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Provides Suppl to 890830 Response to Generic Ltr 89-12, Operator Licensing Exam, Consisting of Revised Operator Licensing & Operator Requalification Exam Schedules for 1990-1993
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/13/1989
From: Kaplan A
GL-89-03, GL-89-12, GL-89-3, PY-CEI-NRR-1077, NUDOCS 8910190063
Download: ML19325D146 (4)


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l cE THE CLEVELAND: ELECTRIC ILLUMINATING 1 COMPANY: a gb P.O. BOX 97 3 ~ PERRY. OHIO 44001 c 3. , TELEPHONE ' (216) 250 3737 -- E- - ADORE 8810 CENTfA ROAD -

Ni FROM CLEVELAND: 479 1200 a TELEX: 241600 l


' Al Kaplan J Serving The Best location in the Nation ; l



' NUCLE AR GROUP October 13,:1989 PY-CEI/NRR-1077 L' -j 1

'U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

,l Document Control Desk-Washington, D.C.'20555 Perry Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-440 '

Supplemental Information on ,

Generic Letter 89-12 1

" Operator Licensing Examination" j Gentlemen

-The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company (CEI) is submitting by this j

. letter a supplement-to our August 30, 1989 response to Generic Letter (G.L.)

12 " Operator. Licensing Examinations" consisting of revised' operator licensing and operator requalification examination schedules for the Perry:

Nuclear ~ Power Plant (PNPP)_for 1990 through 1993. These revised schedules are

the resuit of a re-evaluation-of our needs with respect to requalification


i examinations and a-commitment to ensure examination of all currently licensed  ;

operators prior to-their renewal-dates.-

', In the August:30, 1989 responst to G.L. 89-12, CEI had requested further evaluation of our proposed operator requalification exam schedule after preliminary communications with Region III indicated that the Region would not

-be able to. support our proposed schedule.

a L

.In subsequent communications with our.. Training Section, Region III established

'the following positions in regard to operator license examinations: Region- -'

.III cannot support ourfproposed operator requalification exaniination schedule:

submitted-in-our August 30, 1989' response to G.L. 89-12; Region III can only administer examinations at PNPP twice a year, beginning in February 1990 and then every August and February thereaf ter, consistent with the National

= Examination Schedule provided in G.L. 89-03.- Until'the differences between the initial operator licensing-and requalification examination methodologies are-reconciled, the examinations administered at PNPP will consist of one j

initial and one requalification examination each year. While Region III would consider' approval of a third examination date at PNPP if CEI can find another i BWR license holder in the Region willing to give up an unused examination i
date, Region III is less receptive to the rescheduling of an examination to- l accommodate-possible slippage in CEI's replacement simulator installation and training schedule.

In consideration of the above information, CEI committed to re-evaluating our needs-with respect to requalification examinations and to proposing an examination schedule that ensures examination of all currently licensed

-operators prior to their renewal dates. @


-PDR 8910190063 891013 '\

ADOCK 05000440 .


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g *USNRCi ' -2 -

Octob2r 13, 1989 m PY-CEI/NRR-1077 L

CEI's revised proposed initial operator licensing and requalification-t examination
ochedules are provided in Enclosures 1 and 2. .Under our revised  ;

schedules, CEI proposes only one examination in 1990, an initial operator I examination on our August exam date. CE1 does not foresee a need for a requalification examination in 1990 since our proposed requalification schedule for 1991 through 1993 will ensure that all currently licensed .

operators are examined by the NRC prior to their renewal date. Of the 58 i employees currently holding operator licenses at PNPP, twenty have already  ;

been evaluted by the NRC within the term of their 6 year license. Eight were ,

evaluated during the NRC " Pilot" Requalification Examination administered in-May 1988 and twelve during our Annual Requalification Examination administered  ;

in June 1989. Of the remaining-38 licensed operators who have not yet been evaluated by the NRC in a requalification examination, eight licenses expire -

in 1993, five in 1994, and the balance (25) in 1995. These remaining 38 licensed operators will be examined during the 1991 through 1993

  • y Requalification Exam Schedule with approximately 12 to be requalified.each year. This schedule ensures that each licensed operator will have the opportunity to participate in two exams prior to the expiration of his -

license. Foregoing the unnecessary February 1990 examination date should also i lessen the burden on the Region's overall examination schedule.

