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| number = ML20070R769
| number = ML20070R769
| issue date = 12/31/1990
| issue date = 12/31/1990
| title = Jm Farley Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Annual Rept. W/910327 Ltr
| title = Jm Farley Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Annual Rept
| author name = Woodard J
| author name = Woodard J
| author affiliation = ALABAMA POWER CO.
| author affiliation = ALABAMA POWER CO.

Latest revision as of 22:04, 23 May 2020

Jm Farley Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Annual Rept
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1990
From: Woodard J
NUDOCS 9104010408
Download: ML20070R769 (77)



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/\lllhillililPOWCf Iw h Phunt  !!N ' ir d Wit ra % ! S v >!s tr March 27, 1991 10CFR50.59 Docket No. 50-340 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN Document Control Desk Vashington, D.C. 20555 Joseph H. Farley Nuclear plant - Unit 1 10CFR50.59 Annual Report Gentlemen Attached for your review is the annual report required by 10CFR50.59 for , .y 1990. This report summarizes changes to the plant parfotmed in accordance with the provisions of 10CFR50.59 for Joseph H. Farley Nuclear Plant Unit 1.

If you have any questions, please advise.

Respectfully submitted, 1


Q.D.Voodard JDV/DRCimapl3.23 Attachment l cc Hr. S. D. Ebneter l

Mr. S. T. Ilof fman l Hr. G. F. Maxwell 1

l O

91040.10408 901231 PDR ftDOCK 0500034G (h A R PDR sf \\

i ALABAMA POWER COMPANY JOSEPH M. FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 1 - ANNUAL REPORT REQUIRED BY 10CFR50.59 Section 59 of Title 10, Part 50, " Domestic Licensing of-Production and o Utilization Facilities," of the Code of Federal Regulations, states that- '

the holder of a license authorizing operation of a production or utilization facility may (1) make changes in-the facility as described in the safety analysis report, and (2) make changes in-the procedures as described in the safety analysis report, and (3) conduct-tests.or experiments not described in the safety analysis report, without prior commission approval, unless the proposed change, test or experiment involves a change in the technical specifications incorporated in the license or an unreviewed safety question (as defined 11n 10CFR50.59).

The licensee is required to maintain records of such changes,-tests or-experiments, and those records are required to-include-vritten safety evaluations which provide the basis for.the determination-that the changes, tests or experiments do-not involve any unreviewed safety questions.

Brief descriptions and a summary of .the safety evaluations 'for= the changes, tests or experiments as described above, for the Jeseph M.-Farley= Nuclear Plant Unit 1 which were completed in 1990, are-provided in the following.

Also provided is a list of abbreviations and acronyms used'in the summaries. ,


_ _ _ _ J

e LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS FOR THE 1990 10CFR50.59 ANNUAL REPORT ADIF Author's Document Incorporated Form AFV Auxiliary Feedvater AHU Air Handling Unit ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable ANSI American National Standards Institute :l APC Alabama Power Company-ASHE American Society of Hechanical Engineers BAT Boric Acid Tank BTRS Boron Thermal Regeneration System CCV Component Cooling Vater CDT Chemical Drain: Tank CVCS Chemical and Volume Control System D/G Diesel Generator ECCS Emergency Core Cooling _ System EFPY Effective Full Power Years EOL End of Life E0 Environmentally Qualified or Qualification ES Engineering Study FAHA Fire Area Hazard Analysis FFRDS Failed Fuel Rod Detection System FNP Farley Nuclear Plant FPS Fire Protection System FSAR Final Safety-Analysis Report GPH Gallons Per Hinute HVAC Heating, Ventilating, and Ai: vonditioning-IEEE Institute of Electrical and' Electronic' Engineers LCO- . Limiting _ConditionLFor Operation LOCA Loss of-Coolant Accident t MSVR Hain Steam Valve-Room' NFPA National Fire Protection--Association-NNS Non-nuclear Safety NORB Nuclear Operations Reviev Board OD Outside Diameter ODCH Offsite Dose Calculation Manual PAP Primary Acce.1s Point ~

P&ID -Piping and-Instrument Drawing Production Cnange Notice.

PCN PORC Plant Operations Reviews Committee PORV Power Operated Relief Valve RACA Radiation Access Control ~ Area RCS Reactor Coolant: System RHR Residual-~ Heat Removal

- RTD Resistance Temperature _ Detector-RVIS River. Vater Intake Structure RVST Refueling. Vater _ Storage Tank SER  ? Safety Evaluation Report SG Safeguards SNC Southern Nuclear-Operating Company SSD Safe Shutdown SVIS- Service Vater Intake ":ructure TDAFVP Turbine Driven-Auxili cy Feedvater Pump TPNS Total Plant Numbering ~fstem TS Technical Specification-TSC Technical Support Center UL -Undervriter's Laboratories 1 UT Ultrasonic Inspection

- e- + yn-+ -w,- a ,

bc Hr. R. P. Mcdonald Mr. V. G. I!altston, III Hr. J. E. 4 arlington Mr. L. B. Long Mr. D. N. Morey Mr. C. D. Nesbitt Mr. J. V. McGovan Mr. T. T. Robin Mr. U. R. Bayne Commitment Tracking System (2) l-ym, ----. .-- , , -- e . , ,

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ADIF 89-001; Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC: Meeting 2120, 01/30/90 l'

DESCRIPTION: Updated _FSAR Section' which' discusses testing of the Engineered Safety Features Actuation System. _This section had been-written prior'to thes -,

issue of the FNP Technical Specifications. 'It was _

changed to refer to the Technical Specifications.-

Redundant and conflicting information vas removed.~

SAFETY EVALUATION: 'These proposed FSAR changes are considered administrative in nature.since they. represent a clarification to FSAR test and-surveillance-requirements rather than a physical the

_ plant or to procedures. the Technical Specifications provide afdetailed description of~

the-testing requirements.-


ADIF 89-004, Rev. 0- .j 2

PORC REVIEV: PORC' Meeting 2140, 03/27/90 DESCRIPTION: Added a description of theEAFV-temperature monitoring _ system to FSAR Section 6.5.5 to describe

-the equipment used to monitor for AFV pump steam-

-binding. The system was: installed previously-by PCNs B84-1-2518 and B84-2-2519. 1FSAR Figure 6.5-1

-vas updated:by thesc previous PCNs,-but no description of thetsystem'vas added to!the FSARE SAFETY EVALUATION: This change serves'only-to document an existing design in-the FSAR. text. The effects _of-the-:iesign on-plant safety vere evaluated in' connection.with' the above PCNs. All-design >information.includediin-


the text change is cov'ered by:these: safety i evaluations.

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ADIF 89-006, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Mcct!ng 2130,_02/27/90.

DGSCRIPTION: Updated Chapter 12.3 of the FSAR to reflect current

' practice in the health physics program.

S/.FETY EVALUATION: The proposed change involves modifyin' the description of the health physics to reflect current plant practice and (quipment storage. These descri'ptions do- not relate to the plant accident analysis. Equipment cha..ges do r et jeopardize the ability to mitigate the con.2quan;cs of any accident.



ADIF 8"-007, Rev. O PORC REVIEVt PORC Meeting 2159, 05/11/90 DESCRIPTION: Re-wrote FSAR Sections 13.2.2 and 13.2.3 to give an updated discussion of the training program for Operations, Technical and Maintenance personnel.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This update of Sections 13.2.2 and 13.2.3 vill ensure that the FSAR accurately reflects the current training programs at FNP.- The-training programs satia5v all applicable NRC and industry requirements.


ADIF 89-008, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Meeting 2130,'02/27/90 DESCRIPTION: Corrected FSAR Paragraph to indicate that each underground D/G fuel oil- storage tank does not include a dipstick, but does include a dipstick insertion point. The FSAR had erroneously stated that each storage tank had a manual dipstick' gauge.

4 SAFETY EVALUATION: Determination of fuel volume is performed in accordance with TS requirements and-procedural

. guidar.ce. The absence of a dipstick in'the underground storaga tanks does not adversely affect the ability to determine fuel level and comply with

the TSs.

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ADIF 89-009, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2130, 02/27/90 DESCRIPTION: Changed Section of the FSAR to agree with the as-built conditions of the vents on the D/G fuel oil storage and day tanks. These vents are not equipped with flame arrestors as it vaa stated in Section

SAFETY EVALUATION: The design documents for the tanks do not specify the fitting of flame arrestors-on the tank vents.

The D/G fuel has a lov volatility and hence flame arrestors are not necessary. The existence of flame arrestors can restrict tank venting through accumulations of dust, insect nests or icing on their surfaces.


ADIF 89-010, Rev. O PORC REVIEV1 PORC Heeting 2131, 03/01/90 DESCRIPTION: Changed FSAR Section'3K. deleting references to piping penetration room flood sensors. Previously, this section had indicated that level sensors were-installed in the piping penetration rooms at the 100' elevation to detect flooding and provide a control room alarm. These sensors were never installed at FNP.

l SAFETY EVALUATION: An analysis. indicates that sufficient instrumentation has been installed to alert the operator of a flooding problem.


'ADIF 89-012, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Hecting 2156, 05/03/90 1

DESCRIPTION: Updated chapters 11.2, 11.5 and Appendix 98 of the FSAR to reflect current practices associated with the radvaste' system.

l l SAFETY EVALUATION: The changes involve the description of various health physics practices related to storage of l

radvaste, demineralizer operation, and process l

parameters. These descriptions do not relate to the plant accident analyses. The equipment involved is not required to mitigate the consequences of any accident.

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SUEJECT: ADIF 89-016, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Meet'ng 2156, 05/03/90.

DESCRIPTION: Updated FSAR Section'll. to reflect actions '

taken with respect to the noble. gas effluent =

monitors.: The changos involve 1) the detfgn of the monitors' power supply and 2) the development of procedures for.the monitors.since the section j was written.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The. changes to'FSAR Section reflee' the' fact that the monitors are povered1fron vital instrument busses and -that procedures haveseen; developed for the use and'calibratiotrof the system and for the dissemination of release rate-information. The changes do not affect the design: '

or design basis of the monitors. The:information-

.being-changed is largely historical information i concerning the design and installation process for -


-these monitors, i

SUBJECf ADIF 89-017, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2130,-02/27/90 }

DESCRIPTION: Justified-the adequacy of the current distribution-

! of fire extinguishers in the plantiand provided tho

basis. for revision of FSAR' Appendir 9B to. clarify

-the fire extinguisher coverage requirements. FSAR~-

Section 9B.4.1.17 Estates that Class A' fire-

! extinguishers are located throughout FNP. The section also states that-the= extinguishers and locations are in accordance with'NFPA-10.. However, ,

Class A fire extinguishers.are-not locatedsJn the Turbine Buildings or cable tunnels of each unitTor-in the Lov Level Radvaste Storage' Building.- -

SAFETY EVALUATION: The existing fire protcetion arrangement is adequate and falls within'the intent of NFPA-10.- .

The existing-fire protection-equipment which consists of.various combinations of fire.

extinguishers, hose' stations!and sprinkler systems is' adequate to meet NRC requirements land NFPA-guidelines.

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SUKitcT ADIF 89-019 l0RC REVIEV PORC Hecting 2146, 04/12/90 DESCRIPTION: Updated the combustible loading in several fire areas to reflect as-built conditions. The combustible loadings are listed in Appendix 9B to the FSAR in the individual FAllA. The combustible loading may also appear in the 10CFR50 Appendix R Exemptions discussed in Attachment B of FSAR Appendix 9B.

SAFETY EVALUATION: Despite the it. creases, the combustible low ..ig and fire severities of all of the affected fire areas i remain vell below the fire ratings of their area l boundaries. Furthermore, the increased fire severities do not adversely impact the background data which the NRC utilized in formulating their evaluations and concluolons regarding the Alabama Power Company Appendix R Extmptions. The exemptions granted for those rooms are not dependent on the combustible loading. ,

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ADIF 89-054, Rev. O PORC REVIEVf PORC Meeting 2140, 03/27/90 DESCRIPTION. Revised FSAR Sections and to indicate that FSAR Figures 8.3-51, 8.3-52, 8.3-53, and 8.3-54 are examples of typical drawings and that these figures vill not be updated for subsequent design changes.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The dravings that the subject figures are based on are, by nature, very active drawings and are now so crowded with information that they vould not make good FSAR figures. Leaving the figures as they are vould not violate their original intent which vas to shov typical FNP cable routing drawings. These changes to the FSAR do not involve physical changes to the plant and are editorial in nature.

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ADIF 89-055, Rev. O l

i i PORC REVIEVs PORC Heeting. 2140,-03/27/90 ]

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_ DESCRIPTION: Changed FSAR Sections and to clarify the cable tray layout in the cable spreading room and electrical penetration rooms and address separation of redundant channels. Also, this ADIF corrected the. size of the-conduits used-in the duct banks between the Cable Spreading Room '

and the Electrical Penetration Rooms.

SATETY EVAL,UATION: The changes are editorial in nature and serve only__

to clarify the FSAR sections. The actual site of ,

the conduits are adequate and reflect the as-built condition.



