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| number = ML20070Q191
| number = ML20070Q191
| issue date = 03/25/1991
| issue date = 03/25/1991
| title = NRC Form 474 Simulation Facility Certification.
| title = NRC Form 474 Simulation Facility Certification
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = CENTERIOR ENERGY
| author affiliation = CENTERIOR ENERGY

Latest revision as of 22:27, 23 May 2020

NRC Form 474 Simulation Facility Certification
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 03/25/1991
Shared Package
ML20070Q188 List:
NUDOCS 9103280238
Download: ML20070Q191 (137)



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l LICENSE NO. NPF-3 MARCH 26,1991 l



Docket Number 50-346 ,

License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure OVERVIEV This submittal of NRC Form 474 certifies that the D,vis-Besse Nuclear Pover Station (DBNPS) Unit No. 1 plant-referenced simulater meets the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's requirements of 10'YR 55.4 (b) for a simulation facility ecnsisting solely of a plan

  • refe'enced t.imulator.

The DBNPS plant-referenced simui :or provides full scope simulation within the "At the Controls Area" (See Appendix 2. Attachment 1). The auxiliary shutdovn panel and additional back panels have been added to enhance operator training and facilitate training of non-operations personnel (e.g., Instrument and Control Technicians).

The certiPeation submittal has been compiled in accordance with the format set forth in Appendix A of ANSI /ANS-3 5-1985, Nuclear Pover Plant Simulators for Use in Operator Training, as endorsed by Regulatory Guide 1.149, Revision 0, Nuclear Pover Plant Simulation Facilities for Use in Operator License Examinations. Common areas have been combined and addressed in six appendices. The appendices contain ettachments, as necessary, to provide additional information to support certification. The index provides a cross-reference of each appendix to the format of ANS1/ANS-3.5-1985, Appendix A.

The DBNPS plant-referenced simulator is in full compliance with ANSI /ANS-3.5-1985 and no exceptions (long-term deviations from the line item requirements of the Standard) are taken. Deficiencies vill be corrected and, as such, are not considered exceptions.

The DBNPS plant-referenced simulator was delivered in January,1991. A Utility Simulator User's Group (USUG) certification assist visit was conducted in February. Recommendations from that visit have been incorporated into this submittal. The Site Acceptanes Test and simulator availability testing was performed during February and March. A six veek simulator outage is scheduled for the April / Hay time frame to incorporate a number of plant modifications from the most recent refueling outage (Sixth Refueling Outage) prior to commencing use of the simulator for operator training in June, 1991.

The simulator procedures referenced in this submittal are presently in draft form. These simtdator procedures are based on the guidance of ANSI /ANS-3.5-1985 t.nd have been used and enhanced during simulator construction and testing in response to lessons learned. Formal approval of these simulator procedures is scheduled for June 1991.

Overview Page 1 of 2

_ _ _ _ . - _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ~ . _ _ . _ . _ - _ _ - _ . _ . . - _ _ _ . . _ . . _ . . _ . _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure ,

f 4

, OVFRVIEV (Contirried)

I l The following is a list of acronyms that are specific to t:'m Di/M/ plant referenced simulator and are routinely used throughout this document.

1. ATCA - At the Controls Area
2. IF - Instructor Facility
3. SCCB - Simulator Configuration Control Board
4. SCCN - Simulator Configuration Change Number

$. SCEF - Source of Change Evaluation Form 6., $ CMS - Simulator Configuration Manage:nent System

7. SMRF - Simuletor Hodification Request Form
8. STR - Simulator Trouble Report
9. SVD -

Simulator Vork Order 4

4 Overview Page 2 of 2 I

l...__,. _ .,.. _ _ , . . , _ . , , _ . . . _ , , , _ . - . - - . _ - - _ - _ . -

Dockat-Numb 2r 50-346 License Numbar NPP-3 Serial Numbar 1913 Eaclosure INDEX ANSI /ANS-3.5 - 1985 APPENDIX A DBNPS SIMULATOR PERFORMANCE A.1 SIMULATOR INFORMATION i

A.1.1 General ~ Appendix 1 -

General Information (1)- Owner Operator Hanufacturer (2) Reference Flant Type Rating (3) Date Available for Tra.n 'ng (4) Type of Report A.1.2 Control Room (Physical Fidelity) Appendix 2 -

Contact Room (1). Control Room Physical Arrangement (Physical Fidelity)

(2) Panels / Equipment (3) Systems (4) Simulator Control Room Environment A.I.3 Instructor Interface Appendix 3 -

Instructoc Interface

('t) Initial Conditions (3) Halfunctions

( 1)

Controls provide lor items outside the Control Room (4) Addit 3onal special instructor / training features available A.1.4 Operating Procedures-Por Reference Plant No Appendix ,

Reference plant controlled procedures are utilized in the simulator. There are no-I differences.

t A.1.5' Identify Changes Since Last Report No Appendix

This is the iLitial certification report.

l l Index Page 1 of 3 1'

r Docket Numbar 50-346 Licensa Number NPF-3  !


-Sorial Numbsr 1913 Enclosure INDEX (Continued)


Design Control j (1) Technical Manuals (2) Drawings j (3) Plant Data Utilized  ;

(4) Applicable plant modifications incorporated into the simulater A.3 S::!Uf ATOR TESTS (FUNCTIONAL FIDELITY) Appendix 5 -

Simulator Tests ,

/.3.3 ..iputer Real Time Test (Functional Fidelity) l A.3.7 .ao/ State and Normal Operations Tests A.S.3 Iransient Tests  ;

A.3.4 Halfunction Tests ,


Simulator Discrepancy

.(1) Identifying, logging, correcting and Resolution and testing reported simulator discrepancies. Upgrading-(2). Tracking of deaign changes incorporated into ,

the reference plant but not yet incorporated into the simulator.-

L i

l-b Index Page 2 of 3 l.

l l

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure INDEX (Continued)

LIST OF ATTACHMENTS PAGE Appendix 1: General Information 1 No Attachments y

Appendix 2: Conttol Room (Physical Fidelity) 2 Attachment 1: Simulator Control Room Physical 5 Arrangement Appendix 3: Instructor Interface 7 Attachment 1: Generic Halfunction List 10 Append 3y. 4: Design Control 13 No Attachments Appendiv 5: Simulator Tests (Functional Fidelity) 14 Attachment 1: Identification of Performance Tests 17 Attachment 2: Computer Real Time Test Abstract 26 Attachment 3: N Series (Normal Operations and Steady 27 State) Test Abstracts Attachment 4: S Series (Surveillance) Test Abstracts 43 Attachment 5: T Series (Transients) Test Abstracts 51 Attachment 6: TAB Series (Transients, Appendix B) Test 98 Abstracts Attachment 7: Simulator Operating Limits Test Abstract 108 Attachment 8: Software Discrepancies 109 Attachment 9: Best Estimate Team Qualifications 114 Attachment 10: Four Year Test Schedule 119 Appendix 6: Simulator Discrepancy Resolution and-Upgrading 123 Attachment 1: Simulator Discrepancy Process 125 Attachment 2: Design Change Process 126 Index Page 3 of 3 l

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 1 - GENERAL INFORMATION

1. OVNER Toledo Edison Company 300 Madison Avenue Toledo. 011 43652 Centerior Energy Corporation 6200 Daktree Blvd.

Independence. 011 44131 OPERATOR Toledo Edison Company Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Nuclear Training Section MANUFACTURER CAS Electronics Ltd.

C.P. 1800 Saint Laurent, Quebec Canada il4L4X4

2. REFERENCE PLANT Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 TYPE Pressurized Vater Reactor, Babcock and Vilcox RATING 2772 Megawatts Thermal
4. TYPE OF REPORT Initial ATTACilMENTS None Appendix 1 Pag 7 1 of 1 1

Dockot Numb 3r 50-346

-License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 2 - CONTROL ROOM (PHYSICAL FIDELITY)



This submittal pertains to the plant-referenced simulator within the "At The Controls Area" (ATCA) as depicted on Arpendix 2, Attachment la Simulator Control Room Physical Arrangement. Contractual requirements and simulator design review meetings were conducted with Operations, Engineering, and Training personnel to identify a scope of simulation in full compliance with ANSI /ANS-3.5-1985 (the Standard). The auxiliary shutdown panel and additional backpanels have been added to the control room cabinet area to enhance operator training and facilitate training of non-operations personnel (e.g., Instrument and Control Technicians) but are-not part of the ATCA (See Appendix 2 Attachment 1, Simulator Control Room Physical Arrangement). Although not required for certification, the functionally simulated hardware in the control room cabinet area has been evaluated for impact to training and the results of that evaluation are available at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Training Center.

1. Control Room Physical Arrangement 1.1 A comparison of the physical layout between the plant and simulator control rooms has been conducted in accordance with procedure NT-0T-07014, Simulator Physical Fidelity. The initial comparison was conducted to a design freeze date of October 1, 1989. All control room changes affecting the simulator after the design freeze date are being processed according to procedure ,

NT-0T-07013, Simulator Design control.

1.2 All identified differences have been evaluated for. potential impact to simulator training and performance evaluations.

Evaluation criteria is delineated in procedure NT-0T-07014, Simulator Physical Fidelity.

1.3 The simulator is in full compliance with the Standard (Section 3.2.1, Degree of Panel Simulation) for the physical arrangement-of the control room and no exceptions are taken.

2. Panels / Equipment-2.1 An extensive comparison between the plant and simulator control room panels and equipment has been conducted in accordance with procedure NT-0T-07014, Simulator Physical Fidelity. Forms similar to-those contained in NUREG-1258, Evaluation Procedure for Simulation Facilities Certified under 10CFR 55, were utilized to conduct the comparison.

Appendix 2

-Page 1 of 3 2

Docket Numbar 50-346 License'Numbar NPF > Serial-Numbar.1913-Enclosure-APPENDIX.21- CONTROL ROOH (Continued) 2.2 A1111dentified differences have been evaluated for potential

~ impact to' simulator training and performance evaluations.

Evaluation criteria is delineated in procedure NT-0T-07014, Simulator Physi:al Fidelity.

2.3 The simulator is in full compliance with the Standard (Section 3.2.2, Controls on Panels) for panels / equipment and no exceptions #

are taken.

3. Systems 3.1 An analysis.has been performed to evaluate the simulation of plant-systems required to suppor t.e i performance testing listed ~

in Appendix 5. This testing was p.cformed utilizing controlled plant procedures.

3. 2 -- -Controlled plant procedures were utilized to perform the evolutions listed in Section 3.1.1,-Normal Plant Evolutions, and the plant-transients listed in Section 3.1.2, Plant Halfunctions, of the' Standard.- Procedure steps which-would be conducted in the

. plant. control room, but could not be performed in the-simulator-control; room, vere identified as a' discrepancy.

3.3- The--simulator istin full compliance vith the' Standard (Section 3.3.1, Systems. Controlled-from the Control Room) for simulation of systems and:no exceptions-are taken.: -

E4. -Simulator: Control' Room: Environment ,

~ 4 . l _- A-comparison between the plant and-simulator control room-environments has been conducted in-accordance with; procedure

-NT-0T-07014,' Simulator Physical Fidelity. Forms similar to those c ,

fcontained in NUREGal258' vere utilized to conduct the comparison. -.

l-L 4.2- 1Al' identified differences have'been evaluated for potential ,

i set to: simulator-_ training and performance evaluations.

F .;ect matter experts from the following sections provided an lL. pact _ determination of'the' identified-differences:

L Plant Operations

-Nuclear Training Nuclear Engineering

-4.3- The simulator is11n full' compliance-vith the standard _(Section 3.2.3,. Control ~ Room Environment) for the simulator control room environment'and'no exceptions-are taken.

Appendix-2 Page 2 of 3


t 3

Docket Number 50-346 Licensa Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure-APPENDIX 2 - CONTROL ROOM (Continued)

5. Simulator Trouble Reports were generated to resolve differences identified during the physical fidelity (hardware) comparison. These difierences are contractual issues and are expected to be resolved by the vendor within the one year varranty period.


Attachment 1: Simulator Control Room Physical Arrangement l

Appendix 2

Page 3 of 3 l

4 l


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Appendix 2 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 2 5

Docket Number 50-346


Panel Designation Description A02-A05 Left Control Console A06-A10 Center Control Console A11-A14 Right Control Console A15 Station Electrical Distribution Console A16 Engineered Safeguards Console A17 Engineered Safeguards Console A18 Reactor Coolant Control Console A19 Reactor Auxiliaries Control Console A20 Station Auxillaries control Console A21 Feedvater Control Console A22 Turbine / Generator Control Console A23 Svitchyard Control Console A25 Svitchyard Annunciator Cabinet A30 Remote Containment Lighting Panel A55 RPS and SFAS Cabinets (Channel 2)

A56 RPS and SPAS Cabinets (Channel 4)

A61A- SFRCS Channel 1 Cabinet A62N MSIV Reset Cabinet A62 kPS and SFAS cabinets (Channel 1)

A63 RPS and SFAS Cabinets (Channel 3)

A65 Radiation Monitoring Panel Cabinets A77 Alarm Printer (PPC)

A80 Fire Protection and Radiation Control A81 ' Area Radiation Readout Panel A84A ARTS Channel 1-A84B ARTS Channel 2 A84C ARTS Channel 3 A84D ARTS Channel 4 A92A SFRCS Channel 2 Cabinet A92N HSIV Reset Cabinet A96 Fire Protection Panel A98 Post Accident Monitoring (PAH) Panel A99 Post Accident Honitoring (PAM) Panel A102 Air Damper

.A103 Temperature and Humidity Recorder

.A104 Combined Panel Cabinet A105 Auxiliary Shutdown Panel A106 Control Room Area Radiation Monitor A107 25" CRT A135 Band Printer A181 CMS Printer A182 Seiko 4 Port Hultiplexer A183 Seiko Hardcopier A188 Remote Copy Switch Appendix 2 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 2 6

1' Docket Numb 2r 50-346 License Numbsr NPP -


1. Initial Conditions i 1.1 A minimua of 10 operational initial conditions are required to be maintained at all times in accordance with procedure NT-0T-07016, Simulator Instructor Control Functions. These 10 initial conditions cover a variety of plant operating conditions, fission product poison concentrations, and various times in core life.

The simulator has a storage capacity for 50 initial conditions.

1.2 The simulator is in full compliance with the Standard (Section 3.4.1, Initial Conditions) for initial conditions and no exceptions are taken.

2. Malfunctions 2.1 A list of generic simulator malfunctions is provided in Appendix 3, Attachment 1. This list is composed of the malfunctions utilized to perform the evolutions required by Section 4.2, Transient Operation, and Appendix B Section B2.,

PVR Simulator Operability Test, of the Standard.

2.2 Vhere operator actions are a fuiction of the degree of severity of the malfunction, the malfunction has adjustable rates of such L a range to represent the plant malfunction conditions.



All~ malfunctions are easily inserted, controlled, and removed using the available Instructor Facility (IF) functions.

l 2.4 The simulator is in full compliance with the Standard (Section l- 3.4.2, Halfunctions) for malfunctions ar.d no exceptions are i taken.


3. Controls Provided for Items Outside the Control Room 3.1 The provision of controls for items outside the control room has been analyzed in accordance with procedure NT-0T-07015, simulator-

' Functional Fidelity. The analysis included all controls l- referenced in the. controlled plant procedures which were utilized L

to conduct the-performance tests listed in Appendix 5, simulator Tests.

Appendix 3 Page 1 of 3 l

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPP-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 3 - INSTRUCTOR INTERFACE (Continued)

3. Controls Provided for Items outside the Control Room (Continued) 3.2 Controlled plant procedures were utilized to perform the evolutions listed in Section 3.1.1, Normal Plant Evolutions, and the plant transients listed in Section 3.1.2, Plant Halfunctions, of the Standard. Procedure steps involving local operator action pertinent to control room operator performance or indication, which could not be performed, vere identified as a discrepancy and are delineated in the applicable test abstract in Appendix 5, Simulator Tests.

3.3 The simulator is in full compliance with the Standard-(Section 3.3.2, Systems Operation or Functions Controlled Outside of the Control Room) for the control of items outside the control room and no exceptions are taken.

4. Additional Special Instructor / Training Features Available The following additional special instructor / training features are available on the DBNPS plant-referenced simulatort 4.1 Audio Recording 4.2 Video Recording 4.3 Instructor Facility Touch Screens 4.3.1 Complete simulation flov diagrams-are displayed on the j Instructor Facility with touch screen activation for the following functions


a. Halfunctions
b. Input / Output overrides I
c. Recording capabilities
d. Remote functions
e. Time Control
f. Monitoring capabilities 4.3.2-The simulator is in full compliance with the Standard (Section 3.4.4, Instructor Interface)-for-instructor interfaces and no exceptions are taken.

L Appendix 3 l

Page 2 of 3 8

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 3 - INSTRUCTOR INTERFACE (Continued) 4.4 System Status Alarm Program The System Status Alarm Program is des!gned to alert the instructo.

when the evolution has proceeded beyond the implemented model or known plant behavior. The program monitors identified parameters and alarms when the pre-defined limits have been exceeded. The simulator operating '

limits feature is delineated in procedure NT-0T-07015, Simulator Functional Fidelity. A test abstract for the simulator operating limits required by-the Standard is provided in Appendix 5, Simulator Tests.

Additional limits exist for training and trouble shooting purposes.

4.5'Other Control Features 4.5.1 The simulator has the ability to freeze simulation, backtrack, and_ create snapshots. Simulation can also be run in fast or slow time.

