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Annual Assessment Meeting Slides
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 03/28/2002
From: Anderson C
NRC Region 1
Download: ML021080240 (34)



TRANSMITTAL OF MEETING HANDOUT MATERIALS FOR IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN This form is to be filled out (typed or hand-printed)by the person who announcedthe meeting (i.e., the person who issued the meeting notice). The completed form, and the attachedcopy of meeting handout materials, will be sent to the Document Control Desk on the same day of the meeting; under no circumstances will this be done laterthan the working day after the meeting.

Do not include proprietarymaterials.

DATE OF MEETING The attached document(s), which was/were handed out in this meeting, is/are to be placed 03/28/2002 in the public domain as soon as possible. The minutes of the meeting will be issued in the near future. Following are administrative details regarding this meeting:

Docket Number(s) 50-293 Plant/Facility Name Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station TAC Number(s) (if available)

Reference Meeting Notice 02-015 Purpose of Meeting (copy from meeting notice) The NRC staff and Entergy management will discuss the results of NRC's assessment of the safety performance at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station for the period 04/01/- 12M3101.

NAME OF PERSON WHO ISSUED MEETING NOTICE TITLE Clifford J. Anderson Branch Chief OFFICE Region I DIVISION Division of Reactor Projects BRANCH Projects Branch 5 Distribution of this form and attachments:

Docket File/Central File PUBLIC NRC FORM 658 (9-1999)


-PER ..

I nlsform was designed using InForms

Annual Assessment Meeting Reactor Oversight Program - Cycle 2 Nuclear Regulatory Commission -Region I King of Prussia, PA


"* Introduction

"* Review of Reactor Oversight Process

"* Discussion of Plant Performance Results

"* Licensee Response and Remarks

"* NRC Closing Remarks

"* Meeting with the Licensee adjourned

"* NRC available to address questions from the public

Region I Organization

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H. Miller Regional Administrator J.Wiggins Deputy Regional Administrator I I A. Blough W. Lanning Director Division of Reactor Projects Director Division of Reactor Safety Brian Holian R. Crienjak Deputy Director Deputy Director I

lifford Anderson Branch Chief [Regional Specialists I I Pilgrim Project Engineers Vermont Yankee Work Coordination Resident Inspectors Robert Summers Resident Inspectors Analysis Center William Raymond F. Paul Bonnett Brian McDermott Russ Arrighi Jennifer Bobiak Ed Knutson

NRC Representatives

  • Clifford Anderson, Chief, Reactor Projects Branch 5

- [ (610) 337-5227]

mTravis Tate, Project Manager, NRR

- [ (301) 415-8474]

  • James Linville, Chief, Electrical Branch

- [ (610) 337-5129]

  • F. Paul Bonnett, Project Engineer

- [ (610) 337-5199]

mRuss Arrighi, Acting Senior Resident Inspector

- [ (508) 747-0565]

Reference Sources

"*Reactor Oversight Process o http :// SES S/index.html

"*Public Electronic Reading Room http ://

"*Public Document Room 80 0 -3 9 7 -4 2 0 9 (T o ll F rS1-ee)

NRC Activities

"- Ensure nuclear plants are designed, constructed, and operated safely

"* Issue licenses for the peaceful use of nuclear materials in the U.S.

"- Ensure licensees use nuclear materials and operate plants safely, and are prepared to respond to emergencies

NRC Performance Goals

"* Maintain safety and protect the environment

"* Enhance public confidence

"* Improve effectiveness, efficiency, and realism of processes and decision making

"* Reduce unnecessary regulatory burden

NRC Oversight Activities

"* Provides assurance plants are operating safely and in accordance with the regulations

"* Risk informed process

"* Objective indicators of performance

"* Inspections focused on key safety areas

"* Defines expected NRC and licensee actions

NRC Response to 9/11

"* Highest Level of Security Maintained

"* Comprehensive Review of Security

"* Closely Coordinated Response With:

- Our Licensees


- Military, State, and Local Agencies

- Intelligence Communities

"* Issued Security Advisories

- Increased Patrols

- Augmented Security Capabilities

- Added Barriers and Posts

- More Limited Access

- Enhanced Security Awareness

"* Issued Order on Security

"* NRC Monitoring Enhanced Security

Reactor Oversight Process Strategic Performance Areas Safety Cornerstones Regulatory Response

