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{{#Wiki_filter:[-VMar-j&e1 Mc6Laughlin  
{{#Wiki_filter:[-VMar-j&e1 Mc6Laughlin - NRC Reactor Inspectiorn Schedule for 1Q07                                                           Page 1-il From:               Marjorie McLaughlin   e-.
-NRC Reactor Inspectiorn Schedule for 1Q07 Page 1-il From: Marjorie McLaughlin e-. To: Alp @; jps @; Date: 12/26/2006 1:36:05 PM  
* To:               Alp; jps @; Date:               12/26/2006 1:36:05 PM

NRC Reactor Inspection Schedule for 1Q07  
NRC Reactor Inspection Schedule for 1Q07

==Dear Jack,==
==Dear Jack,==
Alyse, and Paul: Good Afternoon.
Alyse, and Paul:
I hope that you are enjoying a happy holiday season.In an effort to improve the service we provide to our State partners, we are sending the Quarterly Reactor Inspection Schedule in a new format. Starting With this communication, we will be providing the schedule to you electronically, as an Adobe Acrobat file attached to an email. We hope that this will allow you to more easily save the schedule for future reference and to readily disseminate the information to your staff.As such, this email forwards the NRC Region I 2007 reactor inspection schedules for the Indian Point, Nine Mile Point, Fitzpatrick, Ginna, and Millstone plants. The indicated start dates for these inspections have a good degree of certainty.
Good Afternoon. I hope that you are enjoying a happy holiday season.
However, please check with me for any inspections in which you are interested to ensure the schedule has not changed. Although the schedules encompass all of 2007, we will continue to provide updated schedules on a quarterly basis.(Paul: The CDBI dates for Indian Point are listed on the schedule)Please provide me a list of the inspections you wish your staff to observe, as well as a point of contact (and contact information) for each requested inspection.
In an effort to improve the service we provide to our State partners, we are sending the Quarterly Reactor Inspection Schedule in a new format. Starting With this communication, we will be providing the schedule to you electronically, as an Adobe Acrobat file attached to an email. We hope that this will allow you to more easily save the schedule for future reference and to readily disseminate the information to your staff.
I will coordinate the necessary logistics, inspection dates, and accompaniment protocol with the point of contact and the appropriate Region I Branch Chief.Please note that Duncan White, the Region I State Agreements Officer, provided the inspection schedule for our radioactive materials licensees under separate communication.
As such, this email forwards the NRC Region I 2007 reactor inspection schedules for the Indian Point, Nine Mile Point, Fitzpatrick, Ginna, and Millstone plants. The indicated start dates for these inspections have a good degree of certainty. However, please check with me for any inspections in which you are interested to ensure the schedule has not changed. Although the schedules encompass all of 2007, we will continue to provide updated schedules on a quarterly basis.
He will be the point of contact for accompaniment on materials inspections.
(Paul: The CDBI dates for Indian Point are listed on the schedule)
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send me an email or call me on my office or cell phone.Fondly, Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I 610-337-5240 (Office)484-919-2198 (Cell)610-337-5354 (Fax)CC: Nancy Belmore 11 I e McLaughlin  
Please provide me a list of the inspections you wish your staff to observe, as well as a point of contact (and contact information) for each requested inspection. I will coordinate the necessary logistics, inspection dates, and accompaniment protocol with the point of contact and the appropriate Region I Branch Chief.
-Indn Point 2.pdf Page 11 Page I of 4 R1=11=6 11:22:02 Report 22 Indian Point Inspection  
Please note that Duncan White, the Region I State Agreements Officer, provided the inspection schedule for our radioactive materials licensees under separate communication. He will be the point of contact for accompaniment on materials inspections.
/ Activity Plan 01/01/2007  
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send me an email or call me on my office or cell phone.
-12131/2007 I--rI-ilronSItet I Start End NI "r;o II Ilr~ek~ A~lvtv rI Title 7111121 -COBI 2 IP 7111121 Comrnpo Desig, Be.oo Inspecti-o 2 IP 7111121 Cornp.orr.
Fondly, Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I 610-337-5240 (Office) 484-919-2198 (Cell) 610-337-5354 (Fax)
Design Bases Iapeclion 2 IF 7111121 C-orponooW Design Bases Inipeolr 2 1P 7111121 Corponerl Design BRes Inspeolon ISFSI ISFSI INSPECTIONS 2 IP 6O854.1 Proporaton TestingofIndependen Sport Fud Storage FacilityItallation at OCperatlng F 7111405 -FOLLOWUP NSP FOR NEW ANS SYSTEM 2 IP 7111405 Correolion of Emrrgn-ry Prepredness Weokneosoes ad Defioiejciet DEV MEMO -GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION( DEV MEMO 2 IP 7112203 RadclogicaJ Enolronmnant Moritori Program (RE1MP) And Raidaoeoive Matorial Cortrof F 71121 -OCC RAD SAFETY 2 IP 7112101 Access Cortrd to Radiological]
CC:                 Nancy Belmore 11
y Silifogni Ara, 2 IP 7112102 ALARA PlFning andl Controls 71121 -OCC RAD SAFETY 0106j2007 02112=007 0`11122=Basdino Inspecltions Baseline troporlona Bassinoo boopootior Basei~ne Irorpoolooo 0101r=~0 22VlI07 Other RopAio 01122Q=S 0lb/2Y20(7 Other Ratino Q2W20D7 022CVO Other R.OAio 02)2Sr2= 1522'O Baseline Iropedoosor 02/2V"7 0222M22 Basoline Inspections 03r22,= 22/223 7 Baslnetn Irmpetion 031,6 03110/0V Bselotn Iropections 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 IP 7112101 Acceso Cono rd to Radotogicall y Significnt Areas IF 7112102 ALARA planning and Controls ROP 8-2 -2ND QTR INTEGRATED RESIDENT INSPECTION IF 7111101 Ado. Weather PF etiaUon IP 7111104 EqLipmore AJignent (Quarterly)
IP 7111104S Equipment Alignmert IP 7111105Q FiroProloetion
I e McLaughlin - Indn Point 2.pdf                                                                                                                                                                     Page 11 Page I of 4                                                                                 Indian Point R1=11=6       11:22:02                                                             Inspection / Activity Plan Report 22 01/01/2007 - 12131/2007 I--rI-               Ilr~ek~ A~lvtv    rI                                          Title                                        ilronSItet I   Start     End     NI     "r;o         II 7111121        -COBI 2           IP 7111121             Comrnpo     Desig, Be.oo Inspecti-o                                                                 0106j2007            Basdino Inspecltions 2           IP 7111121             Cornp.orr. Design Bases Iapeclion                                                                                           Baseline troporlona 0`11122=
-Cuorlorly IP 7111106 Flood protectionr Measures IP 7111107A Heal Sink performn-e IP 71111110 Uoensod Operator Rorotifioollon program IP 71111120 Mairnoranoo Elloollveroso IP 7111113 Mairloranoo RiskoAssessmenrs and Emergert Work Control IP 7111115 Operablity Evalualions IF 7111117A permanent P1.1t Modifioalior IP 7111119 Post Mairterorce Testing IP 7111122 Survellaonre Teoting IP 7111123 Temporrry Plari Modificaions IF 7111406 Drill Evasilion IP 71152 klentilcoion and Reoludion of PFroilto IP 71152B kIertificatio and Resdut on Problerns 04101r=S 04DIi=S 0410lrlZO7 04101r=04'0=7 04miriv 0401/25 04VDl25G7 04101/207 04//0027 2W20027 20&'020V 260025W 20502007 SM201J57 Baselina broopoollor Bonolire Inspections Basolino Irorpooions Baseline Iropeolions Basolino Inspeotions Bassoine Inapootions Rooollno Inspootiorns gaoli~ne boopecboror Boootino Inspections Boooline inspectiorns Booeline Inspections Booeline Inspections Boootino Inopootioror Baaotno Inspecotiorns Boooiioo Inspectionsr Boodlno Inspectiorns Boslne Inspectionsor Ins rqort C~ Too 1,0000 rNrrJ 00 tO) RUt otlOItlon.
