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Proposed Tech Specs Change 200 Revising Station SW & Alternate Cooling Sys Requirements
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 04/23/1998
Shared Package
ML20217G651 List:
NUDOCS 9804290192
Download: ML20217G713 (10)


{{#Wiki_filter:1 u .  ; l Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp.  ! J Docket No. 50-271 BVY 98-52 i ATTACHMENT 3 REVISED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PAGES l l l l l l l i I i 9004290192 900423 PDR ADOCK 05000271 P PDR

l l

  • VYNPS l 3.5 LIMITING CONDITION FOR 4.5 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMErrr OPERATION C. Residual Heat Removal (PHR) C. Pesidual Heat Removal (RHR)

Service Water System Service Water System Surveillance of the RHR service Water System shall be performed as follows:

1. Except as specified in 1. RHR Service Water Specifications 3.5.C.2 Subsystem testing and 3.5.C.3 below, both RHR Service Water Operability testing of Subsystem loops shall be pumps and valves shall operable whenever be in accordance with irradiated fuel is in Specification 4.6.E.

the reactor vessel and e prior to reactor startup I Each RHR rvice ter from a cold condition. . pwnp sh I deliv at l least 00 gpm nd a pres re of a least Change = 70 sia sha be '


i intained t the RHR eat exc nger service water o let when the corre onding pairs of , Rdeatie RHR rvice water pumps g fAqs an station service " w er pumps ar  !



2. From and after the date 2. When one of the RER that one of the RHR service water pumps is l-

' service water pumps is m4de or found to be made or found to be inoperable, the operable inoperable for any RHR service water pumps reason, reactor shall have been or shall operation is permissible be demonstrated to be only during the operable within 24 hours.  ! succeeding thirty days unless such pump is sooner made operable, provided that during , j such thirty days all other active components of the RER Service Water Subsystem are operable. 1

3. From and after the date that one RHR service 3. When one RER Service Water Subsystem is made Water Subsystem is made i

! or found to be or found to be inoperable for any inoperable, the active- i reason, reactor components of the operation is permissible redundant RHR Service . only during the Water Subsystem shall l succeeding seven days have been or shall be unless such subsystem is demonstrated to be sooner made operable, operable within provided that all active 24 hours. components of the other RHR Service WA;er i Arnendment No. H4 103 l l a


t >


i VYNPS i l 3.5 LIMITING CONDITION FOR 4.5 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT OPERATION Subsystem, both Core  ; Spray Subsystems, and ) both diesel generators required for operation of such components if no external source of power were available, shall be l operable. j

4. If the requirements of l Specification 3.5.C ,

. cannot be met, an I l orderly shutdown shall be initiated and the reactor shall be in a

                          .         cold shutdown condition within 24 hours.

D. Station Service Water and D. Station Service Water and l Alternate Coolina Tower Alternate Coolina Tower I Systems Systems Surveillance of the Station I Service Water and Alternate l 1 005 bo Cooling Tower Systems shall G $56 ndml [.b e be performed as follows: eSui

1. Except as specified in 1.

l ! C00 S b"If* 8nY Specifications .5.D.2 stern Operability testing of pumps and valves shall and 3.5.D.3, be in accordance with Station Jervice Water F subsys m )1 oops and the Specification 4.6.I:. jfaen p shall lived y alternate cooling tower at le t 2700 mj _ g C ba t s3e shall be operable a

                                                                                            'g     st a TD off                     Tit.M N83                        whenever irradiated fuel                               L 0 feet.)

is in the reactor vessel - l- and reactor coolant jhoih R$$todial Ejulpmenf temperature is greater than 212*F.

  • gN f#"Ob 2 From and after the date 2 I Whe? S ation Service
  • b6 Mo*h e . that bne/bD the tation Water stem is made
           -{o provide              Service Water            stem @                         or found'to be                                     ,

is made or found motierablip, the tive_ - 1 l ode 9 4dt toohng 1E eraMAor arst ' components of th f edinio

        -}, j g4 b                     amarf reactor operation is permissible d"eduncanb Station .

Service Water $ stem i E5Senh41 eguspment only during the and the alternate Coolen succeeding 15 days cooling tower fan shall l**f5 muusystem is have been or shall be unlessj 7imade one(byn ablgl,' provided l-that during such 15 days demonstrated to be operable within C hong 4 dtju}e coojig all other act 24 hours. 4,3 j components of e

      - (qPe Lile,
                       ' fs bo'i Station Service Water                                                        M
    ,C55Gntjo\ggg                   and Alternate Cooling                           4 00      C- to Pmvide adequde
                                            "                                          c Co9% g,,p3 ;,                gerab5*****'"*                                   ,      kn3 4. l J Me & essenbl desbd soonec                        _

ierguipmen4 c,,l,,3 j,, ne 6ening essenhd P%Chh Cochng

                                         $** A 4 b4                                    .

