PY-CEI-NRR-0430, Rev 2 to Operations Manual OM12D, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual

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Rev 2 to Operations Manual OM12D, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/02/1986
From: Cochnar R, Edelman M
To: Butler W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
OM12D, PY-CEI-NRR-0430, PY-CEI-NRR-430, NUDOCS 8602130205
Download: ML20151Y879 (125)


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  1. M8.3; OH12D: ODCH

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{Q f)T1 PdRC MEETING NO: 85-131 12-16-85 APPROVED: Q gj w3Ja- u-*r li l' 0602130205 060102 0 PDR ADOCK 0500 A





INFOREU10H01'i Attachment 2 CHIA: PAP-0522 Form: PAP-0522-2 , Page: 15 Rev.: 0

_ INTENT - I_astruction Temporary C_hanqJ,or_m o ,

Inst. No./Rev. OM12D: ODCM NC Originator R. M. Cochnar / 1 /29/86 -

Ins t. Title Of fs_ite Dose Calculation Manual 10CFR50.59 Applicability Yes No i Change to the plant as described in the FSART Reason: [] pd Xems Chaw n t he 3 wh c / A~ =r e v'Ir i e a <

DM l

Change to a procedure / instruction described in the FSAR? [} p<1 Reason: bs Ch ~ < r /se r &/ e ~ // si ~IN l /h 6 A_t J l

Test or experiment not described in the FSAR? Reason: [] pd

\ nno caw 1 c o$e r and ser 4.m A kS ,' a c


i e p ih - e ~ l- Qs-< -tA r ,s44 Change to Technical Specifications [] M pd Arawers to all questions are "No". No potential for an Unreviewed Esfety Question exists. No further review required.

[ ] Answers to one or more questions is "Yes". Further review required.

Prepared by: j ~ Date: / 2 f/f(,,

Reviewed by: _C h . Date: _ //f t9/'9fo Approved by: WWL Date: i so/ VL, Approved.: N N* PORC Meeting I ho"N Approved:

Approved: Ef fective Date: 2_ / _ _/ b b

, _ , d[_T_e_sporary,C,hgnieN_ umber #00_t Reason: Cancellation e..d.pC ii.-.p{2J]ge_ _ - of TC #001; incorporation of Technical Specification changes; update of Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program table and figure (deletion of two sampling locations); and correction of typos.

Change Entered By: _




v Page : 11 Rev. : 2 Table of Contents Section Title Pm


1 2.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 2 2.1 Batch Releases 2 2.1.1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination 2 Determination of the Minimum Acceptable 3 Dilution Factor Determination of the Maximum Allovable Radwaste 3 Tank Discharge Flow Rate Liquid Radwaste Discharge Flow Monitor Alarm Setpoint 4 Liquid Radwaste Discharge Radiation Monitor 4 Alarm / Trip Setpoint 2.1.2 Compliance with ICCFR20 - Liquid Effluent 6 Concentration Prerelease 6 Post Release 7 2.2 Continuous Releases

$ 2.3 Compliance with 10CFR50 Appendix I - Liquid 8

(V Effluent Dose 10 2.3.1 Dose Calculations 10 2.3.2 Cumulation of Doses 12

2. 3. 3 ~ Projection of Doses 12 2.3.4 Population Dose 13 3.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 28 3.1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination 30 3.1.1 Determination of the " Mix" (Noble Gas Radio- 30 nuclide Composition) of the Caseous Effluent 3.1.2 Determination of the Maximum Acceptable Total 31 Activity Release Rate of Noble Gas Radio-nuclides in Gaseous Effluent Based on Whole Body Dose Rate Limit 3.1.3 Determination of the Maximum Acceptable Total 32 Activity Release Rate of Noble Gas Radio-nuclides in Gaseous Effluent Based on Skin Dose Rate Limit 3.1.4 Determination of the Maximum Acceptable Total 33 Radioactivity Concentration of all Noble Gas >

Radionuclides in the Gascous Ef fluent 3.1.5 Determination of the Maximum Acceptable Monitor 33 Count Rate Above Background Attributed to

~ Noble Gas Radionuclides Determination of the Monitor High Alarm Setpoint 34 Determination fo the Monitor Alert Setpoint 34 1

3 -


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OM12D: -0DCM

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Table of Contents (Cont.)

Section Title Py 3.2 LCompliance with 10CFR20 - Gaseous Effluent Dose 37 l Rate

. 3.2.1 Noble Cases 37 3.2.2 Radionuclides, Particulates, and Other 37 l Radionuclides 3.2.3' Dose Rate Calculations 38

. 3.3 Compliance with 10CFR50 Appendix I - Caseous 66 Effluent Dose 3.3.1 Noble Cases 66 3.3.2 Radioiodines, Particulates, and Other Radio- 67 nuclides 3.3.3 Dose Calculations 67 3.3.4 Cumulation of Doses 68 3.3.5 Projection of Doses 69 3.4 Population Dose 69 4.0 TOTAL DOSE 71  ;

4.1 Compliance with 40CFR190 - Uranium Fuel Cycic 71 Dose 4.2 Direct Radiation Dose From PNPP 72


' 5.1 Monitoring Program 73 5.2 Land Use Census Program 74 5.3 Inter Laboratory Comparison Program 74 APPENDIX A Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition Parameters 89 APPENDIX B Lower Limit of Detection 106 REFERENCES 111 k, , _ . . . - . _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ . - , . - _ _ . . _ _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . - . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . - . _ . . . . - - - . - - . _ _ _ -- . _ ,

/'~% OM12D: ODCM s,) Page : iv Rev. : 2 List of Tables Table Title Page 2.3-1 Organs Used for Liquid Effluent Dose Calculations 14 2.3-2 Age Groups Used for Liquid Effluent Dose Calculations 14 2.3-3 Liquid Effluent Dose Pathways 14 2.3-4 Bioaccumulation Factors 15 2.3-5 Ingestion Dose Factors for Adult 16 2.3-6 Ingestion Dose Factors for Teenager 18 2.3-7 Ingestion Dose Factors for Child 20 2.3-8 Ingestion Dose Factors for Infant 22 2.3-9 External Dose Factors for Standing on Contaminated 24 Ground


2.3-10 Liquid Radwaste Dilution Factors (M ) 26 P

2.3-11 Transit Times Required for Nuclides to Reach the 26 Point of Exposure 2.3-12 Usage Factors (U,p) 27 3.1-1 Whole Body and Skin Dcse Factors 36 3.2-1 Organs Used for Gaseous Effluent Dose Calculations 43 3.2-2 Age Groups Used for Gaseous Ef fluent Dose 43 Calculations 3.2-3 Gaseous Effluent Dose Pathways 44 3.2-4 Dose Factors for Exposure to a Semi-Inifinite 45 Cloud of Noble Cases 3.2-5 External Dose Factors for Standing on Contaminated 46 Ground 3.2-6 Inhalation Dose Factors for Adult 48

/ 3.2-7 Inhalation Dose Factors for Teenager 50



JN OM12D: ODCM m) Page : y Rev. : 2 I

List of Tables (Cont.)

Table Title Page 3.2.8 Inhalation Dose Factors for Child 52 3.2-9 Inhalation Dose Factors for Infant 54 3.2-10 Ingestion Dose Factors for Adult 56 3.2-11 Ingestion Dose Factors for Teenager 58 3.2-12 Ingestion Dose Factors for Child 60 3.2-13 Ingestion Dose Factors for Infant 62 3.2-14 Annual Usage Factors for the Maximum Exposed 64 Individual 3.2-15 Annual Usage Factors for the Average Individual 64 7 .s 3.3-1 Camma and Beta Afr' Dose Factors for Semi-Infinite 70 Plume,. 'N-


5.1-1 PNPP Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 76 5.1-2 Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations 79 in Environmental Samples 5.1-3 Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample 80 Analysis and Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) 5.1-4 Sample locations and Media for the Radiological 82 Environmental Monitoring Prcgram A-1 Atmospheric Depletion and Deposition Factors 92 A-2 Site Boundary Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition 93 Parameters for PNPP Unit 1 A-3 Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition Parameters at 94 the Nearest Residences for PNPP Unit 1 A-4 Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition Parameters 95 for the Nearest Milk Animal Locations for PNPP Unit I n




OM12D: ODCM Page : v1 Rev. : 2 List of Tables (Cont.)

Table Title g A-5 Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition Parameters 95 for the Nearest Carden Locations for PNPP Unit 1 A-6 Atmospheric Dispersion (X/Q) as a Function of 95 Ejstance A-7 Atmospheric Deposition (D/Q) as a Function of 101 Distance O' -...

O b


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l Page : vii Rev. -

2 List of Figires Figure Title Page 2.1-1 Liquid Radioactive Waste Discharge System 9 3.0-1 Gaseous Radioactive Waste System Flow Diagram 29 3.2-1 PNPP Site Boundary and Unrestricted Area 65 5.1-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring 86 Program Sampling Locations Approximately 2 Miles from Site 5.1-2 Radiological Environmental Monitoring 87 Program Sampling Locations Approximately 8 Miles from Site 5.1-3 Radiological Environmental Monitoring 88 Program Sampling Locations Control Locations Greater than 10 Miles from Site SCOPE OF REVISION:

Rev. 2 - Incorporation of NRC comments, LRW tank eductor discussion, LRW radiation monitor alarm / trip setpoint cross-calibration methodology, adjustment of total skin dose f actors, REMP Technical Specification and sampling location changes, and inclusion of atmospheric dispersion and deposition parameters for the nearest milk animal and garden locations to PNPP Unit 1.

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[ a OM12D: ODCM

(_) page : g Rev. :  ?


This Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) contains information and methodologies to be used by the Perry Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP), Unit 1, to ensure compliance with PNPP Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications. The Technical Specifications are written to satisfy 10CFR20, 10CFR50.36 and Appendix I, and 40CFR190 requirements.

Sections 2 and 3 of this manual deal with liquid and gaseous radiological effluents, respectively. Each of these sections contain alarm setpoint determination, radiation dose and dose rate calculation methodologies, as well as limits and requirements.

Section 4 covers uranium fuel cycle related radiation dose limits including direct dose.

Also included in this manual, in Section 5, is information relating to the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP). The figures and tables contained therein designate specific sample types and locations currently used to satisfy the Technical Speci-fication requigccents for the REMP as well as sampling reporting (3 and detection capability limits. The sample types and locations

() .. are subject to change based on the results of the annual land use Census.

The ODCM has been prepared, as generally as possible, in order to minimize future revisions. However, any such changes will be reviewed and approved as per the Administrative Control Section of the PNPP Technical Specifications.

Supplemental information needed to support calculations, both in this document and in the accompanying Radiological Effluent Techni-cal Specifications is contained in the appendices at the end of this manual. Appendix A contains atmospheric dispersion and i deposition parameters, and Appendix B presents the methodology for j determining the lower limit of detection (LI.D).

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lHFORM10?s!OHLY r uz OHl2D: ODCM P4B bOf Page : 2 Rev. : 2 2.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 2.1 Batch Releases A batch retcase is the discharge liquid radioactive waste of a discrete volume. Batch releases from the liquid radwaste system may occur frcm any of the following tanks: waste sample tank, floor drain sample tank, chemical vaste distillate tank, and detergent drain tank. (See Figure 2.1-1). The maximum release rate possible, due to pump capacity, is 200 gallons per minute from all release tanks except the detergent drain tank, which has a maximum release rate of 50 gallons per minute. All of the above liquid radwaste relenses go to the Emergency Service Water dis-charge which is then released through the discharge canal af ter mixing with Service Water ef fluent, and blowdown from Circulating Water system if present.

The type and f requency of sampling and analysis required by the PNPP Technical Specifications is given in Table 4.!!.1.1.1-1.

Prior to sampling for analysis, each batch should be isolated, and thoroughly mixed to assure representative sampling. For mixing, the contents of the tank are recirculated by isolating the tank and turning on equipment that takes suction f rom and discharges back into the tank. Recycle lines are provided with one or more mixing eductors located near the bottom of the tanks to promote better mixing as well as reducing recirculation time. This ensures that the water in the tank will be mixed and will be representative of the activity in the tank. The minimum recirculation performed is the equivalent of two volumes of the tank contents.

2.1.1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination Monitor alarm setpoints will be determined in order to ensure compliance with 10CFR20. The radioactive content of each batch release will be determined prior to release in accordance with Table 4.!!.l.1.1-1 of the PNPP Technical Specifications. Concentrations for tritium and other non-gamma emitting isotopes will be those most recently 1 determined (previous month / quarter). Initial source terms, ,

until monthly / quarterly analysis results become available, for non-gamma emitting isotopes listed in the Technical Specifications will be those generated by the CALE code, Revision 0 for PNPP (FSAR Table 11.2-13). This method will be used to calculate the setpoint for the Radwaste Dischstge Radiation Monitor - ESW Discharge (D17K606) which provides alarm and automatic termination of liquid ef fluent releases from the site to unrestricted areas before concentrations specified in 10CTR20, Appendix B. Table II, Column 2 for radionuclides other than noble gases are exceeded.

NOTE: Liquid radwaste discharge flow rate shall be verified jc' at least once Mr four hours, whenever the flow rate oog measuring device (s) is inoperable during actual releases.

---n,-a-, c- - < -n -

R O OMl?D: ODCM Em / Page : 3 Rev. : 2 Determination of the Minimum Acceptable Dilution Factor C'

DF ='

[ (2.1-1) i MPC g k'he re :

DF = the minimum acceptable dilution factor determined from analynin of the liquid effluent to be released; C = the concentration of radionuclide i in the batch to be released, in uC1/ml;

.YPC = the Ifniting maximum perminnible concentration of radionuclide 1, from Appendix H, Table II, Column 2 of 10CFR20, in uC1/ml.

DF = 10 DF (2.1-2) klie re :  %

, - ~ - .

(x) DF = the conservative dilution f actor used by PNPP to calculate the maximum release rate prior to release in order to onnure conpliance wIth TICFR20; DF = the minimum ach ptable dilution factor, an per equation 2.1-1; 10 = a factor of ten less than 10CFR20 Ilmits an npecified in Appendix B, Table II, Column 2. This factor represents an order of magnitude of conservatism for liquid radwante releasen from PNPP.

NOTE: If the concentration of a radionuclide in below the lower limit of detection the radionuclide nhall not be included an a nource term in the notpoint calcu-lation. Determination of the Maximum Allowahle Radwante Tank Discharge Flow Rate 0.64 mdf f


= DF (2.1-3)



HF@HK@l @llJ OM12D: ODCM Page : 4 Rev. : 2 Where:


      • = the maximum allowable radwaste tank discharge flow rate for the batch to be released, in gpm; DF = the conservative dilution f actor, as per equation 2.1-2; mdf = the minimum dilution flow - surplied by the Service Water system, i.e., the low flow alarm setpoint of the Service Water Flow Transmitter P41-N443 =

30.000 gpm; 0.64 = an engineering f actor to prevent spurious alarms. l The liquid radwaste tank discharge flow should be maintained at or below this f value by proper regulation of the high volume or low voluE$* discharge throttle valves (C50-F153 or C50-F155). Liquid Radwaste Discharge Flow Monitor Alarm Setpoint Monitor alarm setpoints are determined to ensure that the concentration of radionuclides in the liquid radweste affluent released from PNPP to unrestricted areas do not exceed the limits specified in 10CFR20 Appendix B. Table II, Column 2 for radionuclides other t),an dissolved or entrained noble


gases. An MPC of 2 x 10 uCi/mi has been established for noble gases dissolved and entrained in liquid effluents.

SPg = 1.25 f,,, (2.1-4 Where:

SP g


1,1 quid Radvaste Adjustable Ifigh Flow Trip Unit (C50-K705 and C50-K706) alarm setpoint , in gpm; f

a The maximum allowable radwaste tank discharge flow rate for the batch to be released, as per equation 2.1-3; 1.25 - The engineering safety factor to prevent spurious alarms. Liquid Radwaste Discharge Radiation Monitor Alarm / Trip Set point Monitor alarm / trip setpoints are determined to ensure that the concentration of radionuclides in the ifquid radvaste effluent

( s A


(~) Page : 5 Rev. : 2 released from PNPP to unrestricted areas does not exceed the limits specified in 10CFR20 Appendix R. Table II, Col'mn u 2 for radionuclides other tgan dissolved or entrained noble gases. An MPC of 2 x 10 uCi/ml has been established for noble gases dissolved and entrained in liquid effluents.

CR =

[] C E (2.1-5) i Where:

CR = the calculated monitor count rate above background, in cpm; C = the concentration of radionuclide i in the batch to be released, in uC1/ml; E


- the detector ef ficiency of the monitor for radio-nuclide i in cpm /(uCi/ml).


/m (w-) CR =RF (2.1-6) x nx Whero: db CR *

= the cross-calibrated monitor count rate above background, in cpm; F

= the cross-calibration f actor used to ratio the Liquid Radwaste Discharge Radiation Monitor responne to Nal single channel analyzer response; R

= the response of the Nat single channel analyzer to a sample of the tank to be discharged, in cpm.

SP = 1.25 CR + BC (2.1-7) r Where:

SP = the Radwaste Discharge Radiation Monitor - ESW Din-I charge (D17E606) alarm / trip netpoint, in cpm; p1 r

i i

l kfbkhN hk2 l OM12D: ODCM i Page : 6 )

Rev. 2 i BG = the background count rate due to internal contami-l l nation and radiation levels in the area of the j monitor:

CR = the monitor count rate, as per equation 2.1-5 or 2.1-6; 1.25 = the engineering safety factor to prevent spurious alarms.


( 2.1.2 Compliance with 10CFR20 - Liquid Effluent Concentration In order to show compliance with 10CFR20, the concentrations of radionuclides in liquid ef fluents will be determined and '

compared with the limiting maximum permissible concentrations

( (MPC) as defined in Appendix B. Table 11. Column 2 of 10CFR20.

Concentrations of radioactivity in effluents prior to dilution will be determined. Concentration in diluted ef fluent will be calculated using these results prior to each batch release, and following each batch release. PNPP has no continuous releases. Prerelease

( The radioactivity content of each batch release will be determined prior to release. PNPP will show compliance with


10CFR20 in the following manner:

The concentration of the various radionuclides in the batch release prior to dilution is divided by the minimum dilution ,

flow to obtain the concentration at the unrestricted area.

This calculation is shown in the following equations l Cg f f Cone g =

(2.2-0 mdf Where: l ConcI = the concentration of radionuclide 1 at the unrestricted area, in uCi/ml; C = the concentration of radionuclide i in the batch to l I

be released, in uC1/ml; f = the radwaste tank discharge flow rate for the batch to be released, in gpm; this value equals f (Equation 2.1-3) if f does not exceed system liETEntions; i

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l O, OM12D: ODCH P. ige : 7 i

Rev. : 2 i mdf a the minimum dilution flow, as per equation 2.1-3, in gpm.

l l The projected radionuclido concentrations in the unrestricted

( area are compared to the maximum permissible concentrations in '

l Appendix B. Table II, Column 2 of 10CFR20 in order to give a final 10CFR compliance check, i.e., the following equation must be met:

Cone g (2.2-2) i MPC g '

l Where:

Conc I = the concentration of radionuclide i at the unrestricted area, in uCi/ml; t

MPC g = the limiting maximum permissible concentration of radionuclide 1 from Appendix B. Table II, Column 2

- of 10CFR20, in uCi/ml. Post Release '

The actual radioactivity content of each batch release will be determined following release to show final compliance with  !


The concentration of the various radionuclides in the batch r' relcane prior to dilution is divided by the actual dilution to obtain the concentration at the unrestricted area. This calculation is shown in the following equations t C V Cone g I E



V dil Where:

i Cone g a the actual concentration of radionuellde i at the unrestrf eted area for the release, in uC1/ml; CI = the concentration of radionuclide i in the batch released, in uC1/ml; Vdil = the actual volume of dilution water during the release (the sum of all dilution flows: Se rvice p Water, Emergency Service Water, and cooling tower blowdown), in gallons:

I 3hhh l

OHl2D: ODCM N Page 8 Rev. t 2 V = the actual volume of the liquid radwante tank dis-I'"

charged for the batch, in gallons.

The concentrations in the unrestricted area are compared to the maximum permissibic concentrations in Appendix B. Table II. Column 2 of 10CFR20 in order to demonstrate final comp 11-ance with 10CFR20 i.e., the following equation must be mett


L conc 5 I (2.2-4) i MPC Where Conc = the concentration of radionuclide i at the I

unrestricted area. in uC1/ml; HPC g

= the limiting maximum permissible coner'ntration of radionuclide 1. f rom Appendix B. Table 11. Column 2 of 10CFR20, in uC1/m1.

2.2 Continuous Rc1canos O A continuous release is the dincharge of f1'uld wanten of a non-discrete volume, i.e. , f rom a volume or nynteri that has an input flow during the continuous relenne. Continuous radioactive releases are not planned for PNPP although the potential does exint for RilR heat exchanger leakage into the Emergency Service Water system.

Potentially contaminated dicharges from the ESW are monitored by an installed radiation monitoring system. This system consinta of two l channoin, one for monitoring downntream of equipment in Emergency Service Water System tnop A and the other for I.oop H. Monitors are net to alarm at three times background level. If radiation is l detected, the affected Emergency Service Water line can be manually l 1sointed. Whether to isolate or not in dependent upon other conditions. The PNPP staff will take appropriate action to limit release.

In the event that radioactivity is detected in the Pmergency Service Water system, water dincharged will he nampled and analysed in accordance with PNPP Technical Specification Table

To show compliance with 10CFR20 the num of the concentrations of radionuclide "1" in unrestricted arcan due to both continuous and batch relonnes divided by that isotope'n HPC munt again be lean than 1.


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i O OMl20: ODCH Page : 10 Rev. : 2 1

2.3 Compliance With 10CFR50 Appandix 1 - 1.iquid Effluent Dose Doses resulting from liquid ef fluents will be calculated at least monthly to show compliance with 10CFR$0. A cumulative summation of l total body and organ dosca for each calendar quarte r and calendar

! year will be maintained, as well an projected doses for the remainder of the quarter and year.

2.3.1 Dose Calculations l

l Radiat ton doses due to ralioactive of fluento f ron PNPP are calculated based on three main dose pathways: ;otable water.

aquatic foods (namely fresh water fish ingestion), and expo-nure to shoreline deposits. Irrigated food pathways, dis-cussed in Regulatory cuide 1.109, will not be of concern at PNPP as little or no water from Lake Eric in used for irriga-tion in the nearby Ohio counties of 1.ake, Ashtabula, cuyahoga and I.orain. Nursery businesses and other agricultural activ-ities that require supplemental water generally rely on water drawn from small ponds and streams.

