 29 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 23 29 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 l I 21 H 26 29 NDD F'1 21 H 27 29 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 31 29 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 1 30 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.4 F*1 21 H 3 30 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 4 30, MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 6 30 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 8 30 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 9 30 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 0.8 F*1 21 H 21 30 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 3 31 MAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 4 31 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 6 31 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 22 31 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 23 31 SAN 1BH - 1.1 TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 37 31 NDD F*1 21 H 1 32 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 0.8 F*1 21 H 6 32 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 25 32 INF 1BH - 1.3TO. 1.2 F*1 21 H 30 32 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 32 32 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO. 1.1 F*1 9



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRlE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 21 H 3 33 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 7 33 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 8 33 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 21 33 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 27 33 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 3 34 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 0.8 F*1 21 H 8 34 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 10 34 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 23 34 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.1 F-1 21 H 34 34 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 8 35 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 13 35 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 4 36 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 6 36 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 7 36 NDD F*1 21 H 8 36 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 20 36 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 22 36 SAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 4 37 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 6 37 MAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 8 37 MAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 13 37 MAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 21 37 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 27 37 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 1 38 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 , F*1 21 H 3 38 MAN 1BH - 1.1 TO. 1.0 F*1 21 H 4 38 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 7 38 MAN 1BH - 1.1 TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 9 38 MAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 13 38 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 24 38 INF 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 4 39 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 9 39 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 12 39 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 20 39 SAN 18H - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 21 39 SAN 1BH - 1.1 TO- 1.0 F*1 1 21 H 25 39 MAN 1BH - 0.9TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 3 40 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 10 40 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1  ! 21 H 12 40 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 3 41 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 1 21 H 4 41 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 5 41 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 0.8 F*1 21 H 7 41 MAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 12 41 MAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 14 41 MAN 1BH - 0.8TO- 0.0 F*1 i 21 H 2 42 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 10



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 21 H 3 42 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 l 21 H 7 42 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 ) 21 H 8 42 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 9 42 INF 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 15 42 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 5 43 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 7 43 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 8 43 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO. 1.2 F*1 21 H 9 43 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 ) 21 H 12 43 SAI 1BH - 0.9TO- 0.8 F*1 l 21 H 23 43 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 l 21 H 24 43 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 0.7 F*1 1 1 21 H 4 44 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 8 44 SAN 1BH - 0.9TO. 0.9 F*1 21 H 12 44 MAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 21 44 NDD F*1 21 H 24 44 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 3 45 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 0.8 F*1 21 H 9 45 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 13 45 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.1 F'1 r 21 H 14 45 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 16 45 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 30 45 MAI 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 I 21 H 34 45 NDD F*1 l 21 H 3 46 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.0 F*1 l 21 H 4 46 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 j 21 H 6 46 INF 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 1 21 H 8 46 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1  ! 21 H 14 46 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 21 46 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 22 46 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 3 47 NDD F*1 21 H 4 47 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 7 47 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 0.6 F*1 21 H 8 47 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 9 47 SAN 1BH - 0.9TO- 0.2 F*1 21 H 12 47 SAN 1BH - 0.8TO- 0.7 F*1 21 H 13 47 MAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.5 F*1 21 H 23 47 NDD F*1 21 H 24 47 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 36 47 NDD F*1 21 H 37 47 INF 1BH - 1.7TO- 1.6 F*1 21 H 4 48 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 6 48 SAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 12 48 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 l 21 H 13 49 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 14 49 SAN 1BH - 0.4TO- 0.1 F*1 11



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISL/AND UNIT #2,1998 GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 21 H 29 49 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 31 49 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 2 50 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 0.8 F*1 21 H 4 50 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 5 50 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 7 50 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 0.9 F*1 l 21 H 10 50 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 ,

                                           - 0.4TO- 0.2 21    H   12  50     MAI     1BH                     F*1 21    H   21  50     INF      1BH  -

1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 25 50 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 1 51 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 4 51 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 5 51 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 8 51 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 11 51 INF 1BH - 1.9TO. 1.7 F*1 21 H 14 51 NDD F*1 21 H 1 52 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 , 21 H 2 52 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 l 21 H 3 52 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 4 52 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 5 52 INF 1BH - 1.7TO- 1.6 F*1 21 H 11 52 INF 1BH - 1.7TO- 1.6 F*1 21 H 14 52 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 22 52 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 j 21 H 4 53 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 7 53 MAI 1BH - 0.6TO- 0.4 F*1 21 H 10 53 SAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 1 54 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 7 54 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 11 54 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 14 54 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 19 54 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 21 54 INF 1BH - 1.1 TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 7 55 INF 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 21 H 10 55 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 23 55 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 2 56 SAI 1BH - 0.3TO- 0.2 F*1 21 H 4 56 INF 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 21 H 6 56 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 7 56 MAN 1BH - 0.9TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 10 56 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 11 56 MAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.8 F*1 21 H 1 57 SAN 1BH - 1.3T0- 1.3 F*1 21 H 4 57 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 6 57 MAN 1BH - 0.9TO- 0.8 F*1 1 21 H 7 57 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 8 57 MAI 1BH - 0.4TO- 0.1 F*1 12



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 21 H 11 57 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 13 57 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 14 57 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 > 21 H 15 57 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 17 57 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 23 57 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 5 58 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 11 58 NDD F*1 21 H 14 58 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO. 1.4 F*1 21 H 16 58 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 21 58 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 1 59 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 3 59 INF 1BH - 1.3TO. 1.2 F*1 21 H 10 59 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 11 59 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 ' F*1 21 H 13 59 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 14 59 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 2 60 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 3 60 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 4 60 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 5 60 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.3 - F*1 21 H 7 60 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 11 60 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 14 60 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 16 60 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 2 61 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 3 61 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 21 H 4 61 NDD F*1 21 H 5 61 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 j 21 H 9 61 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.4 F*1 21 H 10 61 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 17 61 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 31 61 INF 1BH - 3.6TO. 3.4 F*1 21 H 2 62 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.4 F*1 21 H 4 62 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F *1 21 H 5 62 MAN 18H - 1.5TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 8 62 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 10 62 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 12 62 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 13 62 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 __ 21 H 14 62 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 25 62 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 1 63 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 3 63 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 5 63 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 8 63 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 9 63 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 13




REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 l GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS j 21 H 14 63 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.4 F*1 21 H 16 63 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 j 21 H 3 64 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 ' 21 H 4 64 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1  ! 21 H 5 64 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 6 64 MAN 1BH - - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 l 21 H 7 64 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 12 64 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 l 21 H 14 64 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 17 64 SAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 34 64 NDD F*1  ; 21 H 4 65 INF 1BH - 1.4TO. 1.4 F*1 I 21 H 5 65 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 8 65 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 11 65 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 21 H 12 65 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 14 65 NDD F*1 21 H 16 65 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 5 66 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 10 66 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 li 16 66 SAN 1BH - 2.1TO 2.1 F*1 21 H 17 66 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.4 F*1 21 H 18 66 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 1 67 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 j 21 H 5 67 INF 1BH - 1.4TO. 1.3 F*1 ' 21 H 11 67 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 24 67 MAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 25 67 SAN 1BH - 3.9TO- 3.8 F*1 21 H 4 68 MAN 1BH - 1.7TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 5 68 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 7 68 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 34 68 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 11 69 SAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 12 69 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 17 69 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 5 70 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 6 70 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.4 F*1 21 H 9 70 NDD F*1 21 H 3 71 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 5 71 INF 1BH - 1.4TO. 1.3 F*1 21 H 9 71 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 21 H 10 71 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 11 71 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO. 1.1 F*1 21 H 5 72 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.4 F*1 21 H 8 72 MAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 11 72 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 3 73 , MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 14



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 21 H 5 73 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 10 73 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.5 F*1 21 H 11 73 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 3 74 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 . 21 H 5 74 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 l 21 H 9 74 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 11 74 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 5 75 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 7 77 SAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.9 F*1 21 H 11 77 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 21 H 3 78 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 21 H 7 78 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 11 78 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 7 79 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 19 79 INF 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 21 H 28 80 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 11 81 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F"1 21 H 9 83 INF 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 21 H 18 86 SAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 1 10 SAN 1BH - 2.2TO- 2.1 F*1 22 H 4 14 SAN 1BH - 2.3TO- 2.3 F*1 l 22 H 24 15 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 l 22 H 1 17 MAN 1BH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*1 22 H 25 17 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 1 18 MAN 1BH - 2.4TO- 2.2 F*1 22 H 4 19 SAN 1BH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*1 22 H 21 19 SVI 1BH - 2.6TO- 2.4 F*1 22 H 1 20 MAN 1BH - 2.4TO- 2.2 F*1 22 H 1 21 MAN 1BH - 2.4TO- 2.1 F*1 , 22 H 18 22 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 28 22 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 22 23 SAN 1BH - 1.7TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 27 24 INF 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 28 24 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 21 25 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 23 25 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 i 22 H 32 25 INF 1BH - 14TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 19 26 INF 1BH - 1.7TO- 1.6 F*1 22 ~H 22 26 INF 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 28 26 SAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.9 F*1 22 H 20 27 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 19 29 INF 1BH - 1.7TO- 1.6 F*1 22 H 24 29 INF 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 29 29 MAI 1BH - 1.0TO- 0.4 F*1 22 H 32 29 INF 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 32 30 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 35 30 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.4 F*1 15



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 l GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 22 H 3 31 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 20 32 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 i 22 H 31 32 SAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 25 33 SAN 1BH - 0.9TO- 0.9 F*1 i 22 H 28 34 MAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.4 F*1 1 22 H 13 35 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 28 35 MAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 20 36 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 23 36 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 27 36 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 20 37 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 23 37 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 14 38 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 19 38 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 20 38 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 37 08 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- i3 F*1 22 H 14 41 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 19 41 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 1 41 INF 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 27 41 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 1 42 NDD F*1 22 H 12 42 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 _ 22 H 22 42 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 24 42 INF 1BH - 1.7TO- 1.7 F*1 j 22 H 33 42 MAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 i 22 H 33 43 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 37 43 SAI 1BH - 0.4TO- 0.3 F*1 22 ,H 13 44 MAN 1BH - 1.0TO. 0.7 F*1 22 H 14 44 INF 1BH - 1.7TO- 1.6 F'1 ' 22 H 17 44 SAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 27 44 INF 1BH - 1.6TO. 1.5 F*1 22 H 13 45 SAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 15 45 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 , 22 H 28 45 INF 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 l 22 H 17 46 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 26 46 MM 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 12 47 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 2 48 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 22 48 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 23 48 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 28 48 MAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 29 48 INF 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 1 49 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 3 49 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 11 49 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 12 49 sal 1BH - 0.2TO- 0.0 F*1 22 H 13 49 INF 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 16



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 22 H 14 49 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO. 1.0 F*1 22 H 18 49 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 l 22 H 23 49 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.1 F*1 l 22 H 28 49 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 32 49 MAN 1BH - 1.7TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 41 49 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 22 H 9 50 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 23 50 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 0.9 F*1 22 H 24 50 MAN 1BH - 1.8TO- 1.6 F*1 l 22 H 25 50 SAN 1BH - 2.4TO- 2.3 F*1 l 22 H 29 50 INF 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 32 50 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 33 50 SAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 l 22 H 34 50 INF 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.6 F*1 1 22 H 18 51 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 28 51 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 32 51 SAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 3 52 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 28 52 SAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 33 52 SAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 I 22 H 22 H 13 53 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 0.7 F*1 22 H 1 54 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 0.9 F*1 22 H > 16 54 SAI 1BH - 0.2TO- 0.2 F*1 22 H 18 54 INF . 1BH_

                                                           -     1.4TO- 1.4     F*1 22    H      23      54        SAN         1BH    - 1.6TO- 1.5         F*1 22    H      24      54         INF        1BH    -     1.6TO- 1.5     F*1 22    H      10                MAN         1BH    -     1.2TO- 1.1     F*1  ;

55 ~ 22 H 13 55 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 0.6 F*1 22 H 22 55 SAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 28 55 SVI 1BH - 2.5TO- 2.3 F*1 22 H 33 55 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 4 56 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 27 56 INF 1BH - 1.7TO- 1.6 F*1 22 H 28 56 INF 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 7 57 SAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.0 F*1 22 H 13 57 INF 1BH - 1.4TO. 1.3 F*1 22 H 21 57 MAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 0.9 F*1 22 H 18 58 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 23 58 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 37 58 SAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 5 59 SAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 15 59 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 28 59 MAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 30 59 MAN 1BH - 1.6TO. 1.4 F*1 22 H 32 60 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO. 1.4 F*1 22 H 37 60 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 7 61 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 17 l <



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 l GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 22 H 22 61 MAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 23 61 SAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 27 61 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F'1 22 H 5 62 MAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.6 F*1 22 H 19 62 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 23 62 INF 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 25 62 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 34 62 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 37 62 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 37 63 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 7 64 sal 1BH - 1.7TO- 1.6 F*1 22 H 9 64 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 22 H 32 64 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 34 64 MAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 10 65 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 12 65 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 15 65 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 24 65 MAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 27 65 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 11 66 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 12 66 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 24 66 SAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.6 F*1 22 H 7 67 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 9 67 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 16 67 SAN 18H - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 22 H 24 67 MAN 1BH - 1.7TO. 1.5 F*1 22 H' 27 ,67 MAN 1BH - 1.7TO- 1.6 F*1 22 P. 34 '67 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 24 68 MAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 27 68 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 37 68 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 24 69 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 25 69 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F'1 22 H 27 70 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 18 71 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 20 71 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 12 72 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 13 72 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 12 73 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 22 H 15 73 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 17 73 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 18 73 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 19 73 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 25 73 INF 1BH - 1.5TO. 1.5 F*1 22 H 15 74 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 17 74 SAI 1BH - 0.7TO- 0.5 F*1 22 H 24 74 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.5 F*1 18



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 22 H 13 75 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 14 75 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 15 75 INF 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 11 76 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.3 F*1 22 H 13 76 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 22 76 SAI 1BH - 0.6TO- 0.4 F*1 22 H 26 76 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 12 77 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 13 77 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.1 F*1 22 H 22 77 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 22 78 INF 1BH - 1.5TO. 1.5 F*1 22 H 26 78 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 i 22 H 12 79 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 l 22 H 13 79 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 22 H 14 79 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 22 H 15 79 INF 1BH - 1.3TO. 1.3 F*1 22 H 26 79 INF 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.5 F*1 l 22 H 9 80 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 l 22 H 13 80 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 22 H 22 81 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 1 19



REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 INSERVICE INSPECTION TABLE VI New F*1 Tubes GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 21 H 14 3 INF 1BH - 1.6 F*1 21 H 6 4 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 21 H 1 8 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 5 9 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 7 9 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 l 21 H 1 10 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 21 H 4 10 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 20 10 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 1 12 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 21 H 9 12 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 22 12 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 13 13 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 14 13 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 4 14 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 5 14 SAN 1BH - 2.2TO- 2.1 F*1 21 H 6 14 INF 1BH - 2.0 F*1 21 H 9 14 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 2 15 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 5 15 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 8 15 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 10 15 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 12 16 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 14 16 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 24 16 INF 1BH - 1.4 F'1 21 H 11 17 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 13 17 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 13 18 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 2 19 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 16 19 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 33 19 1NF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 16 20 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 18 20 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 19 20 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 34 20 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 2 21 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 6 21 MAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 8 21 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 23 21 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 27 21 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 21 H 10 22 INF 1BH - 0.9 F*1 21 H 13 22 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 21 22 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 l 21 H 32 22 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 9 23 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 l 20 j l



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 21 H 17 23 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 23 23 MAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 20 24 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 6 25 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 7 25 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 30 25 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 13 26 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 13 27 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 32 28 SAN 1BH - 1.0TO- 1.1 P1 21 H 8 29 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 10 29 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 19 29 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 2 31 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 10 31 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 32 31 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 26 32 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 27 32 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 4 33 INF 1BH - 1.4 F'1 21 H 11 33 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 22 33 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 24 33 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 j 21 H 2 34 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 ' _21. H 5 35 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 11 35 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 l 21 H 21 35 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 29 35 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 31 35 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 3 36 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 23 36 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 29 36 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 5 38 SAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 30 38 INF 1BH - 1.1 F*1 21 H 31 38 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 2 39 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 19 39 INF 1BH - 1.3 P1 21 H 22 39 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 30 39 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 35 39 INF 1BH - 1.5 P1 21 H 36 39 INF 1BH - 1.4 F1 21 H 6 40 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 33 40 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 37 40 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 8 41 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 11 41 INF 1BH - 1.4 P1 21 H 33 41 INF 1BH - 1.3 P1 21 H 10 42 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 16 42 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 P1 21



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 21 H 21 42 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 24 42 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 28 42 INF 1BH - 1.1 F*1 21 H 36 42 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 21 43 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 1 44 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 3 44 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 9 44 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 1 45 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 6 45 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 21 45 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 23 45 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 16 46 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 l 21 H 17 46 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 19 46 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 24 46 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 28 46 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 11 47 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 21 H 19 47 MAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 34 47 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 1 48 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 3 48 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 5 48 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 9 48 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 11 48 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 18 48 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 22 48 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 4 49 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 7 49 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 11 49 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 12 49 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 21 H 18 50 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 24 50 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 2 51 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 l 21 H 6 51 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 13 51 INF 1BH - 1.3 F"1 21 H 16 51 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 7 52 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 l 21 H 9 52 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 l 21 H 10 52 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 3 53 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 20 53 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 18 54 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 29 54 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 34 54 (NF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 29 55 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 34 55 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22




REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 21 H 18 56 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 2 57 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 19 57 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 27 57 SAN 1BH - 1.1TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 2 58 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 4 58 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 21 59 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 28 59 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 21 H 29 60 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 7 63 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 11 63 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 19 63 SAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.3 F*1 21 H 22 64 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 35 64 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 2 65 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 7 66 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 14 66 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 21 66 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 35 66 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 3 67 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 6 67 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 34 67 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 12 68 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 13 68 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 4 69 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 5 69 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 8 69 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 14 69 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 16 69 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 35 60 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 2 70 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 17 72 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 4 74 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 7 76 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 9 76 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 6 77 INR 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 22 77 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 21 H 5 78 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 9 78 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 4 79 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 21 H 11 79 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 21 H 5 80 SAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.2 F*1 21 H 12 80 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 21 H 1 82 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 21 H 7 82 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 21 H 12 82 SAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 15 7 INF 1BH - 1.1 F*1 23



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 22 H 18 14 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 24 14 SAN 1BH - 1.4TO. 1.3 F*1 22 H 2 15 SAN 1BH - 2.2TO- 2.1 F*1 22 H 14 15 INF 1BH - 1.1 F*1 22 H 25 15 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 25 16 INF 1BH - 1.1 F*1 22 H 15 19 INF 1BH - 1.1 F*1 22 H 4 21 SAN 1BH - 2.2TO- 2.1 F*1 22 H 31 21 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 33 22 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 16 23 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 , 22 H 32 23 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 l l 22 H 34 24 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 20 25 INF 1BH - 1.0 F*1 l 22 H 26 25 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO. 1.1 F*1 . 22 H 1 26 sal 1BH - 0.8TO- 0.5 F*1 22 H 18 26 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 33 26 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 13 27 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 15 27 SAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 24 27 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 25 27 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 22 H 20 28 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 22 H 1 29 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 ) 22 H 5 30 SAI 1BH - 0.470- 0.1 F*1 l 22 H 27 31 INF 1SH - 1.3 F*1 l 22 H 32 31 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 i 22 H 21 32 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 l 22 H 32 32 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 32 33 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 22 H 12 35 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 22 H 29 35 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 29 36 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 _ 22 H 2 37 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 24 37 SAN 1BH - 1.6TO. 1.5 F*1 22 H 30 37 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 33 37 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 37 37 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 33 39 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 1 40 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 21 40 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 22 41 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 29 41 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 _ 22 H 33 41 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 _ 22 H 37 41 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 22 H 13 42 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 29 42 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 24



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 22 H 22 43 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 22 H 30 44 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 33 44 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 12 46 SAN 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 19 46 SAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 4 49 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 10 49 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 1 50 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 27 50 MAN 1BH - 1.5TO- 1.4 F*1 22 H 30 50 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 22 H 35 50 SAN 1BH - 1.7TO- 1.6 F*1 22 H 21 51 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 7 52 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 l 22 H 17 53 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 22 H 18 53 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 24 53 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 22 H 32 53 (NF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 33 53 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 25 54 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 27 54 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 22 H 21 55 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 32 55 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 22 H 6 56 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 7 56 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 l 22 H 13 56 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 15 56 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 29 56 SAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.5 F*1 22 H 10 57 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 22 H 15 57 INF 1BH - 1.1 F*1 22 H 25 57 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 27 57 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 28 57 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 l 22 H 34 57 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 22 H 1 58 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 3 58 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 9 59 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 25 59 INF 18H - 1.4 F*1 22 H 27 59 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 34 59 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 5 60 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 6 60 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 7 60 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 20 61 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 7 62 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 22 H 9 62 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 22 H 10 62 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 18 62 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 25



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISI.AND UNIT #2,1998 GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 22 H 1 63 INF 1BH - 1.2 F"1 22 H 11 63 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 23 63 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 24 63 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 2 64 SAN 1BH - 1.3TO- 1.2 F*1 22 H 37 64 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 22 H 6 65 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 8 65 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 22 H 11 65 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 19 65 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 34 65 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 37 65 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 9 66 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 22 H 13 66 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 21 66 INF 1BH - 1.0 F*1 22 H 32 67 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 10 68 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 22 H 13 68 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 22 H 21 68 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 32 68 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 16 69 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 27 69 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 22 H 31 69 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 22 H 37 69 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 22 70 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.0 F*1 22 H 23 70 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 22 H 31 70 SAN 1BH - 1.2TO- 1.1 F*1 22 H 12 71 INF 1BH - 1.1 F*1 22 H 14 71 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 17 71 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 22 71 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 22 H 23 71 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 8 72 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 9 72 INF 1BH - 0.8 F*1 22 H 16 72 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 27 72 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 9 73 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 14 73 INF 1BH - 1.1 F*1 22 H 12 74 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 14 74 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 10 75 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 22 H 12 75 INF 1BH - 1.2 F*1 22 H 8 76 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 17 76 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 22 H 8 77 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 17 77 lNF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 18 78 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 1 26 i I



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 22 H 22 79 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 25 79 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 10 80 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 l H 12 80 INF 1BH 1.4 F*1 ( 22 - 22 H 15 80 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 17 80 INF 1BH - 1.5 F*1 22 H 9 81 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 18 81 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 12 82 INF 1BH - 1.3 F*1 22 H 17 82 INF 1BH - 1.4 F*1 22 H 22 83 SAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.6 F*1 i TABLE Vil Previous outage F*2 Tubes GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 21 H 4 25 SAN 2BH - 0.8TO- 0.3 F*2 21 H 19 25 INF 2BH - 3.0TO- 3.0 F*2 21 H 13 29 SAN 2BH - 3.5TO- 3.2 F*2 21 H 5 36 MAN 2BH - 2.6TO- 1.7 F*2 l 21 H 14 30 NDF TRH + 0.0 F*2 21 H 14 40 MAN 2BH - 2.9TO- 1.4 F*2 , 21 H 10 44 SAN 2BH - 2.9TO- 2.0 F*2 21 H 12 46 MAN 2BH - 2.7TO- 1.8 F*2 21 H 20 46 SAN 2BH - 2.0TO- 0.9 F*2 21 H 6 47 SAN 2BH - 2.9TO 2.0 F*2 21 H 18 47 INF 2BH - 3.1TO- 3.1 F*2 21 H 10 48 SAN 2BH - 2.8TO. 2.2 F*2 21 H 8 49 SAN 2BH - 2.9TO- 1.9 F*2 21 H 14 50 SAN 2BH - 2.0TO- 1.9 F*2 21 H 12 52 INF 2BH - 1.9TO- 1.8 F*2 22 H 21 22 NDD F*2 22 H 17 28 INF ,2BH - 2.1TO- 1.9 F*2 22 H 15 31 INF 2BH - 0.4TO. 0.3 F*2 22 H 14 35 SAN 2BH - 3.1 TO- 2.9 F*2 22 H 19 35 INF 2BH - 3.2TO- 3.2 F*2 22 H 37 35 INF 2BH - 0.9TO. 0.8 F*2 22 H 1 44 INF 2BH - 3.3TO- 3.2 F*2 22 H 17 45 MAN 2BH - 3.2TO- 2.8 F*2 22 H 27 48 SAN 2BH - 3.1TO- 3.0 F*2 22 H 26 50 INF 2BH - 3.2TO- 3.1 F*2 22 H 24 52 MAN 2BH - 3.7TO- 3.5 F*2 22 H 12 53 SAN 2BH - 3.1TO. 3.0 F*2 22 H 37 56 INF 2BH - 3.2TO- 3.2 F*2 22 H 9 60 SAN 2BH - 1.6TO- 1.4 F*2 22 H 16 65 INF 2BH - 3.1TO. 3.0 F*2 22 H 19 74 SAN 2BH - 2.2TO- 1.6 F*2 27



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 TABLE Vill New F*2 Tubes GEN LEG l ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 21 H 4 17 INF 2BH - 3.1 F*2 21 H 4 55 SAN 2BH - 0.7TO- 0.6 F*2 21 H 11 55 SAN 2BH - 0.6TO 0.5 F*2 21 H 16 56 SAN 2BH - 2.0TO- 1.7 F*2 21 H 7 61 SAN 2BH - 0.7TO- 0.6 F*2 21 H 8 64 SAN 2BH - 0.6TO- 0.5 F*2 21 H 7 67 SAN 2BH - 0.7TO 0.5 F*2 22 H 27 30 SAN 2BH - 2.0TO- 1.8 F*2 22 H 19 36 INF 2BH - 3.3 F*2 22 H 15 46 INF 2BH - 3.3 F*2 22 H 18 52 INF 2BH - 3.5 F*2 22 H 13 58 SAI 2BH - 0.6TO- 0.5 F*2 22 H 20 60 SAN 2BH - 3.4TO- 3.4 F*2 TABLEIX Tubes plugged 11/98 outage GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 21 H 9 13 SAI TRH + 0.1TO+ 0.3 PLGQ 21 H 22 13 mal 1Bh - 0.9TO+ 2.3 PLG@ 21 C 35 17 41 01C - 0.2 PLG@ 21 H 22 23 MAI TRH + 1.0TO+ 5.4 PLG@ 21 H 22 25 sal 1BH - 1.0TO+ 2.0 PLG3 21 H 12 26 sal 1BH - 0.3TO+ 1.0 PLG@ 21 H 10 27 SAI TRH + 0.1TO+ 0.3 PLGCD 21 H 25 31 SVI 07C - 0.3TO- 0.0 PLG@ 21 H 18 36 , SAN 2BH - 3.5TO- 3.4 PLG@ 21 C 45 36 43 01C - 0.2 PLG@ 21 H 19 37 INF 2BH - 3.3 PLG@ 21 H 5 39 SAI 1BH - 1.0TO+ 2.0 PLG@ 21 H 8 40 SAI 1BH - 0.9TO+ 0.4 PLG@ 21 H 12 45 SAI 1BH + 16.8TO+ 16.0 PLG@ 21 H 9 51 SAI 1BH + 1.2TO+ 1.8 PLGW 21 H 5 53 sal 1BH - 0.1TO+ 0.1 PLG@ 21 H 22 54 sal 1BH + 1.1TO + 2.1 PLG@ 21 H 8 55 MAI 1BH - 1.2TO+ 1.1 PLG@ 21 H 13 55 SAI 1BH - 1.2TO+ 2.1 PLG@ 21 H 8 58 SVi 04H + 0.3TO+ 0.7 PLGW@ 21 H 9 58 SVI 04H + 0.4TO+ 0.6 PLG@@ 21 H 13 58 MAI TRH + 0.0TO+ 0.2 PLG@ 2* C 44 58 SVI TSC + 7.7TO+ 7.9 PLGQ 2 H 8 59 SAN 1BH - 1.6TO- 1.4 PLG@ 21 H 9 59 INF 1BH - 1.4TO- 1.3 PLGT 21 C 42 63 40 01C - 0.0 PLG@ 21 H 20 64 SAI 1BH - 1.1TO. 0.1 PLG@ 28



REPORT ! INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 i GEN LEG ROW COL INDICATION LOCATION & EXTENT STATUS 21 C 38 74 43 01C - 0.1 PLG@ 21 C 31 79 43 01C - 0.1 PLG@ 21 C 30 81 VOL 01C - 0.3TO+ 0.1 PLG@ 22 C 27 11 VOL 02C + 0.1TO+ 0.3 PLG@ _ 22 C 34 18 PLG 0180 PLG@ 2

      '2      C        31       22          VOL            01C     + 0.1TO+ 0.4     PLG@

22 H 29 26 MAI TRH + 0.1TO+ 0.1 PLGQ 22 H 28 39 sal TRH + 18.4TO+ 18.8 PLGCD 22 H 20 42 MAN 2BH - 3.0TO- 2.7 PLG@ 22 C 46 48 PLG 0180 PLG@ 22 H 4 54 sal TRH + 2.2TO+ 3.1 PLGQ l 22 C 43 55 41 02C + 0.0 PLG@ l 22 H 6 57 sal 1BH + 0.7TO+ 0.9 PLG@ 22 C 32 76 VOL 01C + 0.1 TO+ 0.3 PLG@ 22 H 10 83 SAI TRH + 0.2TO+ 0.3 PLGT 22 C 22 87 45 01C - 0.2 PLG3 22 C 21 88 49 01C - 0.2 PLG@ 22 C 3 91 VOL 01C + 0.0TO+ 0.2 PLG@ 22 C 12 92 VOL 02C - 0.1TO+ 0.1 PLG@

         @ In-situ pressure tested
         @ Failed additional reroll                                                          l
         @ Exceeded Technical Specification repair depth
         @ No qualified sizing technique available
         @ Failed additional reroll profilometry
         @ Not a reroll candidate
         @ PLP bounding tube
         @ Westinghouse explosive plug replaced
         @ Stuck cleaning brush TABLE X Total tubes plugged to date (12/98)

S/G NO. TUBE COUNT PERCENT 21 195 5.76 22 207 6.11 29



REPORT INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT #2,1998 LEGEND OF FIELDS AND CODES FIELD EXPLANATION ROW Row number of tube location COL Column number of tube location LEG Channel head tested from (H = inlet & C = ou;iet) BEG Beginning extent of test - see below END Ending extent of test - see below REM Remarks - see below REEL Calibration group PROBE Probe size, manufacturer and type used - see below LOCATION Physical Location of Indication - see below VOLTS Voltage of signal DEG Degree of signal

          %        Measured percent or three digit code - see below CH       Channel number used for measurement FIELD    CODE              EXPLANATION PROBE                      Probe nominal diameter ZU                Standard ULC manufactured by Zetec ZS                Spring flex ULC manufactured by Zetec BR                Roll Plug Mag. Biased +PT. Rotating coil manufactured by Zetec MR                Mag. Biased Plus Point Rotating coil manufactured by Zetec PR                Plus Point Rotating coil manufactured by Zetec CR                F* Combo (Bobbin /Plus Point) manufactured by Zetec BEG END, TEH               Tube end hot (primary face)