2           IF 7111121             C-orponooWDesign Bases Inipeolr                                                                       02112=007            Bassinooboopootior 2           1P 7111121             Corponerl Design BRes Inspeolon                                                                                             Basei~ne Irorpoolooo ISFSI             ISFSIINSPECTIONS 2           IP 6O854.1             Proporaton     TestingofIndependen     Sport Fud Storage FacilityItallation atOCperatlngF            0101r=~0  22VlI07    Other RopAio 7111405         - FOLLOWUP     NSP FOR NEW ANS SYSTEM 2           IP 7111405             Correolion of Emrrgn-ry Prepredness Weokneosoes ad Defioiejciet                                       01122Q=S  0lb/2Y20(7 Other Ratino DEV MEMO       - GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION( DEV MEMO 2           IP 7112203             RadclogicaJ Enolronmnant Moritori       Program (RE1MP)And Raidaoeoive MatorialCortrof F             Q2W20D7    022CVO    Other R.OAio 71121           - OCC RAD SAFETY 2           IP 7112101             Access Cortrd to Radiological] y Silifogni Ara,                                                     02)2Sr2=  1522'O    Baseline Iropedoosor 2           IP 7112102             ALARAPlFning andl Controls                                                                           02/2V"7    0222M22    Basoline Inspections 71121          -OCC RAD SAFETY 2            IP 7112101            Acceso Cono  rd toRadotogicall y Significnt Areas                                                    03r22,=   22/223 7  Baslnetn Irmpetion 2            IF 7112102            ALARAplanning and Controls                                                                            031,6      03110/0V  Bselotn Iropections ROP 8-2        - 2ND QTR INTEGRATED RESIDENT INSPECTION 2            IF 7111101            Ado.     Weather PF etiaUon                                                                          04101r=S              Baselinabroopoollor 2            IP 7111104            EqLipmore AJignent (Quarterly)                                                                       04DIi=S              Bonolire Inspections 2           IP 7111104S            Equipment Alignmert                                                                                  0410lrlZO7            Basolino Irorpooions 2           IP 7111105Q            FiroProloetion - Cuorlorly                                                                            04101r=              Baseline Iropeolions 2           IP 7111106            Flood protectionrMeasures                                                                            04'0=7                Basolino Inspeotions 2W20027 2           IP 7111107A            Heal Sink performn-e                                                                                                        BassoineInapootions 04miriv 2           IP 71111110            Uoensod Operator Rorotifioollon program                                                                                    Rooollno Inspootiorns 2           IP 71111120            Mairnoranoo Elloollveroso                                                                            0401/25              gaoli~ne boopecboror 2           IP 7111113            Mairloranoo RiskoAssessmenrs and Emergert Work Control                                                                      Boootino Inspections 04VDl25G7 2           IP 7111115            Operablity Evalualions                                                                                                      Boooline inspectiorns 2           IF 7111117A            permanent P1.1t Modifioalior                                                                          04101/207            Booeline Inspections 20&'020V 2           IP 7111119            Post Mairterorce Testing                                                                                                    Booeline Inspections 260025W 2           IP 7111122            Survellaonre Teoting                                                                                                        Boootino Inopootioror 2           IP 7111123            Temporrry Plari Modificaions                                                                          04//0027              Baaotno Inspecotiorns 2            IF 7111406            DrillEvasilion                                                                                                              Boooiioo Inspectionsr 2            IP 71152              klentilcoion and Reoludion of PFroilto                                                                          20502007  Boodlno Inspectiorns 2           IP 71152B              kIertificatio and Resdut on    Problerns                                                                          SM201J57 Boslne Inspectionsor Ins rqort C~ Too1,0000 rNrrJ 00 tO) RUt otlOItlon.
TNi. reorol ohm.o orty n-oiltol an anourtoeo inspection prwcOAro.It I-Mqarhior;ie-McLauahlin
TNi. reorol ohm.oorty n-oiltolan anourtoeo inspectionprwcOAro.                            It
-Indian Point 2.odf~4t PaIe 2*14 11=110)(16 Report 22 Indian Point Inspection
/ Activity Plan 01/01/2007
I-Mqarhior;ie-McLauahlin - Indian Point 2.odf                                                                                                                                                              ~4t PaIe 2*14                                                                                      Indian Point 11=110)(16                                                                            Inspection / Activity Plan Report 22                                                                              01/01/2007 - 12f31/2007 EI-i*b                                                                                                                    INOtlSt affh    Plned Dates                i INwnber      Iscio          c                                                        Tite                                    on Site      Start    -End ROP 8-2        -  2ND 0TR INTEGRATED RESIDENT INSPECTION                                                                2 2          IP 71153                  Followup of Everts ard Notic 0oErloroerorer DisCretio                                          04001r2=7  043Dy7    Bosellrr liropectlo TRUFIRE        -TIRIENMAL RRE PROTECTION INSPECTION                                                                    3 2          IP 7111105T                FiroProtesion [Trieorial]                                                                        =2i3Q=    04127r2=  Bwellee tralonlorm 2            IP 7111105T              Fire Proleotion [Trieniall                                                                      0&4rl4=    DY11O.07  Becelrn bepeotiore 7111405          - FOLLOWUP INSP FOR NEW ANS SYSTEM 2           IP 7111405                Correction lEmoergeary    Properoredas Weaknese    ard Deficieoies                            04r2ld27  0404'2    Olher Roirro 7112202            PUB RAD SAFETY - RADWASTE 2           IP 7112202                Radioactlve Material Proeessing ard Treortation                                                041/00727  0&11/r2=1  Berellr Irsopeeiors DEV MEMO        - GROUND WATER CONTAMINATIONW DEV MEMO 2           IP 7112203                Radc*nogica Enirormortal Moritoring Progerr (REMP) Ard Radoactive MaterialCortrd F              050=/17    042277-    Other R.alir ROP 8-3          - 3RD 0TR INTEGRATED RESIDENT INSPECTION 2           IP 7111101                AdversoWe, oho Prolection                                                                      04101/210G7 OB4JY    Baserle Ir*peotiora 2           IP 7111104                Equiplnet AJignort (COorterly)                                                                  Owl0/=10  04rjy      Basolne Im mpetior 2            IP 7111104S              Equipmert Ailgnenrt                                                                            04101/537 015302107 2           IP 71111C05              Fire Proteoction- QCoartly                                                                      0oavrw                Baseline Imrpectiors D0rdy 2           IP 7111106                Flood Protectlon Mssucees                                                                      06101=7              Base/va- Inpoet/or 0a53207 2           IP 7111107A              Hel SirPerformnero                                                                              04VIra7              Basel!-   Imp*eotiore 2           IP 71111110               Uceoed Operator Rerpification Progrm                                                           0410=                Baseline Irepentio.
-12f31/2007 EI-i*b INOtlSt affh Plned Dates i INwnber Iscio c Tite on Site Start -End ROP 8-2 -2ND 0TR INTEGRATED RESIDENT INSPECTION 2 IP 71153 Followup of Everts ard Notic 0o Erloroerorer DisCretio TRU FIRE -TIRIENMAL RRE PROTECTION INSPECTION 2 IP 7111105T FiroProtesion