Radiation dose to members of the public for liquid radwaste O releases from PNPP will be calculated for the potable water, aquatic food, and shoreline deposit pathways using the follow-ing equation:

1. Potable Water l

U "E (2.3-0 Rgp=1100 Qg D, gp ) e xp (- A g t p)


2. Aquatic Foods:

R ajp = !!00 gy AP

[Q i g

B D ip dpj exp (- A i t p) (2.3-2) p

3. Shoreline Deposits
U V "P

R ajP

= 110,000 gy

[Q ig T D alpj [exp (-A i i t

p)l* (2.3-3)


[1 - exp (- A g t h)I ,

O 1

i l -

--.. . - . _ _ . . . - _ ~ . - .- . - _ _ - - - - ~ - .- ._

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0 OM12D: ODCtl Page :

Rev. :

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R ajp = the done to individuals of age group a to organ j from all the radionuclides in pathway p, in mrem; B = the equilibrium biaccumulation factor for radio-P nuclide i in pathway p, expressed as the ratio of the concentration in blota (in pCi/kg) to the radionuclide concentration in water (in pCi/1),

from Table 2.3-4, in 1/kg; D

" gel = the dose factor, specific to a given age group a, l radionuclide 1, pathway p, and organ j, which can '

he used to eniculate the radiation dose from an ,

intake of a radionuclide, in mrem /pci, or from '

l exposure to a given concentration of a radio-nuclide in sediment, expressed as a ratio of the dose rate, in mrem /h, agd the arent radionuclide l concentration, in pC1/m , from Tables 2.3-5 through 2.3-9; ,

F = the flow rate of the liquid ef fluent in ft /a; O tip = the dilution factor at the midpoint of exposure (or the point of withdrawal of drinking water or i point of harvent of aquatic food), from Table -

! 2.3-10, dimensioniosa; L Q g = the release of radionuclide 1, in Ci; i ty = the period of time for which th nediment org non in exposed to the contaminated water, 1.75 x 10 h ,

(20 yearn);

T g = the halflife of radionuclide 1, in anyn; tp = the average transit time required for radionuclides to reach the point of exposura, from Table 2.3-11; for internal done, t o la the total time elapsed i between release of the radionuclides and the ingen- '

tion of food or water, in h; i U


= the unnge factor that specifica the exponure time I or intake rate for an individual of age group a -

associated with pathway p, from Table 2.3-12, in  ;

h/yr,1/hr, or kg/hr; O W = the shoreline width factor. 0.3 (from Regulatory Cuide 1.109);

l i l l


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' i 1 OMl2D: ODCM v Page : 17 Rev. : 2

! A g = the ydioactive decay constant of radionuclide 1 in h  ;

1100 = a factor to convert from (Ci/yr)/(ft /s)'to pCi/1; 110.000 = a factor to convert from (Ci/yr)/(ft /s) to pC1/1 and to account for the proportionality constant used in the sediment radioactivity model.

2.3.2 Cumulation of Doses The done contribution from liquid effluents will be calculated at least monthly. Calculations will be performed to determine j the maximum total body as well as the maximum organ dose to an individual. These dose calculations will be summed for comparison with quarterly and annual limits. These results should be added to the doses cumulated from the other months in the quarter of interest and in the year of interest. To assure compliance with the dose limits of 10CFR50 Appendix I the following relationships shall hold:

I for the quarter:

Dose s 1.5 mrems total body; Dose 5 5 mrems any organ; for the calendar year:

l Dose 5 3 mrems total body; Dose s 10 mrems any organ.

The quarterly limits given above reprenant one-half of the annual design objective. If these quarterly or annual limits are exceeded, a special report will be submitted to the NRC.

I in accordance with PhPP Technical Specifications, stating the reason and corrective action to be taken.

2.3.3 Projection of Doses

! Anticipated doses resulting from the release of liquid efflu-ents will be projected monthly. If the projected done, when averaged over 31 days, exceeds 0.06 mrem to the total body or 0.2 mrem to any organ, the liquid radwanto system will be used

to process waste. The values for the projected impact corre-i spond to approximately one forty-eighth of the Appendix 1 i design objective. If continued at this rate for one year, the


Ortl2D: ODCM v Page : 13

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projected impact would correspond to less than one-fourth of l the Appendix I limit. The projected doses will be calculated using Equations 2.3-1 to 2.3-3.

l l The doses calculated for the present month will be used as the projected doses unless information exists indicating that actual releases could dif fer significantly in the next month.

In this case, the source term should be adjusted to reflect this information and the justification for the adjustment noted. This adjustment should account for any radwaste equipment which was operated during the previous month that could be out of service in the coming month, 2.3.4 Population Dose As required by Regulatory Guide 1.21, for Semiannual Radioac-i tive Effluent Release Reporting, a population dose will be l calculated for doses received f rom all radioactive liquid cffluent releases. This population dose will be calculated using average individual transit times and usage factors.

Table 2.3-12 (as compared to maximum exposed individual f actors used for individual doses). The population dose will be calculated by dose pathway and organ, with pathway doses I being corrected for the fraction of the population assumed to l be in each age group (adult, teen, child and infant: 0.71, 0.11, 0.18, 0.0 respectively).

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i i fG OH12D: ODCM l \.sl Page : 14 Rev. : 2 Table 2.3-1 Organs used for Liquid Ef fluent Dose Calculations

1. Bone
2. GI Tract
3. Kidney

! 4. Liver

5. Lung
6. Thyroid
7. Total Body
8. Skin i

Table 2.3-2 Age Groups used for Liquid Effluent Dose Calculations

1. Adult (17 yrs. and older)
2. Teen (11 - 17 yrs.)
3. Child (1 - 11 yrs.)
4. Infant (0 - 1 yr.)

Table 2.3-3 Liquid Effluent Dose Pathways

1. Water Ingestion
2. Shore Exposure
3. Presh Water Fish Ingestion O

(,_ ') OM12D: ODCM

\~ / Page : 15 Rev. :

2 Table 2.3-4 Bioaccumulation Factors (B _)

(pCi/kg per pCi/ liter)

Element Fish 11 9.0E-01 C 4.6E+03 Na 1.0E+02 P 1.0E+05 Cr 2.0E+02 Mn 4.0E+02 Fe 1.0E+02 Co 5.0E+01 Ni 1.0E+02 Cu 5.0E+01 Zn 2.0E+03 Br 4.2E+02 Rb 2.0E+03 Sr 3.0E+01 Y 2.5E+01 l

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Zr Nb 3.3E+00 3.0E+04 Mo 1.0E+01 Tc 1.5E+01 Pu 1.0E+01 Rh 1.0E+01 Te 4.0E+02 I 1.5E+01 Cs 2.0E+03 Ba 4.0E+00 La 2.5E+01 Ce 1.0E+00 Pr 2.5E+01 Nd 2.5E+01 W l.2E+03 Np 1.0E+01


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OHl2D: ODCM Page : 16

'Rev. ; 2 Table 2.3-5 Ingestion Dose Factors for Adult (arem/pCi ingested)

NUCLICE 80NE, LtvER T.AOCY THYROIO KIONEY LONG GI-LLI i to 3 NO DATA t.05E-0F t.05E-OF l.05E-OF l.05E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-0F C 14 2.84E-06 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-0T 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 NA 24 't.70E-06 1.70F-06 1.F0E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 I P 32 1.93E-04 1.20E-05 7. 4 6E -0 6 NO DATA NC OATA NO DATA 2 1F[-05 CR St NO DATA NO CATA 2. 66E -0 9 1.59E-09 5.86L-10 3.53E-09 6.69E-0F NN 54 NO DATA 4.57E-06 8. '2E -0 7 No DATA 1.36E-06 NO DATA t.40E-05 MN 56 NO DATA 1.15E-0F 2.04E-Os No DATA 1 46E-07 NO DATA 3.67E-06 i rt 55 2.75E-06 1.90F-06 4.4 3E-0 7 NO DATA NO DATA 1.06E-06 1.09E-06 i FE 59 4.34E-06 1.02E-05 3.9tE-06 NO DATA NO DATA 2.85E-06 3.40E-05 I L ............................................................................ [

CO 58 NO DATA 7.45E-07 1. 6 7 E-0 6 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1 5tE-05 CO 60 NO DATA 2.14F-06 4. 72 E-0 6 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.02E-05 .

NI 63 1.30E-C4 9.01E-06 4.36E.06 NO DATA No DATA NO DATA 1 88E-06  !

NI 65 5.28E-07 6.86E-08 3.13 E-0 8 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA t.74E-06 CU 64 NO DATA 8. 3 3E-08 3. 91 E -0 8 NO DATA 2.10E-07 NO DATA 7.10E-06 i 2N 65 4.84E-06 1.54E-05 6. 96E -0 6. NO DATA 1.03E-05 NO DATA 9.70E-06 l 2N 69 1.03E-08 1.17C-08 1. 3 FE-0 9 No DATA 1.28E-08 NO DATA 2.96E-09 84 83 NO DATA NO DATA 4. 02 E -0 8 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 5.79E-08 l SR 84 NO DATA NO DAT4 5. 21E -0 8 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.09E-13 .

,, ...... ...... . ... . ........... ........ ... . .. ...... . l

BR 85 NO DATA NO DATA 2.14 E -0 9 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 RS 86 NO DATA 2.1tE-05 9. 8 3 E-0 6 NO DATA NO OATA NO DATA 4.16E-06
. 48 88 NO DATA 6.05E-08 3.2tE-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.36E-19 l

' R8 89 NO DATA 4.0lE-08 2. 82 E-0 8 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2 33E-21 SR 89 3.08E-04 NO DATA 8.84E-06 NO DATA NO DATA No DATA 4.94E-05 SR 90 7.58E-03 NO DATA l . 86 E-0 3 No DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.19E-04 SR 91 5.6fE-06 NO DATA 2.29E-OT NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA '2.70E-05 SR 92 2 15E-06 NU DATA 9 30E-06 NO DATA NO CATA NO DATA 4.26E-05 Y 90 9.62E-09 NO DATA 2. 58 E-10 NO DATA NO DATA NO 04TA 1.02E-04 l Y 9tM 9.09E-Il No DATA 3.52E-12 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.67E-10 l Y. 91 1.4tE-07 No DATA 3. 7 7 E-0 9 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 7.76E-05

. Y 92 8.45E-10 NO DATA 2.4FE-11 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.48E-05 l .......... .. ................. ...... .. ... . .. .. .. ..

l Y 93 2.68E-09 NO DATA 7.40E-Il NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.50E-05 2R 95 3.04E-08 9.75E-09 6.60E-09 NO DATA 1.53C.08 NO DATA 3.09E-05 2R 97 1.68E-09 1.392-10 1.55E-10 NO DATA 5.12E-10 NO DATA 1.05E-04

, 48 95 6 22E-09 3 46E-09 1. 86E -0 9 NO DATA 3.42E-09 NO DATA 2.10E-05 j NO 99 NO DATA 4.3tF=06 8. 2 0E -0 7 NO DATA 9.76E-06 NO DATA 9.99E-06 TC 99M 2.4 7E 10 6.98E-10 8.81E NO DATA 1.06E-08 3.42E-10 4 13E-07

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s OM12D: ODCM Page : 17 Rev. : 2 Table 2.3-5 (Cont.)

Ingestion Dose Factors for Adult (mrem /pCi ingested)

NUCL10E SONE LIVER T . 800Y THYR 010 KIONEY LUNG GI-LLI TC101 2.S4E-10 3.66E-10 3. 5 9 E -0 9 NO DATA 6.59E-09 1.87E-10 1.10E-21 4U103 1.85E-07 No DATA 7.97E-08 NO DATA 7.06E-07 NO DATA 2.16E-05 RUl0S 1.54E-08 Nu DATA 6. 0 S E -0 9 NO DATA 1.99E-07 NO DATA 9.42E-06 RU106 2.75E-06 NO DATA 3. 4 8 E -0 7 NO DATA 5.31E-06 NO DATA 1.78E-04 AGit0M 1.60E-07 1.48E-07 8.79E-08 NO DATA 2.9tE-07 NO DATA 6.04E-05 TE125M 2.69E-06 9.71E-07 3.5 9E-0 7 8.06E-07 1.09E-05 NO DATA 1.07E-05 TE127m 6.77E-06 2.42C-06 8. 2 5 E -0 7 1.73E-06 2.75E-05 NO DATA 2.27E-05 TE127 1.10E-07 3.95E-08 2. 38 E-0 8 8.15E-08 4.48E-07 NO DATA 8.68E-06 TE129M 1.15E-05 .4 29E-06 1.A2E-06 3.95E-06 4.80E-05 NO DATA 5.79E-05 TE129 3.14E-08 1.18E-08 7. 6) E -0 9 2.4tE-08 1.32E-0/ NO DATA 2.37E-08 TCl3tM 1.73E-06 8.46C-07 7 05E-0 7 1.34E-06 8.57E-06 NO DATA 8.40E-05 TE131 1.97E-08 8.23E-09 6. 22 E -09 1.62E-08 8.63E-08 NO DATA 2.79C-09 TE132 2.52E-06 1 63E-06 1. 53 E -0 6 1.80E-06 1 57E-05 NO DATA 7.7tE-05 t 130 7.56E-07 2.2 3E-06 8. 8 0E-0 7 1.89C-04~ 3.48E-06 NO DATA t.92E-06 I L31 4.16E-06 5.95E-06 3. 4 t E -0 6 1.95E-03 1.02E-05 NO DATA t.57E-06 l

O I 132 1 133 I 134 2.03E-07 1.42E-06 5.43E-07 2.47E-06 1 06E-07 2.88E-07 1.90E-07 7.53E-07 1.03E-0 7 1.90E-05 3.63E-04 4.99E-06 8.65E-07 4.3tE-06 4.58E-07 No DATA NO DATA NO DATA t.02E-07 2.22E-06 2.5tE-10 l  ! 135 4.43E-07 1.162-06 4. 2 8E -0 7 7.65E-05 1.86E-06 NO DATA 1.31E-06 C5134 6.22E-05 1.48E-04 1. 2 t E -0 4 NO DATA 4.79E-05 1.59E-05 .2.59E-06 C5136 6.5tE-06 2.57E-05 1. 85 E -0 5 NO DATA 1.43E-05 1.96E-06 2.92E-06 C5137 7.97E-05 1.09E-04 7.14 E-0 5 NO DATA 3.70E-05 1.23E-05 2.tlE-06 C5138 5.52E-08 1.c9E-07 5. 4 0 E -0 8 NO DATA 8.01E-08 7.9tE-09 4.65E-13 8A139 9.70E-08 6.91E-11 2. 8 4 E-0 9 NO DATA 6.46E-il 3.92E-tt 1.72E-07 8A140 2.03C-05 2.55E-08 t . 3 ) E -0 6 840 D A T A 8.67t-09 1.46E-08 4 18E-05 04141 4. TI E-08 1.560-11 1.59E-09 NO DATA 3.3tE-Il 2.02E-tt 2.22E-17 9A142 2.13E-08 2 19E-11 1 14t-09 NO DATA 1.85E-Il 1.24E-11 3.00E-26 LA140 '2.50E-09 1.262-09 J.33E-10 NO DATA N0 DATA NO DATA 9.25E-05 LA142 1.28E-10 5.82E-It' t.45E-11 NO DATA NC OATA NO DATA 4.2SE-07

. CE141 9.36E-09 6.53E-09 7.lRC-10 NO DATA 2 94E-09 NO DATA 2.42E-05 CEl43 1.65E-09 1.22F-06 1.35E-10 NO DATA 5.37E-10 NO DATA 4.56E-05 CE144 4.88E-07 2.04E-07 2.62E-08 NO DATA 1.2tE-07 NO DATA 1.65E-04 PR143 9.20E-09 3.69E-09 4.56E-to NO DATA 2.13E-09 NO DATA 4.03E-05 PR144 3.0lf-Il 1 25E-11 8.SiE-12 NO DATA 7.05E-12 NO 04f4 4.33E-18 N0147 6.29E-09 7.27E-09 4.35E-10 NO DATA 4.25E-09 NO DATA 3.49E-05 h 197 1.03E-07 8.6tE-06 3.01 E-0 8 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.82E-05 p........ ...................... .........................................

NP239 1.19E-01 1.17C-10 6.45E-t1 N0 DATA 3.65E-10 ' NO DAT A 2.40E-05 l


. ( Page : 18 l Rev. : 2 4

i Table 2.3-6 1

4 Ingestion Dose Factors for Teenager (mren/pCi ingested)


NUCLICE 8ONE LIVER T.800Y THva010 KIONEY LONG Gl_LLI j ........................ ....... .........................................

H 3 NO DATA 1.06E-07 1 00E-0 7 1.06E-OF l.06C-07 1.06E-07 1.06E-07 L 14 4.06E-06 8.12E-07 8 12 E-0 7 8.12F-0 T 8.12E-07 A.12E-07 8.12F-OF i

NA 24 2.30E-06 2.30E-06 2. 3 0 E -0 6 2.30E-06 2.30L-06 2.30E-06 2.30E-06

! P 32 2.76E-04 1. TIC-05 1.0FE-05 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.32E-05 CR 51 NU DATA NO DATA 3.60E-09 2.00E-09 7.99t -t o - 5 14E-09 6.05E-01 PN 54 NO DATA 5.90E-06 1.17E-06 NO DATA 1.76E-06 No 0ATA t.2tE-05 MN 56 40 DATA 1.38E-07 2.8tE-08 NO DATA 2.00E-07 NO DATA 1.04E-05 3 F F 55 3.F8E-06 2.68F.06 6.2 5E -0 7 vn DATA NU 04T4 1.70E-06 1.16E-06 FE 59 5.87E-06 1.JFE-05 5.29E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 4.32C-06 1 24E-05

CO 58 No DATA 9.72E-0F 2. 24 E-0 6 NU 04TA NO DATA NO DATA 1.34E-05 CO 60 NO DATA 2.81E-06 6. 3 3 E-0 6 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 3.66E-05


NI 63 1.77E-04 1.25C-05 6. 0 0 E -0 6 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.99E-06 N165 7.49E-07 9.57E-08 4.36E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 5 19E-06 l

i CU 64 NO DATA 1.15E.07 5.41 E-0 8 NO DATA 2.9tE-07 NO DATA 8.92E-06 IN 6b 5.76E-06 2.C0E-05 . 9. 3 3E-0 6 NO DATA 1.28E-05 NO DATA 8.47E-06 IN 69 1.47E-08 2.50E-08 1. 96E-0 9 40 DATA 1.A3E-08 No DATA 5 16E-08 OR 83 NO DATA NO DATA 5. 74 E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 84 84 NO DATA NO DATA 7. 22 E-0 8 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 34 85 NO DATA NO DATA 3.05 E-0 9 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 R8 86 NO DATA 2.90E-05 1. 4 0E-0 5 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.4tE-06 48 88 NO DATA 8.52E-04 4.54E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 7.30E-15 MD 89 NO DATA 5.50E-08 3. 89 E-0 8 No DATA NO DATA No DATA 8.43E.17 SR 89 4.40E-04 No DATA 1. 26 E -0 5 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA s5.24E-05 54 90 8.30E-03 NO DATA 2.05E.03 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.33E-04 SR 11 8.07E-06 NO DATA 3. 2 t E -0 7 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 3.66E-05 SR 92 3.05E-06 NO DATA 1. 30E-0 7 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 7.77E-05

  • Y 90 1.37E-08 NO DATA 3.69E-10 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.13E-04 Y 9tM 1.29E-10 NO DATA 4. 9 3 E-12 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 6.09E-09 Y 91 2.01E-07 NO DATA 5. 3 9E -0 9 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.24E-05 Y 92 1.2tE-09 NO DATA 3.50E-Il NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 3.32E-05 Y 93 3.83E-09 NO DATA t .0 5E-10 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.17E-04 24 95 4.12E-08 1.30C-08 8. 9
  • E -0 9 NO DATA t.9tE-08 NO DATA 3.00E-05 FR 9F 2.37E-09 2.16E-10 NO DATA 7.IIE-10 NO DATA 1.27E-04 NM 95 8.22E-09 4.561-09 2. $ 1 E -0 9 No DATA 4.42E-09 No DATA t.95E-05 MO 99 NO DATA 6.03C-06 1.tvF-06 NO DATA t.38E-05 No DATA t.08E-05 TC 99M 3 32E-10 9.26E-10 1.20E-08 NO DATA 1.38E-08 5.14E-10 6.08E-OF


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I \ OM12D1 ODCM O - Page : 19 Rev. : 2 Table 2.3-6 (Cont.)

Ingestion Dose Factors for Teenager (mrem /pc1 ingested) r i

NUCLIDE BONE liver T.600Y THYR 010 KIONEY LUNG GI-Ltl fC101 3.60E-10 5.12i-10 5. 0 l E -0 9 NO DATA 9 26E-09 3.12E-10 8.75E-17 9U103 2.55E-07 NU 04tA 1. 09 E -0 7 NO DATA 8.99E-07 NO DATA 2.13E-05 dUt05 2.18E-04 NO UATA 8. 4 6 E -0 9 NO DATA 2.75E-07 NO DATA 1.76E-05 Rut 06 3.92E-06 NO DATA 4. 94 E-0 7 NO DA(A 7.56E-06 NO DATA 1.88E-04 AGt!Om 2.0$E-07 1.94E-07 1. t a E -0 7 NO DATA 3.70E-07 NO DATA 5.45E-05 TEl2Sm 3.83E-06 1.386-06 5.12 E-0 7 1.07E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 1.13E-05 TF127M 9.67E-06 3.4 J E- 06 1. t > E-0 6 2.30E-06 3.92t-05 NO DATA 2.4tE-05 TE127 1.58E-07 5.6CE-08 3. 4 0 E -0 8 1.09E-07 6.40E-07 NO DATA 1.22E-05 TEt29M t.63E-05 6.05F-06 2 58E-06 S.26E-06 6.R2E-05 NO DATA 6.12E-05 TE129 4.48E-09 1.67E-08 1.09E-08 3.20E-08 1.88E-07 NO DATA 2 45E-07 TE131m 2.44E-06 ,1.17E-06 9.76E-07 1.76E-06 1.22E-05 NO DATA 9.39E-05 TE131 2.79E-08 1.15E-08 8.72E-09 2.15E-08 1.22E-07 NO DATA 2.29C-09

=. .