LOCATION TRH Top of roll expansion hot leg 1BH Bottom of Additional roll expansion #1 hot leg 2BH Bottom of Additional roll expansion #2 hot leg TSH Tube sheet hot (secondary face) 07H 7 = First through Seventh tube support plate on hot leg side NV7 7 = First through Forth new antivibration bar 0?C 7 = First through Seventh tube support plate on cold leg side TSC Tube sheet cold (secondary face) , TRC Top of roll expansion cold leg i TEC Tube end cold (primary face) REM F*O Tube meets F* criteria with no additional roll expansion F*1 Tube meets F* criteria with one additional roll expansion F*2 Tube meets F* criteria with two additional roll expansions PLG Tube Plugged , 1

          %        INF                Indication Not Found MAI                Multiple AxialIndication MAN                Multiple Axial Indication - No Change MCI                Multiple Circumferential Indication MVI                Multiple Volumetric Indication NDD                No Detectable Discontinuity PLC                Possible Ligament Crack SAI                Single AxialIndication SAN                Single Axial Indication - No Change SCI                Single Circumferential Indication SVI                Single Volumetric Indication VOL                Volumetric Indication 30




CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS EEPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generators 21 Page: 1 of 2 L eg . . . . . . : Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:42 01 To 19% for the entire tength j l EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 16 5 C TEM TEC 00038 720ZU 02C+ 0.0 1.40 132 8 P1 00026 1.68 127 24 P1 14 6 C TEM TEC 00038 7202U 01C- 0.1 1.61 127 19 P1 00026 1.50 125 27 P1 33 17 C TEN TEC 00006 7202U 02C- 0.0 0.72 136 12 P1 00031 1.10 129 21 P1 j 34 18 C TEN TEC 00038 7202U 01C- 0.2 0.98 126 17 P1 00034 0.88 136 9 P1 36 18 C TEM TEC 00012 720Z0 02C- 0.2 1.05 138 14 P1 00034 1.12 140 1 P1 41 27 C TEM TEC 00090 7202U 01C+ 0.2 1.48 131 7 P1 00041 1.69 144 10 P1 01C- 0.2 00041 1.26 124 38 P1 I 41 29 C TEH TEC 00024 72020 01C- 0.2 0.64 135 10 P1 , 25 32 C TEN TEC F*1 00028 720ZU NV4+ 2.5 0.97 0 19 P2 00043 0.95 0 20 P2 44 34 C TEM TEC 00028 7202U Dic- 0.2 0.43 133 14 P1 00045 0.56 137 3 P1 45 36 02C+ 0.0 00045 1.67 135 13 P1 C TEH TEC PLC 00032 720Z0 02C- 0.2 1.25 132 3 P1 00045 1.69 139 4 P1 17 38 C TEN TEC 00032 7202U NV2+ 0.3 0.86 18 P2 00045 0.65 0 14 P2 45 41 C TEH TEC 00030 72020 02C- 0.1 2.10 138 6 P1 00048 2.26 138 3 P1 45 42 C TEH TEC 00036 7202U 01C- 0.2 0.88 136 10 P1 00050 0.76 139 9 P1 11 43 C TEH TEC 00036 7202U NV1+ 0.0 0.42 0 7 P2 00050 0.38 0 8 P2 44 44 C TEH TEC 00090 72020 01C- 0.2 2.21 127 15 P1 00050 2.42 131 22 P1 45 45 C TEH TEC 00034 720Z0 01C+ 0.0 0.28 131 9 P1 00049 0.41 136 13 P1 46 45 C TEH TEC 00036 720Z0 01C- 0.1. 0.64 135 2 P1 00050 0.71 143 8 P1 45 48 C TEM TEC 00040 720Zu 01C+ 0.1 0.81 131 16 P1 00065 1.12 137 17 P1 43 54 C TEM TEC 00046 720ZU 01C- 0.0 0.38 128 17 P1 00065 0.46 133 23 P1 46 54 C TEH TEC 00046 720Zu 01C- 0.1 1.13 135 4 P1 00065 1.10 145 11 P1 34 56 C TEH TEC 00044 720ZU NV3+ 0.2 0.54 0 14 P2 00067 0.87 0 18 P2 44 58 C TEM TEC PLG 00048 72020 02C- 0.2 0.82 129 4 P1 00068 0.85 139 14 P1 45 58 C TEH TEC 00050 7202U 01C+ 0.1 2.21 133 19 P1 00069 1.91 135 23 P1 21 61 C TEH TEC 00048 7202U NV4+ 0.0 0.62 17 P2 00069 1.65 0 28 P2 39 63 C TEH TEC 00048 720ZU 01C+ 0.2 0.68 124 15 P1 00068 0.66 123 38 P1 42 64 C TEH TEC 00054 720ZU 02C- 0.3 0.63 133 13 P1 00069 0.68 131 30 P1 38 66 C TEH TEC 00054 7202U 01C- 0.4 0.84 130 19 P1 00071 0.31 65 INR P1 21 67 C 1EH TEC 00054 7202U NV2+ 0.5 0.73 0 16 P2 00071 0.80 0 16 P2 40 70 C TEM TEC 00058 72020 02C- 0.0 0.64 132 5 P1 00073 0.86 134 38 P1 N8P

F l i CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT i PRAIRIE ISLAhD, UNIT 2 l Generator: 21 Page: 2 of 2 L eg . . . . . . : Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:42 0% TO 19% for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 36 72 C TEH TEC 00056 7202U 01C- 0.1 1.79 133 18 P1 00073 1.33 143 26 P1 34 76 C TEH TEC 00058 720ZU 02C+ 0.1 1.53 128 19 P1 00072 2.05 130 22 P1 33 77 C TEH TEC 00058 720ZU 03C- 0.3 0.85 130 12 P1 00073 1.07 137 35 P1 35 77 C TEM TEC 00056 720ZU 02C+ 0.0 1.40 142 3 P1 00073 1.46 153 7 P1 31 79 C TEM TEC PLG 00058 7202U 02C+ 0.1 1.16 130 12 P1 00074 1.28 150 13 P1 23 85 C TEH TEC 00062 720ZU 01C+ 0.0 0.43 129 19 P1 00076 0.41 139 23 P1 25 86 C TEH TEC 00062 720ZU 01C+ 0.0 1.42 131 16 P1 00078 1.48 131 18 P1 18 87 C TEH TEC 00062 720ZU 01C- 0.2 1.32 133 15 P1 00078 1.11 140 18 P1 17 89 C TEH TEC 00060 720ZU 01C+ 0.0 1.24 133 10 P1 00077 1.22 137 27 P1 C TEM TEC 00060 720ZU 02C- 0.1 0.87 132 12 P1 00077 0.99 139 26 P1 12 90 C TEH TEC 00060 7202U 01C- 0.2 1.61 131 15 P1 00077 1.85 132 31 P1 14 91 C TEH TEC 00062 720Z0 01C+ 0.0 1.77 135 8 P1 00077 1.54 150 18 P1 16 91 C TEH TEC 00062 7202U 01C- 0.1 0.63 138 3 P1 00077 0.67 159 4 P1 9 92 C 07H TEC 00066 720ZU 01C- 0.0 0.93 139 19 P1 00080 1.33 127 23 P1 4 93 C 07H TEC 00094 700ZS 02C- 0.2 0.37 138 18 P1 6 93 C 06H TEC 00064 720ZU 02C- 0.1 0.74 125 19 P1 00080 0.78 134 26 P1 NUMBER OF TUBES IN REPORT = 44 NSP


l. Lee......: Hot and Cold lege Date: 12/14/98 i Release..: 2.2 Times 13:43 20% TO 29% for the entire length

! EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 R0W COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH ! 19 6 C TEH TEC 00002 7202U NV1- 0.2 0.81 0 20 P2 00026 1.23 0 23 P2 l 27 10 C TEN TEC 00008 720Zu 07H+ 25.4 1.56 0 26 P2 00028 1.68 26 P2 29 13 C TEN TEC 00006 720ZU 01C- 0.3 1.01 132 29 P1 00028 0.91 128 30 P1 36 21 C TEN TEC 00012 720ZU 02C+ 0.2 1.10 127 28 P1 00037 1.18 121 26 P1 23 27 C TEM TEC 00022 720ZU NV4+ 4.9 1.16 0 27 P2 00041 1.73 29 P2 F*1 00024 720/U 07H+ 22.8 1.08 0 20 P2 00042 1.18 0 19 P2 I 18 28 C TEH TEC C TEH TEC F*1 00024 7201J NV2+ 1.0 1.78 0 28 P2 00042 1.77 0 28 P2 l 1.26 C TEH TEC F*1 00024 720ZU NV2+ 12.4 1.36 0 24 P2 00042 0 23 P2 l 34 28 C TEH TEC 00022 7202U NV3+ 0.0 0.77 0 20 P2 00041 1.07 0 21 P2

i. 25 30 C TEH TEC 00024 720ZU Nv2+ 0.8 1.54 0 26 P2 00042 1.95 0 27 P2 C TEH TEC 00024 720ZU NV4+ 2.4 1.36 0 24 P2 00042 1.41 0 21 P2 j I

r i 39 30 C TEH TEC 00026 7202U NV4+ 2.9 0.91 0 23 P2 00043 1.06 0 21 P2 l 25 31 C TEH TEC PLG 00028 7202U NV2+ 18.7 1.21 0 23 P2 l C TEH TEC PLG 00028 7202U Nv2+ 20.0 1.07 0 21 P2 l 34 31 C TEN TEC 00028 7202U NV2- 0.2 1.42 0 26 P2 C TEH TEC 00028 7202U NV3- 0.2 1.64 0 28 P2 00042 1.12 0 17 P2 25 32 C TEH TEC F*1 00028 720ZU NV2+ 0.5 1.54 0 27 P2 00043 1.75 0 29 P2 34 32 C TEN TEC 00028 720ZU NV2+ 0.2 1.03 0 20 P2 00043 1.14 0 22 P2 l 23 33 C TEM TEC 00028 7202U kv2+ 17.5 1.02 0 20 P2 24 33 C TEH TEC F*1 00026 720ZU NV3+ 2.2 0.78 0 20 P2 25 33 C TEM TEC 00028 720ZU 07H+ 27.6 1.20 0 23 P2 00042 1.17 0 22 P2 C TEH TEC 00028 7202U NV4+ 0.9 1.03 0 20 P2 00042 1.03 0 20 P2 39 34 C TEM TEC 00026 7202U NV2+ 36.0 ~ 0.78 0 20 P2 00044 1.14 0 20 P2 C TEH TEC 00026 720ZU NV4+ 2.8 1.14 0 26 P2 00044 1.94 0 29 P2 44 34 C TEH TEC 00028 720ZU OSC- 0.1 0.91 124 25 P1 00045 0.87 130 15 P1 18 36 C TEN TEC PLG 00032 7202U NV4+ 0.1 1.27 0 24 P2 00044 0.91 0 17 P2 45 42 C TEH TEC 00036 7202U 02C- 0.0 2.45 123 29 P1 00050 2.49 127 28 P1 36 43 C TEM TEC 00034 720Z0 07H+ 33.9 0.97 0 24 P2 00049 1.45 0 20 P2 07H+ 34.8 00049 1.20 0 INF P2 C TEM TEC 00034 7202U Nv2+ 2.7 0.M 0 24 P2 00049 1.48 0 22 P2

C TEN TEC 00034 720ZU NV2+ 32.9 0.98 0 24 P2 00049 1.45 0 20 P2 43 44 C TEH TEC 00090 720ZU 01C- 0.3 1.66 124 21 P1 00049 2.19 13L 29 P1 28 45 C TEM TEC 00036 7202U NV2+ 22.6 1.74 0 27 P2 00050 2.06 0 30 P2 i

C TEM TEC 00036 7202U NV2+ 24.8 1.36 0 22 P2 00050 1.41 0 25 P2 i l C TEN TEC 00C36 7202U NV4+ 2.5 1.96 0 29 P2 00050 1.73 0 27 P2 36 45 C TEH TEC 00036 720ZU NV2+ 1.2 1.44 0 23 P2 00050 1.60 0 25 P2 NBP l t

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator 21 Page: 2 of 3 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Times 13:43 20% TO 29% for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REN REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 44 45 C TEN TEC 00036 7202U 01C- 0.1 0.46 123 29 P1 00050 0.52 132 25 P1 36 47 C TEN TEC F*1 00042 7202U NV2+ 32.1 1.51 0 24 P2 00063 1.66 0 27 P2 39 47 C TEM TEC 00040 7202U NV2+ 34.9 1.30 0 29 P2 00062 2.00 0 32 P2 35 48 C TEM TEC 00040 7202U NV2+ 2.0 1.00 0 24 P2 03 55 1.52 0 26 P2 C TEM TEC 00040 720ZU NV2+ 30.7 0.79 0 20 P2 00065 1.05 0 20 P2 17 50 C TEH TEC 00042 720ZU NV2+ 0.5 1.19 0 20 P2 00065 0.85 0 20 P2 45 50 C TEN TEC 00040 720ZU 01C- 0.0 0.58 136 21 P1 00065 0.80 133 29 P1 29 52 C TEH TEC 00042 720ZU NV2+ 1.2 1.16 0 20 P2 00064 1.42 0 24 P2 41 53 C TEM TEC 00044 720ZU 01C- 0.2 1.67 128 21 P1 00065 2.03 135 26 P1 19 54 C TEM TEC F*1 00044 7202U NV2+ 15.2 0.75 0 20 P2 00064 1.11 0 21 P2 22 55 C TEM TEC 00046 720ZU NV2+ 18.7 1.35 0 24 P2 00067 1.10 0 21 P2 43 57 C TEM TEC 00046 720ZU 01C+ 0.1 1.19 126 21 P1 00067 1.92 137 14 P1 19 58 C TEM TEC 00050 720ZU NV2+ 14.4 1.18 0 21 P2 00067 0.90 0 INR P2 C TEH TEC 00050 720ZU NV4+ 0.3 1.04 0 20 P2 00067 0.22 0 5 P2 41 58 C TEM TEC 00050 720ZU 01C- 0.2 1.29 128 26 P1 00069 1.39 131 30 P1 36 60 C TEH TEC 00050 7202U NV2+ 2.5 1.66 0 27 P2 00069 1.85 0 29 P2 42 60 C TEH TEC 00050 7202U 01C+ 0.0 0.76 130 23 P1 00069 0.93 135 23 P1 21 61 C TEH TEC 00048 7202U NV2+ 1.0 0.98 24 P2 00069 1.72 0 29 P2 C TEH TEC 00048 720ZU NV2+ 16.4 0.83 21 P2 00069 1.59 0 28 P2 23 61 C TEN TEC 00048 7202U NV2+ 1.5 1.18 0 27 P2 00069 1.51 0 26 P2 C TEH TEC 00048 720ZU NV2+ 18.8 0.90 0 23 P2 00069 1.58 0 26 P2 C TEH TEC -00048 7202U NV4+ 0.4 0.90 0 23 P2 00069 1,77 0 29 P2 39 61 C TEH TEC 00050 7202U 01C- 0.3 0.43 130 23 P1 00069 0.54 132 28 P1 17 64 C TEH TEC F*1 00054 720ZU NV4+ 2.6 1.17 0 22 P2 00069 1.45 0 25 P2 21 64 C TEH TEC 00054 7202U NV2+ 17.1 1.41 0 25 P2 00069 1.32 0 23 P2 43 64 C TEM TEC 00054 720ZU 01C- 0.1 1.77 129 21 P1 00069 1.48 142 9 P1 40 66 C TEH TEC 00054 72020 02C- 0.2 2.02 128 23 P1 00071 2,17 137 24 P1 21 69 C TEM TEC 00054 720ZU NV4+ 1.6 1.02 0 20 P2 00070 1.06 0 20 P2 26 69 C TEH TEC 00052 7202U NV2+ 2.8 0.79 20 P2 C TEH TEC 00052 720ZU NV2+ 23.5 1.10 26 P2 00070 2.04 0 27 P2 31 70 C TEM TEC 00055 '202U NV2+ 3.1 1.00 0 20 P2 00072 1.47 0 21 P2 18 71 C TEM TEC 00056 /20Z0 07H+ 23.0 0.83 0 21 P2 00072 1.34 0 20 P2 C TEH TEC 0005s 7202U NV2+ 13.4 0.87 0 22 P2 00072 1.41 0 20 P2 C TEM TEC 00056 7202U NV3+ 0.2 0.67 0 20 P2 00072 1.40 21 P2 N8P t

l CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT l PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 ' cenerator: 21 Page: 3 of 3 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:43 20% TO 29% for the entire length 1 EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 l ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH l 40 71 C TEM TEC 00058 72020 01C- 0.2 0.55 126 23 P1 00073 0.34 127 24 P1 26 72 C TEH TEC 00058 720ZU NV2+ 1.2 1.61 0 28 P2 00072 1.93 0 28 P2 39 72 C TEH TEC 00058 72020 01C+ 0.0 1.93 126 25 P1 00073 2.34 138 33 P1  ; 38 73 C TEH TEC 00058 720ZU DIC- 0.1 0.49 126 25 P1 00072 0.59 126 29 P1 37 75 C TEH TEC 00058 720ZU 01C- 0.1 1.80 126 25 P1 00073 2.34 148 17 P1 32 78 C TEH TEC 00056 720ZU 02C- 0.1 2.85 126 27 P1 00074 2.64 126 38 P1 i C TEH TEC 00090 720Z0 02C- 0.1 2.55 121 27 P1  ! I 3 92 C 07H TEC 00082 700ZS 01C+ 0.1 1.07 130 25 P1 00096 0.86 134 28 P1 i i 11 92 C TEH TEC 00062 7202U 01C- 0.2 0.51 128 24 P1 00077 0.44 129 33 P1 1 1 73 C 07C TEC 00070 7202U 01C- 0.2 1.68 134 21 P1 00061 1.60 139 15 P1 l l 2 93 C 07C TEC 00068 720ZU 01C- 0.1 1.41 128 21 P1 00061 1.85 136 19 P1 1 5 93 C 06H TEC 00066 7202U 01C+ 0.0 1.02 138 21 P1 00080 1.58 133 15 P1 l 1 5 94 C 06H TEC 00064 7202U 01C- 0.1 1.20 123 23 P1 00081 1.37 127 34 P1 7 94 C 06H TEC 00064 720ZU 01C+ 0.0 0.75 123 23 P1 00081 0.93 135 28 P1 l NUMBER OF TUBES IN REPORT = 63 l c NSP i i l 1 i l 1 l I I

CUMULATIVE INDICATION 8 ltEPORT PRAIRIE !$ LAND, UNIT 2 Page: 1 of 1 Generators 21 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 ] Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:44 30% TO 39% for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 REEL PROSE LOCAfl0N VOLTS DEG X CH REEL VOLTS DEG X CH ROW COL LEG BEG END REM C TEM TEC 00006 720Z0 02C+ 0.2 0.60 123 32 P1 00052 0.70 125 32 P1 25 11 41 27 C TEM TEC 00090 720ZU Dic- 0.2 1.08 118 31 P1 00041 1.69 144 10 P1 01C- 0.2 00041 1.26 124 38 P1 i l 00024 720ZU NV2+ 19.7 2.16 0 32 P2 00042 2.34 0 30 P2 25 30 C TEH TEC TEM TEC F*1 00028 720ZU NV2+ 19.8 1.88 0 30 P2 00043 2.02 0 32 P2 l 25 32 C 00028 720ZU NV2+ 1.6 2.48 0 36 P2 00042 2.35 0 33 P2 25 33 C TEH TEC C TEN TEC 00028 7202U NV2+ 20.2 2.67 0 37 P2 00042 2.80 0 36 P2 3 36 02C+ 0.0 00045 1.67 135 13 P1 45 C TEH TEC PLG 00032 7202U 02C+ 0.1 1.16 121 32 P1 00045 1.69 139 4 P1 23 37 C TEM TEC 00032 720Zu NV2+ 17.5 2.03 32 P2 00044 2.29 0 32 P2 41 00030 720ZU 01C- 0.2 2.00 124 30 P1 00048 2.15 116 33 P1 l 45 C TEH TEC 46 43 C TEH TEC 00036 720Zu 01C- 0.2 0.71 118 37 P1 00050 0.56 126 33 P1 00036 720ZU 07He 29.7 2.28 0 33 P2 00050 2.60 0 34 P2 28 45 C TEM TEC C TEH TEC 00036 7202U NV2+ 0.1 2.69 0 37 P2 00050 2.56 0 34 P2 44 46 C TEM TEC 00042 7202U 01C- 0.2 4.60 118 34 P1 00062 3.68 131 34 P1 00042 720ZU 07H+ 33.7 2.62 0 35 P2 00063 2.86 0 37 P2 36 47 C TEH TEC F*1 00042 7202U NV2+ 2.0 2.19 0 32 P2 00063 2.00 0 30 P2 C TEM TEC F*1 , 00040 7202U NV4+ 3.2 1.75 0 35 P2 00062 2.23 0 34 P2 39 47 C TEH TEC 00040 720ZU 07H+ 32.8 2.08 0 38 P2 00065 2.83 0 37 P2 35 48 C TEH TEC 00040 7202U NV2+ 1.2 2.02 0 37 P2 00065 3.17 0 39 P2 29 50 C TEH TEC 0.0 2.20 124 31 P1 00069 2.70 130 31 P1 43 59 C TEH TEC 00050 72020 01C+ 00050 720ZU 01C- 0.2 2.13 122 32 P1 00069 2.73 131 30 P1 2 62 C TEH TEC OW52 720Zu 07H+ 29.2 1.37 30 P2 00070 1.96 0 27 P2 C TEH TEC 26, 69 00054 7202U 01C- 0.3 0.40 118 39 P1 00071 0.24 110 INR P1 3M 69 C TEH TEC 00056 72020 01C- 0.2 2.03 119 36 P1 00072 1.84 127 35 P1 39 71 C TEH TEC 00058 7202U NV2+ 21.7 2.12 0 33 P2 00072 2.42 0 32 P2 26 72 C TEH TEC 00056 7202U 01C- 0.2 1,69 118 32 P1 00074 1.26 127 37 P1 32 78 C TEH TEC TEM 00090 720Z0 01C- 0.2 1.87 116 34 P1 C TE(

                          .,y 86 C      TEM TEC'        00062 7202U 01C+     0.0            2.% 122 33 P1            00078 3.12 120 32 Pt 23 7   91 C      06M TEC          00066 7202U 01C-    0.1             2.27 126 37 P1          00080 3.38 130 31 P1 92 C      06H TEC          00064 7202U 01C-    0.1             0.94 119 30 P1          00081 0.67 130 34 Pt 8

2.8 1.53 0 32 P2 00077 2.64 36 P2 14 92 C TEH TEC 00060 7202U NV1+ NUMBER OF TUBES IN REPORT = 26 NSP

f i CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator: 21 Page: 1 of 1 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:45 40% TO 100% for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 35 17 C TEH TEC PLG 00008 7202U 01C- 0.2 5.52 116 41 P1 00031 4.69 123 35 P1 45 36 C TEH TEC PLG 00032 7202U 01C- 0.2 0.92 113 43 P1 00045 1.22 125 26 P1 50 C TEH TEC 00040 7202U NV2+ 24.1 2.36 0 40 P2 00065 4.07 0 43 P2 3.36 0 40 P2 l 36 63 C TEM TEC 00050 720ZU NV2+ 2.9 3.29 0 40 P2 00 % 9 42 63 C TEH TEC PLG 00050 72020 01C- 0.0 1.58 119 40 P1 00069 1.84 128 34 P1 38 74 C TEH TEC PLG 00058 7202U 01C- 0.1 2.14 118 43 P1 00073 2.59 137 35 P1 31 79 C TEH TEC PLu 00058 720Zu 01C- 0.1 3.20 118 43 P1 00074 2.12 129 36 P1 NUMBER OF TUBES IN REPORT = 7 NSP 1 l l I i i

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRA!RIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator 21 Page: 1 of 25 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 MAI MAN, MCI,MV1,PLC, sal,$AN, SCI,$VI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 R0W COL LEG BEG END REM PEEL PROBE LOCAT!DN VOLTS DEG % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 2 3 H TEM TSH F*0 00007 720PR TRM- 2.5T0- 2.4 1.60 18 MAI 2 3 3 H TEM TSH F*0 00007 720PR TRM- 2.6TO- 2.5 0.71 11 SAI 2 14 3 H TEH 1HH F*1 00208 730CR 1BH- 3.9TO- 3.7 0.83 16 SAN 6 H TEN TSH F*1 00007 720PR TRd+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.90 12 MAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00007 720fP TRM- 2.5TO- 2.4 0.75 14 SAI 2 1 4 H TEM TSH F*0 00009 720PR TRH- 2.6TO- 2.4 2.44 22 SAN 2 00003 5.73 17 SAI 2 6 4 H TEH TSH F*1 00009 720PR TRH+ 0.170+ 0.3 0.66 16 SAI 2 1 6 H TEH TSH F*0 00009 720PR TRH- 2.5T0- 2.4 1.36 21 SAI 2 3 6 H TEH TSH F*0 00009 720PR TRN- 2.5To- 2.4 2.17 16 MAN 2 00004 3.50 22 SAI 2 14 6 C 01C 01C 00114 720PR 01C- 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.43 116 VOL 2 00026 1.50 125 27 P1 1 7 H TEH TSH F*0 00009 720PR TRH- 2.5To- 2.4 1.36 14 SAN 2 00005 3.70 16 SA! 2 2 7 H TEH TSH F*0 00009 720PR TRH- 2.5T0- 2.4 2.50 14 MAN 2 00004 3.17 20 MAI 2 7 7 H TEH TSH F*0 00009 720PR TRH- 2.6TO- 2.5 1.53 12 SAI 2 1 8 H TEH 1HH F*1 00208 730CR 1BH- 1.3To- 1.3 0.27 8 MAN 6 H TEM 1HH F*1 00208 T30CR 1BH- 4.0T0- 3.8 3.61 14 MAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00015 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.80 12 MAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00015 720PR TRH- 2.4To- 2.2 3.18 22 MAN 2 00005 7.20 22 MAI 2 2 8 H TEH TSH F*O 00015 720PR TRH- 2.5TO- 2.3 3.17 23 SAN 2 00004 8.64 24 SAI 2 5 8 H TEH TSH F*0 00015 720PR TRM- 2.6TO- 2.4 1.73 13 SAN 2 00005 2.15 25 SAI 2 1 9 H TEH TSH F*0 00015 720PR TRH- 2.2TO- 2.2 1.83 14 SAN 2 00005 5.21 16 SAI 2 4 9 H TEH TSH F*0 00015 720PR TRH- 2.5fo- 2.4 1.15 16 SAI 2 5 9 H TEH TSH Fat 00015 720PR TRH- 0.0T0+ 0.0 0.63 11 SAI 2 7 9 H TEH 1HH F*1 00208 730CR 1BH- 3.9T0- 3.5 7.24 18 MAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00015 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.73 10 MAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00015 720PR TRH- 2.6To- 2.1 6.12 23 MAN 2 00005 21.16 28 MAI 2 1 10 H TEH 1HH F*1 00208 730CR 1BH- 1.5T0- 1.4 0.26 21 MAN 6 H TEH 1HH F*1 00208 730CR 1BH- 4.3T0- 3.8 7.11 2J MAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00019 720PR TRH+ 0.1 T 0+ 0.2 1.16 15 MAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00019 720PR TRH- 2.4TO- 2.1 8.35 25 MAN 2 00085 23.09 27 MAN 2 2 10 H TEH TSH F*0 00017 720PR TRH- 2.6TO- 2.5 2.89 15 SAN 2 00085 7.90 15 SA! 2 4 10 H TEH TSH F*1 00017 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0. 75 21 SAI 2 15 10 H TEM TSH F*0 00019 720PR TRH- 2.2T0- 2.0 1.60 20 SAN 2 00006 3.52 17 SA! 2 20 10 H TEH TSH F*1 00017 720PR TRH+ 0.170+ 0.2 1.24 13 SAI 2 25 10 H TEN TSH F*0 00019 720PR TRM- 2.5T0- 2.4 1.11 15 SA; 2 1 11 H TEH TSH F*0 00019 720PR TRH- 2.2T0- 2.1 5.34 27 MAN 2 00009 10.72 23 MAN 2 NSP

r l l i l CUNULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 j Page: 2 of 25 Generators 21 ! Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 l Release..: 2.2 Times 13:50 j MAI. MAN, MCI.MVI,PLC,$Al,$AN,$Cl,$V!,VOL for the entire length l EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 REEL PROBE LOCA!!ON VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS' DEG  % CH ROW COL LEG BEG END REM 2 11 N TEW TSH F*0 00017 720PR TRN- 2.8TO- 2.6 2.63 18 SAN 2 00008 7.14 23 SA! 2 3 11 N TEH TSH F*0 00019 720PR TRH- 2.3T0- 2.2 2.64 13 MAN 2 00009 6.01 17 MAI 2 l 4 11 N TEN TSH F*1 00017 720PR 1BH- 1.1T0- 1.0 1.90 17 MAN 2 00008 6.67 21 MAI 2 H TEN TSH F*1 00017 720PR 1BH- 3.7To- 3.5 5.10 20 MAN 2 1BH- 3.8T0- 3.6 00008 12.23 24 MAI 2 5 11 N TEM TSH F*1 00019 720PR 1BM- 1.0TO- 0.9 1.68 16 MAN 2 00009 5.09 16 MAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00019 720PR 1BH- 3.4To- 3.2 3.54 21 SAN 2 00009 7.24 20 SA! 2 13 11 H TEH TSH F*0 00019 720PR TRH- 2.5T0- 2.4 2.63 19 SAN 2 00009 6.63 20 SAI 2  ; 1 12 H TEH 1HH F*1 00208 730CR 1BH- 4.3T0- 4.1 12.26 16 MAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00019 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.43 12 SA! 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00019 720PR TRH- 2.3To- 2.1 9.34 21 MAN 2 00009 16.55 25 MAN 2 2 12 H TEH TSH F*0 00019 720PR TRH- 2.4T0- 2.3 2.92 18 SAN 2 00009 6.92 16 SAN 2 7 12 H TEH TSH F*0 00017 720PR TRH- 2.6To- 2.5 1.64 19 SAN 2 00010 1.98 17 SAI 2 9 12 H TEM TSH F*1 00017 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.88 14 SA! 2 14 12 H TEH TSH F*1 00019 720PR 1BH- 1.1T0- 0.9 4.14 4 MAN 2 00009 11.56 19 MAN 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00019 72CPR 1BH- 3.5To- 3.4 5.72 17 SAN 2 00009 15.01 20 SAN 2 12 TEM TSH F*0 00017 720PR TRM- 2.6TO- 2.5 1.69 12 SAN 2 00010 1.30 23 SAI 2 15 H 22 12 H TEH TSH F*1 00019 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.56 11 SAI 2 28 12 H TEH TSH F*0 00019 720PR TRH- 2.4To- 2.2 3.40 20 MAN 2 00009 7.67 21 MAI 2  ! 1 13 H TEH TSH F*0 00019 720PR TRH- 2.3T0- 2.1 4.22 16 MAN 2 00009 8.18 20 MAN 2 13 F*1 00017 720PR 1BH- 1.170- 0.7 5.19 25 MAN 2 00010 14.88 32 MAN 2 2 H TEH TSH H TEH TSH F*1 00017 720PR 1BH- 3.6TO- 3.4 7.14 22 MAN 2 00010 6.18 30 MAN 2 4 13 H TEH TSH F*1 00017 720PR 1BH- 1.370- 1.2 1.03 15 SAN 2 00010 3.54 20 SAI 2 6 13 H TEH TSH F*0 00017 720PR TRH- 2.7TO- 2.6 2.06 11 SAN 2 00010 4.33 19 SAI 2 j F*0 00019 720PR TRH- 2.4T0- 2.3 4.95 20 MAN 2 00009 17.74 20 SAI 2 7 13 H TEM TSH 9 13 H TEM TSH PLG 00019 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 1.83 16 SAI 2 H TEH TSH PLG 00201 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 1.47 19 SA! 2 13 13 H TEM TSH F*1 00019 720PR TRH+ 0.170+ 0.2 0.91 13 SAI 2 14 13 H TEM TSH F'1 00019 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 1.05 10 SA! 2 22 13 H TEM 1HH PLG 00208 730CR 18H- 0.9T0+ 2.3 0.69 164 MAS 6 H TEH 1HH PLG 00208 730CR 1BH- 3.9T0- 3.7 4.48 'O MAN 6 H TEM TSH PLG 00019 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.1 1.43 12 SA! 2 H TEM TSH PLG 00019 720PR TRH- 2.170- 2.0 4.68 17 MAN 2 00010 7.17 26 MAN 2 1 14 H TEH TSH F*0 00023 720PR TRM- 2.5T0- 2.3 3.44 15 MAN 2 00009 14.23 17 MAI 2 2 14 H TEH TSH F'1 00021 720PR iSH- 3.8T0- 3.7 3.01' 16 SAN 2 TRH- 1.6TO- 1.4 00010 8.67 22 SA! 2 NSP I