2            IP 71111120               Moirtenance Eleoctiver-e                                                                       0410I/m7              Base/h* Iap.erioro 2           IP 7111113               Mairtnrare Risk Assessmeorts ad Emegern Work Cortol                                             MV420V7              Baselin  Imr*ateora 2           IP 7111115               Opoerility Evalutaiors                                                                         06101221)77045320D7  Baseine Impeoctiors 2           IP 7111117A               Permerert Plant Modilcatlora                                                                   041012=0  080y=      BoInv    Imopect/on 2           IP 7111119               Post Malrtoiae Testirg                                                                         04101040  045320    Basne/r Impwteor 2            IP 7111122               Surveillaneo Tostiig                                                                           04101/2007 04'102077 Bans/rie Inrpeo:Sor Basaine Imrpoltiorn 2           IP 7111123               Teorporary PlaFt Modeloftfors                                                                   06"  =7~  045320 Basel/e Irpsot-iora 2           IP 7111406               DrillEveluation                                                                                04101/Fi`  0404w=
Baselie  Irspeotiorm 2           IP 71152                 Idertification and Resolcuion dPro,,ms                                                         0410172107 ar0=73 2           IP 71152M                 Idertilicatio and Resoludon ofProbems                                                          04101/210Y70404w=    Baselin Irnpecti-on 2           IP 71153                 Fowoup of veotts ard Notlice o Erforerr'ert Diseretion                                         06101/2107 oa404=    Basel-n Im poctiore 71121           -OCC RAD SAFETY 2           IP 7112101               Access Cortrol to Radologicall y Sigificant Areis                                               07116/,007  0712Y2007 BasolirlIpeotlor 2           IP 7112102               ALARAPlanring aod Cortrols                                                                     07/1620(7  071212007 Boaselva Impect/orn 115 EXM         - 12 OPERATOR UCENSING INITIAL EXAM 2               U0I683                 FY08 - INDIANPOINT 2 INITIALEXAM                                                                101012=07  110122=07 Not Applicoae runrqerrt      roe Irorofle lNru ore] toi~ Alit ecoiloan.
2 IP 7111105T Fire Proleotion
TN. report eohmsorty err-siloard oero-rced irpeotimnprocedroes.                              i
[Trieniall 7111405 -FOLLOWUP INSP FOR NEW ANS SYSTEM 2 IP 7111405 Correction lEmoergeary Properoredas Weaknese ard Deficieoies 7112202 PUB RAD SAFETY -RADWASTE 2 IP 7112202 Radioactlve Material Proeessing ard Treortation DEV MEMO -GROUND WATER CONTAMINATIONW DEV MEMO 2 IP 7112203 Enirormortal Moritoring Progerr (REMP) Ard Radoactive Material Cortrd F ROP 8-3 -3RD 0TR INTEGRATED RESIDENT INSPECTION 2 IP 7111101 AdversoWe, oho Prolection 2 IP 7111104 Equiplnet AJignort (COorterly) 2 IP 7111104S Equipmert Ailgnenrt 2 IP 71111C05 Fire Proteoction
-QCoartly 2 IP 7111106 Flood Protectlon Mssucees 2 IP 7111107A Hel SirPerformnero 2 IP 71111110 Uceoed Operator Rerpification Progrm 2 IP 71111120 Moirtenance Eleoctiver-e 2 IP 7111113 Mairtnrare Risk Assessmeorts ad Emegern Work Cortol 2 IP 7111115 Opoerility Evalutaiors 2 IP 7111117A Permerert Plant Modilcatlora 2 IP 7111119 Post Malrtoiae Testirg 2 IP 7111122 Surveillaneo Tostiig 2 IP 7111123 Teorporary PlaFt Modeloftfors 2 IP 7111406 Drill Eveluation 2 IP 71152 Idertification and Resolcuion dPro,,ms 2 IP 71152M Idertilicatio and Resoludon of Probems 2 IP 71153 Fowoup of veotts ard Notlice o Erforerr'ert Diseretion 71121 -OCC RAD SAFETY 2 IP 7112101 Access Cortrol to Radologicall y Sigificant Areis 2 IP 7112102 ALARA Planring aod Cortrols 115 EXM -12 OPERATOR UCENSING INITIAL EXAM 2 U0I683 FY08 -INDIAN POINT 2 INITIAL EXAM 2 04001r2=7 043Dy7 Bosellrr liropectlo 3=2i3Q= 04127r2= Bwellee tralonlorm 0&4rl4= DY11O.07 Becelrn bepeotiore 04r2ld27 0404'2 Olher Roirro 041/00727 0&11/r2=1 Berellr Irsopeeiors 050=/17 042277- Other R.alir 04101/210G7 Owl0/=10 04101/537 0oavrw 06101=7 04VIra7 0410=0410I/m7 MV420V7 06101221)77 041012=0 04101040 04101/2007 06" =7~04101/Fi`0410172107 04101/210Y7 06101/2107 OB4JY 04rjy 015302107 D0rdy 0a53207 045320D7 080y=045320 04'102077 045320 0404w=ar0=73 0404w=oa404=Baserle Basolne Im mpetior Baseline Imrpectiors Base/va- Inpoet/or Basel!-
Marjorie IlcLauahlin - Indian Point 2.Ddf
Baseline Irepentio.Iap.erioro Baselin Baseine Impeoctiors BoInv Imopect/on Basne/r Impwteor Bans/rie Inrpeo:Sor Basaine Imrpoltiorn Basel/e Irpsot-iora Baselie Irspeotiorm Baselin Irnpecti-on Basel-n Im poctiore 07116/,007 0712Y2007 BasolirlIpeotlor 07/1620(7 071212007 Boaselva Impect/orn 101012=07 110122=07 Not Applicoae run rqerrt roe Irorofle lNru ore] toi~ Alit ecoiloan.TN. report eohms orty err-silo ard oero-rced irpeotimnprocedroes.
i Marjorie IlcLauahlin
Pacle 3 1 Page 3 of4                                                                                  Indian Point lWMI          11:250                                                                Inspection / Activity Plan Report22                                                                            01101/2007    - 12/31/2007 F-unf    -
-Indian Point 2.Ddf Pacle 3 1-~Page 3 of4 lWMI 11:250 Report 22 Indian Point Inspection
IuMilbar 0  IneaLoefln Acthiito      hi                                          Title hion Site HII
/ Activity Plan 01101/2007
                                                                                                                                          'IE1ol            SPlanned tr    DEn  al IF      TiTwee        I I
-12/31/2007 F-unf -IuMilbar 0'IE1ol H I SPlanned D al Ti e I hion Site I tr En IF Twe I IneaLoefln Acthiito hi Title-. -11/5 EXM -L12 OPERATOR LICENSING INITAL EXAM U01683 FY04 -INDIANl POINT 2 INITIAL EXAM 71114 -EP PRGM INSP IP 7111402 AJert and Nflifialon Syston Testling IP 7111403 Emergeroy Response Organizatin Augnertat[mi Tetring IP 7111404 Emergercy Acion Luvd and Emergency Plan Charges IP 7111405 Correctionof Emaergooy Prepero4,ea.
                -.                                                                                                                                                  -
Weeknees arid Doiciercies IP 71151-EP01 IP 71151-EP02 ERO DrillPartilipatio IP 71151-EP03 Alt & Notilicllon System 71121 -OCC RADIATION SAFETY IP 7112103 Radiation Moritoring Istrulnoatoion and Protective EquApment ROP 8-4 -4TH 0TR INTEGRATED RESIDENT INSPECTION IP 7111101 Adverse Weaer Prolectioo IP 7111104 Etipmnel Mignre (ualertly)
11/5 EXM      -L12 OPERATOR LICENSING INITAL EXAM                                                                  4 U01683              FY04 - INDIANlPOINT 2 INITIALEXAM                                                              1IA110EI7  I11lW'007  Ndt Applicable 71114          - EP PRGM INSP IP 7111402              AJertand Nflifialon Syston Testling                                                            09`17=237            Baselre Irepectiora IP 7111403              Emergeroy Response Organizatin Augnertat[mi Tetring                                            09'17/2D27            Baselne Inspectio IP 7111404              Emergercy Acion Luvd and Emergency Plan Charges                                                0iti71207  ns2van7    Baone/le- Ipectiorl Bone/no Irepectiores IP 7111405              Correctionof Emaergooy Prepero4,ea. Weeknees        arid Doiciercies                            091171207 Baseline Inpectiona IP 71151-EP01            Drill/Exerui-ePel*mnnee                                                                        09uI/1O720 Basoim Irspections IP 71151-EP02            ERO DrillPartilipatio                                                                          09117r=7 012I/M7    Beselin Irmpectiore IP 71151-EP03            Alt &Notilicllon System                                                                        0917=7 71121        -OCC RADIATION          SAFETY IP 7112103              Radiation Moritoring Istrulnoatoion and Protective EquApment                                    042407    0121=7    Basnele Inspectiorm ROP 8-4      -4TH 0TR INTEGRATED RESIDENT INSPECTION IP 7111101              Adverse Weaer Prolectioo                                                                        IO/00~7 IP 7111104              Etipmnel Mignre        (ualertly)                                                                00120047            Baslne Inapections IP 7111104S              ErItipmeet Alig-arl                                                                            1004/557  120Y2007  Bosnelr Inspectiome IP 71111050              Fire ProleWt    -DOtarloly                                                                    1001/2DD7            Basne!r Irepectiorm IP 7111106              Flood Protectio Meeasres                                                                        1051/57              Basare Irapectlor Beau/el Irepeclome IP 7111107A            Heal Sink Performauce                                                                          1001120 IP 71111110            Ucenwed Operator RequaplficalionProgra                                                          105115507 1231=05    Baseline Impeetio IP 71111120            Mairtenance Effectiveumes                                                                      10511507              Bmne/re rIpectiore 12/02 IP 7111113              Mairtenane RlskAssessmenl        and Emergend Wrk Codrol                                        MOM=55 IP 7111115              Operablity Evaluatione                                                                          10101/=57 12/30=
