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#REDIRECT [[IR 05000456/1985061]]
| number = ML20151T444
| issue date = 01/17/1986
| title = Insp Repts 50-456/85-61 & 50-457/85-57 on 850708-860109. Violation Noted:Activities Affecting Quality for Small & Large Bore Piping Not Accomplished Per Instructions & Procedures
| author name = Danielson D, Jacobson M, Muffett J
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation =
| docket = 05000456, 05000457
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = 50-456-85-61, 50-457-85-57, NUDOCS 8602100272
| package number = ML20151T415
| page count = 21
See also: [[see also::IR 05000456/1985061]]
                                            ,  ,                                                ,
  - -
                                      U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY C0fMISSION
                                                  REGION III
          ' Reports No.'50-456/85061(DRS); 50-457/85057(DRS)'
          : Docket =Nos. 50-456; 50-457                      . Licenses No. CPPR-132; CPPR-133
            Licensee:    Commonwealth Edison Company
                          Post Office Box 767
                        ' Chicago, IL. 60690
            Facility Name:    Braidwood Station, Units.1 and 2 -
            Inspection At:-, Braidwood Site, Braidwood, IL
            Inspection Conducted:    July 8, 3, 11, 25, 26; August 1, 2, 5;
                                      September 17, 25, 26; November 18, 19, 21, 26;
                                      December 10, 17, 1985, and January 9, 1986
            Inspector:    J. W. Muffett                                        i /n /86
                            ..M. Jacobson                                        8
                                                                                  /7 A
                                                                              Date ~
            Approved By:    0                ,bhieh                              / # #2
                            Materials and Processes Section                  Date
            -Inspection Summary
            Inspection on July 8, 9, 11, 25,~26; August 1, 2, 5; September 17, 25, 26;
            Novemoer 18, 19, 21, 26; December 10, 17, 1985; and January 9, 1986
            (Reports No. 456/85061(DRS); 457/85057(DRS))
            Areas Inspected: Special unannounced safety inspection of a previously
            -identified unresolved item concerning traceability of piping and piping
            components and the licensee's Material Traceability Verification (MTV)
            program. The inspection involved a total of 160 inspector-hours by two NRC
            Results: In the area inspected, one violation was identified (failure to
          -follow procedures as identified in Paragraph 2.i..(2)).
                  8602100272 060203
                  O    ADOCK 05000456
                                    S umma ry a_n d_0 v_e ra l_1_ _Co n_c llu_s i o n s
          The purpose of this report is to document Region III review of the piping
          material traceability issue at Braidwood. In addition, this report documents
          the actions taken to assure that the Braidwood Material Tracec',ility Verifica-
          tion Program (MTV) was properly carried out, and to document the review and
          evaluation of the " Report on Material Traceability Verification at Braidwoed",
          dated November 1985, submitted by Conzonwealth Edison Company (CECO).
          A special Region III team inspection, conducted in June, July, August and
          October of 1983 and during January and February of 1984, resulted in an
          unresolved item concerning verification of correct heat number traceability
          for piping and piping components. Specifically, it was determined that
          Phillips Getschow Company (PGCo) had not been performing documented inspections
          for correct material usage of piping and piping components at the time of
          installation and a few instances were identified where material traceability
          could not be readily verified. At the time NRC Inspection Report No. 50-456/
          83-09; 50-457/83-09 was issued, the exact extent and significance of the
          progrannatic deficiencies were unknown; therefore, this issue was made an
          unresolved item. As detailed in the CECO response to the inspection report,
          two actions were taken. The first action was to modify the piping material
          control and installation procedures to provide documentation of material
          traceability verification at the point of installation. This action tends
          to minimize the possibility of recurrence of traceability deficiencies. The
          second action was to initiate the MTV program. The MTV program contains
          the following basic elements:
          1.    A material verification field walkdown on 100% of piping installed prior
                to the procedure change.
          2.    A Quality Control verification of the field verified heat numbers against
                the heat numbers in the original stores request.
          3.    A Quality Control verification to show that the installed items complied
                with the design specification.
          4.    A Quality Control review of the " stores request" for items which do not
                have physical identification.
          In addition to the concern related to material verification at point of
          installation, there was a related concern dealing with specific examples of
          failure to follow the applicable procedures in this area. The MTV Program
          was also structured to identify these items. . Also, the MTV Program was
          independently reviewed and audited by the National Board of Boiler and
          Pressure Vessel Inspectors National Board. The Illinois State Division of
          Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety also reviewed the program. Both
          organizations found the program acceptable.
        Based upon the Region III inspections ~and the review of " Report on Material
        Traceability Verification at Braidwood," dated November 1985, it is concluded
        1.    The MTV Program was sufficient to determine the traceability of the items
              in question.
        2.    The MTV procedures and work instructions were implemented properly.
        3.    All items without the ASME Code required traceability have been removed
              from the plant.
        4.    A number of installed items did not comply with applicable CECO or PGCo
        5.    The original material control system delineated in the PGCo QA manual
              met the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME
              B&PV), Section III.
        6.    The physical and chemical tests performed on the items removed (due to
              lack of traceability) from the plant demonstrate that in fact that the
              mdterial installed was the correct material and could have performed its
              safety function.
        7.    Review of documentation indicates that all of the installed items could
              have performed their respective safety function.
        8.    All installed items now have the ASME B&PV Code required traceability;
              therefore, concerns relative to future 10 CFR Part 21 notificaticas are
        It is concluded that Ceco has taken adequate corrective action co resolve
        specific instances of failure to follow material control procedures. Also,
        the results as delineated in the Ceco " Report on Material Traceability
        Verification at Braidwood" demonstrate the extent and significance of
        implementation deficiencies found in this area.
                                                                    .                                                      .              . . _ _ . = _ - . ._ . _ . _ .
f.                                                                                                                TABLE 1
                                                                      Braidwood Material Traceability Verification Program-
                                                                                        -Chronology of Activities
                                          April 1983-                                PGCo, Audit 83-BR3 identifies findings related to
                                                                                      material traceability.
;                                        June 1983                                  NRC inspection begins; NRC inspectors identify
                                                                                      deficiencies in material traceability.                                                '
                                          July 1983                                  CECO issues a 50.55(E) notification concerning
                                                                                      material traceability.
                                          March 1984                                  Enforcement Conference in Region III concerning                                      ,
                                                                                      . findings of inspection.
                                          March 1984                                  NRC Inspection Report No. 50-456/83-09;
;-                                                                                    50-457/83-09 issued.
                                      ~ February 1985                                National Board Audit Team arrives at Braidwood site.                                  ,
                                        -June 1985                                  D. Gallup, State of. Illinois, Superintendent of
                                                                                      Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety, issues letter
                                                                                      accepting MTV program.
                                          June 1985                                  Public meeting held in Region III concerning Ceco's
L                                                                                    plans for MTV program.
                                        July 1985~                                  NRC review and inspection of MTV program starts.
                                          September 1985                              National Board Audit Team issues final report on MTV
!                                        September 1985                              NRC Inspection Report No. 50-456/85043; 50-457/85042
                                                                                      issued. Inspection Report documents review of
                                                                                      " Stores Request."
                                        October 1985-                                Taussig Association issues report on test results of
                                                                                      " cut out" items.
                                        November-1985                                Ceco issues final report on MTV program.
                                          November 1985                              NRC Inspection Report No. 50-456/85050; 50-457/85048
                                                                                      issued. Inspection Report documents independent
                                                                                      thickness measurements of a sample of installed MTV
-                                                                                    items.
