ML20087H187 | |
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Site: | Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png |
Issue date: | 03/13/1984 |
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ML20087H179 | List: |
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PROC-840313, NUDOCS 8403200277 | |
Download: ML20087H187 (43) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:, l 5 Enclosure I Vermont Yankee Recirculation and RHR Weld Joint Inspection Program - 1984 Refueling Outage i 1 1 J -) 8403200277 B40313 PDR ADOCK 05000271 0 .PDR 1 I 1
t 1.0 ULTRASONIC EXAMINATIOh CRITERIA 1.1' Scope Vermont Yankee intends to include 46 welds of the Recirculation and Residual Heat Removal Systems in the initial sample selected for examination during the 1984 refueling outage. The sample size has been determined based upon the following table: Available. Percent in Number of Resultant Condition populaticn Initial Sample Examin4tions Overlays of repaired welds with IGSCC greater than or equal to 10% of circumference 17 70* 12 Unrepaired welds with known IGSCC 12 100 12 Previously inspected welds with no indication of 26 20 7 IGSCC Previously uninspected welds 60 20 16 Repaired welds with IGSCC less than 10% of the 5 0 0 circumference Total 47 4 'Further distribution of'the sample set will include assurance that the different pipe sizes are represented in the sample. If additional IGSCC is detected in the samples representing the welds not previously inspected or the previously inspected welds-not found to contain IGSCC, the sample size will IMt increased in accordance with the rules of IWB 2430'of Section II as defined in I&E Bulletin 83-02.
- Ten overlayed joints are identical (sweepolet to riser). The overlay thickness is greater ~than 75% Tmin at each joint, greatly exceeding well thickness required for design loads. The inspection approach here is to UT'fivg of these joints (most
.affected by ICSCC) for weld metal integrity:and bond to base-metal. If no indications are found. the remaining:five will not be re-inspected. ~ al_
1.2 personnel All examination personnel shall be qualified to basic levels, I, II, and III of SNT-TC-1A as applicable. Additionally, all examination personnel will be demonstrated to be qualified to a level of competence commensurate with their functions. Examiners involved in equipment setup or scanning operations will be trained and demonstrated proficient to assure both their technical ability and their ability to perform activities consistent with the rules { of ALARA, i l-The process for qualification of all personnel who will perform evaluations, either of manual examinations or examinations i, utilizing. advanced data acquisition and processing shall be that process presently in the EPRI NDE Center. l - Limited numbers of personnel are qualified through the NDE Center for all systems, methods, and techniques currently under l consideration. Additional personnel, if required,-shall receive i the same level of qualification and examination. Due to the complexity of the equipment, methods, and techniques involved no plant-specific training and qualifications i requirements have been developed. When decisions as to exactly what equipment will be used are made, a program will be i established to assure proper training of those individuals involved in the examinations. 4 I 1.3 Equipment A number of vendors and their equipment are being reviewed for F their abilities with regard to detection, discrimination, and i sizing. No decision has been made with respect to the equipment [ to be used in order that Vermont Yankee may take full advantage of l developments in this technology. ] Three separate systems for automatic and semi-automatic data acquisition, storage, and display are presently under consideration. Each of'these systems is presently undergoing l extensive evaluatior.. Automated and semi-automated scanning employing the Ultra Image III system as developed by General Dynamics and utilized by [ General Electric Company is being reviewed. -This system, as demonstrated,Lre11es heavily on spatial information for l discrimination of IGSCC. A-scan signals are displayed in order that signal characteristic evaluation can be employed in } discriminating IGSCC reflectors from geometric reflectors.-"This i cystem is being evaluated considering this limitation and an effort to provide additional information with regard to other paremeters of the ultrasonic signal may be obtained-by selective utilization of the ALN'4060. l Vermont Yankee plant-specific considerations for employing the AMAps automatic scanner now being utilized with Ultra I. mage III' J , 4 ~...
are being considered. Overall clearances, interferences, and weld crown position and conditions will be reviewed. The P-scan System as deployed by ITL is being investigated. As with Ultra Image III, this system relies heavily on spatial information for IGSCC identification. Additional investigative utilization of the ALN 4060 is again.being considered. Scanners, both automatic and semi-automatic for use with P-scan are being reviewed. The UDRPS as utilized by NES of Danbury, Connecticut is being reviewed as another possible tool for IGSCC detection and discrimination. This unit also applies spatial analysis to ICSCC discrimination. UDRPS utilizes enhanced signal processing to reduce the effects of grain boundary noise. As with Ultra Image III and P-scan some signal discrimination capability is being considered through use of ALE 4060 for those indications Which cannot be discriminated on spatial and A-scan characteristics alone. J At this time UDRPS utilizes the AMAPS scanner and is only i functional in an automatic mode. Utilization of the AMAPS scanner is already being considered. Manual examinations are at this time being considered for those welds or portions of welds not accessible to AMAPS. Qualified manual techniques as utilized for' detection and discrimination during the spring 1983 refueling outage will be available to supplement other examination methods. Key to this evaluation process is the considerations of man-rem economization. Certain systems appear efficient in that initial stay times are short, however repeated entries reduce this -apparent economy. Systems which are capable of gathering,- storing, and manipulating all available data are seen as having the advantage over those which need repeated "on pipe" evaluation. Review of these systems is ongoing with full consideration as to their advantages and'1 imitations. The results of the EPRI NDE Center _ qualifications as well as their in-process or upcoming-field performance'are.also under scrutiny. Final decision on the equipment is being reserved until all available data from the individual qualification and initial field applications can be reviewed. 1.4-.Sizina Vermont Yankee is investigating available techniques for' sizing-IGSCC flaws including ID and OD creeping wave methods and crack tip diffraction. These techniques are being investigated as applicable to the advanced ultrasonic' equipment under consideration as well as their more conventional applications included in the EPRI flaw-sizing. seminar. Flaw-sizing' techniques-at Vermont Yankee will be qualified prior'to application. - -.. ~ ~ ~
1.5 Overlay Inspection Existing weld overlays in our inspection program, as well as any necessary new overlays, will be inspected to verify the integrity of both the weld inetal and its bond to the pipe base material, in a manner consistent with ASME Code, Section V Paragraph T550, 1 4 I l 1 l l _4_-
l 2.0 CRITERIA FOR FLAW EVALUATION 1 L i 2.1 Flaws detected by non-destructive examination will be evaluated to l the rules of ASME Code Section II Article IWB-3600, supplemented by NRC SECY 83-267C, Paragraph C.2. Allowable flaw depth and length at end of fuel cycle will be limited to two-thirds (2/3) of the IWB-3640 allowable. Flawed joints which meet this criteria considering upper bound IGSCC and fatigue crack growth will be considered adequate for one operating cycle. (Approximately 12-13 months.) ) 2.2 Exceptions to Paragraph 2.1 are flaws where detected length exceeds 30% of the pipe diameter. These indications will be weld overlay repaired regardless of "UT called" depth unless the - ultrasonic inspection technique is capable of very accurate sizing i and has been so qualified. If depth measurement for a greater than 30% long flaw is utilized in a flaw evaluation, the specific UT technique and qualification will be submitted for staff review. 2.3 A Tearing Instability analysis in accordance with criteria specified in NUREC/CR-3464 and EPRI NP-2261 will also be performed. This elastic-plastic fracture mechanics analysis will demonstrate that the flawed system will not fail assuming large cracks and' loads in excess of design loads. Lower bound material properties will be utilized in this analysis. l.
