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| number = ML061420164
| number = ML061420164
| issue date = 05/17/2006
| issue date = 05/17/2006
| title = 2006/05/17-Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Environmental Scoping Meeting Handouts
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Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Environmental Scoping Meeting Handouts
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 05/17/2006
Download: ML061420164 (25)



7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

I. Welcome and Purpose of Meeting - 10 minutes (F. Cameron)

II. Overview of License Renewal Process - 10 minutes (R. Franovich)

Ill. Overview of Environmental Review Process - 20 minutes (R. Schaaf)

IV. Public Comment - (as required) (F. Cameron)

V. Closing/Availability of Transcripts, etc. (F. Cameron)

  • The NRC staff will host informal discussions one hour prior to each meeting session. No formal comments on the proposed scope of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be accepted during the informal discussions. To be considered, comments must be provided either at the transcribed public meetings (see agenda, above) or in writing, as described in the attached Federal Register Notice.

Welcome to the NRC's Open House Associated with the Environmental Review for License Renewal at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station This open house is intended to provide an opportunity for interested members of the public and staff from other Federal, State, and local agencies to interact with the NRC staff in an informal information exchange.

The NRC is gathering information necessary to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in support of the proposed renewal of the operating license for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. Please note that if you wish to provide formal comments regarding the scope of the environmental review for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, they must be presented at either session of today's transcribed public meetings or provided in writing or electronically by June 16, 2006. Comments received after this date will be considered while developing the draft EIS if it is practical to do so, but the NRC staff is able to assure consideration only for comments received on or before June 16, 2006. Written comments on the scope of the EIS should be sent to:

Chief, Rules and Directives Branch Division of Administrative Services Office of Administration Mailstop T-6D 59 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Comments may be hand-delivered to the NRC at 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland, between 7:45 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. on Federal workdays. Submittal of electronic comments may be sent by e-mail to the NRC at

Thank you for your participation.

19554 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 72/Friday, April 14, 2006/ Notices Removal of P-T Limits and LTOP [Low- that may be released off site, and there electronically from the Agencywide Temperature Overpressure Protection] is no significant increase in Documents Access and Management Setpoints from the Technical occupational or public radiation System (ADAMS) Public Electronic Specifications," for the calculation of exposure. Therefore, there are no Reading Room on the Internet at the flaw stress intensity factors due to significant radiological environmental NRC Web site, http.//

internal pressure loadings (KM). impacts associated with the proposed reading-rmfadams.html. Persons who The Need for the ProposedAction action. do not have access to ADAMS or who With regard to potential encounter problems in accessing the In the associated exemption, the staff nonradiological impacts, the proposed documents located in ADAMS, should has determined that, pursuant to 10 CFR action does not have a potential to affect contact the NRC PDR Reference staff by 50.12(a)(2)(ii), the application of the any historic sites. It does not affect telephone at 1-800-397-4209 or 301-regulation in the particular nonradiological plant effluents and has 415-4737, or by e-mail to

circumstances is not necessary to no other environmental impact.

achieve the underlying purpose of the Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 7th day Therefore, there are no significant of April 2006.

rule, based on the alternative nonradiological environmental impacts methodology proposed in the licensee's For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

associated with the proposed action. N. Kalyanam, amendment request. The proposed Accordingly, the NRC concludes that action would revise the currently- there are no significant environmental Project Manager,Plant Licensing Branch IV, approved methodology for P-T limit impacts associated with the proposed Division of OperatingReactorLicensing.

calculations to incorporate the Office of NuclearReactorRegulation.


methodology approved for use in CE [FR Doc. 06-3594 Filed 4-13-06; 8:45 am]

NPSD-683-A, Revision 6. The topical EnvironmentalImpacts of the BILUNG CODE 7504t-P report allows the use of an alternate Alternatives to the ProposedAction methodology to calculate the flaw stress As an alternative to the proposed intensity factors due to internal pressure action, the staff considered denial of the NUCLEAR REGULATORY loadings (Kim). The exemption is needed proposed action (i.e., the "no-action" COMMISSION because the methodology in CE NPSD- alternative). Denial of the application [Docket No. 50-293]

