ML20049J173 | |
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Site: | Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png |
Issue date: | 02/12/1982 |
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ML20049J171 | List: |
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PROC-820212-01, NUDOCS 8203120216 | |
Download: ML20049J173 (11) | |
Following the tab " TABLE OF CONTENTS" remove the table of contents and insert the attached table of contents dated Feb mary 12, 1982.
Following the tab " CLASSIFICATION OF EMERGENCIES" remove the procedure A.P. 3125 Rev. 2 and insert the attached procedure A.P. 3125, Rev. 3.
Following the tab ' EMERGENCY PLAN TRAINING" remove the procedure 0.P. 3712, Rev. 5, and insert the a-tached procedure 0.P. 3712, Rev. 6.
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8203120216 820305 PDR ADOCK 05000271 p
VERMONT YANKEE.".ERGENCY PLC IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES February.12,'1982 TABLE OF CONTENTS Contact List January 1982 Implementing Procedures:
r Emergency Plan Classification and A.P. 3125 Rev. 3 '
Action Level Scheme Unusual Event 0.P. 3500 Rev. 1 l
Alert 0.P. 3501 Rev. 2 1
Site Area Emergency 0.P. 3502 Rev. 14 L
General Emergency 0.P. 3503 Rev.11 f
Evaluation of Off-Site Radiological 0.P. 3513 Rev. 5 Conditions Off-Site and Site Boundary 0.P. 3510 Rev. 9 '
g, Monitoring
Emergency Radiation Exposure 0.P. 3507 Rev.12 Control On-Site Medical Emergency Procedure 0.P. 3508 Rev.10 EmerFency Actions by Plant Security 0.P. 3524 Rev. 2 Personnel Release of Public Information A.P. 0835 Rev. 3 Radiological Coordination 0.P. 3525 Rev; 1 Environmental Sample Collection 0.P. 3509 Rev. 7 During an Emergency Supolemental Procedures:
Emergency Plan Training 0.P. 3712 Re'v. 6 Emergency Preparedness Exercises 0.P. 3505 Rev. 9 and Drills Emergency Equipment Readiness Check O.P. 3506 Rev. 14 -
Emergency Com=unications O.P. 3504 Rev. 14
D2pt. Supv.
,f U / L A_ Proc. No.
A.P. 3125 PORC p%dJrP7A Rcy. No.
3 Plant Mgr.
G9hN$t Issue Date 2/12/82 Mgr. of Ops. 6 /W Review Date 2/12/84
To describe how operators recognize plant operations that require a level of the Vermonc Yankee Power Station Emergency Plan to be initiated.
Operators are trained so that when they sense that plant operations are off-normal or exceeding administrative controls, they have cause to refer to emergency operating procedures which will subsequently refer them to this procedure if necessary.
This procedure in table form, qualifies nine categories of plant operation or status that includes relevent " Initiating Conditions" to Vermont Yankee, that are set forth in Appendix I of NUREG-0654, Rev. 1 (Criteria for Prepration and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants), and all postu-laced accidents in the FSAR (Final Safety Analysis Report).
The table assigns four classes of Emergency Action Level Operating Procedures to each of the nine categories:
Unusual Event 0.P. 3500 -
Alert 0.P. 3501 3.
Site Area Emergency 0.P. 3502 4.
General Emergency 0.P,. 3503 The rationale of the four levels of action for these specific categories is to qualify for the operators those minor events which could lead to more serious consequences given operator error or equip-ment failure or which might be indicative of more serious conditions which are not yet fully realized.
The graduation from Unusual Event through Alert, Site Area Emer-gency, to General Emergency is provided to qualify response preparations for more serious indicators.
The definitions of Emergency Classifications are:
- 1) Unusual Event Unusual events are in process or have occurred which indicate a potential degradation of the level of safety of the plant. No releases of radioactive material requiring off-site response or monitoring are expected unless further degradation of safetys system occurs.
- 2) Alert Events are in process or have occurred which involve an actual or potential substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant and could affect on-site personnel, may require off-site impact assessment, but is not likely to require off-site public protection action.
. A.P. 3125 Rzv. 3
- 3) Site Area Emergency Events are in process or have occurred which involve actual or likely major failures of pinnt functions needed for protection of the public.
- 4) General Emergency Events are in process or have occurred which involve actual or imminent substantial core degradation or melting with potential.for loss of containment integrity.
