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OWNER'S REPORI fB INSERVICE INSPECTION Document Completion Date: January 1991 Owner:    Georgia Power Company 333 Piedmont Avenue, N.E.
P. O. Box 4545 Atlanta, Georgia    30302 Generating Plant:    Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 2 River Road P. O. Box 1600 Waynesboro, Georgia    30830 Commercial Operation Date: May 20, 1989 0
9102010J43 910125 POR Q    ADOCK 05000425                                              "
('            yqlqmg_1                                                                    Paaes i
Introduction                                                      11 ASME NIS 1 Form with Classes 1 and %                              2-1 Abstract ASME Class 3 and Augmented Examinations                            3-1 Summary Examination Summary Listings Introduction to Summary Listings                              41 ASME Class 1 Equipment Examinations                                  5-1 Piping Examinations                                      61 ASME Class 2 Equipment Examinations                                  7-1 Piping Examinations                                      81
:                            Supports Introduction and Equipment                              91 Support Examinations Introduction and Piping                                10 1 Support Examinations Snubber Functional Examinations Introduction to Snubber functional                      11-1 Testing Listings Inspection Type I                                      12-1 Inspection Type 11                                      13-1 Inspection Type 111                                    14-1 Inspection Type IV                                    15 1 Pressure Tests                                                16-1 Indication Notification forms                                      17-1 1
Examination Drawings                                              18-1 l
l ii                                        l l
TABLE OF CONTENTS - (eontinued) t'%
Volume &
NIS-2 forms Volume 3*
Class 1 Equipment Examination Data Class 1 Piping Examination Data                                              l Class 2 Equipment Examination Data Volume 4*                                                                        ,
1 Class 2 Piping Examination Data                                              !
Equipment Support Examination Data Piping Support Examination Data Nuclear Service Cooling Water (NSCW) System Examination Data Volume 5*
(      UT Calibration Sheets UT Qualification Sheets MT Qualification Sheets Volume 6*
Personnel Certificaticns Equipment Certifications UT Scopes Search Units NDE Equipment Consumables Volume 7*
NDE Procedures Southern Company Services, Inc.
Georgia Power Company
* Volumes 3 through 7 are available for review at the plant site upon request.
(O G'
b l
l                AD    Anchor Darling                                                        j
!                AFW    Auxiliary Feedwater System                                            ,
;                Al    GPC Action Item (followed by unique no, denoting Action item number)  1 j                ASME  American Society of Mechanical Engineers
,                ASNT  American Society for Nondestructive Testing 4                ASTM  American Society for Testing and Materials
!                BC    Branch Connection
,                CCSS  Centrifuga11y Cast Stainless Steel
:                CCW    Closed Loop Cooling Water l                CE    Combustion Engineering i                CH    Closure Head j                CS    Containment Spray j                CVCS  Chemical and Volume Control System
!                ET    Eddy Current Examination l-                EVAL  : Evaluation l                FB    Flange Bolting
)                FW    Feedwater System l                GEO    Geometric Indications i                GPC    Georgia Power Company
[                HL    Hanger lug HYD    Hydraulic Snubber
:                IND    Indication l                INF    Indication Notification Form L                ISI    Inservice Inspection j                IST    Insorvice Testing j                IR      Inside Radius
[                LD    Longitudinal Seam Weld Extending Downstream LD !  Longitudinal Seam Weld Downstream inside of Elbow i                LMT    Lambert, MacGill and Thomas j-                LU    Longitudinal Seam Weld Extending Upstream LU S  Longitudinal Seam Weld Upstream on Outside of Elbow MECH. Mechanical Snubber i                MS'    Main Steam System i-                MT-    Magnetic Particle Examination
                ' NCI    Nonconformance Item NDE    Nondestructive Examination 1
NI    No Indication i              NRC    United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
!                NRC B  NRC Bulletin (followed by unique no. denoting Bulletin number)
NRI    No Recordable Indication NSCWS  Nuclear Service Cooling Water System OR    Outside Radius PL    Pipe Lug 4
                = PM    Paul Munroe ENERTECH PR    Pipe Restraint
                -PROF-  Profile PS _  Pipe Support PSA    Pacific-Scientific-PSI  'Preservice Inspection-i                PT    Liquid Penetrant Examination RCS    Reactor Coolant System i
iv l
  /m RCP  Reactor Coolant Pump RHRS  Residual Heat Removal fystem R1    Recordable Indication RLW  Refracted Longitudinal Wave RL    Restraint Lug RR    Relief Request (followed by unique no. denoting relief request number)
SAT  Satisfactory Exams Results SCS  Southern Company Services SIS  Safety injection System SUP  Supplemental Data UNSAT Unsatisfactory Exam Results UT    Ultrasonic Examination VT    Visual Examination hf    Westinghouse l
l n
b V
Introduction O
V      This report documents the examinations and tests performed at the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 2 (VEGP 2) between May 20, 1989 (Commercial            ,
Operation Date) and November 7,1990 (date of last Class 1 examination performed during the first maintenance / refueling outage) to meet the requirements of Article IWA 6000 of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, 1983 edition with addenda through Summer 1983. In addition, a summary of the following augmented examinations are included in this report:
                .        Technical Specification - Steam Generator Tube Inspections,
                .        Technical Specification      Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheel Examinations,
                .        Technical Specification - Main Steam and Feedwater Piping Weld Examinations,
                .        Technical Specification 4.7.8 - Snubber-Examinations,
                .        Georgia Power Company Action item No. 1739 - Feedwater Line Cracking,
                .        Georgia Power Company letter GN 1345 (February 9, 1987) - Augmented Examinations.on Class 3 NSCW Systems, e      .        Georgia Power Company, VEGP 2 Inservice Inspection Program document ISI-P 014, Paragraph 1.10.3    Volumetric Examination of Additional Class 2 Piping Welds,_
                .        United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Bulletin 88 Thimble Tube Thinning in Westinghouse Reactors,
                .        Georgia Power Company Action item Nos. 87-0131 and 87 0931 - Stagnant Borated Water Systems Cracking,
                .        Georgia Power Company Action Item No. 18270 - Examination Techniques and    l Personnel Qualifications for Cold Leg Accumulator Piping (10 inch Sch. 140, ASTM SA 376, Type 316), and                                                  i Erosion / Corrosion Examinations.
This report also addresses Code applicable repairs or replacements which have been documented since immediately 3rior to the issuance of the VEGP 2 operating license in February 1989 through tie completion of the first maintenance /
refueling outage ~1n November 1990. The Owner's Reports on Repairs and-Replacements'(Form NIS-2) are provided in Volume 2 of this report,
,      O
!                                                            l-1
          /                                              As recuired by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules es
: 1. Owner:                  Georgia Power Company, 333 Piedmont Avenue, N.E.
P.O. Box 4545, Atlanta, Georgia    30302                                    l
!                              2.      Plant:                Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, River Road,                                i P.0. Box 1600, Waynesboro, Georgia 30830
: 3.      Plant Unit:                          Two                                                            l
: 4.      Owner Certification of Authorization:                    N/A
: 5.      Commercial Service Date:                                05/20/89
: 6.      National Board Number for Unit:                          N/A
: 7.      Components Inspected:
Component or                            Manufacturer          Manufacturer        State or  National Appurtenance                            or Installer          or Installer        Province  Board and Address            Serial No.            Number  Number Reactor                              Combustion Engrg. Inc. 7372                      N/A  22004 Pressure Vessel                      Chattanooga, TH V                    Steam                                Westinghouse Elec. Corp. 77743,                    N/A  36, Generators                            Pensacola, FL            77745,                        -35, I through 4,                                                  77742,                          34, respectively                                                  77744                          33 Reactor Coolant                      Westinghouse Elec. Corp. 8 9744D35G01,            N/A  40, Pumps 1 through                      Cheswick, PA            6-9744D35G01,                  38, 4, respectively                                                7-9744D35G01,                  39, 5 9744D35G01                    37 Regenerative                          Joseph Oat Corp.        2380 2B                  N/A  2054 Heat Exchanger                        Camden, NJ Excess Letdown                        Atlas Industrial        3926                      N/A  3267 Heat Exchanger                        Manufacturing Co.
Clifton, NJ Selected Piping                      Pullman Power            1201, 1202,              N/A  N/A and Components                        Products                1204, 1205, Williamsport, PA        1208, 1301, 1302, 1305 2-1 L                                                                                                                                        .
l l
: 8. Examination Dates: 05/20/89 to 11/07/90
: 9. Inspection Interva.1: 05/20/89 to 05/19/99
: 10. Abstract of Examin'tions.
a          Include a list of examinations and a statement concerning status of work required for current interval: (Refer to Abstract)
: 11. Abstract of Conditions Noted:        (Refer to Abstract)
: 12. Abstract of Corrective Measures Recommended and Taken:          (Refer to Abstract)
We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and the examinations and corrective measures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.
Certificate of Authorization No. (if applicable)            N/A Expiration Date            N/A Date /- / 7          19 9/      Signed Georaia Power Company By % N )l 0 m m ,
1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National,Soard of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of (- o A/ dew &'O < %%) E%/&' KT 6e and emp                                                                            of gW,ioy3d7kvW by Fus/                ,                                            have inspected the co)ponents m              described in this Owner's Report during the period 05/20/89 to 11/07/90, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.
By signing this certificate neitner the Inspector nor his employer makes any carranty, sxpressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or a lo of any kind arising from or connected with this prpperty;on ns eat      /da age
( %fInspe'c r'sflflgnature Of/$            CommissionblY'W /YZ8 5R National Board, State, Province, Date;    /fl//,/Y              l L
1 l                                                                          ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION / STATUS The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, 1983 edition with addenda through Summer 1983 (Code), is the applicable code for conducting inservice inspection activities during the first ten year inspection interval at VEGP 2.
Examinations and tests required by the Code are scheduled in accordance with
            " Inspection Program B" as defined in paragraphs IWB 2412 and IWC 2412 in the Code. This "0wner's Report for Inservice Ins)ection" is for those first
:          inspection period examinations and tests whic1 were performed between May 20, 1989 (Commercial Operation Date) and November 7,1990 (Date of last Class 1 examination performed during the first maintenance / refueling outage, 2RI).
The remaining first period examinations are expected to be completed by the end of the second maintenance / refueling outage which should occur within the
;          first examination period time frame. in addition to the summary of inservice inspection activities, this report addresses Code ap)11 cable repairs and replacements documented since immediately prior to tie issuance of the operating license for VEGP-2 in February 1989 through the end of its first maintenance /
refueling outage in November 1990. The Owner's Reports on Repairs or Replacements ( rorm NIS 2) are located in Volume 2 of this report document.
It should be noted that Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector (ANII) inspection services were provided for those examinations and tests recuired by the Code except for functional testing of snubbers which were testet in accordance with VEGP Technical Specification 4.7.8.
CLASS 1 EXAMINATIONS Selected Class I components were examined by Southern Company Services (SCS) and Georgia Power Company personnel utilizing UT, mechanized UT, PT, MT, and VT, as applicable. Specific components and examinations areas are itemized in the applicable portions of this document. A summary of those components examined are listed              selow:
            .        Steam Generator #1 Manway Bolting
            .        Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) #1 Main Flange Bolts, Sea 1 water Housing Cap Screws and Bolts
            .        Reactor Pressure Vessel Closure Head Studs, Nuts, and Washers
            .        Reactor Pressure Vessel and Closure Head Interior Surfaces
            .        Reactor Pressure Vessel Closure Head and lifting Lug Welds
            .        Piping Welds
            .      Valve Bolting
            .      Valve Body Internal Surfaces
            .        Flange Bolting During the scope of examinations conducted by SCS, several Class I welds and components were observed to have reportable surface, ultrasonic, or visual indications. For details on the reportable, non geometric indications observed,
  ;                                                                                                                    found in the INF refer section      to of  thethisrespective    IndicationDiscussion report-document.              Notification                onForms      (INFs)d the welds  an  components having reportable indications follows:
O 23
: l. Safety injection System Valves 21204U6148 and 21204V6147. The visual examination (VT-1) of the subject valves revealed reportable indications.
Bolting on valve 2 WO4V6147 showed signs of weld spatter and arc strikes.
(          Valve 21204U6148 was found to have boron residue on the bolting. Although ASME Section XI has no acceptance / rejection criteria for valve bolting visual examinations, two Maintenance Work Orders (MW0s) were written for corrective action. The affected bolting was replaced on valve 21204U6147 and was re examined after repairs with satisfactory results. The boron residue on the bolting of valve 21204U6148 occurred as a result of a leaking valve. Necessary repairs were made to valve 21204V6148 and the bolting was re-examined with satisfactory results. (RefertoINF190V2002.)
: 2. Reactor Coolant System - Line 036      12" Valve to Pipe (Weld No. 21201 036 7) and Safety injection System Line 042 6" Pipe to-Tee (Weld No. 21204-042 15). During ultrasonic examination of the subject welds, reportable subsurface planar flaws were observed. These flaws, which were not observed during preservice inspection activities, were evaluated )er ASME Section XI, Table IWB 3514 2 and were determined to be of an accepta)1e size. No corrective action was taken for welds 21201 036-7 and 21204-042 15. (Refer to INF 190V2003.)
: 3. Reactor Pressure Ve!,sel Closure Head Studs - (Component Numbers 21201-V6-001 B02, 603, B05, 806, B09, B12, B14, and B15). The magnetic particle examination of Reactor Pressure Vessel closure head stud numbers 802, B03, B05, B06, B09, B12, 014, and BIS revealed reportable axial linear indications ranging from 0.15 to 0.5 inches. The indications were evaluated per.ASME Section XI, paragraph IWB 3515.1 and were determined to be of an acceptable size. No corrective action was taken. (Refer to INF 190V2004.)
: 4. Safety Injection System - Line 124 - 10" Valve-to Pipe (Weld No. 21204-124 16). A reportable subsurface planar flaw was observed during the ultrasonic examination of the subject weld. It should be noted that the subsurface planar flaw was also observed during preservice inspection activities and has shown no signs of growth. The subsurface planar flaw has been evaluated per ASME Section XI, Table IWB 3514-2 and was determined to be of an acceptable size. No corrective action was taken. (Refer to INF 190V2005.)
The remainder of the examinations on Class 1 piping and components conducted by SCS and GPC did not reveal any reportable indications.
A system leakage test (Test # LT 1) as required by ASME Section XI, Table IWB-2500 1 Examination Category B P, was performed on the Class 1 pressure retaining boundary. These visual examinations (VT 2) revealed minor leakage and boron residue ccming from mechanical connections. Appropriate corrective-action was initiated to correct this minor leakage.
The Eddy Current (ET) examinations of steam generator tubing, as required by VEGP. Technical Specification, were performed by Westinghouse and are discussed in the " Class 3 and Augmented Examinations" portion of this document, e
O                                              2-4
l l
CLASS 2 EXAMINATIONS n              Selected Class 2 components were examined utilizing MT, PT, and UT, as applicable. Specific components and examination areas are itemized in the V              applicable portions of this report document. A summary of those components
examined are listed below:                                                                  )
                  . Steam Generator No. 1 Welds
                  . CVCS Regenerative Heat Exchanger Welds                                                  ,
                  . CVCS Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger Weld
                  . Piping Welds
                  . Integral Attachment Welds The Class 2 examinations resulted in several welds having reportable indications.
One weld had indications which were detectable by magnetic particle examination while two welds had indications which were detectable by ultrasonic examination.            '
The remainder of the examinations did not reveal any detectable non geometrical indications of a recordable size.
For deth11s on the reportable n~. pometric indications observed, refer to the respective INF found in the lh section of this re) ort document. The three welds having reportable indications are discussed selow:
: 1. Feedwater System - Line 060 - Forging-to-16" Pipe (Weld No. 21305 060 1). A subsurface planar flaw was observed during the ultrasonic examination of the subject weld. The flaw, which was not observed during preservice inspection activities, was evaluated per ASME Section XI, Table IWB 3514-1 and was determined to be of an acceptable size. No corrective action was taken.
(Refer to INF 190V2001.)
: 2. Main Steam System - Line 001 - 28" Piping Integral Welded Attachment (Weld No. 21301 001-9). Eleven linear surface indications were observed during the magnetic particle examination of the subject weld. Five of the indications were single linear indications and are acceptable per ASME Section XI, IWB 3514-4. The remaining six indications are aligned indications and/or multiple parallel indications having a total combined length of 2.1 inches. These six indications are located in the ASME Section XI examination boundary as described in ASME Section XI, Figure IWC 2500-5 and exceed the allowable indication standard. The indications exceeding the allowable indication standard were removed by controlled grinding of the affected weld area. Filler metal was added due to the weld configuration.
Re examination after controlled grinding and filler metal addition revealed no indications of a recordable size. (Refer to INF 190V2006.)
It should be noted that the indications were not considered to be service-induced and were a result of the welding process. Because they were not-service-induced, the indications should have been detectable during the preservice inspection (PSI) of weld no. 21301-00 9.
Having observed the magnetic particle examination of the subject weld during an on-site inspection during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2, an NRC Region !! inspector requested to review the PSI examination report for weld no. 21301 001-9 and found that the report did l
l not contain any record of the weld as having any indications. Having determined that the PSI MT examiner had not recorded the indications, as
(~      required by the MT examination procedure, the NRC inspector requested that
(~N,i    all the PSI MT reports be searched to determine how many additional welds the PSI MT examiner might have inspected during the PSI. The records search indicated that the PSI MT examiner in question had examined a total of eleven welds, of which six welds, including weld no. 21301 001-9, had already been examined during ISI activities conducted during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2 and that none of the five remaining welds revealed any reportable conditions. The NRC Region 11 inspector further suggested that the remaining five welds examined by the PSI MT examiner in question, although not scheduled to be re-examined during VEGP-2 Outage 2R1, be re-examined during the subject outage to assure there were no additional discrepancies associated with the examinations performed by the PSI M1 examiner in question.
The remaining five welds were re-examined prior to the completion of the NRC inspection, under the observation of two NDE Level 111 examiners, and no additionai reportable conditions were found.
Verification examinations were conducted by the NRC Region 11 inspector on the six welds examined previously during the outage in order to evaluate the technical adequacy of the examination procedure being used and to assess the falidity of the information being reported by the MT examiners during the the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2. The information reported by the MT examiners compared favorably with the verification examination conducted by the NRC inspector.
NRC Region 11 Inspection Report Nos. 50 424/90-26 and O)
(        50-425/90 26 dated October 19, 1990. The subject NRC Inspection Report is available for review at any NRC Public Document Room or at the plant site upon request.)
: 3. Main Steam System - Line 001 - 6" Outlet-to-Flange (Weld No. 21301-001-7).
During the ultrasonic examination of the subject weld, two subsurface planar flaws were observed. One of the subsurface planar flaws was observed during preservice inspection activities while the second subsurface planar flaw was not. The appearance of the new indication and the apparent growth of the known indication are a res"It of a recording level of 18 decibels above the recording level used for the subject weld during preservice inspection activities. When compared to tk oreservice inspection recording level, no growth of the known indication                                                                      fred and the new indication could not be seen. The subsurface flaws in                                                                    a no. 21301-091-7 were evaluated per ASME Section XI, Table IWB 35141 and were determined to be of an acceptable size. No corrective action was taken. (Refer te INF 190V2007.)
b 2-6
The following Class 2 pressure tests were performed:
/~              .              Penetration 32 Functional Test FT 3
                .              Penetration 33 Functional Test FT-6
                .              Penetration 21 Functional Test FT 7 Penetration 56 Functional Test FT-9)
Line 1208-135 Functional Test (FT-16)
Line 1208 133 Functional Test (FT 17)
                .              Charging Line Inside Containment inservice Test (IT-1)
Letdow Line Inside Containment inservice Test (IT-2)
                  .              RCPs 1, 2, 3, and 4 Seal Leckoff Inside Containment inservice Test (IT-3)
                  .-            RCP 1 Seal Injection from Penetration 54 to Valve 006 Inservice Test (IT-4)
                  .              RCP 2 Seal injection from Penetration 53 to Valve 359 Inservice Test (IT 5)
                  .              RCP 3 Seal Injection from Penetration 52 to Valve 360 Inservice Test IIT 6)
                  .              RCP 4 Seal Injection from Penetration 51 to Valve 361 inservice Test (IT-7)
                  -              RCS Hot Log Sample Lines to Penetration 24 Inservice Test (IT 8)
                  .              Sample Line from Yalve 101 to Valve HV-3514 Inservice Test (IT-9)
                  .              RHR Train "A" Inservice Test (IT-18)
                  -              RHR Train "B" Inservice Test (IT-19)
                  .              Sample Line from Valve 097 to Valve HV-3508 Inservice Test (IT-24)
Containment Coolers 1501 A7-003 and 1501 A7 004 Inservice Test (IT 35)
Containment Coolers 1501-A7-007 and 1501-A7-008 : Inservice Test (IT-37)
                  .              Cooling Coils 1511-E7 001 and 1515-A7-002 Inservice Test (IT-39)
The visual exaninations performed during these pressure tests revealed abe to-header leakage on Containment Cooler 2-1501 A7-007 000 (Inservice Test IT-37).
This leakage was previously identified during construction and determined acceptable for use in operation. The tube-to header leakage detected during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP 2 was virtually identical to O'                  the leakage identified during construction in location and quantity. The                                    '
containment cooler identified above was determined by GPC to be acceptable for use in operation.                                                                                        9 3
Other visual examinations performed during these pressure tests found only minor                            -
leakage ut mechanical joints such as valve stem packing and at flanged                                      ,
connections, These leaks were evaluated and determined acceptable for continued system opwation, However, appropriate corrective action was initiated to correct this minor leakage.
Gj, ASS 1.ANO 2 COMv0NENT SUPPORTS Snubber examinations and functional tests required by Technical Specification 4.7.8 are discussed in the " Class 3 and Augmented Examinations" portion of this document. A visual exam was performed on a support for the Class 2 component listed below:
                    .                CVCS Regenerative Heat Exchanger The results of the visual examination of the support for the CVCS Regenerative                              [
Heat Exchanger were acceptable.                            No visual examinations were performed on Class  $
1 component supports.                                                                                        >
O 2-7
Visual examinations were performed on Class 1 and 2 piping supports in the following systems:
                                                      . Reactor Coolant
                                                      . Nuclear Service Cooling Water
                                                      . Safety Injection
                                                      . Chemical and Volume Control
                                                      . Main Steam
                                                      . A. :liary Feedwater
                                                      . Feedwater The visual exarainations did not reveal any unsatisfactory conditions with the Class 1 and 2 piping supports.
    ,9 su
'NN{h s
n l
  / h            Class 3 Pressure Tests
:      1
System pressure tests were performed on the following ', lass 3 systems:
                      .                              Component Cooling Water System Train "A" (HT 40, HT-42, HT 44, HT 46)
                      .                              Nuclear Service Cooling Water System Trains "A" & "B" (HT-79, HT-80, HT 81, HT-82, HT 83, HT-84, HT 85, HT 86, HT 87, HT-88)
                      .                                Nuclear Service Cooling Water System Trains 'A" & "B"              (IT 26, IT-27, IT-28, IT-29,              IT 30, IT-31, IT 32. IT-33, IT-81, IT '    IT 83, IT 84, IT-85, IT-86, IT 87, IT-88, IT-89, IT-90, IT 91, IT-The visual exeminations performed during these pressure tes', found only minor leakage at mechanical joints such as valve stem packing and at flanged connections. These leans were evaluated and determined acceptable for continued system operatton. However, appropriate corrective action was initiated to correct this minor leakage.
Class 3 C woonent                                            Suonorts and Intearal Attachments Visual examinations were performed on supports and integral attachments for the Class 3 component listed below:
                        .                                    Auxiliary Feedwater Piping im (d            The visual examinations did not reveal any unsatisfactory conditions with the supports or integral attachments.
O O                                                                                                    3-1
[  Technical Specification - Steam Generator Tube Inspections G'  During the first maintenance / refueling outage ai, VEGP-2, the Steam Generator Maintenance and Repair _ Group of the Westinghouse Nuclear Services Division performed eddy current testing of the four VEGP 2 Model F steam generators in parallel from September 10, 1990 through October 3, 1990. Randomly selected tubes from each of the four steam generators were inspected rather than only two steam generators as required by VEGP Technical Specification Table 4.4-1. The extent of examinations and their results are summarized in Table 1 (refer to pages 3 6 through 3-9) including the location and the accumulative number of previously plugged steam generator tubes.
Tables 11 through V (refer to pages 310 through 3-13) identify the steam generator tubes-with indications by location and percent of wall thickness penetration for Steam Generator Nos. I through 4, respectively.
Applicable procedures, personnel qualifications, material and equipment certifications, sign off sheets, and supporting data, etc. can be found in Westinghouse Steam Generator Primary Services Field-Service Report, MRS 4.4 GBE-4,
* Nozzle' Dam Refurbishment, Nozzle Dam Installation / Removal, and Eddy Current," which is available at the plant site for review upon request,          i Bobbin Coil InsDection and Results The eddy current bobbin inspection was conducted in accordance with Westinghouse procedure MRS 2.4.2 GPC-1, " Digital Multi-Frequency Eddy Current inspection of Preservice and Inservice Heat Exchanger Tubing," using Westinghouse Job Data Sheet GBE-001. Per the Job Data Sheet, the withdrawal rate was 24 inches per second'and the test frequencies were 630 kilohertz (KHz), 320 KHz, 160 KHz, and 10 KHz. ECHORAM manufactured 0.520 and 0.560 inch diameter probes were utilized during the eddy current bobbin inspection of the four steam generators at VEGP-2.
  -The following table summarizes the indications found during the bobbin inspection and is based on the largest indication per tube:
Steam Generator No. 1      No. 2    No. 3    No. 4 40% and greater wall thickness              0          1        0        2 penetration 20%-39% wall thickness penetration          3          4        5        7 Less than 20% wall thickness                9          13        10        9 penetration Manufacturing buff marks                    578        593      489      916 Distorted indications                        1          0        0        0 Indications not reported                    9          31        14        9 Indications not found                        0          1        6        2 32
                  .. _ .      -.    - -        -      -      - -                      =
l Numerous manufacturing buff marks were observed in each of the steam generators and consist =of single or multiple buff marks. Westinghouse defines the
:A    manufacturing buff marks as a tube wall loss condition due to a tube
-Q    manufacturing process step. Generally, the buff marks are a relativMy long and shallow loss area and remain coastant. Per Westinghouse, the manufacturing buff marks do not present any operating problem for the tube and are noted for reference only.
One distorted indication was observed in Steam Generator No. I at Row 25, Column 26 and is considered as a possible wall Ms condition that is unquantifiable with a numeric percent call due to the signal characteristics which existed.
Indications which were not reportable were observed in each of the steam generators and indicate that a very small tube wall loss condition exists in the data being analyzed that is below the reportable criteria threshold for the specific inspection. Such indications can be used to address indications called in previous inspections that are still detectable but fall below current criteria.
Previously reported indications observed during baseline inspection activities were not observed in Steam Generator Nos. 2, 3, and 4. Such indications were reclassified as manufacturing buff marks or other anomalies.
As noted in the above table, indications above 40 percent wall thickness penetration with pluggable characteristics were observed in Steam Generator Nos.
2 and 4 during the bobbin inspection, in order tu validate the results of the bobbin inspection      the affected tubes, a rotating pancake coil (RPC) inspection was performed. The RPC inspection and the results thereof are
,O discussed below.
Details regarding indication distributions (except for manufacturing buff marks, indications not reported, and indications not found) can be found in the maps which follow this discussion. Maps which denote location of manufacturing buff marks, indications not reported, etc. can be found in Westinghouse report MRS 4.4 GBE-4 which is available at the plant site for review upon request.
Rotatina Pancake Coil (RPC) Inspection and Results Wall' thickness penatration indications exceeding 40 percent were observed in Steam Generator Nos. 2 and 4      Specifically, the following tubes had indications which were believed to contain pluggable' characteristics:
Steam Generator                    Tube                      Reported Wall Thickness.
No.                        Location                          Penetration (%)
2                        Row 34, Column 12                        84 4                        Row 45, Column 91                        59 4                        Row 22, Column 105                        43 0                                            3-3
A rotating pancake coil (RPC) inspection was performed on the subject tubes since they were believed to contain indications having pluggable characteristics Q'          based on the bobbin coil inspection. The purpose of the RPC inspection was to
-- (f      _ validate the results of the bobbin coil inspection.        The RPC inspection was performed by Westinghouse using their procedure MRS 2.4.2 GPC-1 and Job Data Sheet GBE 003. Test frequencies used were 630 KHz, 320 KHz, 160 KHz, and 10 KHz and were in accordance with those identified on the Job Data Sheet.          ECH0 RAM-and/or ZETEC manufactured = probes were used for the RPC inspection.
The RPC inspection of the suspect tubes in Steam Generator Nos. 2 and 4 determined that the indications were not flaws as the bobbin. coil . inspection had indicated. As a result, the suspect tubes were not removed from service.
Mechanical Pluaaina As noted above in the discussion concerning the RPC inspection of suspect tubes in Steam Generator Nos. 2 and 4, no tubes were required to be mechanically plaged during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2.
Tubes which were required to be mechanically plugged prior to the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2 are specifically identified in Table I (refer to pages 3 6 through 3-9) and the accompanying maps (refer to pages-3-14 through 3-25).
: 1. Hot leg Bobbin Test-Extents - Steam Generator No. 1 (page 3-14)
: 2. Cold Leg Bobbin Test Extents - Steam Generator No. 1 (page 3-15)
: 3. Numerical and D .lorted Indications - Steam Generator-No.1 (page 3-16)
: 4. -Hot Leg Bobbin Test Extents - Steam Generator No. 2 (page 3-17)
: 5. Cold Leg Bobbin Test Extents - Steam Generator No. 2 (page 3-18)
: 6. Numerical Indications - Steam Generator No. -2 (page 3-19)
: 7. Hot-LegBobbinTestExtents-SteamGeneratorNo.3(page3-20)
: 8. Cold. Leg Bobbin Test Extents - Steam Generator No. 3 (page 3-21) 9._  Numerical Indications    Steam Generator No. 3.-(page 3-22)
: 10. -Hot Leg Bobbin Test Extents - Steam Generator No.-4 (page 3-23)
: 11. Cold Leg Bobbin Test Extents - Steam Generator No. 4        (page3-24)
: 12. Numerical Indications - Steam Generator No. 4 (page 3-25)                              ;
1 0
3-4                                            ,
      ~ _ _      _
_                                          _                              .l
H0.II The preceding discussion on the steam generator tubing inspections, in addition to fulfilling the reporting requirements of ASME Section XI for inservice inspection activities, constitutes the Special Report required by VEGP Technical Specification to be submitted to the NRC within twelve months following completion of the steam generator tube inspections. Accordingly, a sept. rate submittal is not being made to the NRC on the inspection of the steam generator tubes performed during the tirst maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2. A copy of selected volumes of this report containing the above steam generator examination discussion is being provided    to the NRC Regional Administrator; thus, compliance with the requirements of VEGP Technical Specification 6.8.2 for submittal of Special Reports to the Regional Administrator of the appropriate NRC Region office is met.
                  *******************************************************v n
v 3-5
TABLE I 1    Steam Generator No. 1
      -Total No. of Tubes:    5,626' No; of-Tubes Inspected:
Hot Leg  - 1005' full length bobbin coil tests, Tube _End Cold-(TEC) through
            - (Inlet)          Tube End Hot (TEH)
                        -  138 U-bend / straight length bobbin coil tests, No. 7 Support Plate Cold (70) through TEH
                        - 2590 U-bend bobbin coil tests, 7C through No. 7 Support Plate Hot (7H)
Cold Leg -      2 full length bobbin coil tests, TEH through TEC (Outlet)
                        -  139 straight-length bobbin coil tests, 7C through TEC
                        --  - 2 U-bend coil tests, 70 through 7H No.-of Tubes Degraded:                              3
      'No. of Tubes Defective:                                        0 No.-of Tubes Plugged Prior to Outage 2R1:
No.-of Tubes Plugged during-Outage 2R1:                                                                        0 Total No. of Tubes Plugged:                                                                          2
* Plugged tubes located at- Row 1, Column -1, and Row 27, Column 42.
%g O                                                                                                          3-6
TABLE I (continued)
        ; $_ team Generator No. 2 iotal No. of-Tubes:            5,626 No. of Tubes inspected:
Hot leg        - -1015 ful          length bobbin coil tests, TEC through TEH (Inlet)        -    115 U-bend / straight length bobbin coil tests, 70 through TEH
                                -  2606.U bend bobbin coil tests, 7C through 7H                                      j
-                              -      1 partial U-bend bobbin coil test, Anti vibration Bar #6 (AV6)through6H 1 straight length bobbin coil test, 7H through TEH
                                -      1 Rotating Pancake Coil (RPC) inspection from 7H + 6" through 7H Cold Leg      -      7-full length bobbin coil tests, TEH through TEC
                ~ (Outlet)      -      1 U-bend / straight length bobbin coil test, 6H through-TEC -
                                -      3 U-bend bobbin coil tests, 7H through 70
                                -    130 straight length bobbin coil tests, 7C through TEC No. of Tubes Degraded:                5.
No. of Tubes Defective:                0 No. of Tubes Plugged Prior to Outage 2R1:                        4*
No. of Tubes Plugged during Outage-2Rl:                        -0
,        . Total No.'of Tubes Plugged:                4
* Plugged tubes located at Row 51, Column 32; Row 2, Column 48; Row 5, Column 48; and Row 16. Column 103.
4 5
TABLE I (continued)
G C)  Steam Generator No. 3 Total No. of Tubes:      5,626 l
No. of Tubes inspected:
Hot leg      - 1010 full length bobbin coil tests, TEC through TEH (Inlet)      -  129 U-bend / straight length bobbin coil tests, 7C through TEH
                        - 2595 U-bend bobbin coil tests, 70 through 7H Cold leg      -
O full length bobbin coil tests, TEH through TEC (Outlet)
                        -    4 U-bend / straight length bobbin coil tests, 6H through TEC
                        -  132 straight length bobbin coil tests, 70 through TEC No. of Tubes Degraded:        5 No. of Tubes Defective: 0 No. of Tubes Plugged Prior to Outage 2Rl:          1*
No. of Tubes Plugged during Outage 2RI:        0 d(3 Total No. of Tubes Plugged:        1
* Plugged tube located at Row 25, Column 102.
i o
l                                            3-8
TABLE I (continued)
( )
Steam Generator No. 4 Total No. of Tubes:  5,626 No. of Tubes Inspected:
Hot Leg  -    7 straight length bobbin coil tests, 7H through TEH (Inlet)
                  - 1009 full length bobbin coil tests, TEC through TEH 126 U bend / straight length bobbin coil tests, 7C through TEH
                  - 2573 V-bend bobbin coil tests, 70 through 7H
                  -    2 RPC inspections from 7H + 6" through 7H Cold Leg  -  29 full length bobbin coil tests, TEH through TEC (Outlet)  -    7 U-bend / straight length bobbin coil tests, 6H through TEC
                  -  12 U-bend bobbin coil tests, 7H through 70 124 straight length bobbin coil tests, 7C through TEC O
V  No. of Tubes Degraded: 9 No. of Tubes Defective:    0 No. of Tubes Plugged Prior to Outage 2Rl:      8*
No. of Tubes Plugged during Outage 2Rl:      0 Total No. of Tubes Plugged:    8
* Plugged tubes located at Row 3, Column 35; Row 12, Column 36; Row 8, Column 56; Row 16, Column 57; Row 48, Column 64; Row 23, Column 67; Row 22, Column 90; and Row 24, Column 93.
/O U
                                              -TABLE 11 Steam Generator No. 1 i
Reference- Distance from-        Wall Thickness    Plugged Rgg -      Column  ~ Point (1)' Reference (in.)(2)' Penetration (%)      (Y/N) 30              10      AV6-          0.00                10-              N 31              12      AV5          0.00                12              N 37            -15      BPH          10.60              18              N
      '36-            17      AV6          0.00                13              N 34              25      AVI          0.00                15              N 48            26      AV4          0.00                17              N 54-            41      7C            -14.2              31              N 50            28      AV3          0.00                13              N 53            33      AV4          0.00                13              N 47              65      70            -1.05              28              N 54            86      IH            1.32                17              N
      - 271            105      TSC          10.45              25              N-The above information is based on the largest indication observed for the respective tube during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2.
Note 1:    Reference Point location Descriolign
!                  TSH, TSC - Top of Tubesheet. Hot and Cold
                  - BPH, BPC - Baffle Plate Hot and Cold-
                  #H,-#C - -(# = Number) of Support P1 ate: Hot and Cold, e.g., 2H,' 2C AV1, AV2, AV3, AV4, AV5, AV6 --Anti-vibration Bars l-      Note 2: Uniess indicated otherwise, distance is above Reference Point. A
: l.                negative number, e.g., -2.00, indicates that the distance is below l                  the Reference Point.
O                                              3-10
                                                                                                                            -l TABLE 111 Steam Generator No. 2
                      .                    Reference              Distance from          Wall Thickness    Plugged Bg.W            Column    Point (1)              Reference (in.)(2) Penetration (%)        (Y/N)
              '34                  12            7H                    3.67                      84          N(*)
39                  17            7H                    2.49                      16          N 42                19            AV3                  0.00                      13          N 43                32            70                    0.44                      12          N-54                38            AV4                  0.00                      14          N 39                46            6H                    36.76                      34          N 30                47            6H                    23.22                      14          N 59                55            AVI                  0.00                      15          N 43                64'            AVI                  0.00                      20          N 47                65            AV4                  0.00'                      16          N
                  '7              66            6H                    17.84                    16          N 59                66            AVI                  0.00                      15          N 50                67            AV2                  0.00                      16          N
              ' 57-                71            6H                    22.05                      18          N 53                86            AV5                  0.00                      25          N 41                91            6H                    10.11                    13          N 25                97            6H                    -4.02                    10          N 48                98            AV4                  0.00                  -33              N w
The:above information is based on the_ largest indication observed for the respective tube during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2.
(*) A-rotating pancake coil (RPC) inspection was performed for verification of -
indication. Indication not validated by RPC inspection and, as a result, tube was not removed from service.
(2) See Note 2, page 3-10.
                                                                  ~ TABLE IV :
Steam Generator No. 3 O
1Rgy              Column Reference.
Point (1)
Distance from                    Wall Thickness Reference (in.)(21 Penetration (%)
Plugged -
(Y/N) 34                  13        AVS-            0.00                                  13        N 32                  16        AV2            0.00                                  14        N-34                  17        60-            35.02                                29        N 44-                  21        AV4            0.00                                  17        N 4
32                  22.        70              -21.1                                20        N
: 45.                  22        AV3            0.00                                  15        N-47                  24        AV2            0.00                                  13        N 47                  25        AV2            0.00                                  14        N 49                  39        6H            34,26                                32        N 31                -61          20              23.19                                10        N 38                  62-        AV6            4.73                                  20        N
().      49                  16 5        6H              10.67                              -12        N 47                  66        6H              11.51                                23        N 41                  72        6H              14.77                                10        N
: 41.                  80        6H              38.70                                14        N The above information is based on the largest indication observed for the respective tube-during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2.
(1).See1 Note-1, page 3-10.
(2) See Note 2, page 3-10.
i O                                                              3-12
      .      . . . - - -                    .      - - .            - - . ~ = - . - . .                  . . , . _ - -  -.      --        - -      - ,
i 1
                                                                                          -TABLE V
  -- ~'j                                                                    Steam Generator No. 4
  -(V=-                                                    Reference-            Distance from-              Wall Thickness        Plugged -
Egg..            Column          Point (1)            Reference fin.)(2) . Penetration (%)                (Y/N) 7                    5              5H                      30.33                    7                    N 13                    15              5H                      20.46                    24                    N 44                    21              AV3                    0.00                      17                    N i
1                    23              TSC                    5.65                      23                    N 52                  33              AV5                    0.00                      20                    N 35                  38              6H                      37.92                    29                    N 53                    43              AV3                    0.03                      18                    N 52'                  50              TSH-                    11.96                    23                    N 39                    64              AV3                    0.00                      16                    N
                          - 5 3 --                66              5C                      1.36                      16                    N 59                    67              AV3                    0.71                      17                    N p
    \- l                    51                    73              AV2                    0.00                      21                    N 31                    83.            4H                      32.55                    23                    N 43                    83              AV4                    0.00                      16                    N 49                    83              AV6                    1.47                      15                    N 45                .91                7H-                    4.57                      59                    N(*)
30'                .94                6H                      37.00                    10                    N 22-                _105              7H                      1.98                      43.                  N(*)
The above information is based on the largest indication observed for -the respective tube during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VESP-2.
(*) A rotating. pancake coil (RPC) inspection was performed for verification of indication. Indication not validated by RPC inspection and, as a result,. tube:
was not removed-from service.
(1) See Note 1, page 3-10.
(,                      (2)SeeNote2,page3-10, 3-13
J J                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        L-
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: a. sue s.
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                                                              .                                                    .              ud  a 3u si    .
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: 3. n u e u a s_s_t 3.s e t -
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                                                                                                                          . u  s  s. m.. . ..      t          -[<              .                                , .
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Technical Specification 4.7.8 - Snubber Inspections As required by Technical-Specification 4.7.8, each snubber was visually examined
(          during the VEGP-2 first maintenance / refueling outage (2RI). These examinations revealed no visible indications of damage or impaired operability of the snubbers.
Technical Specification 4.7.8 also requires functional testing of snubbers.
Snubbers were categorized into four types as follows:
Type I      -
Pacific Scientific mechanical snubbers (All sizes)
Type !!    -  Anchor-Darling mechanical snubbers (models AD-40 thru AD-500)
Type 111 - Anchor-Darling mechanical snubbers (models AD-1600 thru AD-12500)
Type-IV      -
Paul-Munroe ENERTECH 1000 kip steam generator hydraulic snubbers
            -Each of the snubbet types were functionally tested utilizing a test plan (as detailed in Technical Specification 4.7.8e.1) which requires that an initial representative random sample of ten percent (10%) of the population to be functionally tested. The results of the functional testing of the snubber types follows:
Tvoe l'                      - Eleven snubbers were included in the initial representative random C.                                        sample to be functionally tested for the Type I snubbers. The
    \                                          eleven snubbers were functionally tested and each met the functional test acceptance criteria with the exception of one snubber. In accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 4.7.8e, the functional test scope was increased.
Subsequent functional testing resulted in additional failures and increases in test scope. Ultimately, ten additional snubbers failed to meet the functional test acceptance criteria. As a result, each of the Type I snubbers were ultimately required to be functionally tested except for one snubber. An engineering evaluation was performed for the snubber in question and showed that the snubber could be abandoned in place and need not be functionally tested. That particular snubber, which is located near the inside top of the containment dome, for all practical purposes, is inaccessible, it should be noted that actions which initiated the engineering evaluation were taken . prior to the snubber having to be included in an expanded functional test scope.
To summarize, a total of one hundred nine Type I snubbers were functionally tested, one Type I snubber was analyzed resulting in
                                                ,its being abandoned in place, and eleven Type-I snubbers failed the functional test acceptance criteria. Appropriate engineering evaluations as required by Technical Specification 4.7.8g and subsequent corrective actions were performed for the Type I snubbers which failed functional testing, p          Tvoe II                      - Twenty-nine snubbers were included in the initial representative
(                                          random sample to be functionally tested for the Type 11 snubbers.
The twenty-nine snubbers were functionally tested and each met the I
I Iyne_11 (continued) -
G                functional test acceptance criteria with the exception of two
  -U_                snubbers, in cecordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 4.7.8e, the functional test scope was increased.
Subsequent functional testing resulted in additional failures and increases in test scope. Ultimately, fourteen additional snubbers failed to meet the functional test at.ceptance criteria. As e result, each of the Type 11 snubbers were ultimately required to be funruonally tested. To summarize, a total of two hundred eie.a,.ethree Type 11 snubbers were functionally tested with sixteen failures being experienced. Appropriate engineering evaluations as required by Technical Specificati(
* 4.7.8g and subsequent corrective actions were performed for the Type !! snubbers which failed functional testing.
Tvoe 111      Twelve snubbers were included in the initial representative random sample to bu tested for the Type til snubbers. The twelve snubbers were functionally tested and each snubber passed. Although no additional Type !!! snubber functional testing was required, one-additional snubber was tested since the piping to which it is attached had several Type 11 snubber functional test failures. The purpose of the additional Type III snubber functional test was to assure there was r.o common failur; mode for sntbbers on the piping.
in question. The additional Type !!! snubber satisfactorily passed                '
its functional test.
Tvoe ly    - One snubber was included in the initial representative random sample to be functionally tested for Type IV snubbers. The snubber was functionally tested and passed. Therefore, no additional functional testing of Type IV snubbers was performed in order to fulfill Technical Specification requirements.
The specific Ty>e I through IV snubbers which were functionally tested in                          $
retponse to Tecinical Specification 4.7.8 are itemized on pages 12 1, 13 1, 14 1, and 15 1 of this report document.
In accordance with VEGP Technical Specification 4.7.89, engineering evaluations were performed by SCS, Bechtel, or Westinghouse for those snubbers which failed functional testing. The engineering evaluations were performed in order to determine the cause(s) of the failures and to determine if the piping systems to which the failed snubbers were attached were adversely affected.
Affected piping systems having failed snubbers were returned to their design configuration. The following is a listing of correspondence associated with the engineering evaluations which are available at the plant site for review upon request:
GPC Transmittal                  Applicable Affected                Letter /Date                  Evaluation-  Applicable Request for Snubber                to Plant site                    letter /Date Enaineerina Review (RER)
V2 1201 024 H601        MSV 00360,                    SG-9801,        90 0449 10/29/90-                      10/12/90 MSV-00382,                    SG 9865*,
O                            12/11/90                      11/15/90 3 27
l l
GPC Transmittal  Applicable Affeeted              Letter /Date    Evaluation    Applicable Request for Snubber            10 Plant site    Letter /Date  Enaineerina Review (PJR)
V2 1201 029 H605    MSV 00350,    SG 9767,          90 0436 10/12/90      10/07/90 V2-1201 042 H005    MSV-00360,    SG 9802,          90 0450 10/29/90        10/12/90 MSV 00382,    SG 9865',
12/11/90        11/15/90 V2 1201 051 H001    MSV 00350,      SG 9766,          90 0433 10/12/90        10/06/90 V2 1201 119 H0ll    MSV 00360,      SG 9806,          90 0451 10/29/90        10/12/90 MSV 00382,      SG 9865*,
12/11/90        11/15/90 V2 1204 021 H006    MSV 00350,      SG 9765,          90 0430 10/12/90      10/06/90 V2 1204 045 H004    MSV 00350,      SG 9744,          90 0419 10/12/90      10/03/90 V2-1204 057 H019    MSV 00350,    SG 9768,          90 0435 10/12/90        10/07/90 V2 1206 002 H002    MSV-00360,      BV GP 00105,      90-0434 10/29/90        10/10/90 MSV-00382,      SG 9865*,
12/11/90        11/1.5/90 V2 1206 002 H015    MSV 00360,      BV GP-00105.      90 0422 10/29/90        10/10/90 MSV-00382,      SG 9865*,
12/11/90        11/15/90 V2-1208 002 H004    MSV 00350,      SG 9728          90 0395 10/12/90      09/28/90 V2 1208 123 H007    MSV 00360,      BV-GP 00102,      90 0438 10/29/90      10/09/90 V2-1208 225 H004      MSV 00360,    BV-GP 00096,      90 0403 10/29/90      10/08/90 V2 1208 449-H013      MSV 00350,      SG 9764,          90-0427**
10/12/90      10/06/90 V2 1301 008 H013A, MSV 003CO,        SG-9792,          90 0431 V2 1301 008-H013B      10/29/90      10/12/90 0
3-28                                      )
