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{{#Wiki_filter:Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Bypass the Reactor Building Ventilation Isolation JPM Number: B.1.a.
Revision Number: 2 Date: 11/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:
Instructor                        Date Validated By:
SME or Instructor                  Date Review By:
Operations Representative          Date Page 1
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
: 1. Reset the simulator to IC 94 (rst 94 from zip disk).
: 2. IC
== Description:==
Shutdown reactor following a scram.
NOTE:      It is okay to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.
: 3. Manual Actuation:
* Ensure that the QGA packet for QCOP 1600-17 is complete, including safety glasses, and in the drawer next to the ANSO desk.
: 4. Malfunctions:
* Insert a group II Isolation using malfunction RP07A & RP07B (imf rp07a)&(imf rp07b)
: 5. Remotes: NONE
: 6. Overrides: NONE
: 7. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
: 8. This completes the setup for this JPM.
Page 2
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Revision Record (Summary)
Revision 0,    This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.1 "Control Room Systems," for RO/SRO candidates.
Revision 1      The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.
Revision 2      The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.
Information For Evaluators Use:
UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps.
Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
Page 3
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
-  A small leak inside the U-1 Drywell has caused the pressure to increase to 3.5 psig.
-  All automatic functions occurred as expected.
-  The MSIV room temperature has increased to 164°F and the Unit Supervisor wants to restart the Reactor building ventilation per QGA 300.
-  This JPM is NOT time critical.
INITIATING CUE Bypass the Reactor building ventilation isolation on U-1 IAW QCOP 1600-17 Provide examinee with:
QGA support packet for QCOP 1600-17 when directed by cue.
Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.
Page 4
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
JPM Start Time:
EVALUATOR: Disregard the above statement if the JPM is being performed in the simulator.
CUE: Provide candidate with QGA support packet for QCOP 1600-17.
*F.1.a.          Install 901-15 panel          Installs/verbalizes placing      []      []      []
jumpers.                      jumper between pts 49 & 50 on terminal board B.
CUE: If jumper is not numbered, tell the candidate that the jumper number is # 22.
F.1.a.            Record jumper number.        Records jumper number &          []      []      []
checks QCOP 1600-17 step F.1.a.
Evaluators Note: Verification steps may be performed when time permits and therefore are allowed to be performed out-of-sequence. If asked for verification, give a cue that the jumpers will be verified later.
F.1.a.(1)        Verification.                Installation is verified.        []      []      []
*F.1.b.          Install 901-15 panel          Installs/verbalizes placing      []      []      []
jumpers.                      jumper between pts. 38 & 39 on terminal board E.
CUE: If jumper is not numbered, tell the candidate that the jumper number is # 23.
F.1.b.            Record jumper number.        Records jumper number &          []      []      []
checks QCOP 1600-17 step F.1.b.
F.1.b.(1)        Verification                  Verifier verifies installation.  []      []      []
EVALUATOR: The candidate should inform you that the task is complete.
          *CRITICAL STEP JPM Stop Time:
Page 5
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Operators Name:
RO          SRO JPM
Bypass the Reactor Building Ventilation Isolation JPM Number: B.1.a.                                          Revision Number: 2 Task Number and
SRN-1600-P25 Given a reactor plant in a QGA situation, perform/simulate installing and removing one of the following sets of jumpers in accordance with the indicated procedure.
K/A Number and Importance:
K/A:      288000 A2.01          Rating:        3.3/3.4 Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Actual Testing Environment:                Simulator            Plant Control Room Testing Method:  Simulate                      Faulted:  Yes            No Perform          Alternate Path:  Yes              No Time Critical:  Yes            No Estimated Time to Complete: _6_minutes            Actual Time Used:          minutes
QCOP 1600-17 Rev. 3 Page 6
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?        Yes            No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be:  Satisfactory              Unsatisfactory Comments:
Evaluators Name:                                                  (Print)
Evaluators Signature:                                                Date:
Page 7
-  A small leak inside the U-1 Drywell has caused the pressure to increase to 3.5 psig.
-  All automatic functions occurred as expected.
-  The MSIV room temperature has increased to 164°F and the Unit Supervisor wants to restart the Reactor building ventilation per QGA 300.
-  This JPM is NOT time critical.
INITIATING CUE Bypass the Reactor building ventilation isolation on U-1 IAW QCOP 1600-17 Page 8
Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure RCIC Manual Initiation (Hardcard) with a Turbine Trip JPM Number: B.1.b.
Revision Number: _2_
Date: 11/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:
Instructor                              Date Validated By:
SME or Instructor                        Date Review By:
Operations Representative                Date Page 9
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
: 9. Reset the simulator to IC 94 (rst 94).
: 10. IC
== Description:==
Reactor stable after scram.
: 11. Manual Actuation:
* Ensure that the RCIC system is in its normal standby lineup.
: 12. Malfunctions:
* Simulate failure of the RCIC exhaust check valve to open by closing the exhaust line manual isolation valve using remote function (mrf rc04r close)
* When prompted by the evaluator, reopen the valve using (mrf rc04r open) and give the report that the check valve appeared to be stuck closed but you have cycled it manually and it now is free to move. No damage and everything is satisfactory in the RCIC room.
* When prompted by the evaluator, give report as NLO dispatched to RCIC room to verify the rupture diaphragm intact, report diaphragm is intact and all looks normal and satisfactory.
: 13. Remotes: NONE
: 14. Overrides: NONE
: 15. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
: 16. This completes the setup for this JPM.
Page 10
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Revision Record (Summary)
Revision 0,    This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.1 "Control Room Systems," for RO/SRO candidates.
Revision 1      The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.
Revision 2      The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.
Information For Evaluators Use:
UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps.
Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
Page 11
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
* A loss of feedwater has resulted in a reactor scram and entry into QGA 100.
* The Unit Supervisor has decided that RCIC should be used to restore reactor water level.
* Hardcard use has been authorized by the Unit Supervisor.
* RCIC is in its normal standby lineup.
* This JPM is not time critical INITIATING CUE Manually initiate Unit 1 RCIC using the hardcard and inject into the reactor vessel.
Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.
Page 12
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
JPM Start Time:
PERFORMANCE              OBJECTIVE STANDARDS                          SAT UNSAT N/A Obtain hardcard for RCIC        Obtains hardcard for RCIC MANUAL                []    []    []
MANUAL STARTUP from            STARTUP from the 901-4 panel.
the 901-4 panel.
Hardcard    Manually initiates RCIC        Depresses and holds the RCIC MAN                []    []    []
step 1      using the manual initiation    INITIATION pushbutton on the 901-4 pushbutton.
Verifies the system lines up to Using indications on the 901-4 panel            []    []    []
inject.                        verifies system valves are lining up for injection.
* Identifies turbine trip on      Identifies turbine trip by alarm 901-4 D-15      []    []    []
high exhaust pressure.          and cause is due to high exhaust pressure by alarm 901-4 C-14.
901-4      Verifies the automatic          Verifies that the MO 1-1301-60 MIN FLOW          []    []    []
C-14        actions occurred.              VLV and the MO 1-1301- 61 STM TO TURB step B.1.                                  VLV are closed
*901-4      Verifies steam exhaust check    Verifies 1-1301-64 RCIC TURB EXH STOP            []    []    []
C-14        valve open by dispatching      CK VLV is open by dispatching NLO to step B.2. operator to RCIC room.          RCIC room.
901-4      Determines if high torus        Determines that a high torus pressure does      []    []    []
C-14        pressure exists.                not exist as indicated on 1-1602-1 TORUS step B.3.                                  PRESS.
901-4      Determines if the exhaust      Determines that the exhaust diaphragm has        []    []    []
C-14        diaphragm has ruptured.        not ruptured by:
step B.4.
Absence of alarm 901-4 A-16 RCIC room temp normal on 901-21 RCIC room rads normal on 901-02 Dispatches NLO to RCIC room to verify that rupture diaphragm is intact.
Evaluator Note: Prompt the Simulator operator to provide cue from previously dispatched (step 901-4 C-14 B.2.) operator sent to inspect the exhaust line stop-check valve, that he found it stuck, but manually cycled it and it is now free to move. No damage, everything is sat.
Also have Simulator Operator provide cue as the NLO sent to inspect the rupture diaphragm (step 901-4 C-14 B.4.) that everything appears normal in the RCIC room and that the rupture diaphragm is intact.
In the next step, if the candidate seeks input from US, provide cue that condition has been corrected and RCIC operation is required.
Page 13
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
PERFORMANCE                OBJECTIVE STANDARDS                            SAT UNSAT N/A 901-4      Determines cause of high          Determines cause of high exhaust pressure        []    []  []
C-14      exhaust pressure has been        has been corrected and RCIC IS required step B.5. corrected and RCIC IS            for operation. Starts turbine trip recovery required for operation.          IAW QCOA 1300-01.
Starts turbine trip recovery IAW QCOA 1300-01.
QCOA      Verifies automatic actions        Previously done in step B.1.of 901-4C-14          []      []  []
1300-01    occurred.
step D.1.
QCOA      Determines if a trip or          Previously determined by 901-4 C-14 and          []      []  []
1300-01    isolation occurred.              operator reports from the field.
step D.2.
Evaluator Note: In the next step, the candidate may ask US if initiation signal should be reset to prevent system from autostarting following reset of the turbine trip.
Provide cue that it is NOT desired to clear the initiation signal and reiterate need for RCIC injection.
QCOA      Determines that initiation        Determines that initiation signal is not          []      []  []
1300-01    signal has not cleared.          cleared by alarm 901-4 D-16.
step D.4.
*QCOA      Resets the turbine trip.          Verifies high exhaust pressure trip signal        []      []  []
1300-01                                      clear, by absence of alarm 901-4 C-14, and step                                        resets turbine trip by depressing TURB D.7.b.                                      RESET pushbutton.
QCOA      Restarts RCIC for injection      Determines turbine trip is reset by absence      []      []  []
1300-01    IAW QCOP 1300-02 Hard            of any alarms, and that RCIC is required step D.9. Card.                            for operation. References Hard card to restart system.
* Manually initiates RCIC          Depresses and holds the RCIC MAN                  []      []  []
Hardcard  using the manual initiation      INITIATION pushbutton on the 901-4 step 1    pushbutton.
Verifies the system lines up to Using indications on the 901-4 panel                []      []  []
inject.                          verifies system valves reposition and system is injecting at ~400 gpm.
EVALUATOR: The candidate should inform you that the task is complete.
JPM Stop Time:
Page 14
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Operators Name:
RO              SRO JPM
RCIC Manual Initiation (Hardcard) with a Turbine Trip JPM Number: B.1.b.                                            Revision Number: 2 Task Number and
SR-1300-P01, Given a reactor plant in an accident condition where RCIC fails to autostart and/or fails to start with the auto pushbutton, start RCIC for injection in accordance with QCOP-1300-02. (Important PRA Operator Action - starting RCIC terminates 13 of the top 200 Core Damage Sequences)
K/A Number and Importance:
K/A: 217000 A2.02            Rating: 3.8/3.7 Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Actual Testing Environment:                    Simulator            Plant Control Room Testing Method:  Simulate                          Faulted:  Yes            No Perform              Alternate Path:  Yes              No Time Critical:  Yes            No Estimated Time to Complete: _30_minutes              Actual Time Used:            minutes
QCOP 1300-02, Rev. 22 QCOA 1300-01 Rev 11 QCAN 901-4 C-14 Rev 1 QCAN 901-4 D-15 Rev 4 QCAN 901-4 D-16 Rev 6 QCAN 901-4 E-16 Rev 0 Page 15
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?        Yes            No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be:  Satisfactory              Unsatisfactory Comments:
Evaluators Name:                                                  (Print)
Evaluators Signature:                                                Date:
Page 16
* A loss of feedwater has resulted in a reactor scram and entry into QGA 100.
* The Unit Supervisor has decided that RCIC should be used to restore reactor water level.
* Hardcard use has been authorized by the Unit Supervisor.
* RCIC is in its normal standby lineup.
* This JPM is not time critical INITIATING CUE Manually initiate Unit 1 RCIC using the hardcard and inject into the reactor vessel.
Page 17
Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Supply Bus 14-1 from Bus 24-1 using the Hardcard JPM Number: B.1.c.
Revision Number: _2_
Date: 11/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:
Instructor                            Date Validated By:
SME or Instructor                      Date Review By:
Operations Representative              Date Page 18
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Revision Record (Summary)
Revision 0,    This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.1 "Control Room Systems," for RO/SRO candidates.
Revision 1      The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.
Revision 2      The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.
Information For Evaluators Use:
UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps.
Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
Page 19
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
: 17. Reset the simulator to IC 94 (rst 94).
: 18. IC
== Description:==
NOTE:      It is okay to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.
: 19. Manual Actuation:
* Place the 1B Core Spray pump in PTL on 901-3 panel.
* Place the 1C RHR pump in PTL on 901-3 panel.
* Place the 1D RHR pump in PTL on 901-3 panel.
* Place the U-1 EDG control switch in STOP on the 901-8 panel.
: 20. Malfunctions:
* Prevent the U-1 EDG from starting (imf dg03a)
* Trip the bus 14 to 14-1 tie breaker 152-1427 (imf ed04m)
* Acknowledge alarms associated with the bus 14 to bus 14-1 breaker trip as part of setup.
: 21. Remotes: When asked by the candidate for U-2 to close bus 24-1 to 14-1 crosstie breaker on U-2, use remote function (mrf ed34r close) to close in the breaker and report to candidate that the bus 24-1 to 14-1 crosstie breaker on U-2 is closed in.
: 22. Overrides: NONE
: 23. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
: 24. This completes the setup for this JPM.
Page 20
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
* Unit 1 has experienced a transient resulting in a LOCA and drywell pressure of 5 psig.
* The bus 14 to bus 14-1 tie breaker has tripped.
* The Unit 1 Emergency Diesel Generator failed to start.
* Bus 14-1 is de-energized.
* No overcurrent alarms are up for any busses.
* Unit 2 is operating at 150 MWE in a split configuration (load is split between the UAT and the RAT).
* Unit 2 Emergency Diesel Generator to bus 24-1 breaker is open.
* The 1B Core Spray pump and the 1C and 1D RHR pumps are in PTL and have been verified.
* The Unit Supervisor has authorized hardcards.
* This JPM is not time critical INITIATING CUE Energize bus 14-1 from bus 24-1 using the hardcard.
Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.
Page 21
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
JPM Start Time:
PERFORMANCE                  OBJECTIVE STANDARDS                    SAT UNSAT N/A Obtain hardcard for BUS 14-1 TO      Obtains hardcard for BUS 14-1 TO          []    []    []
BUS 24-1 TIE OPERATION (BUS          BUS 24-1 TIE OPERATION (BUS 14-14-1 DEAD) from the 901-74          1 DEAD) from the 901-74 panel.