CUMULATIVT. IkDICATIONS REPORT PRilRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generetors 21 Page: 3 of 25 L eg. . . . . . : Not and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 R11eese..: 2.2 Times 13:50 mal, MAN,MCl,MVI,PLC, sal,$AN,$CI,$VI,VOL for the ont Ire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 R0W COL LEO BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATIL4 VOLTS OfG % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 4 14 H TEN 1HH F*1 00208 730CR 1BN- 3.970- 3.9 0.54 3 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00021 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 0.57 10 MAI 2 H TEN TSH F*1 00021 720PR TRM- 1.8TO- 1.8 0.43 15 SAI 2 5 14 H TEN 1HH F*1 00208 730CR 1BN- 2.270- 2.1 0.35 13 SAN 6 H TEM TSH F*1 00023 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0* 0.2 0.46 19 SAI 2 6 14 H TEM 1HH F*1 00208 730CR 1BH- 3.8TO- 3.8 0.68 11 SAN 6 H TEM TSH F*1 00021 720PR TRH+ 0.1T 0+ C.2 0.50 8 SAI 2 H TEM TSH F*1 00021 720PR TRH- 1.8TO- 1.7 1.10 14 SAI 2

                                                                       .. m 7    14     H   TEH TSH F*1      00023 720PR 1BH+       3.7TO-      3.6    1.73    14 SAN   2 TRH-      1.5T0-     1.4                           00009    7.62   13 SAI  2 9     14    H    TEH 1HH F*1     00208 730CR 1BH-        1.4TO-     1.2    0.17 158    MAN  6 H    TEH TSH F*1     00023 720PR TRH+        0.170+     0.2    0.53 13     MAI  2 11     14    H    TEH TSH F*1      00023 720PR 1BH-       1.0TO-     0.9     1.26   18 MAN    2    00009    9.91   14 MAN  2 1    15    N    TEM TSH   F*1    00023 720PR 1BH-       1.0T0-     0.9    2.08 22     MAN   2    00009    8.37   21 MAN 2 TEH+      2.2                                      00095    2.52   35 DRI P3 2     15     H   TEN 1HH   F*1    00208 730CR   ind-     4.0TO-     4.0 0.44        15 SAN   6 H   TEN TSH   F*1    00021 720PR TRH+       0.170+     0.3 0.55       18 SAI    2 H   TEH TSH   F*1    00021 720PR TRH-       2.7To-      2.7 0.44       12 SAI   2 5    15     N   TEH TSH F*1      00023 720PR TRH+       0.1T0+      0.1    0.63    10 SA!   2 7    15     H   TEM TSH   F*0    00023 720PR TRM-       2.4TO-      2.2    3.39    18 SAN   2    00009 13.77      18 SA!  2 8    15     H   TEH TSH   F*1    00021 720PR TRH+       0.1T 0+     0.2    0.63    15 SAI   2                                :

10 15 N TEH TSH F*1 00023 720PR TRH+ 0.3T0+ 0.3 0.68 10 SAI 2 13 15 H TEH TSH F*1 00021 720PR 18H- 1.4TO- 1.0 3.56 14 MAN 2 00311 11.87 28 MAN 2 16 15 H TEH TSH F*1 00023 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 0.9 2.21 16 MAN 2 00012 7.02 21 MAN 2 H TEM TSH F*1 00023 720PR 1BH- 3.5T0- 3.2 4.10 19 SAN 2 18H* 3.8T0- 3.6 00012 8.77 20 SAN 2 i 18 15 H TEM TSH F*1 00023 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.0 1.81 15 MAN 2 00012 4.83 24 MAN 2 27 15 H TEH TSH F'O 00021 720PR TRH- 2.7TO- 2.6 2.43 19 SAN 2 00011 7.21 29 SAI 2 1 16 H TEH TSH F*1 00023 720PR 1BH- 3.8TO- 3.4 5.28 18 MAN 2 00014 13.26 22 MAI 2 2 16 H TEM TSH F*0 00023 720Pk TRM- 2.4T0- 2.2 2.40 18 SAN 2 00012 7.31 19 SA! 2 3 16 H TEH TSH F*0 00021 720PR TRH- 2.8TO- 2.7 0.46 29 SAN 2 00011 3.84 21 SAI 2 4 16 H TEH TSH F*1 00023 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 0.9 2.40 18 MAN 2 00012 8.35 20 MAN 2 5 16 H TEH TSH F*0 00021 720PR TRH- 2.8TO- 2.7 1.83 13 SAN 2 00011 6.15 22 SAI 2 7 16 H TEH TSH F*0 00021 720PR TRM- 2.5To- 2.4 3.87 20 MAN 2 00011 13.8/ 29 MAI 2 ' 8 16 H TEM TSH F*1 00023 720PR 1BH- 3.3TO- 3.2 1.48 11 SAI 2 12 16 H TEH TSH F*1 00023 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.4 0.36 14 MAI 2 30BP . I

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generators 21 Page: 4 of 25 L eB. . . . . . : Not and Cold tels Date: 12/14/98 , Reteese..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 ' MAI, MAN, MCI,MV!,PLC, sal,SAW, SCI,$VI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 RDW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 13 16 H TEH TSH F*0 00021 720PR TRN- 2.7T0- 2.6 1.47 11 SAI 2 14 16 H TEM 1HH F*1 00212 730CR 1BN- 3.8To- 3.8 0.97 3 SAN 6 H TEM TSH F*1 00023 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.35 11 MAI 2 , H TEM TSH F*1 00023 720PR TRM- 2.3TO- 2.2 0.65 10 SAI 2  ! 15 16 H TEH TSH F*O 00021 720PR TRM- 2.6To- 2.5 2.14 12 SAI 2 18 16 H TEM TSH F*0 00023 720PR TRH- 2.5TO- 2.5 1.64 13 MAN 2 00011 3.37 23 MAI 2 24 16 H TEH TSH F*1 00023 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.29 16 MAI 2 29 16 H TEH TSH F*1 00021 720PR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.0 1.50 8 MAN 2 00012 5.72 12 MAN 2 1 17 H TEM TSH F*1 00023 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.0 4.61 23 MAN 2 00014 12.04 30 MAN 2 TEN + 2.3 00095 5.40 40 DRI P3 2 17 H TEM TSH F*0 00021 720PR TRM- 2.7TO- 2.5 2.39 13 SAN 2 00013 6.94 24 SA! 2 4 17 H TEM 1TH F*2 00212 730CR iSH- 3.9TO- 3.8 2.04 7 SAN 6 H TEN 2HH F*2 00216 730CR 2BH- 5.5To- 5.5 2.16 9 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*2 00021 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.69 14 SAI 2 H TEH TSH F*2 00021 720PR TRH- 2.510- 2.4 1.98 15 SAh 2 00013 3.78 22 SAI 2 6 17 H TEH TSH F*0 00021 720PR TRH- 2.5TO- 2.5 1.57 14 SAN 2 00013 4.25 21 MAI 2 7 17 H TEM TSH F*0 00023 720PR TRM- 2.4TO- 2.3 1.56 13 MAN 2 00014 2.47 18 MAI 2 11 17 H TEH TSH F*1 00023 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.82 9 SAI 2 13 17 H TEH T5H F*1 00023 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.41 12 SAI 2 14 17 H TEN TSH F*1 00021 720PR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.1 2.49 13 SAN 2 00013 7.03 26 SAN 2 25 17 H TEH TSH F*1 00023 720PR iSH- 3.7TO- 3.6 2.18 12 SAN 2 TRH- 1.4TO- 1.4 00014 2.67 12 SA! 2 35 17 C 01C 01C PLG 00114 720PR 01C- 0.3T0+ 0,0 0.85 96 VOL 2 00031 4.69 123 35 P1 1 18 H TEH TSH F*1 00023 720PR 1BH- 3.8T0- 3.6 4.60 14 MAN 2 00014 7.04 17 MAN 2 3 18 H TEM TSH F*1 00023 720PR 1BM- 1.3T0- 1.2 2.13 8 SAN 2 00014 4.32 15 SAN 2 4 18 H TEN TSH F*1 00023 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.0 4.94 16 MAN 2 00013 11.81 23 MAN 2 5 18 H TEM TSH F*1 00023 720PR 1BM- 1.3TO- 0.9 4.50 18 MAN 2 00014 11.81 24 MAN 2 13 18 H TEH TSH F*1 00023 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.81 10 SAI 2 33 id H TEN TSH F*0 00021 720PR TRH- 2.5T0- 2.5 0.79 7 SAN 2 00014 1.82 14 SAI 2 1 19 H TEH TSH F*1 00027 720PR 1BM- 1.4TO- 1.0 3.32 31 MAN 2 00014 17.21 26 MAN 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00027 720PR 1BH- 3.7TO- 3.2 5.15 28 MAN 2 00014 16.79 27 MAN 2 TEM + 2.7 00095 4.91 40 DR1 P3 2 19 H TEM TSH F*1 00025 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.63 22 SAI 2 6 19 H TEH TSH F*1 00025 720PR 1BH- 3.7TO- 3.5 2.68 15 MAN 2 00013 7.93 23 MAI 2 7 19 H TEH TSH F*0 00027 720PR TRH- 2.2T0- 2.1 1.00 19 SAN 2 00014 3.76 16 SA! 2 NSF

l CUMULATIVE INDICATION 8 REPORT PRAIRIE ISLANO, UNIT 2 Generators 21 Page: 5 of 25 L eg. . . . . . : Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Times 13:50 mal, MAN, MCI,NVI,PLC. sal,$AN,$CI,$VI,VOL for the entire length l EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEC END REM REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 16 19 H TEH TSH F*1 00025 720PR TRH+ 0.1T 0+ 0.2 0.81 14 SAI 2 19 19 H TEM TSH F*1 00027 720PR 1BH- 1.0TO- 0.9 0.50 18 MAN 2 00015 2.77 21 MAN 2 22 19 H TEH TSH F*0 00025 720PR TRM- 2.5TO- 2.5 1.70 16 SAN 2 26 19 H TEH TSH F*0 00025 720PR TRM- 2.6TO- 2.5 1.30 10 SAI 2 , 27 19 H TEH TSH F*1 00027 720PR 1BM- 3.3ro- 3.2 1.22 19 SAN 2 00015 2.24 15 SAI 2 33 19 H TEH TSH F*1 00027 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.65 14 SAI 2 6 20 H TEH TSH F*0 00027 720PR TRN- 2.2TO- 2.1 3.93 20 SAN 2 00017 11.76 24 SA! 2 7 20 H TEH TSH F*1 00025 720PR 1BH- 1.1To- 1.D 3.75 20 MAN 2 00018 14.56 15 MAI 2 l H TEH TSH F*1 00025 720PR 1BM- 3.7To- 3.6 4.45 18 MAN 2 00018 13.71 14 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.9 00087 3.78 116 DRI P3 13 20 H TEH TSH F*1 00025 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 0.9 3.06 15 MAN 2 00018 11.27 22 MAN 2 16 20 H TEH TSH F*1 00027 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.53 9 SAI 2 17 20 H TEH TSH F*1 00025 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 1.11 14 MAN 2 00085 5.03 15 MAN 2 18 20 H TEH TSH F*1 00027 720PR TRH+ 0.1T 0+ 0.2 0.53 19 $41 2 19 20 H TEN TSH F*1 00025 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.44 15 SAI 2 25 20 H TEH TSH F*0 00025 720PR TRH- 2.6TO- 2.5 1.95 13 MAN 2 00015 3.47 11 MAI 2 27 20 H TEH TSH F*1 00025 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 0.9 4.05 18 MAN 2 00015 7.74 22 MAN 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00025 720PR 1BH- 3.6T0- 3.5 1.06 15 MAI 2 29 20 H TEH TSH F*1 00025 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 1.0 1.09 11 MAN 2 00015 4.64 11 MAN 2 33 20 H TEH TSH F*0 00025 720PR TRM- 2.7T0- 2.6 2.56 17 MAN 2 00015 5.56 18 MAN 2 34 20 H TEH TSH F*1 00027 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.37 9 SAI 2 2 21 H TEH TSH F*1 00027 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.59 14 sal 2 6 21 H TEH 1HH F*1 00212 730cR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.3 0.58 4 MAN 6 H TEH 1HH F*1 00212 730CR 1BH- 3.7TO- 3.6 4.82 5 MAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00027 720PR TRH- 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.63 13 MAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00027 720PR TRH- 2.3T0- 2.2 2.79 19 MAN 2 00018 11.80 17 MAI 2 H TEM TRH F*1 00079 720PR TRH- 2.3T0- 2.2 2.81 14 MAN 2 7 21 H TEH TSH F*1 00025 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.1 4.26 29 MAN 2 00017 13.97 34 MAN 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00025 720PR 1BH- 3.6TO- 3.5 6.60 20 MAN 2 00017 16.20 29 MAN 2 TEH+ 3.2 00088 1.88 71 DRI P3 8 21 H TEH 1HH F*1 00212 730CR 1BH- 3.7TO- 3.6 2.33 2 MAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00027 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.59 12 SAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00027 720PR TRH- 2.2TO- 2.1 1.67 14 MAN 2 00018 5.85 16 MAI 2 9 21 H TEM TSH F*1 00025 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.1 2.13 14 MAN 2 00018 8.74 19 MAN 2 16 21 H TEH TSH F'1 00027 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.1 1.93 13 MAN 2 00017 7.69 26 MAN 2 17 21 M TEH TSH F*1 00025 720PR 1BH- 1.270- 1.2 1.82 13 MAN 2 00018 5.84 16 MAN 2 1 NSP

i CUMULATIVE INDICATION 8 REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator 21 Page: 6 of 25 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 i l MAI. MAN, MCI,MV!,PLC,$A!,$AN,5CI,$VI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL j LEG BEG END REM REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 21 21 H TEH TSH F*1 00027 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.64 10 MAI 2 7+ 21 H TEM TSH F*1 00025 720PR 1BH- 1.3To- 1.2 2.73 16 MAN 2 00017 6.81 26 MAN 2 27 21 M TEH TSH F*1 00027 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 1.01 15 SAI 2 31 21 H 1EH TSH F*1 00027 720PR 1BH- 3.3To- 3.1 2.66 15 SAN 2 00018 7.82 15 SA! 2 33 21 H TEM TSH F*0 00027 720PR TRM- 2.6T0- 2.5 1.34 26 SAN 2 00018 9.55 21 SAI 2 1 22 H TEH TSH F*1 00031 720PR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.1 3.19 23 MAN 2 00020 16.39 20 MAN 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00031 720PR 1BH- 3.8To- 3.4 7.24 27 MAN 2 00020 35.53 26 MAN 2 2 22 H TEH TSH F*1 00029 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0* 1.1 3.41 20 MAN 2 00020 11.16 18 MAN 2 3 22 H TEH TSH F*1 00031 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 0.9 8.60 37 MAN 2 00019 24.69 41 MAN 2 TEH+ 3.3 00095 9.48 45 DRI P3 4 22 H TEH TSH F*1 00029 720PR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.1 0.90 15 MAN 2 00020 9.54 16 MAN 2 5 22 H TEH TSH F*0 00031 720PR TRH- 2.7TO- 2.6 2.34 24 SAN 2 00019 5.16 29 SAI 2 7 22 H TEH TSH F*0 00031 720PR TRH- 2.5T0- 2.4 1.61 21 SAN 2 00019 6.31 21 SAN 2 6 22 H TEM TSH F*1 00029 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.1 .2.67 16 MAN 2 00020 9.85 19 MAN 2 H TEN TSH F*1 00029 720PR 1BH- 3.8TO- 3.6 3.61 20 MAN 2 00020 15.05 21 MAN 2 10 22 H TEN TSH F*1 00029 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.58 13 SAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00029 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.52 11 MAI 2 13 22 H TEM TSH F*1 00031 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.61 18 MAI 2 14 22 H TEH TSH F*1 00029 720PR 1BH- 1.3fo- 1.2 0.80 7 MAN 2 00018 3.17 11 MAN 2 16 22 H TEH TSH F*1 00029 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 1.83 12 MAN 2 00018 7.03 11 MAN 2 17 22 H TEH TSH F*1 00031 720PR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.0 2.14 17 MAN 2 00017 7.51 29 MAN 2 21 22 H TEH TSH F*1 00031 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.55 15 MA! 2 26 22 H TEH TSH F*0 00025 720PR TRH- 2.5T0- 2.5 0.64 18 SAI 2 32 22 H TEH 1HH F*1 00214 730CR 1BH- 3.9T0- 3.8 1.51 9 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00027 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.2 0.69 5 SA1 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00027 720PR TRM- 2.5TO- 2.4 1.65 14 SAN 2 00018 4.82 13 SA1 2 39 22 H TEH TSH F*1 00025 720PR 1BH- 1.270- 1.0 1.90 7 SAN 2 00017 5.91 17 SAN 2 1 23 H TEH TSH F*0 00031 720PR TRH- 2.5To- 2.2 5.70 27 SAN 2 00020 23.12 24 SAN 2 3 23 H TEH TSH F*1 00031 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.0 4.79 25 MAN 2 00020 19.80 24 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.8 00095 3.34 46 DRI P3 6 23 H TEM TSH F*1 00029 720PR 1BH- 1.1To- 1.0 1.44 10 MAN 2 00019 4.14 17 MAI 2 h TEH TSH F*1 00029 720PR 1BH- 3.7T0- 3.6 3.76 18 MAN 2 00019 8.02 24 MAI 2 9 23 H TEH TSH F*1 00031 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.39 10 SAI 2 14 23 H TEM TSH F*1 00031 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 21 MAN 2 00019 7.58 24 MAN 2 0.9)3.03 NSP

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator: 21 Page: 7 of 25 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 MAI, MAN, MCI,MV!,PLC,$Al, SAM, SCI,SVI,VOL far the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 , R0W COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH l l 16 23 H TFH TSH F*1 00031 7/0PR 1BH- 1.170- 1.0 1.30 17 MAN 2 00019 3.34 23 MAN 2  ! I I 17 23 H TEH TSH F*1 00029 720PR TRH+ 0.170+ 0.2 1.57 14 MAI 2 19 23 H TEH TSH F*1 00029 720PR 1BH- 1.2To- 1.2 1.35 17 MAN 2 00020 4.01 17 MAN 2 22 23 H TEH TSH PLG 00201 720PR TRH+ 1.0T0+ 5.4 0.29 120 MAI 2 H TEH TSN PLG 00031 720PR TRH+ 1.7T0+ 4.0 0.14 137 MAI 2 ) 23 23 H TEH 1HV F61 00213 730CR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.2 0.15 117 MAN 6 H TEH Tsh F*1 00029 720PR TRH+ 0.0TO+ 0.2 1.03 24 MAI 2 24 23 H TEH TSH F*1 00031 720PR 1BH- 3.6TO- 3.5 1.47 11 SAN 2 5 24 H TEH TSH F*1 00037 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 0.9 2.11 17 hAN 2 00022 5.67 23 MAN 2 6 24 H TEH TSH F*1 00039 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 0.8 3.66 26 MAN 2 00021 1.22 30 MAN 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00039 720PR 1BH- 3.7To- 3.5 1.29 25 MAN 2 00021 1.04 29 MAN 2 7 24 H TEH TSH F*0 00037 720PR TRH- 2.6To- 2.5 3.34 18 '4AN 2 00022 8.10 23 SAI 2 8 24 H TEM TSH F*0 00039 720PR TRH- 2.410- 2.3 0.77 13 SAI 2 9 24 H TEH TSH F*1 00037 720PR 1BH- 1.0TO- 0.9 1.70 14 SAN 2 00022 5.19 23 SAN 2 12 24 H TEH TSH F*1 00081 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.0 2.05 22 MAN 2 00021 1.21 30 MAN 2 20 24 H TEH TSH F*1 00033 72DPR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.2 0.42 12 MAI 2 33 24 H TEH TSH F*0 00033 720PR TRH- 2.6TO- 2.6 0.88 13 SAI 2 4 25 19H- 1.3TO- 1.2 00117 0.57 29 MAN 6 H TEH TSH F*2 00037 720PR 2BH- 0.8TO- 0.3 1.19 110 SAN 2 00117 3.17 101 SA! 6 2BH- 0.8T0- 0.4 00120 3.57 106 SAN 6 2BH- 3.1To- 3.0 00$20 0.35 37 SAN 6 TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.2 00u41 0.55 32 MA! 2 6 25 H TEH 1HH F*1 00212 730CR 1BH- 1.270- 1.1 0.25 11 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00037 720PR TRH+ 0.0 Tee 0.1 0.92 16 MAI 2 7 25 H TEH TSH F*1 00039 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 C.54 11 SA! 2 16 25 H TEH TSH F*1 00079 720PR iBH- 1.3TO- 1.2 1.86 16 SAN 2 00022 6.32 24 SAN 2 22 25 H TEM 1HH PLG 00213 7'JCR 1BH- 1.0T0+ 2.0 0.32 150 SA! 6 H TEH TSH PLG 00037 120PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.15 20 SAI 2 30 25 N TEH TSH F*1 00037 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.26 10 MAI 2 , l 33 25 H TEH TSH F*0 00037 720PR TRM- 2.6TO- 2.5 1.71 14 SAI 2 12 26 H TEH 1HH PLC 00212 730CR 1BH- 0.3T0+ 1.0 0.29 1 64 SA! 6 H TSH TEH PLG 00045 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.67 19 MAI 2 13 26 H TSH TEM F*1 00047 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.36 18 MAI 2 17 26 H TSH TEM F*1 00047 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.2 1.40 11 SAN 2 00024 4.55 11 SAN 2 8 27 H TSH TEM F*1 00047 720PR 1BH- 1.3To- 1.3 1.35 6 SAN 2 00023 3.37 11 SAN 2 NSP

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator 21 Page 8 of 25 Leg......: Not and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Times 13:50 mal, MAN, MCI.MVI,PLC, sal, SAN, SCI,$VI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH l 10 27 H TEN TSH PLG 00201 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 0.71 13 SA! 2  ! H TSH TEN PLG 00047 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.5 0.79 10 SAI 2 12 27 H TSH TEN F*1 00047 720PR 1BH- 1.3To- 1.2 0.24 10 MAN 2 00023 1.63 18 MAI 2 j 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.2 00117 0.41 17 MAN 6 13 27 H TSH TEM F*1 00045 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.52 to SAI 2  ! l 17 27 H TSH TEN F*1 00045 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 2.44 14 MAN 2 00024 8.05 20 MAN 2 28 27 H TSH TEM F*1 00047 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.2 1.77 12 SAN 2 00023 5.13 13 SAN 2 30 27 H TSH TEH F*1 00045 720PR 1BN- 1.3TO- 0.9 2.49 20 MAN 2 00023 12.64 19 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.6 00040 5.42 36 DRI P3 32 27 H TSH TEN F*1 00045 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 1.0 1.89 13 SAN 2 00023 7.21 16 SAN 2 41 27 01C- 0.2 00041 1.26 124 38 P1 C 01C 01C 00114 720PR 01C- 0.3T0+ 0.3 0.38 112 VOL 2 00041 1.69 144 10 P1 1 28 H TEH TSH F*1 00117 720PR 1BN- 1.4T0- 1.1 4.15 24 MAN 2 00025 14.86 29 MAN 2 TEN + 2.0 00095 3.65 38 DRI P3 3 28 H TEM TSH F*1 00117 720PR 1BM- 1.2To- 1.1 3.48 20 MAN 2 00025 20.40 34 MAN 2 5 28 H TSH TEM F*1 00047 720PR 1BH- 1.2To- 1.1 1.19 7 MAN 2 00025 4.21 24 MAN 2 9 28 H TSH TEN F*1 00047 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.0 5.02 22 SAN 2 00027 16.70 27 SAN 2 11 28 H TEH TSH F*1 00117 720PR 1BH- 2.2TO- 1.8 3.61 20 SAN 2 00027 13.78 25 SAN 2 14 28 H TSH TEH F*1 00045 720PR 1SH- 1.2TO- 1.1 1.40 13 SAN 2 00025 6.14 30 SAN 2 15 28 H TSH TEH F*1 00051 720PR 1BH- 1.0TO- 0.9 0.77 10 SAN 2 00027 1.30 17 SAN 2 16 28 H TSH TEH F*1 00049 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 0.9 2.84 16 MAN 2 00025 9.35 34 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.5 00057 8.04 94 DRI P3 19 28 H TSH TEH F*1 00051 720PR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.0 3.94 24 SAN 2 00027 9.28 25 MAN 2 21 26 H TSH TEM F*1 00051 720PR 1BH- 1.6TO- 1.1 2.71 18 MAN 2 00027 10.63 20 MAN 2 23 28 H TSH TEH F*1 00051 720PR 1BH- 0.7TO- 0.4 2.81 20 MAN 2 00027 6.01 19 MAN 2 32 28 H TEN 1HH F*1 00214 730CR 1BN- 1.0TO- 1.1 0.16 144 SAN 6 H TSH TEH F*1 00049 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.88 .11 SAI 2 38 28 H TSH TEM F*1 00049 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.1 1.54 11 MAN 2 00023 5.09 17 MAN 2 4 29 H TSH TEH F*1 00053 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.2 3.18 16 MAN 2 00025 9.47 23 MAN 2 . I TEH+ 2.5 00091 5.79 147 DRI P3 7 29 H TSH TEH F*1 00051 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 0.9 0.85 15 MAN 2 00025 2.91 16 MAN 2 8 29 H TSH TEH F*1 00053 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.80 16 MAI 2 10 29 H TSH TEM F*1 00053 720PR TRH+ 0.270+ 0.3 0.92 15 MAI 2 13 29 H TSH TEN F*2 00051 720PR 2BN- 3.5T0- 3.2 1.05 6 SAN 2 00025 2.69 13 SAN 2 NBP i I l

i l CUNULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator 21 Page: 9 of 25 - Ltg......: Not and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Time: 13:50 j Ralease..: 2.2 mal, MAN, MCI,MVI,PLC,SA!,$AN,$CI,$VI,VOL for the entire length l EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG X CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH ROW COL LEG BEG END REM 16 29 H TSH TEM F*1 00053 720PR 1BM- 1.3To- 1.0 1.04 13 MAN 2 00028 4.51 27 SAN 2 I 18 29 H TSH TEN F*1 00053 720PR 1BM* 1.2T0- 1.0 1.59 18 SAN 2 00028 10.50 29 SAN 2 19 29 H TSH TEM F*1 00051 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.33 15 MAI 2 4 30 N TSH TEM F*1 00053 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.1 3.14 18 MAN 2 00025 14.26 21 MAN 2 6 30 N TSH TEM F*1 00053 720PR 1BM- 1.3T0- 1.1 4.56 25 MAN 2 00025 14.51 19 MAN 2 8 30 N TSH TEM F*1 00053 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.1 1.68 14 SAN 2 00025 6.97 16 SAN 2 9 30 H TSH TEM F*1 00051 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 0.8 5.28 26 MAN 2 00028 19.52 33 MAN 2 33 30 H TSH TEH F*0 00053 720PR TRH- 2.0TO- 1.9 1.55 15 SA! 2 2 31 H TEH TSH F*1 00055 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.65 15 MAI 2 3 31 H TEM TSH F*1 00057 720PR 1BN- 1.0TO- 0.9 0.42 13 MAN 2 00028 2.77 27 MAI 2 1 F*1 00055 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.0 2.33 26 MAN 2 00025 13.41 22 MAN 2 4 31 H TEH T$H TEN + 2.4 00091 5.35 120 ORI P3 i l TEH+ 2.6 00094 10.22 80 ORI P3 l F*1 00055 720PR 1BH- 1.2To- 1.0 3.26 15 SAN 2 00025 13.35 19 SAN 2 ) 6 31 H TEH TSH i 10 31 H TEH TSH F*1 00055 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.57 9 SAI 2 l 23 31 N TEH TSH F*1 00057 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 1.0 0.87 19 SAN 2 00030 3.19 17 SAN 2 j l 25 31 C 07C 07C PLG 00114 720PR 07C- 0.3T0- 0.0 0.18 116 SVI 2 H TEH TSH PLG 00057 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 0.9 1.93 19 MAN 2 00030 6.67 26 MAN 2 32 31 H TEH TSH F*1 00017 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.35 10 SAI 2 F*1 00057 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 0.8 3.64 24 MAN 2 00030 12.19 34 MAI 2 1 32 H TEM TSH TEH+ 0.0T0+ 0.4 00030 INF 00055 720PR 1BH- 1.4To- 1.1 2.16 25 MAN 2 00029 11.14 23 MAN 2 6 32 H TEH TSH F*1 26 32 H TEH TSH F*1 00057 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.71 9 SA! 2 27 32 H TEN TSH F*1 00055 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.30 7 SAI 2 32 F*1 00055 720PR 1BH- 1.3To- 1.2 1.62 19 SAN 2 00030 9.22 25 SAN 2 30 H TEH TSH 1.2TO- 1.1 1.07 3 SAN 2 00030 3.57 7 SAN 2 32 32 H TEH TSH F*1 00055 720PR 1BH+ 00059 720PR iSH- 1.2To- 1.1 2.32 12 MAN 2 00030 7.71 27 MAN 2 3 33 H TEM TSH F*1 4 33 H TEH TSH F*1 00061 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.70 16 SA! 2 1.1TO- 1.0 1.71 15 MAN 2 00030 8.18 22 MAN 2 7 33 H TEH TSH F*1 00059 720PR iSH-00061 720PR 10H- 1.3T0- 1.1 3.11 16 MAN 2 00029 9.56 22 MAN 2 8 33 H TEH TSH F*1 11 33 H TEH TSH F*1 00059 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.41 11 SAI 2 1.2T0- 1.1 1.36 15 MAN 2 00030 5.63 20 MAN 2 21 33 H TEH TSH F*1 00061 720PR 1BM-N8P i

I CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT , PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 l Page: 10 of 25 Generator 21 ) Leg...... Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 i Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 MAI, MAN, MCI,MVI,PLC,SAI,$AN,$CI,SVI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 22 33 H TEN TSH F*1 00059 720PR TRH+ 0.3T0+ 0.3 0.49 11 SAI 2 24 33 H TEH TSH F*1 00061 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.65 7 SAI 2 27 33 H TEM TSH F*1 00059 720PR 1BH- 1.1To- 1.0 0.93 13 MAN 2 00032 3.86 16 MAN 2 1 34 H TEM TSH F*0 00061 720PR TRH- 2.5TO- 2.4 0.84 11 SAI 2 2 34 H TEH TSH F*1 00059 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.40 10 SAI 2 3 34 H TEH TSH F*1 00061 720PR 1BM- 1.3T0- 0.8 3.38 15 MAN 2 00031 12.39 20 MAN 2 8 34 H TEH TSH F*1 00059 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.1 1.32 17 MAN 2 00032 6.14 21 MAN 2 10 34 H TEH TSH F*1 00059 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 1.1 1.92 15 MAN 2 00032 10.44 21 MAN 2 23 34 H TEH TSH F*1 00059 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 1.1 0.54 7 MAN 2 00032 2.38 22 MAN 2 34 34 H TEH TSH F*1 00059 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.1 0.58 8 MAN 2 00032 2.55 9 MAN 2 1 44 34 C OSC OSC 00114 720PR 05C- 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.59 106 VOL 2 00045 0.87 130 15 P1 i I 5 35 H TEH TSH F*1 00065 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.94 15 MAI 2 8 35 H TEH TSH F*1 00065 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 1.0 0.81 11 MAN 2 00031 2.48 19 MAN 2 11 35 H TEH TSH F*1 00063 720PR TRH+ 0.1To* 0.2 0.75 19 SAI 2 13 35 H TEH TSH F*1 00063 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.0 4.74 22 MAN 2 00031 13.48 24 MAI 2 21 35 H TEH TSH F*1 00063 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.64 19 MAI 2 29 35 H TEH TSH F*1 00065 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.29 8 SAI 2 31 35 H TEH TSH F*1 00065 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.33 15 SAI 2 3 36 H TEH TSH F*1 00065 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.72 14 SAI 2 5 36 H TEh TSH F*2 00065 720PR 2BH- 2.6To- 1.7 5.23 24 MAN 2 00034 2.38 17 MAI 2 2BH- 2.6TO- 1.9 00120 13.45 24 MAN 6 2BH- 3.0TO- 2.9 00120 5.12 15 MAN 6 H TEH TSH F*2 00065 720PR 2BH- 3.3T0- 3.1 1.77 12 MAN 2 00034 4.85 15 MAN 2 l 1 6 36 H TEH TSH F*1 00063 720PR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.0 3.35 20 MAN 2 00033 7.29 28 MAN 2 j 00034 7.24 17 MAN 2 I 8 36 H TEH TSH F*1 00063 720PR 1BH- 1.1T0- 1.0 2.55 15 MAN 2 l 18 36 H TEM 2HH PLG 00216 730CR 2BM- 3.5T0- 3.4 0.63 178 SAN 6  ! H TEH TSH PLG 00065 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.67 14 SAI 2 20 36 H TEH TSH F*1 00065 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.3 2.11 12 MAN 2 00034 4.38 19 MAN 2


22 36 H TEH TSH F*1 00065 720PR 1BH- 1.0TO- 0.9 1.10 9 SAN 2 00034 3.08 11 SAN 2 j 23 36 H TEH TSH F*1 00063 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.41 16 MAI 2  ! 29 36 H TEM TSH F*1 00065 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.65 12 SAI 2 45 36 C 01C 01C PLG 00114 720PR 01C- 0.3T0+ 0.0 0.17 128 VOL 2 00045 1.22 125 26 P1 I i NSP 1

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator: 21 Page: 11 of 25 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 , Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 l l MA!, MAN,MCl,MVI,PLC,$Al,$AN, SCI,$VI,VOL for the entire tength EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG'  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 6 37 H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR 1BH- 1.0T0- 1.0 1.67 13 MAN 2 00033 6.05 15 MAN 2 8 37 H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR 1BH- 1.0TO- 1.0 0.66 13 MAN 2 00033 5.55 12 MAN 2 13 37 H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR 1BH- 1.0T0- 0.9 3.03 15 MAN 2 00033 13.26 23 MAN 2 19 37 H TEH TSH PLG 00067 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.52 12 SA! 2 21 37 H TEH TSH F*1 00069 720PR 1BH- 1.2To- 1.1 0.53 12 SAN 2 00033 2.45 15 SAN 2 27 37 H TEM TSH F*1 00069 720PR 1BH- 3.7to- 3.7 0.66 21 SAI 2 l 3 38 H TEH TSH F*1 00069 720PR 1BH- 1.1T0- 1.0 0.80 16 MAN 2 00036 3.09 17 MAN 2 4 38 H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 1.0 1.80 16 MAN 2 00035 5.40 22 MAN 2 l 5 38 H TEH 1HH F*1 00216 730CR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.3 0.19 12 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00069 720PR TRN+ 0.1T 0+ 0.2 0.65 13 SAI 2 7 38 H TEN TSH F*1 00069 720PR 1BH- 1.170- 1.0 1.82 17 MAN 2 00036 7.30 17 MAN 2 9 38 H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR 1BH- 1.0TO- 0.9 2.50 14 MAN 2 00036 7.97 17 MAN 2 13 38 H TEH TSH F*1 00069 720PR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.1 1.58 16 SAN 2 00036 4.67 18 SAN 2 30 38 H TEM TSH F*1 00067 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.74 10 MAI 2 31 38 H TEH TSH F*1 00069 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.33 15 SAI 2 2 39 H TEH TSH F*1 00069 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.70 10 SAI 2 4 39 H TEM TSH F*1 00069 720PR 1BH- 1.2To- 1.0 3.43 21 MAN 2 00035 11.49 24 MAN 2 5 39 H TEH 1HH PLG 00216 730CR 1BH- 1.0T0+ 2.0 0.52 159 SAI 6 H TEH TSH PLG 00067 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.56 12 SAI 2 12 39 H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.1 2.24 15 SAN 2 00035 3.56 22 SAN 2 19 39 H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.65 7 SAI 2 20 39 H TEH TSH F*1 00069 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.1 1.64 10 SAN 2 00035 3.77 20 SAN 2 21 39 H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR 1BH- 1.170- 1.0 0.74 11 SAN 2 00036 3.24 15 SAN 2 22 39 H TEN TSH F*1 00069 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.47 15 SAI 2 25 39 H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR 18H- 0.9T0- 0.9 0.67 24 MAN 2 00036 1.87 13 MAN 2 30 39 H TEH TSH F*1 00069 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.73 16 MAI 2 35 39 H TEH TSH F*1 00069 720PR TRH+ 0.170+ 0.2 0.19 7 SAI 2 36 39 H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.37 7 SAI 2 6 40 H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.2 1.34 13 MAI 2 8 40 H TEN 1HH PLG 00216 T30CR 1BH- 0.9T0+ 0.4 0.41 148 SA! 6 H TEH TSH PLG 00067 720PR TRH- 0.0T0+ 0.2 0.55 16 SAI 2 10 40 H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.1 2.44 16 MAN 2 00037 5.17 24 MAN 2 NSP

l CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT . J PRAIRIE ISLANO, UNIT 2 Generator: 21 Page: 12 of 25  ! Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 MAI, MAN, MCI,MVI,PLC,SA1,$AN, SCI,SVI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 R0W COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 14 40 H TEH TSH F*2 00067 720PR 2BH- 2.9T0- 1.4 0.25 137 MAN 2 00037 0.71 133 MAI 2 H TEH TSH F*2 00067 720PR 2BH- 2.9TO- 1.4 0.29 125 MAN 2 H TEN TSH F*2 00067 720PR 2BH- 3.1TO- 3.0 2.65 12 MAN 2 00037 7.14 21 MAN 2 H TEH TSH F*2 00067 720PR 2BK- 3.1To- 3.0 2.86 14 MAN 2 33 40 M TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 1.14 10 SAI 2 37 40 H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 1.27 13 MAI 2 4 41 H TEM TSH F*1 00073 720PR 18H- 1.3T0- 0.9 5.06 29 MAN 2 00037 17.94 35 MAI 2 TEH+ 2.6 00091 2.53 70 ORI P3 5 41 H TEM TSH F*1 00073 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 0.8 1.99 15 MAN 2 00038 6.55 15 MAI 2 7 41 H TEM TSH F*1 00073 720PR 1BH- 1.0TO- 1.0 1.94 18 MAN 2 00038 8.40 20 MAI 2 8 41 H TEH TSH F*1 00073 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.46 11 MAI 2 11 41 H TEH TSH F*1 00071 720PR TRH+ 0.2TO+ 0.2 0.42 10 SAI 2 12 41 H TEH TSH F*1 00073 720PR 1BH- 1.0TO- 1.0 1.62 18 MAN 2 00037 7.26 22 MAN 2 0.8T0- 0.0 0.31 115 MAN 2 00037 0.42 128 SAI 2  ! 14 41 H TEH TSH F*1 00073 720PR 1BH-1BH- 0.9TO- 0.2 00118 0.83 128 MAN 6 25 41 H TEH TSH F*0 00071 720PR TRH- 2.7T0- 2.5 1.52 16 SAN 2 00038 5.31 13 SA! 2 F*1 00067 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.74 7 MAI 2 l 33 41 H TEM TSH 2 42 H TEH TSH F*1 00071 720PR 1BH- 1.4T0- 1.3 1.47 11 MAN 2 00037 6.26 to MAN 2 7 42 H TEH TSH F*1 00073 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.0 0.88 14 SAN 2 00038 6.92 13 SAN 2 10 42 H TEH TSH F*1 00073 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.66 14 SAI 2 15 42 H TEH TSH F*1 00073 720PR 1BH- 1.3to- 1.1 2.06 15 MAN 2 00038 7.88 14 MAN 2 16 42 H TER 1HH F*1 00215 730CR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 0.26 162 SAN 6 H TEM TSH F*1 00071 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 0.51 13 SA! 2 21 42 H TEH TSH F*1 00073 720PR TRH+ 0.1T 0+ 0.2 0.69 15 SAI 2 24 42 H TEH TSH F*1 00071 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.40 15 SAI 2 28 42 H TEH TSH F*1 00071 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 1.23 15 SAI 2 36 42 H TEH TSH F*1 00071 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 0.36 9 MAI 2 5 43 H TEH TSH F*1 00117 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 1.35 14 SAN 2 00089 4.75 17 SAN 2 7 43 H TEH TSH F*1 00157 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.1 1.90 16 MAN 2 00089 5.04 21 MAN 2 8 43 H TEH TSH F*1 00157 720PR 1BH- 1.2To- 1.2 2.48 18 SAN 2 00089 8.23 19 SAN 2 00157 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.1 3.07 22 MAN 2 00089 8.61 25 MAN 2 9 43 H TEH TSH F*1 12 43 H TEM TSH F*1 00075 720PR 1BH- 0.9TO- 0.8 0.19 23 SAI 2 00039 1.63 22 SAI 2 1BH- 1.2 00117 0.99 25 INR 6 21 43 H TEH TSH F*1 00115 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.64 9 SAI 2 NSP



Generator 21 Leg...... Not and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 , Reteese..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 ) MA1, MAN, MCI,MVI,PLC, sal, SAN,5CI,SVI,VOL for the entire tength j EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REN REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 23 43 H TEH TSH F*1 00115 720PR 1BM- 1.2To- 1.1 1.63 9 MAN 2 00040 6.21 12 MAN 2 24 43 H TEM TSH F*1 00073 720PR 1BM- 1.4TO- 0.7 14.06 33 MAN 2 00039 31.53 39 MAI 2 TEN + 2.5 00049 9.88 47 DRI P3 46 43 C 01C 01C 00114 720PR 01C+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.24 92 VOL 2 00050 0.56 126 33 P1 1 44 H TEH TSH F*1 00117 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 0.83 20 MAI 2 3 44 H TEH TSH F*1 00117 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.49 14 SAI 2 8 44 H TEM TSH F*1 00155 720PR 1BH- 0.9T0- 0.9 0.20 45 SAN 2 00092 0.48 14 SA! 2 1BH- 1.170- 1.1 00117 0.48 26 SAN 6 9 44 H TEH TSH F*1 00155 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.72 15 MAI 2 00157 720PR 2BH- 2.9T0- 2.0 0.39 17 SAN 2 00040 0.73 15 SAN 2 l 10 44 H TEM TSH F*2 H TEH TSH F*2 00157 720PR 2BH- 3.6T0- 3.5 2.52 14 MAN 2 00040 10.26 14 MAN 2 j 12 44 H TEH TSH F*1 00075 720PR 1BH- 1.0TO- 0.9 0.20 41 MAN 4 00039 2.25 23 MAI 2 l 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 00118 0.53 23 MAN 6 24 44 H TEN TSH F*1 00077 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.2 2.72 20 MAN 2 00040 13.27 22 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.6 00049 3.67 50 DRI P3 1 45 H TEH TSH F*1 00157 720PR TRH+ 0.170+ 0.2 0.21 14 SAI 2 3 45 N TEH TSH F*1 00157 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 0.8 6.93 38 MAN 2 00092 8.21 38 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.3 00095 17.26 42 DR1 P3 6 45 H TEH TSH F*1 00157 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.54 12 SAI 2 9 45 H TEH TSH F*1 00157 720PR 1BM- 1.2TO- 1.0 2.33 14 SAN 2 00092 1.75 15 SAN 2 12 45 H TEH TSH PLG 00085 720PR 1BH+ 16.8T0+ 16.9 0.16 119 SAI 2 H TEH TSH PLG 00085 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 0.7 7.04 35 MAN 2 00039 16.00 40 MAI 2 TEH+ 2.7 00049 15.23 49 DRI P3 13 45 H TEH TSH F*1 00085 720PR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.1 8.80 37 MAN 2 00040 43.02 38 MAI 2 TH+ 2.1 00049 7.41 44 ORI P3 14 45 H TEH TSH F*1 00085 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 0.33 11 SAN 2 00039 1.59 17 SAI 2 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.3 00118 0.45 32 SAN 6 21 45 H TEH TSH F*1 00085 720PR TRH+ 0.210+ 0.2 0.42 12 MAI 2 23 45 H TEH 1HH F*1 00213 730CR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.3 0.22 177 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00085 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.63 13 SAI 2 30 45 H TEM TSH F*1 00085 720PR 1BM- 1.4TO- 1.3 1.30 13 MAI 2 00039 3.83 10 MAI 2 3 46 H TEH TSH F'1 00157 720PR 1BH- 1.4T0- 1.0 3.63 23 MAN 2 00077 14.73 38 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.4 00097 2.50 47 DRI P3 4 46 H TEH TSH F*1 00157 720PR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.1 0.98 13 MAN 2 00077 3.92 27 MAN 2 8 46 H TEH TSH F*1 00155 720PR 1BM- 1.2TO- 1.0 1.62 15 MAN 2 00077 6.86 30 MAN 2 NBP

l CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2  ! Generator: 21 Page: 14 of 25 L eg. . . . . . : Not and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release. . : 2.2 Time: 13:50 mal, MAN,MCl,MVI,PLC,$A!,$AN,5CI,$VI,VOL for the entire tength EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 R0W COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATIDN VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG X' CH 12 46 1BH- 0.9TO- 0.1 00118 2.20 121 MAI 6 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.2 00118 0.49 28 MAN 6 2BH- 2.6TO- 1.7 00120 1.41 95 MAN 6 H TEM TSH F*2 00149 720PR 2BH- 2.7T0- 1.8 0.65 119 MAN  ? 00041 1.18 21 mat 2 2BH- 2.9T0- 2.9 00120 0.72 16 MAN 6 14 46 H TEM TSH F*1 00087 720PR 1BM- 1.1To- 0.9 2.80 19 MAN 2 00042 9.96 22 MAN 2 16 46 H TEH TSH F*1 00147 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.68 18 MAI 2 17 46 H TEH TSH F*1 00083 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.70 14 SAI 2 19 46 H TEM 1HH F*1 00213 730CR 1BH- 3.7TO- 3.6 4.36 13 MAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00083 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.50 10 SAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00083 720PR TRH- 2.870- 2.6 3.32 20 MAN 2 00041 9.97 27 MAI 2 20 46 H TEH TSH F*2 00087 720PR 2BH- 2.0To- 0.9 0.29 167 SAN 2 00042 0.53 160 SAN 2 H TEN TSH F*2 00087 720PR 2BH- 3.270- 3.0 0.97 11 SAN 2 00042 3.31 13 SAN 2 24 46 H TEH TSH F*1 00087 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.89 17 MAI 2 28 46 H TEH TSH F*1 00087 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.42 19 MAI 2 1 47 H TEH TSH F*O 00157 720PR TRH- 2.5To- 2.2 5.73 27 MAN 2 00077 13.69 25 MAI 2 4 47 H TEH TSH F*1 00157 720PR 18H- 1.3TO- 1.1 3.13 18 MAN 2 00077 10.13 22 MAN 2 6 47 H TEH TSH F*2 00157 720PR 2BH- 2.9T0- 2.0 0.42 168 SAN 2 00077 1.33 169 SAN 2 7 47 N TEH TSH F*1 00157 720PR 1BH- 1.5fo- 0.6 18.64 33 MAN 2 00077 66.89 34 MA! 2 TEH+ 2.6 00103 28.10 53 DRI P3 8 47 H TEH TSH F*1 00157 720PR 1BH- 1.2To- 1.2 0.46 7 SAN 2 00077 1.33 22 SAN 2

   .9  47      H  TEH TSH F*1      00157 720PR 1BH-     0.9TO-    0.2   0.38 168    SAN    2  00077    1.16  1 73 SAN    2 7 H   TEH TSH F*1     00157 720PR 1BH-      1.3TO. 1.2    1.17 13    MAN    2  00077   2.53    30 MAN     2 11    47     H   TEH 1HH F*1     00215 730CR 1BH-      1.5T0-   1.4   0.33      9 MAN    6 H   TEH TSH F*1     00087 720PR TRH-      0.1T 0+  0.0    1.25     9 MAI    2 12    47     H   TEH TSH F*1      00149 720PR 1BH-     0.8TO-   0.7 0.26     154 SAN     2   00041 0.93 142 SAN 2 H   TEH TSH F*1      00149 720PR 1BH-     1.3TO-    1.2  3.88     17 MAN    2   00041 11.05 24 MAN 2 TEH+    2.4                                   00062 5.08 40 DRI P3 13   47     H   TEH TSH  F*1     00083 720PR 1BH-     1.0TO-   0.5 5.09      25 MAN     2   00041 19.07     27 MAI    2 19   47     H   TEM 1HH F*1      00216 730CR 18H-     1.3TO-    1.3   0.13 155 MAN      6 H   TEH TSH F*1      00083 720PR TRH+     0.2T0+   0.4    0.77 21 MAI       2 34    47     H   TEH TSH  F*1     00083 720PR TRH+     0.3T0+   0.3    0.33     8 SAI    2 1  48     H   TEH 1HH F*1      00208 730CR 1BM-     4.3T0-   4.0 3.85 17       SAN    6 H   TEH TSH F*1      00155 720PR TRH+     0.1T0+    0.2 0.93 22      SAI    2 H   TEM TSH F*1      00155 720PR TRH-     2.5TO-    2.2 2.86 30       SAN   2   00075   9.63    23  SAN   2 3  48     H   TEH TSH F*1      00157 720PR TRH+     0.270+    0.3 0.28      14 SAI    2 4  48     H   TEH ftH  F*1     00155 720PR 1BH-     1.170-    1.0   5.17 29     MAN   2   00078 11.10     33 MAN    2 5  48     H   TEH TSH F*1      00155 720PR TRH+     0.2T0+    0.3   0.50     6 SAI    2 NSP

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator 21 Page: 15 of 25 L eg . . . . . . : Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 mal, MAN, MCI,MVI,PLC,$AI,$AN,$CI,$VI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG SEG END REM REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 6 48 H TEN TSH F*1 00155 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 1.0 0.87 9 SAN 2 00078 2.71 8 SAN 2 9 48 H TEM TSH F*1 00155 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.90 9 SAI 2 10 48 H TEM TSH F*2 00157 720PR 2SH- 2.8TO- 2.2 0.29 1 74 SAN 2 00077 1.66 15 SAN 2 H TEN TSH F*2 00157 720Fd 2SH- 3.,2T0- 3.1 0.80 14 SAN 2 00077 0.93 1 72 SAN 2 11 48 H TEM TSH F*1 00087 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 1.28 9 MAI 2 18 48 H TEH TSH F*1 00083 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.4 0.53 9 sat 2 22 48 H TEH TSH F*1 00083 720PR TRH+ 0.270+ 0.4 1.19 17 MA! 2 1 49 H TEH TSH F*0 00157 720PR TRM- 2.6T0- 2.5 0.52 18 SA! 2 4 49 H TCH TSH F*1 00157 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.90 17 MAI 2 7 49 H TEH TSH F*t I 00155 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.78 19 MAI 2 8 49 H TEH TSH F*2 00155 720PR 2SH- 2.9fo- 1.9 0.82 150 SAN 2 00078 1.06 151 SAN 2 H TEN TSH F*2 00157 720PR 2BH- 2.9T0- 1.9 0.22 132 SAN 2 H TEH TSH F*2 00155 720PR 2BH- 3.1TO- 3.0 3.83 19 MAN 2 00078 7.57 25 MAN 2 H TEH TSH F*2 00157 720PR 2BH- 3.2TO- 3.1 3.51 20 MAN 2 11 49 H TEH TSH F*1 00087 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 1.57 17 MAI 2 12 49 H TEH 1HH F*1 00208 730CR 18H- 1.5T0- 1.4 0.83 6 MAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00083 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.2 1.59 10 MAI 2 13 49 H TEM TSH F*1 00087 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 2.25 15 MAN 2 00043 6.09 17 MAN 2 14 49 H TEH TSH F*1 00083 723pR 18H- 0.4T0- 0.1 0.16 85 SAN 2 00044 0.56 108 SAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00083 720PR IBH- 1.6TO- 1.4 3.42 12 MAN 2 00044 9.03 19 MAN 2 2 50 H TEH TSH F*1 00155 720PR 18H- 1.4TO- 0.8 13.15 41 MAN 2 00074 32.49 42 MAN 2 TEM + 2.4 00096 21.87 80 DR1 P3 4 50 H TEH TSH F*1 00155 720PR ISH- 1.3TO- 1.1 4.67 20 MAN 2 00075 10.06 25 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.3 00097 2.30 48 DR1 P3 5 50 H TEH TSH F*1 00155 720PR 18H- 1.2T0- 1.1 5.72 22 MAN 2 00077 14.74 26 MAN 2 7 50 H TEH TSH F*1 00155 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 0.9 6.01 56 MAN 2 00077 16.73 39 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.4 00103 8.98 68 DRI P3 10 50 H TEH TSH F*1 00155 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.1 2.89 14 MAN 2 00076 5.99 16 MAN 2 12 50 H TEH TSH F*1 00089 720PR 1BN- 0.4TO- 0.2 1.98 15 MAI 2 00043 9.82 20 MAN 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00089 720PR 1BH- 1.1T0- 1.1 2.36 20 MAN 2 14 50 2BH- 2.0TO- 1.8 00120 0.46 117 SAN 6 H TEM TSH F*2 00089 720PR 28H- 2.0TO- 1.9 0.12 133 SAN 2 00043 0.40 130 SA! 2 28H- 2.9T0- 2.8 00120 4.89 19 MAN 6 H TEH TSH F*2 00089 720PR 28H- 3.0TO- 2.9 1.14 15 MAN 2 00043 4.09 13 MAN 2 18 50 H TEH TSH F*1 00089 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.88 15 MAI 2 24 50 H TEH TSH F*1 00089 720PR TRH+ 0.270+ 0.3 0.51 15 MAI 2 45 50 C 01C 01C 00116 720PR 01C- 0.4T0+ 0.2 0.35 1 09 VOL 2 00065 0.80 133 29 P1 NSP k

CUNULATIVE INDICATION 8 REPORT PRAIRIE !$ LAND, WIT 2 Generators 21 - PaBet 16 of 25 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 MAI, MAN,MCl,MVI,PLC,SAI, SAN,$CI,$VI,VOL for the entire lensth EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG ENO REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 1 51 H TEM TSH F*1 00157 720PR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.1 1.37 16 SAN 2 00075 6.11 17 SAN 2 2 51 N TEN TSH F*1 00157 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.39 14 SAI 2 4 51 H TEM TSH F*1 00157 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.2 0.44 11 MAN 2 00074 1.16 13 MAN 2 5 51 H TEH TbH F*1 00157 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.2 2.78 25 MAN 2 00075 10.19 26 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.4 00103 5.09 78 DRI P3 6 51 H TEM TSH F*1 00157 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.37 11 MAI 2 8 51 H TEH TSH F*1 00157 720PR 1BH- 1.3To- 1.2 8.87 34 MAN 2 00077 26.86 37 MAN 2 TEH+ 3.0 00083 9.86 55 DRI P3 9 51 H TEH 1HH PLG 00208 730CR 1BM+ 1.2T0+ 1.8 0.25 164 SAI 6 H TEN 1HH PLG 00208 730CR 1BH- 0.9TO- 0.0 0.44 158 SAI 6 H TEM TSH PLG 00157 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.34 9 SAI 2 13 51 N TEH TSH F*1 00089 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.76 14 SAI 2 16 51 H TEH TSH F*1 00089 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.59 13 MAI 2 1 52 H TEH TSH F*1 00155 720PR 1BH- 1.270- 1.1 0.61 5 SAN 2 00075 2.11 15 SAN 2 TEM + 2.7 00097 1.95 55 DRI P3 2 52 H TEH TSH F*1 00155 720PR 18H- 1.3TO- 1.2 5.12 37 MAN 2 00075 20.39 34 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.6 00096 7.28 77 DR1 P3 3 52 H TEM TSH F*1 00155 720PR 1BH- 1.2To- 1.1 1.64 15 MAN 2 00074 4.86 18 MAN 2 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.1 00104 6.50 18 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.2 00097 0.60 67 DRI P3 4 52 H TEM TSH F*1 00155 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 1.60 13 SAN 2 00075 3.86 20 SAN 2 7 52 H TEH TSH F*1 00155 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.80 12 SAI 2


9 52 H TEH TSH F*1 00155 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.52 10 SAI 2 l 10 52 H TEH TSH F*1 00155 720PR TRH+ 0.170+ 0.2 0.71 17 SA! 2 12 52 1BH- 0.0T0+ 0.2 00121 0.65 22 SAI 6 18H- 0.9T0- 0.7 00121 0.53 121 SAI 6 1BH- 1.7T0- - 1.7 00121 0.39 51 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F'2 00095 720PR 2BH- 2.4TO- 2.1 2.94 94 SAN 4 00050 2.12 16 SA! 2 14 52 H TEM TSH F*1 00095 720PR 1BM* 1.4TO- 0.9 11.56 34 MAN 2 00045 52.60 33 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.3 00064 23.80 66 DPI P1 3 53 H TEH TSH F*1 00157 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.36 10 M41 2 4 53 H TEH TCH F*1 00155 720PR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.0 1.51 18 SAN 2 00074 7.19 15 SAN 2 5 53 H TEM 1HH PLG 00208 730CR 1BM- 0.170+ 0.1 0.17 97 SAI 6 H- TEM TSH PLG 00157 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.80 17 MAI 2 7 53 H TEH TSH F*1 00157 720PR 1BH- 0.6TO- 0.4 1.00 17 MAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00157 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.2 1.47 16 SAN 2 00075 5.00 17 SAN 2 to 53 H TEH TSH F*1 00155 720PR 1BH- 1.470- 1.2 2.75 18 SAN 2 00074 6.95 20 SAN 2 NSP  ! i I


CUNULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generators 21 PaBe: 17 of 25 , LeB.... . uat end Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 i Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 mal, MAN, MCI,MVI,PLC,$AI, SAN, SCI,SVI,VOL for the entire tenSth EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 20 53 H TEM TSH F*1 00099 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.69 10 SAI 2 1 54 H TEM TSH F*1 00157 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 0.69 10 SAN 2 00075 2.44 10 SAN 2 7 54 H TEH TSH F*1 00155 720PR 1BH- 1.2To- 1.0 1.05 12 MAN 2 00074 4.06 16 MAN 2 11 54 H TEH TSH F*1 00099 720PR 1Eii- 1.4TO- 0.9 5.58 31 MAN 2 00050 17.62 34 MAI 2 TEM + 2.8 00065 15.21 232 DRI P3 18 54 H TEM 1HH F*1 00213 730CR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.1 0.21 160 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00099 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.79 11 SAI 2 19 54 H TEH TSH F*1 00097 720PR 1BH- 1.270- 1.1 1.35 12 MAN 2 00047 0.84 13 MAN 2 22 54 H TEH 1HH PLG 00213 730CR 1BH+ 1.1T0+ 2.1 0.33 161 SAI 6 H TEH TSH PLG 00099 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.52 10 SA! 2 29 54 H TEH TSH F*1 00097 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.67 9 MAI 2 , l 34 54 H TEH TSH F*1 0097 720PR TRH+ 0.270+ 0.2 0.76 9 MAI 2 43 54 C 01C 01C s16 720PR 01C- 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.12 139 VOL 2 00065 0.46 133 23 P1 4 55 H TEH TSH F*2 ,0155 720PR 1BN+ 1.2T0+ 1.3 0.54 23 SAI 2 H TEH TSH F*2 10155 720PR 1BH- 1.6TO- 1.0 5.05 27 MAN 2 00072 23.98 27 MAN 2 H TEH 2HH F*2 10211 730CR 2BH- 0.7TO- 0.6 1.07 14 SAN 6 H TEM 2HH F*2 00211 730CR 2BH- 3.0TO- 2.9 0.38 15 MAN 6 8 55 H TEN 1HH PLG 00209 730CR 1BH- 1.2T0+ 1.1 0.45 160 NAl 6 l H TEH TSH PLG 00155 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.61 20 MAI 2 l 10 55 H TEH TSH F*1 00155 720PR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.0 4.24 24 MAN 2 00072 15.17 28 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.2 00082 6.42 47 DRI P3 11 55 H TEH TSH F*2 00099 720PR 18H+ 1.3T0+ 1.3 0.46 14 SA! 2 H TEH TSH F*2 00099 720PR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.0 2.90 18 MAN 2 00049 7.25 23 SAI 2 1 H TEH 2HH F*2 00211 730CR 2BH- 0.6TO- 0.5 0.68 11 SAN 6 ' 13 55 H TEM 1HH PLG 00209 730CR 1BH- 1.210+ 2.1 0.36 1 64 SAI 6 H TEH TSH PLG 00099 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.40 13 SAI 2 29 55 H TEN TSH F*1 00099 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.90 13 SAI 2 34 55 H TEH TSH F*1 00099 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.2 0.57 11 SAI 2 2 56 H TEH TSH F*1 00097 720PR 10H- 0.3T0- 0.2 0.33 10 SAI 2 00072 3.19 13 MAI 2 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.2 00118 0.54 31 MAN 6 6 56 H TEH TSH F*1 00099 720PR 10H- 1.170- 1.0 3.83 18 MAN 2 00072 9.12 21 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.6 00083 3.87 46 DRI P3 7 56 H TEH TSH F*1 00097 720PR 1BH- 0.9TO- 0.9 2.23 12 MAN 2 00073 10.41 16 MAN 2 10 56 H TEH TSH F*1 00099 720PR 1 bha 1.370- 1.0 4.52 21 MAN 2 00072 16.17 26 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.4 00082 6.71 63 DR1 P3 11 56 H TEH TSH F*1 00097 720PR 1BH- 1.0T0- 0.8 3.22 19 MAN 2 00050 7.72 18 MAN 2 NSP

CUNULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAWD, UNIT 2 i i Generators 21 Page: 18 of 25 L eg . . . . . . : Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Reteese..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 MAI, MAN, MCI,MVI,PLC sal, SAN, SCI,SVI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEC 1 CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 16 56 H TEH TSH F*2 00099 720PR 1BH- 0.270+ 0.1 0.85 13 SAI 2 00050 1.73 16 SAI 2 1BM- 1.3To- 1.3 00118 0.40 46 SAN 6 H TEN 2HH F*2 00211 730cm 2BM- 2.0T0- 1.7 0.91 3 SAN 6 18 56 H TEN TSH F*1 00099 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.43 2 SAI 2 1 57 H TEH T&H F*1 00099 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.3 1.16 15 SAN 2 00073 2.35 7 SAN 2 2 57 H TEH TSH F*1 00097 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 1.46 17 MAI 2 6 57 H TEH TSH F*1 00097 720PR 1BH- 0.9TO- 0.8 1.63 9 MAN 2 00072 5.92 15 MAN 2 8 57 H TEH TSH F*1 00097 720PR 1BM- 0.4To- 0.1 2.10 14 MAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00097 720PR 18H- 0.8T0- 0.6 2.36 16 MAN 2 00072 2.69 19 MAI 2 18H- 1.5TO- 1.3 00072 14.15 17 MAN 2 11 57 H TEH TSH F*1 00097 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 1.0 3.25 12 MAN 2 00050 6.12 15 MAN 2 13 57 N TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR 1BH- 1.5To- 1.0 5.13 25 MAN 2 00049 15.63 29 MAI 2 TEH+ 3.0 00069 5.46 57 DR1 P3 19 57 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.62 13 SAI 2 23 57 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 7200R 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.0 2.00 11 MAN 2 00050 5.88 11 MAN 2 27 57 H TEH 1HH F'1 00213 730CR 18H- 1.1TO. 1.1 0.25 156 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.56 11 SAI 2 2 58 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.72 'S SA! 2 4 58 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 1.06 14 MAI 2 1 5 58 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.2 2.30 17 MAN 2 00073 10.87 17 MAN 2 l 8 58 H 04H 04H PLG 00187 720PR 04H+ 0.3T0+ 0.7 0.45 112 Sv! 2 H 04H 05H PLC 00201 720PR 04H+ 0.3T0+ 0.7 0.40 119 SV! 2 H 04H 04H PLC 00210 730CR 04H+ 0.3 T 0+ 0.7 0.54 111 SV! 6 9 58 H 04H 04H PLG 00193 720PR 04H+ 0.3T0+ 0.5 0.30 105 Svl 2 H 04H 05H PLG 00201 720PR 04H+ 0.3T0+ 0.6 0.28 112 SV! 2 H 04H 04H PLG 00210 730CR 04H+ 0.4T0+ 0.6 0.37 102 SV! 6 H TEH TSH PLG 00101 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.0 0.49 5 SAN 2 00073 2.20 8 SAN 2 13 58 H TEH TSH PLG 00201 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.2 1.52 22 MAI 2 H TEH TSH PLG 00103 720PR TRH- 0.1T0+ 0.2 1.76 20 MAI 2 14 58 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR 18H- 1.5T0- 1.4 1.78 16 MAN 2 00051 0.15 37 MAN 2 16 58 H TEN TSH F*1 00101 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 0.9 2.96 19 MAN 2 00051 1.91 19 MAN 2 TEM + 2.7 00068 2.39 56 DRI P3 21 58 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 2.11 8 MAN 2 00052 5.41 11 MAN 2 44 58 C TSC 01C PLG 00116 720PR TSC+ 7.TT0+ 7.9 0.13 117 SV! 2 C TSC 01C PLG 00200 720PR TSC+ 7.7T0+ 7.9 0.14 113 Sv! 2 8 59 H 04H 04H PLC 00210 730CR 04H+ 1.1T0+ 1.4 0.39 117 SVI 6 H 05H 04H PLG 00193 720PR 04H+ 1.2T0+ 1.6 0.29 119 SV1 2 l 00073 14.60 22 SAN 2 H TEH TSH PLG 00103 720PR 1BH- 1.6TO- 1.4 4.19 16 SAN 2 I NSP l

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE !$ LAND, UNIT 2 cenerator: 21 Page: 19 of 25 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 MAI, MAN, MCI,MVI,PLC,$Al,$AN,$CI,SVI,VOL for the entire tength EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 9 59 H 04H 05H PLG 00187 720PR 04H+ 0.8T0+ 1.3 0.30 1 09 SVI 2 H 04H 04H PLG 00210 730CR 04H+ 1.1T0+ 1.3 0.43 119 SV! 6 10 59 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.1 0.96 11 MAN 2 00072 5.29 9 MAN 2 11 59 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.1 2.31 18 MAN 2 00054 5.27 24 MAL 2 TEH+ 2.5 00069 5.05 48 DRI P3 13 59 H TEM TSH F*1 00101 720PR 1BH- 1.2To- 1.1 4.19 18 MAN 2 00054 12.38 25 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.2 00068 2.02 63 DR1 P3 l 14 59 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.3 0.60 4 MAN 2 00055 1.76 8 MAN 2 21 59 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 0.73 6 SAI 2 i l 28 59 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR TRH+ 0.1T 0+ 0.2 0.52 5 SAI 2 2 60 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 0.9 2.55 11 MAN 2 00072 6.33 19 MAN 2 3 60 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR 1BH- 1.5To- 1.3 3.20 10 MAN 2 00073 8.65 18 MAN 2 4 60 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR 1BH- 1.4To- 1.1 4.50 22 MAN 2 00072 9.25 27 MAN 2 5 60 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR 1BH- 1.5T0- 1.3 4.35 16 MAN 2 00073 11.27 22 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.4 00082 4.46 45 DRI P3 7 60 H TEM TSH F*1 00101 720PR 1BH- 1.5T0- 1.2 2.31 10 SAN 2 00073 7.12 15 SAN 2 11 60 H TEH TSH F*t 00101 720PR 1BH- 1.5fo- 1.1 5.76 28 MAN 2 00055 10.59 26 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.2 00069 12.13 44 DR1 P3 14 60 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.2 4.94 18 MAN 2 00054 11.89 24 MAN 2 16 60 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.1 3.26 16 MAN 2 00054 7.40 22 MAN 2 24 60 H TEH TSH F*0 00103 720PR TRH- 2.5To- 2.4 2.68 16 MAN 2 00054 6.41 18 MA! 2 29 60 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.45 8 MA! 2 2 61 H TEH 1BH F*1 00163 720PR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.2 2.61 17 MAN 2 00086 5.35 21 MAN 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00163 720PR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.2 2.61 17 MAN 2 3 61 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.4 2.51 6 MAN 2 00073 6.88 14 MAN 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR 1BH- 2.2T0- 2.1 2.31 8 MAN 2 00073 6.04 16 MAN 2 5 61 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR 1BH- 1.5T0- 1.4 1.74 3 MAN 2 00073 3.21 13 MAN 2 7 61 H TEH TSH F*2 00101 720PR 1BH+ 1.1T 0+ 1.2 0.97 10 SAI 2 H TEH TSH F*2 00101 720PR 1BH- 1.5To- 1.3 2.44 15 MAN 2 00073 7.01 15 MAN 2 H TEN 2HH F*2 00211 730CR 2BH- 0.7TO- 0.6 2.07 8 SAN 6 9 61 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.4 1.25 12 MAN 2 00073 2.70 17 MAN 2 10 61 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.2 1.63 7 MAN 2 00072 4.13 14 MAN 2 17 61 H TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 1.0 0.96 16 MAN 2 00055 7.31 4 MAN 2 24 61 H TEM TSH F*0 00107 720PR TRH- 2.3T0- 2.3 1.45 18 SAN 2 00055 3.63 9 SA! 2 27 61 H TEH TSH F*0 00105 720PR TRH- 2.9T0- 2.7 1.62 19 MAN 2 00054 5.16 20 SAI 2 NBP

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator 21 Page: 20 of 25 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Rsteese..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 mal, MAN, MCI,MVI,PLC,$Al,$AN, SCI,SVI,VOL for the entire length I l EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH ! 31 61 N TEM TSH F*1 00105 720PR 1BM- 1.5TO- 1.3 0.15 128 Sv! 2 00054 0.70 150 VOL 2 1BH- 1.5T0- 1.4 00118 0.45 137 VON 6 1BH- 1.7TO- 1.5 00119 0.57 144 VON 6 1BM- 3.0TO- 3.0 00118 0.56 29 VON 6 1BN- 3.6T0- 3.4 00119 0.48 47 VON 6 TRP 0.3To- 0.1 00114 0.70 151 VON 2 TRM- 2.2TO- 2.0 00054 0.59 146 50L 2 2 62 H TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR 1BM- 1.4TO- 1.4 0.62 20 MAN 2 00072 2.43 15 MAN 2 4 62 H TEN TSH F*1 00105 720PR 1BM- 1.3TO- 1.2 1.33 11 MAN 2 00072 2.85 23 MAN 2 5 62 H TEN TSH F*1 00107 720PR 1BH- 1.5To- 1.3 0.95 12 MAN 2 00073 4.00 13 MAN 2 8 62 H TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.3 0.59 7 MAN 2 00072 2.05 12 MAN 2 10 62 H TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.2 0.70 7 MAN 2 00072 2.92 13 MAN 2 12 62 H TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 1.42 5 SAN 2 00054 3.01 19 SAN 2 14 62 H TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 1.0 1.36 12 MAN 2 00054 7.86 15 SAN 2 15 62 H TEH TSH F*0 00107 720PR TRH- 2.4TO- 2.3 1.56 14 SAN 2 00055 3.30 15 SAI 2 1.22 l 17 62 H TEM TSH F*0 00107 720PR TRH- 2.6To- 2.5 10 SAI 2 25 62 H TEH TSH F*1 00107 720PR 1BH- 1.3To- 1.2 2.57 12 SAN 2 00057 8.74 16 SAN 2 1.2TO- 1.2 0.94 8 SAN 2 00073 3,30 12 SAN 2 1 63 H TEM TSH F*1 00107 720PR 1BH-3 63 H TEN TSH F*1 00107 720PR 1BH- 1.5To- 1.3 4.31 15 MAN 2 00073 10.50 21 MAN 2 5 63 H TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.3 0.78 6 MAN 2 00073 4.68 16 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.4 00082 2.48 130 DRI P3 l 7 63 H TEH TSH F*1 00107 720PR TRH* 0.0TO+ 0.1 1.11 11 SAI 2 I 8 63 H TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.0 2.52 20 MAN 2 00072 9.18 24 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.3 00082 3.26 63 DRI P3  ; 11 63 H TEH TSH F*1 00107 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.91 7 SAI 2 16 63 H TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR 1BH- 3.7To- 3.6 1.56 13 SAI 2 l 19 63 H TEH 1HH F*1 00213 730CR 1BH- 1.6TO- 1.3 0.23 160 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00107 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.97 16 MAI 2 25 63 H TEH TSH F*0 00107 720PR TRM- 2.4T0- 2.3 1.31 9 SAN 2 00056 2.61 11 SAI 2 29 63 H TEH TSH F*0 00107 720PR TRH- 2.4TO- 2.3 0.84 13 SAN 2 00057 1.64 14 SAI 2 39 63 C 01C 01C 00116 720PR 01C+ 0.3T0+ 0.1 0.24 112 VOL 2 00068 0.66 123 38 P1 42 63 C 01C 01C PLG 00116 720PR 01C- 0.3T0+ 0.2 0.81 108 Vol 2 00069 1.84 128 34 P1 1 64 H TEH TSH F*0 00105 720PR TRM- 2.4TO- 2.2 5.15 18 MAN $ 00073 14.17 26 MAN 2 2 64 H TEN TSH F*0 00107 720PR TRH- 2.4TO- 2.3 1.12 11 SAN 2 00072 3.63 15 SA! 2 3 64 M TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.4 1.39 11 SAN 2 00073 5.64 14 SAN 2 NSP i l l

CUNULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE !$ LAND, UNIT 2 Generator: 21 Page: 21 of 25 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 MAI, MAN,Mel,MV1,PLC,$AI, SAN,$Cl,SVI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG X CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 4 64 H TEH TSH F*1 00107 720PR 18H- 1.5TO- 1.4 1.82 9 SAN 2 00072 3.73 19 SAN 2 5 64 H TEM TSH F*1 00105 720PR 1BH- 1.5fo- 1.1 2.71 14 MAN 2 00073 8.75 21 MAN 2 6 64 M TEH TSH F*1 00107 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.1 1.24 6 MAN 2 00072 3.88 9 MAN 2 7 64 H TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 3.10 11 MAN 2 00073 8.01 17 MAN 2 3 64 H TEM TSH F*2 00107 720PR 1BH+ 1.4T0+ 1.5 0.97 10 SAI 2 H TEH TSH F*2 00107 720PR 1BH- 1.4To- 1.2 1.74 11 SAN 2 00072 2.99 21 SAN 2 H TEN 2HH F*2 00211 730CR 2BH- 0.6To- 0.5 1.69 4 SAN 6 12 64 H TEM TSH F*1 00107 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.2 2.54 11 MAN 2 00057 8.96 18 MAN 2 14 64 H TEH TSH F*1 00107 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 1,29 9 MAN 2 00057 3.78 16 MAN 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00107 720PR 1BH- 3.6To- 3.5 1.46 7 SAI 2 15 64 H TEH TSH F*0 00105 720PR TRH- 2.5TO- 2.4 1.00 14 SAI 2 17 64 H TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 1.0 0.88 8 SAN 2 00056 3.92 8 SAN 2 20 64 H TEM 1HH PLG 00213 730CR 1BH- 1.1TO- 0.1 0.41 158 SAI 6 H TEH TSH PLG 00107 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.83 5 SAI 2 22 64 H TEH TSH F*1 00107 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.91 5 SAI 2 29 64 H TEH TSH F*0 00105 720PR TRH- 2.6To- 2.5 0.75 15 SAI 2 35 64 H TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.2 0.91 9 SAI 2 1 65 H TEH TRH F*0 00153 720PR TRH- 2.4To- 2.3 1.80 19 SAN 2 00073 2.91 17 SAI 2 H TEH TSH F*0 00163 720PR TRH- 2.6To- 2.4 1.67 18 SAN 2 2 65 H TEN TSH F*1 00107 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 1.29 16 SA! 2 5 65 H TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.2 2.87 11 MAN 2 00073 10.56 19 MAN 2 8 65 H TEH TSH F*1 00107 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.2 1.05 10 SAN 2 00072 3.35 13 SAN 2 i 11 65 H TEH TSH F*1 00151 720PR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.0 1.26 20 MAN 2 00057 6.46 20 MAN 2 12 65 H TEH TSH F*1 00107 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.3 4.55 16 MAN 2 00056 12.31 19 MAN 2 1 16 65 H TEH TSH F*1 00107 720PR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.2 1.32 8 SAN 2 00056 3.81 10 SAN 2 l 26 65 H TEH TSH F*0 00107 720PR TRH- 2.4T0- 2.3 0.95 15 SAI 2 1 66 H TEH TSH F*0 00109 720PR TRH- 2.6TO- 2.4 5.36 21 MAN 2 00073 12.74 24 MAN 2 5 66 H TEH TSH F*1 00109 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.1 3.60 15 MAN 2 00073 13.54 21 MAI 2 l 7 66 H TEH TSH F*1 00109 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.2 0.49 8 SAI 2 l 10 66 H TEH TSH F*1 00109 720PR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.1 1.99 12 MAN 2 00072 5.98 17 MAN 2 j TEH+ 2.5 00082 2.40 87 DR1 P3 14 66 H TEH TSH F*1 00109 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.55 7 SAI 2 l 16 66 H TEN TSH F*1 00109 720PR 1BH- 2.1TO- 2.1 0.64 5 SAN 2 00057 2.81 11 SAN 2 1 H TEH TSH F*1 00109 720PR 1BM- 3.6T0- 3.5 2.06 16 SAN 2 00057 7.66 24 SAN 2 4 l NSP l 1

1 1 CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRA!RIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator: 21 Page: 22 of 25 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 1 Rilease..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 l mal, MAN,MCl,MV!,PLC,$Al,$AN, SCI,SVI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH , 21 66 H TEH 1HH F*1 00213 730CR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.1 0.32 170 SAN 6 j H TEM TSH F*1 00111 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.66 14 SAI 2  ; 25 66 H TEH TSH F*0 00111 720PR TRH- 2.8TO- 2.7 2.13 19 SAN 2 00056 6.90 16 SA! 2

~35    66   H   TEH TSH   F*1   00111 720PR TRH+      0.2T0+    0.2    0.27   12 SA!    2 3   67   H   TEH TSH F*1     00109 720PR TRH+      0.1 T 0+  0.2    1.01     7 MAI   2 6   67   H   TEH TSH F*1     00109 720PR TRH+      0.0T 0+   0.1    0.94   11 SAI    2 7   67   H   TEH TSH   F*2   00109 720PR 1BH+      1.6T0+    1.7    0.81   14 SA!    2 H   TEH TSH   F*2   00109 720PR 1BH-      1.4To-    1.0    0.80   12 MAN    2    00073 12.79    20 MAN    2 H   TEM 2HH   F*2   00211 730CR 2BM-      0.7To-    0.5    2.43     8 SAN   6 H   TEH 2HH   F*2   00211 730CR 2BH-      3.0T0-    2.8    0.33   20 MAN    6 TEH+     2.4                                    00082   3.43   79 DRI P3 24   67   H   TEH TSH F*1     00109 720PR 1BH-       1.0T0-   0.9    1.56     4 MAN   2    00057   5.79   11 MAN    2 34   67   H   IPy   TSH F*1   00109 720PR TRH+       0.0T0+   0.2    0.81     6 MAI    2 1  68   H    TEH TSH  F*0   00109 720PR TRH-       2.7TO-   2.6    3.07    17 SAN    2   00073   6.77   19 SA!    2 4  68    H   TEH TSH F*1     00113 720PR 1BH-      1.7TO-    1.2   9.24   37 MAN     2   00072 39.25    41 MAI     2 TEH+     3.0                                   00096 17.66    70 DR1 P3 5  68    H   TEH TSH F*1     00109 720PR 1BM-      1.4To-    1.2   5.11    17 MAN    2    00073 12.56   26 MAN     2 H   TEH TSH F*1     00109 720PR 1BH-      3.6TO-   3.5     1.34   10 SAI    2 TEH+     2.4                                    00082   4.22  50 DRI P3 7   68   H   TEH TSH F*1     00109 720PR 1BH-      1.4T0-    1.2    3.28     8 MAN   2    00073 10.51    17 MAN    2 8   68   H   TEH TSH   F*0   00113 720PR TRN-      2.4TO-    2.3    0.89   11 SAI    2 12    68   H   TEH TSH F*1     00113 720PR TRH+      0.1T0+    0.2    0.76   10 SAI    2 13   68   H   TEH TSH F*1     00109 720PR TRH+      0.0T 0+   0.1    0.38   13 MAI    2 27    68   H   TEM TSH   F*0   00109 720PR TRM-      2.2TO-    2.0    3.31   15 SAN    2    00081   3.99   14 SAI    2 34    68    H   TEH TSH  F*1   00113 720PR 1BH-       1.4TO-   1.2    2.86   21 MAN    2    00058   8.06   18 MAN 2 TEH+     3.0                                    00071   6.26   54 DRI P3 1  69    H   TEH TSH  F*0   00113 720PR TRH-      2.6To-    2.5    3.04    19 SA!    2 4  69    H   TEH TSH  F*1    00113 720PR TRH+      0.1T0+   0.2    0.60    17 MAI    2 5  69    H   TEH TSH F*1     00109 720PR TRM-      0.1TO-   0.0    0.63     7 SAI    2 8  69 H      TEH TSH  F*1    00113 720PR TRH+      0.0T 0+  0.1    0.37     9 SAI    2 11    69                                    1BH-     1.3T0-    1.2                          00059  3.92   13 SAN     2 H   TEH  TSH F*1    00113 720PR 1BH-      1.4T0-    1.3 1.41       9 SAN    2    00081  2.68    17 SAN    2 0.1    0.36      6 SA!        00071              INF 14    69 H     TEH  TSH F*1    00109 720PR TRH+      0.170+                            2 15 69 H        TEH  TSH F*0    00113 720PR TRH-      2.5TO-    2.4 0.88 15       SA!   2 NSP

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generators 21 Page: 23 of 25 Les......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Rstesse..: 2.2 Timer 13:50 MA!, MAN,MC1,MVI,PLC,$Al, SAN,$Cl,$VI,VOL for the entire tength EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 i R0W COL LEG BEG EMD REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 16 69 H TEH 1HH F*1 00215 730CR 1BH- 3.8TO- 3.7 3.66 12 MAN 6 H TEN TSH F*1 00109 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.79 5 SAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00109 TZ3PR TRM- 2.8T0- 2.6 5.17 14 MAI 2 24 69 H TEH TSH F*0 00109 720PR TRH- 2. 7T O- 2.5 1.55 15 MAI 2 35 69 H TEM TSH F*1 00159 720MR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.2 0.63 15 SA! 2 2 70 M TEN 1HH F*1 00215 730CR 1BM- 4.1T0- 4.0 1.17 10 MAN 6 ' l H TEH TSH F*1 00119 720PR TRH+ 0.170+ 0.2 0.38 17 sat 2 5 70 H TEH TSH F*1 00121 720PR 1BH- 1.4To- 1.3 1.59 16 MAN 2 00060 6.27 18 MAN 2 25 70 H TEH TSH F*0 00121 720PR TRH- 2.3TO- 2.2 1.40 20 SAN 2 00060 2.29 13 SAI 2 3 71 H TEH TSH F*1 00121 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.2 4.52 36 MAN 2 00061 20.46 41 MAN 2 TEH+ 3.0 00097 4.24 58 DRI P3 10 71 H TEN TSH F*1 00119 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.2 2.07 14 MAN 2 00060 7.54 14 MAN 2 11 71 H TEH TSH F*1 00121 720PR 18H- 1.2T0- 1.1 2.48 11 MAN 2 00061 5.89 13 MAN 2 17 71 H TEH TSH F*0 00121 720PR TRM- 2.2T0- 2.2 0.76 12 SAI 2 8 72 H TEH TSH F*1 00119 720PR 1BH- 1.0To- 0.9 1.17 5 MAN 2 00079 3.98 13 MAN 2 11 72 H TEH TSH F*1 00121 720PR 1BH- 1.3To- 1.2 1.75 9 MAN 2 00061 5.36 13 MAN 2 17 72 H TEH 1HH F*1 00213 730CR 18H- 4.1TO- 4.1 0.90 14 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00121 720PR TRH+ 0.270+ 0.3 0.60 8 SAI 2 H TEM TSH F*1 00121 720PR TRH- 2.270- 2.2 0.92 14 SAI 2 31 72 TRM- 2 . 71 0- 2.6 00079 3.71 20 SA! 2 H TEH TSH F*0 00119 720PR TRH- 2.7TO- 2.7 1.93 18 SAN 2 00081 3.54 15 SAI 2 3 73 H TEH TSH F*1 00121 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.2 2.16 11 MAN 2 00062 6.51 18 MAN 2 5 73 H TEH TSH F*1 00121 720PR 1BH- 1.310- 1.1 1.38 13 MAN 2 00062 5.17 12 MAN 2 11 73 H TEH TSH F*1 00121 720PR 1BH- 1.3To- 1.2 0.98 10 MAN 2 00062 3.58 17 MAN 2 25 73 H TEH TSH F*0 00121 720PR TRH- 2.6TO- 2.5 1.54 16 SAI 2 3 74 H TEH TSH F*1 00121 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 3.17 12 SAN 2 00062 8.90 16 SAN 2 4 74 H TEH TSH F*1 00119 720PR TRH+ 0.1 T 0+ 0.3 0.78 9 MA! 2 5 74 H TEH TSH F*1 00121 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.1 1.90 8 MAN 2 00062 5.10 13 MAN 2 9 74 H TEH TSH F*1 00121 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.1 1.59 7 MAN 2 00062 5.29 12 MAN 2 11 74 H TEH TSH F*1 00121 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.1 2.33 9 MAN 2 00062 8.56 12 MAN 2 38 74 C 01C 01C PLG 00116 720PR 01C- 0.270+ 0.2 0.83 95 VOL 2 00073 2.59 137 35 P1 1 75 H TEH TSH F*0 00121 720PR TRM- 2.3TO- 2.2 2.65 17 SAN 2 00064 5.21 17 SA! 2 5 75 H TEH TSH F*1 00119 720PR 1BH- 1.3To- 1.1 3.37 9 MAN 2 00063 6.34 17 MAN 2 1 76 H TEH TSH F*0 00121 720PR TRH- 2.8T0- 2.1 3.30 18 SAN 2 00064 7.09 19 SAN 2 NSP ).

E CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator 21 Page: 24 of 25 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 i MAI. MAN, MCI,MVI,PLC,$A!, SAN,$CI,SVI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH l 6 76 H TEH TSH F*0 00119 720PR TRM- 2.6TO- 2.5 0.89 14 SAI 2 7 76 H TEH TSH F*1 00121 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.2 1.12 7 MAI 2 9 76 H TEM TSH F*1 00121 720PR TRH+ 0.170+ 0.2 0.76 6 MAI 2 l 16 76 H TEM TSH F*0 00119 720PR TRM- 2.6To- 2.4 4.93 17 SAN 2 00063 6.23 79 SAI 2 l 27 76 H TEM TSH F*0 00121 720PR TRM- 2.4TO- 2.3 3.73 19 SAN 2 00064 2.97 20 SAI 2 1 77 H TEH TSH F*0 00125 720PR TRM- 2.6TO- 2.5 2.01 21 SAN 2 00064 7.31 18 SAN 2 3 77 H TEM TSH F*0 00127 720PR TRH- 2.6TO- 2.5 1.45 18 SAN 2 00063 5.01 23 SAI 2 6 77 H TEH TSH F*1 00125 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.91 7 MAI 2 7 77 H TEH TSH F*1 00127 720PR 1BH- 1.0TO- 0.9 1.70 16 SAN 2 00063 4.69 26 SAN 2 22 77 H TEH 1HH F*1 00213 730CR 1BH- 1.2TO- 1.1 0.21 158 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00125 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.54 10 SAI 2 35 77 C 02C 02C 00116 720PR 02C- 0.270+ 0.3 0.47 92 VOL 2 00073 1.46 153 7 P1 5 78 H TEH TSH F*1 00125 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.42 12 MAI 2 7 78 H TEH TSH F*1 00125 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.1 4.63 19 MAN 2 00064 8.04 15 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.2 00081 5.35 24 INR P3 9 78 H TEH TSH F*1 00125 720PR TRH+ 0.170+ 0.2 0.91 15 MAI 2 11 78 H TEH TSH F*1 00125 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 1.48 11 SAN 2 00064 3.45 12 SAN 2 32 78 C 01C 01C 00116 720PR 01C- 0.4T0- 0.0 0.34 98 VOL 2 00074 1.26 127 37 P1 C 02C 02C 00116 720PR 02C- 0.370+ 0.2 0.75 105 VOL 2 00074 2.64 126 38 P1 4 79 H TEH TSH F*1 00129 720PR TRH- 0.1T0+ 0.0 0.62 14 SAI 2 7 79 H TEH TSH F*1 00127 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.3 1.51 8 MAN 2 00066 3.13 16 MAN 2 11 79 H TEH TSH F*1 00127 720PR TRH+ 0.3T0+ 0.4 1.01 7 SA! 2 20 79 H TEH TSH F*0 00129 720PR TRM- 2.6TO- 2.5 2.35 14 SAN 2 00065 3.67 11 SA! 2 21 79 H TEH TSH F*0 00127 720PR TRH- 2.8TO- 2.7 0.73 20 SA! 2 31 79 C 01C 01C PLG 00116 720PR 01C- 0.370+ 0.2 0.75 107 VOL 2 00074 2.12 129 36 P1 5 80 H TEM 1HH F*1 00215 730CR 1BH- 1.6TO- 1.2 0.29 159 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00129 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.2 0.43 12 SA! 2 12 80 N TEH TSH F*1 00159 720MR TRH+ 0.110+ 0.2 0.47 26 SAI 2 TRH+ 0.970+ 24.6 00065 7.17 61 PVN 1 28 80 H TEH TSH F*1 00127 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.2 3.23 15 SAN 2 00065 7.49 23 SAN  ? 1 81 H TEH TSH F*0 00129 720PR TRH- 2.8TO- 2.7 1.48 22 SAN 2 00066 3.18 15 SAI 2 l 30 81 C 01C 01C PLG 00116 720PR 01C- 0.370+ 0.1 0.28 120 VOL 2 00076 2.05 150 7 P1 l 1 82 H TEH TSH F*1 00129 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.26 10 SAI 2 l NSP

s j CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT  ! ' PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 senerator: 21 Page: 25 of 25 'j Leg......: Hot and Cold teos Date: 12/14/98 Releare..: 2.2 Time: 13:50 MAI,MAM, MCI,MVI,PLC,SAI, SAN,5CI,$VI,VOL for the entire tength EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 7 82 H TEH TSH F*1 00129 720PR TRH- 0.1To- 0.0 0.54 13 SA! 2 l 82 F*1 00215 730CR 1BM- 1.6TO- 1.4 0.35 18 SAN 6 i 12 H TEM 1HH 1 H TEH TSh F*1 00127 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.99' 11 SAI 2 18 86 H TEM TSH F*1 00131 72DPR 1BH- 1.4To- 1.2 3.95 13 SAN 2 00068 7.44 24 SAN 2 17 89 C 01C 01C 00116 720PR 01C- 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.68 100 VOL 2 00077 1.22 137 27 P1 f C 02C 02C 00116 720PR 02C- 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.36 119 VOL 2 00077 0.99 139 26 P1 j 1 14 91 C 01C 01C 00116 720PR 01C- 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.20 124 VOL 2 00077 1.54 150 18 P1 1