CPC Transmitts)                          Applicable Affected                  Letter /Date                          Evaluation  Applicable Request for inubber                to Plant site                            letter /Date Enaineerina Review (RERI    1 V2 1301 108 H003          MSV 00337,                            SG 9686,        90 0390                  i 09/26/90                              09/20/90 V2 1301 128 H0788- MSV 00351,                                  SG 9789,        90 0428 10/22/90                              10/10/90 V2 1301-166 H017          MSV 00351,                            SG 9810        90 0446 10/22/90                              10/17/90 V2 1302 003 H003          MSV 00360,                            BV GP 00ll2,    90 0447 10/29/90                              10/12/90 V2 1302 107-H012          MSV 0035),                            BV GP 00100,    90 0404 10/22/90                              10/12/90 V2 1302 107 H014,        MSV 00351,                            BV GP 00100,    90 0413                  i V2 1302-107 H016          10/22/90                              10/12/90                                  1 V2-1302 110 H002B        MSV 00351.                            BV GP 00ll6,    90 0455 10/22/90                              10/17/90 V2 1305 063 H004A        MSV 0035),                            BV GP-00108,    90 0443 10/22/90                              10/11/90 V2 1305-110 H054          MSV 00360,                            BV GP 00104,    90 0405
10/29/90                              10/10/90 V2 1901 221 H0298        MSV 00360,                            SG 9820,        90 0463 10/29/90                              10/18/90
* follow up response.
            **RER 90 0427 subsequently changed to RER 90 0437 due to duplication of RER numbers.
Technical specifiqs.lign - Reactor Coolant Pumo F1 wheel Insoections The flywheel keyway and bore areas for each of the VEGP-2 Reactor Coolant Pumps.
were ultrasonically exaniined. No recordabis indications were observed. In addition, the upper and lower halves of the flywheel for Reactor Coolant Pump 21201-P6 002 were examined utilizing surface and volumetric methods (MT and UT, respectively)- since _the pump flywheel wa: accessible due to maintenance activities. No recordable indications were observed. The specific areas.
examined are itemized with the Class 1. equipment.
NRC Bulletin 88 Thimble Tube Thinnino in Westinchouse Reactors in response to NRC concerns with thinning in Bottom Mounted Instrumentation t            (BMI)_ flux thimbles in Westin house reactors, eddy current examination of each of the fifty eight flux thimb es was performed during the first maintenance /
  . . _ _ .            . .      _.. _ . _ _ _ _ - . _ . - _ . _ _ _ _                  - _ . ~ . _ . _ - . _
refueling outage at VEGP.2. The purpose of the examinations was to detect and size indications of possible wear on the outer diameter of the flux thimbles.
~'s The examination of the flux thimbles was performed by Westinghouse in accordance (d  with their procedure MP 2.3.1 GBE 1, Revision 0,
* Thimble Tube Eddy Current inspection at Vogtle Unit 2.*
In accordance with the requirements of NRC Bulletin 88 09, GPC submitted a written response to the NRC detailing the results of the flux thimble examinations. A copy of that response, GPC letter MSV 00344 dated October 23, 1990, is provided on pages 3 31 through 3 33 of this report document and should be referred to for details on the flux thimble examinations, a
G 3 30
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October 23, 1990                              .m,,,,,    , , . . , .
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                                                                                                    #1163 Docket Nos. 50-426 U. $. Nuclear Regulatory Comission ATTN        Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20$$$
V0GTLt [LECTRIC GENLP,ATING PLANT fi$PONSE TO NRC BULLETIN 88-09 Nuclear Regul6 tory Comission (NRC) tu11etin.88-Og which concerns thimble tube thinning in Westinghouse reactors requires submittal of a written response that (4) confirms that an inspection program consistent with that requested in Action Item I of the Bulletin has been established and (b) f        confirms that inspections of the thimble tubes have been perftrmed and that
('      appropriate corrective actions were taken.                        The Bulletin requests that a written response be submitted within 30 days of completion of *.ne thimble tube inspections.
Thimble tube inspections as required by NPC Bulletin 68-Og were completed for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant. Unit 2 (VEGP-2) on September 27, 1990, during the unit's first maintenance / refueling outage, Eddy current testing was performed on each of the thimble tubes by Westinghouse. The results of the inspection indicate that twelve (12) out of fifty-eight (58) tubes have some degree of wall loss due to external wear                          The indicated wall loss ranged free a minimum of eighteen percent (18%) for one thimble to a maximum of thirty-four percent has indicated that the allowable vall(34%) for one thimble. Westinghouse                      60%)
of wall thickness. The Westinghouseloss                      criteria isofsixty evaluation            percent (data the VEGP-2 concluded that each of the affected thimble tubes were found to be acceptable for continued operation without any corrective action required at this time.
Predictions were made by Westinghouse regarding the anticipated wall loss which could exist by the end of the next eighteen month operating cycle if no corrective action was taken. Based on the Westinghouse predictions, none of the affected twelve thimble tubes are expected to wear beyond the sixty percent (60%) maximum wall loss acceptance crit.eria before the end of the next eighteen month operating cycle. Accordingly, no corrective action, e.g., repositioning of tubes, is required at this time, it should be noted that Westinghouse no longer adds ten percent (10%)totheeddy current-indicated wall loss as a result of a Westinghouse Owner's Group 3-31 l
l l
s U. 5. Nuclear Regulatory Comission R$V-00344 Pagt t program on thimble wear. Worn thimbli were precisely measured in a Het Cell and the results were then compared to addy current inspection performed on the same tubes. Westinghouse has indicated that in all cases, the                                              eddy current inspection rest.lts were either      the same as the measurements, or in most cases, grettar than the actual staturements.
Since thimble tube thinning was observed by this inspection, the thimble tubes will be reinspteted during the next VEGP-2 maintenance / refueling outage.                                            Once this second inspection is performed, it will be possible to refine the wall loss predictions for future cycles and therefore determine whether inspection during each future VIGP-2 maintenance / refueling outage will be warranted.
Submittal of the VEGP-2 thimble tubt inspection results for the unit's first maintenance / refueling cutage completes the reporting requirements associated with NRC Bulletin BB-Og relative to the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant. Inspection results for the eddy current inspection of the thimble tubes at Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 1 during its first meintenance/ refueling butage were submitted previously by Georgia ft                          Power Company letter ELV-00063 dated December 7, 1988.
Mr.                                      W. G. Hairston, !!! states that he is a $enior Vice President of Georgia Power Company and is authorized to execute this cath on behalf of Georgia Power Company and that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the facts set forth in this letter are true.
Geo*gia Power Company By (vI, L Y          12"""
W. E. Hairston, III
                                  $ worn to and subscribed before me this p                                      day of October, 1990.
Lat"rr*"=                                      a          wr+Lff
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WGH,lll/JAE/gb-O 3-32
                                          - . _ .    .  -..... - _~. - . _ . . . . . _            - - . _                    - - - _ - - _ . . _ . . - _ . .
l  t'~
I i                                                U. $.~ Nuclear Regulatory Coenission M$V 00344 Page 3 BC: Caercia Power Comenny Mr. C. K. McCoy Mr. W. B. Shipman Mr. P. D. Rushton Mr. J. A Bailey Mr. L. A. Ward Mr. R. M. Odom NORMS.
U. ?. Nuclear Reculaterv temission Mr. 5. D. Ebneter, Regional Aaministrator Mr. D. 5. Hood Licensing Project Manager, NRR Mr. B. R. Bonser. Senior Resident Inspector, Vogtle t
                                                                                                                                                                                                ,a 3-33
GPC Action Item No. 1739 - Feedwater Line Crackina Since some Westinghouse plants have a history of steam generator nozzle
  !O  cracking, GPC has elected to examine selected piping welds in the Auxiliary Feedwater and Feedwater Systems. Selected welds were examined with ultrasonic d
and magnetic particle techniques. No non geometrical indications of a recordable size were detected during the ultrasonic examinations. Similarly, no indications of a recordable size were detected during the magnetic particle examinations.
l The specific welds examined in response to GPC Action item No. 1739 are itemized with the Class 2 piping welds.
GPC Letter GN-1345 (February 9. 1987) - Auumented Examinations on Class 3 Nuclear Service Coolina Water Syste_m in the subject letter, GPC committed to perform an augmented ultrasonic examination on one Nuclear Service Cooling Water System piping weld on VEGP 2 during the first inspection period (first 40 months).                          The ultrasonic examination was aerformed during the first maintenance / refueling outage (2RI) at VEGP 2. Recorda)1e indications (lack of fusion) were noted. These indications have not grown in size since the preservice inspection, therefore no corrective action was initiated or required, in addition, visual examinations were                                        !
performed during the outage on accessible Class 3 portions of the NSCW piping as committed to by the subject GPC letter. The visual examinations were performed                                i during normal system operation and no leaks were found except for mechanical connections such as bolted flanges. Appropriate corrective action was initiated to correct these leaks.
VEGP-2 Inservice Inspection Procram (ISI-P-014) Paracraoh 1.10.3 - Volumetric Examination of Additional Class 2 Pit @ c Welds Selected Class 2: piping welds in the Nuclear Servict Cooling Water and Safety injection systems were examined using ultrasonic examination techniques. No non geometrical indications of a recordable size'were found. The specific welds examined are itemized with the Class 2 piping welds.
GPC Action Item Nos. 87 0131 and.87-0931 - Staanant Borated Water Systems Crackina As a result of generic concerns of pipe cracking in stagnant borated water systems in pressurized water reactors, twenty eight welds in Class 1 and Class 2 piping systems were examined in response to GPC Action items Nos. 87 0131 and 87 0931.          Nondestructive examination methods utilized included ultrasonic and/or liquid penetrant examination techniques.
In Class 1 systems (Reactor Coolant System and Safety thjection System), twenty welds were examined. Three welds, 21201-036-7, 21204-042-15, and 21204-124-16, were observed during the ultrasonic examinations to have subsurface planar flaws which were reported to GPC by SCS on INFs 190V2003 and 190V2005. The subsurface planar flaws ware evaluated in accordance with ASME Section XI, Table IWB 3514-2 and were determined to be of an acceptable size. No corrective action was taken. There were not any non-geometric indications observed during the O                                                      3-34
examination of the remaining Class 1 welds subject to ultrasonic examination.
There were no recordable indications observed during the liquid penetrant
(        examination of the subject Class I welds, t            in Class 2 systems (Safety injection System and Residual Heat Removal System),
eight welds were examined. There were not any non geometric indications 1
observed during the examination of the Class 2 welds subject to ultrasonic examination. Similarly, there were no recordable indications observed during the examination of the Class 2 welds subject to liquid penetrant examinations.
F                                        .
The specific welds examined as a result of GPC Action Item Nos. 87 0131 and 87-0931 are itemized with the Class 1 and Class 2 piping welds.                        l GPC Action Item No.18270 - I:xaminat' on Technioues _and Personntl_ Qualifications i            f.cr_ Cold Lee Accumulator Pin' no fl0 snch. $chedule 140. ASTM $A 376. Tvoe 316)    !
As a result of GPC Action item No.18270,' selected ultrasonic examinations were performed using nondestructive examination procedures and examination personnel
,            qualified in the detection and sizing of intergranular stress corrosion cracking
;            (IGSCC).                                                                              '
Specifically. six welds-in the Safety injection System, weld numbers 21204 120 5 and 21204 124 10,-11, 15, 16, and 18 were examined using ultrasonic and liquid penetrant examination methods. Weld 21204 124 16 was observed during the ultrasonic examination to have a subsurface planar flaw which was reported to GPC~by SCS on INF 190V2005. The subsurface planer flaw was evaluated per ASME Section XI, Table IWB 3514 2 and was determined to be acceptable size. No corrective. action was taken. There were not any non geometric indications O        observed during the_ ultrasonic examination of the remaining welds.- No recordable indications were observed during the liquid penetrant examinations.
The specific welds examined as a result of GPC Action item No. 18270
            -are' itemized with the Class 1 and 2 piping welds.                                  7 Balance of Plant Erosion / Corrosion Inspections Ultrasonic thickness examinations were performed in the Extraction Steam, feedwater Heater Drain, Condensate and Feedwater, and Steam Generator Blowdown systems. These examinations were performed using automated P scan and manual ultrasonic examination techniques per GPC procedure 83302-C, Revision 0,
              " Component Erosion / Corrosion Inspection.*_ Two points in the Main. Steam System, Cold Reheat lines to Moisture Separator Reheaters *l* and '3", were visually examined from inside the piping in lieu of ultrasonic examination due to the piping being permanently insulated. No areas of abnormal wall loss were identified as a result of the ultrasonic and visual examinations.
;  O 3 35 L
L O                                                            O                                                                                                                            O i-i 4
Auysented      Component or            'Exas                            Cal i          ASNE Sect. 11~ Examination- Weld No./            Exam . Freceb            Cal.          Sheet                                                                    Exam Item No./ Cat. 'Reevirement Description 'Nethod            No./Rev. Blocks                No.fs)                                              Sheet Nets). Results 5emarks See Note        See Note'      'See Note. See Note See Note See Note See Note                                                                              See Note See Note See Note A                B            C          D          E              F              G                                                                      H        I        J I
!          NOTES:
!          A. The ASNE Section II Item No. and Category of the examination area are listed in this column.
B. The implementing document, e.g., Tech Specs,' NRC Bulletin, etc., requiring performance of augmented examinations is
!                referenced her .
l-I          C. Each examination area is listed in this. column. The compinent or weld number typically is similar to the draming j                num6er, e.g., weld number 2I201-005-8 is found on drawls.g number 151-21201-005.
D. The NDE method used during the examination is listed in this column.
!          E. This column lists the applicable NDE procedures and revisions used for the examination.
j          F. This column lists the calibration block that was used.
G. This column references the calibration sheet (s) which records calibration, examiner, and any pertinent remarks.
H. This column refereices the examination data sheet (s) which records exam data, examiners, and any pertinent remarks.
: 1. The results of the examinations are indicated in this column. The absence of indications is indicated in the column as *NI* or
* SAT *. The presence of nonrelevant indications or indications which are less than the recording level is indicated in the column as *NR1*. The presence of indications deemed recordable are indicated in the column as 'RI* or "UNSAT* and are explained in the remarks column of the summary table.
}          J. The remarks column is used to describe any pertinent features of the examination such as limitations, INFs, etc.
Refer to INF section in this report for their disposition.
,                                                                                4-I
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class 2 P!P!NG EXAMINAf t0Ns AUGEENTED        COMPONENT OR            EXAM                                CAL        EXAM ASME SECT XI    EXAMINAft04        WELD u0/    EXAM  PROCEDURE              CALIGRATIOR    SMEET      SNEET ITEM N0/ CAT. REQUIREMENT      DESCRIPTION    g      NO./ REY.                St0CKs      NO.(s)      NO,(s)  RESULTS          REMARas C5.11          tst-P-014    21204-120-5        PT    PT-V-605/02            N/A          N/A        s90v2P119  NRI    UT RI DUE TO M ONETRY C-F          . PARI.10.3    10" EL80W TO PIPE  UT    UT-V-404/02            340A          s90v2C202  590v20258  mRI AlsB7-131                                                    306A          s90v2C203  s90v20254  wet                          -
AI 18270                                                                    590V2C204  590v2U260  RI Ist-P-014    21204-199-4        UT    UT-V-404/02            303A          $90v2C106  590v2U130  wt    tTT RI DUE To EGEETRY PAR 1.10.3  ftUED MEAD TO 4"                                              s90v20073  590v2UO79  Rt AIW87-131    PIPE Ist-P-014    21204-199-5        UT  'UT-V-404/02            303A          S90v2C107  590V2U131  NRI    UT WI DUE TO GEOMETRY PAR 1.10.3  4" PIPE TO EL80W                                              590v20074  590v2UO60  Rt AI#$7 *31 Ist-P-014  .21204-199-6        UT    UT-V-404/02            303A          s90v2C108  590v2U132  Rt    UT RI DUE TO EOMETRT -
PAR 1.10.3  4" EL80W TO EtBOW.                                            590v20075  590v2UO61  mRI Als87-131 C5.21          At s87-131  21204-201-7        PT    PT-V-605/02            w/A          N/A        s90V2P123  WI    UT Rt DUE TO GEOMETRY' C-F                          12" TEE TO PIPE  tit  UT-V-404/02            307A          590v2C158  590v2U211  at C5.21          Als87-131    21204-201-10      PT    PT-V-605/02            m/A          m/A        590v2P122  mRI C-F                          8* PIPE TO ELBOW  UT    UT-V-404/02            305A          590v2C206  590v2u262  mRI
  'C5.21          Ale 87-131    21205-001-1      PT    PT-V-605/02            N/A          N/A        $90v2P017  met C-F                          12" VALVE TO PIPE UT    UT-V-404/02            307A          $90v2CO34  s90v2UO35  wat s90V2CO33  590v2UO34  mRI C5.21          TECM SPEC    21301-001-1      MT    MT-V-505/01            W/A          N/A        570v2p088  NRI    UT RI N 'O EONETRY C-F   '  '28' PENETRATION    UT    UT-V-404/02            313A          $90v2f.173 s90v2U228  Rt.
TO PIPE C5.21          TEC# SPEC    21301-001-2      MT    MT-V-505/01            W/A          N/A        s90V2iE080  mRI    UT RI DUE TO EWW C-F        28* PIPE TO P!PE  UT    UT-V-404/02            313A          $90V2C174  590v2U229  RI B-2
                                                                                                                                /-                                                                                        /
YEGP-2 7IRST REFUELING OUTACE CLASS 2 PIPING EKAMINAit0NS AUGOtTED              COMPONENT OR                    EXAM                                CAL        EXAM ASME SECT XI                                        EXAMINATION              WELD N0/        EXAM PROCEDURE                  CAtt9RATIOt    SHEET      $NEET ITEM N0/ CAT.                                      REQUIREMENT            DESCRIPTION      METN    NO./#Ev.                  St0CKS        NO.(S)      NO.(S)  RESULTS                                  REMARKS C5.21                                              TECM SPEC          21301-001-3          MT  MT-V-505/01                N/A            N/A'      $90V2M081  NRI C-F                                                  28" PIPE TO PIPE    UT  UT-Y-404/02                3134          590V2C175  590V2U230  NRI C5.21                                              TECM SPEC          21301-001-4          MT  NT-V-505/01                N/A            N/A        S90v2n082  NRI C-F                                                  28" PIPE TO 29 1/2". UT  UT-V-404/02                313A          $90V2C176  $90v2U231  NRI PIPE                                                  314A          $90v2C177  590V2U232  NRI S90V2C190- 590V2U245  NRI
                                                                                                                                                            $90V2C191  $90v2U246  NRI C5.21                                                                  21301-001-7          MT  MT-V-505/01                N/A            N/A        $90V2M089  NRI                        SUBSURFACE PLANAR FLMr5 C-F                                                                    6" OUTLET TO FLANE  UT  UT-V-404/02                308A          S90V2C161  $90V2U214  Rt                          SEE INF 8 190v2007 590V2C162  590V2U215  ai IMO EVAL  590V2U253  SAT C3.20                                                                  21301-001-9          MT  MT-V-505/01                N/A            N/A        S90v2M086  Rt                          LINEAR MT INDICATICMS C-C                                                                    SUPPORT N002                                                        N/A        $90V2M087  at                          SEE INF 8 190v2006 UT T4ICK  $90v2U221  N/A N/A        $90Y2M103  NRI C3.21                                              YEC# SPEC          21301-001-11        MT  MT-V-505/01                N/A            N/A        $90V2M083  NRI                        UT RI's DUE TO GEOuETRY C-F                                                  29 1/2" PIPE TO      UT  UT-V-404/02                314A          S90v2C192  $90V2U247  RI VALVE                                                                590V2C193  $90V2U248  RI C5.21                                              TECH SPEC          21301-001-12        MT  MT-V-505/01                N/A            N/A        $90V2M090  NRt                          UT Rt DUE TO GEOMETRY C-F                                                  VALVE TO 29 1/2"    UT  UT-V-404/02                314A          $90V2C194  $90V2U249  NRI P!PE                                                                $90V2C195  590V2U250  RI C3.20                                                                  21301-001-13        MT  MT-V-505/01                N/A            N/A        $90V2M084  NRI C-C                                                                    SUPPORT N001 C5.21                                              TECH SPEC          21301-001-14        MT  MT-V-505/01                N/A            N/A        $90V2M085  NRI                          UT Rt DUE TO E OMETRT C-F                                                  29 1/2* PtPE 10      UT  UT-V-404/02                314A          S90V2C196  590V2U251  NRI VALVE                                                                S90v20197  $90t?U252  at 8-3 i                                                      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _
      "%                                                      .f                                                            .. f M .
                                                              -CLASS 2 PIPluG EXAM 14AT104s AUCMEuTED        CG F0mEnf OR              EXAM                            CAL      ENAM ASME SECT XI  EXAM!aATION        WELD =0/      ERAM    PROCEDURE        cat 19tATIOu    SWEET      SWEET                                    t ITEM uO/ CAT,                                  METH    =0./REV.          BLOCKS        uO.(S)    NO.(S)  RESULTs          REMAegs REQUIREMENT      DESCRIPTIOu C5.21        TECM SPEC-    21301-001-15        MT      MT-V-505/01      m/A            N/A      s90v24057  set C-F    - VALVE TO 28" PIPE  UT      UT-v-404/02      3134          590v2C181 590v2U236  mal s90v2C182 s90v2U237  set
  'C5.21        TECM SPEC    21301-001-16        MT      MT-v-505/01      m/A            w/A      390v2Mc58  utt C-F      28" PIPE TO P!PE    UT      UT-v-404/02      313A          $90v2C183 590v2U238  mRI FotGluG                                                      590v20184 590v2U239  utt C5.21        TECM SPEC    21301-002-1        MT      MT-v-505/01      m/A            N/A      issvc uvi  met C-F      PEuETRAfton TO      UT      UT-V-404/02      313A          590v2C185 s90v2U240  mal 28" PIPE C5.21        TECM SPEC    21301-002-2        MT      WT-v-505/01      m/A            N/A      s90v2M100  mRt C-F      28" PIPE TO PIPE    UT      UT-v-406/02      313A          590v2C186 590v2U261  mRI C5.21        TECM SPEC    21301-004-2        MT      MT-v-505/01      m/A            m/A      590V24096  utt C-F      28" PIPE TO PIPE    UT      UT-v-404/02      313A          s90v2C187 590v2U242  utt C5.21        TECft SPEC    21301-004-3        MT      MT-v-505/01      m/A            N/A      swvo vi7  utt C-F      28" P!PE TO 29-1/2" UT      tn-y-406/02      313A          590V2C188 $90v2U263  mRI                            ,
PIPE                                          314A          590v2C198 590v2U254  atI C3.20                      21301-004-8        MT      MT-v-505/01      m/A            m/A      s90v2M098  utt C-C                        SUPPORT N001 C5.21                      21301-013-1        MT      MT-v-505/01      RfA            E/A      S90v2M001  at    tff R1 DUE TO GEOMETRY C-F                        10" BRAuCM          UT      UT-v-406/02      310A          s90v20008 590v2Uo08  set ComuECT!on TO PIPE                                          590720006 590v2U006  Rt W LD PuoF 590v2VOTO  SUP C5.21                      21301-013-2        MT      MT-V-505/01      m/A            m/A      590v2u002  at C-F                        10" PIPE TO REDUCER t!T    UT-V-406/02      310A          sww2drs  $90v20009  utt s90v2C007 $90v2U007  Nel 8-4
                                                                    /",                                                                g-
: .Nd                                                          u                                                              %)
WEGP-2 FIRST RFFUELING OUTAGE CLAis 2 PIPING EXAMINATIGfs AUGENTED        CDFONENT OR                  EXAM                              CAL        EXAM i
ASME SECT XI  EXAMINATION      WELD N0/        -EXAM ' PROCEDURE            CALISRATION    sitEET      SNEET ITEM NO/ CAT. REQUIREMENT    DESCRIPit04        IETN    NO./REv.            BLOCKS      NO.(s)      No.(s)  RESULTs'        REMAnts C5.11                    21301-013-3            MT    MT-v-505/01          N/A          N/A        s90v2M003  NI
                                                                ' C-F                      8" REDUCER TO P!PE C5.21                    21301-104-13'            MT    MT-v-505/01          N/A          N/A        590v2M042  Net C-F                      26" PIPE TO            UT    UT-V-404/02          312A          s90v2C115  590v2U139  Net PENETRATION C5.21                    21301-107-1              MY    MT-v-505/01          N/A          N/A        s90v2M048  NRI    UT Rt's DUE TO CE0pETRY C-F                      32" N0ZZLE TO            UT    UT-v-404/02          317A          s90v2C132  590v20164  at REDUCER                                                          590v2C131  590v2U163  RI C5.22                    21301-107-1 LD          MT    MT-v-505/01        N/A          N/A        590v2M069  Net CF                        32" LONGITUDINAL        UT. UT-V-404/02          317A          S90v2C133  590v2U165  N#1 WELD 336 DEG. (95* CW)
C5.22                    21301-107-1 LD A        MT    MT-v-505/01        4/4          N/A        $90v2M050  Net C-F                      32" LONGITUDINAL        UT    UT-v-404/02        317A          590v2C134  590v2U166  Net WELD 170 DEG. (47.5" CW)
C5.21                    21301-107-2              MT    MT-v-505/01        N/A          N/A        $90v2M044  Nel C-F                      26* REDUCER TO EL90W    UT    UT-v-404/02        312A          990v2C117  390v2U141  utt
;                                                                C5.22                    21301-107-2 LU          MT    MT-v-505/01        N/A          N/A        s90v2M045  Net C-f                      26" LONGITUDINAL        UT    UT-v-404/02        312A          590v2C118  590v2U142  Net WELD 336 DEG. (76.5" CW)
C5.22                    21301-107-2 LU A        MT    Mr-V-505/01        N/A          N/A        590v2M046  Nat C-F                      26" LONGITUDINAL        UT    UT-v-404/02        3124          590v2C119  390v2U143  Net WELD 4                                                                                            170 DEG. (39" CW) 8-5
                                                                                                                                                                                                              .__- . .J
                                                                                                                                              , , .\
d                                                    b,, ,                                                        U VECP-2 FItsf REFUELING OUTAE class 2 PIPING EXAMINAfl0Ns AUCMENTED      COMP 0 MENT OR        EXAM                            CAL        ERAM ASME SECT XI  EXAMINATION      WELD N0/    EXAM PROCEDURE          CAtt9 Raft 04  SHEET      SHEET ITEM N0/ CAT, REQUIREMENT    DESCRIPTION    METH  NO./REV.            St0CKs      NO.(s)      NO.ts)  REsULTs          REMARKS C3.20                    21301-107-6        MT  MT-v-505/01        N/A          N/A        s90v2M055  NRI -
C-C                      SUPPOti N001 C5.21                    21301-107-13      MT  MT-v-505/01        N/A          N/A        s90v2u047  NRI C-F                      26" PIPE TO        UT  UT-V-404/02        312A          590v2C116  s90v2U140  NRI PENETRAftau C5.21                    21302-107-6        MT  MT-V-505/01        N/A          N/A        s90V2M059  NRI C-F                      6" PIPE TO EtBOW  UT  UT-v-404/02        309A          $90v2C150  590v2U203  NRI C5.21                    21302-107-7        MT  MT-v-505/01        N/A          M/A        s90v2M060  NRI    UT Rt DUE TO GEOMETRT C-F                      6" ELBOW TO PIPE  UT  UT-V-404/02        309A          s90v2C151  590v2U204  as 21302-107-8        MT  MT-v-505/01        N/A          N/A        s90v2M061  NRI C5.21 C-F                      6* P!PE TO VALVE  UT  UT-v-404/02        3094          s90v2C152  590v2U205  NRI 590v2C153  590v2U206  NRI C5.21                    21302-107-11      MT  MT-v-505/01        N/A          N/A        s90v2M062  WRI    UT Rt DUE TO GEOMETRT C-F                      6" TEE TO P!PE    UT  UT-v-404/02        309A          s90v2C154  s90v2U207  at C5.21                    21302-107-12      MT  MT-V-505/01        N/A          N/A        s90v2M063  NRI    UT RI DUE TO GEOMETRT C-F                      6" PIPE To        UT  UT-V-404/02        3094          S90v2C155- s90v2U208  RI PENE1 Raft 0N C5.21                    21302-107-13      MT  MT-V-505/01        N/A          N/A        $90v2M052  NRt    UT Rt DUE TO GEUMETRT C-F                      PENETRAft0N TO    UT  UT-V-404/02        309A          590v2C124  390v2U156  at 6" PIPE C5.21                    21302-107-14      MT  MT-v-505/01        N/A          N/A        590v2M053  NRt    UT RI DUE To GEONETRT C-F                      6" PIPE TO WALVE  UT  UT-V-404/02        309A          s90v2C125  s90v2U157  NRI s90v2C126  s90v2U158  aI 8-6
j,3 -                                                      g                                                                fm
VEGP-2 FIRsf REFUELING OUTAE class 2 PIPING EFAMINATIONS AUGIENTED        COMPONENT OR                EXAM                                CAL        EXAM AsME SECT Xt EXAMINATION        WELD NO/        EXAM  PROCEDURE          CALIBRATIGE      SNEET        sNEET ITEM N0/CA7. REQUIREMENT      DESCRIPTION        J ME      NO./ REY.          Stocks          NO.(s)      NO.(S)  RESULTs        REMARKS C5.21                      21302-107-15          MT    MT-V-505/01        N/A              N/A        $90v2M054  NRI    UT Rt DUE TO E G4ETRT C-F                        6" VALVE TO PIPE      UT    UT-V-404/02        309A            $90v2C127  590v2U159  NRI s90V2C125  s90V2U160  RI                            _
C5.21        At#1739      21302-107-46          MT    MT-V-505/01        N/A              N/A        $90v2M039  NRI C-F                        6" P PE TO ELBOW      UT    UT-V-404/02        3U9A            $90v2C129 - 590v2U161  Net C5.21        At#1739      21302-107-47          MT    MT-V-505/01        N/A              N/A        $90v2M040  NRI    UT RI DUE TO E OMETRT C-F                        6" ELBOW TO            UT    UT-V-404/02        309A            s90v2C130  s90v2U162  Rt TRANstTION PIECE C5.21        Ars1739      21302-107-48          MT    MT-V-505/01        N/A              N/A        $90v2M041  NRt    UT Rt's DUE TO EG4ETRT C-F                        TRANstTIOW PIECE      UT    UT-V-404/02        3194            s90v2C109  s90v2U133  RI TO NO22LE                                                        s?OV2C110  s90v2U134  RI C5.21        Ate 1739      21302-108-41          MT    MT-V-505/01        N/A              N/A        s90V2M067  NRI    UT Rt DUE TO EOMETRT C-F                        6" PIPE TO ELBOW      UT    UT-V-404/02        309A            s90v2C102  590v2U126  RI C5.21        AIS1739      21302-108-42          MT    MT-V-505/01        N/A              N/A        s90v2M068  NRI    UT Rt DUE TO EGEETRY C-F                        6" EL8OW TO            t2T    UT-V-LO4/02        3094            s90v2C103  s90V2U127  Rt TRAN.;1 TION PIECE C5.21        Als1739      21302-108-43          MT    MT-V-505/01        N/A              N/A        $90v2M069  NRI    UT Rt DUE TO EUMETRT C-F                        TRANSITION PIECE      UT    UT V 404/02        319A            s9072C111  590V2U135  NRI TO N0Z2LE                                                        $90v2C112  590v2U136  RI C5.21        Als1739      21302-109-42          MT    MT-V-505/01        N/A              N/A        s90v2M064  NRI C-F                      . 6" PIPE TO ELBOW      UT    UT-V-404/02        309A            s90V2C104  $90v2U128  NRI C5.21        At#1739      21307-109-43          MT    NT-V-505/01        N/A              N/A        s90v2M065  NRI C-F                        6" EL8OW TO            UT    UT-V-404/02        309A            $90v2C105  S90v2U129  NRI TRANstTION PIECE 8-7
O                                                        O                                                            O vtCP-2 FIRST REFUELINC OUTAGE CLASS 2 P! PING EXAMINATIONS AUGEENTED      COMPONENT OR              EXAM                            CAL-      EXAp ASME SECT XI  EXAMINAft0N      WELD PC/        ERAM  PROCEDURE          CALIBRATION    $NEET      SMEET ITEM N0/ CAT. REQUIREMENT    DESCRIPTION      J ME    NO./ REY.          8t0CKS      No.(S)    NO.(S)  RESULTS        REMARKS C5.21          At#1739'    21302-109-44          MT    MT-v-505/01        N/A          N/A      590v2M066  WRI    UT RI DUE TO E 0pETR1-C-F                        TRANSITION PIECE      UT    UT-v-404/02        319A          S90v2C113 590v2U137  NRI TO N0ZZ1E                                                    $90v2C114 $90v20138  RI C5.21        .Al#1739    21302-110-41          MY    MT-V-505/01        N/A          N/A      $90v2M071  NRI C-F                        6" PIPE TO ELBOW      UT    UT-v-404/02        3094          $90v2C156 S90v2U209  WRt C5.21          Alf1739    21302-110-42          MT    MT-v-505/01        N/A          N/A      $90v2M072  NRt C-F                        6" EL8OW TO '        UT    UT-v-404/02        3094          590v2C157 S90v2U210  NRI TRANSITION PIECE C5.21          A!81739    21302-110-43          MT  'MT-v-505/01        N/A          N/A      $90v2M073  NRI    UT Rt DUE TO CEOMETRY C-F                        TRANSITION PIECE      UT    UT-v-404/02        319A          $90v2C159 $90v2U212  NRI
TO N0ZZLE                                                    590Y2C160 $90v2U213  Rt C5.21          A181739    21305-058-21          MT    MT-v-505/01        N/A          N/A      $90v2M091  NRI    UT RI DUE TO CEenETRY C-F                        16" PIPE TO ELBOW    UT    UT-v-404/02        31'A          590v2C179 590v2U234  Rt C5.21          Als1739 '  21305-058-22          MT    MT-V-505/01        N/A          N/A      $90v2M092  NRI    UT Rt DUE TO CEOMETRY C-F                        16" Et90W TO PIPE    UT    UT-V-404/02        311A          $90v2C180 $90v2U235  at C5.21          AlstT39    21305-058-23          MT    MT-v-505/01        N/A          N/A      $90v2M093  NRI    UT Rt DUE TO CEONETRY C-F                        16" PIPE TO NO22LE    UT    UT-v-404/02        318A          S90v2C167 $90v2U222  NRI S90v2C168 S90v2UZ23-  RI C5.21          TECN SPEC  21305-060-1          MT    MT-v-505/01        N/A          N/A      $90v2M006  WRt    SUBSURFACE PLANAR FLAW C-F    FORGING TO 16" PIPE  UT    UT-v-404/02        3114          $90v20004 $90v2U004  RI    SEE INF f 190v2001
                                                                                        $90v20005 S90v20005  at IMO EVAL  S90v2UO36  SAT C5.31          TECM SPEC  21305-060-2          MY    MT-v-t45/01        N/A          N/A      $90v2M012  N1 C-F    16" PIPE TO 6"        UT    UT-v-404/02        311A          $90v2CO31 $90v2UO32  NRt                                            ,
BRANCH CONNECTION                                            $90v20032 $90v2UO33  NRI 8-8
                                              =                                                          -
1-                . .
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* CAL      EWm ASME SE*T XI                            EXAMINATION          WELD N0/    EXAM PROCEDURE        CAlt9RAfl0N    SWEET      SNEET                                                          r ITEM N0/ CAT.                            REQUIREMENT        DESCRIPTION . METN  WO_/REV.          Rt0CKS        NO.(S)    NO.(S)  _RESULTS                                      REMRACS C3.20                                                  21305-060-3        MT  MT-V-505/01      N/A            N/A      $90v2M007  uRt C-C                                                    SUPPORT N001 C5.21                                    TECN SPEC      21305-060-4        MT  MT-V-505/01      N/A            N/A      $90v24006  WRt -                      UT Rt's DUE' TO EOMETRY    ;
C-F                                  16* PIPE TO VALVE  UT  UT-V-404/02      3114          $90v20011 $90v2UO12  Rt
                                                                                                                      $90v20015 590v2U016  Rt C5.21                                    TECM SPEC      21305-060-5        MT  MT-V-505/01      N/A            N/A      $90v2M009  WRt                        UT RI's DUE' TO EONETRY C-F                                  16" VALVE TO PIPE  UT  UT-V-404/02      3114          $90v20012 590v2UO13  R1
                                                                                                                      $90v20016 390V2U01T'  RI C5.21                                    TECr TC        21305-060-6        MT  MT-V-5CS/01      N/A            R/A      $90v2M010  NRI                        UT RI's DUE TO E SEETRY "
C-F                                      4.4    .3      16" PIPE TO VALVE  UT  UT-V-404/02      311A          Soov20013 $90v2UO14  Rt 590v20017 $90v2UO18  RI C5.21                                    TECM SPEC      21305-060-7        MT  MT-V-505/01      N/A            N/A      $90v24011    NRI                        UT RI's DUE '70 ECMORY C-F                                  16" VALVE TO P:PE  UT  UT-V-404/02      311A          S90v20014 590v2UO15    Rt
                                                                                                                      $90v20018 S9Cv2UO19    RI                                                  +
C5.21                                    TECP SPEC      21305-060-8        MT  MT-V-505/01      N/A            N/A      390v2M013    Nt C-F                                  16" PIPE TO        UT  UT-V-404/02      311A          390v20030 $90v2UO31    NRt PENETRAft0N C5.21                                                  21305-060-9        MT-  MT-V-505/01      N/A            N/A      590v2n070    NRt C-F                                                    16" PENETRAft0E TO UT  UT-V-404/02      311A          590v2C178 590v2U233    NRI PIPE C3.20                                                  21305-060-14      MT  MT-V-505/01      N/A            N/A      S90v2u014    NRt l
C-C                                                    SUPPORT N002                                                                                                                        ;
C5.21                                    At#1739        21305-060-21      MT  MT-V-505/01      N/A            N/A      390v2M015    NRI C-F                                                    16" PIPE TO EL900  UT  UT-V-404/02      311A          $90v2C095 $90v2U108    WRt 8-9 L
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A. The ASNE Section XI category designation for the equipment support is listed in this column. In addition.
i ASME Section XI' Class 3 examinations required by Table IWD-2500-1 for integral attachments are also                            ,
indicated by examination category.
B. The ASME Section 'XI class no., e.g.,1,. 2, or 3, for the system on which the equipment support being                            [
examined is listed in this column.                                                                                              ,
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E. This column lists the specific' type of the equipment support being examined.                                                  ;
t F. This column lists the applicable NDE method used during the examination.
:        G. This column references the examination data sheet (s) which serve to document the examination and lists the examiner, any pertinent remarks, etc.                                                                                            l i                                                                                                                                            I H. The results of the examinations are indicated in this column.                                                                  [
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I. The remarks column is used to describe ony pertinent features of the examination such as limitations,                          !
4            reportable results INFs, etc. Refer to INF section in this report for their disposition.                                        j e
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s A. The ASME Section XI category designation for the piping support is listed in this column. In addition, ASME Section XI Class 3 examinations required by Table IWD-2500-1 for integral attachments are also indicated by examination category.
B. The ASME Section XI class no., e.g.,1, 2, 3. for the system on which the piping support being examined is listed in this column.
                                                                                                                                                          .i I
C. This column indicates the nominal pipe size in inches for the piping on which the piping support is being examined.      _
D. The piping support number is listed in this column.
E. This column lists the name of'the manufacturer of any snubbers examined and the size of snubber examined, e.g.,
PSA 1/4. Manufacturer designations are abbreviated and can be found in List of Abbreviations.
F. This column lists the type of piping support which was examined, e.g., rigid strut, variable spring hanger, etc.
G. This column lists the applicable NDE method used during the examinatien.
H. This column references the data sheet (s) which serve to document the examination and list the examiner, any pertinent remarks, etc.
: 1. The results of the examir.ations are indicated in this column.
J. The remarks column is used to describe any pertinent features of the examination such as limitations, reportable results INFs, etc. Refer to INF section in this report for their disposition.
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F-C        2    ' 06.00  21204-039-H031                    ANCHOR              VT-3  $90v2v108 SAT F-8        2      06.00  21204-039-NO35                    1-0 RESTRAINT        VT-3  590v2v109 SAT
,      F-8        2      06.00  21204-039-N036                    UNDERSUP*0RT        VT-3  590v2v127 SAT F-8        2      06.00  21204-039-N037                    2-0 RESTRAINT        VT-3  $90v2v126 SAT F-8        2      06.00  21204-039-M038                    2-D RESTRAINT        VT-3  590v2v125 SAT F-8        2      04.00  21204-199-H001                    2-D RESTRAINT        vi-3  590v2v130 SAT 4
F-8        2      04.00  21204-199-H002                    1-D RESTRAINT        VT-3  590v2v131 SAT F-C        2      04.00  21204-199-M003 PSA-1              MECH SNU88ER        VT-3,4 $90v2v132 SAT 10-6 1
il 1                    -                          ,
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.                                                          ASME SECT. Ist    NPS            SUPPORT            SNUB 8ER          SUPPORT            .ERAM    EXAft
!                                                          Nt CAT. CLASS  E              NUMBER          stFCE/ SITE      DESCRIPTION          METHOD  SNEET NO.              RESULTS REtuMRS i
F-8        2    04.00 .'    21204-199-N005                        2-D RESTRAINT          VT-3    $90V2vl33              SAT                                  ,
F-8            0=.00      21204-199-N008                        1-0 RESTRAINT          vi-3  590v2v134            ' SAT F-C        2    04.00      21204-199-N009                        Suni STRUT -            VT-3  $90v2V135              SAT F-5        2    04.00      21204-199-n015                        2-0 WrSTRatNT          VT-3  $90v2v136              SAT F-8        2    04.00      21204-199-n017                        2-D RESTRAINT        . VT-3    590v2V137-              SAi F-C        2'  "08.00      21204-201-N008                        SWAT STRUT              VT-3  590v2v146              SAT                                  1 F-8        2    29.50      21301-001-n001                        UNDEasupPORT.          VT-3  $90v2v057              SAT r
VT-3  $90v2V058              SAT                                  !
F-C        2    29.50      21301-001-u002                        SWAT STRui F-C        2    08.00      21301 013-N001    ,
VAR SPRING              VT-3,4 $90v2v059              SAT                                  ,
F-8        2    08.00      21301-013-n003                        1-D RESTRAINT.          VT-3  590v2v056              SAT
l                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,
F-C        2  26.00      21301-107-u001'                      CON SPRING              VT-3,4 S90v2v113            . SAT F-C        2  26.00      21301-107-w002        AD-5503        MECH SNUB 8ER          VT-3,4 590v2v114              SAT                                  ,
i F-C        2  26.00      21301-107-n003      .AD-12501        MECM SNUO8ER            vi-3,4 590v2V115              SAT F-C        2  26.00 '    21301-107-N004        A0-5501        MECM SNUSSER            YT-3,4 S90v2v116              SAT                                4 t
i F-C        2  26.00      21301-107-N005        AD-5501        MECM SNUBBER            VT-3,4 S90v2v117 -            SAT                                  t F-C        2  26.00      21301-107-N006      AD-5501          MECM $NUBOER            %T-3,4 $90v2V118              SAT F-C        2  26.00      21301.107-n007                        YAR SPRING              VT-3,4 590v2v119              SAT-F-8        2  06.00      21302-107-u001                        2-0 RESTRAINT          VT-3  S90v2V154              SAT 10-7 i                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -
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P! PING SUPPORT EXAMINAT10Its ASME SECT.'                                          Ist                            'NPS              SUPPORT    SNU8BER              SUPPORT-            EXAM    ENAM XI CAT.                                    CLASS.                                  (IM,)            NUMBER-    MFCR/ SIZE        DESCRIPT10It          seETHOD
* MEET NO. RESULTS          REMARKS F-C                                                    2                          06.00      21302-107-H002 -                  VAR SPRING              VT-3,4  190v2v155  SAT
    . F-8                                                    2                          06.00      21302-107-n004                    2-0 RE$TRAINT          vi-3    $90v2v033  SAT F-8                                                    2                          06.00    - 21302-107-H005                      1-0 RESTRAINT          vi-3    590v2v032  SAT-F-C                                                    2                          06.00    :
21302-107-n006                    SWAY STRUT              VT-3    590v2v031-  SAT F-C                                                    2                          06.00      21302-107-H007                    SWAT STRUT              VT-3    590v2v030  SAT F-C                                                    2                        '06.00      21302-107-H008                    SWAY STRUT              VT-3    590v2v029  SAT F-C                                                    2                          06.00      21302-107-W021                    SuAT StrJT              VT-3    $90v?v028  SAT -
F-8                                                    2                          16.00      21305 060-n001                    M ?%iaAisT              VT-3    390v2V156  SAT F-C                                                    2                          16.00      21305-060-P002                    mee SPRtwG              *'-3,5  W iv039    SAT F-C                                                    2                          16.00      21305-060-H003  AD-12501        MEC4 $4UBBER            VT-3,4  5N.40      $3,7 F-C                                                    2                          16.00      21305-060-n004  AD-5501          MECH SNUBBER            VT-3,4  590v2v041  SAT F-C                                                      2                        16.00      21305-060-N005  AD-12501        MECM SNUB 8ER          V7-3,4  590v2v042  SAT F-C                                                      2                        16.00      21305-060-n006 ' PSA-100          MECH SNUBBER            VT-3,4  $90v2v043  SAT F-C                                                      2                        16.00    , 21305-060-n007 .                  WAR SPRING              VT-3,4  590v2v044  SAT F-C                                                    2                          06.00      21305-154-N001                    SuRY STRUT              VT-3    590v2v160  SAT D-A                                                    3                          04.00      21302-013-M016-                  2-D RESTRAINT          VT-3    590v2v176  SAT      IWD ATTAcieENT F-8                                                      3                        04.00      21302-013-M016                    2-0 RESTRAINT          vi-3    S90v2V147  SAT D-A                                                      3                        04.00      21302-013-N017                    ANCHOR                  vi-3    $90v2v001  SAT-      IW ATTACMMENT 10-8 l
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Tag                ISI                      Snubber                                Scope Number            Class                        Mfor/ Size                            Examined              $rsults
b- /L - ~See Note A: -See Note:B                        See Note C                            See Pote D            ',ee Note - E NOTES:
A. The unique tag number for the snubber being examined is this column.
B. The ASME Section XI class no., e.g., 1, 2, 3, for the system on whrch the snubber being examined i.e 'i;ted in this column.                                                                          t C.      This_ column lists- the name of the manufacturer of any snubbers functionally tested and the size of the snubber, e.g., PSA 1/4.
Manufacturer designations are abbreviated and can be found ir, the-List of Abbreviations.
D.      This column _ lists the scope of examination in which the snubber is functionally: tested, i.e., original scope or expanded scope. Snubbers included in the expanded scope of-examination are generally au a result of other snubber functional test failures.
E.    -The results of the functional test of-the snubber tested is listed in this column.
9 e
O                                                                    11-1
                                                  '4i                                                                            ISI                  StVEBEri                SCDPE g 9g '                                                                          M                      t[%M(F,                EXAWINED    RESVLTS tit 0bO12 trOil                                                                                      1                  PSA 1/2                EXPANDED    PAS $tD J
2f201 %$- M 5                                                                                        i                PSA 1                  EXPANDED    FAILED 2120bO29 H621                                                                                        1                PhA 3                  EXPANDED    PASSED 21201 020 H623                                                                                      1                PSA 3                  EXPANDED    PAS $tD    4
21201 030 H605                                                                                      1                PSA 3                  EXPANDED    PASSED 2120) D30 H607                                                                                      1                  PSAd                    EXFAwDED    PASSte PSA 3                                PASSED    3 21201 03D H608                                                                                      1                                        EXPANDED 2120103D M A 1                                                                      '
1                PSA 3                  EXPANDED    PASSA
21201 030 k613                                                                                      i                PSA 3                  EXPANDED    PASSED 21201 NJH 415                                                                                        1                PSA 3                  1xe'ANbiD    41$$ti 21201 048 l'101                                                                                      1                PSA 3                  EXP.%0 'D    PAS $tD 21201.'v48 H002                                                                                    i                PSA 3                  ORIGINAL    PAS $tt, 21201 049 H016                                                                                      1                PSA 35                  EXPANDED    PAS $tD L
21201 J49 9017                                                                                      1                PSA 35                  dxPANDED    PASSED 21201 049 N020                                                                                      1                PSA 35                  EXPANDED    PAS $tD a
2120)+049 H023                                                                                      1              PSA 35                  EXPANDED    PASSED 21201 049 HC25                                                                                    1                PSA 100                EXPANDED    PAS $tD 21201 053 H001                                                                                      1              PSA 35                  ORIGINAL    PASSED 21201 00'l* H005                                                                                    1              PSA 35                  EXPANDED    PASSID 21201 r44 H412A
* PSA 3                    EXPANDED    PASSED 212Cl 064 H612ts                                                                                  -              pt,A 3                  EXPANDED    PASSED 21201 061 Hd22                                                                                      -
                                                                                                                                                        "PSA 10                  EX'AN0ED    PASSED 21201@9 fl005                                                                                      -
PSA 1/2                EXPANDED    PASSED 21201-11P kC11                                                                                      1              PSA 1                  EXPANDED      FAILED 212'Ji *g39 P001                                                                                  2              PSA 1/2                  EXPANDED    PASSED r
12 1
:                                                                                                                                                                                                  l l
i Vt08 2 Fitti eta!WithANtt/htfVillbG (U1 AGE tout 6th FUNC110hAL tllit TYPt i SWut6ttl
                            ,A0      ,,,                        ..u....                                          ..,
thmetR      [Q11                  pCP/ tift                                          DAu!WID          M 21202 002 H006      3                    P6A 3                                            IKPAet0          PAtttD 21202 151*HC25      3                      P&A+3                                            LEPA@tD          tAlst0 21202 it8 H004      2                      PLA 3                                            ERPA@tD          PAlltb 21202 196*H611      2                      P&A 1/2                                          DRICthAL        PAlltD 21202 &87 H003      3                      P&A 3                                            INPANDID        PA$$tD 21202*&&B H003      3                      P&A 3                                            EXPANDtD        PAllt0 21203 021* @06      3                    P&A 3                                            tXPActD          PatttD 21204 020 4 005      2                    P&A 3                                            (*PA@t0          PAllt0        <
k 21204 021*H003      i                      P64 10                                            (KPANDtD        PAtstD      1 21204 021*H005      i                      P6A 10                                            trPA@tD        PAlltD 21204*021*H006      i                      PSA 10                                          tKPA@tD        FAlltD 21204
* 021.H013      1                      PSA.10                                          EXPANDID        FAlllD 21204 024 H029      1                      PsA 3                                            t KP A@t0      PAlstD
                  -21204 025 H002        i                      PSA 3                                            EXPANDED      PAtSt0 21204 042*H006      1                      PSA 10                                          EMPA@t0        PAltt0 21204 045 H004 -    1                        PSA 10                                          OR10lWAL      FAILt0 21204 057*H019      2                        PSA<i/2                                        (RPANDED        FAlltD 21204126 H020        i                      PSA 35                                          ENPA@tD      PAlltD 21204127 N007        1                      PLA*35                                          EFPA@tD        PAsst0 21204 199+H003        2                        PSA 1                                          EMPANDED      PAlltD 212D5 004 H010      2                        PsA.10                                          EM.'ANDED      Pall!D    '
21205 007.H007      2                        PSA 3                                          ORIGINAL      PAlltD 21205 006 Huo6      2                        PsA 1                                          EMPA@t0        PAsstD 21205 008 H010        2.                      PsA.)                                          (KPANDED      PA$$tD 21205 009 H009-      2                        P$A 1                                          ORICthAL      PAsstD 12 2 3
