MONTHYEARML20217N3001999-10-21021 October 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Correcting Two Textual Errors & Changing Designation of Referenced Figure ML20217K8731999-10-18018 October 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Activated Charcoal Testing Methodology IAW Guidance Provided in GL 99-02 ML20212F6941999-09-21021 September 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Increasing Required Vol of Stored Fuel in Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tank ML20211J0211999-08-31031 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Page 91,allowing Reactivity Anomaly BOC Steady State Core Reactivity to Be Normalized Between off-line (Predicted) Uncorrected Solution & on-line (Measured) 3D-Monicore Exposure Corrected Solution ML20211B6781999-08-18018 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Definition of Surveillance Frequency to Incorporate Provisions That Apply Upon Discovery of Missed TS Surveillance ML20211B7051999-08-18018 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Reactor Core Spiral Reloading Pattern to Begin Around SRM ML20210D2481999-07-20020 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Revising & Clarifying Operability & SRs of High Pressure Core Cooling Systems ML20210D3371999-07-20020 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re Enhancements to Support Implementation of Increased Core Flow ML20209G1671999-07-12012 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Value for SLMCPR & Deleting Wording Which Specifies These as Cycle 20 Values ML20196K2951999-06-29029 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages for Proposed Change 220,revising Leak Rate Requirements of TS 3.7.A.4 & 4.7.A.4 for Main Steam Line Isolation Valves ML20196H2881999-06-24024 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Revising & Clarifying Terminology Re Certain RPS Scram Bypass Permissives ML20195J8691999-06-15015 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Increasing Stis,Adding Allowable OOS Times,Replacing Generic ECCS Actions for Inoperable Instrument Channels with function-specific Actions & Relocating Selected Trip Functions from TS ML20195F9531999-06-0909 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Supplementing Proposed Change 213, Allowing Use of ASME Code Case N-560,per GL 88-01 ML20195C8841999-05-26026 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Clarifying Suppression Chamber Water Temp SR 4.7.A, Primary Containment & Modifying Associated TS Bases ML20206H3771999-05-0606 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages ,Eleting Specific Leak Rate Requirements of TS 3.7.A.4 & 4.7.A.4 ML20206J7231999-05-0505 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages for Proposed Change 212,modifying TS to Enhance Limiting Conditions for Operation & Surveillance Requirements Relating to SLC Sys ML20205S9431999-04-20020 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Reactor Core Spiral Reloading Pattern Such That It Begins Around Source Range Monitor ML20205T4721999-04-19019 April 1999 Marked-up Tech Specs Pages Re Suppl to 990201 Request for Amend to License DPR-28,revising Portions of Proposed Change 208 ML20205S4081999-04-16016 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Inservice Insp Requirements of Section 4.6.E to Allow NRC-approved Alternatives to GL 88-01 ML20205S3121999-04-15015 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Revised Bases Pages 90,227,164 & 221a, Accounting for Change in Reload Analysis,Reflecting Change in Condensation Stability Design Criteria & Accounting for More Conservative Calculation ML20202E5451999-01-25025 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re Technical Requirements Manual Content ML20206S0661999-01-22022 January 1999 Proposed TS to Change Number 189,proposing Relocation of Fire Protection Requirements from TSs to TRM ML20198D5381998-12-15015 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Page 142,correcting Wording to Reflect Previously Approved Wording,Last Revised in Amend 160 ML20198B7421998-12-11011 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Changing Wording of Primary Containment Integrity Definition to State That Manual PCIVs Which Are Required to Be Closed During Accident Conditions May Be Opened Intermittently Under ACs ML20197J4631998-12-10010 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 4.9.2,revising Info Re Calibr of Augmented Offgas Sys Hydrogen Monitors ML20197H0031998-12-0707 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Change 209,resolving Emergency Concern Re Potential Operation Outside of LCO Contained in Current TS & Potential USQ with Respect to Opening of Manual PCIVs During Plant Operation ML20155F7421998-11-0303 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating Minor Corrections or Clarifications Which Enhance Clarity of TSs Without Materially Changing Meaning or Application ML20155G5061998-11-0202 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re