IR 05000456/1997014

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Insp Repts 50-456/97-14 & 50-457/97-14 on 970811-15.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Ro & SRO Requalification Training Programs
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/12/1997
Shared Package
ML20217A615 List:
50-456-97-14, 50-457-97-14, NUDOCS 9709190248
Download: ML20217A619 (10)


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REGION lll l i Docket Nos: 50-456;50-457

, License Nos: NPF 72; NPF 77 i


Report Nos: 50-456/97014(DRS); 50-457/97014(DRS)

Licensee: Commonwealth Edison (Comed)

Facility: Braldwood Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2

Location: RR #1, Box 79 Braceville,IL 60407 Dates: August 11 15,1997 Inspectors: E. Plettner, Reactor Engineer P. Cataldo, Reactor Engineer Approved by: M. Leach, Chief, Operator Licensing Branch Division of Reactor Safety


9709190248 970912 PDR ADOCK 05000456 Q PDR





EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Braidwood Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2 NRC Inspection Report 50-456/97014; 50-457/97014 This inspection report contains the findings and conclusions from the inspection of the licensed reactor operator (RO) and senior reactor operator (SRO) requalification training programs. The inspection included a review of training administrative procedures and operating examination mateal; observation and evaluation of operator performance and licensee evaluators during a requall'ication operating examination; an assessment of simulator fidelity; an evaluation of program controls to assure a systems approach to training; and a review of requalification training record The inspectors used the guidance in inspection proceduto (IP) 7100 Ooerations Facility control room operators demonstrated good attentiveness to the operating panels and were knowledgable of plant conditions (Section 01).

All portions of the annual roqualification examination were judged to be effective tools for determining operator weaknesses (Sections 05.2 and 05.5).

Licensed operator requalification programs were implemented in accordance with 10 CFR Part 55 requirements (Sections 05.3 and 05.6).

Licensee controls to revise the licensed operator requalification training program were satisfactory (Section 05.4).


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Reports Details 1. Onorallent 01 Conduct of Operations Insoection Scooe (71707) ,'

The inspectors observed routine control room activities during full power plant operation, attended a day shift to swing-shift licensed operator turnover and crew briefing, performed panel walk-downs, reviewed the control room log, and questioned operators about plant and equipment status, Observations and Findings The conduct of licensed control room operators was professional. The inspectors noticed good attentiveness to control room panela and indications. During shift tumover, each operator performed front and backpanel walk-downs with their relie Face to face and phone communications were consister#j good. The control room noise level minimized and no annunciators were kn in a prolonged alarm stat The operators were knowledgeable of tags on contre,i room panels, plant conditions, and equipment status when questioned by the inspek;ar Conclusions The inspectors concluded that an appropriate level of attention and detail existed in the control room and operator actions were consistent with licensee expectations as outlined in administrative procedures, l

l 05 Operator Training and Qualification 05.1 Ooerating Histqty insoection Scoge (71001)

The inspectors reviewed the following to assess the licensed operator requalification training program's affectiveness regarding operator performance:

  • SALP Report Nos. 50-456/95001; 50-457/95001, o

Resident inspector observations aied reports covering the time frame of April 1996 to presen * Licensee event reports covering the time frame of June 1996 to presen e Initial license examination Repo,' Ncc. 50-456/96-01(OL); 50-457/96-01(OL).




  • Licensed operator requalification training Report Nos. 50-456/95012(DRS); 50-457/95012(DRS). Observations and Findings The inspectors noted that poor operator performance au documented in the above reports was attributable in part to incorrect and inadequate procedures, and ineffective training for operators concerrdng usage of procedures. The inspectors noted that the licensee was continuing to take rigorous actions to improve operator performance through a program entitled Scorecard, Conclusions The inspectors concluded that the licensed operator requalification program had not been effective in the past in reenforcing proper procedural usage. Licensee corrective actions were implemented with some positive results being achieve .2 Reoualification Examinations Insoection Scoce (71001)