            , . - . . - - - . . . . . - ~ - - . . . . , . , , - _ .          ,,_.____..__..,...,--,__--_--_._-._.-...._r,.,._-__.,--.-,.-
        December 1985    Region III met with NRC~IE and NRR personnel to
                        brief-them on.the MTV program and Region III
        January 1986    Telephone conference with the Illinois State
                        Department of Nuclear Safety discussing the Region
                        III evaluation of the MTV program.
      ' January 1986    Region III MTV inspection exit interview at the
                        Braidwood site.
      1. Persons Contacted
        Commonwealth Edison Company (CECO)
        *M.  J. Wallace, Project Manager
        *C. W. Schroeder, Licensing and Compliance Superintendent
        *D. Shamblin, Project Construction Superintendent, Unit 1
        *W.  Vahle, Project Construction Superintendent, Unit 2
        *D. Skoza, Mechanical Field Engineer
        * Louis Kline, Supervisor, Licensing and Compliance Department
        *P. L. Barnes, Licensing Engineer
        *T. Quaka, Site QA Superintendent
        *E. F. Fitzpatrick, Station Manager
          G. E. Groth, Assistant Construction Superintendent
        *M.  R. Dougherty, Project Construction Engineer
        *E. R. Wendorf, Project Field Engineer
        *J. F. Phelan, Project Field Engineer
        *J. K. Jasnosz, Regulatory Assurance Staff
        *T. W. Simpkin, Technical Staff
        *D. L. Cecchett, Licensing Engineer
        *A. D. Miosi, Nuclear Licensing Administrator
        *C. J. Tomashek, Startup Superintendent
        *G. F. Marcus, Assistant to Quality Assurance Manager
        *L. O. Del George, Assistant Vice President, Engineering and Licensing
        Phillips Getschow Co. (PGCo)
        J. R. Stewart, Project Engineer
        The inspectors also contacted and interviewed other licensee and
        contractor employees.
        * Denotes those attending the final exit interview at the Braidwood
        Station on January 9, 1986.
      2. Licensee Action on Previous Unresolved Items
        (Closed) Unresolved Items (456/83-09-04(a); 457/83-09-04(a): This item was
        classified as unresolved until the completion of the MTV program. This
        report documents the NRC review of the pertinent issues and activities.
        a.    ASME Code and Appendix B Traceability Requirements
              The.ASME B&PV Code gives no detailed information either on the
                specific nature of material control systems or on the type of
              Quality Control inspections required. The portion of the ASME B&PV
              Code, Section III, which directly addresses this issue states:
            "NA-4441 Establishment and Maintenance of Identification and Control
                  Measures shall be established for identification and control of
                  material and items, including partially fabricated assemblies.
                  These measures shall assure that identification is maintained
                  either on the item or records traceable to the item throughout
                  manufacture or installation. These measures shall be designed
                  to prevent the use of incorrect or defective items, and items    ,
                  which have not received the required examinations, tests, or
            The language of NA-4441 closely parallels Criterion VIII of 10 CFR 50,
            Appendix B, which states, in part:
                  "These measures shall assure that identification of the item is
                  maintained by heat number, part number, serial number, or other
                  appropriate means, either on the item or on records traceable to
                  the item."
            The intent of the material control system is to prevent the
            installation of incorrect or defective items. NA-4441 allows a
            control system which utilizes records traceable to the item. The
            PGCo stores request system, as delineated in the QA manual, complied
            with both the ASME B&PV Code, Section III, and 10 CFR 50, Appendix
            B, Criterion VIII, prior to identification of the unresolved item.
            When properly applied, this material control system provided a
            record traceable to the item as required. The discrepancies in the
            traceability of actual piping and piping components were the result
            of failure to properly implement the stores request system.
          b. Review of MTV Procedures
            Activities performed under the MTV program were controlled by two
            procedures:    PGCo Procedure QCP-B31, Revision 4, " Material
            Traceability Verification," and PGCo Work Instruction PGWI-17,
            Revision 3, "QCT Review of MTV Program." The procedures contain
            five major requirements as follows:
            (1) 100% field walkdown for subject piping.
            (2) All material identification marking recorded.
            (3) Field gathered data compareo to stores request for item.
            (4) Field gathered data compared to certified material test reports
                  (CMTR) for correct material specification, type, grade, class,
                  size, and schedule.
            (5) Items found not traceable per stores request or otherwise
                  discrepant identified as nonconforming, and a nonconformance
                  report generated for each item.
            PGCo Procedure QCP-831 and Work Instruction PGWI-17 contain an
            acceptable method for determining the traceability of installed
            piping and piping components.
            In addition, the NRC inspector reviewed PGCo Procedure QCP-B31.1,
            Revision 1, " Untraceable Material Sampling Program." The purpose
            of thi.* procedure is control of untraceable items and control and
            storage of items removed from the plant. This procedure provides
            an acceptable method for controlling these activities.
          c. Nonconformance Board
            The MTV program found 792 items to be in nonconformance with
            applicable procedural requirements. The disposition of these NCR's
            were provided by consensus of a nonconformance board consisting of
            representatives of CECO, Sargent and Lundy Engineers (S&L),
            PGCo, the Authorized Ir.spection Agency (AIA), and generally a member
            of the National Board Audit Team. The NRC inspector attended the
            disposition of a number of nonconforming items.
            The NCRs discussed while the NRC inspector was in attendance are as
                  NCR 2301
                  NCR 2230
                  NCR 2183 (Item Removed)
                  NCR 2179
                  NCR 3595
                  NCR 3669
                  NCR 3729
            The disposition of these NCRs was acceptable.
            The NRC inspector independently reviewed the NCR package    i?sted below:
                  NCR 3720
                  NCR 3301
                  NCF. 3326
                  NCR 3161
                  NCR 3068
                  NCR 3046
                  NCR 3025
                  NCR 2320
                  NCR 4875
                  NCR 4573
                  NCR 46'J1
                  NCR 3496
                  NCR 3423
                  NCR 2985
                  NCR 4769 (Item Removed)
                  NCR 2814
          The information contained in the NCR packages complied-with procedure    ,
          requirements and the dispositions of the individual items were
          Of the 792 nonconforming items, it was determined that 647 items,
          while in nonconformance with PGCo and Ceco procedural requiremerits,
          were in compliance with the traceability requirements of the ASME
          Code (Braidwood procedural traceability requirements. exceeded those
          of the-ASME Code). The remaining 145 items, listed below, were-
          removed from the piping systems and replaced with traceable material:
          NO.    NCR NO.  MTV ITEM NO.      ASME      DESCRIPTION
          1.      1742      MTV #2            2          Rad Access plug
          2.      1742      MTV #3            2          Rad Access plug
          3.      1742      MTV #1            2          3"-S/40S Pipe; 18" long
          4.      1742      MTV #2            2          3"-S/40S Pipe; 5" long
          5.      1742      MTV #7            2          3"-S/405 Pipe; 19" long
                            CS7-9                        (Item Physically Tested)
          6.      1831        -
                                            2          Rad Access Plug
          7.      1871.    MTV #1          2          Rad Access Plug
          8.      2071      MTC #2          3          4"-S/40 Pipe; 45" long
                            1ASX92-1                    (Item Physically Tested)
          9.      2073      MTV #3          2          3"-S/160 Pipe; l'0" long
          10.    2085      MTV #2          3          2"-3000# SW 90 EL
          11.    2089      MTV #33          3          1-1/4"-3000# SW 90 EL
          12.    2089      MTV #34          3          1-1/4"-S/80 Pipe;
                            2556A-35                    4-1/2" long
          13.    2131      MTV #4          2          12'-6"X3/4"-3000#
                            1AC-CC44                    Sockolet
        14. 2131  'MTV #5        2 3/4"-3000# SW Plug
        15. 2133  MTV #8        3 6"-S/40 Pipe; 2" long
        16. 2133  MTV #3        3 4"-S/40 Pipe; 6'-11" long
                  CC40-12          (Item Physically Tested)
        17. 2176      -
                                  2 3"-S/405 Pipe; 3" long
        18. 2177      -
                                  2 Rad Access Plug
        19. 2177      -
                                  2 Rad Access Plug
        20. 2183  MTV #A        2 3"-S/40 Pipe; 3'-1" long
                  IC-CC-41        (Item Physically Tested)
        21. 2183-  MTV #8        2 3-S/40 Pipe; 4'-11" long
        22. 2353  MTV #1        2 3/4"-S/80 Pipe 2" long
        23. 2353  MTV #2        2 3/4"-S/80 Pipe 2" long
        24. 2376  MTV #11        2 3"-S/405 Pipe; 4'6" long
                  1A-CS-9-6        (Item Physically Tested)
        25. 2434      -
                                  2 Rad Access Plug
        26. 2434      -
                                  2 Rad Access Plug
        27. 2S05  MTV #9        3 2"X3/4" 6000# SW
                  2537C-32        Reducing Insert
        28. 2511  MTV #2        2 3"-S/160 Pipe; 10" long
        29. 2516  MTV #18        3 2"X3/4" 6000# SW
                  2537C-39        Reducing Insert
        30. 2785  MTV #2        1 Rad Access Plug
        31. 2785  MTV #3        1 Rad Access Plug
          32. 2785  MTV #2        1  Rad Access Plug
          33. 2813  MTV #2        1  3"-S/160 Pipe; 4" long
          34. 2813  MTV-#1        2  3"-S/160 Pipe; 4" long
          35. 2828  MTV #12      3  2"-3000# SW45 EL
          36. 2873  MTV #1        2  3/4"-S/160 Pipe;
                    2539C-84        5'3"long
          37. 2873' MTV #3        2  3/4"-5/160 Pipe;
                    2539C-84        l'9"long
          38. 2873  MTV #5        2  3/4"-S/160 Pipe;
                    2539C-84        10'7"long
          39. 2873  MTV #7        2  3/4"-5/160 Pipe;
                    2539C-84        4'6"long
                                      (Item P5ysically Tested)
          40. 2873  MTV #9        2 .3/4"-S/160 Pipe;
                    2539C-84        l'1" long
          41. 2875- MTV #7        3  2" 3000# SW 90 EL
                    (FW 7&8)
          42. 2875  MTV #14      3  2"-3000# SW 90 EL
                    (FW 15&l6)
          43. 2902  MTV #3        3  3/4"-S/80 Pipe; 18" long
                    (FW 3&4)
          44. 2917  MTV #23      3  2"-3000# SW 90 EL
                    (FW 20A&21A)
          45. 2919  MTV #8        2  3"-S/405 Pipe;
