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Comments on Consequences of in-depth Investigation in Response to Jg Keppler 781204 Ltr Re Allegations Concerning Cable Trays.Affidavit & Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Zimmer
Issue date: 12/11/1978
From: Hofstadter E
To: James Keppler
Shared Package
ML19241A935 List:
NUDOCS 7907110475
Download: ML19241A964 (5)


7. L . '.'. s T cro . e , ty. L1%.2 \c.;,n r7 S$

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R. Ja ,e s G. Iepple r Dire c to r Nuclear ?.ec21stery Co=2ission ?.eric: III cy thN p Dq }g, g, .

799 ?.co r ev elt ?.c c d pb -4 Gles En yn' Illinois 63137  % e A W

Dear br. Keppler:

After reading yeur letter of Dae. 4, I af greatly surprised by the lack of understandbg yeu people ebeu after reading all of =y varleus letters. Cbviously ue do not achieve understanding in our co .'111eaticns. 7:is =skes everythiI gca:n,t

=cre diffleult. Svever,in your letter there ce inaccuracies and areas vhers ageo with your reply.

Tirst, I vc-ald thin on any matter vhare Raeles: Safety asy be invelied thst an in depth investigstion vould be =ade. Svever, I vould ac r tbst it coald et-srt with only one er t.o areas,1at, if 30:e depoe of substt tiaties develeped, then the invest!gstion vould be deeper and more extensive and as =en substa.stistien developed, in depth i=vestigstion vould reduany evolve.

fo frtbr illustrate this point we can use the fone. ring:

ille:-t eet Tig velded Zi;:-er fitti .gs when they vero not certified.thin Seky ICO.ssidTha a crall qus:tity. As I ree ll,it was either very near ICO,er nore question then is, vhst is ::all? Tev this is an illustratica er what happe:ed whe: 6 veldors were able to psss only 11. crut of a total regaire=ent of 43 if they were to veld an all jobs as they esse along. Kev, de IIhsve thinkte tenisthe this your .C.C

.*obbov to

=any =ers tiaes this was reposted? I don't thf u se, I d es' t knew find out hev =.sny .-ero times it occurred. I k ,ev that it occurre-3.

hov .any times.11.1 er abeve is in to your eseer.1 p.t agaph ar.d to iten 8 in your letter.

areas of co E c.:?li In regsrd to your ites 1, >n Septe= oar 30th I asrked up the enee with 10Cy'.*0. Everyoce of these ite=s is a basic requiresent I hav e s eleinc teany QO 7pro-d only ite=s ,

ga.= and =ust never be vaived under any circu= stance.If these Erd b.aen adhersd to there but, these are the hee.rt cf any QC preps: 2.

vould be no proble=.

In rsesed to your ite 2, there was a =f rup is the =sterial. :' ave your pecple verified the total veights? Needed veight for job agsisst veight of =sterial Something happened to the psp-: erk. To wh.t dept'a and en records sheva the=7 velds, I hsve ertent has the h'?.C gone to uncever this.fset? In renvet to thethe Test'sg Process thst checked out 2 velding bocks and both specifically stc never id-ntical at and the p eduction process have to remain CICIC AL. T.ey were Cn v!.st autherity is ky. Tr_i s is v ery e as y to e s t sblis h. Why ha identics

s it no t be a n J o n e ?" ey are to W the o r bac kup , 'de yen have to s ay they nee d ne t be asying in effact is, any old a s.c e , vy the test to b-gin with? What you are ans er is that all velds esa veld is go<d enough. This is vreng, v ongds. vren.g. -"hegoc.d veld is a pressure voesel be pcd velds and shou.ld te ga<A vol isky knevs A mini =u.s this, but decided not to disturb their veld. It is as sisple as thst. vcu.1d load ywu to believe the Incentive setup to do it. Tet their QO rami op.x sita. 3:ra17 se:4hody at h.C = cst right fre3 vre:., *

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24. With rega'd to the seals, descrite in detail the func:::n and safet, significance of these seals during reac cr cperaticn ETP has not yet ccepletel'. detemined all aspects cf seal crerat:cn.
25. State whether the Project is asseninc that seals in questicn are subject to reacter pressure dur mg :eraticn" See an m r to interrcgatory 2,.
26. Describe in detail the safety significance of the seals when the reacter is in a cold shutdcv.n ccnditicn.