683-A, Revision 6, could not be shown would result in no change in current to be conservative with respect to the environmental impacts. The Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.;

methodology for the determination of environmental impacts of the proposed Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station; Notice K,, provided in Editions and Addenda action and the alternative action are of Intent To Prepare an Environmental of ASME Code,Section XI, Appendix G, similar. Impact Statement and Conduct through the 1995 Edition and 1996 Scoping Process Addenda (the latest Edition and Alternative Use of Resources Addenda of the ASME Code which had The action does not involve the use of Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

been incorporated into 10 CFR 50.55a at any different resources than those (Entergy) has submitted an application the time of the staff's review of CE previously considered in the Final for renewal of Facility Operating NPSD-683-A, Revision 6). Therefore, Environmental Statement for the License DPR-35 for an additional 20 along with the supplement dated SONGS 2 and 3 dated May 12, 1981. years of operation at the Pilgrim Nuclear January 12, 2006, the licensee submitted Power Station (Pilgrim). Pilgrim is an exemption request, consistent with Agencies and Persons Consulted located on the western shore of Cape the requirements of 10 CFR 50.60, to On March 28, 2006, the staff Cod in the Town of Plymouth, apply the Ki. calculational consulted with the California State Plymouth County, Massachusetts. It is methodology of CE NPSD-683-A, official, Steve Hsu of the Department of 38 miles southeast of Boston, Revision 6, as part of the SONGS 2 and Health Services, Radiologic Health Massachusetts, and 44 miles east of 3 pressure temperature limit report Branch, regarding the environmental Providence, Rhode Island.

(PTLR) methodology. impact of the proposed action. The State The operating license for Pilgrim official had no comments. expires on June 8, 2012. The application EnvironmentalImpacts of the Proposed for renewal was received on January 25, Action Finding of No Significant Impact 2006, pursuant to Title 10 of the Code The NRC has completed its evaluation On the basis of the environmental of FederalRegulations (10 CFR) part 54.

of the proposed action and concludes assessment, the NRC concludes that the A notice of receipt and availability of that the exemption described above proposed action will not have a the application, which included the would provide an adequate margin of significant effect on the quality of the environmental report (ER), was safety against brittle failure of the human environment. Accordingly, the published in the Federal Register on reactor pressure vessel at SONGS 2 and NRC has determined not to prepare an February 6, 2006 (71 FR 6101). A notice

3. The details of the staff's safety environmental impact statement for the of acceptance for docketing of the evaluation will be provided in the proposed action. application for renewal of the facility exemption to Appendix G, which will For further details with respect to the operating license was published in the allow the use of the methodology in proposed action, see the licensee's Federal Register on March 27, 2006 (71 Topical Report CE NPSD-683-A, exemption letter dated January 28, 2005, FR 15222). The purpose of this notice is Revision 6, to calculate the flaw stress as supplemented by letter dated January to inform the public that the U.S.

intensity factors due to internal pressure 12, 2006. Documents may be examined, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) loadings (Ken), that will be issued in a and/or copied for a fee, at the NRC's will be preparing an environmental future letter to the licensee. Public Document Room (PDR), located impact statement (EIS) in support of the The proposed action will not at One White Flint North, Public File review of the license renewal significantly increase the probability or Area 01 F21, 11555 Rockville Pike (first application and to provide the public an consequences of accidents, no changes floor), Rockville, Maryland. Publicly opportunity to participate in the are being made in the types of effluents available records will be accessible environmental scoping process, as

Federal Register/Vol. 71, No. 72/Friday, April 14, 2006/Notices 19555 defined in 10 CFR 51.29. In addition, as encouraged. The scoping process for the MA 02360, on May 17, 2006. There will outlined in Title 36 of the Code of the supplement to the GEIS will be used to be two sessions to accommodate FederalRegulations 800.8, accomplish the following: interested parties. The first session will "Coordination with the National a. Define the proposed action which convene at 1:30 p.m. and will continue Environmental Policy Act," the NRC is to be the subject of the supplement to until 4:30 p.m., as necessary. The plans to coordinate compliance with the GEIS. second session will convene at 7 p.m.

section 106 of the National Historic b. Determine the scope of the with a repeat of the overview portions Preservation Act in meeting the supplement to the GEIS and identify the of the meeting and will continue until requirements of the National significant issues to be analyzed in 10 p.m., as necessary. Both meetings Environmental Policy Act of 1969 depth. will be transcribed and will include: (1)

(NEPA). c. Identify and eliminate from An overview by the NRC staff of the In accordance with 10 CFR 51.53(c) detailed study those issues that are NEPA environmental review process, and 10 CFR 54.23, Entergy submitted peripheral or that are not significant. the proposed scope of the supplement to the ER as part of the application. The ER d. Identify any environmental the GETS, and the proposed review was prepared pursuant to 10 CFR Part assessments and other ElSs that are schedule; and (2) the opportunity for 51 and is publicly available for being or will be prepared that are interested government agencies, inspection at the NRC Public Document related to, but are not part of the scope organizations, and individuals to submit Room (PDR), located at One White Flint of the supplement to the GEIS being comments or suggestions on the North, 11555 Rockville Pike (first floor), considered. environmental issues or the proposed Rockville, MD 20852, or from the NRC's e. Identify other environmental scope of the supplement to the GEIS.