ADIF 89-056, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2129, 02/20/90 I

DESCRIPTION: Changed FSAR Section~ to state the actual location of the containment isolation valve  ;

associated with the Unit 1 pressur.1,er pressure  !

dead-veight tester instrumentation line.-- Most i containment = isolation valves are in the:penetretion  !

rooms as stated. Ilovever, this containment  !

isolation valve (01B13V026B).is-located in the Auxiliary Building. Alwo, this_ evaluation changed the pressurizer pressure dead-veight tester penetration line site. f rom 1/8 ine,i OD to _3/8 inch OD. The_line consists primarily of 1/8_ inch _0D  !

tubing except for the section where the line passes through the containment,vall. -Finally, valves 01B13V026A and 02B13V026A vere deleted from the  ;

list of containment isolation valves in FSAR Table {

6.2-39. j SAFETY EVALUATION: -Having-the containment isolation valve in the Auxiliary Building near the dead-veight tester minimizes the amount of time the valve needs open-during pressurizer pressure instrument i calibration.- In addition, a certain amount of operator' radiation dose is avoided by.not requiring an operator to enter the penetration _ room each time-the tester is used. The-dead-veight tester is a '!

closed system in containment and is a very small. '!

line. 'Thus transfer of_a significant amount of j radioactive material is very unlikely. _ General Design Criterion 57 requires only one isolation .

valve for this type of penetration. 1 4

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ADIF 89-230, Rev. 1 PORC REVIEV: PORC Meeting 2144, 04/06/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised FSAR Section 9.2.9 to state the correct mode of operation of vell #1 of the vell vater system. The FSAR indicates that well #1 is aligned for automatic starting. Ilovever, this is not the most desirable mode of operation. The well vater system supplios both the sanitary (drinking) vater and the fire protection water tanks.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The water quality of vell #1 is not suitable for filling the sanitary water tank, llovever, the -

control for this pump vas in the auto position

- which vould have caused it to operate in the event of a fire. Therefore, it was desirable to remove vell #1 from automatic control to ensure it did not contaminate the drinking water supply. This change requires the manual start of pump #1 in order for the vell water system to maintain the required level in the fire protection vater storage tanks or to refill the fire protection storage tanks following a fire. This change does not affect the capability of the vell vater system.


ADIF 89-237 PORC REVIEV PORC Heoting 2161, 05/15/90 DESCRIPTION: Changed FSAR Table 6.2-32, " Steam Generator Isolation Valve Information", by deleting the 5-second closure time for the valves which isolate steam. flow to the TDAFVP Q1(2)N12V001A and - V001B.

SAFETY EVALUATION: Valves 01(2)N12V001A and - V001B are normally closed. Their principal safety function is to open automatically on a TDAFVP actuation signal to start the TDAFVP. Consequently, the deletion of the 5-second closure time value, from Table 6.2-32, for valves 01(2)N12V001A and - V001B has no impac* on the safety function performed by the valves.

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ADIF 89-247, Rev. 0

. PORC REVI.EV PORC Heeting 2145, 04/10/90 DESCRIPTION: Changed total integrated dose values of certain

! Auxiliary Building rooms listed in FSAR Table 3.11-1. Also, Note i of Table 3.11-1 vas revised to clarify which Auxiliary Building rooms containing E0 components (equipment or cables) do not have detailed dose calculations whose results are listed in the table and to explain the basis for excluding those rooms. ,

SAFETY EVALUATION: To allow for possible additions of E0 equipment to -

the affected Auxiliary Building rooms in higher-dose areas and to ensure a consistent methodology, it was decided to recalculate the--total integrated dose levels of these rooms. In lieu of the calculations, a room total integrated dose value of-

- 108 rads was assumed forLrooms containing only cable. -The clarification of Note i of FSAR Table -

3.11-1 indicates that no detailed dose calculations- '

were done for these rooms.


Containment Cooler PORC REVIEV PORC Meeting 2131, 03/01/90 DESCRIPTION: Isolated a leaking-cooling coil section in containment cooler 01E12H001C-B from the service-vater piping for one refueling cycle.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The effect of isolating the leaking coil was evaluated.- Based-on'a review of existing calculations, it was dciermined that this vould not have any adversn effects ontthe piping system-stress-levels,_ pipe support design loads, piping movements and cooler nozzles. --The reduction .in- '

coolint capacity was have'an-insignificant effect on normal and accident containment temperatures and pressures.


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ECCS Floe Modeling Inconsistencies PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2175, 07/03/90 DESCRIPTION: Evaluated the effects of charging /SI flov short-fall due to RCP scal injection and potential line resistance imbalance on previously analyzed LOCA analyses. The effect of excessive charging pump runout was also evaluated.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The analysis assumption changes resulted in no change to the limiting LOCA event calculated results. It was also determined that adequate NPSH exists, and CCP runout was evaluated and found acceptable. Therefore, all acceptance criteria are ,



Effect of Open Containment Mini-Purge Valves on the Emergency Core Cooling System Analysis PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2167, 06/01/90 DESCRIPTION: Determined, using the Vestinghouse 1981 Evaluation Model, that the effect of the containment mini-purge valves being open coincident with a LOCA vould continue to be minor.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The 1981 Evaluation Model has demonstrated a reduced censitivity to. containment backpressure which would result in an increased calculated peak cladding temperature.. -This increase, when combined with other peak-cladding temperature penalties-reported by Vestinghouse on Parley, results in PCT remaining belov the 2200' F limit stipulated in 10 CFR 50.46.

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ESBB-1223: Cable Rarouting PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2248, 12/18/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised the FSAR by addine a footnote that when referring to a Regulatory Ocide (R.G.) 1.75 " fire barrier" to indicate that th-se barriers are not required for compliance with 10CFR50 Appendix R.

The term " culvert" as found in Section 9B. vas explained since culverts are ne' used to route cables at FNP. FSAR Appendix 3A and Section 8.3 vere revised to explain how the intent of the R.G.

1.75 requirement for 1" separation betve.3n redundant class 1E circuits and non-class 1E I circuits is met. Information that was duplicated in FSAR Sections 8 and 9B vas removed from the appropriate section.

l SAFETY EVALUATION: These changes do not involve any physical changes to the plant, but instead correct the descriptions of the plant within the FSAR. These changes are considered editorial in nature because they i eliminate unnecessary duplication of information vithin the FSAR, clarify the term " barrier" with respect to its application to fire protection and- 1 R.C. 1.75, eliminate an incorrect statement concerning the routing of cables through culverts, '

and clarify FNP's conformance with R.G. 1.75 for separation between redundant class 1E circuits and non-class lE circuits.

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FNP-0-AP-9, Rev. 16 PORC REVIEV PORC Meeting 2127, 02/13/90 DESCRIPTION: Expanded the responsibility for procurement reviews to also assign the General Manager - Nuclear Plant responsibility for procurement reviews such that these reviews may be performed by either Nuclear Support personnel or FNP Staff personnel.

( Previously the FSAR assigned this responsibility to the General Manager - Nuclear Support.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The General Manager - Nuclear Support and the General Manager - Nuclear Plant are at the same level of management. Procurement revleus by either Nuclear Support personnel or FNP personnel are to be performed by qualified personnel utilizing administrative procedures or reviewed and approved by the same level of management. Procurement reviews performed by the FNP staff are the same level and extent of review as is being conducted-by I' Nuclear Support personnel such that there is no decrease in the level or quality of the reviews.

Since this administrative change only involves allowing another organizational element the ability to perform procurement reviews under the appropriate controls, there is no effect on the accident analyses, equipment malfunction evaluations, and margins of safety as addressed in the FNP FSAR and Technical Specifications.

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FNP-0-EMP-1320.02, Rev. 1 PORC REVIEV: PORC Meeting 2197, 08/31/90 DESCRIPTION: Provided guidance for transferring the feed for 600V load center 1B from its normal supply (4160V bus 1D) to load center 1F. Although not a routine evolution, such switching can be performed without ,

deenergizing the load center, i.e. " hot bus transfer".

SAFETY EVALUATION: The protection schemes for the 600V load centers- ,

vere reviewed and it was determined there is adequate protection to prevent a single failure from jeopardizing both_"A" and "B" trains of power -

. When performing a hot bus transfer. -Faults l occurring downstream, upstream or internal to load center breakers can be isolated by protective relaying associated with the incoming line breakers and feeder breakers for.both the 4160V and 600V svitchgear. In addition,: adequate protection is provided to meet both IEEE 379 (single failure  ;

1 . criteria) and IEEE 334 (Independence.of Class 1E i Equipment and Circuits), therefore, no licensing or design concern exists.

SUBJECT FNP-0-ETP-3016, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Meeting 2198, 09/04/90 DESCRIPTION: Approved the addition.of 011 Red B Liquid Dye, made

- by-DuPont,1to the diesel fuel'to determine by test the time needed to achieve a homogeneous mixture in

~ the D/G fuel oil storage tanks. This-is part of a program to maintain the quality of the diesel fuel -

in-long-term storage for use in-the emergency _D/Gs.  ;

SAFETY EVALUATION: Based on:the manufacturer's data, the addition of l Oil Red B Dye to the-diesel' fuel vill not_edversely

- affect'the energy; content of the fuel or engine  !


performance. Because the amount of treatment is small, 0.00037 vt. %_of the fuel, it.v111 not affect any.of the diesel fuel-specifacations. -The Oil Red B Dye diesel fuel oil treatts..ut chemical l has been reviewed and found not to pose a threat to control room habitability as defined by Regulatory Guide.l.78.



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FNP-0-ETP-3660. Rev. 2: FFRDS-FSP-004(90)

PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2218, 10/19/90 DESCRIPTION: Approved ultrasonic inspection of the fuel assemblies to detect leaking fuel rods. The ultrasonic technique is to be used in lieu of the methods previously used.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The responses of the inspected fuel assemblies, the RCS, the spent fuel pool, and the storage racks to postulated accident conditions are not adversely altered by the operation of the FFRDS. The most severe consequence which could be caused by improper operation of the FFRDS would be to cause damage to the cladding of an undamaged fuel rod or to miss indications of fuel rod cladding defects.

Thcse events could result in returning a fuel rod with a cladding defect to the reactor. Operation with fuel rod cladding defect is limited a y existing plant Technical Specifications on primary coolant activity. Operation with a coolant activity level less than the Technical Specification limits is bounded by previous analyses. The potential for such an occurrence is minimized by the quality assurance provisions which are part of the FFRDS operating procedure. The e msequences of dropping the FFRDS eouipment in the spent fuel pool vould be bounded by the analysis of a dropped fuel assembly. Any activity released as a result of a postulated fuel rod cladding dcfect resulting from inappropriate use of the inspection procedure vould be much less than that assumed for a dropped assembly.

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FNP-0-ETP-3660, Rev. 2: Hovement of UT Fu21 Leak }

Detection Equipment j r

PORC REVI!:V PORC Heeting 2218, 10/19/90 DESCRIPT10h. Addressed the structural aspects of the temporary l installation of FFRD; equipment on top of the spent fuel racks as well as the movement of equipment  ;

across the spent fuel racks.

SAFETY EVALVATION: T M largest piece of FFRDS equipment to be carried over the spent fuel pool veighs 1470 tbs., which is i less than the weight of a fue' 3 There ' ore, FFRDS equipment it to the i NUREG 0612 requirements it .. eia 01 heavy: l loads. The structural analys2s for the spent fuel  !

rack; has been reviewed to verify that the  :

potential load drops associated with movement of [

the leak detection equipment do not result in r i

damage to any fuel assembly or in damage to the spent fuel racks which could lead to crit 2cality. l Also, the mounting of the equipment on top of the i empty spent fuel racks vill not affect the structural integrity of the racks even during a postulated seismic event.  !



FNP-0-H-72: Coating Hanual l PORC REVIEV: PORC Hecting 2245, 12/11/90  !

DESCRIPTION: Approved the use of Ameron Amercoat 90 as an i original coating system over bare steel and  :

concrete and as a re-coating system over the ,

l existing steel and concrete coating systems in the l FNP containment buildings. FSAR Section ,

and the appropriate FSAR tables have been revised l accordingly, i SAFETY EVALUATION: Amercoat 90 contains no aluminum and therefore vill.

not increase containment post-LOCA hydrogen levels.  ;

l l Accident analyses-using the containment heat sink t evaluation vill not be affected. Additionally, Amercoat 90 has been. qualified for containment use  ;

by a test which meets the requirements of i ANSI-N101.2 and FSAR Section, thus . ,

providing assurance that no failure of the coating t vill occur post-accident which vould adversely  !

impact ECCS components.

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FNP-1-SOP-16.1, Rev. 16.0 PORC REVIEV PORC Meeting 2167, 06/01/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised the procedural requirements to have greater than 16,000 gpm service water dilution flov whenever steam generator blevdown effluent is being released to the environment.

SAFETY EVALUATION: Dilution flov is reduced belov 16,000 gpm only when necessary due to plant conditions. Flov vill be maintained greater than 10,000 gpm. The requirements of the FSAR and Technical Specifications vill be met.

SUDJECT: FNP-1-50P-$8.0, Rev. 23 PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2116, 01/16/90 DESCRIPTION: Approved running a radvaste exhaust fan while the radvaste supply fan is inoperable by defeating the interlocks that prevent such operation.

SAFETY EVALUATION: A log vill be established to maintain BAT room temperatures to ensure this area stays greater than 65' F vhile the exhaust fan is being run. The radvaste AllU is designed to maintain a slightly negative pressure to prevent outleakage of contaminants. This function vill be preserved I

during operation with one exhaust fan and no supply fan running. A penetration room door vill be held open durint e.*heust fan startup to prevent the Auxiliary Jatiding pressure from dropping below penetration room pressure during startup of the exhaust fan.

l l

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Formation of Southern Nuclear Operating Company PORC Heeting 2226, 10/31/90 l PORC REVIEV:


Revised FSAR Chapters 13 and 17 to reflect the various organizational changes made for the formation of SNC Phase II.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The changes to be made are strictly administrative in nature so no change vill be made to the basic organizational structure that currently exists.

