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Latest revision as of 08:36, 22 February 2020

Monthly Operating Repts for Dec 1979
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/04/1980
From: Fay C
Shared Package
ML19257B503 List:
NUDOCS 8001160439
Download: ML19257B506 (11)


. .



OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE Docket No. 50-266 Unit Name Point Beach Unit 1 Date January 4, 1980 Completed By C. W. Fay Telephone 414/277-2811 Unit 1 Refueling 7 outage was completed on December 1, 1979, after a 58 day outage. The unit was base loaded for 43% of the period with one forced outage and one load reduction.

NRC permission was granted to take Unit 1 back to power at 8:00 p.m. on November 30, 1979. Following completion of turbine balancing, the unit was returned to the line at 9:12 a.m. on December 1, 1979. The unit was slowly returned to power at 3%

per hour per Technical Specifications fuel conditioning require-ments, attaining final operating conditions of 557'F Th, 535.5'F Tavg and a steam generator pressure averaging 587 psig with a net power level of approximately 390 MWe (79%) at 10:15 p.m. on December 3, 1979. The reduced power level is the result of a self imposed decrease in the core average operating temperature in an attempt to inhibit corrosion of steam generator tubes within the tubesheet. Fuel conditioning at this reduced power was completed on December 7, 1979.

The unit operated until December 11, 1979, with a trace primary-to-secondary leak of approximately 50 gallons per day when the leak rate rapidly increased to about 250 gallons per day. This sudden increase in the primary-to-secondary leakage was in excers of the terms of the confirmatory order in that it exceeded c rate of 15 gallons per day average over three days and was also in excess of the maximum permitted limit of 250 gallons per day. An orderly shutdown of the unit was performed the same day. Licensee Event Report No. 79-021/0lT-0 was filed on this event.

During the early portion of the outage, an 800 psi secondary-to-primary leak test was performed on both generatc s with no leakage occurring in the "A" steam generator and the discovery of a leaking tube and two dripping plugs in the "B" steam generator. The leaking tube is considered to be the cause of the sudden 200 gallon per day increase in the leakage rate since this sudden increase in leakage of this magnitude, followed by an esser.tially leveling off of the leakage, is characteristic of deep crevice failures. The defect location was later identified as being three inches above the tube end (19" below top of tubesheet). The leaking tube was mechanically plugged and the dripping plugs weld repaired. Concurrently J754 007 8001160

2 with the repairs in "B", an eddy current inspection program of approximately 950 tubes was performed in the "A" steam generator in the regions where deep crevice tube failures have been found in the past. Subsequent to completing repairs in the "B", a similar eddy current inspection program was performed in the "B" steam generator also. Use of the Westinghouse self-contained multi-frequency eddy current trailer equipment and improved detection techniques aided in identifying defects which were unidentifiable in the October outage, in that 12 of the 19 defective tubes in the "A" steam generator and six of the 15 in the "B" could now be shown to have exhibited some degree of defectiveness in the earlier inspection program. All the tube defects found during this outage were located within the tubesheet.

Defective tubes, including tubes with defects below the plugging limit and tubes with undefinable indications were mechanically plugged in the "A" steam generator and explosively plugged in the "B" because of a shortage of mechanical plugs, except for the one leaking tube previously described in the "B" which was mechanically plugged. The following is a summary of the tube plugging that occurred during the outage.

"A" Steam "B" Steam Generator Generator 15 11 Tubes with defects >40%

3 1 Tubes with defects <40%

1 3 Tubes with undefinable indications 1 -

Tubes plugged by mistake 20 15 Total Subsequent to tube plugging, an 800 psi secondary-to-primary leak check of the "B" steam generator was performed with no leaks identified.

Unit I returned to line at 4:30 a.m. on December 23, 1979, after completion of reactor coolant system fill and vent, establishment of containment integrity and performance of primary system 2335 psi leak test (including a 2000 psi primary-to-secondary differential pressure test). When returned to line, the unit had a trace primary-to-secondary leakage of less than 30 gallons per day.

At 12:30 a.m. on December 23, 1979, during startup ope ations the unit experienced a no power trip following the initiation of a low-low level condition in the "B" steam generator due primarily to a temporary loss of communications between new shift personnel. When returned to line, a slight increase in turbine vibration as compared with prior operation was noted; however, the nagnitude later '

decreased during a power swing to evaluate the vibration was being performed. The vibration was, and is now, well below allowable limits.

1754 008

3 At 4:30 a.m. on December 26, 1979, the Unit 1 "B" safety injection pump (one of two) would not start while initiating an operational test. The 4160 V AC supply breakers for both safety injection pumps were routinely racked out during the Unit 1 cold shutdown (as required by NRC) and wer'e later racked in again to return the pumps to service on December 22, 1979. Upon investigation of the pump's failure to start, the breaker for the "B" pump was found to be one inch short of its closed position even though the control room pump status lights indicate the breaker was closed. A procedure change will be made to test the safety injection pumps after any cold shutdown and prior to criticality. Following full rdcking in of the breaker, the pump was verified operable at 4:36 a.m. on December 26, 1979.