4.5.2 The simulator is in full compliance with the Standard (Section 3.4.3, Other Control Features) for simulator control features and no exceptions are taken.

4.6 Additional Panels The Auxiliary Shutdown Panel and additional backpanels in the Control Room Cabinet Area have been simulated and are identified on Attachment 1, Simulator Control Room Physical Arrangement, of Appendix 2. These panels are not part of the "At The Controls Area" (ATCA) but have been provided _to' enhance operator training and facilitate the training of n n-operations personnel (e.g., Instrument and Control Technicians).

Cuntractual requirements and design review meetings vere conducted with Operations, Engineering, and Training personnel to identify the scope of-simulation for these additional backpanels.


Attachment 1: Generic Halfunction' List 1

Appendix 3 Page 3 of 3 9

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 3 Attachment 1: GENERIC MALFUNCTION LIST The test abstracts included in Appendix 5 provide a cross-reference for he specific malfunctions utilized in each certification Test.

Halfunction Designation Description AC-01 Loss of All AC Power AC-02 Loss-of All Offsite Power AC-04 Loss of 345 KV/13.8 KV Startup Transformers AC-09 Loss of 120 VAC Bus (Any)

ATV-01 Failure of Auxiliary Feedvater Pump to Start (P14-1, P14-2, Both)

AFV-05 Auxiliary Feedvater Pump Turbine (K3-1, K3-2, Both)

Governor Falls (0-100%)

CCV-06 Component Cooling Vater lieader Leak Upstream of CC-165 (0-100%)

CD flotvell Level Transmit ter LT550 Falls and Causes -

liigh/Lov Level CORE-01 Failed Fuel CRD-01 Reactor Trip CRD-02 Stuck Rod CRD-03 Rod Drop (1-5.3)

CRD-04 Failure of Reactor 7rtp CRD-05 Programmer Motors bunning In/Out Without Command (Group 5, 6,-7,'8, Aux.)

CRD-17 Rod Uncoupled From Lead Screw (1-53)

CRD-20 Group 7 Rod Sticks Vhen Drivsng In/Out (Rod 7-4 or 7-12)

CS-02 Containment Spray Pump Fails to Automatically Start (PS6-1, P56-2, Goth)

CT-01 Circulating Uater Pump Trip (P2-1, P2-2, P2-3, P2-4)

DC-02 Loss of 125 VDC Vital Bus (Any)

EDG-01 Emerg;ancy Diesel Generator Trip (1, 2, Both)

EDG-02 Failure-of Emergency Diesel Generator to Automatically

-Start (1, 2, Both)

IIPI-03 IIP Injection Pump Fails to Automatically Start l (P58-1,'2, Both)

!!PI-04 Failure of IIP Injection Valves (llP2A, IIP 2B,ilP2C,ilP2D) 0-100%

llPI-05  !!P Injection Discharge Line Break (0-100%)

Appendix 3 Attachment 1 i

Page 1 of 3' 10

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 LEnclosure APPENDIX 3 Attachment 1: GENERIC MALFUNCTION LIST (Continued)

Halfunction-Designation Description IA-01 Instrument Air lleader Rupture Located Downstream of Instrument Air After-Filters (0-100%)

ICS-02 Failure of Auto Runbac,k Signals (Any) Vhich Are Input to

.he Rate Unit of the Unit Load Demand Module ICS-09 Failure of the Tave Controller Output in the Reactor Control Hodule ICS-11 Failure of the Rapid Feedvater Reduction Signal (On, Off)

ICS-17 Loss of ICS Power (AC, DC, Both)

LPI LPI System Leak in Containment Between DlI76 and CF30 (DH77 and CF31) 0-100%

LPI-05 LP Injection Pump Falls to Automatically Start (P42-1,,2, Both)

HFV-01 Main _Feedvater Pump Trip (P12-1, 2,-Both)

HFV-07 Feedvater Line Break Downstream of Valve FV601, PV612 (0 100%)

HFV-08 Feedvater Line Break Upstream of Valve FV601, FV612 (0-100%)-

l HS-01 Main Steam Isolation Valve Falls Closed /Open (HS100, MS101, Both)

-HS-02 Main Steam Line Leak Inside Containment (0-100%)

.HS-03 .Hain Steam Line Leak Outside Containment Vessel (0-100%)

Between NRV and MSIV HUP-03 Leak .in Hakeup Line Downstream of MU6421 (0-100%)

t -HUP-07 Leak in Letdown Line Outside Containment-Vessel-(0-100%)-

! HUP-08 Pressure Reducing Control Valve HU6 Fails Closed l HUP-10 Tube Leak in Letdown Cooler (E25-1, 2,-Both) 0-100%

'- HUP-12 Loss of Makeup Pump (P37-1, P37-2)

HUP-19: Failure of MU3971 to Respond to Automatic Signals NI-02 Failure of High Voltage to Source Range DF3 Proportional Counter-(Cil 1, 2, Both)

L NI-03 Source' Range Counts Output Fails iligh/ Low (CII 1, 2, Both) l NI-04 Source Range Discriminator Fails to Discriminate Gamma Flux (0-100%)

NI-06 Failure of Source Range liigh Voltage Interlock at 1.0 E Amps Intermediate Range Failure of Compensating Voltage to



Compensated Ion Chamber 0-100% (Cl! 1, 2, Both)

NI-09 Intermediate Range Log-N Amplifier Level Signal Falls liigh/Lov (CII 1, 2, Both)

Appendix 3 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 3 11

1 Docket Numbar 50-346-License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 3 Attachment 1: GENERIC MALFUNCTION LIST (Continued)

Malfunction Designation Description NI-11 Failure of Power Range Uncompensated Ion Chamber (CH 1 Upper / Lover, CH 2 Upper / Lover, CH 3 Upper / Lover,Cil 4 Upper / Lover)

NNI-01 Loss of NNI Power (X or Y, AC or DC)

-NNI-02 Failure of SASS Dead Band Setpoint (0-100%)

PZR-02 Pressurizer Spray Valve Falls (0-100%)

PZR-03 Pressurizer Safety or PORV Leaks (Any, All) 0-100% Capacity PZR-04 Pressurizer Safety or PORV Fails Closed PZR-10 Pressurire Level Control Level Transmitter (Any) Fails (0-100% or Range)

RCP-01 Reactor Coolant Pump Breaker Trips (1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2)

RCS-05 RCS Cold Leg Pump Discharge Leak Into Containment (350-3000 GPM)

RCS-07 RCS Cold Leg Rupture (Double Ended Rupture of 28" Line)

RCS-08 RCS Ilot Leg Rupture (Double Ended Rupture of 36" Line)

RCS-10 RCS Hot Leg RTO (Any) Fails (0-100% of Range)

RCS-12 RCS Reactor Coolant Flow Transmitter (Any) Falls (0-100% of Range)

RCS-13 RCS Pressure Transmitter (Any) Falls (0-100% of Range)

RPS-01 Loss of Reactor Protection System, Fail to Trip (Cil 1, 2, 3, 4)

SC-01 Loss of Stator Cooling Vater Pumps (Running, Standby, All)

SC-03 Regulating Valve to Generator Cooling System Fails in Bypass Position l_ SFAS SFAS Manual Initiation Signal Failure (1, 2, Both)

SFRCS-02 Failure of SFRCS Channel to Trip (1, 2, 3, 4)-

(Auto,_ Manual, Both) l_ :SFRCS-05 Main Steam to Main Feed Differential Pressure Switch Fails (0 pen, Closed)

L SG-01 Steam Generator Tube Leak (A, B, Both) (0-2000 GPM)

SV-01 Trip of Service Vater Pump (P3-1, P3-2, P3-3)

-TG-01 Turbine Trip TG-02 Failure of Turbine to Trip ( Auto, Manual, Both)

TG-06 Failure of Automatic Turbine Runback l TG-11 Failure of Turning Gear to Engage Appendix 3 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 3 12

. .- . . ~ - - - - . . ~ . .. - -. ..- -. . - - . _ - . . _ . . _ _ _ _ -__

rDocket'Numbar.50-346" I License Numbar~NPF-3E

' Serial: Number 1913

. Enclosure >; ,



1.- Design Database-1.1 1The simulator Design Database delineates.the complete data from j

- which the simulator was designed. The Design Database is A maintained up-to-date by a simulator configuration management L system and is_available for review at the DBNPS Nuclear Training Department. Design documents includes a.- Technical Manuals a

b. ' Drawings l c c. Plant Data Utilized d.- Analytical ~ Computer Codc(s) Results

, -e. Design Specificaticas _,4 1.2 At-the= time of submittal, the Design Database, reflects the referenced : plant configuration as -of Octobr.r 1,1989. This date was identified at the - factory as the simidator _ design -f reeze


2.- .Up'date Design Database 1The simulator Update Design Database is determined by approved 1 simulator configuration changes.' rTo date, all plant modifications

,Leompleted through December 31,_1990- have been entered-into the simulator design.changefprocess. Many offthese plant modifications have-been approved _for incorporation into the simulator and are x

scheduled for-' implementation during the first scheduled simulator outage'in April /May 1991. The remaining plant modifications are under assessment.:1 Appendix 6,'


2, Design change Process, provides an overview of the design ~ change process.-


None -

Appendix 4 Page 1.of_1 l

f 13

Docket Numbar 50-346 License Number NPF-3 l Serial Number 1913 j Enclosure APPEt: DIX 5 - SIMULATOR TESTS (FUNCTIONAL FIDELITY)


1. Performance Tests 1.1 Simulator performance tests required for certification of the plant referenced simulator are divided into four categories by Appendix A of ANSI /ANS-3.5-1985. Certification performance tests have been further divided into the following series within these four categories.

Category 1. Computer Real Time Test Category 2. Steady State and Normal Operations Tests

a. Steady State and Normal Operations (N Series)
b. Surveillances (S Series)

Category 3. Transient Tests

a. Transients (T Series)
b. Transients, Appendix B (TAB Series)

Category 4. Halfunction Tests

a. Cause and effect malfunctions vere validated in the Factory Acceptance Test Program. The malfunctions in Appendix 3, Attachment i vere used in the Transient Tests in meeting ANSI /ANS-3.5-1985, Section 3.1.2, Plant Halfunctions.

Appendix B of ANSI /ANS-3.5-1985 also requires the performance of certification testing for steady state and transient operations to demonstrate simulator operability. These tests fall into the four categories listed above.

1.2 The specific certification performance tests within each series that have been developed to meet the requirements of ANSI /ANS-3.5-1985 are delineated in Appendix 5, Attachment 1, Identification of Performance Tests.

1.3 Simulator performance tests are conducted in accordance with procedure NT-0T-07015, Simulator Functional Fidelity, and the guidelines provided in the individual test.

1.4 Test Abstracts for the certification performance tests are provided in Appendix 5, Attachments 2 through 6. A test abstract for the simulator operating limits is included as Appendix 5, Attachment 7.

Appendix 5 Page 1 of 3 l

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-Docket'Numbar' 50-346

' License-Number NPP-3--

Serial Number 1913

-Enclosure-APPENDIX 5 -' SIMULATOR TESTS (Continued) 1.5 All-identified discrepancies from these performance _ tests have

-been evaluated for: potential impact to simulator training and performance evaluations. Evaluation criteria is delineated in

procedure NT-0T-07013, Simulator Design Control, which is.

referenced by procedure NT 'JT-07015, Simulator Punctional

  • Fidelity.

1.6 Simulator Trouble Reports generated to resolve functional fidelity (software) discrepancies identified during'the

_ performance of certification-tests:are delineated in Appendix 5, Attachment 8,-Software Discrepancies.


~ 1 '. 7 The. current test data of the ten Appendix B, ANSI /ANS-3.5-1985

. _ tests-(TABS)'.vas. plotted at greater than 0.5 second resolution.

This is considered a deficiency and not an exception since this item is'being' resolved.

1.8- The simulator is in full compliance with ANSI /ANS-3.5-1985 (Section 3.1;, Simulator Capabilities) for simulator performance capabilities _and no exceptions are taken.  ;

j 2.- Best~ Estimate Team Qualifications i The qualifications of-team members' involved in the performance and/or

. evaluation of certification performance. tests have been provided in o Appendix-5, AttachmentL9,-Best-Estimate Team Qualifications. Individuals 1 participating in. specific evaluations are delineated in the test tabstracts.

3. Four Year Test Schedule

~Theisimulator four year test schedule is delineated in Attachment 10,:

Four Year Test Schedule.  ;

5 If a~requiied certification. test cannot be performed within the i iden'tified,1 year'_ time' frame,.it_may;be_ performed within-the next 3

. months and is not considered delinquent. This. extension'shall not be-Lutilized as the_ normal operating practice but only when-adverse-circumstances: exist. ;The.-late, performance of .the -test shall not alter the previously, identified time-frame in which.:the-test is required to be rerun and shall;not. the 4 year time limit for-the performance of~all' tects. Allowing the late performance of a certification test provides limits:(125 percent) similar to those allowed;for the Operating License, Appendix-A,_ Technical Specifications surveillance testing-time _ requirements.

Appendix 5 Page 2 of 3 15

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DockQtNumber50d46 License Humber NPP-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 - SIMULATOR TESTS (Continued)

'4. Test Abstracts Information provided on the test abstracts include the following:

Date Tested: Most recent test performance Halfunctions Tested: Generic malfunction (s) tested Initial Conditions: Scenario starting conditions Final Conditions: Scenario completion conditions Run Time Set up, performance, completion of data gathering Baseline Data: Source of data used for comparison Discrepancies: Discrepancies correlating to test acceptance criteria Exceptions: Exceptions to ANSI /ANS-3.5-1985 Evaluators: Personnel involved in test performance and data evaluation Differing Opinions: Unresolved disagreements existing following completion of data evaluation ATTACHHFf!TS:

Attachmer.t 1: Identification of Performance Tests Attachment 2: Computer Real Time Test Abstract Attachment 3: N (Normal Operations and Steady State) Series Test Abstracts Attachment 4: S (Surveillance) Series Test Abstracts Attachment 5: T (Transients) Series Test Abstracts Attachment 6: TAB (Traarients, Appendix B) Series Test Abstracts Attachment 7: Simulator Operating Limits Test Abstract Attachment 8: Softvare Discrepancies Attachment 9:- Best Estimate Team Qualifications Attachment 10: Four Year Test Schedule Appendix 5 Page 3 of 3 16

~ Docket Numbar 50-346-License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 1: IDENTIFICATION OF PERFORMANCE TESTS Appendix A Certification tests required for ANSI /ANS-3.5-1985 Appendix A, Section A3, Simulator Tests, are divided into the following categories:

A3.1 Computer Real Time Test A3.2 Steady State and Normal Operations Tests A3.3 Transient Tests A3.4 Halfunction Tests The specific tests to be performed to meet the requirements for certification testing in each category are defined as follows:

A3.1 Computer Real Time Test Verification of real time simulation.

-Computer Real-Time-Test A3.2 Steady-State and Normal Operations Tests (1)- Steady State Performance Stability of the simulator is demonstrated by establishing a steady state condition and monitoring parameter variation with respect to time.

- This. test is covered by ANSI /ANS-3.5-1985 Appendix B.

Section B2.1.

(2) Normal Operations Tests Normal plant operations are delineated in ANSI /ANS-3.5-1985, Section 3.1.1, Normal Plant Evolutions. The specific performance tests conducted to meet these requirements include:

1. Plant Startup - Cold to Hot Standby. The starting conditions shall be Cold Shutdown conditions of temperature and pressure. Removal of the reactor vessel head is. not a required condition for simulation.


- Test Nia - Startup - Cold Shutdown to Hot Shutdown i - Test N1b - Plant Startup - Hot Shutdown to Hot Standby i

l Appendix 5 L

Attachment l' Page 1 of 9 4

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Oocket Numbar 50-346 Licatsa Number NPF-3

' Serial Number 1913


2. Nuclear Startup from llot Standby to rated power.

- Test Nic - Startup - Hot Standby to 500 Degrees

- Test N1d - Startup - 500 Degrees to Safety Rods Out

- Test Nie - Startup - Safety Rods Out to Critical at 1.0 E-8 Amps

- Test N1f - Startup - 1.0 E-8 Amps to Turbine Roll

- Test N1g --Turbine Roll to Full Power, Steady State

3. Turbine startup and generator synchronization.

- Covered by Test N1f

4. Reactor trip followed by recovery to rated power.

- Test N4a - Trip Recovery - Full Pover Steady State to Post. Trip Peak Xenon

- Test N4b - Peak Xenon Startup to 100% Power

5. Operations at Hot Standby

- Covered by Test Nic

6. Load changes

-- Covered by Test N1g

7. Startup, shutdown, and power operations with less than full reactor coolant flow.

- Test N5 - 3 RCP Startup/ Shutdown

8. Plant shutdown from rated power to llot Standby and cooldown to Cold Shutdown conditions.

- Test N2a - Shutdown - FPSS to 500 Degrees

- Test N2b - Shutdown - 500 Degrees to Cold Shutdown

9. Core performance testing such as plant heat balance, determination of shutdown margin, and measurement of reactivity coefficients and control rod vorth using permanently installed instrumentation.