YtCPat flR$1 hAlWithANCE/ttfUtilWC UUTAtt SNVt6tk FUNC110hAL 18818 till i SNUtbitt 1O 1A0            lli            SNU56tR                800Pt gJgLa            QA,},3        http/ tift              trAutNtD    gid11 21206 001 N009A            2            PLA*3                  ExPA@tt      PAlltD 21206 001 H0096            2            PSA+3                  IXPA@tD      PAtttD 21206 005.H006            2            PSA.3                  ExPA@tD      PAlltD 21206*007 H043            2            PSAa1                  ExPA@t0    PAlltD 21206 006 H003            2            PSA 1                  $tt Nott i  $tt @11 1 21208 001 H026              1            PSA*3                  ExPA@t0    PA$$tD tt208 002 H001              2            PSA.1/2                ORlblhAL    PAllt0 21208 047.H604              i            Pib1/2                  ExPA@tD    pat $t0 21208 068.H021              2            PS*.1/2                EXPANDIJ    PAlllD 21208 123*H007            2            PSA 1/4                ExPAt4tD    fAlltD 21206 131+H016-            3            PSA 1/2                EXPANDED    PAllt0 21206 144+H005            2            PtA+1/4                txPA@t0      PAtstD 21206 145.H013              2            P&A*i/4                EXPANDED    PAlStb 21210 037 HfJ3
* PSA 1/2                iXPA@t0    PAlltD  I 21213 005 H005              3            PtA 3                  tXPANDED    PATTED 21217 073'H623              3            P&A*1/4                EXPANDED    PA$$tD 21301 007*H004A
* PGA*35L                  EXPANDED    PA$$tD 21301 007 H0048
* PsA 35L                  EXPANDED    PAsst0 21301 007.H019A
* PSA*35                  EXPANDED    PAtstD 21301 007 H019B            +
PSA 35                  ExPANDEC    PAsstD 21301*007 H021              =
                                              , PSA*35                    ExPA@tD    PA$$t0 21301+006 H013A
* PSA+10                  txPANDED    FAILED 21301 008 H0138
* PSA 10                  UPA@tD      FAlttD 21301 011 H002              2          PEA 1                    EXPA@tD    PAlltD 21301 014*H006              2          MA 3                    EXPANDED    PAtstD 12 3
      . . _ ~ .. . .              . . - .        , - . . . - ~                              . - ~ . . - . - - - -          _ - ~ - . . . , . .                _ . . . . . _ - . -
  .                                                                vtGP+2 first mAINithANCt/ttfuttlNG OU1Act emutett puuttlDNAL 18818 TYPE I $NUSDtts 1AG                    !$1                    DNU$$tt                              SCOPE g2!!!A                LL11                  pt th$ ff t                          txAWlWID                          kl$Ut t s 1                        21301 015 H007                    2                  P$A 3                                ExPA@tD                            PA$$tt i'
21301*094*H002                    -                P1A*10                              ORIGINAL                          PAlltD 21301 216 H001
* PSA 1                                EXPANDED                          PA13tD 21301 217 H001
* PSA 1/4                              ExPA@tD                            PA$$tD 21302 003 H003
* PSA 3                                tKPANDID                          fA!L(D 21302 108 H017                    2                PSA*10                              tEPA@tD                            PA$$tD 21302 110 H0028                  2                PSA 10                              ExPA@tD                            fAllt0 21305 055+H003                    -
P$A 35                              ORiclNAL                          PA$$t0 21305 056 H004%
* P3A 35L                              ExPActD                            PA$$tD 21305 056 H0048
* PSA*35L                              EXPANDED                          PA$$tD
                      - 21305 056 H008A                    -                P&A+10                              EXPANDID                          PA$$tD 21305 056 H0088                  -                PSA 10                              EXPANDED                          pas $tD 21305 056*H026'
* PSA 35                              txPANDt0                          PA$$to 21305 056 H0228                -*                  r$A*35                              tXPANDED                          PA$$tD 21305 057+H005A
* PSA 35                                xPANDED                          PA$$tD 21305 057 H0056
* PSA 35                                EXPANDED                          PA$$tD 21305 060 H006                    2                PSA 100                              EXPe@tD                          PAS $tD 21305 061 H001
* P$A 35                                EXPANDED                          PA$$t0 2130$*061*HD04
* PSA*10                                EXPANDED                          PA$$tD 21305 062 H007                    2                PSA 100                              EXPANDED                          PA$$tD 21305 063 NC04A
* P$A 1/2                              EXPANDED                          FAlltD
                        - 21305*063*H0048
* P$A 1/2                              EXPANDED                          PA$$tD-21305 081 H006                    -                PSA 1                                ORIGINAL                          PA$$tD 21305 081 H016                    -
P$A 3                                IXPANDED                          PA$$t0 21305*110 H056A
* PGA 1                                EXPANDED                          PAS $tD 12 4
                          .._ _            __ -,,              . ..    . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ . _ _                            , . - ,. _              ._..._..~.'
vtGP 2 fitti MAlWithAWCt/htFULLlhG OUTALE talJette FUwCitonAL 18818 O
1AC              181            SWJBltt                800Pt M                (1,11          W GP/llft                $KAWlutD all2Lil 21305110 ND568
* PSA 1                    ERPActD  PAlllD 21305 155 N001          2            PsA 3                    trPact0  PAsstD 21305 155 N003          2            P&A 3                    ExPAct0  PAtstD 21901221 N015
* PSA 1                    (EPA @tD PA55t0 22402 022 H004
* P&A 1/4                  ORIGlhAL PAlltD 22402 023 N003
* PSA 1/4                  EXPActD  PAtstD 22402 025 N004
* P&A 1/4                  ExPActD  PAlltD 22402 196 N003
* PSA 1/4                EkPActD  PAtstD A1210 046 N003A
* PGA 1/4                trPActD  PASSID
                                    -                                    EXPActD  pat &ED A1210 046 N0030                      P5A 1/4 Note 1:        An engineering evaluation was performed for snubber 21206-O 008*H003 w'eich is located near the inside top of the containment dome justifying its being abandoned in place, As a result, the subject snubber was not required to be functionally tested. Actions which initiated the engineering evaluation were taken prior to the snubber having to be included in an expanded scope of examinations.
                      , -                .              .w . - - - - . . . . _ = . = _ - - - _ - - - _ _ - . . - . -
                                                                                                                                                                            -        ~
i VIGP 2 fit $1 MAlWitWANCE/ktfuttlNG OUTALE
                                                                                                              $Nuttle fuMCilohAL 18$18
    ,                                                                                                              itPt il SNJb9tt$
T A!,                      181                            SNUB 6ft                    SCDPt gj!                      Q!,},1                            ptC#/stft                  itAulWED              tt$Util 21201014 hM1                              2                            AD 41                      EXPANDl0              PAS $tD l                                    21201 021.HDD6                            i                            AD 151                    ORI0lNAL              PAS $tD
,                                    21201 022 H002                            i                            AD 1$1                    EXPANDED              PAlllD 21201 022 H003                            1                            AD 151                    IXPANDED              PAlltD l
21201 022.H006                            i                            AD*73                      EXPAND [D            PA$$t0 t
21201 023*H001                            1                            AD*i$1                      EXPANDID            PAtt!D 21201 023 H005                          i                            AD 151                      tXPANDID            PA$$tD 21201 023*H006                          1                            AD*73                      Dal0INAL            PAS $tD 21201 024*N601                            i                            AD 73                      EXPANDED            fAlltD 21201 029 H603#                          1                            AD 501                      EXPANDED            PA$$tD
21201+029 H603B                                                        AD*501                      EXPANDED            PAS $t0 21201 030 H626                            i                            AD 501                      EXPANDED            PA$$tD a
EXPANt(D            PA$$tD
(                                21201 031 H001                            1                            AD+153 21201 03).H003                            i                            AD 71                      tXPANDED            PAlltD 21201+042 H001                            1                            AD 151                      tXPANDED            PAS $tD 21201 042 H003                            i                            AD*71                      EXPANDED            PAS $tD 21201 042 H005                            i                            AD*41                      tXPANDED              fAlLED 21201 066 H002                            i                            AD 501                      EXPANDED            PA$$tD 21201 051 N001                            i                            AD 41-                      tXPANDlD            fAILtD 21201 051.H006                            i                            Af+41                      EXPANDED            PA$$tD 21201+054*H614                            2                            AD+4i                      tXPANDED            PA$$tD 21201 072 H004                                -
AD 151                      EXPANDED            PAS $tD 21201 099-N015                            -
AD 153                      EXPANDED            PAlltD 21201 099 H033.                            -                            AD 41                      ORIGINAL            PA$$tD
                                      .21201 106 H001                            -                            AD 71                      EXPANDED            PA$$tD 13+1 s
  ,,.-e- . _ ~ . . . _  . - , , , , , _ _ - . . . - . _    4  _ . . _ . ,        - . . , , _ . - , _ - - .                    - . . ,          m .-. _ _ ~  ., . - - .  - + . _ - ..e
__ _      _    . . _        .                ___._.__m._              . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . -  _ . _ .              _ _ _  - _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _
YtGPat flR$1 MAlkithANCt/ttfuttlWG OUTAGE j                                                                            SNVtBit FUNCTIONAL 11$18
(                                                                                    TYPt ll $NUtttt$
1A0                                181          $Nullte                        stort M                                [L}}          Mt08/$1ft                      Ex4 WINED          MSVLil 21201 107 H015                                -
AD.41                          EXPANDED            PA$$t0 21201 107*H021
* AD*iS3                          ExPA@t0            PAllt0 21201 116 H002                                1        AD*$01                          EXPA@tD            PAlltD 21201 116 H009                                1        AD 151                          EXPANDED            PAlltD 21201*11?* H002                                i        AD*153                          EXPA@tD            PAlttD 21201 117 H003                                1        AD 133L                        innsis              PAllt0 21201 117 H011                                1        AD 151                          txPA@tD            PA$$t0 P1201 117 H603                                i        AD 151                          tKPActD            PalltD 21201 117*H604                                1        AD.503                          ORICthAL            PAlltD 21201 118.H002                                i        AD 151                          txPAct0            PAlltD 21201 118 H011                                1        AD iS1                          ixPANDED            PAlltD 21201 119 H601                                i        AD 501L                        EXPANDED            PA$ SED
(                  21201 125 H603                                1        AD.41                          EXPANDED            PAS $tD 21201 191 H004                                1        AD 1).                          txPANDID            PA$st0 21201 191*H006                                1        AD 71                          txPActD            PA$stD 21201 192*H004                                1        AD.501                          EXPANDED            PAS $t0 21201*192 H009                                1        AD*71                          EXPANDED            PA$$tD 21201 192+N010                                i        AD*71                            EXPANDED          PA$$tD 21201 192 N012                                2        AD 501                          ORICthAL            PA$$tD 21201 193 H004                                1        AD 153                          EXPANDED          PAS $tD 21201-193.H009                                1        AD+71                            EXPANDED          PAlstD 21201 194 H002                                1        AD 153                        . EXPANDED            PAlltD 21201 194 H004                                1        AD*151L                          EXPANDED          PA$$t0 21201 194+H005                                1        AD 151                            xPAuDtp          PA$$to 21202 001 HC10                                2          AD 71                          EXPANDED          PAlltD 13+2
      . .      - . . . - . .                . _ - . -          . . - . . - - . - - - _ .                                = _ . - - . - - -              _ - -
VtGD 2 Fitti NA!WitNANot/REFULLING m/f AQt SNUttti FUNtil0hAL filf$
''O                                                                                        fvPt II SNutttts 1AQ                    151                  SNUBBit                      $ COPE MERI                  [Ljj                NFCP/512f                    ExAufNtD                        ),[1M tt202 001 H026                2                  Ab 50)                      trPANDID                        PA$1[D 21202 140+H009                I                  AD 503                      ORIGINAL                        PAtst0 21202 140 H011                2                  AD 153                      EX5ANDEL                        PAltt0 21202 160 H019                2                  AD 503                      EXPANDED                        PAlltD 21202 192 H014                2                  AD 153                      EXPANDID                        PA$$tD f
l 21202 196 H018                2                  AD 503                      EVActD                          PAlltD 21202 196 H029                2                  AD 151                      EXPActp                          PAsstD 21202 197 H601                2                  AD 71                        ORl0!NAL                        PA$$tD 21202 216 H006                2                  AD iS1                      ExPActD                          PAtstD 21202 216 H011                2                  AD 501                      ExPActD                          PA$stD 21202 216 H012                2                  AD 503                      ExPActD                          PAS $t0 21202 229 H004                2                  AD 501                      ExPActD                          PAllt0 0                          21202 229 H024                2                  AD 501                      EXPAND [D                        PA$$td 21202 231 H030                2                  AD iS3                      EXPANDED                        PA$$fD 21202 231 H044                2                  AD 153                      ExPANDtp                        PAS $tD 21202 406 H031                3                  AD 43                        EXPANDED                        PA".1ED 21203 026 H007A                3                  AD 501                      EXPANDED                        PA$stD 21203 026 H0078                3                  AD 501                      EXPANDED                        PA$$tD ~
21204 025 H013                1                AD 151                      EXPANDED                        PAS $tD t b k 029 H011                's                AD 41                        EXPActD                          PASSED 21204 030 H009                2                  AD 71                        EXPANDED                        PAS $tD 21204 030 H012                2                  AD 73                        ExPActD                          PAtstD 21204 031 H015                2                  AD 41                        EXPANDED                        PAS $tD 21204 034 H002                1                AD 503                      EXPANDED                        PAS $ED 21204 144 H607                2                  AD 71                        EXPANDED                        PASSID -
13 3
1 I
vtCP 2 flR$1 MA!WithAWCE/Rifuttlho OUTAGE SNUDSER FUNt'Il0hAL filf8 ffPt 11 ENUtttRS
1AC      181              $NutSta                stort gp33{R,    ga,13
                      ,            got/sl2r                EXAMINED                                ltE SULil 21204 192*H001    2            AD 503                  ORICthAL                                PAlltD 21204 246 H001    1            AD 43                  EXPActD                                pat $tD 21205 030 H012    2            AD 43                  ORicthAL                                PAtstD 21206 001 H021    2            AD 501                  ExPAct0                                PAsstD 21206 002 H002    2              AD 501                EXPANDED                                FAILED 21206 002 H005A  2            AD 503                  EXPA@tD                                PAlllD 21206 002 H0050  2              AD 501                EXPACED                                pat $tD 21206 002 H015'  2              AD 503                txPActD                                  FAlLtD 21208 001 H028    i            AD 501                EXPANDED                                PA$$tD        ,
21208 001 H032    1            AD 503                EXPA@tD                                pat $tD 21208 002 H004    2              AD 41                  DRIC!hAL                                FAILtD 21208 002*H009    2              AD 43                  ORicthAL                                PA18tD 21208 002 H050    2            AD 501                EXPANDED                                PA$stD 21208 006 H040    2            AD 73                  EXPANDED                                pal $t0 21208 007 H002    1            AD 501                EXPANDED                                PA85tD 21208 008 H025    2            AD 73                  EXPANDED                                PASSED 21208 009 H003    1            AD 73                  EXPACED                                PA$$tD 21208 009 H004      1            AD 153                EXPActD                                  PASSED 21208 011 H043    2            AD 43                  EXPANDED                                PAsstD 21208 011 H045    2            AD 41                  EXPA@t0                                  PAtstD 21208 011 H050    2          , AD 41                  EXPANDED                                PASSED 21208 020 H705    2            AD 71                  EXPAWDED                                PAS $ED-21208 022 H027    2            AD 73                  ORIClNAL                                PA$stD 21208 024 H003      1            AD 73                  EXPAWDED                                PA$$tD 21208 043 h603A    1            AD 73                  EXPA@tD                                  PAS $tD 13 4
Vit.P 2 fitti matWithAktt/ttiVf Llh6 (UT A01 DN #6tk FVhtil0kAL til18 itP! 11 $NAttti 1AC            lit              SNV66tt                  $tDPt M              g              ytt.9/ tift              LKAuthtD      tl,[gLU 21208 043 H6036        i            AD 43                    t*PANDED      PalltD 21206 t45 H602          i            AD*43                    EEPANDED      PAlltD 21208 046 HD12          2            AD 41                    LEPANDED      PAlltD 21206 D55 H046          2              AD 153                    trPANDED      PAsstD 21206 066 H019          2              AD 43                    (KPANDID      Pall [D 21208 154 H020          3              AD 41                    EkPANDED      PAllt0 21206 215 H002          2            AD 73                    IKPANDtD      Pall (D 21208 225 H004          2            AD 41                      EXPANDtD    F AIL *)
21208 A49 H002          1            AD 41                      fxtANDtD    PAllt0 21208 449 HD13          i            AD 41                      EKPANDtD    fAlltD 21208 449 H021          i            AD 41                    EktANDED    PASSED 21208 488 H002          2            AD 153                    tXPANDt0      PAlltD
, .      21208 488 H015          2              AD 501                    ExPANDtp    PAlltD 21208 488 H021          2              AD 151                    (KPANDED    PA$$tD
        -21213 005 H007          3              AD 501                    iKPANDED    PAlltD -
21217 015 H001            -
AD 501                    tXPANDt0    PAlltD 21217 037 H001          .
AD 501                    ExPANDtb    PAlltD
        -21217 067*H011A
* AD 71                      EMPANDID    PAllt0 21217 067 H0118 -        -
AD 71                      tKPANDtp    PAsstD 21217 067 H016
* AD 71                      EXPANDED    pat $tD 21217 071 H623A          3            AD 41                      EXPANDID    PAlltD 21217 071 H6288          3            AD 41                    EXPANDED    PAsstD 21217 072 H619A-          3            AD 71                      (XPANDED    Pall!D 21217 072 H6199          3            AD 41                      EXPANDED    PASSID 21217 072 H620A          3            AD 41                      EKPANDED    PA$5tD 13 5
                                          $WUBBtt FUNCil0NAL fists TYPE ll $WUBBits TAC          lll            $Nutetk                SCOPt M            [.LA,1)        WFDt/$17f              EXAMINID                      kt$ULTS 21217 072 h62DB      3            AD 43                  EXPANDED                      PA$$tD 21217 150 H629      3            AD 41                  ORIGINAL                      PA$$tD 21217 150 H630A      3            AD 71                  EXPANDED                      PAllt0 21217 150 H630B      3            AD 71                  EXPANDED                      PAllt0 21217 267 h611      3            AD 73                  EXPANDED                      pas $tD 21301 010 H038      3            AD 501                DRIGINAL                      PAS $tD 21301 010 H039      3            AD 151t                EXPANDED                      PA$$tD 21301 010 H040A '
3            AD 41                  EXPANDED                    Pall [D 21301 010 H040B      3            AD 41                  EXPANDID                      FAl$tD 21301010 H042A      3            AD 71                  EXPANDED                    PA$$t0 21301 010 H0428      3            AD 71                  EXPANDED                    pal $tD 21301 012 H013A      3            AD 153                  EXPANDED                    PA$$tD e 21301*012*H0138      3            AD 153                  EXPANDED                    PAS $tD V
4 21301 012 H014      3            AD 153                  EXPANDED                    FAS$tD 21301 012 H019      3            AD 153                  ORIGINAL                    PA$$tD 21301 012 H020      3            AD 151                  EXPAND [D                    PAS $tD 21301 012+H023      3            AD 73                  EXPANDED                    PA$$tD 21301 012 H028      3            AD 153                  EXPANDED                    PAlltD 21301 012+H033A      3            AD 151                  EXPANDED                    PA$$tD 21301 012 H0338      3            AD 151                  EXPANDED                    PA$$tD 21301 014 H010      2            AD 501                  EXPAND [D                    PAS $tD 21301 iD8 H002      2            AD 73                  EXPANDED                    PAS $tD 21301 108 H003      2            AD 43                  ORIGINAL                    FAILED l-21301 108 H004      2            AD 151L                EXPANDED                    PAS $!D l .'
l      21301 109 H002      2            At 73                  EXPANDED                    PAS $tD 13 6 i
i l'
    . ._              - .        .      _ . . .          - . .      - - - - . .          --  -  -- ~          . - - - - _ - .  . . _ _
VIGP*2 fiklf MAlWitWANCt/ttFUILING QU1 AGE SNUBBtt FUNCTI0hAL fills ifPE ll SNUttttt
TAG              181                  $NUS$tt                      SCOPE g24.gj          [,LA.11              M808/Slff                    EKANtNED              pisutts 21301 109 M003          2                  AD 41                        EKPANDED              PASSED 21301 109 N0%          2                  AD 151L                      EKPActD              PA$$tD 21301 110 H002          2                  AD 73                        tKPActD              Hl$tD 21301 110 H003          2                  AD 41                        EXPActD              PAtSID 21301 110 H004          2                  AD 151L                      EXPAct0              PASSED 21301 111 N002          2                  AD 73                        Y'GINAL              PA$$t0 21301 111 H003          2                  AD 41                        tXPA@tD              PA$$t0 21301 111 H004  s      2                  AD 151L                      EXPANDED              pal $10 21301 118+N008          2                  AD 153                      EXPActD              Patst0 21301 118 H011          2                  AD 151                      EXPActD              PAlltD 21301 119 H004          2                  AD 503                      EXPANDED              PAS $tD 21301 119 H006          2                  AD 501                      EXPANDED              PA$$t0 21301 119 H007          2                  AD 503                      EXPANDED              PAS $t0 g
21301 119 H010          2                  AD 503                      EXPANDED              PAltt0 21301 120 H008          2                  AD 153                      ORIGlWAL              PA$$tD 21301 120 H010          2                  AD 151                      ExPActD              PASSED 21301 120 H015          2                  2153L                        EXPANDED              PA$$tD 21301 121 H004          2                  AD 43                        EXPA@tD              PA$$tD 21301 121 N005          2                  AD 71                        EXPANDED            PAS $tD 21301 121 H010          2                  AD 71                        EXPANDED            PA$$tD 21301 121 H012          2                  AD 133                        EXPA@tD              PASSED 1
21301 121 H016          2                  AD 73                        EXPA@t0              PAtttD 21301 121 H019          2                  AD 73                        EXPANDED              PA$$t0 21301 126 H014            2                AD 151                        EXPA@ED              PA$$tD 21301 126*H020            2                  AD 501                      EXPActD              PAS $tD 13 7 C
_                                            _._.._____._.__..____m_                                    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . - _ _ - _          - . .    . . - - - . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . .
VEGP 2 FIR $1 MAINff NANCE /ttfutLING EUTAGt SWutett FUNCflDhAL 11$18 ffPt 11 $NUtttt$
TAG                        181                SWUSBit                                $CDPt g;,29.LR                  f.L11              M'ce/$ttt                              ExAu1NED      at$vtts 21301 126 ND24                        2              AD 503                                  EXPANDED      PAS $to 21301 126 N029                        2              AD 153                                  ExPAct0        PAS $tD 21301 126 M031                        2              AD 153                                  ExPActD        PAS $t0 21301 126 NO34                        2              AD 151                                  EXPANDED      PA$$1D 21301 126.H037                        2              AD 153L                                EMPANDED      PAS $ID 21301 127 N024                        2              AD 503                                  EXPAct0        PA$$t0 21301 127 M059                        2              AD 71                                  tXPAct0        PA$$tD 21301 127 M071                        2              AD 71                                  EXPANDED      PA$$1D 21301 128 M006                        2              AD 501                                  EXPANDt0      PAS $10 21301 128 H075                        2              AD 151L                                ExPActD        PAS $to 21301 128 N076A                        2              AD 153                                  DRIGINAL      PAS $tD 21301 128 H0788                        2              AD 153                                  CAIClNAL      FAILtD r
        .                                            21301 128 H080                        2              AD 501                                  EXPANDED      PAS $tD 21301 128 H096                        2              AD 153                                  EXPANDED      PA$$t0 21301 128 Hn99                        2              AD 151                                  tXPANDED      PAS $tD 21301 128 H102                        2              AD*151-                                EXPANDED      PA$$tD 21301 128 H107                        2              AD 71                                  EXPActD        PA$$t0 21301 129 H002                        2              AD 153                                  EXPANDED      PAS $tD 21301 129 H016                        2              AD iS1                                  EXPANDED      PA$$tD 21301 129 H023                        2              AD 71                                  EXPANDED      PA$$f0 21301 129 H027                        2              AD 73                                  tXPANDED      PA$$t0 21301 129 M031                        2              AD 73                                  OR1G1NAL      PA$$tD 21301*136 N003                        2              AD 71                                  txPA@tD        PAS $t0                            l i                                                    21301 136 N004                        2              AD 153L                                EXPACED        PA$$t0 I
21301 137 H002                        2              AD 71                                  EXPANDED      PA$$tD l
13 8 s
        .- - - - - . - .                  _ . .      _  _--            . _ - . . _ . . - - ~ . - . .. - = _ . . . _ .                                                . . . .  .  . _ . _ .        . . . _ . . _
J YtGP 2 71$$1 MAINithANCE/ttFutLING OUTAGE SNV$$tt FUNC110hAL 11$18 ffPt !! $NUS$tt$
( .                                                                                                                                                                                                                '
TAC                              ll!                                          SNUS$ER                          E00Pt gpEl                            (1)E                                        M8CR/$1ft                        iXANINED                          PtSVLil 21301137 Mbo4                                2                                      AD 151L                          EXPANDED                          PA$$t0 21301 138.H002                                2                                      AD 153L                          EL7ANDED                          PA$$tD 21301 138 HOO6                                2                                      AD 153                            tXPANDED                          pal $tD
                                    . 21301 139 H003                                2                                      AD 71                            FXPANDED                          PA$$tD 21301 139.H004                                2                                      AD 151L                          ORICINAL                          PAlst0 21301 157 N005                                -                                      AD 73                            EXPANDED                          PAS $ED 21301 157 H014                                -
AD 73                            EXPANDED                          PAS $tD 21301 157 N015                                -                                      AD*71                            EXPANDED                          PA$$tD 21301 157 H017                                -
AD 73                              EXPAND (D                        PA$$tD 21301 1$7 H020                                -                                      AD 153L                            EXPANDED                        PA$f 0 21301 165 H001                                2                                      AD 41                            ORIGlhAL                        PAsst0 21301 165 H002                                2                                      AD 41                            EXPANDED                        PA$$ED .
21301 166 H016                                -                                      AD 71                            EXPANDID                        PA$$tD 21371 166 H017                                -                                      AD 73                            EXPANDED                        FAlltD 21301 166 H018                                -                                      AD 73                            EXPANDED                        PAS $t0 21301 166 N019                                -                                      AD 73                            EXPANDED                        PAS $tD 21301 166 H020                                -                                      A0 71                            EXPANDED-                        PASSED 21301 166 H021                                  -
AD 73                            EkPANDED                        PA$$ED 21301 166 H022                                  -
AD 73                            EXPANDED                        PAS $tD 21301*167 H029                                  -
AD 151L                          EXPANDED                        PA$$tD 21301 167 H030                                  -
AD 153                            EXPANDED                        PA$$ED 21301 167 H032                                  -                                      AD 73                            EXPANDED                        PASSED 21301 167 H033                                  -                                      AD 151                            EXPANDED                        PAsstD 21301 168 H001-                                -
AD 41                            EXPANDED                        PASSED 21301 168 H012                                -                                      AD 73                            (XPANDED                        PASSED 13 9 l
  - .          . . -    m . ._.=_ ,                  . , - . _ . . -._                    , . . _ . , . _ . . . _ . _ . _ _ . _ , . . _ . . . ,              . . . . , . _ , .  .-        _                    __
      . . , . _ . _ . .          .    - _    - . - _ .            - - . .        ..- - ~.- -                    .-    . _ . - . . . . . .            . _ . .    .
VEGP 2 Fit $1 M lWithAhtt/ttFutLIN0 OUTA0t SWUBBit FUNCilDhAL ft$18 TYPE il SNUtbFt1 TA0              Ill                          SNUBBit                            $00PE M 8tt          n,a,gg                          prep /$1rE                        EXAMINED                      RESUtil 21301 168 H013              -                        AD 73                              EXPANDED                      PA$$t0 21301 164 M015              -                        AD 73                              EXPANDED                      PA$$tD 21301 168 N023
* AD 1$3L                            EXPANDED                      PA$$tD 21301 168 H037
* AD 73                              EXPANDED                      PA$$tD 21301 176 H002              2                        AD 501                            EXPANDED                      PA$$tD 21301 178 H002              2                        AD 501                            EXPANDID                      PA$$10 21301 191 H002              2                        AD 71                              EXPANDED                      PAllt0 21301 191 H005              2                        AD 43                              OR10!NAL                      PAS $tD 21301 213 M001              2                        AD 43                              EXPANDED                      PAS $tD 21301 213 H003              2                        AD 73                              EXPANDED                      PA$$tD 21301 368 M001              2                        AD 151                            EXPANDED                      PA$$tD 21301 371 H005              -                        AD 71                              EXPANDED                      PA$$tD
  '                    21301 371 M007              +                        AD 73                              EXPANDED                      PA$$tD 21302 001*H009              -                        AD 151                            EXPANDED                      PA$$tD 21302 002 H004              -                        AD 43                              EXPANDED                      PAS $10 21302 007 H004              3                        AD 153                            EXPANDED                      PAS $tD 21302 107 H011              2                        AD 503                            EXPANDED                      PA$$t0 21302 1074:012              2                        AD 501                            EXPANDED                      FAILED 21302 107 H013              2                        AD 501                            EXPANDED.                    PAS $tD 21302 107 N014              2                        AD 501                            EXPANDED                      FAllt0 21302 107 H016              2                        AD 301                              APANDED                      FAlltD 21302 108 M003              2                        AD 501                            ORIDINAL                      PA$$tD 21302 108 N005              2                        AD 503                            EXPANDED                      PA$$tD.
21302 108 H016              2                        AD 501                            EXPANDED                      ta$$t0 21302 108 H019              2                        AD 501                            EXPANDED                      PAS $tD 13 10 i
m  . . _        . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ .                      _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ - . _ - _ . _ _ _
V10P 2 Fit $1 NAlptthAktt/PituttlNO a,itA01 BNUS$tP.FUkCT!DhAL ft$f8 TYP! Il $NU$bitt TA0                    181                    $NUS$tR                                            $00Pt HJg,Il-                  (LLt}                NFCP/ tift                                          tpAuthtb                  tt$JLt$
21302 109 H011                      2                  AD 503                                              EXPANDED                  PAlltD 21302 109 H012                      2                  AD 501                                              ixtANDID                  PAlltD 21302 109 H013                      2                  AD 503                                              trPANDID                  PAlltD 21302 109 H015                      2                  AD 501                                              tkPANDID                  PAlllD 21302 110 H002A                    2                  AD 503                                              (KFANDED                  PA$$1D 21302 110*H014                      2                  AD 501                                              De10 thal                  PAlstD 21302 110 H015                      2                  AD 501                                              ExPANDtD                  PAllt0 21302 110 H016                      2                  Ab $01                                              (KPANDtb                  PAlltD 21302 110 H017                      2                  AD 501                                              EXPANDED                  PA$$!D 21302 110 H019                      2                  AD b01                                              EXPAND [D                  PAtl!D 21304 061 H058                      -
AD 153                                              EXPANDED                  PAlstD 21305 110 H054                      -                  AD 501                                              tXPANDtD                  fAlLED 21305 117 H001                      -                  AD 501                                              iXPANDED                  PA$$tD 21305 117 H002                      -                  AD 503                                              ExPAhDED                  PAlltD 21305 120 H002                      -
AD 503                                              OR101hAL-                  PA$$tD 21305 157 H002A                    2                  AD 503                                              tKPANDED                  PAS $tD 21322 052 H025                      -                  AD 71                                                tKPANDtD                  PA$$to 21901 001 H022                      -
AD 43                                                (%PANDED                  PAS $tD 21901 001 H042                      -
AD 153                                            .EkdANDED                    PA$$tD 21901 022 H031                      2                    AD 43                                              ORitJNAL                  PASSID 21901 221*H006 -                    -
AD 151                                              EXPANDED                  PA$$tD 21901 221 H029A                    -
AD 43                                                EXPANDED                  PA$$tD 21901 221 H0298                    -
AD 43                                              EXPANDID                  FAlltD 22303 002 H011                      3                  AD 41                                                EXPANDED                  PAlttD 22303 002 H012                      3                    AD 71                                              EXPANDED                  PA$$tD 13 11 L
L__ _      . _ . .                              _ _ . _ . . __                                                                      ._. ._                    _ _ . _ -    _ . . . _ . _ . _ _
                                    $WUSBER FubCflohAL TE115
[x                                    TYtt ll SWUSBit$
TAC      l$1        $WUBBIR                SCort vptt R    [Mjj      ptC#/117f                EVANikfD              Pf$UL?$
22402 005 H001
* C+1$3L                  ExPANDID              PA$$tD 22402 005 H003    -
AD 153L                  ExPAN0fD              PASTED 22402 022 H001    -
AD 71                    ORIGlhAL              PAlltD 22402 024 H001    -
C 41                    EXPANDED              PAlstD 22402 024 H002    -
AD 153                  EXPANDED              PAlstD 22402 024 H004    -
AD 153                  ExPAWDED              PAS $t0 22402 024 MD05    -
AD 41                    EXPAN0ED              PAlstD 22402 025 H003    -        AD 71                  EXPANDED              PA$$tD
)  .
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vtGP.! Flest NAlWithAktt/ttFuttlhG R11 AGE SWustit fuwCflohAL ft$18 TYPt 111 $Nutettl TAG                181                    SWutste                                      Scott M              utt,)                  pfjit]jlli                                      EKAuthfD                  filVLil 21201 064 H609A            -                  AD*1601                                        CalClhAL                  PAlltD 21201 064*h6096            -                  AD 1601                                        DalClhAL                  PAtstD 21202 004 H056              3                  AD 1601                                        DRIGlhAL                  PAlstD 21204 +125.H007            i                  AD 5501                                        ORIGlkAL                  PatstD 21205 007 H019              2                  AD 1603                                        otlGlhAL                  PAlstD 21208 008 H018              2                  AD 1603                                        ORIGlhAL                  PAllt0 21301 007.H023A            -
AD 5503                                        onlGlhAL                  PalltD 21301+105 H004              2                  AD*5501                                        ORIGlhAL                  PAllt0 21301 107.H002              2                  AD 5503                                        ORIGlhAL                  PAsstD 21302 010=H006              3                  AD.1601                                        ORIGlhAL                  PAlstD 21302 107*H010              2                  Abai601                                        $tt hoff 1                Stt hott 1 21305 056*H003              2                  AD.12501                                      otlGlhAL                  PAtstD C%              21305 060 H005            2                  AD.12501                                      DelClhAL                  PAsstD O
Note 1:      Although there were no functional test failures associated with the Type !!! snubbers, one additional Type !!! snubber; 21302107-H010, was functionally tested since several Type 11 snubbers failed on the piping to which snubber 21302 107 H010 is attached. The purpose of the additional test was to assure there was no common failure mode for snubbers on the piping in question. Type !!! snubber 21302 107 H010 satisfactorily passed its functional test.
14 1
                                                $WUBBER FUNCTIONAL ttsfl 1YPt IV $WUB8tR$
TAG                131              gwgggga                georg pt$v(ts WW8 t '          [L.I.)              WFC#/512E            t*AWIWED                  ,
i 21201 86 001 t006          2              N 25701              OntClhAL          PAsstD O
V l
t O
l PRESSURE TESTS The following pressure tests were performed prior to the end of the first
  ,                        maintenance /rafueling outage at VEGP 2.                                These pressure tests in:1uded 2_
system functional tests, system hydrostatic tests, system inservice tests, and system leakage tests as required by Section XI of the Code. Boundaries for 4
these pressure tests are described in the VEGP 2 Inservice Inspection Plan document (ISI P 013). Examination results are discussed in the applicable sections of the "NIS 1 Abstract" and the " Class 3 and Augmented Examinations
* portions of this report document. The examination data for these pressure tests is available for review at the plant site upon request.
System Functional Tests (FTs)
FT Number              Test Descriotion
: 3.                    Penetration 32 Functional Test' 6                    Penetration 33 Functional Test 7                    Penetration 31 Functional Test 9                    Penetration 56 Functional Test 16                    Line 1208 135 Functional Test 17                    Line 1208 133 Functional Test System Hydrostatic Tests (hts)
HT Number              Test Descriotion 40                    CCW Train "A" Hydro Test 42                    CCW Surge Tank 21203 T4 001 Hydro Test 44                    Line 1203L4001 Hydro Test 46                    'Line 1203L4003 Hydro Test 79                    NSCW Train "A" Cooling Tower Piping Flow Test 80                    NSCW Train "B" Cooling Tower Piping Flow Test 81                    NSCW Transfer Pump 2 1202 P4 007 Flow Test 82                    NSCW Transfer Pump 2 1202 P4 008 Flow Test 83                    NSCW Line 416 & 417 Flow Test 84                    NSCW Line 418 & 419 Flow Test 85                    NSCW Line 420 & 421 Flow Test 86                    NSCW Line 422 & 423 Flow Test 87                    NSCW Line 424 & 425 Flow Test 88                    NSCW Line 426 A 427 Flow Test System Inservice Tests (ITs)
IT Number                  Test Descriotion 1                    Charging Line Inside Containment inservice Test 2                    Letdown Line Inside Containment Inservice Test L
3                    RCPs 1, 2, 3, and 4 Seal Leakoff Inside Containment inservice Test 4-                    RCP 1 Seal Injection from Penetration 54 to Valve 006 Inservice Test 16 1
i System inservice Tests (ITs) (continuedl                    g
/"    1T Number                                                                                        Test Descriotion 5                                                                                            RCP 2 Seal Injection from Penetration 53 to Valve 359 Inservice Test 6                                                                                            RCP 3 Seal Injection from Penetration 52 to Valve 360 Inservice Test 7                                                                                            RCP 4 Seal Injection from Penetration 51 to Valve 361 Inservice Test 8                                                                                            RCS Hot Leg Sample Lines to Penetration 24 Inservice Test 9                                                                                            Sample Line from Valve 101 to Valve HV 3514 Inservice Test
: 18.                                                                                          RHR Train "A" Inservice Test 19                                                                                            RHR Train *B" Inservice Test 24                                                                                            Sample Line from Valve 097 to Valve HV 3508 Inservice Test 26                                                                                            NSCW Train "A" Inservice Test
    -27                                                                                            NSCW Lines 418 and 419_ Inservice Test 28                                                                                            NSCW Line 029 Inservice Test 29                                                                                            NSCW Line 184 Inservice Test
    '30                                                                                            NSCW Train "B" Inservice Test 31                                                                                            NSCW Line 424 Inservice Test 32                                                                                            NSCW Line 030 Inservice Test 33                                                                                            NSCW Line 185 Inservice Test 35                                                                                            Containment Coolers 1501 A7 003 and 1501 A7 004 Inservice Test 37                                                                                            Containment Coolers 1501 A7 007 and 1501-A7 008 Inservice Test 39                                                                                            Cooling Coils 1511 E7 001 and 1515 A7 002 Inservice Test 81                                                                                            NSCW Pump 1202 P4 001 Inservice Test O-82                                                                                            NSCW Pump 1202 P4 002 Inservice Test 83                                                                                            NSCW Pump 1202 P4-003 Inservice Test                          ,
84                                                                                            NSCW Pump 1202 P4 004 Inservice Test 85                                                                                            NSCW Pump 1202 P4 005 Inservice Test 86                                                                                            NSCW Pump 1202-P4 006 Inservice Test 87                                                                                            NSCW Pump 1202 P4 007 Inservice Test 88                                                                                            NSCW Pump 1202-P4 008 Inservice Test 89                                                                                            NSCW Lines 416 and 417 Inservice Test 90                                                                                            NSCW Lines 420 and 421 Inservice Test
      -91                                                                                            NSCW Lines 422 and 423 Inservice-Test 92                                                                                            NSCW Lines 426 and 427 Inservice Test System Leakaae Test (LT)
LT Number                                                                                    Test Descriotion
      -- I                                                                                            Class 1 System Leakage Test O
16 2 l
_m i
,  C)  The following Indication Notification Forms (INFs) were issued to Georgia Power Company (GPC) by Southern Company Services, Inc. (SCS) due to the reportable indications being observed during the examination of Class 1, 2, or 3 components, during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2:
INF No.            Affected Component / Area            INF DisDosition 190V2001            Weld 21305-060-1                    Use "as-is".
190V2002            Valve bolting for Valves            Affected valve bolting 21204U6148 and 2120406147          replaced and re-examined with acceptable results.
190V2003            Welds 21201-036-7 and                Use "as-is".
21204-042 15 190V2004            Reactor Pressure Vessel Closure    Use "as-is".
Head Studs 21201-V6 001 B02, B03, 805, 806, B09 B12, B14, and BIS 190V2005            Weld 21204-124-16                    Use "as-is".
190V2006            Weld 21301-001-9                    Indications were removed by controlled grinding, Il
filler metal added due to weld configuration, and area re examined with acceptable results.
190V2007            Weld 21301 001-7                    Use "as is".
Copies of the INFs and their attachments are provided in this report document.
Refer to the respective INFs for details on the nature of the indications. The INFs in this section constitute only those reportable indications observed during the SCS scope of work. Any reportable indications observed by outside contractors during their scope of work should be identified to GPC in the contractor's report document (s) which are referenced in this report document.
IndioctiCn Notificction                                                                                            skFto.190V2001 Port 1      Findinog 09 8 90                        *lUT            lP1 lW1          l R1          l Et  lVi    l01MER              U1                0 O 1 oment s:
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N/A u                                            fitte                                                                    Date Do ,re@r!a  .,:,)d irjg Co. Representitive 4 . P H. f; e                                                            ekho Part 4 ee evaminetten Coments:
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* Re exemination Coments:
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DAAWINGS n    The drawings in this section represent Class 1, 2, and 3 equipment and piping included in the VEGP 2 first maintenance / refueling outage. These drawings give V    the identification number and location of welds, supports, and other items that require examination. The drawings are intended for ISI use only and should not be confused with design drawings.
The drawings which follow are listed by system designation, drawing number, and drawing revision number.
E0VIPMENT DRAWINGS Drawing Drawing                        Revision System                                                                Number                          gyymbn Reactor Coolant                                                        151-21201-86-001 (Sh. 1)        2 151-21201-86 001 (Sh. 2)        1 15121201B6-001(Sh.3)          0 ISI-21201 B6-001 (Sh. 4)      0 151 21201 06-002 (Sh. 2)        1 151-21201 B6 003 (Sh. 2)        1 151-21201-86-004 (Sh. 2)        1 ISI-21201-P6 001              1 ISI-21201 P6-002              1 ISI 21201-P6-003              1 O                                                                              ISI-21201-P6-004              1 d                                                                              ISI-21201-V6-001 (Sh. 1)      0 0
ISI-21201-V6-001 (Sh. 2)
Chemical and Volume Control                                              ISI-21208-E6-001              0 ISI 21208-E6-002              0 PIPING DRAWINGS Drawing Drawing                      Revision Systen!                                                                  Number                      Number Reactor Coolant                                                            1S1-21201-001                1 1S1-21201-005                1 1S1 21201 008                1 151-21201-009                1 1S1-21201-021                1 1S1-21201-02S                1 151-21201-029 (Sh. 1)        3 151-21201 029 (Sh. 2)        1 151-21201-030 (Sh. 2)        2 p
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                          --Reactor Coolant (continued)                          ISI 21201-031                                                                  1-        .t 151-21201 036-.                                                                2            1 1S1 21201 051                                                                  1 1SI-21201-058'                                                                  1 1S1-21201-059                                                                  1 ISI-21201-060                                                                  0 151-21201-116                                                                  2 1S1-21201-179                                                                  1 151-21201 183                                                                  1 1S1-21201 191                                                                  .1 -
NSCW                                                  151 21202-001:(Sh. 1)                                                          1 ISI 21202-001-(Sh. 3)                                                          1 S:fety injection                                      1S1-21204 023                                                                                                                                                'ISI-21204-035                                                                  1 ISI-21204 036-                                                                  1 151 21204 039 (Sh. 2)-                                                          l            '
1S1-21204-042                                                                  2 151-21204-043-                                                                  1          ;
151-21204-076 (Sh. 1)                                                          2          1 151 21204-120                                                                '1 1S1-21204-124.                                                                  2-O'                                                                      -1S1-21204-199 (Sh. 1) 1S1-21204-201 1
1 151-21204-243                                                                  1-7
                        ~ Residual Heat Removal                                1S1-21205-001                                                                  1          (
                        - Chemicalf and Volume Control                          1S1-21208-009                                                                  1 1S1-21208 024                                                                  2          .
Main Steam                                            151-21301-001 (Sh. 1)                                                          1 ISI-21301-001 (Sh. 2)                                                        .1-ISI-21301-002- Sh. 1)                                                          1 1S1-21301-004 Sh. 1).                                                          1-ISI-21301-004 Sh.2)-                                                            1-ISI-21301-013                                                                  1 l-                                                                              ISI-21301-104                                                                  2 l^                                                                              151-21301-107                                                                  2 o
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Latest revision as of 09:08, 21 December 2020

