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Manual Ultrasonic Exam of Ferritic Pressure Piping Welds, Revision 4
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Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/16/1982
From: Fournell D
Shared Package
ML20054G362 List:
SWRI-NDT-600-41, NUDOCS 8206210497
Download: ML20054G375 (17)


_________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

l SOUTHWEST RES EARCH INSTITUTE SwRI-NDT-soo<.41 h hM NUCLEAR PROJECTS OPERATING PROCEDURE Revision 4 March 1982 Pace 1 of 17 Title MANUAL ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF FERRITIC PRESSURE PIPING WELDS EFFECTIVITY AND APPROVAL Revisicn 4 of ttus procedure became effec:ive en 4/16/82 Otner revisions of the base document may be offecuve concurrently.

SA Accrevais Written By Cate Technical Review Date t7kT4eurJ 3/ie/ez g gfg "fgff Manager of C.A. Cate Co nt Direc:cr Oat

> shA  % se a4  %

The foilowing informanen may be used for convenience. cletion of this certion is not mancatory.

Deviation No.

Cate Effec:ive Procecure Sect onis)

Affected Notes:

8206210497 820611 PDR ADOCK 05000461 a PnN s=mi seem wou


March 1982


1. PURPOSE This procedure provides the technical information and detailed steps necessary to ensure a complete and accurate manual ultrasonic examination of ferritic pressure piping welds and the adjacent base material in accordance with the applicable ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
2. SCOPE AND APPLICATION Cla ss 1 and Class 2 full penetration pressure piping butt welds and the adjacent base material in the nominal thickness range of 0.2 to 6.0 inches shall be examined.

Manual, contact, pulse-echo, shear-wave angle-beam, and longitudinal-wave straight-beam ultrasonic techniquca shall be utilized for the examination of clad or unclad piping welds and adjacent base material.

Welds to be examined shall be circumferential and longitudinal ferritic pipe welds as specified in the applicable SwRI Examination Plan.

3. APPLICABLE DOCUMEh"IS (1) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI,1977 Edition, with Addenda through Susmer 1978, " Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components" (2) SwRI Nuclear Quality Assurance Program Manual (NQAPM) 3.1 Applicable Calibration and Examination Records SwRI-NDTR Form No. Revision Date 17-89 8-19-80 17-90 8-19-30 17-25 7-10-80 17-19 7-10-80 17-18 7-31-75 17-37 2-18-80 0

SwRI Form QA 3-2



4. RESPONSIBILITY (1) The Director of the Department of Engineering Services, Quality Assurance Systems and Engineering Division, shall be responsible for the preparation, review, approval, and control of this procedure.

(2) The Project Manager shall be responsible for the implementation of this procedure in accordance with the NQAPM specified in the applicable SwRI Project Plan.

(3) The examiner shall be responsible for implementing the requirements of this procedure.

(4) The Ibnager of the Support and Administration Section, Quality Assuran.e Systems and Engineering Division, shall be responsible for storaga of records generated in accordance with this procedure.

5. PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT 5.1 Personnel Certification Personnel performing examinations in accordance with this procedure shall be certified in accordance with SwRI NQAP 11-1, "Special Process Control."

3.2 Reference Block Reference blocks used for screen distance calibration and verification shall be made of carbon steel and shall be one of the following:

(1) SwRI Half-Round, (2) AWS Type DC, or (3) IIW.

5.3 Basic Calibration Block for Circumferential and Longitudinal Welds The basic calibration block shall be fabricated f rom material of the same nominal diameter and wall thickness or pipe schedule as the pipe to be examined. This material shall be from one of the caterials specified for the piping being joined by the weld. The finish on the surfaces of the basic cali-bration block shall be representative of the surface finishes of the piping.

When the examination is to be performed from only one side of the weld, the calibration block material shall be of the same specification as the material on that side of the weld. If material of the same specification is not available, material of similar chemical analysis , tensile properties ,

and metallurgical structure may be used.

S*R1 Form QA 3-2


Revision 4 March 1982 NUCLEAR PROJECTS OPERATING PROCEDURE p 4 g Calibration reflectors for 12/8 vee path ("N" path) calibrations shall be notches machined on the outside and inside surfaces of the basic calibration block. The notches shall be in accordance with approved drawings of the basic calibration block and Appendix III of Section XI.