The responsibility of the individuals that provide support services for plant operation vill not change. No changes vill be made to the design, operation, maintenance, or testing of the plant.

There vill be no degradation in the current quality assurance program. Clear reporting lines of communication within the structure are maintained.


Grout Repair PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2248, 12/18/90 DESCRIPTION: Approved gaps / cracks backed by a depth of at least 6" of concrete / grout to be acceptable 3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> fire barriers as installed. Small gaps / cracks (less than 1" vide) and not backed by a minimum depth of 6" of concrete / grout are acceptable when filled with a minimum of 2" depth of either 3H Fire Dam 150 Caulk or Dow Corning Fire Stop Sealant Cat. No.


SAFETY EVALUATION: The U.L. Fire Resistance Directory and the Society.

of Fire Protection-Engineers Fire Protection Handbook indicate that structural concrete that is at least 6" thick has a fire endurance rating of 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />.- Since the fire resistance properties of grout are assumed to be similar-to concrete, a 6" thickness of grout constitutes a 3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> fire barrier. Also, 3H Fire Dam 150 Caulk and Dov Corning Fire Stop Sealant Cat. No. 2000 have demonstrated 3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> fire performance characteristics at depths of less than 2" and vidths less than 1".- Therefore these conditions are acceptable at the penetration seal assemblies i

because they satisfy the requirements of the l original as-designed condition.


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HD 90-2187 PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2127, 02/13/90 DESCRIPTION:

Authorized the use of a different filter cartridge in the floor drain tank filter. The existing AHF Cuno CN-ID filter cartridge was replaced with a Pall Trinity Ultipor GF filter cartridge. The purpose of using a different cartridge is to provide prolonged filter life which vill result in a reduction of the personnel radiation exposure associated with filter cartridge replacement.


Use of the Pall retrofit filter cartridges meets the original design condition requirements of-the CUNO filter cartridges as well as providing a reduc', ion in personnel exposure.


HD 90-2198 PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2140, 03/27/90 DESCRIPTION:

Installed sheet metal flashing and insulating material (Kaovool) over the cork material shich was installed in the expansion joints between the Auxiliary Building and the Containment Building.

Small portions of the cork have been observed to be degraded / dislodged by seasonal expansion /

contraction of the buildings.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The fire resistance of the basic cork seal design is enhanced by the addition of the Kaovool insulation and metal flashing. This enhancement vill better-protect the joint seal and minimize the probability of fire propagation across the barrier, i

I i


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PCN B85-1-3235, Rov. O PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2114, 01/11/90 DESCRIPTION:

Revised dravings D-175004 and D-175208 to provide an option for capping one leg of the equipment drain and one of the floor drain " running traps" located in the CDT room. This will facilitate exhausting the drains to the-radvaste area ventilation system. PSAR Figure 9.3-4 vas revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The modification vill facilitate the exhaust of the Radvaste Area Ventilation System, which vill result in reduced contamination of plant areas and provide less radiation exposure to maintenance personnel.

This modification does not involve an unrevieved safety question.


PCN B85-1-3431, Rev. 16 PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2019, 06/01/89 DESCRIPTION: Provided a nov HVAC system that is adequate to handle the cooling load or the air volume requirements of the revised RACA internal space arrangement.

SAFETY EVALUATION: Although the HVAC system is non-safety related and not seismically designed, seismic supports are provided for the ductwork where required. The new system is an improvement and v111' allow effective use of the area and the associated faciliths.


PCN B85-1-3431, Rev. 20 PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2019, 06/01/89-DESCRIPTION: Provided design'for rabstitute cabinetry and an electric vater enaler in the RACA. In addition, provisions vere provided for new electrical equipment and instrumentation associated.vith the-HVAC. The silicon sealant was revised to GE1200 series.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The modifications provided by this revision do not involve any functional change to any safety-related i system of .ae plant, and as such, they do.not in any way adversely affect the safe operation of the plant.

l 18 w

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PCN B85-1-3431, Rev. 22 PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2019, 06/01/89 DESCRIPTION: Provided two booster fans and a manual opposed blade volume control damper (OBVD) necessary for adequate exhaust of the fume hood and hot toilets in the RACA.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This vill ensure air flow pattern from clean areas toward areas of higher pottatial radioactivity.

FSAR Section 12.2.4 Paragraph E provides an evaluation of airborne radioactivity monitoting for the RACA. Implementation of this PCN v'll result in an increase in the minimum detector sensitivity  !

due to reduced dilution of the exhaust flov from room 438. Therefore, the airborne radioactivity monitoring for the access control aren vill meet FSAR commitments. This modification does not affect any safety related system.


PCN B85-1-3431, Rev. 25 PORC REVIEV PORC Hecting 2019, 06/01/89 DESCRIPTION: Provided the balance af vork required to complete design modification of the RACA. The work included the remaining architectural changes, modifications to the HVAC cystem and the associated electrical  ;

design work. This affects the combustible loading and fire severity tables for fire area 1-4 due to the addition of combustible material in the form of cable insulation.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The combustible material added to fire area 1-4 consists of IEEE 383 qualified cable insulation. l This increase is small and does not increase the fire severity as discussed in FSAR Section 9B. This change does not decrease the ef fectiveness ci the fire protection program.

1 a



PCN B85-1-3431, Rev. 20 PORC REVIEV. PORC Heeting 2024, 06/13/89 DESCRIPTION: Deleted fifteen fire dampers within the RACA (fire area 1-4) and deactivated four dampers which vill be left in the open position. FSAR Figure 9.4-5 vas revised to incorporate these changes. Also, several rooms were added to the Space and Access Tabulation of Radiation Zones requiring a revision to FSAR Figure 12.1-11.

SAFETY EVALUATION: Due to modifications, the RACA is nov designated as fire area 1-4. No fire dampers are required for penetrations vittin this area. The additional ,

rooms have been added to FSAR Figure 12.1-11 to maintain the document current.-


PCN 885-1-3431. Rev. 31 PORC REVIEVi PORC Hecting 2028, 06/20/89 DESCRIPTION: Provided design for routing of the drain line from the fume hood in the instrument calibration room.

Also, this revision deleted two small duct chases, one in passage 483, and one in the Health Physics Foreman's office, room 481. The appropriate FSAR figures were revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: Since the equipment drain is part of the vaste processing system, the connection of the fume hood to this drain vill ensure that all contaminated vaste is processed before release to the outside environment. The chases are being removed to facilitate duct removal. The duct chases serve no structural function so their removal vill not affect any safety related structures or systems.


PCN B85-1-3431, Rev. 42 PORC REVIEV - PORC Heeting 2047, 08/16/89 DESCRIPTION: Added eleven new phone lines to the RACA. FSAR Figure 9.5-7 vas revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The telephones added are not safety related nor do they have any effect on safety related equipment.

20 4


PCN B85-1-3431, Rev. 45

? ORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2058, 09/12/89 DESCRIPi10N Revised the HVAC P& ids and FSAR Figures 9.4-5 and 9.4-6 for the RACA and the radvaste area to show the nev locations of two flov switches in the HVAC system and the sample line connections for crea radiation monitor RE-34.

SAFETY EVALUATION: Relocation of the flov svitches (from the air handling unit to straight section of the HVAC duct) and the sample line connections for radiation monitor RE-34 vill have no significant effect on the instrument functions and the HVAC system. The flow switches and radiation monitor are parts of the non-safety related system and do not perform a safety function.


PCN B85-1-3431, Rev. 51 PORC REVIEV: PORC Meeting 2086, 10/31/89 DESCRIPTION: Provided design for a volume control damper in the  ;

retutu air duct of room 489, the Vaste and Decon Foreman's office. FSAR Figure 9.4-5 was revised accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The addition of the volume control damper vill facilitate the balancing of the system.. It does not affect the existing system design and does not impact any safety related system or the safe shutdown of the plant, i


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PCN B85-1-3431, Rev. 55 PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2112, 01/04/90 l DESCRIPTION:

Documented changes to FSAR Figure 9.3-4, Sheets 1 and 2, to reflect the revised description and plugging / permanent seal of floor drains in the RACA. This revision also documents changes to FSAR Figure 8.3-1 to add MCC 1 II. The design for these changes vas earlier revisions of this PCN.

SAFETY EVALUATION: Due to layout changes in the RACA, the name of the floor drain in room 486 was changed and another drain was no longer needed. No design changes were involved. MCC 1 II was added to provide power to the nev RACA HVAC system. It is not safety related and vill not affect the operation or integrity of any safety related system.


PCN B85-1-3431, Rev. 56 PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2112, 01/04/90 DESCRIPTION: Added a new public address system and modified the existing system in the RACA. FSAR Figure 9.5-3 was revised accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The public address system added by.this PCN is not safety related and does not interfere with any.

other safety system or equipment.


PCN B85-1-3431, Rev. 58 PORC REVIEV: PORC Meeting 2143, 04/05/90 ,

DESCRIPTION: Relocated HVAC system flov switch FSL-2362 to avoid undesirable air turbulence and spurious actuation of the local trouble annunciator. FSAR Figure 9.4-5 was revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: Relocation of the flow switch from the vertical exhaust fan HVAC duct to the adjacent horizontal section vill have no adverse effect on the HVAC system. The flov switch is not safety related.



PCN B85-1-3431, Rev. 60 PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2166, 05/31/90 DESCRIPTION:

Added a volume control damper in the fresh air make-up duct to the dosimetry lab air handling unit. FSAR Figure 9.4-5 was revised accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This vill facilitate balancing of the system. The addition of the damper does not significantly affect the existing system design. This modification is to a non-safety related system. It does not impact any safety related system.


PCN 585-1-3431. Rev. 63 PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2205, 09/20/90 DESCRIPTION: Relocated HVAC system flov switch FSL-2362 and ,

specified the use of a different kind of flow switch. This was done to prevent spurious actuation of the local' trouble annunciator. FSAR Figure 9.4-5 was revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: Relocation of the flov switch vill have no adverse effect on the non-safety related HVAC system. This change vill have no effect on any safety-related system.


PCN B85-1-3431 Rev. 65 PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2256, 01/08/91 DESCRIPTION: Revised FSAR Figure 9.4-5 to reflect the actual tagging for automatic HVAC dampers NSV47HV3605A and i

NSV47HV3605B. -It was discovered that the tag numbers had not been installed in agreement with design documentation.

SAFETY EVALUATION: Changing the tag. numbers does not affect the

. existing system design. This modification is to a non-safety related system.

l l

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SUBJECT PCN B06-1-3825, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2147, 04/13/90 DESCRIPTION: Documented the issue of piping specification SS-1109-2 revisions 43 and 44 which incorporated changes in the design / service ratings of certain piping. In order to implement these new design / service rating changes, some line number changes were required which resulted in the revision of drawings and FSAR figures.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change updates FSAR drawings, and does not involve an unreviewed safety question.

SUBJECT PCN B86-1-3876 Rev. O PORC REVIEVt PORC Heeting 2147, 04/13/90  :

DESCRIPTION: Revised the safety classification of valve NIE13V002, which is installed in the nitrogen supply line to the spray additive tank, from class 2B to NHS. This corrects an inconsistency between.

the classification of NIE13V002 and the line in which the valve is installed. FSAR Figures 6.3-3A and 11.3-3 vere revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The loss of the nitrogen supply line to the spray additive tank does not impact the safety function of the spray additive tank.

i 24

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PCN B86-1-3931, Revs. 1 & 2

! PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2216, 10/16/90 DESCRIPTION: Modified the design of the temperature cutout switches that provide over-temperature protection for the blast coil heaters, which are part of the 2

penetration room filtration units. The original design of the units called for manual and automatic cutout switches, but no setpoint was established for the svitches. This PCN-removed the manual reset temperature cutouts and provided setpoints-and TPNS numbers for the automatic temperature cutout switches.

I SAFETY EVALUATION: The cutout switches which vere removed are not <

required by the ANSI /ASHE standard-to which FNP is I

committed. The setpoint was provided by the heater vendor.



PCN B87-0-4186, Rev. 0 PORC REVIEVi - PORC Heeting 2148, 04/17/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised drawing D-175046 for;the control room HVAC to show that the control room utility exhaust fan-and discharge damper are tripped by the "B" train chlorine analyzer, not the "A" train analyzer..

FSAR Figure 9.4-1, Sheet 2, was revised accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: _This design change results in' corrections to drawings the FSAR. These corrections ,

do not result in functional modifications ~to plant safety systems.


PCN B87-0-4486, Rev. 0- __

PORC RIVIEV - PORC Heeting 2159, 05/11/90-

. DESCRI? TION: Documented the replacement of a commercial' grade

' Agastat relay.-part numberL7012PC, in the BIG sequencer with a nuclear grade Agastat~ relay, part I

number E7012PC001. par Minor Departure 87-1708.

FSAR Figure 8.3-40 was revised.accordingly.-

SAFETY EVALUATION: -This design change-authorizes use of-a replacement part.- The replacement part either meets or exceeds the requirements of the part being replaced'.