Hardcard      Places control switches in pull to  Places the following control              []    []    []
step 1        lock to isolate bus 14.              switches in PTL.
* Bus 14-1 & Bus 61 Tie breaker
* U1 Diesel Gen toBus 14-1 ACB
* Busses 14 and 14-1 Tie Breaker
*Hardcard    Directs the Unit 2 NSO or ANSO      Directs the Unit 2 RO to perform the      []    []    []
step 2        to operate the synchronization      following two steps on the switch and close bus 24-1 & 14-1    902-8 panel:
tie breaker.
: 1. Place SYNCH switch to ON for BUS 24-1 & 14-1 tie ACB.
: 2. Close BUS 24-1 & 14-1 tie ACB Evaluators Note: If candidate asks the evaluator to perform this task, direct them to use the phone to contact the U-2 RO (simulator operator) for performance of these two tasks.
Simulator Operator Note: When asked by the candidate for U-2 to close bus 24-1 to 14-1 crosstie breaker on U-2, use remote function (mrf ed34r close) to close in the breaker and report to candidate that the bus 24-1 to 14-1 crosstie breaker on U-2 is closed in.
*Hardcard    Places the synchronization switch    Places the synchronization switch on      []    []    []
step 3.a. ON for the crosstie.                the 901-8 panel to ON for BUS 24-1
                                                  & 14-1 tie ACB.
*Hardcard    Close bus 14-1 & 24-1 tie breaker. Closes and holds (for approximately      []    []    []
step 3.b.                                          10 seconds) the BUS 24-1 & 14-1 tie ACB on the 901-8 panel. Verifies BUS 24-1 & 14-1 tie ACB closed indication light and bus 14-1 live light lit.
EVALUATOR: The candidate should inform you that the task is complete.
JPM Stop Time:
Page 22
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Operators Name:
RO            SRO JPM
Supply Bus 14-1 from Bus 24-1 using the Hardcard JPM Number: B.1.c.                                          Revision Number: 2 Task Number and
SR-6500-P04. Given a loss of normal power to an emergency bus (13-1/14-1) with a failure of the associated emergency diesel to start, supply power to the emergency bus using the crosstie from unit 2 and restore 480 VAC busses in accordance with QOA 6500-03, QCOP 6500-08, QOA 6700-04 and QOA 6700-01. (SOER 83-6 r4)
K/A Number and Importance:
K/A: 262001 A4.01            Rating: 3.4/3.7 Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Actual Testing Environment:                  Simulator              Plant Control Room Testing Method:  Simulate                      Faulted:  Yes              No Perform            Alternate Path:  Yes              No Time Critical:  Yes            No Estimated Time to Complete: _7 _minutes          Actual Time Used:            minutes
QCOP 6500-08, Rev. 13 Page 23
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?        Yes            No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be:  Satisfactory              Unsatisfactory Comments:
Evaluators Name:                                                  (Print)
Evaluators Signature:                                                Date:
Page 24
* Unit 1 has experienced a transient resulting in a LOCA and drywell pressure of 5 psig.
* The bus 14 to bus 14-1 tie breaker has tripped.
* The Unit 1 Emergency Diesel Generator failed to start.
* Bus 14-1 is de-energized.
* No overcurrent alarms are up for any busses.
* Unit 2 is operating at 150 MWE in a split configuration (load is split between the UAT and the RAT).
* Unit 2 Emergency Diesel Generator to bus 24-1 breaker is open.
* The 1B Core Spray pump and the 1C and 1D RHR pumps are in PTL.
* The Unit Supervisor has authorized hardcards.
* This JPM is not time critical INITIATING CUE Energize bus 14-1 from bus 24-1 using the hardcard.
Page 25
Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Perform a Manual Scram Functional Test with Rod Drifts JPM Number: B.1.d.
Revision Number: 2 Date: 11/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:
Instructor                            Date Validated By:
SME or Instructor                    Date Review By:
Operations Representative            Date Page 26
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Revision Record (Summary)
Revision 0,    This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.1 "Control Room Systems," for RO/SRO candidates.
Revision 1      The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.
Revision 2      The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.
Information For Evaluators Use:
UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps.
Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
Page 27
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
: 25. Reset the simulator to IC _21_ (rst 21).
NOTE:      This JPM will result in a manual scram being inserted by the candidate. If this will effect other JPMS, it should be used alone or with administrative JPMS that do not require the use of the simulator or process computer.
: 26. Provide a copy of QCOS 0500-02 with section D.1. filled out for Unit 1 as a Normal Surveillance, signed and dated by the Unit Supervisor, and section D.2.
initialed as EO/ANSO.
: 27. Manual Actuation:
NONE Malfunctions:
Assign B RPS tripped to trigger 2 trg 2 E2 Assign rod 1815 to drift in when RPS B is tripped imf rd03r1815(2)
Assign rod 2227 to drift in when RPS B is tripped imf rd03r2227(2)
Assign rod 1839 to drift in when RPS B is tripped imf rd03r1839(2)
Assign rod 0627 to drift in when RPS B is tripped imf rd03r0627(2)
NONE Overrides:
: 28. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
: 29. This completes the setup for this JPM.
Page 28
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
* The Unit Supervisor has ordered that a manual scram functional test be performed this shift on Unit 1.
* This JPM is not time critical.
INITIATING CUE Perform a U-1 Manual Scram Functional Test IAW QCOS 0500-02.
Provide a copy of QCOS 0500-02 with section D.1. filled out for Unit 1 as a Normal Surveillance, signed and dated by the Unit Supervisor, and section D.2. initialed as EO/ANSO.
Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.
Page 29
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
JPM Start Time:
PERFORMANCE              OBJECTIVE STANDARDS                      SAT UNSAT N/A
*H.1.a. Depress the Channel A          Depress lefthand pushbutton.              []    []
manual scram pushbutton.
H.1.b. Verify red light in Channel A  Red light lit.                            []    []  []
manual scram pushbutton is lit.
H.1.c. Verify Channel A scram          Four RPS A scram solenoid lights not      []    []  []
solenoid group lights out.        lit.
H.1.d. Verify Channel A Manual          Annunciator 901-5 A-10 lit.              []    []  []
Scram alarm.
*H.1.e. Reset half scram and verify all 4 Positions RPS scram reset switch first to []    []
lights lit for Channel A and B. position 2 and 3 then to position 1 and 4.
                                          - Verifies all 4 lights lit for Channel A and B.
H.1.f. Reset Channel A Manual Trip    Depresses reset pushbutton AND            []    []
alarm.                            verifies Annunciator 901-5 A-10 not lit.
*H.2.a. Depress the Channel B          Depresses righthand pushbutton.          []    []
manual scram pushbutton.
H.2.b. Verify red light in Channel B  Red light lit.                            []    []  []
manual scram pushbutton is lit.
H.2.c. Verify Channel B scram          Four RPS B scram solenoid lights not      []    []  []
solenoid GP lights out.          lit.
H.2.d. Verify Channel B Manual          Annunciator 9015 A-15 lit.                []    []  []
Scram alarm.
*F.5. Recognizes rod drifts requiring a Recognizes that 4 rods are drifting into  []    []
reactor scram per section F.5. the core, and inserts a manual reactor scram.
Cue: Inform candidate that JPM is over when reactor is scrammed.
JPM Stop Time:
Page 30
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Operators Name:
RO          SRO JPM
Perform a Manual Scram Functional Test with Rod Drifts JPM Number: B.1.d.                                        Revision Number: 2 Task Number and
SR-0500-P01 - Given an operating reactor plant, perform the manual scram functional test in accordance with QCOS 500-2.
K/A Number and Importance:
K/A: 212000 A4.01          RATING: 4.6/4.6 Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Actual Testing Environment:                Simulator          Plant Control Room Testing Method:  Simulate                      Faulted:  Yes          No Perform            Alternate Path:  Yes          No Time Critical:  Yes            No Estimated Time to Complete: _9 _minutes          Actual Time Used:        minutes
QCOS 0500-02, Rev. 12 Page 31
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?        Yes            No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be:  Satisfactory              Unsatisfactory Comments:
Evaluators Name:                                                  (Print)
Evaluators Signature:                                                Date:
Page 32
* The Unit Supervisor has ordered that a manual scram functional test be performed this shift on Unit 1.
* This JPM is not time critical.
INITIATING CUE Perform a U-1 Manual Scram Functional Test IAW QCOS 0500-02.
Page 33
Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Perform The Core Spray Pump Operability Test For Core Spray Pump B With Failure Of Minimum Flow Valve JPM Number: B.1.e.
Revision Number: 2 Date: 11/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:
Instructor                            Date Validated By:
SME or Instructor                    Date Review By:
Operations Representative            Date Page 34
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Revision Record (Summary)
Revision 0,    This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.1 "Control Room Systems," for RO/SRO candidates.
Revision 1      The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.
Revision 2      The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.
Information For Evaluators Use:
Provide a copy of QCOS 1400-04 Core Spray Pump Operability Test with section D.1 and D.2. filled out for Unit 1 for a Partial for Core Spray Subsystem B signed and dated by the Unit Supervisor.
Steps H.1.a. marked N/A.
H.1.b.(1),(2),(4)&(5) initialed of as EO/ANSO.
H.1.b.(3) recorded as 5 seconds, and H.1.b.(3)(a) initialed as ANSO.
H.2. marked N/A.
H.4.a. marked N/A.
UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps.
Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
Page 35
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
: 30. Reset the simulator to IC 21 (rst 21).
NOTE:      It is okay to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.
: 31. Provide a copy of QCOS 1400-04 Core Spray Pump Operability Test with section D.1 and D.2. filled out for Unit 1 for a Partial for Core Spray Subsystem B signed and dated by the Unit Supervisor.
Steps H.1.a. marked N/A.
H.1.b.(1),(2),(4)&(5) initialed of as EO/ANSO.
H.1.b.(3) recorded as 5 seconds, and H.1.b.(3)(a) initialed as ANSO.
H.2. marked N/A.
H.4.a. marked N/A.
: 32. Manual Actuation:
NONE Malfunctions:
Fail the Core Spray Minimum Flow Valve to Auto Close using (imf cs06b)
Override 1-1402-38B handswitch to neutral using (ior dihs1140238b norm)
NONE Overrides:
: 33. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
: 34. This completes the setup for this JPM.
Page 36
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
* The Core Spray System is in its normal standby lineup IAW QCOP 1400-01.
* The Core Spray Pump Operability Test is required to be performed this shift.
* An EO has vented the core spray piping, performed pre-start checks on the 1B Core Spray pump, and is standing by outside the 1B Core Spray pump room.
* All personnel are cleared out of the 1B Core Spray room as controlled by the EO.
* This JPM is not time critical.
INITIATING CUE Perform the Core Spray Pump Operability Test for the 1B Core Spray Pump IAW QCOS 1400-04.
Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.
Page 37
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
JPM Start Time:
PERFORMANCE              OBJECTIVE STANDARDS                    SAT UNSAT N/A H.3.a.        Verify torus level < -2 narrow Checks torus level. Verifies at > -2  []    []
range, then alternate suction  (alternate suction pressure limit not pressure limit > 1 psig is met. applicable).
*H.3.b.(1). Start 1B Core Spray pump.      Positions pump CS to start.            []    []
Red light lit.
CUE: If NLO is asked to report on pump operating status, report that the 1B Core Spray pump is operating satisfactorily.
H.3.b.(2). Verify MO 1-1402-38B opens. Verifies MO 38B open light lit.        []    []
*H.3.b.(3). Open MO 1-1402-4B.              Positions 4B CS to fully open valve    []    []
open light lit.
*H.3.b.(4). Verify MO 1-1402-38B closes. Determines that the 38B did not close.  []    []
H.3.b.(4). Attempts to close the          Positions the CS for the 38B to close.  []    []  []
1-1402-38B.                    Identifies that the valve still didnt close.
H.3.b.(4). Report the Min. Flow valve      Informs US that 1-1402-38B did not      []    []
did not close.                  close.
CUE: Acknowledge report as US.
When candidate identifies need to shutdown the pump IAW step F.6, give cue as US to shutdown the pump IAW the procedure.
If candidate informs US that QCAP 0230-19 needs to be initiated, acknowledge that you as US will perform the procedure.
*H.3.c.(1). Close MO 1-1402-4B.            Positions CS to close. Close light lit. []    []
*H.3.c.(3). Stop 1B Core Spray pump.        Positions pump CS to stop              []    []
Green light lit.
EVALUATOR:            When the pump is OFF, inform the candidate that the JPM is complete.
JPM Stop Time:
* Emergent Critical Step Page 38
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Operators Name:
RO          SRO JPM
Perform the Core Spray Pump Operability Test For Core Spray Pump B With Failure Of Minimum Flow Valve JPM Number: B.1.e.                                        Revision Number: 2 Task Number and
SR-1400-P05 - Given a reactor plant with a core spray loop in a standby lineup, perform the Core Spray Pump Flow Rate Test and return the core spray loop to standby in accordance with QCOS 1400-01.
K/A Number and Importance:
K/A: 209001 A4.04          RATING: 2.9/2.9 Suggested Testing Environment:Simulator Actual Testing Environment:                Simulator            Plant Control Room Testing Method:      Simulate                  Faulted:  Yes            No Perform          Alternate Path:  Yes            No Time Critical:  Yes              No Estimated Time to Complete:_15_minutes          Actual Time Used:            minutes
QCOS 1400-04, Rev. 10 Page 39
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?        Yes            No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be:  Satisfactory              Unsatisfactory Comments:
Evaluators Name:                                                  (Print)
Evaluators Signature:                                                Date:
Page 40
* The Core Spray System is in its normal standby lineup IAW QCOP 1400-01.
* The Core Spray Pump Operability Test is required to be performed this shift.
* An EO has vented the core spray piping, performed pre-start checks on the 1B Core Spray pump, and is standing by outside the 1B Core Spray pump room.
* All personnel are cleared out of the 1B Core Spray room as controlled by the EO.
* This JPM is not time critical.
INITIATING CUE Perform the Core Spray Pump Operability Test for the 1B Core Spray Pump IAW QCOS 1400-04.
Page 41
Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Venting Of the Primary Containment due to High Hydrogen with a Failure of a Vent Valve to Open JPM Number: _B.1.f._
Revision Number: _2_
Date: _11/2002_
NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:
Instructor                            Date Validated By:
SME or Instructor                    Date Review By:
Operations Representative            Date Page 42
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Revision Record (Summary)
Revision 0,This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.1 "Control Room Systems," for RO/SRO candidates.
Revision 1      The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.
Revision 2      The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.
Information For Evaluators Use:
UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps.
Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
Page 43
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
: 35. Reset the simulator to IC 95 (rst 95 ). This IC is a shutdown reactor, stable following a scram and is setup specifically for this JPM. If it is not available follow the directions below.
: 36. IC
== Description:==
The Reactor is scrammed, Group II isolation in effect, DW pressure 8.6 psig, Torus pressure  6.9 psig.
NOTE:      It is okay to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.
: 37. Manual Actuations:
* Depress both scram buttons to scram the Reactor then perform QCGP 2-3 actions.
* Prevent HPCI injection by tripping HPCI with the trip latch.
* Ensure reactor building vents have isolated and B SBGT train is operating.
* Ensure AO-1601-61, 62, 63, 60, 23, 24 are closed.
* Start the 7th DW cooler.
: 38. Malfunctions:
* Cause a Group II Isolation to seal in using malfunction RP07.
(imf rp07a) & (imf rp07b)
* Insert Main Steam line leak after the flow restrictors (imf ms05a 0.1)
* Override the 1-1601-61 valve closed (ior dihs1160161 close)
: 39. Remotes: NONE
: 40. Overrides:
* Override the Hydrogen recorder to 2.5 (ior aoh212406a 25)
Page 44
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