Calibration reflectors for 1/2 vee path examinations shall be a minimum of two equal-diameter, axially drilled holes located at 1/4T and 3/4T, and the inside surf ace notch.

Approved drawings of basic calibration blocks to be used in accordance with this procedure are in the applicable SwRI Examination Plan.

5.4 Search Units (1) The search unit size shall be selected according to the following table:

(a) Straight-Beam Nominal Production Meterial Thickness Nominal Search Unit Size 2.0" or less 1/4" Round 1.0" to 3.0" 3/8" Round 2.0" to 4.0" 1/2" Round 3.0" to 6.0" 3/4" or 1" Round (b) Angle-Beam Nominal Production Material Thickness Nominal Search Unit Size 1.0" or less 1/4" x 1/4", 1/4" Round 0.4" to 2.0" 3/8" x 3/8", 3/8" Round

! 0.75" to 4.0" 1/2" x 1/2", 1/2" Round l 2.0" to 6.0" 1/2" x 1", 3/4" Round l (2) The search unit wedges shall be fabricated as required to l produce 45' *2' or 60* *2* ref racted shear-saves.

(3) The exit point of the sound beam and the actual refracted l

beam angle of shear-wave search units shall be determined on an IIW block. The exit point shall be marked on the search unit wedge.

O SARI Form CA 3 2

SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE swar-sur-6oo-'t Revision 4 r

March 1982 Ls *7%gs R


(4) The nominal shear- and longitudinal-wave search unit f requency for the examination of carbon steel piping shall be 2.25 MHz.

5.5 Ultrasonic Instrument The examiner shall use a Sonic FTS tbrk I ultrasonic instrument which shall be aligned and shall display an alignment calibration tag as required by NQAP 10-1.

5.6 Thermometer Quicktemp thermometer Model SX-666, calibrated and certified in accordance with the applicable revision of SwRI Nuclear Projects Operating Pro-cedure XIl-FM-104, shall be used to measure basic calibration block and compo-nent surface temperature.

5.7 Couplant I

(1) USP grade glycerine or deionized water (with or without wetting agent) shall be used when performing ultrasonic calibrations and examinations in accordance with this procedure.

(2) Couplant materials used for examinations shall be the same as used for the calibration.

(3) USP grade glycerine shall be certified for sulfur content and total halogens in accordance with ASTM D-129-64 and ASTM D-808-63. The residual amount of total sulfur or halogens shall not exceed 1% by weight. Deionized water, when used, sb til be supplied by the customer.

6. CALIBRATION METHOD The complete ultrasonic examination system calibration shall be performed prior to the examination.

NOTES The " REJECT" control shall be maintained in the "0" position during calibration and examination.

The type and length of the search unit cable shall be recorded i on the SwRI Sonic Inctrument Calibration Record.

SwRl Form QA 3-2



The nominal piping produe . ion material thickness shall be used to determine the correct calibration block and search units for the examination of piping components which may be thicker than the nominal pipe size and welded to the pipe. The Level II examiner shall ensure that casplete coverage of the thicker piping component is obtained. Additional calibration vee path positions and larger screen sizes may be required to assure this coverage. The additional calibration vee path positions and larger screen size shall be used for the examination from the thicker component and the nominal pipe side of the weld.

The "FREQ MHz" control shall be turned to "2" when a 2.25 MHz search unit is used.

6.1 Instrument Linearity The ultrasonic instrument shall be verified for amplitude lin-earity and anplitude control linearity in accordance with Paragraphs 6.1.1 and 6.1.2. This verification shall be conducted at the beginning of each day.

Data required shall be recorded on the SwRI Instrument Linearity Verification Record and the sheet number referenced on the applicable SwRI Sonic Instrusent Calibration Record.

6.1.1 Amplitude Linearity (1) Position a search unit on an applicable calibration block and obtain at least two reflectors (indications).

(2) Adjust the search unit position to give a 2-to-1 ratio between the two indications with the larger indication set at 80% of full screen height (FSH) and the smaller indication set at 40% of FSH.