ECCS Actuation Instrumentation - LPCI A/B RHR Pump Start Time Delay Requirements & CS Sys A/B Pump Start Delay Requirements ML20196A7851998-10-0909 October 1998 Rev 19 to Vynp IST Program Plan ML20151U0131998-09-0404 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Increasing Spent Fuel Storage Capacity of Util Spent Fuel Pool from 2,870 to 3,355 Fuel Assemblies ML20237E9571998-08-27027 August 1998 Start-Up Test Rept Vynp Cycle 20 ML20236H4551998-06-30030 June 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Table 4.2.1 to Delete ECC Actuation Instrumentation Re Core Spray Sys & LPCI Sys Auxiliary Power Monitor Calibr Requirement ML20247J8121998-05-0808 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Reducing Normal Operating Suppression Pool Water Temp Limit & Adding Time Restriction for Higher Temp Allowed During Surveillances That Add Heat to Suppression Pool ML20247E5671998-05-0808 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Page 270,containing Wording Inadvertently Deleted from TS Proposed Change 202 ML20217P4171998-05-0101 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Administrative Controls Section ML20217G7131998-04-23023 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Change 200 Revising Station SW & Alternate Cooling Sys Requirements ML20217C4591998-03-20020 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Containment Purge & Vent ML20217A1271998-03-13013 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Section 3.10.B,updated to Require That Station Battery,Eccs Instrumentation Battery,Or Uninterruptable Power Sys Battery Be Considered Inoperable If Any One Cell Is Below Specification Cell Voltage ML20202H2611998-02-0606 February 1998 Revised TS Pages Re Change 190,w/typos Corrected ML20197E8481997-12-22022 December 1997 Replacement Pages 160 & 279 & mark-up Pages to Proposed TS Change 190 Containing Editorial Changes ML20203F0131997-12-11011 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Current Value for SLMCPR for Cycle 20,next Operating Cycle ML20199K8501997-11-21021 November 1997 Replacement Pages 147,156,157 & mark-up Pages to Proposed TS Change 190,removing Ref to Documents Outside of TS That Define Components to Which Program Applies ML20199J7661997-11-20020 November 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising Requirements for Main Station Batteries ML20217H6931997-10-10010 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising & Clarifying Requirements for Offsite Power Sources ML20211A6461997-09-18018 September 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Providing marked-up Pages for Proposed Changes 192 & 193 ML20217Q3311997-08-22022 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages 245 & 252,amending App a to Modify TS to More Clearly Describe Separation of Switchgear Room Into Two Fire Areas & Incorporate Specifications for New Low Pressure CO2 Suppression Sys ML20217N4111997-08-20020 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages 270 & 270a,updating Section 6 in Order to Add & Revise Ref to NRC Approved Methodologies Which Will Be Used to Generate cycle-specific Thermal Operating Limits to COLR ML20141H1171997-07-11011 July 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Replacing Pages 147,156 Through 161,168 & 279 of Util TS W/Corrected Pages ML20148J1861997-06-0909 June 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Change 191,updating Section 6.0 Administrative Controls ML20149M7451997-01-24024 January 1997 Startup Test Rept,Vermont Yankee Cycle 19 1999-09-21
MONTHYEARML20196A7851998-10-0909 October 1998 Rev 19 to Vynp IST Program Plan ML20132G5781996-12-16016 December 1996 Rev 18 to Inservice Testing Program Plan for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station ML20148P4081996-07-30030 July 1996 Rev 20 to Vynp Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual ML20148P4021996-04-23023 April 1996 Rev 5 to Vynp Process Control Program ML20095J9771995-12-31031 December 1995 1995 Exercise Manual ML20082C7071995-03-22022 March 1995 Rev 17 to IST Program Plan ML20078G1581995-01-26026 January 1995 Rev 16 to IST Program Plan ML20059F2081993-10-28028 October 1993 Self-Assessment Plan, Service Water Operational Performance Insp ML20046C8761993-01-22022 January 1993 Emergency Response Preparedness Exercise;1993 Plume Pathway Exercise Manual. ML20082L8041991-04-0404 April 1991 Rev 10 to ODCM ML19354E8041990-01-16016 January 1990 Alternate Testing for CO2 Full Discharge Test by Pressure Build & Tracer Gas Dilution Testing. ML19354E8071989-11-15015 November 1989 Test Procedure, Cable Vault Room Encl Integrity Test. ML20151M7891988-07-28028 July 1988 Rev 9 to Inservice Testing Program,Vermont Yankee, Including Description,Program,Testing Schedules & Relief Requests ML20154Q2491988-06-0101 June 1988 Amend 1 to Rev 9 to Inservice Insp Program ML20236V2111987-09-0909 September 1987 Surveillance Program Testing Methodology ML20206P2941986-06-30030 June 1986 BWR LOCA Licensing