IP 7111104S ErItipmeet Alig-arl IP 71111050 Fire ProleWt --DOtarloly IP 7111106 Flood Protectio Meeasres IP 7111107A Heal Sink Performauce IP 71111110 Ucenwed Operator Requaplficalion Progra IP 71111120 Mairtenance Effectiveume s IP 7111113 Mairtenane RlskAssessmenl and Emergend Wrk Codrol IP 7111115 Operablity Evaluatione IP 7111117A Pen rne Plart Mociffloiota IP 7111119 Poet Mairtertince Testirig IP 7111122 Tewtlig IP 7111123 Tnporary Plait Modificaione IP 7111406 Drill Evaluati-l IP 71152 Idetificatiom and ReOeolilon of Problene IP 71152 Idertication and Resolution of Proeb e IP 71153 Fowloup it Evnt ard Notices ol E,4occernt Discrelton 7112203 -GROUINDWATER CONTAMINATIONVE V MEMO IP 7112203 Radiogical Enuironmeala Monitorire ProIram (REMP) Ad Radioactive Material Courld F 4 1IA110EI7 I11lW'007 Ndt Applicable 09`17=237 09'17/2D27 0iti71207 091171207 09uI/1O720 09117r=7 0917=7 ns2van7 012I/M7 Baselre Irepectiora Baselne Inspectio Baone/le-Ipectiorl Bone/no Irepectiores Baseline Inpectiona Basoim Irspections Beselin Irmpectiore 042407 0121=7 Basnele Inspectiorm IO/00~7 00120047 1004/557 1001/2DD7 1051/57 1001120 105115507 10511507 MOM=55 10101/=57 100112007 1001/=5 IMI1/557 1051/55 1051155 1001/=5 Moil=55 105101=120Y2007 1231=05 12/02 12/30=Baslne Inapections Bosnelr Inspectiome Basne!r Irepectiorm Basare Irapectlor Beau/el Irepeclome Baseline Impeetio Bmne/re rIpectiore Besdine Irepectiorm Baselne InStpecore Baseine Inpectiors Baaline Irepectior*
IP 7111117A            Pen      rne Plart Mociffloiota                                                                100112007            Besdine Irepectiorm IP 7111119              Poet Mairtertince Testirig                                                                      1001/=5               Baselne InStpecore IP 7111122              Survoeill*reoTewtlig                                                                            IMI1/557              Baseine Inpectiors IP 7111123              Tnporary Plait Modificaione                                                                    1051/55              Baaline Irepectior*
Banel-ne Inpections Baselare Irmpeftiore Beau/nle lrupee/one 11/05P2007 11,VW2D07 Other Routine I True ,~-ot ,u-,o urn ,re.hle Opt) nni CII1TAflF ,e4,etion 6 Th; report a/owe udy orsieelaide enooiroed nepecimo procedures II Marjorie McLauqhlin
IP 7111406              DrillEvaluati-l                                                                                1051155 IP 71152                Idetificatiom and ReOeolilonof Problene                                                        1001/=5              Banel-ne Inpections IP 71152                Idertication and Resolution of Proeb  e                                                        Moil=55              Baselare Irmpeftiore IP 71153                Fowloup it Evnt    ard Notices ol E,4occernt Discrelton                                        105101=              Beau/nle lrupee/one 7112203      - GROUINDWATER            CONTAMINATIONVE V MEMO IP 7112203              Radiogical Enuironmeala MonitorireProIram (REMP)Ad RadioactiveMaterial  Courld F                11/05P2007  11,VW2D07 Other Routine I  True,~-ot ,u-,o urn ,re.hle Opt) nni CII1TAflF,e4,etion                                    6 Th; report a/oweudy orsieelaide enooiroed nepecimo procedures                              II
-Indian Point 2.pdf Pagje 4Q1 Page 40of4 l2!WAM 11:250 Report 22 Indian Point Inspection
/ Activity Plan 0110112007
Marjorie McLauqhlin - Indian Point 2.pdf                                                                                                                                    Pagje 4Q1 Page 40of4                                                                        Indian Point l2!WAM        11:250                                                      Inspection / Activity Plan Report 22                                                                  0110112007 - 12=3/2007 wr-e      I Irsoctorl ActvIty h                ,.I                      TWtl                        Thion Sitolfl    Start PlneI  End at~st  I                Ip 71111.12      -MAINTENANCE        RULE                                                          2 2          IP 7111112B            Msrtenece Effectiveriess                                                      l2/IO'aD7 12/142=1 Basefirm hmpectc TN. report Aoo rt no(.1 iIdNP0        and OUTAGIEactivities, THs report staw. orty or-sito and arrreoo  repeetin procedures.                b
-12=3/2007 Thion Sitolfl PlneI at~st Start End I Ip wr-e I Irsoctorl ActvIty h ,.I 71111.12 -MAINTENANCE RULE 2 IP 7111112B Msrtenece Effectiveriess TWtl 2 l2/IO'aD7 12/142=1 Basefirm hmpectc TN. report Aoo rt no(.1 iIdNP0 and OUTAGIE activities, THs report staw. orty or-sito and arrreoo repeetin procedures.
b Ma.rjorilcLaughlin
Ma.rjorilcLaughlin    -   Indian Point 3pd                                                                                                                                                                Paqe lil PageI of2                                                                                    Indian Point 3 lot&20          11:252                                                                Inspection / Activity Plan Report22                                                                              011/01/2007 - 1213112007 FIR-11 I Nwnber      Ilnsoection Activity Ili                                              Title                                            an Site    Start      End            Type I1I        -I        INSPECIONS Ibb 3          IP 608541                Prooperaona            of Irdilort Testingdld            Speon Fuel Storage Facility latallation a Operating F         01AM0lI7    0131lIrW7  Olhw ROL~ine 711405        -  FOLLOWUP INSP FOR NEW ANSSYSTEM 3          IP 7111405              Correction of Emergency Proledrodnse Weaknreses and D      oricronlo                                01I022rD7  01/752627  CtherRoOine DEVMEMO GROUND WATER CONTAMINATIONI                            DEVMEMO 3          IF 7112103              RadcatkonMoniloring Intrumiation ard Proteetive Equipment                                            =52=E      OZ202tX7 Olier Rodino 71121          -  OCC RAD SAFETY 3          IP 7112101              Access Conrtd to Racdologically Sigrifiar  Arme                                                      022Y2007    0=2120(7   BElawarrIrepoelioro 3          IP 7112102              ALARAPlanning and Controls                                                                          02'75=7     03212/M7   Bradit- IreIpeoio 7111108P          IP3 IN-SERVICE INSPECTION 3          IP 7111108P              Inorioo Impaction Activities - FWR                                                                  0112l0~7   032Y200d7 BosellcoIralOollor 71121          -OCC RAD SAFETY 3          IP 7112101              Access Cotrod to Radologeall y Significant Arsem                                                    032IM21)(17 03G2t727  BasdclioIrapectlore 3          IP 7112102              ALARAPlarnnng ard Corroed                                                                            03rX.=     03rt75!W  Basdine 1-rauiecr TI-166        -  CONTAINMENT        SUW MODIFICATIONS                                                                      2 3          IP 2515166              Presourrozd Water Rmeotor Cortalonme, S&mp Sokago (NRC GENERIC LETTER 23o4-02                       O4M0K07    OW00I W    Ealay Inauee 7111405          FOLLOWUP INSP FOR NEW ANSSYSTEM 3          IP 711140                Correction of Emrgenry FrePrprwe    e  Wosleasosid DiclcO esolo                                    O4r24rM7    =262W~    Other RorLAno 7112202        -  PUB RAD SAFETY - RADWASTE 3            IF 7112202              Radioactivo Material Pronoing ard Trarlaporllion                                                    02V7,=      05/11/207  Baskal  Iragectiors DEVMEMO - GROUND WATER CONTAMINATIOND0EVMEMO 3          IP 7112103              Radiation Mortoring Irum-ertation and protective Egupmernt                                          062I4r7    0215111207 COffieRoEno 7111107        -NEAT SINK INSP 3          IP 7111107B              Heat girk Paeror-ro                                                                                  2r7/16/112  07l75=7    BonolinIrnynctlcra 71121          -OCC RAD SAFETY 3          IP 7112101              Aos. Cortrd to Racologlcadl y Sigrlicair Arm                                                        07/162DI    07111202D7 Basdino IraIpooyore 3          IP 7112102              ALOARA  Rlanring ad Cortrole                                                                        a7/11111207 07/02Y=17 Beadino Irapoctior.