Sm ansur to inter cgatori 24.

27. State what in'o rntion the Project has that the Applicants did not intend to re, r or replace all seals cc metirg all specifications.

E7P has no infcnnaticn that Applicants nave corrected the prcblen.

2E. If any seals which did not meet specifications have been repaired cr replaced, state why this would not meet the Pro,'ect's particular allegations regarding the seals.

Sw answr to interrcgatori 27.

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Leah S. Ecsik Datei: May 9, 1979 At:crney fcr m'pP i

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Pa ge 2.

i.s ra f a r e nce to ym;r i tes. 3, I a rs in r e pa st that t he t e s t i n g an d pre b e t i on p ro: e s s

=ust be IL2CICAL and r e2ain IE.CIC AL. A r e te s t e sn e nly b3 3- f e AM.7 the tan r e c e iv e s ne c e s s ary and needed training ar.d practire. Se le ngth o f t he ved d ba centinpnt on t u ceed for sese. *r.t-v ar 10 =l eu te s o f tra i31 n r an d pr a c t i c e is ec,pletely ridic21eus. This is the length of training and practice that occurred.

Ce n n s e nz e vill tell y ou t hs t tr aining, ime lu di g le n gt h ar.d e xS nt i s e nt i. el y coctbpst en the need. Then as proficiency is att ained , a re te s t veuld be in order.

In referen:e te pur ites 4, W. Spievack vas called in to review cur situst!.n and 'a see if be o.uld set up a training prega.m fe cur velders. I called hin in.

3e flatly told me the day be was in, that under ce circumstances veuld he allcv his school to become associ.ated with isty velders. 3e felt that in the len; run it veuld be injurious to the reputation ef his scheel. Ee asid it is far ecre diffic lt to "untrain" and then " retrain" than just to train. *e said before he left that he vould write up a report of his findings so that we vould knov vhers ve stec 3. Ter your 1.ifer=ation the veldi g as of August 1, IM3 is EIACTLT the sus as it was the day M . Spievack observed it. Esky velders never received the trtining they need. A pregras to train thes at Northern Iectucky scheol vss set up. Only one -= of the 20 plus vbo signed up, cenyleted the pregaa. This was ?.. Pratt an Industrial Ingineer. Tunty Flus signed up, Chly 11 sheved up for the first sessien, 5 or 6 for the seeemi, 3 or 4 for the third, 2 fer the nort 2 sessions, then enly R. Pratt. This was the only ge=uine atta=pt at training. Sis:o shertly after M . .?pierack:s visit R., Pratt and =7self would go out peric41cally in shipping and leok at velds. Ve did this to see if there was any ceticeable chinp.

Sc:e days the s ve e =cre, some days less, but alveys ve cocid find ylesty of bsd velds. In hrch of this year ve f ound se:e cf the vor,rt velds ve ever saw en so e al " c2 Cectray. It was so bad I hrcught F. Psnta out to skv him. 5s was u tis- -

pr e s s ed c.:-d enc o cc erned. Ms later told me , "they vers voiced a long time ago. " I check:i, a:A it vas-3 days ago hedless to say, it was shipp^d as is. It didn't coce Esch, so by yecr definition it was good Velds!

In reference to your ites 5, the CNLT var to ever inov if you cas rea.,enably ervet a g*c4 veld is to find cut if ths velder Ess the capability thru a tent.

A cW.ime his ability is uncer question be is retested. Incidentally, I noticed that this same situation es.=e up at Zis=er in as 20 inspectio reyert, i:Telved 2 velders frc= Teung & Bertke who vere in.stalliny. air handling equip ent.