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Issue date: 01/25/1991
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OWNER'S REPORI fB INSERVICE INSPECTION Document Completion Date: January 1991 Owner: Georgia Power Company 333 Piedmont Avenue, N.E. P. O. Box 4545 Atlanta, Georgia 30302 Generating Plant: Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 2 River Road P. O. Box 1600 Waynesboro, Georgia 30830 Commercial Operation Date: May 20, 1989 0 9102010J43 910125 POR Q ADOCK 05000425 " PDR I

TABLE OF CONTENTS (' yqlqmg_1 Paaes i Introduction 11 ASME NIS 1 Form with Classes 1 and % 2-1 Abstract ASME Class 3 and Augmented Examinations 3-1 Summary Examination Summary Listings Introduction to Summary Listings 41 ASME Class 1 Equipment Examinations 5-1 Piping Examinations 61 ASME Class 2 Equipment Examinations 7-1 Piping Examinations 81

Supports Introduction and Equipment 91 Support Examinations Introduction and Piping 10 1 Support Examinations Snubber Functional Examinations Introduction to Snubber functional 11-1 Testing Listings Inspection Type I 12-1 Inspection Type 11 13-1 Inspection Type 111 14-1 Inspection Type IV 15 1 Pressure Tests 16-1 Indication Notification forms 17-1 1

p) Examination Drawings 18-1 l l ii l l

TABLE OF CONTENTS - (eontinued) t'% Volume & NIS-2 forms Volume 3* Class 1 Equipment Examination Data Class 1 Piping Examination Data l Class 2 Equipment Examination Data Volume 4* , 1 Class 2 Piping Examination Data  ! Equipment Support Examination Data Piping Support Examination Data Nuclear Service Cooling Water (NSCW) System Examination Data Volume 5* ( UT Calibration Sheets UT Qualification Sheets MT Qualification Sheets Volume 6* Personnel Certificaticns Equipment Certifications UT Scopes Search Units NDE Equipment Consumables Volume 7* NDE Procedures Southern Company Services, Inc. Georgia Power Company

  • Volumes 3 through 7 are available for review at the plant site upon request.

(O G' iii

b l 1 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS l l AD Anchor Darling j ! AFW Auxiliary Feedwater System ,

Al GPC Action Item (followed by unique no, denoting Action item number) 1 j ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

, ASNT American Society for Nondestructive Testing 4 ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ! BC Branch Connection , CCSS Centrifuga11y Cast Stainless Steel

CCW Closed Loop Cooling Water l CE Combustion Engineering i CH Closure Head j CS Containment Spray j CVCS Chemical and Volume Control System

! ET Eddy Current Examination l- EVAL  : Evaluation l FB Flange Bolting ) FW Feedwater System l GEO Geometric Indications i GPC Georgia Power Company [ HL Hanger lug HYD Hydraulic Snubber

IND Indication l INF Indication Notification Form L ISI Inservice Inspection j IST Insorvice Testing j IR Inside Radius

[ LD Longitudinal Seam Weld Extending Downstream LD ! Longitudinal Seam Weld Downstream inside of Elbow i LMT Lambert, MacGill and Thomas j- LU Longitudinal Seam Weld Extending Upstream LU S Longitudinal Seam Weld Upstream on Outside of Elbow MECH. Mechanical Snubber i MS' Main Steam System i- MT- Magnetic Particle Examination

               ' NCI    Nonconformance Item NDE    Nondestructive Examination 1

NI No Indication i NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission ! NRC B NRC Bulletin (followed by unique no. denoting Bulletin number) NRI No Recordable Indication NSCWS Nuclear Service Cooling Water System OR Outside Radius PL Pipe Lug 4

               = PM     Paul Munroe ENERTECH PR     Pipe Restraint
               -PROF-   Profile PS _   Pipe Support PSA    Pacific-Scientific-PSI   'Preservice Inspection-i                 PT     Liquid Penetrant Examination RCS    Reactor Coolant System i

iv l l


 /m RCP   Reactor Coolant Pump RHRS  Residual Heat Removal fystem R1    Recordable Indication RLW   Refracted Longitudinal Wave RL    Restraint Lug RR    Relief Request (followed by unique no. denoting relief request number)

SAT Satisfactory Exams Results SCS Southern Company Services SIS Safety injection System SUP Supplemental Data UNSAT Unsatisfactory Exam Results UT Ultrasonic Examination VT Visual Examination hf Westinghouse l l n b V

Introduction O V This report documents the examinations and tests performed at the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 2 (VEGP 2) between May 20, 1989 (Commercial , Operation Date) and November 7,1990 (date of last Class 1 examination performed during the first maintenance / refueling outage) to meet the requirements of Article IWA 6000 of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, 1983 edition with addenda through Summer 1983. In addition, a summary of the following augmented examinations are included in this report:

               .        Technical Specification - Steam Generator Tube Inspections,
               .        Technical Specification       Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheel Examinations,
               .        Technical Specification - Main Steam and Feedwater Piping Weld Examinations,
               .        Technical Specification 4.7.8 - Snubber-Examinations,
               .        Georgia Power Company Action item No. 1739 - Feedwater Line Cracking,
               .        Georgia Power Company letter GN 1345 (February 9, 1987) - Augmented Examinations.on Class 3 NSCW Systems, e       .        Georgia Power Company, VEGP 2 Inservice Inspection Program document ISI-P 014, Paragraph 1.10.3    Volumetric Examination of Additional Class 2 Piping Welds,_
               .        United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Bulletin 88 Thimble Tube Thinning in Westinghouse Reactors,
               .        Georgia Power Company Action item Nos. 87-0131 and 87 0931 - Stagnant Borated Water Systems Cracking,
               .        Georgia Power Company Action Item No. 18270 - Examination Techniques and     l Personnel Qualifications for Cold Leg Accumulator Piping (10 inch Sch. 140, ASTM SA 376, Type 316), and                                                  i Erosion / Corrosion Examinations.

This report also addresses Code applicable repairs or replacements which have been documented since immediately 3rior to the issuance of the VEGP 2 operating license in February 1989 through tie completion of the first maintenance / refueling outage ~1n November 1990. The Owner's Reports on Repairs and-Replacements'(Form NIS-2) are provided in Volume 2 of this report, , O ! l-1


         /                                               As recuired by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules es
1. Owner: Georgia Power Company, 333 Piedmont Avenue, N.E.