a 3.0 CRITERIA FOR FUTURE WELD OVERLAY RgpAIR 3.1 Where flawed joints are repaired by weld overlay, the thickness of the overlay will be sufficient to provide full IWB-3640 margin during the next operating cycle. Flaws will be assumed to grow through the original pipe wall over the detected length. The advantageous effect of the compressive stress induced by the overlay process will not be considered in sizing the overlays. ~ 3.2 Multiple short cracks will be treated as one crack with length equal to the sum of the circumferential lengths for both flaw evaluation and overlay design if applicable. 3.3 An outage report will be submitted to the-NRC staff for review. This report will contain: a. Ultrar:onic Inspection Techniques and Qualifications, 1 b. Joints examined and results, c. Flaw evaluations if required, including re-evaluation of unrepaired flaws, and d. Weld overlay repair design and analyses techniques if required. 't - -
\\ 4.0 OPERATION FOR A SECOND CYCLE OF OPERATION WITH WELD OVERLAYS 1 1 ^ 4.1 Current Status o Twenty-two weld overlays on 12-inch diameter pipe were applied at the 1983 refueling outags, o These are structural overlays with a typical thickness of (0.5) (TMIN). Overlays are generally 0.25 to 0.45 inches. l Overlay data sheets are included in Enclosure II, 4.2 Desian Criteria and Inspection 4.2.1 These overlays satisfy the' criteria of ASME Code, Section III, Subsection NB and Section XI, Article IWB 3640. The design analysis included secondary stress and fatigue evaluation for a period of about five years. This 0 includes 25 startup-shutdown cycles (100 F/hr) and 25 0 emergency cycles (456 F/hr). In the current operating period, only 4 startup cycles and no emergencies.have occurred. Thus, cyclic loading on the recirculation system is minimal and if the current excellent plant operation continues, structural integrity of the overlays is assured for well in excess of five years. 4.2.2 At the time of installation, the overlays were inspected to verify the integrity of both the weld metal and its bond to the pipe base material, in a manner consistent with ASME Code, Section V, Paragraph T550. No indications were found. 4.3 IGSCC Crack Growth Into A Weld overlay j 4.3.1 Weld Metal l Vermont Yankee specified Type 308L weld metal with carbon-i content less than or equal to 0.03% and delta ferrite ~ Readings of controlled to a level of between 8 and 15 FN. as-deposited weld metal were taken of the first layer Where practical, and the final layer.for each overlay. The initial layer results were all in excess of 8 FN. ~The final layer results were between 12 and 15 FN. Weld metal with these properties provides outstanding l resistance to IGSCC. This has been demonstrated by both
- j. -
test and theory. 4.3.2 Survey of Types 308 and 308L IGSCC Test Results Pertinent results to illustrate the effects of_ carbon i content and ferrite on weld metal resistance to IGSCC are presented in the following subsections. _y. 1
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. =,. i Constant Extension Rate Tests (CERTs) i Test results from CERTs (References 1 and 2) for low carbon Types 308 and 308L are shown in Table 1. The CERT is simi)ar to a tensile test, performed at slow strain rates (constant extension rate) in an aggressive 0 environment (550 F, 8 ppm oxygen water) to force fracture. The fracture is then examined for.IGSCC characteristics. No IGSCC was shown for the Types 308 and 308L tests in Table 1, even for cases where the wcld metal was given a severe furnace sensitizing treatment. Constant Load Tests constant load tensile test results (Reference 3) at 5500F in 0.2 to 100 ppm oxygen content water are shown in Figure 1. Types 308 and 308L were tested, both as-deposited and given furnace sensitizing treatments. Loads are as high as 125% of the yield strength at 0 550 F. No failures resulted for Type 308L specimens, regardless of ferrite content; no failures resulted for Type 308 specimens with % ferrite greater than or equal to 8%. Other constant load tests were also performed (Reference
- 3) for 308L in chloride environments. Type 30SL weld overlays on Type 304 stainless steel were tested at 125%
of the 750r yield strength in an aqueous environment of 0 100 ppm Cl at 200 F. No cracking or attack was found after test times of 178 and 138 hr., even for a specimen given the sensitizing treatment of 10 hr. at 11500F. Ferrite Effect - Sensitization Immunity In References 1 and 2, the beneficial effects of ferrite content in Types 308 and 308L are discussed with regard to IGSCC susceptibility and sensitization inununity. Whereas, chroutium carbide precipitation occurs intergranularly. during' aging of austenitic Type 308 stainless 9 teel, no such precipitation occurs along austenite-austenite grain boundaries in duplex Type 308 containing suitable amounts and distributions of ferrite. 'Instead, the precipitation j occurs exclusively along austenite-ferrite phase boundaries. Since chromium diffusivity is approximately 1003 times greater in ferrite than in austenite at 1100 F, the 0 chromium for this precipitation is supplied principally from the chromium-rich ferrite phase. A small-zone of -chromium depletion in the austenite is subsequently: replenished by chromium diffusing from the interior of the austenite.' After-this " healing". the material is immune to'intergranular corrosion in ASTil A262 Practice E and-IGSCC in air-saturated water at 5500F., -,.~.-
a Models hava been developed (Refe: ences 1 and 2) based on the above mechanism to describe IGSCC as a function of carbon content and the amount of ferrite-austenite (d-Y) boundary area. The critical distribution of boundary area l for rapid healing is that amount which is sufficient to l ' tie up all of the available carbon as chromium carbide ( exclusively along ferrite-austenite boundaries. Both the amount and distribution of ferrite-austenite boundary area can be expressed as a function of the metallographic M. This is a measure of the number of parameter, NL intercepts a random test line makes with d-Y boundaries Per unit length of test line. Figure 2 shows the model predictions of NL , as functions of %C, to maintain a critical amount of d V boundary area (lino S ) and a critical distribution of y ac-V boundary area (curve Y). The'value of Ng' I for rapid healing is the higher of the two curves. ASTM A262 Practice E results shown in Figure 2 verify the model predictions. At 0.03%C, the maximum of-Type 308L, En - Y = 200 cm-1 is required for rapid healing and immu d nity to intergranular corrosion. At 0.015%C, or less, essen tially no ferrite is required. Figure 3 P ots data from Reference 1 to relate Un -Y d l to volume % ferrite. For as-deposited Type 308L, as in an overlay repair, about 3% ferrite is adequate to achieve B
- T = 200 cm-1 and intergranular corrosion immunity.
L Even for the solution treated material, 8% ferrite achieves the 200 value. Thus, the whole range of heating possibilities is covered by the Type 308L weld overlay repair requirements of-8% ferrite minimum, and the overlays should be immune to IGSCC. Crack Arrest l l Figure 4 (Reference 4) shows'an IGSCC in Type 304 t essentially arresting at.the base metal / weld interface " annealed" zone. This annealed zone is caused by. temperatures at this location during welding that ace in the solution heat treatment range. Thus, this interface acts as a further protection against the propagation'of-l IGSCC into weld overlay repairs. 4.3.3 g her Information l A large number of General' Electric Co.' pipe tests have l been performed to qualify nuclear' grade Type 316 (less l than or. equal to 0.02%C) for piping replacement'(Reference [ 5). Thesa materials were welded by Type:308L filler-zmetal, which was successfully qualified along with the base metal for resistance to ICSCC. -g_ _a, =
( NUREG-0531 (Reference 6) indicates that Type 301.L with a ferrite content of at least 8% after welding appears to be a good corrosion resistant cladding material on BWR piping inside surfaces for resistance to IGSCC. NUREG-0313, Revision 1 (Reference 7) gives guidance that Type 308L ( with at least 5% ferrite be used to minimize crack susceptibility. As a final point, no field leakage has ever been observed in any BWR welds growing through the weld metal. This includes the higher carbon content Type 308. This demonstrates the weld metal ability to arrest cracks, even though the weld residual stresses are highest at this location in a butt weld. i l l l l
S 1. A large amount of test data shows that Type 308L weld metal is not susceptible to ICSCC. Ferrite contents of 8% or greater provide additional mergin against 10 SCC. o 2. Theoretical predictions support the test data and show that Type 308L with at least 8% ferrite is virtually immune to ICSCC. 3. IGSCC cracks should not propagate into the 303L weld overlays applied at Vermont Yankee. 4. Since the overlays at each weld joint provide structural adequacy, and the overlays are essentially immune to further crack growth, operation for one additienal operating cycle will not reduce Safety Margins below those intended by the ASME Code, Section III. .e'- l ,e "-w9 .\\ .1 n j l l. +, -..y - (. s i. -
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6.0 ENHANCED DRYWELL LEAK DETECTION ~In Vermont Yankee Letter YVY 83-44, dated May 26, 1983 to NRC, a connaittment to the criteria now contained in SECY 83-207C, Attachment D, was made. i l O f.7 +
l 7.0 FUTURE PLANS 7.1 It is our present intent to replace recirculation and RHR System stainless steel piping with 316 re clear grade seamless pipe and u fittings at the 1985 refueling outage. 7.2 The 1984 outage will be utilized by the recirculation system pipe replacement contracter to survey the drywell and develop detailed plans for the intended 1985 pipe replacenent. In this way, sufficien'/ time will be available to plan an efficient replacement effort with minimum radiation exposuct. to personnel. 4 w
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t 1. M. R. Hughes and A. J. Giannuzzi, " Evaluation of Near-Teca BWR Piping Remedies, Volume 2", EPRI NP-1222 Volume 2 November 1979. 2. N. R. Hughes and A. J. Giannuzzi, " Evaluation of Near-Term BWR Piping Remedies, Volume 1", EPRI NP-1222 Volume 1. Novenber 1979. 3. W. L. Clarke and W. L. Walker, " Accelerated SCC Test Data Tabulation for 304 CF8, CF3. 308L and Wrought Austono-Ferritic Alloys", General Electric Co., Unclassified, August 15, 1975. 4. R. M. Horn, "The Growth and Stability of Stress Corrosion Cracks in Large Diameter BWR Piping", Second Semiannual Report, November 1979-April 1980, NEDC-24750-2, EPRI Contract T118-1, June 1980. 5. J. F. Copeland and E. D. Eayre, "The App._ication of Low Carbon Type 316 Stainless Steel for BWR Recirculation Piping Systems", MPC-15, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, November 1980. 6. NUREG-0531, " Investigation and Evaluation of Stress-Corrosion Cracking in Piping of Light Water Reactor Plants", February 1979. 7. NUREG-0313, Kevision 1 " Technical Report on Material Selection and Processing Guidelines for BWR Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping", July-1980. i.