TE132 3.49E-06 2.21E-06 2.08E-06 2.33E-06 ~2 .12E-05 NO DATA 7.00E-05 8 130 1.03E-06 2.98E-06 1.19E-06 2.4 3E-04 4 59E-06 NO DATA 2.29E-06 I 131 5.85E-06 8.11C-06 4. 40E-0 6 2.39E-03 1.41E-05 NO DATA 1.62E-06

'N y ') I 132 2.79E-07 7.30E-07 2.62 E -0 7 2.46E-05 1.15E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 3.18E-07 I 133 2 01E-06 3.4tt-06 1. 04 E -0 6 4.76E-04 5.98E-06 2.58E-06 t 134 1 46E-07 3.87E-07 1. 39E-0 7 6.45E-06 6.10E-07 NO DATA 5.10E-09

! 135 6.10E-07 1 57E-06 5.82E-07 1.0lE-04 2.48E-06 NO DATA 1.74E-06 C5134 8.37E-05 1.97E-04 9.14 E-0 5 NO DATA 6.26E-05 2.39E-05 2.45E-06 C5136 8.59E-06 '3.38E-05 2.27E-05 NO DATA 1.84E-05 2.90E-06 2.72E-06 C5137 1 12E-04 1.49E-04 5.19 E-0 5 NO DATA 5.07E-05 1.97E-05 2.12E-06 C5138 7.76E-08 I.49E-07 7.45E-08 NO DATA 1.10E-07 1.28E-08 6.76E-11 84139 1 39E-07 9.78E-t! 4. 0 S E -0 9 NO DATA 9.22E-It 6.74E-!! l.24E-06 DA140 2.84E-05 3.4AE-09  ! . 8 3E-0 6 NO DATA 1.18E-08 2.34E-08 4.38E-05 84141 6.71E-08 5.01C-It 2.24E-09 NO DATA 4.65E-It 3443E-tl 1.43E-13 nA142 2.99C-08 2.91E-11 1.84E-09 No DATA 2.53t-il 1.99E-11 9.18E-20 LA140 3.48E-09 1.7tC-09 4.55E-10 NO DATA NC OATA 'NO DATA 9.82E-05 LA142 t.79C-10 7.95E-Il 1.98E-11 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.42E-06

. CE141 1 33E-08 8.88E-09 1.02C-09 NO DATA 4.18E-09 NO DATA 2.54E-05 CE143 2.35E-09 1.7tE-06 1. 91 E-10 NO DATA 7.67E-10 NO DATA S.14C-05 CE144 6.96E-07 2 88E-07 3.74E-08 NO DATA 1.72E-07 NO DATA 1.75E-04 PR143 1 3tE-08 5.23C-09 6. 5 2 E -10 NU OATA 3.04E-09 NO DATA 4 3tE-05 PRl44 4.30E-It 1.76E-It' 2.18E-12 NO DATA 1.01E-It NO DATA 4.74E-14 N0147 9.18E-09 1.02E-08 6.l!E-10 NO DATA $.99E-09 NO DATA 3 68E-05 W 187 1 46E-07 1.19C-07 4.17E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 3.22E-05 NP239 1.76E-09 1.66E-10 9.22E-11 NO DATA 5.2tE-10 NO DATA 2.67E-05 l


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OM12D: ODCM Page : 20 Rev. : 2 Table 2.3-7 Ingestion Dose Factors for Child (mrem /pci ingested)

NuCLIUE 80NE LIVER f.MOUY THYt010 MIONEY LUNG .GI-LLI H 3 40 DAT4 2.03E-0F 2.01E-07 2.03E-07 2.03E-07 2.03E-07 2.03E-OF C 14 1.21E-05 2.*2E.06 2.42E-06 2.42E-06 2.42E-06 2.42E-06 2.42E-06 NA 24 S.80E.06 5.80E-06 5.80E-06 5.80E-06 5.00E-06 5.80E-06 5.80E-06 P 12 8.25E-04 3.86E-0) 3.tCE-05 40 04fA NO DATA NO DATA 2.28E-05 CR 51 NO DATA NO CATA 0. 9 0 E -0 9 4.94E-c9 1.35E-09 9.02E-09 4.72C-07 PN 54 NO DATA 1.07E-05 2.85E-06 NO U4f4 3.00E-06 NO DATA 8.98E-06 NN 56 NO DATA 3.34E-01 F.54E-06 NO 04fA 4 04E-0T NO DATA 4.84E.05 FE 55 1.15E-05 6.10E-06 1. 8 9E -0 6 NO 041% NC OATA 3.45E 06 1.13E-06 FE $9 1.6SE-05 2.6FE-05 1.33C.05 NO DATA NO DAf4 7.T4E-06 2.78E.05 C0 Se NO OATA 1.80E-06 5. 5 t E-0 6 NO DATA NO 04TA NO 04fA 1.05E-05 CO 60 NO DATA 5.29E.06 1. 56 E -0 5 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.93E-05 N163 5.38E-C4 2.88F-05 1.83E-05 NO DATA NO 04fA NO DATA 1.94E.06 NI 65 2.22E-06 2.09F-07 1.22E-07 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.56E-05 CU 64 NO DATA 2.45E-07 1. 4 8 E-0 7 NO OsTA 5.92E-07 NO DATA 1.15E.05 IN 65 1.37E-05 3.oSE-05 2.2 FE-0 5 NO DATA 2.30E-05 NO DATA 6.4tE-06 2N 69 4.38E-08 6.J3E-08 5. 8 5 E -0 9 NO DATA' 3.84E*08 NO DATA 3.99E-06 BR 83 NO DATA NO DATA 1. 7 t E.0 7 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 SR 84 NO DATA NO DATA 1. 9 0 E .0 7 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 MR 85 NO DATA 5 1 CATA 9 12 E-09 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 MB 86 NO DATA o.70E-05 4.12 E .0 5 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.3tF.06 R8 88 NO DATA 1.90E-07 1.32E-07 NO DAf4 NO DATA NO DATA 9.32C-09 RB 89 NO DATA 1.17E.07 1 04E.0 7 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.02E-09 SR 89 1.32E-03 NO CATA 3. 7 7E-0 5 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 5.t!E-05 SR 90 1.70E-02 NO UATA 4.3tE-03 I40 D A T A No DATA NO DAf4 2.29E-04 54 91 2.40E.05 NO DATA 9.06E-0 7 NO DAf4 NO DATA NO DATA 5.30E-05 5R.92 9.03E-06 NO DATA 3. 62 E -0 7 NO DATA 90 DATA NO DATA t.FtE-04 Y 90 4 1tE-06 NO DATA 1.10E-09 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.17E-04 Y 9tM 3.82E-10 NO 04TA t.30E-l! NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA T.48E-07 Y 91 6.02E-07 NO DATA 1.61F-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.02E-05

. Y 92 3.60E-01 NO DATA 1.03E-10 NO 04fA NO DATA NO DATA l.04E.04 Y 93 1.14E-08 NO DATA 3.13E-10 NO DATA NO DAfa NO DATA L.70E-04 FR 95 1.16E 07 2.35E.08 2.27E.08 NO DATA 3.65E.08 NO DATA 2.66E-05 LR 97 6.99E-09 1.01E-09 S.96E-10 NO DAf4 1 45E-09 NO DATA 1.53E-04


l Ne 95 2.25E 08 8.76E-09 6.26E.09 NO DATA 8.23E-09 NO DATA l.62E-05 MO 99 NO DATA I.33E.05 3.29E-06 NO DATA 2.84E-05 fC 99 9.23E.10 NO DATA t.10E-05 3.00E-08 NO DATA

......=........................... .......................................06 1.8tE.09 2.63E.08 9.19E-10 1 03E-4 6




Page : 21 Rev. : 2 Table 2.3-7 (Cont.)

Ingestion Dose Factors for Child (mrem /pci ingested)

NUCLIOE 80NE liver T.000f T H f R 010 KIDNEY ~ LONG Gl.LLI 8C101 1.07E-09 1.12t-09 1.42E-08 NO DATA 1.9tt-08 5.92E-10 1.56E-09 RU103 7.3tE-07 No DATA 2. 8 t E-0 7 NO DATA 1 84E-06 NO DATA t.89E-05 ftU105 6.45E-08 No cATA 2.14E-08 NO DATA 5.67E-07 NO DATA 4 21E-05 RU106 1.17E-05 NO DATA 1.46E-06 NO DATA 1.58E-05 NO DATA 1.8?E-04 AG110M 5.39E-07 3.64E-07 2.91 E-0 7 No DATA 6.78E-07 NO DATA 4.33E-05 TE125M 1.14E-05 3.09E-06 1. 52 E -0 6 3.20E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 1.10E-05

) TE127M 2.89E-05 7.78E-06 3.430-06 6.9tE-06 e.24E-05 NO CATA 2.34E-05 TE127 4.7tE-07 1.27F-07 1. 01 E -0 7 3.26E-07 1.34E-06 NO DATA 1.84E-05 TE129= 4.87E-05 1.s6E-05 T.56E-06 1.57E-05 1.43E-04 NO CATA 5.94E-05 ICl29 1.34E-07 3.74E-08 3 18E-08 1.56E-08 3.92E-07 NO DATA 8.34E-06 TE13tM 7.20E-06 2.49E-06 2.65E-06 5.12E-06 2.41E-05 NO DATA 1.01E-04 TEt31 8.30E-08 2.53E-08 2.47E-08 6.35E-08 2.51E-07 NO DATA 4.36E-07 TE132 1.01E-05 4.47E-06 5.40E-06 6.5tE.06 4.15E-05 NO DATA 4.50E-05 1 130 2.92E-06 5.90E-06 3. 04 E -0 6 6.50E-04 8.82E-06 NO DATA 2.76E.06 1 131 1,72E-05 1.73E-05 9.83E-06 5.72C-03 2.84E-05 NO DATA 1.54E ) _-.........--....--.

I I 132 0.00E-07 1.47E-06 6.76E-07 6.82E-05 2.25E-06 NO 04TA 1.73E-06

[Q  ! 133 I 134 5.92E-06 4.19E-07 7.32E-06 7.78E-07 2.77E-06 3.5 8 E-0 7 1.36E-03 1.79E-05 1 22E-05 NO DATA 1 19E-06 NO DAT4 2.95E-06 5.16E-07

! 135 1.75E-06 3.15E-06 1.49E-06 2.79E-04 4.83E-06 NO DATA 2.40E-06 C5134 2.34E-04 3.84E-04 8.10E-05 NO DATA 1.19E-04 4.27E-05 2.07E-06 C5136 2.35E-05 6.460-05 4.18E-05 NO DATA 3.44E-05 5.13E-06 2.27E C5137 3.2TE-04 3.13E-04 4.62E-05 NO DATA 1.02E-04 3.67E-05 t.96E-06 C5138 2.28E-07 3.17E-07 2. 01 E-0 7 NO DATA 2.23E-07 2.40E-08 1.46E-07 BA139 4.14E-07 2.2tE-10 1.20E-08 NO DATA 1.93E-10 1.30E-10 2.39E-05 I

l P.A140 8.3tE-05 7.28E-08 4. 8 5E.0 6 NO DATA 2.37L-08 4.34E-08 4.21E-05 sal 41 2.00E-07 1.122-10 6. 51 E -0 9 NO DATA 9.69E-Il 6.58E-10 1 14E-07 OA142 8. 74E-08 6.29E-11 4.86F-09 NO DATA 5.09E-11 3.70E-11 1 14E-09 L4140 1.01E-08 1.53E-09 1.17E-09 40 DATA NO DATA NO DATA 9.84E-05 Lat42 5.24E-10 t . 6 7E-IO 5.23E-11 NO DATA NO DAT4 NO DATA 3.3tE-05 CEt41 3.97C-04 1.98E-08 2.9%E-09 NO DATA 8.68E-09 NO DATA 2.47E-05 CEI4J 6.99E-09 3.79E-06 5.49E-10 NO DATA 1.59E-09 NO DATA 5.55E-05 CE144 2.08E-06 6.52C-07 1.llE-07 NO DATA 3.6tL-07 NO DATA 1.70E-04 PR14 3 3.93E-08 1.180-08 L . 9 5 E -0 9 NO DATA 6.l9E-09 NO DATA 4.24E-05 PR144 1.09E-10 1.91E-11 6.49E-12 NO LATA 2.1tE-11 NO DATA 8.59E-06 N0147 2.79E-0A 2.26E-08 1.75E-09 NO DATA 1.24E-08 NO DATA 1.58E-05 W 187 4.29E-07 2.54E-07 1.14E -0 7 NU OATA NO DATA NO DATA 3.57E-05 HP239 5.25E-09 3.775-10 2. 6 5 t -10 NO DATA l.09E-09 NO DATA 2.79E-05

i i

l OM12D: ODCM Page : 22 Rev. : 2 Table 2.3-8 Ingestion Dose Factors for Infant (mren/pCi ingested)

NuCLIUE 90NE liver T.60UY THYRul0 KIONEY LUNG Cl-LLI H 3 NO DATA 3.08F-07 h 08E-0 T 3. ORE-07 1.08E-07 3.08E-07 3.08E-07 L 14 2.3FE-05 5.C6E-06 5. 06 E -0 6 5.06E-06 5.06E-06 5.06F-06 5.06E-06 NA 24 1.016-05 1.0tC-05 t.01E-05 1.0lE-05 1.0lf-05 1.0LE-05 1.0tE-05 P 32 1.70E-03 1.00E-04 6.59E-05 NO UATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.10E-05 Cd St NO DATA NO DATA 1. 4 t E-0 8 1.20E-00 2.CIE-09 1.79E-08 4.11E-07 NN 54 NO DATA 1.99E'-05 4. 5 t f -0 6 NO DATA 4.4tE-06 NO DATA F.3tE-06 NN 56 NO DATA 8.18E-07 1.41E-07 Nu DATA 7.01E-07 NO DATA 7.43E-05 FE 55 1.39E-05 8.98E-06 2.4 C E-0 6 NO DATA NO DATA 4.19E-06 1.14E-06 FE 59 3.08E-05 5.J87-0) 2.12E-05 NO CATA NO DATA t.59E-05 2.57E-05 CO.58 NO OLTA 3.60E-06 8. 9 n .0 6 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.9FE-06 CO 60 - NO DATA 1.08E-05 1.452-05 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.5FE-05 NI 63 6.34E-04 3.926-05 2.20E-05 NO DATA NO DATA NO CATA 1.95E-06 NI 65 4.70E-06 5.32E-07 2.426-07 NO UATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.05E-05 1 I'

I CU 64 - NO DATA 6.09E-07 2.82E-07 NO DATA 1.03E-06 NO DATA 1.25E-05 ZN 65 1.34E-05 6.31E-05 2.9tE-0) NO DATA 1.06E-05 NO DATA 5.33E-05

( IN 69 9.33E-08 1.08E-OF 1. 2 5 E -0 8 NO DATA 6.98E-08 NO DATA 1.37E-05 IIR 83 NO DATA NO DATA 3. 6 3 E-0 7 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24

3. 82 E-0 7 NO DATA



......====-- -...................'.....





LT E-24 UR 85 NO DATA NO DATA 1 94 E-0 8 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 MB 86 NO DATA 1. TOE-04 8. 4 0 E -0 5 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.35E-06 M8 88 NO DATA 4.98E-07 2. 7 3 E-0 7 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.85E-07 RO 89 NO DATA 2.86E-07 1.97E-1T NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 9.74E-08 SR 89 2.51E-03 NG DATA 7. 2 0E-0 5 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 5.16E-05 SR 90 1.05E-02 NO DATA 4. 7 t E-0 3 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.3tE-04

...... ....._ ................... ....==- .. _...........................

SR 91 5.00E-05 NO DATA 1. 81 E-0 6 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 5.92E-05 SR 92 1.92C-05 NO DATA 7.13 E-0 7 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.07E-04 Y 90 8.69E-08 NO DATA 2. 3 s E -0 9 NO DATA NO DATA No DATA 1.20E-04 Y 91m 8.10E-IC NO DATA 2.76E-11 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.70E-06 Y 91 1.13E-06 'NO DATA 3.01E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.10E-05 Y. 92 7.65E-09 NO DATA 2.15E-10 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.46E-04 Y 93 2.43E-08 NO DATA 6.62E-10 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.92E-04 2R 95 2.06E-07 5.02E-08 3.56E-08 NO DATA 5.41E-08 NO DATA 2.50E-05 ER 97 1.48E-08 2.54E-09 1.16E-09 NO DATA 2.56E-09 NO DATA 1.62E-04 NB 95 4.20E-08 1 73E-Os 1.00E-08 NO DATA 1.24E-08 NO DATA 1.46E-05 MO 99 NO DATA 1.4CE-05 6.63E-06 NO DATA 5.08E-05 NO DATA 1.12E-05 TC 917 -1.92E-09 3.96E-09 5.10 E -0 8 NO DATA 4.26E-08 2.07E-09 1.15E-06


OM12D: ODCM Page : 23 Rev. : 2 Table 2.3-8 (Cont.)

Ingestion Dose Factors for Infant (mrem /pCi ingested)

NUCLICE BONE LIVER T.000Y THYROIO KIONEY LUNG GI-(tl TC101 2.27E-09 2.e6E-09 2.83E-08 NO DATA  !.40E-08 1.56E-09 4.86E-07 Rut 03 1.48E-06 NO DATA 4.95E-07 NO DATA 3.08E-06 NO DATA 1.80E-05 4U105 1.36E-07 NO DATA 4.5dE-08 40 DATA 1.00E-06 NO DATA. 5.*1E-05

........_..__. ____....._..__......__................ ==.............._...

Rut 06 2.4tE-05 NO DATA 3.01E-06 NO DATA 2.85E-05 NO DATA 1.83F-04 AGt10M 9.96E-07 7.27E-07 4. 81 E-0 7 NO DATA 1.04E-06 NO DATA 3.77E-05 TE125M 2.33E-05 7.79E-06 3.t>E-06 7.84E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 1.llE-05 TE127M 5.85E-05 1.94E-05 7.08E-06 1.69E-05 1.44E.04 NO DATA 2.36E-05 TE127 1.00E-06 3. 35E-0 7 2.tSE-07 8.14E-07 2.44E-06 NO DATA 2.10E-05 TE129M 1.00E-04 3.4 3E-05 1. 5 4 E-0 5 3.84E-05 2.50E-04 NO DATA 5.97E-05 TE129 2.84E-07 9.79E-08 6.6 3E-0 8 2.38E-07 7.0TE-07 NO DATA 2.27E-05 TE131M 1.52E-05 6.12E-06 5.05E-06 1.24E-05 4.21E-0$ NO DATA 1.03E-04 TE131 1.76E-07 6.500-08 4.94E-08 1.57E-07 4.50E-07 -No DATA 7.11E-06 TE132 2.08E-05 1.03E-05 9.6 t E-0 6 1.52F-05 6.44E-05 NO DATA 3.81E-05 I 130 6.00E-06 1.32E-05 5. 30E -0 6 1.48E-03 "1.45E-05 NO DATA' 2.83E-06 I 131 3.59E-05 4.23E-05 1.96E-05 1.39E-02 '4.94E-05 NO DATA 1.5tE-06

......._...._...__. ....___...- _==.................

s ,<  ! 132 1.66E-06 3.37E-06 1 2 0E-0 6 1.58E-04 3.76E-06 NO DATA 2.73E-06 1 133 1.25E-05 1.82C-05 5.33E-06 3.31E-03 2.14E-35 NO DATA 3.08E-06

. T 134 8.69E-07 1.78E-06 6. 3 3 E-0 7 4.tSE-05 1.99E-06 NO DATA t.84E-06


=------- _-.................... ...................... .................

I 135 3.64E-06 7.24E-06 2.64E-06 6.49E-04 4.07E-06 NO DATA 2.62E-06 CS134 3.77E-04 7.032-04 7.10 E -0 5 NO DATA 1.81E-04 7.42E-05 1.91E-06 CS136 4.59E-05 1.35E-04 5. 04 E-0 5 NO DATA 5.38E-05 1 10E-05 2.05E-06 CS137 5.22E-04 6.11E-04 4.13E-0 5 NO DATA 1.64E-04 6.64E-05 1.91E-06 CS138 4.81E-07 7.82E-07 3. 79E-0 7 NO DATA 3.90E-07 6.09E-08 1.25E-06 84139 8. 8 t E-0 7 5.84E-10 2. 5 5E-0 8 .NO DATA 3.5tE-10 3.54E-10 5.58E-05 8A140 1.7tE-04 1.7tE-07 8. 8 t E -0 6 NO DATA 4.06E-08 1 05E-07 4.20E-05 rat 41 4.2SE-07 2.912-10 1.3*E-08 NO DATA 1.75E-10 1.7FE-to 5.19E-06 UA142 1.84E-07 1. 5 3 E - 10 9.06E-09 NO DATA 8.8tE-11 9.26E-Il 7.59E-07 LAt40 2.IIE-08 8.32E-09 2.14 E -0 9 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 9.77E-05 LA142 1.10E-09 4.04E-10 9.6 /E-11 NO DATA *O DATA NO DATA 6.86F-05

. CE141 7.87E-08 4.80E-08 5. 65 E -0 9 NO DATA 4.48E-09 NO DATA 2.48E-05 CE143 1.48E-08 9.52E-06 1 17E-09 NO DATA 2.96E-09 NO DATA 5.73E-05 CE144 2.98E-06 1.22E-06 1. 6 7E-0 7 NO DATA 4.93E-07 NO DATA 1.71E-04 PRt43 8.13E-08 3.04E-08 4.03E-09 NO DATA 1.13E-08 NO DATA 4.29E-05 PRt44 2.740-10 1.06E-10 1.380-11 NO DATA 3.84k-It NO DATA 4.93E-06 N0147 5.53E-08 5.68E-08 3. 4 8 E -0 9 NO DATA 2.19E-08 NO DATA 3.60E-05 W 187 9.03E-07 6.?eE-07 2.17E-0 7 -NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 3.69E-05

==--- -...................

NP239 1.1tE-08 9.93E-10 5. 61 E-10 NO DATA 1.98E-09 NO DATA 2.87E-05 U

() '~'

OM12D: ODCM Page : 24 Rev. : 2 Table 2.3-9 External Dose Factors for Standing on Contaminated Ground (mrem /h per pCi/m2 )

Element Total Body Skin 6:- 3 0.0 0.0 C-14. 0.0 0.0 NA-24 2.50E-08 2.90E-08 P-32 0.0 0.0 Cr-51 2.20E-10 2.60E-10 Mn-54 5.80E-09 6.80E-09 Mn-56 1.10E-08 1.30E-08 Fe-55 0.0 0.0 Fe-59 8.00E-09 9.40E-09 Co-58 7.00E-09 8.20E-09 Co-60 1.70E-08 2.00E-08 Nt-63 0.0 0.0 Nr-65 3.70E-09 4.30E-09 Cu-64 1.50E-09 1.70E 09

,.s Zn-65 4.00E-09 4.60E-09

/ In-69 0.0 0.0

') 9.30E-11

( ,/ Br-83 6.40E-11 Br-84 1.20E-08 1.40E-08

.. Br-85 0.0 0.0 Rb-86 6.30E-10 7.20E-10 Rb-88 3.50E-09 - 4.00E-09 Rb-89 1.50E-08 1.80E-08 Sr-89 5.60E-13 6.50E-13 Sr-91 7.10E-09 3.30E-09 Sr-92 9.00E-09 1.00E-08 Y-90 2.20E-12 2.60E-12 Y-91M 3.80E-09 4.40E-09 Y-91 2.40E-11 2.70E-11 Y-92 1.60E-09 1.90E-09 Y-93 5.70E-10 7. DOE-10 Zr-95 5.00E-09 5.80E-09 Zr-97 5.50E-09 6.40E-09 Nb-95 5.10E-09 6.00E-09 Mo-99 1.90E-09 2.20E-09

. Tc-99M 9.60E-10 1.10E-09 Tc-101 2.70E-09 3.00E-09 Ru-103 3.60E-09 4.20E-09 Rw-105 4.50E-09

  • 5.10E-09 Ru-106 1.50E-09 1.80E-09 Ag-110t4 1.80E-08 2.10E-08 Te-125M 3.50E-11 4.80E-11 Te-127M 1.10E-12 1.30E-12 Te-127 1.00E-11 1.10E-11 Te-1298 7.70E-10 9.00E-10 Te-129 7.10E-10 8.40E-10 Te-131M 8.40E-09 9.90E-09 Te-131 2.20E-09 2.60E-06

.Te-132 1. 70E-09 2.00E-r,9 O(.

DU@H K@l@ny V,

OM12D: ODCM Page : 25 Rev. : 2 Table 2.3-9 (Cont.)

External Dose Factors for Standing on Contaninated Cround 2

(mrem /h per pCi/m )

Element Total Body Skin I-130 1.40E-08 1.70E-08 I-131 2.80E-09 3.40E-09 I-132 1.70E-08 2.00E-08 I-133 3.70E-09 4.50E-09 I-134 1.60E-08 1.90E-08 I-135 1.20E-08 1.40E-08 C5-134 1.20E-09 1.40E-08 Cs-136 1.50E-08 1.70E-08 Cs-137 4.20E-09 4.90E-09 C5-138 2.10E-08 2.40E-08 Ba-139 2.40E-09 2.70E-09 Ba-140 2.10E-09 2.40E-09 Ba-141 4.30E-09 4.90E-09 ps Ba-142 7.90E-09 9.00E-09 1.50E-08 1.70E-08 V) s La-140 La-142 Ce.141 1.50E-08 5.50E-10 1.80E-08 6.20E-10 Ce-143 2.20E-09 2.50E-09 Ce-144 3.20E-10 3.70E-10

. . . Pr-143 - 0.0 0.0 Pr-144 2.00E-10 .2.30E-10 Nd-147 1.00E-09 1.20E-09 5t-187 3.10E-09 3.60E-09 Np-239 9. 50 E-10 1.10E-09


l 1

I i

l i

i y . . - . __



I -

f'~ s . OM12D: ODCM l 1 . Page : 26 Rev. : 2 Table 2.3-10 l Liquid Radwaste Dilution Factors (M__ )

n' h

Maximum Individual Dilution Factors M

Pathway Location I L Potable Water Ingestion 3.9 mile WSW of site 31.5' i-Fresh Water Fish Ingestion Near Discharge Structure 10.9

' Shoreline Exposure 0.7 mile IME of Site 14.5 Population Dose Dilution Factors i

l- M L Pathway Location P l Potable Water-Ingestion Population Weighted Average 316


l Fresh Water Fish Ingestion Near Discharge Structure 10.9 t

i l Shoreline Exposure 7.7 mile WSW of site 162 r

i l .=

l Table 2.3-11 Transit Times Required for Nuclides to Reach the Point of Exposure (t )

Maximum Exposed Average Exposed Individual Individual

  • Eventual transit time for water ingestion 12 h 24 h Eventual transit time for. fish ingestion 24 h 168 h Eventual transit time for shore exposure 0h 0h

( *for population dose calculations l

l l




._,/ Page : 27 Rev. : 2 Table 2.3-12 Usage Factors (U )

Maximum Exposed Average Exposed Individual Individual

  • Water ingestion (1/yr) Adult 730 370 Water ingestion (1/yr) Teen 510 260 Water ingestion (1/yr) Child 510 260 Water ingestion (1/yr) Infant 330 --

Fresh water fish ingestion (kg/yr) Adult 21 6.9 Fresh water fish ingestion (kg/yr) Teen 16 5.2 Fresh water fish ingestion (kg/yr) Child 6.9 2.2

,_ Fresh water fish ingestion (kg/yr) Infant -- --


(# Shore exposure (h/yr) Adult 12 8.3 Shore exposure (h/yr) Teen 67 47 Shore exposure (h/yr) Child 14 9.5 Shore exposure (h/yr) Infant -- --

  • for population dose calculations

\ A

'N O

'l b 4



"\ OM12D: ODCM (d Page : 28 Rev. : 2 3.0 CASEOUS EFFLUENTS There are four environmental release points for gaseous ef fluents used for Unit 1 operation of Perry Nuclear Power Plant: lienter Bay / Turbine Building Vent, Offgas Vent Pipe, and Unit I and Unit 2 Vents. (See Figure 3.0-1). The plant vents for Units 1 and 2 are located on top of the Intermediate Building, Elevation 753'9". The IIcater Bay / Turbine Building vent in located on top of the Hester Bay Builidng, Elevation 722'0". The offgas Vent Pipe is located on top cf the Offgas Building, Elevation 723'0". Site ground Icvel elevation is 620'0". Radiological releases from each vent will be monitored by a noble gas radiation monitor.

