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Forwards SL Bates 790412 Ltr to T Eagleton Re Substandard Bldg Matls & Disposal of Radioactive Wastes
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 05/07/1979
From: Eagleton T
NUDOCS 7906250459
Download: ML19263E917 (2)


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D a y Ay 2 i 'i37.3 > L. ..; g= W b &plaf..s.we qN

                                         '2Cnifeb States Senafe
          +p@g f May 7, 1979

M# e m u t[[ $ #83e-- Respectfully referred to: Congressi:nsi liaison

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Tu: lear Regulatory 00 =ission "epartment 0f InerEy 20590 b Ji J3 'J as hin g;: n , 0.0.

3ecause of the desire of this office to be responsivs *.: all inquiries and ::. uni:ati:ns, 7 cur considerati:n of '.he attached is requested. Y:ur findings and views, in duplicate f:rs, along sith return of the enclosure, util be appraciated by T?I:ks 1209 Dirksen Senate.0ffi:e 32ilding RI: 3stes, 3iiney


THOMAS ?. IA 3 *.ITO :I '" L' . S . S .


For: 32 2217 142 7 906250 YET y



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,b         p 12 April 1979

i.IS l.:,1 - g" N d 'b c Sidney L. Bates / c,$[[$ 5612 Charlotte  ; N y Q-Kansas City, Missouri 64110 -

                                                                    $   hgi &

The Honorable Thomas Eagleton

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U.S. Senate Building D ' Washington, D.C. 20501

Dear Senator Eagleton,

Thank you for your reply to =y inquiry about nuclear power plants. While I now have a feeling for your stand on the issue, I still have sece questions regarding the L'olf Creek nuclear power station new under construction at Burlington, Kansas.

1. The !rAC has reported that some building materials were sub-;tandard (see enclosed article). What specific measures have been taken to assure that construction defects are not continuing to occur and that existing faules are corrected?
2. What guarantees do we have that, once in operation, an accident similar to Three-Mile Island will not occur at Wolf Creek?
3. What specific =easures have been =ade for the safe disposal of radioactive vaste products generated by Wolf Creek once it is in operation?

4  %"nat legislation have you sponsored or supported concerning the deve-lopcent of alternative energv sources or energy conservation? These questions require definitive ansvers. I'm sure no one in government would allow a nuclear power station to be planned or constructed until these questions could be answered. I look forward to your procpt reply to my four questions.


Since ely, , b ,Y f ~- Sidney L. Bates 2217 143