: 41. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
: 42. This completes the setup for this JPM.
Page 45
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
-        A transient has occurred resulting in hydrogen generation.
-        The US has entered the Hydrogen control procedure, QGA 200-5.
-        Chemistry has sampled the containment atmosphere and determined that the offsite release rate will stay below the LCO when venting has commenced.
-        Chemistry has recommended using SBGTS as a vent path.
-        There are as many fans as possible operating.
-        SBGT is operating.
-        The Essential Service bus and both RPS busses are energized.
-        Station Director has given permission to vent (NOT OK to exceed release rates).
-        This JPM is not time critical.
INITIATING CUE Line-up and begin venting the Torus through SBGT in accordance with QCOP 1600-13 to reduce hydrogen concentration in the containment.
Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.
Page 46
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
JPM Start Time:
PERFORMANCE              OBJECTIVE STANDARDS                  SAT UNSAT N/A Obtain the procedure to be used. Procedure QCOP 1600-13 obtained.      []    []
F.2.        Verify closed the following      Verify closed the following Primary Primary Containment valves:      Containment valves:
: a. Torus 2 Vent vlv.            AO 1-1601-61, closed light lit.        []    [] []
: b. DW 2 Vent vlv.              AO 1-1601-62, closed light lit.        []    [] []
: c. Vent to SBGTS.                AO 1-1601-63, closed light lit.        []    [] []
: d. Torus 18 Vent vlv.          AO 1-1601-60, closed light lit.        []    [] []
: e. DW 18 Vent vlv.              AO 1-1601-23, closed light lit.        []    [] []
: f. Vent to RX Bldg. Exh Sys. AO 1-1601-24, closed light lit.        []    [] []
F.3.a.      Verify "B" SBGTS train is        "B" train of SBGTS verified running.  []    [] []
F.3.b.      Announce evacuation of SBGT      Announcement made over plant          []    [] []
area and that plant radiological page.
conditions may change as containment is vented.
F.3.c.      Verify MASTER VENT MODE          Verifies switch in NORM.              []    [] []
switch in NORM.
F.3.d.(1)  Place the VENT ISOL SIG BYP      Switch is momentarily placed in        []    [] []
key switch to TORUS position    TORUS position, and verifies alarm actuates. AND alarm 901-3 A-15 verified on.
F.3.d.(2)  Open Vent to SBGTS.              Positions AO 1-1601-63 CS to open      []    [] []
open light lit.
F.3.d.(3)  Attempts to open the Torus 2"    Positions AO 1-1601-61 CS to open      []    []
Vent valve and recognizes valve  identifies valve did not change fails to open.                  position, open light not lit.
Notifies US of valve failure to  Notifies US that 1-1601-61 valve      []    [] []
open.                            failed to open.
Page 47
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
PERFORMANCE              OBJECTIVE STANDARDS                        SAT UNSAT N/A CUE: Acknowledge 1-1601-61 valve failed to open. If candidate stops at this point or requests direction from the US, ask them for their recommendation. If candidate does not offer a recommendation, tell them to continue on with procedure.
Note to evaluator: The next step in the procedure F.3.e. allows the candidate to vent the drywell if torus venting is not able to control hydrogen concentration as long as drywell pressure is less than 25psig.
*F.3.e.(1)    Place the VENT ISOL SIG        Switch is momentarily placed in              []    []
BYP key switch to              DRYWELL position, DRYWELL position and          AND verifies alarm actuates.      alarm 901-3 A-15 verified on.
F.3.e.(2)      Verifies Torus 2" Vent valve  Verifies AO 1-1601-61 closed                  []    []
closed.                        closed light lit.
*F.3.e.(3)    Open Vent to SBGTS.            Verifies AO 1-1601-63 open                    []    []
open light lit.
*F.3.e.(4)    Opens the Drywell 2" Vent      Positions AO 1-1601-62 CS to open            []    []
valve.                        open light lit.
Evaluator Note: Due to simulator set-up for this JPM, drywell pressure and hydrogen concentration will not show a reducing trend so you must cue candidate that these parameters are decreasing.
Cue: Inform candidate that drywell pressure and hydrogen concentration is dropping.
F.3.e.(6)      Monitor Release Rate.          Monitors, 1/2-1704-19, CHIMNEY                []    []    []
GAS ACTIVITY recorder on Panel 912-4 AND 1/2-1740-202, MN CHIMNEY GAS ACTIVITY recorder 912-1.
F.3.e.(6)(a)  Verify release rate limit is  Contacts Chemistry or verifies absence        []    []
NOT being exceeded.            of alarms 912-1 E-9 and F-9 on 912-1 to ensure limit is NOT being exceeded.
F.3.e.(7)      Logs data in log book.        Log the following information in the          []    []
Unit Log Book:
(a) Time of venting start & stop.
(b) Drywell and Torus pressure at time of vent start & stop.
EVALUATOR: The candidate should inform you that the task is completed.
JPM Stop Time:
Page 48
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Operators Name:
RO            SRO JPM
Venting Of the Primary Containment due to High Hydrogen with a Failure of a Vent Valve to Open JPM Number: B.1.f.                                      Revision Number: 2 Task Number and
SR-0001-P038, Post Accident Venting Of The Primary Containment K/A Number and Importance:
K/A: 500000 EA1.03        Rating: 3.4/3.2 Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Actual Testing Environment:              Simulator          Plant Control Room Testing Method:  Simulate                    Faulted:  Yes          No Perform          Alternate Path:  Yes          No Time Critical:  Yes          No Estimated Time to Complete: 20 minutes        Actual Time Used:          minutes
QCOP 1600-13, Rev. 15 Page 49
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?        Yes            No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be:  Satisfactory              Unsatisfactory Comments:
Evaluators Name:                                                  (Print)
Evaluators Signature:                                                Date:
Page 50
-      A transient has occurred resulting in hydrogen generation.
-      The US has entered the Hydrogen control procedure, QGA 200-5.
-      Chemistry has sampled the containment atmosphere and determined that the offsite release rate will stay below the LCO when venting has commenced.
-      Chemistry has recommended using SBGTS as a vent path.
-      There are as many fans as possible operating.
-      SBGT is operating.
-      The Essential Service bus and both RPS busses are energized.
-      Station Director has given permission to vent (NOT OK to exceed release rates).
-      This JPM is not time critical.
INITIATING CUE Line-up and begin venting the Torus through SBGT in accordance with QCOP 1600-13 to reduce hydrogen concentration in the containment.
Page 51
Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Pressurize The Main Steam Lines JPM Number: B.1.g.
Revision Number: _2_
Date: 11/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:
Instructor                        Date Validated By:
SME or Instructor                Date Review By:
Operations Representative        Date Page 52
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Revision Record (Summary)
Revision 0,    This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.1 "Control Room Systems," for RO/SRO candidates.
Revision 1      The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.
Revision 2      The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.
Information For Evaluators Use:
UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps.
Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
Page 53
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
: 43. Reset the simulator to IC 94 (rst 94). This IC is a shutdown reactor, stable following a scram and is base IC setup specifically for this JPM.
: 44. IC
== Description:==
NOTE:      It is okay to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.
: 45. Manual Actuation:
* Simulator operator must control reactor pressure manually with relief valves to control pressure 800-1000 psig while candidate is reopening the MSIVS.
* Ensure the Main Steam line drains are shut.
: 46. Malfunctions:
* Allow Gp I isolation to cause scram by performing the following:
* Insert, then remove, malfunction RP05 A & B.
(imf rp05a) & (imf rp05b)
(dmf rp05a) & (dmf rp05b)
: 47. Remotes: NONE
: 48. Overrides: NONE
: 49. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
: 50. This completes the setup for this JPM.
Page 54
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
* A Group I Isolation occurred approximately 30 minutes ago on Unit 1 due to low-low reactor water level.
* Reactor water level has been restored and is now being controlled by Feed/Condensate.
* Another RO will control pressure between 800 and 1000 psig with relief valves.
* The Main Steam Lines have been drained and the Steam line drain valves are shut.
* RPV level has been maintained less than 100 during the time the MSIVs have been closed.
* This JPM is not time critical INITIATING CUE Pressurize the Unit 1 Main Steam lines and re-open the MSIV's. Notify Unit Supervisor when all MSIVs are open.
Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.
Page 55
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
JPM Start Time:
PERFORMANCE              OBJECTIVE STANDARDS              SAT UNSAT N/A Obtain procedure to be used.      Procedure QCOP 250-1 obtained.      []  []  []
*F.1. Place MN STM ISOL RESET to        Places MN STM ISOL RESET to        []  []
INBD.                              INBD.
*F.2. Place MN STM ISOL RESET to        Places MN STM ISOL RESET to        []  []
OUTBD.                            OUTBD.
*F.3. Adjust 1 A/B PRESS SETPOINT 200    Adjusts 200 psig above reactor      []  []  []
psig above Reactor Pressure, OR as pressure or as high as possible.
high as possible.
*F.4. Open Outboard MSIVs:              Opens outboard MSIVs by taking      []  []
: a. AO 1-203-2A,                    each C/S to OPEN on 901-3 2A OUTBD MSIV                    AO 1-203-2A
: b. AO 1-203-2B,                    red light lit indicating OPEN 2B OUTBD MSIV                    AO 1-203-2B
: c. AO 1-203-2C,                    red light lit indicating OPEN 2C OUTBD MSIV                    AO 1-203-2C
: d. AO 1-203-2D                    red light lit indicating OPEN 2D OUTBD MSIV                    AO 1-203-2D red light lit indicating OPEN F.5. Open Steamline drain valves:      Opens steamline drain valves by    []    [] []
: a. MO 1-220-90A                    taking each C/S to OPEN on 901-3 STM LINE DRN VLV                MO 1-220-90A
: b. MO 1-220-90B                    red light lit indicating OPEN STM LINE DRN VLV                MO 1-220-90B
: c. MO 1-220-90C                    red light lit indicating OPEN STM LINE DRN VLV                MO 1-220-90C
: d. MO 1-220-90D                    red light lit indicating OPEN STM LINE DRN VLV                MO 1-220-90D red light lit indicating OPEN
*F.6. Equalize pressure across MSIVs:    Opens steam drain valve by taking  []  []
: a. Open MO 1-220-1,                each C/S to OPEN on 901-3.
STM DRN ISOL VLV                MO 1-220-1
: b. Open MO 1-220-2,                red light lit indicating OPEN STM DRN ISOL VLV                MO 1-220-2
: c. Slowly throttle Open            red light lit indicating OPEN MO 1-220-3,                      MO 1-220-3 OUTSIDE DRN VLV                  indicates Mid-position OR OPEN
* Emergent Critical Step Page 56
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
PERFORMANCE                    OBJECTIVE STANDARDS                SAT UNSAT N/A F.7.      Monitor the following indications AND      Differential Pressure is              []    []    []
verify that differential pressure across  decreasing using reactor pressure the MSIVs are decreasing                  instrumentation and turbine throttle pressure on PI 1-3040-10
: a. Reactor Pressure                        on 901-7.
: b. PI 1-3040-10, TURB THROT PRESS (at panel 901-7)
EVALUATORS NOTE: The next step is conditional and need not be performed to satisfactorily complete this task. Step will be performed only if D/P does not decrease to < 200 psid.
F.8.      IF diff. press. across MSIVs does NOT      May close above and below seat        []    []    []
dec. to <200 psid, THEN, at panel 901-    drains on 901-7 if D/P is not 7, close valves                            decreasing
: a. MO 1-3004A, B, C and D, MO 1-3004A, B, C and D green CONT VLVS ABOVE SEAT DRN light lit indicating CLOSED
: b. MO 1-3005, CONT VLVS BELOW SEAT DRN                MO 1-3005 green light lit indicating CLOSED on 901-7.
EVALUATOR: Unit Supervisors permission is NOT a critical part of step F.9.
Candidate may elect to open 2 valves simultaneously to avoid a high flow isolation signal from occurring.
*F.9. WHEN diff. press. across the MSIVs is      Opens inboard MSIVs by taking        []  []
          <200 psid                                  each C/S to OPEN on 901-3 OR OPENS AO 1-203-1A has stopped decreasing and Unit red light lit indicating OPEN Supervisor has given permission to OPENS AO 1-203-1B proceed, THEN open inboard MSIVs:
red light lit indicating OPEN
: a. AO 1-203-1A, OPENS AO 1-203-1C 1A INBD MSIV red light lit indicating OPEN
: b. AO 1-203-1B, OPENS AO 1-203-1D 1B INBD MSIV red light lit indicating OPEN
: c. AO 1-203-1C, 1C INBD MSIV
: d. AO 1-203-1D 1D INBD MSIV EVALUATOR: The candidate should inform you that the task is complete.
JPM Stop Time:
Page 57
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Operators Name:
RO          SRO JPM
Pressurize the Main Steam Lines JPM Number: B.1.g.                                          Revision Number: 2 Task Number and
SR-0250-P01, Given a reactor plant at power when an inadvertent Group 1 isolation occurs, determine the cause, reset the Group 1, and re-open the MSIVs in accordance with QCOP 0250-01.
K/A Number and Importance:
K/A: 239001 A4.01          Rating: 4.2/4.0 Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Actual Testing Environment:                  Simulator            Plant Control Room Testing Method:  Simulate                      Faulted:  Yes            No Perform            Alternate Path:  Yes              No Time Critical:  Yes            No Estimated Time to Complete: _25_minutes          Actual Time Used:            minutes
QCOP 250-01, Rev. 5 Page 58
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?        Yes            No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be:  Satisfactory              Unsatisfactory Comments:
Evaluators Name:                                                  (Print)
Evaluators Signature:                                                Date:
Page 59
* A Group I Isolation occurred approximately 30 minutes ago on Unit 1 due to low-low reactor water level.
* Reactor water level has been restored and is now being controlled by Feed/Condensate.
* Another RO will control pressure between 800 and 1000 psig with relief valves.
* The Main Steam Lines have been drained and the Steam line drain valves are shut.
* RPV level has been maintained less than 100 during the time the MSIVs have been closed.
* This JPM is not time critical INITIATING CUE Pressurize the Unit 1 Main Steam lines and re-open the MSIV's. Notify Unit Supervisor when all MSIVs are open.
Page 60
Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Aligning Fire Protection Water to SSMP Room Cooler JPM Number: B.2.a.
Revision Number: 02 Date: 11/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:
Instructor                          Date Validated By:
SME or Instructor                    Date Review By:
Operations Representative            Date B.2.a.
Page 61
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Revision Record (Summary)
Revision 0,    The reason for this JPM is to demonstrate the ability to terminate one of the twenty most probable Core Damage Sequences.
This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.2 "Facility Walk-Through," for RO/SRO candidates.
Revision 1      The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.
Revision 2      The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.
Information For Evaluators Use:
All components are located in the Safe Shutdown Makeup Pump Room on the south wall.
UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
*Denotes CRITICAL steps.
Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
Page 62
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
-    There is a severe fire in RB 1S. SSMP is the injection source for U-1. Service Water is no longer available to the SSMP Room Cooler.
-    You have been issued a flashlight, radio, and the AR tool box which includes; a V-key, an R-Key, VHR-key, a Fire Lock key, an S-Key, a straight blade screwdriver, a wire cutters, a crescent wrench.
-    This JPM is not time critical.
INITIATING CUE Align Fire Protection Water to SSMP Room Cooler in accordance with QCARP 0010-01 Attachment D.
Provide examinee with:
Copy of QCARP 0010-01 Attachment D.
Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.
Page 63
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
JPM Start Time:
*Attachment D,    Close 1/2-2901-25, SERV        Turns 1/2-2901-25 valve hand    []      []      []
step 1            WTR TO SAFE                    wheel clockwise until valve no SHUTDOWN PMP RM                longer moves.
CUE: Indicate to the candidate that the valve will not longer turn after the proper technique is demonstrated.