-Indian Point 3pd Paqe lil Page I of 2 lot&20 11:252 Report 22 Indian Point 3 Inspection
71114          - EP  PRGM INSP 3           IP 7111402              Ajlet ard Notfication SystemnTesting                                                                09/72I)7I              Boendin Irapectiors 3           IP 7111403              Eorerg"*vy Reponrse Orgwiration Augroeraion Tesling                                                  09117/217  0W21/112  Bandine Iropeothor 3           IP 7111404              Emergancy AotionLewe ard Enrorgency plan Chleg.s                                                    09M7l2I07              Baseline Inmpectiore 0W2112027 3           IP 7111405              Correction of Emregernry Prepaorenss Wesooel s      and Ddicoierieo                                09117rXW              Basai. Iropectiora 751210127u 3           IP 71151-EFO1            Drill/ExercisePerlornmarne                                                                          09117=07              Baselne Irapetiora 3           IP 71151-EP02          ERO Drillparticipation                                                                              09117/207              Baseline Inspecion 0V21120(7 Basalino I.po:tions 3           IP 71151-E03            AJert &Notfication Syaletr                                                                          0217/20C7 I  TN. r~l    ~    on 0,001. INFO so, OIJTAGF .ctioilios ITn op.o h-aS *d o-nits ad amed iepectionp~oalree                                            II
/ Activity Plan 011/01/2007
-1213112007 FIR-11 I Nwnber an Site Start End Type Ilnsoection Activity Ili Title I1I -I Ibb INSPECIONS 3 IP 608541 Prooperaona Testingdld of Irdilort Speon Fuel Storage Facility latallation a Operating F 711405 -FOLLOWUP INSP FOR NEW ANS SYSTEM 3 IP 7111405 Correction of Emergency Proledrodnse Weaknreses and D oricronlo DEV MEMO GROUND WATER CONTAMINATIONI DEV MEMO 3 IF 7112103 Radcatkon Moniloring Intrumiation ard Proteetive Equipment 71121 -OCC RAD SAFETY 3 IP 7112101 Access Conrtd to Racdologicall y Sigrifiar Arme 3 IP 7112102 ALARA Planning and Controls 7111108P IP3 IN-SERVICE INSPECTION 3 IP 7111108P Inorioo Impaction Activities
Marjrie McLaughlin - Indian Point 3.pdf                                                                                                                                                                Page 201
-FWR 71121 -OCC RAD SAFETY 3 IP 7112101 Access Cotrod to Radologeall y Significant Arsem 3 IP 7112102 ALARA Plarnnng ard Corroed TI-166 -CONTAINMENT SUW MODIFICATIONS 3 IP 2515166 Presourrozd Water Rmeotor Cortalonme, S&mp Sokago (NRC GENERIC LETTER 23o4-02 7111405 FOLLOWUP INSP FOR NEW ANS SYSTEM 3 IP 711140 Correction of Emrgenry Fre Prprwe e Wosleasosid DiclcO esolo 7112202 -PUB RAD SAFETY -RADWASTE 3 IF 7112202 Radioactivo Material Pronoing ard Trarlaporllion DEV MEMO -GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION D0EV MEMO 3 IP 7112103 Radiation Mortoring Irum-ertation and protective Egupmernt 7111107 -NEAT SINK INSP 3 IP 7111107B Heat girk Paeror-ro 71121 -OCC RAD SAFETY 3 IP 7112101 Aos. Cortrd to Racologlcadl y Sigrlicair Arm 3 IP 7112102 ALOARA Rlanring ad Cortrole 71114 -EP PRGM INSP 3 IP 7111402 Ajlet ard Notfication Systemn Testing 3 IP 7111403 Reponrse Orgwiration Augroeraion Tesling 3 IP 7111404 Emergancy Aotion Lewe ard Enrorgency plan Chleg.s 3 IP 7111405 Correction of Emregernry Prepaorenss Wesooel s and Ddicoierieo 3 IP 71151-EFO1 Drill/ExercisePerlornmarne 3 IP 71151-EP02 ERO Drill participation 3 IP 71151-E03 AJert & Notfication Syaletr 01AM0lI7 0131lIrW7 Olhw ROL~ine 01I022rD7 01/752627 Cther RoOine=52=E OZ202tX7 Olier Rodino 022Y2007 0=2120(7 BElawarr Irepoelioro 02'75=7 03212/M7 Bradit- IreIpeoio 0112l0~7 032Y200d7 Bosellco IralOollor 032IM21)(17 03G2t727 Basdclio Irapectlore 03rX.= 03rt75!W Basd ine 1-rauiecr 2 O4M0K07 OW00I W Ealay Inauee O4r24rM7 =262W~ Other RorLAno 02V7,= 05/11/207 Baskal Iragectiors 062I4r7 0215111207 COffie RoEno 2r7/16/112 07l75=7 Bonolin Irnynctlcra 07/162DI 07111202D7 Basdino IraIpooyore a7/11111207 07/02Y=17 Beadino Irapoctior.
  . .,  , , I Peg. 2of 2                                                                                Indian Point 3 12!A26        11:25:28                                                            Inspection / Activity Plan Report 22 0110112007 - 12/31/2007 F-Unh--h I Number    lnonectlon Activity hi                                              Title                                        lionStte  Ii    Start      End    i          Tv.        I 4
09/72I)7I 09117/217 09M7l2I07 09117rXW 09117=07 09117/207 0217/20C7 0W21/112 0W2112027 751210127u 0V21120(7 Boendin Irapectiors Bandine Iropeothor Baseline Inmpectiore Basai. Iropectiora Baselne Irapetiora Baseline Inspecion Basalino I.po:tions I TN. r~l ~ on 0,001. INFO so, OIJTAGF .ctioilios ITn op.o h-aS *d o-nits ad amed iepectionp~oalree II Marjrie McLaughlin
71121         - Ui*      ,AUATXJN SAFETY 3       IP 7112103              Radaiion Moritoring truerlnoone    and Protective Ecoprner                                        09264rA      W28=67    Bitoeir  trupectior 7111111B        LO. REOUALICICATION          PROG+PIF REVIEW 3       IP 7111111B              Uonred Operator Relo*lifioalon Progrm                                                              Oa?4r2C7      W28=67    B-itreio 1repooti 7111121      -CDBI 3       IP 7111121              Cnpopri Design B.o. Irepoti-                                                                      l(YOl12O7 htY2OD7        Bwimoovlrpeohlorm 3       IP 7111121              Compo..rl Dosig, B..e Iropoion                                                                    101156AW 16/1SO7        itoeehro Iropoolo, 3       IP 7111121              C  ponort Dosig B.-e Inpetdion                                                                    10'2Y2O7    I IXZ7      Bi-oein Irepeohlooe 3       IP 7111121              Comporne Dosig, B.-es Inspoion                                                                          II/&W I 1/O2O007 Baselneiv rspeotbor 7112203      -  GROUNDWATER          CONTAMINATION, DEV MEMO 3       IP 71122M                Racdologicd Emniror-letal Moritroirn Program (REMP) Akl Rracioactive Materil Corted P              11l061A7    11/02007    C31ooRooLto 71111.12     -MAINTENANCE RULE 3         IP 7111112B             Mainrten     Elfe4tivo                                                                             121l02D7   12/142=7   Pedt     IropwOtore I TN. roont r~   too innkrle   IWO 001 O&JTAOFortinitbon Thia reportam      ripo -to   ard ar-roo           odopmmroedrs                         I}}
-Indian Point 3.pdf Page 201.., , , I Peg. 2of 2 12!A26 11:25:28 Report 22 Indian Point 3 Inspection
/ Activity Plan 0110112007
-12/31/2007 F-Unh--h I Number lionStte Ii Start End i Tv. I lnonectlon Activity hi Title 71121 -,AUATXJN SAFETY 3 IP 7112103 Radaiion Moritoring truerlno one and Protective Ecoprner 7111111B LO. REOUALICICATION PROG+PIF REVIEW 3 IP 7111111B Uonred Operator Relo*lifioalon Progrm 7111121 -CDBI 3 IP 7111121 Cnpopri Design B.o. Irepoti-3 IP 7111121 Compo..rl Dosig, B..e Iropoion 3 IP 7111121 C ponort Dosig B.-e Inpetdion 3 IP 7111121 Comporne Dosig, B.-es Inspoion 7112203 -GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION, DEV MEMO 3 IP 71122M Racdologicd Emniror-letal Moritroirn Program (REMP) Akl Rr 71111.12 -MAINTENANCE RULE 3 IP 7111112B Mainrten Elfe4tivo 4 acioactive Materil Corted P 09264rA W28=67 Bitoeir trupectior Oa?4r2C7 W28=67 B-itreio 1repooti l(YOl12O7 htY2OD7 Bwimoov lrpeohlorm 101156AW 16/1SO7 itoeehro Iropoolo, 10'2Y2O7 I IXZ7 Bi-oein Irepeohlooe II/&W I 1/O2O007 Baselneiv rspeotbor 11l061A7 11/02007 C31oo RooLto 121l02D7 12/142=7 Pedt IropwOtore I TN. roont r~ too innkrle IWO 001 O&JTAOF ortinitbon Thia report am ripo -to ard ar-roo odopmmroedrs I}}