P.O. Box 4545, Atlanta, Georgia 30302 l ! 2. Plant: Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, River Road, i P.0. Box 1600, Waynesboro, Georgia 30830

3. Plant Unit: Two l
4. Owner Certification of Authorization: N/A
5. Commercial Service Date: 05/20/89
6. National Board Number for Unit: N/A
7. Components Inspected:

Component or Manufacturer Manufacturer State or National Appurtenance or Installer or Installer Province Board and Address Serial No. Number Number Reactor Combustion Engrg. Inc. 7372 N/A 22004 Pressure Vessel Chattanooga, TH V Steam Westinghouse Elec. Corp. 77743, N/A 36, Generators Pensacola, FL 77745, -35, I through 4, 77742, 34, respectively 77744 33 Reactor Coolant Westinghouse Elec. Corp. 8 9744D35G01, N/A 40, Pumps 1 through Cheswick, PA 6-9744D35G01, 38, 4, respectively 7-9744D35G01, 39, 5 9744D35G01 37 Regenerative Joseph Oat Corp. 2380 2B N/A 2054 Heat Exchanger Camden, NJ Excess Letdown Atlas Industrial 3926 N/A 3267 Heat Exchanger Manufacturing Co. Clifton, NJ Selected Piping Pullman Power 1201, 1202, N/A N/A and Components Products 1204, 1205, Williamsport, PA 1208, 1301, 1302, 1305 2-1 L .


8. Examination Dates: 05/20/89 to 11/07/90
9. Inspection Interva.1: 05/20/89 to 05/19/99
10. Abstract of Examin'tions.

a Include a list of examinations and a statement concerning status of work required for current interval: (Refer to Abstract)

11. Abstract of Conditions Noted: (Refer to Abstract)
12. Abstract of Corrective Measures Recommended and Taken: (Refer to Abstract)

We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and the examinations and corrective measures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Certificate of Authorization No. (if applicable) N/A Expiration Date N/A Date /- / 7 19 9/ Signed Georaia Power Company By % N )l 0 m m , V CERTiflCATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION O 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National,Soard of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of (- o A/ dew &'O < %%) E%/&' KT 6e and emp of gW,ioy3d7kvW by Fus/ , have inspected the co)ponents m described in this Owner's Report during the period 05/20/89 to 11/07/90, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neitner the Inspector nor his employer makes any carranty, sxpressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or a lo of any kind arising from or connected with this prpperty;on ns eat /da age ( %fInspe'c r'sflflgnature Of/$ CommissionblY'W /YZ8 5R National Board, State, Province, Date; /fl//,/Y l L 22

1 l ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION / STATUS The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, 1983 edition with addenda through Summer 1983 (Code), is the applicable code for conducting inservice inspection activities during the first ten year inspection interval at VEGP 2. Examinations and tests required by the Code are scheduled in accordance with

           " Inspection Program B" as defined in paragraphs IWB 2412 and IWC 2412 in the Code. This "0wner's Report for Inservice Ins)ection" is for those first
inspection period examinations and tests whic1 were performed between May 20, 1989 (Commercial Operation Date) and November 7,1990 (Date of last Class 1 examination performed during the first maintenance / refueling outage, 2RI).

The remaining first period examinations are expected to be completed by the end of the second maintenance / refueling outage which should occur within the

first examination period time frame. in addition to the summary of inservice inspection activities, this report addresses Code ap)11 cable repairs and replacements documented since immediately prior to tie issuance of the operating license for VEGP-2 in February 1989 through the end of its first maintenance /

refueling outage in November 1990. The Owner's Reports on Repairs or Replacements ( rorm NIS 2) are located in Volume 2 of this report document. It should be noted that Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector (ANII) inspection services were provided for those examinations and tests recuired by the Code except for functional testing of snubbers which were testet in accordance with VEGP Technical Specification 4.7.8. CLASS 1 EXAMINATIONS Selected Class I components were examined by Southern Company Services (SCS) and Georgia Power Company personnel utilizing UT, mechanized UT, PT, MT, and VT, as applicable. Specific components and examinations areas are itemized in the applicable portions of this document. A summary of those components examined are listed selow:

           .        Steam Generator #1 Manway Bolting
           .        Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) #1 Main Flange Bolts, Sea 1 water Housing Cap Screws and Bolts
           .        Reactor Pressure Vessel Closure Head Studs, Nuts, and Washers
           .        Reactor Pressure Vessel and Closure Head Interior Surfaces
           .        Reactor Pressure Vessel Closure Head and lifting Lug Welds
           .        Piping Welds
           .       Valve Bolting
           .       Valve Body Internal Surfaces
           .        Flange Bolting During the scope of examinations conducted by SCS, several Class I welds and components were observed to have reportable surface, ultrasonic, or visual indications. For details on the reportable, non geometric indications observed,
 ;                                                                                                                    found in the INF refer section      to of  thethisrespective    IndicationDiscussion report-document.               Notification                onForms      (INFs)d the welds  an   components having reportable indications follows:

O 23

l. Safety injection System Valves 21204U6148 and 21204V6147. The visual examination (VT-1) of the subject valves revealed reportable indications.

Bolting on valve 2 WO4V6147 showed signs of weld spatter and arc strikes. ( Valve 21204U6148 was found to have boron residue on the bolting. Although ASME Section XI has no acceptance / rejection criteria for valve bolting visual examinations, two Maintenance Work Orders (MW0s) were written for corrective action. The affected bolting was replaced on valve 21204U6147 and was re examined after repairs with satisfactory results. The boron residue on the bolting of valve 21204U6148 occurred as a result of a leaking valve. Necessary repairs were made to valve 21204V6148 and the bolting was re-examined with satisfactory results. (RefertoINF190V2002.)

2. Reactor Coolant System - Line 036 12" Valve to Pipe (Weld No. 21201 036 7) and Safety injection System Line 042 6" Pipe to-Tee (Weld No. 21204-042 15). During ultrasonic examination of the subject welds, reportable subsurface planar flaws were observed. These flaws, which were not observed during preservice inspection activities, were evaluated )er ASME Section XI, Table IWB 3514 2 and were determined to be of an accepta)1e size. No corrective action was taken for welds 21201 036-7 and 21204-042 15. (Refer to INF 190V2003.)
3. Reactor Pressure Ve!,sel Closure Head Studs - (Component Numbers 21201-V6-001 B02, 603, B05, 806, B09, B12, B14, and B15). The magnetic particle examination of Reactor Pressure Vessel closure head stud numbers 802, B03, B05, B06, B09, B12, 014, and BIS revealed reportable axial linear indications ranging from 0.15 to 0.5 inches. The indications were evaluated per.ASME Section XI, paragraph IWB 3515.1 and were determined to be of an acceptable size. No corrective action was taken. (Refer to INF 190V2004.)
4. Safety Injection System - Line 124 - 10" Valve-to Pipe (Weld No. 21204-124 16). A reportable subsurface planar flaw was observed during the ultrasonic examination of the subject weld. It should be noted that the subsurface planar flaw was also observed during preservice inspection activities and has shown no signs of growth. The subsurface planar flaw has been evaluated per ASME Section XI, Table IWB 3514-2 and was determined to be of an acceptable size. No corrective action was taken. (Refer to INF 190V2005.)

The remainder of the examinations on Class 1 piping and components conducted by SCS and GPC did not reveal any reportable indications. A system leakage test (Test # LT 1) as required by ASME Section XI, Table IWB-2500 1 Examination Category B P, was performed on the Class 1 pressure retaining boundary. These visual examinations (VT 2) revealed minor leakage and boron residue ccming from mechanical connections. Appropriate corrective-action was initiated to correct this minor leakage. The Eddy Current (ET) examinations of steam generator tubing, as required by VEGP. Technical Specification, were performed by Westinghouse and are discussed in the " Class 3 and Augmented Examinations" portion of this document, e O 2-4

l l CLASS 2 EXAMINATIONS n Selected Class 2 components were examined utilizing MT, PT, and UT, as applicable. Specific components and examination areas are itemized in the V applicable portions of this report document. A summary of those components


examined are listed below: )

                 . Steam Generator No. 1 Welds
                 . CVCS Regenerative Heat Exchanger Welds                                                  ,
                 . CVCS Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger Weld
                 . Piping Welds
                 . Integral Attachment Welds The Class 2 examinations resulted in several welds having reportable indications.

One weld had indications which were detectable by magnetic particle examination while two welds had indications which were detectable by ultrasonic examination. ' The remainder of the examinations did not reveal any detectable non geometrical indications of a recordable size. For deth11s on the reportable n~. pometric indications observed, refer to the respective INF found in the lh section of this re) ort document. The three welds having reportable indications are discussed selow:

1. Feedwater System - Line 060 - Forging-to-16" Pipe (Weld No. 21305 060 1). A subsurface planar flaw was observed during the ultrasonic examination of the subject weld. The flaw, which was not observed during preservice inspection activities, was evaluated per ASME Section XI, Table IWB 3514-1 and was determined to be of an acceptable size. No corrective action was taken.

(Refer to INF 190V2001.)

2. Main Steam System - Line 001 - 28" Piping Integral Welded Attachment (Weld No. 21301 001-9). Eleven linear surface indications were observed during the magnetic particle examination of the subject weld. Five of the indications were single linear indications and are acceptable per ASME Section XI, IWB 3514-4. The remaining six indications are aligned indications and/or multiple parallel indications having a total combined length of 2.1 inches. These six indications are located in the ASME Section XI examination boundary as described in ASME Section XI, Figure IWC 2500-5 and exceed the allowable indication standard. The indications exceeding the allowable indication standard were removed by controlled grinding of the affected weld area. Filler metal was added due to the weld configuration.

Re examination after controlled grinding and filler metal addition revealed no indications of a recordable size. (Refer to INF 190V2006.) It should be noted that the indications were not considered to be service-induced and were a result of the welding process. Because they were not-service-induced, the indications should have been detectable during the preservice inspection (PSI) of weld no. 21301-00 9. Having observed the magnetic particle examination of the subject weld during an on-site inspection during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2, an NRC Region !! inspector requested to review the PSI examination report for weld no. 21301 001-9 and found that the report did l 25

l not contain any record of the weld as having any indications. Having determined that the PSI MT examiner had not recorded the indications, as (~ required by the MT examination procedure, the NRC inspector requested that (~N,i all the PSI MT reports be searched to determine how many additional welds the PSI MT examiner might have inspected during the PSI. The records search indicated that the PSI MT examiner in question had examined a total of eleven welds, of which six welds, including weld no. 21301 001-9, had already been examined during ISI activities conducted during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2 and that none of the five remaining welds revealed any reportable conditions. The NRC Region 11 inspector further suggested that the remaining five welds examined by the PSI MT examiner in question, although not scheduled to be re-examined during VEGP-2 Outage 2R1, be re-examined during the subject outage to assure there were no additional discrepancies associated with the examinations performed by the PSI M1 examiner in question. The remaining five welds were re-examined prior to the completion of the NRC inspection, under the observation of two NDE Level 111 examiners, and no additionai reportable conditions were found. Verification examinations were conducted by the NRC Region 11 inspector on the six welds examined previously during the outage in order to evaluate the technical adequacy of the examination procedure being used and to assess the falidity of the information being reported by the MT examiners during the the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2. The information reported by the MT examiners compared favorably with the verification examination conducted by the NRC inspector. (


NRC Region 11 Inspection Report Nos. 50 424/90-26 and O) ( 50-425/90 26 dated October 19, 1990. The subject NRC Inspection Report is available for review at any NRC Public Document Room or at the plant site upon request.)

3. Main Steam System - Line 001 - 6" Outlet-to-Flange (Weld No. 21301-001-7).

During the ultrasonic examination of the subject weld, two subsurface planar flaws were observed. One of the subsurface planar flaws was observed during preservice inspection activities while the second subsurface planar flaw was not. The appearance of the new indication and the apparent growth of the known indication are a res"It of a recording level of 18 decibels above the recording level used for the subject weld during preservice inspection activities. When compared to tk oreservice inspection recording level, no growth of the known indication fred and the new indication could not be seen. The subsurface flaws in a no. 21301-091-7 were evaluated per ASME Section XI, Table IWB 35141 and were determined to be of an acceptable size. No corrective action was taken. (Refer te INF 190V2007.) b 2-6

The following Class 2 pressure tests were performed: /~ . Penetration 32 Functional Test FT 3

                .              Penetration 33 Functional Test FT-6
                .              Penetration 21 Functional Test FT 7 Penetration 56 Functional Test FT-9)

Line 1208-135 Functional Test (FT-16) Line 1208 133 Functional Test (FT 17)

                .              Charging Line Inside Containment inservice Test (IT-1)

Letdow Line Inside Containment inservice Test (IT-2)

                 .              RCPs 1, 2, 3, and 4 Seal Leckoff Inside Containment inservice Test (IT-3)
                 .-             RCP 1 Seal Injection from Penetration 54 to Valve 006 Inservice Test (IT-4)
                 .              RCP 2 Seal injection from Penetration 53 to Valve 359 Inservice Test (IT 5)
                 .              RCP 3 Seal Injection from Penetration 52 to Valve 360 Inservice Test IIT 6)
                 .              RCP 4 Seal Injection from Penetration 51 to Valve 361 inservice Test (IT-7)
                 -               RCS Hot Log Sample Lines to Penetration 24 Inservice Test (IT 8)
                 .               Sample Line from Yalve 101 to Valve HV-3514 Inservice Test (IT-9)
                  .              RHR Train "A" Inservice Test (IT-18)
                  -              RHR Train "B" Inservice Test (IT-19)
                  .              Sample Line from Valve 097 to Valve HV-3508 Inservice Test (IT-24)

Containment Coolers 1501 A7-003 and 1501 A7 004 Inservice Test (IT 35) Containment Coolers 1501-A7-007 and 1501-A7-008 : Inservice Test (IT-37)

                  .               Cooling Coils 1511-E7 001 and 1515-A7-002 Inservice Test (IT-39)

The visual exaninations performed during these pressure tests revealed abe to-header leakage on Containment Cooler 2-1501 A7-007 000 (Inservice Test IT-37). This leakage was previously identified during construction and determined acceptable for use in operation. The tube-to header leakage detected during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP 2 was virtually identical to O' the leakage identified during construction in location and quantity. The ' containment cooler identified above was determined by GPC to be acceptable for use in operation. 9 3 Other visual examinations performed during these pressure tests found only minor - leakage ut mechanical joints such as valve stem packing and at flanged , connections, These leaks were evaluated and determined acceptable for continued system opwation, However, appropriate corrective action was initiated to correct this minor leakage. Gj, ASS 1.ANO 2 COMv0NENT SUPPORTS Snubber examinations and functional tests required by Technical Specification 4.7.8 are discussed in the " Class 3 and Augmented Examinations" portion of this document. A visual exam was performed on a support for the Class 2 component listed below:

                    .                CVCS Regenerative Heat Exchanger The results of the visual examination of the support for the CVCS Regenerative                               [

Heat Exchanger were acceptable. No visual examinations were performed on Class $ 1 component supports. > O 2-7

Visual examinations were performed on Class 1 and 2 piping supports in the following systems:

                                                     . Reactor Coolant
                                                     . Nuclear Service Cooling Water
                                                     . Safety Injection
                                                     . Chemical and Volume Control
                                                     . Main Steam
                                                     . A. :liary Feedwater
                                                     . Feedwater The visual exarainations did not reveal any unsatisfactory conditions with the Class 1 and 2 piping supports.
   ,9 su

'NN{h s n l 2-8


 / h            Class 3 Pressure Tests

System pressure tests were performed on the following ', lass 3 systems:

                     .                              Component Cooling Water System Train "A" (HT 40, HT-42, HT 44, HT 46)
                     .                              Nuclear Service Cooling Water System Trains "A" & "B" (HT-79, HT-80, HT 81, HT-82, HT 83, HT-84, HT 85, HT 86, HT 87, HT-88)
                     .                                Nuclear Service Cooling Water System Trains 'A" & "B"               (IT 26, IT-27, IT-28, IT-29,              IT 30, IT-31, IT 32. IT-33, IT-81, IT '    IT 83, IT 84, IT-85, IT-86, IT 87, IT-88, IT-89, IT-90, IT 91, IT-The visual exeminations performed during these pressure tes', found only minor leakage at mechanical joints such as valve stem packing and at flanged connections. These leans were evaluated and determined acceptable for continued system operatton. However, appropriate corrective action was initiated to correct this minor leakage.

Class 3 C woonent Suonorts and Intearal Attachments Visual examinations were performed on supports and integral attachments for the Class 3 component listed below:

                       .                                    Auxiliary Feedwater Piping im (d             The visual examinations did not reveal any unsatisfactory conditions with the supports or integral attachments.

O O 3-1

AUGMENTED INSPECTIONS [ Technical Specification - Steam Generator Tube Inspections G' During the first maintenance / refueling outage ai, VEGP-2, the Steam Generator Maintenance and Repair _ Group of the Westinghouse Nuclear Services Division performed eddy current testing of the four VEGP 2 Model F steam generators in parallel from September 10, 1990 through October 3, 1990. Randomly selected tubes from each of the four steam generators were inspected rather than only two steam generators as required by VEGP Technical Specification Table 4.4-1. The extent of examinations and their results are summarized in Table 1 (refer to pages 3 6 through 3-9) including the location and the accumulative number of previously plugged steam generator tubes. Tables 11 through V (refer to pages 310 through 3-13) identify the steam generator tubes-with indications by location and percent of wall thickness penetration for Steam Generator Nos. I through 4, respectively. Applicable procedures, personnel qualifications, material and equipment certifications, sign off sheets, and supporting data, etc. can be found in Westinghouse Steam Generator Primary Services Field-Service Report, MRS 4.4 GBE-4,

  • Nozzle' Dam Refurbishment, Nozzle Dam Installation / Removal, and Eddy Current," which is available at the plant site for review upon request, i Bobbin Coil InsDection and Results The eddy current bobbin inspection was conducted in accordance with Westinghouse procedure MRS 2.4.2 GPC-1, " Digital Multi-Frequency Eddy Current inspection of Preservice and Inservice Heat Exchanger Tubing," using Westinghouse Job Data Sheet GBE-001. Per the Job Data Sheet, the withdrawal rate was 24 inches per second'and the test frequencies were 630 kilohertz (KHz), 320 KHz, 160 KHz, and 10 KHz. ECHORAM manufactured 0.520 and 0.560 inch diameter probes were utilized during the eddy current bobbin inspection of the four steam generators at VEGP-2.
  -The following table summarizes the indications found during the bobbin inspection and is based on the largest indication per tube:

Steam Generator No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 40% and greater wall thickness 0 1 0 2 penetration 20%-39% wall thickness penetration 3 4 5 7 Less than 20% wall thickness 9 13 10 9 penetration Manufacturing buff marks 578 593 489 916 Distorted indications 1 0 0 0 Indications not reported 9 31 14 9 Indications not found 0 1 6 2 32

                 .. _ .       -.     - -        -       -      - -                       =

l Numerous manufacturing buff marks were observed in each of the steam generators and consist =of single or multiple buff marks. Westinghouse defines the

A manufacturing buff marks as a tube wall loss condition due to a tube

-Q manufacturing process step. Generally, the buff marks are a relativMy long and shallow loss area and remain coastant. Per Westinghouse, the manufacturing buff marks do not present any operating problem for the tube and are noted for reference only. One distorted indication was observed in Steam Generator No. I at Row 25, Column 26 and is considered as a possible wall Ms condition that is unquantifiable with a numeric percent call due to the signal characteristics which existed. Indications which were not reportable were observed in each of the steam generators and indicate that a very small tube wall loss condition exists in the data being analyzed that is below the reportable criteria threshold for the specific inspection. Such indications can be used to address indications called in previous inspections that are still detectable but fall below current criteria. Previously reported indications observed during baseline inspection activities were not observed in Steam Generator Nos. 2, 3, and 4. Such indications were reclassified as manufacturing buff marks or other anomalies. As noted in the above table, indications above 40 percent wall thickness penetration with pluggable characteristics were observed in Steam Generator Nos. 2 and 4 during the bobbin inspection, in order tu validate the results of the bobbin inspection the affected tubes, a rotating pancake coil (RPC) inspection was performed. The RPC inspection and the results thereof are

,O discussed below.

Details regarding indication distributions (except for manufacturing buff marks, indications not reported, and indications not found) can be found in the maps which follow this discussion. Maps which denote location of manufacturing buff marks, indications not reported, etc. can be found in Westinghouse report MRS 4.4 GBE-4 which is available at the plant site for review upon request. Rotatina Pancake Coil (RPC) Inspection and Results Wall' thickness penatration indications exceeding 40 percent were observed in Steam Generator Nos. 2 and 4 Specifically, the following tubes had indications which were believed to contain pluggable' characteristics: Steam Generator Tube Reported Wall Thickness. No. Location Penetration (%) 2 Row 34, Column 12 84 4 Row 45, Column 91 59 4 Row 22, Column 105 43 0 3-3

A rotating pancake coil (RPC) inspection was performed on the subject tubes since they were believed to contain indications having pluggable characteristics Q' based on the bobbin coil inspection. The purpose of the RPC inspection was to -- (f _ validate the results of the bobbin coil inspection. The RPC inspection was performed by Westinghouse using their procedure MRS 2.4.2 GPC-1 and Job Data Sheet GBE 003. Test frequencies used were 630 KHz, 320 KHz, 160 KHz, and 10 KHz and were in accordance with those identified on the Job Data Sheet. ECH0 RAM-and/or ZETEC manufactured = probes were used for the RPC inspection. The RPC inspection of the suspect tubes in Steam Generator Nos. 2 and 4 determined that the indications were not flaws as the bobbin. coil . inspection had indicated. As a result, the suspect tubes were not removed from service. Mechanical Pluaaina As noted above in the discussion concerning the RPC inspection of suspect tubes in Steam Generator Nos. 2 and 4, no tubes were required to be mechanically plaged during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2. Tubes which were required to be mechanically plugged prior to the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2 are specifically identified in Table I (refer to pages 3 6 through 3-9) and the accompanying maps (refer to pages-3-14 through 3-25). Bapa

1. Hot leg Bobbin Test-Extents - Steam Generator No. 1 (page 3-14)
2. Cold Leg Bobbin Test Extents - Steam Generator No. 1 (page 3-15)
3. Numerical and D .lorted Indications - Steam Generator-No.1 (page 3-16)
4. -Hot Leg Bobbin Test Extents - Steam Generator No. 2 (page 3-17)
5. Cold Leg Bobbin Test Extents - Steam Generator No. 2 (page 3-18)
6. Numerical Indications - Steam Generator No. -2 (page 3-19)
7. Hot-LegBobbinTestExtents-SteamGeneratorNo.3(page3-20)
8. Cold. Leg Bobbin Test Extents - Steam Generator No. 3 (page 3-21) 9._ Numerical Indications Steam Generator No. 3.-(page 3-22)
10. -Hot Leg Bobbin Test Extents - Steam Generator No.-4 (page 3-23)
11. Cold Leg Bobbin Test Extents - Steam Generator No. 4 (page3-24)
12. Numerical Indications - Steam Generator No. 4 (page 3-25)  ;

1 0 3-4 ,

     ~ _ _       _

_ _ .l



H0.II The preceding discussion on the steam generator tubing inspections, in addition to fulfilling the reporting requirements of ASME Section XI for inservice inspection activities, constitutes the Special Report required by VEGP Technical Specification to be submitted to the NRC within twelve months following completion of the steam generator tube inspections. Accordingly, a sept. rate submittal is not being made to the NRC on the inspection of the steam generator tubes performed during the tirst maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2. A copy of selected volumes of this report containing the above steam generator examination discussion is being provided to the NRC Regional Administrator; thus, compliance with the requirements of VEGP Technical Specification 6.8.2 for submittal of Special Reports to the Regional Administrator of the appropriate NRC Region office is met. m

                  *******************************************************v n

v 3-5

TABLE I 1 Steam Generator No. 1

      -Total No. of Tubes:     5,626' No; of-Tubes Inspected:

Hot Leg - 1005' full length bobbin coil tests, Tube _End Cold-(TEC) through

           - (Inlet)           Tube End Hot (TEH)
                       -   138 U-bend / straight length bobbin coil tests, No. 7 Support Plate Cold (70) through TEH
                       - 2590 U-bend bobbin coil tests, 7C through No. 7 Support Plate Hot (7H)

Cold Leg - 2 full length bobbin coil tests, TEH through TEC (Outlet)

                       -   139 straight-length bobbin coil tests, 7C through TEC
                        --  - 2 U-bend coil tests, 70 through 7H No.-of Tubes Degraded:                              3
      'No. of Tubes Defective:                                        0 No.-of Tubes Plugged Prior to Outage 2R1:

2* No.-of Tubes Plugged during-Outage 2R1: 0 Total No. of Tubes Plugged: 2

  • Plugged tubes located at- Row 1, Column -1, and Row 27, Column 42.

%g O 3-6

TABLE I (continued)

       ; $_ team Generator No. 2 iotal No. of-Tubes:            5,626 No. of Tubes inspected:

Hot leg - -1015 ful length bobbin coil tests, TEC through TEH (Inlet) - 115 U-bend / straight length bobbin coil tests, 70 through TEH

                               -   2606.U bend bobbin coil tests, 7C through 7H                                       j

- - 1 partial U-bend bobbin coil test, Anti vibration Bar #6 (AV6)through6H 1 straight length bobbin coil test, 7H through TEH

                               -      1 Rotating Pancake Coil (RPC) inspection from 7H + 6" through 7H Cold Leg       -      7-full length bobbin coil tests, TEH through TEC
               ~ (Outlet)      -      1 U-bend / straight length bobbin coil test, 6H through-TEC -


                               -      3 U-bend bobbin coil tests, 7H through 70
                               -    130 straight length bobbin coil tests, 7C through TEC No. of Tubes Degraded:                 5.

No. of Tubes Defective: 0 No. of Tubes Plugged Prior to Outage 2R1: 4* No. of Tubes Plugged during Outage-2Rl: -0 , . Total No.'of Tubes Plugged: 4

  • Plugged tubes located at Row 51, Column 32; Row 2, Column 48; Row 5, Column 48; and Row 16. Column 103.

4 5 3-7

TABLE I (continued) G C) Steam Generator No. 3 Total No. of Tubes: 5,626 l No. of Tubes inspected: Hot leg - 1010 full length bobbin coil tests, TEC through TEH (Inlet) - 129 U-bend / straight length bobbin coil tests, 7C through TEH

                        - 2595 U-bend bobbin coil tests, 70 through 7H Cold leg      -

O full length bobbin coil tests, TEH through TEC (Outlet)

                        -    4 U-bend / straight length bobbin coil tests, 6H through TEC
                        -  132 straight length bobbin coil tests, 70 through TEC No. of Tubes Degraded:        5 No. of Tubes Defective: 0 No. of Tubes Plugged Prior to Outage 2Rl:          1*

No. of Tubes Plugged during Outage 2RI: 0 d(3 Total No. of Tubes Plugged: 1

  • Plugged tube located at Row 25, Column 102.

i o l 3-8

TABLE I (continued) ( ) Steam Generator No. 4 Total No. of Tubes: 5,626 No. of Tubes Inspected: Hot Leg - 7 straight length bobbin coil tests, 7H through TEH (Inlet)

                  - 1009 full length bobbin coil tests, TEC through TEH 126 U bend / straight length bobbin coil tests, 7C through TEH
                  - 2573 V-bend bobbin coil tests, 70 through 7H
                  -    2 RPC inspections from 7H + 6" through 7H Cold Leg  -   29 full length bobbin coil tests, TEH through TEC (Outlet)  -    7 U-bend / straight length bobbin coil tests, 6H through TEC
                  -   12 U-bend bobbin coil tests, 7H through 70 124 straight length bobbin coil tests, 7C through TEC O

V No. of Tubes Degraded: 9 No. of Tubes Defective: 0 No. of Tubes Plugged Prior to Outage 2Rl: 8* No. of Tubes Plugged during Outage 2Rl: 0 Total No. of Tubes Plugged: 8

  • Plugged tubes located at Row 3, Column 35; Row 12, Column 36; Row 8, Column 56; Row 16, Column 57; Row 48, Column 64; Row 23, Column 67; Row 22, Column 90; and Row 24, Column 93.

/O U 3-9

                                              -TABLE 11 Steam Generator No. 1 i

Reference- Distance from- Wall Thickness Plugged Rgg - Column ~ Point (1)' Reference (in.)(2)' Penetration (%) (Y/N) 30 10 AV6- 0.00 10- N 31 12 AV5 0.00 12 N 37 -15 BPH 10.60 18 N

      '36-             17       AV6           0.00                13               N 34              25       AVI           0.00                15               N 48             26       AV4           0.00                17               N 54-            41       7C            -14.2               31               N 50             28       AV3           0.00                13               N 53             33       AV4           0.00                13               N 47              65       70            -1.05               28               N 54             86       IH            1.32                17               N
      - 271            105      TSC           10.45               25               N-The above information is based on the largest indication observed for the respective tube during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2.

Note 1: Reference Point location Descriolign ! TSH, TSC - Top of Tubesheet. Hot and Cold

                 - BPH, BPC - Baffle Plate Hot and Cold-
                  #H,-#C - -(# = Number) of Support P1 ate: Hot and Cold, e.g., 2H,' 2C AV1, AV2, AV3, AV4, AV5, AV6 --Anti-vibration Bars l-      Note 2: Uniess indicated otherwise, distance is above Reference Point. A
l. negative number, e.g., -2.00, indicates that the distance is below l the Reference Point.

O 3-10

                                                                                                                            -l TABLE 111 Steam Generator No. 2
                      .                    Reference               Distance from          Wall Thickness    Plugged Bg.W             Column     Point (1)               Reference (in.)(2) Penetration (%)        (Y/N)
             '34                  12             7H                    3.67                       84           N(*)

39 17 7H 2.49 16 N 42 19 AV3 0.00 13 N 43 32 70 0.44 12 N-54 38 AV4 0.00 14 N 39 46 6H 36.76 34 N 30 47 6H 23.22 14 N 59 55 AVI 0.00 15 N 43 64' AVI 0.00 20 N 47 65 AV4 0.00' 16 N

                  '7              66             6H                     17.84                     16           N 59                 66             AVI                   0.00                       15           N 50                67             AV2                   0.00                       16           N
             ' 57-                71             6H                    22.05                      18           N 53                86             AV5                   0.00                       25           N 41                91             6H                     10.11                     13           N 25                 97            6H                     -4.02                     10           N 48                 98            AV4                   0.00                   -33              N w

The:above information is based on the_ largest indication observed for the respective tube during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2. (*) A-rotating pancake coil (RPC) inspection was performed for verification of - indication. Indication not validated by RPC inspection and, as a result, tube was not removed from service. (1)SeeNote1,page3-10. (2) See Note 2, page 3-10. 3-11


                                                                 ~ TABLE IV :

Steam Generator No. 3 O 1Rgy Column Reference. Point (1) Distance from Wall Thickness Reference (in.)(21 Penetration (%) Plugged - (Y/N) 34 13 AVS- 0.00 13 N 32 16 AV2 0.00 14 N-34 17 60- 35.02 29 N 44- 21 AV4 0.00 17 N 4 32 22. 70 -21.1 20 N

45. 22 AV3 0.00 15 N-47 24 AV2 0.00 13 N 47 25 AV2 0.00 14 N 49 39 6H 34,26 32 N 31 -61 20 23.19 10 N 38 62- AV6 4.73 20 N

(). 49 16 5 6H 10.67 -12 N 47 66 6H 11.51 23 N 41 72 6H 14.77 10 N

41. 80 6H 38.70 14 N The above information is based on the largest indication observed for the respective tube-during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2.

(1).See1 Note-1, page 3-10. (2) See Note 2, page 3-10. i O 3-12

      .      . . . - - -                    .       - - .            - - . ~ = - . - . .                  . . , . _ - -  -.       --        - -      - ,

i 1

                                                                                         -TABLE V
  -- ~'j                                                                     Steam Generator No. 4
  -(V=-                                                     Reference-            Distance from-              Wall Thickness         Plugged -

Egg.. Column Point (1) Reference fin.)(2) . Penetration (%) (Y/N) 7 5 5H 30.33 7 N 13 15 5H 20.46 24 N 44 21 AV3 0.00 17 N i 1 23 TSC 5.65 23 N 52 33 AV5 0.00 20 N 35 38 6H 37.92 29 N 53 43 AV3 0.03 18 N 52' 50 TSH- 11.96 23 N 39 64 AV3 0.00 16 N

                         - 5 3 --                66              5C                      1.36                      16                    N 59                    67              AV3                     0.71                      17                    N p
   \- l                    51                    73              AV2                     0.00                      21                    N 31                    83.             4H                      32.55                     23                    N 43                    83              AV4                     0.00                      16                    N 49                    83              AV6                     1.47                      15                    N 45                 .91                7H-                     4.57                      59                    N(*)

30' .94 6H 37.00 10 N 22- _105 7H 1.98 43. N(*) The above information is based on the largest indication observed for -the respective tube during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VESP-2. (*) A rotating. pancake coil (RPC) inspection was performed for verification of indication. Indication not validated by RPC inspection and, as a result,. tube: was not removed-from service. (1) See Note 1, page 3-10. O) (, (2)SeeNote2,page3-10, 3-13

J J L-

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                                                                                                            .a uu u3s.

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o1 9 u a wu 3.u a.

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s. w3nh3eu3s.
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                                                                 . .                 a         .

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                                                              .                                                     .              ud   a 3u si    .

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                                                                                         .                             s                        .

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s. 6 . .

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                                                                                                                          . u   s   s. m.. . ..       t          -[<              .                                 , .
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fu s _ s u .s e m s. s.

                             .       .         a 3u     e 3. a s u u ua s u.

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                                             .         us bu s

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         , ?vIa                  .

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s1 s ua3s. u ss s s. a

a. t sa s. . t

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                                         .              s                               .            e .           s
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s. ssausuens s

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Technical Specification 4.7.8 - Snubber Inspections As required by Technical-Specification 4.7.8, each snubber was visually examined ( during the VEGP-2 first maintenance / refueling outage (2RI). These examinations revealed no visible indications of damage or impaired operability of the snubbers. Technical Specification 4.7.8 also requires functional testing of snubbers. Snubbers were categorized into four types as follows: Type I - Pacific Scientific mechanical snubbers (All sizes) Type !! - Anchor-Darling mechanical snubbers (models AD-40 thru AD-500) Type 111 - Anchor-Darling mechanical snubbers (models AD-1600 thru AD-12500) Type-IV - Paul-Munroe ENERTECH 1000 kip steam generator hydraulic snubbers

            -Each of the snubbet types were functionally tested utilizing a test plan (as detailed in Technical Specification 4.7.8e.1) which requires that an initial representative random sample of ten percent (10%) of the population to be functionally tested. The results of the functional testing of the snubber types follows:

Tvoe l' - Eleven snubbers were included in the initial representative random C. sample to be functionally tested for the Type I snubbers. The

   \                                          eleven snubbers were functionally tested and each met the functional test acceptance criteria with the exception of one snubber. In accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 4.7.8e, the functional test scope was increased.

Subsequent functional testing resulted in additional failures and increases in test scope. Ultimately, ten additional snubbers failed to meet the functional test acceptance criteria. As a result, each of the Type I snubbers were ultimately required to be functionally tested except for one snubber. An engineering evaluation was performed for the snubber in question and showed that the snubber could be abandoned in place and need not be functionally tested. That particular snubber, which is located near the inside top of the containment dome, for all practical purposes, is inaccessible, it should be noted that actions which initiated the engineering evaluation were taken . prior to the snubber having to be included in an expanded functional test scope. To summarize, a total of one hundred nine Type I snubbers were functionally tested, one Type I snubber was analyzed resulting in

                                               ,its being abandoned in place, and eleven Type-I snubbers failed the functional test acceptance criteria. Appropriate engineering evaluations as required by Technical Specification 4.7.8g and subsequent corrective actions were performed for the Type I snubbers which failed functional testing, p          Tvoe II                      - Twenty-nine snubbers were included in the initial representative

( random sample to be functionally tested for the Type 11 snubbers. The twenty-nine snubbers were functionally tested and each met the I 3-26

I Iyne_11 (continued) - G functional test acceptance criteria with the exception of two

 -U_                snubbers, in cecordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 4.7.8e, the functional test scope was increased.

Subsequent functional testing resulted in additional failures and increases in test scope. Ultimately, fourteen additional snubbers failed to meet the functional test at.ceptance criteria. As e result, each of the Type 11 snubbers were ultimately required to be funruonally tested. To summarize, a total of two hundred eie.a,.ethree Type 11 snubbers were functionally tested with sixteen failures being experienced. Appropriate engineering evaluations as required by Technical Specificati(

  • 4.7.8g and subsequent corrective actions were performed for the Type !! snubbers which failed functional testing.