'25 4

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PCN 887-1-3958, Rev. 0 PORC REVIEV PORC Meeting 7147, 04/13/90 DESCRIPTION: Documented the addition of instrumentation for  !

monitoring the flov of effluent from the vaste ,

monitor tanks. This PCN revised P610 and vendor drawings to show the entire instrument loop including instrument air requirements for flov transmitters FT-1085 A 6 B. 1%AR Figure 11.2-5 was revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems. F


PCN B87-1-4124, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Meeting 1;36, 03/15/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised the combustible loading and fire severity i tables in Appendix 9B of the FSAR for fire areas 1-12 and 1-15 to reflect the addition of combustible material in the form of paper in rooms 202 and 254. Desks were also added to these rooms.

Thess rooms contain the hot shut-down panels.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The combustible material added will be approximately 200 lbs. of paper at 8000 btu /lb. and vill not increase the fire severity of the rooms.

The new desks are seismically mounted so that they vill not damage the hot shut-down panels during a seismic event. The implementation of this PCN vill not be in conflict with the requirements of Section 9 B.3 of Appendix 9B of the FSAR and vill not decrease the effectiveness of the Fire Protection _

Program at FNP.

p 26


PCH B87-1-4131, Revs. O, 2, and 4 PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2147, 04/13/90 PORC Heeting 2177, 07/10/90 DESCRIPTION: Hodified the design of the mechanical seal of the 1A charging pump. The modified seal design eliminates the need for CCV cooling vater to the seals as well as the mechanical seal heat exchangers and the external piping associated with the seals. The internal seal components were reconfigured so that the quantity of internal parts vas reduced. The seal housing design and the shaft sealing design vere modified. FSAR Sections and and Pigure 9.3-6 were revised-to delete references to the seal cooling.

SAFETY EVALUAT20N: These modifications are an enhancement to the charging pumps. The simplified design improves pump reliability and availability. Thus, these modifications do not degrade the operation or safety performance of the charging pumps.


PCN 887-1-4260, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2148, 04/17/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised FSAR Figure 5.1-3A to show that valve number 8074C on the RTD bypass manifold is below the horizontal centarline :;nstead of above the horizontal centerline as was previously stated.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drawings contr.ined in the FSAR. These corrections l

i do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.

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PCN B87-1-4449. Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2148, 04/17/40 DESCRIPTION:

Revised FSAR Table 6.2-38, Sheet 3,and FSAR Figure 5.1-2A to show that the penetration, which was previously listed as penetration number 64, is actually two penetrations. The table nov lists penetration 64A (nitrogen supply to the pressurizer relief tank) and 64B (pressuri:er dead-veight pressure tester).

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to _

drawings contained in the_FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.


PCN 887-1-4747, Rev. 4 PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2086, 10/31/89 DESCRIPTION: Changed FSAR Figure 9.4-6 Sheet 2, which corresponds to P&ID D-175011, Sheet 2, to reflect current tag numbers for two fire dampers located in the-radvaste area ilVAC system.- Fire dampers 1-100-133-01 and 1-100-133-02 vere changed to 1-121-133-01 and 1-121-133-02, respectively, to reflect the fire barrier elevation.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This change affects tag numbers only and does not alter the actual plant design. This change does not impact plant safety or the ability to achieve a safe shutdown.

I d



PCN B88-0-5377, Rev. 0 , 1, 2 & 5 PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2127, 02/13/90 PORC Hecting 2105, 07/31/90 DESCRIPTION: Replaced the existing eyevash stations in the Auxiliary Building with combination eyevash/ safety shower stations. Identification of eyevash stations and eyevash/ shover stations vere deleted from the following FS/sR Figures 12.1-13, 12.1-23, '

12.1-24, 12.1-25, 12.1-28 and 12.1-29. P& ids D-175047 and D-205047 vere revised to provide TPNS numbers to the emergency shover /eyevash stations and updated to show the actual configuration of the piping leading to the stations. FSAR Figures 9.2-7, Sheet 1, and 9.2-7, Sheet 2, vere revised to reflect these changes. Also, P&lD D-175047 and FSAR Figure 9.2-7, Sheet 1, were revised to reflect current piping materials, sizes and arrangements.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections tv drawings contained in the PSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.


PCN B88-0-5476 (SG), Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2159, 05/11/90 .

DESCRIPTION: Provided design to modify the catdkey reader system and other miscellaneous equipment to work properly with the PAP modification. The combustible loading and fire severity tables were affected due to -

changes in room sizes and the addition of combustible material in the form of cable insulation.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The cable insulation added is considered in NFPA 803 to have a lov or slow rate of combustion. The automatic suppression system is designed in accordance with applicable codes and is sized to accommodate more severe fire types than those '

postulated here.

29 l


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SUDJECT: PCN 088-0-5479, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Hecting 2159, 05/11/90 DESCRIPTION: Incorporated charging flow control valves 01E21V347 and 02E21V347 (FCV 122) into the Appendix R Safe Shutdovn Program. Alse, the FAllA in the FSAR vere -

I revised for fire areas 2 1 and 2-5.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change adds components to the Appendix R Safe Shutdown Program. The effectiveness of the fire protection prograc is not decreased.

SUBJECT PCN 888-0-5400, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Meeting 2159, 05/11/90 DESCRIPTION: Incorporated service water dilution valves 01P16V549-A and 02P16V549-A and their associated circuits and equipment into the Appendix R Safe Shutdown Program. A110, FAHA vere added to the FSAR for fire areas 1-SVB3 and 2-SVB4.

SAFETY EVALUATION.- This design cha.nge adds components to the Appendix R Safe Shutdown Program. The eftectiveness of the fire protection program is not decreased.


PCN B88-1-5528, Rev. O  !

PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2041, 08/01/89 DESCRIPTION: 31ocked the opening into the primary spent resin storage tank valve compartment room, room # 220.

The existing half-height door was replaced v!ih a vire mesh door. This room is an exclusion area due to radiological conditions.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This modification provides positive control of access to this exclusion area. The installation of the lockable door has no impact oli .'ie safe shut-dovu capability of the plant.

i l

30 L. __


SUBJECT PCN B89-0-5652 (SG), Rev. 0 .

PORC REVIEV1 PORC Heeting 2046, 08/10/09 DESCRIPTION: Changed the power supply of the existing high mast lights to a diesel backed distribution panel.

SAFETT EVALUATION: The additional load to the motor control center was reviewed from voltage drop and short circuit considerations and found acceptable. The additional loading on the diesel generator during all design basis events was also reviewed and found acceptable.


PCN B89-0-5652 (SG), Rev. 8 4 PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2097, 11/28/89 DESCRIPTION: Reduced the vent area that existed from the MSVR penthouse to atmosphere. A portion of the south vall was blocked by installation of conduits, conduit supports and associated lighting. The total amount of vent area blockage is less than three square feet.

SAFETY EVALUATION: Vestinghouse evaluation concluded that the vent area blockage has negligible effect on HSVR post -

main steam line break accident analysen, vill not affect the seismic qualification of the vall, and vill not adversely affect any safety related components. I s




PCM B89-1-5705, Rev. 0 PORC REVIEV PORC Meeting 2169, 06/07/90 DESCRIPTION: Modified the RHR pump miniflov control valve switch setpoints to account for the post-seismic setpoint shifts of up to 2 10% detetmined during the Barton flov switch qualification test.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The revised setpoints assure that the miniflov I

valves open when the actual flow falls belov 500 gpm and that the valves close before the range of the flov switch is exceeded. The revised setpoints '

have no impact on the RilR system capability to perform i;1 vafety functions. These functions include controlled reduction in temperature of the reactor coolant during the second part of normal plant cooldovn and lov head Cafety injection and recirculatian during a LOCA.



PCN S84-1-2683, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Hecting 2147, 04/13/90 DESCRIPT2ON: Documented the replacement of temperature transmitters N1N11TET525 and NIN11TET526 on the main steam lines with remote temperature transmitters. This change decreases the unsupported loed mounted on the steam lines and should reduce the probability of a steam line ,

break. This change was made by Hinor Departure 84-606. Because the temperature transmitters are no longer mounted with the temperature elements, they have been assigned separate TPNS numbers.

This requires a revision of PSAR Figi're 10.3-1 to show the transmitters.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change updates FSAR dravings, arJ locs not involve'an unreviewed safety question. ,


mm 32 l

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. . l S'Ji ".CT : PCN S85-1-3347, Rev. 2 P0FC REVIEV PORC Meeting 1918, 08/30/88 DESCRIPTION: Installed storage cabinets for spare 4160V breakere in various plant locations. Specifically, this PCN (1) Provided an alternate velded design for mounting breaker storage cabinets to the floor in the Auxiliary Building, (2) Approved cutting a portion of grating as required.for mounting the cabinets in the Service Vater Intake Structure (SVIS), and (3) Relocated a portable fire extinguisher from the south vall of the SVIS east stairvell to the east vall of the same stairvell.

FSAR Figure 9B-29 was revised to show the nev location of the fire extinguisher.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The velded design for mounting the cabinets in the Auxiliary Building and the cut in the SVIS grating vere evcinated for seismic considerations and vill not degrad? the integrity of the structure. The new location of the portable fire estinguisher has been evaluated and it continues to comply with NFPA-10.


PCN S85-1-3431. Rev. 6 PORC REVIEV: PORC Meeting 2019, 06/01/89 DESCRIPTION: Replaced fire protection sprinkler system-1A-52 vith two sprinkler / spray syste.ns 1A-52A and 1A-52B.

The old sprinkler system became obsolete when.the rooms in the RACA area vere-reconfigured per PCN B85-1-3431. System 1A-52A includes direct spray coverage for safe shut-down conduits 4IE020, 3IE021 and 2IE044 where they are located above the suspended ceilings of-rooms. FSAR Figures 9B-23, 9B-25, 9B-37, and FSAR Sections 9B.4.1.10 and c

9B.4.2.3 vere revised to. reflect the changes above.

l SAFETY EVALUATION: Installation of the sprinkler / spray systems enhance the capability of the fire protection program to perform its intended functions. No other plant system is adversely impacted by these modifications.

l 33 1

SUBJECTS- PG4 S85-1-3431, Rev. 7 PORC REVIEV PORC Meeting-2019, 06/01/89r  ;

DESCRIPTION: Provided conduits 41E020, 3IE021 and 2IE044 vith-Kaovool fire barrier where the separation is less than 20 feet rather'than. direct. spray coverage as specified-in revision 6. Additionally, there is a i minimum amount of combustibles over the floor areu- ,

between the-redundant safe shut-down conduits and i automatic _ vater suppression protection vill be' provided to those flotrJareas. Smoke detection-  ;

vill be provided above and below-the suspended ceilings. FSAR Figures 9B-23_and_9B-25 vere

-revised to reflect the changes above.

SAFETY EVALUATION: Installation of sprinkler systems lA-52A and 52B i does not constitute unreviewed safety < question nor i does it degrade the capability of the fire -  !

protection program to perform its intended _,

function. No other plant' system or structure is  ;

adversely impacted by these modifications. j 1


PCN S85-1-3431, Rev. 27 PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2063, 09/26/89 DESCRIPTION: Changed the portable fire extinguishers in the RACA from carbon dioxide fire extinguishers ~to dry- )

chemical fire extinguishers which_are capable of -

providing more effective-fire suppression. Since-l the original modification of the RACA, additional-

. office and laboratory rooms have been constructed ~ .

SAFETY EVALUATION: A multipurpose dry chemical extinguisher is more ef fective against the possible array of fires; than :

a carbon dioxide extinguisher. The. installation of multipurpose extinguishers _does not degrade-the  ;

capability of r.he-FNP fire protection-program to  !

perform its intended functions. . Additionally, no plant system or structure is adversely impacted by the installation or utilization of the dry-chemical extinguishers.

1 34


-PCN.S86-0-3667, Rev.)1 PORC REVIEV: ~PORC Heeting 2147, 04/13/90 DESCRIPTION: Updated FSAR Section 9.5.2 to reflect the communications equipment available to-complete a safe shutdown of the the event of a fire.

This change.vas-based on-the Fire-Protection Communications By Fire Area Reports (A-180583 and

-A-203583) which'contain the results of a study to determine the communications equipment (public address, telephone, and sound powered systems) that could be-inoperable due-to'a. fire in-any-given_ area of the Auxiliary Building, the Diesel Building, the1 SVIS and the RVIS, SAFETY EVALUATION: These changes are editorial in nature and serve only to clarify the PSAR sections. These changes do not result:in a-physical change-to the plantlor functional plant-safety systems.- -j


PCN S86-1-3575,- Rev.~ 0 PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2147,;04/13/90-DESCRIPTION: Revised applicable drawings.for the: potable water i system in the Vater Treatment Building to represent as-built' conditions by including the addition of TPNS numbers for-four isolation valves-not previously_ documented. FSAR Section:9.2.4 and!

Figure 9.2-8 vere-revised.--

SAFETY EVALUATION:- This design change results in corrections to-

drawings contained in the FSAR. -These corrections do-not result in functional 1 modifications--to plant.

safety systems.






PCN S86-1-3776, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2147, 04/13/90 DESCRIFTION: Revised Note 10 of FSAR Figure 9.3-2, Sheet 1 of 6.

The document referenced in the note for detailed equipment description and bill of material was incorrect. The correct references are vendor documents U-259780, U-259638 and U-259455.

SAFETY EtALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.

a S"BJECT: PCN S86-1-3829, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2147, 04/13/90-DESCRIPTION: Documented the installation of four sample access points in the condensate pump discharge lines.

