MONTHYEARML20094J5411984-07-18018 July 1984 Design Audit on 820728 of Auxiliary Bldg & Svc Water Pumping Structure.Diesel Generator Bldg Structural Analysis for Settlement,Bearing Capacities & Summary of 820721 Meeting W/ CPC Encl ML20094K3941983-06-30030 June 1983 Handwritten Record of Conference Call on 830630 W/Cpc, Bechtel,Nrc & Gei Re Drilling at Cast Hole in Top of Pier ML20081J6641983-06-29029 June 1983 News Articles Discussing Facility Const Completion Dates ML20081G1011983-06-0808 June 1983 Slide Presentation Entitled, Overview of Midland Independent Design & Const Verification Program, Presented to P Keshishian & G Gower ML20151H3771983-04-22022 April 1983 Record of 830331 Telephone Discussion Re Use of Appropriate ASME Code.Util Proposes to Use App F of 1980 ASME Code for Qualification of Pressurizer Support Lugs Rather than 1968 ASME Code Used for All Other Components ML20094G3561983-03-15015 March 1983 Presentation of Const Project Evaluation of Consumers Power Co,Midland Energy Ctr Project,Units 1 & 2. Handwritten Notes Re Gap Discovery Request & Nonconformance Rept Encl ML20079R2391983-03-14014 March 1983 Press Release Discussing Pier 9 Excavation,Divers Working in Pond,Welder Certification Program,Circulating Water Pump Motors Testing,Cable Reinsp & Work Support Evaporator Testing ML20080E6751983-02-24024 February 1983 News Article, Wrongful Discharge Suit Names Consumers, Zack ML20091F6051983-02-0808 February 1983 Presentation Entitled Midland Idvp for Auxiliary Feedwater Sys & Another Sys to Be Determined, Presented at 830208 Meeting.W/Oversize Chart Re Working Schedule for Const Completion Program.Aperture Card Available in PDR ML20081J7671982-12-28028 December 1982 News Articles Entitled, Test of Emergency Plans at Nuclear Plant Postponed & More Delays Mark Yr for Nuclear Plant Project ML20235B7191982-09-10010 September 1982 Partially Deleted Nonconformance Rept of Welding at Plant. Socket Welds Found to Be Below Listed Requirements Should Be Processed in Listed Manner ML20081J8251982-08-19019 August 1982 Midland Review, Vol 1,Number 39.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20094H4851982-07-13013 July 1982 Audit Rept M01-602-2 Re Audit Conducted at Zack Co on 820517-20 ML20024A1721982-07-12012 July 1982 Telcon W/B Garde,Govt Accountability Project on 820624 Re Allegations Concerning QA Program at Zack Co.Personally Indentifiable Info Deleted ML20094H4901982-05-14014 May 1982 Audit Rept M0-601-2 Re Audit Conducted of Zack Co on 820419- 22 to Verify Zack Co Compliance W/Program Requirements as Defined in Zack QA Manual,Plant QC Procedures & Weld Procedure Specs.Related Info Encl ML20094J3971982-03-26026 March 1982 Telcon W/Applicant & Bechtel on 820326 Re Adoption of Soil Spring Constants,Settlement Monitoring During Svc Water Structure Underpinning & Const Dewatering ML20091P3011982-03-12012 March 1982 Telcon W/Bechtel,Util & NRC on 820312 Re Remedial Soils Work ML20090B3881982-01-12012 January 1982 Slide Presentation Entitled Midland Project QA Organizational Change, Presented at 820112 Meeting in Glen Ellyn,Il ML20009A3421981-07-0606 July 1981 Summary of 810624 Telcons W/Util & G Keeley Re Monitoring Program Planned for Surcharging of Valve Pit Portion of Borated Water Storage Tank Foundation & Diesel Generator Bldg Lab Test Schedule,Respectively ML20126L9691981-05-18018 May 1981 Telcon on 810518 W/Util & Vendor Re Permanent Plant Dewatering ML20004E0361981-04-30030 April 1981 Selected Viewgraphs from 810430 Meeting ML20094H9671981-04-20020 April 1981 Provides Structural Audit on 810420 for Reactor Vessel Support Sys ML20004F2481981-04-15015 April 1981 Slide Presentation Entitled Fire Protection Design ML20003E3061981-03-24024 March 1981 Telcon on 810320 W/G Keeley (CPC) Re Soil Borings Schedule Per Util Decision to Authorize Soils Borings & Testing Requested by NRC & Army Corps of Engineers ML19347D0271981-03-0505 March 1981 Slide Presentation Re Final Design Review Presentation at 810326 Meeting of Util Design Review Board.Responses to NRC Questions Encl ML20062K9881980-12-0505 December 1980 Viewgraphs Presented at 801205 Meeting ML19345B7121980-10-29029 October 1980 Slide Presentation for 801029 Meeting Re Operator Training & Qualification ML20094K1241980-10-0303 October 1980 Telcon W/J Linsley on 801003 Re R Vollmer Decision on Applicant Appeal for Relief from Original 18 Borings ML19351G2371980-08-29029 August 1980 Slide Presentation for 800829 Meeting in Midland,Mi Re Request for Relief from NRC Position Requiring Addl Borings & Tests of Plant Fill ML20094K1131980-07-0707 July 1980 Telcon W/G Keeley on 800707 Re Previous Telcon Request of a Schwencer to Clarify NRC Concerning Overlapping Safety Evaluations ML20125B8061979-11-15015 November 1979 Audit on 791105-15 of Small Pipe Design & Stress Groups, Including QA Findings.Qa Requests,Mgt Corrective Action Repts,Nonconformance Repts & Other Supporting Documentation Encl ML19252A0371979-09-25025 September 1979 Nonconformance Rept for Aug 1979.