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i CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIR!E ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator 22 Page: 1 of 3 Leg......: Hot and Cold l'os Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:53 0% TO 19% for the entire tength EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG SEG END REN REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 16 4 C TEH TEC 00040 7202U 01C+ 0.2 1.34 138 12 P1 00033 1.24 136 12 P1 17 5 C TEH TEC 00040 7202U 01C+ 0.1 1.40 137 15 P1 00033 1.34 132 12 P1 17 6 C TEH TEC 00042 7202U 01C- 0.1 0.69 136 15 P1 00034 0.71 139 7 P1 19 6 C TEH TEC 00042 7202U 02C+ 0.1 0.68 136 15 P1 00034 0.87 139 7 P1 21 7 C TEM TEC 00048 7202U 01C+ 0.0 1.03 145 7 P1 00033 0.83 130 15 P1 > c TEH TEC 00048 7202U 02C+ 0.0 1.04 135 19 P1 00033 0.95 127 19 P1 24 10 C TEH TEC 00048 7?OZU 01C- 0.1 0.98;141 15 P1 00033 0.95 132 12 P1 28 11 C TEH TEC 00048 720ZU 02C+ 0.1 0.83 147 2 P1 00034 0.73 139 7 P1 28 12 C TEM TEC U0048 72020 01C- 0.1 1.08 140 17 P1 00033 1.08 129 16 P1 29 13 C TEH TEC 00050 7202U 01C+ 0.0 0.76 135 10 P1 00034 0.90 130 21 P1 30 15 C TEH TEC 00054 7202U 01C- 0.0 1.52 134 10 P1 00036 1.86 135 23 P1 30 19 C TEH TEC 00052 7202U 01C- 0.2 0.62 140 8 P1 00035 0.72 144 4 P1 32 20 C TLH TEC 00054 720ZU 01C- 0.2 0.42 133 12 P1 36 23 C TEH TEC 00052 7202U NV2+ 0.1 0.81 0 16 P2 00036 0.76 0 17 P2 38 25 C TEH TEC 00058 7202U 01C+ 0.2 0.62 134 12 P1 00038 0.72 142 12 P1 C TEH TEC 00058 720ZU 02C; 0.2 0.91 135 9 P1 00038 0.77 138 21 P1 41 26 C TEH TEC 00058 720Zu 01C+ 0.0 0.50 132 17 P) 00041 0.4E 143 12 P1 44 34 C TEH TEC 00062 7202U 02C- 0.1 1.13 139 7 P1 00043 1.36 137 11 P1 43 35 C TEM TEC 00060 7202U 0?C- 0.2 1.21 139 12 P1 00043 1.22 130 10 P1 38 39 C TEH TEC 00072 7202U NV1- 0.1 0.41 0 9 P2 C TEM TEC 00072 720Zu <V2- 0.2 0.42 0 9 P2 43 39 C TEH TEC 00070 7202U 02C- 0.2 0.4u 134 19 P1 00045 0.47 145 10 P1 44 39 C TEM TEC 00068 720ZU 02C- 0.2 1.12 139 14 P1 00044 0.49 151 25 P1 m 33 41 C TEH TEC F*1 00072 7202U NV1+ 0.0 0.58 0 12 P2 00044 0.18 0 4 P2 40 41 C TEN TEC 00074 720ZU NV1+ 0.0 1.00 0 19 P2 00045 1.03 0 20 P2 , C TEM TEC 00074 7202U NV3+ 0.0 0.92 0 18 P2 00045 1.05 0 20 P2 l 44 42 C TEM TEC 00074 72020 02C- 0.1 1.59 133 17 P1 03047 1.22 135 31 P1 45 43 C TEH TEC 00068 720ZU 01C+ 0.2 1.02 138 17 P1 46 44 C TEM TEC 00070 7202U 02C- 0.0 0.20 136 1E P1 00049 0.22 149 11 P1 39 45 C TEH TEC 00070 7202U NV1- 0.2 0.79 0 1h P2 00049 1.08 0 21 P2 [ 45 47 C TEN TEC 00076 7202U 01C- 0.1 0.44 139 5 P1 00072 0.45 149 7 P1 Y 26 49 C TEH TEC 00078 7202U NV4+ 0.7 0.71 0 13 P2 00071 0.50 0 13 P2 NBP r . _ _

CUNULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator: 22 Page: 2 of 3 L eg . . . . . . : Not and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:53 01 TO 19% for the entire tength EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG ENO REM -REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG X CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 45 54 C TEN TEC 00080 720Z0 01C+ 0.0 0.90 141 6 P1 0068 0.98 148 24 P1 C TEM TEC 00080 7202U 02C+ 0.0 0.70 143 1 P1 00068 0.37 151 21 P1 11 56 C TEN TEC 00082 720Zu NV1+ 0.0 0.37 0 8 P2 00068 0.29 0 8 P2 45 57 C TEN TEC 00082 720ZU 01C- 0.2 0.54 138 11 P1 00068 0.86 140 31 P1 C TEN TEC 00082 7202U 02C- 0.2 0.43 138 11 P1 00068 0.48 160 12 P1 58 C TEN TEC 00080 7202U NV2+ 0.0 1.02 0 19 P2 00068 1.01 0 18 P2 f43 42 60 C TEM TEC 00086 720ZU 01C- 0.1 1.39 130 11 P1 00067 1.35 133 35 P1 43 60 C TEN TEC 00084 720ZU 02C+ 0.0 0.85 129 16 P1 00068 0.46 148 12 P1 l 44 61 C TEN TEC 00086 720ZU 02C- 0.2 0.88 135 1 P1 00068 0.39 151 17 P1 44 62 C TEM TEC 00086 720ZU C2C- 0.1 0.67 151 1 P1 00066 0.33 153 9 P1 l l 43 63 C TEH TEC 00086 7202U 02C- 0.2 1.51 139 1 P1 00066 0.57 141 22 P1 42 65 C TEH TEC 00086 720ZU 02" 0.1 0.99 132 4 P1 00066 0.77 140 30 P1 43 65 C TEN TEC 00086 720ZU 02C- 0.2 3.81 133 1 P1 00066 1.37 137 33 P1 41 66 C TEN TEC 00066 720ZU 02C- 0.1 3.80 129 14 P1 00065 2.97 135 34 P1 32 67 C TEM TEC F*1 00086 7202U NV1+ 0.2 0.88 0 19 P2 00065 0.50 0 14 P2 C TEH TEC F*1 00086 720ZU NV4- 0.0 0.99 0 18 P2 00065 0.47 0 13 P2 41 69 C TEH TEC 00086 720ZU 02C- 0.1 0.91 141 '?P1 00 % 5 0.97 154 13 P1

                                                                                          +                                     ,

36 73 C TEH TEC 00090 7202U 02C- 0.1 0.80 155 1 P1 00063 0.42 146 10 P1 35 74 C TEM TEC 00088 720ZU 02C+ 0.0 0.39 139 10 P1 00064 0.43 153 13 P1 33 75 C TEH TEC 00088 720ZU 01C- 0.1 1.76 135 19 P1 00064 1.85 142 29 P1

o.  %

30 79 C TEH Thr* 00090 720Z0 01C+ 0.1 0.94 140 1 P1 7 81 C TEM TEC 00088 720ZU NV2+ 0.2 0.82 0 16 P2 00062 0.44 0 10 P2 85 C TEH TEC 00092 720Zu Dic- 0.1 0.68 138 17 P1 00061 0.58 141 13 P1 28 85 C TEH TEC 00094 720ZU 01C+ 0.0 0.94 138 15 P1 00061 0.72 135 15 P1 01C- 0.2 00061 0.68 131 20 P1 26 86 C TEH TEC 00094 720ZU 02C- 0.1 1.53 138 15 P1 00061 1.12 134 17 P1 22 87 C TEH TEC PLG 00092 720ZU 02C- 0.2 1.24 142 7 P1 00061 1.26 142 6 P1 14 88 C TEN TEC 00092 720ZU 02C- 0.1 0.97 143 4 P1 00062 1.20 145 4 P1 16 89 C TEM TEC 00094 720ZU 01C- 0.2 0.57 139 13 P1 00061 0.49 145 3 P1 C TEH TEC 00094 720Zu 02C- 0.1 1.38 136 19 P1 00061 1.37 131 20 P1 6 90 C 07H TEC 00018 700ZS 01C- 0.0 0.38 140 15 P1 12 90 C TEH TEC 00092 720ZU 01C- 0.1 1.14 137 19 P1 00062 1.11 139 2 P1 1 17 90 C TEH TEC 00092 720Zu Dic- 0.2 0.92 143 4 P1 MSP 1

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator: 22 Page: 3 of 3 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:53 0% TO 19% for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 R0W COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 2 91 C 06C TEC 00014 700ZS 01C+ 0.0 0.63 141 12 P1 00057 0.79 138 INR P1 12 91 C TEH TEC 00092 720Z0 01C+ 0.1 0.90 150 1 P1 00061 1.07 150 2 P1 C TEM TEC 00092 720ZU 02C- 0.0 0.46 137 19 P1 00061 0.57 146 7 P1 3 92 C 07H TEC 00020 700ZS 01C+ 0.1 0.63 129 6 P1 00077 0.56 143 19 P1 6 92 C 07H TEC 00018 700ZS 02C- 0.0 1.39 144 5 P1 00093 2.04 146 INR P1 7 92 C 07H TEC 00020 700ZS 01C+ 0.0 1.73 124 19 P1 00094 1.35 140 29 P1 9 92 C 07H TEC 00020 70025 01C+ 0.0 1.07 127 11 P1 00094 0.87 145 13 P1 5 93 C 07H TEC 00020 700ZS 01C+ 0.1 1.58 126 14 P1 00094 1.05 135 37 P1 4 94 C 07H TEC 00018 700ZS 02C- 0.0 0.66 142 10 P1 00077 0.93 145 15 P1 NUMBER OF TUBES IN REPORT = 64 NSP l

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 I Generators 22 Page: 1 of 3 L eg . . . . . . : Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:53 20% TO 29% for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH i 12 3 C TEH TEC 00042 720Zu 02C+ 0.1 1.81 133 21 P1 00034 2.28 133 21 P1 i 20 10 C TEH TEC 00048 7202U 01C- 0.1 0.89 137 23 P1 00033 0.84 128 18 P1 26 10 C TEM TEC 00048 720ZU 02C+ 0.2 0.54 136 24 P1 00033 0.52 133 16 P1 31 13 C TEH TEC 00050 7202U 01C- 0.2 1.53 128 25 P1 00033 1.52 119 29 P1 I 34 17 C TEH TEC 00052 7202U 01C- 0.1 1.44 135 21 P1 00036 1.43 141 23 P1 C TEM TEC 00052 7202U 02C- 0.2 0.55 132 28 P1 00036 0.41 131 39 P1 31 19 C TEH TEC 00054 7202U 01C- 0.2 1.03 130 25 P1 00036 1.12 129 33 P1 2 30 21 C TEH TEC 00054 720ZU 01C+ 0.2 0.73 129 21 P1 00036 0.81 0 17 P1 36 22 C TEM TEC 00054 72020 02C+ 0.1 0.82 126 27 P1 00035 0.94 129 28 P1 39 29 C TEH TEC 00056 7202U 02C- 0.1 0.60 128 27 P1 00040 0.49 137 14 P1 41 29 C TEH TEC 00C56 7202U NV1+ 0.0 1.30 0 22 P2 00040 0.74 0 19 P2 19 31 C TEH TEC 00060 720ZU Nv4- 2.7 1.14 0 20 P2 00041 1.18 0 23 P2 36 33 C TEH TEC 00060 720ZU NV3+ 0.0 1.97 0 28 P2 00040 1.01 0 24 P2 C TEH TEC 00060 720ZU NV4+ 0.0 1.29 0 21 P2 00040 0.67 0 18 P2 19 34 C TEH TEC 00062 720ZU NV1+ 0.0 1.24 0 21 P2 00043 1.05 0 21 P2 43 34 C TEH TEC 00060 7202U 03C- 0.1 0.66 133 25 P1 00042 0.90 145 20 P1 25 36 C TEH TEC 00064 7202U NV2+ 3.2 1.07 0 20 P2 38 36 C TEH TEC 00064 72020 NV2+ 2.6 1.35 0 24 P2 00043 1.34 0 25 P2 42 38 C TEH TEC 00070 7202U 02C- 0.2 - 0.87 129 28 P1 00045 0.98 133 38 P1 44 40 C TEH TEC 00072 720ZU 02C+ 0.1 3.18 133 29 P1 00045 3.42 145 35 P1 40 41 C TEM TEC 00074 720ZU NV2+ 0.0 1.20 0 22 P2 00045 1.42 0 25 P2 37 43 C TEH TEC F*1 00070 720ZU NV4+ 3.7 1.75 0 28 P2 00047 1.84 0 30 P2 45 44 C TEN TEC 00070 7202U 02C+ 0.1 1.25 130 26 P1 00049 1.19 136 34 P1 32 46 C TEM TEC 00076 720ZU NV2+ 0.6 1.05 0 20 P2 00073 1.31 0 23 P2 C TEH TEC 00076 720ZU NV2+ 26.8 1.09 0 20 P2 00073 1.24 0 22 P2 C TEM TEC 00076 7202U NV4+ 1.1 1.13 0 21 P2 00073 1.12 0 21 P2 l 38 46 C TEN TEC 00076 720ZU 07H+ 35.5 1.88 0 29 P2 00073 1.82 0 29 P2 C TEH TEC 00076 720ZU NV4+ 2.9 1.46 0 25 P2 00073 1.45 0 25 P2 33 47 C TEH Tkt 00076 7202U NV4+ 2.1 1.04 0 20 P2 00073 1.15 0 21 P2 36 47 C TEM TEC 00078 7202U NV2+ 1.7 1.48 0 25 P2 00072 0.86 0 22 P2 38 47 C TEH TEC 00076 720ZU Nv2+ 1.8 1.53 0 26 P2 00072 1.33 0 27 P2 5 38 48 C TEH TEC 00078 720ZU NV2+ 2.4 1.69 0 27 P2 00071 1.49 0 30 P2 l l 44 48 C TEM TEC 00078 720Zu 01C- 0.1 0.95 134 24 P1 00071 0.89 133 19 P1 NSP

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generators 22 Page: 2 of 3 L eg . . . . . . : Not and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time 13:53 20% TO 29% for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ' ROW COL LEG BEG END REN REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 45 48 C TEH TEC 00078 7202U 01C+ 0.2 0.75 133 27 P1 00070 0.86 135 28 P1 C TEM TEC 00078 720ZU 02C- 0.1 1.45 135 24 P1 00070 1.40 135 28 P1 33 50 C TEH TEC F*1 00076 720Zu Nv2+ 28.4- 1.45 25 P2 00070 1.55 0 27 P2 , C TEH TEC F*1 00076 7202U Nv4+ 2.8 0.M 0 20 P2 00070 1.05 0 20 P2 j 37 51 C TEN TEC 00078 7202U Nv2+ 2.3 1.44 0 24 P2 00071 0.97 0 23 P2 , C TEH TEC 00078 720ZU MV2+ 33.7 1.39 0 23 P2 00071 1.01 0 23 P2 33 52 C TEH TEC F*1 00076 72020 07H+ 34.7 1.21 0 22 P2 00070 1.23 0 23 P2 39 52 C TEM TEC 00076 7202U NV2+ 2.8 1.11 0 21 P2 45 52 C TEH TEC 00078 720ZU 01C+ 0.1 1.08 137 21 P1 00071 0.80 130 24 P1 36 54 C TEM TEC 00082 720ZU NV4+ 3.6 1.75 0 28 P2 00067 1.28 0 27 P2 39 54 C TEH TEC 00080 720ZU 07H+ 35.9 1.82 0 28 P2 00068 1.82 0 28 P2 ; i 39 55 C TEH TEC 00082 7202U 07H+ 34.8 1.13 0 21 P2 00068 1.27 0 22 P2 I C TEH TEC 00082 7202U NV2+ 4.1 1.47 0 25 P2 00068 1.58 0 26 P2 36 56 C TEH TEC 00080 720ZU NV2+ 33.4 1.77 0 28 P2 00067 1.21 0 26 P2 ) 38 56 C TEH TEC 00080 7202U NV1+ 0.1 1.09 0 20 P2 00067 0.44 0 12 P2 i C TEH TEC 00080 7207.U NV2+ 35.1 1.24 0 22 P2 00067 1.02 0 25 P2  : 17 57 C TEH TEC 00082 720Zu WV1+ 3.2 1.20 0 22 P2 36 57 C TEH TEC 00080 720ZU NV4+ 3.6 1.16 0 21 P2 00067 0.98 0 23 P2 38 57 C TEN TEC 00080 7202U 07H+ 35.1 1.58 0 26 P2 00067 0.80 0 21 P2 43 57 C TEM TEC 00082 720ZU 01C- 0.2 0.58 125 28 P1 00068 0.34 145 27 P1 C TEM TEC 00082 720ZU NV3- 0.2 1.35 0 24 P2 00068 1.35 0 23 P2 45 57 C TEH TEC 00082 720ZU 07H+ 36.7 1.04 0 20 P2 00068 0.98 0 21 P2 33 58' C TEM TEC 00080 7202U 07H+ 32.5 1.88 0 29 P2 00068 1.44 0 24 P2 40 59 C TEH TEC 00080 720ZU 07H+ 34.9 1.88 0 29 P2 00067 1.01 0 23 P2 C TEH TEC 00080 720ZU NV2+ 4.2 1.49 0 25 P2 00 % 7 0.81 0 20 P2 41 60 C TEH TEC 00084 7207.U 02C- 0.2 1.71 130 22 P1 00068 1.21 138 28 P1 38 64 C TEM TEC 00086 720ZU NV2+ 4.1 1.24 0 21 P2 00065 0.78 0 INR P2 39 64 C TEM TEC 00004 720ZU NV2+ 4.6 1.08 0 20 P2 00066 1.11 0 20 P2 42 64 C TEH TEC 00086 7202U 02C- 0.2 3.15 126 22 P1 00065 2.70 135 34 P1 19 65 C TEH TEC F*1 00084 7202U NV2+ 1.0 1.08 0 20 P2 00066 1.07 0 20 P2 C TEH TEC F*1 00084 720ZU NV2+ 14.3 1.04 0 20 P2 32 67 C TEH TEC F*1 00086 720ZU NV2+ 28.2 1.96 0 29 P2 00065 1.21 0 27 P2 C TEM TEC F*1- 00086 7202U NV2- 0.1 1.30 0 22 P2 00065 0.56 0 15 P2 C TEM TEC F*1 00086 7202U NV3- 0.0 1.73 0 26 P2 00065 0.80 0 20 P2 32 68 C TEM TEC F*1 00086 720ZU WV2+ 28.9 1.22 0 21 P2 00066 1.06 0 20 P2 N8P

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE !$ LAND, UNIT 2 Generators 22 Pages 3 of 3 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:53 20% TO 29% for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 19 69 C TEH TEC 00088 720ZU NV4+ 3.8 1.10 0 21 P2 32 69 C TEM TEC 00084 720ZO NV2+ 28.5 1.32 0 23 P2 00065 0.84 0 21 P2 C TEH TEC 00084 720ZU NV4+ 3.3 1.16 0 21 P2 36 69 C TEH TEC 00084 7202U NV3- 0.2 1.66 0 27 P2 00065 0.90 0 22 P2 16 71 C TEH TEC 00088 720ZU NV3- 0.3 1.24 0 22 P2 00063 0.52 0 14 P2 40 71 C TEH TEC 00090 720ZU 02C- 0.2 4.57 128 29 P1 00063 2.26 135 24 P1 36 73 C TEH TEC 00090 720ZU NV2+ 32.7 1.75 0 28 P2 00063 1.10 0 25 P2 36 75 C TEH TEC 00090 720ZU 02C- 0.1 2.03 131 23 P1 00 % 3 1.72 137 22 P1 32 76 C TEH TEC PLG 00090 720Zu 02C+ 0.0 0.62 132 21 P1 00062 0.46 148 6 P1 16 78 C TEH TEC 00088 720ZU NV2+ 4.2 1.34 0 24 P2 00061 0.87 0 22 P2 30 82 C TEH TEC 00094 720Zu 02C- 0.2 2.22 133 24 P1 00061 2.01 130 21 P1 28 85 C TEH TEC 00094 720ZU 01C- 0.2 0.78 135 21 P1 00061 0.72 135 15 P1 01C- 0.2 00061 0.68 131 20 P1 22 88 C TEH TEC 00092 7202U 02C- 0.2 1.31 135 23 P1 00062 1.55 138 24 P1 19 89 C TEH TEC 00092 7202U 01C- 0.0 1.69 132 29 P1 00062 1.60 133 26 P1 16 90 C TEH TEC 00092 720ZU 01C- 0.0 1.70 132 29 P1 00062 1.72 135 19 P1 NUMBER OF TUBES IN REPORT = 67 NSP l 1

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator: 22 Page: 1 of 2 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Ratesse..: 2.2 Time: 13:54 30% TO 39% for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 R0W CPL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH l 20 6 C TEM TEC 00040 720ZU 01C- 0.0 1.03 125 37 P1 00033 0.98 117 32 P1 l l 25 9 C TEN TEC 00050 7202U 01C- 0.0 1.87 124 32 P1 00034 2.22 125 36 P1 34 16 C TEH TEC 00054 720ZU 02C- 0.0 2.49 124 31 P1 00036 2.06 133 36 P1 37 24 C TEH TEC 00056 720ZU 01C- 0.2 1.42 127 39 P1 00050 1.50 123 13 P1 36 33 C TEH TEC 00060 720ZU NV1+ 0.0 2.12 0 30 P2 00040 1.15 0 26 P2 C TEH TEC 00060 720ZU NV2+ 0.0 3.14 0 37 P2 00040 1.54 0 32 P2 44 36 C TEH TEC 00064 72020 02C- 0.2 1.02 131 31 P1 00042 1.35 142 29 P1 45 39 C TEH TEC 00070 7202U 02C- 0.1 2.79 126 30 P1 00045 3.48 135 38 P1 46 42 C TEH TEC 00072 72020 02C- 0.1 1.24 131 31 P1 00047 1.36 135 31 P1 37 43 C TEH TEC F*1 00070 720ZU NV2+ 33.2 2.19 0 32 P2 00047 2.33 0 34 P2 45 50 C TEH TEC 00078 720Zu 01C+ 0.0 2.54 131 31 P1 00071 2.81 128 27 P1 40 53 C TEH TEC 00078 720ZU 01C+ 0.1 0.91 128 35 P1 00070 0.90 128 39 P1 44 53 C TEH TEC 00078 7202U 01C+ 0.2 1.81 128 35 P1 00070 1.70 129 38 P1 46 53 C TEH TEC 00078 720ZU 02C- 0.1 1.10 129 34 P1 00070 1.12 131 35 P1 43 56 C TEH TEC 00080 720ZU 01C- 0.1 2.10 126 38 P1 00068 1.86 132 37 P1 43 58 C TEH TEC 00080 720ZU 01C- 0.2 0.62 128 35 P1 00068 0.82 134 37 P1 41 61 C TEM TEC 00086 720ZU 02C- 0.1 1.08 121 33 P1 00067 0.93 150 22 P1 32 64 C TEH TEC F*1 00086 720ZU NV2+ 3.0 2.42 0 32 P2 00065 1.63 0 32 P2 C TEH TEC F*1 00086 720ZU NV2+ 27.8 2.50 0 33 P2 00065 1.72 0 33 P2 38 64 C TEH TEC 00086 720ZU NV2+ 35.0 2.53 0 33 P2 00065 1.67 0 33 P2 39 64 C TEH TEC 00084 7202U 02C- 0.2 1.32 124 36 P1 00066 0.63 126 37 P1 40 69 C TEH TEC 00084 7202U 02C- 0.1 2.91 124 36 P1 00065 1.99 139 13 P1 38 71 C TEH TEC 00090 7202U 01C- 0.1 2.21 127 31 P1 00063 1.59 134 25 P1 35 75 C TEH TEC 00088 720Z0 01C- 0.1 1.22 124 39 P1 00064 1.44 138 34 P1 33 76 C TEH TEC 00088 720ZU 01C- 0.0 1.30 125 37 P1 00061 1.31 126 26 P1 30 79 C TEH TEC 00090 720ZU 02C+ 0.2 1.26 124 36 P1 00061 0.84 133 18 P1 30 81 C TEM TEC 00090 7202U 01C- 0.0 2.43 127 31 P1 00061 2.36 125 27 P1 29 82 C TEH TEC 00092 720ZU 02C- 0.2 2.64 131 31 P1 00062 3.21 128 39 P1 17 89 C TEH TEC 00092 720ZU 01C+ 0.1 1.69 128 36 P1 00062 1.63 130 34 P1 7 91 C 07H TEC 00018 700ZS 01C+ 0.0 1.74 131 32 P1 00093 2.87 138 5 P1 11 91 C TEH TEC 00094 720ZU 02C- 0.1 1.61 125 37 P1 00062 1.56 129 37 P1 NSP

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generators 22 Page: 2 of 2 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:54 30% To 39% for the entire length l EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROSE LOCAfl0N VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL ' VOLTS DEG  % CH 4 93 C 07H TEC 00018 7002S 01C+ 0.2 1.93 132 30 P1 00077 1.81 137 28 P1 l C 07H TEC 00018 7002S 02C+ 0.0 0.60 130 34 P1 00077 0.53 136 31 P1 NUMBER OF TUBES IN REPORT = 30 , NSP ) 1 l


1 i i l l

I CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generators 22 Page: 1 of 1 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 l Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:55 ) l i 40% TO 100% for the entire length l EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH ROW COL LEG BEG END REM 43 55 C TEM TEC PLG 00082 720ZU 02C+ 0.0 0.88 118 41 P1 00068 0.40 112 36 P1 36 70 C TEH TEC 00090 720ZU NV2+ 4.7 3.57 0 41 P2 00063 2.20 0 38 P2 C TEM TEC 00090 720ZU NV2+ 33.1 4.05 0 43 P2 00063 2.68 0 42 P2 00092 720Zu 01C- 0.2 1.M 122 45 P1 00061 0.65 146 1 P1 l 22 87 C TEH TEC PLG 00094 720Z0 01C- 0.2 3.15 116 49 P1 00 % 1 1.30 136 14 P1 21 88 C TEH TEC PLG NUMBER OF TUBES IN REPORT = 4 NSP l 1

n CUNULATIVE INDICATION 8 REPORT PRAIRIE !$ LAND, UNIT 2 Generator: 22 Page 1 of 15 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:57 MAI, MAN,MCl,MVI,PLC, sal,$AN,$CI,SVI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCAT!DN VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 20 6 C 01C 01C 00116 720PR 01C- 0.270+ 0.2 0.47 108 VOL 2 00033 0.98 117 32 P1 1 7 H TEH TSH F*0 00007 T20PR TRH- 2.4T0- 2.3 2.10 12 SAN 2 00002 5.20 12 SAR 2 15 7 H TEM TSH F*1 00007 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.49 13 SAI 2 1 10 00102 OBS H TEH TSH F*1 00011 720PR 1BH- 2.2T0- 2.1 1.09 18 SAN 2 RTR- 1.2T0- 1.1 00109 3.28 17 SAN 2 RTR- 1.2T0- 1.2 00110 4.88 18 SAN 2 TRH- 0.1T0+ 0.1 00004 3.43 16 SAI 2 27 11 C 02C 02C PLG 00116 720PR 02C+ 0.170+ 0.3 0.15 258 VOL 2 00033 0.60 133 10 P1 28 11 C 02C 02C 00116 720PR 02C- 0.0T0+ 0.3 0.43 117 VOL 2 00034 0.73 139 7 P1 4 14 H TEH TSH F*1 00009 720PR 1BH- 2.3To- 2.3 0.79 10 SAN 2 TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.0 00062 1.57 14 SAR 2 18 14 H TEN 1HH F*1 00205 730CR 1BM- 1.3To- 1.2 0.38 12 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00009 720PR TAH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.63 11 SA! 2 24 14 H TEM 1HH F*1 00205 730CR iSH- 1.4TO- 1.3 0.54 8 SAN 6 i H TEM TSH F*1 00009 720PR TRH- 0.0T 0+ 0.0 0.66 20 SAI 2 2 15 H TEH 1HH F*1 00205 730CR 1BM- 2.2TO- 2.1 0.66 4 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00009 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.52 9 SAR 2 14 15 H TEH TSH F*1 00009 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.69 9 SAI 2 24 15 H TEH TSH F*1 00009 720PR 1BH- 1.4T0- 1.2 3.06 24 MAN 2 00007 9.82 30 MAN 2 25 15 H TEH 1HH F*1 00205 730CR 1BH- 1.5T0- 1.4 0.45 12 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00011 720PR TRH+ 0.0T 0+ 0.1 0.73 16 SAI 2 25 16 H TEM TSH F*1 00013 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.37 17 SAI 2 1 17 H TEN TSH F*1 00015 720PR 1BH- 2.4T0- 2.3 2.01 15 MAN 2 00008 4.40 26 MAN 2 1 18 H TEH TSH F*1 00015 720PR 1BH- 2.4T0- 2.2 2.44 19 MAN 2 00008 10.23 24 MAN 2 4 19 H TEH TSH F*1 00013 720PR 1BN- 2.4To- 2.3 0.47 10 SAN 2 TRH- 0.0T0+ 0.1 00007 1.82 9 SAI 2 15 19 H TEM TSN F*1 00015 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 0.43 31 MAI 2 21 19 H TEH TSH F*1 00015 720PR 18H- 2.6T0- 2.4 0.92 9 SVI 2 00008 3.72 2 VOL 2 30 19 C 01C 01C 00126 720PR 01C- 0.2T0+ 0.1 0.30 103 VOL 2 00035 0.72 144 4 P1 31 19 C 01C OIC 00126 720PR 01C- 0.3T0+ 0.0 0.45 113 vol 2 00036 1.12 129 33 P1 1 20 H TEM TSH F*1 00015 720PR 1BN- 2.4TO- 2.2 2.71 19 MAN 2 00010 7.62 25 MAN 2 32 20 C 01C 01C 00116 720PR 01C- 0.270- 0.1 0.27 96 VOL 2 1 21 H TEH TSH F*1 00015 720PR 1BM* 2.4T0- 2.1 2.26 17 MAN 2 00010 7.11 22 MAN 2 4 21 H TEM 1HH F*1 00205 730CR 1BH- 2.2T0- 2.1 0.61 8 SAN 6 H TEM TSH F*1 00013 720PR TAH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.70 11 SAI 2 NSF

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator: 22 Page: 2 of 15 Leg......! Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:57 MAI, MAN, MCI,MVI,PLC,$AI,$AN,SCl,$VI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 R0W COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG X CH 30 21 C 01C 01C 00116 720PR 01C+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 0.44 111 VOL 2 00036 0.81 0 17 P1 31 21 H TEH TSH F*1 00015 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.54 16 SAI 2 18 22 H TEN Tffi F*1 00023 720PR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.3 1.86 19 SAN 2 00011 6.62 21 SAN 2 31 22 C 01C 01C PLG 00116 720PR 01C+ 0.1T0+ 0.4 0.36 106 VOL 2 00036 0.39 101 INR P1 33 22 H TEM TSH F*1 00023 720PR TRM- 0.1T0+ 0.0 0.51 14 SAI 2 16 23 H TEH TSH F*1 00023 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.62 6 SA! 2 22 23 H TEN TSH F*1 00023 720PR 1BH- 1.7TO- 1.5 1.72 16 SAN 2 00012 4.58 22 SAN 2 l 32 23 H TEM TSH F*1 00023 720PR TRH- 0.170+ 0.0 0.83 18 SAI 2 28 24 H TEH TSH F*1 00023 720PR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.3 4.10 23 SAN 2 00011 8.07 29 MAI 2 34 24 H TEH TSH F*1 00025 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 0.13 47 SA! 2 20 25 H TEM TSH F*1 00027 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.38 6 MAI 2 23 25 H TEH TSH F*1 00029 720PR 1BH- 1.4To- 1.3 1.43 22 MAN 2 00012 5.48 22 MAN 2 26 25 H TEM 1HH F*1 00205 730CR 18H- 1.2TO- 1.1 0.68 10 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR TRN- 0.1T 0+ 0. 3 0.54 19 SAI 2 l 1 26 H TEH 1HH F*1 00205 730CR 1BH- 0.8T0- 0.5 0.26 112 SAI 6 H TEN 1HH F*1 00205 730CR 1BH- 3.6TO- 3.5 1.37 12 SAN 6 H TSH TEH F*1 00033 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.71 2 SA! 2 d TSH TEH F*1 00033 720PR TRH- 2.7TO- 2.6 1.29 12 SAI 2 18 26 H TEH TSH F*1 00099 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.23 12 sal 2 28 26 H TEH TSH F*1 00035 720PR 1BH- 1.0TO- 0.9 0.21 15 SAN 2 00040 INF 1BH- 1.5fo- 1.5 00112 1.17 24 SAN 6 TRH- 0.1T0+ 0.0 00014 2.36 17 SAI 2 29 26 H TEH TSH PLG 00204 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.1 1.13 21 MAI 2 H TEH TSH PLG 00037 720PR TRN- 0.3TO- 0.2 1.81 18 MAI 2 , t 33 26 H TEH TSH F*1 00035 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.55 11 SAI 2 1 27 H TEH TSH F*0 00037 720PR TRM- 2.6TO- 2.5 0.85 9 SAI 2 13 27 H TEH TSH F*1 00037 720PR TRH+ 0.070+ 0.1 1.43 13 MAI 2 15 27 H TEM 1HH F*1 00205 730CR 1BH- 1.6To- 1.5 0.23 19 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00037 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.87 15 SA! 2 24 27 H TEH TbH F*1 00035 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.40 7 SAI 2 25 27 H TEH TSH F*1 00037 720PR TRH- 0.0T0+ 0.0 0.82 14 SAI 2 20 28 H TEH TSH F*1 00037 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.63 5 SAI 2 1 29 H TEH TSH F*1 00037 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 1.66 12 MAI 2 2 29 H TEM TSH F*0 00035 720PR TRH- 2.3TO- 2.3 0.57 14 SAI 2 NSP

I CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generators 22 Page 3 of 15 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:57 MAI, MAN, MCI,MV!,PLC,SA!,$AN,$Cl,$VI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 R0W COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 29 29 H TEM TSH F*1 00035 720PR 1BH- 1.0T0- 0.4 1.09 19 MAI 2 00018 3.16 20 SAI 2 1BH- 1.6To- 1.5 00112 1.35 19 SAN 6 5 30 H TEM 1HH F*1 00218 730CR 1BH- 0.4T0- 0.1 0.37 121 SAI 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00037 720PR TRH+ 0.170+ 0.2 0.82 13 MAI 2 27 30 M TEM TSH F*2 00037 720PR 1BM- 0.0T0+ 0.1 1.27 12 SA! 2 H TEH TSH F*2 00037 720PR 1BM- 1.5T0- 1.3 5.49 19 MAN 2 C0017 12.66 25 MAI 2 H TEM 2HH F*2 00218 730Ca 2BM- 2.0T0- 1.8 1.15 11 SAN 6 H TEH 2HH F*2 00218 730CR 2BH- 3.3TO- 3.1 0.27 164 MAN 6 3 31 H TEN TSH F*1 00039 720PR 1BN- 1.5To- 1.2 3.21 21 MAN 2 00018 8.45 22 MAI 2 TEM + 2.1 00082 5.52 41 DR1 P3 15 31 H TEH TSH F*2 00039 720PR 2BH- 3.4T0- 3.0 2.43 17 MAN 2 00018 6.17 18 MAN 2 27 31 H TEH TSH F*1 00043 720PR TRH- 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.53 10 SA! 2 32 31 H TEM TSH F*1 00039 720PR TRM- 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.92 22 SAI 2 1 32 H TEH TSH F*0 00043 720PR TRH- 2.5T0- 2.4 1.26 15 SAI 2 20 32 H TEH TSH F*1 00039 720PR 1BH- 1.4T0- 1.3 1.53 14 MAN 2 00017 3.61 12 MAN 2 21 32 H TEH TSH F*1 00043 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.37 12 SA1 2 31 32 H TEH TSH F*1 00043 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.2 2.46 18 SAN 2 00018 8.40 18 SAN 2 32 32 H TEH TSH F*1 00039 720PR TRH- 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.68 15 SAI 2 1 31 H TEH TSH F*0 00045 T20PR TRH- 2.6TO- 2.4 2.27 26 MAN 2 00020j4.55 22 MAI 2 25 33 H TEH TSH F*1 00047 720PR 1BH- 0.970- 0.9 0.35 16 SAN 2 00020 1.13 13 SAI 2 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.5 00112 1.39 16 SAN 6 32 33 H TEH TSH F*1 00047 720F R TRH* 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.48 10 MAI 2 1 34 H TEH Tfti F*0 00045 720PR TRH- 2.6TO- 2.5 2.00 18 SAN 2 TRH- 2.8TO- 2.5 00022 5.$6 26 SAI 2 28 34 H TEH TSH F*1 00045 720PR 1BH- 1.6TO- 1.4 1.88 15 MAN 2 00021 1.01 16 MAI 2 43 34 C 03C 03C C0116 720PR 03C- 0.2T0+ 0.1 0.31 110 VOL 2 00042 0.90 145 20 P1 12 35 H TEH TSH F*1 00049 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.27 8 MAI 2 13 35 H TEH TSH F*1 00051 720PR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.3 1.37 21 MAN 2 00022 6.13 22 MAN 2 14 35 H TEM TSH F*2 00049 720PR 2BH- 3.1TO- 2.9 1.98 14 SAN 2 00021 1.12 15 SAN 2 28 35 H TEH TSH F*1 00045 720PR 1BH- 1.6TO- 1.5 3.07 27 MAN 2 00021 2.72 22 MAN 2 29 35 H TEN TSH F*1 00047 720PR TRH- 0.1TO- 0.0 0.34 15 SAI 2 42 35 H TEM TSH F*0 00045 720PR TRH- 2.6T0- 2.5 1.06 12 SAI 2 1 36 H TEH TSH F*0 00051 720PR TRM- 2.TTO- 2.6 0.55 10 SAI 2 19 36 H TEM TSH F*2 00051 720PR TRH+ 0.170+ 0.2 0.36 20 SA! 2 NBP

l CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator 22 Page: 4 of 15 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time 13:57 MAI, MAN, MCI,MVI,PLC,$Al, SAN,$CI,SVI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 R0W COL LEG BEG EMD REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 23 36 H TEM TSH F*1 00051 720PR 1BH- 1.5To- 1.3 2.21 29 MAN 2 00021 3.62 19 MAN 2 29 36 TEN + 4.0 00043 0.43 160 MBM P1 H TEM TSH F*1 00051 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.25 17 SAI 2 1 37 H TEM TSH F*0 00051 720PR TRN- 2.3T0- 2.2 0.64 20 MAN 2 00024 11.05 25 MAI 2 2 37 H TEH TSH F*1 00053 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.40 14 SAI 2 24 37 H TEM 1HH F*1 00205 730CR 1BH- 1.6To- 1.5 0.60 9 SAN 6 H TEN TSH F*1 00051 720PR TRM- 0.170+ 0.1 0.44 17 SAI 2 30 37 H TEN TSH F*1 00051 720PR TRH- 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.33 12 SAI 2 33 37 H TEH TSH F*1 00049 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.58 13 MAI 2 i l 37 37 H TEH TSH F*1 00049 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.41 13 SA! 2 14 38 H TEH TSH F*1 00053 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.2 1.07 20 MAN 2 00026 2.87 26 MAI 2 19 38 H TEH TSH F*1 00055 720PR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.3 1.36 19 MAN 2 00026 5.37 21 MAN 2 20 38 H TEM TSH F*1 00055 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.3 1.50 10 MAN 2 00025 3.99 18 MAN 2 28 39 H TEH TSH PLG 00055 720PR TRH+ 18.4T0+ 18.6 0.11 100 SAI 2 H TEH TSH PLG 00204 720PR TRH+ 18.4T0+ 18.8 0.15 94 SAI 2 l 00059 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.45 19 SAI 2 i 33 39 H TEH TSH F*1 1 40 H TEH TSH F*1 00059 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.52 8 MAI 2 21 40 H TEH TSH F*1 00059 720PR TRH+ 0.170+ 0.2 0.25 32 SAI 2 I l l 42 40 H 07H 07H 00151 720PR 07H- 0.4T0+ 0.4 1.08 148 PLC 6 1 41 H TEH TSH F*0 00065 720PR TRM- 2.3TO- 2.2 2.14 18 MAN 2 00028 6.29 20 MAI 2 14 41 H TEH TSH F*1 00061 720PR 1BH- 1.5T0- 1.2 2.67 21 SAN 2 00027 10.49 21 SAN 2 22 41 H TEH 1HH F*1 00205 730CR 1BH+ 1.5T0- 1.5 0.23 14 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00061 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.2 0.49 17 SAI 2 27 41 H TEH TSH F*1 00065 720PR 1BH- 1.5T0- 1.3 2.05 14 MAN 2 00027 7.52 13 SAN 2 29 41 H TEM TSH F*1 00061 720PR TRH- 0.1T0+ 0.0 1.11 19 SAI 2 33 41 H TEH TSH F*1 00061 720PR TRH- 0.1T0+ 0.0 0.81 24 MAI 2 37 41 H TEH TSH F*1 00061 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.46 11 MAI 2 2 42 H TEM TSH F*0 00061 720PR TRH- 2.3TO- 2.2 1.39 18 SAN 2 00074 2.73 17 SAI 2 12 42 H TEH TSH F*1 00065 720PR 1BM- 1.4TO- 1.3 3.14 24 MAN 2 00027 11.37 19 MAN 2 13 42 H TEH TSH F*1 00061 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.60 18 SA! 2 20 42 H TEH TSH PLG 00065 720PR 1BH- 1.7TO- 1.2 7.62 35 MAN 2 00027 13.00 37 MAI 2 H TEH 2HH PLG 00206 730CR 2BM- 3.0TO- 2.7 5.82 26 MAN 6 29 42 H TEH TSH F*1 00065 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.31 18 SAI 2 NSP

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE !$ LAND, UNIT 2 Generators 22 Page: 5 of 15 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:57 MAI. MAN, MCI,MVI,PLC SA!,$AN,5CI,$VI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG EMD REM REEL PROBE LOCAT!DN VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 33 42 H TEH TSH F*1 00065 720PR 1BH- 1.6To- 1.5 1.39 16 MAN 2 00027 5.33 13 MA! 2 1 43 H TEM TSH F*0 00067 720PR TRH- 2.6To- 2.3 2.11 25 MAN 2 TRH- 2.8To- 2.7 00074 3.97 27 SA! 2 22 43 H TEH TSH F*1 00065 720PR TAH+ 0.170+ 0.2 0.88 12 MA! 2 33 43 H TEM TSH F*1 00065 720PR 1BH- 1.5To- 1.4 2.30 16 MAN 2 00030 4.93 20 MAI 2 37 43 H TEM TSH F*1 00065 720PR 1BH- 0. 'eTO- 0.3 0.87 19 SA! 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00065 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.0 1.64 18 MAN 2 00030 4.26 19 MAN 2 13 44 H TEN TSH F*1 00067 720PR 1BH- 1.0To- 0.7 1.34 11 MAN 2 00030 4.02 11 MAN 2 17 44 H TEM TSH F*1 00067 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.3 0.92 11 SAN 2 00030 2.92 13 SAN 2 30 44 H hEH 1HH F*1 00706 730CR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.4 0.35 11 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 1.21 15 SAI 2 l 33 44 H TEH TSH F*1 00069 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.72 19 SAI 2 1 1 45 H TEH TSH F*0 00119 720PR TRH- 2.4To- 2.2 3.70 14 MAN 2 00074 4.84 18 MAI 2 2 45 H TEN TSH F*0 00117 720PR TRH- 2.1TO- 2.0 1.42 12 SA! 2 13 45 H TEH 1RH F*1 00125 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.3 1.23 18 SAN 2 00030 4.16 20 SA! 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00133 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.3 1.82 14 SAN 2 17 45 H TEM TSH F*2 00069 720PR 2BH- 3.2To- 2.8 3.89 30 MAN 2 00029 14.33 33 MAI 2 12 46 H TEH 1HH F*1 00218 730CR 18H- 1.4TO- 1.4 0.26 161 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.88 9 SAI 2 15 46 H TEM TSH F*2 00067 720PR TRH+ 0.1T 0+ 0.2 0.30 7 MA! 2 17 46 H TCH TSH F*1 00067 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.2 0.27 46 MAN 2 00032 5.25 23 MAI 2 1BH- 1.6TO- 1.5 00111 1.33 61 MAN 6 RTR- 0.3T0- 0.2 00109 1.34 61 MAN 2 RTR- 0.3To- 0.2 00110 1.54 58 MAN 2 TEH+ 2.4 00072 1.80 48 ORI P3 i 19 46 H TEH 1HH F*1 00206 730CR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.4 0.64 162 SAN 6 l H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR TRH- 0.170+ 0.2 0.84 7 SAI 2 26 46 H TEH TSH F*1 00067 720PR 1BH- 1.5T0- 1.3 2.03 21 MAN 2 00031 6.47 23 MA! 2 ; 2 48 H TEH TSH F*1 00117 720PR 1BH- 1.3To- 1.2 2.23 18 MAN 2 00071 5.89 12 MAN 2 l 9 48 H TEH TSH F*0 00119 720PR TRH- 2.3TO- 2.2 1.71 16 SAN 2 00071 3.76 9 SAI 2 10 48 H TEH TSH F*0 00117 720PR TRH- 2.3TO- 2.2 0.73 11 SA! 2 23 48 H TEH TSH F*1 00071 720PR 1BM- 1.5T0- 1.2 2.69 24 MAN 2 00031 8.12 24 MAN 2 i l 27 48 1BM- 1.5T0- 1.5 00112 0.91 20 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*2 00071 720PR 2BN- 3.1TO- 3.0 0.12 14 SAN 2 00031 1.61 22 SAI 2 1 28 48 H TEM TSH F*1 00069 720PR 1BH- 1.6TO- 1.4 2.82 19 MAN 2 00032 6.11 23 MAN 2 1 37 48 H TEM TSH F*0 00071 720PR TRH- 2.3TO- 2.2 1.07 20 SAI 2 i NBP

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generators 22 Page: 6 of 15 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:57 MAI, MAN,MCl,MVI PLC,$Al, SAN,$CI,$VI,YOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 R0W COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 1 49 H1 TEH TSH F*1 00119 720PR 1BH- 1.3To- 1.2 1.65 22 SAN 2 00056 6.46 23 SAN 2 H TEM TSH F*1 00119 720PR 1BH- 3.6To- 3.6 1.8S 22 SAN 2 00056 5.88 21 SAN 2 3 49 H TEH TSH F*1 00119 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.2 4.84 22 MAN 2 00071 14.57 20 MAI 2 4 49 H TEN TSH F*1 00117 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.77 20 SAI 2 5 49 H TEH TSH F*0 00119 720PR TRH- 2.5T0- 2.4 1.16 12 SAN 2 00071 3.31 11 SA! 2 7 49 H TEH TSH F'0 00119 720PR TRM. 2.8TO- 2.5 1.71 17 SAN 2 00071 4.47 10 SA! 1 10 49 H TEH TSH F*1 00117 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.63 17 SAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00117 720PR TRH- 2.4TO- 2.4 0.31 15 SAI 2 12 49 H TEH TSH F*1 00073 720PR 18H- 0.2T0- 0.0 0.82 8 SAI 2 H TEM TSH F*1 00073 720PR 1BN- 1.1TO- 1.0 1.35 16 MAN 2 00031 7.64 19 MAI 2 14 49 H TEH TSH F*1 00071 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.0 2.93 19 MAN 2 00031 10.47 22 MAI 2 18 49 H TEH TSH F*1 00071 720PR 1BM- 1.3TO. 1.1 2.26 15 MAN 2 00031 8.37 16 MAN 2 23 49 H TEH TSH F*1 00073 720PR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.1 3.56 22 MAN 2 00031 14.28 23 MAI 2 TEH+ 2.2 00100 2.92 71 DRI P3 28 49 H TfH TSH F*1 00071 720PR 1BH- 1.570- 1.4 1.03 18 SAN 2 00032 4.25 14 SAN 2 32 49 H TEH TSH F*1 00073 720PR 1BM- 1. 7TO- 1.5 4.26 26 MAN 2 00032 9.04 26 MAN 2 41 49 H TEM TSH F*1 00071 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.0 1.95 27 SAN 2 00032 5.36 22 SAN 2 1 50 H TEH 1HH F*1 00206 730CR 1BH- 4.3TO- 4.1 7.08 17 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00119 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 1.09 12 SA! 2 H TEN TSH F*1 00119 720PR TRH- 2. 7TO- 2.5 5.44 22 SAN 2 00056 10.48 17 SAI 1 7 50 H TEH TSH F*0 00119 720PR TRM- 2.6To- 2.5 3.06 21 SAN 2 00070 6.12 15 SAN 2 9 50 H TEH TSH F*1 00119 720PR 1BH- 1.3To- 1.2 1.81 18 MAN 2 00070 5.10 24 MAN 2 10 50 H TEH TSH F*0 00117 720PR TRM- 2.4TO- 2.4 0.85 12 SA! 2 l l 23 50 H TEH TSH F*1 00071 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 0.9 0.48 3 MAN 2 00031 3.90 12 MAI 2 1BM- 1.6T0* 1.5 00111 2.24 10 MAN 6 RTR- 0.4TO- 0.3 00109 1.97 9 MAN 2 RTR- 0.410- 0.3 00110 2.17 11 MAN 2 24 50 H TEH TSH F*1 00073 720PR 1BH- 1.8TO- 1.6 1.69 24 MAN 2 00032 6.84 21 MAN 2 25 50 H TEM TSH F*1 00071 720PR 1BH- 2.4To- 2.3 0.71 17 SAN 2 TRM- 0.0T0+ 0.0 00031 1.72 18 SA! 2 27 50 N TEM 1HH F*1 00207 730CR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.4 0.66 10 MAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00071 720PR TRH- 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.29 9 MAI 2 30 50 H TEN TSH F=1 00073 720PR TRH- 0.0T0+ 0.1 1.04 12 SAI 2 32 50 H TEN TSH F*1 00073 720PR 18H- 1.4TO- 1.3 2.81 20 MAN 2 00031 8.55 19 MAI 2 33 50 H TEM TSH F*1 00073 720PR 1BH- 1.6TO- 1.5 2.16 21 SAN 2 00032 6.98 21 SAN 2 MSP

I CUNULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, L' NIT 2 Generator: 22 Page: 7 of 15 Lee......: Not and cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Reteese..: 2.2 Times 13:57 MAX, MAN, MCI,MV!,PLC, sal SAN, SCI,SVI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 40W COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 35 50 N TEM 1HH F*1 00207 730CR 1BH- 1.TTO- 1.6 0.46 16 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00073 720PR TRH+ 0.010+ 0.1 0.80 15 SAI 2 1 51 H TEN TSH F*0 00119 720PR TRM- 2.7To- 2.5 4.20 23 MAh 2 00054 11.42 27 MAN 2 3 51 X TEH TSH F*0 00119 720PR TRM- 2.4To- 2.4 1.12 14 SAI 2 4 51 H TEH TSH F*0 00117 720PR TRM- 2.5fo- 2.4 1.52 16 MAN 2 00079 OSS TRM- 2.6T0- 2.5 00055 2.49 20 MAI 2 7 51 H TEM TSH F*0 00119 720PR TRH- 2.8T0- 2.7 1.80 16 SAN 2 00071 4.46 12 SAI 2 9 51 H TEH TSH F*0 00119 720PR TRM- 2.6To- 2.4 1.03 14 SAI 2 21 51 H TEM TSH F*1 00073 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.36 8 SAI 2 32 51 H TEH TSH F*1 00075 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.4 2.34 19 SAN 2 00033 49.36 21 SAN 2 1 52 H TEM TSH F*0 00133 720PR 1RM- 2.5T0- 2.4 3.27 23 MAN 2 00054 13.24 24 MAN 2 H TEH TSH F*0 00127 720PR TRH- 2.5fo- 2.4 5.21 20 MAN 2 7 52 H TEM TSH F*1 00119 720PR TRH+ 0.270+ 0.3 0.43 8 SAI 2 9 52 H TEH TSH F*0 00119 720PR TRH- 2.4To- 2.3 1.29 14 SAI 2 10 52 H TEH TSH F*0 00117 720PR TRH- 2.4TO- 2.3 0.76 15 SAI 2 18 52 H TEM TSH F*2 00075 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 0.46 15 SAI 2 24 52 H TEH TSH F*2 00073 720PR 2BH- 3.7To- 3.5 4.19 28 MAN 2 00033 11.36 21 MAN 2 28 52 H TEH TSH F*1 00073 720PR 1BH- 1.6TO- 1.5 2.60 17 SAN 2 00033 1.14 17 SAN 2 33 52 H TEM TSH F*1 00075 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.3 2.08 17 SAN 2 00034 6.32 23 SAN 2 1 53 H TEH TSH F*0 00119 720PR TRH- 2.5TO- 2.4 2.09 18 MAN 2 00054 6.27 23 MAI 2 7 53 H TEH TSH F*0 00119 720PR TRM- 2.470- 2.3 0.66 15 LAI 2 12 53 1BH- 2.5T0- 2.2 00036 6.51 186 VOL 2 H TEH TSH F*2 00073 720PR 2BH- 3.1TO- 3.0 2.69 12 SAN 2 00036 7.45 18 SAN 2 13 53 H TEH TSH F*1 00075 720PR 1BM- 1.2TO- 0.7 4.13 23 MAN 2 00035 13.54 25 MAN 2 TEN + 2.3 00069 2.91 37 DRI P3 17 53 H TEM TSH F*1 00075 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.69 9 MAI 2 18 53 H TEM TSH F*1 00073 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.31 7 SAI 2 24 53 H TEM TSH F*1 00075 720PR TRM- 0.0T0+ 0.0 0.44 14 SA! 2 32 53 H TEH TSH F*1 00075 720PR TRH- 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.47 14 SAI 2 33 53 H TEM TSH F*1 00073 720PR TRH+- 0.0T0+ 0.1 1.51 19 SAI 2 37 53 H TEH TSH F*0 00075 720PR TRM- 2.4T0- 2.3 0.65 15 SAI 2 l 40 53 C 01C 01C 00126 720PR 01C+ 0.0T0+ 0.3 0.62 98 VOL 2 00070 0.90 128 39 P1 I l NBP

CUNULATIVE INDICATION 8 REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator: 22 Page 8 of 15 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:57 mal, MAN, MCI,MVI,PLC,$Al,$AN,5Cl,$VI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROSE LOCATION VOLTS DEG % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 1 54 H TEM TSH F*1 00119 720PR 1BM- 1.1To- 0.9 1.23 16 MAN 2 00054 5.73 16 MAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00119 720PR 1BM- 3.510- 3.4 1.37 17 MAN 2 00054 3.83 19 MAI 2 4 54 H TEM TSH PLG 00117 720PR TRH+ 2.1T0+ 3.0 0.64 5 SA! 2 H TEM TSH PLG 00204 720PR TRH+ 2.2T0+ 3.1 0.50 8 SAI 2 5 54 H TEH TSH F*0 00119 720PR TRM- 2.3T0- 2.2 1.05 16 MAI 2 16 54 H TEN TSH F*1 00075 720PR 1BH- 0.270- 0.2 0.23 13 SAI 2 00036 2.97 27 MAI 2 15H- 1.3To- 1.2 00112 0.59 41 MAN 6 23 54 H TEH TSH F*1 00075 720PR 15H- 1.6To- 1.5 1.45 11 SAN 2 00036 4.36 15 SAN 2 TEH+ 3.8 00068 1.01 172 INR P1 25 54 H TEH TSH F*1 00075 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.38 15 SAI 2 27 54 H TEM TSH F*1 00075 720PR TRH- 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.57 7 SAI 2 34 54 H TEM TSH F*0 00073 720PR TRN- 2.3T0- 2.2 1.10 11 SAI 2 10 55 H TEH TSH F*1 00117 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.1 1.72 20 MAN 2 00053 3.61 24 MAI 2 13 55 H TEH TSH Fat 00075 720PR ISM- 1.4TO- 0.6 8.98 38 MAN 2 00035 43.25 40 MAN 2 TEN + 2.6 00068 11.71 57 DRI P3 1 21 55 H TEH TSH F*1 00075 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.51 16 MAI 2 22 55 H TEH TSH F*1 00075 720PR iSH- 1.4To- 1.2 0.98 16 SAN 2 00036 4.79 19 SAN 2 i i 28 55 H TEH TSH F*1 00075 720PR 18H- 2.5TO- 2.3 0.18 105 SV1 2 00036 0.81 101 VOL 2 l l 32 55 H TEH TSH F*1 00075 720PR TRH- 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.39 13 SA! 2 33 55 H TEM TSH F*1 00077 720PR 1BH- 1.5T0- 1.4 2.25 21 SAN 2 00035 8.33 24 SAN 2 , I 43 55 C 02C 02C PLC 00122 720PR 02c- 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.71 123 VOL 2 00068 0.40 112 36 P1 1 56 H TEH TSH F*0 00077 720PR TRH- 2.8TO- 2.7 1.85 16 MAN 2 00054 4.75 21 MAI 2 2 56 H TEH TSH F*0 00075 720PR TRH- 2.6To- 2.5 1.03 15 SAI - 2 4 56 H TEH TSH F*1 00075 720PR 1BH- 1.4To- 1.2 4.33 24 MAN 2 00053 13.05 30 MAI 2 6 56 H TEM TSH F*1 00075 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.64 10 SAI 2 7 56 H TEM TSH F'1 00077 720PR TRH+- 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.46 18 SAI 2 13 56 H TEM TSH F*1 00077 720PR TRH+ 0.270+ 0.2 0.43 32 SAI 2 15 56 H TEM TSH F*1 00077 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 0.93 13 MAI 2 29 56 H TEM iMH F*1 00207 730CR 1BH- 1.6To- 1.5 0.36 20 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00081 720PR TRM- 0.0T0+ 0.1 1.01 16 SAI 2 37 56 H TEH TSH F*2 00081 720PR 2 bha 5.7To- 5.6 0.69 16 SAN 2 00036 2.54 17 SA! 2 6 57 H TEN 1HH PLG 00206 730CR 1BM+ 0.7T0+ 0.9 0.40 1 04 SAI 6 H TEN 1HH PLG 00206 730CR 18H- 1.3To- 1.2 0.44 16 SAN 6 H TEH TSH PLG 00081 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 1.60 9 SAI 2 N8P

l I CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator 22 Page: 9 of 15 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:57 MAI, MAN,MCl,MVI,PLC,$Al, SAM, SCI,SV!,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 RDW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCAT!04 VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 7 57 N TEN TSH F*1 00081 720PR 1BN- 1.1TO- 1.0 1.79 19 SAN 2 00054 6.11 27 SAN 2 10 57 H TEM TSH F*1 00081 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.65 16 SAI 2 15 57 H TEM TSH F*1 00081 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.34 15 SAI 2 21 57 H TEM TSH F*1 00061 720PR 1BH- 1.1TO- 0.9 1.27 15 MAN 2 00036 6.90 18 MAN 2 25 57 H TEM TSH F*1 00081 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.69 9 SAI 2 37 57 H TEM TSH F*1 00081 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.78 6 SA! 2 28 57 H TEN TSH F*1 00079 720PR TRN- 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.70 15 MAI 2 34 57 H TEN TSH F*1 00079 720PR TRH- 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.80 18 SAI 2 37 57 H TEH TSH F*0 00081 720PR TRH- 2.5TO- 2.4 0.92 15 SAI 2 l 1 58 H TEH TSH F*1 00081 720PR TRH- 0.1T0+ 0.0 0.30 7 SAI 2 j 3 58 H TEH 1HH F*1 00206 730CR 19.1- 1.3T0- 1.2 0.42 18 SAN 6 H TEN TSH F*1 00081 720PR TRH- 0.1T0+ 0.0 1.01 16 SAI 2 13 58 H TEH TSH F*2 00081 720PR 1BH+ 1.7T0+ 1.8 0.52 11 SAI 2 H TEH TSH F*2 00081 720PR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.0 4.03 21 MAN 2 00037 9.58 17 M/ N 2 H TEH 2HH F*2 00219 730CR 2BH- 0.6TO- 0.5 0.83 7 SAI 6 H TEN 2HH F*2 00219 730CR 2BH- 3.0f0- 2.8 0.19 128 MAN 6 TEH+ 2.6 00067 1.87 63 DR1 P3 23 58 H TEH TSH F*1 00081 720PR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.4 3.30 18 SAN 2 00038 10.18 21 SAN 2 34 58 H TEH TSH F*0 00081 720PR TRH- 2.3T0- 2.1 3.47 18 MAN 2 00037 9.89 17 MAI 2 37 58 H TEH TSH F*1 00079 720PR 1BH- 1.6TO- 1.3 2.11 19 SAN 2 00038 6.60 23 SAN 2 43 58 C 01C 01C 00116 720PR 01C- 0.3T0+ 0.2 0.35 114 VOL 2 00068 0.82 134 37 P1 5' 59 H TEH TSH F*1 00085 720PR 1hM- 1.4TO- 1.4 0.33 12 SAN 2 00054 1.32 15 SAI 2 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.4 00112 0.68 27 SAN 6 9 59 H TEH TSH F*1 00085 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.36 10 SAI 2 25 59 H TEH TSH F*1 00083 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.35 14 SA! 2 26 59 H TEH TSH F*0 00085 720PR TRH- 2.270- 2.2 0.35 23 MAI 2 27 59 H TEM TSH F*1 00083 720PR ikH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.37 16 SAI 2 28 59 H TEM TSH F*1 00085 720PR 1BH- 1.6TO- 1.5 2.57 21 MAN 2 00037 7.39 22 MAN 2 30 59 H TEH TSH F*1 00085 720PR iBH- 1.6To- 1.4 1.54 21 MAN 2 00037 6.65 14 MAI 2 34 59 H TEH TSH F*1 00083 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.83 16 SAI 2 5 60 H TEH TSH F*1 00085 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.34 13 SA! 2 6 60 M TEH TSH F*1 00083 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.76 19 SAI 2 N8P

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generators 22 Page: 10 of 15 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:57 MAI, MAN, MCI,MVI,PLC, sal,$AN, SCI,$VI,VOL for the entire length l EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS' DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 7 60 H TEM 1HH F*1 00206 730CR 1BH- 3.9TO- 3.8 0.74 3 SAN 6 H TEN TSH F*1 00085 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.58 20 SAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00085 720PR TRH- 2.4To- 2.4 1.09 20 SAN 2 00054 2.14 17 SAI 2 9 60 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.3 00112 0.35 12 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*2 00085 720PR 2BH- 1.6To- 1.4 0.34 115 SAN 2 00112 1.13 133 SAI 6