- Test N3 - Core Physics Testing Appendix 5 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 9 18

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 1: IDENTIFICATION OF PERFORMANCE TESTS (Continued)

10. Operator conducted surveillance testing on safety related equipment or systems.

- Test S4 - Integrated SFAS Surveillance

- Test SS - Independent Offsite AC Sources Bus Transfer

- Test S7 - SFAS Honthly Functional

- Test S11 - Hakeup Pump (s) Quarterly

- Test S12 - High Pressure Injection Pump (s) Quarterly

- Test S13 - Lov Pressure Injection Pump (s) Quarterly

- Test S14 - Containment Spray Pump (s) Quarterly

- Test S15 - Component Cooling Vater Pump (s) Quarterly

- Test S16 - Service Vater Pump (s) Quarterly

- Test S17 - Auxiliary Feedvater Pump (s) Quarterly A3.3 Transient Tests Transient tests are delineated in ANSI /ANS-3.5-1985, Section 3.1.2, Plant Halfunctions. The specific performance tests conducted to meet these requirements include:

1. Loss of Coolant
a. Significant PVR Steam Generator Leaks

- Test Tic - OTSG Tube Leak

- Test Tif - SG Tube Rupture

b. Inside and Outside Primary Containment

- Test T1b - LOCA Outside Containment

- Test Tid - HPI Line Break

c. Large and Small Reactor Coolant Breaks including demonstration of saturation conditions

- Test Tla - Large LOCA

- Test T1e - RCP Discharge Line Break

d. Failure of Safety and Relief Valves

- Test TAB 10 - The PORV Fails Open and HPI Does Not Actuate

- Test T1g - Inadvertant Opening of a Pressurizer Safety Valve Appendix 5 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 9 l

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Docket Number 50-346 License Number'NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment la IDENTIFICATION OF PERFORMANCE TESTS (Continued)

2. Loss of Instrument Air to the extent that the whole system or individual headers can lose pressure and affect the plant's static or dynamic performance.

- Test T2 - Loss of Instrument Air

3. Loss or degraded electrical power to the station including:
a. Loss of Offsite Pover Test T3a - Loss of All Offsite Power
b. Loss of emergency power I - Test T3b - Loss of All AC Power and Loss of Both Diesels
c. Loss of emergency generators

- Covered by Test T3b

d. Loss of power to the plant's electrical distribution buses-f - Covered by Tests T3a and T3b
e. Loss of power to the individual instrumentation buses (AC

-as well as DC) that provide.pover to control room indication or plant control functions affecting the

( plant's response.


l. - Test T3d - Loss of 120 VAC Bus Panel Y1
j. - Test T3f -~ Loss of DlP l - Test T3h - Automatic Control System Failure - ICS Halfunction - Loss of ICS AC Power Test T31 --Loss of NNI Power (Y-AC)

L 4. Loss of forced core coolant flow due to single or multiple pump failure.

- Test _ TAB 04 - Simultaneous Trip of all Reactor Coolant Pumps

- Test TAB 05 - Trip of One Reactor Coolant Pump Appendix 5 Attachment 1 Page 4 of 9 20

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure i


5. Loss of condenser vacuum including loss of condenser level control.

- Test T5a - Loss of Ch aulating Vater Pumps

- Test T5b - Loss of Condenser Level Control

6. Loss of service water or cooling to individual components.

- Test T6b - Complete Loss of Service Vater Cooling

7. Loss of shutdovn cooling

- Test T7b - Loss of Shutdown Cooling with RCS Drained

8. Loss of component cooling system or cooling to individual components.

- Test TB - Loss of Component Cooling Vater

9. Loss of normal feedvater or normal feedvater system failure.

- Test T9a - Main Feedvater Pump Trip / Runback

- Test T9b - 40% Power Feedvater Pump Trip

10. Loss of all feedvater (normal and em.-rgency).

- Test T10 - Total Loss of Feedvater

11. Loss of protective system channel.

- Test Til - Loss of Protective System Channels

12. Control rod failure including stuck rods, uncoupled rods, drifting rods, rod drops, and misaligned rods.

- Test T12a - Stuck Rod

- Test T12b - Uncoupled Rod

- Test T12c - Drifting Rods

- Test T12d - Dropped Rod

- Test T12e - Hisaligned Rods

13. Inability to drive control rods.

- Test T13 - Inability to Drive Control Rods.

Appendix 5 Attachment 1 Page 5 of 9 i


Docket Number 50-34i  !

License Number NPF-3 i Serial-Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 1: IDENTIFICATION OF PERFORMANCE TESTS (Continued) i

14. Fuel cladding failure resulting in high activity in reactor l coolant or off gas and the ausociated high radiation alarm.

Test T14 - Fuel Failure

15. Turbine trip.

---Test TAB 06 - Main Turbine Trip from 25% Power - No Reactor Trip

16. Generator trip.

- Test T16 - Generator / Turbine Trip

17. Failure in automatic control system (s) that affect reactivity and core heat removal.

- Test T17b3 . Failure of the Automatic Runback Signal, ,

Relay 86/UL-TVL l

- ' Test T171 -- Failure of-the Tave Controller Calibrating Integral

-- Test T17k - Failure of the Rapid Feedvater Reduction Signal

18. Failure of reactor coolant pressure and volume control systems. 3

- Test T18a - Pressurazer Spray Valve Fails Fully Open

- Test T18c - Loss of RCS Hakeup Pump 37-1

19. Reactor trip.

- Test TAB 01 - Manual Reactor Trip .

20. Main steam line as well as-main feedline break (both inside and outside containment).

-- Test TAB 09 - Hain Steamline Failure in the Reactor Building Double Ended Shear Test T20b - Steam Line Break Outside Containment

- Test T20c - Feedvater Line Break Inside Containment Test T20d - Feedvater Line Break Outside Containment Appendix 5 Attachment l' Page 6 of 9 22

Docket Number 50-346 License' Number NPF-3

  • Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDI X __ _5 Attachment l a IDENTIFICATION OF PERFORMANCE TEST 1gntinued)
21. Nuclear instrumentation failure (s).

- Test T21 - Failure of the Power Range Uncompensated Ioa Chamber

22. Process instrumentation, alarms, and control system failures.

Test.T22a - RCS Hotleg RTD Failure Test T22d - RCS Pressure Transmitter Failure Test T22f - Pressurizer Level Transmitter Failure

23. Passive malfunctions in systems such as engineered safety features, emergency feedvater systems.

- Test T23a - Passive Malfunction - SET.CS Manual Acutation and AFPT Fails at High Speed Stop Test T23b - Passive Halfunctions - AFV, LPI, and CS Pumps Fail to Start

24. Failure of the automatic reactor trip systen..

- ' Test T24 - ATVS

25. Reactor pressure control system failurn including turbine '

bypass failure (BVR Only - Not Applicaole to DBNPS)

A3.4 Halfunction Tests Test each generic malfunction and document the test utilizing a procedure which identifies and predicts-the plant' response based on actual plant experience or best estimater and verifies proper.

simulator response and system interaction.

Appendix.3, Attachment I containt a list of those generic (cause and'effect) malfunctions used to meet ANSI /ANS-3.5-1985, Section'5.4.2,-simulator Operability Testing. -These malfunctions are included in the 4-year testing' program.- These and additional cause and effect malfunctions . vere validated through- H-series (malfunction) tests during the Factory Acceptance Test Program to mett the requiremer ts of Section 5.4.1,- Simulator Performance Testing.- However, per discussions with the Nucinar' Regulatory Commission-staff, the additional malfuncticos are not required when meeting Section 5.4.2.

l Appendix 5 Attachment 1 Page 7 of 9 23

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 1: IDENTIFICATION OF PERFORMANCE TESTS (Continued)

P Appendix B Certification tests required for ANSI /ANS-3.5-1985 Appendix B, Section H2, PVR Simula,'" Operability Test, are divided into the following categories:

B2.1 Steady State Performance B2.2 Transient Perforesnce The specific tests to be performed to he meet *he requirements for cer'ification testing in each categcry are defins 4 as follovns B2.1 Steady State Per2ormance

1. Steady State Accuracy Test Record the following dats at those power levels at which heat balance data is ittrmally available or record the data at approximately 25%, 75%, and 100% rated thermal power.

- Covered by Test Nig.

2. Steady State Stability Test Verify simulator stability at 100% rated thermal. power for 60 minutes.

- Test N6 - 60 Minute Drift Test B2.2 Transient Performance Run the following set of transients from an initial condition of approximately 100% power, steady state Xenon, and decay heat with no operator follov up action (unless otherwise noted):

1. Manual reector trip.

- Test TAB 01 - Manual Reactor Trip

2. Simultaneous trip of all feedvater pumps.


- Test TAB 02 - Simultaneous Trip of All Main Feedvater Pump:

3. Simultaneous closure of all main steam isolation valves.

- Test TAB 03 - Simultaneous Closure of All MSIV's Appendix 5 Attachment 1 Page G >f 9 24 i

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 1: IDENTIFICATION OF PF.hFORMANCE TESTS (Continued)

4. Simultaneous trip of all reactor coolunt pumps.

- Test TAB 04 - Trip of All Reactor Coolant Pumps

5. Trip of any single reactor coolant pump.

- Test TAB 05 - Trip of One Reactor Coolant Pump

6. Main turbine trip (maximum poves level which does not result in an immediate reactor trip).

- Test TAB 06 - Main Turbine Trip From 25% Power - No Reactor Trip

7. Maximum rate power ramp (100% -> 75% -> 100%).

- Test TAB 07 - Maximum Rate Pover Ramp, 100% -> 75% -> 100%

0. Maximum size reactor coolant system rupture combined with loss of all offsite pover.

- Test TAB 08 - Double Ended flot Leg Shear with a Coincident Loss of All Offsite Power

9. Maximum unisolable main steamline rupture.

- Test TAB 09 - Main Steam Line Failure in the Raattor Building Double Ended Shear

10. Slow primary system depressurization to saturated condition using pressuriter relief or safety valve stuck open.

- Test TAB 10 - The PORV Fails Open and HP1 Does Not Actuate Appendix 5 Attachment 1 Page 9 of 9 25

Docket Number 50-346 License !Jumbet NPF-3 l 1.e r 4 31 Humber 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX _$


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CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: N/A REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: Appendix A, Section A3.1 TITLE: Computer Real Time Test Date Tested: 02/28/91 Malfunctions Tested: RCS-08 CCS Thot Leg Break AC-02 - Loss of ofIsite Power Initial Conditions: FPSS, BOL, Steady State Xenon, Not mal Pt ess./Tc3p.

Final Conditions: Part 1 - FPSS Part 2 - Post LOCA/KCS salutated Run Times 2.5 houts Baseline Datat TAB 08 Cettification Test /N6 Drift Test and and plant data for valve stioke time.

Disete rn ees 50097/P0094 - Ft ame overruns occurt ed 50120/P0117 - HU59A open stroke time Exceptions: None Evaluatots: E. Bergner, K. Stiger, B. Young Diifering Opinion: None Appendix 5 Attachment 2 Page 1 of 1 26

l Docket Numbar 50 346 Licensa Numb 2r NPP-3 Ssrial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 At*;ehment 3: N SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS I


TITLE: Startup - Cold Shutdown to !!ot Shutdovn Date Tested: 02/20/91 Halfunctions Testeds None Initial conditicast CSD, 110 degrees, BOL, N2 ' bic in Pressurizer at 500 PSIG final Conditions: RCS at 200 degrees Run Timet 8 Ilours Baselino Datal- Plant Data Discrepancies: U0643 - RCS dissolved gas reading, incorrect UO675 - HFPT eccentricity above limit at standstill S0049/P0046 - HFP lube oil temp. lov S0046/P0043 - S/G model bombout during FV cleanup / vacuum draw S0051/P0048 - SG draining in upper regions incorrect S0052/P0049 - Stator coolant reserve test switch 2266 - Vater hammer sound not operational U0585 - SW1368 power dependency wrong U0639 - Hisc. Victoreen rad monitor setpoints U0988 - Main turbine eccentricity recorder not working Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, N. Vahl, V. O'Connor, K. Stiger, G. Ilillebrecht Differing opinion: None


Appendix 5 l Attachment 3 Page 1 of 16 27

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Docket Numbsr 50-346  !

License Numbar N!'P-3 Serir.1 Humbar 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 3: N SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS (Continued)


TITLE: Plant Startup - flot Shutdown to llot Standby Date Tested: 02/21/91 Falfunctions. Tested: None

-Initial Conditions: RCS temperature of 200 degrees, CSD, BOL Final Conditions: RCS temperature of 321 degrees, !!SB, BOL Run Time 8 Ilours Baseline Data Plant Data Discrepancies # UO724 - RCS flow indication minor problem

  1. UO731 - Steam Generator outlet temp. lov on 1-1 OTSG

$ 00735 - Reactor Coolant Famp amps low

  1. U0737 - PPC gland steam pressure point vrong Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, K. Stiger, S. Laeng, S. Lindsay, B. Young Differing opinion: None i

Appendix 5 Attachment 3 Page 2 of 16 28

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Docket Number 50-346-i License Numbar NPF-3 -

Setial Number 1913 '

Enclosure APPFNDIX 5 Attachment 3: N SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS (Cont '.aued)


TITLE: Startup - llot Standby to 500 Degrees Date Tested: 02/22/91 Malfunctions Tested: None Initial Conditions: RCS temperature of 321 degrees, RCS pressure of 450 PSIG i= Final Conditions: RCS temperature of 500 degrees, RCS pressure of 2155 PSIG, 3 RC Pumps in operation, ilSB Run Time: 8 Hours Baseline Data Plant Data Discrepancies: 5 U0744 - OTSG Startup vs. Operate levels are not correlated correctly.

Exceptions: None Evaluators: S. Laeng, N. Vahl, E. Bergner, K. Stiger, H. Gavioli, S. Lindsay, G. lilllebrecht Differing Opinion: None Appendix 5 Attachment 3-Page 3 of 16 l

l 1


Docket Number 50-346 1,1 cense Number NPP-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosute APPENDIX 5 At tachinent 3: N SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS



TITLE: Startup - 500 Degrees to Safety Rods out Date Tested: 07/22/91 Malfunctions Tested: None Initial Conditions: RCS temperature of 500 degrees, Bol,, RCS pressure of 2155 PSIG Final Conditions: RCS temperature of $34 degrees, Safety Rods out, and plant deborated to ECB.

Run Time: 3 llours Baseline Data: Plant Data Discrepancies # 00774 - 112 addition to Makeup Tank has no pressure increase Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, C. lilllebrecht, K. Stiget, S. Laeng Differing Opinion: None Appendix 5 Attachment 3 Page 4 of 16 30

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 3: N SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: Nie REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.1(2)

TITLE: Startup - Safety Rods Out to Critical Date Tested: 02/22/91 Halfunctions Tested: NI-02-1 Failure of Source Range hi voltage NI-06-1 Failure of Source Range hi voltage interlock at 10-9 Amps NI-09-1 Intermediate Range Log-in amp level signal falls Initial Conditions: RCS temperature of 534 degrees, Safety Rods Out, BOL, Boron at ECB Final Conditions: Reactor critical at 1 E-8 Amps, steady state Run Time 4 Ilours Baseline Data Plant Data Discrepancies # 00891 - MSR/#6 itP Feedvater heater temps. high Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, G. lilllebrecht, K. Stiger, S. Lindsay Differing Opinion: None Appendix 5 Attachment 3 Page 5 of 16 I

i 31

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Docket Numbar 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX $

l i



TITLE: Startup - 1 E-8 Amps to Turbine Roll Date Tested: 02/22/91 Halfunctions Tested: None Initial Conditions: Reactor critical at 1 E-8 Amps, steady state,115B, BOL Final Conditions: 15% power, Main Turbine chest-and shell varming complete, BOL Run Time 8 Ilours Baseline Data Plant Data Discrepancies: # UO788 - Turbine chest varming limited to 250' F Exceptions: None Evaluators: K. Stiger,-S. Laeng, E. Bergner, G. Ilillebrecht Differing opinion: None Appendix 5

" Attachment 3 Page 6 of 16


32 o

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF 3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure I

APPENDIX 5 Attachment 3: N SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: N1g REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.1(2,5,6,9) and Appendix B, Section B2.1 TITLE: Startup - Turbine Roll to FPSS Date Tested: 02/25/91 Haltunctions Tested: None Initial Conditions: 15% power, prior to Turbine roll, chest and shell varming complete, BOL Final conditions: 100% RTP, steady state, BOL Run Time: 12 llours Baseline Data Plant Data Discrepancies # U0643 - RCS dissolved gas parameters read vrong

  1. S0062/P0059 - HSR #2 second stage drain tank level high
  1. S0063/10060 - SPDS/PORV alarm in all the time
  1. S0065/P0062 - RCDT pumps down too lov (zero)
  1. S0122/P0119 - Hisc. plant computer points > 10%

difference from plant data

  1. 3054 - Cooling system plant computer points > 10% out of tolerance
  1. 3069 - Hisc. system computer points
  1. 4751 - Plant computer core EFPD calculation error
  1. U0987 - RPS hourly average power formatting problem
  1. U1371 - Annunciator on at full power (coding error) (Tilt /IHB/ Insertion limits)
  1. U1528 - Batcher plant computer point bad
  1. 4272 - Kaman Rad monitor
  1. 00435 - Motor driven feedpump Foxboro power supplies have no effect
  1. UO715 - HU flov indicator power dependency wrong Appendix 5 Attachment 3 Page 7 of 16 33

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPP-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 A tf - ment 3: N SERIES T:',ST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: H1g(Cont'd)

REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.1(2,5,6,9) and Appendix B, Section B2 1 TITLE: Startup - Turbine Roll to FPSS Discrepancies # U0751 - ARTS door open switches not installed

  1. U0766 - SFRCS svitch H2 not correct
  1. U1549 - Lab hood exhaust filter temp. high, annuncicator von't vork
  1. U1550 - Main Peed Pump Drain Tank level h1 annunciator logic vrong
  1. U1551 - Forebay level lov annunciator does not actuate on lov level
  1. U1552 - Seal oil AP annunciator logic is wrong
  1. U1553 - Battery room exhaust fan annunciator von't operate
  1. S0001/P0001 - Condensate pump amps-read high
  1. S0004/P0004 - TPCV pump amps are too high
  1. S0029/P0029 - SASS power supply auctioneered wrong
  1. S0032/P0032 - SVYD frequency meter response
  1. S0041/P0038 - RE1412/1413 reset pushbuttons don't vork
  1. S0056/P0053 - Vacuum System RE. annunciator alarm logic vrong on lov flow
  1. S0059/P0056 - Turbine stop valve test PPC point 0003 did not actuate.
  1. S0060/P0057 - Turbine stop valves slow close doesn't work
  1. S0061/P0058 - Turbine stop valve test did not affect ARTS 1/5 lights-
  1. S0064/P0061 - #1 E110 pump red on light is vrong
  1. S0104/P0101 - #1 Train M/U low range flow indicator inoperable
  1. S0105/P0102 - #1 Train llPI reads HU flov
  1. UO908 - Local operator action on D57El-not working
  1. U1131 - SASS selector svitches hardware problem
  1. U1173 - Simulated noise response wrong on turbine valves Appendix 5 Attachment 3 Page 8 of 16 t

34 i.

