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Draft VC Summer Public Meeting 20 Dec 2011
Person / Time
Site: Summer  South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 12/20/2011
South Carolina Electric & Gas Co
Jonathan Kent
Download: ML11350A090 (42)


VCSNS Site Monticello ReservoirVCSUnit1 VCS Unit 1 VCS Units 2&3 AGENDA AGENDA*Introductions*Organization*COL Readiness*ITAAC overview

  • Contractor OversightCttiEi*C ons t ruc ti on E xper i ence*Switchyard
  • ProjectStatus&Photos Project Status & Photos*Operational Readiness Chairman, President, CEO, COO-SCANAChairman and CEO-SCE&G KBMh K. B. M ars hPresident-SCE&G Generation and COO-SCE&GS. A. ByrneVicePresidentGeneralManager Director NuclearSenior Vice President &

Chief Nuclear Officer J. A. Archie Vice President New NuclearR. B. ClaryManager Nuclear Lii Manager Design ManagerBusiness&General Manager NuclearPlant Manager QliS General Manager Operational ReadinessD. A. Lavigne Director Nuclear Training A. T. Barbee Manager Nuclear Manager OD&P Li cens i ngA. M. Paglia Design EngineeringR. B. StokesBusiness & Financial ServicesA. A. Smith, Jr.

Nuclear Plant ConstructionA. D. Torres Q ua lity Systems L. Cunningham Supervisor OperationsM. L. Nuclear TrainingP. A. Mothena OD&PR. Word, Jr.

Simpson Manager DevelopmentalC. F. Laney Supervisor Engineering R. A. Fernandes Contractor OrganizationConsortium ProjectConsortiumManagement Executive RepresentativesOWNER Project Director*Project Director*Management Committee QA Director*Employee Concerns Plant Testing & Startup Director*Site Management Director*Commercial DirectorWEC Home OfficeProjectEngineering & Procurement Director*Project Scheduling Shaw Project Cost Project Controls DirectorConstruction Manager*IT/IMS Licensing Manager Area ManagersManage r EH&S Manager Office Project ManagerManage rManage rWEC HO Project Controls ManagerModule Engineering ManagerShaw Home Subcontract ManagerIT/IMS ManagerProject Controls Manager Field EiiDesign Engineering Manager*Construction Si Office Project ManagerManage r*Positions requiring Owner's consent

.E ng i neer i ng ManagerProcurement Manager S erv i ces Manager COLReadinessAssessments COL Readiness Assessments*SCE&G and the consortium completed separate COL RdiA R ea di ness A ssessments

  • TheAssessmentsWereMultiWeekEffortsInvolving
  • The Assessments Were Multi-Week Efforts , Involving Large Teams and Use of Site Personnel, Off-Site Westinghouse /Shaw Personnel, and Industry Peers*The Assessments Overlapped , but Each Reviewed ReadinessFromaDifferentPerspective Readiness From a Different Perspective
  • Assessmentresultshavebeenintegratedforfutureactions Assessment results have been integrated for future actions COLReadinessAssessments COL Readiness Assessments*Both Assessments Reviewed:-Corrective Action Program-Quality Assurance-10 CFR Part 21 and 10 CFR 50.55(e)

-Security / Fitness for Duty-Readiness to Support NRC Inspection Activities

-ITAAC Processes -Configuration Control

-Training and Qualification COL Readiness Assessments*The Following Items Required for COL Issuance are Complete: Complete:-10 CFR Part 21 and 50.55(e) Programs -10 CFR 50.59 / 52 Appendix D Section VIII Programs-Personnel Qualification Program for 50.59/52 Appendix D Section VIII -NQA-1 Implementation Procedure Changes COL Readiness Assessments*Both Assessments Identified Enhancements to be Implemented in late 2011 / Early 2012, including:-Formalize ITAAC-Related CAP Identification Methods

-Im p rove Accessibilit y Tools for Vendor Documents py-Clarify Consortium Roles and Responsibilities

-EnsureAdequateConsortiumStaffinginKeyAreas Ensure Adequate Consortium Staffing in Key Areas -Strengthen WEC / Shaw / SCE&G Interface ProcessesICAPTilidRli

-I mprove CAP Ti me li ness an d R eso l ut i on-Provide Familiarization Training for Personnel on UniqueAspectsofConstructionSuchasITAAC Unique Aspects of Construction , Such as ITAAC COLReadinessAssessments COL Readiness Assessments*Actions Needed for COL Issuance are Complete*Enhancement Opportunities Have Been Entered Into the SCE&G / Consortium CAP*The Site is Prepared for Safety-Related Construction Work Work ITAACOverview ITAAC OverviewInspections, Tests, and Analyses are performed in accordance with normal work processes

  • NotallITAACaresafety

-related,butallITAACare Not all ITAAC are safety related, but all ITAAC are performed under the Licensee's QA program

  • Identification on project schedules
  • Construction work documents and test procedures that perform ITAACs specifically identified
  • Procurement technical requirements specify ITAAC

documentation requirements ITAACOverview(cont)

ITAAC Overview(cont)

  • CreatedITAACteamincludingmembers
  • Created ITAAC team including members from Construction, Licensing, En g ineerin g, and O p erational Readinessgg,p*Developing Performance and Documentation Plans (PDPs) for all