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts & Log,Status Book,Qa Discrepancy Repts, Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19263C7611979-02-22022 February 1979 Monthly Nonconformance Rept for Jan 1979 ML20095A0681978-11-29029 November 1978 News Article Re Bldg for Backup Unit at Nuclear Plant Sinking.Sinking Caused by 20 Ft Rise in Local Water Table ML20197D3691978-11-22022 November 1978 Nonconformance Rept for Oct 1978.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts & Log,Status Book,Qa Discrepancy Repts, Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329G3461978-10-25025 October 1978 Nonconformance Rept for Sept 1978 Consisting of Nonconformance Rept Log on Open Items,Quality Action Requests,B&W Repts of Nonconformity & Util Nonconformance Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19331A2621978-07-31031 July 1978 Nonconformance Rept for Jul 1978.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F0551978-06-30030 June 1978 Nonconformance Rept for June 1978.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F0221978-05-31031 May 1978 Nonconformance Rept for May 1978.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19347A6471978-05-0404 May 1978 Press Release Notifying That NRC Considering OL for Facility & Provides Opportunity for Hearing ML19329E8831978-04-30030 April 1978 Nonconformance Rept for Apr 1978.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19331A2291978-03-31031 March 1978 Nonconformance Rept for Mar 1978.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F1901978-02-28028 February 1978 Nonconformance Rept for Feb 1978.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F1891978-01-31031 January 1978 Nonconformance Rept for Jan 1978.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19331A2421977-12-31031 December 1977 Nonconformance Rept for Dec 1976.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19331A2141977-12-31031 December 1977 Nonconformance Rept for Dec 1977.rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F5211977-12-31031 December 1977 Nonconformance Rept 19 Per Condition 2 of CPPR-81 & CPPR-82 Re Const Work Performed During Oct-Dec 1977.Resumes of Bechtel Corp & Util Engineers Encl ML19329E8871977-11-30030 November 1977 Nonconformance Rept for Nov 1977.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F0311977-10-31031 October 1977 Nonconformance Rept for Oct 1977.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformane Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F0181977-09-30030 September 1977 Nonconformance Rept for Sept 1977.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month 1984-07-18
MONTHYEARML19252A0371979-09-25025 September 1979 Nonconformance Rept for Aug 1979.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts & Log,Status Book,Qa Discrepancy Repts, Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19263C7611979-02-22022 February 1979 Monthly Nonconformance Rept for Jan 1979 ML20197D3691978-11-22022 November 1978 Nonconformance Rept for Oct 1978.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts & Log,Status Book,Qa Discrepancy Repts, Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329G3461978-10-25025 October 1978 Nonconformance Rept for Sept 1978 Consisting of Nonconformance Rept Log on Open Items,Quality Action Requests,B&W Repts of Nonconformity & Util Nonconformance Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19331A2621978-07-31031 July 1978 Nonconformance Rept for Jul 1978.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F0551978-06-30030 June 1978 Nonconformance Rept for June 1978.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F0221978-05-31031 May 1978 Nonconformance Rept for May 1978.