*Attachment D,    Unlock and Open                Selects S Key and unlocks      []      []      []
step 2            1/2-2901-9 FIRE                  1/2-2901-9 turns valve hand PROTECTION WTR TO              wheel counterclockwise until SAFE SHUTDOWN PMP              valve no longer moves.
CUE: Indicate to the candidate that the lock is unlocked and that the valve will no longer turn after the proper technique is demonstrated.
*Attachment D,    Close 1/2-2999-9, SERVICE      Turns 1/2-2999-9 valve hand      []      []      []
step 3            WATER TO SSMP ROOM              wheel clockwise until valve no COOLER BYPASS VALVE.            longer moves.
CUE: Indicate to the candidate that the valve will not longer turn after the proper technique is demonstrated.
Attachment D,      Verify SSMP Room Cooler        Checks to see if cooler is      []      []      []
step 4            Operation.                      cooling room.
CUE: After proper checks are made for Cooler operation (Proper checks should include that the candidate listens or feels for cool air flow discharging from the cooler, or verifying that the room is getting cooler), indicate to the candidate that the room is becoming cooler.
Attachment D,      Notify U1 US that steps are    Proper communication            []      []      []
step 5            complete.                      techniques.
CUE: When informed, acknowledge as Unit One Unit Supervisor that you understand that the SSMP Room Cooler is lined up to the fire header.
Evaluator Note: Candidate should state that the JPM is complete.
        *CRITICAL STEP JPM Stop Time:
Page 64
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Operators Name:
RO            SRO JPM
Align Fire Protection Water to SSMP Room Cooler JPM Number: B.2.a.                                        Revision Number: 2 Task Number and
SN 2900-P08 Given Unit 1 in an QCARP condition, transfer SSMP HVAC cooling water supply to the fire header and verify SSMP room cooler operation in accordance with QCARP 0010-01 Attachment D. (Important PSA task/transferring cooling water supply has Risk Achievement Worth (RAW) ranging from 1.25 alone to 655 in combination with other actions.
Accomplishing this task terminates 1 of the 20 most probable core damage sequences)
K/A Number and Importance:
K/A: 295018 AA1.01        RATING: 3.3/3.4 Suggested Testing Environment: Plant Actual Testing Environment:                  Simulator          Plant Control Room Testing Method:  Simulate                        Faulted:  Yes          No Perform            Alternate Path:  Yes          No Time Critical:  Yes          No Estimated Time to Complete: _10_minutes            Actual Time Used:          minutes
QCARP 0010-01 Attachment D, Rev. 1 B.2.a.
Page 65
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?        Yes            No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be:  Satisfactory              Unsatisfactory Comments:
Evaluators Name:                                                  (Print)
Evaluators Signature:                                                Date:
Page 66
-  There is a severe fire in RB 1S. SSMP is the injection source for U-1. Service Water is no longer available to the SSMP Room Cooler.
-  You have been issued a flashlight, radio, and the AR tool box which includes; a V-key, an R-Key, VHR-key, a Fire Lock key, an S-Key, a straight blade screwdriver, a wire cutters, a crescent wrench.
-  This JPM is not time critical.
INITIATING CUE Align Fire Protection Water to SSMP Room Cooler in accordance with QCARP 0010-01 Attachment D.
Page 67
Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Depressurize the Scram Air Header JPM Number: B.2.b.
Revision Number: 2 Date: 11/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:
Instructor                      Date Validated By:
SME or Instructor              Date Review By:
Operations Representative      Date Page 68
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Revision Record (Summary)
Revision 0      This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.2 "Facility Walk-Through," for RO/SRO candidates.
Revision 1      The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.
Revision 1      The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.
Information For Evaluators Use:
All components are located in the U-2 reactor building 595 elevation near the southeast corner of the north CRD bank.
UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps.
Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
Page 69
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
-        An ATWS has occurred on Unit 2 with reactor power currently at 35%.
-        The Control Room is in QGA 101 and attempting to insert Control Rods.
-        The Unit Supervisor has directed performance of QCOP 0300-28
-        This JPM is not time critical INITIATING CUE Vent the U-2 scram air header to insert control rods in accordance with QCOP 0300-28 step F.3.
Provide candidate a copy of QCOP 0300-28.
Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.
Page 70
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
JPM Start Time:
*F.3.a.(1)        Close OR verify closed        Rotates 2-301-147A AND        []    []    []
both 2-301-147A AND B,        147B handwheels clockwise INST AIR TO SCRAM VLV        until they do not turn any PILOT AIR HDR A/B (FILT)      further.
Cue: You have rotated the handwheels clockwise and they will not turn any further.
*F.3.a.(2)        Manually open RV 2-          Lifts handle on RV 2-0399-24.  []    []    []
0399-24 SCRAM AIR RELIEF VALVE RV, by lifting the relief valve handle.
Cue: You heard air blowing for several seconds, the flow then slowed and finally stopped. The Control Room reports that all the control rods have fully inserted. Restore the scram air header.
F.3.b.(1)        Close RV 2-0399-24            Releases handle on RV 2-      []    []    []
SCRAM AIR RELIEF              0399-24.
Cue: You have released the handle on the Relief Valve and it has returned to its original position.
F.3.b.(2)        Open either the 2-301-        Rotates 2-301-147A OR 147B    []    []    []
147A OR B, INST AIR TO        handwheel counterclockwise SCRAM VLV PILOT AIR          until it does not turn any HDR A/B (FILT) INLET.        further.
Cue: You have rotated the handwheel counterclockwise and it will not turn any further. If asked, scram air header pressure indication is 70 psig and rising.
EVALUATOR:            The candidate should inform you that the task is complete.
JPM Stop Time:
Page 71
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Operators Name:
RO            SRO JPM
Depressurize the scram air header JPM Number: B.2.b.                                          Revision Number: 2 Task Number and
SRN-0300-TP019 - Given a reactor plant in an ATWS condition (QGA),
locally isolate and depressurize the scram air header in accordance with QCOP 300-28.
K/A Number and Importance:
K/A: 295037 EA1.03 Rating: 4.1/4.1 Suggested Testing Environment: Plant Actual Testing Environment:                  Simulator            Plant Control Room Testing Method:  Simulate                      Faulted:  Yes            No Perform            Alternate Path:  Yes              No Time Critical:  Yes            No Estimated Time to Complete: 10 minutes            Actual Time Used:          minutes
QCOP 0300-28 Rev. 19 Page 72
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?        Yes            No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be:  Satisfactory              Unsatisfactory Comments:
Evaluators Name:                                                  (Print)
Evaluators Signature:                                                Date:
Page 73
-      An ATWS has occurred on Unit 2 with reactor power currently at 35%.
-      The Control Room is in QGA 101 and attempting to insert Control Rods.
-      The Unit Supervisor has directed performance of QCOP 0300-28
-      This JPM is not time critical INITIATING CUE Vent the U-2 scram air header to insert control rods in accordance with QCOP 0300-28 step F.3.
Page 74 of 1
Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Perform the Aux Electric Room actions to Alignstart RHR in the Shutdown Cooling Mode in accordance with QCOP 1000-29.
JPM Number: B.2.c.
Revision Number: 02 Date: 1108/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:
Instructor                    Date Validated By:
SME or Instructor            Date Review By:
Operations Representative    Date Approved By:
Training Department          Date B.2.c.
Page 75 of 1
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Revision Record (Summary) 1.Revision 0, The reason for this JPM is to demonstrate the ability to terminate one of the twenty most probable Core Damage Sequences.
This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.2. "Facility Walk Through," for RO/SRO candidates.
Revision 1      The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.
Revision 2      The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.
Information For Evaluators Use:
All components are located in the Aux. Equipment Room. A key will need to be checked out at the Work Execution Center to access the cabinets in the Aux. Electric room UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
Denotes CRITICAL steps.
Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
Page 76 of 1
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
-        Unit 2 is entering a refueling outage.
-        The Control Room has been evacuated due to toxic gas in the ventilation system.
-        The Unit Supervisor has directed that the A Loop of Shutdown Cooling is to be placed in service from outside the Control Room.
-        The Condensate Transfer system is available.
-        Operators have been briefed and are standing by outside the MSIV room at phone extension 2431 with Radiation Protection support and all necessary equipment to perform step F.7.
-        The reactor is shut down with reactor pressure at 37 psig.
-        The plant is NOT using the QCARPs.
-        The Shutdown Cooling suction header has been filled and vented.
-        The RHR Service Water system is operating with discharge pressure of 275 psig.
-        You have an Aux Electric Room key, and a jumper wire.
-        This JPM is not time critical
-Unit 1(2) is entering a refueling outage.
-        The Control Room has been evacuated due to toxic gas in the ventilation system.
-The Unit Supervisor has determined that A Loop Shutdown Cooling is being placed in service from outside the Control Room.
-The Condensate Transfer system is available.
-        Operators have been briefed and are standing by in the plant with Radiation Protection support and all necessary equipment.
-        The reactor is shut down with reactor pressure at 37 psig.
-The plant is NOT using the QARPs.
-        The Shutdown Cooling suction header has been filled and vented.
-        The RHR Service Water system is operating with discharge pressure of 275 psig.
-        You have obtained an Aux Electric Room key, a jumper wire, and a small fuse pullers.
-        This JPM is not time critical Initiating Cue:          Perform the Aux Electric Room actions to align U-2ALoop RHR system in the Shutdown Cooling Mode in accordance with QCOP 1000-29 performing steps F.7.j.through F.7.l.
Initiating Cue:                  Perform the Aux Electric Room actions to start U1(2)
A Loop RHR system in the Shutdown Cooling Mode in accordance with QCOP 1000-29 starting at step F.7.j.
Provide examinee with:
: 1.      Copy of QCOP 1000-29 signed off through step F.7.i.
: 2.      Unit 2 Auxiliary Electric Room Key Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.
Page 77 of 8
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Information For Evaluators Use:
UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps.
Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
Page 78 of 8
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
JPM Start Time:
PERFORMANCE                OBJECTIVE STANDARDS                  SAT UNSAT N/A Evaluator Note: Provide candidate with marked up copy of procedure and a U-2 Aux. Electric room key.
*F.7.j.            Resets Group 2 isolation      Slides the ON/OFF switch for relay  []    []    []
inboard logic per              595-115, located in the 901(2)-902-Attachment B.                  40 to the ON position.
Attachment B step 1.a.
CUE: Indicate to the candidate that the ON/OFF switch for relay 595-115 is indicating ON.
*F.7.j.            Resets Group 2 isolation      Slides the ON/OFF switch for relay  []    []    []
outboard logic per            595-116, located in the 901(2)-902-Attachment B.                  41 to the ON position.
Attachment B, step 1.b.
CUE: Indicate to the candidate that the ON/OFF switch for relay 595-116 is indicating ON.
Evaluators note: Portable radio use is NOT allowed in the Auxiliary Electric room, candidate should indicate that they would either use the phone or step out of the room to use the radio.
*F.7.k.            Notifies operator to open      Using phone, notifies the operator  []    []    []
the MO 2-1001-47 valve.        standing by near the MO 2-1001-47 valve to open the valve CUE: Acknowledge notification of step completion and then Rreport asthat the an NLO that the has opened the MO 1(2)-1001-47 valve has been opened per step F.7.k. of QCOP 1000-29.
NOTE to Evaluator: Once started closed by momentary installation of the jumper, the valve contactors seal in until the valve is full open (30 to 40 seconds).
*F.7.l.            Open the MO 1(2)-1001-        Momentarily places a jumper across  []    []    []
50 SDC INBD ISOL LVL.          terminals AA-12 and AA-13 in the 901(2)-902-40 panel.
F.7.l.              Makes notification of step    Notifies Unit Supervisor or other    []    []    []
completion.                    shift personnel that step F.7.l. is complete.
CUE: Acknowledge notification of step completion and inform them that the JPM is complete. If questioned regarding valve position, state that an operator verified the MO 1(2)-1001-50 valve open via indication at the valve breaker.
          *CRITICAL STEP B.2.c.
Page 79 of 8
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
JPM Stop Time:
Page 80 of 8
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Operators Name:
NLO          RO          SRO          STA SRO Cert JPM
Perform the Aux Electric Room actions to start RHR in the Shutdown Cooling Mode in accordance with QCOP 1000-29.
JPM Number: B.2.c.                                        Revision Number: 200 Task Number and Title SRN-1000-P34 Given a shutdown reactor plant with the control room evacuated, perform the aux.
electric room actions to start RHR shutdown cooling operation in accordance with QCOP 1000-29 K/A Number and Importance:
K/A: APE 295021 AA1.02            RATING: 3.5/3.5 Suggested Testing Environment: Plant Actual Testing Environment:                Simulator          Plant Control Room Testing Method:                                Simulate Faulted:        Yes No Perform            Alternate Path:  Yes                No Time Critical:  Yes          No Estimated Time to Complete: 24_10_minutesActual Time Used:                    minutes
QCOP 1000-29, Rev. 11 B.2.c.
Page 81 of 8
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?        Yes            No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be:  Satisfactory              Unsatisfactory Comments:
Evaluators Name:                                                  (Print)
Evaluators Signature:                                                Date:
Page 82 of 8
Job Performance Measure (JPM)
-      Unit 2 is entering a refueling outage.
-      The Control Room has been evacuated due to toxic gas in the ventilation system.
-      The Unit Supervisor has directed that the A Loop of Shutdown Cooling is to be placed in service from outside the Control Room.
-      The Condensate Transfer system is available.
-      Operators have been briefed and are standing by outside the MSIV room at phone extension 2431 with Radiation Protection support and all necessary equipment to perform step F.7.
-      The reactor is shut down with reactor pressure at 37 psig.
-      The plant is NOT using the QCARPs.
-      The Shutdown Cooling suction header has been filled and vented.
-      The RHR Service Water system is operating with discharge pressure of 275 psig.
-      You have an Aux Electric Room key, and a jumper wire.
-      This JPM is not time critical Initiating Cue:      Perform the Aux Electric Room actions to align U-2ALoop RHR system in the Shutdown Cooling Mode in accordance with QCOP 1000-29 performing steps F.7.j.through F.7.l.
-Unit 1(2) is entering a refueling outage.
-      The Control Room has been evacuated due to toxic gas in the ventilation system.
-The Unit Supervisor has determined that A Loop Shutdown Cooling is being placed in service from outside the Control Room.
-The Condensate Transfer system is available.
-      Operators have been briefed and are standing by in the plant with Radiation Protection support and all necessary equipment.
-      The reactor is shut down with reactor pressure at 37 psig.
-The plant is NOT using the QARPs.
-      The Shutdown Cooling suction header has been filled and vented.
-      The RHR Service Water system is operating with discharge pressure of 275 psig.
-      You have obtained an Aux Electric Room key, a jumper wire, and a small fuse pullers.
-      This JPM is not time critical Initiating Cue:                Perform the Aux Electric Room actions to start U1(2)
A Loop RHR system in the Shutdown Cooling Mode in accordance with QCOP 1000-29 starting at step F.7.j.
Page 83 Final Page}}