                    1A-CV-13-3      11-1/2" long
          46, 2919  MTV #9        2  3"-5/40S Pipe;
                    1A-CV-13-3      14-1/2" long
          47. 2919  MTV #10      2  3"-S/40S Pipe;
                    1A-CV-13-3      2" long
          48. 2919  MTV #13      2  3"S/40S Pipe; 11" long
            49. 2919  MTV #13        2 3"-S/40S Pipe; 39" long
            50. 2919  MTV-#14        2 3"-S/40S Pipe;
                      1A-CV-13-3      3-1/2" long
            51. 2919  MTV #15        2 3"-S/40S Pipe;
                      1A-CV-13-3      2"&24" long
            52. 2930' MTV #1        3 3"-S/40S' Pipe;
                      1A-BRS-5        8-13/16" long
            53. 2953  MTV #1        3 3/4"-S/80 Pipe 5" long
            54. 2973  MTV #13        3 2"-S/80 Pipe; 3" long
            55. 2973  MTV #47        3 2"-S/80 Pipe; 1" long
            56. 2984  MTV #3        3 Ring & Bar lug
            57. 2990  MTV #6        2 Rad Access Plug
            58. 2993  MTV-#5        3 3/4"-S/80 Pipe 4" long
            59. 2993  MTV-#19        3 3/4"-S/80 Pipe 4" long.
            60. 3027  MTV #9        2 3/4"-S/160 Pipe; 2" long
            61. 3027  MTV #15        2 3/4"-S/160 Pipe; 2" long
_,.                  2546C-61.
            62. 3126  MTV #5        2 3"-S/40(S) Pipe;
                      1A-CV-10-3      10-3/4" long
            63. 3165  MTV #12        3 4"-S/40 Pipe; 2'3" long
.                    CC-11-5
            64. 3166  MTV #5        2 2 Plates, 2"X6" Welded
                      2A-CC-31        Attachment
            65. 3215  MTV #5        2 Rad Access Plug
            66. 3216  MTV #7        2 3/4"-6000# Coupling
  r.--    <
                67.  _3221 MTV #4-        3 Nailer Ring (SA240)
                            OA-FC-3AB        Welded Attachment
                68.  3226 MTV #1        2 6"-S/80 Pipe; 12"~1ong-
                            FW38-1          (Item Physically Tested)
                69.  3275 MTV #2        2 Rad Access Plug
                70.  3291 MTV #1        2 24"-S/40S Pipe;
                            SI43-2          l'-6" long
                                            (Item Physically Tested)
                71.  13300 MTV #2        2 Rad Access Plug
                72.  3318 MTV #3        3 5"-3"X3/4" 3000# SOL
                                            4"-S/40 Pipe; l'0" long
                73.  3327 MTV #6        3
                74.  3327 PfR/ #7        3 4"-S/40 Pipe; 6" long
                75.  3334 MTV #1        3 1"S/80 Pipe; l'-0" long
                76.  3334 MTV #19        3 1"-S/80 Pipe; 4" long
                77.  3335 MTV #2        3 4"-S/40 Pipe; 6'6" long
                78.  3343 MTV #1        2 4"-S/160 Pipe; 8" long
                79.  3350 MTV #13        3 2"-S/40 Pipe; 40" long
                80.  3350 MTV #11        3 2"-S/40 Pipe;
                            2537A-104        10-1/2" long
                81.'  3365 MTV #25        3 1"-S/80 Pipe; l' long
                82.  3365 MTV #27        3 1"-S/80 Pipe; l' long
                            (FW 36&37)
                83.  3322 MTV #6        3 6"-S/120 Pipe; 5'4" long
                            1A-AF-8-3C      (Item Physically Tested)
  >w        ,
              84.    3422 MTV #1      3 6"-S/120 Pipe; l'1" long
              85.    3422 MTV #2      3 6"-S/120 Pipe; 10" long
              86.    3432 MTV #2      1 Rad Access Plug
              87.    3432 MTV #3      1 Rad Access Plug
              88.    3433 MTV #17      3 6"-S/40 Pipe; l'6" long
                          FP-21-5        (Item Physica11y' Tested)
              89.    3458 MTV #2      3 Welded attachment lug for
                          AF-16-2        2AF01028R
                                          (Item Physically Tested)
              90.    3465 MTV #1      3 3"-S/40S Pipe; 6" long
              91.    3470 MTV #9      3 4'-S/40 Pipe; 6" long
              92.    3474 MTV #2      3 18"0D S/40 Stanchion
              93.    3474 MTV #3      3 18"0D S/40 Stanchion
              94.    3476 MTV #2      1 Rad Access Plug
              95.    3487 MTV #2      2 3"-S/160 Pipe; 5" long
              96.    3488 MTV #1.      3 4"-S/40 Pipe; 4'-6" long
              97.    3492 MTV #1      2 3/4"-S/40S Pipe; 3" long
              98.    3518 MTV #3      2 1/2" closure plate
              99.    3520 MTV #3      3 2"-3000# 90 EL
              100.  3553 MTV #18      3 2"-3000# 45 EL
              101.  3594 MTV #8      3 1-1/2"-300# Flange
          102.  3594  MTV #10          3 1-1/2"-300# Flange
          103.  3594  MTV #11          3 1-1/2"-S/80 Pipe;
                      '2537A-50A          7-1/2"long
          104.  3992  MTV #25          2 1/2"-S/160 Pipe; 6" long
          105.  4022  MTV #1            3 3"-S/40 Pipe; 5" long
          106.  4032  MTV #6            3 4"-S/40 Pipe; 3-3/8" long
          107.  4055  MTV #4            2 3"-S/160 pipe;
                        2A-CV-28-12        7'-10" long
          108.  4079  MTV #1            3 4"-S/40 Pipe; 10" long
                        2A-CC-27-6          (Item Physically Tested)
          109.  4100-  MTV #1            2 10"-S/40 Pipe; 10" long
          110.-  4294  MTV'#19          3 2"-3000# - 90 EL
          111.  4527  MTV #55          2 1"-S/160 Pipe;
                        2539A-29            l'-10" long
                                            (Item Physically Tested)
          112.  4587  MTV #2            3 36"-12"X1"-3000#
                        2A-CC-20-3          Sockolet
          113.  4589  MTV #1            3 2"-S/40S Pipe;
                        29549A-28          l'-10" long
          114.  '4605  MTV #1            2 14"-S/STD Pipe
                        1C-SX-34-8          l'7" long'
                                            (Item Physically Tested)
          115.  4756  MTV #12          2 2"-S/40S Pipe;
                        2546A-5 Item 90    5'-2" long
          116.  4756  MTV #4            2 3"-5/40S Pipe; 9" long
                        1A-CV-37' Item 8      ,
          117.  4756  MTV #1            2 1"-S/40S Pipe;
                        2539C-44 Item 128  6-1/2" long
          118.  4756  MTV #3            2 1"-S/40S Pipe;
                        2539C-44 Item 73    6'-4" long
                        .                          .      .    .        -    .  _ -  _-        -_      . - .            . - _ .
. . .
                                    119.              4756    MTV #5            2        1"-S/40S Pipe; 12' long
                                                              2539C-44 Item 74
                                    120.              4756    MTV #7            2        1"-S/40S Pipe;
                                                              2539C-44 Item 75            12'5" long
                                    121,              4756-  MTV #2            2        1"-S/40S Pipe; 4' long                  i
                                                              2539C-89 Item 76
                                    122.              4756    MTV #2            2        1"-S/40S Pipe; 4' long
                                                              2539C-39 Item 127
                                    123.              4756    MTV #9            1        2"-S/160 Pipe; 3'9" long
                                                              2546C-25 Item 68            (Item Physically Tested)
                                    124.              4756    MTV #1            2        2"-S/40S Pipe;
                                                              2546A-46 Item 109            5-5/8" long
.                                    125.              4756    MTV #3            2        2"-S/405 Pipe;
l                                                              2546A-46 Item 110            10-5/8" long
i                                    126.              4756    MTV #5            2        2"-S/40S Pipe;
i                                                            2546A-46 Item 111            11-1/2" long
                                    127.              4756    MTV #7            2        2"-5/40S Pipe;
                                                              2546A-46 Item 112            10-3/4" long
.                                  128.              4756    MTV #8            2        2"-S/40S Pipe; 4" long
                                                              2f46A-46 Iteni 93
                                    129.              4756    MTV #12            2        3/4"-S40S Pipe; 3" long
                                                              2546A-88 Item 95
,                                    130.              4769    MTV #2            2        5"-3"X3/4" - 3000# SOL
;                                    131,              4824    MTV #21            3        3/4"-S/40S Pipe;
                                                              2546A-2                      15'10" long
                                                                                            (Item Physically Tested)                '
                                    132.-            4824    MTV #1            3        3/4"-S/40S Pipe;.4" long
                                    133,              4824    MTV #9            3        3/4"-S/40S Pipe; 5" long
                                    134,              4824    MTV #11            3        3/4"-S/40S Pipe; 5".long
                                    135.              4824    MTV #13            3        3/4"-S/40S Pipe;
;.          ,
                                                              2546A-2                      9'11"long
              . . . _ - - _ . . _ _ _ _ . - _ _ . .                  __              _    _ -_.    _ _.
                                                                                                                . __. _ ,-
            136.    4824      MTV #15            3        3/4-S/40S Pipe;
                                2546A-2                      10-1/2" long
            137,    4824      MTV #17            3        3/4"-S/40S Pipe;
                                2546A-2                      4'10" long
            138.    4824      MTV #19            3        3/4"S/40S Pipe;
                                2546A-2                      9-3/4" long
            1J9.    4824      MTV #23            3        3/4"S/40S Pipe;
                                2546A-2                      l'11-1/4" long
            140.    4873      MTV #1            3        '3/4"-S/40S Pipe; 1" long
            141.    4973      MTV #6            1        Rad Access Plug
            142.    5226      MTV #3            2          2"-S/40S Pipe; 12" long
            143.    5226      MTV #22          2          2"-S/40S Pipe;
                                2546A-92                    14-3/4" long
            144.    5364      M1V #5            3          4"-S/160 Pipe;
                                CC12-1                      13'2" long
            145.    5490      MTV #1            2          10"-S/40S Pipe; 11" long
          d. Stores Request Review
            One of the original concerns relative to piping material was the
            viability of the PGCo " stores request" system as an effective
            material control system. To further develop assurance concerning
            the implementation of the system, the NRC inspector performed a
            detailed review on the documentation associated with 30 items whose
            traceability was established by the " stores request" document per
            the original procedure. The details of this inspection are contained
            in NRC Inspection Report No. 50-456/85043; 50-457/85042.      Summarizing
            the results, "None of the documents reviewed contradicted the
            licensee's conclusions and in a majority of cases, independent
            information, other than the stores request was on file in the