(3) Without moving the search unit, adjust the instrusent sensitivity (gain) to set the larger indication to 100% of FSH.

(4) With the larger indication at 100%, record the position of the smaller indication, estimated to the nearest 1% of FSH.

(5) Successively set the larger indication from 100% to 20% of FSH in 10% increments (or 2 dB steps if a fine control is not available), and record the smaller indication esti-mated to the nearest 1% of FSH at each setting. The read-ing must be 50% of the larger anplitude within 5% of FSH.

O SwAI Form eA 3 2


SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE U"U1%-6 March 1982 NUCLEAR PROJECTS OPER ATING PROCEDURE Page 7 of 17 6.1.2 Anplitude Control Linearity (1) Position a search unit on an applicable calibration block to obtain maximum amplitude fran the applicable reflector.

(2) Without moving the search unit, and according to the fol-lowing table, set the indication to the required percent of FSH and increase or decrease the dB as specified. The signal shall be estimated and recorded to the nearest 1%

of FSH and shall fall within the limits of the following table:

Indication Indication Set at % of dB Control LLaits , % of Full Screen Change

  • Full Screen 80% -6dB 32 to 48%

80% -12dB 16 to 24%

40% +6dB 64 to 96%

20% +12dB 64 to 96%

  • Minus denotes decrease in asplitude; plus denotes increase.

6.1.3 Temperature Requirenents The temperature of the basic calibration block shall be within 25'F of the couponent tenperature and shall be recorded on the SwRI Sonic Instrument Calibration Re ord for the initial calibration and each verification.

The surf ace tenperature of the component to be exasined shall be taken prior to performing an examination and shall be recorded on the applicable SwRI Examination Record.

6.2 Calibration 6.2.1 Straight-Beam Distance Calibration for Thickness Measurements The screen distance chosen shall be the shortest applicable size to include at least 1/4t beyond the thickest production material to which the search unit is applied.

Observing back reflections f rom the applicable reference block, O adjust the " MAT'L CAL," " RANGE," and "DEIAY" controls to obtain the required linear sound path distance displayed along the screen baseline.

Sw Al Form GA 3 2


March 1982 D\ NULLEAR PROJECTS OPERAT1NG PROCEDURE Page 8 of 17 iI -. 4'di NOTE A straight beas distance amplitude calibration, using calibra-tion reflectors shall not be established with this procedure.

6.2.2 Angle-Beam Distance Calibration The screen distance chosen shall be the shortest applicable size to include at least 1/8 vee-path past the anticipated examination range.

Observing radius echoes from the applicable reference block, adjust the " MAT' L CAL," " RANGE," and "DEIAY" controls to obtain the required linear sound path distance displayed along the screen baseline.

6.2.3 Angle-Beam Distance Amplitude Correction Thickness measurements in accordance with Paragraph 7.5 and crown width measuresents taken in accordance with the applicable revision of Nuclear Projects Operating Procedure IX-FE-117 shall be used to determine the shear-wave angle to provide coverage of the examination area. These physical measuresents shall be recorded on a SwRI Straight Beam traination Examination

, Record. The angle chosen, determined method of coverage, and identification of l the Level II or the Level III exasiner shall be recorded on the SwRI Straight Beam tamination Exmsination Record. The required coverage is depicted in Sketch 1.

Only one angle shall be required for the examination. A 45' 2*

angle-bean search unit with a 1/2 vee-path calibration shall be utilized if canplete coverage is obtained. A 60* 2* angle-beam search unit with a 1/2 vee-path calibration shall be used if the 45* 1/2 vee path calibration does nor obtain canplete coverage. A 45* *2* search unit with a calibration extending to the 12/8 vee path position ("N" path) shall be used when the 45' or the 60*

1/2 vee path calibration does not obtain cosplete coverage.

EXCEPTIONS For examinations on clad material and for 45* transverse exasinations the 1/2 vee-path calibration shall be used only.

NOTES The centerline of the search unit shall be at least 3/4 inch from the nearest side of the calibration block. Rotation of the beam into a corner formed by the reflector and the side of the block may produce a higher amplitude signal at a longer beas path; this beam path shall not be used for calibration.