Latest revision as of 00:47, 26 March 2020

Final As-Administered Walkthrough Jpms for the Quad-Cities Initial Examination - December 2002
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/30/2002
From: Moreland K
Exelon Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
50-254/02-301, 50-265/02-301
Download: ML030700604 (95)


Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Bypass the Reactor Building Ventilation Isolation JPM Number: B.1.a.

Revision Number: 2 Date: 11/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:

Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Review By:

Operations Representative Date Page 1


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


1. Reset the simulator to IC 94 (rst 94 from zip disk).
2. IC


Shutdown reactor following a scram.

NOTE: It is okay to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

3. Manual Actuation:
  • Ensure that the QGA packet for QCOP 1600-17 is complete, including safety glasses, and in the drawer next to the ANSO desk.
4. Malfunctions:
  • Insert a group II Isolation using malfunction RP07A & RP07B (imf rp07a)&(imf rp07b)
5. Remotes: NONE
6. Overrides: NONE
7. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
8. This completes the setup for this JPM.

Page 2


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision 0, This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.1 "Control Room Systems," for RO/SRO candidates.

Revision 1 The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.

Revision 2 The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

Page 3


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


- A small leak inside the U-1 Drywell has caused the pressure to increase to 3.5 psig.

- All automatic functions occurred as expected.

- The MSIV room temperature has increased to 164°F and the Unit Supervisor wants to restart the Reactor building ventilation per QGA 300.

- This JPM is NOT time critical.

INITIATING CUE Bypass the Reactor building ventilation isolation on U-1 IAW QCOP 1600-17 Provide examinee with:

QGA support packet for QCOP 1600-17 when directed by cue.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Page 4


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JPM Start Time:


EVALUATOR: Disregard the above statement if the JPM is being performed in the simulator.

CUE: Provide candidate with QGA support packet for QCOP 1600-17.

  • F.1.a. Install 901-15 panel Installs/verbalizes placing [] [] []

jumpers. jumper between pts 49 & 50 on terminal board B.

CUE: If jumper is not numbered, tell the candidate that the jumper number is # 22.

F.1.a. Record jumper number. Records jumper number & [] [] []

checks QCOP 1600-17 step F.1.a.

Evaluators Note: Verification steps may be performed when time permits and therefore are allowed to be performed out-of-sequence. If asked for verification, give a cue that the jumpers will be verified later.

F.1.a.(1) Verification. Installation is verified. [] [] []

  • F.1.b. Install 901-15 panel Installs/verbalizes placing [] [] []

jumpers. jumper between pts. 38 & 39 on terminal board E.

CUE: If jumper is not numbered, tell the candidate that the jumper number is # 23.

F.1.b. Record jumper number. Records jumper number & [] [] []

checks QCOP 1600-17 step F.1.b.

F.1.b.(1) Verification Verifier verifies installation. [] [] []

EVALUATOR: The candidate should inform you that the task is complete.


Page 5


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operators Name:





Bypass the Reactor Building Ventilation Isolation JPM Number: B.1.a. Revision Number: 2 Task Number and


SRN-1600-P25 Given a reactor plant in a QGA situation, perform/simulate installing and removing one of the following sets of jumpers in accordance with the indicated procedure.

K/A Number and Importance:

K/A: 288000 A2.01 Rating: 3.3/3.4 Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Plant Control Room Testing Method: Simulate Faulted: Yes No Perform Alternate Path: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Estimated Time to Complete: _6_minutes Actual Time Used: minutes


QCOP 1600-17 Rev. 3 Page 6


Job Performance Measure (JPM)



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Page 7


- A small leak inside the U-1 Drywell has caused the pressure to increase to 3.5 psig.

- All automatic functions occurred as expected.

- The MSIV room temperature has increased to 164°F and the Unit Supervisor wants to restart the Reactor building ventilation per QGA 300.

- This JPM is NOT time critical.

INITIATING CUE Bypass the Reactor building ventilation isolation on U-1 IAW QCOP 1600-17 Page 8

Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure RCIC Manual Initiation (Hardcard) with a Turbine Trip JPM Number: B.1.b.

Revision Number: _2_

Date: 11/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:

Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Review By:

Operations Representative Date Page 9


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


9. Reset the simulator to IC 94 (rst 94).
10. IC


Reactor stable after scram.

11. Manual Actuation:
  • Ensure that the RCIC system is in its normal standby lineup.
12. Malfunctions:
  • Simulate failure of the RCIC exhaust check valve to open by closing the exhaust line manual isolation valve using remote function (mrf rc04r close)
  • When prompted by the evaluator, reopen the valve using (mrf rc04r open) and give the report that the check valve appeared to be stuck closed but you have cycled it manually and it now is free to move. No damage and everything is satisfactory in the RCIC room.
  • When prompted by the evaluator, give report as NLO dispatched to RCIC room to verify the rupture diaphragm intact, report diaphragm is intact and all looks normal and satisfactory.
13. Remotes: NONE
14. Overrides: NONE
15. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
16. This completes the setup for this JPM.

Page 10


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision 0, This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.1 "Control Room Systems," for RO/SRO candidates.

Revision 1 The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.

Revision 2 The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

Page 11


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


  • A loss of feedwater has resulted in a reactor scram and entry into QGA 100.
  • The Unit Supervisor has decided that RCIC should be used to restore reactor water level.
  • Hardcard use has been authorized by the Unit Supervisor.
  • RCIC is in its normal standby lineup.
  • This JPM is not time critical INITIATING CUE Manually initiate Unit 1 RCIC using the hardcard and inject into the reactor vessel.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Page 12


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JPM Start Time:

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE STANDARDS SAT UNSAT N/A Obtain hardcard for RCIC Obtains hardcard for RCIC MANUAL [] [] []

MANUAL STARTUP from STARTUP from the 901-4 panel.

the 901-4 panel.

Hardcard Manually initiates RCIC Depresses and holds the RCIC MAN [] [] []

step 1 using the manual initiation INITIATION pushbutton on the 901-4 pushbutton.

Verifies the system lines up to Using indications on the 901-4 panel [] [] []

inject. verifies system valves are lining up for injection.

high exhaust pressure. and cause is due to high exhaust pressure by alarm 901-4 C-14.

901-4 Verifies the automatic Verifies that the MO 1-1301-60 MIN FLOW [] [] []

C-14 actions occurred. VLV and the MO 1-1301- 61 STM TO TURB step B.1. VLV are closed

  • 901-4 Verifies steam exhaust check Verifies 1-1301-64 RCIC TURB EXH STOP [] [] []

C-14 valve open by dispatching CK VLV is open by dispatching NLO to step B.2. operator to RCIC room. RCIC room.

901-4 Determines if high torus Determines that a high torus pressure does [] [] []

C-14 pressure exists. not exist as indicated on 1-1602-1 TORUS step B.3. PRESS.

901-4 Determines if the exhaust Determines that the exhaust diaphragm has [] [] []

C-14 diaphragm has ruptured. not ruptured by:

step B.4.

Absence of alarm 901-4 A-16 RCIC room temp normal on 901-21 RCIC room rads normal on 901-02 Dispatches NLO to RCIC room to verify that rupture diaphragm is intact.

Evaluator Note: Prompt the Simulator operator to provide cue from previously dispatched (step 901-4 C-14 B.2.) operator sent to inspect the exhaust line stop-check valve, that he found it stuck, but manually cycled it and it is now free to move. No damage, everything is sat.

Also have Simulator Operator provide cue as the NLO sent to inspect the rupture diaphragm (step 901-4 C-14 B.4.) that everything appears normal in the RCIC room and that the rupture diaphragm is intact.

In the next step, if the candidate seeks input from US, provide cue that condition has been corrected and RCIC operation is required.

Page 13


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE STANDARDS SAT UNSAT N/A 901-4 Determines cause of high Determines cause of high exhaust pressure [] [] []

C-14 exhaust pressure has been has been corrected and RCIC IS required step B.5. corrected and RCIC IS for operation. Starts turbine trip recovery required for operation. IAW QCOA 1300-01.

Starts turbine trip recovery IAW QCOA 1300-01.

QCOA Verifies automatic actions Previously done in step B.1.of 901-4C-14 [] [] []

1300-01 occurred.

step D.1.

QCOA Determines if a trip or Previously determined by 901-4 C-14 and [] [] []

1300-01 isolation occurred. operator reports from the field.

step D.2.

Evaluator Note: In the next step, the candidate may ask US if initiation signal should be reset to prevent system from autostarting following reset of the turbine trip.

Provide cue that it is NOT desired to clear the initiation signal and reiterate need for RCIC injection.

QCOA Determines that initiation Determines that initiation signal is not [] [] []

1300-01 signal has not cleared. cleared by alarm 901-4 D-16.

step D.4.

  • QCOA Resets the turbine trip. Verifies high exhaust pressure trip signal [] [] []

1300-01 clear, by absence of alarm 901-4 C-14, and step resets turbine trip by depressing TURB D.7.b. RESET pushbutton.

QCOA Restarts RCIC for injection Determines turbine trip is reset by absence [] [] []

1300-01 IAW QCOP 1300-02 Hard of any alarms, and that RCIC is required step D.9. Card. for operation. References Hard card to restart system.

  • Manually initiates RCIC Depresses and holds the RCIC MAN [] [] []

Hardcard using the manual initiation INITIATION pushbutton on the 901-4 step 1 pushbutton.

Verifies the system lines up to Using indications on the 901-4 panel [] [] []

inject. verifies system valves reposition and system is injecting at ~400 gpm.

EVALUATOR: The candidate should inform you that the task is complete.

JPM Stop Time:

Page 14


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operators Name:





RCIC Manual Initiation (Hardcard) with a Turbine Trip JPM Number: B.1.b. Revision Number: 2 Task Number and


SR-1300-P01, Given a reactor plant in an accident condition where RCIC fails to autostart and/or fails to start with the auto pushbutton, start RCIC for injection in accordance with QCOP-1300-02. (Important PRA Operator Action - starting RCIC terminates 13 of the top 200 Core Damage Sequences)

K/A Number and Importance:

K/A: 217000 A2.02 Rating: 3.8/3.7 Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Plant Control Room Testing Method: Simulate Faulted: Yes No Perform Alternate Path: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Estimated Time to Complete: _30_minutes Actual Time Used: minutes


QCOP 1300-02, Rev. 22 QCOA 1300-01 Rev 11 QCAN 901-4 C-14 Rev 1 QCAN 901-4 D-15 Rev 4 QCAN 901-4 D-16 Rev 6 QCAN 901-4 E-16 Rev 0 Page 15


Job Performance Measure (JPM)



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Page 16


  • A loss of feedwater has resulted in a reactor scram and entry into QGA 100.
  • The Unit Supervisor has decided that RCIC should be used to restore reactor water level.
  • Hardcard use has been authorized by the Unit Supervisor.
  • RCIC is in its normal standby lineup.
  • This JPM is not time critical INITIATING CUE Manually initiate Unit 1 RCIC using the hardcard and inject into the reactor vessel.

Page 17

Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Supply Bus 14-1 from Bus 24-1 using the Hardcard JPM Number: B.1.c.

Revision Number: _2_

Date: 11/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:

Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Review By:

Operations Representative Date Page 18


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision 0, This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.1 "Control Room Systems," for RO/SRO candidates.

Revision 1 The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.