            documentation packages which supported the licensee's conclusion."
            Members of the National Board Audit Team reviewed documentation
            associated with 50 installed items whose traceability was established
            based on stores request documents only. The results of their review
            are contained in the National Board Supplementary Report dated
            September 26, 1985, and addressed to Cordell Reed, Vice President,
            Ceco (" Material Traceability Verification at Braidwood", November
            1985, Appendix A), and states "The audit confirmed the integrity of
            the stores request system."
            .e.  Thickness Measurement of Installed Items
                As discussed in NRC Inspection Report No. 50-456/85050; 50-457/85048,
                ' independent thickness measurements, using an ultrasonic digital
                thickness measuring device, were taken on six piping systems which
                contained MTV items. These measurements were taken to confirm that
                the schedule of the installed piping (wall thickness) complied with-
                the design specification and agreed with the information used in the
                MTV program. Measurements were taken on portions of the following
                piping systems:
                        ID004AB'- Diesel Fuel Oil
                        ICCD9AB - Component Cooling Water
                        ICC97AB - Component Cooling Water
                        ISX17AB - Essential Cooling Water
                        ICCD8AB - Component Cooling Water
                        ID063A - Diesel Fuel Oil
                All'of the measurements taken confirmed the schedule of the installed      i
                  piping and also confirmed the acceptability of the information that
                was developed by CECO.      In addition, the independent measurements
                  closely agreed with the measurements taken by CECO.
            f.  Selection of Samples
                At a point in time near the completion of the MTV, CECO decided to
                  perform tests on the piping removed from the plant due to lack of
                  traceability. The purpose of these tests was to-demonstrate that
                  the untraceable material was in fact, the correct material and
                  therefore the lack of traceability did not impact the ability of          :
                  the affected s                                  All of the' items which  H
                  were removed (ystems to function properly.except for 3 items mistakenly los1
                  subjected to an analysis which determined the chemical composition
                  of the material.' Sixteen of the removed items were subjected to
                  physical tests which demonstrated that they conformed to the
                  strength requirements of the applicable specification. Two
                  considerations determined which items were appropriate for physical
                  tests. The'first consideration was size; approximately 90 of the
                  removed items were too small for physical testing. The second
                  consideration was'the' presence of manufacturers' markings. Approxi-
                  mately 30 items, with clear manufacturers' marks identifying mate' rial    l
                  type, did not have the same degree of uncertainty associated with          l
                  their physical properties, and therefore were not appropriate for
                  physical testing.
                  The group of items tested contained both carbon steel and stainless
                  steel and both large bore items and small bore items. In addition,        I
                  the only untraceable section of piping'in an ASME Class I system us        i
                  tested (NCR 4756 Item 68). A portion of the testing was witnessed by
                  a NRC inspector.
                                                  18                                        l
<                                                                                            ;
              All of the items subjected to the chemical testing conformed to the
              applicable ASME/ ASTM specifications.    All of the items subjected to
              the physical testing for strength conformed to the applicable
              ASME/ ASTM specification.
              The final report produced by Taussig Associates, Report No. 64188-1,
              " Chemical and Tension Testing of Samples Associated with the MTV
              Program," was reviewed. A number of the chemical composition results
              were reviewed by the NRC inspector for compliance with ASME B&PV
              Code requirements for chemical composition. A number of the
              physical (strength) results were also reviewed by the NRC inspector
              for compliance with ASME B&PV Code requirements for strength. ~All
              results demonstrated compliance with applicable code strength and
              composition requirements.
            g. Review of Reports
              As part of the inspections associated with the MTV program, CECO's
              Report " Material Traceability verification at Braidwood," the National
              Board's letter of September 26, 1985,.and the Office of the Illinois
              State Fire Marshall, Division of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety
              letter of June 21, 1985,.were reviewed. Based on the NRC inspections
              of the MTV program and the review of the Ceco's final ~ report, it has
              been determined that the CECO final report is an accurate representation
              of the activities conducted and their results.      In addition, our
              review of the National Board activities and our review of their letter
              supports the National Board's general conclusions:
                    "The Phillips, Getschow quality assurance program, as written,
                    did provide the necessary controls to assure that the work
                    performed by PGCo at the CECO Braidwood Nuclear Power Station
!                    met the requirements of the ASME Code and the certified design
                    "As noted previously in the report, there were implementation
                    deviations from the PGCo quality assurance program's requirements."
                    "These deviations led to the generation of the MTV program and
                    the resulting revisions to the PGCo quality assurance program
                    and material control procedures."
i              Duane R. Gallup, Superintendent of Boiler and Pres 9ure Vessel
              Safety for the State of Illinois, suuported the MTV program in his
              June 21, 1985 letter.    Quoting the letter,
                    "I am satisfied that the corrective action program which
                    Commonwealth Edison Company (CECO) has undertaken will result
                    in assuring the piping systems at the Braidwood site will be
                    in compliance with the requirements of the ASME Code."
:                                            19-
                                                                            _  _      -_
r.          _
  ..    -
              h.  Safety Significance Evaluation
                  As part of the overall MTV program, a " safety significance"
                  evaluation, composed of calculations necessary to demonstrate
                  compliance with ASME B&PV Code strength requirements, was performed
                  for all the items which were nonconforming due to insufficient
                  traceability. A random sample of these noncomforming item
                  evaluations (listed below) was reviewed in detail:
                        NCR 2085
                        NCR 2183
                        NCR 2785
                        NCR 2873
                        NCR 2919
                        NCR 3027
                        NCR 3291
                        NCR 3350
                        NCR 3465
                        NCR 3553
                        NCR 4294
                        NCR 4756
                        NCR 4769
                        NCR 4873
                        NCR 5490
                  In addition, the Sargent and Lundy Report BRF-PMD-01 (November 13,
                  1985), " Design Significance Evaluation of Braidwood Material
                  Traceability Verification (MTV) Program Cut Out Items" was reviewed.
                  This report and the. disposition of these NCRs were acceptable.
                  In NRC Inspectio'n Report No. 50-456/83-09; 50-457/83-09, two items
                  were identified which did not have the required schedule of piping
                  installed. Because these items were replaced prior to the
                  initiation of the formal MTV program they were not included as
                  items in the MTV. program final report. Safety significance
                  evaluations were performed which found that the installed items
                  could have performed their safety function in compliance with the
                  ASME B&PV Code.    The evaluations were reviewed and found acceptable.
              i. . Inspection Conclusions
                  Based on the NRC inspections and reviews of the MTV program, the
                  following conclusions have been reached:
                  (1) The original material control system ~ contained in the PGCo QA
                        manual complied with the requirements of the ASME B&PV Code.
                  (2) There were a number of instances in which the proper procedures
                        were not followed. These are the 792 items identified in the
                        CECO final report as nonconforming. This is the basis for a
                        violation of 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, Criterion V. (456/85061-01;
  (          .-
                      (3) The specific instances of failure to follow procedures did not
                                appear to impact the ability of the systems to perform their
                                safety function.
                      (4) The MTV program was an effective method to determine the
                                traceability of the items in question.
                      (5) The MTV program was conducted in accordance with applicable
                      (6) 145 Items lacking the required traceability have been removed
                                from the plant and replaced with items which have the required
                      (7) It now appears, based on the results-of the MTV program,' that
                                the Material Control System originally employed by PGCo was
                                effective to the extent that no items were installed which
                                would have impacted the ability of the piping systems to
                                function properly.
            3.  Exit Interview
                The Region III inspectors met with licensee representatives (denoted under
                Paragraph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection on January 9, 1986. The
                inspectors summarized the scope and findings of the inspection. The
                licensee acknowledged this information. The inspector also discussed the
                likely informational content of the inspection report with regard to
                documents or processes reviewed during the inspection. The licensee did
                not identify any such documents / processes as proprietary.
                    --  . - . .        --
                                            -    , _ . . . , - . - . - . _        _ _ _ ,