The responsibility and authority for classifying the level of emergency is assigned to the Shif t Supervisor, or in his absence from the Control Room, to the Supervisory Control Room Operator.
The following table is attached:
Table I Table of Categories and Events
Tech. Specs.
All Tech. Specs. referred to in Table I.
Admin. Limits 1.
None C.
Other 2
Criteria for Preparation anc Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants (NUREG-0654) 2.
Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) 3.
Plant Operating Procedure Procedure:
Refer to Table I and read down the left column to determine in which of the nine categories the off-normal event falls.
Then read across Table I from left to right to the one of four descriptions that best matches the event.
Af ter determining which description is applicable to the event, trace up the column to the top of the table where the Level of the Emergency and the number of the appropriate operating pro-cedure is indicated.
Go to the indicated Emergency Operating Procedure.
The Shif t Supervisor and/or Supervisory Control Room Cparator in making the classification determination should request assistance from any source immediately available (Security, Chemistry & Health Physics, I & C, Maintenance, Engineering Support, etc.).
Input from these sources must be prompt, informal, and advisory in nature.
l L
. A.P. 3125 Rzv. 3 4
Request the on-shift Chemistry and Health Physics Tech. to perform 0.P. 3513 (Subsequent Evaluation of Off-Site Radiological Condi-tions) until the Erergency Operating Facility is manned.
Utilize the on-shift Nuclear Safety Engineer for operational support.
Changing conditions may require escalation of the Emergency Classification Level to a more severe level. Assess conditions periodically and be prepared to initiate this escalation.
JE/emr i
1 C
e ge i
Events Unusual Event Alert Site Area Emergency General Emergency Category Refer to 0.P.
3500 Refer to 0.P.
3501 Ref er to 0.P.
. Refer to 0.P.
> Tech Spec limit for gaseous
>10 m Tech Spec !!ait (orgaseous Site Boundary whole body Jose rates exceed Site boundry whole body Jose maJiological or liquid effluent.
or liqu1J ef fluents OR unplanned 500 sm/hr for >2 min. or 50 mR/hr for >30 rates exceed 1 R/hr as deter-Coa lit ions or unexpected area radiation ein. as determin=J by direct fielJ mont-alueJ by direct field monitor-
>1000 m normal gg A0G system toring or from plant vent stack high range lag or from plant vent stack rupture with release to AOC BlJ.
monitor correlation.
high range monitor currelatiou 2.
Main steam line high rad. Isol. SJAE offgas activity >5 cl/sec Degraded core as indicated by cont. rad.
Loss of 2 of 3 fission product rue!
OR offgas line high raJ. Isol.
OR sampleJ rm coolant fodine mon. reading >1000 R/h. or unable to main-barriers with potential loss Damage timer trip OR '> Tech. Spec.
activity >300 pct /cc OR damaged tain rm water level >-48" OR major irr.
of the 3rd.
limit for rm coolant loJine.
Irr. fuel assembly with release fuel damage with release to Rm Bld. with of radioactivity to Ex R!d.
>10 m refuel floor or BB vent man. trip levels OR spent fuel pool water below top of spent fuel.
> Tech Spec limit for unident.
ECCS initiated and injecting Loss of primary coolant outside primary Loss of all normal ru makeup loss of or total containment to Ru vessel ou >50 gpm pri-containment without isolation.
sys. (cond. f eeJwer. HPCI.
Coolant leakage OR stuck open safety mary cool, leak in cont. OR RCIC. CRD. kHR and Core Spray) or safety re!!af valve.
primary cool line break outstJe AND fuel melt is imminent.
primary. cont, with isolation.
Any on-site or in-plant fire any on-site fire which affects Fire degrading safety systems such that A!L Fire not eatinguished within or potentia!!y affects safety high press. or low press. lajec. systems 10 minutes.
syst em funct ions.
are defeated.
Any earthquake sensed OR river Earthquake or tornado resulting Natural level <212' or >235' OR winds in damage to in-plant sys. or Phenomenon
>75 mph OR on-site tornado, struc. OR severe lightning which (0.P. 3021) disable safety sys. func. E.
river level <200' or >250' _N_i winJa >100 mph (hurricane or tornado).
loss of off-site power OR loss Loss of all AC or al! 125 VDC loss of all AC cr a!! 125 VDC power for Loss of Power of on-site power capability power (see site ares emer.
greater than 15 minutes.
Supplies in other _than cold shutdown.
for extended loss).