Revision 2 The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

Page 19


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


17. Reset the simulator to IC 94 (rst 94).
18. IC


NOTE: It is okay to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

19. Manual Actuation:
  • Place the 1C RHR pump in PTL on 901-3 panel.
  • Place the 1D RHR pump in PTL on 901-3 panel.
  • Place the U-1 EDG control switch in STOP on the 901-8 panel.
20. Malfunctions:
  • Prevent the U-1 EDG from starting (imf dg03a)
  • Trip the bus 14 to 14-1 tie breaker 152-1427 (imf ed04m)
  • Acknowledge alarms associated with the bus 14 to bus 14-1 breaker trip as part of setup.
21. Remotes: When asked by the candidate for U-2 to close bus 24-1 to 14-1 crosstie breaker on U-2, use remote function (mrf ed34r close) to close in the breaker and report to candidate that the bus 24-1 to 14-1 crosstie breaker on U-2 is closed in.
22. Overrides: NONE
23. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
24. This completes the setup for this JPM.

Page 20


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


  • Unit 1 has experienced a transient resulting in a LOCA and drywell pressure of 5 psig.
  • The bus 14 to bus 14-1 tie breaker has tripped.
  • Bus 14-1 is de-energized.
  • No overcurrent alarms are up for any busses.
  • Unit 2 is operating at 150 MWE in a split configuration (load is split between the UAT and the RAT).
  • The 1B Core Spray pump and the 1C and 1D RHR pumps are in PTL and have been verified.
  • The Unit Supervisor has authorized hardcards.
  • This JPM is not time critical INITIATING CUE Energize bus 14-1 from bus 24-1 using the hardcard.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Page 21


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JPM Start Time:

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE STANDARDS SAT UNSAT N/A Obtain hardcard for BUS 14-1 TO Obtains hardcard for BUS 14-1 TO [] [] []

BUS 24-1 TIE OPERATION (BUS BUS 24-1 TIE OPERATION (BUS 14-14-1 DEAD) from the 901-74 1 DEAD) from the 901-74 panel.


Hardcard Places control switches in pull to Places the following control [] [] []

step 1 lock to isolate bus 14. switches in PTL.

  • Bus 14-1 & Bus 61 Tie breaker
  • U1 Diesel Gen toBus 14-1 ACB
  • Busses 14 and 14-1 Tie Breaker
  • Hardcard Directs the Unit 2 NSO or ANSO Directs the Unit 2 RO to perform the [] [] []

step 2 to operate the synchronization following two steps on the switch and close bus 24-1 & 14-1 902-8 panel:

tie breaker.

1. Place SYNCH switch to ON for BUS 24-1 & 14-1 tie ACB.
2. Close BUS 24-1 & 14-1 tie ACB Evaluators Note: If candidate asks the evaluator to perform this task, direct them to use the phone to contact the U-2 RO (simulator operator) for performance of these two tasks.

Simulator Operator Note: When asked by the candidate for U-2 to close bus 24-1 to 14-1 crosstie breaker on U-2, use remote function (mrf ed34r close) to close in the breaker and report to candidate that the bus 24-1 to 14-1 crosstie breaker on U-2 is closed in.

  • Hardcard Places the synchronization switch Places the synchronization switch on [] [] []

step 3.a. ON for the crosstie. the 901-8 panel to ON for BUS 24-1

& 14-1 tie ACB.

  • Hardcard Close bus 14-1 & 24-1 tie breaker. Closes and holds (for approximately [] [] []

step 3.b. 10 seconds) the BUS 24-1 & 14-1 tie ACB on the 901-8 panel. Verifies BUS 24-1 & 14-1 tie ACB closed indication light and bus 14-1 live light lit.

EVALUATOR: The candidate should inform you that the task is complete.

JPM Stop Time:

Page 22


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operators Name:





Supply Bus 14-1 from Bus 24-1 using the Hardcard JPM Number: B.1.c. Revision Number: 2 Task Number and


SR-6500-P04. Given a loss of normal power to an emergency bus (13-1/14-1) with a failure of the associated emergency diesel to start, supply power to the emergency bus using the crosstie from unit 2 and restore 480 VAC busses in accordance with QOA 6500-03, QCOP 6500-08, QOA 6700-04 and QOA 6700-01. (SOER 83-6 r4)

K/A Number and Importance:

K/A: 262001 A4.01 Rating: 3.4/3.7 Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Plant Control Room Testing Method: Simulate Faulted: Yes No Perform Alternate Path: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Estimated Time to Complete: _7 _minutes Actual Time Used: minutes


QCOP 6500-08, Rev. 13 Page 23


Job Performance Measure (JPM)



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Page 24


  • Unit 1 has experienced a transient resulting in a LOCA and drywell pressure of 5 psig.
  • The bus 14 to bus 14-1 tie breaker has tripped.
  • Bus 14-1 is de-energized.
  • No overcurrent alarms are up for any busses.
  • Unit 2 is operating at 150 MWE in a split configuration (load is split between the UAT and the RAT).
  • The Unit Supervisor has authorized hardcards.
  • This JPM is not time critical INITIATING CUE Energize bus 14-1 from bus 24-1 using the hardcard.

Page 25

Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Perform a Manual Scram Functional Test with Rod Drifts JPM Number: B.1.d.

Revision Number: 2 Date: 11/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:

Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Review By:

Operations Representative Date Page 26


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision 0, This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.1 "Control Room Systems," for RO/SRO candidates.

Revision 1 The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.

Revision 2 The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

Page 27


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


25. Reset the simulator to IC _21_ (rst 21).

NOTE: This JPM will result in a manual scram being inserted by the candidate. If this will effect other JPMS, it should be used alone or with administrative JPMS that do not require the use of the simulator or process computer.

26. Provide a copy of QCOS 0500-02 with section D.1. filled out for Unit 1 as a Normal Surveillance, signed and dated by the Unit Supervisor, and section D.2.

initialed as EO/ANSO.

27. Manual Actuation:

NONE Malfunctions:

Assign B RPS tripped to trigger 2 trg 2 E2 Assign rod 1815 to drift in when RPS B is tripped imf rd03r1815(2)

Assign rod 2227 to drift in when RPS B is tripped imf rd03r2227(2)

Assign rod 1839 to drift in when RPS B is tripped imf rd03r1839(2)

Assign rod 0627 to drift in when RPS B is tripped imf rd03r0627(2)


NONE Overrides:


28. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
29. This completes the setup for this JPM.

Page 28


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


  • The Unit Supervisor has ordered that a manual scram functional test be performed this shift on Unit 1.
  • This JPM is not time critical.

INITIATING CUE Perform a U-1 Manual Scram Functional Test IAW QCOS 0500-02.

Provide a copy of QCOS 0500-02 with section D.1. filled out for Unit 1 as a Normal Surveillance, signed and dated by the Unit Supervisor, and section D.2. initialed as EO/ANSO.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Page 29


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JPM Start Time:


  • H.1.a. Depress the Channel A Depress lefthand pushbutton. [] []

manual scram pushbutton.

H.1.b. Verify red light in Channel A Red light lit. [] [] []

manual scram pushbutton is lit.

H.1.c. Verify Channel A scram Four RPS A scram solenoid lights not [] [] []

solenoid group lights out. lit.

H.1.d. Verify Channel A Manual Annunciator 901-5 A-10 lit. [] [] []

Scram alarm.

lights lit for Channel A and B. position 2 and 3 then to position 1 and 4.

- Verifies all 4 lights lit for Channel A and B.

H.1.f. Reset Channel A Manual Trip Depresses reset pushbutton AND [] []

alarm. verifies Annunciator 901-5 A-10 not lit.

  • H.2.a. Depress the Channel B Depresses righthand pushbutton. [] []

manual scram pushbutton.

H.2.b. Verify red light in Channel B Red light lit. [] [] []

manual scram pushbutton is lit.

H.2.c. Verify Channel B scram Four RPS B scram solenoid lights not [] [] []

solenoid GP lights out. lit.

H.2.d. Verify Channel B Manual Annunciator 9015 A-15 lit. [] [] []

Scram alarm.

  • F.5. Recognizes rod drifts requiring a Recognizes that 4 rods are drifting into [] []

reactor scram per section F.5. the core, and inserts a manual reactor scram.

Cue: Inform candidate that JPM is over when reactor is scrammed.

JPM Stop Time:

Page 30


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operators Name:





Perform a Manual Scram Functional Test with Rod Drifts JPM Number: B.1.d. Revision Number: 2 Task Number and


SR-0500-P01 - Given an operating reactor plant, perform the manual scram functional test in accordance with QCOS 500-2.

K/A Number and Importance:

K/A: 212000 A4.01 RATING: 4.6/4.6 Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Plant Control Room Testing Method: Simulate Faulted: Yes No Perform Alternate Path: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Estimated Time to Complete: _9 _minutes Actual Time Used: minutes


QCOS 0500-02, Rev. 12 Page 31


Job Performance Measure (JPM)



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Page 32


  • The Unit Supervisor has ordered that a manual scram functional test be performed this shift on Unit 1.
  • This JPM is not time critical.

INITIATING CUE Perform a U-1 Manual Scram Functional Test IAW QCOS 0500-02.

Page 33

Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Perform The Core Spray Pump Operability Test For Core Spray Pump B With Failure Of Minimum Flow Valve JPM Number: B.1.e.

Revision Number: 2 Date: 11/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:

Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Review By:

Operations Representative Date Page 34


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision 0, This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.1 "Control Room Systems," for RO/SRO candidates.

Revision 1 The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.

Revision 2 The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.

Information For Evaluators Use:

Provide a copy of QCOS 1400-04 Core Spray Pump Operability Test with section D.1 and D.2. filled out for Unit 1 for a Partial for Core Spray Subsystem B signed and dated by the Unit Supervisor.

Steps H.1.a. marked N/A.

H.1.b.(1),(2),(4)&(5) initialed of as EO/ANSO.

H.1.b.(3) recorded as 5 seconds, and H.1.b.(3)(a) initialed as ANSO.

H.2. marked N/A.

H.4.a. marked N/A.

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

Page 35


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


30. Reset the simulator to IC 21 (rst 21).

NOTE: It is okay to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

31. Provide a copy of QCOS 1400-04 Core Spray Pump Operability Test with section D.1 and D.2. filled out for Unit 1 for a Partial for Core Spray Subsystem B signed and dated by the Unit Supervisor.

Steps H.1.a. marked N/A.

H.1.b.(1),(2),(4)&(5) initialed of as EO/ANSO.

H.1.b.(3) recorded as 5 seconds, and H.1.b.(3)(a) initialed as ANSO.

H.2. marked N/A.

H.4.a. marked N/A.

32. Manual Actuation:

NONE Malfunctions:

Fail the Core Spray Minimum Flow Valve to Auto Close using (imf cs06b)

Override 1-1402-38B handswitch to neutral using (ior dihs1140238b norm)


NONE Overrides:


33. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
34. This completes the setup for this JPM.

Page 36


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


  • The Core Spray System is in its normal standby lineup IAW QCOP 1400-01.
  • The Core Spray Pump Operability Test is required to be performed this shift.
  • All personnel are cleared out of the 1B Core Spray room as controlled by the EO.
  • This JPM is not time critical.

INITIATING CUE Perform the Core Spray Pump Operability Test for the 1B Core Spray Pump IAW QCOS 1400-04.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Page 37


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JPM Start Time:

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE STANDARDS SAT UNSAT N/A H.3.a. Verify torus level < -2 narrow Checks torus level. Verifies at > -2 [] []

range, then alternate suction (alternate suction pressure limit not pressure limit > 1 psig is met. applicable).

  • H.3.b.(1). Start 1B Core Spray pump. Positions pump CS to start. [] []

Red light lit.

CUE: If NLO is asked to report on pump operating status, report that the 1B Core Spray pump is operating satisfactorily.

H.3.b.(2). Verify MO 1-1402-38B opens. Verifies MO 38B open light lit. [] []

  • H.3.b.(3). Open MO 1-1402-4B. Positions 4B CS to fully open valve [] []

open light lit.

  • H.3.b.(4). Verify MO 1-1402-38B closes. Determines that the 38B did not close. [] []

H.3.b.(4). Attempts to close the Positions the CS for the 38B to close. [] [] []

1-1402-38B. Identifies that the valve still didnt close.

H.3.b.(4). Report the Min. Flow valve Informs US that 1-1402-38B did not [] []

did not close. close.

CUE: Acknowledge report as US.

When candidate identifies need to shutdown the pump IAW step F.6, give cue as US to shutdown the pump IAW the procedure.

If candidate informs US that QCAP 0230-19 needs to be initiated, acknowledge that you as US will perform the procedure.

  • H.3.c.(1). Close MO 1-1402-4B. Positions CS to close. Close light lit. [] []
  • H.3.c.(3). Stop 1B Core Spray pump. Positions pump CS to stop [] []

Green light lit.

EVALUATOR: When the pump is OFF, inform the candidate that the JPM is complete.

JPM Stop Time:

  • Emergent Critical Step Page 38


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operators Name:





Perform the Core Spray Pump Operability Test For Core Spray Pump B With Failure Of Minimum Flow Valve JPM Number: B.1.e. Revision Number: 2 Task Number and


SR-1400-P05 - Given a reactor plant with a core spray loop in a standby lineup, perform the Core Spray Pump Flow Rate Test and return the core spray loop to standby in accordance with QCOS 1400-01.

K/A Number and Importance:

K/A: 209001 A4.04 RATING: 2.9/2.9 Suggested Testing Environment:Simulator Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Plant Control Room Testing Method: Simulate Faulted: Yes No Perform Alternate Path: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Estimated Time to Complete:_15_minutes Actual Time Used: minutes


QCOS 1400-04, Rev. 10 Page 39


Job Performance Measure (JPM)



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Page 40


  • The Core Spray System is in its normal standby lineup IAW QCOP 1400-01.
  • The Core Spray Pump Operability Test is required to be performed this shift.
  • All personnel are cleared out of the 1B Core Spray room as controlled by the EO.
  • This JPM is not time critical.

INITIATING CUE Perform the Core Spray Pump Operability Test for the 1B Core Spray Pump IAW QCOS 1400-04.

Page 41

Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Venting Of the Primary Containment due to High Hydrogen with a Failure of a Vent Valve to Open JPM Number: _B.1.f._

Revision Number: _2_

Date: _11/2002_

NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:

Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Review By:

Operations Representative Date Page 42


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision 0,This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.1 "Control Room Systems," for RO/SRO candidates.

Revision 1 The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.