l l l l-Table 1 Constant Extension Rate Test (CERT) Results j For Types 308L and 308 Weld Metal (Reference 1) i 4 Nominal Strain Heat No./ Sample h Heat Treatment %C Rate (min-1) IGSCC Notes M7616/26-B 308L As-Deposited .03 4.5 x 10-5 No 1 M7616/27-B 308L Solution Heat .03 4.5 x 10-5 No 2 Weated L-B7 308 13500C/l Hr. .04 1.0 x 10-3 No 3 L-B7 308 13500C/l Hr. .04 2.0 x 10-4 No 3 L-B7 308 13500C/l Hr. .04 2.0 x 10-5 No 3 L-B7 308 13500C/l Hr. + .04 1.5 x 10-4 No 2 4750C/10 Hr. i L-B7 308 13500C/l Hr. + .04 1.3 x 10-4 No 2 4750C/100 Hr. L-B7 308 13500C/l Hr. + .04 1.3 x 10-4 No 2 4750C/1000 Hr. L-B7 308 13500C/l Hr + .04 1.0 x 10-5 No 2 6000C/l Hr. L-B7 308 13500C/l Hr. + .04 13 x 10-5 No 2 6000C/2 Hr. L-B7 308 13500C/l Hr. + .04 1.3 x 10-5 No 2 600oC/10 Hr. L-B7 308 13500C/l Hr. + .04 1.3 x 10-5 No 2 6000C/20 Hr. L-B7 308 13500C/l Hr. + .04 1.6 x 10-5 No 2 6000C/20 Hr. L-87 308 13500C/l Hr. + .04 1.4 x 10-4 No 2 6000C/100 Hr. L-B7 308 13500C/l Hr. + .04 1.3 x 10-4 No. 2 7000C/l Hr. Corrosion resistant clad overlay; procedure specification requires - Notes: 1 a ferrite content of at least 8 ;FN. 2 - No ferrite content given. 20% volume ferrite' for this treatment. 3
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- l' O - TYPE 208 % FEREITE. 4 8 l
A - TYPE Sc9,, % FERRITE. 2 B ~ 1 o - TYPE So8L',IFEREITE < S i l l I M _ _.go,i _ A - TYPE SOSL % FEERITE >_. 8 l -+ - N o FAILUl2 E-l ' ( ) - NO. OF TE ST.S l i I _ go 2 f d- - p-g
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- Figure 1 - Constant %ad Tenslie Tects at 550oF in 0.2 to 100 PPM Oxygen Weter For Types 308 and 308L In As-Deposited, Or ll500F/24 Hr.,
or ll500F/40 lir. Conditions (Refetence 3) J
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f f O g g s,* - > A e 400 g h h ,,C R IT g e i e Y 2m O O k O wnoucar A weto SM I I I I O 0.02 0 04 0.06 0.08 0.10 CARBON (%) Figure 2 'Ihe Influence of N "-Yon the Intergranular Corrosim L Behavior of Aged Samples of Wrought and Weld-Deposited Type-308 Stainless Steel. Open Symbols Indicate IGSCC per ASTM A262 Practice E Testing; Closed Symbols Indicate S IGSCC (Reference 1)
I3 e+.n /Yoo e I i100 l e - A s - DEPO si rek TYPE 302 wclD n'6/ 7 TRCATED 0 O O - SOLLA TION TYPE 308 Heter s tooo 8 00 m 7. 600 No O a L O 3y 5 -J ~O 0 100 ~ O- "O O . s' O O / o l 0 o-Los / e/ o o o o 1 I r 1 1-l 0 i 8 IL 16 to 29 V OLL/ M E 4 Ff f/?/ TF Figure 3 - Number of Intercepts of a Random Test Line With Austenite-Ferrite . Boundaries Per Unit length of Test Line, N, Versus Vclume. L 96 Ferrite For Type 308 Weld Metal 4 A~_---____--__,
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.r ~ .s. ~..... I h l n CR ACK GROWTH ENVIRON CRACK I DinECYlON I NOTCH PRECRACK WELD / BASE METAL INTERF ACE ^ Figure 4 - IGSCC In Type 304 Shown Essentially Arresting At Base Metal / Weld Interface " Annealed" Zone; IT WOL Specimen Cycled at dK = 25 ksi VIKin Iligh Pressure Water With 8 PPM Oxygen at 5500F; '1D 308 Weld Metal, 2.05%C, 5-7% Ferrite (Reference 4). w
Enclosure II Weld Overlay Repair Data Sheets 'l g ~
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Weld Overlay Data Sheet / g cA.) ~ Weld i 54 Welded Overlay WPS W-8/8-OL / -Weld. Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest /JJ Reactor Plan View j g f ;,,:, o-i ,w_= =, {oI-Io -+1 /'/ b 2y Do* % / + + -*- - Weld CL,Ref. + sso* f,/ Shrink Gauge Mark Dem. 0 - UT Thickness 4 Cate Area SHRINK GAUGE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA 8 A Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. Location Initial Post Weld W Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side 0* 5. 2 90 .S*, //2 ./7B ?/D .9/9 .,,2 Of) 90 5.383~ S Dfoi /21/ . t,6'l .92 9 345 180 s.4/,o .O off ,/4/ .4 96 ,9V7 .32 5 / 270 E 3T'/.:S" d200.
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.939 2(oY \\ Weld CL to Reference Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final Length 0* 2.480 14 3.6'87 90 .2. 4, B.s-o -r,.s 'io 180* .?. 7 0 6 }/t,
- 3. 4/,4 270 2./,B S J/t 3A t/4 Welder's ID Material Heat No.