Amendment No. 444, Q 104 L .




3. From and after the date 3. WhenthebA1 ternate 1 that the Alter. ate Cooling g p@ stem C_h qng e, C hej e, Cooling Tower stem . JSoch specion se 'ce ,

g,g j g o,1

  • for bo ptStacion yervi Jc I 'lWater s:nh-ymte are?

I [Wat w subsysteme are) made or found to be made or found inoperable 40 g inoperable, ht e oable) ' 4 for any reason, anttitor ha shall have b (he Albnaie operation is permissible been or shall be ' h*QE l only during the demonstrated to be N8' S Coolin3 Tower succeed,ing seven days operable within al@divR. unless W A stemg 24 hours, mot 5 3

                          '            made operable,                                                                          i provided that during                                                                          '

4, such seven days all 3 active __ components NO3 o the suYsyste- @

                                                                       $Nion StrwtL LOOtr Sp&
4. If the requirements of Specification 3.5.D Anel both C55tnhal e9uY#DC'1t cannot be met, an C.oohn3joopy orderly shutdown shall be initiated and the reactor shall be in a cold shutdown condition within 24 hours.

E. High Pressure Coolino E. Hich Pressure Coolant Iniection (HPCI) System In1ection (HPCI) System Surveillance of HPCI System  ! shall be performed as follows:

1. Except as specified in 1. Testino Specification 3.5.E.2, whenever irradiated fuel Item Frequency is in the reactor vessel I and reactor pressure is Simulated Each re-  ;

greater than 150 psig Automatic fueling  ; and prior to reactor Actuation outage l startup from a cold Test ' condition: Operability testing of

a. The HPCI System the pump and valves shall be operable, shall be in accordance with
b. The condensate Specification 4.6.E.

storage tank shall The HPCI System shall contain at least deliver at least l 75.000 gallons of 4250 gpm at normal condensate water, reactor operating , pressure when l recirculating to the i Condensate Storage Tank. ( l l l Amendment te. N, 4-14 , 128 105 l _ s

                                                                                    - men ma VYNhs

[},O),te tutth Pg, peg <3,$.D BASES: 3.5 (Cont'd) D. Station Service Water and Alternate Coolino Tower System l l The Station Service Water S systems and the Alternate Cooli Tower System provide alternate eat sinks to dissipate residual eat after a shutdown or acciden . Each Station Service Water su stem and the l Alternate Cooling T er System provides sufficient t sink capacity to perform the r' ired heat dissipation. The Al rnate Cool-ing Tower System 1 provide the necessary heat s in the event both l Station sen ce Water subsystems become inew citated due to a loss I of the Ve don Dam with subsequent loss of e vernon Pond. j E. Hich Pressure Coolant Iniection System i The High Pressure Coolant Injection System (HPCIs) is provided to l adequately cool the core for all pipe breaks snaller than those for i which the LPCI or Core Spray cooling Subsystems can protect the core, i The HPCIs meets this requirement without the use of outside power. For the pipe breaks for which the .HPCIs is intended to function the core never uncovers and is continuously cooled; thus, no clad damage occurs and clad temperatures remain near normal throughout the transient.


Subsection 6.5e2.2 of the FSAR. F. Automatic Depressurization System The relief valves of the Automatic Depressurization System are a backup to the HPCIs. They enable the Core Spray Cooling System or i LPCI Subsystem to provide protection against the small pipe break in the event of HPCI failure by depressurizing the reactor vessel j rapidly enough to actuate the Core Sprays or LPCI Subsystem. Either of the two Core Spray Cooling Systems or LPCIs provides sufficient flow of coolant to prevent clad melting. All four relief valves are included in the Automatic Pressure Relief System. (See VYNPS, FSAR Vol. 4, Appendix B.) G. Reactor Core Isolation Coolino System The Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System (RCIC) is provided to maintain the water inventory of the reactor vessel in the event of a main steam line isolation and complete loss of outside power without the use of the emergency core cooling systems. The RCIC meets this requirement. Reference Section FSAR. The HPCIS provides an incidental backup to the RCIC system such that in the event the RCIC should be inoperable no loss of functicn would occur if the HPCIS is operable. H. Minimum core and containment Coolino System Availability The core cooling and the containment cooling subsystems provide a method of transferring the residual heat following a shutdown or a accident to a heat sink. Based on analyses, this specification assures that adequate cooling capacity is available by precluding any l combination of inoperable components from fulfilling the core and i containment cooling function. It is permissible, based upon the low heat load and other methods available to remove the residual heat, to  ! disable all core and containment cooling systems for maintenance if I the reactor is cold and shutdown and there is no potential for draining the reactor vessel. However, if refueling operations are in progress, one coolant injection system, one diesel and a residual of at least 300,000 gallons is required to assure core flooding capability. Amendment No. B7, 114 111