Agencywide Documents Access and review and consultation requirements Additionally, the NRC staff will host Management System (ADAMS). ADAMS related to the proposed action. informal discussions one hour prior to is accessible from the Public Electronic f Indicate the relationship between the start of each meeting at the same Reading Room on the NRC's Web site at the timing of the preparation of the location. No formal comments on the http.// environmental analyses and the proposed scope of the supplement to the web-based.html. The Accession Number Commission's tentative planning and GETS will be accepted during the for the ER is ML060830611. Persons decision-making schedule. informal discussions. To be considered, who do not have access to ADAMS, or g. Identify any cooperating agencies comments must be provided either at who encounter problems in accessing and, as appropriate, allocate the transcribed public meetings or in the documents located in ADAMS, assignments for preparation and writing, as discussed below. Persons should contact the NRC's PDR reference schedules for completing the may register to attend or present oral staff by telephone at 1-800-397-4209, supplement to the GEIS to the NRC and comments at the meetings on the scope or 301-415-4737, or by e-mail at any cooperating agencies. of the NEPA review by contacting the In addition, the Plymouth h. Describe how the supplement to NRC Environmental Project Manager Public Library, located at 132 South the GEIS will be prepared, and include Mr. Robert Schaaf, by telephone at 1-Street, Plymouth, MA 02360 and the any contractor assistance to be used. 800-368-5642, extension 1312, or by e-Duxbury Free Library, located at 77 The NRC invites the following entities mail to the NRC at Alden Street, Duxbury, MA 02332 have to participate in scoping: no later than May 12, 2006. Members of agreed to make the ER available for a. The applicant, Entergy Nuclear the public may also register to speak at public inspection. Operations, Inc. (Entergy).

This notice advises the public that the b. Any Federal agency that has the meeting within 15 minutes of the NRC intends to gather the information jurisdiction by law or special expertise start of each session. Individual oral necessary to prepare a plant-specific with respect to any environmental comments may be limited by the time supplement to the Commission's impact involved, or that is authorized to available, depending on the number of "Generic Environmental Impact develop and enforce relevant persons who register. Members of the Statement (GEIS) for License Renewal of environmental standards. public who have not registered may also Nuclear Plants," (NUREG-1437) related c. Affected State and local have an opportunity to speak, if time to the review of the application for government agencies, including those permits. Public comments will be renewal of the Pilgrim operating license authorized to develop and enforce considered in the scoping process for for an additional 20 years. Possible relevant environmental standards. the supplement to the GEIS. Mr. Schaaf alternatives to the proposed action d. Any affected Indian tribe. will need to be contacted no later than (license renewal) include no action and e. Any person who requests or has May 3, 2006, if special equipment or reasonable alternative energy sources. requested an opportunity to participate accommodations are needed to attend or The NRC is required by 10 CFR 51.95 in the scoping process. present information at the public to prepare a supplement to the GEIS in f. Any person who has petitioned or meeting, so that the NRC staff can connection with the renewal of an intends to petition for leave to determine whether the request can be operating license. This notice is being intervene. accommodated.

published in accordance with National In accordance with 10 CFR 51.26, the Members of the public may send Environmental Policy Act of 1969 scoping process for an EIS may include written comments on the environmental (NEPA) and the NRC's regulations found a public scoping meeting to help scope of the Pilgrim license renewal in 10 CFR part 51. identify significant issues related to a review to Chief, Rules and Directives The NRC will first conduct a scoping proposed activity and to determine the Branch, Division of Administrative process for the supplement to the GEIS scope of issues to be addressed in an Services, Office of Administration, and, as soon as practicable thereafter, EIS. The NRC has decided to hold Mailstop T-6D59, U.S. Nuclear will prepare a draft supplement to the public meetings for the Pilgrim license Regulatory Commission, Washington, GEIS for public comment. Participation renewal supplement to the GEIS. The DC 20555-0001, and should cite the in the scoping process by members of scoping meetings will be held at the publication date and page number of the public and local, State, Tribal, and Radisson Hotel Plymouth Harbor this Federal Register notice. Comments Federal government agencies is Ballroom, 180 Water Street, Plymouth, may also be delivered to the NRC at

19556 Federal Register/Vol. 71, No. 72/Friday, April 14, 2006/Notices Room T-6D59, Two White Flint North, OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND disclosed as a routine use only if 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, HEALTH REVIEW COMMISSION "disclosure of the record or information Maryland 20852, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:15 is compatible with the purpose for p.m. during Federal workdays. To be Privacy Act of 1974; New and Revised which the record or information was considered in the scoping process, Systems of Records, and Deletion of a collected." As the definition of "routine written comments should be Duplicative System of Records use" includes this compatibility postmarked by June 16, 2006. Electronic requirement, see 5 U.S.C. 552a(a)(7), it AGENCY: Occupational Safety and Health should apply to all BRUs.

comments may be sent by e-mail to the Review Commission.