Waterflow (Y/N) Ist Layer f;p.f8dd N M-3'd 6*L-l J d4J2 9 VR ~ 2nd Layer G R j a a p_ f 3rd Layer GP-B[30 o o e 4th Layer 5th Layer Pre-Weld Su face Visual Examination Acceptance HQC Date 6~/?9/93 Remarks'Skl/7~/Al f./.~I~. f rffsJB3 Fest Weld Surfa Erofile Acceptance HQCWh f 0Date5)23}81 Remarks F/NA/_ /)T
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Weld Overlay Data Sheet 4 V'f i I Weld # 53 Welded Overlay WPS__ W-8/8-OL 1 y Weld,0verlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest l CH] - Y& - Reactor Plan View c= = d,,., {oI-Io ,. j. ~ + P. + + -*-- Weld CL,Ref. + iso * - Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. 0 - UT Thickness l Cate Area 1 SHRINK CAUGE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA d A Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. ~ Location Initial Post Weld W Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side o 6 417 to.326 .o 77 d,' 62- ~ /<o79 .'//7 i' 90 6 996 S 474 .678 J. s /A 00 180* 6 453 L 7 vs* ./0 8 498 /,o89 <3 9/ 17o* E.B27
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.out .4, v,s-i /,str 370 Weld CL to Reference Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final' Length o*
- 3. L, oS h
el. 7a_3 90* 5 S4El $.2 9*}20 180* 3n (,S& -b if>SD7 . 270*
- 3. 4;L%
fa % </Sf. Welder's ID Material Heat No. Waterflow (Y/N) i 1st Layer GP 369hs Ef-302 L .2 dL L *4 V cf I 2nd Layer gg. yg 4,g 3rd Layer GP.[9[pj/h 4th Layer GP 3g.9)y,x i Sch Layer fp.yf a y g e Pre-Weld Surface Visual Examination'Ac'ceptance HQC k k s % Dates //c./f_T Remarks y/r 7?AL 4 7~' Sjo./87 l u Post Veld Surface Profile Acceptance MQC Oms _ Dates /te//B3 nemarks;Gs/>st t./ Y'.* W L li.TARlN S/2C/B7 ' Final Layer Ferrita' /2. 5 t HT&Ei @ D/ HQC/Afe M.?ARLA 'Date S/zr>At nemarks-Final Surface LP Acceptable .l )
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I' ~ p: n..., f HQCs.b b E s,pate_ r/2dF4memarks' MM4 Enclosure1 WELD OVERLAY DATA SHEET ~ O MERCURY COMPANY """ " N N 0 5/3/83 X ~ REV -DATE CHKD ' APPD REV DATE CHKD APPVD SPN-70149-700 -SH 1 0F.1 ~ 'i ~ k
g g Weld Overlay Dsta Sheet . Weld g 52 Welded Overlay WPS W-8/8-OL Weld Overla Limits Top Or Side Nearest 1 Reactor Plan Viev CH [ :..*. .= = - m o- .j..j. {oI-Io [ + + \\no* + -*-- Weld CL,Ref. + eso= l Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. 0 - UT Thickness Cate Area SHRINK CAUCE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA d ~ ,k A Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. I Location Initial Post Weld W Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side 0* 4:9%2 6.7/9 on .687' .889 9 02 90*
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./9D _.jef 0 33 o5'00 270* 6 8 V6 6 62.'5 ..'217 al 77 o90$ 479 9 l Weld CL to Reference Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final Length 0* 3.8 DC h. % 4 Sal 90 3 ~) :2 */ h % i al9 180 3 o 7.SO ! dita y,)L/] 270* % ') oo 5. Lj, gj 9} = Welder's ID Material Heat No. Waterflow (Y/N) 1st Layer gP. 4 L. 9 R-308L D o (, t/2 vr-f 2nd Layer 6P-h 8 /d GP f sk,3 h 3rd Layer e e e 4th Layer 5th Layer Pre-Weld Surface Visual Examination Acceptance MQC(,f.k. $n a Date 6/7/6*r Kemarks l}ll17AL OT: laf. A. s s) Q / x Post We d Surface Profile Acceptance HQC A s4 y,,*,e _ Data JY///83 Remarka kAi11C UC & f R}2g/O // / I Final Layer Ferrite * /). 5~7 MT&Ei 72~.5~J/ HQC /$ 0'}f.l!4ALS Date S//t/Af Remarks. 1 Final Surface.LP Acceptable p m - HQN-{h Dated.p1.K5 Remarks' 9 1 'Q... () 1 WELD OVERLAY DATA SHEET fMERCURY COMPANY -"Nd O 5/3/83 X REV DATE CHKD APPD REV DATE CHKD APPVD SPN-70149-700 ~ SH-1 0F'1 i'
Weld Overley Data Sheet j Weld i 51 Welded Overlay WPS W-8/8-OL l 1 l Weld Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest CH} ~ Yg - Reactor Plan Viev o. 4{oI Io + a + -+- -+-- Weld CL Ref. + 4 O - UT Thickness Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. Cate Area SHRINK CAUGE DATA UT THICKNESS DAT b A Initial Post Veld Pipe Fitg. Location Initial Post Weld O Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side 0* 7.388 7.203 ./BC .406' 9@ 334 90* 7 273
- 7. o &S
~2o6 .597 958 3iol 180* 7 286 . 7./O.2 .2A6" $79 8 90 3// 270* 7, 2 70 76046 D/O C67 .889
- 39,2.
Weld CL to Reference Dia. CH Weld Overlay Final Length 0* 3.7/s. - Jfi </.Ss 2 90* E. 6 S_E $$1 %St/D 180 3.6 96. -b2 '/s.5~ 3 7 270* 3.C 90 o </. S3B Welder's ID Haterial Heat No. Waterflow (Y/N) Ist Layer GMn fo.l'rz Ef 'so BL ?b4 M yd< 2nd Layer' 6p_j j'o,d 3rd Layer GP-kjo, jf, a e e r 4th Layer 5th Layer Pre-Weld Surface Visual Examination Acceptance HQC f Y Date<.S/)9/AT nemarks ////7/,w t/ 7: Eb,9 lB 3". Post Weld Surfac.c Profile Acceptance l HQC ERe Datef/ZJ/8] Remarks NA/ rt L/.7~! $ $ N.'PARLA. S/2&!AE A Final Layer F r te' /,2e6"[ HT&Ei M-f If HQC [ O Date #37/A7 Remarks. .> % M R llA R Sra" #. Final Surface LP Acceptable [- h k HQCE.LAs Jua,.Date f/24/f7 Remas.ts' A sk 3 I % fy [ - (i j lV [ _ _ T(. ~ ' Enclosure 1-WELD OVERLAY DATA SHEET i MERCURY-COMPANY 01 5/3/83 X """" " N N - ~ ^ REV DATE CHKD APPfD REV DATE-CHKD APPVD SPN-70149-700 - SH-1 OF'l i ~- ,i m. L '.. -,, - _ - I
Weld Overlay Data Sheet QLl Weld # 50 Welded Overlay. WPS W-8/8-OL Weld Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest /. Reactor Plan View CH ~ [ *..:. = - -- % o* {oI-Io I no* \\ \\ + ~ -+- Weld CL Ref. + iso
- Shrink Cauge Mark Ders.