Docket Numbar 50-346 License Numbar NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 3: N SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS i


REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.1(2,5,6,9) and Appendix B, Section B2.1 TITLE: Startup - Turbine Roll to FPSS


1 Discrepancies # U1459 - CTHT normal sump levels are higher than normal

  1. U1526 - Oscillations in batching operations to Hakeup tank
  1. U1531 - HDFP Foxboro control incorrect
  1. U1541 - Transformer fault annunciator on CEl-1/1-2, DP1-1/1-2 incorrect
  1. U1542 - EDG trouble annunciator did not come in with' air comp. locked out
  1. U1543 - Bus F1 trouble annunciator logic vrong
  1. U1545 - RPS fan fall annunciator logic vrong
  1. U1546 - RCP 1-2 motor vib. alarm does not alarm on X axis
  1. U1547 - Annunciator logic for " Computer System Hultiplexer Power Loss" vrong
  1. U1548 - Annunciator logic for station air compressor's have errors or compressor trips Exceptions: None Eval'.ators K. Stiger, B. Young, S. Laeng, H. Gavioli, S.

Lindsay, V. O'Connor, G. H111ebrecht, N. Wahl, E. Bergner l Differing opinion: There is currently some disagreement on misc.

computer points identified in discrepancy S0122.

Some points are > 10% off from plant de's and discussions are occurring regarding their impact on training. All items > 10% are currently listed on the discrepancy.

Appendix 5 Attachment 3 Page 9 of 16 35

Docket Number 30 346 l License Number NP M Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 A t t achinen t 3: N SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS



TITLE: Shutdovn - FPSS to 500 Degrees

.......................................... s..............................

Cate Tested: 11/05/90 Malisnetions Tested: NI-03-lh Source Range Cil 1 falls high HI-04-1 Source Range Cil2 discriminating fallv's HI-08-2  ? 1.R. Cil2 compensating TG-11 . allure of Turning Gear to engage Initial Conditions: 100% FPSS, HOL, equilibrium Xe and Sm Final Conditions: 500 degrees, 115B, MOL Run Time 8 Ilours Baseline Datas Plant Data and Best Estimate Discrepancies # U1139 - Total dissolved gasses and llydrogen concenttation are too lov for FPSS I

  1. U1255 - Hain Generator synchroscope vill not respond
  1. U1256 - Halfunction NI-04 did not respond cotrectly, Source Range voltage discriminator failure Exceptions: None Evaluators K. Stiger, J. Ryan, G. Illl1ebrecht, V. O'Connor, E.

Bergner Differing Opinion: None t.ppendix 5 Attachment 3 Page 10 of 16 36

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Sorial Numbar 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 3: N SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS

.......................................................................... j CERTIFICAT1ull TEST NUMBER: N2b l REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.1(8)

TITLE: Shutdown - 500 Degrees to Cold Shutdown l Date Tested: 10/09/90 )

i Halfunctions Tested: None Initial Conditions: RCS temperature of 500 degrees, RCS pressure of 2155 PSIG Final Conditions: CSD, RCS temperature of 140 degrees, RCS pressure of 40 PSIG Run Times 16 Ilours Baseline Data Plant Data and Best Estimate Discrepancies: # U1248 - RPS tripped on Flux / Pumps in channels 1 and 3 but not 2 and 4.

  1. U1271 - RCDT bombs out when it fills up
  1. U1139 - Gas parameters all shov zero gas concentration Exceptions: None Evaluators: K. Stiger, J. Ryan, G. Ilillebrecht, V. O'Connor, N.

Vilson, L. Simon Differing Opinion: None 4

-Appendix 5 Attachment 3 Page 11 of 16 37

Dockst Numb:r 50-346 Licenso Number NPF-3 Serial Numb- 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 l Attachment 3: N SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS l



TITLE: Core Physics Testing Date Tested: 08/16/90 Hn1 functions Tested: None 1

Initial Conditions: Pre-critical, Safety Rods Out, RCS temperature of l 534 degrees, BOL l Final Conditions: End of procedure DB-PF-03212, Zero Power Physics Testing Run Time: 8 Ilours Baseline Data Plant Data Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None ,

Evaluators: R. Borland, F. Chen, K. Stiger, G. Ilillebrecht, E. Bergner Differing Opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 3 Page 12 of 16 38

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPP-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure


TITLE: Trip Recovery - FPSS to Post Trip Peak Xenon Date Tested: 09/27/90 Halfunctions Tested: None Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, steady state, HOL Pinal Conditions: ilSil, pos t trip peak Xenon, MOL Run Time: 12 flours liaseline Data Plant Data .

Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators H. Gavioli, D. Snyder, E. Bergner, E. Stiger, L.

Keller, S. Lindsay Differing opinion: None Appendix 5 Attachment 3 Page 13 of 16 39 z_ _ , . _ _ _ _ _ _ .- . _ . . . _ _ . . _ . . . . _ _

DeketNumber$0h46 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913

, Enclosure APPENDIX 5


TITLE: Peak Xenon Startup to 100% Pover Udte Tested: 10/23/90 Malfunctions Tested: None Initial Conditions.: IISB, post trip peak Xenon, HOL Final Conditions: 100% RTP, steady state  !

Run Time: 8 Ilours Baseline Data Best Estimate Dicerepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: S. Laeng, B. Young, N. Vahl, E. Bergner, H. Gavioli, L. Keller, S. Lindsay, D. Snyder, K. Stiger DiIfcring opinion: None Appendix 5 Attachment 3 Page 14 of 16 40

, - . .- . ~ . . . - -- ~ , . -

Docket Numbar 50-346 ]


TITLE: 3 RCP Startup/ Shutdown Date Tested: 10/12/90 Halfunctions Tested: 'Mne Initial Conditions: RCS temperature of 500 degrees, 3 RCPs in operation,11SB. BOL, increase to 75% power Final Conditions: RCS Temperature of $32 Degrees, 3 RCPs in operation,115B, BOL Run Times 16 Ilours  !

Baseline Data Best Ertimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: N. Vahl, J. Freels, J. Ryan, K. Stiger, E. Borgner, G. Ilillebrecht, L, Simon, N. Vilson ,

Differing opinion: None l

l Appendix 5 Attachment 3 l

Page 15 of 16

{- 41 Numbar 50-346 License Numb 3r PPF-2 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 3: N SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS



-Date Tested: 03/08/91 Halfunctions Tested: None Initial conditions: 100% power, BOL, steady state Final Conditions: 100% power, BOL, steady state Run Times 1 Ilour Baseline Data: Plant Data Discrepancies: Nono Exceptions: None Evaluatorst K. Stiger, E. Bergner Differing opinion: None Appendix 5 Attachment 3 Page 16 of 16 i

l 42

Docket Numbsr 50-346 l License Number NPF-3 ,


TITLE: Independent Off-Site AC Sources Gus Transfer Date Tested: 11/19/90 Halfunction Tested: AC-04-02 Loss of 345KV/13.8KV S/U Transformer 02 AC-04-01 Loss of 345KV/13.8KV S/U Transformer 01 Initial Conditions: Cold Shutdown, BOL Final Conditions: Completion of the Independent Off-Site AC Sources Bus Transfer surveillance test.

Run Times 2 Hours Baseline Data Plant Data Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators K. Stiger, N. Vilson, G. Hillebrecht, H. Gavioli Differing opinions : None Appendix 5 Attachment 4 Page 1 of 8 43 1

_ . _ _ _ _ ~ - _ _ . _ . _ . . . _ . . _ . _ _ . _ _ __ _ _ _ .. - . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ , , . , _ . , . _ . . _ , _ , _ - - . _ _ , _ . - , - . - , .

Docket Numbor 50-346 License Numbec N?F-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX $


TITLE: Nake up Pump (s) Quarterly Date Tested: 09/23/90 Halfunction Tested: None Initial Conditionne Cold Shutdown Final Conditions: Completian of:the Hake-up Pump (s) Quarterly I

surveillance test.

Run Times 2 Ilours Baseline Data Plant Data Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: H. Vilson,-G. Ilillebrecht, K. Stiger, B. Halone, E.

Bergner Differing opinions : - None l=

Appendix 5-Attachment 4 Page 2 of 8 44

. . _ . _ _ _ . _ . . ~ - . _ . _ _ . _ . , _ _ . _ . , _ . . _ _ _ ._ _ _ . . _ , _ _ . . , . - , _ . _ _ , . . . -

Docket Numb 2r 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Sarial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX $


TITLE: liigh Pressure Injection Pump (s) Quarterly .

Date Tested: 08/10/90 i

Halfunction Tested: None Initial conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Completion of the !!!gh Pressure Injection Pump (s)

Quarterly surveillance test.

Hun Time: 1 !!our Baseline Data: Plant Data Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, G. Ilillebrecht, B. Halone, K. Stiger Diifering opinions : None l

l l

l Appendix 5 Attachment 4 Page 3 of 8 45 l

a - .

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPP-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 4: S SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS l


TITLE: Lov Pressure Injection Pump (s) Quarterly Date Tested: 11/09/90 Halfunction Tested: None Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium l Final Conditions Completion of the Lov Pressure Injection Pump (s)

Quarterly surveillance test.

Run Times 1 Hour Baseline Data Plant Data Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergnar, K. Stiger, G. Hillebrecht, B. Halone Differing opinions : None Appendix $ '

Attachment 4 Page 4 of 8 46

Docket Numbar 50-346 License Number NPF-3

'Sarial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 4: S SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS

........................... ...........o .................................


TITLE: Containment Spray Pump Quarterly


Date Tested: 09/23/90 Malfunction Tested: None Initial Conditions .100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Completion of the Containment Spray Pump Quarterly surveillance test.

Run Times 1 flour Baseline Data Plant Data Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, G. lilllebrecht, K. Stiger, B. Halone, F. Chen Differing opinions None Appendix 5 Attachment 4 Page 5 of 8 47

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosuse APPENDIX 5 Attachment 4: S SERIES _ TliST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: S15 REVISION NUMBElt: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.l(10)

TITLE: Component Cooling Vater Pump (s) Quarterly Date Tested: 07/13/90 Halfunction Tested: None Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Completion of the Compenent Cooling Vater Pump (s)

Quarterly surveillance test.

Hun Times 1 Ilour Baseline Data: Plare Data Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, K. Stiger, G. Ilillebrecht, B. Halone Differing opinions : None Appendix 5 Attachment 4 Page 6 of 8 48

Docket Nuabar 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure ,


TITLE: Service Vater Pump (s) Quarterly Date Tested: 08/15/90 ,

Halfunction Tested: None Initial conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Pinal Conditions: Completion of the Service Vater Pump (s) Quarterly surveillance test.

Run Times I llour Baseline Data Plant Data Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators K. Stiger, E. Bergner, G. lilllebrecht, B. Halone Differing Opinions None Appendix 5 Attachment 4 Page 7 of 8 49

Docket Number 50-346 License Numtor NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5


TITLE Auxiliary Feedvater Pitmp(s) Quarterly Date Tested: 07/16/90 Halfunction Tested: None Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Completion of the Auxillary Feedwater Pump (s)

Quarterly surveillance test.

Run Times 2 llours Baseline Data Plant Data Discrepancies # U1267 - Computer point response Exceptions: None Evaluators:. C.'llillebrecht, N. Vilson, K. Stiger, D. Halone, D. Fox, H. Derivan, R. Valleman, E. Bergner, M. Gavioli, J. Ryan Differing opinions None l

l l

l Appendix 5 Attachment 4 Page 8 of 8 50

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPP-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure Al'PENDIQ Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSYRACTS CERTIP1 CATION TEST NUMBER: Tla REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(1)(c)


...........e.....u.............................. .e.......................

Date Tested: 03/01/91 Halfunction Tested: CRD-04 Failute of Reactor trip (auto)

CRD-01 Reactor trip 11P1-03 1 Failure of IlPI Pump I to autostart itPI-03 2 Failure of 11P1 Pump 2 to autostart RCS-07-1 RCS Cold Leg rupture 1-1 (double ended rupture of 28" 1.ine)

Initlal Conditions: 100% power HOL, Xe equilibtf ure Final Conditions: CTHT sump recite cooling Run Time 3 ilours Baseline Data B & V Calculatior. 32-1167963-00, Best Estimate Discrepancies: U0837 Loop 1 Tcold response Exceptions: None Evaluators: K. Stiger, S. Lindsay, B. Young, G. lilllebt echt, E. llergner Differing Opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 1 of 47 l


Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 1 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: T1b REVISION NUMBER: 00 A.;SI SECTION: 3.1.2(1)(b)

TITLES LOCA Outside Containment Date Tested: 10/24/90 Halfunction Tested: HUP-07 Leak in Letdown line containment vessel.

Initial Cond3tions: 100% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Approximately 90% power, Makeup Pump suction from the DVST Run Times 1.5 llours Baseline Data Best Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None l

Evaluators K. Stiger, G. Hillebrecht, J. Ryan, V. O'Connor, P. Snyder, N. Vahl Differing Opinions: None l

l l

l l

Appendix 5 Attachment 5 l Page 2 of 47 l 52

Docket Numbar 50-346 '

License Number NPP-3 '

Serial Number 1913 ,

Enclosure APPEFDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABFIRACTS  ;


TITLE: OTSG Tube Leak -

Date Tested: 10/16/90 Haltunction Tested: SG-01-2 Steam Generator B Tube Leak Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, MOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Leak rate determination complete, manual Reactor trip perfermed, normal post trip condition Run Times 1.5 llours Baseline Data Best Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None ,

Evaluators: V. O'Connor, G. lilllebrecht, J. Ryan, E. Bergner, B. Young, K. Stiger Differing opinions: None 1

Appendix 5 Attachment 5

- sage 3 of 47 53

. . . __ . _ . , _ 4._. . . . . . _ _ _ . _ . . . _ . . _ _ _ _ , . . - . _ _ - - _ _ . . _ _ ____ ._ _

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial N'imber 1913 Enclosut+


TITLE: HPI Line Break Date Tested: 03/11/91 Halfunction Tested: HPI-03-1 HP Injection Pump P58-2 f ails to auto start HPI-05-A HPI dischargo line 1-1 break HPI-05-2 HPI discharge line 1-2 break HPI-05-3 HPI discharge line 2-1 break i HPI-05-4 HPI discharge line 2-2 break AC-01 Loss of AC power SFRCS-05-1 PDS 2685A fails opan/ closed SFRCS-05-2 PDS 2685B fails o= > closed SFRCS-05-3 PDS 2685C fails open< closed SFRCS-05-4 PDS 2685D fails open/ closed HUP-12-1 Loss of Makeup Pump P37-1 Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, MOL, Xe equilibrium F!nal Conditions: RCS saturated, SFAS actuated Run Tima: 2 Hours Baseline Data. B & V Calculation File 32-4194-00, Best Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None

. Fu6tuators: E. Bergner, K. Stiger, S. Laeng, N. Vahl Differing Opinions: None 1

Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 4 of 47 t


DocketNumber$b-346 License Number NPF-3.

Serial Number 1913


TITLE: RCP Discharge Line Break


Date Tested: 10/01/90 Halfunction Tested: AC-01 Loss of AC power EDG-02-2 Failure of EDG-2 to auto start HUP- 12-1 Loss of makeup pump P37-1 RCS-05-1 RCS Cold Leg Pump 1-1 discharge leak RCS-05-2 RCS Cold Leg Pump 1-2 discharge leak RCS-05-3 RCS Cold Leg Pump 2-1 discharge leak RCS-05-4 RCS Cold Leg Pump 2-2 discharge leak SFRCS-05-1 PDS 2685A falls open/ closed SFRCS-05-2 PDS 2685B fails open/ closed SFRCS-05-3 PDS 2685C fails open/ closed SFRCS-05-4 PDS 2685D fails open/ closed

!!PI-04-3 Failure'of EP Injection valve llP 2C HPI-04-4 Failure of IIP Injection valve HP 2D Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, MOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: RCS saturated, SFAS actuated Run Time 2 !!ours Baseline Data B & V Calculation File 32-4518-00, Best Estimate Discrepancies: S0111/P0108 AFV Foxboro intermittent flow setpoint problem Exceptions: None Evaluators: G.11111ebrecht,: K. Stiger, V. O'Connor, J. Ryan, N. Vahl, E. Bergner Diffeting Opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 5 of 47 55

.- . - . -.. _. -- - .,- . .. ~- -

Docket Numbar 50-346

-License Number NPF Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: Tif REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(1)(a)

TITLE: SG Tube Rupture

........................................... o.............................