All gaseous effluent releases from PNPP will be continuous releases. Containment /drywell purges and vents will be considered periods of increased radiological release as they are vented through the Unit 1 Vent concurrent with normal, continuous releases. All releases are considered to be long-term, i.e.,

greater than 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> per year, and ground 1cvel.

Containment /drywell purge and vent will be limited to 3000 hours0.0347 days <br />0.833 hours <br />0.00496 weeks <br />0.00114 months <br /> per year during operational conditions 1, 2, and 3 (power 7s operation, startup, and hot shutdown).

p 4,


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1 i



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1 (360,000/

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, , , . Figure 3.0-1 l

  • Cascous Radioactive Waste I.

F System Flow Diagram Y


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f -

o fSl to TI APERTURM m

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: o 5

Also AvailaMe On 1  ;/

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p 00L Page : 30 Rev. : 2 page 3db _

3.1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination The following calculation methods provide a means of determining the high alarm setpoint (HSP) and the alert setpoint (ASP) to ensure compliance with 10CFR20 dose rate limits to areas at or beyond the site boundary for the noble gas channels of the following monitors:

1. Heater Bay / Turbine Building Vent Radiation Monitor (ID17K856)
2. Offgas Vent Pipe Radiation Monitor (ID17K836)
3. U1 Vent Radiation Monitor (ID17K786)
4. U2 Vent Radiation Monitor (2D17K786)

The Unit 2 Vent Radiation Monitor is included in the operation of Unit I methodology because the second train of the Unit 1 Annulus Exhaust and the Control Complex and Intermediate Building ventilations are exhausted through the Unit 2 Vent.

The High Alarm Setpoint (HSP) for each release point radiation monitor will be set at 70 percent of the 10CFR20 dose rate limits and the Alert Setpoint (ASP) will be set at 10 percent of these limits.

NOTE: The values of 70 percent for the HSP and 10 percent for the ASP are set as fractions of the total activity that may be released via the monitored pathways to ensure that the site boundary dose rate limits are not exceeded. Any single ASP can be exceeded without the 10CFR20 limits being exceeded. Upon receipt of an alert alarm a sample from the alarming effluent path will be obtained and analyzed. If two or more monitors exceed the ASP or any one exceeds the HSP it is possible that N, the limits have been exceeded. In this case all four O effluent paths will be sampled and analyzed.

Appropriate action will be taken to limit gaseous releases to below 10CFR20 limits.

NOTE: If an HSP or two or more ASP's continue to be exceeded, verification shall be made at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> via the gaseous effluent radiation monitors that plant fc' 00 Z-releases are below Technical Specification dose rate limits, and sampling and analysis shall be performed on the four gaseous effluent release points at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.


  1. M '

Page :

30a 2

LfeJLv.fL This procedure determines the monitor alarm setpoints that indicate if the dose rate beyond the site boundary due to noble gas radionuclides in gaseous effluent released from the site exceeds 500 ares / year to the whole body or 3000 mres/ year to the g skin. g 3.1.1 Determination of the " Mix" (Noble Gas Radionuclide Composition) of the Gaseous Effluent

a. Determine the gaseous source terms that are representative of the " mix" of the gaseous effluent. Gaseous source terms are the concentrations of the noble gas radionuclides in the effluent as determined by routine ane. lysis of the various sources of gaseous effluents. During the early period of operation,

i OM1211: ODCM le{y Page : 31 l Rev. : 2


before a sufficient operational effluent source term data q base has been obtained, source terms will be those generated by the CALE code, Revision 0 for PtPP f (FSAR Tables 11.3-9 and 11.3-10).

b. Determine the fraction.of the total radioactivity in the gaseous effluent for each noble gas radionuclide in the gaseous effluent.


S =

(2.1-1) i

[# 1 '

I i l Where:


t S = the fraction of the total for radionuchde $

in the effluent; -

! A g = the activity of radionuclide i in the gaseous effluent.

NOTE: If the activity of a'nobic gas radionuclide is below the l lower limit of detection the noble gas radionuclide shall not be included as a source tern in this setpoint.


3.1.2 Determination of the Maximum Acceptable Total Activity Release Rate of Noble Cas Radienuclides in Caseous Effluent Based on Whole Body Dose Rate Limit

! 500 (3.1-2)

S Qb = (X/Q) {K g g L i Where:

Qb = the maximum acceptable total activity release rate

, of all noble gas radionuclides in the effluent (for l whole body exposure), in uCi/s; K g = the total body dose factor for a semi-infinite cloud of radionuclide 1 (includes the atteuuation of Sg/cm2'of tisgue) from Table 3.1-1, in (mrem /yr)/(uCi/m );

O v

O!!! ?D: ODCM V(~~') Page : 32 Rev. ; 2 S =

the fraction of the total for radionuclide i, as per Section 3.1.1; X/Q=thehighestannualaveragerelativedispergionfactor for areas at the site boundary = 5.8 x 10 s/m (from Appendix A, NE direction at the site boundary);

NOTE: The dispersion parameters used in these calcu-lations are the highest calculated site boun-dary values for any of the land-based sectors.

At PNPP tne site boundary locations in the following sectors are over water only: N, NNE, NNW, NW, W. WNW.

500 = the whole body dose rate limit, in mrem /yr.

3.1.3 Determination of the Maximum Acceptable Total Activity Release Rate of Noble Gas Radionuclides in Gaseous Effluent Based on Skin Dose Rate Limit O 3000 (3.1-3)

Q, = (X/Q) {(L + 1.11 M g) S i


Q8 =

the maximum acceptable total activity release rate of all noble gas radionuclides in the effluent (for skin exposure), in uCi/s; L =

the beta skin dose factor for a semi-infinite cloud of radionuclide 1 (includes attenuation by 3E * "E #

" dead" layer of skin), in (mrem /yr)/(uC1/m );

M =

the gamma cloud air dose factor of radionuclide for a uniform i, in (mrad /yr)/(uCi/msemig)

infinite i S =

the fraction of the total for radionuclide 1, as per Section 3.1.1; X/Q=thehighestannualaveragerelatgedigpersionfactor, as per Equation 3.1-2 = 5.8 x 10 s/m ;


l l


l hh @@g OM12D: ODCM j [s]

Page : 33 Rev. : 2 1.11~= the air dose to tissue dose equivalent conversion  !

factor, in mrem /nrad; 3000 = the skin dose rate limit, in mrem /yr.

(L g 1.1I M ) values are shown in Table 3.1-1. l l 3.1.4 Determination of the Maximum Acceptable Total Radioactivity

! Concentration of all Noble Cas Radionuclides in the Casecus Effluent i 2.12 x 10~ Q l C =

(3.1-4) f l

l Where:

C = the maximum acceptable total radioactivity concen-tration'of all noble gas radionuclides in the effluent, in uCi/ce;

! ,,m f = the actual flow at the point of releage from the 1

(j respective flow rate recorders, in ft / min; NOTE: When actual flow rates are not available, the following design flow assumptions will be used:

l Vent Flow Rate ft / min l

l - Heater Bay / Turbine Building 360,000 (summer) 198,000 (winter)

- Offgas 16,700

- Unit 1 124,500

- Unit 2 (Control Complex and Intermediate Building Ventilations) 42,400 Q = the smaller of Q 9 ' "" "" " '" "" I ""

l 3.1-2 and 3.1-3,b ""respecEively, in uCi/s; l

2.11 x 10' = the conversign factor to convert (uCi/s) (f t / min) to uCi/cc.

l l 3.1.5 Determination of the Maximum Acceptable Monitor Count Rate i Above Background Attributed to Noble Gas Radicnuclides I t

\ CR = 0.8 (C ) (E,) (3.1-5)



OM12D: ODCM Page : 34 Rev. : 2 Where:


= the calculated monitor count rate above background attributed to noble gas radionuclides, in net cpm; C



the maximum acceptable radioactivity concentration.

as per Equation 3.1-4,.in uCi/ce; l = the detector efficiency of the monitor for the " mix" E ,

of noble gas radionucl' ides in the effluent, in cpm /(uCi/cc) '


the total uCi/cc concentration divided into the net monitor count rate taken at the time the sample was taken; during the early period of. operation, before a sufficient operational effluent source term data base has been obtained, the value will be calculated using monitor calibration data; 0.8 = an engineering safety factor. Determination of the Monitor liigh Alarm Setpoint l

l HSP = 0.70 CR + BG (3.1-6) i c

Where: .

  • HSP = the high alarm setpoint (including background), in epm; '

BG = the background count rate due to internal contamina-tion and radiation levels in the area in which the monitor is installed when the monitor chamber is l filled with uncontaminated air, in epm; CR


the calculated monitor net count rate, as per equation 3.1-5, in epm;  ;

l. 0.70 = the fraction of the maximum acceptabic activity that may be released from the vent to ensure that l '

the site boundary dose rate limits are anot exceeded during concurrent releases from several pathways.


\ Determination of the Monitor Alert Setpoint 1

- ASP = 0.10 CR c

+ BC (3.1-7) j i


0Fil2D: ODCit i

Page : 35 Rev. : 2 Where:

ASP = the alert setpoint (including background),

in epm; BG = the background count rate due to internal con-tamination and radiation levels in the area in which the monitor is installed when the monitor chamber is filled with uncontaminated air; CR = the calculated monitor net count rate, as per equ tion 3.1-5, in epm; 0.10 = the fraction of the maximum acceptable activity that may be released from the vent to ensure that the site boundary dose rate limits are not exceeded during concurrent releases from several pathways.


O  !

l l

a .

/) Ottl2D: ODCM

\s / Page : 36 Rev. : 2 Table 3.1-1 Whole Body and Skin Dose Factors Total Whole Body Total Skin Dose Factor Dose Factor (L 1.ll M l Radionuclide (K )(mrem /yr/uCi/m ) (mrem,+/yr/uCifm) )

Kr-83m 7.56E-02 2.14E+01 Kr-85m 1.17E+03 2.82E+03 Kr-85 1.61E+01 1.36E+03 Kr-87 5.92E+03 1.66E+04 Kr-88 1.47E+04 1.92E+04 Kr-89 1.66E+04 2.93E+04 Xe-131n 9.15E+01 6.49E+02 Xe-133m 2.51E+02 1.36E+03 Xc-133 2.94E+02 6.97E+02 Xe-135m 3.12E+03 4.44E+03 Xc-135 1.81E+03 3.99E+03 Xe-137 1.42E+03 1.39E+04 Xe-138 8.83E+03 1.44E+04

() Ar-41 8.84E+03 1.30E+04 s

v l

I L ,m OM12D: ODCM Page : 37 Rev. : 2 3.2 Compliance With 10CFR20 - Caseous Effluent Dose Rate Dose rates resulting from the release of noble gases, radioiodines, tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form must be calculated to show compliance with 10CFR20. The limits of 10CFR20 are conservatively applied on an instantaneous basis at the controlling location.

3.2.1 Noble Cases The dose rate in unrestricted areas resulting from noble gas effluents is limited to 500 mrem /yr to the total body and 3000 mrem /yr to the skin. Only the external dose pathway will be considered for noble gases. Because all gaseous effluent releases from PNPP are considered ground level, the controlling location for these dose rate limits is the site boundary location (see Figure 3.2-1) with the highest relative dispersion factor (X/Q) for the period of release. (See Appendix A for elaboration on atmospheric dispersion).

The alarm setpoint determinations discussed in the previous section should ensure compliance with these dose rate limits.

However, if any one high alarm or two or more alert alara's' occur, the dose rates in unrestricted areas resulting from the release of noble gas radionuclides from all vents will be calculated. The calculations will be based on the results of analyses obtained pursuant to the PNPP Technical Specifications.

3.2.2 Radionuclides, Particulates, and Other Radionuclides The dose rate in unrestricted areas resulting from the release of iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days is limited to 1500 mrem /yr to any organ by PNPP Technical Specifications. The calculation of dose rate from these radionuclides will be performed weekly based on results of analyses obtained persuant to those Technical Specificatons.

The controlling location for this limit is a function of the noble gas controlling location, i.e. , the location of the highest relative deposition (D/Q) for the period of release (See Appendix A for elaboration on atmospheric deposition), as well as the actual receptor pathway. The receptor pathway locations will be reviewed once per year following the performance of the I.nnd Use Census to include consideration of residences in each Jector, and garden and farm animal locations.


l l

l DU@HK@l @lLW OM12D: ODCM


% Page : 38

t. Rev. : 2 3.2.3 Dose Rate Calculations The following is the equation used to calculate the dose rate resultant from the release of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents to areas at or beyond the site boundary for the purpose of showigg compliance with 10CFR20.

l D p = 3.15 x 10 *(X/QorD/Q)*{DF p *Q g (3.2-1)

( Where:

l D

aj p = the organ j dose rate as a function of age group a and pathway p, in mrem /yr; ,

DF = the dose factor for organ type j, age group a, aijp pathway p for isotope 1 (see Tables 3.2-1 through 3.2-3); units and equations used (equations 3.2-2 through 3.2-6) are provided later in this sec-l tion; l -

~X/Q or D/Q = the normal or depleegd relative dispersion ~

factor (X/Q), in_g/m , or relative deposi-tion (D/Q), in m , at the receptor distance (see Appendix A);

l 1 l

3.15 x 10 = the conversion factor to convert (mrem

  • uCi)/(Ci
  • s) to mrem /yr;-

l Q = the annual average release rate of isotope 1, in uCi/s 1 l

= 472 C g f ,


C' = the concentration of radionuclide i in the gaseous effluent, in uCi/ce; luent flow rate during the f=thegaseousefg/

release, in ft min; 472 = the conversion factor (cc/f t )/(s/ min).

The following relationships are used to derive the dose factors (DF for noble gases, tritium, radioiodines and particulate!'dEe)dinequation3.2-1.

f- ,


, ~ - , , , - , , - - , - , ~ , , , , . , - - - , - - - - . - - , , , - - . , , - - , - , ,,,-.-,--,.-,,-,--n, -

, , _ _ _ ~ > _ -. - _. ...-._..m . . . . _ . - . - - . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ .-

I I !

OM12D: ODCM O- Page : 39



Rev. : 2

a. Total Body Dose Factors from Exposure to a Semi-Inifinite Plume

[ .T ,'

DF =S p X DFB (3.2-2) f 4


T .

DF = the total body factor ,dut'to immersion in a f


! semi-infig)ite (mrem

  • m /(Cicloud
  • s);of radionuclide i, DFB = the total body gamma dose factor for a semi-infinite cloud of radionuclide i yhich includestheattenuationofSgfem of tissue 1

f rom Table 3.2-4, in (mrem

  • m )/(pCi
  • yr);


} Sp = the attenuation factor that accounts for the

, dose reduction due to the shielding provided by


! residential structures, dimensionless: maximum j exposed individual = 0.7, population dose 0.5 (Regulatory Guide 1.109)-


E -

Xg ,

= the i inannual air (pCi/m averg)ge concentration of radionuclide (Ci/yr) and a unit,foraungtreleasera5*)/ /Q (s/m ), in (pCi/m 3

, (C1/yr)(s/m ).

i 4

1 1

1 i

4 j

O I1 i

, -, - -, -... ,,. ..- m_ _ - _ , - - - - _ - .-, . - . - - - - . - _ _ . - - . -

-,__,m _ . - - _ . . _ - - . _ , . . . . . - _ , - . - - _ . _ . - , _ _ _ . , - - _ _ _ . - - - - ,


, [

[ OM12D: ODCM Page : 40 Rev. : 2 l

b. Skin Dose Factors for Exposure to a Semi-Infinite Plume S

DF =X (1.11 Sp DF + DFS ) (3.2-3)



= the skincloud infinite doseof factor due to immersion ra'dionuclide i, (mremin* g) m semi-



  • s);

DF{ = the gamma air dose factor for a uniform semi-infinite cloud of rgdionuclide i, from Table 3.2-4, in (mrad

  • m )/(pCi
  • yr);

DFS = the beta skin dose factor for a semi-infinite cloud of radionuclide 1 (includes attenuation

' layer of skin), from Table by theinouter 3.2-4 (mrem " dead'3)/(pCi

  • m
  • yr);

p Sp = the attenuation factor that accounts for the dose Q rcduction due to the shielding provided by resi-dential structures, dimensionless: maximum exposed individual = 0.7, population dose = 0.5 (Regulatory Guide 1.109);


= the annual averg)ge concentration of radionuclide i in air (pCi/m ,foraunjt releasera5*


(s/m ; and a unit X/Q (s/m ), in (pCi/m )/(Ci/yr) 1.11 = the air dose to tissue dose equivalent conver- l sion factor, in mrem / mrad.

c. Dose Factors from External Irradiation from Radionuclides Deposited orto the Ground Surface G G DF = 8760 C DFG S p (3.2-4)


G DF = the dose factor for radionuclide i to organ j rasulting from exposure to radionuclides deposited nto the ground surface, in (mrem

  • m2 )/Ci; (y/

c 2

C = the ground plane concentration (pci/m ) og

/^3 0:112D: ODCit C' Page : 41 Rev. : 2 radionuclideiforaunitreleaserate(Ci/yQ),

and a unig)D/Q in (pCi/m relatiye

/(Ci/yr) (m );gound deposition (m DFG = the open field ground plane. dose conversion factor for organ j from rgdlonuclide i, from Table 3.2-5, in (mrem

  • m )/(pci
  • hr);

S p = the attenuation factor that accounts for the dose reduction due to the shielding provided~by residential structures dimensionless: maximum exposed individual - 0.7 population dose = 0.5 (Regulatory Guide 1.109);

8760 = the number of hours in a year.

d. Dose Factors from Inhalation of Radionuclides in Air A

DF,1 = DFA R, X (3.2-5)

,_s Where:

( ) ~


A ~

DF = the dose factor for radionuclide i to organ "U

j individual in age ggoup a due to

[ --inhalation, equivalent toin(mrem (mrem

  • m )/(Ci
  • s}/s)];

/yr)(yr/C1)(m DFA " 'l = the inhalation dose factor for radionuclide 1, organ j, and age group a (the value for skin is assumed to be 0), from Tables 3.2-6 through 3.2-9, in mrem /pci; R" =theannualairintakeforindivigualsinage group a, from Table 3.2-14, in m fyr; Xf = the annual avergge concentration of radionuclide i(Ci/yr) in air (pCi/m and a ), for a unit $ unf)t (s/m release rageM

, in (pCi/m 3

(Ci/yr)(s/m ).

/m d

OM12D: ODCM V Page : 42 Rev. : 2

e. Dose Factors from the Ingestion of Atmospherically Released Radionuclides in Food D F F L L MM V V DF = DFI [U C +UfC +U Cg+U t y C ] (3.2-6)


. D DF

= the dose factor for radionuclide i to organ j of an individual in age gt:oup a from the ingestion of meat, leafy vegetables, milk, and produce (non-leafy vggetables, fruits, and grains) in (mrem

  • m )/Ci, or jn the cases of H-3 and C-14 in (mrem
  • m )/(Ci
  • s);

F L M V C,C,C,C g


the concentrations of radionuclide i in meat, leafy vegetables, milk, and produce, respectively (pC1/kg or pCi/1) for a unit release rate



) (Ci/yr) deposition ground and a unit(m~

D/g),,relative or in cases of H-3 and C-14, a unit X/Q, relag)iveground-levelconcentgation (s/m , in (pCi/kg)(Ci/gr)(m- )

or (pCi/kg)/(Ci/yr)(S/m (C1/yr) (m /) or (pCifl)/

or (pCi/1)(Ci/yr)(s/m /);

DFI = the ingestion dose factor for radionuclide 1, organ j, and age group a from Tables 3.2-10 through 3.2-13, in mrem /pci; f,"

, y f - the respective fractions.of the ingestion rates of leafy vegetables and produce that are produced in the garden of interest, 1.0 and 0.76 respectively (Regulatory Guide'l.109);


= the annual intake (usage) of meat, Icafy vegetables, milk, and produce respectively, for individuals in l age group a. from Table 3.2-14, in kg/yr or 1/yr.

i l

10 l


. - -... . . . . . . - - . - . . .. .~ -. . _ - .. . - . . - . . . . . _ - . . _ . . . . . _ . . . . . - .

en t

= -

Oltl2D: ODCM

~~ - Page : 43 Rev. : 2 i

- Table 3.2-1 .

i .

j :. Organ used for Caseous Effluent Dose Calculations _;


1. Bone
2. GI Tract l- 3. Kidney '


. 4. Liver

5. Lung
6. Thyroid l 1 7. Total Body.
8. Skin



1 4

l:--o 1

Table 3.2-2 '

1 I Age Groups Used for Caseous Effluent Dose Calculations ,


, 1. Adult (17 yr and older) 1

, 2. Teen (ll-17 'yr) j 3. Child (1-11 yr) -


( 4. Infant (0-1 yr)

J i

i 4

9 d'

i 3.

t-h i

j O i

i J

1 1

.s " ' '

.. OM12D: ODCM (s)

Page : 44 Rev. : 2 Table 3.2-3 Gaseous Effluent Dose Pathways

1. Plume
2. Ground Shine
3. Vegetables
4. Meat
5. Cows
6. Goats
7. Inhalation 4


OM12D: ODCM Page : 45 Rev. : 2 Table 3.2-4 Dose Factors for Exposure to a Semi-Infinite Cloud of Noble Gases _

Nuclide DFS * ]D F *

  • DFB
  • Kr-83m- ---

1.93E-05 7.56E-08 Kr-85m 1.46E-03 1.23E-03 1.17E-03 Kr-85 1.34E-03 1.72E-05 1.61E-05 Kr-87 9.73E-03 6.17E-03 5.92E-03 Kr-88 2.37E-03 1.52E-02 1.47E-02 Kr-89 1.04E-02 1.73E-02 1.66E-02 Kr-90 7.29E-03 1.63E-02 1.56E-02 Xe-131m 4.76E-04 1.56E-04 9.15E-05 Xe-133m 9.94E-04 3.27E-04 2.51E-04 Xe-133 3.06E-04 3.53E-04 2.94E-04 Xe-135m 7.11E-04 3.36E-03 3.12E-03 Xe-135 1.86E-03 1.92E-03 1.81E-03 Xe-137 1.22E-02 1.51E-03 1.42E-03 Xe-138 4.13E-03 9.21E-03 8.83E-03 O Ar-41 2.69E-03 9.30E-03 8.84E-03

  • mrem
  • m pCi
  • yr
    • mrad
  • m pCi
  • yr t

i l


OM12D: ODCM (j Page : 46 Rev. : 2 Table 3.'.-5 External Dose Factors for Standing on Contaminated Ground (mrem /hr per pCi/m )

Elsment Total Body Skin H-3 0.0 0.0 C-14 0.0 0.0 NA-24 2. 50 E-08 2.90E-03 P-32 0.0 0.0 C r-51 2.20E-10 2.60E-10 Mn-54 5.80E-09 6.80E-09 Mn-56 1.10E-08 1.30E-08.