O - UT Thickness Cate Area SHRINK CAUCE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA d A Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. Location Initial Post Weld O Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side .l:25 0* 63S7
- 6.. 2 'l8
,Jo 9 .43/ /,ost. 90*
- 6. O //
6.967 . 0 '/'l -467 /s633 346 180* S. 4 52 6
- 3 *?3
/29 . 6,T'/ /.o31 3 77 270 C 8&o N/A N/A , &M /, o 90 </,z5 CH Weld Overlay Final Length Weld CL to Reference Dim. 0*
- 3. 4. IB
%4 % & I.1 90 %a LJ9 !k % $ 2'l 180* 3 f, ~7// jfg t-fa 4 48 270 3 4 2 t/ Ng. l], L) o f Welder's ID Material Heat No. Waterflow (Y/N) = c I, 1st Layer Wgj3 y e 9 pi, E56 3'sA/, .'2 g 4L y ygg lnd Layer op.i v'9f3 f,y A/o 3rd Layer GP.- 3.'/., /d ' A/o 4th Layer Gg/.g 4/[(f[f$ A Sch Layer ggyjg'ph'f4 sfo y Pre-Weld Surface Visual Examination ' Acceptance HQC 'p/he_ Date Sfm/g? Remarks MiTsAt i17 Sf/s/M3 Pc fel Surb e Profil'e Acceptance / Mte 6/25183 Remarks %n U.T. W h }}. BRLA r/21.,Jft Final er F ite /J7,.6'[ MT&Ef M -8]'/ HQC /h Date,S/2//43' Remarks. = ' Final Surface.LP Acceptable )' <-.*:,~ HQC C Data 6-J"714% Remarks -m K IC P ' ' n,7 ' . ;i% i, t U Enciosure 1 WELD OVERLAY DATA SHEET ofl COMPANY-MERCURY ~ 0 5/3/83 X
p c, / Weld Overlay Data Sheet . eld g 4S Welded Overlay WPS W-8/8-OL W j i =l Weld Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest CH] -=- --- 8 ---+- Reactor Plan View f :,,., . = - = - ~ n. {oI-lo i + tro* Wl + ( i -=-- Weld CL,Re f. --*.- \\ g O - UT Thickness Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. Cate Area i SHRINK CAUGE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA 8 ~ A Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. Location Initial Post Weld W Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side 0 6.'l42 4,3}8 ./ W .442 /.0 74 a'/9 V 90* 5 895 S 8St/ .et/l .4 97 /,067 Y2D t 180* 4 * '/L] 4 3 VS . /.2% _.bb6 /,/47
- So /
( 270 (a. 0/2 d'* B 8 6'
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/, /}0 , t/p g l Weld CL to Reference Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final Length l 0* 3',6 6 V 3j2 t/o y/L / 90* 3.4'/9 Pn '/* '//o 180
- 3. 44J2 M2 Y.386 l
270* 2, 6 t/,*2 %g if, ifof f Welder's ID Material Heat No. Waterf' low (Y/N) 1st Layer GP-3.11.34, >y W-Jo134
- ?s 4 t/2 v'H 2nd Layer ggs/d 9,"n?2
& t,f/ 3rd Layer GP.irMx-4th Layer GR.joAJA 77 5th Layer, Gp.f9jqjg yaff3 Pre
- urf, Visual Examination'Ac'ceptance A.s (n ) 01m Date Sl/,}8% Remarks /A//7~rnL //.7' A,~b./81 Post Weld Sur,f4ce Profile Acceptance HQC
> rysk 'Date C/23}A3 Remarks MA/ l_ LCC $ $ }$.PNR/A-6lAfl83 M , Final Layer Ferrite /,;;?.g % MT&Ei 76~- 4 / u e Accept bl j N E n a HQC' ('\\ %# DateJ/24./87 Remarks' n \\\\ (.~WM Y EnclosEe I j WELD OVERLAY DATA SHEET MERCURY. COMPANY ""* " " d 0 5/3/83 X REV .DATE CHKD APPfD REV DATE. CHKD APPVD SPN-70149-700: SH 1 0F 1
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g Weld Overlay Data Sheet 3 40 Welded Overlay WPS W-8/8-OL ,yeld# Weld Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest ' - -- [ ~ Reactor Plan View CH] ? *..*. n^= - ^ ~ o' {oI-Io ~+~ )no* Mt) + -+-. Weld CL Ref. + Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. 1 0 - UT Thickness Cate Area SHRINK CAUGE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA d A Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. Locati*n Initial Post Weld W Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side o 0* 6 79/ L.5'73 l./99 .A t/3 .997 .3 st/ 90* d.879 f,. 6/ 9 259 6 29 /s o38 .3S1 180* C 8 3fo _ L. la / 'l 217 . b8) /.OSC o375 270* (a. Jo') 4.S 64 2 01 .683 fo 6 t/S" 3 (,2 Weld CL to Reference Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final Length 0 33c '/ al Soo MT. ;2So 90* 3 3 SS~ $[$ '/*6720 #7
- 2SD 180*
2 6 SS' S$f. '/* COO AT 2260 270 _R6 /o o M af,SOO /7'T. 2 3 D Welder's ID Material Heat No. Waterflow (Y/N) 1st Layer GF u.2 t. 7 St-306*L 2 6 /, l/ 2 FGf f 2nd Layer Gp../h dg(// r 3rd Layer GP <u. /s. /2se 4th Layer G}3./l. 9313 Sch Layer. GR 8,JT v v 9 Pre-Weld Surface Visual Examination Acceptance HQC/J), Date3/7}83 Remarks JN: Tim uT.*$Jk. S/7,/8y J w s-Post Weld Surface Profile Acceptance HQCf/ Y Data f//2fBTRemarks )Gwat uY~.* W .C/)2)f3 Final Layer Ferrite * /o'/, S 7 MT&Ei 7d-S3/ HQCh fe /f.FARW Dateif/2/83 Remarks. Final Surface.LP Acceptable }8 3 '[ I il l MQ @ M eu,'h Date 5//2/8'f Remarks' g-O $Ih./ WELD OVERLAY DATA SHEET -O MERCURY COMPANY D """" 0N6 N 0 5/3/83 /4/ N REV DATE CHKD APPhD REV DATE CHKD APPVD SPN-70149-700 SH 10F 1
a ( J urA Weld Overlay Data Sheet g Weld i 36 Welded Overlay WPS W-8/8-OL Weld Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest CHg -.- h - ~ Reactor Plan View 4,,., , = _ _ _ - - ,. j..j. {oI_ lo ~ + Ino* i + -*-- Weld CL Ref. + 4 Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. 0 - UT Thickness ] Cate Area SHRINK CAUCE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA d /\\ Initial Post Weld Pipe l Fitg. j Location Initial Post Weld W Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side 0*
- 4. Y63*
6.3tS .o90 .486 /, 048 ,388 90*
- 6. 427 l.3C,$~
.nf,2_ 683 /> d W .M / 180* 4.24ls-4.308 .A 12_ _.4 52 /.O'/7 395 270* 6 450
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.Lsf .386 l Weld Cr, to Reference Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final Length 0* .T. & p 7.
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+ 90* .5. I,. 38 N ll //4 180* 3, h2 4, /2A 270* 3.LSL d2-4 /lB Welder's ID Material Heat No. Waterflow (Y/N) 1st Layer gp 3 jg, g lgg.gggt ) gj, ej; yg 2nd Layer Cpig,h j 3rd Layer 6P-r /v e>> 4th Layer gp 32 ' 1r p 3 r n 5th Layer Pra e' Surfic Visual Examination Acceptance-Q- .r/y)A y. 'mDaee S$/.)BLRemarks /A/)J7x/ u.7 : Post Weld Surfacp Profile Acceptance &n AYh 0 Date Sfn)B3 Remarks JGant is.7"' ! /W Au- }f. R4RL A S&?s/63 Final Layer krrite' /J7.Sf MT&Ei M-52) HQC h _O Date 8//7/AJ Remarks. Final Surface.LP Acceptable 3.,4' 4 HQh,I. N Date 8/fMAT Remarks' . i.' D; &! l N.k!/ ~ \\ d dl\\s W IJ j 4 WELD OVERLAY DATA ~ SHEET I MERCURY a COMPANY 0 5/3/83 X " 0F N"C-REV DATE. CHKD APP.VO REV DATE CHKD APPVD 'SPN-70149-700-SH 1 0F 1 1 : =
~ ,y f Wald Overlay Data Sheet Weld # 3c; Welded Overlay WPS W-8/8-OL pp.a Weld, Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest CH] Ift, - Reactor Plan Viev d *,.:. ^== + o- , j..j. { ol - lo + + loo * -*- Weld CL,Ref. + g. Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. O - UT Thickness Cate Area SHRINK CAUGE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA d Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. Location Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side 0* 7 30& 6 880 .'/pl
- & 30 '
. 90 8 .:272 90 Jo/26 60;1/ .3er .427 .960 .2 38 180 7./98 /s.986 . p>B pc ,88.5 .p s7 270 ~7 /B'l //.TTf] .sh% 6.'2'/ .87o 2 '/4 Weld CL to Reference Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final Length 0 3 7d4 42 4.::73.:2. 90*
- 3. Af.0
/ Air 2 A*099 l 180 .P, go.s' //,787 270*
- 3. [8/
lb; .S~.*2,2D Welder's ID Material Heat No. WaterElow(Y/N) 1st Layte CA3 49. /5 6#-30# L J2 0 6,.2 9 yds 2nd Layer GP.3j'y'9fy* jfc 3rd Layer CF. h, /h ' ' ~~ [ 4th Layer GP-I s, tan e g Sch Layer g Pre-Weld Surface Visual Examination Acceptance ikllJA3 l HQC Date b')]L)83 Remarks iAI' Tin (_ t4 T: Ac. _ e ] Post Weld Surface Profile Acceptance l MQC f Asa Date SY2"r/9? Kemarks [~1A/Atf l./ T
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.S/A4l03 Final Layer Ferrite /J..f~ I MT&E# ~7d"~ 87/ HQC hA( _Date f/2f/gRemarks. Final Surface LP Acceptable } hf ~~ HQC3,[ / f Date.5/2(,/G3 Remarks' f bideWem - - MM W %%\\t/ Dh1_$dM1'3 WELD OVERLAY DATA SHEET-MERCURY or( COMPANY 0 $/3/83 jdsf'
- Of M *C
hA);2[( Weld Overlay Data Sheet M Weld i 34 Welded Overlay W."S W-8/8-OL Weld Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest +- _ 7lg _ Reactor Plan M eu gg 4 :..:. .= = ~ o* { oI - Io + jao* Wi + ~ ~ Weld CL,Ref. ---*-- y. Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. O - UT Thickness Cate Area SHRINK CAUGE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA 8 A Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. Location Initial Post Weld W Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side 0 4 78o 4.678 >ss h 7.s* .92B 2 53 90* /sa ') 92 6, d 96 .o 96 . (oSf' .922 ,3 & *) 180* t.lys" 4 Syd .s 9s -44 7 .923 . His 270
- 6. ~)95 4 f. /, S~~
./30 6 71/ .9.53 ,D 79 Weld CL to Reference Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final Length o 3 321 4.hl92 90
- x. 3 36 M2 4 344' 180*
? 3.20 N2 9,,'? fof,,. 270
- 3. 3 t/(,
M2, y,/33 Welder's ID Material Heat No. Waterflow (Y/N) 1st Layer jqp3 qfgsj Q 7&{. 3 7 o L t.j p gffg 2nd Layer Gp.'/[,'/h 3rd Layer G P 4*,2 /5 M 4 e o i - 4th Layer 5th Layer b Pre-Weld Surface Visual Examination Acceptance ' Date 5/7/B] Remarks }//lI~1xL ff'7"l4)Ul Yn ,S/7,}87 HQC h/A.. Post Veld Surface Profile Acceptance HQCf Y Date 5//olB1 Remarks f~i Al s L Ll7~.'LW b /1. PARI A afp4/AT i , Final Layer Ferrite * /#<SM - HT&Ei ~/2'- SJ/ HQC h Date g////83 Remarks. Final Surface.LP Acceptable \\ld O~ f.!9.3 Remarks' dxW HQC ),[./d e d Date (7 g - IM4// t !/ $c hmti 13 E WELD OVERLAY DATA SHEET l MERCURY 1 COMPAt.4Y 0 5/3/83 X
Weld Overlay Data Sheet ,e et Weld # 33 Walded Overlay WPS W-8/8-OL Weld Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest. -+- 3. Reactor Plan View CH] [ *..:.