Tvoe 111 Twelve snubbers were included in the initial representative random sample to bu tested for the Type til snubbers. The twelve snubbers were functionally tested and each snubber passed. Although no additional Type !!! snubber functional testing was required, one-additional snubber was tested since the piping to which it is attached had several Type 11 snubber functional test failures. The purpose of the additional Type III snubber functional test was to assure there was r.o common failur; mode for sntbbers on the piping. in question. The additional Type !!! snubber satisfactorily passed ' its functional test. Tvoe ly - One snubber was included in the initial representative random sample to be functionally tested for Type IV snubbers. The snubber was functionally tested and passed. Therefore, no additional functional testing of Type IV snubbers was performed in order to fulfill Technical Specification requirements. The specific Ty>e I through IV snubbers which were functionally tested in $ retponse to Tecinical Specification 4.7.8 are itemized on pages 12 1, 13 1, 14 1, and 15 1 of this report document. In accordance with VEGP Technical Specification 4.7.89, engineering evaluations were performed by SCS, Bechtel, or Westinghouse for those snubbers which failed functional testing. The engineering evaluations were performed in order to determine the cause(s) of the failures and to determine if the piping systems to which the failed snubbers were attached were adversely affected. Affected piping systems having failed snubbers were returned to their design configuration. The following is a listing of correspondence associated with the engineering evaluations which are available at the plant site for review upon request: GPC Transmittal Applicable Affected Letter /Date Evaluation- Applicable Request for Snubber to Plant site letter /Date Enaineerina Review (RER) V2 1201 024 H601 MSV 00360, SG-9801, 90 0449 10/29/90- 10/12/90 MSV-00382, SG 9865*, O 12/11/90 11/15/90 3 27

l l GPC Transmittal Applicable Affeeted Letter /Date Evaluation Applicable Request for Snubber 10 Plant site Letter /Date Enaineerina Review (PJR) V2 1201 029 H605 MSV 00350, SG 9767, 90 0436 10/12/90 10/07/90 V2-1201 042 H005 MSV-00360, SG 9802, 90 0450 10/29/90 10/12/90 MSV 00382, SG 9865', 12/11/90 11/15/90 V2 1201 051 H001 MSV 00350, SG 9766, 90 0433 10/12/90 10/06/90 V2 1201 119 H0ll MSV 00360, SG 9806, 90 0451 10/29/90 10/12/90 MSV 00382, SG 9865*, 12/11/90 11/15/90 V2 1204 021 H006 MSV 00350, SG 9765, 90 0430 10/12/90 10/06/90 V2 1204 045 H004 MSV 00350, SG 9744, 90 0419 10/12/90 10/03/90 V2-1204 057 H019 MSV 00350, SG 9768, 90 0435 10/12/90 10/07/90 V2 1206 002 H002 MSV-00360, BV GP 00105, 90-0434 10/29/90 10/10/90 MSV-00382, SG 9865*, 12/11/90 11/1.5/90 V2 1206 002 H015 MSV 00360, BV GP-00105. 90 0422 10/29/90 10/10/90 MSV-00382, SG 9865*, 12/11/90 11/15/90 V2-1208 002 H004 MSV 00350, SG 9728 90 0395 10/12/90 09/28/90 V2 1208 123 H007 MSV 00360, BV-GP 00102, 90 0438 10/29/90 10/09/90 V2-1208 225 H004 MSV 00360, BV-GP 00096, 90 0403 10/29/90 10/08/90 V2 1208 449-H013 MSV 00350, SG 9764, 90-0427** 10/12/90 10/06/90 V2 1301 008 H013A, MSV 003CO, SG-9792, 90 0431 V2 1301 008-H013B 10/29/90 10/12/90 0 3-28 )

CPC Transmitts) Applicable Affected Letter /Date Evaluation Applicable Request for inubber to Plant site letter /Date Enaineerina Review (RERI 1 V2 1301 108 H003 MSV 00337, SG 9686, 90 0390 i 09/26/90 09/20/90 V2 1301 128 H0788- MSV 00351, SG 9789, 90 0428 10/22/90 10/10/90 V2 1301-166 H017 MSV 00351, SG 9810 90 0446 10/22/90 10/17/90 V2 1302 003 H003 MSV 00360, BV GP 00ll2, 90 0447 10/29/90 10/12/90 V2 1302 107-H012 MSV 0035), BV GP 00100, 90 0404 10/22/90 10/12/90 V2 1302 107 H014, MSV 00351, BV GP 00100, 90 0413 i V2 1302-107 H016 10/22/90 10/12/90 1 V2-1302 110 H002B MSV 00351. BV GP 00ll6, 90 0455 10/22/90 10/17/90 V2 1305 063 H004A MSV 0035), BV GP-00108, 90 0443 10/22/90 10/11/90 V2 1305-110 H054 MSV 00360, BV GP 00104, 90 0405 ( 10/29/90 10/10/90 V2 1901 221 H0298 MSV 00360, SG 9820, 90 0463 10/29/90 10/18/90

  • follow up response.
           **RER 90 0427 subsequently changed to RER 90 0437 due to duplication of RER numbers.

Technical specifiqs.lign - Reactor Coolant Pumo F1 wheel Insoections The flywheel keyway and bore areas for each of the VEGP-2 Reactor Coolant Pumps. were ultrasonically exaniined. No recordabis indications were observed. In addition, the upper and lower halves of the flywheel for Reactor Coolant Pump 21201-P6 002 were examined utilizing surface and volumetric methods (MT and UT, respectively)- since _the pump flywheel wa: accessible due to maintenance activities. No recordable indications were observed. The specific areas. examined are itemized with the Class 1. equipment. NRC Bulletin 88 Thimble Tube Thinnino in Westinchouse Reactors in response to NRC concerns with thinning in Bottom Mounted Instrumentation t (BMI)_ flux thimbles in Westin house reactors, eddy current examination of each of the fifty eight flux thimb es was performed during the first maintenance / 3-29

 . . _ _ .             . .       _.. _ . _ _ _ _ - . _ . - _ . _ _ _ _                   - _ . ~ . _ . _ - . _

refueling outage at VEGP.2. The purpose of the examinations was to detect and size indications of possible wear on the outer diameter of the flux thimbles.

~'s The examination of the flux thimbles was performed by Westinghouse in accordance (d   with their procedure MP 2.3.1 GBE 1, Revision 0,
  • Thimble Tube Eddy Current inspection at Vogtle Unit 2.*

In accordance with the requirements of NRC Bulletin 88 09, GPC submitted a written response to the NRC detailing the results of the flux thimble examinations. A copy of that response, GPC letter MSV 00344 dated October 23, 1990, is provided on pages 3 31 through 3 33 of this report document and should be referred to for details on the flux thimble examinations, a U O G 3 30

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October 23, 1990 .m,,,,, , , . . , . E.,8e?.*:7:,U

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                                                                                                    #1163 Docket Nos. 50-426 U. $. Nuclear Regulatory Comission ATTN        Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20$$$

Gentlemen: V0GTLt [LECTRIC GENLP,ATING PLANT fi$PONSE TO NRC BULLETIN 88-09 Nuclear Regul6 tory Comission (NRC) tu11etin.88-Og which concerns thimble tube thinning in Westinghouse reactors requires submittal of a written response that (4) confirms that an inspection program consistent with that requested in Action Item I of the Bulletin has been established and (b) f confirms that inspections of the thimble tubes have been perftrmed and that (' appropriate corrective actions were taken. The Bulletin requests that a written response be submitted within 30 days of completion of *.ne thimble tube inspections. Thimble tube inspections as required by NPC Bulletin 68-Og were completed for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant. Unit 2 (VEGP-2) on September 27, 1990, during the unit's first maintenance / refueling outage, Eddy current testing was performed on each of the thimble tubes by Westinghouse. The results of the inspection indicate that twelve (12) out of fifty-eight (58) tubes have some degree of wall loss due to external wear The indicated wall loss ranged free a minimum of eighteen percent (18%) for one thimble to a maximum of thirty-four percent has indicated that the allowable vall(34%) for one thimble. Westinghouse 60%) of wall thickness. The Westinghouseloss criteria isofsixty evaluation percent (data the VEGP-2 concluded that each of the affected thimble tubes were found to be acceptable for continued operation without any corrective action required at this time. Predictions were made by Westinghouse regarding the anticipated wall loss which could exist by the end of the next eighteen month operating cycle if no corrective action was taken. Based on the Westinghouse predictions, none of the affected twelve thimble tubes are expected to wear beyond the sixty percent (60%) maximum wall loss acceptance crit.eria before the end of the next eighteen month operating cycle. Accordingly, no corrective action, e.g., repositioning of tubes, is required at this time, it should be noted that Westinghouse no longer adds ten percent (10%)totheeddy current-indicated wall loss as a result of a Westinghouse Owner's Group 3-31 l l

l l s U. 5. Nuclear Regulatory Comission R$V-00344 Pagt t program on thimble wear. Worn thimbli were precisely measured in a Het Cell and the results were then compared to addy current inspection performed on the same tubes. Westinghouse has indicated that in all cases, the eddy current inspection rest.lts were either the same as the measurements, or in most cases, grettar than the actual staturements. Since thimble tube thinning was observed by this inspection, the thimble tubes will be reinspteted during the next VEGP-2 maintenance / refueling outage. Once this second inspection is performed, it will be possible to refine the wall loss predictions for future cycles and therefore determine whether inspection during each future VIGP-2 maintenance / refueling outage will be warranted. Submittal of the VEGP-2 thimble tubt inspection results for the unit's first maintenance / refueling cutage completes the reporting requirements associated with NRC Bulletin BB-Og relative to the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant. Inspection results for the eddy current inspection of the thimble tubes at Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 1 during its first meintenance/ refueling butage were submitted previously by Georgia ft Power Company letter ELV-00063 dated December 7, 1988. Mr. W. G. Hairston, !!! states that he is a $enior Vice President of Georgia Power Company and is authorized to execute this cath on behalf of Georgia Power Company and that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the facts set forth in this letter are true. Geo*gia Power Company By (vI, L Y 12""" W. E. Hairston, III

                                 $ worn to and subscribed before me this p                                      day of October, 1990.

Lat"rr*"= a wr+Lff

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WGH,lll/JAE/gb-O 3-32

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l t'~ I i U. $.~ Nuclear Regulatory Coenission M$V 00344 Page 3 BC: Caercia Power Comenny Mr. C. K. McCoy Mr. W. B. Shipman Mr. P. D. Rushton Mr. J. A Bailey Mr. L. A. Ward Mr. R. M. Odom NORMS. U. ?. Nuclear Reculaterv temission Mr. 5. D. Ebneter, Regional Aaministrator Mr. D. 5. Hood Licensing Project Manager, NRR Mr. B. R. Bonser. Senior Resident Inspector, Vogtle t

                                                                                                                                                                                                ,a 3-33

GPC Action Item No. 1739 - Feedwater Line Crackina Since some Westinghouse plants have a history of steam generator nozzle

  !O   cracking, GPC has elected to examine selected piping welds in the Auxiliary Feedwater and Feedwater Systems. Selected welds were examined with ultrasonic d

and magnetic particle techniques. No non geometrical indications of a recordable size were detected during the ultrasonic examinations. Similarly, no indications of a recordable size were detected during the magnetic particle examinations. l The specific welds examined in response to GPC Action item No. 1739 are itemized with the Class 2 piping welds. GPC Letter GN-1345 (February 9. 1987) - Auumented Examinations on Class 3 Nuclear Service Coolina Water Syste_m in the subject letter, GPC committed to perform an augmented ultrasonic examination on one Nuclear Service Cooling Water System piping weld on VEGP 2 during the first inspection period (first 40 months). The ultrasonic examination was aerformed during the first maintenance / refueling outage (2RI) at VEGP 2. Recorda)1e indications (lack of fusion) were noted. These indications have not grown in size since the preservice inspection, therefore no corrective action was initiated or required, in addition, visual examinations were  ! performed during the outage on accessible Class 3 portions of the NSCW piping as committed to by the subject GPC letter. The visual examinations were performed i during normal system operation and no leaks were found except for mechanical connections such as bolted flanges. Appropriate corrective action was initiated to correct these leaks. VEGP-2 Inservice Inspection Procram (ISI-P-014) Paracraoh 1.10.3 - Volumetric Examination of Additional Class 2 Pit @ c Welds Selected Class 2: piping welds in the Nuclear Servict Cooling Water and Safety injection systems were examined using ultrasonic examination techniques. No non geometrical indications of a recordable size'were found. The specific welds examined are itemized with the Class 2 piping welds. GPC Action Item Nos. 87 0131 and.87-0931 - Staanant Borated Water Systems Crackina As a result of generic concerns of pipe cracking in stagnant borated water systems in pressurized water reactors, twenty eight welds in Class 1 and Class 2 piping systems were examined in response to GPC Action items Nos. 87 0131 and 87 0931. Nondestructive examination methods utilized included ultrasonic and/or liquid penetrant examination techniques. In Class 1 systems (Reactor Coolant System and Safety thjection System), twenty welds were examined. Three welds, 21201-036-7, 21204-042-15, and 21204-124-16, were observed during the ultrasonic examinations to have subsurface planar flaws which were reported to GPC by SCS on INFs 190V2003 and 190V2005. The subsurface planar flaws ware evaluated in accordance with ASME Section XI, Table IWB 3514-2 and were determined to be of an acceptable size. No corrective action was taken. There were not any non-geometric indications observed during the O 3-34

examination of the remaining Class 1 welds subject to ultrasonic examination. There were no recordable indications observed during the liquid penetrant ( examination of the subject Class I welds, t in Class 2 systems (Safety injection System and Residual Heat Removal System), eight welds were examined. There were not any non geometric indications 1 observed during the examination of the Class 2 welds subject to ultrasonic examination. Similarly, there were no recordable indications observed during the examination of the Class 2 welds subject to liquid penetrant examinations. F . The specific welds examined as a result of GPC Action Item Nos. 87 0131 and 87-0931 are itemized with the Class 1 and Class 2 piping welds. l GPC Action Item No.18270 - I:xaminat' on Technioues _and Personntl_ Qualifications i f.cr_ Cold Lee Accumulator Pin' no fl0 snch. $chedule 140. ASTM $A 376. Tvoe 316)  ! As a result of GPC Action item No.18270,' selected ultrasonic examinations were performed using nondestructive examination procedures and examination personnel , qualified in the detection and sizing of intergranular stress corrosion cracking

(IGSCC). '

Specifically. six welds-in the Safety injection System, weld numbers 21204 120 5 and 21204 124 10,-11, 15, 16, and 18 were examined using ultrasonic and liquid penetrant examination methods. Weld 21204 124 16 was observed during the ultrasonic examination to have a subsurface planar flaw which was reported to GPC~by SCS on INF 190V2005. The subsurface planer flaw was evaluated per ASME Section XI, Table IWB 3514 2 and was determined to be acceptable size. No corrective. action was taken. There were not any non geometric indications O observed during the_ ultrasonic examination of the remaining welds.- No recordable indications were observed during the liquid penetrant examinations. The specific welds examined as a result of GPC Action item No. 18270

           -are' itemized with the Class 1 and 2 piping welds.                                   7 Balance of Plant Erosion / Corrosion Inspections Ultrasonic thickness examinations were performed in the Extraction Steam, feedwater Heater Drain, Condensate and Feedwater, and Steam Generator Blowdown systems. These examinations were performed using automated P scan and manual ultrasonic examination techniques per GPC procedure 83302-C, Revision 0,
             " Component Erosion / Corrosion Inspection.*_ Two points in the Main. Steam System, Cold Reheat lines to Moisture Separator Reheaters *l* and '3", were visually examined from inside the piping in lieu of ultrasonic examination due to the piping being permanently insulated. No areas of abnormal wall loss were identified as a result of the ultrasonic and visual examinations.


O 3 35 L

L O O O i-i 4 Auysented Component or 'Exas Cal i ASNE Sect. 11~ Examination- Weld No./ Exam . Freceb Cal. Sheet Exam Item No./ Cat. 'Reevirement Description 'Nethod No./Rev. Blocks No.fs) Sheet Nets). Results 5emarks See Note See Note' 'See Note. See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note A B C D E F G H I J I ! NOTES: I ! A. The ASNE Section II Item No. and Category of the examination area are listed in this column. B. The implementing document, e.g., Tech Specs,' NRC Bulletin, etc., requiring performance of augmented examinations is ! referenced her . l-I C. Each examination area is listed in this. column. The compinent or weld number typically is similar to the draming j num6er, e.g., weld number 2I201-005-8 is found on drawls.g number 151-21201-005. D. The NDE method used during the examination is listed in this column. l ! E. This column lists the applicable NDE procedures and revisions used for the examination. j F. This column lists the calibration block that was used. G. This column references the calibration sheet (s) which records calibration, examiner, and any pertinent remarks. H. This column refereices the examination data sheet (s) which records exam data, examiners, and any pertinent remarks. I

1. The results of the examinations are indicated in this column. The absence of indications is indicated in the column as *NI* or
  • SAT *. The presence of nonrelevant indications or indications which are less than the recording level is indicated in the column as *NR1*. The presence of indications deemed recordable are indicated in the column as 'RI* or "UNSAT* and are explained in the remarks column of the summary table.

1 } J. The remarks column is used to describe any pertinent features of the examination such as limitations, INFs, etc. Refer to INF section in this report for their disposition. FIGURE 1. EXPtAMATION OF SU MRRY TABLE FORNRT

,                                                                                4-I

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     -             PARA        6" EL90id TO PIPE                                                                                                                    ..


                                                                                            $90v2C092 590v2u105   #1     UT Rt ceK TO GECREETRY UT    UT-v-404/02       337A
     -             ISt-P-014   21202-001-4
     -             PARA        6" PIPE TO ELBold 1.10.3 S90v2C093 $90v2U106   at     UT RI DUE TO GECMETRY' UT   'UT-V-404/02       337A
     -             ISt-P-014   21202-001-5
     -             PARA        6" EL80ld TO PIPE 1.10.3 S90v2C094 590v2U107   N#1 UT    UT-v-404/02       337A
     -             ISI-P-014   21202-001-16
     -             PARA        6" PIPE TO REDUCER 1.10.3 414A            $90v?C135 $90v20167   N#1
     -             !$1-P-014   21202-001-18         UT    UT-v-404/02
     -             PARA        8" PIPE TO TEE 1.10.3
                                                                                            $90v2C136 $90v2U168   RI     UT Rt DUE TO GEGEETRY UT    UT-v-404/02       414A
     -             ISI-P-014   21202-001-54
     -             PARA        8" EL80id TO P PE 1.10.3 N/A        S90v2P121  NRI    UT Rt DUE TO GEOMETRY PT    PT-V-605/02       N/A
     -             ISI-P-014   21202-001-55                                                                       RI UT-V-404/02       414A            $90v2Ct37 $90v2u169
     -             PARA        6" PIPE TO FLUED     UT 1.10.3      NEAD N/A       $90v2P096   NRI 21204-039-51         PT    PT-v-605/02       N/A C3.20 C-C                       SUPPORT NO31 N/A        $90v2P097  NRI    UT RI's DUE TO GEOMETRY 21204-039-56         PT    PT-v-605/02       N/A C5.21         AlsB7-131                                                                           $90v2u36   RI UT    UT-v-404/02       304A            $90/2C203 CF                        6" PIPE TO FLANGE                                                                  RI 590v2C201  590v2U257 8-1
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 'C5.21           Ale 87-131    21205-001-1       PT    PT-V-605/02             N/A           N/A        $90v2P017   met C-F                           12" VALVE TO PIPE UT    UT-V-404/02             307A          $90v2CO34  s90v2UO35   wat s90V2CO33  590v2UO34   mRI C5.21           TECM SPEC     21301-001-1       MT    MT-V-505/01             W/A           N/A        570v2p088   NRI     UT RI N 'O EONETRY C-F   '  '28' PENETRATION    UT    UT-V-404/02             313A          $90v2f.173 s90v2U228   Rt.

TO PIPE C5.21 TEC# SPEC 21301-001-2 MT MT-V-505/01 W/A N/A s90V2iE080 mRI UT RI DUE TO EWW C-F 28* PIPE TO P!PE UT UT-V-404/02 313A $90V2C174 590v2U229 RI B-2

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                                                             -CLASS 2 PIPluG EXAM 14AT104s AUCMEuTED        CG F0mEnf OR               EXAM                             CAL       ENAM ASME SECT XI  EXAM!aATION         WELD =0/      ERAM    PROCEDURE         cat 19tATIOu    SWEET      SWEET                                    t ITEM uO/ CAT,                                   METH     =0./REV.           BLOCKS        uO.(S)     NO.(S)  RESULTs           REMAegs REQUIREMENT      DESCRIPTIOu C5.21         TECM SPEC-    21301-001-15        MT      MT-V-505/01       m/A            N/A       s90v24057  set C-F     - VALVE TO 28" PIPE   UT      UT-v-404/02       3134           590v2C181 590v2U236  mal s90v2C182 s90v2U237  set
 'C5.21         TECM SPEC     21301-001-16        MT      MT-v-505/01       m/A            w/A       390v2Mc58  utt C-F       28" PIPE TO P!PE    UT      UT-v-404/02       313A           $90v2C183 590v2U238  mRI FotGluG                                                      590v20184 590v2U239  utt C5.21         TECM SPEC     21301-002-1         MT      MT-v-505/01       m/A            N/A       issvc uvi  met C-F       PEuETRAfton TO      UT      UT-V-404/02       313A           590v2C185 s90v2U240  mal 28" PIPE C5.21         TECM SPEC     21301-002-2         MT      WT-v-505/01       m/A            N/A       s90v2M100  mRt C-F       28" PIPE TO PIPE    UT      UT-v-406/02       313A           590v2C186 590v2U261  mRI C5.21         TECM SPEC     21301-004-2         MT      MT-v-505/01       m/A            m/A       590V24096  utt C-F       28" PIPE TO PIPE    UT      UT-v-404/02       313A           s90v2C187 590v2U242  utt C5.21         TECft SPEC    21301-004-3         MT      MT-v-505/01       m/A            N/A       swvo vi7   utt C-F       28" P!PE TO 29-1/2" UT      tn-y-406/02       313A           590V2C188 $90v2U263  mRI                            ,

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                                                               ' C-F                       8" REDUCER TO P!PE C5.21                     21301-104-13'            MT    MT-v-505/01          N/A           N/A         590v2M042  Net C-F                       26" PIPE TO             UT     UT-V-404/02          312A          s90v2C115   590v2U139  Net PENETRATION C5.21                     21301-107-1              MY    MT-v-505/01          N/A           N/A         s90v2M048  NRI     UT Rt's DUE TO CE0pETRY C-F                       32" N0ZZLE TO            UT    UT-v-404/02          317A          s90v2C132   590v20164  at REDUCER                                                           590v2C131   590v2U163  RI C5.22                     21301-107-1 LD           MT     MT-v-505/01         N/A           N/A         590v2M069  Net CF                        32" LONGITUDINAL         UT. UT-V-404/02          317A          S90v2C133   590v2U165  N#1 WELD 336 DEG. (95* CW)

C5.22 21301-107-1 LD A MT MT-v-505/01 4/4 N/A $90v2M050 Net C-F 32" LONGITUDINAL UT UT-v-404/02 317A 590v2C134 590v2U166 Net WELD 170 DEG. (47.5" CW) C5.21 21301-107-2 MT MT-v-505/01 N/A N/A $90v2M044 Nel C-F 26* REDUCER TO EL90W UT UT-v-404/02 312A 990v2C117 390v2U141 utt

C5.22 21301-107-2 LU MT MT-v-505/01 N/A N/A s90v2M045 Net C-f 26" LONGITUDINAL UT UT-v-404/02 312A 590v2C118 590v2U142 Net WELD 336 DEG. (76.5" CW)

C5.22 21301-107-2 LU A MT Mr-V-505/01 N/A N/A 590v2M046 Nat C-F 26" LONGITUDINAL UT UT-v-404/02 3124 590v2C119 390v2U143 Net WELD 4 170 DEG. (39" CW) 8-5

                                                                                                                                                                                                             .__- . .J
                                                                                                                                             , , .\

d b,, , U VECP-2 FItsf REFUELING OUTAE class 2 PIPING EXAMINAfl0Ns AUCMENTED COMP 0 MENT OR EXAM CAL ERAM ASME SECT XI EXAMINATION WELD N0/ EXAM PROCEDURE CAtt9 Raft 04 SHEET SHEET ITEM N0/ CAT, REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION METH NO./REV. St0CKs NO.(s) NO.ts) REsULTs REMARKS C3.20 21301-107-6 MT MT-v-505/01 N/A N/A s90v2M055 NRI - C-C SUPPOti N001 C5.21 21301-107-13 MT MT-v-505/01 N/A N/A s90v2u047 NRI C-F 26" PIPE TO UT UT-V-404/02 312A 590v2C116 s90v2U140 NRI PENETRAftau C5.21 21302-107-6 MT MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A s90V2M059 NRI C-F 6" PIPE TO EtBOW UT UT-v-404/02 309A $90v2C150 590v2U203 NRI C5.21 21302-107-7 MT MT-v-505/01 N/A M/A s90v2M060 NRI UT Rt DUE TO GEOMETRT C-F 6" ELBOW TO PIPE UT UT-V-404/02 309A s90v2C151 590v2U204 as 21302-107-8 MT MT-v-505/01 N/A N/A s90v2M061 NRI C5.21 C-F 6* P!PE TO VALVE UT UT-v-404/02 3094 s90v2C152 590v2U205 NRI 590v2C153 590v2U206 NRI C5.21 21302-107-11 MT MT-v-505/01 N/A N/A s90v2M062 WRI UT Rt DUE TO GEOMETRT C-F 6" TEE TO P!PE UT UT-v-404/02 309A s90v2C154 s90v2U207 at C5.21 21302-107-12 MT MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A s90v2M063 NRI UT RI DUE TO GEOMETRT C-F 6" PIPE To UT UT-V-404/02 3094 S90v2C155- s90v2U208 RI PENE1 Raft 0N C5.21 21302-107-13 MT MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A $90v2M052 NRt UT Rt DUE TO GEUMETRT C-F PENETRAft0N TO UT UT-V-404/02 309A 590v2C124 390v2U156 at 6" PIPE C5.21 21302-107-14 MT MT-v-505/01 N/A N/A 590v2M053 NRt UT RI DUE To GEONETRT C-F 6" PIPE TO WALVE UT UT-V-404/02 309A s90v2C125 s90v2U157 NRI s90v2C126 s90v2U158 aI 8-6

j,3 - g fm


VEGP-2 FIRsf REFUELING OUTAE class 2 PIPING EFAMINATIONS AUGIENTED COMPONENT OR EXAM CAL EXAM AsME SECT Xt EXAMINATION WELD NO/ EXAM PROCEDURE CALIBRATIGE SNEET sNEET ITEM N0/CA7. REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION J ME NO./ REY. Stocks NO.(s) NO.(S) RESULTs REMARKS C5.21 21302-107-15 MT MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A $90v2M054 NRI UT Rt DUE TO E G4ETRT C-F 6" VALVE TO PIPE UT UT-V-404/02 309A $90v2C127 590v2U159 NRI s90V2C125 s90V2U160 RI _ C5.21 At#1739 21302-107-46 MT MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A $90v2M039 NRI C-F 6" P PE TO ELBOW UT UT-V-404/02 3U9A $90v2C129 - 590v2U161 Net C5.21 At#1739 21302-107-47 MT MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A $90v2M040 NRI UT RI DUE TO E OMETRT C-F 6" ELBOW TO UT UT-V-404/02 309A s90v2C130 s90v2U162 Rt TRANstTION PIECE C5.21 Ars1739 21302-107-48 MT MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A $90v2M041 NRt UT Rt's DUE TO EG4ETRT C-F TRANstTIOW PIECE UT UT-V-404/02 3194 s90v2C109 s90v2U133 RI TO NO22LE s?OV2C110 s90v2U134 RI C5.21 Ate 1739 21302-108-41 MT MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A s90V2M067 NRI UT Rt DUE TO EOMETRT C-F 6" PIPE TO ELBOW UT UT-V-404/02 309A s90v2C102 590v2U126 RI C5.21 AIS1739 21302-108-42 MT MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A s90v2M068 NRI UT Rt DUE TO EGEETRY C-F 6" EL8OW TO t2T UT-V-LO4/02 3094 s90v2C103 s90V2U127 Rt TRAN.;1 TION PIECE C5.21 Als1739 21302-108-43 MT MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A $90v2M069 NRI UT Rt DUE TO EUMETRT C-F TRANSITION PIECE UT UT V 404/02 319A s9072C111 590V2U135 NRI TO N0Z2LE $90v2C112 590v2U136 RI C5.21 Als1739 21302-109-42 MT MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A s90v2M064 NRI C-F . 6" PIPE TO ELBOW UT UT-V-404/02 309A s90V2C104 $90v2U128 NRI C5.21 At#1739 21307-109-43 MT NT-V-505/01 N/A N/A s90v2M065 NRI C-F 6" EL8OW TO UT UT-V-404/02 309A $90v2C105 S90v2U129 NRI TRANstTION PIECE 8-7

O O O vtCP-2 FIRST REFUELINC OUTAGE CLASS 2 P! PING EXAMINATIONS AUGEENTED COMPONENT OR EXAM CAL- EXAp ASME SECT XI EXAMINAft0N WELD PC/ ERAM PROCEDURE CALIBRATION $NEET SMEET ITEM N0/ CAT. REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION J ME NO./ REY. 8t0CKS No.(S) NO.(S) RESULTS REMARKS C5.21 At#1739' 21302-109-44 MT MT-v-505/01 N/A N/A 590v2M066 WRI UT RI DUE TO E 0pETR1-C-F TRANSITION PIECE UT UT-v-404/02 319A S90v2C113 590v2U137 NRI TO N0ZZ1E $90v2C114 $90v20138 RI C5.21 .Al#1739 21302-110-41 MY MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A $90v2M071 NRI C-F 6" PIPE TO ELBOW UT UT-v-404/02 3094 $90v2C156 S90v2U209 WRt C5.21 Alf1739 21302-110-42 MT MT-v-505/01 N/A N/A $90v2M072 NRt C-F 6" EL8OW TO ' UT UT-v-404/02 3094 590v2C157 S90v2U210 NRI TRANSITION PIECE C5.21 A!81739 21302-110-43 MT 'MT-v-505/01 N/A N/A $90v2M073 NRI UT Rt DUE TO CEOMETRY C-F TRANSITION PIECE UT UT-v-404/02 319A $90v2C159 $90v2U212 NRI


TO N0ZZLE 590Y2C160 $90v2U213 Rt C5.21 A181739 21305-058-21 MT MT-v-505/01 N/A N/A $90v2M091 NRI UT RI DUE TO CEenETRY C-F 16" PIPE TO ELBOW UT UT-v-404/02 31'A 590v2C179 590v2U234 Rt C5.21 Als1739 ' 21305-058-22 MT MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A $90v2M092 NRI UT Rt DUE TO CEOMETRY C-F 16" Et90W TO PIPE UT UT-V-404/02 311A $90v2C180 $90v2U235 at C5.21 AlstT39 21305-058-23 MT MT-v-505/01 N/A N/A $90v2M093 NRI UT Rt DUE TO CEONETRY C-F 16" PIPE TO NO22LE UT UT-v-404/02 318A S90v2C167 $90v2U222 NRI S90v2C168 S90v2UZ23- RI C5.21 TECN SPEC 21305-060-1 MT MT-v-505/01 N/A N/A $90v2M006 WRt SUBSURFACE PLANAR FLAW C-F FORGING TO 16" PIPE UT UT-v-404/02 3114 $90v20004 $90v2U004 RI SEE INF f 190v2001

                                                                                       $90v20005 S90v20005   at IMO EVAL  S90v2UO36   SAT C5.31           TECM SPEC  21305-060-2           MY    MT-v-t45/01        N/A           N/A       $90v2M012   N1 C-F      16" PIPE TO 6"        UT    UT-v-404/02        311A          $90v2CO31 $90v2UO32   NRt                                            ,

BRANCH CONNECTION $90v20032 $90v2UO33 NRI 8-8

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C-F 16* PIPE TO VALVE UT UT-V-404/02 3114 $90v20011 $90v2UO12 Rt

                                                                                                                     $90v20015 590v2U016   Rt C5.21                                    TECM SPEC      21305-060-5        MT   MT-V-505/01       N/A            N/A       $90v2M009   WRt                         UT RI's DUE' TO EONETRY C-F                                   16" VALVE TO PIPE  UT   UT-V-404/02       3114           $90v20012 590v2UO13   R1
                                                                                                                     $90v20016 390V2U01T'  RI C5.21                                    TECr TC        21305-060-6        MT   MT-V-5CS/01       N/A            R/A       $90v2M010   NRI                         UT RI's DUE TO E SEETRY "

C-F 4.4 .3 16" PIPE TO VALVE UT UT-V-404/02 311A Soov20013 $90v2UO14 Rt 590v20017 $90v2UO18 RI C5.21 TECM SPEC 21305-060-7 MT MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A $90v24011 NRI UT RI's DUE '70 ECMORY C-F 16" VALVE TO P:PE UT UT-V-404/02 311A S90v20014 590v2UO15 Rt

                                                                                                                     $90v20018 S9Cv2UO19    RI                                                   +

C5.21 TECP SPEC 21305-060-8 MT MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A 390v2M013 Nt C-F 16" PIPE TO UT UT-V-404/02 311A 390v20030 $90v2UO31 NRt PENETRAft0N C5.21 21305-060-9 MT- MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A 590v2n070 NRt C-F 16" PENETRAft0E TO UT UT-V-404/02 311A 590v2C178 590v2U233 NRI PIPE C3.20 21305-060-14 MT MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A S90v2u014 NRt l C-C SUPPORT N002  ; C5.21 At#1739 21305-060-21 MT MT-V-505/01 N/A N/A 390v2M015 NRI C-F 16" PIPE TO EL900 UT UT-V-404/02 311A $90v2C095 $90v2U108 WRt 8-9 L

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1 ASME Sect.- . . Support . Part Part . Exam . Data ~ .;

         'XI Cat.        . ISI Class       Number       Description Examined       Method       Sheet No. Results- Remarks                   :

i- See Note- See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note. See Note See Note 'I ~

           .A                 B                C'             D            E           F           G        H         I-                 ij

A. The ASNE Section XI category designation for the equipment support is listed in this column. In addition. i ASME Section XI' Class 3 examinations required by Table IWD-2500-1 for integral attachments are also , indicated by examination category. B. The ASME Section 'XI class no., e.g.,1,. 2, or 3, for the system on which the equipment support being [ examined is listed in this column. , i, .

C. The equipment support number is listed in this column.

l t D. This column lists the purpose of the equipment support being examined. E. This column lists the specific' type of the equipment support being examined.  ; t F. This column lists the applicable NDE method used during the examination.

G. This column references the examination data sheet (s) which serve to document the examination and lists the examiner, any pertinent remarks, etc. l i I H. The results of the examinations are indicated in this column. [

i . I. The remarks column is used to describe ony pertinent features of the examination such as limitations,  ! 4 reportable results INFs, etc. Refer to INF section in this report for their disposition. j e FIGURE 2... EXPLANATION OF EQUIPMENT SUPPORT SUPRARY TABLE FORMAT 4 j 1  ; 4 I a p - .- . -- - - - - - ~ . .

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(~). j"' f~% V V) 'd 1 ASME Sect. ISI NPS' Support Snubber' Support Exam Exam XI Cat, Class (In.) No. Mfor./ Size Descriotion Method Sheet No. Results Remarks See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note .See Note A B C D -E F. G -H I J NOTES: s A. The ASME Section XI category designation for the piping support is listed in this column. In addition, ASME Section XI Class 3 examinations required by Table IWD-2500-1 for integral attachments are also indicated by examination category. B. The ASME Section XI class no., e.g.,1, 2, 3. for the system on which the piping support being examined is listed in this column.

                                                                                                                                                         .i I

C. This column indicates the nominal pipe size in inches for the piping on which the piping support is being examined. _ D. The piping support number is listed in this column. E. This column lists the name of'the manufacturer of any snubbers examined and the size of snubber examined, e.g., PSA 1/4. Manufacturer designations are abbreviated and can be found in List of Abbreviations. F. This column lists the type of piping support which was examined, e.g., rigid strut, variable spring hanger, etc. G. This column lists the applicable NDE method used during the examinatien. H. This column references the data sheet (s) which serve to document the examination and list the examiner, any pertinent remarks, etc.