Date Tested: 03/01/91

.Halfunction Tested: SG-01-2 SG B Tube leak CRD-01 Reactor trip Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: 1600 PSIG RCS pressure, HSB Run Times 2 Hours Baseline Data: Best Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: S. Lindsay, K. Stiger, E. Bergner, G. Hillebrecht Differing Opinions:- None i

L L.'

i I

l Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 6 of 47 56

. - . - ~ .- . .- - - - .. .. .. . -_ .- - .

Docket Number 50-346 License. Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: T1g REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(1)(d)

TITLE: Inadvertant Opening of a Pressurizer Safety Valve Date Tested: 03/08/91 Malfunction Tested: PZR-03-2 Pressurizer safety valve 2 leaks Initial Conditions: 100% power, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: SFAS actuated, RCS on long term cooling (LPI)

Run Times- 2 Hours Baseline Data: Best Estimate Discrepancies: P0128/S0331 CTMT pressure / temperature inadequate response Exceptions: None Evaluators: N. Vahl, K. Stiger, S. Laeng, B. Yotmg, E. Bergner Differing Opinions: None ,



1 Appendix 5 l -- Attachment 5

- Page 7 of 47 l

l' 57

Docket Number 50-346 l License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS



TITLE: Loss of Instrument A!r Date Tested: 08/14/90 Malfunction Tested: IA-01 Instrument Air header rupture located downstream of Instrument Air After -

Filters (0-100%)

Initial Conditions: 100%, BOL. Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Plant tripped, Instrument Air pressure < 30 PSIG Run Time: 8H i Baseline Data: Plant .a. Best Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: K. Stiger, M. Derivan, J. Ryan, L. Keller, H. Gavioli, M. Roder, B. Young, E. Bergner Differing Opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 8 of 47 58

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 At,tachment 5: ? SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS



TITLE: Loss of All Offcite Power Date Tested: 11/17/90 AC-02 Loss of all offsite power Halfunction Tested:

100% RTP, MOL, Xe equilibrium Initial Conditions:

Final Conditions: Plant stabilized on natural circulation Run Time 1 ilour Baseline Data Best Estimate

  1. U1485 JPPAC913 did not change state Discrepancies Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, K. Stiger, H. Gavioli Differing Opinions: None s


.s -

ig lyd pi 2 5

hfF Appendix 5

?s Attachment 5

, e- t s Page 9 of 47 say

?F eg 59 m_

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS


...........................................................................  ?-


TITLE: Loss of All Offsite Pover Date Tested: 11/17/90 Halfunction Tested: AC-02 Loss of all offsite power Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Plant stabilized on natural circulation Run Time: i Hour Baseline Data: Best Estimate Diset spancies: # U1485 JPPAC913 did not change state Exceptiotis: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, K. Stiger, H. Gavioli Differing Opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 9 of 47 59

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABS 1RACTS ST CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBERt T3b REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(3)

TITLE: Loss of All AC Power and Luss of Both Diesels Date Tested: 02/26/91 Halfunction Tested: AC-01 Loss of all AC power EDG-02-1 Failure of Emergency Diesel Generator 1 to automatic start EDG-02-2 Failure of Emergency Diesel Generator 2 to automatic start Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Reactor tripped, selective battery load shedding complete, complete loss of all power AC and DC Run Times 3 Hours Baseline Data B & V Calculation File 32-1123714-00, Best Estimate Discrepancies: P0063/S0066 DBC IN output voltage indicated with no input P0064/S0067 RCP DC lift pumps did not start as expected P0083/S0086 ARTS 1/5 lights did not light as expected P0081/S0004 C 5796 Fire Alarm Panel remained povered up P0080/S0083 PPC and SPDS CRT's remained povered up P0085/S0088 Battery longevity independent of load P0078/S0081 hotvell level failed high P0076/S0079 SFAS CH2 data lights remained on P0075/S0078 Auto inhibit light remained on P0074/S0077 HU flow train 2 remained on (flow indicator)

"00?2/S0075 HPI/LPI flow meters remained on P0070/S0073 SFRCS block and output lights on P0084/S0087 EDG frequency meters did not fall Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 10 of 47 1


Docket Number 50-346' License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 ,



TITLE Loss of All AC Power and Loss of Both Diesels Discrepancies: P0082/S0085 CTRH clock remained on P0079/S0082 Victoreen panel and recorder remained on j

-P0077/S0080 SG Startup level meters on P0073/S0076 PAHS RCS meters on P0071/S0074 Gaitronics light on Exceptions: None Evaluators: S. Lindsay, K. Stiger, B. Ycung, E. Bergner Differing Opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachmett 5 Page 11 of 47 61 ,


Docket Number 50-346 License Number'NPF-3 Serial Number-1913

. Encl o su re '.




TITLE: Loss of 120 VAC Bus Panel Y1 Date Tested: 02/25/91 Halfunction Tested: AC-09-1 Loss of 120 VAC bus panel Y1 Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: 100% RTP, MOL, Xe equilibrium, Y1 de-energized

Run Time 1.5 llours Baseline Data Plant Data Discrepancies: UO295 SFRCS Block permit light is on vice off UO103/S106 Power level meters failed to incorrect positions P0105/S108 CTRH EVS 1-1 started, shouldn't have l

P0104/S107 HPI flow indicators failure mode l incorrect L P0107/S0110 llIS 5889A remained povered up P0106/S0109 FI 6435/FI 6425 did not lose power Exceptions: None l-

! Evaluators: K. Stiger, B. Young, E. Bergner, S. Laeng Differing Opinionst None i

Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 12 of 47 62

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosurc APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIPICATION TEST NUMBER: T3f REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(3)

TITLE: Loss of D10 Date Tested: 02/26/91 Malfunction Tested: DC-02-3 Loss of 125 VDC vital bus D1P Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, XE equilibrium Final Conditions: Completion of loss of D1P, D1PA, DAP verification Run Times 2 Hours Baseline Data: Plant Data, Best Estimate Discrepancies: U1342 Incorrect valve repositioning on 15 valves S0068/P0065 Fire /RMS alarms C4501, C7501 did not actuate S0069/P0066 ES252/ES415 failed epen SJ071/P0069 CD550B failed open S0070/P0067 BCES did not fail "as is" S0072/P0069 HV 5403A, B failed closed S0090/P0087 VT 1051 did not fall to FVST S0129/P0126 T/G trip and SP6A trips closed Exceptions: None Evaluators: K. Stiger, H. Gavioli, E. Bergner, G. Hillebrecht Differing Opinionst None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 13 of 47 63

-DockQt Number.50-346 License Number NPP-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: T3h REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(3)

TITLE: Automatic Control System Failure - ICS Halfunction - Loss of ICS AC Pover Date Tested: 12-03-90 Malfunction Tested: ICS-17-1 Loss of ICS AC power Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Overcooling stabilization via SFRCS or SFAS lov' pressure trip Run Time: 0.5 llours Baseline Data: Best Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: N. Vahl, J.~ Ryan, H. Gavioli, S. Laeng, K. Stiger, E. Bergner, D. Snyder, T. Chambers Differing opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 14 of 47 64

Doeket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: T31 REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(3)

TITLE: Loss of NNI Power (Y-AC)

Date Tested: 02/26/91 Halfunction Tested: NNI-01-3 Loss of NNI power (Y-AC)

HUP-03 Leak port area HUP-19 HU6405 & MLJ c1 fails "as is" Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions:- IISB, NNI Y-AC de-energized Run Times 2 Ilours Baseline Data Plant Data, Best Estimate Discrepancies: U1109 Hisc. meter responses incorrect P0093/S0096 HU pump 1-1, HU 3971 response incorrect P0092/S0095 SASS response incorrect P0091/S0094 CF Tank level / press, annunciator response incorrect P0090/S0093 Annunciator response / inadequate actuation P0089/S0092 CF tank press./ level / transmitters P0014/50014 FYI Dil2B response wrong P0088/S0091 HU PI 26 & HU FI 41 did not fall Exceptions: None Evaluators: K. Stiger, H. Grrioli, E. Bergner, G. Ilillebrecht Differing opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 15 of 47 65

Docket Number 50-346.

License Number NPF-3




TITLE: Loss of Circulating Vater Pumps Date Tested: 09/20/90 Malfunction Tested; CT-01-2 Circulating Water Pump 2 trip CT-01-4 Circulating Vater Pump 4 trip Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, MOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions:- HSB, RCS at 555 degrees and 2155 PSIG .

Run Times. 2 Hours Baseline Data Plant Data, TAP RPT DBI-89-04 Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None l Evaluators: J. Ryan, S. Lindsay, E. Bergner, H. Gavioli, H. Derivan, K. Stiger Differing Opinions: _None l'

1 1

l l

Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 16 of 47 66

Docket Numbar 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICAfION TEST NUMBER: T5b REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(5)

TTTLE: Loss of Condenser Level Control Date Tested: 09/20/90 Halfunction Tested: CD-01H Hotvell level transmitter CD-01L LT 550 fails high/ low Initial Conditions: Safety Rods Out, precritical, ECB boron, 534 degrees RCS average temperature Final Conditions: SRO, precritical, ECB boron, 534 degrees in LCS Run Time: 1.5 Hours Baseline Data Plant Data,-Best Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: J. Ryan, V. O'Connor, E. Bergner, K. Stiger, D. Staudt, S. Lindsay Differing Opinions: None I


Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 17 of 4/


Docket Number 50-346

-License Number NPF Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: 16b REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SFCTION: 3.1.2(6)

TITLE: Complete Loss of Service Vater Cooling Date Tested:- 10/05/90 Halfunction Tested: SV-01-1 Trip of Service Vater Pump P3-1 SV-01-2 Trip of Service Water Pump P3-2 Initial Conditions: 500 degreer; HSB, HOL Final Conditions: HSD, CCV and 5W regained Run Times 1.5 Hours Baseline Data: Best Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: . G. H111ebrecht, K. Stiger, V. O'Connor, J. Ryan, B. Young

. Differing opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 18 of 47 68

Docket Numbor 50-346 License NumbGr NPF-3 Serial Number 1913


TITLE: Loss of Shutdown Cooling with RCS Drained Date Tested: 02/26/91 Malfunction Tested: LPI-02-1 LPI System leak in Containment between DH 76 and CF 30 (0-100%)

Initial Conditions: CSD, RCS Drained, EOL, #2 DH Cooling train in service Final Conditions: SFAS level #1, RCS temperature increasing due to boiling, no LPI Run Time: 2 Hours Baseline Datar Calculation C-ME-049.02-102 Rev 0, Best Estimate Discrepancies: UO795 Radiation alarm in at IC due to fuel leakage Exceptions: None Evaluators K. Stiger, S. Laeng, S. Lindsay, B. Young, E. Bergner Differing Opinions: None l-I Appendix 5 Attachment 5 l

Page 19 of 47 l

l 69 i


Docket Numbsr 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: T8 REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION 3.1.2(8)

TITLE: Loss of Component Cooling Vater Date Tested: 09/20/90 Halfunction Tested: CCV-06 Component Cooling Vater header leak upstream of CC-165 Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium, CCV surge tank to.

33" Run Times 1 Hour Baseline Data: Best Estimate Discrepaneles: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: S. Lindsay, K. Stiger, E. Bergner, G. Hillebrecht,.

D. Snyder, T. Chambers, J. Ryan Differing Opinions: None l

l l

l Appendix 5 l

Attachment 5 Page 20 of 47 70

Docket Numbar 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS



TITLE: Main Feedvater Pump Trip / Runback Date Tested ' 09/20/90 Malfunction Tested: MFV-01-1 Main Feedvater Pump 1 trip Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, MOL, XE equilibrium Final Conditions: 60% RTP, plant stabilized Run Time: 10.5 Hours Baseline Data: Plant Data Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: J. Ryan, S. Lindsay, E. Bergner, M. Gavioli, M. Derivan Differing Opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 '

Page 21 of 47 71


' Docket Numbar 50-346 '

' License Number-NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5


TITLE: 40% Power Feedvater Pump Trip Date Tested: 10/18/90 Malfunction Tested: MFV-01-1 Main Feedvater Pump I trip Initial Conditions: Approximately 40% power Final Conditions: ilSB, RCS at 555 degrees and 2155 PSIG Run Times 3 Hours Baseline Data Plant Data, TAP Report DDI-87-03 Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, M. Gavioli, M. Derivan, J. Ryan, S. Lindsay, K. Stiger, D. Fox, R. Valleman Differing Opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 22 of 47 72

Docket Number 50-346

'icense Number NPF-3 L


TITLE: Total Loss of Feedvater Date Tested: 03/04/91 Halfunction Tested: HFV-01-1 HFV Pump P12-1 trip HFV-01-2 HFV Pump P12-2 trip AFV-01-1 AFPT-1 falls to start AFV-01-2 AFPT-2 fails to start Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, HOL, Xe Equilibrium Final Conditions: Scenario #1 RCS subcooling matgin restored via HJ/IIPI cooling Scenario #2 RC' subcooling margin restored via AFV to OTSGs

_Run Time 3 llours Baseline Data Plant Data - June 9th Event, B & V Calculation File 32-1150623-00, Best Estimate Discrepancies: U1254 PZR Safety rupture disc did not rupture S0116/P0113 AFV strainer DP alarms and shouldn't Exceptions: None Evaluators K. Stiger, S. Laeng, E. Bergner, S.-Lindsay Differing Opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 23 of 47 73

Docket Numbst:50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: Til REVISION NUMBERt 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(11)

- TITLE: Loss of Protective System Channels i Date Testedt 10/18/90 Malfunction Tested: SFAS-02-1 SPAS manual initiation signal failure Channel ;

SFRCS-02-2A Failure of SFRCS CH2 to trip (auto)

SFRCS-02-2M Failure of SFRCS CH2 to trip (manual)

SFRCS-02-2B Failure of SFRCS CH2 to trip SFRCF-02-4A Failure of SFRCS CH4 to trip (auto)

SFRC.1-07.-4H Failure of SFRCS CH4 to trip (manual)

SFRCS-C2-4B Failure of SFRCS CH4 to trip RPS-01-2 Loss of RPS Ch 2 RPS-01-4 Loss of RPS Ch 4 RCS-13-1 RCS pressure transmitter RC2Al failure RCS-12-2 RC flov transmitter RCIA2 failure Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL,_Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: HSB, natural circulation, RCS at 560 degrees and 2155 PSIG Run-Time: -3 Hours Baseline Data: Best Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None-

-Evaluators: M. Gavioli, K. Stiger, E. Bergner, G. Hillebrecht,

, J. Ryan, D.-Snyder, T. Chambers, D. Fox, M.

Derivan,.R. Valleman Differing _ Opinions: None Appendix 5 t

Attachment 5 Page 24 of 47 74 l.. .

Docket Num,'r 50-346 License Num er NPP-3 Serial Nun.ber 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: T12a REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(12)

TITLE: Stuck Rod Date Tested: 11/09/90 Malfunction Tested: CRD-02-38 Stuck Rod 7-8 Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, MOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Scenario #1 87% power with one quadrant lov Scenario #2 IISB, RCS at 555 degrees and 2155 P3IG Run Times 2 Hours Baseline Data: Best v. stimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, H. Gavioli, L. Keller, H. Roder, S. Lindsay, K. Stiger Differing Opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 25 of 47 i


Docket Number 50-346

. License Number NPP-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: T12b REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(12)

TITLE: Uncoupled Rod Date Tes ad: 02/20/91 Halfunction Tested: CRD-17-62 Uncoupled Rod 7-4 Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: 100% RTP, MOL

-Run Times 2 Hours Baseline Data Best Estimate Discrepancies # Ull27 Tilt / Imbalance Annunciator alarm didn't work, NI 6/7 reversed on Gp 38

  1. P0047 Tilt / imbalance / annunciator alarm locked in Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, K. Stiger, G. Hillebrecht Differing Opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 26 of 47 76

. Docket Numbar 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913


TITLE: Drifting Rods Date Tested: 02/15/91 Malfunction Tested: CRD-05-2 Programmer motors running in/out without command Group 6 Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, MOL, Xe equilibrium Final' Conditions: 100% RTP, ICS in track Run Time: 2 llours Baseline Data: Best Estimate Discrepancies: P0036/S0036 CRD-05-2 malfunction affects rods out only/not in Exceptions: None l

Evaluators K. Stiger, E. Bergner, M. Gavioli Differing Opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 27 of 47 77

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACT _S CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: T12d REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(12)

TITLE: Dropped Rod Date Teated: 11/06/90 Malfunction Tested: CRD-03-33 Drop Rod Group 7 Rod 7 Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, MOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: 100% RTP, Rod recovered Run Time 3 Hours Baseline Data Plant Data, Davis-Besse dropped rod, 04/24/89 Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, D. Snyder, J. Ryan, N. Vahl, K. Stiger, B. Young Differing Opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 28 of 47 1


"cocket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913


TITLE: Hisaligned Rods l

Date Tested: 10/18/90 Halfunction Tested: CRD-20-1-1 Rod 7-3 sticks'when driving in CRD-20-1-2 Rod 7-8 sticks when driving in CRD-20-2-1 Rod 7-3 sticks when driving out p CRD-20-2-1 Rod 7-8 sticks when driving out Initial Canditions: 100% RTF, MOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: 93% power, plant stabilized Run Time 2 ilours Baseline Data: Best Estimate L Discrepancies: None -

. Exceptions: None 1

( Evaluators: E. Bergner, M. Gavioli, L. Keller, M. Roder, S. Lindsay, b. Fox, H. Derivan, R. Valleman, l J. Ryan

[ Differing Opinions: None l



Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Fage 29 of 47 79

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: T13 REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(13)

TITLE: Inability to Drive Control Rods -

Date Tested: 02/20/91 .