An operational test of the "A" pump had been satisfactorily completed prior to discovering the problem with "B". Licensee Event Report No. 79-022/0lT-0 has been prepared on this event.

Per NRC request, the Unit 1 pressurizer relief line safe end to pipe transition weld was examined using ultra-sonic and liquid penetrant methods on December 15, 1979.

No discrepancies were noted.

Replacement of the north pool spent fuel racks with modified tighter spaced racks was completed this period and transfer of spent fuel from the south to north pool is presently underway.

A successful 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> durability test of the unit steam driven auxiliary feedwater pump was completed on December 31, 1979. The test was performed in accordance with NRC requirements.

Modifications to provide a more reliable primary system and containment atmosphere remote sampling operation in the event of an accident have been completed. Other Three Mile Island (TMI) related " Lessons Learned" modification work completed includes auxiliary feedwater pump flow transmitter additions and pressurizer code safety valves accoustic monitoring system installation. Work continues on IE Bulletin Nos. 79-02, anchor bolt inspection, and 79-14, seismic analysis for as-built safety related piping systems.

No other major safety-related maintenance was performed during the period.

1754 009



OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE Docket No. 50-301 Un't Name Point Beach Unit 2 Date January 4, 1980 Completed By C. W. Fay Telephone 414/277-2811 Unit 2 was base loaded for 95% of the period with six load reductions.

Between 11:40 p.m. December 5, 1979,and 7:00 a.m.

December 11, 1979, the unit operated at between 445 and 488 MWe net as required by feed pump suction pressure during isolation of the No. 4 feedwater heat exchangers for sludge lancing. Unit load was again reduced on December 16, 1979 at 8:59 p.m. until 4:35 a.m. on December 17, 1979, to 300 MWe net in order to perform tube plugging of leaking tubes in the No. 4 condenser waterbox. Unit load was reduced an additional four times per the request of Power Supply. Load was reduced to 380 MWe for six hours on December 24, 1979, to 265 MWe for seven hours and to 445 MWe for two hours on December 25, 1979; and to 243 MWe for nine hours on December 26, 1979.

During condenser leakage testing, two tubes in the No. 4 waterbox exhibited small amounts of condenser circulating water intrusion to the secondary side. The two tubes were plugged.

A successful 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> durability test of the unit steam driven auxiliary feedwater pump was completed on December 10, 1979. The test was performed in accordance with NRC requirements.

The unit "C" charging pump was taken out of service on December 6, 1979, until December 7, 1979, for motor commutator maintenance. The pump was also taken out of service at 2:00 p.m. on December 10, 1979, for pump motor brush replacement. At 2:30 p.m. the same date, the "A" charging pump was required to be taken out of service because of a valve leak. The "C" charging pump was returned to service at 4:08 p.m. so as not to exceed the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> Technical Specifications limit for two pumps out of service.

Licensee Event Report No. 79-008/03L-0 has been filed on this event due to the reduced redundancy of available pumps during this sequence of events.

Modifications to permit primary system and containment atmosphere remote sampling in the event of an accident have been completed. Other Three Mile Isl.ind related

" Lessons Learned" modification work completed includes auxiliary feedwater pump flow transmitter addition and pressurizer code safety acoustic monitoring system installation.

1754 010

2 No other major safety-related maintenance was performed during the period.

1754 011

OPER ATItlG DAli 14 EPOi 'l DOCl<ET IJO. S0-260 g -

DATE January 4, 1980 g WO COMPLETF.D DY C. W. FAY TELt PilOfJE 41'6 277 2811 OPFPATirJG STAills j

1. IJillT IJAME: POIllT DEACll tillCLI AR PLntlT lii .II T 1 . I,'OTES .
2. Rt POI:TitJG l'FR TOD: 1)ECf MD: R 1970 . .
3. LICEtlStD TilFRMAL POWER (INT 1 : iS18. . .

is . Il AMf PL ATI' R A I It1G ( G R OSr. 1lWF): S23.8 . .

S. 13151GilfL'CTRIrAL RAlING (111 T fiWl') : 8697. . .

r. HAX I!.tr i DEPT tJDACLl' CAPrCITY ( GR OS' t'WI ) : S19. . . .
7. t1AXI:II). . DEPit!OnDLE cal" CITY (hEl Mut ): 8695. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,...