1. The results of the examir.ations are indicated in this column.

J. The remarks column is used to describe any pertinent features of the examination such as limitations, reportable results INFs, etc. Refer to INF section in this report for their disposition. FIGURE 3. EXPLANATION OF PIPING SUPPORT



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 -x! CAT. CLASS   (IN.)         NUMBER 21202-216-N015                     2-0 RESTRAINT                       vi-3   590v2V065 SAT F-8        2    08.00 VT-3   $90v2v066 SAT 08.00      21202-216-N016                     2-0 RESTEAINT F-8        2 VT-3   590v2vo67 SAT 08.00      21202-216-N018                     2-0 #EsimalNT F-8        2 2 0 RESTRAINT                       VT-3   $90v2v068 SAT F-8        2    08.00      21202-216-N021 1-0 RESTPAINT                      VT-3   590v2v069 SAT F-8        2    08.00      21202-216-N025 VT-3   590v2vo70 SAT 08.00      21202-216-N027                     SWAY STRtti F-C        2 VT-3   $90v2V071 SAT 21202-216-N028                      1-0 #ESTRAINT F-8        2    08.00 vi-3   590v2vo72 SAT 2    08.00      21202-216-N0?.0                    SwtY StatiT F-C VT-3   590V2v073 SAT 21202-216-N036                     SWAT STRt/T F-C        2    06.00 vi-3   590v2v076 SAT 2-D RESTRAINT F-8        2    05.00      21202-216-NO38 V1-3   $90V2v075 SAT 06.00      21202-216-N039                     2-0 RESTRAINT F-8        2 VT-3   $90V2V076 SAT 21202-216-N061                      1-0 RESTRAINT F-8        2    06.00 VT-3   590v2V077 SAT 21202-216-N607                      1-0 RESTRAINT F-8        2    06.00 2-0 RESTRAINT-                     VT-3   590v2v093 SAT F-8        2    08.00      21202-231-N003 Sutv Stetti                        VT-3   $90v2vo96 SAT F-C        2    08.00      21202-231-N004 VT-3   590v2v095 SAT 08.00      21202-231-N012                      2-0 RESTRAINT F-8        2 VT-3   500V2v096 SAT 21202-231-N015                      1-0 RESTRAINT F-8        2    08.00 2-0 RESTRAINT                      VT-3   590V2v097 SAT F-8        2    08.00      21202-231-N017 10-5

V v lv

                                                          'VEGP-2 FIRST REFUELING OUTAGE PIPING SUPPORT ERAMINAftDNS ASME SECT. IS'       NPS       SUPPORT       SNU88ER               SUPPORT           EXAM   . EXAM M1 CAT. CLASS     (IN.)      NUM8ER      MFGR/ SIZE           DESCRIPit0N         METM(B SNEEY NO. RESULTS REMAINt3 4      F-8        2       08.00   21202-231-N023                     UNDERSUPPORT         VT-3   $90v2vo98 SAT F-C        2       08.00   21202-231-P037                     SWAY STRUT           VT-3   $90v2v099 SAT F-8        2       08.00   21202-231-M038                     1-D RESTRA!NT        VT-3   590v2v100 SAT                     -

F-C 2 04.00 21204-029-N005 VAR SPRING VT-3,4 $90v2V101 SAT i F-8 2 04.00 21204-029-N006 2-D RESTRAINT VT-3 $90v2v102 SAT F-8 2 04.00 - 21204-029-M005 2-0 RESTRAINT VT-3 $90v2V103 SAT F-C 2' 04.00 21204-029-M011 AD-41 MECH SNU88ER VT-3,4 590v2v104 SAT 4 i F-8 2 02.00 21204-029-N618 2-D RESTRAINT VT-3 $90v2v105 SAT t 1 F-8 2 06.00 21204-039-N021 2-D RESTRAINT VT-3 590v2v106 SAT F-8 2 06.00 21204-039-N022 2-0 RESTRAINT VT-3 $90V2v107 SAT  ; F-C 2 ' 06.00 21204-039-H031 ANCHOR VT-3 $90v2v108 SAT F-8 2 06.00 21204-039-NO35 1-0 RESTRAINT VT-3 590v2v109 SAT , F-8 2 06.00 21204-039-N036 UNDERSUP*0RT VT-3 590v2v127 SAT F-8 2 06.00 21204-039-N037 2-0 RESTRAINT VT-3 $90v2v126 SAT F-8 2 06.00 21204-039-M038 2-D RESTRAINT VT-3 590v2v125 SAT F-8 2 04.00 21204-199-H001 2-D RESTRAINT vi-3 590v2v130 SAT 4 F-8 2 04.00 21204-199-H002 1-D RESTRAINT VT-3 590v2v131 SAT F-C 2 04.00 21204-199-M003 PSA-1 MECH SNU88ER VT-3,4 $90v2v132 SAT 10-6 1 il 1 - ,

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3 VECP-2 FIRST REFUEt!NG flUTAGE PIP!NG SUPPORT EXAMINATIONS . ASME SECT. Ist NPS SUPPORT SNUB 8ER SUPPORT .ERAM EXAft ! Nt CAT. CLASS E NUMBER stFCE/ SITE DESCRIPTION METHOD SNEET NO. RESULTS REtuMRS i F-8 2 04.00 .' 21204-199-N005 2-D RESTRAINT VT-3 $90V2vl33 SAT , F-8 0=.00 21204-199-N008 1-0 RESTRAINT vi-3 590v2v134 ' SAT F-C 2 04.00 21204-199-N009 Suni STRUT - VT-3 $90v2V135 SAT F-5 2 04.00 21204-199-n015 2-0 WrSTRatNT VT-3 $90v2v136 SAT F-8 2 04.00 21204-199-n017 2-D RESTRAINT . VT-3 590v2V137- SAi F-C 2' "08.00 21204-201-N008 SWAT STRUT VT-3 590v2v146 SAT 1 F-8 2 29.50 21301-001-n001 UNDEasupPORT. VT-3 $90v2v057 SAT r VT-3 $90v2V058 SAT  ! F-C 2 29.50 21301-001-u002 SWAT STRui F-C 2 08.00 21301 013-N001 , VAR SPRING VT-3,4 $90v2v059 SAT , F-8 2 08.00 21301-013-n003 1-D RESTRAINT. VT-3 590v2v056 SAT


l , F-C 2 26.00 21301-107-u001' CON SPRING VT-3,4 S90v2v113 . SAT F-C 2 26.00 21301-107-w002 AD-5503 MECH SNUB 8ER VT-3,4 590v2v114 SAT , i F-C 2 26.00 21301-107-n003 .AD-12501 MECM SNUO8ER vi-3,4 590v2V115 SAT F-C 2 26.00 ' 21301-107-N004 A0-5501 MECM SNUSSER YT-3,4 S90v2v116 SAT 4 t i F-C 2 26.00 21301-107-N005 AD-5501 MECM SNUBBER VT-3,4 S90v2v117 - SAT t F-C 2 26.00 21301-107-N006 AD-5501 MECM $NUBOER %T-3,4 $90v2V118 SAT F-C 2 26.00 21301.107-n007 YAR SPRING VT-3,4 590v2v119 SAT-F-8 2 06.00 21302-107-u001 2-0 RESTRAINT VT-3 S90v2V154 SAT 10-7 i - 4

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                                                                                                                           .. VEGP-2 FIRST PEFtKLING DJTAE -


  • MEET NO. RESULTS REMARKS F-C 2 06.00 21302-107-H002 - VAR SPRING VT-3,4 190v2v155 SAT
    . F-8                                                     2                          06.00       21302-107-n004                    2-0 RE$TRAINT           vi-3    $90v2v033  SAT F-8                                                     2                          06.00    - 21302-107-H005                      1-0 RESTRAINT          vi-3    590v2v032  SAT-F-C                                                     2                          06.00    :

21302-107-n006 SWAY STRUT VT-3 590v2v031- SAT F-C 2 06.00 21302-107-H007 SWAT STRUT VT-3 590v2v030 SAT F-C 2 '06.00 21302-107-H008 SWAY STRUT VT-3 590v2v029 SAT F-C 2 06.00 21302-107-W021 SuAT StrJT VT-3 $90v?v028 SAT - F-8 2 16.00 21305 060-n001 M ?%iaAisT VT-3 390v2V156 SAT F-C 2 16.00 21305-060-P002 mee SPRtwG *'-3,5 W iv039 SAT F-C 2 16.00 21305-060-H003 AD-12501 MEC4 $4UBBER VT-3,4 5N.40 $3,7 F-C 2 16.00 21305-060-n004 AD-5501 MECH SNUBBER VT-3,4 590v2v041 SAT F-C 2 16.00 21305-060-N005 AD-12501 MECM SNUB 8ER V7-3,4 590v2v042 SAT F-C 2 16.00 21305-060-n006 ' PSA-100 MECH SNUBBER VT-3,4 $90v2v043 SAT F-C 2 16.00 , 21305-060-n007 . WAR SPRING VT-3,4 590v2v044 SAT F-C 2 06.00 21305-154-N001 SuRY STRUT VT-3 590v2v160 SAT D-A 3 04.00 21302-013-M016- 2-D RESTRAINT VT-3 590v2v176 SAT IWD ATTAcieENT F-8 3 04.00 21302-013-M016 2-0 RESTRAINT vi-3 S90v2V147 SAT D-A 3 04.00 21302-013-N017 ANCHOR vi-3 $90v2v001 SAT- IW ATTACMMENT 10-8 l

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                   )  0    0    0   0       0    0   0         0   0      0      0 S .      0    0    0   0       0    0    0        0   0      0      0 P N                            4    4   4         4   4      4      4 N I      4    4    4   4

( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S I S S A 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 I L C T C . E T S A A C C- A C A 8 A 8 A 8 8 E - - - - - - - - M I F O F 0 F 0 F 5 F 0 F S X A 4  !


Tag ISI Snubber Scope Number Class Mfor/ Size Examined $rsults


b- /L - ~See Note A: -See Note:B See Note C See Pote D ',ee Note - E NOTES: A. The unique tag number for the snubber being examined is this column. B. The ASME Section XI class no., e.g., 1, 2, 3, for the system on whrch the snubber being examined i.e 'i;ted in this column. t C. This_ column lists- the name of the manufacturer of any snubbers functionally tested and the size of the snubber, e.g., PSA 1/4. Manufacturer designations are abbreviated and can be found ir, the-List of Abbreviations. D. This column _ lists the scope of examination in which the snubber is functionally: tested, i.e., original scope or expanded scope. Snubbers included in the expanded scope of-examination are generally au a result of other snubber functional test failures. E. -The results of the functional test of-the snubber tested is listed in this column. FIGURE 4. EXPLANATION.0F SNUBBER FUNCTICNAL TEST 1RESULTS


TABLE FORMAT-G 4 9 e O 11-1


                                                 '4i                                                                             ISI                  StVEBEri                SCDPE g 9g '                                                                           M                       t[%M(F,                 EXAWINED     RESVLTS tit 0bO12 trOil                                                                                      1                  PSA 1/2                 EXPANDED     PAS $tD J

2f201 %$- M 5 i PSA 1 EXPANDED FAILED 2120bO29 H621 1 PhA 3 EXPANDED PASSED 21201 020 H623 1 PSA 3 EXPANDED PAS $tD 4


21201 030 H605 1 PSA 3 EXPANDED PASSED 2120) D30 H607 1 PSAd EXFAwDED PASSte PSA 3 PASSED 3 21201 03D H608 1 EXPANDED 2120103D M A 1 ' 1 PSA 3 EXPANDED PASSA


21201 030 k613 i PSA 3 EXPANDED PASSED 21201 NJH 415 1 PSA 3 1xe'ANbiD 41$$ti 21201 048 l'101 1 PSA 3 EXP.%0 'D PAS $tD 21201.'v48 H002 i PSA 3 ORIGINAL PAS $tt, 21201 049 H016 1 PSA 35 EXPANDED PAS $tD L 21201 J49 9017 1 PSA 35 dxPANDED PASSED 21201 049 N020 1 PSA 35 EXPANDED PAS $tD a 2120)+049 H023 1 PSA 35 EXPANDED PASSED 21201 049 HC25 1 PSA 100 EXPANDED PAS $tD 21201 053 H001 1 PSA 35 ORIGINAL PASSED 21201 00'l* H005 1 PSA 35 EXPANDED PASSID 21201 r44 H412A

  • PSA 3 EXPANDED PASSED 212Cl 064 H612ts - pt,A 3 EXPANDED PASSED 21201 061 Hd22 -
                                                                                                                                                       "PSA 10                  EX'AN0ED     PASSED 21201@9 fl005                                                                                      -

PSA 1/2 EXPANDED PASSED 21201-11P kC11 1 PSA 1 EXPANDED FAILED 212'Ji *g39 P001 2 PSA 1/2 EXPANDED PASSED r 12 1

l l

i Vt08 2 Fitti eta!WithANtt/htfVillbG (U1 AGE tout 6th FUNC110hAL tllit TYPt i SWut6ttl

                           ,A0       ,,,                        ..u....                                          ..,

thmetR [Q11 pCP/ tift DAu!WID M 21202 002 H006 3 P6A 3 IKPAet0 PAtttD 21202 151*HC25 3 P&A+3 LEPA@tD tAlst0 21202 it8 H004 2 PLA 3 ERPA@tD PAlltb 21202 196*H611 2 P&A 1/2 DRICthAL PAlltD 21202 &87 H003 3 P&A 3 INPANDID PA$$tD 21202*&&B H003 3 P&A 3 EXPANDtD PAllt0 21203 021* @06 3 P&A 3 tXPActD PatttD 21204 020 4 005 2 P&A 3 (*PA@t0 PAllt0 < k 21204 021*H003 i P64 10 (KPANDtD PAtstD 1 21204 021*H005 i P6A 10 trPA@tD PAlltD 21204*021*H006 i PSA 10 tKPA@tD FAlltD 21204

  • 021.H013 1 PSA.10 EXPANDID FAlllD 21204 024 H029 1 PsA 3 t KP A@t0 PAlstD
                 -21204 025 H002        i                       PSA 3                                            EXPANDED       PAtSt0 21204 042*H006       1                       PSA 10                                           EMPA@t0        PAltt0 21204 045 H004 -     1                        PSA 10                                          OR10lWAL       FAILt0 21204 057*H019       2                        PSA<i/2                                         (RPANDED        FAlltD 21204126 H020         i                       PSA 35                                           ENPA@tD       PAlltD 21204127 N007         1                       PLA*35                                           EFPA@tD        PAsst0 21204 199+H003        2                        PSA 1                                           EMPANDED       PAlltD 212D5 004 H010       2                        PsA.10                                          EM.'ANDED      Pall!D     '

21205 007.H007 2 PSA 3 ORIGINAL PAlltD 21205 006 Huo6 2 PsA 1 EMPA@t0 PAsstD 21205 008 H010 2. PsA.) (KPANDED PA$$tD 21205 009 H009- 2 P$A 1 ORICthAL PAsstD 12 2 3

YtCPat flR$1 hAlWithANCE/ttfUtilWC UUTAtt SNVt6tk FUNC110hAL 18818 till i SNUtbitt 1O 1A0 lli SNU56tR 800Pt gJgLa QA,},3 http/ tift trAutNtD gid11 21206 001 N009A 2 PLA*3 ExPA@tt PAlltD 21206 001 H0096 2 PSA+3 IXPA@tD PAtttD 21206 005.H006 2 PSA.3 ExPA@tD PAlltD 21206*007 H043 2 PSAa1 ExPA@t0 PAlltD 21206 006 H003 2 PSA 1 $tt Nott i $tt @11 1 21208 001 H026 1 PSA*3 ExPA@t0 PA$$tD tt208 002 H001 2 PSA.1/2 ORlblhAL PAllt0 21208 047.H604 i Pib1/2 ExPA@tD pat $t0 21208 068.H021 2 PS*.1/2 EXPANDIJ PAlllD 21208 123*H007 2 PSA 1/4 ExPAt4tD fAlltD 21206 131+H016- 3 PSA 1/2 EXPANDED PAllt0 21206 144+H005 2 PtA+1/4 txPA@t0 PAtstD 21206 145.H013 2 P&A*i/4 EXPANDED PAlStb 21210 037 HfJ3

  • PSA 1/2 iXPA@t0 PAlltD I 21213 005 H005 3 PtA 3 tXPANDED PATTED 21217 073'H623 3 P&A*1/4 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21301 007*H004A
  • PGA*35L EXPANDED PA$$tD 21301 007 H0048
  • PsA 35L EXPANDED PAsst0 21301 007.H019A
  • PSA*35 EXPANDED PAtstD 21301 007 H019B +

PSA 35 ExPANDEC PAsstD 21301*007 H021 =

                                             , PSA*35                    ExPA@tD     PA$$t0 21301+006 H013A
  • PSA+10 txPANDED FAILED 21301 008 H0138
  • PSA 10 UPA@tD FAlttD 21301 011 H002 2 PEA 1 EXPA@tD PAlltD 21301 014*H006 2 MA 3 EXPANDED PAtstD 12 3
      . . _ ~ .. . .              . . - .        , - . . . - ~                              . - ~ . . - . - - - -           _ - ~ - . . . , . .                _ . . . . . _ - . -
  .                                                                vtGP+2 first mAINithANCt/ttfuttlNG OU1Act emutett puuttlDNAL 18818 TYPE I $NUSDtts 1AG                     !$1                    DNU$$tt                              SCOPE g2!!!A                 LL11                  pt th$ ff t                           txAWlWID                           kl$Ut t s 1                        21301 015 H007                    2                  P$A 3                                ExPA@tD                            PA$$tt i'

21301*094*H002 - P1A*10 ORIGINAL PAlltD 21301 216 H001

  • PSA 1 EXPANDED PA13tD 21301 217 H001
  • PSA 1/4 ExPA@tD PA$$tD 21302 003 H003
  • PSA 3 tKPANDID fA!L(D 21302 108 H017 2 PSA*10 tEPA@tD PA$$tD 21302 110 H0028 2 PSA 10 ExPA@tD fAllt0 21305 055+H003 -

P$A 35 ORiclNAL PA$$t0 21305 056 H004%

  • P3A 35L ExPActD PA$$tD 21305 056 H0048
                      - 21305 056 H008A                    -                 P&A+10                               EXPANDID                           PA$$tD 21305 056 H0088                   -                 PSA 10                               EXPANDED                           pas $tD 21305 056*H026'
  • PSA 35 txPANDt0 PA$$to 21305 056 H0228 -* r$A*35 tXPANDED PA$$tD 21305 057+H005A
  • PSA 35 xPANDED PA$$tD 21305 057 H0056
  • PSA 35 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21305 060 H006 2 PSA 100 EXPe@tD PAS $tD 21305 061 H001
  • P$A 35 EXPANDED PA$$t0 2130$*061*HD04
  • PSA*10 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21305 062 H007 2 PSA 100 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21305 063 NC04A
  • P$A 1/2 EXPANDED FAlltD
                       - 21305*063*H0048
  • P$A 1/2 EXPANDED PA$$tD-21305 081 H006 - PSA 1 ORIGINAL PA$$tD 21305 081 H016 -

P$A 3 IXPANDED PA$$t0 21305*110 H056A

  • PGA 1 EXPANDED PAS $tD 12 4
                         .._ _            __ -,,              . ..     . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ . _ _                            , . - ,. _               ._..._..~.'

vtGP 2 fitti MAlWithAWCt/htFULLlhG OUTALE talJette FUwCitonAL 18818 O 1AC 181 SWJBltt 800Pt M (1,11 W GP/llft $KAWlutD all2Lil 21305110 ND568

  • PSA 1 ERPActD PAlllD 21305 155 N001 2 PsA 3 trPact0 PAsstD 21305 155 N003 2 P&A 3 ExPAct0 PAtstD 21901221 N015
  • PSA 1 (EPA @tD PA55t0 22402 022 H004
  • P&A 1/4 ORIGlhAL PAlltD 22402 023 N003
  • PSA 1/4 EXPActD PAtstD 22402 025 N004
  • P&A 1/4 ExPActD PAlltD 22402 196 N003
  • PSA 1/4 EkPActD PAtstD A1210 046 N003A
  • PGA 1/4 trPActD PASSID
                                    -                                    EXPActD  pat &ED A1210 046 N0030                       P5A 1/4 Note 1:        An engineering evaluation was performed for snubber 21206-O 008*H003 w'eich is located near the inside top of the containment dome justifying its being abandoned in place, As a result, the subject snubber was not required to be functionally tested. Actions which initiated the engineering evaluation were taken prior to the snubber having to be included in an expanded scope of examinations.


                      , -                 .              .w . - - - - . . . . _ = . = _ - - - _ - - - _ _ - . . - . -
                                                                                                                                                                           -         ~

i VIGP 2 fit $1 MAlWitWANCE/ktfuttlNG OUTALE

                                                                                                              $Nuttle fuMCilohAL 18$18
    ,                                                                                                              itPt il SNJb9tt$

T A!, 181 SNUB 6ft SCDPt gj! Q!,},1 ptC#/stft itAulWED tt$Util 21201014 hM1 2 AD 41 EXPANDl0 PAS $tD l 21201 021.HDD6 i AD 151 ORI0lNAL PAS $tD , 21201 022 H002 i AD 1$1 EXPANDED PAlllD 21201 022 H003 1 AD 151 IXPANDED PAlltD l 21201 022.H006 i AD*73 EXPAND [D PA$$t0 t 21201 023*H001 1 AD*i$1 EXPANDID PAtt!D 21201 023 H005 i AD 151 tXPANDID PA$$tD 21201 023*H006 1 AD*73 Dal0INAL PAS $tD 21201 024*N601 i AD 73 EXPANDED fAlltD 21201 029 H603# 1 AD 501 EXPANDED PA$$tD ] 21201+029 H603B AD*501 EXPANDED PAS $t0 21201 030 H626 i AD 501 EXPANDED PA$$tD a EXPANt(D PA$$tD ( 21201 031 H001 1 AD+153 21201 03).H003 i AD 71 tXPANDED PAlltD 21201+042 H001 1 AD 151 tXPANDED PAS $tD 21201 042 H003 i AD*71 EXPANDED PAS $tD 21201 042 H005 i AD*41 tXPANDED fAlLED 21201 066 H002 i AD 501 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21201 051 N001 i AD 41- tXPANDlD fAILtD 21201 051.H006 i Af+41 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21201+054*H614 2 AD+4i tXPANDED PA$$tD 21201 072 H004 - AD 151 EXPANDED PAS $tD 21201 099-N015 - AD 153 EXPANDED PAlltD 21201 099 H033. - AD 41 ORIGINAL PA$$tD

                                     .21201 106 H001                             -                            AD 71                       EXPANDED             PA$$tD 13+1 s
 ,,.-e- . _ ~ . . . _   . - , , , , , _ _ - . . . - . _     4  _ . . _ . ,         - . . , , _ . - , _ - - .                    - . . ,           m .-. _ _ ~   ., . - - .   - + . _ - ..e

__ _ _ . . _ . ___._.__m._ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . - _ . _ . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ YtGPat flR$1 MAlkithANCt/ttfuttlWG OUTAGE j SNVtBit FUNCTIONAL 11$18 ( TYPt ll $NUtttt$


1A0 181 $Nullte stort M [L}} Mt08/$1ft Ex4 WINED MSVLil 21201 107 H015 - AD.41 EXPANDED PA$$t0 21201 107*H021

  • AD*iS3 ExPA@t0 PAllt0 21201 116 H002 1 AD*$01 EXPA@tD PAlltD 21201 116 H009 1 AD 151 EXPANDED PAlltD 21201*11?* H002 i AD*153 EXPA@tD PAlttD 21201 117 H003 1 AD 133L innsis PAllt0 21201 117 H011 1 AD 151 txPA@tD PA$$t0 P1201 117 H603 i AD 151 tKPActD PalltD 21201 117*H604 1 AD.503 ORICthAL PAlltD 21201 118.H002 i AD 151 txPAct0 PAlltD 21201 118 H011 1 AD iS1 ixPANDED PAlltD 21201 119 H601 i AD 501L EXPANDED PA$ SED

( 21201 125 H603 1 AD.41 EXPANDED PAS $tD 21201 191 H004 1 AD 1). txPANDID PA$st0 21201 191*H006 1 AD 71 txPActD PA$stD 21201 192*H004 1 AD.501 EXPANDED PAS $t0 21201*192 H009 1 AD*71 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21201 192+N010 i AD*71 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21201 192 N012 2 AD 501 ORICthAL PA$$tD 21201 193 H004 1 AD 153 EXPANDED PAS $tD 21201-193.H009 1 AD+71 EXPANDED PAlstD 21201 194 H002 1 AD 153 . EXPANDED PAlltD 21201 194 H004 1 AD*151L EXPANDED PA$$t0 21201 194+H005 1 AD 151 xPAuDtp PA$$to 21202 001 HC10 2 AD 71 EXPANDED PAlltD 13+2

      . .       - . . . - . .                 . _ - . -          . . - . . - - . - - - _ .                                 = _ . - - . - - -              _ - -

VtGD 2 Fitti NA!WitNANot/REFULLING m/f AQt SNUttti FUNtil0hAL filf$ O fvPt II SNutttts 1AQ 151 SNUBBit $ COPE MERI [Ljj NFCP/512f ExAufNtD ),[1M tt202 001 H026 2 Ab 50) trPANDID PA$1[D 21202 140+H009 I AD 503 ORIGINAL PAtst0 21202 140 H011 2 AD 153 EX5ANDEL PAltt0 21202 160 H019 2 AD 503 EXPANDED PAlltD 21202 192 H014 2 AD 153 EXPANDID PA$$tD f l 21202 196 H018 2 AD 503 EVActD PAlltD 21202 196 H029 2 AD 151 EXPActp PAsstD 21202 197 H601 2 AD 71 ORl0!NAL PA$$tD 21202 216 H006 2 AD iS1 ExPActD PAtstD 21202 216 H011 2 AD 501 ExPActD PA$stD 21202 216 H012 2 AD 503 ExPActD PAS $t0 21202 229 H004 2 AD 501 ExPActD PAllt0 0 21202 229 H024 2 AD 501 EXPAND [D PA$$td 21202 231 H030 2 AD iS3 EXPANDED PA$$fD 21202 231 H044 2 AD 153 ExPANDtp PAS $tD 21202 406 H031 3 AD 43 EXPANDED PA".1ED 21203 026 H007A 3 AD 501 EXPANDED PA$stD 21203 026 H0078 3 AD 501 EXPANDED PA$$tD ~ 21204 025 H013 1 AD 151 EXPANDED PAS $tD t b k 029 H011 's AD 41 EXPActD PASSED 21204 030 H009 2 AD 71 EXPANDED PAS $tD 21204 030 H012 2 AD 73 ExPActD PAtstD 21204 031 H015 2 AD 41 EXPANDED PAS $tD 21204 034 H002 1 AD 503 EXPANDED PAS $ED 21204 144 H607 2 AD 71 EXPANDED PASSID - 13 3 [

1 I vtCP 2 flR$1 MA!WithAWCE/Rifuttlho OUTAGE SNUDSER FUNt'Il0hAL filf8 ffPt 11 ENUtttRS ( 1AC 181 $NutSta stort gp33{R, ga,13

                     ,             got/sl2r                EXAMINED                                ltE SULil 21204 192*H001    2             AD 503                  ORICthAL                                PAlltD 21204 246 H001    1             AD 43                   EXPActD                                 pat $tD 21205 030 H012    2             AD 43                   ORicthAL                                PAtstD 21206 001 H021    2             AD 501                  ExPAct0                                 PAsstD 21206 002 H002    2              AD 501                 EXPANDED                                FAILED 21206 002 H005A   2             AD 503                  EXPA@tD                                 PAlllD 21206 002 H0050   2              AD 501                 EXPACED                                 pat $tD 21206 002 H015'   2              AD 503                 txPActD                                  FAlLtD 21208 001 H028     i             AD 501                 EXPANDED                                PA$$tD        ,

21208 001 H032 1 AD 503 EXPA@tD pat $tD 21208 002 H004 2 AD 41 DRIC!hAL FAILtD 21208 002*H009 2 AD 43 ORicthAL PA18tD 21208 002 H050 2 AD 501 EXPANDED PA$stD 21208 006 H040 2 AD 73 EXPANDED pal $t0 21208 007 H002 1 AD 501 EXPANDED PA85tD 21208 008 H025 2 AD 73 EXPANDED PASSED 21208 009 H003 1 AD 73 EXPACED PA$$tD 21208 009 H004 1 AD 153 EXPActD PASSED 21208 011 H043 2 AD 43 EXPANDED PAsstD 21208 011 H045 2 AD 41 EXPA@t0 PAtstD 21208 011 H050 2 , AD 41 EXPANDED PASSED 21208 020 H705 2 AD 71 EXPAWDED PAS $ED-21208 022 H027 2 AD 73 ORIClNAL PA$stD 21208 024 H003 1 AD 73 EXPAWDED PA$$tD 21208 043 h603A 1 AD 73 EXPA@tD PAS $tD 13 4

Vit.P 2 fitti matWithAktt/ttiVf Llh6 (UT A01 DN #6tk FVhtil0kAL til18 itP! 11 $NAttti 1AC lit SNV66tt $tDPt M g ytt.9/ tift LKAuthtD tl,[gLU 21208 043 H6036 i AD 43 t*PANDED PalltD 21206 t45 H602 i AD*43 EEPANDED PAlltD 21208 046 HD12 2 AD 41 LEPANDED PAlltD 21206 D55 H046 2 AD 153 trPANDED PAsstD 21206 066 H019 2 AD 43 (KPANDID Pall [D 21208 154 H020 3 AD 41 EkPANDED PAllt0 21206 215 H002 2 AD 73 IKPANDtD Pall (D 21208 225 H004 2 AD 41 EXPANDtD F AIL *) 21208 A49 H002 1 AD 41 fxtANDtD PAllt0 21208 449 HD13 i AD 41 EKPANDtD fAlltD 21208 449 H021 i AD 41 EktANDED PASSED 21208 488 H002 2 AD 153 tXPANDt0 PAlltD , . 21208 488 H015 2 AD 501 ExPANDtp PAlltD 21208 488 H021 2 AD 151 (KPANDED PA$$tD

       -21213 005 H007           3              AD 501                    iKPANDED     PAlltD -

21217 015 H001 - AD 501 tXPANDt0 PAlltD 21217 037 H001 . AD 501 ExPANDtb PAlltD

       -21217 067*H011A
  • AD 71 EMPANDID PAllt0 21217 067 H0118 - -

AD 71 tKPANDtp PAsstD 21217 067 H016

  • AD 71 EXPANDED pat $tD 21217 071 H623A 3 AD 41 EXPANDID PAlltD 21217 071 H6288 3 AD 41 EXPANDED PAsstD 21217 072 H619A- 3 AD 71 (XPANDED Pall!D 21217 072 H6199 3 AD 41 EXPANDED PASSID 21217 072 H620A 3 AD 41 EKPANDED PA$5tD 13 5


                                         $WUBBtt FUNCil0NAL fists TYPE ll $WUBBits TAC           lll            $Nutetk                 SCOPt M            [.LA,1)         WFDt/$17f              EXAMINID                      kt$ULTS 21217 072 h62DB      3            AD 43                  EXPANDED                      PA$$tD 21217 150 H629       3            AD 41                  ORIGINAL                      PA$$tD 21217 150 H630A      3            AD 71                  EXPANDED                      PAllt0 21217 150 H630B      3            AD 71                  EXPANDED                      PAllt0 21217 267 h611       3            AD 73                  EXPANDED                      pas $tD 21301 010 H038       3            AD 501                 DRIGINAL                      PAS $tD 21301 010 H039       3            AD 151t                EXPANDED                      PA$$tD 21301 010 H040A '

3 AD 41 EXPANDED Pall [D 21301 010 H040B 3 AD 41 EXPANDID FAl$tD 21301010 H042A 3 AD 71 EXPANDED PA$$t0 21301 010 H0428 3 AD 71 EXPANDED pal $tD 21301 012 H013A 3 AD 153 EXPANDED PA$$tD e 21301*012*H0138 3 AD 153 EXPANDED PAS $tD V 4 21301 012 H014 3 AD 153 EXPANDED FAS$tD 21301 012 H019 3 AD 153 ORIGINAL PA$$tD 21301 012 H020 3 AD 151 EXPAND [D PAS $tD 21301 012+H023 3 AD 73 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21301 012 H028 3 AD 153 EXPANDED PAlltD 21301 012+H033A 3 AD 151 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21301 012 H0338 3 AD 151 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21301 014 H010 2 AD 501 EXPAND [D PAS $tD 21301 iD8 H002 2 AD 73 EXPANDED PAS $tD 21301 108 H003 2 AD 43 ORIGINAL FAILED l-21301 108 H004 2 AD 151L EXPANDED PAS $!D l .' l 21301 109 H002 2 At 73 EXPANDED PAS $tD 13 6 i i l'

   . ._              - .        .      _ . . .           - . .       - - - - . .           --  -  -- ~          . - - - - _ - .   . . _ _

VIGP*2 fiklf MAlWitWANCt/ttFUILING QU1 AGE SNUBBtt FUNCTI0hAL fills ifPE ll SNUttttt \ TAG 181 $NUS$tt SCOPE g24.gj [,LA.11 M808/Slff EKANtNED pisutts 21301 109 M003 2 AD 41 EKPANDED PASSED 21301 109 N0% 2 AD 151L EKPActD PA$$tD 21301 110 H002 2 AD 73 tKPActD Hl$tD 21301 110 H003 2 AD 41 EXPActD PAtSID 21301 110 H004 2 AD 151L EXPAct0 PASSED 21301 111 N002 2 AD 73 Y'GINAL PA$$t0 21301 111 H003 2 AD 41 tXPA@tD PA$$t0 21301 111 H004 s 2 AD 151L EXPANDED pal $10 21301 118+N008 2 AD 153 EXPActD Patst0 21301 118 H011 2 AD 151 EXPActD PAlltD 21301 119 H004 2 AD 503 EXPANDED PAS $tD 21301 119 H006 2 AD 501 EXPANDED PA$$t0 21301 119 H007 2 AD 503 EXPANDED PAS $t0 g 21301 119 H010 2 AD 503 EXPANDED PAltt0 21301 120 H008 2 AD 153 ORIGlWAL PA$$tD 21301 120 H010 2 AD 151 ExPActD PASSED 21301 120 H015 2 2153L EXPANDED PA$$tD 21301 121 H004 2 AD 43 EXPA@tD PA$$tD 21301 121 N005 2 AD 71 EXPANDED PAS $tD 21301 121 H010 2 AD 71 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21301 121 H012 2 AD 133 EXPA@tD PASSED 1 21301 121 H016 2 AD 73 EXPA@t0 PAtttD 21301 121 H019 2 AD 73 EXPANDED PA$$t0 21301 126 H014 2 AD 151 EXPA@ED PA$$tD 21301 126*H020 2 AD 501 EXPActD PAS $tD 13 7 C U

_ _._.._____._.__..____m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . - _ _ - _ - . . . . - - - . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . . VEGP 2 FIR $1 MAINff NANCE /ttfutLING EUTAGt SWutett FUNCflDhAL 11$18 ffPt 11 $NUtttt$ TAG 181 SWUSBit $CDPt g;,29.LR f.L11 M'ce/$ttt ExAu1NED at$vtts 21301 126 ND24 2 AD 503 EXPANDED PAS $to 21301 126 N029 2 AD 153 ExPAct0 PAS $tD 21301 126 M031 2 AD 153 ExPActD PAS $t0 21301 126 NO34 2 AD 151 EXPANDED PA$$1D 21301 126.H037 2 AD 153L EMPANDED PAS $ID 21301 127 N024 2 AD 503 EXPAct0 PA$$t0 21301 127 M059 2 AD 71 tXPAct0 PA$$tD 21301 127 M071 2 AD 71 EXPANDED PA$$1D 21301 128 M006 2 AD 501 EXPANDt0 PAS $10 21301 128 H075 2 AD 151L ExPActD PAS $to 21301 128 N076A 2 AD 153 DRIGINAL PAS $tD 21301 128 H0788 2 AD 153 CAIClNAL FAILtD r

       .                                             21301 128 H080                        2               AD 501                                  EXPANDED       PAS $tD 21301 128 H096                        2               AD 153                                  EXPANDED       PA$$t0 21301 128 Hn99                         2               AD 151                                  tXPANDED       PAS $tD 21301 128 H102                        2               AD*151-                                 EXPANDED       PA$$tD 21301 128 H107                         2               AD 71                                   EXPActD        PA$$t0 21301 129 H002                        2               AD 153                                  EXPANDED       PAS $tD 21301 129 H016                        2               AD iS1                                  EXPANDED       PA$$tD 21301 129 H023                        2               AD 71                                   EXPANDED       PA$$f0 21301 129 H027                        2               AD 73                                   tXPANDED       PA$$t0 21301 129 M031                        2               AD 73                                   OR1G1NAL       PA$$tD 21301*136 N003                        2               AD 71                                   txPA@tD        PAS $t0                            l i                                                     21301 136 N004                        2               AD 153L                                 EXPACED        PA$$t0 I

21301 137 H002 2 AD 71 EXPANDED PA$$tD l 13 8 s

       .- - - - - . - .                  _ . .      _   _--             . _ - . . _ . . - - ~ . - . .. - = _ . . . _ .                                                 . . . .   .  . _ . _ .        . . . _ . . _

J YtGP 2 71$$1 MAINithANCE/ttFutLING OUTAGE SNV$$tt FUNC110hAL 11$18 ffPt !! $NUS$tt$ ( . ' TAC ll! SNUS$ER E00Pt gpEl (1)E M8CR/$1ft iXANINED PtSVLil 21301137 Mbo4 2 AD 151L EXPANDED PA$$t0 21301 138.H002 2 AD 153L EL7ANDED PA$$tD 21301 138 HOO6 2 AD 153 tXPANDED pal $tD

                                    . 21301 139 H003                                2                                       AD 71                             FXPANDED                          PA$$tD 21301 139.H004                                2                                       AD 151L                           ORICINAL                          PAlst0 21301 157 N005                                 -                                      AD 73                             EXPANDED                          PAS $ED 21301 157 H014                                 -

AD 73 EXPANDED PAS $tD 21301 157 N015 - AD*71 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21301 157 H017 - AD 73 EXPAND (D PA$$tD 21301 1$7 H020 - AD 153L EXPANDED PA$f 0 21301 165 H001 2 AD 41 ORIGlhAL PAsst0 21301 165 H002 2 AD 41 EXPANDED PA$$ED . 21301 166 H016 - AD 71 EXPANDID PA$$tD 21371 166 H017 - AD 73 EXPANDED FAlltD 21301 166 H018 - AD 73 EXPANDED PAS $t0 21301 166 N019 - AD 73 EXPANDED PAS $tD 21301 166 H020 - A0 71 EXPANDED- PASSED 21301 166 H021 - AD 73 EkPANDED PA$$ED 21301 166 H022 - AD 73 EXPANDED PAS $tD 21301*167 H029 - AD 151L EXPANDED PA$$tD 21301 167 H030 - AD 153 EXPANDED PA$$ED 21301 167 H032 - AD 73 EXPANDED PASSED 21301 167 H033 - AD 151 EXPANDED PAsstD 21301 168 H001- - AD 41 EXPANDED PASSED 21301 168 H012 - AD 73 (XPANDED PASSED 13 9 l 1

 - .           . . -    m . ._.=_ ,                   . , - . _ . . -._                     , . . _ . , . _ . . . _ . _ . _ _ . _ , . . _ . . . ,              . . . . , . _ , .   .-         _                    __
     . . , . _ . _ . .           .    - _     - . - _ .             - - . .        ..- - ~.- -                     .-    . _ . - . . . . . .            . _ . .    .