Analysis Method ML20209C6681986-05-22022 May 1986 Draft Rev 4AE to 8390-8, Flowcharts of BWR Emergency Procedure Guidelines. Draft Vermont Yankee Containment Study Response to NRC Request for Addl Info Encl ML20204G7461986-04-0808 April 1986 Rev 1 to XMK-03-100, Procedure for Induction Heating Stress Improvement at Vermont Yankee Nnuclear Power Plant ML20140J2981986-03-27027 March 1986 Preliminary Work Instruction for Walkdown Verification of Seismic Reanalysis Program ML20141C1321986-03-14014 March 1986 Rev 0 to Dcrdr Label Std ML20128Q9731985-05-31031 May 1985 Radiation Control Program ML20116D2731985-01-23023 January 1985 Revised Procedure GP-R-212110R, Procedures Generation Package for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant ML20100E7991984-11-16016 November 1984 Change 8 to Inservice Insp Program Re Description,Program & Exam Schedule ML20093N6741984-07-30030 July 1984 1984 Refuel Outage Augmented Inservice Insp Program, Final Rept ML20093K6361984-07-20020 July 1984 Rev 0 to Process Control Program ML20092P3851984-06-27027 June 1984 Procedure GP-R-112020, Procedures Generation Package for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant ML20093A4411984-06-26026 June 1984 Primary Containment Leak Rate Testing Program:Description, Program & Exam Schedule ML20092N8441984-06-12012 June 1984 Detailed Control Room Design Review Program Plan for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant ML20207L9911984-06-0808 June 1984 Rev 2 to 80A7616, Ultrasonic Exam Procedure for Reactor Vessel Feedwater Nozzle Inner Radius for Vermont Yankee ML20098G9921984-04-30030 April 1984 Procedure AP 0154, Post-Trip Review ML20087H1871984-03-13013 March 1984 Recirculation & RHR Weld Joint Insp Program - 1984 Refueling Outage ML20081B7871984-03-0505 March 1984 Rev 0 to, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20083G1191983-11-15015 November 1983 Public Version of Rev 4 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure OP 3530, Post-Accident Sampling & Rev 16 to Procedure OP 3506, Emergency Equipment Readiness Check ML20080F0181983-08-0202 August 1983 Public Version of Rev 0 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure OP 3514, Activation of Alternate Emergency Operations Facility/Recovery Ctr,Table of Contents & Contact List ML20024E5261983-07-25025 July 1983 1983 Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station 'EOF-In' Emergency Response Exercise & Evaluation Plan. ML20024A6831983-06-10010 June 1983 Procedure 5960-3 Responses to NRC Request for Info,Mark I Torus Program Plant Unique Rept. ML20084M4681983-05-26026 May 1983 Insp Program Summary ML20024A0261983-05-0303 May 1983 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures OP 3500 Re Unusual Events, OP 3501 Re Alert & OP 3502 Re Site Area Emergency ML20070T9351983-01-31031 January 1983 Public Version of Rev 5 to Page 7 of Table of Contents ML20084M4831983-01-28028 January 1983 Rev 1 to Procedure 80A7616, Ultrasonic Exam Procedure for Reactor Vessel Feedwater Nozzle Inner Radius ML20070R2691983-01-18018 January 1983 VT Yankee Nuclear Power Station Inservice Insp Program, Rev 7 ML20065T2731982-09-30030 September 1982 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures A.P. 3125 Re Emergency Plan Classification & Action Level Scheme & O.P. 3513 Re Evaluation of Offsite Radiological Conditions ML20063M7201982-07-0909 July 1982 Public Version of Chemistry & Health Physics Dept Instruction 82-25 Incorporating New Phone Number for Ew Jackson Into Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure O.P. 3504 ML20058F6701982-06-29029 June 1982 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures O.P. 3501 Re Alert,O.P. 3502 Re Site Area Emergency & O.P. 3503 Re General Emergency. Receipt Form Encl ML20063C7171982-06-10010 June 1982 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures O.P. 3501 Re alert- Security Shift Supervisor & O.P. 3503 Re General emergency- Security Shift Supervisor ML20052A1061982-03-22022 March 1982 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Table of Contents ML20042B1641982-02-26026 February 1982 Public Version of Revisions to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures OP-3301 Re Unusual Event, OP-3302 Re Alert & OP-3303 Re Site Area Emergency ML20049J1731982-02-12012 February 1982 Public Version of Change 9 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Consisting of Revision 3 to Procedure AP 3125 Re Emergency Plan Classification & Revision 6 to AP 3712 Re Emergency Plan Training ML20041D1851982-02-11011 February 1982 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures 3500 Re Unusual Event, 3501 Re alert,3502 Re Site Area Emergency & 3503 Re General Emergency ML20041C0081982-02-0202 February 1982 Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures O.P. 3500 Re Unusual Event, O.P. 3501 Re Alert & O.P. 3502 Re Site Area Emergency. Instruction Sheet & Revised Table of Contents Encl 1998-10-09
[Table view] |
Proc. No. A.P.-0711 Dept..Fupv.