NRC at PilgrimEIS@nrc.govand should For the purpose of streamlining the ACTION: Notice. notice, OSHRC would combine BRUs 1 be sent no later than June 16, 2006, to be considered in the scoping process.


In accordance with the and 2. Despite the merger, the categories Comments will be available Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a, as of users and the purposes for using any disclosed records would remain the electronically and accessible through amended, the Occupational Safety and NRC's ADAMS link at http.// Health Review Commission (OSHRC) is same. OSHRC would reword the first sentence of BRU 3 to clarify the scope proposing in this notice the addition of of the routine use, but again, the the NRC Homepage. a new system of records; the bifurcation categories of users and the purposes for Participation in the scoping process of an existing system of records; the using any disclosed records would not for the supplement to the GEIS does not deletion of a duplicative system of change. OSHRC would broaden BRUs 4 records; and revisions to preexisting and 5 to include records relevant to entitle participants to become parties to systems of records, including the the proceeding to which the supplement OSHRC decisions concerning addition of new routine uses. appointment of employees, suspension to the GEIS relates. Notice of opportunity for a hearing regarding the DATES: Comments must be received by or revocation of security clearances, and renewal application was the subject of the OSHRC by May 15, 2006. The new the execution of security or suitability the aforementioned Federal Register and revised systems of records will investigations. The current versions of notice (71 FR 15222). Matters related to become effective on June 13, 2006, these BRUs include decisions without any further notice in the concerning the hiring or retention of participation in any hearing are outside Federal Register, unless comments or employees, and the issuance of security the scope of matters to be discussed at government approval procedures this public meeting. clearances, but fail to reference the necessitate otherwise. related areas of decision-making noted At the conclusion of the scoping ADDRESSES: The Commission will above.

process, the NRC will prepare a concise accept and consider all written OSHRC would add a sentence to the summary of the determination and comments. Submit any written end of BRU 6, notifying the reader that conclusions reached, including the comments by mail or fax to Ron Bailey, "Irlecords will be disclosed only to the significant issues identified, and will Attorney Advisor, Office of General extent that the information is relevant send a copy of the summary to each Counsel, OSHRC, 1120 20th Street, and necessary to the case or matter."

participant in the scoping process. The NW., Ninth Floor, Washington, DC OSHRC would add a similar summary will also be available for 20036-3457; Fax Number, (202) 606- qualification to BRU 8. These inspection in NRC's ADAMS link at 5417. qualifications reflect the importance of http.// protecting an individual's records from FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ron unnecessary disclosures. Moreover, the adams.html. The staff will then prepare Bailey, Attorney Advisor, Office of and issue for comment the draft Privacy Act could be read to require that General Counsel, (202) 606-5410, disclosure, pursuant to a routine use, supplement to the GEIS, which will be

the subject of separate notices and may occur only when relevant and separate public meetings. Copies will be SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The necessary to accomplish a mandated available for public inspection at the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(4), purpose: Section 552a(e)(1) instructs an above-mentioned addresses, and one requires federal agencies such as agency to "maintain in its records only copy per request will be provided free OSHRC to propose additions and such information about an individual as of charge. After receipt and revision to its systems of records in a is relevant and necessary to accomplish consideration of the comments, the NRC Federal Register publication. As a purpose of the agency required to be will prepare a final supplement to the detailed below, OSHRC is proposing the accomplished by statute or by executive GEIS, which will also be available for addition of a new system of records; the order of the President"; because the public inspection. bifurcation of an existing system of Privacy Act defines "maintain" as records; the deletion of a duplicative including "maintain, collect, use, or Information about the proposed system of records; and revisions to disseminate," the requirement stated in action, the supplement to the GEIS, and preexisting systems of records, (e)(1) seemingly applies to the the scoping process may be obtained including the addition of new routine dissemination of records via routine from Mr. Schaaf at the aforementioned uses. OSHRC is also proposing changes, uses.