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329E8831978-04-30030 April 1978 Nonconformance Rept for Apr 1978.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19331A2291978-03-31031 March 1978 Nonconformance Rept for Mar 1978.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F1901978-02-28028 February 1978 Nonconformance Rept for Feb 1978.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F1891978-01-31031 January 1978 Nonconformance Rept for Jan 1978.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19331A2421977-12-31031 December 1977 Nonconformance Rept for Dec 1976.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F5211977-12-31031 December 1977 Nonconformance Rept 19 Per Condition 2 of CPPR-81 & CPPR-82 Re Const Work Performed During Oct-Dec 1977.Resumes of Bechtel Corp & Util Engineers Encl ML19331A2141977-12-31031 December 1977 Nonconformance Rept for Dec 1977.rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329E8871977-11-30030 November 1977 Nonconformance Rept for Nov 1977.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F0311977-10-31031 October 1977 Nonconformance Rept for Oct 1977.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformane Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F5491977-09-30030 September 1977 Nonconformance Rept 18 Per Condition 2 of CPPR-81 & CPPR-82 Re Const Work Performed During Jul-Sept 1977.Resumes of Bechtel Corp & Util Engineers Encl ML19329F0181977-09-30030 September 1977 Nonconformance Rept for Sept 1977.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329E9401977-08-31031 August 1977 Nonconformance Rept for Aug 1977.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19331A2331977-07-31031 July 1977 Nonconformance Rept for Jul 1977.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F5091977-06-30030 June 1977 Nonconformance Rept 17 Per Condition 2 of CPPR-81 & CPPR-82 Re Const Work Performed During Apr-June 1977. Resumes of Bechtel Corp & Util Engineers Encl ML19329E8801977-05-31031 May 1977 Nonconformance Rept for May 1977.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19331A2631977-04-30030 April 1977 Nonconformance Rept for Mar & Apr 1977.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book,Qa Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Months ML19329F5621977-03-31031 March 1977 Nonconformance Rept 16 Per Condition 2 of CPPR-81 & CPPR-82 Re Const Work Performed During Jan - Mar 1977.Resumes of Bechtel Corp & Util Engineers Encl ML19331A2281977-02-28028 February 1977 Nonconformance Rept for Feb 1977.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329E9051977-01-31031 January 1977 Nonconformance Rept for Jan 1977.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F5571976-12-31031 December 1976 Nonconformance Rept 15 Per Condition 2 of CPPR-81 & CPPR-82 Re Const Work Performed During Oct - Dec 1976.Resumes of Bechtel Corp & Util Engineers Encl ML19329E8851976-11-30030 November 1976 Nonconformance Rept for Nov 1976.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329E9201976-10-31031 October 1976 Nonconformance Rept for Oct 1976.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Finding & Mgt Corrective Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329E9921976-09-30030 September 1976 Nonconformance Rept for Sept 1976.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F5531976-09-30030 September 1976 Nonconformance Rept 14 Per Condition 2 of CPPR-81 & CPPR-82 Re Const Work Performed During Jul - Sept 1976.Resumes of Bechtel Corp & Util Engineers Encl ML19329E9721976-08-31031 August 1976 Nonconformance Rept for Aug 1976.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329E9891976-07-31031 July 1976 Nonconformance Rept for Jul 1976.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F5451976-06-30030 June 1976 Nonconformance Rept 13 Per Condition 2 of CPPR-81 & CPPR-82 Re Const Work Performed During Apr-June 1976 Resumes of Bechtel Corp & Util Engineers Encl ML19329E9151976-06-30030 June 1976 Nonconformance Rept for June 1976.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329E9391976-05-31031 May 1976 Nonconformance Rept for May 1976.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329E9271976-04-30030 April 1976 Nonconformance Rept for Apr 1976.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformancee Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329E8791976-03-31031 March 1976 Nonconformance Rept for Mar 1976.