Fe-55 0.0 0.0 Fe-59 8.00E-09 9.40E-09 Co-58 7.00E-09 8.20E-09 Co-60 1.70E-08 2.00E-08 Nt-63 0.0 0.0 N r-65 3.70E-09 4.30E-09 Cu-64 1.50E-09 1.70E-09 Zn-65 4.00E-09 4.60E-09

(~ '; Zn-69 0.0 0.0

() Br-83 Br-84 6.40E-11 1.20E-08 9.30E-11 1.40E-08 Br-85 0.0 0.0 Rb-86 6.30E-10 7. 20E-10 "'*

.' Rb-88 3.50E-09 4.00E-09 Rb-89 1.50E-08 1.80E-08 Sr-89 5.60E-13 6.50E-13 Sr-91 7.10E-09 8.30E-09 Sr-92 9.00E-09 1.00E-08 Y-90 2.20E-12 2.60E-12 Y-91M 3.80E-09 4.40E-09 Y-91 2.40E-11 2.70E-11 Y-92 1.60E-09 1.90E-09 Y-93 5.70E-10 7.80E-10 ,

Zr-95 5.00E-09 5.80E-09 l I

2r-97 5.50E-09 6.40E-09 Nb-95 5.10E-09 6.00E-09 Mo-99 1.90E-09 2.20E-09

  • Tc-99M 9.60E-10 1.10E-09 Tc-101 2.70E-09 3.00E-09 Ru-103 3.60E-09 4.20E-09 Ru-105 4.50E-09 5.10E-09 Ru-106 1.50E-09 1.80E-09 Ag-11U4 1.80E-08 2.10E-08 Te-125M 3.50E-11 4.80E-11  :

Te-127M 1.10E-12 1.30E-12 l Te-127 1.00E-11 1.10E-11 l Te-129M 7.70E-10 9.00E-10 i Te-129 7.10E-10 8.40E-10 l Te-131M 8.40E-09 9.90E-09 Te-131 2.20E-09 2.60E-06 Te-132 1.70E-09 2.00E-09 l (3

A 7 0>t12D: ODC}t

\. Page : 47 Rev. : 2 Table 3.2-5 (Cont.)

External Dese Factors for Standing on Contaminated Ground (mrem /hr per pCi/m )

Element Total Body Skin I-130 1.40E-08 1.70E-08 I-131 2.80E-09 3. 40E-09 I-132 1.70E-03 2.00E-08 I-133 3.70E-09 4.50E-09 I-134 1.60E-08 1.90E-08 i

I-135 1.20E-08 1.40E-08 Cs-134- 1.20E-08 1.40E-08 Cs-136 1.50E-08 1.70E-08 Cs-137 4.20E-09 4.90E-09 i

l Cs-138 2.10E-08 2.40E-08 Ba-139 2.40E-03 2.70E-09 {

l Ba-140 2.10E-09 2.40E-09 Ba-141 4.30E-09 4.90E-09 Ba-142 7.90E-03 9.00E-09 i g La-140 1.50E-08 1.70E-08 La-142 1.50E-08 1.80E-08 l


, Ce-141 5.50E-10 6.20E-10 i

. . Ce-143 2.20E-09 2.50E-09 Ce-144 3.20E-10 3.70E-10 Pr-143 0.0 0.0 Pr-144 2.00E-10 2.30E-10

- - - - - Nd-147 1.00E-09 1.20E-09 W-187 3.10E-09 3.60E-09 Np-239 9.50C-10 1.10E-09 l






Page : 48 Rev. : 2 Table.3.2-6 Inhalation Dose Factors for Adult (mrcm/pCi inhaled)

NUEL 10E dONE LIVER T.ROCY THYROIO KIONEY LUNG GI-LLI H 3 NO DATA 1.58E-07 1. 5 8F-0 7 1.56E-07 1.58E-07 1.58E-0T 1.58E-07 C 14 2.27E-06 4.26E-07 4.26E-07 4.26E-07 4.26E-07 4.26E-07 4.26E-07 NA 24 1.28E-06 1.28E-06 t.28E-06 1.28E-06 1.28E-06 1.28E-06 1.28E-06

..______..._____.. .....________....... _......_________...__.....___....... l P 32 1.65E-04 9.64E-06 6.26E-06 NO DATA NC OATA NO DATA 1.08E-05 CR 51 NO DATA NO DATA 1. 2 5 E -0 8 7.44E-09 2.R5E-09 1.80E-06 4.15E-07 MN $4 NO DATA 4.95E-06 7.8 7E-0 7 NO DATA t.23L-06 1.75E-04 9.67E-06 I

._...._.__.____..__.______.___.___.__.__.._.....__._-__.____............._._ i MN $6 NO DATA 1.55E-to 2.29E-11 NO DATA 1.63E-10 1.18E-06 2.43E-06 FE 55 3.07E-06 2.12E-06 4.91E -0 7 NU DATA NO DATA 9.010-06 7.54E-07 FE 59 1.47E-06 1.47E-Co 1. 3 / E -0 6 NO DATA NO DATA 1.27E-04 2.35E-05 CO 58 NO DATA 1.98F-07 2. 59 E-0 7 .NO CATA NC OATA 1.16E-04 1.13E-05 CO 60 NO DATA 1.44E-06 1.85E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 7.46E-04 1.56E-05 NI 63 5.40E-05 3.93E-06 1.81E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 2.23E-05 1.67E-06

...._ - __..__..........__......_ _-_.._...._ =___ .._ __ ,

NI 65 1.92E-10 2.02E-11 1.14F-11 NO DATA NO DATA 7.00E-07 1.54E-06 )

CU 64 NO DATA 1.83E-10 7.69E-11 NO DATA 5.78E-10 8.48E-07 6.12E-06  !

ZN 65 4.05E-06 1.29E-05 5.82E-06 NO DATA 8.62E-06 1.08E-04 6.68E-06

......._...__= _=....____.._...._._..__.__... ._... . .........._........

4 ZN 69 4.23E-12 8.14E-12 5.65E-13 NO DATA 5.27E-12 0s dR 83 BR 84 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA

3. 01 E-0 8 NO DATA 3.91E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.15E-07 NO DATA NO DATA 2.04E-09 2.90E-08 2.05E-13 ,

=-___- ==== __

l 8R 85 NO DATA NO DATA 1.60E-09 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E 1 R8 86 NU DA{A 1.69E-05 7.37E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.08E-06 j RD 88 NO DATA 4.84E-06 2.41E.08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.18E-19'

._ -........_..._ _- _==......

R8 89 NO DATA 3.2CE-08 2.12E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.16E-21 SR 89 3.80E-05 NO DATA 1. 0 9 E-0 6 NO DATA NO DATA 1.75E-04 4.37E-05 SR 90 1.24E-02 NO DATA 7. 62 E-0 4 NO DATA NC DATA 1.20E-03 9.02E-05 SR 91 7.74E-09 NO DATA 3.13 E -10 NO DATA NO DATA 4.56E-06 2.39E-05

  • SR 92 8.43E-10 NO CATA 3.64E-11 NO DATA NO DATA 2.06E-06 5.38E-06 Y 90 2.61E-07 NO DATA 7. 01 E-0 9 NO DATA NO DATA 2.12E-05 6.32E-05 Y 91M 3.26E-11 NO DATA 1.27E-12 NO DATA NO DATA 2.40E-07 1.66E-10 Y 91 5.78E-05 NO DATA 1. 5 5 E-0 6 NO DATA NO DATA 2.13E-04 4.81E-05

. Y 92 1.29E-09 NO DATA 3.77E-11 NO DATA NO DATA 1.96E-06 9.19E-06

..._____-- = - ..._........_.._.......__...=-- _ _.........................

Y 93 1.18E-08 NO DATA 3.26E-10 NO DATA NO DATA 6.06E-06 5.27E-05 2R 95 1.34E-05 4.3CE-06 2.91E-06 NO DATA 6.77E-06 2.2tE-04 1.88E-05 ZR 97 1.21E-08 2.45E-09 1.13 C -0 9 NO DATA 3.7tE-09 9.84E-06 6.54E-03 N8 95 1.76E-06 9.77E-07 5.26E-07 NO DATA 9.67E-07 6.3tE-05 1.30E-05 MO 99 NO DATA 1.51E-08 2. 8 7E-0 9 NO DATA 3.64E-08 1.14E-05 1.10E-05 TC 99m 1.29E-13 3.64E-13 4.63E-12' NO DATA 5.52E-12 9.55E-08 5.20E-07

= __




t V OM12D: ODCM Page : 49 Rev. : 2 Table 3.2-6 (Cont.)

Inhalation Dose Factors for Adult (mrem /pci inhaled)

NUCL100 80NE LIVER T.00DY THYROIO KIONEY LUNG GI-LLI TCt01 5.22E-15 7.52E-15 7. 3 bE -14 NO DATA 1.35E-13 4.99E-08 f.36E-21

. Rut 03 1.9tE-07 NO DATA 8.23E-08 NO DATA 7.29E-07 6.3tE-05 1.38E-05 rut 05 9.88E-11 NC OATA 3.89E-t1 NO OATA 1.77E-RO t.57E-06 6.02E-06 Rut 06 8.e4E-06 NO DATA 1. 0 7E-0 6 NO DATA 1.67E-05 t.tTE-03 1.14E-04 AGtt0F 1.35E-06 1.25E-06 7.43C-07 NO 04TA 2.46E-06 5.79E-04 3.78E-05 TEt25M 4.27E-07 1.95E-07 5. 8 4 E -0 8 1.3tE-07 1.55E-06 3.92E-05 8.83E-06 TE127F 1.58E-06 7.2tE-07 1. 9 6 E -0 7 4.ItE-07 5.72E-06 1.20E-04 t.87E-05 TE127 1.75E-10 8.035-11 3.8 FE-11 1.32E-10 6.37E-10 8.14 E-0 7 7.17E-06 TE129* 1.22E-06 5.64E-07 1. 9 8 E -0 7 4.30E-07 4.57E-06 1.45E-04 4.79E-05 TE129 6.22E-12 2.99E-12 1.55E-12 4.87E-12 2.34E-11 2.42E-07 1.96E-08 TEt3tM 8.74E-09 5.45E-09 3.63F-09 6.88E-09 3.86E-08. 1.82E-05 6.95E-05 TE131 1.39E-12 7.44E-13 4.49E-13 1.17E-12 5.46E-12 t.74E-07 2.30E-09 TE132 3.25E-08 2.69E-08 2. 02 E-0 8 2.37E-08 1.82E-07 3.60E-05 6.37E-05

! 130 5.72E-07 1.68E-06 6.60E-07 1.42E-04 2.6tE-06 NO DATA 9.61C-07

! 131 3.15E-06 4.47E-06 2.56E-06 1.49E-03 7.66E-06 NO DATA 7.85E-07

[~'h, I 132 1.45E-07 4.0 7E-0 7 1. 4 S E -0 7 1.43E-05 6.48E-07 NO DATA 5.08E-08 I 133 1.08E-06 1.85E-06 5.65E-07 2.69E-04 3.23E-06 NO DATA 1.llE-06 t 134 8.05E-08 2.16E-07 7.69E-08 3.73E-06 3.44E-07 40 DATA 1.26E-10

= _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ = - - _ - . _ - _..... - _..... .....

I 135 3.35E-07 8.73E-07 3.2tE-07 5.60E-05 1.39E-06 NO DATA 6.56E-07 CS134 4.66E-05 1.06E-04 9.10E-05 NO DATA 3.59E-05 1.22E-05 1.30E-06 i CS136 4.88E-06 1.83E-05 1. 3 B E -0 5 NO DATA 1.07E-05 1.50E-06 1.46E-06  !


05137 5.98E-05 7.76E-05 5. 3 5 E -0 5 NO DATA 2.78E-05 9.40E-06 1.0$E-06 I CS138 4.14E-08 7.16E-08 4. 0 5 E-0 8 NO DATA 6.00E-08 6.07E-09 2.33E-13 BA139 1.17E-10 8.32E-14 3.42E-12 NO DATA 7.78E-14 4.70E-07 1.12E-07

____..____ ..__ ...._m.___________............_____......_ ____.. . ____..._ j hat 40 4.88E-06 6.13F-09 1. 2 t E -0 7 NO DATA 2.09E-09 1.59E-04 2.73F.05 J MA141 1.25E-11 9.4tE-15 4.20E-13 NO DATA 8.75E-15 2.42E-07 1.45E-17 )

AA142 3.29E-12 3.38E-15 2.07E-15 NO DATA 2.86E-15 1.49E-07 1.96E-26 LA140 4.30E-08 2.17 E - 0 8 5. 7 3C-0 9 NU OATA NO DATA 1.70E-05 5.73E-05 LA142 8.54E-Il 3.88E-It 9.64E-12 NO DATA NO DATA 7.91E-07 2.64E-07

. CEt41 2.49E-06 1.69E-06 1.9 t t-0 7 NO DATA 7.83E-07 4.52E-05 1.50E-05 CFt43 2.33E-OR 1.72E-Os 1.91L-09 NO DATs 7.60E-09 9.97E-06 2.83E-05 CE144 4.29E-04 1.79E-04 2. 3 0E-0 5 NO DATA 1.06E-04 9.72E-04 1.02E-04 PR143 1.17E-06 4.69E-07 5.89E-08 NO DATA 2.70E-07 3.5tE-05 2.50E-05 PR144 3.76E-12 1.56E-12 1.9tE-t3 NO DATA 8.RIE-13 1. 2 7 F.-0 7 2.69E-18 N0147 6.S9E-07 7.62E-07 4. 5 6 E -0 8 NO DATA 4.45E-07 2.76E-05 2.16E-05 W 187 1.06E-09 8.856-10 3.10E-10 NO DATA NO DATA 3.63E-06 1.94E-05 NP239 2.B7E-08 2.R2E-09 1. 5 5 E -0 9 NO DATA 8.75E-09 4.70E-06 l.49E-05 l

5 O

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(V Otil2D: ODCM Page : 50 Rev. : 2 Table 3.2-7 Inhalation Dose Factors for Teenager (mrem /pci inhaled)

BONE LIVER T . BO CY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLI NUCLICE H 3 NO DATA 1.59E-07 1. 5 9 E -0 7 1.59E-07 1.591-07 1.59E-07 1.59E-07 0 14 3.25E-06 6.C9E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 6.09E-07 94 24 1.72E-06 1.72E-06 1. 72 E -0 6 1.72E-06 1.72E-06 1.72E-06 1.72[-06 2.36E-04 1.37C-0) 8. 9 5 E -0 6 NO DATA NC DATA NO DATA 1.16F-05 P 32 NO DATA NO DATA t.69F-08 9. J 7E-09 3.642-09 2.62E-06 3.75E-07 CR 51

  • N 54 NO CATA 39F-06 1.0)E-06 NO DATA 1.59E-06 2.48E-04 8.35E-06

---......-...... _6.

  • N 56 NO DATA 2.124-10 3.15E-11 NU DATA 2.24E-10 1.90E-06 7.18E-06 FE 55 4.18E-06 2.98i-06 6.93E-3T NO DATA 90 DATA 1.55E-05 7.99E-07 1.195-06 4.62 -06 1.79E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 1.9tE-04 2.23E-05 FE 51 CO 58 NO DATA 2.59E-07 3.47E-07 NO DATA NO DATA 1.68E-04 t.19E-05 NO DATA 1.89E-06 2. 4 8 E -0 6' NO DATA NO DATA 1.09E-03 3.24E-05 CU 60 3.84E-05 1.77E-06 7.25E-05 5.43E-06 2.47E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NI 63 -==..

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2.73E-10 3.u6E-11 1.59E-11 No DATA NO DATA 1.17E-06 4.59E-06 NI 65 CU 64 NO DATA 2.54E 10 1.06E-10 NO DATA 8.01E-10 1.39E-06 7.68E-06 IN 65 4.c2E-06 1.67E-05 7. 8 0 E -0 6 NO DATA 1.08E-05 1 55E-04 5.83E-06 (g ----- .--........................ .......--..-.............................

7.53E-12 1.98E-07 3.56E-08

\m,e (N 69 6.04E-12 1.15F-11 8.07E-13 NO DATA LT E-24 NO DATA NO DATA 4.30E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA BR 83 0 DATA LT E-24 DR 84 NO DATA NO DATA 5.41E-08 NO DATA NO DATA BR 85 NO DATA NO DATA 2.29E-09 NO DATA NO DATA- NO DATA LT E-24 NO DATA 2.38E-05 1.05E-05 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.21E-06 RB 86 NO DATA 6.82E-08 3. 40E-0 8 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 3.65E-15 RS 88 - - _ = = = . . . . . . . . . _ _ _-==- .= -...

4.405-08 2.91E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.22E-17 R8 89 NO DATA 1.56E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 3.02E-04 4.64E-05 SR 89 5.43E-05 NO DATA SR 90 t.35E-02 NO DATA B.35E-04 NO DATA NO DATA 2.06E-03 9.56E-05 4.19E-10 NO DATA NO DATA' 7.59E-06 3.24E-05 5R 91 1 10E-08 NO CATA 3.43E-06 1.49E-05 SR 92 1.19E-C9 NO DATA 5.0 AE-11 NO DATA NO DATA Y 90 3.73E-07 NO DATA 1. 0 0 E -0 8 NO DATA NO DATA 3.66E-05 6.99E-05

---........---.....-_............ ...........-...........-....__----- ==...

Y 91M 4.63E-11 NO DATA 1.77E-12 NO DATA NO DATA 4.00E-07 3.77E-09 8.26E-05 NO DATA 2. 21 E -0 6 NO DATA NO DATA 3.67E-04 5.11E-05 Y 91 3.35E-06 2.06E-05 Y 92 1.84E-09 NO DATA 5.36E-11 NO DATA NO DATA Y 93 1.69E-08 NO DATA 4.65E-10 NO DATA NO D=TA 1.04E-05 7.24E-05 IR 95 1.82E-05 5.73E-06 3.94E-06 NO DATA 8.42E-06 3.36E-04 1.86E-05 2R 97 1.72E-08 3.40E-09 1.57E-09 N,0 DATA 5.tSE-09 1.62E-05 7.88E-05 NB 95 2.32E-06 1.29E-06 7.08 E-0 7 NO DATA 1.25E-06 9.39E-05 1.2tE-05 70 99 NO DATA 2.11E-08 4.03E-09 NO DATA 5.14E-08 1.92E-05 3.36E-05 TC 99M 1.73E-13 4.8 3E-I l 6.24E-12 NO DATA. 7.20E-12 1.44E-07 7.66E-07 O

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l p OM12D: ODCM Q Page : 51 Rev..: 2 Table 3.2-7 (Cont.)

Inhalation Dose Factors for Teenager (mrem /pCi inhaled)


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TC101 T.40E-15 1.05E-14 1.03E-13 NO DATA 1.90E-13 8.34E-08 t.09E-16 ftU103 2.63E-07 NO DATA 1.12E-0 7 NO DATA 9.29E-07 9.79E-05 1.36E-05 Rul05 1.40E-10 NU OATA 5 42E-11 NO DATA 1.76E-10 2.27E-06 1.13E-05 .

.. ...-- =- -


rut 06- 1.23E-05 NO DATA 1.55E-06 NO DATA 2.38E-05 2.01E-03 1. 2 0 E'-04

.AC110M 1.73E-06 1.64E-06 9. 99 E -0 7 NO DATA 3.13E-06 8.44E-04 3.41E-05 TE12sm 6.10E-07 2.80E-07 8. 3 4 E-0 8 1.75E-07 NO DATA 6.70E-05 9.38E-06

= =--

TEt27M 2.25E-06~ 1.02E-00' 2. 7 3E-0 7 5.48E-07 8.17E-06 2.07E-04 1.99E-05 TEt27 2.51E-10 1.14F-10 5.52E-11 1. 7 7E-t o 9.10E-10 1.40E-06 1.01E-05 TE129M 1 74E-06 8.23E-OF 2.81E-07 5.72E-07 6.49E-06 2.47E-04 5.06E-05

..... ...----. ..-......--- ---....-- .-....--.....- ==- -=....---..--

TE129 8.87E-12 4.22E-32 2.20E-12 6.4RE-12 3.32E-It 4.12E-07 2.02E-07 TE131M 1.23E-08 7.5tE-09 5.03 E-0 9 9.06E-09 5.49E-08 2.97E-05 7.76E-05 TE131 1.97E-12 1.04E-12 6.30E-13 1.55E-12 7.72E-12 2.92E-07 1.89E-09 TE132 4.50E-08 3.e3E-08 2. 74 E-0 8 3.07E-08 2.44E-07 5.61E-05 5.79E-05 I 130 7.80E-07 2.24E-06 ' 8.96E-0 7 1.86E-04 3.44E-06 NO DATA 1.14E-06 I 131 4.43E-06 6.14E-06 3. 3 0 E-0 6 1.63E-03 1 05E-05 NO DATA 8.11F-07 4

1 132 1.99E-07 5.47E-07 1. 9 7 E-0 7 1.89E-05 8.65E-07 NO DATA 1.59E-07 I 133 1.52E-06 2.36E-06 7. 7 8 E -0 7 3.65E-04 4.49E-06 NO DATA 1.29E-Q6 i 134 1.11E-07 2.90E-07 1. 05 E-0 7 4.94E-06 4.58E-07 h0 DATA 2.55E-09 I 135 4.62E-07 1.18E-06 4.36E-07 7.76E-05 1.86E-06 No DATA 8.69E-07 CS134 6 28E-05 1.41E-04 6.8eE-05 NO DATA 4.69E-05 1.83E-05 1.22E-06 CS136 6.44E-06 2.422-05 1.71E-05 NO DATA 1.38E-05 2.22E-06 1.36E-06 CS137 8.38E-05 1.06E-04 3.89E-05 NO DATA 3.80E-05 1.51E-05 1.06E-06 CS138 5.82E-08 1.07E-07 5. 5 8 E-0 8 NO DATA 8.28E-08 9.84E-09 3.38E-11 BA139 1.67E-10 1.18E-13 4. 8 7E-12 NO DATA 1.1tE-13 8.08E-07 8.06E-07

--.. -=_

BA140 6.84E-06 8.38E-09 4. 4 0 E-0 7 NO DATA 2.85E-09 2.54E-04 2.86E-05 04141 1.78E-11 1.J2E-14 5.9JE-13 NO DATA 1.23E-14 4.ItE-07 9.33E-14 H4142 4.62E-12 4. 6 3E-15 2.84E-13 NO OATA 3.92E-15 2.39E-07 5.99E-20 LA140 S.99E-08 '2.95E-08 7.82E-09 NO CATA NO DATA 2.68E-05 6.09E-05 LA142 1.20E-10 5.JIE-11 1.32E-11 NO DATA NO DATA 1.27E-06 1.50E-06 CEI41 3.55E-06 2. 3 7E-06 2. 71 E-0 7 NO DATA 1.11E-06 7.67E-05 1.5RE-05 CE143 3.32E-08 2.42E-08 2. 70E-0 9 NO DATA 1.086-08 1.63E-05 3.19E-05 CE144 6.11E-04 2.53E-04 3. 2 8 E -0 5 NO DATA 1.5tE-04 1.67E-03 1.00E-04