==- -w o' .j. { oI Io + 1no* W \\ + + - Weld CL,Ref. + Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. O - UT Thickness Cate Area SHRINK CAUGE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA d /\\ Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. Location Initial Post Weld W Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side 0 4, t/Ao &.357 ./23 _ b5 y' /,020 .38(o 90 5~B38 A~. 7so 088 . L 36~ 4028 . A 91 i t/8 /,o40 ,3 'E7 4 180 6 477 4-3 70 ,/o7 270* d', 8 ')/ $' ? S/ , /2 0 . 437 Jab /O l *.3 73 Weld CL to Referen e Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final Length O 3 744' /4 y.004 90
- 3. &*3 9
%2. 'l.o98 I 180* 3,l.89 I/iz % 2 70 270* 3. (a 3 *7 fs % //b l Welder's ID Material Zeat No. Waterflow (Y/N) 1st Layer G R 4 t. A n. 1 3 G-g-348'l 2olo S/ VM 2nd Layer GP-y, t. p,jy h (_ t.; )_
- j 3rd Layer C#-[d,fh,4
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- ju HQC
___ Dated /zb}F7 Remarks' ?
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Wold Overlay Data Sheet [I))P', - Weld p 32 Welded Overlay WPS W-8/8-OL l I Weld Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest f' CHg Reactor Plan View 4 :..:. {
== - w o. ,. j..j. {ol-lo + ino-WI f -+ - Weld CL Re f. -- *- O - UT Thickness Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. Cate Area SHRINK CAUCE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA b i 1 l A Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. Location Initial Post Weld W Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side 0 s,o33 4 884 ,/ +'7 .g /3 ' 7yY 13/ 90 S.18'] K, / 4to .///7 . 4 3f .?lo ./.25 180* S,2l2] S./OS~
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)(so / . JSA o/SI 270* [ 3 25, .E'. ) 9 A , /2A. ,f, j Q . ~7f, $ .j t/(,, Weld CL to Reference Dia. CH Weld Overlay Final Length l 0* .:7, t 52 Jh 3. / 9 s ~' i 90 ,o. es 7 B /42 3,d 90 180 R, 844 0 3.2.94 270* As '$4 8 l41 l 3 /30 l j Welder's ID Haterial Heat No.. Waterflow (Y/N) 1st Layer &p.3_g $ gg.3cgz .,$ gg y 9 yo j 2nd Layer sp.34g 4eg 3rd Layer. GP_/o i r 3 i 4th Layer Sch Layer Pre-We d rfac Visual' Examination Acceptance l l HQCX Date5/2t}AT Remarks 1 Alp *1~j ns k T** .LbE/81 n )- Post Wald Surface Profil'e Acceptance + HQC b nse.s4c Date S12rtJPJ Remarks ((JArL 'il7"! Ytom S~25~ts ite* l,'2.6~#/p HT&Ef ~7'E,5T/ ~f Fe}h44 04 D t Fina ay a e 5.25'-?S Remarks. HQCI 2 %M nr-a 3 Final Surface. Acceptable '] h L ^ 3 N hh, ; n Date f-27-73 Remarks -4.-,. , ff A . n .y su -l Enclosure'l ~ i WELD OVERLAY DATA' SHEET 0 MERCURY COMPANY NN j 0 5/3/83 X REV-DATE-CHKD APPVD SPN-70149-700 SR 1 0F 1 \\ REV DATE CHKD APPUB j .2 a -..
Weld Overlay Data Sheet eld i 31 Welded Overlay WPS W-8/8-OL Weld Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest Reactor Plan View CH [ *..:. .===- o* {oI-Io d \\ tso* W1 --c- + - - Weld CL,Ref. --*- g. Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. O - UT Thickness Cate Area 1 SHRINK CAUGE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA 8 Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. Location Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side 0* 4.8 00 &a&B o ./.20 687 .95Y .167 90* 6.80:2 6.4 70 J3D .6 36 .WY .308' 180* 4 776 4, 6 94 ./74 487 f,Ol& .3M 270 L 967 6 8/8 J '/ 9 .?C4 . 9 79 . ;l.IS Weld CL to Reference Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final Length Mt %/22 0 3.3/7 1 90* 3 SS9 Nt. fl. // / 180 3,392 %d 94 270* 3.839 3/s.2 %O8l ~ Welder's ID Material Heat No. Waterdlov (Y/N) 1sc Layer Git 3. 7; tv GW-30BI-- %6/> tl2 ,Vf-e ~ 2nd Layer GF M 7B.9 3rd Layer GPq,f y[9 y g g 4th Layer 5th Layer '} Pre-Weld Surface Visual Examination Acceptance HQC (.):]. f Date5/7/8] Remarks /di % / L/y'.* ff.A. 4_ m .of7/83 s l Post W id urface Profile Acceptance MQC .Jm Datef////83 Remarks f~n/ML I4Y.' W f.5*:17-93 , Final ay Fere te' /S, '[ MT&Ei N-S3/ Date f,f/>JB3 Remarks. HQC- / 2 il- ,.il-' T.' urface ' Acceptable 3 MQCL'/J M /MWateM47-U Remarks' .C. p. l
- n.g n y n -
y Weld Overlay Data Sheet
- yaf, Weld i 30 Welded Overlay WPS W-8/8-OL Weld Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest h--+-
Reactor Plan M ew CH [ :..:. . = = - o- { ol - 1 0 ~ ~ + + tio' i + + - Weld CL Ref. + iso + Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. O - UT Thickness Cate Area SHRINK CAUCE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA 8 ~ Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. Location Initial Post Weld Pipe Fi t tin _g Pipe Fitting Side Side O f,. 503 6 3 9 af ./o9 _463~ /.065 <Voo 90* S.78A Ea70) 087 . (s 3(o /a f(,tf ,Qf 180* l.. 'lll 7 6 320 . /.37 .S 97 /* b 41 YW 270* S.868 S. 7 53 .)}.f .642 f 041 o399 Weld CL to Reference Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final Length 0* 3,485 Jh %)W l 90 & 4 F ~2 M;r. % /.'25~ l80 3.d47 M:2 % 4#.3 270* S o /s l/ S N;z L/,6 34 Welder's ID Material Heat No. Waterflow (Y/N) 1st Layer gyt3s g lx N 64-308/ ,Q Oh.S~/ YM 2nd Layer GP-3,JLir > P D (ls k 3rd Layer GP-34//,'/5-4th Layer Gr.7,9, g Sch Layer. GP.32fjpg y p Pre W d Surf @e Visual Examination hcceptance Date S./f,/A3 Remarks JA// TIIt L /1'f' WL S/1}B2 H n, A suwvv ~ Post eld Surd ce Profile Acceptance hmDa_ e 5//6)83 Remarks AHn L M 7~' UA/h ~ & R.' PARI.A S/2dA3 h HQC t , Fin yr rite * /S.E Y MT&Ei 74-S3/ M O w bWe Date.bY/t,}83 Remarks- ,., S ik. o i ~ C ' Final Surface hP Acceptable 't HQC mesb Date8/2/,/N Remarks' t &=% Wf 5%y (.Eaetow a WELD OVERLAY DATA SHEET LMERCURY-l COMPANY W HORWOOO,M _l -0 5/3/83 /dj
