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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20196H4085 November 1998Notice of Violation from Insp on 980713-31 & 0921-25. Violation Noted:As of 980712,AFW Pipe Supports Were Not Constructed IAW Details Shown on Design Drawings as Listed
ML20148B6545 May 1997Notice of Violation from Insp on 970223-0405.Violation Noted:Operators Failed to Verify That Unit 1 & 2 RCPs 1 Seal Leakoffs & Unit 2 Nr 46 Nuclear Power Range Chart Recorders Were Operational
ML20137F74121 March 1997Notice of Violation from Insp on 970112-0222.Violation Noted:As of 970213,radiation Monitors Installed in Fuel Handling & Storage Locations,Did Not Provide Full Coverage for Area Used for New Fuel Receipt
ML20133G8886 January 1997Notice of Violation from Insp on 961103-1207.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Ensure That Safeguards Area Walls Met Design Basis for Containing Pump Seal Leakage Described in Updated Final Safety Analysis Rept Section
ML20149M5832 December 1996Notice of Violation from Insp on 960922-1102.Violation Noted:Rce Had Not Been Completed for Several Pump 1-CH-P-1A Seal Failures Which Occurred Between 960211 & 0718Maintenance Rule Program
ML20134G79721 October 1996Notice of Violation from Insp on 960811-0921.Violation Noted:Procedure for Irradiated Fuel Damage While Refueling, 0-AP-30 InadequateForeign Material Exclusion
ML20134C6409 September 1996Notice of Violation from Insp on 960810.Violation Noted: on 940802,inadequate Maint Procedure Was Used to Control Maint Activities Affecting Quality
ML20059B25214 December 1993Corrected NOV from Insp on 931017-1120,including Response Instruction
ML20059B27514 December 1993Notice of Violation from Insp on 931017-1120.Violation Noted:On 931029,periodic Test Procedure 2-PT-82H Was Not Implemented Correctly & While Performing Step 6.4.5,operator Incorrectly Placed Control Switch Breaker in pull-to-lock
ML20056E8525 August 1993Notice of Violation from Insp on 930620-0717.Violation Noted:Operating Procedure 1-OP-6.5.A Not Implemented Properly,In That While Performing Step 5.3.4.e,operator Failed to Fully Open EDG Exhaust Muffler Bypass Valve
ML20056D15813 July 1993Notice of Violation from Insp on 930509-0619.Violation Noted:Hydrogen Analyzer Determined to Be Inoperable from 930209 to 0509 W/O Implementing Requirements of Action Statement
ML20056C08915 March 1993Notice of Violation from Insp on 930117-0220.Violation Noted:Outer Personnel Airlock Door Emergency Escape Hatch Equalizing Valve Was Not Closed on 930116-17,while Inner Personnel Airlock Door Was Open
ML20059K80411 September 1990Notice of Violation from Insp on 900718-0818.Violation Noted:Equipment Control & Maint Procedures Failed to Adequately Control Removal of High Head Safety Injection Pump Cubicle Blocks
ML20248B49021 September 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 890715-0822.Violation Noted:Surveillance Procedures 2-PT-36.5.3A & 3B, Ssps Output Slave Relay Trains A&B, Did Not Correctly Detail Interlock Conditions for Energization of K630 Relay
ML20247D53917 July 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 890412-14 & 20-26.Violation Noted:Applied Pressure in Tests of Containment Isolation Valves Not in Same Direction as That When Valve Would Be Required to Perform Safety Function
ML20246J90829 June 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 890418-0531.Violation Noted:Failure to Adequately Control Location of Fuel Assemblies During Fuel Movement Operations & Failure to Adequately Control Maint Operations
ML20245D52720 June 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 890403-07.Violation Noted: Failure to Identify Conditions Adverse to Quality,Including Failure to Clean Main Control Panel & Terminal Block Section for Extended Period of Time,Resulting in Buildup of Dust
ML20245D34515 June 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 890501-05.Violation Noted: Failure to Perform Adequate Surveys to Evaluate Extent of Radiation Hazards Present During Described 890409 & 0501 Cases
ML20244E5529 June 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 890515-19.Violations Noted: on 890516,seven Film Packages in Feedwater Sys Had Incorrect Line Identification Permanently Radiographed on Films & on 890517,employee Observed Sleeping on Firewatch DutyFire Protection Program
ML20244E2467 June 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 890418-20.Violations Noted: Failure to Perform weld-repair in Accordance W/Asme Code Section IX Requirements & Failure to Establish Measures for Control & Identification Matls to Prevent Misapplication
ML20244B80817 May 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 890321-0417 & 0425-0503. Violation Noted:Failure of Volt Breaker for Recirculation Spray Pump to Close within Allowed Tech Spec Time.All Capped Vent & Drain Valves Not Verified Closed Every 31 Days
ML20246J33021 April 1989Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $25,000.Violations Noted:Failure to Implement Portion of QA Program in That Conditions Adverse to Quality Not Promptly Identified & Corrected
ML20245C48418 April 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 890203-0320.Violation Noted:Adequate Corrective Actions Not Taken to Preclude Repetition of Erratic Response by Condenser Air Ejector Radiation Monitor & Svc Water Valve Found in Open Position
ML20245C00617 April 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 890320-24.Violations Noted: Unit 1 Auxiliary Bldg Piping Penetration Room,Posted High Radiation Area,Lacked Radiation Monitoring Device or Health Physics CoverageHigh Radiation Area