Gla.dstene Lsberatory was called and they es.>e out IM".I.DI.A*ILT and retested t.Sse 2 re n. Se , se 3e 20 people do tv)t share your viev. I a= extremely curious as to why you refuse t,3 retesc the .tsky veldors. I feel this is artre:ely critical and pr=.s:s to the entire veld situatio . Instead, for an ansver, I get "a Visv v e d e no t s hare . " .bige=ents should be based on facts,not " views."

In refe esce te yeur ite= 6, " Veld Testisg" Tha first " testing" was visual ar.d ev e ything locked rosy, per M . Tester. TVs a te s t or te s ts vas ma de and a decisio: vss ade that they are goc 4. This is hog vash, it simply can't be.

C tre Leuisville Css & E ectric job (M: . Tester has a eery of the - M)a full t s il e r lesd o,f . trays and fitt brs wer e r e tur n- d . lookin g a t it 2 ik e you d e, it was:'t had. C 17 40% of the velds broke. Tally 60% of the velds were goed. Se, a'l va chcu.ld have deze vas to ebeck or test s~_e of the eC5 velds. nese veuld "the be gec4 by yecr test' and we eculd then have told Lo:isville Cas & Iloetric, velds ars go.c4, ve tested thes to E0 acecytance standaris." rou are deing ersetly this, the e:17 difference being, ssitbar you ner I kriev vhat the % is. The princi?le is e:Actly the same, h j J udI u & Gb[hb

a. c 7 V77

In r e gard t.o ymr iten . 7, you ar e v e ry sis take n. A ft e r M , Sp ! -v a r k r.a d e his report I verked pretty hard for a long time to lesrn bev te visuslly identLfy velding defecte with a high degree of aceracy. "c.ev er, wh-n e.b M:t al v octhi g is done to train the Insreters, then whatever quality there is in a weld is left up enti. ely to the velder. fis pri=sry concern 13 quantity for 1.neonti e, he could care less for quality. Irdirectly, you are saying this is CT M: fo nald s has higher sta.Mards for their &2burgar palaces than you erpres s for Raslear vark.

In regard to ycur iten 10, he o agsin yea are in error. Mit k'*1 ding with a band is per issable and is what should have been done. Ins , a Hi g Spe t , hal f on and bal.f off the joined ite=s was us>f. The specifications clearly prohibits a spot veld. 'ihst they get was only i of a epot ve'_d. Nsky had no procedure fo alu=i=u a bronse velding a.nd no veldora certified in its us e, so they nsde half spots. 2 &nday evenlog Cetober 16, 1978 M . Te s ter c alle d no and re portM on the status of the Clisten investigative activities. 5 ssid the velding of the fittings was in non-co:pliance essentially as I repcrted. N also reporte1 problar.s nneevered on the et.raights. In later repcrts be repeated =ost cf this plus added information. & once told es thst none of this na'arisl could be installed in the contal:=:ent area. On Dece=ber 5,1973, (one later t. tan your letter) essentially the sana. New I read your iten 10 and it cour.ds 3

  • ke thirqs at Clinton are not ao bad. If yen vill resi tr.,; first paragaph of ny letter of Cetober 19, .1975 to Mr. 7oster confirsing abcTe and tut I censidere.1

=y involvenant in Clinton at a close. Why is this oev recpen*47 In regard .o ites 9, .I coce=1 ,

1 S"- s y:

13 I stated in ::7 orighal letter :so :rach of this occurred on all the cueles: ,

jobs it bec.s. , a pattern of operating non-complisnee. 'n'se n a man is M 11 e 1 vith 5 bullets, what difference dees it -aa whether bullet No. 3 or buJlet No. 4 killed hi:37 & is still dead!

Teur greup is respensible for IM?ECTICK AND IXTO?.::SVH" ar.d ncv you say you want the Utilities and the Engineering Cce::panies to ce=pleto yen verk The flav here is yn don't rer.117 knov vhat to tell than to ec=plete. This seer _s to me nearly incredible!