. PR143 1.67E-06 6.64E-07 8.28E-08 NO DATA 3.86E-07 6.04E-05 2.67E-05 PR144 5.37E-12 2.20E-12 2.72E-13 NO DATA 1.26E-12 2.19E-07 2.94E-14 N0147 9.83E-07 1.07E-06 6.41E-08 NO DATA 6.28E-07 4.65E-05 2.28F-05 W 187 1.50E-09 1.225-09 ~4.29E-10 NO DA?A NO DATA 5.92E-06 2.21E-05 MP239 4.23E-08 3.99E-09 2.21E-09 Nu OATA 1.25E-08 R.IIE-06 1.65E-05 f'

km l

I, OM12D: ODCM Page - 52 Rev. : 2 Table 3.2-8 Inhalation Dose Factors for Child (mrem /pci inhaled)

NUCLIOE BONE liver T . R ODY THva010 KIONEY LONG Ct-LLI H J NO DATA 3.04E-07 3.04E-0F 3.04E-07 3.04E-07 3.04E-07 1.04E-07 C 14 9.70E-06 1.62E-06 1.92E-06 1.82r-06 1.82E-06 1.8?E-06 1.82E-06 NA 24 4.35E-06 4.352-06 4. 3 5E-0 6 4.3S'-06 4.35E-r6 4.35E-36 4 35E-06 P 32 7.04E-04 1.r9E-05 2.670-05 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA .1.14E-05 ER St NO DATA NO DATA 4.17E-08 2.3tr-on 6.57E-09 4.59E-Cs 2.93C-07 MN S4 40 DATA 1.16E-05 2.57E-06 NO DATA 2.7tE-06 4.26E-04 6.19F-06 MN $6 NO DATA 4.48E-10 8.43E-Il NO DATA 4.52E-10 3.55E-06 1.33C-05 FE 55 1.28E-05 6.00E-06 2.tCE-06 NO DATA NO DATA 3.00E-05 7.75E-07 FE 59 5.S9E-06 9.04E-06 6.51E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 3.43E-04 1.9tE-05 CO 58 NO DATA 4.196-07 8. 5 5E -0 7 NO DATA NO DATA 2.99E-04 9.29E-06 CO 60 NO DATA 3.55E-06 6.12 E-0 6 NO DATA NO DATA 1.9tE-03 2.60E-05 NI 63 2.22E-04 1.25E-05 7.56E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 7.43E-05 1.71E-06 Idl 65 8.08E-10 7.99E-11 4.44E-11 No DATA NO DATA 2.2tE-06 2.27E-05 CU 64 NO DATA 5.39E-10 2.90E-10 NO DATA t.63E-09 2.59E-06 9.92E-06 ZN 65 1.15E-05 3.06E-05 1.90E-05 NO DATA t.93E-05 2.69E-04 4.41E-06

,-~- _..._____ .__ - - . -

( IN 69 HR 63 1.81E-11 NO DATA 2.6tE-11 NO DATA 2.410-12 NO DATA 1.28E-07 NO DATA 1.58E-It NO DATA 3.84E-07 NO DATA 2.75E-06 LT E-24 UR 84 NO DATA NO DATA 1. 4 8 E-0 7 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 Et 85 NO DATA NO DATA 6.84E-09 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 RO 86 NO DATA 5.36C-05 3. 09E-0 5 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.16E-06 RD 88 NO DATA 1.52E-07 9.90E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO CATA 4.66E-09 RB 89 NO O&TA 9.33E-08 7.83E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 5.1tE-10 SR 89 1.62E-04 NO DATA 4.66E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 5.83C-04 4.52E-05 SR 90 2.73E-02 NO DA'A 1. 74E-0 3 NO DATA NO DATA 3.99E-03 9.28E-05

... __ _ =-

SR 91 3.28E-05 No CATA 1. 2 4 r -0 9 NO DATA NO DATA 1.44E-05 4.70E-05 SR 92 3.54E-09 NO DATA 9.42E 6V NO DATA No DATA 6.49E-06 6.55E-05 Y 90 1.11E-06 NO DATA 2.19 E -0 8 NO DATA NO DATA 7.07E-05 7.24E-05 Y 917 1.37E-10 NO DA)% 4.9dE-12 NO DATA NO DATA 7.60F-07 4.64E-07 Y 91 2.47E-04 NO DATA 6.59E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 7.10E-04 4.97E-05 Y 92 5.50E-09 NO DATA 1. 5 7 E-10 Nn DATA NO DATA 6.46E-C6 6.46E-05

___.=_ - -

Y 93 5.04E-08 NO DATA 1.30E-09 NL DATA NO DATA 2.01E-05 1.05E-04 2R 95 5.13E-05 1.13E-05 1. 00 E -0 5 NO DATA 1.616-05 6.03E-04 1.65E-05 2R 97 5.07E-08 7.34E-09 4.32E-09 NO DATA 1.05E-08 3.06E-05 9.49E-05 NB 95 6.3tt-06 2.48E-Go 1. 7 7 E -0 6 NO DATA 2.33F-06 1.46E-04 1.00E-GS

MO 99 A0 UATA 4.66E-06 1.15E-08 NO DAT% l.06E-07 3.66E-05 1.42E-05 TC 99* 4.81E-13 9.41E-13 4.56E-11 NO DATA 1.37E-It 2.57E-c7 1.30E-06 h




A OM12D: ODCM Page : 53 Rev. : 2 Table 3.2-8 (Cont.) -

Inhalation Dose Factors for Child (mrem /pci inhaled)

NUCLIDE 80NE liver T . d O DY IHYRuto KIONEY LUNG GI-LLI TClot 2.19E-14 2.300-l* 2. 91 E- 13 .NO DATA 3.92E-13 t.SRE-07 4.41E-09 rut 03 7.55E-07 NO DATA 2.90F-07 NO 04TA t.90E-06 1.79E-04 1.2tE-05 RU105 4.13E-10 NU 04TA 1.>0E-10 NO DATA 3.63E-10 4.10E-06 2.69E-05 RUl06 3.68E-05 NO DATA 4.5 7E-06 NO DATA 4.9FE-05 3.87E-03 1.16E-04 AG110* 4.56E-06' 3.08E-06 2.47E-06 NO DATA 5.74L-06 1.48E-03 2.71E-05 TEt25M 1.82E-06 6.295-07 2. 4 7E-0 7 5.205-07 NG DATA 1.29E-04 9 13E-06

.............._ ..................................................-= .....

TEl27M 6.72E-06 2.3tE-On 8. t oE-0 7 1.66E-06 1.72E-05 4.00E-04 1.93E-05 TE127 7.49E-10 2.J7E-10 1. 6 5 E -10 5.30E-10 1.9tE-09 2. 71 E-06 1.52E-05 TEt29F 5.19E-06 1.85E-06 8.22E-07 t.7tE-06 1.36E-05 4.76E-04 4.9tE-05

  • TE129 2.64E-11 9.45E-12 6.44E-12 1.93E-11 6.94L-11 7.91E-07 6.89E-06 TE131r 3.63E-08 1.60E-08 1. 3 7 E-0 8 2.64E-08 1.08E-07 5.56E-05 8.32E-05 TE131 5.87E-12 2.28E-12 1.78E-12 4.59E-12 1.59E-11 5.55E-07 3.60E-07 TF132 1.30E-07 7.36E-08 7.12E-08 8.58E-08 4.79E-07 1.02E-04 3.72E-05 I 130 2.21E-06 4.43E-06 2.2 A E-0 6 4.99E-04 6.61E-06 NO DATA 1.38E-06 O I 131 1.30E-05 1.30E-05 7. 3 7 E -0 6 i 132 5.72E-07 .1.10E-06 5. 0 7E-0 7 4.39E-03 -2.13E-05 5.23E-05 1.69E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 7.68E-07 8.65E-07 1 133 4.48E-06 5.490-06 2 . 0 8 E -0 6 1.04E-03 9.13E-06 1.48E-06 m i 134 3 17E-07 5. 8 4 5-0 7 _ 2.69E-0 7 1.37E-05 8.92E-07 NO DATA 2.58E-07 I 135 1.33E-06 2.l6E-06 1.12 E -0 6 2.14E-04 3.62E-06 NO DATA- 1.20E-06 C5134 1.76E-04 2.74E-04 6.0 7E -0 5 NO DATA 8.93E-05 3.27E-05 1.04E-06 C5136 1.76E-05 4.62E-05 3.14E-05 NO DATA 2.58E-05 3.93E-06 1.13E-06

_..= __- .._...._......._-____ _==- _ _----......._............_ ..

C5137 2.45E-04 2.23E-04 3.47E-05 NO DATA 7.63E-05 2.8tE-05 9.78E-07 C5138 1.7tE-07 2.27E-07 1.50E-07 NO DATA 1.68E-07 1.84E-08 7.29E-08 BA139 4.98E-10 2.66F-13 1.4)E-11 NO DATA 2.33E-13 1.56E-06 1.56E-05 0A140 2.00E-05 1.75E-08 1.17 E-0 6 NO DATA 5.71E-09 4.71E-04 2.75E-05 8A141 5.29C-11 2.95C-14 1.72E-12 NO DATA 2.56E 7.89E-07 7.44E-08 84142 1.35E-!! 9.73E-15 7.54E-t 3 NO CATA 7.37E-15 4.44E-07 7.4tE-10 LA140 1.74E-07 6.08E-;8 2.~ 04 E -0 8 No GATA NO DATA 4.94E-05 6.10E-05 LAt42 3.50E-10 1.11E-10 3.49E-11 NO DATA NO DATA 2.35E-06 2.05E-05

. CE141 1.06E-05 5.28E-06 7. 8 3 E-0 7 NO DATA 2.3tE-06 1.47E-04 1.53E-05 CEt43 9.89E-08 5.37E-08 7.77E-09 NO DATA 2.26E-08 3.12E-05 1.44E-05 CE144 1.836-03 5.72E-04 9.77E-05 NO DATA 3.17E-04 3.23E-03 1.0$E-04 PR143 4.99E-06 1.50E-06 2. 4 7E -0 7 NO DATA 8.11t-07 1.17E-04 2.63E-05

............- _ . . = _ - = = . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . - - ---...... -

PR144 1.61E-11 4.99E-12 8.10E-t3 NO DATA 2.64E-12 4.23E-07 5.32E-08 N0147 2.92C-06 2.36E-06 1. 84 E-0 7 NO DATA 1.30E-06 8.87E-05 2.22E-05 W 187. 4.*tE-09 2.6tE-09 1 1FF-09 NO DATA No CATA 1.11E-05 2.46E-05 ,

NP239 1.26E-07 9.04f-09 6.35E-09 NO DATA 2.63E-08 1.57E-05 1 73E-05


\s,) Page : 54 Rev. : 2 Table 3.2-9 .

Inhalation Dose Factors for Infant (mrem /pCi inhaled),

NUCLtDE SUNE LIVER T.dOCY THYR 010 KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLt H 3 NO DATA 4.62E-07 4.62E-07 4.62F-07 4.62E-07 4.62E-07 4.62E-07 C 14 1.89E-05 3.79C-06 3.79E-06 3.79E-06 3.79E-06 3.79E-06 3.79E-06 NA 24 7.54E-06 7.54E-06 7.54E-06 7.54E-06 7.54E-06 7.54E-06 7.54E-06 P 32 1.45E-03 6.01E-05 5.53E-05 NO DATA NO DATA No DATA 1.15E-05 CR 51 NO DATA NO DATA 6.31E-08 4.1tE-08 9.45E-09 9.17E-06 2.55E-07 MN $4 FK) DATA 1.8tE-05 3.56C-06 NO DATA 3.56E-06 7.14E-04 5.04E-06

__==-_ .

NN 56 NO DATA 1 10E-09 1.58E-to NO DATA 7.86E-10 8.95E-06 5.12E-05 FE 55 1.4tE-05 8. 39E-06 2.38E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 6.2tE-05 7.82E-07

. FE 59 9.69E-06 1.68E-05 6.7FE-06 NO DATA NO DATA 7.25E-04 1.77E-05 CO 58 NU OATA 8.7tE-07 1.30E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 5.55E-04 7.95E-06' CO 60 NO DATA 5.73E-06 8.4tE-06 NO DATA. NO DATA 3.22E-03 2.28E-05 NI 63 2.42E-04 1.46E-05 8. 2 9E-0 6 NO DATA NO DATA 1.49E-04 1.73E-06

____ == ==

NI 65 1.71E-09 2.03C-10 8.79E-11 NO DATA NO DATA 5.80E-06 3.58E-05 CU 64 NO DATA 1.34E-09 5.53E-10 NO DATA 2.84E-09 6.64E-06 1.07E-05 ZN 65 1.38E-05 4.47E-05 2.22E-05 NO DATA 2.32E-05 4.62E-04 3.67E-05 ZN 69 3.85E-11 6.9tE-11 5.13E-12 NO DATA 2.87 -11 1.05E-06 9.44E-06


=_ _........._.- -. .

___=_- =

R8 89 NO DATA 2.29E-07 1.47E-07 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.87E-08 SR 89 2.84E-04 NO DATA 8.15C-06 NO DATA NO DATA 1.45E-03 4.57E-05 SR 90 2.92E-02 NU DATA 1. 8 5 E -0 3 NO DATA NG DATA 8.03E-03 9.36E-05

==- =- ====_ - ._..-- =- ==.

SR 91 6.83E-08 NO DATA 2.4 7 E-0 9 No DATA NO DATA 3.76E-05 5.24E-05 SR 92 7.50E-09 NO DATA 2.79E-10 NO DATA NO DATA 1.70E-05 1.00E-04 Y 90 2.35E-06 NO DATA 6. 3 0 E-0 8 NO DATA NO DATA 1.92E-04 7.43E-05

.Y 917 2.91E-10 NO DATA 9.90E-12 No DATA NO DATA 1.99E-06 1.68E-06 Y 91 4.20E-04 NO DATA 1 12E-05 NO DATA NO DATA 1.75E-03 5.02E-05

, Y 92 1 17E-08 NO DATA 3.29E-10 NO DATA NO DATA 1.75E-05 9.04E-0',

.....___ .-_.- ===

Y 93 1.07E-07 NO DATA 2.9tE-09 NO DATA NO DATA 5 46E-05 1.19E-04 ER 95 8.24E-05 1.99E-05 1.45E-45 No DATA 2.22E-05 1.25E-03 1.55E-05 2R 9F 1.07E-07 1.83E-08 8.36E-09 No DATA t.85E-08 7.88E-05 1.00E-04 N 8 15 1.12E-05 4.59E-06 2. 70E -0 6 NO DATA 3.5FE-06 3.42E-04 9.05E-06 MO 99 NO DATA 1.18E-07 2. 31 E-0 8 NO DATA 1.R9E-07 9.63E-05 3.48E-05 TC 99M 9.98E-13 2.06E-12 2.66E-11 NO DATA 2.22E=lt 5.79E-07 1.45E-06


f a

/ OM12D: ODCM Page : 55

.Rev. : 2 Table 3.2-9 (Cont.) ,

Inhalation Dose Factors for Infant (arem/pCi inhaled)

NUCLICE BONE LIVER T.800Y THYROID KIONEY LUNG GI-LLI TClot 4.65E-14 5.98E-14 5.80E-13 NO DATA 6.99E-13 4.17E-07 6.03E-07 I rut 03 1.44E-06 NO DATA 4. 8 5E-0 7 NO DATA 3.03E-06 3.94E-04 1.15E-05 4U105 8.74E-10 NO DATA 2. 9 3 E-10 NO DATA 6.42E-10 1.12E-05 3.46E-05

.---..----------...--...... -- - ==-.................--...--................

i 20106 6.20E-05 NU OATA 7.77E-06 NO DATA 7.6tE-05 8.26E-03 1.17E-04 i AG1104 7,13E-06 5.16C-06 3.57E-06 NO DATA 7.80E-06 2.62E-03 2.36E-05 l IEt25m 3.40E-06 1.42C-06 4. 70E-0 7 1.16E-06 NO DATA 3.19E-04 9.22E-06

__--_ - = . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _

TE127M 1.19E-05 4.93E-06 1.482-06 -3.48E-06 2.66E-05 9.37E-04 1.95E-05 -

4 TE127 1.59E-09 6.6tE-10 3. 4 9E-10 1.32E-09 3.47E-09 7.39E-06 1.74E-05 TE129* 1.01E-05 4. 35E-06 1.59E-06 3.9tE-06 2.27E-05 1.20E-03 4.93E-05

--..-- _ .- =-- _ __

_= _

i TE129 5.63E-11 2.48E-11 1.34E-11 4.82E-11 1.25E-10 2.14E-06 1.88E-05 TE131N 7.62E-08 3.93E-08 2 59E-08 6.38E-08 1.89E-07 1.42E-04 8.51E-05 4

TEt31 1 24E-11 5.87E-12 3.57E-12 1.13E-11 2.85E-11 1.47E-06 5.87E-06

==___ _ _ _ ____ __. ___

TE132 2.66E-07 1.69E-07 1. 26E-0 7 1.99E-07 7.39E-07 2.43E-04 1 15E-05 1 130 4.54E-06 9.91E-06 3.98E-06 1.14E-03 1.09E-05 NO DATA 1.42E-06 1 131 2.71E-05 3.17E-05 1.40E-05 1.06E-02 3.70E-05 NO DATA 7.56E-07

. . . - - . . . . = = . =...-------- .... ..-..-==_- __= _=

1 132 1.21E-06 2.53E-06 8.99E-07 1.21E-04 2.82E-06 NO DATA 1.36E-06 I 133 9.46E-06 1.37E-05 4.00E-06 2.54E-03 1.60E-05 NO DATA 1.54E-06 I 134 6.58E-07 1.34E-06 4.75E-07 3.18E-05 1.49E-06 NO DATA 9.21E-07

. ----. - _ - _ =_=-

l _ __ ..==

! 135 2.76E-06 5.43E-06 1. 9 9 E-0 6 4.97E-04 6.05E-06 NO DATA 1.31E-06 C5134 2.83E-04 5.02E-04 '5232E-05 NO DATA t.36E-04 5.69E-05 9.53E-07

, C5136 3.45E-05 9.61E-05 3.78E-05 NO DATA 4.03E-05 8.40E-06 1.02E-06

-.__ ____=------ _--

j C5137 3.92E-04 4.37F-04 3 25E-05 NO DATA 1.23E-04 5.095-05 9.53E-07 C5138 3.61E-07 5.58E-07 2. 84 E -0 7 NO DATA 2.93E-07 4.67E-08 6.26F-07 j UA139 1.06E-09 7.03E-13 3.07E-11 NO DATA 4.73E-13 4.25E-06 3.64E-05 UA140 4.00E-05 4.000-08 2.07E-06 .NO DATA 9.590-09 1.14E-03 2.74E-05 FA141 1.12E-10 7.700-14 3.55E-12 NO DATA 4.64E-14 2.12E-06 3.39E-06 NA142 2.84E-11 2.36E-14 1.40E-12 NO DATA 1.36E-14 1.11E-06 4.95E-07

.......=- ......... ....===__.

L A140 3.61E-07 1. 4 3 t- 0 7 3.68E-08 NO DATA NO DATA 1.20E-04 6.06E-05 j LA142 7.36E-10 2.69E-10 6.46E-11 NO DATA NO DATA 3.87E-06 4.25E-05


t ,

CEt41 1.98E-C5 1.19E-05 1.42E-06 NO DATA 3.75t-06 3.69E-04 1.54E-05 i CE143 2.09E-07 1.38E-07 1.5ME-08 NO DATA 4.03E-08 8.30E-05 3.55E-05

  • E144 2.28E-03 8.oSE-04 1.26E-04 NO DATA .3 84E-04 7.03E-03 1.06E-04 v4143 1.00E-05 3.74E-06 4.99E-07 NO DATA 1.41E-06 3.09E-04 2.66E-05
4. ROE-12 1.15E-06 3.06E-06
PR144 3.42E-11 1.32E-11 1.72E-12 NO DATA 4 N0147 5.67E-06 5.81F-06 3. 57 E -0 7 NO DATA 2.25E-06 2.30E-04 2.23E-05 i W 187 9.26E-09 6.44E-09 2. 2 3 E-0 9 NO DATA NO DATA 2.83E-05 2.54E-05 1 NP239 2.65E-07 2. 3 7E-08 1 34E-08 NO DATA 4.73E-08 4.25E-05 1.78E-05 a

i 1

l i-

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v> Page : 56 Rev. : 2 Table 3.2-10 Ingestion Dose Factor for Adult (mrem /pCi ingested)


___.....___._________...___._-___..______.__....___..- ---- ==....__... ____ _

H 3 NO DATA 1.05E-0T t .05E-0 7 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 1. 0 5 E-0 7 1.05E-07 C 14 2.84E-06 5.68E-07 5.6 8 E-0 7 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 NA 24 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1. 70 E -0 6 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 P 32 1.93E-04 1.20E-05 7.46E-06 NO DATA NC DATA NO DATA 2.17E-05 l CR 51 NO DATA NO CAfA 2. 60 E -0 9 1.59E-09 5.86E-10 3.53E-09 6.69E-07 MN 54 NO DATA 4.57E-06 8. 72 E-0 7 NO DATA t.36E-06 -NO DATA 1.40E-05

-= ___._

MN 56 NO DATA 1.15E-07 2.04 E-0 8 NO DATA 1.46E-07 NO DATA 3.67E-06 FE 55 2.75E-06 1.90F-06 4.4 )E-0 7 NO DATA NO DATA 1.06E-06 1.09E-06 FE 59 4.34E-06 1.02E-05 3. 91'E -0 6 NO DATA NO DATA 2.85E-06 3.40E-05 CO 58 NO DATA 7.456-07 1. 6 7 E -0 6 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.51E-05 CO 60 NO DATA 2.14E-06 4.72E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.02E-05 NI 63 1.30E-C4 9.01E-06 4.36E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.88E-06 NI 65 5.28E-07 6.86E-08 1 13E-0 8 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.74E-06 CU 64 NO DATA 8.33E-08 3.91E-08 NO DATA 2.10E-07 NO DATA 7.10E-06 ZH 65 4.84E-06 1.54E-05 c . 96 E -0 6 NO DATA 1.03E-05 NO DATA 9.70E-06

~3 s '- 'j ZN 69 BR 83 1.0 3E-0 8 NO DATA 1.77E-08 NO DATA

1. 3 7 E-0 9 NO DATA
4. 02 E -0 8 No DATA 1.28E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.96E-09 5.79E-08 BR 84 NO DATA NO DATA 5. 21 E -0 8 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.09E-13

- ==__ -._ ______ --_- =

LT E-24 BR 85 NO DATA NO DATA 2.14 E -0 9 NO DAT A NO DATA NO DATA RB 86 NO DATA -2.11E-05 9. 8 3 E-0 6 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.16E-06 RB 88 NO DATA 6.05E-08 3. 21 E-0 8 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.36E-19 RB 89 NO DATA 4.01E-08 2.82E 08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.33E-21 SR 89 3.08E-04 NO DATA 8.84E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.94E-05 SR 90 7.58E-03 NO DATA 1. 86 E-0 3 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.19E-04


SR 91 5.67E-06 NO DATA 2.29E-9F NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2 70E-05 SR 92 2.15E-06 NO DATA 9. 3 0 E-0 8 HO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4 26E-05 Y 90 9.62E-09 NO DATA 2 58E-10 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.02E-04 Y 91M 9.09E-11 NO DATA 3.52E-12 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.67E-10 Y 91 1.41E-07 NO DATA 3.77E-09 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 7.76E-05 l . Y 92 8.45E-10 NO DATA 2.47E-11 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.48E-05 Y 93 2.68E-09 No DATA 7.40E-11 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 6.50E-05 ZR 95 3.04E-08 9.75E-09 6.60E-09 NO DATA 1.53E-08 NO DATA 3.09E-05 ZR 97 1.68E-09 3.392-10 1.55E-10 NO DATA 5 12E-10 NO DATA 1.05E-04 N8 95 6.22E-09 3.46E-09 t . 8 6 E-0 9 NO DATA 3.42E-09 NO DATA 2.10E-05 MO 99 NO DATA 4.31E-06 8. 2 0E-0 7 NO DATA 9.76E-06 NO DATA 9.99E-06 TC 99M 2.47E-10 6.98E-10 8.89E-09 NO DATA 1.06E-08 3.42E-10 4.13E-07 f I G

J hk b

v OM12D: ODCM Page : 57 Rev. : 2 Table 3.2-10 (Cont.)