S*RI Form QA 3-2


[ce M 'y NUCLEAR PROJECTS OPERATING PROCEDURE page 9 og 17 Angle-Beam DAC (1/2 Vee-Path) l NOTES l

The slope of the DAC curve shall be constructed from the holes parallel to the axis of the basic calibration block. The notch perpendicular to the axis of the curved basic calibration block shall be utilized to establish sensitivity when examining circumferential welds or for transverse examinations on longitudinal welds. The axial notch shall be used to establish * ,

sensitivity when examining longitudinal welds or for transverse examinations on circumferential welds.

The 1/2 vee path DAC calibration shall be constructed as follows:

(1) Position the applicable 45* i2* or 60* 2* angle-beam search unit on the basic calibration block to obtain maximum response from the vee path position producing the highest amplitude from the following:

Vee-Path Positions 1/8, 2/8, 3/8 or 1/8, 3/8, 5/8 (when 2/8 is not present),

1/8, 2/8, 3/8 only for clad material (2) Adjust the signal amplitude of the vee path position with the highest amplitude to 80% 5% of full screen height (FSH). Mark this amplitude on the instrument screen.

Without adjusting the gain controls obtain maximum response from the remaining applicable hole (s). Mark the amplitude (s) on the instrument screen and join the points with a smooth curved line. Record these gain settings under " REMARKS."

(3) Once the shape and slope are determined and marked on the screen, the curve shall be extrapolated 1/4T to cover the full examination thickness. Calibrations extending to the 5/8 vee path position shall not require extrapolation.

(4) Establish the sensitivity from the inside surface notch by setting the indication amplitude at the level of the DAC curve. This is the primary ref erence level and the notch l amplitude shall be marked with an "X." Record the pri=ary reference level gain settings under "INSTRUMINT SETTINGS."

SsRI Form CA 3-2

O SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Swal-nor-6oo-41 Revision 4 March 1982 NUCLEAR PROJECTS OPERATING PROCEDURE Page 10 of 17 Alternate Angle-Beam DAC ("N" Path)

NOTE When examining circumferential welds utilizing a curved block, DAC curves shall be constructed from notches perpendicular to the axis of the basic calibration block. DAC curves shall be constructed from the axial notches for the remaining examinations utilizing curved basic calibration blocks.

(1) Position the 45' *2' angle-beam search unit on the calibra-tion block to obtain maximum response from the vee path position producing the highest amplitude from the following:

Vee-Path Positions 4/8, 8/8, 12/8 (2) Adjust instrument gain controls to obtain the primary reference response at 80% *S% of FSH and mark this amplitude on the screen. The gain controls shall not be adjusted once the primary reference response has been established.

(3) Position the search unit to obtain maximum response from the remaining vee path positions and mark each amplitude on the screen.

(4) Join these points with a smooth curved line which shall not extend more than 1/8 vee path beyond the last quali-

, fied calibration point.

l 6.3 Secondarv DAC Calibrations ("N" Path)

If all points on the 12/8 vee path ("N" path) DAC curve do not l appear at 20% FSH or greater, a secondary DAC cerve shall be constructed as l follows:

(1) Secondary DAC curves shall contain at least 2 points.

O l

l SwRl Form QA 3-2


]g March 1982 Rg y NUCLEAR PROJECTS OPERATING PROCEDURE Page 11 of 17 1k 8 (2) The DAC point at the 8/8 vee path position shall be brought to the primary reference level by manipulating the instrument gain controls. This point shall be marked on the instrument screen. The 12/8 vee path position, previ-ously at less than 2 lines of amplitude, shall be marked on the screen and these points connected with a smooth curved line. The instrument gain settings for this second-ary DAC curve shall be recorded on the appropriate SwRI Sonic Instrument Calibration Record.

EXCEPTION When the 8/8 vee path position is set at the primary reference level, and the 12/8 vee path position is below 2 lines of amplitude, a secondary DAC curve is not required.