ITAAC *Developing tracking tool ContractorOversight Contractor Oversight*SCANA QA, Construction, Engineering, and Licensing direct oversight of Consortium activities*SCANA has stop work authority for ConsortiumSCANAltkh*SCANA uses a re l ease t o wor k approac h-Key Elements (Currently in place)

  • NND-AP-0012LimitedNoticetoProceed
  • NND-AP-0012 Limited Notice to Proceed*NND-AP-0030 Preconstruction Screening
  • NNDG-CS-0001 Construction Oversi g ht (Unit 1 g(impact assessment)-Minor Changes will occur to the above post COL ContractorOversight Contractor Oversight*SMSOversight SMS Oversight-Periodic visits

-Observations/Audits/Surveillances Observations/Audits/Surveillances-Readiness ReviewsParticipationinreleasetowork

-Participation in release to work*CB&I OversightPiiiiWECdiVl

-P art i c i pat i ng i n WEC au di ts, V ogt l e readiness reviews, and corrective action review review ConstructionExperienceProgram Construction Experience Program*Typical Inputs

-N RC (Information N otices, Interim Staff Guidance, Generic Letters, NUREG 1055, etc.)

-Industry:INPOChinaAP1000projectsAPOG Industry: INPO , China AP1000 projects , APOG Utilities-Westinghouse and Shaw programs -CAPs, bii E&DCRs, RFIs, Post-Jo b cr i t i ques*Evaluation ProgramsSCE&G:ConstructionExperienceScreening

-SCE&G: Construction Experience Screening Committee Corrective Action Program-Shaw: OE/Lessons Learned Pro g ram g-Westinghouse: iKnowProgram ConstructionExperienceExamples Construction Experience Examples*ContainmentVessel Containment Vessel*CA Structural modules *Nuclear Island Base mat Liti*L og i s ti cs*Working near operating units*Waterproof Membrane Switchyard SwitchyardThBidifthSithdi

  • Th e B as i c d es i gn o f th e S w it c h yar d i s classified as a breaker and a half design
  • TheSitchardconsmesapproimatel
  • The S w itch y ard cons u mes appro x imatel y 32 acres *Thefoundationsrequired905individual
  • The foundations required 905 individual caissons*Theexpecteddatetoenergizetheyardis
  • The expected date to energize the yard is March 2013 Original Area 230 kV System Bus 2Bus3 Bus 1FairfieldPump Bus 3 Fairfield Pump StorageVCSummerUnit1 VC Summer Unit 1 Switchyard LEGEND230kVLineParr 230kV Sihd 230kV LineVCS Unit 1 S w i tc h yar d Final Area 230kV System VC Summer Unit 1 Switch y ar d Bus 2Bus3 Bus 1FairfieldPump y Bus 3 Fairfield Pump Storage LEGEND230kVLine 230kV LineVCS Unit 1VCSUnit2 VC Summer Units 2 and 3

Switchyard VCS Unit 2VCS Unit 3 ChangestoArea230kVSystem Changes to Area 230 kV System*5 new 230kV lines identified by transmission system power flow and grid stability studies (2 added to Unit 1 Switchyard and 3 added to Unit 2 switchyard)*3 ties added between Unit 1 Switchyard and Unit 2 and 3 Switchyard for stability and reliability3lidfUi1ihdUi2d

  • 3 li nes move d f rom U n i t 1 sw i tc h yar d to U n i t 2 an d 3 switchyard to avoid line crossingsP230kVithdtbdiid
  • P arr 230 kV sw it c h yar d t o b e d ecomm i ss i one d requiring 1 line to be moved to Unit 1 switchyard and2linestobemovedtoUnits2and3switchyard and 2 lines to be moved to Units 2 and 3 switchyard ProjectStatus Project Status -Unit 2 and 3 construction on schedule-12 SCE&G personnel from Unit 1 construction assigned to Units 2 & 3ElitNND150Cti1000

-E mp l oyees ons it e: NND 150 , C onsor ti um 1000-Completed activities: roads, railroad, concrete batch p lants , Module Assembl y Buildin g, and construction p,yg, support facilities-Ongoing activities: Unit 3 mapping, Heavy Lift DikSihdCiVlldi D err i c k , S w i tc h yar d , C onta i nment V esse l we ldi ng, Cooling Tower foundations, and underground piping s y stems y VCSNS Site DevelopmentCooling Tower Foundation(Unit3A)Cooling Tower Foundation (Unit 2A)NNModule Assembly BuildingUnit 2 Excavation Foundation (Unit 3A)Unit 3 ExcavationHeavy Lift Derrick AssemblyContainment Vessel Construction Support BildiFabrication Area B u ildi n g sMay 2011



HLD Erection 35 BOOM SECTIONS 36

Switchyard O p erational Readiness p*People*People*Programs*Procedures

  • PreOperational/StartUpTest Pre Operational/Start Up Test*Technical Focus Areas ClosingMessage Closing MessageFSftClt*F ocus on S a f e t y C u lt ure*Focus on Applying Lessons Learned*Necessary Programs/Procedures in Place*Effective Contractor Oversight
  • ReadyforCOL&SafetyRelatedConstruction Ready for COL & Safety Related Construction Questions?