If pstience is a virtue, then I as beg'--4 g to feel virtnaus.

I sincerely bey Sis letter accenplishes e.1.ittle better c:xf orst Wing.

Ie:rs truly, F .h'.y.

g.,' $f 5'.f' Edvin P. E fst.adt4r e



cc: Mi:bael ? 3anc eft James I. Tester W <


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Ccunty of Fr.iltonj Saul A. Rigterg, beinc first duly svorn, states that he has been duly authorined to execute, verify and file the enciesed dccrents, that he has read the centents of same and that the statements centained therein are true and ccrrect to his best informaticn, kncwledge and belief.

bd < b> t Saul A. Rigberg N G

Subscribed and sv.crn to bcfore me this O "u _

day of .\hy, 1979.

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  1. f.1ARY E. RCLygs

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- Q, CITIFICATE OF SERVICE I he;e'c y certify that ccpies of the Ans.mrs to the Nucler ? gala: cry Cmssicn's Interrcga: cries, Cbjecticns to Certain of the Nuclear Regulatory Car.ission's Interrcga:^r:es.

.inwrs ic Acclicants' Irie: ccatorW, 2-d Rjectin"s to Certain of Applicanta Inte"rcga: cries have ten sent ic the folicwing parties h3 crdinar. U.S. rail cr the

'N day of Yay, 1979.

Srles Bechhoefer, Esq. Stephen l' Sc h in' .1, Esq.

Cha1=an Atcric Safety Ccunsel fcr the STr Staff and Licensing Ecrd Office of the Executive US Nuclear Regula:cr/ Ca r.issicn T_ Leal Director Washingicn, D.C. 20555 US Nuclear ?4culatore Car.issicn Washing cn, D.C. 2C555 Dr. Frank F. Focper, 5! enter Atanic Safety and Licensing Ecard Willir. J. .\teran, ".cq .

Schcol of Natural Rescurces General Counsel University of ',iichigan Cincinnati Gas and Electric Cmpany Ann Arter, hiichigan 48109 Post Of fice Ecx 930 Cincinnati, Chio 45201

..!r , Glenn C. Bright, 5!mber Atr.ic Safety and Licensing ?crd Prk J. We :erhahn, Esc. ~

US Nuclear Regula:cr/ Ca r.ission Counsel for Cincinnati Gas and Electric Washing cn, D.C. 20555 Co pany Ccnners, 5!ccre & Corber Richrd S. Sal =an, Esq. Suite 1050 Chai=an, Atanic Safety and 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue Licensing Appeal Bord Washing cn, D.C. 200CG US Nuclear ?,egulatcry Carlssion Washington, D.C. 20555 lir. Chase R. Stephens Ibcketing and Service Secticn Dr. Lawrence R. Qaarles Office of the Secretary Atanic Safety and Licensire US Nucler Regulator / Car.issicn Appeal Board Washington, D.C. 2C555 US Nuclear Regula:cr/ Carlssicn Washington, D.C. 20555 William Peter Heile, Esq Assistant City Solicircr 5fichael C. Farrr, Esq City of Cincinnati Atanic Safet'/ and Licensing Box 214 Appeal Ecard Cincinnati. Chio 452C.2 US Nuclear Regulatcry Car.issicn Washrg:cn, D.C. 20555 Jchn D. Wcliver, Esq Clermnt Ccunt, Ca runity Ccuncil Chair 2n, Atanc Safety and Licensing Scrd Ecx 181 F1nel Eatavia, Chic 45103

'.~5 Nuclear FIgulatcr/ Car.issicn Wasn:rg cn, D.C. 2C555 i10,., , , m p\ -

Chaimn, Ata-ic Safety and Licensing [/ ~gy ,,,

A==* Ecare r=e1 L'S Nucler Regulatcr/ Car.ission

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