l . l VYNPS I 3.5 LIMITING CONDITION FOR 4.5 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT l ' OPERATION C. Residual Heat Removal (RHR) C. Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Service Water System Service Water System Surveillance of the RHR Service Water System shall be performed as follows: 1 i

1. Except as specified in 1. RHR Service Water I Specifications 3.5.C.2, Subsystem testing:

and 3.5.C 3 below, both RHR Service Water Operability testing of Subsystem loops shall be pumps and valves shall operable whenever be in accordance with irradiated fuel is in Specification 4.6.E. the reactor vessel and prior to reactor startup from a cold condition.

2. From and after the date 2. When one of the RHR that one of the RHR service water pumps is service water pumps is made or found to be made or found to be inoperable, the operable inoperable for any RHR service water pumps reason, reactor shall have been or @all operation is permissible be demonstrated to be only during the operable within succeeding thirty days 24 hours.

unless such pump is sooner made operable, provided that during such thirty days all other active components of the RHR Service Water Subsystem are operable.

3. From and after the date 3. When one RHR Service that one RHR Servico Water Subsystem is made Water Subsystem is made or found to be or found to be inoperable, the active inoperable for any components of the reason, reactor redundant RHR Service operation is permissible Water Subsystem shall only during the have been or shall be succeeding seven days demonstrated to be
unless such subsystem is operable within sooner made operable, 24 hours, provided that all active l

components of the other RHR Service Water Amendment No. 444, MB, 103 l J

i l

   ,                                         VYNPS 3.5  LIMITING CONDITION FOR                 4.5 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT OPERATION Subsystem, both Core Spray Subsystems, and both diesel generators required for operation of such components if no external source of power were available, shall be operable.
4. If the requirements of Specification 3.5.C cannot be met, an orderly shutdown shall be initiated and the reactor shall be in a cold shutdown condition within 24 hours. I l D. Station Service Water and D. Station Service Water and Alternate Cooling Tower Alternate Cooling Tower '

Systems Systems Surveillance of the Station l Service Water and Alternate l Cooling Tower Systems shall be performed as follows:

1. Except as specified in Specifications 3.5.D.2 1. Operability testing of and 3.5.D.3, the Station pumps and valves shall Service Water System and be in accordance with both essential equipment Specification 4.6.E.

I cooling loops and the I alternate cooling tower shall be operable whenever irradiated fuel is in the reactor vessel and reactor coolant temperature is greater than 212oF.

2. From and after the date 2. When the Station Service that the Station Service Water System is made or Water System is made or found to be unable to found to be unable to provide adequate cooling provide adequate cooling to one of the two l to one of the two essential equipment i

essential equipment cooling loops, the cooling loops, reactor remaining active operation is permissible components of the only during the Station Service Water succeeding 15 days System, both essential unless adequate cooling equipment cooling loops, capability to both and the alternate essential equipment cooling tower fan, shall cooling loops is have been or shall be restored sooner, demonstrated to be provided that during operable within such 15 days all other 24 hours. l active components of the remaining essential equipment cooling loop and the Station Service Water and Alternate Cooling Tower Systems are operable. Amendment No. 4-14, 448, 104 1

   ,                                              VYNPS 3.5   LIMITING CONDITION FOR                   4.5 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT OPERATION 3 '. From and after the date          3. When the Alternate Cooling that the Alternate                   Tower System is made or

, Cooling Tower System is found to be inoperable, all l made or found to be active components of the l l inoperable for any Station Service Water System reason, reactor and both essential equipment j operation is permissible cooling loops shall have i l only during the been or shall be I succeeding seven days, demonstrated to be operable unless the Alternate within 24 hours. Cooling Tower System is { made operable, provided that during such seven days all active components of the Station Service Water System and both essential equipment cooling loops are operable.