H. Il CilAtlGFS Ort UR TtJ C AP/. ITY R A1 IllGC. ( t l FMS tit li!DI R 3 1110 01 C11 7 ) SINCE L AGT RFPOl'T e GIVE RFASOll5:

ilOl AP: LICABIE 9 POWFri 1.i V I TO UllICil iti ST' t r1t De IF AtiY (i tFT MM' ) : 390.el 10 F I Ac,Oll' . Fob , L r.1 ' . I Cl I of 1 e (IF AlY): C.E: AT ' / ClIMI Iii L Power restriction is the result of a self-imposed reduction in core average temperature in an attempt to inhibit corrosion of steam generator tubes within the tube. sheet crevice. Tills MOf fill YR TO DATE CUMlilATIVE 1 . I10t IRS TN l'LPoi>T TiIG PFh IOD 7 8485 8e760 80e232 1:?. t il #MBI- R OF linlJPS I f ACT'n WAG ClIT' CAL '67 /.S 6en28.0 65eSt...S 15 l'I ACl OP -l' S ' V '..litJThoht i I I' I 'I'% 7.3 1842.6 S82.P 1 36 . Ilhlil'S GFir R ATO' i.ll L I' r 86 65. < > 6et657.0 68 6, 3 9'6. 0 l 's . t o IIT RES' l V- SilllT D O bti 1101 l '. 16.8 219.0 602.84


1.>. Ge<OS Tilfi,t1AL I il PGY ^ iit l' AT! D (MWIil 507ei168 9e386e130 one752e7'iS l7 GI'OS- FI i C lRIC AL Fif 1:GY t! ' AT D (Mull) 16,e920 3,206,1 0 3 0 e#3.5.~ e 7 5 0

.N 16. ill 1 1 C1Rl': AL I to PGY J l' 1 61 O (l1Ull) I So e '4 8'e 3eOS'e82, 6 29,1"0,178 V I *. tit:1T SFRVir! FArTOR 62. . - 73.7 80.5

  1. /q. I sr o l ave ll. O t t . l Y I AC't ol. 6 86 . 2 76.2 81.0 g 21. 1 11 : 1T CAPAt T 1 Y F ACI OR (tiSillG tAnr e st T ) 86 2 . 5 70.S 786. 8

_, P . t il lI T CAPArITY FACTOR (IJSil G Ot R lilI ) 842.3 70.2 73.2 N 95 istill FORCFi) OllT AGi: R Ali 3t) . o 8.3 3. e>

P86. SilllTDOWilG ' Clif Dl'Li !. OVl R f f' XT 6 MOIOllG (lYPF, DAT'e Alib '.IIR ATIOI.I OF EACll) :

Unit scheduled to shutdown on February 29, 1980, for ten days to perform steam generator leak testing and eddy current inspection.

2S. 11- SilliTDOWil AT I: lid OF R61'<mT 8 'l l 10De t' % T I M A !i ls s is I' OF 91 An'. lJP : NOT Siltil DOWil 1)AT $ Pl Pol'11- 0 At ti t F/CTops eAl lie il F'h 'N DI Ol e ' T ' D Its 'I'r I l Ti r I- DAT! O r,' P'I; l'D D 29, 197/


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.-4 a to C -a o e6 cm o eu o '0 4 n e ca Co No. Date D. yg y jgy Licensee Event y y Cause and Corrective Action N :s m o v .C Report No. m eo To Prevent Recurrence Q- M E

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7 79105 's 9.2 C 1 N/A N/A N/A 8 791211 F 269.2 A 1 79-021/0lT CB ITEXCII An orderly shutdown of the unit was conmenced at 1713 hours0.0198 days <br />0.476 hours <br />0.00283 weeks <br />6.517965e-4 months <br /> on 12-10-79 following the confirmation of pri-mary-to-secondary leakage of 250 to 260 gallons per day. An 800 psi secondary-to-primary hydro identifiec one leaking tube and two dripping plugs in the "B" steam generator.

y The leaking tube was plugged and the w plugs were weld repaired. An eddy as current inspection program of both steam generators was also performed CD and all tubes with indications were



A 9 791230 N/A 0 B 1 N/A IIA PURBIN A loed swing from full power (390 MWe net) to 100 MWe and back to full power was performed during turbine vibration analysis.

1 1 4 F: Forced Reason: Method: Exhibit G-Instruc-S: Scheduled A- Equipment Failure (explain) 1- Manual tions for Prepar-B- Maintenance or Test 2- Manual Scram ation of Data Ent:

C- Refueling 3- Automatic Scram Sheets for LER Fi:

D- Regulatory Restriction 4- Other (explain) (NUREG-0161)

E- Operator Training & License ::xam F- AFainistrative 5 AD-28B Exhibit I- Same G- Cnerstional Error (explain) Source (01-78) 11- Other (explain)

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DOCKET NO.53-266 UNIT NAME poin t- neach IIni t 1 .-


6 2 182 12 -

8 22 - 13 3 321 13 -

3 23 233 4 369 14 -

3 _

24 369 5 383 15 -

3 25 372 6 376 16 -

2 26 372 N 7 376 17 -

2 27 373 tn A 8 377 le -

2 28 366 3, 9 _

378 19 -

2 29 367 10 380 20 -

2 30 240 31 375 AD-28A (1-77)

2 L

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8 VDEW 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 a 4 y 2 A WM e a - O B y F 7 P 1 r 7 0 t a . 2 3 n u W /

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