-(N PORC Rev. No. O d Plant Supt. Issue Date
'Mgr. of Ops. Review Date
To dsfine a program by which Licensed Operators and Senior Oper-ators will be trained to maintain their competency, remain current on plant changes,-and meet NRC relicensing requirements.
Licensed operator retraining is a requirement of 10 CFR 55. The Vermont Yankee program is intended to, as a minimum, meet these require- .
ments. The program shall be conducted on a continuous basis except that the classroom. lectures may not be presented during annual refueling outages o.e during heavy vacation periods. The content of the program shall include the following:
- 1. Classroom Lectures
- 2. Operational Experience
- 3. Evcluation The Training Department has the responsibility for ccheduling, administering and documenting-the retraining effort. Specifically, the Operations Training Supervisor shall ensure proper preparation, presen-cation and documentation of the retraining. lectures, and operational experience scenarios. The evaluation of both the program and the individuals in the program is the responsibility of the Training Depart-ment Supervisor in association with the Operations Training Supervisor, the Operations Supervisor and contract personnel as needed. The Training Department Records Clerk is. responsible for maintaining all records associated with the retraining program. The individual licensees are
responsible for documenting the control manipulations which they perform in the course of their normal duties.
The following appendices are attached:
Appendix 3
A. Tech. Specs.
- 1. None
- 3. ' Admin. Limits
- 1. None
f '
~2- A.P. 0711
- f. . , Original
.c C. Other
- 1. 10 CTR 55 Operators Licenses
- 2. ANSI N18.1 Selection and' Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel
- 3. NRC letter dated 3/28/S0 Qualifications of Reactor Cperators Procedure:
I. Classroom Lecture Series A.- A pre-planned lecture series will be conducted and will include the following general subject areas:
- 1. Reactor Theory 2.
Operating Characteristics
- 3. Instrumentation and Controls 4 Protection and Safety Systems including mitigation of accidents ;
- 5. Technical Specifications and Chap. 1 of 10 CFR
- 6. Radiation Control and Safety
- 7. Heat Transfer, Fluid Flow and Thermodynamics
- 8. Operational Quality Assurance
- 9. License Events, Design changes and Upcoming Events
- 10. Plant Procedures B. Lecture attendance shall be required of all persons who achieve less than 30% mark on the relata,d section of the annual requal-ification examination.
C. All licensed personnel shall be encouraged to attend the lecture series with emphasis on subjects 9 and 10.
D. The Operations Training Supervisor shall assure the following
. documentation of the lecture series.
- 1. Schedule and curriculum record
- 2. Attendance records
- 3. -Periodic quizzes administered and grades of those quizzes.
II. Operational Experience and Control Manipulations A. Control Manipulations
- 1. The control manipulations listed in Appendix A shall be supervised or perfor=ed annually by all licensed personnel.
This performance may be completed by:
- a. Actual event performed at Vermont Yankee as a result of plant operations.
- b. Simulator.use
- c. A walk-through evaluation by a me bar of the Train-ing Department.