4. If the requirements of Specification 3.5.D cannot be met, an orderly shutdown shall be initiated and the reactor shall be in a cold shutdown condition within 24 hours.

1 E. Hioh Pressure Coolino E. High Pressure Coolant Iniection (HPCI) System Iniection (HPCI) System Surveillance of HPCI System shall be performed as follows:

1. Except as specified in 1. Testing Specification 3.5.E.2, whenever irradiated fuel Item Frecuency is in the reactor vessel and reactor pressure is Simulated Each re-greater than 150 psig Automatic fueling and prior to reactor Actuation outage startup from a cold Test condition:

Operability testing of

a. The HPCI System the pump and valves l

shall be operable. shall be in accordance I with ! b. The condensate Specification 4.6.E. storage tank shall The HPCI System shall contain at least deliver at least 75,000 gallons of 4250 gpm at normal condensate water. reactor operating pressure when recirculating to the Condensate Storage Tank. I Amendment No. M , H 4, H B, 105 l

I VYNPS BASES: 3.5 (Cont'd) D. Station Service Water and Alternate Cooling Tower Systems The Station Service Water System consists of pumps, valves and associated piping necessary to supply water to two essential l equipment cooling loops and additional essential and nonessential equipment cooling loads. Each of the two Station Service Water essential equipment cooling loops includes valves, piping and associated instrumentation necessary to provide a flowpath to essential equipment. The Station Service Water essential equipment cooling loops provide redundant heat sinks to dissipate residual heat after a shutdown or accident. Each Station Service Water essential equipment cooling loop provides sufficient heat sink capacity to perform the required heat dissipation. Analyses have shown that any two service water pumps are capable of providing adequate cooling capability to the essential equipment cooling loops. To ensure this capability, four Service Water pumps and two Service Water essential equipment cooling loops must be operable. This ensures that at least two operable Service Water Pumps and one operable essential equipment cooling loop will be available in the event of the worst single active failure occurring coincident with a loss of off-site power. A Service Water pump is considered operable when it is capable of , taking suction from an intake bay and transferring water to a Service l Water essential equipment cooling loop at the specified pressures and flow rates. An essential equipment cooling loop is considered operable when it has a flow path capable of transferring water to the essential equipment, when required. The Alternate Cooling Tower System will provide the necessary heat sink for normal post-shutdown conditions in the event that the Station Service Water System becomes incapacitated due to a loss of the Vernon Dam with subsequent loss of the Vernon Pond, flooding of the Service Water intake structure (due to probable maximum flood in the river or an upstream dam failure) or fire in the Service Water intake structure which disables all four Service Water pumps. , I If one or more Station Service Water component (s) are inoperable such j that the Station Service Water System would not be capable of ! performing its safety function, assuming a single active failure I (e.g., a pump, valve or diesel generator), then at least one l essential equipment cooling loop is inoperable. If one or more i component (s) are inoperable such that the Station Service Water System would not be capable of performing its safety function, even without assuming a single active failure, then both essential equipment cooling loops are inoperable. Although the Station Service Water (SSW) System can perform its safety function with only two operable SSW pumps, the SSW System may

not be capable of performing its safety function assuming one or two l inoperable SSW pumps and assuming a worst case single active failure l (e.g., failure of a diesel generator, SSW pump, SSW valve, etc.). l l Therefore, reactor operation with one or two inoperable SSW pumps is l l limited to 15 days provided that during this time both the normal and I emergency power supplies for the remaining operable SSW pumps are also operable, in addition to demonstrating the operability of all j remaining active components of the SSW system which perform a safety function and the alternate cooling tower fan. I Amendment No. G2, 144, 111 l

l l


 .                                             VYNPS BASES:     3.5 (Cont'd)

D. Station Service Water and Alternate Cooling Tower Systems If the SSW System would not be capable of performing its safety function for a reason other than one or two SSW pumps being inoperable, assuming a worst case single active failure (e.g., failure of a diesel generator, SSW pump, SSW valve, etc.), then reactor operation is limited to 15 days provided that during this time both the normal and emergency power supplies for the remaining operable equipment are also operable, in addition to demonstrating the operability of all remaining active components of the SSW eystem which perform a safety function and the alternate cooling tower fan. If the SSW System would not be capable of performing its safety function for any reason, even without assuming a worst case single active failure, then the reactor must be placed in the cold shutdown condition within 24 hours. Amendment No. B7, 144, 111a}}