The inspectors reviewed the following using IP 71001, Appendix A check-lists titled " Simulator Scenario Review Checklist," " Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Quality Checklist," and the "NRC Checklist for Written Examination Questions" to assess the licensee's examination materials' quality and content; e Sample plan prepared for the current annual requalification operating examination e Written requalification exams administered in June 1997, e Operating requalification exams administered during the inspection wee Observations and Findings The inspectors reviewed the scenarios administered during the inspection week, as well as additional scenarios administered in previous weeks using the Appendix A checklist titled " Simulator Scenario Review Checklist." The dynamic scenarios were challenging and provided ample opportunity to evaluate the crew and individuals based on critical tasks and competencie The inspectors reviewed the observed job performance measure (JPM) set and two additional JPM sets administered in previous weeks. The JPMs had appropriate steps identified as critica'. Furthermore, they clearly identified and incorporated PRA elements in the selection proces _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ -



The written examination questions were of good quality and were written to the appropriate difficulty level. A majority of the open reference questions were highei c.cgnitive knowledge level questions. The static examination questions made good use of the simulator as a reference. Less than ten percent of the questions were repeated from week to week, and one hundred percent of the questions were new or significantly modified from the previous examination cycle. One item for improvement was identifie The item involved the use of some " direct look-up" questions. NUREG 1021, Rev. 7, ES 602, Section B.2.e, defines a " direct look up" question as a question that immediately directs an operator to a particular reference where the answer is readily available. This type of question should be avolded and the licensee agreed to reduce the number of direct look-up questions during the next written exa Conclusions The examination material contained the necessary quantitative and qualitative attributes to provide an effective evaluation of operator skills. An item for improvement was identified involving the use of " direct look-up" questions used in the written examinatio .3 RequanGcation Examination Administration Practices Insoection Scoce (71001)

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The inspectors performed tha following to assess the licensee's policies and practices regarding requalification examination administration, and simulator fidelity:

Observed and evaluated the performance of two operating crews during dynamic simulator scenarios and the JPM examination * Reviewed Training Administrative Procedure * Reviewed the simulator fidelity lo Observations and Findings The inspectors observed the licensee evaluate two operating crews performance during four dynamic simulator scenarios. The licensee identified no unsatisfactory performance of either the crews or an individual during the inspection period. The licensee had identified unsatisfactory performance of a crew and two individuals during dynamic scenarios performed in a previous examination wee No new simulator performance or fidelity issues were identified during the inspectors'

observation of the operating examination. See enclosed Attachment 1, Simulation Facility Report. The licensee's simulator Deficiency Reports and Condition Reports were properly prioritized and addressed in a timely manne Good examination security was observed throughout the examination administratio l l


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9 Conclusions The inspectors concluded that the licensee was implementing the licensed operator requalification program in accordance with 10 CFR Part 55.5 .4 Reaualification Trainina Procram Feedback System insoection Scoce (71001)

The inspectors performed the following to assess the licensee's training program feedback system effectiveness:

Reviewed the Safety Assessment and Quality Verification (SAQV) audit QAA 20-97-07 for Staffing and Trainin *

Reviewed recorded changes to the requalification program.

  • Reviewed operator feedbac b, Observations and Findings The licensee assessed the identified individual operator and crew weaknesses, operator training requests, and plant and Industry events. Based on those assessments, training material was selected for the upcoming training cycle during the periodic meetings of the Training Advisory Committee (TAC). The program was current, up to date, and flexible enough to incorporate emerging training issues, in addition, the licensee had a satisfactory tracking program to incorporate changes to the examination bank material when procedure changes or modifications were implemented by the plant, Conclusions The inspectors determined that the feedback process was effectively implemente .5 Remedial Trainino Procram Insoection Scooe (71001)

The inspectors performed the following to assess the licensee's remedial traipirg program effectiveness:

  • Reviewed individual operator and crew performance evaluations for the four completed examination week *

Reviewed the remediation training plans for unsatisfactory operator performance for the four completed examination weeks.