6.4 Calibration Verification 6.4.1 Sweep Range and DAC Curve Verification Sweep range calibration' shall be verified on the appropriate reference block; and DAC curve calibration, if applicable, shall be verified on the appropriate calibration block:

(1) At the start of a series of examinations (2) With any substitution of the same type and length of search unit cable (3) With any substitution utilizing the same type of power source; e.g., a change from one direct current to another direct current source (4) At least every 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> during the examination (5) At the finish of a series of examinations (6) Whenever the validity of the calibration is in doubt 6.4.2 Calibration Changes (1) Perform the following if any point on the DAC curve has decreased more than 20% of FSH or 2 d3 in amplitude or if 9 any point on the DAC curve has moved on the sweep line more than 5% of full screen width or 10% of the sweep division reading, whichever is less:

SwRI Form CA 3-2


Revision 4 A March 1982 gQI NUCLEAR PROJECTS OPERATING PROCEDURE p g l .m (a) Void all examinations referring to the calibration in question and performed after the last valid calibration verification.

(b) Conduct a new calibration.

(c) Reexamine the areas for which examinations have been voided.

(2) Perform the following if any point on the DAC curve has increased more than 20% of FSH or 2 dB in amplitude:

(a) Correct the calibration.

(b) Reexamine all indications recorded since the last valid calibration verification.

(c) Enter proper values on a new SwRI Examination Record.

6.4.3 Recalibration Substitution of any of the following shall be cause for recali-beation:

(1) Search unit (wedge / transducer)

(2) Couplant l

l (3) Ultrasonic instrument (4) Examination personnel (5) Cable type or length l

(6) Change in type of power source; e.g., a change from alternating to direct current l


7.1 Examination Areas 7.1.1 circumf erential and Longitudinal Butt k' elds in Pioing Circumferential and longitudinal ferritic butt welds with a nominal thickness of 0.2 to 6.0 inches shall be examined from the outside surface of the pipe. Product forms to be examined shall include extruded, drawn, and rolled material.

$wRl Form QA 3-2 I

1 1


Revision *

>brch 1982 bm h '


Scanning of the veld and base material shall be adequate to ensure complete coverage for 1/3t f rom the inside surface of the pipe. The base material shall be examined for a distance of 1/4 inch from the outside surface fusion line on each side of the weld.

Class I longitudinal welds shall be examined along the entire length of the weld during the preservice examination and for at least one pipe-diameter length or 12 inches, whichever is less, from the fusion line of the intersecting circumferential weld during inservice examinations.

1 Class 2 longitudinal we.ds shall be examined for at least 2-1/2t length f rom the fusion line of the ir. trsecting circumferential weld during preservice and inservice examinations.

7.2 Surface Condition The contact surfaces shall be free from weld spatter, roughness, or other conditions which interfere with free movement of the search unit or impair the transmission of ultrasound.

m m -

) 7.3 Indication Length Zero Reference (Lo) location Areas to be examined in accordance with this procedure shall have an "Lo" marked in accordance with the applicable revision of Nuclear Projects Operating Procedure LX-FE-103.

7.4 Scanning Parameters When practicable, scanning for 50% recording shall be performed at a minimum gain setting of 2 times the reference level sensitivity.

Instrument gain setting for scanning shall be determined on the calibration block as follows for each primary reference level utilized:

(1) With the instrument at the primary reference level, manipulate the search unit on the calibration block to l obtain a signal from a reflector of 40% FSH.

l (2) Add 6 dB of gain by adjusting the fine gain control only.

l Observe the signal amplitude.

(3) Add 6 dB of gain to the 40% FSH signal by adjusting a combination of both fine and coarse gain controls.

Observe the signal amplitude.

l X i

,s-S*RI Fwm QA 3 2 l


SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE swal-sn:-6oo-'t Revision 4



"1 Page 14 of 17 (4) Add 6 dB of gain to the 40% FSH signal by manipulating the 6 dB switch, if present. Observe the signal amplitude.

(5) Choose the method above which yields a signal response closest to 80% FSH.

(6) The method chosen shall be used during the valid calibra-tion period for all scanning at 2 times the reference level sensitivity.

The examiner shall ensure that the signal response of the method chosen is within t2 dB of 80% FSH and record this amplitude and method on the SwRI Sonic Instrument Calibration Record.

7.4.1 Scanning Scanning overlap shall be a minimum of 10% of the search unit piezoelectric element dimension perpendicular to the direction of scan. Sca n-ning of the weld and base material shall be adequate to ensure complete cover-age for 1/3t from the inside surface of the pipe. The base material shall be examined for a distance of 1/4 inch from the outside surface fusion line on each side of the weld.