These sample points were installed by Hinor Departure 86-1504. FSAR Figure 10.4-3 was revised-accordingly.

This design change updates FSAR drawings, and does not involve an unreviewed safety question.


PCN S86-1-3892, Rev. O


< PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2147, 04/13/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised D-175071,-Sheet 3, and FSAR Figure 10.4-6 to show steam generator blevdown system valves-N1G24V170, V191 and V193 as normally closed rather than-normally open. Closing these valves vill

reduce the probability of-spreading contamination and-vill keep radiation dose-ALARA.

SAFET2 SVALUA ION: This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.

J 36

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PCN S86-1-3898, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting;2147, 04/13/90-: '

i DESCRIPTION: _ Revised'FSAR Figure 10.3-l', Sheet 4 of.4, to note the installation of sensing lines with double isolation valves upstream of the number one and Lnumber three main steam stop valves. TPNS numbers

  • Vere assigned to the isolation valves..

l SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results-in corrections to-drawings contained in the FSAR.- These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.

l l

SUBJECT - PCN'S87-0-4393,' Revs._0,'1, 2' PORC REVIEW: PORC Heeting 2103, 12/12/89 PORC Heeting 2130, 02/27/90L DESCRIPTION: Deleted the existing.high point vent path-from the i fuel oil system for D/G'la2A-and added a new vent path'from the fuelioil filter-to-a ventnline

-utilized by the D/G dayitank. -Check valve-QSR43V769 in-the-old vent-path was deleted since_it vas no longer-needed. A pipe guard:vasjinstalled to prevent: fuel oil-from spilling.into the Diesel Building hallvay should a line failure occur.- The: .

pipe class for this pipe guardivas dovngraded from class HBC to J1BD per-revision 2 of this-PCN.,

SAFETY EVALUATION: This change vill have_no adverse effect-on the:

seismic qualification or safety:related_ function'of L

the D/G, either in its emergency standby mode or; its-operational-mode. The vent line vill be


l L

seismically supported and the pipe' guard _ vill be L seismically qualified, 4

i l

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' PCN-S87-0 4494,:Rev.;0 PORC REVIEV: PORC Meeting-2147, 04/13/90-DESCRIPTION: Revised several nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen system P& ids:to agree with~the piping drawings.-

Revisions vere necessary because some valves-vere


not properly shown as being in a valve box and-others were not shovn on the P& ids at all. FSAR Figure 11.3-3,' Sheets 1 and 2, vere revised

- accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design _ change results in corrections to drawings contained in_the FSAR. These corrections do not resultiin functional modifications to plant 4 i

- safety systems. ,


PCh S87-0-4556,iRev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting' 2148, 04/17/90 DESCRIPTION: Documented nev setpoints-for the air compressors-associated-vith the 2C D/G. : Minor Departure 87-1729-provided new setpoints to-prevent overlap between:the start /stop setpoints for-the airn

- compressors and the setpoint for1the normal air-receiver pressure status light. FSAR Figure 9.5-20 vas-revised accordingly.

1 SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change' updates FSAR' drawings, and-does>

not-involve an unreviewed safety _ question.



PCN S87-0-4567, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Meeting-2148,~04/17/90 DESCRIPTION: _ Documented changing the "A"i t rain-river water system flow transmitter, NSP25FT504,-from an L&N-Century Mode 1L470 to-a Rosemount 1151DP perLMinor:

Departure 87-1751. -This. requires'a revisionLof FSAR_FigureE9.-2-1,: Sheet 2, because the-instrument-number has been_ changed.1 SAFETY-EVALUATION: This design change authorizes use of a replaten<entt part. _The _ replacement part either r.eets_ or ' exceeds

'the requirements of-:the part;being rep).acea.-

l 38

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sJBJECT: PCN S87-1-3963,.Rev. 3 l l

PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting:2155, 05/01/90-DESCRIFTION: Labeled the loads for breakera 4,-6, and-7 on 208/120V regulated instrument panel-1B on drawing D-177025 and corrected the TPNS number for the' panel.- FSAR Figure 8.3-24 vas revised-accordingly, SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections'to

' drawings contained'in the.FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional plant safety systems.


PCN S87-1-3964, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2174, 04/13/90 DESCRIPTION: Corrected breaker connections for 120V vital AC instrument panel 1C on drawing D-177025. Breaker 17 is now shovn-as a " spare" and breakers 9 and 15 are connected-to_120V regulated AC panel 1E. FSAR-Figure 8.3-24 was revised accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION:' This design. change _results'in drawings contained in the PSAR. -These' corrections do.not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems, t

SUBJECf PCN S87-1-4024, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Meeting 2147, 04/13/90 DESCRIPTION: Documented the replacement of pressure transmitter N1N37PT507 Din-the reheat-steam system. -The replacement pressure transmitter _ vill havejthejsame TPNS number as_the-instrument 11t-replaced.

l However, the mark number-villfchange-from "IN.211" to "IN.211A". This' modification of the mark number-L required a revisionlof FSAR Figure 10.3-1,. Sheet 4.'

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change' authorizes use ofia replacement part.- The replacement;part either meets or. exceeds the requirements offthe-part being replaced.

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PCNS87-1-4081,[Rev.10 PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2147,: 04/13/90' DESCRIPTION: Revised P&ID D-175039,. Sheet 2, to shov 2" line-HCB-99, which connects the-vaste processing system and- the volume control tank. - This line was added by. change notice BM-2988. ~FSAR Figure 9.3-6, Sheet'- ,

1, was revised-accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This desigr change updates.FSAR drawings, and does not invol';e an unreviewed safety question.D l I

SUBJECT ' PCN S87-1-4142, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2147,04/13/90 DESCRIPTION: JAssigned TPNS numbers to the: containment 1 spray additive tank vacuum-release ~ valves. 1These, valves were-provided by Vestinghouse withgthe' tank. TPNS numbers.are requiredLto include 1these valves in--the

' Inservice Inspection program. - FSAR Figure 6.3-3A

  • .s revised to show'the assigned TPNS: numbers.1 SAFETY-EVALUATION: This design change results-in correctionsLto-drawings contained in - the- PSAR. : These: corrections i

do not result in: functional-modifications to. plant safety systems.



LPCN S87-1-4151, Rev. 0 1

PORC REVIEV: -PORC Hecting;2147, 04/13/90-DESCRIPTION: Revised instrument air-system-P&ID D-175034~,-Sheet 3, to reflect.thefcorrect-system-layout as verified -

by'a system valkdown'in containment. This vill helpfpreventDpersonnel' errors;in: plant' operations,

~and' tagging orders.-~FSAR' Figure 9.3-1-' , Sheet 9, was revised accordingly..

SAFETY-EVALUATION: . This 64 sign: change results-in corrections to drawings. contained in the'FSAR.' These corrections do not result in-functional modifications 1to plant

' safety systems. ,

i 1

40 a



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PCN S87-1-4166, Rev._0 PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2147, 04/13/90.

DESCRIPTION: -Deleted the differential pressure. indicators =and

-their isolation valves for the laundry-and hot ,

shover tank filter and the floor drain tank filter i from FSAR Figure:11.2-5. They were-never-installed-as initially planned and vere not safety-related.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design _ change results in corrections-to drawings contained in the FSAR. These-corrections. i do not result in functional modifications to plant _  ;

safety systems.- ,


PCN-S87-1-4170, Rev. 0-- i PORC REVIEVs. PORC Heeting_2147,_04/13/90 i

DESCRIPTION: Revised vaste processing. system P&ID D-175042,  :!'

Sheet 3, to show several-drain, flushing connection and. system isolation valves as closed rather.-than open._ Closing these valves vill maintain system integrity, prevent inadvertent resin = transfers:and reduce the_ probability of spreading contamination.

FSAR Figure _11.2-6 was revised accordingly._

SAFETY EVALUATION - This design change lresults in-corrections to drawings contained-in the PSAR. 1These; corrections do not result in. functional' modifications to plant-sefety systems.'


PCN.587-1-4178,;Rev. 0 PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2147,-04/13/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised P&ID D-175071,1 Sheet 2, to show NIG24V902,__

NIG24V171ALB,_N1G24V013 and::N1G24V501Lclosed, and N1G24V138 open.- These. changes were'necessary to_

show the actual: operating configuration of the' steam generator blowdown system. 1FSAR: Figure

~10.4.5 vas-revised accordingly.

SAFETY-EVALUATION: This design changeLresults-in. corrections to drawings' contained in the FSAR. These_ corrections do not result in-functional modifications to plant safety systems.



PCN S87-1-4179, Rev.,0 .

PORC REVIEVI- PORC Meeting 2147, 04/13/90 j DESCRIPTION: -Revised FSAR Figure 9.3-8 to show flov indicator l NIE21FIO252, which was-installed with recycle. ~j

' hold-up tank sample line flow transmitter l


N1E21FT0252. The PSAR figure had shown the flov transmitter-but not the flow indicator.

SAFETY EVALUATION: ~This design change results in corrections to - 1 drawings contained in the PSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications:to: plant. l safety systems.



PCN S87-1-4270,1Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2148, 04/17/90 DESCRIPTION: Documented- the replacement of .nain condenser. '

pressure transmitter N1N51PT501 maintenance problems. The replacement pressure transmitter vill have the'same TPNS number as the instrument it replaced. However,.the' mark number' vill change:

l from "IN.214"-to "IN.~214A". This-modification of the mark number requires a revision of FSAR Figure-l

' 10.4-3,: Sheet 3 of 8.-

l l SAFETY EVALUATION: Th..s design change authorizes use of a-replacement- ~

.part. .The replacement:part either meets.or exceeds the-requirementsLoftthe part being replaced.


.PCN 587-1-4273, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC:Heeting 2148, 04/17/90 DESCRIPTION: Documented the replacement of temperatura transmitter-N1P16TT561 in the service water system.

The: replacement temperature transmitt(rivill have the same TPNS numberqas the. instrument is replaced.

However, the mark : number. vill change f rom.

' "IN.506-1".to "IN.506-1A". This modification of:

the mark number required a revision of FSAR Figure 9.2-2, Sheet 2.

f SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change authorizes use of a replacement- '

part.- The replacement.part elther meets or exceeds the requirements of the.part:being replaced.:

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-PCN S87-1-4334, Rev. 1

-PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2170, 06/15/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised several'FSAR figures to reference,the new P6 ids for the vaste-evaporator package and the ,

recycle evaporator-package. The nev_ figures' vere  !

created by revision 0 of this-PCN.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results11n corrections to-

= drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in. functional modifications to plant safety systems'.


PCN S87-1-4348, Rev.=0 PORC REVIEW: PORC Heeting 2148, 04/17/90 DESCRIPTION - Documented the replacement of pressure switch -

01P16PS559 in the service water system. The switch was replaced due to maintenanco problems. LThe replacement pressure switch vill have the same TPNS.

number as the instrumentLitfreplaced. However, the '

. mark number vill. change - f rom ."HG-122" to "HG-122A'_ .

This modification of the mark number. required a- ,

revision of.FSAR Figure _9.2-2, Sheet 2; ~

SAFETY EVALUATION: This-designfchange authorizes use of a. replacement part. The replacement part;either: meets oriexceeds. ,

the requirementslaf the part being replaced.

l 43 i

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PCN S87-1-4392, Revs. O, 1, 2 l PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2103, 12/12/89 l

PORC Heeting 2130, 02/27/90 DESCRIPTION: Deleted the existing high point vent path from the fuel oil system for DG 1B and added a new vent path from the fuel oil-filter to a vent line utilized by the DG day tank. Check valve 01R43V582-in the old vent path was deleted since it was no longer needed. A pipe guard was installed ta prevent fuel oil from spilling into the Diesel Building bellvay shc.11d a line failure occur. The pipe clar for this pipe guard was downgraded from class HBC to HBD per revision 2 of this PCN.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This change vill have no adverse Affect on the seismic qualification or safety . elated function of the diesel generator, either in its emergency standby mode or its operational mode.- The vent line vill be seismically supported and the-pipe guard vill be seismically qualified.


PCN S87-1-4429, Rev. O PORC REVIEV1 PORC Heeting 2148, 04/17/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised drawing D-175002, Sheet 1, to show the drain line downstream of valves 01P17V113B capped and 01P17V113A routed to an equipment drain. The drawing had shown the line downstream of 01P17V113A as capped and the line downstream of 01P17V113B routed to an eqaipment drain. These valves are drain valves for the CCV surge tank.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional plart safety systems, l




PCN S87-1-4434, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2147, 04/13/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised drawing D-170131, Sheet 3, to shev the instrument air filter drain trap isolatio.s valves N1P19V515A&B as normally open, rather than normally closed, and to include header isolation valve N1P19V9411 which was not previously shown on the drawing. .FSAR Figure 9.3-1, Sheet 3, was resised accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.



PCN S87-1-4517, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2147, 04/13/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised P&ID D-175040 to show the correct valve line-ups for BTRS chiller valves N1G12V003A and N1G12V003C during normal operation. The drawing had shown the BTRS chiller inlet isolation valve NIG12V003A as normally closed but for normal operation the valve is open. The BTRS chiller pump cross-connect valve N1G12V003C had been shown as normally open but-is actually normally closed.

FSAR Figure.9.3-9, Sheet 1, was revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to--

drawings-contained in the FSAP. These correctione do not result in-functional modifications to plant safety systems.

l 45 s-ev, y e -

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. PCN S87-1-4530,= Rev. 0 : -

PORC REVIEVI- PORC Heeting 2148,- 04/17/90 DESCRIPTION: Documented new setpoints for the air compressors associated with the 1-2A and 1B diesel generators.