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e Interviewed licensee personnel (licensed operators, instructors / evaluators, and supervisors).


j Observations and Findings The remedial training program was customized to address the individual weaknesses when an operator failed the annual requalification examination or had an adverse trend in performance during each requalification cycle as indicated by quiz grades or dynamic simulator evaluations. Remediation would be given to crews who did not perform up to standards during the annual requalification examination or during the requalification cycle dynamic simulator evaluations. The development of remediation plans included a comprehensive root cause analysis for past individual and crew performance weaknesses and possible programmatic breakdown. Retake examinations for Individual '

operators and or crews were comprehensive to ensure that the individual operator and or crew had again achieved the required skills to retum to licensed duties, i Conclusions The inspectors concluded that the remediation plans addressed individual and crew performance weaknesse .6 Conformance with Ooerator License Conditions insoection Scone (71001)

The inspectors reviewed the following documents to assess the licensee's compliance with 10 CFR 55.53, " License condition requirements," and 10 CFR 55.21, " Medical examination."

e Systems approach to training program record * Requalification training record *- Licensed operator medical record Observations and Findinas The facility licensee's records for both active and inactive licenses covering the current two year requalification period were requested and reviewed. The records were easily retrieved by the licensee and contained sufficient documented details to compare facility licensee's activities to the requirements of 10 CFR 55.53 and 10 CFR 55.2 Conclusions The inspectors did not identify any non-compliance items associated with the requirements of 10 CFR 55.53 and 10 CFR 55.21,

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05.7 Follow-un of Previousiv Identified Weaknesses The inspectors reviewed the two identified weaknesses from the last LORT program inspection (NRC Inspection Reports 50-456/95012(DRS); 50457/95012(DRS). Both weaknesses were associated with JPMs. - One involved the evaluator not having the candidate properly demonstrate the required job skills for the task. The second involved the lack of management attention in performing audits of JPM evaluator's skills during administration of in-plant JPM The inspectors reviewed both the Training Department Instruction (TDl) and the associated documentation for the identified weaknesses. The inspectors noted that corrective actions were effective in eliminating both weakness.


V. Management Meetings X1 Exit Meetino Summarv



The inspectors presented the inspection results to members of licensee management on August 15,1997. The licensee acknowledged the findings presente The inspectors asked the licensee whether any materials examined during the inspection could be considered proprietary. No proprietary information was identifie Attachment: Simulation Facility Report



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  • D. Burton, Operations Training Coordinator
  • M. Cassidy, Regulatory Assurance - NRC Coordinator
  • C. Cerovac, Operations Training Superintendent
  • S. Deprest, Operations Training Instructor
  • R. Gayheart, Licensed Operator Requalification Training Coordinator
  • E. Hendrix, Operations Staff Superintendent
  • J. Natewajka, ISEG Supervisor
  • G. Stanley, Site Vice President
  • J. Walker, Operations Training instructor
  • R. Wegner, Operations Manager NELC
  • P. Cataldo, Reactor Engineer
  • C. Phillips, Senior Resident inspector
  • E. Plettner, Reactor Engineer
  • Denotes those present at the exit on August 15; 199 IN5PECTION PROCEDURES USED IP 71001: Licensed Operator Requalification Program Evaluation IP 71'07: Plant Operations ITEMS OPENED, CLOSED, AND DISCUSSED None

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Attachment 1


SIMULATION FACILITY REPORT Facility Licensee: Braldwood Units 1 and 2 l Facility Licensee Dockets No: 50-456,50-457 Operating Tests Administered: August 13 14,1997 This form is to be used only to report observations. These observations do not constitute audit or inspection finf. age and are not, without further verification and review, indicative of noncompliance with 10 CFR 55.45(b). These observations do not affect NRC certification or approval of the simulation facility other than to provide information that may be used in future evaluations. No licensee action is required in response to those observation While conducting the simulator portion of the operating tests, the following items were observed (if none, so state):