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Licensed Operator Retraining.
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 07/29/1980
Shared Package
ML19330B689 List:
AP-0711, AP-711, NUDOCS 8008050385
Download: ML19330B692 (6)


Proc. No. A.P.-0711 Dept..Fupv.

-(N PORC Rev. No. O d Plant Supt. Issue Date

'Mgr. of Ops. Review Date



To dsfine a program by which Licensed Operators and Senior Oper-ators will be trained to maintain their competency, remain current on plant changes,-and meet NRC relicensing requirements.


Licensed operator retraining is a requirement of 10 CFR 55. The Vermont Yankee program is intended to, as a minimum, meet these require- .

ments. The program shall be conducted on a continuous basis except that the classroom. lectures may not be presented during annual refueling outages o.e during heavy vacation periods. The content of the program shall include the following:

1. Classroom Lectures
2. Operational Experience
3. Evcluation The Training Department has the responsibility for ccheduling, administering and documenting-the retraining effort. Specifically, the Operations Training Supervisor shall ensure proper preparation, presen-cation and documentation of the retraining. lectures, and operational experience scenarios. The evaluation of both the program and the individuals in the program is the responsibility of the Training Depart-ment Supervisor in association with the Operations Training Supervisor, the Operations Supervisor and contract personnel as needed. The Training Department Records Clerk is. responsible for maintaining all records associated with the retraining program. The individual licensees are


responsible for documenting the control manipulations which they perform in the course of their normal duties.

The following appendices are attached:


Appendix 3


A. Tech. Specs.

1. None
3. ' Admin. Limits
1. None


f '

~2- A.P. 0711

f. . , Original

.c C. Other

1. 10 CTR 55 Operators Licenses
2. ANSI N18.1 Selection and' Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel
3. NRC letter dated 3/28/S0 Qualifications of Reactor Cperators Procedure:

I. Classroom Lecture Series A.- A pre-planned lecture series will be conducted and will include the following general subject areas:

1. Reactor Theory 2.

Operating Characteristics

3. Instrumentation and Controls 4 Protection and Safety Systems including mitigation of accidents  ;
5. Technical Specifications and Chap. 1 of 10 CFR
6. Radiation Control and Safety
7. Heat Transfer, Fluid Flow and Thermodynamics
8. Operational Quality Assurance
9. License Events, Design changes and Upcoming Events
10. Plant Procedures B. Lecture attendance shall be required of all persons who achieve less than 30% mark on the relata,d section of the annual requal-ification examination.

C. All licensed personnel shall be encouraged to attend the lecture series with emphasis on subjects 9 and 10.

D. The Operations Training Supervisor shall assure the following

. documentation of the lecture series.

1. Schedule and curriculum record
2. Attendance records
3. -Periodic quizzes administered and grades of those quizzes.

II. Operational Experience and Control Manipulations A. Control Manipulations

1. The control manipulations listed in Appendix A shall be supervised or perfor=ed annually by all licensed personnel.

This performance may be completed by:

a. Actual event performed at Vermont Yankee as a result of plant operations.
b. Simulator.use
c. A walk-through evaluation by a me bar of the Train-ing Department.

-3 A.P. 0711 Originni

'2. The control manipulations in Appendix B shall be supervised or performed biennially. Performance =ay be completed as in II.1. above.

3. System Operation
1. The following systems shall be operated or supervised through surveillance testing or actual system operation oy each licensed individual at least biennially:
a. Turbine (startup, shutdown or surveillance)
b. CRD (friction testing or rod timing)
c. MSIV (functional, quick closure or actual operation)
f. RHR (S/D cooling, torus cooling, LPCI or full flow test)
g. Core Spray
1. SLC
2. The following system arartups or shutdowns shall be per-formed per methods of Section II. A.1 biennially,
a. Condensate
b. Feedwater c
c. Recirculation l d. Control Rod Drive l e. Circulating Water
f. Cooling Towers l g. Advanced Off Gas l

l III. Industry and Plant Changes i

I A. The classroom lectures series will include discussions of industry and plant changes in design, systems and equipment, regulations and procedures.

If the Operations Supervisor and/or the Training Department B.

Supervisor conclude that more rapid dissimenation of infor-mation is necessary, it will be accomplished through the night order book or specially scheduled lectures.

IV. Evaluation r

A. Annual Written Examinations 1

1. Each licensed individual will bs given a written j examination annually.
2. Examination categories are: j
a. Reactor Theory
b. Operating Characteristics
c. Instrumentation and Centrols

4 A.P. 0711 Original

d. Plant Protection and Safety Syste=s
e. Station Procedures, Technical Specifications and Federal Regulations
f. Radiation Control and Safety
g. Heat Transfer, Fluid Flew and Thermodynamics
3. Each examination categor/ shall have 7 questions. *he first 5 to be answered by all. The last 2 to be answered by Senior Operators only.
4. Individuals not achieving an overall examination grade of 80% or a 70% on any category will be removed from licensed duties and enrolled in an accelerated training progrcs.

'4ritten notification of exam failure shall be given to the individual and the Operations Supervisor by the Training Department.

B. Accelerated Training Program

1. A judgement shall be made by the Operations Training Supervisor at the time of exam failure as to how the accelerated training program may best be administered and tailored to the individual's needs.
2. Completion of the accelerated training program will be determined by satisfactory completion of a written and/

or oral exam.


3. t!pon satisfactor'/ completion of the accelerated training program the Training Department shall notify, in writing,

( the Operations Supervisor and the individual of return to licensed duties.

C. Simulator Training

1. Each licensed individual shall receive annual simulator l training.
2. This training program content shall be promulgated by the Training Department and the simulator vendor.

V. Additional Training i l

l 1. Any other seminars, classes, or demonstrations which contribute  !

l co a licensee's qualifications or experience and are attended  ;

by those percons shall be documented. l l

A.P. 0711



1. Reactor startup to establishment of a heatup rate.
2. Manual feedwater control during startup or shutdown.
3. Power level changes of >10% with control' rods or recire. flow.

4'. Loss of coolant a.- Large break inside primary containment

b. Small break inside primary containment c.. Large break outside primary containment
d. Small break outside primary contain=ent 5.- Loss of recirculation flow
6. Loss of feedwater I

l i

l i


e -

. A.P. 0711 Original APPENDIX B

1. Plant shutdown
2. Loss of instrument air
3. Loss of normal power
4. Loss of vital AC
5. . Loss of condenser vacuus .

.6. Loss of service water

7. Loss of shutdown cooling
8. Loss of R3CCW
a. Total system loss

'b. Drywell cooling loss

9. Feedwater system failure
10. Loss of RPS channel
11. Rod drop
12. Control rod out of sequenet
13. Inability to drive control rods
14. Conditions requiring standby liquid control
15. Fuel cladding failure
a. High main steam line radiation or
b. -High off gas activity or
c. High coolant activity
16. Turbine or generator trip
17. Recirc system malfunction
18. Pressure regulator failure
19. Main stea= break
20. Nuclear instrument failure

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