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Rev 0 to Process Control Program
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 07/20/1984
From: Leach B, Murphy W, Pelletier J
Shared Package
ML20093K625 List:
PROC-840720, NUDOCS 8410180091
Download: ML20093K636 (11)





. Submitted Chemistry & %ealth Physics Supervisor r,

m Approved


M )_ _ _

f Plant Manager Approved M



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The Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation Process Control Program (PCP) describes the administrative and technical controls on the radioactive waste systems which provide assurances that Vermont Yankee meets federal shipping and burial site requirements.

The PCP. describes process parameters, controls, and sampling to ensure compliance with 10 CFA Part 71, 10 CFR Part 61, Department of Transportation, state, and burial site regulation requirements.

1.0 Solidification Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation does not routinely solidify liquid waste.

If the use of solidification to dispose of any liquid waste is required, it will be done by an outside vendor under the vendor's PCP.

This PCP will be reviewed and approved by the plant Health Physicist, and the Chemistry and Health Physics Supervisor prior to implementation.

This review is to identify that there is sufficient supporting documentation of the vendor's PCP to give assurance that the final product will meet all requirements for transport and burial, and that sufficient procedural controls exist to assure safe operations.

2.0 Cartridge Filter Elements Cartridge filter elements will be air dried and compacted as dry active waste. Filters that are too radioactive to be disposed of in this manner will be placed in spent resin liners for disposal.

3.0 Resins Vermont Yankee for the past eleven years has prodJCed radioactive waste in the. form of dewatered resins. The method employed for dewatering is a Bird centrifuge. The resin is then discharged via a hopper into a 165 fts or 70 ft' liner formed to fit into a HN-100, IN-200 or similar cask, whichever is applicable.

Conynercial ion exchange resins have a certain moisture content in the form of bound water resulting from the hygroscopic properties of the resio.

Beyond this, ion exchange resins can take up free water or surface water l

which can be removed by centrifuging.

The resulting moisture content is expressed in percent of moisture per weight of dry resin.

A number of methods can be used to determine the bound water in ion exchange resins. Oven drying or azeotropic distillation are techniques which are generally used for high polymers. Vermont Yankee used oven drying to deter-mine moisture content in the radioactive spent resins. Graver Water con-ditioning Company technical manuals were consulted for the moisture content of unused ion exchange resins.

4 Page 2 After centrifuging and discharge to the cask liner, a spent resin sample was obtained. The sample was immediately weighed, then oven dried for 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and re-weighed. The moisture content cf the centrifuged spent resin was calculated to be 59.6%. The moisture content of the unused mixtures of resins is between 55% and 70%. This shows the spent resins are dewatered such that only bound water remains.

A second mett.nd was used to determine if vibration would leach water from the unused resin. A lab centrifuge was set up with resin and resin plus filter aid mixtures. The centrifuge was set for 700 RPM for 30 minutes. No free water was observed in any of the mixtures.

The results of these test showed that the moisture content of centrifuge processed resins was less than or equal to mixtures of unused commercial grade ion exchange resins. At these moisture contents, all the water remains bound even after severe vibration'in a centrifuge, therefore it is concluded that Vermont Yankee's centrifuged spent resins do not include any free-standing 11gulds.

To comply with the statement, "Any liquids present in waste packages shall be non-corrosive with respect to the container **, Vermont Yankee tested the pH of various resin mixtures used by the plant in solution with water. The range was found to be 4.2 - 8.4.

A solution is not considered corrosive to iron if the pH is greater than 4.0.

A resin sample is taken from each liner prior to shipment. The sample is counted to determine the activity and waste classification. The majority of the resins generated are Class A waste. All Class B or C resins will be disposed of in an approved High Integrity Container (HIC).

4.0 Filter Liners During refueling outages and at times during normal operation, problems can occur in liquid radwaste processing that require use of a portable decanting filter on the condensate phase separators. A floating suction is used to decant the water and resin into a filter liner. Filtered water is pumped from the liner. When use of the liner is completed, the drain plug

'is removed and a vacuum pump is attached to dewater the resin in the liner.

The liner is dewatered for a minimum of 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> and until no more water is viewed from the pump discharge. A resin sample is taken from the liner and counted to determine the activity and waste classification.

5.0 Dry Active Waste (DAW)

All DAW is examined before being compacted. Any liquids or items found that would compromise the integrity of the package are removed and separated as specified by procedure. 'All waste is compacted into boxes using a box com-pactor. Containers used for DAW shipments meet the criteria of 49 CFR 173.425a. or b.

"No leakage of radioactive material" as specified in 49 CFR 173.425.b.1 will be met provided that no radioactive materials in quantities equal to or exceeding those specified in 49 CFR 173.443 are detected on the external surfaces of the package at any time during shipment.


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6. O' Chelatino Agents In' order to comply with 10 CFR 20.311b, chelating agents are controlled by the plant chemistry department using procedure AP 0620.

7.0 Explosive Weste

~No waste capable of detonation or of explosive decomposition or reaction-will be disposed as per 10 CFR 61.56(a)(4).

