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Form 5.1-1 Post-Examination Check Sheet (Quad Cities, 2023)
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/20/2023
Constellation Energy Generation, Exelon Generation Co
Theodore Wingfield
Shared Package
ML22125A066 List:
Download: ML23079A226 (1)


Form 5.1-1 Post-Examination Check Sheet Post-Examination Check Sheet Facility: Quad Cities Dates of Examination:

01/30/2023 - 02/07/2023 Activity Description Date Complete 1.

  • Received post-examination package from facility licensee and verified complete.

(ES-4.4) 02/14/2023 2.

  • Reviewed and incorporated any necessary facility and applicant written examination comments. NRC grading of written examination completed. (ES-4.4) 02/15/2023 3.
  • Reviewed and incorporated any necessary facility and applicant operating test comments. NRC grading of operating test completed. (ES-3.6) 02/15/2023 4.
  • Completed NRC chief examiner review of operating test and written examination grading. (ES-3.6 and ES-4.4) 02/15/2023 5.

Completed licensing official review.

02/15/2023 6.

Mailed licenses, preliminary results, and pass letters.

03/01/2023 7.

Notified facility licensee of results.

03/01/2023 8.

Issued the examination report (refer to Operator Licensing Manual Chapter (OLMC) 510, Operator Licensing Examination Reports).

03/07/2023 9.

Returned reference material after final resolution of any informal NRC staff reviews, hearing demands, or both.


10. Performed examination recordkeeping activities (refer to OLMC 520, Operator Licensing Examination Records and Documentation, and Management Directive 3.53, NRC Records and Document Management Program).


  • Activity may not be applicable for a retake examination. If this activity does not apply, place an N/A in the Date Complete column.