ML20236V211 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png |
Issue date: | 09/09/1987 |
From: | Hengerle G, January R, Vilbert R VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER CORP. |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20236V201 | List: |
References | |
PROC-870909, NUDOCS 8712040157 | |
Download: ML20236V211 (6) | |
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.T."Vhrt Senior. Engineer Senior Engineer Vermont Yankee Project
, Vermont Yank'ee Project Y
/2M L
R.' G Lead ILC Engineer Engineering' Manager.
Vermont Yankee Project Vermont Yankee-Project
.5796R/4.79 i
8712040157 871130 PDR ADOCK 05000271 P
VERMONT YANKEE SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM TESTING METHODOLOGY 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this document'is to detail the methodology used in developing and verifying the surveillance test procedures that meet the requirements for testing as defined in or interpreted from Vermont Yankee (VY)
Technical Specifications. This document is to be used as a means of assuring that testing procedures will continue to verify equipment operability as defined within this document.
2.0 APPLICABLE SYSTEMS This document pertains to systems requiring logic system functional tests as was determined from a review of the Vermont Yankee Technical Specifications.
The applicable systems include the following:
o RPS o
l o
HPCI Initiation-l o
HPCI Isolation o
RCIC Isolation o
o Core Spray Initiation o
Automatic Depressurization Initiation o
Reactor Building Vent Isolation and Standby Gas Treatment o
Control Rod Block o
Off-Gas System Isolation l
3.0 METHOD OF EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION FOR OPERABILITY TESTING The Technical Specification requirements pertaining to the automatic l
trip / actuation functions of each of the systems listed in Section 2.0 above 5796R/4.79
i were reviewed.
The equipment necessary to perform the safety functions was l
identified along with its associated test procedures.
A detailed review of system elementaries in conjunction with applicable test procedures was i
performed to determine which relays and contacts are tested in a manner which satisfies the VY Technical Specification requirements for logic testing. As defined in the VY Technical Specifications, logic testing requirements are satisfied if it is verified that all relays and contacts necessary for completion of safety functions are functional per design intent.
All sensors used to provide an input to trips, isolations, and' system l
l control for systems and components covered in Technical Specifications _should 1
i be calibrated and tested independent of logic system functional test i
Each instrument calibration should verify that any relays directly energized or de-energized by the instrument's operation be checked for a state
.j change (i.e., energize to de-energize or de-energize to energize).
Relay l
contacts on the affected relay may be used to verify the state change, but are not required to be checked. The relay contacts shall be tested in the logic system functional test for each system or portion of a system.
l 5.0 LOGIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL TEST REQUIREMENTS The basic surveillance test method employs the following methodology:
l a.
Specify pretest conditions (limitations on when tests can be performed).
i b.
Set up the test conditions as described in the procedure.
l l
Perform the test.
l 5796R/4.79 l
i u________.______________._______
. Verify changes occurred for all components including all safety-related contacts of relays.
k e.
Return the system to its original state.
j 1
1 For primary source sensors which require a contact to close'to initiate, j
the required actuation, a jumper may be used to initiate;this action in the logic system functional test.
.l l
l For primary. source sensors which require a contact open to initiate the required actuation, removing a fuse in line or lifting a le'a'd in the Control
Room may be used to initiate this actuation-in the logic' system functional.
F i
l It is acceptable to. initiate the primary sensor if it'is necessary1or.
Each logic system functional test shall verify that'the design intent 1
of Technical Specifications is met for the components being tested. -This includes components that initiate actions to demonstrate their operability and components that may prevent operability (demonstrate that they are not in a condition that would degrade operability).
Where a logic system functional' test does not test from the primary sensor to completion, there shall be demonstrated overlap.
This'means that the last component checked in one test shall be the first component checked in the next test. The only exception to this requirement is the primary source or sensor check.
It is not required to overlap other than initiating the test i
signal as'previously stated.
i Relay contacts may be visually checked on initial-and final conditions or may be checked by other means (i.e., relays picked up,' annunciators present, or absence of annunciators, etc.).
-) 5796R/4.79.
_x w
i S.
During the course of testing the relay contacts, thi following rules
For contacts.which are closed,-the. contact shall be: checked by means of. continuity. LA variety.of: methods are available:
'I downstream relay energized, annunciator state change, voltage check, ohmmeter across contact, or other.. suitable means.
-l 2.
For contacts which need to be checked open, the contact shall be i
checked by a lack of continuity..A variety of methods are L-i available: ' downstream relay de-energized, annunciator state I
- a l
change, voltage check, ohmmeter across contact, or other suitable H
l means. A visual check of open contacts,used for any relays (for example, HFA, HGA,>and CR 120) where;it can be indisputably y
determined by this visual check.when'the. relay contacts havec j
opened. One out of two taken twice, de-energize to l
initiate / actuate logic circuits such as utilized in RPS, PCIS, and
. control rod block will utilize this visual method of verification I
of contact function in most cases.
In all cases, logic system functional tests are performed to verify proper operation of relays and relay contacts. Although an obvious consequence of performing these tests is verification of function of'most internal wiring, this is not the intent and no additional specific steps or sign-offs are performed to check all internal wiring.
Only the logic circuitry pathways necessary to verify proper operation of all relays and contacts required for safety-related functions'need to be-tested. This does not preclude testing other pathways. Testing'of contacts for annunciators is desired, but is not required unless Technical Specifications specifically require annunciation to be in the Surveillance i
In most cases, contacts should be checked either to: open, close. open; or to: close, open, close. This is a guideline and not a requirement.
1 l
l 5796R/4.79 1~
'g l
6.0 ' REVIEWS OF TEST' PROCEDURES Surveillance and test procedures shall be prepared, reviewed, and approved in accordance with Procedure No. AP-0831.
7.0 DOCUMENTATION Individual testing procedures will provide, in tabulation form, a record of all relays and contacts which are tested by the applicable procedure.
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57962/4.79 L --- --- -