                                         ?8H-   1.6TO-     1.4                       00114   0.96 136 SAN   6 2BH-   2.8                                  00114   1.59 174 INR   6 TRH+   0.0T0+     0.1                       00054   1.75 17 SAI    2 20   60  H  TEH 1HH  F*2   00207 730CR 1BH-    1.4TO-     1.4   0.18   22 SAN   6 H  TEM 2HH  F*2   00218 730CR 2BN-    3.4T0-     3.4   0.24     8 SAN  6 H  TEH TSH  F*2   00083 720PR TRH+    0.3T0+     0.4   0.85   18 SAI   2 32   60  H  TEH TSH  F*1   00085 720PR 1BH-    1.5TO-     1.4   1.82   16 SAN   2   00040   5.34   14 SAN  2 34   60  H  TEH TSH  F*0   00085 720PR TRH-    2.1TO-     2.1   0.80   13 MAI   2 7  61  H  TEH TSH  F*1   00083 720PR 1BH-    3.9T0-     3.7 3.43     21 SAN   2   00054   8.25   22 SAN  2 20   61  H  TEH TSH F*1    00085 720PR TRH+    0.2T0+     0.3   0.53     2 SAI  2 22   61  H  TEH TSH F*1    00085 720PR 1BH-    1.6TO-     1.5   1.28   19 MAN   2   00039   1.75   19 MAN  2 23   61  H  TEH TSH  F*1   00083 720PR 1BH-    1.4TO-     1.4   1.81   17 SAN   2   00040   5.19   17 SAN  2 1  62  H  TEN TSH  F*0   00085 720PR TRH-    2.4TO-     2.3   2.65   24 MAN   2   00054   9.91   26 MAN  2 5  62  H  TEH TSH  F*1   00085 720PR 1BH-    1.6TO-     1.6   0.70     8 MAN  2   00054   1.97   17 MAI  2 1BH-   1.6TO-     1.6                       00112   0.84   19 MAN  6 7  62  H  TEH TSH  F*1   00085 720PR TRH+    0.0T0+     0.1   0.40   16 SAI   2 9  62  H  TEH TSH F*1    00085 720PR TRH+    0.0T0+     0.1   0.55   25 SAI   2 10   62  H  TEM TSH  F*1   00083 720PR TRH+    0.1T0+     0.2   1.22   15 SAI   2 18   62  H  TEH TSH F*1    00083 720PR TRH+    0.2T0+     0.3   0.33    14 SAI  2 19   62  H  TEH TSH F*1    00085 720PR 1BH-     1.370-     1.2  3.22   22 MAN   2   00040 10.38    23 MAN  2 37   62  H  TEM TSH  F*1   00085 720PR 1BH-     1.5T0-     1.4  1.68    15 SAN  2   00039   4.87   15 SAN  2 H   TEM .SH F*1   00085 720PR 1BH-    3.6TO-     3.5   1.02   21 MAN   2   00039   2.02   15 MAI  2 1 63  H   TEN 1HH F*1   00206 730CR 1BH-    3.8TO-     3.8 1.41       6 SAN  6 H TEH TSH F*1    00G85 720PR TRH-    0.0T0+     0.0 0.44      19 SA!  2 H   TEH TSH F*1   00085 720PR TRH-    2.4TO-      2.3 1.44     16 SAN  2   00054   2.12   19 SAI  2 11  63   H  TEH TSH F*1   00083 720PR TRH+    0.0T0+     0.1   0.62     9 SAI  2 23   63   H  TEH TSH F*1   00085 720PR TRH-    0.1T0+      0.1  1.16    17 SAI   2 24   63   H  TEM TSH F*1   00083 720PR TRH+    0.1T0+      0.3  0.46    10 SAI   2 34   63   H  TEH TSH F*0   00083 720PR TRH-    2.1TO-      2.0  1.83    15 MAN   2  00039   4.44   12 MAI   2 37    63  H  TEH TSH F*1    00085 720PR 1BH-    1.5TO-     1.4  0.99    16 SAN   2  00040   3.08   17 SAN   2 1  64  H  TEH TSH F*0    00089 720PR TRH-    2.4T0-     2.4   1.63   16 MAN   2  00054   2.51   21 SAI   2 NSP

CUNULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator: 22 Page: 11 of 15 Ltg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 R3 tease..: 2.2 Time: 13:57 mal, MAN,MCl,MVI,PLC,$AI,$AN,$CI,$VI,VOL for the ent{re length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 2 64 H TEM 1HH F*1 00206 730CR 1BH- 1.3T0- 1.2 0.91 11 SAN 6 H TEM TSH F*1 00087 720PR TRH- 0.1T0+ 0.0 1.06 22 SAI 2 5 64 H TEH TSH F*0 00089 720PR TRN- 2.5T0- 2.4 0.74 8 SAI 2 7 64 H TEN TSH F*1 00089 720PR 1BH- 1.7T0- 1.6 0.69 18 SAI 2 00054 7.26 25 SAN 2 H TEM TSH F*1 00089 720PR 1BH- 3.8TO- 3.7 3.38 19 SAN 2 1BM* 3.8To- 3.7 00112 8.65 22 SAN 6 9 64 H TEH TSH F*1 00089 720PR 1BH- 1.2To- 1.1 3.04 19 SAN 2 00054 6.83 26 SAN 2 34 64 H TEH TSH F*1 00089 72c .1 1BH- 1.6To- 1.5 2.63 18 MAN 2 00039 8.58 19 MAI 2 H TEN TSH F*1 00089 72wR 1BH- 3.810- 3.7 1.45 19 MAN 2 00039 4.22 19 MAI 2 37 64 H TEM 1HH F*1 00207 730CR 1BH- 3.8TO- 3.6 1.11 11 MAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00087 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.2 0.28 7 SAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00087 720PR TRH- 2.370- 2.3 0.98 14 MAN 2 00040 1.88 16 MAI 2 6 65 H TEH TSH F*1 00089 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.68 17 MA! 2 7 65 H TEH TSH F*0 00087 720PR TRH- 2.4TO- 2.3 3.13 15 SAN 2 00054 5.44 21 SAN 2 8 65 H TEH 1HH F*1 00206 730CR 1BH- 3.610- 3.5 1.79 9 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00089 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.19 21 SAI 2 l H TEH TSH F*1 00089 720PR TRH- 2.6TO- 2.4 1.80 21 SAN 2 00053 4.64 20 SAI 2  ? 10 65 H TEH TSH F*1 00089 720PR 1BM- 1.3To- 1.2 1.27 18 MAN 2 00053 6.73 22 MAN 2 11 65 H TEH TSH F*1 00087 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.44 12 SA! 2 12 65 H TEH TSH F*1 00089 720PR 18H- 1.3TO- 1.2 1.15 15 MAN 2 00039 3.08 12 MAN 2 ) 15 65 H TEH TSH F*1 00087 720PR 1BH- 1.3fo- 1.2 0.79 7 MAN 2 00040 3.65 10 MAN 2 19 65 H TEH TSH F*1 00087 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.52 9 SAI 2 24 65 H TEM TSH F*1 00087 720PR 1BH- 1.6TO- 1.5 0.94 26 MAN 2 00039 3.90 26 MAN 2 65 TEH TSH F*1 00089 720PR 1BH- 1.5To- 1.4 2.11 10 SAN 2 00040 6.71 14 SAN 2 27 H 34 65 H TEH 1HH F*1 00207 730CR 1BH- 3.8T0- 3.7 2.52 11 MAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00089 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.64 15 SAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00089 720PR TRH- 2.3T0- 2.1 2.61 19 MAN 2 00041 5.21 15 MA! 2 37 65 H TEM 1HH F*1 00207 730CR 1BM- 3.870- 3.7 1.39 10 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00087 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.42 8 SAI 2 , H TEH TSH F*1 00087 720PR TRM- 2.270- 2.1 1.19 19 SAN 2 00042 2.26 23 SAI 2 j i 42 65 C 02C 02C 00116 720PR 02C- 0.3T0+ 0.2 0.43 277 VOL 2 00066 0.77 140 30 P1 . I 00089 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.72 13 SAI 2 j 9 66 H TEM TSH F*1 00089 720PR 1BH- 1.4To- 1.3 2.43 19 MAN 2 00042 7.54 24 MAN 2 j 11 66 H TEH TSH F*1 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.81 0 SAI 2 l 13 66 H TEM TSH F*1 00089 720PR TRH+ l 21 66 H TEM TSH F*1 00089 720PR TRH+ 0.170+ 0.2 0.73 15 MAI 2  ; 24 66 H TEH TSH F*1 00087 720PR 18H- 1.6Toa 1.6 1.18 11 SAN 2 00041 5.73 19 SAN 2 1 NBP  ! i l l


l 1 CUNULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT ' l PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator: 22 Page: 12 of 15 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Time: 13:57 ' l MAI, MAN,MCl,MVI,PLC,$Al,$AN,5Cl,SVI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ! ROW COL LEG BEG EN0 REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH i l 37 66 H TEH TSH F*0 00087 720PR TRM- 2.3To- 2.2 0.91 21 SA! 2 9 67 H TEM TSH F*1 00093 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.2 4.02 22 MAN 2 00054 9.93 28 MAN 2 l l 16 67 H TEM TSH F*1 00091 720PR 1BN- 1.2T0- 1.1 0.98 15 SAN 2 00041 9.65 18 SAN 2 I F*1 00093 720PR 1BH- 1.7To- 1.5 3.49 21 MAN 2 00041 17.40 30 MAN 2 24 67 H TEH TSH 27 67 H TEM TSH F*1 00091 720PR 1EH- 1.7T0- 1.6 2.15 26 MAN 2 00041 12.20 31 MAN 2 32 67 H TEN TSH F*1 00093 720PR TRM- 0.170+ 0.0 0.36 18 SA! 2 37 67 H TEH TSH F*0 00091 720PR TRM- 2.3T0- 2.1 1.40 21 MAN 2 00041 3.27 21 MAI 2 1 8 68 H TEH TSH F*0 00091 720Pa TRH- P.4TO- 2.4 1.53 14 SAN 2 00053 2.58 23 SAI 2 l l 10 68 H TEH TSH F*1 00091 720PR 'RN- 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.21 16 SAI 2 l 13 68 H TEH TSH F*1 00093 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.76 13 SAI 2 21 68 H TEH TSH F*1 00095 720PR T F.H + 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.55 13 MAI 2 24 68 H TEH TSH F*1 00091 720PR 18H- 1.6TO- 1.5 2.55 20 MAN 2 00041 12.19 23 MAN 2 27 68 H TEH TSH F*1 00091 720PR 1BH- 1.5T0- 1.4 3.72 21 SAN 2 00042 14.89 22 SAN 2 I 32 68 H TEH TSH F*1 00095 720PR TRH- 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.60 22 SAI 2 34 68 H TEH TSH F*0 00095 720PR TRM- 2.4T0- 2.2 1.72 20 MAN 2 00041 4.45 21 MAI 2 37 68 H TEM TSH F*1 00091 720PR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.4 1.49 16 MAN 2 00042 5.93 17 MAN 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00091 720PR 1BH- 3.7To- 3.6 1.99 24 MAN 2 00042 6.38 22 MAI 2 1 69 H TEH TSH F60 00095 720PR TRH- 2.970- 2.7 5.07 24 MAN 2 00054 12.01 31 MAN 2 16 69 H TEH TSH F*1 00095 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.68 11 MA! 2 24 69 H TEM TSH F*1 00091 720PR 1BH+ 1.5T0- 1.4 1.74 28 MAN 2 00041 15.88 24 MAN 2 25 69 H TEH TSH F*1 00095 720PR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.4 1.36 17 MAN 2 00042 6.10 17 MAN 2 27 69 H TEH TSH F*1 00095 720PR TRM- 0.1T0+ 0.0 0.89 12 SAI 2 31 69 H TEH TSH F*1 00095 720PR TRH- 0.070+ 0.0 0.44 6 SA: 2 37 69 H TEH 1PH F*1 00207 730CR 1BH- 3.7To- 3.7 0.35 30 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00095 720PR TRH- 0.0f0+ 0.1 0.50 12 SAI 2 H TEM TSH F*1 00095 720PR TRH- 2.4TO- 2.3 0.62 18 SAI 2 1 70 H TEH TSH F*0 00103 720PR TRM- 2.4TO- 2.3 2.90 21 MAN 2 00044 8.87 24 MAN 2 22 70 H TEM 1HH F*1 00207 730CR 1BH- 1.270- 1.0 0.33 163 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.68 8 SAI 2 23 70 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.57 15 SAI 2 j 27 70 M TEM iSH F*1 00101 720PR 1BH- 1.5T0- 1.3 2.17 17 SAN 2 00041 13.73 22 SAN 2 31 70 H TEM 1HH F*1 00207 730CR 1BH- 1.270- 1.1 0.35 155 SAN 6 H TEM TSH F*1 00101 720PR TRH- 0.0T0+ 0.0 0.31 12 SAI 2 u1 l NSP l l

CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generators 22 Page: 13 of 15 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Release..: 2.2 Times 13:57 MAI, MAN, MCI MVI,PLC,$AI,$AN, SCI,$VI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 i ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH l 37 70 H TEH TSH F*0 00101 720PR TRH- 2.3T0- 2.1 0.78 13 SAI 2 12 71 M TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.48 16 MAI 2 14 71 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.26 5 SAI 2 17 71 H TEM TSH F*1 00103 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.70 12 MAI 2 22 71 H TEN 1HH F*1 00207 730CR 1BH- 3.5T0- 3.4 1.27 4 MAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 1.15 12 MAI 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR TRH- 2.5T0- 2.4 1.59 15 MAN 2 00043 5.32 15 MAI 2 23 71 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.1 0.30 23 MAI 2 F*0 00101 720PR TRH- 2.3TO- 2.2 0.86 20 MAN 2 00043 4.51 15 MAI 2 24 71 H TEH TSH l 40 71 C 02C 02C 00116 720PR 02C- 0.3T0+ 0.3 0.82 96 VOL 2 00063 2.26 135 24 P1 1 72 H TEH TSH F*0 00103 720PR TRH- 2.970- 2.3 6.49 21 MAN 2 00044 11.89 27 MAN 2 8 72 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.60 10 SAI 2 l 9 72 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.71 19 MA! 2 1 12 72 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 3.26 22 MAN 2 00044 11.72 28 MAN 2 16 72 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.59 11 SAI 2 27 72 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR TRH- 0.1T0+ 0.0 0.77 13 MAI 2 37 72 H TEH TSH F*0 00101 720PR TRM- 2.3TO- 2.1 1.79 17 SAN 2 00044 3.79 22 SAI 2 1 73 H TEH TSH F*0 00103 720PR TRH- 2.970- 2.7 6.95 19 MAN 2 00044 23.21 27 MAN 2 9 73 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 1.02 11 SAI 2 12 73 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR 1BH- 1.2T0- 1.1 1.60 12 MAN 2 00043 7.08 15 MAN 2 14 73 H TEH TSH F*1 00101 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.41 8 MAI 2 15 73 H TEH TSH F*1 00103 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.2 1.90 8 MAN 2 00044 5.96 13 MAN 2 1 74 H TEH TSH F*0 00103 720PR TRH- 2.8To- 2.2 9.40 23 MAN 2 00046 11.21 25 MAN 2 5 74 H TEM T3M F*0 00103 720PR TRH- 2.2To- 2.1 0.40 15 SAI 2 6 74 H TEH TSH F*0 00101 720PR TRH- 2.3T0- 2.3 0.70 6 SAI 2 12 74 H TEM TSH F*1 00101 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.44 6 SAI 2 14 74 H TEM TSH F*1 00101 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.78 8 MAI 2 17 74 H TEM TSH F*1 00103 720PR 1BH- 0.7To- 0.5 1.60 17 SAI 2 00045 1.92 22 SAI 2 1BH- 1.3 00112 0.73 10 INR 6 19 74 1BH- 0.5T0- 0.0 00112 0.80 156 SAI 6 , 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.2 00112 0.47 18 MAN 6  ! H TEM TSH F*2 00127 720PR 2BH- 2.2To- 1.6 0.31 160 SAN 2 00045 1.71 12 MAI 2 2BH- 2.2TO- 1.6 00114 0.54 137 SAN 6 2BH- 2.8TO- 2.7 00114 0.20 157 MAN 6 NSP

l CUMULATIVE INDICATIONS REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 Generator: 22 Page: 14 of 15 Leg......: Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 Rsteese..: 2.2 Times 13:57 mal, MAN, MCI,MVI,PLC,$Al, SAN,$CI,SVI,VOL for the entire tength EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 ROW COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 1 75 H TEM TSH F*0 00107 720PR TRN- 2.6TO- 2.3 5.13 23 MAN 2 00045 10.13 27 MAI 2 10 75 H TEM TSH F*1 00105 720PR TRN- 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.94 10 MAI 2 12 75 H TEM TSH F*1 00105 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.93 8 MAI 2 13 75 H TEM TSH F*1 00107 720PR 1BM- 1.3TO- 1.2 2.44 14 SAN 2 00045 5.80 22 SAN 2 35 75 C 01C 01C 00116 720PR 01C- 0.210+ 0.4 0.29 % VOL 2 00064 1.44 138 34 P1 1 76 H TEM TSH F*0 00107 720PR TRH+ 2.5TO- 2.3 5.79 25 MAN 2 00048 16.02 30 MAI 2 8 76 H TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR TRM- 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.60 19 SAI 2 11 76 H TEH TSH F*1 00107 720PR 1BH- 1.5T0- 1.3 2.09 13 SAN 2 00046 6.13 20 SAN 2 17 76 H TEH TSH F*1 00107 720PR TRH+ 0.170+ 0.3 1.10 11 MA! 2 l 22 76 H TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR 1BM- 0.6To- 0.4 1.24 12 SA! 2 H TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR 18H- 1.6TO- 1.4 2.43 12 MAN 2 00046 6.98 17 MAN 2 32 76 C 01C 01C PLG 00116 720PR 01C+ 0.1T0+ 0.3 0.47 87 VOL 2 1 77 H TEM TSH F*0 00107 720PR TRH- 2.4T0- 2.3 6.07 19 MAN 2 00048 12.48 26 MAN 2 4 77 H TEM TSH F*0 00107 720PR TRN- 2.3T0- 2,2 0.95 14 SA! 2 8 77 H TEH TSH F*1 00107 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.80 16 SAI 2 , 13 77 H TEH TSH F*1 00107 720PR 1BH- 1.3TO- 1.1 3.64 14 SAN 2 00048 7.94 24 SAN 2 17 77 H TEH TSH F*1 00105 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.55 11 MAI 2 22 77 H TEH TSH F*1 00107 720PR 1BM- 1.5To- 1.2 3.60 18 SAN 2 00047 12.19 24 SAN 2 1 78 H TEH ISH F*0 00107 720PR TRM- 2.3T0- 2.1 5.41 21 SAN 2 00048 15.73 26 SAN 2 18I 78 H TEH TSH F*1 00111 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.52 7 SAI 2 26 78 H TEM TSH F*1 00109 720PR 1BH- 1.4TO- 1.3 2.98 24 MAN 2 00047 10.03 13 MAN 2 1 79 H TEH TSH F*0 00111 720PR TRH- 2.3T0- 2.2 3.61 19 MAN 2 00048 10.64 23 MAN 2 12 79 H TEM TSH F*1 00109 720PR 1BH- 1.2To- 1.0 1.80 24 MAN 2 00047 12.24 24 MAN 2 13 79 H TEM TSH F*1 00111 720PR 1BH- 1.2To- 1.0 3.28 15 MAN 2 00048 11.78 22 MAN 2 14 79 H TEM TSH F*1 00109 720PR 1BM- 1.2To- 1.1 0.68 9 MAN 2 00047 4.50 14 MAN 2 1 l 15 79 H TEM TSH F*1 00111 720PR 1BH- 3.7TO- 3.5 2.00 16 MA! 2 22 79 H- TEH TSH F*1 00109 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.53 8 SA! 2 ) 25 79 H TEM TSN F*1 00109 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.62 15 CAI 2 j i 80 H TEM TSH F*0 00111 720PR TRM- 2.7To- 2.3 6.44 22 MAN 2 00048 26.33 26 MAN 2 5 80 H TEM TSH F*0 00111 720PR TRM* 2.5fo- 2.4 0.43 22 SAI 2 9 80 H TEM TSH F*1 00111 720PR 1BH- 1.270- 1.1 2.23 14 MAN 2 00048 8.48 19 MAN 2 N8P

CUMULATIVE INDICATION 8 REPORT PRAIRIE ISLAND, UNIT 2 { Generators 22 Page: 15 of 15 j Leg...... Hot and Cold legs Date: 12/14/98 i Release..: 2.2 Times 13:57 MA!, MAN,MCl,MVI,PLC,$Al,$AN,5Cl,SVI,VOL for the entire length EXTENT CURRENT 01/97 R0W COL LEG BEG END REM REEL PROBE LOCATION VOLTS DEG  % CH REEL VOLTS DEG  % CH 10 80 H TEM TSH F*1 00109 720PR TRH+ 0.170+ 0.2 0.58 9 MAI 2 12 80 H TEH TSH F*1 00109 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.42 17 MAI 2 13 80 H TEM TSH F*1 00111 720PR 1BM- 1.2T0- 1.1 4.13 16 MAN 2 00048 12.13 22 MAN 2 15 80 M TEH TSH F*1 00111 720PR IRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.53 6 SA! 2 17 80 M TEM TSH F*1 00111 720PR TRH+ 0.270+ 0.3 0.62 12 MAI. 2 1 81 H TEM TSH F*0 00111 720PR TRN- 2.7TO- 2.5 5.38 24 MAN 2 00048 10.53 23 MAN 2 9 81 H TEN TSH F*1 00111 720PR TRH+ 0.1T0+ 0.2 0.75 9 MAI 2 18 81 H TEM TSH F*1 00111 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.64 11 SA! 2 22 81 H TEM TSH F*1 00111 720PR 1BH- 1.5TO- 1.4 1.42 15 SAN 2 00047 6.09 16 SAN 2 1 82 H TEN TSH F*0 00111 720PR TRM- 2.6TO- 2.3 4.53 17 MAN 2 00048 12.13 24 MAN 2 , 1 12 82 H TEH TSH F*1 00109 720PR TRH+ 0.0T0+ 0.1 0.79 7 SAI 2 17 82 H TEH TSH F*1 00111 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.4 1.11 16 MAI 2 29 82 C 02C 02C 00116 720PR 02C- 0.4T0+ 0.1 0.65 !06 V0L 2 00062 3.21 128 39 P1 1 83 H TEH TSH F*0 00111 720PR TRH+ 2.4TO- 2.3 4.64 21 SAN 2 00048 12.48 26 SAN 2 10 83 H TEM TSH PLG 00111 720PR TRH+ 0.2T0+ 0.3 0.83 15 SA! 2 22 83 H TEM 1HH F*1 00207 730CR 1BH- 1.6TO- 1.6 0.14 139 SAN 6 H TEH TSH F*1 00111 720PR TRH+ 0.1To+ 0.2 0.73 11 SAI 2 1 84 H TEH TSH F*0 00111 720PR TRH- 2.7T0- 2.6 4.64 16 SAN 2 00050 7.93 18 SAN 2 1 85 H TEM TSH F*0 00115 720PR TRH- 2.1TO- 2.1 1.60 25 SAN 2 00050 7.18 17 SAI 2 6 85 H TEH TSH F*0 00113 720PR TRM- 2.7TO- 2.6 0.78 21 SA! 2 22 87 C 01C 01C PLG 00116 720PR 01C- 0.3T0+ 0.1 1.07 95 VOL 2 00061 0.65 146 1 P1 21 88 C 01C 01C PLG 00116 720PR 01C- 0.3T0+ 0.0 1.75 85 V0L 2 00061 1.30 136 14 P1 3 91 C 01C 01C PLG 00116 720PR 01C+ 0.0To+ 0.2 0.08 135 VOL 2 3 92 C 01C 01C 00116 720PR 01C- 0.1T0+ 0.3 0.59 108 V0L 2 00077 0.56 143 19 P1 12 92 C 02C 02C PLG 00116 720PR 02C- 0.170+ 0.1 0.22 124 VOL 2 00061 0.32 125 24 P1 6 94 H TEM TSH F*0 00115 720PR TRH- 2.1T0- 2.0 1.55 12 MAN 2 00065 4.72 11 MAI 2 NUMBER OF TUBES IN REPORT = 391 NSP




SNUEBER TESTS Summary description of snubber visual inspection and functional testing for Prairie Island Unit 2, per Surveillance Procedure SP 2225 Rev 7, Snubber Functional Tests. The examinations were conducted by Prairie island site Personnel. The snubbers which are identified as unsat were determined to be operable, however discontinuities existed and were documented on the plant NCR process as noted below. SNUBBER FUNCTIONAL Pl # Pl # TEST No. TEST WO REMOVED REPLACED RESULTS 21 S/G 01 9803606 SG02 SG02 SAT 21 S/G 01 9803611 .003-16 .003-2 SAT 21 S/G 02 9803611 .003-13 .004-5 SAT 21 S/G 03 9803611 .003-14 .003-13 SAT 21 S/G 04 9803611 .003-11 .003-14 SAT 22 S/G 01 9803608 SG03 SG03 SAT l 22 S/G 01 9803612 .003-9 .004-2 SAT l 22 S/G 02 9803612 .003-12 .004-8 SAT l 22 S/G 03 9803612 .003-2 .003-12 SAT  ! 22 S/G 04 9803612 .003-1 .003-16 SAT 2-AFSH-46 9801489 39 602 SAT 2-CCH-160 9801489 194 242 SAT 2-CCH-161 9812895 414 414 SAT 2-CCH-166 9812897 443 443 SAT 2-CVCH-166 9812893 208 208 SAT 2-CWH-49 9812896 386 386 SAT 2-FWH-728 9801508 2 258 SAT 2-MSDH-17 9801489 540 488 SAT 2-MSDH-19 9801489 577 397 SAT 2-MSDH-20 9812892 121 121 SAT 2-MSH-103A 9801489 528 546 SAT 2-MSH-106A 9801577 1294 1294 SAT 2-MSH-106B 9801580 1014 1014 SAT 2-MSH-107B 9801489 506 539 SAT 2-MSH 54B 9801489 481 43 SAT 2-RBDH-337 9801489 129 192 SAT 2-RBDH-339 9801489 20 480 UNSAT NCR 19983346 2-RBDH-603 9801489 326 223 SAT 2-RBDH-604 9801489 318 211 SAT 2-RBDH-605 9801489 325 209 SAT 2-RCRH-47 9801576 560 578 SAT 2-RCRH-5 9801489 367 150 SAT 2-RCRH-8 9801489 262 16 SAT 2-RCRH-9 9801489 275 123 SAT 2-RCVCH-1524 9801489 156 370 SAT 2-RCVCH-1594 9807158 Removed and replaced for RCP work SAT 2-RCVCH-1668 9801489 579 511 SAT 2 RCVCH-1855 9812894 453 453 SAT 2-RHRRH-28 9801489 107 199 SAT 2-RRHH-21 9801489 203 574 SAT 2-SIRH-4B 9801489 104 299 SAT 2-SIRH-7 9801489 290 344 SAT 2-ZX-PSSH-127 9801489 295 383 SAT F- /






The Prairie Island Unit 2 reactor vessel was examined on November 23,1998. the Scope of the intermediate reactor vessel exam included both outlet nozzle to shell welds, outlet nozzle safe end and first pipe welds and the nozzle bore segment of the inner radius examination volume. Examinations were conducted exclusively from within the nozzle bores as the core barrel was in place. Governing criteria for the exam included the Prairie Island Unit 2 Plant Technical Specifications, the Prairie Island Unit 2 Outage Plan, the 1989 Edition of Section XI and USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.150 Rev.1. Calibrations, examinations and analysis of processed data was witnessed by the Northern States Power Co. technical staff. All examinations were conducted to the maximum extent practical with the access provided and within the limitations of component geometry. AUTOMATED EXAMINATIONS Automated examinations were controlled by procedure NSP-ISI-154, Revision 1, Field change 1. The procedure specifies as a minimum,100% digital capture of the UT data, static and dynamic calibrations and indications analysis in accordance with the 20% DAC criteria of the 1989 Code. Transducers were single element L-wave RTD and KB design for the nozzle to shell welds and dual element RTD and KB design for the safe-end/first pipe and inner radius examinations. Information relative to the calibration blocks, beam angles, exam sled configuration and component identifications can be found in the Examination Program Plan. MANUAL EXAMINATIONS Manual examinations of the threads in flange and the flange to shell weld were performed on November 17th . The examinations were conducted from the top of the flange and from the flange seal surface respectively in accordance with procedures NSP-ISI-54 Rev. O and NSP-ISI-55 Rev. O Field Change 1 and 2. Threads in flange 1-25 were examined and the flange to shell was examined 0-180 degrees. G-I

l-2 RESULTS , Manual and automated examinations resulted in no indications being recorded. In the automated examinations severalindications were detected in the range of 5 to 12 % DAC but none were detected at or near the 20% DAC level requiring measurement or assessment. LIMITATIONS ' For automated examinations, the only accessible examination surface was the outlet nozzle bores therefore only one examination direction is satisfied in the nozzle to shell welds. The complimentary coverage of the 10.30 and 50 degree sound beams combined to interrogate 100% ofnozzle to shell weld and 99% of the surrounding HAZ volume. The safe-end/first pipe welds were examined without any apparent limitation or obstruction. The inner radius examination was limited to some degree by the core barrel mating surface being in intimate contact with the nozzle boss however the great majority of this examination volume extends into the bore and approximately 91% coverage is estimate.d.

      '                                                                                                 3 Manual examinations of the threads in flange were not limited in any respect because the        ;

stud ha'e plugs are completely within the hole. For the flange to shell weld, the only accessible exam surface is the vessel flange seal surface therefore only one examination  ! beam direction is satisfied. Coverage is estimated at 100% for the weld and 98% for the surrounding HAZ volume. D. Kurek WesDyne International 11-24-98 W



[ l NORTHERN STATES POWER CO. PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2 l REACTOR VESSEL EXAMINATIONS 1998 PROGRAM PLAN I October 12,1998 I 4 Prepared by: D. Ktfr6fc / / Approved by: 2. ~ _tM ~


J. A/Munson For the Utility:

                                             & -3

l I NORTHERN STATES POWER CO. PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2 REACTOR VESSEL 1998 EXAMINATIONS PROGRAM PLAN Scops j Items and areas listed on the attached table were exammed in accordance with the Prairie Island Unit 2 Plant Technical Specifications, the Prairie Island Unit 2 Outage Plan, the 1989 Edition of . the ASME Code. Section XI, and the WesDyne International Position on USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.150 Revision 1. All exammations will be conducted to the maxunum extent practical with the access provided and within the limitation of component geometry. Vessel Tool (SUPREEM) Interface Parameters The zern leg of the examin.o el will be centere.i at vessel 0 for exanunations or nearest duide I stud (within 20 ) to 0 . For shell exanunations, dimensions will be referenced from the flange bolt surface at the top of the vessel and from vessel 0*. For nozzle exammations,0 will be top center, with angular locations ofindications in degrees oriented as the nozzle opening is viewed from the vessel interior. Procedures Procedure NSP-ISI-154 Rev.1, C.N.1, shall be used for remote mechamzed exammations of the reactor vessel. Procedure NSP-ISI-54 Rev. O shall be used for manual exammation of the reactor vessel flange-to-shell weld from the flange seal surface. Procedure NSP-ISI-55 Rev. O, C.N.2, shall be used for manual exammation of the reactor vessel threads-in-flange region. Procedure NSP-ISI-10 Rev. O shall be used for linearity verification of manual UT equipment. Procedure GBE-ISI-WDI-DP-02 Rev. O shall be used for linearity verification of automated UT equipment. Examination r utailed parameters for the examination ofindividual welds or areas, including the locatrn of each scan in reference to vessel axis and datums, the number of ;can lines, and incremental distances are defined and documented in the reactor vessel scan coverage computer output data. c-9

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