Revision as of 08:52, 23 November 2019

E-Mail from Mclaughlin to Alp@Nyserda.Org, NRC Reactor Inspection Schedule for 1Q07
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/26/2006
From: Marjorie Mclaughlin
To: Eddy P
State of NY, State of NY, Energy Research & Development Authority
Download: ML070880621 (7)


[-VMar-j&e1 Mc6Laughlin - NRC Reactor Inspectiorn Schedule for 1Q07 Page 1-il From: Marjorie McLaughlin e-.

  • To: Alp; jps @; Date: 12/26/2006 1:36:05 PM


NRC Reactor Inspection Schedule for 1Q07

Dear Jack,

Alyse, and Paul:

Good Afternoon. I hope that you are enjoying a happy holiday season.

In an effort to improve the service we provide to our State partners, we are sending the Quarterly Reactor Inspection Schedule in a new format. Starting With this communication, we will be providing the schedule to you electronically, as an Adobe Acrobat file attached to an email. We hope that this will allow you to more easily save the schedule for future reference and to readily disseminate the information to your staff.

As such, this email forwards the NRC Region I 2007 reactor inspection schedules for the Indian Point, Nine Mile Point, Fitzpatrick, Ginna, and Millstone plants. The indicated start dates for these inspections have a good degree of certainty. However, please check with me for any inspections in which you are interested to ensure the schedule has not changed. Although the schedules encompass all of 2007, we will continue to provide updated schedules on a quarterly basis.

(Paul: The CDBI dates for Indian Point are listed on the schedule)

Please provide me a list of the inspections you wish your staff to observe, as well as a point of contact (and contact information) for each requested inspection. I will coordinate the necessary logistics, inspection dates, and accompaniment protocol with the point of contact and the appropriate Region I Branch Chief.

Please note that Duncan White, the Region I State Agreements Officer, provided the inspection schedule for our radioactive materials licensees under separate communication. He will be the point of contact for accompaniment on materials inspections.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send me an email or call me on my office or cell phone.

Fondly, Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I 610-337-5240 (Office) 484-919-2198 (Cell) 610-337-5354 (Fax)

CC: Nancy Belmore 11

I e McLaughlin - Indn Point 2.pdf Page 11 Page I of 4 Indian Point R1=11=6 11:22:02 Inspection / Activity Plan Report 22 01/01/2007 - 12131/2007 I--rI- Ilr~ek~ A~lvtv rI Title ilronSItet I Start End NI "r;o II 7111121 -COBI 2 IP 7111121 Comrnpo Desig, Be.oo Inspecti-o 0106j2007 Basdino Inspecltions 2 IP 7111121 Cornp.orr. Design Bases Iapeclion Baseline troporlona 0`11122=

2 IF 7111121 C-orponooWDesign Bases Inipeolr 02112=007 Bassinooboopootior 2 1P 7111121 Corponerl Design BRes Inspeolon Basei~ne Irorpoolooo ISFSI ISFSIINSPECTIONS 2 IP 6O854.1 Proporaton TestingofIndependen Sport Fud Storage FacilityItallation atOCperatlngF 0101r=~0 22VlI07 Other RopAio 7111405 - FOLLOWUP NSP FOR NEW ANS SYSTEM 2 IP 7111405 Correolion of Emrrgn-ry Prepredness Weokneosoes ad Defioiejciet 01122Q=S 0lb/2Y20(7 Other Ratino DEV MEMO - GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION( DEV MEMO 2 IP 7112203 RadclogicaJ Enolronmnant Moritori Program (RE1MP)And Raidaoeoive MatorialCortrof F Q2W20D7 022CVO Other R.OAio 71121 - OCC RAD SAFETY 2 IP 7112101 Access Cortrd to Radiological] y Silifogni Ara, 02)2Sr2= 1522'O Baseline Iropedoosor 2 IP 7112102 ALARAPlFning andl Controls 02/2V"7 0222M22 Basoline Inspections 71121 -OCC RAD SAFETY 2 IP 7112101 Acceso Cono rd toRadotogicall y Significnt Areas 03r22,= 22/223 7 Baslnetn Irmpetion 2 IF 7112102 ALARAplanning and Controls 031,6 03110/0V Bselotn Iropections ROP 8-2 - 2ND QTR INTEGRATED RESIDENT INSPECTION 2 IF 7111101 Ado. Weather PF etiaUon 04101r=S Baselinabroopoollor 2 IP 7111104 EqLipmore AJignent (Quarterly) 04DIi=S Bonolire Inspections 2 IP 7111104S Equipment Alignmert 0410lrlZO7 Basolino Irorpooions 2 IP 7111105Q FiroProloetion - Cuorlorly 04101r= Baseline Iropeolions 2 IP 7111106 Flood protectionrMeasures 04'0=7 Basolino Inspeotions 2W20027 2 IP 7111107A Heal Sink performn-e BassoineInapootions 04miriv 2 IP 71111110 Uoensod Operator Rorotifioollon program Rooollno Inspootiorns 2 IP 71111120 Mairnoranoo Elloollveroso 0401/25 gaoli~ne boopecboror 2 IP 7111113 Mairloranoo RiskoAssessmenrs and Emergert Work Control Boootino Inspections 04VDl25G7 2 IP 7111115 Operablity Evalualions Boooline inspectiorns 2 IF 7111117A permanent P1.1t Modifioalior 04101/207 Booeline Inspections 20&'020V 2 IP 7111119 Post Mairterorce Testing Booeline Inspections 260025W 2 IP 7111122 Survellaonre Teoting Boootino Inopootioror 2 IP 7111123 Temporrry Plari Modificaions 04//0027 Baaotno Inspecotiorns 2 IF 7111406 DrillEvasilion Boooiioo Inspectionsr 2 IP 71152 klentilcoion and Reoludion of PFroilto 20502007 Boodlno Inspectiorns 2 IP 71152B kIertificatio and Resdut on Problerns SM201J57 Boslne Inspectionsor Ins rqort C~ Too1,0000 rNrrJ 00 tO) RUt otlOItlon.