Malfunction Tested: None Initial Conditions: Safety Rtis Out, BOL, procritical, ECB boron


, Final Conditions: SRO, BOL, precritical, ECB boror.

Run Time: 1 Hour


Baseline Data: Best Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None A

Evaluators: K. Stiger, G. Hillebrecht, E. Bergner Differing opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 30 of 47 80

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPP-3 Serial "urNat 1913 Enclou APPEt1 DIX $



TITLE: Fuel Failure J Date Tested: 02/20/91 Halfunctic. Tested: CORE-01 Failed fuel code 1 thru 25 SG-01-1 Steam Gena *4n A Tube leak SG-01-2 Steam Gens - u .- B Tube leak HUP-10-1 Tube leak th _ ;down Cooler E25-1 Initial Conditions: Scenario #1 100% RTP, H6L, Xe equilibrium u

- Scenario #2 100% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium (

Scenario 13 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Scenario 64 100% RTP, MOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditionri Scenario #1 100% RTP, radiat. ion affects observed Scenario #2 Tube leak in progress, radiation affects observed Scenario #3 Tube leak, radiation affects observed Scenario 84 Letdovn Cooler leak in progress,

radiation affects observed Run Times 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> Baseline Data Best Estimate


Discrepancies: P0040 Vacuum System discharge radiation alarm actuates tco soon P0041 Halfunction CORE-01 (clad failure) does not cause proper response P0042 Halfunction MVP-10 Inadequate letdown cooler response Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, K. Stiger, G. Hillebrecht Differing Opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 31 of 47 81 E - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Docket Numbar 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS



TITLE: Generator / Turbine Trip


Date Tested: 09/24/90 Halfunction Tested: TG-06 Failure of automatic lurbine runback S0-01-1 Loss of Stator Coolant Pump A SC-01-2 Loss of Stator Coolant Pump B SC-03 Regulating valve to Generator cooling system fails in bypass position Initial Conditions: '40% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: HSB, plant stabilized Run Times 1.5 Hours Baseline Data Best Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluate:s: E. Bergner, S. Lindsay, K. Stiger, H. Gavioli, L. Keller

-Differing opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 32 of 47 l- 82 1


Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPT 3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ARSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: T17b3 REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(17)

TITLE: Failure of Auto Runback Signal 86/UL-FVL Date Tested: 09/17/90 Halfunction Tested: ICS-02-1 Failure of contact 10-11 auto runback signal, Relay 86/UL-TVL vhich is input to the rate unit of the Unit Load Demano HFV-01-1 Hain Feedvater Pump P12-1 trip Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, DOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: 65% power, plant stab 111 red Run Times 2 Ilours Baseline Data Best Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: K. Stiger, D. Young, H. Vahl, S. Laeng, L. Simon, L. Joyner, E. Bergner Differing Opinions: None l-Appendix.5 Attachment 5 Page 33 of 47 1


Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPT-3 Serial Number 1913 Lnclosure APPENDIX $




TITLE: Failure of the Tave Controller Calibrating Integral Date Tested: 11/05/90 Malfunction Tested: ICS-09 Failure of the Tave controller output in the Reactor Coolant module Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: 68% power, plant stabilized Run Times I llour Baseline Data Lest Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: N. Vahl, K. Stiger, G. llillebrecht, J. Ryan, L. Simon S. Laeng, B. Young Differing opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 34 of 47 84

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPP-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX __5 Attachme,t__5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS a




ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(17)

TITLE: Failure of the Rapid Feedvater Reduction Signal Date Tested: 01/22/91 Halfunction Tested: ICS-11-1-1 Failure of the Rapid Feedvater Reduction signal (on, off) 86/RFR ICS-11-2-1 Failure of the Rapid Feedvater Reduction signal (on, off) 86/RTR-1 10S-11-3-1 Failure of the Rapid Feedvater Reduction signal (on, off) 86/RFR-2 105-11-4-1 Failure of the Rapid Feedvater Reduction signal (on, off) 86/RFR-3 Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Reactor trip,115B, malfunction af f ects observed, OTSGs at lov 1cvel limits Run Times 1 Ilour Baseline Data Plant Data - TAP DB1-89-03, Best Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: K. Stiger, E. Be:y.ner, N. Vahl, L. Joyner, L. Simon, J. Ryan, B. Young, S. Laeng Differing Opinicnst None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 35 of 47 85

Docket 14 umber 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS

.............s........................ ...................................


TITLE: Pressurizer Spray Valve Falls Fully Open Date Tested: 11/27/90 Malf inction Tested: PZR-02 Pressurizer spray valve failure Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: SPAS actuation on lov RCS pressure Eun Times 1 Hour Baseline Data Best Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators K. Stiger, H. Gavioli, E. Bergner, 9- Vahl, G. !!illebrecht, J. Ryan, T. Chamber.s, D. Snyder Differing opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 36 of 47 l


Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 i Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment La T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: T18e REVISION NUMBERt 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(18)

TITLE: Loss of RCS Hakeup Pump P37-1 Date Tested: 11/15/90 Halfunction Tested: HUP-12-1 Loss of Hakeup Pump P37-1 Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Normal makeup, letdovn, and seal injection restored.

Run Times 1 llour Baseline Data: Plant Data, Davis-Besse UADS Plot Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, G. Ilillebrecht, J. Ryan, T. Chambers, D. Snyder, P. Timmerman, K. Stiger, S. Lindsay Differing opinions: None V

y Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 37 of 47 i


w. . . . . . . . . . . .

Docket Numbar 50-346- l License Number NPF-3 -


TITLE: Steam Line Break Outside Containment L

Date Tested: 09/21/90 Halfuaetion Tested: MS-03-2 Hain Steam Line 2 leak outside Containment vessel between NRV and HSIV

.lnitial Conditions: 100% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: -IISB, plant stable post trip. ,

~Run Times 2 flours Baseline Data Best Estimate Discrepancies # U1106 HP/LP Condenser rupture discs blev Exceptions: None Evaluators: J.-Ryan, K. Stiger, E. Bergner, H. Gavioli, H. Derivan, D.-Staudi, J. Dillich, B. Young, N. Vahl Differing opinions: None l

Appendix 5 l- Attachment 5 l Page 38 of 47 '


_ _.___ _ __.._.m._.___._____ . _ _.- _ .

Docket Numbar 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: T20c REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2 (20)

T*.TLE : Feedvater Line Break Inside Containment Date Tested: 03/01/91 Halfunction Tested: HFV-07-1 Feedvater Line break dovnstream of valve FV 601 Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Reactor tripped, main feedvater isolated, supplemental actions of trip procedure complete

-Run Times 2.5 llours Baseline Data Best Estimate Discrepancies: S0098/P0095 AFV TRN 1 meter is inoperable Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Borgner, K. Stiger, G. llillebrecht Diffcring' Opinions: None l

l Appendix 5 Attachment Page 39 of .7 89 l


- - , , _ _ . _ , , . . - . . - . . - . _ - . _ . - _ ._ . . . . . . . _ . . . - - - . . . . - _ . - . . . , . . . , . - . - . . _ . , _ , , . , , . , _ . . . . - - - , , , ....._-.....-1

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS



TITLE: Feedvater Line Break outside Containment Date Tested: 09/25/90 Halfunction Tested: HPV-08-2 Feedvater Line break upstream of FV 612 Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: IISB, plant stabic post trip Run Times 2.5 llours Baseline Data Best Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, H. Gavioli, L. Keller, S. Lindsay, J. Ryan, K Stiger

- Differing Opinions: None l



l Appendix 5 Attachment 5-Page 40 of 47 90 1

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS



TITLE: Failure of the Power Range Uncompensated Ion Chamber Date Tested: 10/30/90 Halfunction Tested: NI-11-1 Failure of Power Range Uncompensated Ion Chamber (Cil 1 Upper)

NI-11-2 Failure of Power Range Uncompensated Ion Chamber (Cil 1 Lover)

NI-11-3 Failure of Power Range Uncompensated Ion

  • Chamber (Cil 2 Upper)

NI.11-4 . Failure of Power Range Uncompensated Ion Chamber (CII 2 Lover)

NI-11-5 Failure of Power Range Uncompensated Ion Chamber (CH 3 Upper)

NI-11-6 Failure of Power Range Uncompensated lon Chamber (Cil 3 Lover)

NI-11-7 Failure of Power Range Uncompensated Ion Chamber (Cil 4 Upper)_

NI-11-8 Failure of Power Range Uncomnensated Ion Chamber (Cil 4 Lover)

Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: 100% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium Run Times. 4 flours Baselint Sata Best Estimate

. Discrepancies - None

' Exceptions:. None Evaluators: K. Stiger, E. Bergner, D. Fox, H. Derivan, R.

Valleman, J. Ryan,' H. Gavioli, G. filllebrecht

, Differing Opinions: -None Appendix !

Attachment 5 Page 41 of 47 91

.- . . _ _ ~, ._ . . , _

Docket Number 50-346 l License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: T22a REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(22) i

,_ TITLES-RCS Ilot Leg RTD Failure 1 Date Tr.sted: 11/15/90 Halfunction Tested: RCS-10-1 RCS Ilot Leg RTD3Al fails RCS-10-2 RCS Ilot Led RTD3A3 fails NNI-02-14 Failure of SASS deadband setpoint .

(Loop 2 RCS Thot)

NNI-02-18 Failure of SASS deadband setpoint (Tave)

Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Scenario #1 100% RTP, HOL Scenario #2 Reactor / Turbine trip Scenario #3 103% RTP, HOL i Run Times 2 llours Baseline Data Best Estimate Discrepancies:. None-Exceptions: . None-Evaluators: E. Bergner, H. Gavioli .H. Derivan, D. Staudt, J.

Dillich. K. Stiger Differing opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 42 of 47 92

, _ . . _ . , , , _ , _ . - - , ~ , _ . . . - . _ . . - . - . _ . _ .

Docket Numbsr 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: T22d REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(22)

TITLE: RCS Pressure Transmitter Fallute


Date ' asteos 09/'L/90 Halfunction Tested: RCS-13-2 RCS pressure transmitter (2A2) falls Initial conditions: 100% RTP, MOL, Xe equilibrium Firal Conditions: Scenario #1 100% RTP, RCS at 20a5 PSIG Scenario #2 100% RTP, RCS at 2250 PSIG Run Times 1 Hour Baseline Data Best Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, H. Gavioli, M. Derivan, D. Staudt, J.

Dillich, K. Stiger Differing Opinions: -None i

Appendix 5 Attachment-5 l Page 43 of 47 I

l 93

Docket Numbar $0-346 Licensa Numbar NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX $

Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS i ..........................................................................


TITLE: Pressurizer Level Transmitter Failure Date Tested: 09/29/90 Malfunction Tested: PZR-10-1 Pressurizer level control level transmitter LTRC 14-1 fails Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditionsi 100% RTP, MOL, Xe equilibrium , level control returned to auto Run Times 1 Hour Baseline Data Best Estimate Discrepancies:' None

-Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, M. Gavioli, H. Derivan, D. Staudt, J.

Dillich, J. Ryan,'S. Lindsay, K. Stiger Differing Opinions: None Appendix $

Attachment $

Page 44 of 47 94

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: T23a REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(23)

TITLE: Passive Halfunction - SFRCS Manual Actuation Failure and AFPT Falls at High Speed Stop


Date Tested: 08/18/90 Halfunction Tested: AFV-05-1 Auxiliary Feedvater Pump Turbine K3-1 Governor falls SFRCS-02-1H Failure of SFRCS Channe' 1 to trip (manual)

SFRCS-02-2M Failure of SFRCS Channel 2 to trip (manual)

SFRCS-02-3M Failure of SFRCS Channel 3 to trip (manual)

SFRCS-02-4H Failure of SFRCS Channel 4 to trip (manual)

Initial Conditions: Safety Rods out, 532 degrees, BOL, precritical Final Conditions: Scenario #1 SRO, 532 degrees, BOL, precritical Scenario #2 HSB, post trip, AFP1-1 failed at 3600 RPM Run Time 0.5 Hours Baseline Data Best Estimate Discrepancia:t None Exceptions None Evaluators: K. Stiger, M. Gavioli, E. Bergner Differing opinions:' None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 45 of 47 95

. . ~ - . __ _ _ . ~ _ -

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T JERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: T23b REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: 3.1.2(23)

TITLE: Passive Halfunctions - AFV, LPI, and CS Pumps Fall to Start Date Tested: 08/18/90 Halfunction Tested: AFV-01-1 Failure of Auxiliary Feedvater Puinp P14-1 to start AFV-01-2 Failure of Auxiliary Feedvater Pump P14-2 to start LPI-05-1 LPI Pump 1-1 fails to auto start LPI-05-2 LPI Pump 1-2 fails to auto start CS-02-1 Containment Spray Pump 1-1 falls to auto start CS-02-2 Containment Spray Pump 1-2 fails to auto start Initial Conditions: Safety Rods out, 532 degrees, BOL, precritical Final Conditions: Scenario #1 SFAS actuated, no LPI pumps running Scenario #2 SFRCS actuated, no AFV pumps running Run Time: 0.5 Hours Baseline Data: Best Estimate Discrepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: K. Stiger, E. Bergner, H. Gavioll Differing opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 46 of 47 96

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 5: T SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATP " EFT NUMBER: T24 REVISION N's .- 00 ANSI SECTIO. _.1.2(24)

TITLE: ATVS Date Tested: 03/03/91 Halfunction Tested: CRD-04-1 Failure of Reactor trip (manual)

CRD-04-2 Failure of Reactor trip (auto)

TG-02-1 Failure of Turbine to auto trip HFV-01-1 HFPT 1 trip HFV-01-2 HFPT 2 trip PZR-04-3 Pressurizer PORV fails closed Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, HOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Stable, llSB, following the Reactor trip Run Times 2 llours Baseline Data: Best Estimate Dicerepancies: None Exceptions: None Evaluators: E. Bergner, S. Lindsay, K. Stiger, B. Young Differing opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 5 Page 47 of 47 1

1 97  !

Docket Numbar 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 ,


TITLE: Manual Reactor Trip Date Tested: 02/05/91

'Halfunction Tested: None Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Plant stable post trip, llSB Run Time: 1 flour Baseline Data: Plant Data and Best Estimate Discrepancies: S0021 Annunciators actuated, shouldn't have S0027 PPC, SPDS not working S0121 0.5 second resolution recording problem UO320 NI3 erratic SUR post trip Exceptions: None Evaluators: K. Stiger, H. Gavioli, E. Bergner, N. Vahl Differing Opinions: None l


l l

Appendix 5 Attachment 6 Page 1 of 10 l


. .- . . . ~ _ - _ . - . - - . - . . - .

Docket Numbar 50-346 License Number NPF-3 )

Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 t


TITLE: Simultaneous Trip >of All Main Feedvater Pumpn Date Tested: 02/05/91 Halfunction Tested: HFV-01-1 HFP P12-1 trip <

MFV-01-2 HTP P12-2 trip 4

Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium i

Final Conditions  !!SB, plant stable post trip i

Run Time 1 !!our Baseline Data Plant Data and-Best Estimate-Discrepancies: S0021 Annunciators actuated, shouldn't have S0027 PPC, SPDS not working S0121 0.5 second resolution recording problem Exceptions: None Evaluators: K. Stiger, H. Gavioli, N. Vahl, E. Bergner Differing Opinions: None '

l i

l Appendix 5 Attachment 6 Page 2 of 10 l

l 99 l

l I -

_- _ - _. _, .,.-,,-~ -.m.. .-a,--.

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclotsure APPENDIX S Attachment 6: TAB SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: TAB 03 REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: Appendix B2.2(3)

TITLE: Simultaneous Closure of All Main Steam Isolation Valves

........... 2................................. ...........................

Date Tested: 02/05/91 Halfunction Tested: MS-01-1 MS 100 fails closed MS-01-2 HS 101 fails closed Initial Conditions: 100% kTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditionst HSB, plant stable post trip Run Times 2 Hours Baneline Data: Best Estimate Discrepancies: 30021 Annunciators actuated, shouldn't have S0027 PPC, SPDS not vorking

$0121 0.5 second resolution recording problem Exceptions: None Evaluators: B. Young, K. Stiger, N. Vahl, M. Gavioli, E.