Examples of Baseline Inspections m Equipment Alignment 70 hrs/yr

  • Annual Fire Protection 35 hrs/yr m Triennial Fire Protection -200 hrs every 3 yrs m Operator Response 125 hrs/yr m Plant security -40 hours/yr
  • Emergency preparedness -60 hrs/yr m Rad release controls 100 hrs every 2 years m Worker radiation protection A125 hrs/year m Corrective action program 10% every inspection
  • Corrective action program -200 hr every 2 yrs

Significance Threshold Performance Indicators Green: Only baseline Inspection White: May increase NRC oversight Yellow: Requires more NRC oversight Red: Requires more NRC oversight Inspection Findings Green: Very Low safety issue White: Low to moderate safety issue Yellow: Substantial safety issue Red: High safety issue

Action Matrix Concept Licensee Regulatory Degraded Multiple/Degraded Unacceptable Response Response Cornerstone Cornerstone Performance Increasing Safety Significance Increasing NRC Inspection Efforts Increasing NRC/Licensee Management Involvement Increasing Regulatory Actions

National Summary of Plant Performance End of Calendar Year 2001 Licensee R esponse 74 Regulatory Response 24 Degraded Cornerstone 4 Multiple/Repetitive Degraded Cornerstone 1 Unacceptable 0 Total Plants 103

National Summary m Performance Indicator Results 4th Qtr Calendar Yr 2001 Green 1834 8 SWhite 0 SYellow SRed: 0

  • Total Inspection Findings (April 2001 - December 2001)

Green 660 SWhite 23 2 SYellow S Red 0

Pilgrim Annual Assessment (April 1 - Dec 31, 2001)

"*Operated safely

  • Fully met all cornerstone objectives

"*Licensee Response Band of Action Matrix All Inspection Findings of very low safety significance (Green)

SAll Performance Indicators requiring no additional NRC oversight (Green)

"*NRC Plans to conduct baseline inspections

Pilgrim Inspection Activities (Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2001)

  • 4600 hours0.0532 days <br />1.278 hours <br />0.00761 weeks <br />0.00175 months <br /> of inspection related activity
  • Two resident inspectors performing resident inspections
  • 17 inspections by regional inspectors o Includes 1 team inspection
  • Inspection Findings o 5 findings of very low safety significance

Pilgrim Performance Indicators 4Q/2001:

http://www.nrc. gov/NRR/OVERSIGHT/AS SES S/PILG/pilg_chart.html Performance Indicators HeA Rýem) a]

,,-te M F,-avg aD

Pilgrim Inspection Finding Summary: S af ety RatrRadiation

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PEpareaoes a u "Safety Physica)

Pmcrctioy Most Significant Inspection Findings 3020011 Additionol Inspectioni & As*sessment Infornwtion

  • Asosemont Roports/Inspection Plans: 4k List of Inspoction Reports Q..'2001 4" List of .AssessmentLetters~inspectlon Fians 4Q/2001 1 Q/Z(O1 Ass Cla Refesence Of.AssessPmern ReRpores
1. Ma~dffipe, Uvrc'h 1, Z002

Backup Slides Strategic Performance Areas /

Safety Cornerstones Reactor Safety

- Initiating Events

- Mitigating Systems

- Barrier Integrity

- Emergency Preparedness Radiation Safety

- Occupational Radiation Safety

- Public Radiation Safety Safeguards

- Physical protection

NRC Resident and Regional Inspectors Conduct Safety Inspections Baseline Inspections at all reactor sites to monitor plant safety performance in each of the Strategic Performance Areas Event Follow-up and Supplemental _

Inspections when required

Key Aspects of Baseline Inspection Program

"*Conducted at all plants

  • Objective evidence of safety in all cornerstones

"*Emphasizes safety significant systems, components, activities, and events

"*Monitors licensee effectiveness in finding and fixing safety issues

"*Standardized inspection report format to describe significant findings and non-compliance

"*Inspection reports are publicly accessible

Event Follow-up & Supplemental Inspection

"*Review events for significance

"*Follow-up significant inspection findings

"*Determine causes of performance declines

"*Provides for graduated response

Performance Indicators

- 18 Performance Indicators

"* Covers all cornerstones

"- Licensee submits data to NRC quarterly

"* Baseline Inspection program verifies accuracy

"- Available on Reactor Oversight Program Web site

Key Aspects of Assessment Program "m Objective assessment of performance

"- "Action Matrix" to determine agency response to performance

- Inspection level increases

- Management involvement increases

- Regulatory action increases

"* Plant specific assessment letters

"* Information on NRC public web site

Substantive Cross Cutting Issue

"* Common cause of inspection findings o Human performance SProblem Identification and Resolution Safety conscious work environment