VEGP 2 Fit $1 M lWithAhtt/ttFutLIN0 OUTA0t SWUBBit FUNCilDhAL ft$18 TYPE il SNUtbFt1 TA0 Ill SNUBBit $00PE M 8tt n,a,gg prep /$1rE EXAMINED RESUtil 21301 168 H013 - AD 73 EXPANDED PA$$t0 21301 164 M015 - AD 73 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21301 168 N023

  • AD 1$3L EXPANDED PA$$tD 21301 168 H037
  • AD 73 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21301 176 H002 2 AD 501 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21301 178 H002 2 AD 501 EXPANDID PA$$10 21301 191 H002 2 AD 71 EXPANDED PAllt0 21301 191 H005 2 AD 43 OR10!NAL PAS $tD 21301 213 M001 2 AD 43 EXPANDED PAS $tD 21301 213 H003 2 AD 73 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21301 368 M001 2 AD 151 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21301 371 H005 - AD 71 EXPANDED PA$$tD
 '                     21301 371 M007              +                        AD 73                              EXPANDED                      PA$$tD 21302 001*H009              -                        AD 151                             EXPANDED                      PA$$tD 21302 002 H004              -                        AD 43                              EXPANDED                      PAS $10 21302 007 H004              3                        AD 153                             EXPANDED                      PAS $tD 21302 107 H011              2                        AD 503                             EXPANDED                      PA$$t0 21302 1074:012              2                        AD 501                             EXPANDED                      FAILED 21302 107 H013              2                        AD 501                             EXPANDED.                     PAS $tD 21302 107 N014              2                        AD 501                             EXPANDED                      FAllt0 21302 107 H016              2                        AD 301                              APANDED                      FAlltD 21302 108 M003              2                        AD 501                             ORIDINAL                      PA$$tD 21302 108 N005              2                        AD 503                             EXPANDED                      PA$$tD.

21302 108 H016 2 AD 501 EXPANDED ta$$t0 21302 108 H019 2 AD 501 EXPANDED PAS $tD 13 10 i

m . . _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ - . _ - _ . _ _ _ V10P 2 Fit $1 NAlptthAktt/PituttlNO a,itA01 BNUS$tP.FUkCT!DhAL ft$f8 TYP! Il $NU$bitt TA0 181 $NUS$tR $00Pt HJg,Il- (LLt} NFCP/ tift tpAuthtb tt$JLt$ 21302 109 H011 2 AD 503 EXPANDED PAlltD 21302 109 H012 2 AD 501 ixtANDID PAlltD 21302 109 H013 2 AD 503 trPANDID PAlltD 21302 109 H015 2 AD 501 tkPANDID PAlllD 21302 110 H002A 2 AD 503 (KFANDED PA$$1D 21302 110*H014 2 AD 501 De10 thal PAlstD 21302 110 H015 2 AD 501 ExPANDtD PAllt0 21302 110 H016 2 Ab $01 (KPANDtb PAlltD 21302 110 H017 2 AD 501 EXPANDED PA$$!D 21302 110 H019 2 AD b01 EXPAND [D PAtl!D 21304 061 H058 - AD 153 EXPANDED PAlstD 21305 110 H054 - AD 501 tXPANDtD fAlLED 21305 117 H001 - AD 501 iXPANDED PA$$tD 21305 117 H002 - AD 503 ExPAhDED PAlltD 21305 120 H002 - AD 503 OR101hAL- PA$$tD 21305 157 H002A 2 AD 503 tKPANDED PAS $tD 21322 052 H025 - AD 71 tKPANDtD PA$$to 21901 001 H022 - AD 43 (%PANDED PAS $tD 21901 001 H042 - AD 153 .EkdANDED PA$$tD 21901 022 H031 2 AD 43 ORitJNAL PASSID 21901 221*H006 - - AD 151 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21901 221 H029A - AD 43 EXPANDED PA$$tD 21901 221 H0298 - AD 43 EXPANDID FAlltD 22303 002 H011 3 AD 41 EXPANDED PAlttD 22303 002 H012 3 AD 71 EXPANDED PA$$tD 13 11 L L__ _ . _ . . _ _ . _ . . __ ._. ._ _ _ . _ - _ . . . _ . _ . _ _


                                   $WUSBER FubCflohAL TE115

[x TYtt ll SWUSBit$ TAC l$1 $WUBBIR SCort vptt R [Mjj ptC#/117f EVANikfD Pf$UL?$ 22402 005 H001

  • C+1$3L ExPANDID PA$$tD 22402 005 H003 -

AD 153L ExPAN0fD PASTED 22402 022 H001 - AD 71 ORIGlhAL PAlltD 22402 024 H001 - C 41 EXPANDED PAlstD 22402 024 H002 - AD 153 EXPANDED PAlstD 22402 024 H004 - AD 153 ExPAWDED PAS $t0 22402 024 MD05 - AD 41 EXPAN0ED PAlstD 22402 025 H003 - AD 71 EXPANDED PA$$tD ) . l 13 12


vtGP.! Flest NAlWithAktt/ttFuttlhG R11 AGE SWustit fuwCflohAL ft$18 TYPt 111 $Nutettl TAG 181 SWutste Scott M utt,) pfjit]jlli EKAuthfD filVLil 21201 064 H609A - AD*1601 CalClhAL PAlltD 21201 064*h6096 - AD 1601 DalClhAL PAtstD 21202 004 H056 3 AD 1601 DRIGlhAL PAlstD 21204 +125.H007 i AD 5501 ORIGlkAL PatstD 21205 007 H019 2 AD 1603 otlGlhAL PAlstD 21208 008 H018 2 AD 1603 ORIGlhAL PAllt0 21301 007.H023A - AD 5503 onlGlhAL PalltD 21301+105 H004 2 AD*5501 ORIGlhAL PAllt0 21301 107.H002 2 AD 5503 ORIGlhAL PAsstD 21302 010=H006 3 AD.1601 ORIGlhAL PAlstD 21302 107*H010 2 Abai601 $tt hoff 1 Stt hott 1 21305 056*H003 2 AD.12501 otlGlhAL PAtstD C% 21305 060 H005 2 AD.12501 DelClhAL PAsstD O Note 1: Although there were no functional test failures associated with the Type !!! snubbers, one additional Type !!! snubber; 21302107-H010, was functionally tested since several Type 11 snubbers failed on the piping to which snubber 21302 107 H010 is attached. The purpose of the additional test was to assure there was no common failure mode for snubbers on the piping in question. Type !!! snubber 21302 107 H010 satisfactorily passed its functional test. 14 1


                                               $WUBBER FUNCTIONAL ttsfl 1YPt IV $WUB8tR$

TAG 131 gwgggga georg pt$v(ts WW8 t ' [L.I.) WFC#/512E t*AWIWED , i 21201 86 001 t006 2 N 25701 OntClhAL PAsstD O V l t O

l PRESSURE TESTS The following pressure tests were performed prior to the end of the first

 ,                         maintenance /rafueling outage at VEGP 2.                                These pressure tests in:1uded 2_

system functional tests, system hydrostatic tests, system inservice tests, and system leakage tests as required by Section XI of the Code. Boundaries for 4 these pressure tests are described in the VEGP 2 Inservice Inspection Plan document (ISI P 013). Examination results are discussed in the applicable sections of the "NIS 1 Abstract" and the " Class 3 and Augmented Examinations

  • portions of this report document. The examination data for these pressure tests is available for review at the plant site upon request.

System Functional Tests (FTs) FT Number Test Descriotion

3. Penetration 32 Functional Test' 6 Penetration 33 Functional Test 7 Penetration 31 Functional Test 9 Penetration 56 Functional Test 16 Line 1208 135 Functional Test 17 Line 1208 133 Functional Test System Hydrostatic Tests (hts)

HT Number Test Descriotion 40 CCW Train "A" Hydro Test 42 CCW Surge Tank 21203 T4 001 Hydro Test 44 Line 1203L4001 Hydro Test 46 'Line 1203L4003 Hydro Test 79 NSCW Train "A" Cooling Tower Piping Flow Test 80 NSCW Train "B" Cooling Tower Piping Flow Test 81 NSCW Transfer Pump 2 1202 P4 007 Flow Test 82 NSCW Transfer Pump 2 1202 P4 008 Flow Test 83 NSCW Line 416 & 417 Flow Test 84 NSCW Line 418 & 419 Flow Test 85 NSCW Line 420 & 421 Flow Test 86 NSCW Line 422 & 423 Flow Test 87 NSCW Line 424 & 425 Flow Test 88 NSCW Line 426 A 427 Flow Test System Inservice Tests (ITs) IT Number Test Descriotion 1 Charging Line Inside Containment inservice Test 2 Letdown Line Inside Containment Inservice Test L 3 RCPs 1, 2, 3, and 4 Seal Leakoff Inside Containment inservice Test 4- RCP 1 Seal Injection from Penetration 54 to Valve 006 Inservice Test 16 1

i System inservice Tests (ITs) (continuedl g /" 1T Number Test Descriotion 5 RCP 2 Seal Injection from Penetration 53 to Valve 359 Inservice Test 6 RCP 3 Seal Injection from Penetration 52 to Valve 360 Inservice Test 7 RCP 4 Seal Injection from Penetration 51 to Valve 361 Inservice Test 8 RCS Hot Leg Sample Lines to Penetration 24 Inservice Test 9 Sample Line from Valve 101 to Valve HV 3514 Inservice Test

18. RHR Train "A" Inservice Test 19 RHR Train *B" Inservice Test 24 Sample Line from Valve 097 to Valve HV 3508 Inservice Test 26 NSCW Train "A" Inservice Test
    -27                                                                                             NSCW Lines 418 and 419_ Inservice Test 28                                                                                            NSCW Line 029 Inservice Test 29                                                                                            NSCW Line 184 Inservice Test
    '30                                                                                             NSCW Train "B" Inservice Test 31                                                                                            NSCW Line 424 Inservice Test 32                                                                                            NSCW Line 030 Inservice Test 33                                                                                            NSCW Line 185 Inservice Test 35                                                                                            Containment Coolers 1501 A7 003 and 1501 A7 004 Inservice Test 37                                                                                            Containment Coolers 1501 A7 007 and 1501-A7 008 Inservice Test 39                                                                                            Cooling Coils 1511 E7 001 and 1515 A7 002 Inservice Test 81                                                                                            NSCW Pump 1202 P4 001 Inservice Test O-82                                                                                            NSCW Pump 1202 P4 002 Inservice Test 83                                                                                            NSCW Pump 1202 P4-003 Inservice Test                          ,

84 NSCW Pump 1202 P4 004 Inservice Test 85 NSCW Pump 1202 P4 005 Inservice Test 86 NSCW Pump 1202-P4 006 Inservice Test 87 NSCW Pump 1202 P4 007 Inservice Test 88 NSCW Pump 1202-P4 008 Inservice Test 89 NSCW Lines 416 and 417 Inservice Test 90 NSCW Lines 420 and 421 Inservice Test

     -91                                                                                             NSCW Lines 422 and 423 Inservice-Test 92                                                                                            NSCW Lines 426 and 427 Inservice Test System Leakaae Test (LT)

LT Number Test Descriotion

     -- I                                                                                            Class 1 System Leakage Test O

16 2 l l

_m i INDICATION NOTIFICATION FORMS A , C) The following Indication Notification Forms (INFs) were issued to Georgia Power Company (GPC) by Southern Company Services, Inc. (SCS) due to the reportable indications being observed during the examination of Class 1, 2, or 3 components, during the first maintenance / refueling outage at VEGP-2: INF No. Affected Component / Area INF DisDosition 190V2001 Weld 21305-060-1 Use "as-is". 190V2002 Valve bolting for Valves Affected valve bolting 21204U6148 and 2120406147 replaced and re-examined with acceptable results. 190V2003 Welds 21201-036-7 and Use "as-is". 21204-042 15 190V2004 Reactor Pressure Vessel Closure Use "as-is". Head Studs 21201-V6 001 B02, B03, 805, 806, B09 B12, B14, and BIS 190V2005 Weld 21204-124-16 Use "as-is". 190V2006 Weld 21301-001-9 Indications were removed by controlled grinding, Il


filler metal added due to weld configuration, and area re examined with acceptable results. 190V2007 Weld 21301 001-7 Use "as is". Copies of the INFs and their attachments are provided in this report document. Refer to the respective INFs for details on the nature of the indications. The INFs in this section constitute only those reportable indications observed during the SCS scope of work. Any reportable indications observed by outside contractors during their scope of work should be identified to GPC in the contractor's report document (s) which are referenced in this report document. O () 17-1

IndioctiCn Notificction skFto.190V2001 Port 1 Findinog 09 8 90 *lUT lP1 lW1 l R1 l Et lVi l01MER U1 0 O 1 oment s: 22 5 - " - 2 ^ S ""S "^ CE "" ^^ " BH2 & l & P M'R M !O & sP " THIS TLAW IS ACCEPTABLE TO ASME SECTION XI, TABLE IWB-3514- . #$ "'

  • Lead @t Inywcjt e $N1 Level Oste
        . $%I u rb LA4 di~$f,da {                                           f                                       *f
  • 2 4 * % V Signature Lead Coordinat title Date l

h*6.Yddd v* 1 $88 58 0 Y $ W b dlAl W [ $ Y'S Y ~ $ M P Netificetim Title Date fication Acknon} edged By

         ')fnm kek                     ..havoStDed                  59. Pli. (ng;                                10-/* 90 Feet 3 Dit msitica by Oreratina tot emy Coment s:

USE AS IS. O orrective Action: N/A ture Ope ti o. Representitive fit! Det Eart 4 ee e:Preine t i on Coment sI h/A Signature

  • Esaminer $NT Level Oste Port 5 INF tioted SCS $lgnatur Title Date
                . . sp,3        _ A b n __ b l , fp'/*k'            h0[5f7 8$bh/A]k5?k        .

lb'" lb " 0 O


  • Lead W:t nrtjetor $hi Level Date JW Nf Airy /[t+f MM1 ,

S Cf

  • 2'1 i o
     $10 nature
  • LPed Coord fitte Date
b. YH& .- 1 M fr $AMW $/8W,018 Al"08 V$ ** VO Peet 2 botifice6 en atification wl edged B Title Date h e e, .X- m lYo N/J +

M< *: lU *l ' W Part 3 Disposition by operetino t w amy Carment s:

         ; pe       n MM[ . - l * ',' ()S E * ' /i b - t(i)/
                              .                                        A'.V E lg?*,q%(tMi:)
                \' A LY6 .? I '10 t/ (A L I4 7 ' R E'IE 'T


    ' Corrective Action i t .s r . n t 1 s, y m e.

(t eg.ggrD IChsf 0

                         /> ',s. ' .2 f '; [ .7 ','   s It>( ll A l ' 8Y a idi<k [ 4 i ' '-              I f
  • i-X A il VIG Y L 'td t , i( ', (-

i y[d \'[ ,) d L L t ll k' l'f 7 '- ' 0

                   /0 M.        W i l'iil 4 %t                         (                                                                        AjtV O 2 *)O O 4 7 2 6 h , h.j-6firtYro Tal17%.{-tt@J ,jjg & w/i,}9o c                                                                                                       V,)N*

signature Operating.Co. Representitive Title Date


t 0E t ' h,. , l$ s ,s f- T ( V+ s" , ,

                                                                                                                          *'                       ,' l - >     I-- ' t-P a
  • t 4.
  • R e e n emi na t i on Cctrinents:

Yf b dfT Q. 6 % d n f O- eP Y [O I&. ((,)d OU wue ,ss,L% , sefec to neef ounbus 39 ds~0V2 . se/s~ 4I7A& 7 ond sbe& 5%v2 geg_gviBoa ,f Eva,n,r><<.s a.n.u sli dees a

     "-                  -'w,. g, og fu a"~i a
  • os A 4 m ,,. m e l

Peet 5 IWf closed

     '" U )f]' ,,fm ff                                                        ""'1SZ baclAsie/Vowt1 "/0 90

Itdicatien Natification Iwrso.190v2003 fart 1 Findires g NEU90 alut l l Pt lnt l lti l tt l lvi lofHen EvI*oUc$'* 4 " joments: DURING ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF WELDS 21201-036-7 AND 21204-042-15 SUBSURTACE PLANAR FLAWS WERE RECORDED. THESE FLAWS ARE ACCEPTABLE TO ASME SECTION XI, TABLE IWB-3514-2 t inspec $W1 Level C6te

 $leneture Kw prALN
  • Lead d p/4M(/yt) S I 0' 7 'i U lignature
  • Lead Coordinato# Title Date l /.. Weid M Add $'6Y CO?AD/NA2A /0 *$ ~ V0 Part 2 Wetifiention ification Ackywledged By title Date Vf 4 Ma 4 aw. in.s s }h tWrJ S f. bl M9R /0 fD Peet 3
  • Disposition by Operatino teeveny CNeent s:

USE AS IS ( Ccrrective Action: N/A

 $1        e*0perati             o. epresentltive                       title                                                 Date t&                 t* f                                   __

b k' . l . f/Vt/ g IC f g op p Part 4 Re enemination Coments: N/A

 $1pneture Eneminer                                                      $wt Level                                            Date Part 5      IWF closed SCS Signatur

[ A L YEfY

                      >v nA/Wn' title klWEff ANNMWffl Date lh *b '


ItdicatiCn N3tifiontien 16eno Itov2004 e Part i

  • Pleuffnes taam Date NDE Method  ! f'r oC edd'e /l evi s I Dn 09/26/90 UT l PT X lN1 lRt l IT lV1 07,4 f! 'j Pf*V 506/01 w ..


  • Lead Coordine r[ 11tte fD5t bbYdW -i k N J E C 7" G O W A M)$72*$,,.senu**nu*nr"*"T s s s s s . -

CW "i ttit' $ ' ' - Port 2*WotificetId y tfication pegnowledged By Title Date 12,a',IM n /7k.n; huJ St. fI} Gun ic/el+v Part 3 Disootition t>v Ooeretino Comemmy Coment s: USE AS IS

   .O V Iorrective Action:

N/A u fitte Date Do ,re@r!a .,:,)d irjg Co. Representitive 4 . P H. f; e ekho Part 4 ee evaminetten Coments: N/A sfonature

  • Examiner SkT Level Date Port 5 IWF closed Y

t A l fEtr' #82c'r dCCA/J/LW7&& /6 -/O ' 90

             /                   /


Indication NotifioOtion ist to,190V200 5 Part 1

  • Findinos tasm Date NDE Method a- Procedpe/pevision 09/28/90 x Ut lPt lMi Rt Et lV1 DTHER Ut.v.4D4/02 omments




  • Lead Nyt inspector $NT Level Date Rw rst1 h AdA6'M S o 3 So
    $lgnature Lead Coddinato                                                  fitte                                                           Date s? l } 'e ' o' h"'               9 f.s3s////                      1        f/'t*'*f j' f' f /?.// / '.?b) N/N */' \ //0 */r *
  • Q/'

Part 2 Notif teetion / / fleetlen Ackno led ed By litte Date friet < h r A- o so s o't p <t N  ?* Wfl 5. / f * / f'

  • G D P o r t 3 b i t ros i t i on by Ope r a t i no t orv>emy Cement s:

USE AS IS O [orrectiveAction: N/A Spyture Operating Co. Representitive Title Date

         ' '/ s c s . i M .i s . s [" .m.                     ((     i,!                 'm p   h lk       -) .R                                     / / . ., f , o Part 4
  • Re exemination Coments:

N/A signature

  • Examiner $WT Level Date Poet 5 IWF Closed SCS $lgnature title Date
                               ,v-          ,

8 L.KE'dE kk0kl7" d8088/Alkf0k /$*l?'YO , d

                                                 -_-~.m-..-                           . ~     _ . -          -             ~- - - . < . - . - - - - - . - - > - -                    -          . . - .

ICdicatiCn Motifloatien N to.190V2006

                                                                       ~' '

j Feet 1 tindines tape tats WDt ktthcil Proced.Jre/ievilloh 10/10/'/0 U1 l ]of xlM1 R1 l[1 . - _ ( lV1 OtNLR Mt . *f.f4'5 / 01 hrcents DURING XAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATIONS OF WELD 21301-001-9 LINEAR SURFACE INDICATIONO WERE RECORDED. THESE INDICATIONS EXCEED THE ALLOWABLE l STANDARDS OF TABLE IWB-3514-4. l

        $lenature Leod NDI, Jupe)t       l      cr                            $NT Level                                                                 Date RW WALM                  [4'/fsA(/I                                             %                       _

l O

  • II* 'f 0
  • Lead Coordi [p/ litle Date D- 4c,8 A&onc.7-~ c't64 D/.< 14>M ' O ~//~~ 9 0 Feet ? hetificatieb
       .c hetification Acknowledge *J By                                         f i t l t'                                                                Date
             'Ioe'                 *bM         1. 0 , s.           ss                  M                Y.       M It                                         10 . I I = O I' Fort 3 Dir,cesttien tiv Doerettrc c m env toment s:

iL\t ' T : G G% L 1 / e  %. _. .. _ . -

   '% A orrective Actiero 10 6 c d r /E:/@ A rr c. cTr b / RE/;T0' /4(fN A P. tr :, /.' r : ( r. O ,                                                                     .'

3 3, . r"..hju n

        $io,qiureoper.iineco,eepre.enitiive                                   i s tie                                                                   Date
               .t     1 , , ,' i     l     ,

M .3 d -[ N/ ['ll [,s ' / .T 8 ' 6 i' Feet 4. Re eneminetton Conentst fA)D/d47'/CstJh / t'" 40t,)GN y // (oggg 214/*4 4A'7*6 390YR M084 4AA0 $90VO MO8N ug,ec .seneego As,< kWo 2900 4/92bl 14r Ame,rao swegs ut;eg sggwg,o

           /Al'AAC0K6S (ACF #474 surar'69ey2hws2) 4xjo 4/7'ct. ***/A'4t- AdM0/44 (4/c D4.r4-or
  • ston. nios.). esrs camagneos ses .eesesrs.o se .v.ez.

h . StBnature

  • Examiner $Ni levei Date , p Part 5 IWF Closed
        ,WWbll                             A.L.nw                            ""'/?e.reer mfOiaeros                                                    '"e se-9c w


y _

                                                                                                                                                                 --q O                                                     O                                                                      a MT-V-Form C31 Magnetic Particle Examination Record Plant Vogtle Unit 2         Weld No.21301-C31-9                              IsoISI-21301-001                 Sheet No. S90V2M103 Magnetizing Yoke                                        M.T. Materials Procedure /Rev.MT-V-505/01                                            I'ower AC Deviation N/A                       Mfg. PARKER                                                                                       Type DRY Serial No. 6661                                         Mfg. MAGNAFLUF Pole Spacing 4"-6"                                      Batch No. 90A008 Thermometer                                                                         Color NO. 1 GRAf 14fg/Ser. No.PTC/1150              . Field Indicator S/N MFI-03                Y
        -Surface Temp.       82*F            Field Indicator Acceptable [Y/N]

l Primary Examiner SNOW, C.F. Initials f- ASNT Level II Date 10/24/90 1 v ' Assistant Examiner N/A Initials MfM ASNT Level N/A

                                                                                                                    % Area Ind.            Components                                                                                 Exam'd            NI         NRI      RI No.             (Flow     ->)                  Indication Desc./ Exam Limitations /etc                                                                     '

100 X N/A SUPPORT N002 N/A I t l I l i t 'g F HORt1 CogEI ter.cTOR

J :f()) s TN/.R f N5
  • I[OVuel l;tW & Gco4*]s),

J ND vel I} Rpview Date f Technical Review Date - JcgReving Date IO

  • W I

N3000 l ~/A YA '5Y, ~

         ,A18 ( /_
                          -iE,~M                                                                       ,
                                     .. ,                    .7.


                                                                      ~s                                                      g~

fm 6 J-MT-Y-Form 001 Magnetic Particle Examination Record Weld'No.71303-001-9 IsoIS.-21301-001' Sheet No. S90V2M102 Plant vogtle Unit 2 Magnetizing Yoke M.T. Materials Procedure /Rev.MT-V-505/01 Power AC Deviation N/A' Mfg. . ' PARKER - Type DRY Serial No. 6661 Mfg. MAGNAFLUX Pole Spacing 6" Batch No. 90A008 Thermometer Color NO. 1 GRAY Mfg /Ser. No.PTC/1158 Field . Indicator S/N MFI-03 l Surface Temp. 82*F Field Indicator Acceptable- [Y/N] Y t SNOW, C.F. Initials ASNT Level II Date 10/23/90 Primary Examiner _ Assistant Examiner.N/A Initials -^M AStr tevel N/A __

                                                                                                                % Area Ind.             Components                                                                  .

Exam'd NI NRI RI No. (Flow --->) Indication Desc./ Exam ~&=itations/etc 100 I l N/A SUPPORT N002 .Iw/A

                                                                                  , ~


                                                                            ) 5L EY-                                                              l J


                                                                                                      - .-          LL Ut*t'  to-30 -90
                 -   -- ~,
                                                                    .. ..             s. .

b b b NT-Y-Forn 001 M;gnetic. Particle Examination Record Weld No.21301-001-9 IsoIBI-21301-001 Sheet No. 890Y2M086 Pla t Vogtle Unit 2 Magnetizing Joke M.T. Materials Procedure /Rev.MT-V-505/01 ' Mfg. PARKER Power AC Deviation N/A Mfg. NAGNAFLUX Type" DRY Serial No. 6661 Pole Spacing 4"-6" Butch No. 87A035 Thermometer Color NO. 1 GRAY Mfg /Ser. No.PTC/1150 Field Indicator S/N BN-61 Y Surface Temp. 72*F Field indicator Acceptable [Y/N] , Primary Examiner BNOW, C.F. Initials [ ASNT Level II Date 10/10/90 Assistant Examiner N/A Initials it\9 ASNT Level N/A

                                                                                                                       % Area Ind.                Components                                                                                    Exam'd   NI    NRi      RI N; .                (Flow  --->)                    Indication Desc./ Exam Limitations /etc 100                    X 1           SUPPORT H002                         5/16" LINEAR.IN TOE OF WELD (SADDLE SIDE) 100                    X 2           SUPPORT H002                         1/4" LINEAR IN TOE OF WELD (SADDLE SIDE) 100                    X 3           SUPPORT H002                         1/8" LINEAR IN TOE OF WELD (SADDLE BIDE) 100                    X 4           SUPPORT H002                         3/16" LINEAR IN TOE OF WELD (SADDLE SIDE) 100                    X 5           SUPPORT H002                         1/4" LINEAR IN TOE OF WELD (SADDLE SINE) l i

Remarks: INDICATIONS ARE LOOKING DOWN IN TOE OF WELD TO SADDLE WEST SIDE #### LEs- Spy-#Sycygryog res Tsv4t HjdC6Cnon) AF7Et AENOM ## "O SCS Review Date NDE Level I/I I eview Date Technical Review Date D O I&I flFALGT ' 4 10 8M D I iA N -


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(3 . () (J V M;gnetic Particle Examination Record MT-V-Form 001 Plant Vogtle Unit 2 Weld.No.21301-001-9 IsoISI-21301-001 Sheet No. 890V2M087 Procedure /Rev.MT-V-505/01 Magnetizing-Yoke M.T. Materials Deviation N/A Mfg. PARKER Fower AC Serial No. 5661 Mfg. MAGNAFLUX Type DRY Thermometer Pole Spacing 4"-6" Batch No. 87A035 Mfg /Ser. No.PTC/1150 Field Indicator S/N SN-61 Color NO. 1 GRAY Surface Temp. 72*F Field Indicator Acceptable,[Y/N) Y Primary Examiner SNOW, C.F. Initials ( ASNT Level II- Date 10/10/90 Assistant Examiner N/A Initials h\B ASNT Level N/A Ind. Components  % Area No. (Flow --->) Indication Desc./ Exam Limitations /etc Exam'd NI NRI RI 6 SUPPORT H002 1/4" LINEAR IN SADDLE BASE METAL NEAR 100 X TOE OF WELD 7 SUPPORT H002 3/16" LINEAR IN SADDLE BASE METAL NEAR 100 X TOE OF WELD C SUPPORT H002 3/8" LINEAR IN SADDLE BASE METAL NEAR 100 X TOE OF WELD 9 SUPPORT H002 3/16" LINEAR IN SADDLE BASE METAL NEAR 100 X TOE OF WELD 10 SUPPORT H002 1/8" LINEAR IN SADDLE BASE METAL NEAR 100 X TOE OF WELD 11 SUPPORT H002 1/8" LINEAR IN SADDLE BASE METAL NEAR 100 X TOE OF WELD Remarks: A?O' Sm~ **S9&YZM/03 fc4 f/nJ94. mSDEC7md AFATA. Adadod'A:' AEA A to #2 M O # f 2 V [ M - 3 0 *0 N/A NDE Level II/I I Revi w Date Technical Review Date SCS Review DFce gw prntfy /ku

  • 1 0 1 o rf/A r/[/ kN JC. . I[a, O MO

1 Indication Evaluation Roport Aux-H/F/V 320A Plant / Unit Weld ISO Dwg No. Sheet No. VOGTLE 2 21301-001-9 ISI-21301-009 890V2M087 I\ Component Description Exam Procedure

 \/     SUPPORT H002                                                                     MT-V-505/01 Code / Year / Addenda        Exam Category         Acceptance Standard (Para or Table)


                                            ->           3 SCS Reylew
                                                         ~= ~ x = -



Page Z of 2

Ultrcsonic Thickness Examination Report UT H/F/V Form 460A Plant / Unit Date Sheet Number Occ.T u Llus -Q IO*II'SO S40VDV.Ml r~T - Component /bystem 150/ Drawing No. Sketch a j s21,Ll-Coi~$ N00$ }}'W-N) { l* S' weid Numbe, 2 3 o V ,, 4/30 /- 00 I* i 3, 3,o c/ .. Enemination Area and Location , pas u a n ann .w v1 am B L} 'l'H f 9A$ r' S lD L- Cf W G \,Il EQ @i" U# i 2 5 t) b-, //h, /, ,5-:~r ryj Description of item Examined ( s j O" '# AWA oF t', T" ( N D i(. hT ro H S Material Type LIA i e c/S O S/S Other Calibration Standard Serial Number Instrument Manufacturer b'h21%4 # % D D togs khtrceaMee Beawd b Model Number l Senal P, umber V LtsK 7 Transducer Manuf acturer 07.0% -//6ft/ Type Site Sound Path Screen Distance k' (IWAL(LA lhW%Y N5b S$/ 0NI'$


Smallett Screen Division Serial Number Frenquency

                              .or                                                S7%Q 0490/                                           f. 6         MHz M ATER:AL callan ATION POINTS                                     S A Scan                    O Metered / Digital Foint g g ter        Micrometer Serial No, E Spot                      O continuous Couplant 3one,qct. 40                          8%R                 -

EXAMIN ATION RESULTS 4- O Accept O Reject t 6 Remarks / Corrective Action

        /Acceptance Procedure / Standard j    m3 m ocr                    E namener                                                   $NT Levet J Examiner 47,e/M, k.j Reviewed by SNT,Levei uh                                   e SNT Lev *i                             Date RW HrA'C'l b-                    .s      ./                              f                                          I & I 3 *)v Form no. e . as4e                            F

l Indication Notification IwrNo.190V2007 Part 1 Findinot l g 0 90 xlU1 PT l l Mi l lRT l lEl l lVT l lD?HER I V4 {!r.mwats: DURING ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF WELD 21301-001-7 TWO SUBSURFACE PLANAR TLAWS WERE RECORDED. THESE FLAWS ARE ACCEPTABLE TO ASME SECTION XI, TABLE IWB-3514-1 I l t orf $NT tevet Date Rw urary Signature

  • Lead //A@NDE Ins;ep # A w r o- t r-7 0 or [ j / Title Date signature
    &.rcee           Lead      Coo    lrdi1 Qd no.mer esomawrze                                io -is -9o            _

Peet ? NotificatiIn fleetion At 11tte Date Dt au IUno ledgedlBT),,s w s % ,, sc H I. L.e. uhrho Part 3 Disposition by Ceeratine tweny Coment a; USE AS IS SEE ATTACHED INDICATION EVALUATION REPORT n korrectiveAction N/A ature+0perating o. Representitive fitte D$te

     /3                  e -                                   $%'        . fru, f .                    /C / *) 9D Part 4 Re examination Conenent s:

N/A Signature Examiner $NT Level Date Part 5 twF clostil j, d-- CW /0207 /'?A 1 0 0 Af M 7& A 8*/ W $ g ,

Indication Evaluation Report Aux-H/F/V 320A Plant / Unit Weld . ISO Dwg No. Sheet No. VOGTLE 2. 21301-001-7 ISI-21301-001 890V2U253 )

 .            Component Description                                                         Exam Procedure
 -g     j-6" OUTLET TO FLANGE                                                          UT-V-404/02

Code / Year / Addenda Exam Category Acceptance Standard (Para or Table) ASME/1983/S 83 C-F IWB-3514-1 + r-Flaw Characterization - IWA 3000 Nom /Act Wall Type Material SUBSURFACE PLANAR FLAW IEA-3320 1.66" CARBON STL Evaluator j Date INF ISI/ PSI gwgmy [/v/t< 6.M 10/15/90 190V2007 ISI Calculations /Evalua don Referenced Report (s) l INDICATION fl 890V2U214 890V20214 2a = 0.330" 890V2U215 a = 0.165" 1 = 0.250" N/A t = 1.660" s = 0.410" N/A Y = 1 a/1 = 0.50 N/A a/t = 9.9% - IWB-3514-1 = 17.3% INDICATION fl S90V2U215 2a = 0. :"- . c. 0 9

  • y y g t a = 6,+5** d. c+'5 " /

1 = 0.750" ( S t =



                                                                              ..,,mmo,,        rnne m e e r reno L       Ib Tc [011- () TIME y                .

Technical R +' s Date SCS Review Date J WEl*E .

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[ , Page a of i


DAAWINGS n The drawings in this section represent Class 1, 2, and 3 equipment and piping included in the VEGP 2 first maintenance / refueling outage. These drawings give V the identification number and location of welds, supports, and other items that require examination. The drawings are intended for ISI use only and should not be confused with design drawings. The drawings which follow are listed by system designation, drawing number, and drawing revision number. E0VIPMENT DRAWINGS Drawing Drawing Revision System Number gyymbn Reactor Coolant 151-21201-86-001 (Sh. 1) 2 151-21201-86 001 (Sh. 2) 1 15121201B6-001(Sh.3) 0 ISI-21201 B6-001 (Sh. 4) 0 151 21201 06-002 (Sh. 2) 1 151-21201 B6 003 (Sh. 2) 1 151-21201-86-004 (Sh. 2) 1 ISI-21201-P6 001 1 ISI-21201 P6-002 1 ISI 21201-P6-003 1 O ISI-21201-P6-004 1 d ISI-21201-V6-001 (Sh. 1) 0 0 ISI-21201-V6-001 (Sh. 2) Chemical and Volume Control ISI-21208-E6-001 0 ISI 21208-E6-002 0 PIPING DRAWINGS Drawing Drawing Revision Systen! Number Number Reactor Coolant 1S1-21201-001 1 1S1-21201-005 1 1S1 21201 008 1 151-21201-009 1 1S1-21201-021 1 1S1-21201-02S 1 151-21201-029 (Sh. 1) 3 151-21201 029 (Sh. 2) 1 151-21201-030 (Sh. 2) 2 p d 18 1


PIPING DRAWINGS (continuedf N _ Drawing ^ Q~ System Drawing-ligmh_qr Revision-Number

                         --Reactor Coolant (continued)                          ISI 21201-031                                                                   1-         .t 151-21201 036-.                                                                2            1 1S1 21201 051                                                                   1 1SI-21201-058'                                                                  1 1S1-21201-059                                                                   1 ISI-21201-060                                                                  0 151-21201-116                                                                   2 1S1-21201-179                                                                   1 151-21201 183                                                                   1 1S1-21201 191                                                                  .1 -

NSCW 151 21202-001:(Sh. 1) 1 ISI 21202-001-(Sh. 3) 1 S:fety injection 1S1-21204 023 'ISI-21204-035 1 ISI-21204 036- 1 151 21204 039 (Sh. 2)- l ' 1S1-21204-042 2 151-21204-043- 1  ; 151-21204-076 (Sh. 1) 2 1 151 21204-120 '1 1S1-21204-124. 2-O' -1S1-21204-199 (Sh. 1) 1S1-21204-201 1 1 151-21204-243 1-7

                        ~ Residual Heat Removal                                 1S1-21205-001                                                                   1           (
                        - Chemicalf and Volume Control                          1S1-21208-009                                                                   1 1S1-21208 024                                                                   2           .

Main Steam 151-21301-001 (Sh. 1) 1 ISI-21301-001 (Sh. 2) .1-ISI-21301-002- Sh. 1) 1 1S1-21301-004 Sh. 1). 1-ISI-21301-004 Sh.2)- 1-ISI-21301-013 1 l- ISI-21301-104 2 l^ 151-21301-107 2 o Auxiliary Feedwater ISI 21302-107 (Sh. 1) 2-151-21302-107 (Sh. 2) 2 1S1-21302-107'(Sh. 3). 1-ISI-21302-'108 (Sh. 3) 1 ISI-21302-109 (Sh. 3) 1  ; 151-21302-110 (Sh. 3) 1 LO 1 18-2 l

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PIPING DRAWINGS (continued) (3 s,_/ Drawing Orawing Revision l System Number Number Condensate and feedwater 151-21305 058 (Sh. 2) 1 1S1-21305-060 (Sh. 1) 1 151-21305-060 (Sh. 2) 1 151-21305 062 (Sh. 2) 1 1S1-21305-064 (Sh. 2) 1 IS! 21305-154 1

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DASE METAL MAf'L ~~~~~~~~ SA-216 GR. WCC i 2.*/5 R. l' _N O T E S : t ..

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