Any loss of sys. or equip. re-Complete loss of any function Complete loss of any funct. necessary for Failure to complote a u r..m Loss of Syst. quiring a plant shutdown in needed for co!J shutdown Cgt com-plant hot shutdown OR loss of CR alarms AND f ailure to t r ip Rec tre or Equip.
accordance with Tech Specs, plate lose of CR annun. OR f all-during t ransient.
pumps AND f uel cladding f ull-ure to complete a scram (Rm re-use is imminent, mains critical).
Any near or on-site train de-Any crash impact or explosion Any crash impact or explosion which renders other railment or tank truck acci-which results in damage to in-safe shutdown equip. Inop. OR entry of toxic nazards dent with potential or actual plant syst. or struct. gi entry or flam. gas into area where lack of access release of toxic, hazard, or of toxic or flam. gas into vital constitutes a safety problem.
flam. chemical or gas OR any areas [8 turbine fall. result-unusual aircraft activity over ing in casing penetration.
facility or on-site plane crash.
Transp. of contaminated in-Evacuation of the CE anticipated Evac. of the CR without control of shutdown other jured personnel to off-site or required OR any event syst, within 15 min. OR imminent or actual Conditions muJical fact!! y OR con-warranting activation of TSC loss of physical control of the plant OR ditions warranting inceased and EOF.
any condition warranting initiation of off-of f-site awareness and plant site monit. and pub!!c notif, staf f notification.
A.P. 3125 Rev. 1 TABLE I a
..._ y.
Dspt. Supv. [ j.. ' _ Proc. No.
0.P. 3712 PORC 42mde rTJ Riv. No.
6 Plant Mgr.
(27Las#/R Issue Date 2/12/82 Mgr. of Ops.
To set forth Emergency Plan training requirements for the Emergency i
Coordinators, Plant Emergency Directors, Emergency Assistance Personnel, Emergency Medical Team Members and Fire Brigade Members.
Additionally, this procedure will outline the training for Local Fire Department Personnel, Local Medical Support Personnel, Media Personnel, and Outside Emergency Assistance Personnel.
The Emergency Coordinators, Plant Emergency Directors and Emergency Assistance Personnel receive general training in the overall emergency plans and specific training for each of their assignments during an Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area, or General Emergency.
Additionally, the Emergency Coordinators and Radiological Assistants will participate in classroom exercises (drills) evaluating various meteorological conditions and selected Emergency Assistance Personnel will receive additional training through the use of Mini-Drills.
r The Security Force will re'ceive training in the use of radia-tion detection instruments, other equipmeht they would be expected to use during a radiological emergency, and 0.P. 3524, Emergency Actions by Plant Security Personnel.
The Emergency Medical Team Members in addition to the general and specific immergency plans training receive certification in American Red Cross Advanced First Aid and Emergency Care and CPR.
Local Medical Support Personnel receive training in Basic Radiation Protection, personnel and equipment decontamination, use of radiation instruments, establishing radiation and contamination control areas and biological sampling.
Additionally, both the Emergency Medical Team and the Local Medical Support Personnel will participate in an annual Medical Drill.
Plant Fire Brigade Members and Connanders, in addition to the general and specific emergency plans training, receive fire fight-ing training in accordance with A.P. 3723, Fire Training.
While it may be desirable to train Local Fire Department Mem-bers in various aspects of the emergency plans, it is also under-stood that they will be continually escorted whdie in the plant.
Therefore, training of this group will be on a time-available basis.
l i
- 0.P. 3712 Rav. 6 i
Technical Support and Repair and Damage Control Teams are made i
up of individuals that are qualified by job related experience and by training as Emergency Assistance Personnel.
Tech. Spec.
None B.
Admin. Limits 1.
None C.
Other 1.
0.P. 3524, Emergency Actions by Plant Security Personnel 4
A.P. 3723, Fire Training 3.
A.P. 0700, Plant Staff Training 4.
A.P. 0834, Plant Record Retention Prerequisites:
j 1.
None Procedure:
.'c 1
Procedure Sections I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VIII will be the responsi-i bility of the Training Department. The Training Department will be re-
sponsible for ensuring that Section VII is completed on an annual basis.
The Medical Services / Safety Coordinator will be responsible for arranging for qualified instructors, determining course content, implementing the published schedule, and certifying the qualifications of the medical team members. Procedure Sections II and X will be the responsibility of the Chemistry and Health Physics Department, and procedure Section XI will be the responsibility of the Public Relations Department.