Bergner Differing Opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 6 Page 3 of 10 l

100 I

Docket Numbar 50-346 License Numb 2r NPP-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX __5 Attachment 6: TAB cERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: TAB 04 REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: Section 3.1.2(4) and Appendix P2.2(4)

TITLE: Simultaneous Trip of All Reactor Coolant Pumps


Date Tested: 02/06/91 Halfunction-Tested: RCP-01-1 RCP 1-1 trip

-RCP-01-2 RCP 1-2 trip RCP-01-3 RCP 2-1 trip RCP-01-4 RCP 2-2 trip Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Post trip conditions on natural circulation, 115B Run Times 1 llour Baseline Data Best Estimate Discrepancies 50021 Annunciators actuated, shouldn't have 50027 PPC, SPDS not working S0121 0.5 second resolution recording problem Exceptions: None Evaluators H. Gavioli, K. Stiger, E. Bergner, N. Vahl Differing opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 6 i

Page 4 of 10 101

Docket Number 50-346 License Numbar NPF-3 Serial "um'ser 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 6: TAB SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS i

L i


TITLE: Trip of One Reactor Coolant Pump Date Tested: 02/05/91 Halfunction Tested: RCP-01-1 RCP 1-1 trip Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Reactor tripped,115B, 3 RCPs in operation Run Times 1 flour Baseline Data Best Estl W a

-c Discrepancies: S0021 Annunciators actuated, shouldn't have S0027 PPC, SPDS not working S0121 0.5 second resolution recording problem Exceptions: None Evaluators: H. Gavioli, K. Stiger, E. Bergner Differing Opinions: None i

Appendix 5 Attachment 6 Page 5 of 10 l

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Docket Number 50-346 License Number .1PF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 6: TAB SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS

.....................................................e . ................


TITLE: Hain Turbine Trip from 25% Power - 1.o Reactor Trip Date Tested: 02/06/91 Halfunction Tested: TG-01 Turbine trip Initini Conditions: Approximately 25% power, below ARTS setpoint, BOL Final Conditions: Approximately 25% power, Turbine tripped, Reactor not tripped Run Time 1 Hour Baseline Data Best Estimate Discrepancies: S0021 Annunciators actuated, shouldn't have S0027 PPC. SPDS not working S0121 0.5 second resolution recording problem Exceptions: None Evaluators: K. Stiger, H. Gavioli, E. Bergner, B. Young Differing Opinions: None Appeno:x 5 Attachment 6 Page 6 of 10 103

Docket Number 50-346 License Numbar NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 6: TAB SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NU:fBER: TAB 07 REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: Appendix D2.2(7)

TITLE: Maximum Rate Power Ramp 100% to 75% and Back to 100% (10%/ minute)

Date Tested: 02/06/91 Halfunction Tested: None Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, transient Xe Run Times 1 Hour Baseline Datas Best Estimate Discrepancies: S0021 Annunciators actuated, shouldn't have S0027 PPC, SPDS not working S0122 0.5 second resolution recording problem Exceptions: None Evaluators: H. Gavioli, K. Stiger, E. Bergner, S. Lindsay Differing Opinions: None l

l l

l l Appenc ix 5 f Attachment 6 Page 7 of 10 104

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Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 6: TAB SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATTON TEST NUMBER: TAB 08 REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: Appendix B2.2(8)

TITLE: Double Ended Hot Leg Shear Coincident Vith a Loss of All Offsite Pover Date Tested: 02/06/91 j Halfunction Tested: RCS-08-1 Reactor Coolant System Hot Leg rupture -

double ended - Loop A Itaitial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: RCS saturated, Offsite power deenergized, Reactor and Turbine tripped Run Times 1 .90ur Baseline Data Best Estimate Discrepancies: S0006, S0023 Bombout due to DC module (Condenser)

S0027 PPC, SPDS not votking 50097 Related to Real Time - auto freeze in frame overruns S0121 0.5 second resolution recording  ;

problem U1380 SFAS solenoid lights in SFAS CH2 incorrect S0010 HPI Train 1-1 flov meter reads incorrect Exceptions: None Evaluators: S. Lindsay, B. Young, K. Stiger, E. Bergner Differing Opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 6 Page 8 of 10 105 i

Docket Number 50 346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 6: TAB SERIES TEST ABSTRACTS CERTIFICATION TEST NUMBER: TAB 09 REVISION NUMBER: 00 ANSI SECTION: Section 3.1.2(20) and Appendix B2.2(9)

TITLE: Main Steam Line Failure in the Reactor Building - Double Ended Sheat-


Date Tested: 02/07/91 Halfunction Tested: MS-02-1 Main Steam Line break inside the Reactor Building - double ended sheer Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: HSB, SFRCS actuated, 1 OTSG blown dry Run Time 1.5 Hours Baseline Data Best Estimate Discrepancies: S0021 Annunciators actuated, shouldn't have S0027 PPC, SPDS not working S0121 0.5 second resolution recording problem Exceptions: None Evaluators: K. Stiger, B. Young, E. Bergner Differing opinions: None Appendix 5 Attachment 6 Page 9 of 10 l 106

Docket Number 50-346 I License Number NPF-3 Scrial Number 1913 Enclosure A(([tjDIX 5 Attachment 6: TAE SFl!IES TEST ABSTRACCS CERTIFICATION 1EST NUMBIR: TAB 10 REVISION NUMBER: 00 AtlSI SECTION: Section 1.1.2(1)(d) and Appendix D?. 2(10)

TITLEt The PORV Fails Fully O I en and HPI Does Not Actuate Date Tested: 02/07/91 Malfunction Tested: PZR-03-1 PORV fails open ilPI-03-1 IlPI Pump P58-1 fails to start ilPI-03-2 HPI Pump P58-2 fails to start Initial Conditions: 100% RTP, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: RCS ...turated, Reactor / Turbine tripped SFAS actuated Run Times 2 llours B.,seline Data Best Estiinate Discrepancies: 50021 Annunciators actuated, shouldn't have S0027 PPC, SPDS not working 50121 0.3 second resolution record;ng problem Exceptions: None Evaluators: K. Stiger, E. Bergner, G. Illllebrecht Differing opinionn: None Appendix 5 Attachment 6 Page 10 of 10 107

l Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX $


....................u.... ................................................

Date Testedt 03/08/91 Parameters Tested: RC pressure, CTHT pressure, fuel temperature, void fraction Initial conditions: 100% rated power, BOL, Xe equilibrium Final Conditions: Restored to 100% FPSS, BOL, Xe equilibrium Run Time: I hour Baseline Data Best Estimate

! Discrepancies: S0123/P0120 Some CTMT Prc:ssure Alarms did not actuate when outside the bands.

i Exceptions: None Evaluators: S. Laeng, B. Young, N. Vahl, K. Stiger, E. Bergner Diifcring Opinion: None


w Appendix 5 Attachment 7 Page 1 of 1 i

i 108

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-?,

Serial Number-1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 8: SOFTWARE DISCREPANCIES The following discrepancies (as of March 5, 1991) are contractual issues with the simulator vendor and Toledo Edison expects resolution within the one (1) year varranty period.

Certification Discrepancy Test Number Number Description N1a U0643 RCS monitored parameters incorrect U0675 HFPT eccentricity above 11 nit S0049/P0046 HFP lube oil temp. lov S0046/P0043 S/G model bombout during FV rleanup/ vacuum drav S0051/P0048 SG draining in upper regions incorrect S0052/P0049 Stator coolant reserve test switch 2266 Vater hammer sound not operational j UO585 SW1368 power dependency wrong UO639 Hisc Victoreen rad monitor setpoints UO988 Main turbire eccentricity recorder not vorking Nib UO724 RCS flov indicat!on minor problem U0731 Steam Generator outlet temp 1 4 on 1-1 OTSG UO735 Reactor Coolant Pump amps lov UO737 PPC gland steam pressure point wrong Nic U074/ OTSG Sta' r tup vs. Operate leve's are not correlated correctly N1d- "3774 H2 addition to Hakeup Tank han pressure increase Nie U0891 Hir,!#6 IIP Feedvater heater temps high N1C UO7 os Turbine chest warrcing limited to 250' F ,

N1g U( 43 RCS dissolved gas parameters read vrong SCt62/P0059 hSR #2 second stage drain tank level high SOU63/P0060 SPDS/PORV alarm in all the time

  • S0065/PG ,2 RCDT pumps down too lov (zero)

S0122/P0119 Hisc. plant computer points > 10% difference tu m plant data 3054 Cooling system plant computer points > 10%

oat of tolerance 3069 Hisc. system computer points 4751 Plant computer core EFPD caculation error q UO987 FPS hourly average power formatting problem U1371 Annunciator on at full power (coding error)

(Tilt /IHB/ Insertion limits)

U1528 Batcher plant computer point bad 4272 Rad monitor UO435 Hotor driven feedpump Foxboro power supplies have no effect Appe" dix 5 Attachment 8 Page 1 of 5 109

Docket Number 50-346

' License Numbar NPP-3

-Serial Number 1913 Enc!osure.


Certificatica arepancy Test Number ' Number Description N1g (Cont'd) UO715 MU flow indicator pover derendency wrong UO751 ARTS door open switches not installed UO766 SFRCS switch H2 not correr.t U1549 Lab hood exhaust filter temp. high, annuncicator von't work U1550 Main Feed Pump Drain Tank level hi annunciator logic vrong U1551 Forebay level lov annunciator does not actuate on low level U1552 Seal oil 6P annunciator log.s is wrong U1553 Battery room exhaust fan annunciator won't operate S0001/P0001 Condensate pump amps read high S0004/P0004 TPCV pump amps are too high S0029/P0029 SASS power suppl:, auctioneered wrong S0032/POO32 SVYD frequency metet response S0041eruv38 RE1412/1413 reset pushbuttons dorat work S0056/P0053 Vacuum System RE annunc.ator alarm logic vrong on lov flov S0059/P0056 Turbine stop valve test PPC poi t 0003 did not actuate.

S0060/r0057 Turbine stop valves slow close doesn't work S0061/P005b Turbine stor valve test did not affect ARTS 1/5 lig,ts S0064/P0061 #1 EHC pump red on light is wrong S0104/P0101 #1 Turn M/U low range 'lov indicator inoperable S0105/P0102. #1 Turn HPI reads HU flow UO90$' Local operator action on D57El not working U1131 SASS selector. switches hardware problem U1173 Simulated noise-response wrong on turbine valves U1459 CTHT normal sump levels are higher than normal U1526 Oscillations in batching operations to Hakeup tank l U1531 MDFP Foxboro control incorrect i U1541. Transformer fault annunciator on CEl-1/1-2, DF1-1/1-2 incorrect l -U1542 EDG trouble annunciator dir' not come in with l_ air comp. locked out i U1543 Bus F1 trcuble annunciator logic wrong Appendix 5 l Attachment 8 Page 2 of 5

!. 110

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Docket Number 50-346 License Numbar-NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 8: SOFTVARE DISCREPANCIES (Continued)

Certification Discrepancy Test Number. Number Description N1g (Cont'd) U1545 RPS fan fall annunciator logic vrong U1546 RCP 1-2 motor vib. alaria coes not alarm on X axis U1547 Annunciator logic for " Computer System Multiplexer Power Loss" vrong U1548 Annunciator logic for station air compressor's have errors on compressol trips '

N2a U1139 Total dissolved gases and Hydrogen concentration are too low for FPSS U1255 Main Generator synchroscope vill not respond U1256 Halfunction NI-04 did not respond correctly N2b U1248 RPS Tripped on Flux / Pumps in Channel 1 and 3 bu not 2 and 4 U1271 RCDT abs out when it fills up.

U1139 Gas parameters all shov zero gas concentration S17 U1267 Computer point response Tla U0837 Loop-1 Teold response Tle- S0111/P0108 AFV Foxboro intermittent flow setpoint problem T1g P0128/S0131 CTHT pressure / temperature inadequate response T3a U1485 JPPAC913 did not change state 235 .P0063/S0066 DBC IN output' voltage indicated with no input P0064/S0067 RCP DC lift pumps did not start as expected P0083/S0086 ARTS 1/5.1ights did not light as expected P0081/S0084 C 5796 Fire Alarm Panel remained povered up P0080/S0083 PPC and SPDS CRT's remained povered up P0085/S0088 Battery longevit.y independent of load P0078/S0081 Hotvoll level failed high P0076/S0079 SFAS CH2 data' lights remained on P0075/S0078 Auto inhibit light remained on P0074/SCJ77 HU flow train 2 remained on (flow indicator)

P0072/S0075 HPI/LPI flow meters remained on P0070/S0073 SFRCS block and output lights on-P0084/S0087 EDG frequency meters did not fall P0082/S0085 CTRH clock remained on P0079/S0082 Victoreen panal and recorder remained on Appendix-5

!. Attachment 8 j; Page 3 of 5 111

Docket Numb 2r 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 8: SOFTVARE DISCREPANCIES (Continued)

Certification Discrepancy Test Number Number Description T3b (Cont'd) P0077/S0080 SG startup level meters on P0073/S0076 PAHS RCS meters on P0071/S0074 Gaitronics light on T3d U0295 SFRCS Block Permit light is on vice off UO103/S106 Power level meters failed to incorrect position P0105/S108 CTRH EVS 1-1 started, shouldn't have P0104/S107 HPI flov indicators failure made incorrect P0107/S0110 HIS 5889A remained povered up P0106/S0109 FI 6435/FI 6425 did not lose power T3C U1342 Incorrect valve repositioning o- 15 valves S0068/P0065 Fire /RMS alarms C4501, C7501 diu not actuate S0069/P0066 ES252/ES415 failed open S0071/P0068 CD550 B failed open S0070/P0067 BCE5 did not fall "as is" S0072/P0069 HV $403A, B failed closed 50090/P0087 VT 1051 did not fail to FVST S0129/P0126 T/G trip and SP6A trips closed T31 01109 Hise, meter response vrong P0093/S0096 HU pump 1-1, HU 3971 response incorrect P0092/S0095 SASS response incorrect P0091/S0094 CF tank level / press. annunciator response incorrect P0090/S0093 Annunciator response / inadequate actuation P0089/S0092 CF tank pressure / level / transmitters P0014/S0014 FYI DH2B response wrong P0088/Sn091 HU PI 26 & HU FI 41 did not fail T7b UO795 Radiation alarm in at IC due to fuel leakage T10 U1254 PZR Safety rupture disc did not rupture S0116/P011? AFV strained DP alarms and shouldn't T12b U1127 Tilt / imbalance annunciator alarm did not work, NI 6/7 reversed on Group 38 P0047 Tilt / imbalance / annunciator alarm locked in T12e P0036/S0036 CRD-05-2 malfunction affects rods out only/not in T14 PG040 Vacuum System discharge radiation alarm a.tuates too soon P0041 Halfunction CORE-01 (clad failure) does not cause proper response P0042 Halfunction MUP-10 inadequate letdown cooler response Appendix 5 Attachment 8 Page 4 of 5 112

Decket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure I APPENDIX 5 Attachment 8: SOFTVARE DISCREPANCIES (Continued)

Certification Discrepancy Test Number Number Description T20b U1106 ilP/LP Condenser rupture discs blev T20c S0098/P0095 AFU TRN 1 meter is inoperable TAB 01 UO320 NI3 erratic SUR post trip TAB 01-07 S0021 Annunciators actuated, shouldn't have S0027 PPC, SPDS not working S0121 0.5 second resolution recording problem TAB 08 S0006, S0023 Bombout due to DC module (Condenscr)

S0027 PPC, SPDS not vorking S0097 Related to Real Time - auto freeze in frame overruns S0121 0.5 second resolution r':ording problem U1330 SFAS solenoid lights in SFAS CH2 incorrect 60910 IIPI Train 1-1 flow meter reads incorrect TAB 09-10 LC021 Annunciators actuated, shouldn't have S0?27 PPC, SPDS not working S0121 0.5 second resolution recording problem

. amp. Real Tm.S0097/P0094 Frame overruns occurrt S0120/P0117 HU59A open stroke time Sim. Op. Lmt. 50123/P0120 Some CTHT Pressure Alarms did not actuate when outside the bands Appendix 5 Attachment 8 Page 5 of 5 l


Docket tiumber 50-346 License Number NPP-3 Seriel Number 1913 Encl ( ute APPENDIX 5 Attachment 9: BEST ESTlHATE TEAM OUALIFICATIONS

1. Edvard F. Bergner Positioni Simulator Training Supervisor / Lead Qualifications: Held an SRO license on the Davis-Besse Unit as an Assistant Shift Supervisor and Reactor Operator
2. Robert J. Borland Position: Engineer - Nuclear Qualifications: Has a Bachelor of Science Degree and a Masters Degree in Nuclear Engineering
3. Timothy J. Chambers Position: Assistant Shift Supervisor Qualifications: Maintains an active SR0 license and has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering Technology.
4. Frank Y. Chen Position: Senior Nu. dear Engineer Qualifications: Has a Doctorate of Science Degree in Nuclear Engineering.
5. Michael J. Derivan Position: Se: lor Nuclear Engineering Technologist Qualifications: Held an SRO license on the Davis-Besse Unit and held the positions of Shift Supervisor, Operations Superintendent, and Operations Training Supervisor.
6. Jack C. Dillich Position: Superintes. dent Shift Operations Qualifications: Maintains an active SRO license and has held the position of Shift Hannger. Possesses a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nuclear Engineering.
7. Denald F. Fox Position: Reactor Operator Qualifications: Hair.tains an active R0 license and has an Associates Degree in Nu lear Power Technology.

Appendix 5 Attachment 9 Page 1 of 5 114

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 9: BEST ESTIMATE TEAM OUALIFICATIONS (Continued)

8. James L. Freels Position: Shift Manager Qualifications: Maintains an active SR0 license and has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
9. Mitbael J. Gavioli Position: Contractor for Simulator Training Qualifications: Held an SR0 license for all three Oconee units and has been certified as an SRO on the Vestinghouse Salem Unit.
10. Gene L. Hillebrecht Position: Simulator Instructor Qualifications: Maintains an inactive SRO license and has held the positions of Assistant Shift Supervisor and Reactor Operator.
11. Luther Joyner o

Position: Contractor for Simulator Training Qualifications: lias a Doctorate of Science Degree in Instrumentation and Control.