,' 'j / ' g Weld Overlay Data Sheet ~ Wald i 29 Weldad Ovarley WPS W-8/8-OL Weld Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest CH --- 7/8 --* Reactor Plan View .= = 4 :..:. o' .j..j. {oI-lo ino* + + -+-- Weld CL,Ref. + seo* Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. O - UT Thickness Cate Area SHRINK CAUGE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA 8 Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. Location Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side 0 K 0 73 4 890 .233 _._4/5 ' 830 .ilif 90 3, 2 76 Es/96
- / W
< &l0 ob 32. s21y 180* 5 382 4234 I96 6./9 ,Mo 2 CI 270* f t)pf", f 2 /9 , jff ,4f7 ,9ff ,Q36 Weld CL to Reference Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final Length 0 2. 5 // - Ms 3,2 98 90*
- 2. /, 72
- 3. 2 7/
180* Da 71/ *] _ o 3, 90 9 270* 2.L85 6 3.397 Waterklow(Y/N) Welder's ID Haterial Heat No. 1st Layer GR.R10 //./7 E P '56 9 L-20699 sfo f 2nd Layer 6)t udai lj 3rd Layer e 3 3-4th Layer 5th Layer Pre-Weld Surface Visual Examination Acceptance p 'Date6/22}93 Remarks fdl Dnf /s -f** . 21 6/22/B3 l HQC si ~ Post Weld Sur ce P fi1e Acceptance Dates 72Tfd3 Remarks $] Ant D r. [hf-for M. CRLA 5/95b5 HQCh &-w w vr Final Layer erri /S, f I HT&Ei ~J'6* - 53 / Ok b O C ~ / - Date 5/2587 Remarks. H Final Surface Abptable b_ [ I. 3l I 1, ~O 9. 1 ' ~' HQCbewh Date S/7/_/AT Remarks' ~ WELD OVERLAY DATA SHEET 1 O MERCURY (j a COMPANY """ 0F NN O_ 5/3/83 /4/* REV DATE CHKD APPVD REV DATE CHKD APPVD SPN-70149-700 SH 1 OF 1
Wold Overlay Data Sheet %1d i 25 Welded Overlay WPS W-8/8-OL Weld Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest CH / Reactor Plan View { o1 -- ~ d :..:. -~= io -e- + 1tso* Mt1 + ~ ~ Weld CL Ref. + g. ~ Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. O - UT Thickness Cate Area SHRINK CAUGE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA 8 Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. Location Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side 0* 6.87/ 4 70'l ./& 7 475 9'/0 265 90 b.8 73 S*llY .} 59 .07 .449 i:? 70 180* 6872 6 67L/ ./98
- 427
<9VT . ~3/b 270* (s.922 la ~} 7) ,/50 6f2 o 9 y/ 2 79 Weld CL to Reference Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final Length 0 3' 3 9Y ' ' 3/j.2. If.0/$~ 90 3,38/ -32 % D29 180*
- 3. 53 l Y32
'/o 6 ilt/ 270* 3.3 33 ys1 ti.e 119 Welder's ID Material Heat No. Waterflow (Y/N) 1st Layer G137R 9 so er-308L 2 04'42 t/&f 2nd Layer Gr. hg,N _3rd Layer G R. l t/S p h e u o 4th Layer 5th Layer Pre-W d Surl ce Visual Examination Acceptance HQ &MW na te S-)7/R7 Remarks JAls nn/_ t/ ~r * ,,JL sjfs w.5'f7/gf Post Weld Surdace Profi1e Acceptsace [ ~ MQC Date r/>r/8T Remarks NAfsl t / 7~:4 0'll.RRLA C/ps/83' f Final Layer Ferrite * /Je 'f MT6El 76
- S 3/
HQC @ Dat':g/p/B7 Remarks. Final Surface.L( Acc ta le k " hkg HQC,[ ' -Date 5/2/,//J3 Remarks' tv. 2 t!-% g V i W~ '* 'Eni:lMsbre l' WELD OVERLAY DATA SHEET ~ O ' MERCURY.
Weld Overlay Data Shect
- ' ll.)x. '
Weld # 24 Welded Overlay WPS W-8/8-OL Weld Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest CH } 3/g Reactor Plan W ew .j. { oI -- I O [ 1no' %1: + Weld CL_Ref. Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. O - UT Thickness Gate Area SHRINK CAUCE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA d Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. Location Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side 0
- 5. 3 H K a?3 7
. /o > 659 .9/ 'l 2 60 90* S.3A7 S. 2 C7 .//A .(s75 902 .207 1 180 E. W 5 s,328 .087 _. (o /s 2-ROT 2 '/7 270 S.2 95 E.DoA 087. .&A7 A // .;22'/ Weld CL to Reference Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final Length o D. L 20-Jh 1 73/ 90
- 2. fo 76
!f2 2,573 180 2, /, 9 // D. 4. 9 4 270
- 2. l02 0
2 5BO Welder's ID Material Heat No. Waterflow (Y/N) 1st Layer GP.g,g, j7 gg.3(,g j,
- 2gfpq 2nd Layer gptd t/,j4 g
~y gg 3rd Layer GP-SB,. /o ir y v 4th Layer ],f Sth Layer Pre-Veld Surface Visual Examit.ation Acceptance li y'.*/J./t,f. a Date d,"///,/A5 Remarks f//j p at_ f)/yjgg MQC _px Ax ~. Post W Id Surface Profil'c Acceptance t MQC k Date S~//9/Byemarks DHni is7: M ne <>p/2 i c. Final syer Ferrite' /f,5 7 MT6E# 76 - S 3 / r~% lh" Datc 8//7/B3 Remarks- ' _. N:. h V.d a f HQC A L Final Surface.LP Acceptable 6j .' S 7 MQCf)h for ?Pf///)?/M Date.6f2t./B3 Remarks i L. ^ i WELD OVERLAY DATA SHEET MERCURY COMPANY 0 5/3/83 g OF NORWOOO.tNd REV DATE CHKD AP P.W) REV DATE CHKD APPVD SPN-70149-700 SH 1 OF 1 w,....
Weld Overlay Data Sheet, 7 Weld i 23 Welded overlay WPS W-8/8-OL Weld Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest CH k/ - Reactor Plan View 4 :..:.