-3 A.P. 0711 Originni
'2. The control manipulations in Appendix B shall be supervised or performed biennially. Performance =ay be completed as in II.1. above.
- 3. System Operation
- 1. The following systems shall be operated or supervised through surveillance testing or actual system operation oy each licensed individual at least biennially:
- a. Turbine (startup, shutdown or surveillance)
- b. CRD (friction testing or rod timing)
- c. MSIV (functional, quick closure or actual operation)
- d. HPCI
- 4. RCIC
- f. RHR (S/D cooling, torus cooling, LPCI or full flow test)
- g. Core Spray
- h. SBGT
- 1. SLC
- 2. The following system arartups or shutdowns shall be per-formed per methods of Section II. A.1 biennially,
- a. Condensate
- b. Feedwater c
- c. Recirculation l d. Control Rod Drive l e. Circulating Water
- f. Cooling Towers l g. Advanced Off Gas l
l III. Industry and Plant Changes i
I A. The classroom lectures series will include discussions of industry and plant changes in design, systems and equipment, regulations and procedures.
If the Operations Supervisor and/or the Training Department B.
Supervisor conclude that more rapid dissimenation of infor-mation is necessary, it will be accomplished through the night order book or specially scheduled lectures.
IV. Evaluation r
A. Annual Written Examinations 1
- 1. Each licensed individual will bs given a written j examination annually.
- 2. Examination categories are: j
- a. Reactor Theory
- b. Operating Characteristics
- c. Instrumentation and Centrols
4 A.P. 0711 Original
- d. Plant Protection and Safety Syste=s
- e. Station Procedures, Technical Specifications and Federal Regulations
- f. Radiation Control and Safety
- g. Heat Transfer, Fluid Flew and Thermodynamics
- 3. Each examination categor/ shall have 7 questions. *he first 5 to be answered by all. The last 2 to be answered by Senior Operators only.
- 4. Individuals not achieving an overall examination grade of 80% or a 70% on any category will be removed from licensed duties and enrolled in an accelerated training progrcs.
'4ritten notification of exam failure shall be given to the individual and the Operations Supervisor by the Training Department.
B. Accelerated Training Program
- 1. A judgement shall be made by the Operations Training Supervisor at the time of exam failure as to how the accelerated training program may best be administered and tailored to the individual's needs.
- 2. Completion of the accelerated training program will be determined by satisfactory completion of a written and/
or oral exam.
- 3. t!pon satisfactor'/ completion of the accelerated training program the Training Department shall notify, in writing,
( the Operations Supervisor and the individual of return to licensed duties.
C. Simulator Training
- 1. Each licensed individual shall receive annual simulator l training.
- 2. This training program content shall be promulgated by the Training Department and the simulator vendor.
V. Additional Training i l
l 1. Any other seminars, classes, or demonstrations which contribute !
l co a licensee's qualifications or experience and are attended ;
by those percons shall be documented. l l
A.P. 0711
- 1. Reactor startup to establishment of a heatup rate.
- 2. Manual feedwater control during startup or shutdown.
- 3. Power level changes of >10% with control' rods or recire. flow.
4'. Loss of coolant a.- Large break inside primary containment
- b. Small break inside primary containment c.. Large break outside primary containment
- d. Small break outside primary contain=ent 5.- Loss of recirculation flow
- 6. Loss of feedwater I
l i
l i
e -
. A.P. 0711 Original APPENDIX B
- 1. Plant shutdown
- 2. Loss of instrument air
- 3. Loss of normal power
- 4. Loss of vital AC
- 5. . Loss of condenser vacuus .
.6. Loss of service water
- 7. Loss of shutdown cooling
- 8. Loss of R3CCW
- a. Total system loss
'b. Drywell cooling loss
- 9. Feedwater system failure
- 10. Loss of RPS channel
- 11. Rod drop
- 12. Control rod out of sequenet
- 13. Inability to drive control rods
- 14. Conditions requiring standby liquid control
- 15. Fuel cladding failure
- a. High main steam line radiation or
- b. -High off gas activity or
- c. High coolant activity
- 16. Turbine or generator trip
- 17. Recirc system malfunction
- 18. Pressure regulator failure
- 19. Main stea= break
- 20. Nuclear instrument failure
, - _ _ - , _ . _ , _ . . _