, Ingestion Dose Factor for Adult (mrem /pCi ingested)

NUCLICE BONE LIVER T.800Y THYR 010 KIONEY LUNG GI-LLI TC101 2.54E-10 3.66E-10 3. 59 E -0 9 NO DATA 6.59E-09 1 37E-10 1.10E- 1 RU103 1.85E-07 NO DATA 7. 9 7 E -0 8 No DATA F.06E-07 No SATA 2.16E-05 RU105 1.54E-08 NU OATA 6.03E-09 NO DATA 1.99E-07 NO DATA 9.42E-06 AU106 2.75E-06 NO DATA 3. 4 8 E-0 7 NO DATA 5.3tE-06 NO DATA 1.78E-04 AG110M 1.60E-07 1.48E-07 8.79E-08 NO DATA 2.9tE-07 NO DATA 6.04E-05 TE125F 2.69E-06 9.71E-07 3.590-07 8.06E-07 1.09E-05 NO DATA 1.07E-05 TE127M 6.77E-06 2.42C-06 8.250-07 1.73E-06 2.75E-05 NO DATA 2.27E-05 TE127 1.10E-07 3.9 5 E-08

  • 2. 38 E-0 8 8.15E-08 4.48E-07 NO DATA 8.68E-06 TE129M 1.15E-05 4.29E-06 1. A 2 E-0 6 3.95E-06 4.80E-05 NO DATA 5.79E-05

_. ..=- -_____=- __ .._____

TE129 3.14E-08 1.18E-08 7.6)E-09 2.4tE-08 1.32E-07 NO DATA 2.37E-08 TCt31M 1.73E-06 8.46E-07 7.05 E-0 7 1.34E-06 8.57E-06 N0'0ATA 8.40E-05 TE131 1.97E-08 8.23E-09 6. 22 E -0 9 1.62E-08 8.63E-08 NO DATA 2.79E-09

- _.=- =____ .= === = __--- =

TE132 2.52E-06 1 63E-06 1. 53 E-0 6 1.80E-06 1.57E-05 NO DATA 7.71E-05 i

! 130 7. 56E-0 7s.2.2 3E-06 8.80E-07 1.89E-04 3.48E-06 NO DATA 1.92E-06 ~

I 131 4.16E-06 5 95E-06 3. 41 E -0 6 1.95E-03 1.02E-05 NO DATA t.57E-06 g = =;- - - ___ _= =-- _ _..._____ ..._-__.___. _ ... ,

I 132 2.03E-07 5.43E-07 1.90E-0 7 1.90E-05 8.65E-07 NO DATA 1.02E-o'7

~) 1 133 1.42E-06 2.4FE-06 7. 5 3 E-0 7 3.63E-04 4.3tE-06 NO DATA 2.22E-06

! 134 1.06E-07 2.88E-07 1.03 E-0 7 4.99E-06 4.58E-07 NO DATA 2.51E-10


3 ,,g- .

t 135 4.43E-07 1.16E-06 4. 2 8E-0 7 7.65E-05 1.66E-06 NO DATA 1 31E-06 C5134 6.22E-05 1.48E-04 1.21E-04 N0'OATA 4.79E-05 1.59E-05 2.59E-06 C5136 6.51E-06 2 57E-05 1.85E-05 NO DATA 1.43E-05 1.96E-06 2.92E-06 C5137 7.97E-05 1.09E-04 7.14 E-0 5 NO DATA 3.70E-05 1.23E-05 2.11E-06 C5138 5.52E-08 1.09E-07 5. 40 E-0 8 NO DATA 8.0tE-08 7.9tE-09 4.65E-13 8A139 9.70E-08 6.91E-11 2. 8 4 E -0 9 NO DATA 6.46E-11 3.92E-11 1.72E-07

______. _=---

8A140 2.03C-05 2.55E-08 1. 3 3 E -0 6 NO DATA 8.67E-09 1.46E-08 4.18E-05 0A141 4.FIE-08 1.560-11 1.59E-09 NO DATA 3.3tE-It 2.02E-11 2.22E-17 94142 2.13E-08 2.19E-11 1 34E-09 NO DATA 1.85E-11 1.24E-11 1.00E-26

......____________... ........___ ..... ___......... .._.....__- _==...

LA140 2.50E-09 f.262-09 J.330-10 NU OATA NO DATA NO DATA 9.25E-05 LAt42 1.28E-10 5.82E-Il 1.45E-11 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.25E-07

. CE141 9.36E-09 6.53E-09 T.180-10 NO DATA 2.940-09 NO DATA 2.42E-05 1 _________._.__......__...________.._____.....................__...____._.__.

CE143 1.65E-09 1.22F-06 I.35E-10 NO DATA 5. 3 7E-10 NO DATA 4.56E-05 CE144 4.48E-07 2.c4E-07 2.62E-08 NO DATA  !.21E-07 NO DATA 1.65E-04 PRt43 9.20E-09 3.690-09 4.56E-to NO DATA 2 .13 E -09 NO DATA 4.03E-05 PR144 3.01E-11 1.25E-11 1. 5 st-12 NO DATA 7.05E-12 NO DATA 4.33E-18 N0147 6.29E-09 7.27E-09 4. 3 5 E-10 NO DATA 4.25E-09 NO DATA 3.49E-05

, w 197 1.03E-07 8.6tE-08 3.01E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.82E-05 l

NP239 1.19E-09 1.17E-10 6.45E-I1 NO DATA 3.65E-10 NO DATA 2.40E-05 i

1 1

1 1


OM12D: 0D01 (Os,) Page : 58 Rev. : 2 Table 3.2-11 Ingestion Dose Factors for Teenager (mrem /pCi-ingested)

NUCL10E BONE LIVER T.80cY THYROIO KIONEY LUNG GI-LLI H 3 NO DATA 1.06E-07 1.00 E-0 7 1.06E-07 1.06E-07 1.06E-07 1 06E-07 L 14 4.06E-06 8.12F-07 8.12 E-0 7 8.12F-07 8.12E-07 8.12E-07 8.12F-07 NA 24 2.30E-06 2.30E-06 2.30E-06 2.30E-06 -2.30L-06 2.30E-06 2 30E-06 P 32 2.76E-04 1. TIE-05 1.07E-05 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.32E-05 CR 51 'NU DATA NO DATA 3.60E-04 2.00E-09 7.99E-to 5 14E-09 6.05E-0T PN 54 NO DATA 5.90E-00 1.17 E-0 6 NO DATA 1.76E-06 NO DATA 1.2tE-05 MN 56 NO DATA 1.38E-07 ~ 2. 8 t E-0 8 NO DATA' 2.00E-07 NO DATA 1.04E-05 F E 5's 3.T8E-06 2.68F-06 6.2 5E-0 7 NO DATA No GATA 1.70E-06 1. toe-06 FE $9 5.87E-06 1.J7E-05 5.29E NO DATA NO DATA 4.32E-06 3.24E-05 CO 58 NO DATA- 9.72E-07 2. 24 E-0 6 NU OATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.34E-05 CO 60 NO DATA 2.stE-06 6.33E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 3.66E-05 NI 63 1.77E-04 1 25E-05 0.00E-06 NO DATA NO DATA. NO DATA 1.99E-06

........ - =- ...- _ =_=--

'. ! 65 7.'9E-07 9.57E-08 4.36E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 5.19E-06 CU 64 NO DATA 1.tSE-07 5.4 t E-0 8 NO DATA 2.91E-07 NO DATA 8.92E-06 IN 6S 5.76E-06 2.002-05, 9 33E-06 NO DATA 1.28E-05 Ng DATA 8.47E-06 IN 69 1.47E-08 2.60E-08 1.96E-C9 NO DATA 1.R3E-08 NO DATA 5 16E-08 BR 83 NO DATA NO DATA 5.74E-08' NO DATA NO DATA- NO DATA LT E-24 OR 84 NO DATA NG CATA 7. 22 E-0 8 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 BR 85 NO DATA NO DATA 3. 05 E-0 9 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 R8 86 NO DATA 2.98E 1. 4 0 E-0 5 NO DATA NO GATA NO DATA 4.4tE-06 RB 88 NO DATA 8.52E-08 4.54E-08 NO DATA NO D'A TA NO DATA 7.30E-15 RB 89 N0' DATA 5.50E-08 3.89E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.43E-17 SR 89 4.40E-04 NO DATA 1. 26 E-0 5 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 5.24E-05 SR 90 8.30E-03 NO DATA 2.05 E-0 3 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.33E-04 SR 91 8.GTE-06 NO DATA 3. 2 t E-0 7 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 3.66E-05 SR 92 3.05E-06 NO DATA 1. 30E-0 7 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 7.77E-05 Y 90 1.37E-08 NO DATA 3.69E-10 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.13E-04 Y 91M 1.29E-10 NO DATA 4.93E-12 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 6.09E-09 Y 91 2.01E-07 NO DATA 5.39E-09 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.24E-05 Y 92 1.21E-09 NO DATA 3.50E-11 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 3.32E-05 Y 93 3.83E-09' NO DATA 1.0$E-10 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.17E-04 ZR 9% 4.12E-08 1.30E-08 8.9%E-09 NO DATA 1.91E-08 NO DATA 3.00E-05 1R 9T 2.37E-09 4.69E-10 2.16E-10 NO DATA 7.llE-10. NO DATA 1.27E-04

4M 95 8.22E-09 4.50!-09 2. S I E -0 9 NO DATA 4.42E-09 NO DATA 't.95E-05 MO 99 NO DATA 6.03E-06 1.1)F-06 NO DATA 1.38E-05 NO DATA 1 0SE-05 TC 99M 3.32E-10 9.26E-10 1.20E-08 NO DATA I.38E-08 5.14E-10 6.08E-07
s. OM12D: ODCM Page : 59 Rev. : 2 Table 3.2-11 (Cont.)

Ingestion Dose Factor for Teenager (mrem /pCi ingested) l KIDNEY NUCLIDE BONE liver T.800Y THYR 010 LUNG cl.LLI fClot 3.60E-10 5.125-10 5. O l E -0 9 NO DATA 9.26E-09 3.12E-10 8.F5E-17 tulo) 2.55E NU OATA- 1. 09 E -0 7 NO DATA 8.99E-07 NO DATA 2.13E-05 uul05 2.18E-04 NO DATA 8.46E-09 90 DATA 2.75E-0T NO DATA 1.76E-05 I Rul06 3.92E-06 NO DATA 4. 94 E -0 7 NO DATA T.56E-06 NO DATA t.88E-04 AGttom 2.05E-07 1.94E-07 t.ldE-Of NO DATA 3.70E-07 NO DATA 5.45E-05 TEl2SM 3.83E-06 1.38E-06 5 12 E-0 7 1.0TE-06 NO DATA NO DATA 1.13E-05 i

TF127M 9.6 7E-06 3.4JE-06 1. l S E -0 6 2.30E-06 3.92t-05 NO DATA 2.4tE-05

! TE127 1.58E-07 5.6GE-08 3. 4 0 E-0 8 1.09E-07 6.40E-07 No DATA 1.22E-05 TE129M 1.63E-05 6.05E-06 2.58E-06 S.26E-06 6.R2E-05 NO DATA 6.12E-05 l

f TE129 4.48E-09 1.67E-08 1.09E-08 3.20E-08 1.88E-07 NO DATA 2.45E-07 IE131= 2.44E-06 1.1TE-06 9.76E-07 1.T6E-06 1.22E-05 NO DATA 9.39E-05 TE131 2.79E-08 1.15E-08 8.72E-09 2.15E-08 1.22E-07 NO DATA 2.29E-09 TE132 3.49E-06 2.2tE-06 2.08E-06 2.33E-06 2.12E-05 NO DATA 7.00E-05 1 130 1.03E-06 2 98E-06 1 19E-06 2.4 3E-04 4.59E-06 NO DATA 2.29E-06 l "*g I 131 5.85E-06 8.11E-06 4.'9E-06 2.39E-03 1.41E-05 NO DATA 1.62E-06

! -t 132 2.79E-07 7.30E-07 2. 62 E -0 7 2 46E-05 1.15E-06 NO DATA 3.18E-07 t 133 2.01E-06 3.41t-06 1.04E-06 4.76E-04 5.98E-06 NO DATA 2.58E-06 1 134 1.46E-07 3.87E-07 1.39E-07 6.45E-06 6.10E-07 NO DATA 5.10E-09 l

l t 135 6.10E-07 1.57E-06 5. 82 E-0 7 1.01E-04 2.48E-06 NO DATA t.74E-06 C5134 8.37E-05 1 97E-04 9.14 E-0 5 NO DATA 6.26E-05 2.39E-05 2.45E-06 l

C5136 8.59E-06 3.J8E-05 2.2FE-05 NO DATA 1.84E-05 2.90E-06 2.72E-06 C5137 1.12E-04 1.49E-04 5.19E-05 NO DATA 5.07E-05 1.9FE-05 2.12E-06 C5138 7.T6E-08 1.49E-07 7.45E-08 NO DATA 1.10E-07 1.28E-08 6.76E-11 BA139 1 39E-07 9.78E-It 4.0SE-09 NO DATA 9.22E-11 6.74E-11 t.24E-06 l 0A140 2.84E-05 3.48E-05 1.83E-06 NO DATA 1.18E-08 2.34E-08 4.38E-05 RA148 6.71E-08 5.0tE-11 2.24E-09 NO DATA 4.65E-11 3.43E-11 1.43E-13 04142 2.990-08 2.99E-11 1.84E-09 10 DATA 2.53t-11 1.99E-Il 9.18E-20

, Lat40 3.485-09 1.7tC-09 4. 5 5 E -10 NO DATA NC OATA NO DATA 9.82E-05 LAL42 1.79E-to 7.95E-It 1.98E-11 NO Data NO DATA NO DATA 2.42E-06 l

. CEl41 1.33E-08 8.88E-09 1.02C-09 NO DATA 4.18E-09 NO DATA 2.54E-05 CEt43 2.35E-09 1.71E-06 1. 9 t E-10 NO DATA 7.67E-10 NO DATA S.14E-05 CE144 6.96E-07 2.88E-07 3 74 E-0 8 NO DATA 1.72E-07 NO DATA 1.75E-04 l

PRl43 1.3tE-08 5.23E-09 6.52E-10 NU DATA 3.64E-09 NO DATA 4.3tE-05

... 4..........__................ .........................................

P9144 4.30E-11 1.76E-11 2.18E-12 NO DATA 1.0tE-11 NO DATA 4.F4E-14 N014T 9.18E-09 1.02E-08 6.11E-10 NO DATA 5.99E-09 NO DATA 3.68E-05 W 187 1.46E-07 1.19E-07 4.lfE-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 3.22E-05 l ............__ .._........___.. .............................. ..........

i NP239 1.76E-09 1.66E-10 9.22E-It NO DATA 5.2tE-10 NO DATA 2.67E-05 b



Page : 60 Rev. : 2 Table 3.2-12 Ingestion Dose Factors for Child (mrem /pCi ingested)

NtlCL I UE ~ BONE liver T.HOUY THf4010 KIONEY LONG GI-LLI H 3 NO DATA 2.03E-OF 2.01E-0F 2.03E-07 2.0 3 L-O F 2.03E-07 2.03E-07 C 14 1 21E-05 2.*2E-06 2.42E-06 2.42E-06 2.42E-06 2.42E-06 2.42E-06 NA 24 S.80E-06 5.80E-06 5.80E-06 5.80E-06 5.80E-06 5.80E-06 5.80E-06 P 32 8.25E-04 3.86E-0) J.1CE-0) 40 DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.28E-05 CR St NO DATA NO LATA U.99E-09 4.94E-09 1.35E-09 9.02E-09 4.72E-07 MN 54 NO DATA 1.0TE-05 2. 8 5 L -0 6 NO DATA 3.00E-06 NO DATA 8.98E-06 NN 56 NO DATA J.34E-OF F.54[-08 NO DATA 4.04E-07 NO DATA' 4.84E-05 FE 55 1.15E-05 6 10E-06 1.89"-06 NO Dati NO DATA 3.45E-06 1.13E-06 FE 59 1.6)E-05 2 67C-0) 1.3sE-05 NO DATA NO DAT4 7.T4E-06 2.78E-05 CO 58 NO OATA 1 80E-06 5. 5 t E-0 6 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.05E-05 CO 60 NO DATA 5 29E-06 1. 5 6 E -0 5 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.93E-05 NI 63 5.38E-C4 2 88F-05 1.81E-05 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1 94E-06 NI 65 2.22E-06 2.09F-07 1.22E-07 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.56E-05

. CU 64 NO OATA=% 2 45E-07 1.48E-07 NO DATA 5.92E-07 NO DATA t.15E-05 s IN 65 1.37E-05 3.oSE-0) 2.2 7C-0 5 NO DATA 2.10E-05 NO DATA 6.4tE-06 p"~ ................._..........................................................

( ZN 69 4.38E-08 6.J3E-08 5.85E-09 NO DATA 3.84E-08 NO DATA 3.99E-06 BR 83 'H3 DATA NO CATA 1. 7 t E-0 7 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 BR 84 NO DATA NO DATA 1. 9 8E-0 7 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT-E-24

.--.... .........

RR 8) NO DATA NO DATA 9.12E-09 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 MB 86 NO DATA 6.70E-05 4.12E-05 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4 3tF-06 R8 88 NO DATA 1.90E-07 1. 3 2 E-0 7 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 9.32E-09 RB 89 NO DATA l.17E-07 1.04E-C7 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.02E-09 SR 89 1.32E-03 NO PATA 3.77E-05 NO DATA NO DATA No UATA 5.1tE-05 SR 90 1.70E-02 NO UATA 4.31E-03 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.29E-04 SR 91 2.40E-05 NO DATA 9. 06 E-0 7 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 5.30E-05 SR 92 9.03E-C6 NO DATA 3.62E-OF NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA t.7tE-04 Y 90 4.1tE-08 NO DATA 1.10E-09 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.17E-04 Y 9tM 3.82E-IC NO DATA 1.39E-11 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA F.48E-07 Y 91 6.02E-07 NO DATA 1.6tF-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.02E-05

. Y 92 3.60E-01 NO DATA 1.0)E-10 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA l.04E-04 Y 93 1.14E-08 NO DATA 3.13 E -10 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.70E-04 2R 95 1.16E-07 2.35E-08 2.27E-08 NO DATA 3.65E-08 NO DATA 2.66E-05 ZR 9T 6.9?E-09 1.CIE-09 3.96E-10 NO DATA 1.45L-09 NO DATA 1.53E-04 N8 95 2.25E-08 8. 76E-09 6.26E-09 NO DATA 8.23E-09 NO DATA 1.62E-05 MO 99 NO DATA I.33E-05 3.29E-06 No DATA 2.84E-05 NO DATA t.10E-05 TC 99= 9.23E-10 1.8tE-09 3.00E-08 NO DATA 2.63E-08 9.19E-10 1 03

..-.-....................................................................E-06 ...

(e) OM12D: ODCM

'd Page : 61 Rev. : 2 L

Table 3.2-12 (Cont.)

Ingestion Dose Factors for Child (mrem /pCi ingested)

NUCLluE BONE liver f.000Y THY 4080 KIDNEY LUNC Cl-LLI TClot 1.0TE-09 1.12E-09 1.42E-08 NO DATA 1.9tt-08 5.92E-to 1.36E-09 Rut 03 T.31E-07 NO DATA 2. 8 t E -O F NO DATA L 84E-06 .Nn DATA t.89E.05 0U105 6.45E-08 NO OAFA 2. 3 4 E-0 8 NO CATA 5.67E-07 NO DATA 4.2tE-05 Rut 06 1.17E-OS NO DATA 1.46E-06 NO DATA 1.58E-05 NO DATA t.82E-04 AG1t0M 5.39E-07 3 64E-07 2.9 t t-0 7 NO DATA 6.78E-c? NO DATA 4.33E-05

~0'?5M t.14E-05 3.09E-06 1. 5 2 E -0 6 3.20E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 1.10F-05 TE12TM 2.89E-05 7.78E-06 3. 4 J E -0 6 6.9tE-06 e.24E-05 NO DATA 2.34E-05 TE127 4.71E-07 1.27F-07 1 01 E-O F 3.26E-07 1.34E-06 NO DATA 1 84E-05 7.56E-06 NO DATA TE129 4.87E-05 1 56E.05 1. 5 7E -05 1.43E-04 5.94E-05 TEt29 1.34E-OF 3.74E-08 3.18E-08 9.56E-38' 3.92C-07 NO DATA 8.34E-06 TEl31M 7.20E-06 2.49E-06 2. 6 5 E -0 6 5.12E-06 2.4LE-05 NO DATA 1.0IE-04 TE131 8.30E-08 2.53E-08 2. 4 7E-0 8 6.35E-06 2.51E-07 NO DATA 4.36E-07 TE132 1.01E-05 4.47E-06 5.40E-06 6.5tE-06 4.15E-05 NO DATA 4.50E-05 t 130 2.92E-06 5.90E-06 3. 04 E -0 6 6.50E-04 8.82E-06 No DATA 2.76E-06 1 131 1.72E-05 1.73E-05 9. 8 J E -0 6 5.12E-03 2.84E-05 NO DATA 1.54E-06 j) ............................................................................

I i I 132 0.00E-07 1.47E-06 6. 76E-0 7 6.82E-05 2.25E-06 NO DATA 1.73E-06 l

i ' ' I 133 5.92E-06 7.32E-06 2. 7 7E-0 6 L.36E-03 1.22E-05 NO DATA 2.95E-06 I 134 4.19E-07 7.78E-07 3.58E-07 1.79E-05 1.19E-06 NO DAf4 5.46E-07

! 135 1.75E-06 3 15E-06 1.49E-06 2.79E-04 4.83E-06 NO DATA 2.40E-06 C5134 2.34E-04 3.84C-04 8.10 E-0 5 NO DATA 1.19E-04 4.27E-05 2.07E-06 C5136 2.35E-05 6.46E-05 4.18 E -0 5 NO DATA 3.44E-05 5.13E-06 2.27E-06 l C513T 3.2TE-04 3.13E-04 4.62E-05 NO DATA 1.02E.C4 3.67E-05 1.96E-06 C5138 2.28E-07 3.17E-0 7 2.01E-07 NO DATA 2.23E-07 2.40E-08 1.46E-07 BA139 4.14E-07 2.21E-to 1.20E-08 NO DATA 1.93E-10 1.30E-10 2.39E-05 Bal40 8.stE-05 7.28E-08 4.85E-06 NO DATA 2.3TL-08 4.34E-08 4.2tE-05 sal 41 2.00C-07 1.122-10 6.5 t E -0 9 NO DATA 9.69E-11 6.58E-10 1.14E-OF GA142 8.74C-08 6.29E-It 4.8aF-09 NO DATA 5.09E-Il 3.70E-tt 1.14E-09 L4t40 1.0lE-08 3.53E-09 1.19E-09 10 DATA NO 04f4 NO DATA 9.84E-05 Lat42 5.24E-10 t.6FF-10 5.2SE-Il 30 OATA NO DAf% NO DATA 3.31E-05 CE141 ).97E-08 1.99E-08 2 9=E-0 9 NO DATA 8.68E-09 NO DATA 2.47E-05 CE14J 6.99E-09 3.79E-06 5.49E-10 NO DATA 1.59E.n9 NO DATA 5.55E-05 CEt44 2.08E-06 6.52E-01 1. t ! E-0 7 NO DATA 1.6tt-07 NO DATA t.70E-04 PR 14 3 3.93E-08 1.18E-08 1.95E-09 NO DATA 6.39E-09 NO DATA 4.24E-05 P4144 1.29E-10 1.11E-Il 6.49E-12 NO DATA 2.llE-11 NO DATA 8.59E-08 N0147 2.79E-OR 2.26E-08 1. 75E-0 9 NO DATA l.24E-08 NO DATA 3.58E-05 W 18F 4.29E-07 2.54f-01 1.14 E-O F NU OATA NO DATA NO DATA 3.57E-05

..................................................... 4.....................