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F5461976-03-31031 March 1976 Nonconformance Rept 12 Per Condition 2 of CPPR-81 & CPPR-82 Re Const Work Performed During Jan-Mar 1976.Resumes of Bechtel Corp & Util Engineers Encl ML19331A2231976-02-29029 February 1976 Nonconformance Rept for Feb 1976.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329E9211976-01-31031 January 1976 Nonconformance Rept for Jan 1976.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F5361975-12-31031 December 1975 Nonconformance Rept 11 Per Condition 2 of CPPR-81 & CPPR-82 Re Const Work Performed During Oct-Dec 1975.Resumes of Bechtel Corp & Util Engineers Encl ML19329F0191975-10-31031 October 1975 Nonconformance Rept for Oct 1975.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F4941975-09-30030 September 1975 Nonconformance Rept 10 Per Condition 2 of CPPR-81 & CPPR-82 Re Const Work Performed During Jul-Sept 1975.Resumes of Bechtel Corp & Util Engineers Encl ML19329E8661975-09-30030 September 1975 Nonconformance Rept for Sept 1975.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Rept & Log,Status Book,Qa Discrepancy Repts, Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19320A4681975-08-31031 August 1975 Nonconformance Rept for Aug 1975.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts & Log,Status Book,Qa Discrepancy Repts, Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329E8991975-07-31031 July 1975 Nonconformance Rept for Jul 1975.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329F4881975-06-30030 June 1975 Nonconformance Rept 9 Per Condition 2 of CPPR-81 & CPPR-82 Re Const Work Performed During Apr-June 1975,based on Preliminary Schedule of Activities to Be Performed During 1975 ML19320A4731975-05-31031 May 1975 Nonconformance Rept for May 1975.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month ML19329E8981975-04-30030 April 1975 Nonconformance Rept for Apr 1975.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month 1979-09-25
[Table view] |
. ... Con:ua ra Pow:r Comp:ny Rrport #11, S:ptember 30, 1975
[ Pursuant to Conditions 2 F.B. and 2 F.C. of Construction Permits CPPR-81 and CPPR-82, I d the following report covers the period October 1 - December 31, 1975.
A. Construction work to be performed during the period:
- 1. Continue the installation of structural steel for the elevated slab at elavation 614'.
- 2. Continue the installation of formwork, decking, embedded
, metals, reinforcing steel, electrical conduit, grounding cable, sleeves, embedded drain pipe and embedded process pipe for the building elevated slab at elevation 614' and fuel pool slab at elevation 618'.
- 3. Complete the installation of mud-mat concrete, waterproof membrane and wear slab concrete for the slab-on-grade at elevation 614'.
- 4. Start the installation of formwork, reinforcing steel, electrical conduit, grounding cable and embedded drain
,, piping for the slab-on-Grade at elevation 614'.
- 1. Continue the alignment, tack-weld, production welding I and leakchase installation for the dome liner plate I sections.
- 2. Begin the repair and final coating of the in-place con-tainment liner plate from elevation 593 ' to elevation 673 '.
- 3. Resume the installation of formwork, reinforcing steel and the placement of concrete for the buttress tendon service shafts and the tendon gallery access shaft above l elevation 612'.,
- 1. Continue the installation of leakchase on the in place containment liner plate from elevation 633' to elevation 671'.
- 2. Resume the alignment, tack-weld, production velding and n leakchase installation for the elevation 673' to elevation K j 753' containment liner plate assembly panels.
. m
.2 ,
)~ . Facility: TURBINE BUILDING #2 j ( j
- 1. See Subcontracts. All other construction activitics temporarily suspended to meet cash flow limitations.
- 1. All construction activities temporarily suspended to meet cash flow limitations.
. 1. See Subcontracts. All other construction activities temporarily suspended to meet cash flow limitations.
- 1. Continue the installation of waterproof membrane for Auxiliary Building and Containment Building #1.
- 2. Complete the placement of site backfill around the gss north portions of the Auxiliary Building and Contain-(( _
,) ment Buildings 60 elevacion 606*.
- 3. Continue placement of backfill for cooling pond dike construction.
