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E-mail from K. Mcmullin of Entergy to Various, Regarding IPEC Status Report for June 1, 2007
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/01/2007
From: McMullin K M
Entergy Nuclear Operations
To: Boska J P, Cobey E W, Holian B E, Jackson D E, David Lew, Noggle J D
NRC Region 1
Download: ML072950600 (7)


John White -IPEC status report June 1 2007. Page 1-From: UMrMuuliri To: b)6)," Eddy, Paul" <paul>, Greeley, Dan"<greeieyd@co.roc-'land ny us>, GrossSteve

-Orange P-IO" <>, "Sutton, Tony'<awsl>_b)(6)

I "Albanese, Raymond"<rlal>, "KAfredo Vidal" <>,<>, "B. Gore" <>, <>,"Barry, Terrence" <>, "Benjamin, Liz" <>,<>, "Bernie McGarry" <>, <>,ergyhwj>, <>, <>, "Chief Tubbs'fb)(6) , <>, "Conroy, Patric W" <>,<lindac>, ox, ark R" <mcox90@enterg

... >>,"Dacimo, Fred R." <>, "David Brand"b6 "David Greene" <>, "David Weinraub" <>, DeGasperis, Edward M" <>, "DiRocco, Anthony J" <>,<>, "Dowling, Adele" <>, "Fay, Deborah"<>, "Feathers" <>, <Andrew. Feeney@semo.state.ny.

us>,<peter.feroe@mail.>, <>, "Geri Shapiro'b<>, "Gottlieb, Laurence" <LGottl,7Greene, Dominick"<>, "Grosjean, Alain G" <>, <>,"Harry Giannoulis" <>, "Hinrichs, Gary H" <>, "Inzirillo, Frank" <>, "Ira Promisel" <>, "Jack Spath"<>, <>, <>, "Jensen, Chris"<>, "JES" <>, "Jim Cunningham"<>, ."Jim Wright" <>, "John Cordo" <>, "Jones, T. R." <>, "Kansler, Michael R" <>,<>, "Kerns, Matthew T" <>

b)(6)<>, <>, "L. Leach""LAROSA, PAUL" <>, <leibell@senate.state.

ny. us>, <>5, 'Longo, Nick" <>, "Mark Serrano" <>, "Martin Brennan"<>, "Marvin Randolph" <>, "Mayer, Don" <>, "McCann, John (ENNE Licensing Director)" <>,"McCannell, Chris" <>, "McGillicuddy, Maura" <>,>, "McMahon, Bob -Putman County".... cMullin, Kathleen M" <>,<miffera(>, <>, "Neil Sheehan" <>,<>, <Joseph.o'>, <>, <>, "Pat Brown" <>, "Paul Steidler" <>, "Paul Tonko" <>, "Paulson, Adam" <>,ýb)(6) I <>, "Phillips, Frank M." <>,<>, "PRICE, ERNEST JR" <>, "PRIDE, ANN L"<>, <>, <>,<>, <>, "Rubin, Paul W" <>,"Sachatello, Ronald "<>, <>, "Screnci, Diane"<>, <>, "Sheiner, Jon" <>,"Slobodien, Mike" <>, <>, "Steets, James F"<>, "Sullivan, Brian A" <>, "Theobalds, Kenneth"<>, "Tiffany Rasberry" <>, "Tom Fitzpartrick"<Thomas.>

Date: 06/01/2007 4:24:08 PM


IPEC status report June 1 2007 Please see also the attached press release issued by Entergy on the false positive tritium results in sewer lines.CC: <>, "Alex Flint" <>, "Bentley, Robyn M" InfOrmation in this record was deleted In accordance with the Freeddm Femptions e of Jnton Act.RA F.JNPA -

John White -IPEC status report June 1 2007 2Page2<>, "Blizard, Andrea J" <>,<>, <>, "Crisci, Joseph"<>, "Fernandez, Joanne" <>, "GRAVES, ALLISON LESLEY"<>, <tgurdziel@twcny.rrcom>, <Lori. HallArmstrong@cham ber.state.

ny. us>,"Iraola, Antonio J." <>, <>, <dlarkin@troopers,.state.

ny. us>, "Marv Fertel" <>, <ryan. mcconaghy@mail>, <>,<Steve.m>, <>,<>, <>, <>,<James. Ryan@semo.state.

ny. us>, "Skip Bowman" <>, <>,"Weishaus, Enid (Clinton)" <>

ID,, I John White -TEXT.htm Page 1 Please see also the attached press release issued by Entergy on the false positive tritium results in sewer lines.