12. Lavence G. Keller Position: Shift Supervisor Qualifications: Maintains an active SR0 license and has held the positions of Assistant Shift Supervisor and Reactor Operator.
13. Steven L. Laeng Position: Simulator Instructor Qualifications: Maintains an SR0 lisense and has held the position of g, Reactor Operator with an SRO license. Has an Associates Degree in Nuclear Power Technology,
14. Arthur J. Lewis Position: Reactor Operator Qualificationst Maintains an act re SR0 license.

Appendix 5 Attachment 9 Page 2 of 5 i


Docket Number 50-346' License Number NPU-3 Serial Number 1913-Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 9: BEST ESTIMATE TEAM QUALIFICATIONS (Continued)

15. Scott P. Lindsay Position: Contractor for Simulator Training Qualifications: Has an SR0 certification on Hillstone Unit 3 and has held an RO license on the Beaver Valley unit.
16. , Bobby G. Halone Position: Senior Nuclear Engineer Qualifications: Has a' Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering Sciences.
17. Villiam T. O'Connor Jr.

Pos3 tion: Engineering Staff Consultant Qualifications: Maintains an inactive SRO license and has held the position of Plant Operations Manager, Operating Training Supervisor, and Operations Training Instructor. Possesses a Bachelor of Science Degree in Hechanical Engineering Technology. ,

18. Michael J. Roder

' Position: Assistant Shift Supervisor Qualifications: Haintains an active SRO license and has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Hechanical Engineering.

19. Jody Ryan Position: Contractor for Simulator Training Qualifications: Has held an SRO. license on the Davis-Besse unit and has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Has held the position of Shift

. Technical Advisor. ,

L 20. Louie P. Simon-l Position: Senior Performance Engineering Technologist Quali fica tions: Held an SR0 license on the Davis-Besse unit. Has held the positions of Shift Supervisor and Operations Superintendent.

Appendix 5 .

Attachment 9 page 3 of 5 l


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Docket Numberc50-346:

License Number NPF-3 .j Serial:N'imber 1913 LEnclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 9: DEST ESTIMATE TEAM QUALIFICATIONS (Continued)

21. -Dennis H. Snyder Position: Senior Performance Technologist Qualifications: Maintains an inactive SRO license and has held the positions of Reactor Operator, Assistant Shift Supervisor, Shirt Supervisor, and Operations Supervisor.
22. Danny T. Staudt Position: Operations Specir. list Qualifications: Maintains an 4r. active SRO license and has held the positions of Renctor Operator, Assistant Shift Supervisor, and SF'.ft Supervisor.
23. Kim A. Stiger' Positlon: Simulator-Instruc,sr Quclificationg- Maintain, an-inactisc 300 license and'has held the positio.o " L actar *purator and Aasistant Shift-Superviror. Possesses an Associates Degree in Nuclear '

Dover Technology.

124. Paul P. _ Timmerr.ian Positions. ~ Lead Instructor L Maintains an inactive SR0 license and has held the Qualifications.

positions of Reactor Operator and Assistant Shift supervisor.

L -25. Nathan-L. Wahl

' Position: Simulator Instructor

-Qualifications: Haintains an= inactive SRO license and has held the positions of Reactor-Operator and Assistant Shift Supervisor. Possesses an Associates Degree in Nuclear Power Technology.

l- 26. Richard T._Va11eman_

(J P sition: Assistant Shift 1 Supervisor _ _

L cualifications: Haintains an active SRO license and has held the position of Reactor Operator.

l l Appendix 5 Attachment 9 Page 4 of 5 117

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Docket = Number 50-346

' License Number NPF-3

-Serial Numbar 1913

Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 9: BEST ESTIMATE' TEAM OUALIFICATIONS (Continued)-
27. Neil R. Vilson Postiont Reactor Operatar Qualifications: Haintains an active R0 license.

28.- Brian D. Young Position: Simulator Instructor Qualifications: Haintains an inactive SRO license and has held the positions of Assistant Shift Supervisor and Reactor ,

Operator. Possesses an Associates Degree in Nuclear Power Technology.

1 Appendix 5 Attachment 9 Pag: 5 of 5 L

118 i' ,

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' Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPP-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 10: FOUR YEAR TEST SCHEDULE 1.0. ANNUAL TESTING A. Steady State Performance Tests

1. 'Nig - Turbine Roll to FPSS
2. N6 - 60 Minute Drift Test B. Benchmark Transient Tests
1. TAB 01 - Manual Reactor Trip
2. TAB 02 - Simultaneous Trip of All Main Feedvater Pumps
3. TAB 03 - Simultaneous Closure of All MSIV's
4. TAB 04 - Simultaneous Trip of.All Reactor Coolant Pumps
5. TAB 05 - Trip of One Reactor Coolant Pump
6. TAB 06 - Main Turbine Trip From '25% Power - No Reactor Trip

'7. TAB 07 - Maximum Rate Power Ramp 100% -> 75% -> 100%

8. TAB 08 - Double Ended Hot Leg Shear Vith a coincident Loss of All Offsite Power-
9. TAB 09 - Main Steam Line Failure-in the Reactor Building -

Double Ended Shear

10. TAB 10 .The PORV Fails Open and HPI Does Not Actuate.

C. Verification of Real Time Simulation

1. Computer Real Time Test 2.0 CYCLIC TESTING A. Year 1 1; Normal Plant Evolutions
a. Nia - Startup - Cold Shutdown to Hot Shutdown
b. Nib - Plant-Startup - Hot Shutdown to Hot Standby
c. Nic - Startup - Hot Standby to 500 Degrees ad . N1d - Startup - 500 Degrees to Safety Rods Out
2. Surveillance Tests
a. S11 - Makeup Pump (s) Quarterly
b. S12 - High Pressure Injection Pump (s) Quarterly Appendix 5 Attachment 10 Page 1 of 4 119

. Docket Numbar 50-346- 1 LicenseLNumber NPF-3 Serial Number 1913-Enclosure APPENDIX 5 Attachment 10: FOUR YEAR TEST SCHEDULE (Continued)

3. = Transient Tests
a. fic - OTSG Tube Leak
b. T1f - SG Tube Rupture
c. T3a - Loss of All Offsite Power
d. T3d - Loss of 120 VAC Bus Panel Y1
e. T5a - Loss of Circulating Vater Pumps
f. T8 - Loss of Component Cooling Vater
g. T12a - Stuck Rod
h. T14 - Fuel Failure
1. T17b3 - Failure of the Auto Runback Signal, Relay 86/UL-FVL
j. T18c - Loss of RCS Hakeup Pump 37-1
k. T21 - Failure of the Power Range Uncompensated Ion Chamber.

B. Year 2

1. Normal Plant Evolutions
a. N2a - Shutdown - FPSS to 500 Degrees i
b. N2b - Shutdovn - 500 Degrees to CSD
2. Surveillance Tests
n. S13 - Low Pressure Injection Punip(s) Quarterly

.b. S14 - Containment Spray Pump Quarterly

3. l Transient Tests
a. T1b - LOCA Outside Containment
b. Tid - HPI Line Break
c. T3f - Loss of DIP
d. T5b - Loss of Condenser Level Control
e. 'T9a - Main Feedvater Pump' Trip / Runback
f. _T12b - Uncoupled Rod
g. T16' - Generator / Turbine Trip h ~.= T171 --Failure of the Tave Controller Calibrating Integral
1. T20b-- Steam Line Break outside Containa.ent J. T22a - RCS Hotleg RTD Failure
k. .T23a - Passive Halfunction - SFRCS Manual Act4ation Failure and AFPT Fails at High Speed Stop
1. T10 - Total Loss of Feedvater.

Appendix 5-Attachment 10 Page 2 of 4 120

Docket Numbar 50-346 Licenso' Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure-APPENDIX 5 Attachment 10: FOUR YEAR TEST SCilEDULE (Continued)

C. Year 3 A. Normal Plant Evolutions

a. N3 - Core Physics Testing
b. N5 - 3 RCP Startup/ Shutdown >
2. Surveillance Te:ts
a. S4 - Integrated SFAS Surveillance
b. S5 - Independent Offsite AC Sources Bus Transfer
c. S15 - Component Cooling Water Pump (s) Quarterly i 1
3. Transient Tests
a. -Tla - Large 10CA b.- T1e - RCP Discharge Line Break
c. T3b - Loss of All AC Power and Loss of Bo* Diesels
d. T3h - Automatic Control System Failure - IJS Malfunction

- Loss of ICS AC Power

e. T6b --Complete Loss of Service Vater Cooling
f. T9b - 40% Power Feedvater Pump Trip
g. T12c - Drifting Rou
h. T12d - Dropped Rod l 1. T17k - Failure of t:e Rapid Feedvater Reduction Signal
j. T20c - Feedvater line Break Inside Containment
k. T22d - RCS Prest fransmitter Failure
1. T23b - Passive halfunction - AFV, LPI, and CS Pumps Fall to Start.

l D. Year 4

1. Normal Plant Evolutions
a. N1e - F*artup - Safety Rods-Out to Critical at 1.0 E-8 Amps L. N1f - Startup - 1.0 E-8 Amps to Turbine Roll
c. N4a - Trip. Recovery - FPSS to' Post-Trip Peak Xenon
d. N4b - Peak Xenon StartuP to 100% Power O 2. Surveillance Tests
a. S7 - SFAS Monthly Functional
b. S16 - Service-Vater Pump (s) Quarterly
c. S17 - Auxiliary Feedvater Pump (s) Quarterly n Appendix 5 .

Attachment 10 Page 3 of 4 121 p

1 Socket Numbar 50-346 <

License Number'NPF-3 ~

Serial Number 1913 l Enclosure .)




Attachment FOUR YEAR TEST SCl!EDULE (Continued) l

3. Transient'fests
a. T1g - Inadvertant Opening of a Pressurizer Saf'ty Valve
b. T2 - Loss of Instrument Air
c. T31 - Loss of NNI Power (Y-AC)
d. T7b - Loss of Shutdovn Cooling with RCS Drained e._ Til - Loss of Protective System Channels
f. T12e - Hisaligned Rod
g. .T13 - Inability to Drive Control Rods
h. .T18a - Pressurizer Spray Valve Fails Fully Open
1. T20d - Feedvater Line Break Outside Containment
j. T22f - Pressurizer Level Transmitter Failure
k. T24 - ATVS e

Appendix 5 Attachment 10 Page 4 of 4 122

Docket Numbar 50-346-License, Number NPP-3


1. Simulator Support Organization Simulator support functions for the DBNPS plant-referenced simulator are provided through a matrixed support organization reporting through euclear Training. This support orga~ization consists of the following sections:

Nuclear Training

- Operators Training

- Simulator Training

- Nuclear Engineering

- Computer Engineering

- Safety Analysis

2. Nuclear Group Proce3ures

.A; Nuclear Group ~(NG) procedure identifies support responsibilities across the-matrixed' organization. Procedure NG-NT-00601,-Control of tne Plant-Referenced Simulator, has been developed to delineate these responsibilities and control simulator processes in the following areas Simulator Configuration Control Control of the Simulator Hardware, Software, and Operations

- Simulator Certification

-. ' Scheduling and Prioritization

3. ' Sectional Procedures

- Section level procedures have been developed to implement the

.requirteents of NG-NT-00601, Control of the Plant-Referenced Simulator.- .

3.1 Nuclear Training Procedures governing: support functions provided by Nuclear '

Trainingfinclude the following:-

- NT-0T-07013, Simulator Design Control NT-0T-07014, Simulator Physical Fidelity

.- NT-0T-07015, Simulator Functional Fidelity  ;

-NT-0T-07016, Simulator-Instructor Control Functions Appendix 6 Page 1 of 2 123

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Doccet Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3

. Serial Number 1913

,;t3 Enclosure


3.2 kuclear Engineering Pron.edures governing support functions provided by Nuclear Engineering include the following:

EN-DP-01!.20, Simulator Software EN-DP-0142.1, Simulator Hardware

4. Simulator Configuration Control Board 4.1 The Simulator Configuration Control Board (SCCB) provides governing eversight for the simulator in the areas of configuration change approval and implementation schedule, manpover allocations, and conflict resolution.

4.2 The SCCB is comprised of regresentatives free the following sections / units:

4.2.1 Plant Operations 4.2.2 Operations Traininr 4.2.3 Simulator Training 4.2.4 Computer Engineering 4.2.5 Safety Analysis t 4.3 The Supervisor-Simulator Training chairs the SCCB and the Manager-Nuclear Training is responsible for conflict resolution.

5. The process for identifying, logging, correcting, and testing reported discrepancies is delineated in Appendix 6, Attachment 1, Simulator Discrepancy Process. 8
6. The process for tracking plant design changes is delineated in Appendix 6, Attachment 2, Design Change Process.


A t tachmer.t 1: Simulator Discrepan y Process Attachment 2: Design Change Process Appendix 6 Page 2 of 2 124

Docket Number 50-346 License Number NPF-3 Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 6 Attachment 1: SIMULATOR DISCREPANCY PROCESS The following outlines the process for identifying, logging, correcting, testing, and close-out of reported simulator discrepancies.

This process is further delineated in procedure NT-0T-07013, Simulator Design Control.

1. Upon discovery of a discrepancy in the simulator hardware or software, a Simulator Trouble Report (STR) is generated. STRs can only be written by simulator support personnel. Students and other non-simulater personnel can notify sinulator support personnel of notential problems verbally or througl. the Simulator Feedback Report.

All STRs are logged.

2. The STR is evaluated to determine if a valid problem exists and then prioritized by the Simulator Training Section. Those STRs considered invalid are reviewed vi'.h the originator.
3. Valid STRs are forwarded to the Computer Engineering Section for hardvare/ software trouble shooting, identification of impacted support sections and possible resolution.
4. The Computer Engineering Section dispositions the STRs as follows:

4.1 STRs with major impact to simulator budget, manpover, and/or downtime are returned to Simulator Training and included in the design change process. A Simulator Hodification tr. quest Form (RMRF) is generated to initlete a detailed evaluation of the simulator discrepancy. The STR then follows the same course of action as a simulator configurat. ion change (See Appendix 6, Attachment 2, Desiga Change Process).

4.2 STRs with minor impact are issted a Simulator Work Order (SVO) and the impacted support section(s) notified for resolution.

5. SV0s are atilized to assign and track all work being performed on the simulator including:

5.1 Simulator Configuration Changes 5.2 Simulator Trouble Reports 5.3 Preventive Haintenance.

6. Final acceptance tests for STRs are generated by the support section resolving the diacrepancy.
7. Final acceptance testing should be conducted by the originator of the STR.
8. The SVO is closed-out by the Supervisor - Simulator Training or the SCCB, as applicable.

Appendix 6 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 1 125


Docket Number 50 346 License' Number NPF Serial Number 1913 Enclosure APPENDIX 6 l Attachment 2: DESIGN CHANGE PROCESS The following outlines the process for identifying, evaluating, implementing, testing and close-out of design changes. This process is further delineated la procedure NT-0T-07013, Simulator Design Control.

1. The following plant design changes are revieved and evaluated by the ,

Simulator Training Section for potential impact on the simulator:

l.1 Plant Hodification Packages 1.2 Setpoint Change Requests 1.3 Facility Change Requests 1.4. Simple Configuration Changes

2. A Source of Change Evaluation Form (SCEF) is generated as appropriate, for input source documents and the change is evaluated for potential impact to simulator hardware, software, or testing.
3. SCEFs with potential impact are assigned a Simulator change Control Number (SCCN) and a Simulator Modification Request Form (SMRF) is generated to_ initiate a detailed evaluation of the design change.
4. The SHRFs are distributed for detailed evaluation to impacted support sections including:-

4.1 Simulator Training

~4. 2 Computer Engineering 4.3 Safety Analysis (Simulator Engineering)

5. As SHRFs are completed, a course of action is delineated including

-implementation, deferral, or rejection in accordance with procedure NT-0T-07013, Simulator Design Control:


5.1 Simulator configuration changes of significant impact to simulator budget, manpower, or downtime require approval of the Simulator Configuration Control Board (SCCB).

5.2 Minor simulator-configuration changes are dispositioned by the Supervisor - Simulator Training.

5.3 Deferred configuration changes are periodically reviewed for dispositioning.

6. _Once approved, simulator configuration changes are issued a Simulator Vork Order ~(SWO) by the Computer Engineering Section. SV0s are utilized to assign end track all work being performed on the simulator including:

6.1 Simulator' Configuration Changes 6.2 -Simulator Trouble Reports (discrepancy resolution) 6.3 Preventive Maintenance Appendix 6 Attachment 2 Page 1 of 2 126

Docket Number'50-346

- License- Number l!PF-3 Serial Number 1913



. APPENDIX 6 catan:ent 2: DESIGN CilANGE PROCESS (Continued]

7. Once generated, a copy of the SVO is forwarded to the applicable simulator support section(s) for implementation.
8. Final acceptance tests for the simulator configuration change are generated by the support section implementing the change and forvarded to the Simulator Training Section for review and concurrence.
9. Final acceptance testing for the simulator configuration change is scheduled and performed by the Simulator Training Section.

9.1 An evaluation is conducted for significant configuretion changes or performance variationc to determine if any certification performance tests are required to be performed as part of the

-acceptance testing.

10. Acceptance test results are evaluated and approved by applicable simulator support sections involved in the configuration change.
11. Upon completion of the configuration change, training material is updated and hardware / software documentation is revised.-
12. .The configuration change is closed-out by the Supervisor - Simulator Training or the SCCB, as applicable.

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Appendix 6 Attachment 2

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