Latest revision as of 07:45, 31 May 2022

Insp Repts 50-456/85-61 & 50-457/85-57 on 850708-860109. Violation Noted:Activities Affecting Quality for Small & Large Bore Piping Not Accomplished Per Instructions & Procedures
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/17/1986
From: Danielson D, Jacobson M, Muffett J
Shared Package
ML20151T415 List:
50-456-85-61, 50-457-85-57, NUDOCS 8602100272
Download: ML20151T444 (21)

See also: IR 05000456/1985061



, , ,



- -






' Reports No.'50-456/85061(DRS); 50-457/85057(DRS)'

Docket =Nos. 50-456; 50-457 . Licenses No. CPPR-132; CPPR-133

Licensee: Commonwealth Edison Company

Post Office Box 767

' Chicago, IL. 60690

Facility Name: Braidwood Station, Units.1 and 2 -

Inspection At:-, Braidwood Site, Braidwood, IL

Inspection Conducted: July 8, 3, 11, 25, 26; August 1, 2, 5;

September 17, 25, 26; November 18, 19, 21, 26;

December 10, 17, 1985, and January 9, 1986


Inspector: J. W. Muffett i /n /86


..M. Jacobson 8

/7 A

Date ~


Approved By: 0 ,bhieh / # #2

Materials and Processes Section Date


-Inspection Summary

Inspection on July 8, 9, 11, 25,~26; August 1, 2, 5; September 17, 25, 26;

Novemoer 18, 19, 21, 26; December 10, 17, 1985; and January 9, 1986

(Reports No. 456/85061(DRS); 457/85057(DRS))

Areas Inspected: Special unannounced safety inspection of a previously

-identified unresolved item concerning traceability of piping and piping

components and the licensee's Material Traceability Verification (MTV)

program. The inspection involved a total of 160 inspector-hours by two NRC


Results: In the area inspected, one violation was identified (failure to

-follow procedures as identified in Paragraph 2.i..(2)).

8602100272 060203


O ADOCK 05000456






S umma ry a_n d_0 v_e ra l_1_ _Co n_c llu_s i o n s



The purpose of this report is to document Region III review of the piping

material traceability issue at Braidwood. In addition, this report documents


the actions taken to assure that the Braidwood Material Tracec',ility Verifica-

tion Program (MTV) was properly carried out, and to document the review and

evaluation of the " Report on Material Traceability Verification at Braidwoed",

dated November 1985, submitted by Conzonwealth Edison Company (CECO).


A special Region III team inspection, conducted in June, July, August and

October of 1983 and during January and February of 1984, resulted in an

unresolved item concerning verification of correct heat number traceability

for piping and piping components. Specifically, it was determined that

Phillips Getschow Company (PGCo) had not been performing documented inspections

for correct material usage of piping and piping components at the time of

installation and a few instances were identified where material traceability

could not be readily verified. At the time NRC Inspection Report No. 50-456/

83-09; 50-457/83-09 was issued, the exact extent and significance of the

progrannatic deficiencies were unknown; therefore, this issue was made an

unresolved item. As detailed in the CECO response to the inspection report,

two actions were taken. The first action was to modify the piping material

control and installation procedures to provide documentation of material

traceability verification at the point of installation. This action tends

to minimize the possibility of recurrence of traceability deficiencies. The

second action was to initiate the MTV program. The MTV program contains

the following basic elements:

1. A material verification field walkdown on 100% of piping installed prior

to the procedure change.

2. A Quality Control verification of the field verified heat numbers against

the heat numbers in the original stores request.

3. A Quality Control verification to show that the installed items complied

with the design specification.

4. A Quality Control review of the " stores request" for items which do not

have physical identification.

In addition to the concern related to material verification at point of

installation, there was a related concern dealing with specific examples of

failure to follow the applicable procedures in this area. The MTV Program

was also structured to identify these items. . Also, the MTV Program was

independently reviewed and audited by the National Board of Boiler and

Pressure Vessel Inspectors National Board. The Illinois State Division of

Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety also reviewed the program. Both

organizations found the program acceptable.







Based upon the Region III inspections ~and the review of " Report on Material

Traceability Verification at Braidwood," dated November 1985, it is concluded


1. The MTV Program was sufficient to determine the traceability of the items

in question.

2. The MTV procedures and work instructions were implemented properly.

3. All items without the ASME Code required traceability have been removed

from the plant.

4. A number of installed items did not comply with applicable CECO or PGCo


5. The original material control system delineated in the PGCo QA manual

met the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME

B&PV),Section III.

6. The physical and chemical tests performed on the items removed (due to

lack of traceability) from the plant demonstrate that in fact that the

mdterial installed was the correct material and could have performed its

safety function.

7. Review of documentation indicates that all of the installed items could

have performed their respective safety function.

8. All installed items now have the ASME B&PV Code required traceability;

therefore, concerns relative to future 10 CFR Part 21 notificaticas are


It is concluded that Ceco has taken adequate corrective action co resolve

specific instances of failure to follow material control procedures. Also,

the results as delineated in the Ceco " Report on Material Traceability

Verification at Braidwood" demonstrate the extent and significance of

implementation deficiencies found in this area.


. . . . _ _ . = _ - . ._ . _ . _ .







f. TABLE 1

Braidwood Material Traceability Verification Program-

-Chronology of Activities


April 1983- PGCo, Audit 83-BR3 identifies findings related to

material traceability.

June 1983 NRC inspection begins; NRC inspectors identify


deficiencies in material traceability. '

July 1983 CECO issues a 50.55(E) notification concerning

material traceability.


March 1984 Enforcement Conference in Region III concerning ,


. findings of inspection.

March 1984 NRC Inspection Report No. 50-456/83-09;

- 50-457/83-09 issued.

~ February 1985 National Board Audit Team arrives at Braidwood site. ,


-June 1985 D. Gallup, State of. Illinois, Superintendent of



Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety, issues letter

accepting MTV program.

June 1985 Public meeting held in Region III concerning Ceco's

L plans for MTV program.


July 1985~ NRC review and inspection of MTV program starts.

September 1985 National Board Audit Team issues final report on MTV




! September 1985 NRC Inspection Report No. 50-456/85043; 50-457/85042

issued. Inspection Report documents review of


" Stores Request."


October 1985- Taussig Association issues report on test results of


" cut out" items.

November-1985 Ceco issues final report on MTV program.

November 1985 NRC Inspection Report No. 50-456/85050; 50-457/85048

issued. Inspection Report documents independent

thickness measurements of a sample of installed MTV

- items.






, . - . . - - - . . . . . - ~ - - . . . . , . , , - _ . ,,_.____..__..,...,--,__--_--_._-._.-...._r,.,._-__.,--.-,.-





December 1985 Region III met with NRC~IE and NRR personnel to

brief-them on.the MTV program and Region III


January 1986 Telephone conference with the Illinois State

Department of Nuclear Safety discussing the Region

III evaluation of the MTV program.

