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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML02105028912 April 2002EOC Meeting Summary Re Performance for the Period of 04/01/2001 Through 12/31/2001
ML02149002331 May 2002Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC, to Discuss Their Response to Interim Compensatory Measure B.2.b of the Security Orders
ML02225028320 August 2002Summary of Meeting Between the NRC Staff and Nuclear Management Company, LLC Upcoming Power Uprate and Associated Submittals for Kewaunee
ML03125040921 April 2003Public Meeting Summary with Nuclear Management Co. LLC Kewaunee to Discuss Kewaunee Performance Re EOC
ML03231014818 August 2003Point Beach & Kewaunee Meeting Summary Reactor Vessel Head Replacement Activities
ML03231039518 August 2003Point Beach & Kewaunee Meeting Summary Reactor Vessel Head Replacement Activities
ML03337091815 December 2003Summary of Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Regarding Amendment Requests to Use Alternate Source Term Methodology at Prairie Island and Kewaunee
ML04182023821 May 2004Public Meeting Summary with Nuclear Management Company, LLC Re Kewaunee 2003 End-of-Cycle Assessment
ML04358018022 December 2004Summary of Public Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, Llc. to Discuss Engineering Initiatives
ML05075054518 March 20053/18/05, Kewaunee, Summary of Telephone Conference Steam Generator Water Chemistry Excursion (TAC No. M40695)High Energy Line Break
ML05131005712 May 2005Summary of Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC Regarding the Auxiliary Feedwater Amendment Request Dated May 5, 2005, and the Internal Flooding Design BasisInternal Flooding
ML05277023529 September 2005Summary of the August 9, 2005, Public Meeting to Discuss the Kewaunee End-of-Cycle Plant Performance Assessment
ML05321036116 November 2005Kewaunee Public Meeting Summary, Regulatory Conference for Flooding Issue and Management Meeting
ML06040009824 February 2006Summary of Meeting with Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc., to Discuss the Applicability of Dominion Safety and Core Design Methods to Kewaunee Power Station
ML06090057830 March 2006Public Meeting Summary Kewaunee End-of-Cycle Plant Performance Assessment
ML0618405303 July 2006Public Meeting Summary with Kewaunee to Discuss Improvement Initiatives
ML06346050612 December 2006Summary of Public Meeting with Dominion to Discuss Revised Risk Assessment Information and Future Actions for Kewaunee Power Station
ML07033042726 February 2007Summary of January 25, 2007, Meeting with Dominion Energy Kewaunee Inc., on the Licensee'S Amendment Request Regarding the Use of TORMIS MethodologyFinite Element Analysis
Tornado Generated Missile
Tornado Missile Protection
ML0709504645 April 2007Summary of Public Meeting with Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc. Regarding the Kewaunee End-of-Cycle Plant Performance Assessment
ML0721900159 August 20078/2/07 Public Meeting Summary on the Kewaunee Appeal of a Frequently Asked Question on the Mitigating Systems Performance Index
ML07253061421 September 2007Public Meeting Summary on the Reactor Oversight ProcessTime of Discovery
Enforcement Discretion
Significance Determination Process
Power change
ML07290057317 October 2007Summary of Public Meeting with Dominion Energy Kewaunee to Discuss the Ongoing Substantive Cross-Cutting Issues
ML07296017031 October 2007Public Meeting Summary on the Reactor Oversight ProcessTime of Discovery
Mission time
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Zebra Mussel
Significance Determination Process
Maintenance Rule Program
Power change
ML08023044725 January 2008Summary of Meeting with Dominion Energy Kewaunee Inc. Licensee'S Amendment Request on Seismic Methodology for Analysis of Auxiliary Building CraneInternal Flooding
ML08102023511 April 2008Summary of Meeting Between NRC Region III Management and Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc. Representatives to Discuss the Nrc'S Assessment
ML08156072829 May 2008Ltr. 05/29/08 Kewaunee Re Non-Public Meeting Summary
ML08309045217 November 200810/22/08 Summary of Public License Renewal Overview and Environmental Scoping Meeting Related to the Review of the Kewaunee Power Station License Renewal Application
ML0900801105 February 2009Summary of Meeting Between NRC Staff and Kewaunee to Discuss a Future Amendment to Convert Technical Specifications to the Improved Standard TS Format
ML09133002521 May 2009Summary of Meeting with Kewaunee to Discuss a Future Amendment to Convert the Plant TS from Custom to Improved TS Format
ML09134032914 May 2009Summary of Meeting Between NRC Region III Management and Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc. Representatives to Discuss the 2008 Kewaunee End-of-Cycle Performance Assessment
ML09169042917 June 2009Summary of Public Meeting with NRC and Members of the Kewaunee Power Station Emergency Preparedness Staff to Discuss the June 2009 Kewaunee Emergency Preparedness Exercise
ML0918205658 July 2009Summary of Conference Calls with Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc., to Discuss Response to Follow-Up Question Regarding Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives Request for Additional Information for Kewaunee Power StationProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML09210061210 August 200907/28/2009 Summary of Public Meeting Related to the Review of the Kewaunee Power Station License Renewal ApplicationAging Management
ML09218013712 August 2009Summary Site Audit Related to the Review of the License Renewal Application for Kewaunee Power Station
ML09260089928 September 2009(KPS) - Summary of 9/15/09 Meeting Regarding the Licensee'S Proposed Response to the Request for Additional Information on Generic Letter 2004-02
ML09323025727 November 2009Summary of Conference Call with Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc., to Discuss Program for Neutron Absorbing MaterialAging Management
License Renewal
ML09324003827 November 2009Summary of Conference Call with Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc., to Discuss Inaccessible Cables ProgramAging Management
ML10011044713 January 2010Summary of Telephone Conference Call with Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc., to Discuss Duplicate RAI Number
ML10071074131 March 2010Summary of Telephone Conference Call Between Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc. and the NRC to Discuss Certain RAI Responses on Two Mechanical Systems
ML1012600705 May 2010Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss the 2009 Kewaunee End-Of-Cycle Performance Assessment
ML10126011018 May 2010Summary of Public Meetings Conducted to Discuss the Draft Supplement Environmental Impact Statement Related to the Review of the Kewaunee Power Station License Renewal ApplicationOpen House
License Renewal
ML1014106439 June 2010May 20, 2010 Summary of Meeting Regarding the Licensee'S Proposed Response to the Request for Additional Information on Generic Letter 2004-02Coatings
ML10239019816 September 201008/26/10 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Between Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc. and NRC Concerning a D-RAI Pertaining to the Kewaunee Power Station License Renewal ApplicationAging Management
ML10244020116 September 201008/31/10 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Between Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc. and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Concerning a Draft Request for Additional Information Pertaining to the Kewaunee Power Station License Renewal AAging Management
ML11173A27722 June 2011Summary of the Public Meeting with Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc., to Discuss the Kewaunee Power Station End-Of-Cycle Performance Assessment for 2010
ML12292A09417 October 2012Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 2 Steam Generators Replacement Activities
ML12352A28231 December 2012Summary of Meeting with Dominion Energy Kewaunee on Implementation of Orders Japan Lessons Learned Effort
ML13205A08324 July 2013Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss the 2012 Kewaunee Power Station End-of-Cycle Performance Assessment
ML15223B28311 August 2015Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss NRC Activities at the Kewaunee Power Station
ML16190A34513 July 2016Inc. Pre-Submittal Meeting Regarding Load Drop Analysis for Spent Fuel Cask Handling Operations at Kewaunee Power Station (L53130)