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Applicant Exhibit A-101,consisting of 780720 Ltr Forwarding Response to Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-352/78-04 & 50-353/78-02.Bechtel Drawing 8031-C-875 Revised,Per PSAR
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/07/1984
From: Boyer V
To: Grier B
OL-A-101, NUDOCS 8411280023
Download: ML20099H102 (4)




A99t. Ex. 101


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f ep!. y JUL 2 0 B78

.. g' 1:r. Boyes c:ler, r1= ter elIim United States thcLear Ecquictorf Ce=icsien . -

Offico of Inn;cetion e.i F.=fc=encat, T.ccier. I 631 Tr.::: Ave t T.Lnc of ?ra::10, TA 1?l;CG 1tbject: U2'U.C II;I L?tter d;.ted Juns 16, 1973 En Site I::pectf o 1 of I*e,-r 1L*4.1978 Inspection !!o;;rt !!o. 50-752/78 t'4; 50 (E.1/78-0 D Licoric'c Gererstirg Stati -- +c 1 & 2 Filot CU.'I 1 7-2 (1:9/7%%) \

. Lea: 1:. C:lers i

In respon:a to ths ::bject letter :es . ling = itos identified durin- tho schject inspection of c==:t= tion c.etivitics enthe:1:cd by ICC Licent:s ros. CIIn-105 c.d -107, wo t===:it he='. tith the followin.

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Attach =nnt I - Keeponse to Appen"~ A Fnould you hrto crif quan-icno con amina thin ita=, ve vculi bo plesce1 to di::uco th:= with you. -

Sir. ? rely,

'"*"'D" SYl.hi.'? *.

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lg'g-fb' ,



attsel ont a

311nd Copy to: R. E. Elia:, ?cchtal J. S.1.*e=por B. J. D:nd1c7 G. khite E. C. i*.ictner

!!. R. k* citer:/Loen1 File (2)

J. J. Cisroy R. A. l'ulford

..(q J. !!. Conor n /

,j k'. J. John =on/R. H. 20:4 O Project File (2) 8411280023 840507 .

PDR ADOCK 05000352 ,

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F.cene- . e :: A- - " A - :*c -i:e ef *li:1.:ien fn,m x ,


,- ' 04tfe-i--i P. ef ~.nfr'.*-ion 10 0?R'50, A;; 3, Criteri:n -- states, in part. ta: " Meas =es

's..all be e:::blished to a:sre ths; 2;;1icable regulatcry requirenents

...are corre :17 ransla d in o spo:ifiesti:n. drsuings. prececr es d- '"de ;revisiens to 'assee and insructi:ns. ht:e =easure: s-*'

-hat a;;repr.ste quality ::andards jre specified snd-included in design d::=ents and cat deviat:.:ns fr = such stant.ards are cenr:11ed ..."

Parapa;h D.7 3 cf the Qaalit/ Assrance Props = dec=ented in te

?SAR s,.sto: in part, dat " ... ite=s included in the 3ech.el desip. con ::1 (are) ... deter =ine ea: :.e required desir. bases , ?S.O ~~ ents and p-ler rer.:la. cry requirvnen s are incorporated properly. into the desip. drn .gz .. ."

Paragraphs C.2.6 and 5 2 5 2.1, of 2. ?SAR, specify the A eriess

  • Jelding Society (M;3) Ccde D1.1 as a qualir/ s-a-de d for Class 1 aeis=i: s euctres. .

Cene ary to .he above, as cf May 16, 1973, te neasces provided did not assure that unacce;.able dev attens fr:= quality s .ard e-d f r Class 1 seis=1c structres were cen.r:11ed.

A. S:: : tral steel was ins.alled in the ::ntair=ent, a Class 1 se1s=1:


s.ructre, per Sechtel den"_=g :-To. C-375, Revision 6, using weldi .s

- precetres for prequalified fi*.let weld j:ints. Che weldjois.s do i -

not meet te critaria in Secti:n 2.7 of to MTS D1.1 cede f:r .re-s,. 3 m ea- .m_i e. .we 3 ,i ,4,.,s_

.. s.

3. 5::: -ral steel was 1.stalist in ne contai=ent, a Class 1 seis=1; '

swuerre, ;er 3echte*. drawing !!o. C-675, Kev'sien 6, usi s bars to

< fill isrge weld jcin; gn;s. Che a;;1ica.icn cf .e bars d:es nc-

=eet ce criteria in Se:.1:n 2.4 cf -de A**'3 D* .i cede fer use cf fillers.

P.estence to Iten A 4 O.e weld join.s sh:wn in Oetails 4A and 9 en Oug. cC31-C-375.Rev. 6, are cen=1dered ;requalified welds as either fi1*.e: welds of I45 31.1*

l Fig. 2 71 types or par:121 peneration peeve welds of the 3C-?2


' or 3 C-?h ty;os as a;;11:able under AW3 Di.1 Tig. 2.*C.1. O.e a;; roved weldi=c pr :edre used, 3echtel weldins ;rcestre ?*-A ~.h (Stru:74ral) is appl 10: ale for both fillet welds and par.121 ponera.:.:n groove welds. .

  • A'a*3 Dt.1-72, Rev. 1-73, Rev. 2-7h Strue =al 'a' eld 1=g Code i

i SC-352/78-Ch i SC-353/73-C2

/1 2

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. wt'.li: che r. in Oc- ih ha sni ') of Nc. 3031-0-375 ara :.; ble cf d". ._ d ..,.s '_ .,r.d: .

- , ,. , . .-. 4 .,c ,.y . ~. _.. ._. e3 4 . , ".a.

n e.g .*.4 -_-_.ey ,.s. ,s.,

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.w, 4 .. 1..... .,t . . . as V._/ - .. .. + w., ./ .. .

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'/ g eater 2 .60* :.d. as a ; -tial #

.e::stien 3--::re weld when 2.e inchded. ancie 1: besuce 35 ant. 60*.

Restense t: am 3

'::etail 9 c' Nc. 3031-0-375, Rev. 6, was devel ;ed in crder to reselve an asse=bly pr:ble= as providef. by I'..G D1.1 para. Sectica 3 3 cf A..*3 ind.ica es dat t.t.en there is an asse=oly pr:ble= corre .d. ss .

a. a. .e 'ce - s .-' ded . As .t's"_' ed, x. , a".".

a,,. a.,ve d *,- ~.=. e. ,d_ . .se-. ., . ,

e t.,.,, ~. e a w..y =e,..e_3 _ .u . .. .. .,... .. .,4_. .. e s _ ,,


r. . o. .,as a. ...te _. ..,e_ a .. . . . . ..

as a corre: 1ve ne == e.

Detail 9 is in ::=;11an:e V th Se :icn 2.h in ca all filler platas as fabri:sted by 3echtal at 2.e st .e are inch cr thi:ker. ':' be see that there is,nc =is ;.nf. ors-2-d'- , >g. 3031-C-373 has been

-d ' u= 2.i:P_.ess for -de filler platas.

revised to show a - inch De ail 9 clearly sh:ws the fi1*~er .w.....w ;1ste ::ns- be of sufficier.t s4.e so *w.a. . . wi,.a..w te. . 4 ee

_4s c -4

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  • w e #._41+e ,-la*.e.  !.ro fur *.her 'd dtations en plate ad ensions are required per en-ineering desis=,

('i'3 N) s

  • t 50-352/73_ch So-353/78-c2 2/2 s


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