' January 1986 Region III MTV inspection exit interview at the

Braidwood site.






1. Persons Contacted

Commonwealth Edison Company (CECO)

  • M. J. Wallace, Project Manager
  • C. W. Schroeder, Licensing and Compliance Superintendent


  • D. Shamblin, Project Construction Superintendent, Unit 1
  • W. Vahle, Project Construction Superintendent, Unit 2
  • D. Skoza, Mechanical Field Engineer
  • Louis Kline, Supervisor, Licensing and Compliance Department
  • P. L. Barnes, Licensing Engineer
  • T. Quaka, Site QA Superintendent
  • E. F. Fitzpatrick, Station Manager

G. E. Groth, Assistant Construction Superintendent

  • M. R. Dougherty, Project Construction Engineer
  • E. R. Wendorf, Project Field Engineer
  • J. F. Phelan, Project Field Engineer


  • J. K. Jasnosz, Regulatory Assurance Staff
  • T. W. Simpkin, Technical Staff
  • D. L. Cecchett, Licensing Engineer
  • A. D. Miosi, Nuclear Licensing Administrator
  • C. J. Tomashek, Startup Superintendent
  • G. F. Marcus, Assistant to Quality Assurance Manager
  • L. O. Del George, Assistant Vice President, Engineering and Licensing

Phillips Getschow Co. (PGCo)

J. R. Stewart, Project Engineer

The inspectors also contacted and interviewed other licensee and

contractor employees.

  • Denotes those attending the final exit interview at the Braidwood

Station on January 9, 1986.

2. Licensee Action on Previous Unresolved Items

(Closed) Unresolved Items (456/83-09-04(a); 457/83-09-04(a): This item was

classified as unresolved until the completion of the MTV program. This

report documents the NRC review of the pertinent issues and activities.

a. ASME Code and Appendix B Traceability Requirements

The.ASME B&PV Code gives no detailed information either on the

specific nature of material control systems or on the type of

Quality Control inspections required. The portion of the ASME B&PV

Code,Section III, which directly addresses this issue states:






"NA-4441 Establishment and Maintenance of Identification and Control


Measures shall be established for identification and control of

material and items, including partially fabricated assemblies.

These measures shall assure that identification is maintained

either on the item or records traceable to the item throughout

manufacture or installation. These measures shall be designed

to prevent the use of incorrect or defective items, and items ,

which have not received the required examinations, tests, or


The language of NA-4441 closely parallels Criterion VIII of 10 CFR 50,

Appendix B, which states, in part:

"These measures shall assure that identification of the item is

maintained by heat number, part number, serial number, or other

appropriate means, either on the item or on records traceable to

the item."

The intent of the material control system is to prevent the

installation of incorrect or defective items. NA-4441 allows a

control system which utilizes records traceable to the item. The

PGCo stores request system, as delineated in the QA manual, complied

with both the ASME B&PV Code,Section III, and 10 CFR 50, Appendix

B, Criterion VIII, prior to identification of the unresolved item.

When properly applied, this material control system provided a

record traceable to the item as required. The discrepancies in the

traceability of actual piping and piping components were the result

of failure to properly implement the stores request system.

b. Review of MTV Procedures

Activities performed under the MTV program were controlled by two

procedures: PGCo Procedure QCP-B31, Revision 4, " Material

Traceability Verification," and PGCo Work Instruction PGWI-17,

Revision 3, "QCT Review of MTV Program." The procedures contain

five major requirements as follows:

(1) 100% field walkdown for subject piping.

(2) All material identification marking recorded.

(3) Field gathered data compareo to stores request for item.

(4) Field gathered data compared to certified material test reports

(CMTR) for correct material specification, type, grade, class,

size, and schedule.

(5) Items found not traceable per stores request or otherwise

discrepant identified as nonconforming, and a nonconformance

report generated for each item.







PGCo Procedure QCP-831 and Work Instruction PGWI-17 contain an

acceptable method for determining the traceability of installed

piping and piping components.

In addition, the NRC inspector reviewed PGCo Procedure QCP-B31.1,

Revision 1, " Untraceable Material Sampling Program." The purpose

of thi.* procedure is control of untraceable items and control and

storage of items removed from the plant. This procedure provides

an acceptable method for controlling these activities.

c. Nonconformance Board

The MTV program found 792 items to be in nonconformance with

applicable procedural requirements. The disposition of these NCR's

were provided by consensus of a nonconformance board consisting of

representatives of CECO, Sargent and Lundy Engineers (S&L),

PGCo, the Authorized Ir.spection Agency (AIA), and generally a member

of the National Board Audit Team. The NRC inspector attended the

disposition of a number of nonconforming items.

The NCRs discussed while the NRC inspector was in attendance are as


NCR 2301

NCR 2230

NCR 2183 (Item Removed)

NCR 2179

NCR 3595

NCR 3669

NCR 3729

The disposition of these NCRs was acceptable.

The NRC inspector independently reviewed the NCR package i?sted below:

NCR 3720

NCR 3301

NCF. 3326

NCR 3161

NCR 3068

NCR 3046

NCR 3025

NCR 2320

NCR 4875

NCR 4573

NCR 46'J1

NCR 3496

NCR 3423

NCR 2985

NCR 4769 (Item Removed)

NCR 2814








The information contained in the NCR packages complied-with procedure ,

requirements and the dispositions of the individual items were


Of the 792 nonconforming items, it was determined that 647 items,

while in nonconformance with PGCo and Ceco procedural requiremerits,

were in compliance with the traceability requirements of the ASME

Code (Braidwood procedural traceability requirements. exceeded those

of the-ASME Code). The remaining 145 items, listed below, were-

removed from the piping systems and replaced with traceable material:



1. 1742 MTV #2 2 Rad Access plug


2. 1742 MTV #3 2 Rad Access plug


3. 1742 MTV #1 2 3"-S/40S Pipe; 18" long


4. 1742 MTV #2 2 3"-S/40S Pipe; 5" long


5. 1742 MTV #7 2 3"-S/405 Pipe; 19" long

CS7-9 (Item Physically Tested)

6. 1831 -

2 Rad Access Plug


7. 1871. MTV #1 2 Rad Access Plug


8. 2071 MTC #2 3 4"-S/40 Pipe; 45" long

1ASX92-1 (Item Physically Tested)

9. 2073 MTV #3 2 3"-S/160 Pipe; l'0" long


10. 2085 MTV #2 3 2"-3000# SW 90 EL


11. 2089 MTV #33 3 1-1/4"-3000# SW 90 EL


12. 2089 MTV #34 3 1-1/4"-S/80 Pipe;

2556A-35 4-1/2" long

13. 2131 MTV #4 2 12'-6"X3/4"-3000#

1AC-CC44 Sockolet






14. 2131 'MTV #5 2 3/4"-3000# SW Plug


15. 2133 MTV #8 3 6"-S/40 Pipe; 2" long


16. 2133 MTV #3 3 4"-S/40 Pipe; 6'-11" long

CC40-12 (Item Physically Tested)

17. 2176 -

2 3"-S/405 Pipe; 3" long


18. 2177 -

2 Rad Access Plug


19. 2177 -

2 Rad Access Plug


20. 2183 MTV #A 2 3"-S/40 Pipe; 3'-1" long

IC-CC-41 (Item Physically Tested)

21. 2183- MTV #8 2 3-S/40 Pipe; 4'-11" long


22. 2353 MTV #1 2 3/4"-S/80 Pipe 2" long


23. 2353 MTV #2 2 3/4"-S/80 Pipe 2" long


24. 2376 MTV #11 2 3"-S/405 Pipe; 4'6" long

1A-CS-9-6 (Item Physically Tested)

25. 2434 -

2 Rad Access Plug


26. 2434 -

2 Rad Access Plug


27. 2S05 MTV #9 3 2"X3/4" 6000# SW

2537C-32 Reducing Insert

28. 2511 MTV #2 2 3"-S/160 Pipe; 10" long


29. 2516 MTV #18 3 2"X3/4" 6000# SW

2537C-39 Reducing Insert

30. 2785 MTV #2 1 Rad Access Plug


31. 2785 MTV #3 1 Rad Access Plug








32. 2785 MTV #2 1 Rad Access Plug


33. 2813 MTV #2 1 3"-S/160 Pipe; 4" long


34. 2813 MTV-#1 2 3"-S/160 Pipe; 4" long


35. 2828 MTV #12 3 2"-3000# SW45 EL


36. 2873 MTV #1 2 3/4"-S/160 Pipe;

2539C-84 5'3"long

37. 2873' MTV #3 2 3/4"-5/160 Pipe;

2539C-84 l'9"long

38. 2873 MTV #5 2 3/4"-S/160 Pipe;