- 4. Continue the site assembly and start installation of Auxiliary Building field erected tankage (B.R.S.
Receiver Tanks, L.W.S. Receiver Tanks and L.W.S.
Monitor Tanks).
- 5. Continue installation of Class A warehouse superstructure and HVAC equipment.
- 1. Complete the installation of structural steel for the elevated slab at elevation 614'.
- 2. Continue the installation of'formwork, decking, embedded
- metal, reinf,rcing steel, electrical conduit, grounding l l (/s cable, sleeves, embedded drain pipe and embedded process
( ,) pipe for the building elevated slab at elevation 614' and the fuel pool above elevation 618'.
3 . -l
. ;
~ ~'T 3. Continue the installation of formwork, reinforcing 1
( [m /
\ steel, electrical conduit, grounding cable and embedded I drain piping for the slab-on-grade at elevation 614'.
- 4. Continue the placement of concrete for the elevated slab at elevation 614'. Slab-on-grade at elevation 614' and the fuel pool above elevation 618'. ,
- 1. Continue the alignment, tack-weld, production welding and Icakchase installation for the dome liner plate sections.
- 2. Complete the repair and final coating of the in-place containment liner plate from elevation 593' to elevation 673'. .
- 3. Continue the installation of formwork, reinforcing steel and the placement of concrete for the buttress tendon service shafts and the tendon gallery access shaft above elevation 612'.
- 4. Start installation of the Equipment Hatch penetration t' lowet sectivu.
- 1. Complete the installation of leakchase on the in-place containment liner plate from elevation 633' to elevation 671'.
- 2. Continue the alignment, tack-weld, production welding and leakchase installation for the elevation 673' to elevation 753' containment liner plate assembly ' panels.
- 1. All construction activities temporarily suspended to meet cash flow limitations.
- 1. All construction activities temporarily suspended to meet cash flow limitations.
_ _ -- - - - , . . _ . , - - - . . ' - - -- . . ?
, .4 .
{, {(./i Facility:
- 1. See Subcontracts. All other construction activities temporarily suspended to meet cash flow limitations.
- 1. Complete the site assembly and installation of Auxiliary Building field erected tankage (B.R.S.
Receiver Tanks, L.W.S. Receiver Tanks and L.W.S.
Monitor Tanks).
- 2. Complete. installation of. Class A warehouse and HVAC
. equipment.
- 1. Complete the installation of formwork, decking, embedded metal, reinforcing steel, electrical conduit,
. grounding cable, sleeves, and embedded drain pipe for
>k(<-~s) the elevated sla'u at elevnLivi. 614'.
- 2. Continue the installation of formwork, decking, embedded metal, reinforcing steel and embedded process piping for the fuel pool to elevation 613't.
- 3. Complete the installation of formwork, embedded metal, reinforcing steel, electrical conduit, grounding cable and embedded drain pipe for the slab-on-grade at elevation 614' east of 5.3 column line.
- 4. Complete the placement of concrete for the elevated slab at elevation 614' and the slab-on-grade at elevation 614 '
east of 5.3 column line.
- 5. Continue the placement of concrete in the fuel pool area above elevation 618' .
- 1. Continue the alignment, tack-weld, production welding and leakahase installation for the dome liner plate sections.
- 2. Complete the installation of formwork, reinforcing steel k/~S
- s. ) and the placement of concrete for the buttress tendon service shafts and the tendon gallery access shaft to elevation 634'.
m ~
, 5
- 7% 3. Complete installation of the Equipment Hatch penetration
( )
lower section. -
- 1. Continue the alignment, tack-weld, production welding and leakchase installation for the elevation 673' to elevation 753' containment liner plate assembly panels.
. 4
- 1. All construction activities temporarily suspended to meet cash flow limitations.
- 1. All construction activities temporarily suspended to meet cash flow limitations.
(( N
- l. All construction activities temporarily suspended to meet cash flow limitations.
- 1. No activity.