telephone number or e-mail address. both superficial and substantive, to its OSHRC would edit the language in Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 7th day blanket routine uses. BRU 10 to more precisely reflect when of April 2006. records may be disclosed. The BRU I. Blanket Routine Uses would also be modified to require For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

OSHRC's current Blanket Routine written requests from the subjects of the Rani Franovich, Uses (BRUs) are published in 66 FR records. Also, OSHRC would modify Branch Chief, EnvironmentalBranch BA 42689 (Aug. 14, 2001). OSHRC proposes BRU 12 to reflect that, pursuant to 44 Division of License Renewal. Office of Nuclear the following changes to its BRUs. U.S.C. 2904 and 2906, the National ReactorRegulation. In the sentence preceding the list of Archives and Records Administration

[FR Doc. E6-5596 Filed 4-13-06; 8:45 am] BRUs, OSHRC would add the (NARA) handles records management BILUNG CODE 7590-01-P qualification that records will be inspections.

Environmental Scoping Meeting

  • *
  • 4(

Pilgrim PN Nuclear ower Station U.S. Nuclear Regull Commission May 17, 2 Zzm mmnft

Pur eof Today's Discuss NRC's license renewal process Describe the environmental review procesQ Identify environmental areas that the staff typically evaluates Provide the review schedule Accept any comments you may have today Describe how to submit comments

Pilgr lear Power Station Licen kRenewal

> Current operating license expires on June 12, 2012.

Application requests authorization to operate the plant for an additional 20 years.


g FRegulatory

> NRC is An Independent Executive Agency

> NRC's Governing Statues

> Atomic Energy Act

> Energy Reorganization Act

> National Environmental Policy Act

> Other Statutes

> NRC's Mission

> Protect Public Health and Safety

> Protect Environment

> Promote Common Defense and Security 4

)S License L

  • * * -.0 Renew; eview

> Safety review

> Environmental review

> Plant inspections

> Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) 5

enewal Process U

License Renewal U U

U Application**



submitted to NRC U

U *NRC Decision 3,


U On Application**




  • If a Request for Hearing is Granted
    • Available at

se Renewal Safe' eview


> Existing regulatory processes are adequate for ensurin operating plants

> Current licensing basis is adequate and carries forward into period of extended operation

> Scope

> Focused on assessment of managing the affects of aging

> Does Not Include Issues Subject to Ongoing Oversight

Sal eview Process Issued*

m NRC Decision


On Application" OOpportunities for Public Interaction

  • If a Request for Hearing is Granted
    • Available at 8

Environ I Review Process 6 ONRC On Decision Applicsation'*

License Renewal Application**

submitted to NRC OOpportunities for Public Interaction

  • If a Request for Hearing is Granted
    • Available at

se Renewal Process License Renewal Application**

submitted to NRC NRC Decision


On Application*

In COpportunities for Public Interaction

  • If a Request for Hearing Is Granted 10
    • Available at

(121 at Environmental 0 Act

> NEPA requires Federal agencies to use atC approach to consider environmental impact

> An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) isr for major Federal actions significantly affecting quality of the human environment.

> Commission has determined that a supplement to t "Generic EIS for License Renewal of Nuclear Plant will be prepared for a license renewal application.


Anal proach ec Standard for Environme al Review To determine whether or not the adverse environmental impacts of license renewal Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station are so greatt preserving the option of license renewal for energy planning decisionmakers would be unreasonable.


E mental Review Mu nes Application Received i 27, 2006 Notice of Intent 2006 Site Audit May Scoping Public Meeting Scoping Comments Due June 1

Scoping Summary Report IAugs Draft SEIS December 2 Draft SEIS Public Meeting January 2(

Draft SEIS Comments Due February 21 JFk


Final SEIS August 2(




&U I on Gathering


9 p-Staff's Public Site Audit Comments

_1MMMIMM Draft


State & Local Agencies


Permitting Authorities

Te ertise 1

7' F.

I\0 Addition Information

> Agency points of contact:

> (800) 368-5642

> Alicia Williamson, ext 1878

> Robert G. Schaaf, ext. 1312

> Documents located at:

> Plymouth Public Library, 132 South Street, Plymouth, MA

> Kingston Public Library, 6 Green Street, Kingston, MA

> Duxbury Free Library, 77 Alden Street, Duxbury, MA

> Documents can also be viewed at the NRC's Web site ( 17

tig Comments

  • P d i ce Provide written comments:

> By mail: Chief, Rules and Direct? Branch Division of Administrative Mailstop T-6D59 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comn Washington, DC 20555

> E-mail: PilgrimEIS

> In person: 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland Comments should be submitted by June 16, 2006.


REGu 4 ,


0 A,

4/ 3 09