2539C-84 10'7"long

39. 2873 MTV #7 2 3/4"-5/160 Pipe;

2539C-84 4'6"long

(Item P5ysically Tested)

40. 2873 MTV #9 2 .3/4"-S/160 Pipe;

2539C-84 l'1" long

41. 2875- MTV #7 3 2" 3000# SW 90 EL

(FW 7&8)

42. 2875 MTV #14 3 2"-3000# SW 90 EL

(FW 15&l6)

43. 2902 MTV #3 3 3/4"-S/80 Pipe; 18" long

(FW 3&4)

44. 2917 MTV #23 3 2"-3000# SW 90 EL

(FW 20A&21A)

45. 2919 MTV #8 2 3"-S/405 Pipe;

1A-CV-13-3 11-1/2" long

46, 2919 MTV #9 2 3"-5/40S Pipe;

1A-CV-13-3 14-1/2" long

47. 2919 MTV #10 2 3"-S/40S Pipe;

1A-CV-13-3 2" long

48. 2919 MTV #13 2 3"S/40S Pipe; 11" long







49. 2919 MTV #13 2 3"-S/40S Pipe; 39" long


50. 2919 MTV-#14 2 3"-S/40S Pipe;

1A-CV-13-3 3-1/2" long

51. 2919 MTV #15 2 3"-S/40S Pipe;

1A-CV-13-3 2"&24" long

52. 2930' MTV #1 3 3"-S/40S' Pipe;

1A-BRS-5 8-13/16" long

53. 2953 MTV #1 3 3/4"-S/80 Pipe 5" long


54. 2973 MTV #13 3 2"-S/80 Pipe; 3" long


55. 2973 MTV #47 3 2"-S/80 Pipe; 1" long


56. 2984 MTV #3 3 Ring & Bar lug


57. 2990 MTV #6 2 Rad Access Plug


58. 2993 MTV-#5 3 3/4"-S/80 Pipe 4" long


59. 2993 MTV-#19 3 3/4"-S/80 Pipe 4" long.


60. 3027 MTV #9 2 3/4"-S/160 Pipe; 2" long


61. 3027 MTV #15 2 3/4"-S/160 Pipe; 2" long

_,. 2546C-61.

62. 3126 MTV #5 2 3"-S/40(S) Pipe;

1A-CV-10-3 10-3/4" long

63. 3165 MTV #12 3 4"-S/40 Pipe; 2'3" long

. CC-11-5


64. 3166 MTV #5 2 2 Plates, 2"X6" Welded

2A-CC-31 Attachment

65. 3215 MTV #5 2 Rad Access Plug


66. 3216 MTV #7 2 3/4"-6000# Coupling



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67. _3221 MTV #4- 3 Nailer Ring (SA240)

OA-FC-3AB Welded Attachment

68. 3226 MTV #1 2 6"-S/80 Pipe; 12"~1ong-

FW38-1 (Item Physically Tested)

69. 3275 MTV #2 2 Rad Access Plug


70. 3291 MTV #1 2 24"-S/40S Pipe;

SI43-2 l'-6" long

(Item Physically Tested)

71. 13300 MTV #2 2 Rad Access Plug


72. 3318 MTV #3 3 5"-3"X3/4" 3000# SOL



4"-S/40 Pipe; l'0" long


73. 3327 MTV #6 3


74. 3327 PfR/ #7 3 4"-S/40 Pipe; 6" long


75. 3334 MTV #1 3 1"S/80 Pipe; l'-0" long


76. 3334 MTV #19 3 1"-S/80 Pipe; 4" long


77. 3335 MTV #2 3 4"-S/40 Pipe; 6'6" long


78. 3343 MTV #1 2 4"-S/160 Pipe; 8" long


79. 3350 MTV #13 3 2"-S/40 Pipe; 40" long


80. 3350 MTV #11 3 2"-S/40 Pipe;

2537A-104 10-1/2" long

81.' 3365 MTV #25 3 1"-S/80 Pipe; l' long


82. 3365 MTV #27 3 1"-S/80 Pipe; l' long

(FW 36&37)

83. 3322 MTV #6 3 6"-S/120 Pipe; 5'4" long

1A-AF-8-3C (Item Physically Tested)






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84. 3422 MTV #1 3 6"-S/120 Pipe; l'1" long


85. 3422 MTV #2 3 6"-S/120 Pipe; 10" long


86. 3432 MTV #2 1 Rad Access Plug


87. 3432 MTV #3 1 Rad Access Plug


88. 3433 MTV #17 3 6"-S/40 Pipe; l'6" long

FP-21-5 (Item Physica11y' Tested)

89. 3458 MTV #2 3 Welded attachment lug for

AF-16-2 2AF01028R

(Item Physically Tested)

90. 3465 MTV #1 3 3"-S/40S Pipe; 6" long


91. 3470 MTV #9 3 4'-S/40 Pipe; 6" long


92. 3474 MTV #2 3 18"0D S/40 Stanchion



93. 3474 MTV #3 3 18"0D S/40 Stanchion


94. 3476 MTV #2 1 Rad Access Plug



95. 3487 MTV #2 2 3"-S/160 Pipe; 5" long


96. 3488 MTV #1. 3 4"-S/40 Pipe; 4'-6" long


97. 3492 MTV #1 2 3/4"-S/40S Pipe; 3" long


98. 3518 MTV #3 2 1/2" closure plate


99. 3520 MTV #3 3 2"-3000# 90 EL


100. 3553 MTV #18 3 2"-3000# 45 EL


101. 3594 MTV #8 3 1-1/2"-300# Flange







102. 3594 MTV #10 3 1-1/2"-300# Flange


103. 3594 MTV #11 3 1-1/2"-S/80 Pipe;

'2537A-50A 7-1/2"long


104. 3992 MTV #25 2 1/2"-S/160 Pipe; 6" long


105. 4022 MTV #1 3 3"-S/40 Pipe; 5" long


106. 4032 MTV #6 3 4"-S/40 Pipe; 3-3/8" long


107. 4055 MTV #4 2 3"-S/160 pipe;

2A-CV-28-12 7'-10" long

108. 4079 MTV #1 3 4"-S/40 Pipe; 10" long

2A-CC-27-6 (Item Physically Tested)

109. 4100- MTV #1 2 10"-S/40 Pipe; 10" long


110.- 4294 MTV'#19 3 2"-3000# - 90 EL


111. 4527 MTV #55 2 1"-S/160 Pipe;

2539A-29 l'-10" long

(Item Physically Tested)

112. 4587 MTV #2 3 36"-12"X1"-3000#

2A-CC-20-3 Sockolet

113. 4589 MTV #1 3 2"-S/40S Pipe;

29549A-28 l'-10" long

114. '4605 MTV #1 2 14"-S/STD Pipe

1C-SX-34-8 l'7" long'

(Item Physically Tested)

115. 4756 MTV #12 2 2"-S/40S Pipe;

2546A-5 Item 90 5'-2" long

116. 4756 MTV #4 2 3"-5/40S Pipe; 9" long

1A-CV-37' Item 8 ,

117. 4756 MTV #1 2 1"-S/40S Pipe;

2539C-44 Item 128 6-1/2" long

118. 4756 MTV #3 2 1"-S/40S Pipe;

2539C-44 Item 73 6'-4" long


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119. 4756 MTV #5 2 1"-S/40S Pipe; 12' long

2539C-44 Item 74


120. 4756 MTV #7 2 1"-S/40S Pipe;

2539C-44 Item 75 12'5" long

121, 4756- MTV #2 2 1"-S/40S Pipe; 4' long i

2539C-89 Item 76

122. 4756 MTV #2 2 1"-S/40S Pipe; 4' long

2539C-39 Item 127

123. 4756 MTV #9 1 2"-S/160 Pipe; 3'9" long

2546C-25 Item 68 (Item Physically Tested)

124. 4756 MTV #1 2 2"-S/40S Pipe;

2546A-46 Item 109 5-5/8" long


. 125. 4756 MTV #3 2 2"-S/405 Pipe;

l 2546A-46 Item 110 10-5/8" long

i 126. 4756 MTV #5 2 2"-S/40S Pipe;

i 2546A-46 Item 111 11-1/2" long

127. 4756 MTV #7 2 2"-5/40S Pipe;

2546A-46 Item 112 10-3/4" long

. 128. 4756 MTV #8 2 2"-S/40S Pipe; 4" long

2f46A-46 Iteni 93

129. 4756 MTV #12 2 3/4"-S40S Pipe; 3" long

2546A-88 Item 95

, 130. 4769 MTV #2 2 5"-3"X3/4" - 3000# SOL




131, 4824 MTV #21 3 3/4"-S/40S Pipe;

2546A-2 15'10" long


(Item Physically Tested) '