Minor Departure 87-1728 provided new setpoints to prevent overlap between-the start /stop setpoints for-the air-compressor and the setpoint for the normal air receiver pressure status light. FSAR Figure 9.5-19 was revised-accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This designLchange updates-FSAR:dravings, and doesf -

not involve an unreviewed safety question.


PCN S87-1-4532, Rev.'O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heating 2147, 04/13/90


DESCRIPTION: Documented the replacement of flow controller N1P16F588A in the service water system. . The nev.

controller vill provide improved control _at lov flows.-- The replacement flow controller vill-have the same TPNS number-as--the instrument 11t replaced.. ,

However, the mark number _ vill change--from "HK403A"-

to "HK403C". This modification of the mark-numberc requires a revision of.FSAR Figure 10.4-2,--.-Sheet 1

- of 2.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change authorizesEuse.of:a replacement-part. The. replacement part either; meets or exceeds:

the requirements of the part being replaced.



PCN S87-1-4595, Rev. 0 l PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting'2161, 05/15/90 J l

DESCRIPTION: Revised P&ID D-175000,. Sheet 2,-to. reflect a;1/2" line vith an-isolation valve located between-the "A" chemical injection supply tank -(N1N25T008A) and.

isolation valve N1N25V0350.- The 1/2"(sampling-line _

vas inadvertently deleted when-PCN BM-2947'vas Ji

l. incorporated.: FSAR Figure - 10.3-5 Lvas: changed:

a ccordingly.

. SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in-corrections to drawings contained in'the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional ^ modifications to plant safety systems. .


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PCN S81-1 4605, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2148, 04/17/90 DESCRIPTION: Corrected FSAR Figure 9.3-2, Sheet 1, to show the following as-built conditions-for the primary sampling system 1) valve V-39 is located in the letdown demineralizer inlet and outlet common-sample return line, 2) the accumulator sample return line ties into the letdown demineralizer inlet and outlet coramon sample return line upstream of valve V-39, and 3) the RCS-RHR/ pressurizer i sample return line ties into the letdown demineralizer inlet and outlet common sample return line downstream of valve V-39.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functicnal modifications to plant safety systems.



PCN S87-1-4644 Revs. O, 1 PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 1914, 08/16/88 DESCRIPTIOM: Replaced the Bristle Dynamaster 4 pen control room meteorological tower weather. data recorder with two Yokogava Micro R180 3-pen recorders. The Bristle-Dynamaster recorder is obsolete and spare-parts are not available.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The meteorological tower-data recorder is not a safety-related piece of equipment. Replacement of the recorder vill not alter plant configuration or mode of operation. Performance of the replacement recorders has been evaluated and found to be acceptable. It is anticipated that the replacement recorders vill provide for more reliable collection of meteorological data. This replacement vill not alter the NRC conclusion of acceptability of control room meteorological i..strumentation as documented in the FNP SER.


. -. 1


PCN S87-1-4663, Rev.-0 PORC REVIEV: PORC Meeting 2147,-04/13/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised P&ID D-170117, Sheet 2, to correct the TPNS number of low pressure feedvater heater 4A. Due to a drafting error, the drawing shows the TFNS number as H004B. The correct TPNS number for heater 4A is H004A. FSAR Figure 10.4-3, Sheet 2, was revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functlonal modifications to plant safety systems. 1


PCN S87-1-4686, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2147, 04/13/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised drawings D-350962 and D-508484 to show clearly the smoke detection system coverage in the area above partial height rooms 212, 213, and 214-in the Auxiliary Building.- FSAR Figure 9B-13 was revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design _ change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.  !



PCN S87-1-4691, Rev. 0 PORC REVIEV: PORC Meeting 2147,-04/13/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised FSAR Figure 10.4-2, Sheet 1, to show the addition sample lines with isolation valves upstream of the circulating water pump discharge pressure indicators. TPNS numbers were assigned to these isolation valves.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in_the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.


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PCN S87-1-4728, Rev. 0 y i

PORC REVIEV ' PORC Heeting 2148, 04/17/90


-l DESCRIPTION: Revised several plant ~ drawings'and FSAR figures to reflect actual design and. service conditions of . l line numbers HCB-081, HCC-239'and HCC-250:forLthe. l post accident containment venting system. fan 1 engineering. evaluation revealed thatEservice l conditions change immediately' downstream of i throttlingEvalve PCV3532 which resulted in:the necessity to-create a nev.line number and-change the limits'of HCB-081.

SAFETY EVALUATION - .This design _ change results in corrections-to j

drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections- '


' do not resultiin functional modifications _to plant-safety systems. i


PCN S88-0-4768, Revs. O and l' PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2148,- 04/17/90'

, DESCRIPTION: Revised = domestic physical drawings (D-170331,-.

D-170332~and D-170339) and the= associated FSAR~

figures-(Figures-9.4-10, Sheet 2, 9.4-9,-Sheet;1, and 9.4-14) to show the as-built configuration of-  !

'HVAC damper actuators in the; Diesel' Generator-Building, RVIS and'SVIS.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This' design change results in corrections to . '

' drawings. contained in the PSAR. These-corrections- '

do not result in functional modifications;to plant:

safety systems.

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' PCN S88-0-4772, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2148, 04/17/90 DESCRIPTION: - Revised the existing documentation for the sanitary-water system-to reflect as-built conditions. The  ;

documentation referenced drawings.that did not. -

exist._ Also, the sanitarycvater storage tank drain valve was incorrectly shovn open and.the "C"

' sanitary water pump was duplicated on two separate- '

' P&ID's. Finally,Ethe valving;at'the sanitary vater-supply-to the water = treatment plant vas. incorrectly:

- shown. FSAR1 Figure 9.2-8-vas revised'accordingly. ,

SAFETY EVALUATION: .This. design. chance;; corrections to. -

drawings contained in.the PSAR.- These corrections. l do not result in functional modifications;to plantc .-

safety. systems.


PCN S88-0-4779, Rev. 11 i PORC REVIEW: PORC Heating 2169, 06/07/90 -

DESCRIPTION: Revised FSAR Tables 6.2-311(Containment Isolation Valve Information)nand16.2-38 (Containment:

Penetrationis),. various - FSAR figures,: and _ the applicable _P& ids and drawingstto reflectithe-correct penetration numbers and service-information. --There: vere;no changes?toivalve

- arrangements,~ valve types,Jisolation; signals, normal-post-LOCA-positions,Evalve' positions _vith power. failure,'or. valve closure times.

SAFETY EVALUATION: - This design corrections to -

drawings containedfin the FSAR. iThese-corrections-

- do-not_ result inLfunctiona1' modifications;to plant-safe'cy systems, t

l r

. .]

I 50

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PCN S88-0-4920., Rev. 0 i PORC REVIEW: PORC Heeting.2150, 04/19/90 DESCRIPTION: Documented new-setpoints for the air compressors associated with-the 10 diesel generator. _Hinor.

Departure 88-1812-provided new setpoints to prevent' overlap between the air compressor start /stop

- pressure-and_the normal air receiver-pressure status lights. FSAR Figure 9.5-20 was revised-accordingly.

r SAFETY EVALUATION: ThisLdesign change updates FSAR drawings, and does-not involve an unreviewed safety question.-


PCN S88-0-4980, Revs. O and 3 PORC REVIEV - PORC Hecting 2169, 06/07/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised plant documentation to show that old model-HFA relays have been replaced. . 462 of 500 General.

Electric HFA51 auxiliary use throughout


the plant have been replaced with new " Century Series"1HPA_100 relays. -The-old model HFA51 relays cracked under severe service conditions causing the coil insulation to melt and shortJto ground, ~ '

preventing the relays from trippingLproperly. The associated FSAR: figures;were; revised to' reflect the-preceding changen..

SAFETY' EVALUATION: This design change authorizes-use of a: replacement part. The replacement part'either' meets or' exceeds the requirements.of'the partibeingireplaced.

l i

i 51 i

o 4 . , , _ , _ , _ , - , ' , , , . . . , ,

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PCN S88-0-5038h Rev. 0 PORC REVIEV PORC Meeting 2156, 05/03/90-DESCRIPTION: Revised drawing D-170110 and FSAR Figure 9.2-25 for the well water system-to show an additional existing isolation valve in the discharge line of-

-vell vater pump #2. This valve is on the underground portion of the piping and had not-been shown previously. Also, the label on tank NSP27T501 was changed to " Filtered Vater-Storage Tank" for consistency with other references.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections-to drawings contained;in the-FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications-to plant

-safety systems.


PCN S88-0-5156, Rev. 0 .

PORC REVIEk PORC Heeting 2147, 04/13/90 DESCRIPTION: Redrev plant general arrangement drawing D-170084-to a quality such that-_ legible: prints made.

-This' drawing had-deteriorated over the years-and:

had become-illegible.- FSAR: Figure-1.2-1 was.

revised accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: These changes are editorial in nature'and serve only to' clarify-the FSAR sections. These changes 1 do not-result in a physical change to the plant or functional modifications to plant safety systems.





PCN S88-0-5331, Rev. O I

PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2156, 05/03/90- l DESCRIPTION: Approved Automatic 1Svitch Company model' SA11AR-TF10A44R for use-to_ replace river water header pressure switches QSP25PS512, PSS13, PS514 and PS515. Replacement parts are no longer available and the vendori vho originally supplied the existing switches can no longer provide a seismically qualified _ switch.- The replace?.ent switches have seismic and< performance specifications-which meet or exceed those of the-existing svitches.- PSAR Figure 9.2-1, Sheet 1,.vas

' revised accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change-authorizes use of a replacement part. The replacement _part either meets or exceeds -

the requirements'of the part being replaced. ,

SUBJECT - PCN S88-0-5350, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2151, 04/20/90.

DESCRIPTION: Installed a 4" sample-connection with threaded cap on the manvay of the 2C D/G fuel. oil storage < tank, OSYS2T504. This connection providesia: method:to ,

perform routine bottom' sampling of.the: tank without: ,

removing the manvay.

SAFETY-EVALUATION: -The addition of a 4"_ threaded-sample' connection has been evaluated and_ meets the: requirements of the applicable codes. : Therefore,Jthis modification vill not invalidate the existing _ seismic

-qualification of the tank nor adversely affect its safety related-function..

l-l P


53 i-1

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PCN S88-0-5352,.Rev.?0 PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2151, 04/20/90 DESCRIPTI'JN: Installed a 4" sample connection with-threaded cap

.on the manvay of the 1-2A and 1C D/G fuel oil storage tanks,-OSY52T501 and'0SY52T503. This-connection provides.a method to perform routine bottom sampling _of the tankivithout removing the manvay.

SAFETY EVALUATION: The addition.of a 4" threaded sample connection has been evaluated and meets:the requirements-of;the applicable codes.1-Therefore,- this modification vill not invalidate the existing' seismic qualification of the tanks nor adversely affect their safety related function.


PCN S88-0-5559,~Rev.-0 PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting-2163, 05/18/90 DESCRIPTION: Corrected. computer room and control HVAC P&ID1 D-205012 to stov-actuator HV3622 installed'on OSV47V002A and actuator-HV3623 installed on-OSV47V002B, LThe drawing-had> actuators'HV3622 and HV3623 svapped. QSV47V002ALand OSV47V002B-arenthe isolatica dampers for the: computer room HVACLreturn.

fan. FSAR Figure 9'.4-1, Sheet;2,.vas revised:


SAFETY EVALUATIONS. 'This design change results in corrections to i

drawings 1 contained'in the FSAR-- These: corrections' do not result in functional modifications to plant safe ). systems.

3 54

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PCN S88-1-4788, Rev. 0,1 PORC REVIRV PORC Heeting 2165, 05/29/90_-

DESCRIPTION: Revised D-175038,-Sheet 1.-to-reflect the installation of a 3/4 inch Grinnell diaphragm valve (01P44V506), nipple and threaded pipe cap downstrtam of~the RVST sample valve (01P44V505).

This v ak vas performed under Minor Departure 87 1771 due to leak-by of the RVST sample valve.-

-FSAR Figure 6.3-1A was revised accordingly, SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change updates FSAR drawings, and does not involve an:unreviewed safety question.

SUBJECI PCN S88-1-4921, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: -PORC Meeting 2151, 04/20/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised several Auxiliary Building architectural drawings to identify room:324 as:" Primary Chemistry Lab" and room " Radiochemistry Lab". They had been incorrectly identified as "High Activity Radioactive Lab-Room"_and1" Gas Analysis Room". .The appropriate FSAR' figures and'pages-vere revised eccordingly.-

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change.results in corrections to J drawings contained-in the FSAR. These corrections

'do-not result in. functional < modifications to plant' safety systems.



PCN S88-1-4933,'Rev. 0 PORC REVIEVs. 'PORC Heeting'2151, 04/20/90 DESCRIPTION: Assigned TPNS numbers to the sample chiller air isolation valve and the sample:-panel-air isolation =

-valve. TPNS numbers-had not been assigned previously._ FSAR Figure 9.3-l',~ Sheet 8, was .;

revised accordingly.-

SAFETY EVALUATION: -This: design change results;in corrections to-drawings contained in-the FSAR. These-corrections I do not result-in functional modifications-to plant-l- safety systems.





