U-602619, Proposed Tech Specs 5.0, Administrative Controls, Deleting Examples Currently Included in Parentheses

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Proposed Tech Specs 5.0, Administrative Controls, Deleting Examples Currently Included in Parentheses
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/15/1996
Shared Package
ML20116N094 List:
U-602619, NUDOCS 9608210252
Download: ML20116N122 (5)



, Attachment 2 L to U-602619 PS-95-016 Page1of5 l

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Attached Marked-Up Pages of the Technical Specifications l

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9608210252 960815 PDR ADOCK 05000461 P PDR

Attachment 2 to U-602619 PS-95-016 as H$gkR!.ationArea 5.7 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS g w . N k u n, e. ,. f i

5.7 High Radiation Area

' ~~

,x 5.7.1' j'~ Pursuant' to 10 CFR 20[ paragrappTO.i601(c),,in' lieu of thiPNre s deffned'in 10 CFR 20, in which an individdal could rec 61ve a deep' N

(, shall dosebe equivalerft bafricaded>anVconspicuously 100 mrem' but <posted 1000,as mrem a highinradiation one ho6r (at 30.cm),

i area and entrance thereto shall be' controlled by requiring '

! issuapc'e of a Radiat' ion Work Permit (RWP). ,,1fidividuals, qua inradiationprote'ctionprocedures(e.g.,,radiationprotectionf(

tec'hnicians) or' personnel continuously escorted by such



k ihdividuals ma~y be exempt'from the RWP issuance r l [,f jthe performa'nce of their assigned du'radiation' ties in areas high,eq'uiremen L' in which,a'n individual could recei've a deep dose equivalent :s 3000' I $

mrem in ,one hour (at 30 cm), pr6vided they fre otherwise following plant /' radiation, protection procedures fpr entry into'such high' radi'ation areas. / / / p/ )

i / 'Iny individual or gr up' of individiials permitted to entpr#such )

/ areas shall be proyided with,,pr accompanied 4y, one or more/of,f


the / fo.11owing: /

- /

! / / / i l

1 a./ A radiati,on monitorjn,g device that' continuous'ly /

indica,tes /

the radiation dose' rate in the area. / s

' / \

b. Ar/ adiation cdtoringdevjc that cont'Inuously ntegrates/

fie radiatio dose rate in the area'ind alarms / hen a preset integrated / dose is recei'ved. Entrf into such' areas witti


{ this moniforing device'may be made after the dose rats g A n the are ' ave been s'tablished4nd persojsel are levels,of them.

y aware- ,-


c. An/individual qualified n radiation protectio /n procedures with a radi'ation dose ate monitor responsjble for pr ding positi e)hg controldevice'

/overthe'who is/

activities withi he area and all perf6rm perjddic radationsurve)tionsupelance rad 4ation pro ec ision.at thy ,/ requency/specif (d by th '


/,5.7.2 / / h 19 , addition t the requir9ments of Sppc'ifica n 5.7 , areas)<f'

( '/ which an ind'ividual cou}d receive a, deep dose equiv lent j

/2: shall b6 provi,ded with 1


or 1000 mrpin contifiuously the k fs shall be a in fed one doors tohour (at guay<intained,ari{ der 30 th cm,p)'revent

/administ'rative and unaut th ift super ion prpi'ection upervisio,pf rs shall remainsorondufyorrad locked except du ing per,4'ods o j ersonnel under an appy'ved RWPffiat sha)1'specif[f a ce (continued)

CLINTON 5.0-20 Amendment No. 95

Attachment 2 to Ua602619

. PS-95-016 i age gih bdiation Area 5.7 5.7 High Radiation Area 7.2 (conti ed) l l 1evels i the i diate w k areas. I an individu c i

receiv a deep ose equ alent > 3000 rem in one our (at 30 m) ,-

the P shal also sp ify the maxi m allowabl stay times or in viduals n thos areas. In 1 u of the s y time ecifica, on of t a RWP, direc or remote ch as closp circuit TV ca is) cent uous surveil ance may be tade by perydnnel qual d in r iation prote ion proced es to prov de positiv