8.0 Toxic Waste No waste capable of generating toxic gases,' vapors, or fumes will be disposed as per 10 CFR 61.56(a)(5).

9.0 :Pyrophoric Waste No waste that is pyrophoric will be disposed as per 10 CFR 61.56(a)(6).

10.0 High Integrity Containers Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation has contracted with Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear, Inc., to' supply approved HICs. South Carolina has approved Hittman's PCP for their HICs. Any HIC Vermont Yankee may choose to use at some future time, will meet all applicable requirements.

Included in this package are the approval letters from the State of South

' Carolina for the Hittman and VY HICs.

11.0 Waste Class Determination

., Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation has correlated results from ana-lyses-done on all radwaste streams by SAI, EC and Teledyne. These corre-lations have been proceduralized in AP 0504 that will be used to classify all waste. Isotopic analysis is done on all resins, and a dose to curie content calculation is used to determine activity on all DAW shipments.

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AP 0504 Shipment and Receipt of Radioactive Materials 2.

OP 2511 Radwaste Cask, Drum and Box Handling 3.

AP 0021 Maintenance Requests 4.

-OP 2151 Liquid Radwaste 5.

OP 2153 Solid Radwaste 6.

OP 4151 Liquid Radwaste Surveillance 7.

AP 0620 Chemical Material Control



' ' '===== 3 o c">- -

1 Om

. Gerald A, Kaynard.Vice Chairman Leonard W. Douglas, M. D., Secretary y

Oren L. Brady, Jr.

- Moses H. Clarkson, Jr.

z Barbara P. Nuessie


James A.Spruill.Jr.

V COMMISSIONER Robert S. Jackson, M.D.

2600 Bull Street Columbia. S.C. 29201 4

i June 37,1982

. Charles W. Mallory Vice President - Engineering Hittman Nuclear & Development Corp.

9190 Red Branch Road Colunbia, Maryland 21045

Dear Mr. Mallory:

The Department has approved your high integrity container designs for disposal of specified wastes at the Barnwell site.

Please find enclosed the Certificates of Compliance,- DHEC-HIC-PL-004 for the RADLOK-55 drum and DHEC-HIC-PL-005 for the RADLOK-100 liner.

The Certificates specify the uses, restrictions, and limitations of the containers. Variances to these requirements must have Department


approval before implementation. _ It is Hittman's responsibility to L

assure that container users' adhere to these requirements 'and to inform the Department.of who is authorized to use the containers.

The evaluation of these container designs is limited to the containers

' and the lifting assemblies.

Plant specific loading and dewatering procedures, cask handling procedures, and burial site ' operating proce-dures were not reviewed for this proposal.

Hittman should insure compatibility between the Certificates of Compliance and'other requirements.

We reg'uest that you continue the perfonnance evaluati.on of the containers and make appropriate modifications as necessary.

It is our understanding


that'a controlled copy of the Rad Services Manual will be issued to

- this that we will be apprised of the changes as the users are.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Very truly yours, yward G. Shealy, Chief Bureau of. Radiological-Health HGC:kn Enclosures G


Mr. Wynn Phillips, HN3C - w/ enclosure Mr. James Purvis, CNSI - w/ enclosure l

J. Lorin Mason, Jr., M.D.,

Gerald A.Kaynard,Vk:*-Chairman Leonard W. Douglas,M D,

ta Moses H. Clarkson, Jr.

Barbara P. Ni.4ssie


James A.Sprulli,Jr.


Robert S. Jackson, M.D.

2600 Bull Street Columbia, S.C. 29201 May 5, 1983 Mr. Charles W.

Mallory Director, Engineering Hittman Nuclear & Development Corp.

9151 Rumsey Road Columbia, Maryland 21045

Dear Mr. Mallory:

We are pleased to advise you that the Department has approved your RADLOK-200 High Integrity container for disposal of radioactive waste at the Barnwell disposal facility.

DHEC-HIC-PL-OO7 which Enclosed is Certificate of Compliance No.

outlines the specific requirements for the manufacturer and use of the container.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

-Very truly yours, Var 1

. A *ry, irector Division of adioactive Mate, rial Licensing and Compliance Bureau of Radiological Health VRA:kn Enclosure Mr. Richard Sappington cc:

DHEC Inspector Mr. James Purvis Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc.

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmentcl Centrol i

Board Moses H Clarbon.Jr., Chairman


g 2600 But! Street


r t

Leonard W. L,oustas. M.D.. Vice-Chairman Columba. 5 C. 29201

,l Barbara P. Nuessle, Secretary Gerald A. Kavnard N o Cd Oren L Brad'y, Jr.

Commissioner Roben 5. Jackson. M.D.

N James A. Spruill, Jr.

October 6, 1983 Mr. Warren P. Murphy, Vice President Manager of Operations Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp.

RD 5, Box 169 Ferry Road Brattleboro, Vermont 05301

Dear Mr. Murphy:

Enclosed is the Certificate of Compliance No. DHEC-HIC-PL-009, approving the use of your VYNPC Dome-Top High Integrity Container at the Chem-Nuclear Systems burial facility in Barnwell, South


This approval is contingent and does not constitute a final deter-mination by the Department.