PCN S88-1-4936, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Hecting 2151, 04/20/90 f DESCRIPTION: Documented the replacement of a commercial grade Agastat relay, part number 7012PA, with a nuclear grade Agastat relay, part number E7012PA002, in 600V load center 1K breaker EK02. This change was made by Hinor Departure 88-1841. The relay is part of the load center's emergency power supply.

Drawing C-177045 and FSAR Pigure 8.3-17 have been revised accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change authorizes use of a replacement part. The replacement part either meets or exceeds the requirements of the part being replaced.


PCN S88-1-4946, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2148, 04/17/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised D-175009, Sheet 3, to show an existing isolation valve immediately downstream of N1P15HV2221 in the post-accident. sampling system.

Also, D-175009, Sheet 1, was revised to show that the gross failed fuel detector and the reactor coolant' sample cooler are-located in-the 121' elevation piping penetration room rather than the sample room. .FSAR Figure 9.3-2, Sheets 1 and 3, were revised accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to l

drawings contained in-the FSAR. These. corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.

l l

l 56 N

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'PCN S88-1-4963,-Rev.=0~

PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2165,-05/29/90-DESCRIPTION: . Revised FSAR Figure _9.2-7 and several plant-drawings to=show the actual field configuration of the domineralized -vater system.: Isolation valve NSP11V536, which is-the demineralized vater supply .

to the diesel ~ generator building,iwas added to P&ID-D-175047. . Seal water-to vacuum breaker' isolation valves NIN51V600A&B are shown as " phantom" valves. -

Also, the Service Building HVAC cealing tover_

make-up connection vas shown as being-installed per- 3

  • PCN B70-049. FSAR Figure -9.2-7 vas revised accordingly, i SAFETY EVALUATION: Tliis design change _results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR.; These corrections do not: result inL functional ~ modifications to plant .

safety systems. f


PCN S88-1-4966, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2148, 04/17/90 .

DESCRIPTION: Revised'FSAR Figure 9.3-8, Sheet-1, and D-175039,'

Sheets 1L and 5,_to reflect the as-built-configuration-of the plant. . Sample isolation valve NIE21V317 located downstream of valve 01E21V296 was added to D-175039, Sheet 4~. LA_ sample bomb,_two.

isolation valves and two quick disconnects for the distillate sample line and the concentrate-sample line were removedifrom D-175039. Sheet 5, because-they do not. exist._ However, a; sample'line and a sample-iso?ation exist in the distillate-


sample lina (NIE21V319)?andEthe concentrate sample-line (N1E21V318)1and were added:to:the; drawing.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This desigti: change resultsiin corrections to1 dravings' contained inLthe PSARa 'These corrections d do not ' modifications to plant-safety systems. .


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PCN S88-1-5007, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2147, 04/13/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised FSAR Figure 10.4-3, Sheet 4, to show the correct location of temperature elements N1N21TE619 and N1N21TE641. Temperature element N1N21TE619 vas shown to be located on the steam generator 1A feedvater inlet line, but it is actually located on steam generator 1C feedvater inlet lino.

Temperature elemen. N1N21TE641.vas shown on the 10 feedvater line b ut is actually on the 1A line.

SAFETY EbALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These-corrections do not tesult in functional modifications to plant safety systems.


PCN S88-1-5062, Rev. 0

  • PORC Heeting 2151, 04/20/90 PORC REVIEV:

DESCRIPTION: Revised the radiation zone mags and post-LOCA radiation zone maps to reflect current dose rates and radiation zone classifications. FSAR Figures 12.1-3 through 12.1-11 and'12.1-23 through 12.1-26 vere revised to reflect the new dose rates and radiation zones.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results ia corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in f.unctional modifications- to plant safety systems.


PCN S83-1-5137, Rev. 1 i

PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2130, 02/27/90 i

DESCRIPTION: Approved the installation of a Pallnatic 'II-automatic drain valve model number 1202002 to

- replace the existing Pallmatic I drain valve model 7556-70 for the service air dryer prefilter. The Pallmatic II requires pilot air to operate which vill be provided from the service air header, FSAR Figure 9.3-1. Sheet 1, was revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design enange authorizes use of a replacement (

part. The replacement part either meets or exceeds the requirements of the part being replaced. ,

58 i


PCN S88-1-5151, Rev._0 PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2151, 04/20/90 DESCRIPTION: Redrev several piping drawings on mylar for reproduction clarity since the original dravings were on sepia or linen and no'longerrreproducible.

FSAR-Figures 9.4-12 and 9.4-13 vere revised due to the issue of the new drawings.

SAFETY EVALUATION: These changes-are editorial in nature and serve-only to_ clarify the FSAR-sectio s. ;These changes do not result in a physical change to the plant or -

functional modifications,to plant safety systet . ,



PCN S88-1-5152, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: -PORC Heeting'2169, 06/07/90 -j DE'GRIPTION: - Redrev several-plant.dravings because the originals ,

vere vorn-and-faded caus-Ing substandard '

reproductions. ' In addition,.the~P& ids fur.the CVCS -

and vaste processing systems vere redrawn to ine'lude additional sheets 1due to overcrowding of luformation. FSAR Figures 9.3-6,' Sheet 1~, and 11.3-2, Sheet-1, were-revised accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: These changes are editorial-in nature and serve-only to clarify the FSAR sections. ,These: changes-do not result in a'physicalichange tolthe-plant or-functional modifications-to plant safety systems. -

- SUBJEC1': PCNES88-1-5155, Rev. 0=

l PORC'REVIEV- PORC Heeting 2147, 04/13/90

-DESCRIPTION: Added a note:to the con":inment cool'ing andfpurge j P&ID, D-175010,-Sheet 2, stating that1 the blind flanges shown on threcil inch' diameter-lines are'

- installed only during local leak-rate:testingrand are to be removed:for power operation. ,/SAR Figure-6.2-91-was revised accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change-results in

i drawings contained ~1n' the FS/2. These-corrections-do notyresult in-functional modifications to plant:

safety systems.

I 59 .


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PCN PEB-1-5173, Rev. 0-PORC Hee' ting 2161,:05/15/90 I ]



DESCRIPTION: Corrected the TPNS number of a drain valve on the-volume control tank discharge line on CVCS drawing D-175039,-Sheet 2. This valve was shown:as 01E21V193, but-the correct TPNS number is '

01E21V198. . FSAR Figure 9.3-6:vas-revised to-reflect this'TFNS. number correction.

SAFETY EVALUATION ' This design 1 change"results in corrsctions to _ .

drawings contained in the FSAR- These corrections do not result'in functional mW )! W ier.E to plantt safety systems, iBJECT: PCH L S88-1 5239i-Rev. 0 .

PORC REVIEVt PORC Heeting.2147,'04/13/90 ,

DESCRIPTION: Revised the Auxiliary; Building: fire barrier ~

delineation drawings and fire. zone data sheets-to depict rooms, 404. 447,:420/421,.601,.602, 603,-179,

' 171,-167 and 1071as " Combustible-Storage Rooms". -

The following FSAR sections. vere' revised to depict the preceding changes: ;9B-8, 9B-9,-9B-12, 9B-17,-

9B-21, 9B-22, and FAHA for fire area 93 and Tables 9B.C-1 and 9B.C-2.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design- change :reflecta; analyses required l to demonstrate compliancefvith Appendix R.- - The

-effectivenessLof-the-fire; protection program is not.


w L


PCN S88-2-5240, Rev.10 i PORC Hecting 2155, 05/01/90 PORC REVIEV:

-DESCRIPTION - Documented'the installation-ofLa_ nuclear grade.

Agastat relay,npart number E7012PA002, in 600V load center 1H: breaker EH02 and 600V load center 1J Ebreaker- EJ02 :to replace _a commercial grade relay, part number-7012PA. FSAR Figures l8.3-13 and 8.3-16 vere. revised accordinglye D SAFETY EVALUATION:- This design change = authorizes use of a replacement part. - The-replacement.part either meets or exceeds the requirements of the part4 being: replaced.

60 L

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PCN S88-1-5242, Rev. 0 )

PORC REVIEV: PORC Meeting 2151, 04/20/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised FSAR Section 9B.4.1.9 and several plant dravings to reflect that Auxiliary Building fire hose cabinets D-108, 115 and 112 have 100 foot fire hoses installed instead of the original 75 foot hoses. The replacement hoses were installed per Minor Departure 88-1916 because of the requirement that all interior areas of the Auxiliary Building +

must be within reach of a hose stream from at least one permanently installed fire hose.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change updates FSAR drawings, and does not involve an un leved safety question.


PCN $88-1-5278, Rev. 0,3 PORC REVIEV: PORC Meeting 2165 DESCRIPTION: Revised several dravings to depict the piping modifications performed by Hinor. Departures 88-1910 and 88-1924. These Minor Departures rerouted demi.9ralized water and sanitary water make-up lines going to the Service Building ilVAC cooling tover. A note on the P61D relating to the cooling tower makeup was also removed from the drawings.

FSAR Figure 9.2-7, Sheet 1, was revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change updates FSAR' drawings, and does not involve an unreviewed safety question.

i l

t 1:


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SUBJECTI PCN S88-1-5284, Rev. O  ;

PORC REVIEV: PORC Hecting 2156, 05/03/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised plant drawings to show an existing drain valve and several existing instrument isolation ,

valves for the instrument air system. New TPNS >

numbers were assigned to these valves. Also, the '

P&ID vas revised to show that some of the subject valves are in the BTRS chiller room while others i

ere in the piping penetration room. FSAR Figure 9.3-1, Sheet 8, was revived accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This desi,n change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections '

do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.



PCN S88-1-5332, Rev. 2 PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2117, 1/19/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised FSAR Figure 9.1-1, Sheet 1, to show the -

installation of HK-192A check valves as replacenants for HK-192 check valves. The HK-192 check valves (made by Valvorth) are no longer available. The replacement valves are made by Pacific. The valves are used in various non-safety-related applications in the Turbine Buildfr.3, river water and service water screen wash systems, etc.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change authorizes use of a replacement part. The replacement part either meets or exceeds the requirements of the part being replaced.

l 62


PCN S88-1-5353, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Hecting 2151, 04/20/90 DESCRIPTION: Installed a 4" sample connection with threaded cap on the manvay of the IB D/G fuel oil storage tank, 01Y52T502. This connection provides a method to perform routine bottom sampling of the tank without removing the manvay. l SAFETY EVALUATION: The addition of a 4" threaded sample connection has been evaluated and meets the requirements of the applicable codes. Therefore, this modification vill not invalidate the existing seismic qualification of the tank nor adversely affect its safety related function.


PCN S88-1-5397, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2163, 05/18/90 ,

DESCRIPTION: Revised dravings D-175010, Sheet 2, and D-175108 to '

show the correct physical location of reactor cavity ventilation system butterfly valves 01E12V001A and 02E12V001B. The valve locations were reversed on the drawings. FSAR Figure 6.2-91, Sheet 2, was revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION:- This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.


PCN S88-1-5467 PORC REVIEV PORC Meting 2155, 05/01/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised the fire zone data sheets (D-508514, FSAR Figure 9B 42) to shov an existing double door between the Service Building and the hydraulic lift in the Turbine Building. Door number 289 has been assigned to this location. The door hat a three hour fire rating and it is installed in a vall with an equal-rating. 1 SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant.

safety systems.



PCN S88-1-5473, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2161, 05/15/90 DESCRIPTION: Created P&ID D-175042, sheet 6 for the hydrogen recombiner skid and assigned TPNS numbers to the skid valves. FSAR Figure 11.3-3 was revised to reflect this change. Also, existing documentation vill be revised to reflect the as-built location of PI-1107A.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This_ design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These correctiens do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.


PCN S88-1-5505, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2151, 04/20/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised D-170117, Sheet 4, and FSAR Figure 10.4-3, Sheet 4, to show h1P15V503, sample-line isolation valve, and N1N21V934, instrument PT-689 isolation valve. These valves, which were not previously

.shown on the referenced drawings, isolate branch lines from the main condensate and feedvater lines.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to

' drawings contained in the FSAR. Thest corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.



PCN S88-1-5506, Rev. 2 PORC REVIEW: PORC Heeting 2169, 06/07/90 l

DESCRIPTION: Revised FSAR Section and Figure 9.2-2, Sheet 2, to show alarm and isolation setpoints for service water flov to the Turbine Building. The setpoints had been changed by previous change notices.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change updates FSAR drawings, and does not involve an unreviewed safety question.

64 1

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SU'd]ECT: PCM S88-1-5583, Rev. 0-PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2155, 05/01/90 DESCRIPTION: Corrected instrumentation TPNS numbers on HVAC P&ID D-175011, Sheet 2 of 3, to aFree with as-built conditions and other drawings. The TPNS numbers vere swapped for the fire detection instrumentation on the two charcoal filters associated with the

-vaste gas compressor room. FSAR Figure 9.4-6, Sheet 2 of 6, was revised accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in-functional modifications to plant rafety systems.


PCN S89-0-5620, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2170, 06/15/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised seventeen FSAR Fire-Zone Data Sheets and their associated plant dravings to reflect as-built conditions and to enhance-their usability by operations and fire _ brigade personnel. The drawings contained errors in room and door identification, lacked some as-built architectural details and needed some clarifying notes on various room' configurations. Additionally,-two architectural drawings, D-176060 and D-206060, were revised to provide fire area designation to a duct chase.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in-corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant l

safety systems.