, ex ure con al over the tivities b ng perform within a . Indi iduals qualif ed in radia on protec on proced s i .g., ra ation protec on technic ns) or per nnel con nuously escorte y such indi duals may exempt fr the RWP ssuance requir ent during t performa e of their ssigned les in high adiation are in which individu could r eive a de dos equivalent 000 mrem one hour at 30 cm provided ley ar otherwise f lowing p1 t radiatio protecti procedur s for try into su high rad ion areas l

5.7.3 In additio to the re irements o Specific ion 5.7. individ /

i areas in ich an i vidual co d receiv a deep do equival t 2: 1000 em in one our(at3 cm),acce ible to rsonnel hat are 1 ated with large ar s such as eactor c tainmen where I no losure ex ts for pu oses of cking, o that ca ot be co inuously arded, an w1ere no nclosure an be r sonably /

nstructed ound the ndividual rea, th indivi al area shpT1 e barrica d and con icuously osted, a a fla ing light p p

be activa d as a w ning devi .f

, 1 i l CLINTON 5.0-21 Amendment No. 95

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Attachment 2 to U-602619

. PS-95-016

. INSERT Page 4 of 5

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l 5.7.1 Pursuant to 10 CFR 20, paragraph 20.1601(c), in lieu of the requirements of 10 CFR 20.1601(a), each high radiation area, as defined in 10 CFR 20, in which an individual could receive a deep dose equivalent > 100 mrem in one hour 1 (at 30 cm), shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted as a high radiation area and entrance thereto shall be controlled by requiring issuance of a Radiation Work Permit (RWP) or equivalent.

Any individual or group ofindividuals permitted to enter such areas shall be provided with, or accompanied by, one or more of the following:

a. A radiation monitoring device that continuously indicates the radiation dose rate in the area.
b. A radiation monitorinr, device that continuously integrates the radiation j

, dose rate in the are r.nd alarms when a preset integrated dose is received.

j Entry into such areas with this monitoring device may be made after the dose rates in the area have been determined and personnel have been made i knowledgeable of them. I l

c. An individual qualified in radiation protection procedures with a radiation ll dose rate monitoring device. This individual shall be responsible for ll providing positive radiation protection control over the activities within the area and shall perform periodic radiation surveillance at the frequency specified by radiation protection supervision.

5.7.2 In addition to the requirements of Specification 5.7.1, high radiation areas in which an individual could receive a deep dose equivalent 21000 mrem in one hour (at 30 l cm)shallbe provided with locked or continuously guarded doors to prevent  !

unauthorized entry. The keys to such locked doors shall be administratively controlled in acwrdance with a program approved by the radiation protection

- manager. Doors shall remain locked except during periods of access by personnel ll ll under an approved RWP, or equivalent, that shall ensure the individuals are informed of the dose rates in the immediate work areas.

Individual high radiation areas in which an individual could receive a deep dose equivalent 21,000 mrem in one hour (at 30 cm), accessible to personnel, that are g located within large areas such as reactor containment, when no enclosure exists I for enabling locking, or that are not continuously guarded, and where no lockable

! enclosure can be reasonably constructed around the individual area, shall be

! barricaded and conspicuously poste3, and a flashing light shall be activated as a j - warning device.

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Attachment 2 to U-602619 PS-95-016

  • Page 5 of 5
INSERT (continued) i 1

i ' 5.7.3 In addition to requirements of Specification 5.7.1 and 5.7.2 for high radiation areas, if an individual could receive a deep dose equivalent > 3000 mrem in one l hour (at 30 cm), the RWP or equivalent shall also specify the maximum allowable l stay time or dose (on an alarming dosimeter) for individuals in those areas. In lieu l of the stay time or dose specification of the RWP or equivalent, direct or remote

! (such as closed circuit TV cameras) continuous surveillance may be made by i personnel qualified in radiation protection procedures to provide positive exposure 1 j control over the activities being performed within the areas.

!. 5.7.4 Individuals qualified in radiation protection procedures or personnel continuously

! escorted by such individuals may, for the performance of their assigned duties in I

high radiation areas in which an individual could receive a deep dose equivalent j 5; 3000 mrem in one hour (at 30 cm), be exempt from the requirements of i Specifications 5.7.1 and 5.7.2 for issuance of an RWP or equivalent provided they

} are otherwise following plant radiation protection procedures for entry into such I high radiation areas.

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