Revision 2 The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

Page 43


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


35. Reset the simulator to IC 95 (rst 95 ). This IC is a shutdown reactor, stable following a scram and is setup specifically for this JPM. If it is not available follow the directions below.
36. IC


The Reactor is scrammed, Group II isolation in effect, DW pressure 8.6 psig, Torus pressure 6.9 psig.

NOTE: It is okay to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

37. Manual Actuations:
  • Depress both scram buttons to scram the Reactor then perform QCGP 2-3 actions.
  • Prevent HPCI injection by tripping HPCI with the trip latch.
  • Ensure reactor building vents have isolated and B SBGT train is operating.
  • Ensure AO-1601-61, 62, 63, 60, 23, 24 are closed.
  • Start the 7th DW cooler.
38. Malfunctions:
  • Cause a Group II Isolation to seal in using malfunction RP07.

(imf rp07a) & (imf rp07b)

  • Override the 1-1601-61 valve closed (ior dihs1160161 close)
39. Remotes: NONE
40. Overrides:
  • Override the Hydrogen recorder to 2.5 (ior aoh212406a 25)

Page 44


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

41. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
42. This completes the setup for this JPM.

Page 45


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


- A transient has occurred resulting in hydrogen generation.

- The US has entered the Hydrogen control procedure, QGA 200-5.

- Chemistry has sampled the containment atmosphere and determined that the offsite release rate will stay below the LCO when venting has commenced.

- Chemistry has recommended using SBGTS as a vent path.

- There are as many fans as possible operating.

- SBGT is operating.

- The Essential Service bus and both RPS busses are energized.

- Station Director has given permission to vent (NOT OK to exceed release rates).

- This JPM is not time critical.

INITIATING CUE Line-up and begin venting the Torus through SBGT in accordance with QCOP 1600-13 to reduce hydrogen concentration in the containment.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Page 46


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JPM Start Time:

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE STANDARDS SAT UNSAT N/A Obtain the procedure to be used. Procedure QCOP 1600-13 obtained. [] []

F.2. Verify closed the following Verify closed the following Primary Primary Containment valves: Containment valves:

a. Torus 2 Vent vlv. AO 1-1601-61, closed light lit. [] [] []
b. DW 2 Vent vlv. AO 1-1601-62, closed light lit. [] [] []
c. Vent to SBGTS. AO 1-1601-63, closed light lit. [] [] []
d. Torus 18 Vent vlv. AO 1-1601-60, closed light lit. [] [] []
e. DW 18 Vent vlv. AO 1-1601-23, closed light lit. [] [] []
f. Vent to RX Bldg. Exh Sys. AO 1-1601-24, closed light lit. [] [] []

F.3.a. Verify "B" SBGTS train is "B" train of SBGTS verified running. [] [] []


F.3.b. Announce evacuation of SBGT Announcement made over plant [] [] []

area and that plant radiological page.

conditions may change as containment is vented.

F.3.c. Verify MASTER VENT MODE Verifies switch in NORM. [] [] []

switch in NORM.

F.3.d.(1) Place the VENT ISOL SIG BYP Switch is momentarily placed in [] [] []

key switch to TORUS position TORUS position, and verifies alarm actuates. AND alarm 901-3 A-15 verified on.

F.3.d.(2) Open Vent to SBGTS. Positions AO 1-1601-63 CS to open [] [] []

open light lit.

F.3.d.(3) Attempts to open the Torus 2" Positions AO 1-1601-61 CS to open [] []

Vent valve and recognizes valve identifies valve did not change fails to open. position, open light not lit.

Notifies US of valve failure to Notifies US that 1-1601-61 valve [] [] []

open. failed to open.

Page 47


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE STANDARDS SAT UNSAT N/A CUE: Acknowledge 1-1601-61 valve failed to open. If candidate stops at this point or requests direction from the US, ask them for their recommendation. If candidate does not offer a recommendation, tell them to continue on with procedure.

Note to evaluator: The next step in the procedure F.3.e. allows the candidate to vent the drywell if torus venting is not able to control hydrogen concentration as long as drywell pressure is less than 25psig.

  • F.3.e.(1) Place the VENT ISOL SIG Switch is momentarily placed in [] []

BYP key switch to DRYWELL position, DRYWELL position and AND verifies alarm actuates. alarm 901-3 A-15 verified on.

F.3.e.(2) Verifies Torus 2" Vent valve Verifies AO 1-1601-61 closed [] []

closed. closed light lit.

  • F.3.e.(3) Open Vent to SBGTS. Verifies AO 1-1601-63 open [] []

open light lit.

  • F.3.e.(4) Opens the Drywell 2" Vent Positions AO 1-1601-62 CS to open [] []

valve. open light lit.

Evaluator Note: Due to simulator set-up for this JPM, drywell pressure and hydrogen concentration will not show a reducing trend so you must cue candidate that these parameters are decreasing.

Cue: Inform candidate that drywell pressure and hydrogen concentration is dropping.

F.3.e.(6) Monitor Release Rate. Monitors, 1/2-1704-19, CHIMNEY [] [] []

GAS ACTIVITY recorder on Panel 912-4 AND 1/2-1740-202, MN CHIMNEY GAS ACTIVITY recorder 912-1.

F.3.e.(6)(a) Verify release rate limit is Contacts Chemistry or verifies absence [] []

NOT being exceeded. of alarms 912-1 E-9 and F-9 on 912-1 to ensure limit is NOT being exceeded.

F.3.e.(7) Logs data in log book. Log the following information in the [] []

Unit Log Book:

(a) Time of venting start & stop.

(b) Drywell and Torus pressure at time of vent start & stop.

EVALUATOR: The candidate should inform you that the task is completed.

JPM Stop Time:

Page 48


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operators Name:





Venting Of the Primary Containment due to High Hydrogen with a Failure of a Vent Valve to Open JPM Number: B.1.f. Revision Number: 2 Task Number and


SR-0001-P038, Post Accident Venting Of The Primary Containment K/A Number and Importance:

K/A: 500000 EA1.03 Rating: 3.4/3.2 Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Plant Control Room Testing Method: Simulate Faulted: Yes No Perform Alternate Path: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Estimated Time to Complete: 20 minutes Actual Time Used: minutes


QCOP 1600-13, Rev. 15 Page 49


Job Performance Measure (JPM)



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Page 50


- A transient has occurred resulting in hydrogen generation.

- The US has entered the Hydrogen control procedure, QGA 200-5.

- Chemistry has sampled the containment atmosphere and determined that the offsite release rate will stay below the LCO when venting has commenced.

- Chemistry has recommended using SBGTS as a vent path.

- There are as many fans as possible operating.

- SBGT is operating.

- The Essential Service bus and both RPS busses are energized.

- Station Director has given permission to vent (NOT OK to exceed release rates).

- This JPM is not time critical.

INITIATING CUE Line-up and begin venting the Torus through SBGT in accordance with QCOP 1600-13 to reduce hydrogen concentration in the containment.

Page 51

Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Pressurize The Main Steam Lines JPM Number: B.1.g.

Revision Number: _2_

Date: 11/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:

Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Review By:

Operations Representative Date Page 52


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision 0, This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.1 "Control Room Systems," for RO/SRO candidates.

Revision 1 The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.

Revision 2 The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

Page 53


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


43. Reset the simulator to IC 94 (rst 94). This IC is a shutdown reactor, stable following a scram and is base IC setup specifically for this JPM.
44. IC


NOTE: It is okay to use a similar IC to the IC listed above, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

45. Manual Actuation:
  • Simulator operator must control reactor pressure manually with relief valves to control pressure 800-1000 psig while candidate is reopening the MSIVS.
46. Malfunctions:
  • Allow Gp I isolation to cause scram by performing the following:
  • Insert, then remove, malfunction RP05 A & B.

(imf rp05a) & (imf rp05b)

(dmf rp05a) & (dmf rp05b)

47. Remotes: NONE
48. Overrides: NONE
49. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs using the JPM Validation Checklist.
50. This completes the setup for this JPM.

Page 54


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


  • A Group I Isolation occurred approximately 30 minutes ago on Unit 1 due to low-low reactor water level.
  • Reactor water level has been restored and is now being controlled by Feed/Condensate.
  • Another RO will control pressure between 800 and 1000 psig with relief valves.
  • The Main Steam Lines have been drained and the Steam line drain valves are shut.
  • RPV level has been maintained less than 100 during the time the MSIVs have been closed.
  • This JPM is not time critical INITIATING CUE Pressurize the Unit 1 Main Steam lines and re-open the MSIV's. Notify Unit Supervisor when all MSIVs are open.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Page 55


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JPM Start Time:

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE STANDARDS SAT UNSAT N/A Obtain procedure to be used. Procedure QCOP 250-1 obtained. [] [] []

  • F.1. Place MN STM ISOL RESET to Places MN STM ISOL RESET to [] []


  • F.2. Place MN STM ISOL RESET to Places MN STM ISOL RESET to [] []


  • F.3. Adjust 1 A/B PRESS SETPOINT 200 Adjusts 200 psig above reactor [] [] []

psig above Reactor Pressure, OR as pressure or as high as possible.

high as possible.

  • F.4. Open Outboard MSIVs: Opens outboard MSIVs by taking [] []
a. AO 1-203-2A, each C/S to OPEN on 901-3 2A OUTBD MSIV AO 1-203-2A
b. AO 1-203-2B, red light lit indicating OPEN 2B OUTBD MSIV AO 1-203-2B
c. AO 1-203-2C, red light lit indicating OPEN 2C OUTBD MSIV AO 1-203-2C
d. AO 1-203-2D red light lit indicating OPEN 2D OUTBD MSIV AO 1-203-2D red light lit indicating OPEN F.5. Open Steamline drain valves: Opens steamline drain valves by [] [] []
a. MO 1-220-90A taking each C/S to OPEN on 901-3 STM LINE DRN VLV MO 1-220-90A
b. MO 1-220-90B red light lit indicating OPEN STM LINE DRN VLV MO 1-220-90B
c. MO 1-220-90C red light lit indicating OPEN STM LINE DRN VLV MO 1-220-90C
d. MO 1-220-90D red light lit indicating OPEN STM LINE DRN VLV MO 1-220-90D red light lit indicating OPEN
  • F.6. Equalize pressure across MSIVs: Opens steam drain valve by taking [] []
a. Open MO 1-220-1, each C/S to OPEN on 901-3.


b. Open MO 1-220-2, red light lit indicating OPEN STM DRN ISOL VLV MO 1-220-2
c. Slowly throttle Open red light lit indicating OPEN MO 1-220-3, MO 1-220-3 OUTSIDE DRN VLV indicates Mid-position OR OPEN
  • Emergent Critical Step Page 56


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE STANDARDS SAT UNSAT N/A F.7. Monitor the following indications AND Differential Pressure is [] [] []

verify that differential pressure across decreasing using reactor pressure the MSIVs are decreasing instrumentation and turbine throttle pressure on PI 1-3040-10

a. Reactor Pressure on 901-7.
b. PI 1-3040-10, TURB THROT PRESS (at panel 901-7)

EVALUATORS NOTE: The next step is conditional and need not be performed to satisfactorily complete this task. Step will be performed only if D/P does not decrease to < 200 psid.

F.8. IF diff. press. across MSIVs does NOT May close above and below seat [] [] []

dec. to <200 psid, THEN, at panel 901- drains on 901-7 if D/P is not 7, close valves decreasing

a. MO 1-3004A, B, C and D, MO 1-3004A, B, C and D green CONT VLVS ABOVE SEAT DRN light lit indicating CLOSED
b. MO 1-3005, CONT VLVS BELOW SEAT DRN MO 1-3005 green light lit indicating CLOSED on 901-7.

EVALUATOR: Unit Supervisors permission is NOT a critical part of step F.9.

Candidate may elect to open 2 valves simultaneously to avoid a high flow isolation signal from occurring.

  • F.9. WHEN diff. press. across the MSIVs is Opens inboard MSIVs by taking [] []

<200 psid each C/S to OPEN on 901-3 OR OPENS AO 1-203-1A has stopped decreasing and Unit red light lit indicating OPEN Supervisor has given permission to OPENS AO 1-203-1B proceed, THEN open inboard MSIVs:

red light lit indicating OPEN

a. AO 1-203-1A, OPENS AO 1-203-1C 1A INBD MSIV red light lit indicating OPEN
b. AO 1-203-1B, OPENS AO 1-203-1D 1B INBD MSIV red light lit indicating OPEN
c. AO 1-203-1C, 1C INBD MSIV
d. AO 1-203-1D 1D INBD MSIV EVALUATOR: The candidate should inform you that the task is complete.

JPM Stop Time:

Page 57


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operators Name:





Pressurize the Main Steam Lines JPM Number: B.1.g. Revision Number: 2 Task Number and


SR-0250-P01, Given a reactor plant at power when an inadvertent Group 1 isolation occurs, determine the cause, reset the Group 1, and re-open the MSIVs in accordance with QCOP 0250-01.

K/A Number and Importance:

K/A: 239001 A4.01 Rating: 4.2/4.0 Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Plant Control Room Testing Method: Simulate Faulted: Yes No Perform Alternate Path: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Estimated Time to Complete: _25_minutes Actual Time Used: minutes


QCOP 250-01, Rev. 5 Page 58


Job Performance Measure (JPM)



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Page 59


  • A Group I Isolation occurred approximately 30 minutes ago on Unit 1 due to low-low reactor water level.
  • Reactor water level has been restored and is now being controlled by Feed/Condensate.
  • Another RO will control pressure between 800 and 1000 psig with relief valves.
  • The Main Steam Lines have been drained and the Steam line drain valves are shut.
  • RPV level has been maintained less than 100 during the time the MSIVs have been closed.
  • This JPM is not time critical INITIATING CUE Pressurize the Unit 1 Main Steam lines and re-open the MSIV's. Notify Unit Supervisor when all MSIVs are open.


Page 60

Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Aligning Fire Protection Water to SSMP Room Cooler JPM Number: B.2.a.

Revision Number: 02 Date: 11/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:

Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Review By:

Operations Representative Date B.2.a.

Page 61


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision 0, The reason for this JPM is to demonstrate the ability to terminate one of the twenty most probable Core Damage Sequences.

This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.2 "Facility Walk-Through," for RO/SRO candidates.

Revision 1 The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.

Revision 2 The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.

Information For Evaluators Use:

All components are located in the Safe Shutdown Makeup Pump Room on the south wall.

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.


Page 62


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


- There is a severe fire in RB 1S. SSMP is the injection source for U-1. Service Water is no longer available to the SSMP Room Cooler.