132.- 4824 MTV #1 3 3/4"-S/40S Pipe;.4" long



133, 4824 MTV #9 3 3/4"-S/40S Pipe; 5" long


134, 4824 MTV #11 3 3/4"-S/40S Pipe; 5".long


135. 4824 MTV #13 3 3/4"-S/40S Pipe;

. ,

2546A-2 9'11"long


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136. 4824 MTV #15 3 3/4-S/40S Pipe;

2546A-2 10-1/2" long

137, 4824 MTV #17 3 3/4"-S/40S Pipe;

2546A-2 4'10" long

138. 4824 MTV #19 3 3/4"S/40S Pipe;

2546A-2 9-3/4" long

1J9. 4824 MTV #23 3 3/4"S/40S Pipe;

2546A-2 l'11-1/4" long

140. 4873 MTV #1 3 '3/4"-S/40S Pipe; 1" long


141. 4973 MTV #6 1 Rad Access Plug


142. 5226 MTV #3 2 2"-S/40S Pipe; 12" long


143. 5226 MTV #22 2 2"-S/40S Pipe;

2546A-92 14-3/4" long

144. 5364 M1V #5 3 4"-S/160 Pipe;

CC12-1 13'2" long

145. 5490 MTV #1 2 10"-S/40S Pipe; 11" long


d. Stores Request Review

One of the original concerns relative to piping material was the

viability of the PGCo " stores request" system as an effective

material control system. To further develop assurance concerning

the implementation of the system, the NRC inspector performed a

detailed review on the documentation associated with 30 items whose

traceability was established by the " stores request" document per

the original procedure. The details of this inspection are contained

in NRC Inspection Report No. 50-456/85043; 50-457/85042. Summarizing

the results, "None of the documents reviewed contradicted the

licensee's conclusions and in a majority of cases, independent

information, other than the stores request was on file in the

documentation packages which supported the licensee's conclusion."

Members of the National Board Audit Team reviewed documentation

associated with 50 installed items whose traceability was established

based on stores request documents only. The results of their review

are contained in the National Board Supplementary Report dated

September 26, 1985, and addressed to Cordell Reed, Vice President,

Ceco (" Material Traceability Verification at Braidwood", November

1985, Appendix A), and states "The audit confirmed the integrity of

the stores request system."









.e. Thickness Measurement of Installed Items

As discussed in NRC Inspection Report No. 50-456/85050; 50-457/85048,

' independent thickness measurements, using an ultrasonic digital

thickness measuring device, were taken on six piping systems which

contained MTV items. These measurements were taken to confirm that

the schedule of the installed piping (wall thickness) complied with-

the design specification and agreed with the information used in the

MTV program. Measurements were taken on portions of the following

piping systems:

ID004AB'- Diesel Fuel Oil

ICCD9AB - Component Cooling Water

ICC97AB - Component Cooling Water

ISX17AB - Essential Cooling Water

ICCD8AB - Component Cooling Water

ID063A - Diesel Fuel Oil

All'of the measurements taken confirmed the schedule of the installed i


piping and also confirmed the acceptability of the information that

was developed by CECO. In addition, the independent measurements

closely agreed with the measurements taken by CECO.

f. Selection of Samples

At a point in time near the completion of the MTV, CECO decided to

perform tests on the piping removed from the plant due to lack of

traceability. The purpose of these tests was to-demonstrate that

the untraceable material was in fact, the correct material and

therefore the lack of traceability did not impact the ability of  :

the affected s All of the' items which H

were removed (ystems to function properly.except for 3 items mistakenly los1

subjected to an analysis which determined the chemical composition

of the material.' Sixteen of the removed items were subjected to

physical tests which demonstrated that they conformed to the

strength requirements of the applicable specification. Two

considerations determined which items were appropriate for physical

tests. The'first consideration was size; approximately 90 of the

removed items were too small for physical testing. The second

consideration was'the' presence of manufacturers' markings. Approxi-

mately 30 items, with clear manufacturers' marks identifying mate' rial l

type, did not have the same degree of uncertainty associated with l

their physical properties, and therefore were not appropriate for

physical testing.

The group of items tested contained both carbon steel and stainless

steel and both large bore items and small bore items. In addition, I

the only untraceable section of piping'in an ASME Class I system us i

tested (NCR 4756 Item 68). A portion of the testing was witnessed by

a NRC inspector.




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All of the items subjected to the chemical testing conformed to the

applicable ASME/ ASTM specifications. All of the items subjected to

the physical testing for strength conformed to the applicable

ASME/ ASTM specification.

The final report produced by Taussig Associates, Report No. 64188-1,

" Chemical and Tension Testing of Samples Associated with the MTV

Program," was reviewed. A number of the chemical composition results

were reviewed by the NRC inspector for compliance with ASME B&PV

Code requirements for chemical composition. A number of the

physical (strength) results were also reviewed by the NRC inspector

for compliance with ASME B&PV Code requirements for strength. ~All

results demonstrated compliance with applicable code strength and

composition requirements.

g. Review of Reports

As part of the inspections associated with the MTV program, CECO's

Report " Material Traceability verification at Braidwood," the National

Board's letter of September 26, 1985,.and the Office of the Illinois

State Fire Marshall, Division of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety

letter of June 21, 1985,.were reviewed. Based on the NRC inspections

of the MTV program and the review of the Ceco's final ~ report, it has

been determined that the CECO final report is an accurate representation

of the activities conducted and their results. In addition, our

review of the National Board activities and our review of their letter

supports the National Board's general conclusions:

"The Phillips, Getschow quality assurance program, as written,

did provide the necessary controls to assure that the work


performed by PGCo at the CECO Braidwood Nuclear Power Station

! met the requirements of the ASME Code and the certified design



"As noted previously in the report, there were implementation

deviations from the PGCo quality assurance program's requirements."

"These deviations led to the generation of the MTV program and

the resulting revisions to the PGCo quality assurance program

and material control procedures."

i Duane R. Gallup, Superintendent of Boiler and Pres 9ure Vessel

Safety for the State of Illinois, suuported the MTV program in his

June 21, 1985 letter. Quoting the letter,

"I am satisfied that the corrective action program which

Commonwealth Edison Company (CECO) has undertaken will result

in assuring the piping systems at the Braidwood site will be

in compliance with the requirements of the ASME Code."







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h. Safety Significance Evaluation

As part of the overall MTV program, a " safety significance"

evaluation, composed of calculations necessary to demonstrate

compliance with ASME B&PV Code strength requirements, was performed

for all the items which were nonconforming due to insufficient

traceability. A random sample of these noncomforming item

evaluations (listed below) was reviewed in detail:

NCR 2085

NCR 2183

NCR 2785

NCR 2873

NCR 2919

NCR 3027

NCR 3291

NCR 3350

NCR 3465

NCR 3553

NCR 4294

NCR 4756

NCR 4769

NCR 4873

NCR 5490

In addition, the Sargent and Lundy Report BRF-PMD-01 (November 13,

1985), " Design Significance Evaluation of Braidwood Material

Traceability Verification (MTV) Program Cut Out Items" was reviewed.

This report and the. disposition of these NCRs were acceptable.


In NRC Inspectio'n Report No. 50-456/83-09; 50-457/83-09, two items

were identified which did not have the required schedule of piping

installed. Because these items were replaced prior to the

initiation of the formal MTV program they were not included as

items in the MTV. program final report. Safety significance

evaluations were performed which found that the installed items

could have performed their safety function in compliance with the

ASME B&PV Code. The evaluations were reviewed and found acceptable.

i. . Inspection Conclusions

Based on the NRC inspections and reviews of the MTV program, the

following conclusions have been reached:

(1) The original material control system ~ contained in the PGCo QA

manual complied with the requirements of the ASME B&PV Code.

(2) There were a number of instances in which the proper procedures

were not followed. These are the 792 items identified in the

CECO final report as nonconforming. This is the basis for a

violation of 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, Criterion V. (456/85061-01;




( .-





(3) The specific instances of failure to follow procedures did not

appear to impact the ability of the systems to perform their

safety function.

(4) The MTV program was an effective method to determine the

traceability of the items in question.

(5) The MTV program was conducted in accordance with applicable


(6) 145 Items lacking the required traceability have been removed

from the plant and replaced with items which have the required


(7) It now appears, based on the results-of the MTV program,' that

the Material Control System originally employed by PGCo was

effective to the extent that no items were installed which

would have impacted the ability of the piping systems to

function properly.

3. Exit Interview

The Region III inspectors met with licensee representatives (denoted under

Paragraph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection on January 9, 1986. The

inspectors summarized the scope and findings of the inspection. The

licensee acknowledged this information. The inspector also discussed the

likely informational content of the inspection report with regard to

documents or processes reviewed during the inspection. The licensee did

not identify any such documents / processes as proprietary.



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