These containers will be subjected to evaluation and assessed for their integrity to meet all specified conditions and criteria.

Should the evaluation determine that additional requirements are necessary, appropriate modifications shall be made before their continued use.

The certificate is subject to revocation if warranted.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Virgil R.


Very truly yours,



Shealy, nief

' Buraau of Radiological Health OCT 141983 HGSSkn Enclosure VERMONT YANKEE cc:

Mr. J ame s E. Purvis w/ enclosure Mr. Richard Sappington w/ enclosure

gr m o- '



_ South Carolina Department of Health.and Environmental Control Bureau of Radiological Health CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE High Integrity Container CERTIFICATE"NO.:-

DHEC-HIC-PL-009 (This number shall be imprinted on all containers for which this Certificate is applicable)


Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation Brattleboro, Vermont 1.


This certificate is applicable to containers specified below

'for use at. Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. burial facility at Barnwell, South Carolina for containment and disposal cWE low-level radioactive waste as'specified in South Carolina Radioactive ~ Material License No. 097.


General Design:

The design, materials, manufacture and use of the containers shall conform to the specification and analysis which has received approval of the Department including the latest revision of:


VYNPC Specifications for High' Integrity Containers for Vermon%

Yankee Nuclear Power Station, No. 1105-001, Rev. 2.

VYNPC Specification for Prototype Testing of a High Integrity B.

Container for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, No.

1105-002, Rev.



VYNPC Drawings:


High Integrity Container, Vermont Y se, Figure 2.2 (2)

Lifting Arrangement, Vermont Yankee HIC, Figure 2.3 (3)

Vermont Yankee Closure, Drawing # C0785


Applicable Approved containers:

This Certificate shall apply to the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation' Dome-Top High Integrity Container having an internal volume:of 137 cubic feet.

"'(., E.T-1 L:




- u x

.4. jouality: Assurance:

The. containers shall~ be manufactured, stored and used i.n

'accordance with:


L(a) ~ Snyder Industries, Inc. Quality Assurance Manual.


VYNPC Specification No. 1105-001, Rev. 2, Section 2.3, Design and Fabrication.


( c)'

VYNPC Specification No. 1105-001, Rev. 2, Section 3.2, Production Run Testing and Inspection.

(d)_ Snyder' Industries, Inc. Standard Operating Procedures for-Vermont. Yankee :High Integrity Containers,. QAP,



VYNPC Procedure No.


2511, Rev. 9, Radwaste Cask, Drum and-Box Handling.


VYNPC Procedure No.

A.P. 0801, Rev. 11, Receipt, Inspection and Shipment of-Material and Equipment.


VYNPC Procedure No. A.P. 0504, Rev. 8, Shipment and l

Receipt of Radioactive Materials.


User Requirement's:

Use of this container shall be 'in accordance with the latest revision of the following:


VYNPC Procedure No.- 0.P. 2511, Rev. 9, Radwaste Cask, Drum and Box Handling.


VYNPC Procedure No. A.P. 0801, - Rev. 11, Receipt, Inspection and Shipment of Material and Equipment..


Specific Limitations:

The following. specific limitations for the container described ani identified in the Certificate shall apply and be strictly adhered to:


Free Standing Liquid:. Any free standing liquid must be non-corrosive.and less than one-percent (1%) by waste volume.

i Radiation:

The specific' activity of dewatered resins shall i


not exceed 350 uCi/cc of isotopes having greater than five year. half-lives.

Other waste forms shall not exceed 1.0x108 container.

rads (g,8 ) maximum integrated dose to the b


3 (. e +

.3-t C.


Organic solvents, petrochemicals, concentrated acid and other chemicals specified in VYNPC Procedure for Radwaste Cask, Drum and Box Handling No. O.P. 2511, Rev. 9,

- Appendix D, - Table 1 are not. allowed to be introduced into the container, nor the container subjected to these materials.


1 Thermal:'

The container must not be exposed to temperatures from~the contents or surroundings above 130*F or below -35*F..



The containers shall not be stored in such a way


as to cause exposure to sunlight or other ultraviolet radiation to exceed. fourteen (14) months.



The weight of the container contents must not exceed 6000 pounds.


Waste such as mechanical or cartridge filters, scrap or other sharp objects placed in the container shall not cause internal damage to the container nor shift about during transportation and handling.

All voids shall be filled.

materials or

- Any. modifications or changes of the container design, usage are subject to prior approval by the Department.

This. approval is contingent and does not constitute a final determination by the Department.

These containers will be subjected to evaluation and assessed for their integrity to meet all specified conditions and criteria.

Should the evaluation determine that additional requirements are necessary, appropriate modifications shall be made before their continued use.

This Certificate is subject tc revocation if warranted.

For the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control jI y

-Issue Date /[ '/8 - b By:

He@d G.

S'heEIy, Chief BurVau of Radiological H th c