"* Multiple inspection findings with a common cause

"* Common cause documented in an assessment letter

"* Focus licensee and NRC activities

Performance Indicators Safeguards Emergency Physical Preparedness Protection Performance Indicators Emergency AC Power System Unavailability Reactor Coolant Drill/Exercise System Specific Protected Area Performance Equipment High Pressure Activity Injection System Unplanned Unavailability Scrams ERO Drill Personnel Reactor Coolant Participation Screening Heat Removal Program System System Scrams with Unavailability Leakage Loss of Normal Alert and Heat Removal Notification FFD/Personnel Residual Heat System Removal System Reliability Unavailability Program Unplanned Power Change Safety System Functional Failure

Inspection Areas Safeguards Emergency Preparedness Physical ProtectionI Inspection Procedures 0 Adverse Weather rability Evaluation 0 Excercise Evaluation "*Sec Authorization 0 Evaluation of Changes rator Workarounds 0 Alert and Notice Access 0 Equipment Alignment nanent Mods-Online

  • ERO Augment "*Sec Search S Fire Protection nanent Mods 0 EAL "*Sec Response S Flood Protection Maintenance Test 0 EP Preparation "*Sec Plan change 0 Heat Sink Leling Outage 0 Drill Evaluation S In Service Inspection 1I 0 RAD Access S Operator Requalification zeillance Testing 0 ALARA Plan 0 Maintenance Rule Imp porary Modifications
  • itD monitoring 0 Maintenance Risk Assessment R 0 RAD Effluents 0 Non-Routine Events nt Follow-up
  • RAD Transport erification 0 RAD Environmental

NRC Action Matrix Licensee Response Regulatory Response Degraded Cornerstone Multiple/ Repetitive Unacceptable Column Column Column Degraded Cornerstone Performance

_....._Column Column All Assessment Inputs One or Two White One Degraded Repetitive Degraded Overall Unacceptable (Performance Inputs (in different Cornerstone (2 White Cornerstone, Multiple Performance; Plants Indicators (Pis) and cornerstones) in a Inputs or I Yellow Degraded Not Permitted to SInspection Findings) Strategic Performance Input) or any 3 White Cornerstones, Multiple Operate Within this SGreen; Cornerstone Area; Cornerstone Inputs in a Strategic Yellow Inputs, or 1 Red Band, Unacceptable w Objectives Fully Met Objectives Fully Met Performance Area; Input; Cornerstone Margin to Safety Cornerstone Objectives Objectives Met with Met with Minimal Longstanding Issues or Reduction in Safety Significant Reduction in Margin Safety Margin Regulatory None Branch Chief (BC) or DD or Regional RA (or EDO) Meet with Commission meeting Performance Meeting Division Director (DD) Administrator (RA) Senior Licensee with Senior Licensee Meet with Licensee Meet with Licensee Management Management Licensee Action Licensee Corrective Licensee Corrective Licensee Self Licensee Performance uJI Action Action with NRC Assessment with NRC Improvement Plan with z___Oversight Oversight NRC Oversight 0

I. NRC Inspection Risk-Informed Baseline Baseline and Baseline and Baseline and W Inspection supplemental supplemental supplemental tv Program inspection procedure inspection procedure inspection procedure 95001 95002 95003 Regulatory Actions None Supplemental Supplemental -10 CFR 2.204 DFI Order to Modify, inspection only Inspection only -10 CFR 50.54(f) Letter Suspend, or Revoke

_____ I - CAL/Order Licensed Activities Assessment Reports BC or DD review/sign DD review/sign RA review/sign RA review/sign assessment report (w/ assessment report assessment report assessment report inspection plan) (w/ inspection plan) (w/ inspection plan) (w/ inspection plan)

Commission Informed O Annual Public Meeting SRI or BC Meet with BC or DD Meet with RA (or designee) EDO (or Commission) Commission Meeting Licensee Licensee Discuss Performance Discuss Performance with Senior Licensee with Licensee with Senior Licensee Management


Performance Indicator Unplanned Scrams per 7000 Critical Hrs 0

0- 0q a 0Y 20 25 Thresholds: White > 3.0 Yellow > 6.0 Red > 25.0

Simplified Boiling Water Reactor SM*: "...

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Simplified Pressurized Water Reactor Containment Valve Main E Turbine Ge RCP Reactor Coolant System Pimp