CEI's-revised' schedule for 1991 proposes three examinations consisting of two L initial operator examinations to be conducted in January and August and one requalification examination to be conducted in February. A BWR in Region III has indicated to our training section that they will not be using their  ;

January 1991 examination date and that it is available to CEI (written confirmation pending). This third examination will allow CEI to meet our need .

for additional licensed operators as identified in our response to C.L. 89-12.- l Our second 1991 initial operator examination date, scheduled for August, also closely follows our replacement simulator installation schedule. . While cur replacement simulator " ready for training" date currently remains at July 5, 1991, any delay could jeopardize our August examination schedule. For this

-reason, CEI is currently searching Region III for a BWR licensee with a late 1991 exam date willing to negotiate an exchange for ou'r August date. CEI will

  • keep the NRC informed of any changes to our proposed schedule resulting from this effort.

CEI's revised schedule for 1992 and 1993 will consist of a requalification examination on our February exam date and an initial operator licensing exam on our August exam date. CE1 expects that this schedule will remain unchanged thereafter.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call.

V y,ur ,

Al Kap an Vice President Nuclear Croup Enclosures AK/njc cc: T. Colburn P. Hiland USNRC Region III K. Perkins M. Jordan N. Hunemuller _

> '4 i , ..


- .. s T W-l,

1. Enclosure i 1.


Facility Perry Plant MC Re91on' III  ;

FY 1990 FY 1994 -FY 199i FY 1993 (10/1/89 9/30/v0) (10/1/90 9/30/91) l10/1/91-9/30/92) (10/1/92 9/30/93) l

1. Assigned Date -


i e/90 1/91

  • W/A N/A f
  1. RO- e a n/A w/A

-* ~#380 Instant e a wii v/A l- #$RU Upgrade 4 0 wn ura l I

  1. $80 Limited o o w/A N/A
2. Asst 9aed-

-Date (E 89-03) sia- - a/ei** s/e2 s/93

  1. M win a a a
  1. 380 !astant usi 'a a a
  1. 3R0 Upgrade nem a 4 4
  1. Sat 0 Limited' mii o 0 0 -['

. l please indicate initial cold liesse esasiastions ny placing as asterisk (*) by the - -

date.: Please indicate eraadsettees 1standed to estead as operator's 11eense - 4

.to a second or subsequest unit with tuo esterists (**). Lter esseple 1 is in operation and gett t is ist feel land, and three M ca. if Onit -

trith me previous license are to enastand se hath 9mits 1 ass I andndidates five

R0 candidates licensed on Wait 1 are to be'esamland to extens theIr licenses

' to Unit 2, then indicate *M 3.5**.')

  • Pending written confirmation from another Region III BWR licensee allowing CEI use of their Unused January examination date. .
    • CEI currently searching Region III for a BWR licensee * *.111ng to exchange 8/91 for a later examination date in order to accomodate our replacement simulator installation schedule, l

l l


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.i 1- -Enclosure 2~


q. Facility Perry Plant lUtC Regies III -

. Planned 51sulation Fasility Certification / Approval Date os/ines tn


N FY'1990 -

FY 1991 M 1992 FY 1993 (10/1/89-9/30/90) (10/1/90-9/30/91) (10/1/91-9/30/92) (10/1/92-9/30/93) l --

Date g

. 1. Date N/A .Date 2/91 Date 2/93

2. Date m Date & Date A Date h 3.' Date m Date n Date m Date g 9

4 Date m Date h Date A Date h

-5.. Date m Daten Date n 'Date g I

.1 (1) Manufacturing of a mew missister is ederway. . CEI plass to file certi- l ficaties documents amboequest to acceptance testing at the vender facility ~i but prior to es-site ready-for-trainias.

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