- You have been issued a flashlight, radio, and the AR tool box which includes; a V-key, an R-Key, VHR-key, a Fire Lock key, an S-Key, a straight blade screwdriver, a wire cutters, a crescent wrench.

- This JPM is not time critical.

INITIATING CUE Align Fire Protection Water to SSMP Room Cooler in accordance with QCARP 0010-01 Attachment D.

Provide examinee with:

Copy of QCARP 0010-01 Attachment D.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.


Page 63


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JPM Start Time:


  • Attachment D, Close 1/2-2901-25, SERV Turns 1/2-2901-25 valve hand [] [] []

step 1 WTR TO SAFE wheel clockwise until valve no SHUTDOWN PMP RM longer moves.


CUE: Indicate to the candidate that the valve will not longer turn after the proper technique is demonstrated.

  • Attachment D, Unlock and Open Selects S Key and unlocks [] [] []

step 2 1/2-2901-9 FIRE 1/2-2901-9 turns valve hand PROTECTION WTR TO wheel counterclockwise until SAFE SHUTDOWN PMP valve no longer moves.


CUE: Indicate to the candidate that the lock is unlocked and that the valve will no longer turn after the proper technique is demonstrated.

  • Attachment D, Close 1/2-2999-9, SERVICE Turns 1/2-2999-9 valve hand [] [] []

step 3 WATER TO SSMP ROOM wheel clockwise until valve no COOLER BYPASS VALVE. longer moves.

CUE: Indicate to the candidate that the valve will not longer turn after the proper technique is demonstrated.

Attachment D, Verify SSMP Room Cooler Checks to see if cooler is [] [] []

step 4 Operation. cooling room.

CUE: After proper checks are made for Cooler operation (Proper checks should include that the candidate listens or feels for cool air flow discharging from the cooler, or verifying that the room is getting cooler), indicate to the candidate that the room is becoming cooler.

Attachment D, Notify U1 US that steps are Proper communication [] [] []

step 5 complete. techniques.

CUE: When informed, acknowledge as Unit One Unit Supervisor that you understand that the SSMP Room Cooler is lined up to the fire header.

Evaluator Note: Candidate should state that the JPM is complete.



Page 64


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operators Name:





Align Fire Protection Water to SSMP Room Cooler JPM Number: B.2.a. Revision Number: 2 Task Number and


SN 2900-P08 Given Unit 1 in an QCARP condition, transfer SSMP HVAC cooling water supply to the fire header and verify SSMP room cooler operation in accordance with QCARP 0010-01 Attachment D. (Important PSA task/transferring cooling water supply has Risk Achievement Worth (RAW) ranging from 1.25 alone to 655 in combination with other actions.

Accomplishing this task terminates 1 of the 20 most probable core damage sequences)

K/A Number and Importance:

K/A: 295018 AA1.01 RATING: 3.3/3.4 Suggested Testing Environment: Plant Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Plant Control Room Testing Method: Simulate Faulted: Yes No Perform Alternate Path: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Estimated Time to Complete: _10_minutes Actual Time Used: minutes


QCARP 0010-01 Attachment D, Rev. 1 B.2.a.

Page 65


Job Performance Measure (JPM)



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:


Page 66


- There is a severe fire in RB 1S. SSMP is the injection source for U-1. Service Water is no longer available to the SSMP Room Cooler.

- You have been issued a flashlight, radio, and the AR tool box which includes; a V-key, an R-Key, VHR-key, a Fire Lock key, an S-Key, a straight blade screwdriver, a wire cutters, a crescent wrench.

- This JPM is not time critical.

INITIATING CUE Align Fire Protection Water to SSMP Room Cooler in accordance with QCARP 0010-01 Attachment D.

Page 67

Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Depressurize the Scram Air Header JPM Number: B.2.b.

Revision Number: 2 Date: 11/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:

Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Review By:

Operations Representative Date Page 68


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision 0 This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.2 "Facility Walk-Through," for RO/SRO candidates.

Revision 1 The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.

Revision 1 The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.

Information For Evaluators Use:

All components are located in the U-2 reactor building 595 elevation near the southeast corner of the north CRD bank.

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

Page 69


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


- An ATWS has occurred on Unit 2 with reactor power currently at 35%.

- The Control Room is in QGA 101 and attempting to insert Control Rods.

- The Unit Supervisor has directed performance of QCOP 0300-28

- This JPM is not time critical INITIATING CUE Vent the U-2 scram air header to insert control rods in accordance with QCOP 0300-28 step F.3.

Provide candidate a copy of QCOP 0300-28.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Page 70


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JPM Start Time:


  • F.3.a.(1) Close OR verify closed Rotates 2-301-147A AND [] [] []

both 2-301-147A AND B, 147B handwheels clockwise INST AIR TO SCRAM VLV until they do not turn any PILOT AIR HDR A/B (FILT) further.


Cue: You have rotated the handwheels clockwise and they will not turn any further.

  • F.3.a.(2) Manually open RV 2- Lifts handle on RV 2-0399-24. [] [] []

0399-24 SCRAM AIR RELIEF VALVE RV, by lifting the relief valve handle.

Cue: You heard air blowing for several seconds, the flow then slowed and finally stopped. The Control Room reports that all the control rods have fully inserted. Restore the scram air header.

F.3.b.(1) Close RV 2-0399-24 Releases handle on RV 2- [] [] []



Cue: You have released the handle on the Relief Valve and it has returned to its original position.

F.3.b.(2) Open either the 2-301- Rotates 2-301-147A OR 147B [] [] []

147A OR B, INST AIR TO handwheel counterclockwise SCRAM VLV PILOT AIR until it does not turn any HDR A/B (FILT) INLET. further.

Cue: You have rotated the handwheel counterclockwise and it will not turn any further. If asked, scram air header pressure indication is 70 psig and rising.

EVALUATOR: The candidate should inform you that the task is complete.

JPM Stop Time:

Page 71


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operators Name:





Depressurize the scram air header JPM Number: B.2.b. Revision Number: 2 Task Number and


SRN-0300-TP019 - Given a reactor plant in an ATWS condition (QGA),

locally isolate and depressurize the scram air header in accordance with QCOP 300-28.

K/A Number and Importance:

K/A: 295037 EA1.03 Rating: 4.1/4.1 Suggested Testing Environment: Plant Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Plant Control Room Testing Method: Simulate Faulted: Yes No Perform Alternate Path: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Estimated Time to Complete: 10 minutes Actual Time Used: minutes


QCOP 0300-28 Rev. 19 Page 72


Job Performance Measure (JPM)



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Page 73


- An ATWS has occurred on Unit 2 with reactor power currently at 35%.

- The Control Room is in QGA 101 and attempting to insert Control Rods.

- The Unit Supervisor has directed performance of QCOP 0300-28

- This JPM is not time critical INITIATING CUE Vent the U-2 scram air header to insert control rods in accordance with QCOP 0300-28 step F.3.


Page 74 of 1

Nuclear Generation Group Job Performance Measure Perform the Aux Electric Room actions to Alignstart RHR in the Shutdown Cooling Mode in accordance with QCOP 1000-29.

JPM Number: B.2.c.

Revision Number: 02 Date: 1108/2002 NOTE: Original Signed - Disk Copy No Signatures Developed By:

Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Review By:

Operations Representative Date Approved By:

Training Department Date B.2.c.

Page 75 of 1


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary) 1.Revision 0, The reason for this JPM is to demonstrate the ability to terminate one of the twenty most probable Core Damage Sequences.

This JPM is developed IAW guidelines established in NUREG 1021 Rev 8 ES-301 and Appendix C. This JPM meets the criteria of Category B.2. "Facility Walk Through," for RO/SRO candidates.

Revision 1 The JPM was revised to incorporate validation time and comments.

Revision 2 The JPM was revised to incorporate NRC validation comments.

Information For Evaluators Use:

All components are located in the Aux. Equipment Room. A key will need to be checked out at the Work Execution Center to access the cabinets in the Aux. Electric room UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

Denotes CRITICAL steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.


Page 76 of 1


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


- Unit 2 is entering a refueling outage.

- The Control Room has been evacuated due to toxic gas in the ventilation system.

- The Unit Supervisor has directed that the A Loop of Shutdown Cooling is to be placed in service from outside the Control Room.

- The Condensate Transfer system is available.

- Operators have been briefed and are standing by outside the MSIV room at phone extension 2431 with Radiation Protection support and all necessary equipment to perform step F.7.

- The reactor is shut down with reactor pressure at 37 psig.

- The plant is NOT using the QCARPs.

- The Shutdown Cooling suction header has been filled and vented.

- The RHR Service Water system is operating with discharge pressure of 275 psig.

- You have an Aux Electric Room key, and a jumper wire.

- This JPM is not time critical

-Unit 1(2) is entering a refueling outage.

- The Control Room has been evacuated due to toxic gas in the ventilation system.

-The Unit Supervisor has determined that A Loop Shutdown Cooling is being placed in service from outside the Control Room.

-The Condensate Transfer system is available.

- Operators have been briefed and are standing by in the plant with Radiation Protection support and all necessary equipment.

- The reactor is shut down with reactor pressure at 37 psig.

-The plant is NOT using the QARPs.

- The Shutdown Cooling suction header has been filled and vented.

- The RHR Service Water system is operating with discharge pressure of 275 psig.

- You have obtained an Aux Electric Room key, a jumper wire, and a small fuse pullers.

- This JPM is not time critical Initiating Cue: Perform the Aux Electric Room actions to align U-2ALoop RHR system in the Shutdown Cooling Mode in accordance with QCOP 1000-29 performing steps F.7.j.through F.7.l.

Initiating Cue: Perform the Aux Electric Room actions to start U1(2)

A Loop RHR system in the Shutdown Cooling Mode in accordance with QCOP 1000-29 starting at step F.7.j.

Provide examinee with:

1. Copy of QCOP 1000-29 signed off through step F.7.i.
2. Unit 2 Auxiliary Electric Room Key Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.


Page 77 of 8


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.


Page 78 of 8


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JPM Start Time:

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE STANDARDS SAT UNSAT N/A Evaluator Note: Provide candidate with marked up copy of procedure and a U-2 Aux. Electric room key.

  • F.7.j. Resets Group 2 isolation Slides the ON/OFF switch for relay [] [] []

inboard logic per 595-115, located in the 901(2)-902-Attachment B. 40 to the ON position.

Attachment B step 1.a.

CUE: Indicate to the candidate that the ON/OFF switch for relay 595-115 is indicating ON.

  • F.7.j. Resets Group 2 isolation Slides the ON/OFF switch for relay [] [] []

outboard logic per 595-116, located in the 901(2)-902-Attachment B. 41 to the ON position.

Attachment B, step 1.b.

CUE: Indicate to the candidate that the ON/OFF switch for relay 595-116 is indicating ON.

Evaluators note: Portable radio use is NOT allowed in the Auxiliary Electric room, candidate should indicate that they would either use the phone or step out of the room to use the radio.

  • F.7.k. Notifies operator to open Using phone, notifies the operator [] [] []

the MO 2-1001-47 valve. standing by near the MO 2-1001-47 valve to open the valve CUE: Acknowledge notification of step completion and then Rreport asthat the an NLO that the has opened the MO 1(2)-1001-47 valve has been opened per step F.7.k. of QCOP 1000-29.

NOTE to Evaluator: Once started closed by momentary installation of the jumper, the valve contactors seal in until the valve is full open (30 to 40 seconds).

  • F.7.l. Open the MO 1(2)-1001- Momentarily places a jumper across [] [] []

50 SDC INBD ISOL LVL. terminals AA-12 and AA-13 in the 901(2)-902-40 panel.

F.7.l. Makes notification of step Notifies Unit Supervisor or other [] [] []

completion. shift personnel that step F.7.l. is complete.

CUE: Acknowledge notification of step completion and inform them that the JPM is complete. If questioned regarding valve position, state that an operator verified the MO 1(2)-1001-50 valve open via indication at the valve breaker.


Page 79 of 8


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JPM Stop Time:


Page 80 of 8


Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operators Name:





Perform the Aux Electric Room actions to start RHR in the Shutdown Cooling Mode in accordance with QCOP 1000-29.

JPM Number: B.2.c. Revision Number: 200 Task Number and Title SRN-1000-P34 Given a shutdown reactor plant with the control room evacuated, perform the aux.

electric room actions to start RHR shutdown cooling operation in accordance with QCOP 1000-29 K/A Number and Importance:

K/A: APE 295021 AA1.02 RATING: 3.5/3.5 Suggested Testing Environment: Plant Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Plant Control Room Testing Method: Simulate Faulted: Yes No Perform Alternate Path: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Estimated Time to Complete: 24_10_minutesActual Time Used: minutes


QCOP 1000-29, Rev. 11 B.2.c.

Page 81 of 8


Job Performance Measure (JPM)



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:


Page 82 of 8


Job Performance Measure (JPM)


- Unit 2 is entering a refueling outage.

- The Control Room has been evacuated due to toxic gas in the ventilation system.

- The Unit Supervisor has directed that the A Loop of Shutdown Cooling is to be placed in service from outside the Control Room.

- The Condensate Transfer system is available.

- Operators have been briefed and are standing by outside the MSIV room at phone extension 2431 with Radiation Protection support and all necessary equipment to perform step F.7.

- The reactor is shut down with reactor pressure at 37 psig.

- The plant is NOT using the QCARPs.

- The Shutdown Cooling suction header has been filled and vented.

- The RHR Service Water system is operating with discharge pressure of 275 psig.

- You have an Aux Electric Room key, and a jumper wire.

- This JPM is not time critical Initiating Cue: Perform the Aux Electric Room actions to align U-2ALoop RHR system in the Shutdown Cooling Mode in accordance with QCOP 1000-29 performing steps F.7.j.through F.7.l.

-Unit 1(2) is entering a refueling outage.

- The Control Room has been evacuated due to toxic gas in the ventilation system.

-The Unit Supervisor has determined that A Loop Shutdown Cooling is being placed in service from outside the Control Room.

-The Condensate Transfer system is available.

- Operators have been briefed and are standing by in the plant with Radiation Protection support and all necessary equipment.

- The reactor is shut down with reactor pressure at 37 psig.

-The plant is NOT using the QARPs.

- The Shutdown Cooling suction header has been filled and vented.

- The RHR Service Water system is operating with discharge pressure of 275 psig.

- You have obtained an Aux Electric Room key, a jumper wire, and a small fuse pullers.

- This JPM is not time critical Initiating Cue: Perform the Aux Electric Room actions to start U1(2)

A Loop RHR system in the Shutdown Cooling Mode in accordance with QCOP 1000-29 starting at step F.7.j.

Page 83 Final Page