Locked High Radiation Area
ML20155C21326 September 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880815-19.Violations Noted:During Augmentation Callout Drill,Personnel Obtained & Used Outdated Revs of Telephone Directory & Personnel Could Not Meet 30-minute Response Requirement
ML20155A18615 September 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880716-0819.Violation Noted:Licensee Had Not Documented Wet Bulb Temp or Caculated Stay Time for Containment Entries Made on 880808 & 09
ML20154J39713 September 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880718-22.Violation Noted: Solenoid Operated Valves Relocated W/O Initiating Rev to Plant post-fire Safe Shutdown Procedures Due to Failure to Perform Adequate Evaluation Per App R Design GuidelinesSafe Shutdown
ML20207G35117 August 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880514-0610.Violation Noted:Both Diesel Generators Inoperable for Over 38 H on 880518-19,while Preventive Maint Performed on One Diesel Generator
ML20151W73610 August 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880606-10.Violation Noted: Failure to Perform Adequate Contamination Surveys of Equipment for Unrestricted Use
ML20151H03215 July 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880328-0401 & 0411-15. Violations Noted:Failure to Follow Procedures,In That All Operator Aids Not Surveyed for First,Second & Fourth Quarters of 1987 & First Quarter 1988
ML20155H39126 May 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880125-29 & 0208-12. Violations Noted:Stroke Times for Listed Tech Spec Valves Increased by More than Section XI Limits of 25% or 50% W/O Corrective Action or Increased Test FrequencyStroke time
ML20153G6574 May 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880224-0405.Violation Noted:Unit 1 Entered Mode 1 W/Nine Containment Isolation Valves Not Stroke Time Tested Following MaintStroke time
ML20151V35719 April 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 871005-09.Violations Noted: Licensee Maint Procedures Deficient & Raychem Splices & Motors MOV-SW-103B,103C,104A,104B,104C,203C,213A,MOV 2350 & MOV 2890A Not in Compliance w/10CFR50.49(f)
ML20151B48931 March 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880116-0223.Violations Noted:Rcs Level Sandpipe Scale Installed W/O Procedural Guidance & Verification to Ensure Proper Installation & Failure to Follow Maint Procedure Resulted in RCS Leak
ML20148E87514 March 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880125-29 & 0208-12. Violation Noted:Failure to Adequately Implement Inservice Testing Program & Failure to Coduct Adequate Audits. Unresolved Item Noted Re Entry Into High Radiation AreasHigh Radiation Area
ML20151B8458 March 1988Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $100,000.Noncompliance Noted:Unit 2 Operated in Modes 1-3 with Inoperable Steam Flow Channel in Steam Lines a & B & Failure to Perform post-maint Test
ML20149E59615 January 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 871120-1218.Violation Noted:Failure to Follow Radiation Work Permit Requirements of Health Physics Procedure 5.3.20 & Failure to Properly Implement post-maint Testing
ML20195H1736 January 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 881019-23.Violations Noted: Fire Brigade Drill Requirements Not Implemented When All Shift Fire Brigades Failed to Participated in One Drill Per Quarter as Required by Fire Protection ProgramFire Barrier
Fire Protection Program
IR 07100020/20110194 January 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 871020-1119.Violations Noted:Emergency Diesel Generator 2J Electrically Overloaded Due to Inadequate Surveillance Procedure & Failure to Follow Procedures
ML20236F98526 October 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 870825-27.Violations Noted: Individual Received Occupational Dose of 23.6 Rems to Skin of Whole Body Exceeding 1 Calendar Quarter Requirement,Per 10CFR20.101(a) & Whole Body Survey Not PerformedJob Performance Measure
Eddy Current Testing
ML20235U8325 October 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 870715-0814.Violations Noted:Health Physics Not Notified When Alarm Received on 870715,evaluations of Abnormal Conditions Not Performed & Dailu Channel & Monthly Source Checks Not Performed
ML20235F99223 September 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 870817-21.Violation Noted: NRC Inspector,While Inspecting Sample of Terminations, Noticed That Three Terminations Damaged by short-circuit That Had Occurred in Past
ML20237L14918 August 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 870621-0710.Violation Noted:Licensee Attempted to Perform Evolution W/Intent of Drawing Vacuum in Pressurizer W/O Procedure
ML20236B21321 July 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 870504-0605.Violation Noted:Control Over safety-related Matls,Including Welding Consumables,Not Maintained
ML20234D68629 June 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 870513-0616
ML20215L57517 June 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 870518 & 20-21
ML20215A41928 May 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 870511-15
ML20210A18429 January 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 861117-870111Condition Adverse to Quality
ML20212C10119 December 1986Notice of Violation from Insp on 861117-21
ML20215C4644 December 1986Notice of Violation from Insp on 861013-1117