~- o- { o I --- Io l lno-WI + --o - + - Weld CL,Ref. + ,,o. j Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. 0 - UT Thickness Cate Area SHRINK CAUCE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA 8 ~ Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. Location Initial Post k* eld Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side 0 4.'l 92 L.3 72. -/po 6 77' / 00Y .327 90* C,800 S. 72 3 o 77 . bSS ,969 .31'l 180* (c.IJ21 5 973 I4B . f54 .976 .320 270* 6 240 So 983
- 2'}3 6 70
/,p C Y .3 9 Y Weld CL to Reference Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final Length 0 3, 702 - Ph
- 3. 92'3 90 7, 5 99 fd2 T,S/8 180 L $8d7
/4 3,'784 270* 3, 6 ;?'] }lt-3, 93 8 Welder's ID Material Heat No. Waterflow (Y/N) 1st Layer 6 7-3 9), py jg g 3p6L, ,agggy gaz 2nd Layer ggg 'f[/rjz 3rd Layer. GP-7, /4, 4th Layer GP-4,7 /4 Sch Layer. gr t, g,[7,g y a g Pre-Weld Surface Visual Examination he'ceptance h .ffse}81 HQC nk Date 8)/offy Remarks //}l~ns9t 4 7" ! Post Weld Surface Profil'e icceptance HQC LA$2,c-it.'?APLA Date s//BA93 Remarks $/M u r &n,& Sh/M_,_ , Final Fe ita' /. 2, S[ MT&Ei */ 2 ~ - 6.7 / M mMte SY/8/63 Remarks-vn Final ace Acceptable h j,, HQ b 4d x k - Datef 6 f g e_Remarki l. 2-n, ( q \\; y y ~; : V NcA sur5 l' E WELD OVERLAY DATA SHEET i O MERCURY COMPANY t O.. 5/3/s3 M X REV DATE CHKD 'APPMD REV DATE' CHKD APPVD sSPN-70149-700- ~ SH 1 OF-1 b ( Q. . v )-o
e 's Weld OverIny Data Sheet 'g Weld #[()>n .,o ,cc / Welded Overlay WPS W-8/8-OL Weld Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest CH h ---*. Reactor Plan W ew f.,,:, o. , = = - - - - { oI I O ~ ~ tro* + - Weld CL,,Ref. + iso
- Shrink Cauge Mark Dem.
O - UT Thickness Cate Area SHRINK CAUGE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA 8 Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. Location Initial Post Veld Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side 0 /s. 5 /I (s.346 < /5) 4 68 ~ /./43 475 90 (s.3 99
- 6. /4tl
. 2S5 6)3 __ / /04 43/ 180* 6.NSS l..~253 D0 .L41 /./30 . y(,9 270* 6 0L7 f.969 .sf8 _ .JD2 ),0 7Y a372 Wald CL to Reference Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final Length 0* .'T. & t/D V6 t/, ll,25~ 90* 3.C be !4 t/.2 9/ 180* 3 (, 3 t/ h's V' ~2 7 0 270 3r/,t/y fi % 232. Welder's ID Haterial Heat No. Waterflow (Y/N) 1st Layer Gp3pg g.,fy,jy Ey2. 3og-L. m L. L 1 yg 2nd Layer Cp_ 3, ff, f pg 3rd Layer GP- /.7,//., p7 4 th Layer sp 5 ff, jz, ry ... w. ..i Pre-Weld Sur e VII J. I j OSMI ~ ~~ 2%Y un te.5,7s2,/ p *? Keinarks' JMi Tf L ' L/ '[ l S~l/e/B P HQC P:st Weld Sur a e P ofile Acceptance HQCf f,, Date S/2T./f7 Remarks fidat L/T.* /AhAr h. PARfA Sb 8,'fSCS r -- Final F rite /2..f X MT&EI 7# -SJ/ HQ ffMtc 67AP//f Remarks. r-i ME ~~ N 0 I <~ - Yi$al [rface LP Acceptable h h l HQC % 'y W. Date5/26/Br Remarks' m%NI % h /7 ( Q ~ (. - ))M ]., \\ ( ' Enclosure 1 ~ l WELD OVERLAY DATA SHEET I MERCURY l COMPANY W HOR 6 N O 5/3/83 /4j# REV DATE CHKD APPD REV DATE CHKD APPVD SPN-70149-700 SH 10F 1
- [,*'
/ Weld Overlay Data Sheet ,j. fil e !. u-WPS W-8/8-OL Weld i in' -Welded Overlay Weld,0verlay Limits - Top Or, Side Nearest Reactor Plan View CHg 4....., .= { oI - lo .,, } j ~ 0., \\oo* vt ~*~ + -*- Weld CL, Re f. --+- ',a Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. .O - UT Thickness Cate Area SHRINK CAUGE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA b -/\\ Initial Pest Weld Pipe Fitg. Location Initial Post Weld W Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side 3ide 0* 8./bR C,D)A ,/Sb e407* ~ a $60 .2 53 90* S.204 S.o 84 . /20 . lo ff, .BW -a2 V3 i 180* C. 414 C. _no 09'l . 423 .821. ~ OSA 2'. 0 C.1281-S. I 2 il ./.S-7. .6W .9 31 4B7 Weld CL to Reference Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final. Length 0 a. 55'A M2 1 3.ov/ 90
- 2. & 3 C
-Vs2 R.000 180 D. B </3
- 1
_ ?. 991 / 270* D.'l8C ' !'[n, 2.Q(,1 /~, Welder's ID Material Heat No.. Waterflow (Y/N) 1st Layer gy.g;jo,jz~ y So2 L. DM9 'r/ R 2nd Layer GR-26Rf IL -I 3rd Layer SP-d, je l ~ y.' g 4th Layer f'_j_% 'i r e Sch Layer q Pre-Weld Surface Visual Examins' CA Accept.tnce MQC m v i a Dare g Q RRemarks j)/j%L U Y,* i3.t% fj<y'h / Post Weld Surface Profilt / wy <ee f f MQC uj.h $r-if. l'ARLA Dats p,7;g( Q Remarks,[j M #f.! $! QM Sb 3 Final Layer Ferrite /d. S Y ' MT6E#__./h-53/ ~ ~' 'MQC Wh ]&j',4 a Da te_f}23/Q Rema 'ts_- ~ Final Surface LP Acceptable MQC MLs>A2 - Da te,f" >. 7 9:.Reaa r,ks' V 2'
- . s.
j '2g, -p Enclosure 1, / f. " WELD OVERLAT DATA, SHEET. [ / j 7-MERCURY l COMPANY. ^ o-5/3/83 Y X [,'.G - * **. m 'Cli$ APPUD SPN-70149.-700 SH 1 0F)1'- REV DATE. CHKD ' APPD REV DATE
f s Weld Overlay Data Sheet Weld i 16 Waldad Ovarlay WPS W-8/8-OL /N A<wd~ c Weld Overlay Limits Top Or Side Nearest (~) / Reactor Plan View CH + nQ,, c'~' /* . a 'i {oI-Io )!-* 'g\\ ~f , = _ _ - - ~ l1[no* % 1 76 -*-~ MS f. kk -=- Weld CL,Ref. + ", j. \\ i e 4 J .a leo. e Shrink Cauge Mark Dem. O - UT Thickness fj o Cate Area SHRINK CAUCE DATA UT THICKNESS DATA d Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitg. i Location Initial Post Weld Pipe Fitting Pipe Fitting Side Side 0* 6.,28 /
- 4. I 8;2
.o99 634 /. o / 6 .380 3to 90* (, 3 7 9 f, / 03 ./76 . 6 t/8 .98.3 i3R$' 180* 6.5 72
- 6. </&2
./30 jf63 989 .326 270* 63 /c2 L )80 ./D t/ a 6 8.5 Jgnf .L/M Weld CL to Reference Dim. CH Weld Overlay Final Length 0* 3,.5S + - 14 S.15.3 90* %, S 96 ]sf1 S./ 98 180 3.4B3 Us, .s. o 9's" u 270* %, 43 6 Ng. f /yb u. Welder's ID Material Heat No. Waterflow (Y/N) 1st Layer gpf,sp,.pypg$ gf.39J3 L ppgg3 yg-g l! 2nd Layer eggjj_j2 g, y 3rd Layer sp.f5,4 jI'jz, 4th Layer GP.Su,s.2, /v f& v 5th Layer. (;;p.3,.s'$jg pEsq, MO y Pre-Weld Surface Visual Examination ' Acceptance i Date E/Ay/Aynemarks IA//TIAfL. // 7*.* .S/M,lAE 'HQC Aft)e Post Weld Surface Profile Acceptance 2-HQC'~ - Date OYZT)S] Remarks S h f fj1** W w b ~27--83 ~ Final. Layeh Ferrite' /f,6k MT&E# ~76' -SJ/ HQC ' d N, _ Date E/2F/g3 Remarks-Final Surf e LP Acce.ptable HQC-M/one,& Date 3"f2')ff$ Remarks' f / /~ ~ i-l WELD OVERLAY DATA SHEET Of MERCURY j COMPANY j-O S/3/83 /4(' """""NO" N-REV DATE CHKD APPVC REV-DATE-CHKD APPVD SPN-70149-700' SH 10F 1 5
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