TNi. reorol ohm.oorty n-oiltolan anourtoeo inspectionprwcOAro. It

I-Mqarhior;ie-McLauahlin - Indian Point 2.odf ~4t PaIe 2*14 Indian Point 11=110)(16 Inspection / Activity Plan Report 22 01/01/2007 - 12f31/2007 EI-i*b INOtlSt affh Plned Dates i INwnber Iscio c Tite on Site Start -End ROP 8-2 - 2ND 0TR INTEGRATED RESIDENT INSPECTION 2 2 IP 71153 Followup of Everts ard Notic 0oErloroerorer DisCretio 04001r2=7 043Dy7 Bosellrr liropectlo TRUFIRE -TIRIENMAL RRE PROTECTION INSPECTION 3 2 IP 7111105T FiroProtesion [Trieorial] =2i3Q= 04127r2= Bwellee tralonlorm 2 IP 7111105T Fire Proleotion [Trieniall 0&4rl4= DY11O.07 Becelrn bepeotiore 7111405 - FOLLOWUP INSP FOR NEW ANS SYSTEM 2 IP 7111405 Correction lEmoergeary Properoredas Weaknese ard Deficieoies 04r2ld27 0404'2 Olher Roirro 7112202 PUB RAD SAFETY - RADWASTE 2 IP 7112202 Radioactlve Material Proeessing ard Treortation 041/00727 0&11/r2=1 Berellr Irsopeeiors DEV MEMO - GROUND WATER CONTAMINATIONW DEV MEMO 2 IP 7112203 Radc*nogica Enirormortal Moritoring Progerr (REMP) Ard Radoactive MaterialCortrd F 050=/17 042277- Other R.alir ROP 8-3 - 3RD 0TR INTEGRATED RESIDENT INSPECTION 2 IP 7111101 AdversoWe, oho Prolection 04101/210G7 OB4JY Baserle Ir*peotiora 2 IP 7111104 Equiplnet AJignort (COorterly) Owl0/=10 04rjy Basolne Im mpetior 2 IP 7111104S Equipmert Ailgnenrt 04101/537 015302107 2 IP 71111C05 Fire Proteoction- QCoartly 0oavrw Baseline Imrpectiors D0rdy 2 IP 7111106 Flood Protectlon Mssucees 06101=7 Base/va- Inpoet/or 0a53207 2 IP 7111107A Hel SirPerformnero 04VIra7 Basel!- Imp*eotiore 2 IP 71111110 Uceoed Operator Rerpification Progrm 0410= Baseline Irepentio.

2 IP 71111120 Moirtenance Eleoctiver-e 0410I/m7 Base/h* Iap.erioro 2 IP 7111113 Mairtnrare Risk Assessmeorts ad Emegern Work Cortol MV420V7 Baselin Imr*ateora 2 IP 7111115 Opoerility Evalutaiors 06101221)77045320D7 Baseine Impeoctiors 2 IP 7111117A Permerert Plant Modilcatlora 041012=0 080y= BoInv Imopect/on 2 IP 7111119 Post Malrtoiae Testirg 04101040 045320 Basne/r Impwteor 2 IP 7111122 Surveillaneo Tostiig 04101/2007 04'102077 Bans/rie Inrpeo:Sor Basaine Imrpoltiorn 2 IP 7111123 Teorporary PlaFt Modeloftfors 06" =7~ 045320 Basel/e Irpsot-iora 2 IP 7111406 DrillEveluation 04101/Fi` 0404w=

Baselie Irspeotiorm 2 IP 71152 Idertification and Resolcuion dPro,,ms 0410172107 ar0=73 2 IP 71152M Idertilicatio and Resoludon ofProbems 04101/210Y70404w= Baselin Irnpecti-on 2 IP 71153 Fowoup of veotts ard Notlice o Erforerr'ert Diseretion 06101/2107 oa404= Basel-n Im poctiore 71121 -OCC RAD SAFETY 2 IP 7112101 Access Cortrol to Radologicall y Sigificant Areis 07116/,007 0712Y2007 BasolirlIpeotlor 2 IP 7112102 ALARAPlanring aod Cortrols 07/1620(7 071212007 Boaselva Impect/orn 115 EXM - 12 OPERATOR UCENSING INITIAL EXAM 2 U0I683 FY08 - INDIANPOINT 2 INITIALEXAM 101012=07 110122=07 Not Applicoae runrqerrt roe Irorofle lNru ore] toi~ Alit ecoiloan.

TN. report eohmsorty err-siloard oero-rced irpeotimnprocedroes. i

Marjorie IlcLauahlin - Indian Point 2.Ddf


Pacle 3 1 Page 3 of4 Indian Point lWMI 11:250 Inspection / Activity Plan Report22 01101/2007 - 12/31/2007 F-unf -

IuMilbar 0 IneaLoefln Acthiito hi Title hion Site HII

'IE1ol SPlanned tr DEn al IF TiTwee I I

-. -

11/5 EXM -L12 OPERATOR LICENSING INITAL EXAM 4 U01683 FY04 - INDIANlPOINT 2 INITIALEXAM 1IA110EI7 I11lW'007 Ndt Applicable 71114 - EP PRGM INSP IP 7111402 AJertand Nflifialon Syston Testling 09`17=237 Baselre Irepectiora IP 7111403 Emergeroy Response Organizatin Augnertat[mi Tetring 09'17/2D27 Baselne Inspectio IP 7111404 Emergercy Acion Luvd and Emergency Plan Charges 0iti71207 ns2van7 Baone/le- Ipectiorl Bone/no Irepectiores IP 7111405 Correctionof Emaergooy Prepero4,ea. Weeknees arid Doiciercies 091171207 Baseline Inpectiona IP 71151-EP01 Drill/Exerui-ePel*mnnee 09uI/1O720 Basoim Irspections IP 71151-EP02 ERO DrillPartilipatio 09117r=7 012I/M7 Beselin Irmpectiore IP 71151-EP03 Alt &Notilicllon System 0917=7 71121 -OCC RADIATION SAFETY IP 7112103 Radiation Moritoring Istrulnoatoion and Protective EquApment 042407 0121=7 Basnele Inspectiorm ROP 8-4 -4TH 0TR INTEGRATED RESIDENT INSPECTION IP 7111101 Adverse Weaer Prolectioo IO/00~7 IP 7111104 Etipmnel Mignre (ualertly) 00120047 Baslne Inapections IP 7111104S ErItipmeet Alig-arl 1004/557 120Y2007 Bosnelr Inspectiome IP 71111050 Fire ProleWt -DOtarloly 1001/2DD7 Basne!r Irepectiorm IP 7111106 Flood Protectio Meeasres 1051/57 Basare Irapectlor Beau/el Irepeclome IP 7111107A Heal Sink Performauce 1001120 IP 71111110 Ucenwed Operator RequaplficalionProgra 105115507 1231=05 Baseline Impeetio IP 71111120 Mairtenance Effectiveumes 10511507 Bmne/re rIpectiore 12/02 IP 7111113 Mairtenane RlskAssessmenl and Emergend Wrk Codrol MOM=55 IP 7111115 Operablity Evaluatione 10101/=57 12/30=