John White- 6-1-07 no tritium in sewage.doc Page 1 Entergy Nuclear Northeast Entergy , 440 Hamilton Ave White Plains, NY 10601 Date: June 1, 007 New s For Release: Immediate Contact: Jim Steets (914) 272-3545 office (914) 671-0457 cell (Entergy Reports There is No Tritium from Indian Point in Buchanan Sewage System Buchanan, New York- Entergy has notified local public officials and federal and local regulators and health agencies that possible indications of tritium in the sewer lines at Indian Point reported in early May have proven to be incorrect.

Entergy cautioned then that sampling for tritium at extremely low levels, as is being done in the sampling program at Indian Point, could sometimes lead to "false positives," but that Entergy would pursue verifying the validity of the sampling and investigate the possible sources.Entergy re-analyzed samples taken in early May that produced the false positives and determined they were negative for tritium. Samples also were sent to an outside laboratory which confirmed the re-analyzed negative results seen in the Indian Point lab.Entergy workers also inspected potential sources inside the plants that could have provided a pathway for the tritium. An examination of plant drawings and physical infrastructure inspections showed there is no pathway for the radioactive materials to get off site through the sewage system.

John White 1-07 no tritium in sew.age.doc, Page 2 1 John White 1-07 no tritium in sewage.doc Page 2 I-more-Entergy Press Release Page 2 June 1, 2007 Don Mayer, special projects director, says, "The false positives were most likely the result of interference due to some organic materials and chemicals commonly found in sanitary sewers.When analyzing at very low levels occasional false positives can occur. In addition, the outside laboratory advises us that they have seen low-energy interferences that initially suggest positive tritium results and can take steps to account for it." In the later samples, the apparent tritium indication had disappeared in just a few days. An actual or real tritium result would continue well beyond a few days since tritium has a 12.3 years half-life.

Tritium is a low energy-emitting radioactive isotope found naturally in the environment and a byproduct of the fission process in commercial nuclear reactors.No tritium has been seen above background levels in any of the numerous samples taken outside of the Indian Point property, including the Buchanan sewage treatment plant and other nearby properties.

John White -June 1 2007.doc Page I11 Indian Point Energy Center Status Report June 1, 2007 Operational Status Indian Point Unit 2 is operating at 100 percent power after re-connecting to the grid on May 31. Unit 3 is operating at 100 percent reactor power and has been on line for 30 days.Entergy Will Sound 20 Individual Sirens in EPZ Next Two Weeks Entergy plans to activate individual sirens in its new Indian Point emergency alert system in Putnam,' Orange, Rockland and Westchester counties from Monday, June 4 through Friday, June 8 and again on Monday June 11 through Friday, June 15.NO RESPONSE ON THE PART OF THE PUBLIC IS NECESSARY DURING THESE SIREN SOUNDINGS.

Entergy selected 20 sirens in the new system for these tests. Each siren may sound more than once at full volume for about four minutes. During each day, the sirens may sound at about 9:00 a.m., 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. The sirens locations and testing dates, subject to weather conditions are listed below: It Loa ti o Monday, June4 Putnam Valley Tuesday, June 5 Congers New City Clarkstown Wednesday, June 6 Highlands Haverstraw Cornwall Thursday, June 7 Location to be determined Friday, June 8 Location to be determined

'Monday, June 11 Croton-on-Hudson Buchanan Yorktown Tuesday, June 12 Cortlandt'Wednesday June 13 Yorktown June 14-15 Location(s) to be determined I John White -June 1 2007.doc Page 2 1 I John White -June 1 2007.doc Page 2 I Throughout the duration of the new system testing, the current siren system remains the primary means for public notification.

The new sirens do not sound like the current sirens, which have a loud wavering tone. County officials continue to use the current system until completion of the installation of the new system.Educational Outreach Entergy Nuclear Northeast provides customized outreach education programs for schools, youth groups, and civic organizations.

The topics we cover include Emergency Planning, Understanding Radiation, Nuclear Fuel and a general overview of the operations of Indian Point Energy Center. If you would like a brochure or are interested in scheduling a program, contact IPEC Communications at 914-271-7441.

If you have any questions or need clarification of the information provided, please contact Kathy McMullin, manager of communications, Indian Point Energy Center, at 914-271-7132.