The search unit movement rate for scanning shall not exceed 6 inches per second.

7.5 Thickness Measurements Thickness measurements shall be taken at a minimum of three l points adjacent to Lo for longitudinal and circumferential welds (on the centerline of the weld and at one point in the base material on both sides of I

the weld). If these measurements cannot be taken adjacent to Lo, the location of the measurements shall be recorded on the appropriate SwRI Examination Record. The examiner should take additional measurements when the crown height varies significantly or if other thickness changes are observed.

l Screen distance calibration for this examination shall be con-

! ducted in accordance with Paragraph 6.2.1. Measurements shall be taken by l placing the straight-beam search unit in the appropriate position on the exami-nation surface and observing the position of the back-wall reflection on the instrument screen. These measurements shall be recorded on the appropriate l

swr 1 Examination Record. .

l l

i l

SwRI Form CA 3-2

SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE SwRI-NDT-600-41 Revision 4 March 1982 NUCLEAR PROJECTS OPERATING PROCEDURE Page 15 of 17 NOTES The transfer method shall not be used.

Lamination scans shall not be performed.

The crown height and crown width shall be measured and recorded on the appropriate SwRI Examination Record.

7.6 Examination of Circumferential and Longitudinal Butt Welds in Piping 7.6.1 Angle-Beam Examination for Indications Parallal with the Weld A 1/2 vee path angle-beam examination shall be accomplished using a 45 * *2* or 60* 2* refracted shear wave, as applicable, from both sides of the weld or with a 12/8 vee path from one side of the weld where practical.

The sound beam shall be directed perpendicularly into the weld to detect indications parallel with the weld. Calibration shall be as described in Paragraphs 6.2.2 and 6.2.3.

NOTE A 45* 12/8 vee path examination shall be conducted if a 45' or a 60* 1/2 vee path examination does not obtain complete coverage.

7.6.2 Angle-Beam Extmination for Indications Perpendicular to the Weld NOTE During inservice examinations, only those welds with reportable preservice indications require this examination.

The 1/2 vee path angle-beam examination shall be conducted on each weld by placing the 45' t2* search unit on the weld surface with the sound beam directed into and parallel with the weld. Scanning shall be performed in two directions on the weld.

Calibration shall be as described in Paragraphs 6.2.2 and 6.2.3.

7.8 Postexamination Cleaning Arrangements shall be made with the customer for postexamination removal of couplant caterials.

swr 4 Form QA 3-2


r March 1982


8. RECORDING CRITERIA Ultrasonic reflectors producing a response greater than 50% of the refer-ence level shall be recorded on the appropriate SwRI Examination Record.

Indications shall be recorded in accordance with the techniques outlined in the applicable revision of SwRI Nuclear Projects Operating Procedure IX-FE-117.

The end points of the indication, as determined by 100% DAC, shall be recorded.

Indications suspected by the examiner to be other than gecnetrical in nature shall be recorded and investigated by a Level II or a Iavel III examiner to the extent necessary to determine the shape, identity, and location of the reflector.

Indications greater than 100% of the reference level shall be investigated by a level II or a Invel III examiner to the extent necessary to determine the shape, identity, and location of the reflector.

Indications investigated and found to be other than geometrical in nature, shall be reported to the customer for evaluatica.

Scanning limitations shall be recorded.

9. EVALUATION Evaluation of reportable indications shall be the responsibility of the customer, or the customer's representative, and shall be conducted in accord-ance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Article IWA-3000.

The applicable year and Addenda of the Code shall be as specified in Para-raph 3.(1) of this procedure.

10. RECORDS The customer shall receive copies of documents generated in accordance with this procedure in the examination report.

Documents generated in accordance with this procedure shall be stored and retained as a portion of the examination report. The examination report shall be stored by the Manager of the Support and Administration Section, Quality Assurance Systems and Engineering Division, in the Data Storage Facility for the period specified by the contractual agreement with the customer.

O SwRl Fonn QA 3-2

SwRI-NDT-600-61 Revision 4 March 1982 lu !

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