B. Supervisors and engineers of the applicant and architect-engineer with quality related-duties who are expected to be onsite during the period October 1 -
December 31, 1975 in addition to those identified in previous reports:
. 1. Consumers Power Company FMSouthworth Director of Project Quality Assurance Services s
- 2. Bechtel Power Corporation
'DL0sborn- Quality Control Engineer (Civil)
.RCBennett Quality Control Engineer (Civil)
- 3. U.S. Testing lh x No change from last report.
k, -
.. 6'
- (-( C. Quality Assurance qualifications of supervisors and engineers with site-related duties during the period October 1 - December 31, 1975:
Statements of qualifications of individuals listed in "B" above are attached hereto.
D. . Changes Consumers Power Company FMSouthworth has replaced GSKeeley as Director of Project Quality Assurance Services. Mr. Keeley has become Midland Project Manager replacing WEKessler.
Further additions or deletions to the list of people with quality-related duties who are to be onsite during the period October 1 - December .31,1975 will be noted on the next report.
O t
j i
l l
(~--) ,
L. . _ __
= d
- Fred M. Southworth l ((_ >
- 1. My name is Fred M. Southworth and I presently reside at 2317 DeLange Dr. S.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506.
- 2. Education Monroe High School graduate - 1938, Monroe, Michigan.
BSME - 1942, Michigan State College.
- 3. Achieved P.E. status - 1954.
- 4. Work Experience Sequence
- Babcock & Wilcox Co. - Cadet Engineer - June 1942 to June 1943 -
Service and erection exposure; propositions and contracts at New York offices; shop exposure at Barberton, Ohio
- U.S. Navy Ensign - Bureau of Aeronautic - Assembly and Repair Shops at U.S. Navy 14, Barbers Point Oahu, T.H.; Lockheed - Vega Shops;
. Cal. Tech. Pasadena -- June 1943 to March 1946.
Discharged as Lt. (j g) .
- Commercial Printing (f amily business), Monroe, Mich. -- Nov 1946 to Nov 1947
- Kelsey Hayes Wheel Co. , Plant Engineering, Power Plant Services at
' [)
\~ / Monroe, Mich. -- Nov 1947 to Feb 1949.
- Consumers Power Co. -- Feb 1949 to present:
J. C. Weadock Plant - Lab Analyst, Efficiency Group -- Feb 1949 to Jan 1953; Gen. Office - Jackson - Gen. Engineer, varied experience assignments -
Jan 1953 to July 1954; B. C. Cobb Plant - Gen. Engineer, Engineering and supervisory assignments -
July 1954 to Oct 1958; B. C. Cobb Plant - Asst. Plant Supt., Muskegon, Mich-- Oct 1958 to July 1962; Eastern Region - Asst. Supt., Seginaw, Mich. --
July 1962 to Feb 1965; Southern Region - Asst. Supt., Battle Creek, Mich. --
Feb 1965 to Feb 1967; Western Region - Supt., Grand Rapids, Mich. --
Feb 1967 to Aug 1975; Gen. Office - Jackson - Director, Project Quality Assurance Services -
Aug 1975 to present.
- 5. Member Grand Rapids Engineers Club.
Phi Lambda Tau - An MSU local Engineering Honorary Group.
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Rodney C. Bennett Quality Control Civil Engineer Bechtel Power Corp.
Education: High School Graduate.
2.5 Days cement and concrete seminar at Aetna Cement Company, Essexville, Michigan Experience: 3 Years in QC on D. E. Karn Plant Units 3 & 4 for Townsend an,d Bottum.
Fave performed concrete placement, structural steel, and civil related inspection.
In addition to civil inspection have also performed ual ding and =chani cal inspection.
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Daryle L. Osborn Quality Control Engineer Civil Discipline Bechtel Power Corporation Mr. Osborn graduated from the University of Toledo with a Bachelor's of Science Pagree in Civil Engineering.
Mr. Osborn worked for 3.5 yearc for Testing Service Corp. in the Chicago, Illinois area. IIe was the Quality Control Engineer on numerous projects inspecting the concrete, soils, end steel work operations. lle was a Soils Engineer directing soil e,xploration programs and some report writing.
Mr. Osborn worked for one year in the San Francisco Home Office of Bechtel Power Corp. in the Construction / Quality Control Department. llis work in-cluded the writing of Master Inspection Plans developed from Project Specifications and Recognized Standards (ASTM, ACI, etc) and the review of Engineering Documents.
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