PCN S89-0-5814, Rev. 0 1 I

PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2161, 05/15/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised FSAR Figure 9B-29 (D-508500), Fire Zone i Data Sheet for the Service Water Intake Structure, j to identify clearly the train A and B disconnect switches and to show all of the existing bottle racks for the high pressure carbon dioxide systems i which provide fire protection to various switchgear. l SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to These corrections j drawings contained in the FSAR.

do not result in functional modifications to plant ]

safety systems.


PCN S89-0-5916, Rev. 0 l PORC Heeting 2163, 05/18/90  !

PORC REVIEV DESCRIPTION: Revised the vell water system P&ID D-170110 to shov a sample valve and pressure switch needle valvo installed on the discharge of each well water pump as indicated on the instrument detail sheets A-170254, Sheets 68, 92 and 93. FSAR Figure 9.2 was revised accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results its corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to. plant safety systems.

i i

I 66 3


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PCN S89-0-6029, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Hecting 2169, 06/07/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised the fire protection annunciator list, drawing D-170353 and FSAR Figure 9B-37, to reflect as-built conditions. Previously, the list had indicated that high pressure CO2 system 1-SV-99 provided coverage to "500 V" switchgear Bus 1-2K and 5KV disconnect svitches "No. 1 & No. 2". In fact, coverage is to "600 V" switchgear Bus 1-2K and SKV disconnect switches "1A" and "1B".

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change reLults in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.


PCN S89-0-6065, Rev. O  ;

l PORC REVIEV PORC Hecting 2151, 04/20/90 DESCRIPTION: Updated D-173490, D-173491, and FSAR Section to show the installation of a.10 second Agastat time delay relay for the #1 vell va'.er pump. Hinor Departure 89-2095 made this d ange to prevent the pump from tripping due to periodic system pressure spikes.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change updates FSAR drawings, and does not involve an unreviewed safety question.


PCN S89-0-6273, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Heating 2172, 06/21/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised drawings and FSAR Figures 98-40 and 9B-42 to show clearly that a portion of the south vall of the Unit 1 Turbine Building is shared with the Service Building and that this common vall has a three hour fire rating.

I SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to dravings contained in the PSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.


l l


PCN S89-1-5711, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Hecting 2155, 05/01/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised architectural and fire protection drawings to show the addition of two partitions to the Auxiliary Building hot instrument shop (room 403) per Hinor Departure 89-1999. The partitions are made of expanded metal and each partition contains a door. FSAR Figure 9B-24 (the affected fire zone data sheet) was revised to show the doors an6 door numbers.

SAFETY ev..LUATION: This design change updates FJAR drawings, and does not involve an unreviewed safety question.


PCN S89-1-5737, Rev. 0 PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2155, 05/01/90 DESCRIPTION: Corrected the TPNS Numbet for valve 01E21V199 on drawing D-175039, Sheet 2, in the CVCS. The correct number, 01E21V199, was placed on the drawing and FSAR Figure 9.3-6, Sheet 1.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.


PCN S89-1-5816, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2161, 05/15/90 l DESCRIPTION: Revised drawings D-508494, D-508495 and D-508496 to i delineste the areas of fire suppression coverage l provided by sprinkler system 1A-114 in the Auxiliary Building. The drawings did not-differentiate where suppression coverage was provided above cud below a suspended ceiling installed in the area. FSAR Figures 9B-23 and 24 vere revised.

l- SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to l dravings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.

L 68~



  • l PCN S89-1-5852, Rev. O I l SUBJEC1: l l

PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2161, 05/15/90 l l

DESCRIPTION: Revised several drawings and PSAR Figures 9B-9 and

( 12.1-9 to identify room number 140. Vaste Gas Decay I

Tank Drain Filter Room, in the Auxiliary Duf1 ding.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant l

safety systems.


PCN S89-1-5853, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2161, 05/15/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised FSAR Figures 9B-10 and 12.1-23 and the FAllA for fire area 1-6 to show that the phosphate tank and pump area is assigned room number 199. This PCN also corrected the MCC 1C room number from 447 to 478.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.


PCN S89-1-5962, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2169, 06/07/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised drawing D-175000, Sheet 2, for the chemical injection system to show a drain valve added to each of the five chemical injection strainers.

I l

TPNS numbers were assigned to the new valves.

l Also, four system drain valves vere noted to be i

"normally closed". These valves were added to the

system by Hinor Departure 89-2077. - FSAR Figure 10.3-5 was revised.

l SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change updates FSAR dravings, and does l

not involve an unreviewed safety question.

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PCH S89-1-6003, Rev. O PORC RE\'IEU PORC Heeting 2165, 05/29/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised Turbine Building drawings D-171603 and D-171826 to depict the three hour fire protection coating that exists on exposed structurn1 steel in the lube oil and oil storage rooms. The FSAR FAHA for fire areas 1-82 and 1-83 vere revised to document this information.

SAFETY EVALUATA Jii This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in.the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.


PCN S89-1-6250, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2172, 06/21/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised several drawings to correct the diameter of the countersunk bolt callout on the containment-recirculating line protective covers. The old 3/8 inch diameter has been corrected to show the 5/16 inch diameter. FSAR Figure 60-5 was revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: Thic design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the.FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional-modifications to plant safety systems.


PCN S89-1-6296, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2166, 05/31/90 LESCRIPTION: Revised several CCW system drawings to show the piping downstream of 01P17V124B, CCV heat exchanger drain isolation valve, as cut and capped rather than routed to the floor drain tank. This work vas performed under Minor Departure 89-2161 to allow the chromated vater to be drained into drums in order to facilitate its management. FSAR Figure 9.2-5 was revised accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION - This design change updates FSAR drawings, and does not involve an unreviewed safety question.


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PCN S89-1-6158, Rev. 0 10RC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2156, 05/03/90 DESCRIPTION: Corrected several inconsistencies found in the CVCS system dravings, D-175039 Sheets 2, 6 and 7. The inconsistencies included incorrect TFNS numbers, line numbers, and vendor equipment numbers and vere editorial in nature. The corrections vere made to avoid conflicts and confusion. FSAR Figure 9.3-6, Sheet 1, was revised accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drweings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.

SUPJECT: PCN S89-1-6359, Rev. 0 PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2166, 05/31/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised the line number downstream of 01G22V269 from 3/4" HDD-566 to 3/4" HBD-556 on D-175042, Sheets 5 and 10, for the vaste processing system.

This change was required because of a previous drawing revision that incorrectly-shoved a portion of this line as 3/4" HBD-566. Thus, the line was incorrectly referenced as both HDD-556 and HBD-566.

l 01G22V269 is the drain valve on the outlet of radiation monitor RE-13. FSAR Figure 11.3-2 was revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change-results in corrections to.

drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems, i

' 71

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PCN $90-0-6647, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2175, 07/03/90 DESCRIFTION: Revised the diesel generator compressed air start system documentation to delineate the break between safety-related and non safety-related piping and components. FSAR Figures ".J-19 and 9.5-20 vere revised accordingly. Also, FSAR Section 9.5.6 was revised to clarify the air start system design basis.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drevings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.

SUBJ2CT: PCN S90-0-6654, Rev. 0

.0RC REVIEV PORC Hecting 2194, 08/21/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised drawinga A-170750, B-175968 and D-170110 to clarify the 1:v level alarm setpoints for the fire .

protection water storage tanks. Additionally, drawing B-170249, Sheet 670, was revised to show the start-stop setpoints for the primary well vater pump which supplies the fire protection water tanks. FSAP Figure 9.2-25 was revised accordingly.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This desitt change resui'.s in corrections to drawings . red in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.

I i


l SUBJFCT: PCN S90-1-6405, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Meeting 2178, 07/12/90 DESCRIPTION: Corrected the CCV system P&ID and piping layout drawings to shov the as-built CCV piping configuration. .The following changes made vere:

1) shoved the existing relief valve discharge piping (the relief valves had been removed by a previous PCN but the entire relief valve discharge piping had been removed incorrectly from the drawing), 2) added blind flanges where the relief valves had been removed, 3) added vent plugs, and
4) removed the " closed" designation from the CCV to charging pump isolation valves 01Pl7V024 ALB. FSAR Figure 9.2-5 vas revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.


PCN S90-1-6453, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting 2175, 07/03/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised the service water system P&ID and piping layouts to show a note stating that vents, drains and outlet connections are to be capped when not in use. FSAR Figure 9.2-2 was revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to dravings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.

73 1-- - ,- -c . , , . .r-----e-. r-, , - ~ ----.t


PCN S90-1-6459, Rev. O PORC REVIEV PORC Heeting, 07/03/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised steam generator blevdown system drawings D-175071, D-175328 D-351122 and U-176572 to reflect the as-built configuration of isolation valves 01G24V005A, B & C and 01G24V006A, B 6 c.

FSAR Figure 10.4-4 vas revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant safety systems.


PCN S90-1-6500, Rev. O PORC REVIEV: PORC Heeting 2175, 07/03/90 DESCRIPTION: Revised the instrument air system P&ID D-175034,  ;

Sheet 2, to correct the TPNS number for the instrument air supply valve for 01E11HCV603B (the IB RHR heat exchanger discharge isolation valve).

FSAR Figure 9.3-1 was revised.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This design change results in corrections to drawings contained in the FSAR. These corrections do not result in functional modifications to plant rsfety systems.


GO-NG-9, administrative Control of Plant Services Approved Suppliers List," Revision 7 NORB REVIEV NORB Heeting 90-1, 03/09/90 DESCRIPTION: Revision 7 presents the changes involved ~during the formation of SNC. This includes an SNC Procurement Department totally dedicated to supporting purchasing for Southern Company's nuclear units, and the establishment of the Corporate Quality Services.section for quality evaluations of suppliers for the system's nuclear units.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This revision provides changes in organizational responsibilities as discussed above. There are no changes in the performance of quality-related purchasing or evaluations of suppliers for the

! system's nuclear units.

74 4

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GO-NG-12 " Procurement and Procurement Documont i Control," Revision 11 NORB REVIEV: NORB Heeting 90-1, 03/09/90-DESCRIPTION: Revision 11 presents the changes involved during the formation of SNC. This includes an SNC 1

! Procurement Department totally dedicated to supporting purchasing for Southern Company's ,

nuclear units, and the establishment of-the-Corporate Quality Services section-for quality evaluations of suppliers for the system's nuclear units.

SAFETY EVALUATION - This revision provides changes in organizational responsibilities as discussed above. There are no changes in the performance of quality-related purchasing or evaluations of suppliers-forLthe.

system's nuclear units.

. I


00-NG-33, " Operational Procurement-Interface-for the Joseph H. Farley= Nuclear Plant," Revision 8 NORB REVIEV: NORB Meeting 90-3, 09/19/90.

DESCRIPTION: This procedure provided guidance for operational procurement interfaces with "NP.: Revision 8-deleted GO-NG-33 secause the basic responsibilities for the Procurement' Department which had been covered by this procedure are now addressed by the SNC Procurement Departiu'nt GA Program.

Responsibilities of other organizations involved in operational procurement for FNP are described in administrative procedures listed on the Operations Quality Assurance Policy Implementation List (00APIL).

SAFETY EVALUATION: This revision deletes GO-NG-33 because its activities are addressed ~by other approved i procedures-and/or manuals.

1 i l l

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SUBJECT " Operations Quality Assurance Policy implemintation List," Revi*> 17 j NORB REVIEV NORB Hecting  ; w, 06/22/90 DESCRIPTION: Revision 17 provides the changes in the c;rporate organization and transfer of responsibilities resulting from the formation of SNC. The changes include a transfer of responsibilities for certain aspects of the Quality Assurance Program. Since SNC Corporate Quality Services is committed to maintain a program for review and audit of vendor quality assurance programs in compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, this does not reduce the scope of audit coverage described in the FSAR. Also, the responsibility for performing specification reviews has been transferred from Nuclear Administration to Nuclear Engineering. This transfer of responsibility does not change the quality assurance program commitments for specification reviews described in the FSAR.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This revision transfers the responsibility for reviewing the auditing of quality assurance programs of-suppliers of material and services for FNP from APC's Manager of Safety Audit and Engineering Review to SNC Corporate Quality Services, and transfers specification reviews from Nuclear Administration to Nuclear Engineering.

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" Safety Audit and Engineering Review Administrative Procedures Manual," Revision 18 NORD REVIEV: NORD Hecting 90-2, 06/22/90 DESCRIPTION: Revision 18 provides the changes in the corporate I organization and transfer of responsibilities I resulting from the formation of SNC. The changes include a transfer of responsibilities for certain i aspects of the Quality Assurance Program. Since SNC Corporate Quality Services is committed to maintain a program for review and audit of vendor- g quality assurance programs in compliance with the  ;

requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, this does '

not reduce the scope of audit coverage described in

't FSAR. Also, the responsibility for processing twP purchase orders has been transferred from APC's' Purchasing Department to the SNC Procurement Department. This transfer of responsibility does not change the quality assurance program commitments for procurement document control as i described in the FSAR.

SAFETY EVALUATION: This revision transfers the responsibility for reviewing the auditing of quality assurance programs of suppliets of material and services for FNP from APC's Manager of Safety Audit and Engineering Review to SNC Corporate Quality 4 Services, and transfers the responsibility for processing FNP purchase orders from the APC Purchasing Department to the SNC Procurement Department. j i

i 77 i