IP 7111117A Pen rne Plart Mociffloiota 100112007 Besdine Irepectiorm IP 7111119 Poet Mairtertince Testirig 1001/=5 Baselne InStpecore IP 7111122 Survoeill*reoTewtlig IMI1/557 Baseine Inpectiors IP 7111123 Tnporary Plait Modificaione 1051/55 Baaline Irepectior*

IP 7111406 DrillEvaluati-l 1051155 IP 71152 Idetificatiom and ReOeolilonof Problene 1001/=5 Banel-ne Inpections IP 71152 Idertication and Resolution of Proeb e Moil=55 Baselare Irmpeftiore IP 71153 Fowloup it Evnt ard Notices ol E,4occernt Discrelton 105101= Beau/nle lrupee/one 7112203 - GROUINDWATER CONTAMINATIONVE V MEMO IP 7112203 Radiogical Enuironmeala MonitorireProIram (REMP)Ad RadioactiveMaterial Courld F 11/05P2007 11,VW2D07 Other Routine I True,~-ot ,u-,o urn ,re.hle Opt) nni CII1TAflF,e4,etion 6 Th; report a/oweudy orsieelaide enooiroed nepecimo procedures II

Marjorie McLauqhlin - Indian Point 2.pdf Pagje 4Q1 Page 40of4 Indian Point l2!WAM 11:250 Inspection / Activity Plan Report 22 0110112007 - 12=3/2007 wr-e I Irsoctorl ActvIty h ,.I TWtl Thion Sitolfl Start PlneI End at~st I Ip 71111.12 -MAINTENANCE RULE 2 2 IP 7111112B Msrtenece Effectiveriess l2/IO'aD7 12/142=1 Basefirm hmpectc TN. report Aoo rt no(.1 iIdNP0 and OUTAGIEactivities, THs report staw. orty or-sito and arrreoo repeetin procedures. b

Ma.rjorilcLaughlin - Indian Point 3pd Paqe lil PageI of2 Indian Point 3 lot&20 11:252 Inspection / Activity Plan Report22 011/01/2007 - 1213112007 FIR-11 I Nwnber Ilnsoection Activity Ili Title an Site Start End Type I1I -I INSPECIONS Ibb 3 IP 608541 Prooperaona of Irdilort Testingdld Speon Fuel Storage Facility latallation a Operating F 01AM0lI7 0131lIrW7 Olhw ROL~ine 711405 - FOLLOWUP INSP FOR NEW ANSSYSTEM 3 IP 7111405 Correction of Emergency Proledrodnse Weaknreses and D oricronlo 01I022rD7 01/752627 CtherRoOine DEVMEMO GROUND WATER CONTAMINATIONI DEVMEMO 3 IF 7112103 RadcatkonMoniloring Intrumiation ard Proteetive Equipment =52=E OZ202tX7 Olier Rodino 71121 - OCC RAD SAFETY 3 IP 7112101 Access Conrtd to Racdologically Sigrifiar Arme 022Y2007 0=2120(7 BElawarrIrepoelioro 3 IP 7112102 ALARAPlanning and Controls 02'75=7 03212/M7 Bradit- IreIpeoio 7111108P IP3 IN-SERVICE INSPECTION 3 IP 7111108P Inorioo Impaction Activities - FWR 0112l0~7 032Y200d7 BosellcoIralOollor 71121 -OCC RAD SAFETY 3 IP 7112101 Access Cotrod to Radologeall y Significant Arsem 032IM21)(17 03G2t727 BasdclioIrapectlore 3 IP 7112102 ALARAPlarnnng ard Corroed 03rX.= 03rt75!W Basdine 1-rauiecr TI-166 - CONTAINMENT SUW MODIFICATIONS 2 3 IP 2515166 Presourrozd Water Rmeotor Cortalonme, S&mp Sokago (NRC GENERIC LETTER 23o4-02 O4M0K07 OW00I W Ealay Inauee 7111405 FOLLOWUP INSP FOR NEW ANSSYSTEM 3 IP 711140 Correction of Emrgenry FrePrprwe e Wosleasosid DiclcO esolo O4r24rM7 =262W~ Other RorLAno 7112202 - PUB RAD SAFETY - RADWASTE 3 IF 7112202 Radioactivo Material Pronoing ard Trarlaporllion 02V7,= 05/11/207 Baskal Iragectiors DEVMEMO - GROUND WATER CONTAMINATIOND0EVMEMO 3 IP 7112103 Radiation Mortoring Irum-ertation and protective Egupmernt 062I4r7 0215111207 COffieRoEno 7111107 -NEAT SINK INSP 3 IP 7111107B Heat girk Paeror-ro 2r7/16/112 07l75=7 BonolinIrnynctlcra 71121 -OCC RAD SAFETY 3 IP 7112101 Aos. Cortrd to Racologlcadl y Sigrlicair Arm 07/162DI 07111202D7 Basdino IraIpooyore 3 IP 7112102 ALOARA Rlanring ad Cortrole a7/11111207 07/02Y=17 Beadino Irapoctior.

71114 - EP PRGM INSP 3 IP 7111402 Ajlet ard Notfication SystemnTesting 09/72I)7I Boendin Irapectiors 3 IP 7111403 Eorerg"*vy Reponrse Orgwiration Augroeraion Tesling 09117/217 0W21/112 Bandine Iropeothor 3 IP 7111404 Emergancy AotionLewe ard Enrorgency plan Chleg.s 09M7l2I07 Baseline Inmpectiore 0W2112027 3 IP 7111405 Correction of Emregernry Prepaorenss Wesooel s and Ddicoierieo 09117rXW Basai. Iropectiora 751210127u 3 IP 71151-EFO1 Drill/ExercisePerlornmarne 09117=07 Baselne Irapetiora 3 IP 71151-EP02 ERO Drillparticipation 09117/207 Baseline Inspecion 0V21120(7 Basalino I.po:tions 3 IP 71151-E03 AJert &Notfication Syaletr 0217/20C7 I TN. r~l ~ on 0,001. INFO so, OIJTAGF .ctioilios ITn op.o h-aS *d o-nits ad amed iepectionp~oalree II

Marjrie McLaughlin - Indian Point 3.pdf Page 201

. ., , , I Peg. 2of 2 Indian Point 3 12!A26 11:25:28 Inspection / Activity Plan Report 22 0110112007 - 12/31/2007 F-Unh--h I Number lnonectlon Activity hi Title lionStte Ii Start End i Tv. I 4

71121 - Ui* ,AUATXJN SAFETY 3 IP 7112103 Radaiion Moritoring truerlnoone and Protective Ecoprner 09264rA W28=67 Bitoeir trupectior 7111111B LO. REOUALICICATION PROG+PIF REVIEW 3 IP 7111111B Uonred Operator Relo*lifioalon Progrm Oa?4r2C7 W28=67 B-itreio 1repooti 7111121 -CDBI 3 IP 7111121 Cnpopri Design B.o. Irepoti- l(YOl12O7 htY2OD7 Bwimoovlrpeohlorm 3 IP 7111121 Compo..rl Dosig, B..e Iropoion 101156AW 16/1SO7 itoeehro Iropoolo, 3 IP 7111121 C ponort Dosig B.-e Inpetdion 10'2Y2O7 I IXZ7 Bi-oein Irepeohlooe 3 IP 7111121 Comporne Dosig, B.-es Inspoion II/&W I 1/O2O007 Baselneiv rspeotbor 7112203 - GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION, DEV MEMO 3 IP 71122M Racdologicd Emniror-letal Moritroirn Program (REMP) Akl Rracioactive Materil Corted P 11l061A7 11/02007 C31ooRooLto 71111.12 -MAINTENANCE RULE 3 IP 7111112B Mainrten Elfe4tivo 121l02D7 12/142=7 Pedt IropwOtore I TN. roont r~ too innkrle IWO 001 O&JTAOFortinitbon Thia reportam ripo -to ard ar-roo odopmmroedrs I