Emergency Coordinators and Radiological Assistant Training A.
To be initially qualified and to maintain qualifications as an Emergency Coordinator or Radiological Assistant, those personnel selected as such must complete training i
in the following areas on an annual basis:
Emergency Plan Procedures with emphasis on the Emergency Coordinators' duties.
Use of on-site and off-site communication channels.
Use of meteorological overlay and methods for deter-
>l mining the magnitude of the release of radioactive materials.
Review functions of off-site support agencies.
. 0.P. 3712 Rav. 6 5.
Participate in classroom exercises consisting of at least four problems evaluating various meteorological conditions and subsequent calculation of off-site airborne concentrations.
Plant Emergency Directors A.
To be initially qualified and to maintain qualifications as a Plant Emergency Director, those personnel designated as such shall hold a valid Reactor Operators License or Senior Operators License and complete annual training in the following areas:
Emergency Plan Procedures with emphasis on Plant Emergency Director duties.
Use of on-site and cCt-site communications channels.
Interpretation of meteorological teletype data.
Types of information required by the Emergency Opera-tions Facility.
Participate in a classroom exercise evaluating various off-site dose projections.
Shif t H.P. Technicisys and the Shift Technical Advisors shall be annually trained in Section II.A above.
- III Plant Emergency Assistance Personnel Training A.
To be qualified and maintain qualification as Emergency Assistance Personnel, those personnel designated as such must complete on an annual basis, training in the follow-ing areas:
Emergency Plan Procedures with emphasis on the func-tions and duties of the various tag board assignments.
Areas that will be addressed in the tag board assignments are:
Radiation monitoring and sampling 2)
Coinnunications 3)
Search and Rescue I:
Overlay Selection and Orientation B.
Mini-Drills will be conducted for selected individuals designated as Emergency Assistance Personnel.
. 0.P. 3712 Rtv. 6 IV.
Fire Brigade Commanders and Members A.
To qualify and maintain qualification as a Fire Brigade Commander or Fire Brigade Member, each person on the Fire Brigade must complete the Fire Training outlined in A.P. 3023 and training in the following areas:
Fulfill requirements as qualified Emergency Assis-tance Personnel.
Local Fire Department Training A.
The local fire departments will receive training as out-lined in A.P. 3023.
Outside Emergency Assitance Personnel n
If a plant emergency requires the use of out. side contractors, vendors, or agencies, they will be trained in Basic Radiation Protection, Emergency Exposure Control, and an overview of Vermont Yankee Emergency Plans as required.
a VII.
Emergency Medical Team Members A.
To qualify and maintain qualifications as a member of the Emergency Medical Tearat, those personnel designated as such must hold a valid American National Red Cross Advanced First Aid - Emergency Care card and a CPR card and complete training in the following areas on an annual basis:
Satisfactory attendance at medical retraining ses-sions each year, as scheduled.
Satisfactory attendance or makeup is determined by the Medical Service / Safety Coordinator.
Fulfill requirements as qualified Emergency Assistance Personnel.
Security Force Training A.
To qualify and maintain qualification for radiation moni-toring and sampling during a Radiological Emergency, mem-bers of the Security Force must complete annual training in the following area n 1.
Use of portable radiation instruments and other equip-ment as necessary.
Review actions of Security Force during a radiological L
i i
. 0.P. 3712 Riv. 6 IX.
Local Medical Support Personnel A.
Local Medical Support Personnel will receive annual train-ing in the following areas (as applicable for the specific emergency response duty):
Basic Radiation Protection 2.
Perynnel and Equipment Decontamination 3.
Use of radiation instruments 4
Establishing radiation and contamination control areas 5.
Biological Sampling B.
Additionally, the Local Medical Support Personnel will participate in an annual medical drill with the Emergency Medical Team.
State and Local Governments A.
If a state or a local government lacks the capability and resources to accomplish an adequate training program, they may request assistance from the plant or corporate resources.
News Media A.
The plant Public Infonnation Director will coordinate a training program with'the states to acquaint news media personnel with 'the emergency plans, points of contact for release of information, location of news media centers, and update on public information pcckets sent to the public.
The training shall be conducted at least annually.
Final Conditions:
All training attendance will be documented on a form similar to VYAPF 0700.01.
All documentation will be retained in accordance with A.P. 0834 except News Media Training Records which will be kept at the Corporate Offices.