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Letter Regarding Inspection Conducted on 05/04-05/1972, of Events Associated with the 05/04/1972 Dresden Unit 3 Reactor Scram and Safety Valve Operation
Person / Time
Site: Dresden Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/12/1972
From: Grier B
US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
To: Brian Lee
Commonwealth Edison Co
Download: ML17252B061 (2)


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. *. -~ -** : AT.OMIC ENERG:Y-COMMISSION*-:.

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. -* GLEN ELLYN*, ILLINOIS. 60137 ;_ . . , "t** _,,. .*, ".*::~* .;:<.' - :(3 !.Z>:ese.. zsso .

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. comn.onwealth:Edlsou CCl)lpany .... ; ; . *.' *,' *.'Docket No."50*249* ,:'.:': *.~ . '< .".

ATTN,:. Ml': Byron Le*e. Jr.... *,_- * * .* /:**: ' * -.. :'. :<~

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.. *** *>1 .. ?bis i'e~e:t~ to the 1n~P,ecUon con<l\i~ted by~essrs *. Datili~-a~d:FiorelU : ...* .. "* '* ..

'of tliis *o~ficiEf on,May' 4 .~nd* _5, i972, .~f- the *eve"is assocLiit.ed* wt.th_ th.e * * * * ,. ..

M~y 4, *1~12,. Dread.en un~t _3 reactof s¢,am eQ4 safety v~lv~; 9peraUon~ .. * ,_. .. ::. .:*\

.. ' ." and :tQ .'disc~sst.o~;s. o'f OU~ 'findings . li~Jd .by Messrs .. i>a~ce;,a~d: F~oreUtj; :-.: ' . " ' '*, ;'.: :. _: - . I wtth'*Messrs. Hoyt**and.*.wcn:d.en of your ~st4.ff at *the conclus.ion' of:_the - . * ....> ",'.-;~-.::*:*. .

. .*~~~~e.ctio~_._'*:" ~:_:-_*~:' *: .". -.. : .;::* >" - . . :*.,: . __::; ~c ..*'_: '* **:/~:~*:-_ .* *:-.:_; *{*;~ ':~"-:":,:~.:* .!~:,:.;;* *. ' :;, : ."" .~:.:~y:~~- ~: *~- ~;. '_:*\;:~

-. . Areas--<ixa~in..~d"durlng the.. :insp~c~10n, *inclu_d~d* *~~~*pm~~t:*responses ~,.:( . .*: ... ,.-: :

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  • ith~ ~-~~ct~, ~c~~- an~.* t'°~~1e~t, .-~~~c.~or. ,o.P.~i'~-~lng)>~a~~ers pri_o~* a.~~*.:-...-.~ ~_-:

'. _, _, .subseque~t *to ~h~. event. consequence,* ~f ~11f steam. line saf~~y v~lve, ** .... *:*,;~*... *

., opeta'd:on a*n_¢oo,ip9rientff:wt~hf.n**the d.uw.e11*~* actt.on~:~ak~n:*to ~<?ne~t:.*:: *..-:**..- :* '<'. --. *

>** ~*~he fat lure 9£* th~ t~~latton* :cop4~~se.~ vaJ."ye to.' ~pe_1'~.~e. :~nd*- pre~s.tartulU *..-,.-,_:* - * * :

, . .  : .' (!~~ ~lituie: :pr9g1:ams ' iillt:ia~ed.. ~9 -~h~- *~au~~" o~ .. f:llif ety. . *: .:,~:": :: _:. ~.. '. :, ?* -

, . .. : ... ~" oper~t1()il ~t *s~~m. ptes:suie* ~ppawen_tily bele>W: itite~ded ~~1--~yiilS; * .::~*.: -~ <. _.*_.; .:.  :::~:

  • *..: set .P.otn~s ~ . .: Wt.~J.1': thee~- ~n:e~~. ~h~ "~tisP.ecUon *.~~~si~t-~d p~ .selecti~e./.; /. '.,.: :':~ -~ .': ,* *.- :-
  • -.~._J3~natton of' p~ocec$ur~s a$ld ~epre~entativ~ J;"ecotds:*. ,~tervl~s*wttb, ) 1 .*:*~; -_.1 .;* .:*~,,:*

s4a~t:**.1>~r~p~~~*~*~~~.:.9~-s~~~~~~~-~....b! the..1~-~-P!~_t*~~sr-..*:.:~:~,*. ...> ~*: .:..,.*: ;\i_**~;./~/~/:~:::-.-:_- ;~*-

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..;:;*,No.* 1tems--of nonciqinpliariee wit~*AEC-:requ~;ements we11e*.-1d~tl~ied' within* ._: _,-_ * ._ ..,*:,:. ~

-*:'*:.*< .. the sc;ope of t;h,~s* :-~sp~ctiono _* " *.. ,.'-.'. '*_ /' .c- I * *.-\ ' . , , ~;::-

"" ._ . *-"' .... ' - .> . . ""* .. ;_.*::.: .- .. *'. *.*  :-.-*-.~*:'.*:.*_"* .. , *.*.:......... :*-:. i:-~*)".1.;;_ .

.-.:... *'*It- 1s* our unders~and~g. '1,)(lse~.Oll discus*st:ons"with:your .management. ..

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  • . ' . repre~entatt.ves,. t~t. a p~ogr~m to. ,dete~ne. and' ...-emedy the cause for : . ....._, *. *.. -

. . _-.;*<

  • _the *QpeJ!'ation of ~team* "1ine"*saf~ty valves .at-. t.~~i than intended- *eltef: . ".. '.*-Y *

... *< $e't.ting. 's .,.belng'_mlpedf.t~ct oii a PJ:'iOrlty bad~~: 'I We ~4ei-stari~, *t~.t . '_ *. - ~ . *~ < **

" ** ;_ ... the pr_ogram will' il)~~ud~ the £0'1.lowiµga * * * * * * * * .. * ; * ,

'. -,*,*.:'.I .* ' ' ..~ ~. *' .,t * **:~* '>: 1,, *, .~ * * * ' ' *~:" ** ..... ... ~ * .-. ",:

  • *:,_ : .i;*'Qi>t~ining E?quipmen~ that w*111 aUC>lri testing.of ya~v,ee. l\Jith *at~~m ,, *,-, ..

_,* * ~.t. noolinal.. ~Perati~s**go~ditions~:" * ' .. * * * * ** * ., *, **"'

,:*_; *.. **~valuation. ot 'vaive"~,e~tgn 1>; *t~*~tin~*** tn' a . ~~1i* .'~.* . ~-* ... *"

, * ~ ~eale st~m ey~t<'!m:* ~nst4Uad~n. . ...

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