NP239 5.25E-09 3.FF(-10 2.65t-LO NO DATA 1.09i.09 NO DATA 2.f9E-05 l

! [m) k l

OM12D: ODCM s--) Page : 62 Rev. : 2 Tabic 3.2-13 Ingestion Dose Factors for Infant (arem/pci ingented)

NuCLlut MONE LIVER T. door THv4UID st0NEY LONG GI-LLI H 3 NO DATA 3.0aE-01 3.00E-0T 3.0AF-07 3.08E-07 J.00E-0T 3.08E-Of L 14 2.3TE-05 5.C6F-06 5. 0 6 E -0 6 5.06E-06 5.06t-06 5.06F-06 5.06E-06 NA 24 1.01E-05 1.0lE-05 1. 0 l E-0 5 1.0lE-05 I.0lE-05 1.0lf-OS l.0tE-05 P 32 1.70E-03 1.00E-04 6.59E-05 40 UATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.10E-05 Cd St NU OATA NO DATA 1.4tE-08 7.20E-09 2.0tE-09 I.F1E-08 4.llE-01 MN $4 NO DATA l.99E-05 4.5tE-06 NO DATA 4.4tE-06 NO DATA T.3tE-06 NN 56 NO DATA 8.18E-07 1.4tE-07 Nu UATA 7.01E-07 NO DATA 7.43E-05 FE $$ l.39E-05 8.98E-06 2.4CE-06 NO DATA NO DATA 4.19E-06 1.14E-06 FE 59 3.08E-05 5.J82-0) 2.12E-05 NO DATA NO DATA t.59E-05 2.57E-05 CO 58 NO OLTA 3.60E-06 8.93E-06 NO DATA No GATA NO DATA 8.9FE-06 CD 60 NO DATA 1.08E-05 2.55E-05 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.5FE-05 NI 63 6.34E-04 3.92E-05 2.20E-05 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.95E-06 NI 65 4.70E-06 S.32E-07 2.42E-07 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.05E-05 GU 64 NO DATA 6.09E-0T 2.82E-0T NO DATA 1.03E-06 NO DATA 1.25E-05 2N 65 1.54E-05 6.316-05 2.9tE-03 NO DATA 3.06E-05 NO DATA 5.33E-05

(' ZN 69 9.33E508 1.08E-0T 1. 2 5 E -0 8 40 DATA 6.98E-08 NO DATA 1.37F-05 tl R 83 NO DATA NO DATA 3. 6 3 E-0 7 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 BR 84 NO DATA NO DATA 3.82E-07 NO DATA NO DATA No DATA LT E-24 uA 85 NO DATA NO DATA 1 94 E-0 8 NO OATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24 NB 86 NO DATA 1. TOE-04 8.4 0 E-0 5 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.35E-06 dB 88 NO DATA 4.98E-07 2.73E-07 No DATA No DATA NO DATA 4.85E-07 RD 89 NO DATA 2 u6E-07 1.97E-07 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 9.74E-08 SR 89 2.StE-03 NO DATA 7. 2 0 E -0 5 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 5.16E-05 SR 90 1.05E-02 No DATA 4.71E-03 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.3tE-04 SR 91 S.00E-05 NO OATA 1.8tE-06 .NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 5.92E-05 Sm 92 1.92E-05 NO DATA 7.13 E-0 7 No DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.07E-04 Y 90 8.69E-08 NO DATA 2.3sE.09 40 DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1 20E-04 Y 91M 8.10E-tC NO DATA 2.76E.11 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.70E-06 Y 91 1.13E-06 NO DATA 3.0tE-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.10E-05 Y 92 7.65E-09 No DATA 2.tSE-10 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.46E-04 Y 93 2.43E-08 NO DATA 6.62E-10 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA t.92E.04 2R 95 2.06E-07 5.02E-08 3.56E-08 NO DATA 5.4tE-08 NO DATA 2.50F-05 2R 97 1.48E-08 2.54E-09 1 16E-09 NO DATA 2.56E-09 NO DATA l.62E.04 48 95 4.20E-08 1.73E-08 1. 00E -0 8 NO DATA I.24t-08 NO DATA 1.46E.05 MO 91 NO DATA 3.4C2-05 6.6 3E -0 6 NO DATA 5.08E-05 NO DATA 1.12E=05 TC 91M l.92E-09 3.96E-09 5.10E-08 NO DATA 4 26t-08 2.07E-09 1.15E.06 J

[V ,)

OM12D: ODCM Page : fe 3 Rev. : 7 Table 3.2-13 (Cont.)

Ingestion Dose Factors for Infant _

NUCLICE BONE liver f.000Y fHYR010 Kl0NEY LUNG Cf.ttg IClot 2.2FE-09 2.e6E-09 2.81E-Oc NO DAIA 3.40E-08 1.56E-09 4.860-07 Rul03 1.48E.06 NO DATA 4.95E -0 7 NO DATA 3.08[.06 NO DATA 1.80E-05 AUl05 1.36E.07 NO DATA 4.58E-08 40 DATA 1.00E-06 Nn DATA 5.4tE-05 R0106 2.4tE.05 NO DATA 1.0LE-06 NO DATA 2.85E-05 NO 04fA 1.83F-04 AG110M 9.96E.07 7.27E.0F 4.8 t E-O F NO DATA 1.04E-06 NO DATA 3.77E-05 TEt25M 2.33E.05 7.79[.06 3.l>E-06 F.84E-06 NO DATA NO DAIA 1.llE-05 TEt2TM 5.85E-05 1.94E-05 7.08E-06 1.69E-05 1.44E-04 NO DATA 2.36E.05 TE127 1.00E-06 3.35E-0F 2.15E-07 8.14E-07 2.44E-06 NO DATA 2.10E-05 TE129M 1.00E.04 3.43E-05 I.54E-05 3.84E-05 2.50E-04 NO DATA 5.9FE.05 l TE129 2.84E-07 9.79E-08 6.63E-08 2.38E-07 7.0 TE -0 7 NO DATA 2.27E-05 l TEt3te 1.52E-05 6.12E-06 5. 05E -0 6 1.24E-05 4.21E-05 NO DATA t.03E-04 TE131 1 76E-07 6.50E-08 4.94E-08 1.STE-07 4.50E-07 NO DATA 7.ItE-06 TE132 2.08E-05 1.03E-05 9.61E-06 1.52E-05 6.44E-05 NO DATA 3.8tE-05 t 130 6.00E-06 1.32E-os 5.30E-06 t.48E-01 1.45E-05 NO DATA 2.83E-06




l 131 3.59E-05 4.23E-05 L . 8 6E -0 5 1.39E-02 4.94E-05 40 DATA 1.51E-06 t 132 1 66E-06 1.37E-06 1.2qE-&6 1.58E-04 3.760-06 NO DATA 2.73E.06 I 133 1.25E-05 1.82[.05 5. 3 FE-0 6 1.31E-03 2.14E-35 NO DATA 3.00E-06 I 134 8.69E-07 1.78E-06 6.33E-OF 4.tSE-05 1.99E.06 N0 DATA 1.84E-06 I 135 3.64E-06 7.24[.06 2.64E-06 6.49E.04 4.07E-06 No DATA 2.62E.06 C5134 3.77E-04 7.032-04 7.10 E -0 5 NO DATA 1.81E-04 F.42E-05 1.91E-06 C5136 4.59E-05 1.35E.04 5.04E-05 NO uafA 5.38E-05 1.10E-05 2.05E-06 C5137 5.22E-04 6.tlE-04 4.13 E -0 5 NO DATA 1.64[.04 6.64E-05 1.9tE-06 C5138 4.8tE-07 7.82E-01 3.79E-OF NO DATA 3.90E-07 6.09E-08 1.25E.06 BA139 8.8tE.0F 5.84E-10 2.55E-08 NO DATA 3.51E-10 3.54[-10 5.58E-05 8A140 1.FtE-04 1.FtE-07 8.AIE.06 NO DATA 4.06E-08 t.05E.07 4.20E-05 pat 41 4.25E 07 2.912-10 1.34E-08 NO DATA 1.75E-to t. Fit-to 5.19E-06 Bat 42 1.84E-07 1.53E-10 9.06E-09 NO DATA 8.8tE-ll 7.59E-07 LA140 2.llE-08 8.12C-01 2.14 E -0 9 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 9.77E-05 L A 14 2 1.10E-09 4.04E-10 9.6/E-11 NO DATA NC DATA NO Data 6.86F.05

, CE141 7.8FE-08 4.80E.08 5. 6 5 E -0 9 NO DATA 1.48t-04 NO DATA 2.48E-05 CEt43 1.48E-08 9.u2[.06 1 1/E-09 NO 04fA /.96t-09 NO DATA 5.73E-05 CCl44 2.98E-06 1.22E-06 L.6FE-0F NO DATA 4.93E-OF NO DATA 1.FIC-04 PR143 8.13E-08 3.c4L-08 4.0lf-09 NO DATA 1.13L-08 NO DATA 4.29C-05 PRt44 2.74E-10 1.06E-10 1. 3 8[-t t 40 DATA NO DATA 4.93E-06 Not4F 5.53E-08 5.68E-08 3.48E-09 NO DATA 2.19E-On NO DATA 3.60E-05 W 187 9.03E-07 6.2dt-01 2.L7E-0F NO 04tA NO DATA NO DATA 1.69E-05 NP231 1.ltE-08 9.93E.10 5. 61 E -10 NO DATA 1.98E.09 NO DATA 2.8FE-05 l

l i


s )

l l

. $1 . J i

OM12D: ODCM s/ Page : 64 Rev. : 2 Table 3.2-14 Annual Usage Factors for the Maximum Exposed Individual Pathway In f t.n t Child Toen Adult l

Fruits, vegetables &

grain (kg/yr)* --

520 630 520 Leafy vegetables (kg/yr) --

26 42 64 l

!! ilk ( 1/yr) 330 330 400 310 l

l Meat & poultry (kg/yr) --

41 65 110 l Inhalation (m /yr) 1400 3700 8000 8000

  • Consists of the following (on a mass basis): 22% fruit. 54% vcatables I

g (including leafy vegetables), and 24% grain.

l b l ..

Tabic 3.2-15 Annual Usage Factors for the Average Individual Calculations l Pathway Child Teen Adult Fruits, vegetables, &

grain (kg/yr)* 200 240 190 i

Milk ( 1/yr) 170 200  !!O Meat & poultry (kg/yr) 37 59 95 Inhalation (m /yr) 3700 8000 8000 l


  • Consists of the following (on a mass basis): 22% fruit. 54% vegetables

[ (including Icafy vegetables), and 24% grain.



Figure 3.2-1 m PNPP Site Boundary and Unrestricted Area q

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UNRESTRICTED AREA t - - - - - - -


(7) OM12D: ODCM Page : 66 Rev. : 2 l

l 3.3 Compliance With 10CFR50 Appendix I - Caseous Effluent Dose Doses resulting from the release of noble gases, radiolodines,

( tritium and radionuclides in particulate form must be calcualted to l

show compliance with Appendix 1 of 10CFR50. The calculations will l be performed monthly for all gaseous effluents.

l 3.3.1 Noble CasesSection II.B.1 of Appendix I of 10CFR50 11mits the releases of gaseous effluents from each reactor to unrestricted areas such

that the estimated annual gamma air dose is limited to l 10 millirads and the beta air dose is limited to 20 millirada.

l The external dose pathway only will be c,nsidered for noble gases. The controlling location for the above stated dose limits is the site boundary location with the highest relative dispersion factor (X/Q) for the period of release.

PNPP Technical Specifications limit the dose resulting from the release of noble gas radionuclides in gaseous effluents to the following:

1 I

O V a. For garnma radiation, during any calendar quarter:

Dg 5 5 mrada,

b. For beta radiation, during any calendar quarter:

D 5 10 arrads,

c. For gamma radiation, during any calendar year:

Dair $ 10 mrads,

d. For beta radiation. during any calendar year Da ,r 5 20 m7agg,



67 Rev. : 2 l
3.3.2 Radioiodines, Particulates, and Other Radionuclides

( Section II.C of Appendix I of 10CFR50 limits the release of radiciodines and radioactive materials in particulate form from each reactor such that estimated dose or dose commitment to an individual in an unrestricted area f rom all pathways of exposure is not in excess of 15 mrem to any organ. The controlling location for this organ dose limit is a function

! of the noble gas controlling location, i.e., the location of the highest relative deposition (D/Q) for the period of release, as well as the actual receptor pathway. The receptor pathway locations will be reviewed once per year following the performance of the Land Use Census to include consideration of residences in each sector, and garden and farm animal locations.

PNPP Technical Specifications limit the dose renultant from the release of iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days to the following:

a. During any calendar quarter: dose to any organ 5 7.5 mrems y an ,
b. During any calendar year: dose to any organ 5 15 mrems.

3.3.3 Dose Calculations The following calculations are used to calculate gamma and beta air doses resultant from noble gas relcanes to areas at or beyond the site boundary for purpose of showing compliance with 10CFR50 Appendix 1. The equations used to calculate organ doses resultant from the release of iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days are those found in Section 3.2.3. The dose rate obtained is integrated over the appropriate surveillance or sampling time period.



%) Page : 68 Fev. : 2

a. Gamma Air Dose from Noble Gas Releases D g = 3.15 x 10
  • X/Q
  • Qg DF (3.3-1) k'here:


= the annual gamma air dose due to noble gas radionuclides. in mrad /yr; DF = the gamma air dose f actor for a uniform semi-infinite cloud of rgdlonuclide i, from Table 3.3-1, in (mrad

  • m )/(Ci
  • s);

Q = the release rate of radionuclide i, in uCi/s; 1

X/Q = the normal telative dispersion factor, in s/m ;

I 3.15 x 10 = the conversion factor to convert (mrad

  • uC1)/(Ci
  • a) to erad/yr.
b. Beta Air dose from Noble Gas Releases D h = 3.15 x 10'
  • X/Q * {Q{DFf i

i k'he re :

DO = the annual beta air dose due to nsble gas air radionuclides, in mrad /yr; ,


= the beta air dose factor for a uniform semi-l dionuclide 1 from Table infinite 3.3-1, inclo'id (mradof* r3)/(Ci m

  • s);
  • Q g = the release rate of radionuclide i, in uCi/s; X/Q = the normal relative dispersion factor, in s/m ;

I l 3.15 x 10 = the conversion factor to convert (mrad

  • uC1)/(Ci
  • s) to mrad /yr.

l 3.3.4 Cumulation of Doses The dose contribution from gaseous effluents will be t calculated at least monthly. Calculations will be performed to determine the maximum air done as well ns the maximum organ dose to an individual. These dose eniculations will be summed

\ for comparinon with quarterly and annual limits. Monthly l results should be added to the doses cumulated from other

i l

l h

l l OM12D: ODCM l Page : 69

! Rev. : 2 months in the quarter of interest and in the year of interest.

To assure compliance with 10CFR50 Appendix 1 the dose 11mits for air dose and organ dose are those found in Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 respectively. The quarterly limits specified in those sections represe.nt' one half of the annual design objectives. If these limits are exceeded, a special report ..

l will be submitted to the NRC in accordance with PNPP Technical Specifications. -

3.3.5 Projection of Doses Doses resulting from the release of gaseous effluents will be projected monthly. The doses calculated for the present month j

will be used as the projected doses unicas information exists

indicating that actual releases could differ significantly in l the next cionth. In this case the source term should be i adjusted to reflect this information and the justifcation for the adjustment noted. If the sum of the projected doses for the 31-day period exceeds 0.3 mrem to any organ, appropriate portions of the ventilation exhaust treatment system will be I

operated to reduce releases. The values for the projected

, impact correspond to about one forty-eighth of the Appendix 1 limits. If continued for a year, these values would correspond to less than one-fourth of the Appendix I Ifmits.


3.4 Population Dose As required by Regulatory Guide 1.21, for Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Reporting, a population dose will be calculated for the doses received resultant of all gaseous effluent releases.

The population dose will be computed, taking into account geographically population distribution and pathway using the l equations in Section 3.2. However, the done factors. DF differ. Thepopulationdosefactorsarecalculatedina"mdEn,er similar to that used for individuals except that Regulatory Guide

, 1.109 Revision I assumptions for average individuals are used l

rather than for maximum exposed individuals and they are averaged over all age groups af ter weighting by the fraction of population in each age group.

l I


( OM12D: ODCM Page : 70 Rev. : 2 Figure 3.3 Gamma and Beta Air Dose Factors for Semi-Infinite Plume mrad

  • m Ci
  • a B

Nuclide F ,

D_F g Ar-41 2.95+2 1.04+2 Kr-83m 6.12-1 9.13+0 Kr-85m 3.90+1 6.24+1 Kr-85 5.45-1 6.18+1 Kr-87 1.96+2 3.27+2 Kr-88 4.82+2 9.29+1 Kr-89 5.48+2 3.36+2 Kr-90 5.14+2 2.48+2 Xc-131m 4.95+0 3.53+1 Xc-133m 1.04+1 4.69+1 Xe-133 1.12+1 3.33+1 Xe-135m 1.07+2 2.34+1 O, Xe-135 6.09+1 7.80+1 Xc-137 4.79+1 4.03+2 Xc- 138 2.92+2 1.51+2 O

l k

r OM12D: ODCM Page : 71 Rev. : 2 4.0 TOTAL DOSE 4.1 Compliance With 40CFR190 - Uranium Fuel Cycle Dose i

l Annual dose contributions from liquid and gaseous effluent l releases, as discussed in Sections 2.3.2 and 3.3.4, are summed to l evaluate compliance with the 40CFRl90 annual limit of 25 mrem total

( body or any organ (except the thyroid which is 75 mrem).

PNPP does not intend to exceed 40 CFR190 limits during normal operation. However, if such a situation should occur, violations i

would be handed as per Technical Specification 3/4.11.4a. which l require the following:

l With the calculated doses f ron the release of radioactive materials

in liquid or gaseous effluents exceeding twice the limits of Specification,,,,, or 3.II.2.3b., calculations shall be made including direct radiation contributions from the reactor units and from outside storage tanks to determine whether the above ilmits of Specification 3.11.4 have been exceeded. If such is the case.

l /N prepare and submit to thf Commission within 30 days, pursuant to j h Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report that defines the corrective l action to be taken to reduce subsequent re1 cases to prevent recurrence of exceeding the above limits and includes the schedule for achieving conformance with the above limits. This Special Report, as defined in 10 CFR 20.405c, shall include an analysis that estimates the radiation exposure (dose) to a MEMBER OF THE l PUBLIC from uranium fuct cycle sources, including all effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the calendar year that includes the release (s) covered by this report. It shall also describe levels of radiation and concentratiosn of radioactive material involved, and the cause of the exposure levels or concentrations.

If the estimated dose (s) exceeds the above limits, and if the release condition resulting in violation of 40 CFR Part 190 has not alredy been corrected, the Specini P,eport shall include a request for a variance in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 190. Submittal of the report is considered a timely request, and a variance is granted until staff action on the request is complete.

This Special Report shall contain:

l 1. A determination of which fuel cycle facilities or operations, in addition to the nucicar power reactor unit (s) at the site, contribute to the annual dose to the maximum exposed individu-l al. Nuclear fuel facilitics over five miles from PNPP need l p not be connidered in this determination.


2. A determination of the maximum exposed individual.

i l


1 O

V OM12D: ODCM l Page : 72 Rev. : 2 l

l 3. A determination of the total annual dose to this person from l all existing pathways and sources of radioactive ef fluents and

! direct radiation using the methodologies described in this

ODCM. Where additional information on pathways and nuclides l 1s needed, the best availabic information will be used and I


4. A determination of the dose resulting from direct radiation from the plant and stotage facilitica.

l The total body and organ doses resulting from liqufd effluents from the PNPP will be surmed with the doses resulting from gaseous releases of noble gases, radioiodines, and particulates. These doses will be based upon releases from the PNPP during the past 3 quarters and from the quarter in which twice the specification was exceeded. The doses from the FNPP will be summed with the doses to the maximum exposed individual contributed from other operations of the uranium fuel cycle.

4.2 Direct Radiation Dose From PNPP q Potential direct radiation dose to individuals outside PNPP will b arise from (a) skyshine and direct dose from the turbines, (b) direct dose from the external surf aces of buildings, and (c) direct dose from stored radwaste.

Coolant activation by high energy neutrons, the 016 (n.p)N 0 reaction,isofinterestinBWRsgecauseitcanresult in turbine skyshine and direct dose. The N present in the steam of a direct cycle BWR is carried with the steam into the turbine moisture separatorsgand associated equipment of the secondary cycle.

Although N has a 7.13 second half-life, its gamma emission can present a radiation dose problem to the site boundary an a result of the high energy gamma scatter from structures and the atmosphere.

All external walls of buildings at PNPP have been designed to attenuate radiation sources from within the plant to maximum of 0.5 mrem /h outside, vf th an expected radiation dose of 0.25 mrem /h.

Direct radiation dose analysen for normal operations, were performed based on 80% load factor and 100% occupancy at the closest nice boundary location WSW sector. Direct dono from turbine skyshine was calculated to be 1.3 mrom/yr and direct dose frq the surface of buildings was calculated to ho 2.2 x 10 mrem /yr.

O Direct radiation doses at PNPP will be measured by self-contained dostmeters encircling the site located in the general area of the site boundary. These solf-contained dosimeters will he of the


! \

Page : 73

2 l

l thermoluminescent variety (TLDs) with analyses performed quarterly and annually.

5.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM 5.1 Monitoring Program l Environmental samples shall be collected and analyzed according to l Table 5.1-1 at locations shown in Figures 5.1-1 and 5.1-2. Table 5.1-4 describes sample locations. associated media, and approxinate distances and directionn from the site. Analytical techniques used shall ensure that the detection capabilities in Table 5.1-3 are achieved.

Cround water sampling will not be conducted as part of PNPP's REMP because this source is not tapped for drinking or irrigation purposes in the area of the plant and the hydraulic gradient is not suitable for useful groundwater contamination. The position of the plant and the underdrain system with respect to the hydraulic gradient is such that any leakage or overflow from the underdrain system will flow north towards Lake Eric. Local domestic wells q outside the exclusion area boundary are up-gradient from the plant.

l Q As part of the REMP, samples will be routinely collected from the closest potabic water intakes on Lake Erie.

l. -

The results of the radiological environmental monitoring program are intended to supplement the results of the radiological effluent monitoring by verifying that the measurable concentrations of j radioactive materials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected on the basis of the effluent measurementa and modeling of the environmental exposure pathways. Thus, the specifLed environmental monitoring program provides measurements of radiation and of radioactive renterials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides which lead to the highest potential radiation exposures of individuals resulting from the station operation. The initial radiological environmental monitoring program should bc l conducted for the first three years of commercial operation; following this period, progran changes may be proposed based on operational experience.  !


Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if ,

specimens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, malfunction of automatic sampling equipment and other legitimate reasons. If specimens are unobtainable due to sampling equipment malfunction, every reasonable effort shall be made to complete corrective action prior to the end of the next sampling period. All deviations from the sampling schedule shall be documented in the anrunt report.


O OM12D: ODCM Page : 74 Rev. : 2 5.2 Land Use census Program A land use census will be conducted annually to identify, within a distance of 8 km (5 miles), the location in each of the 16 meteorological sgetors of the nearest vegetable garden greater than 50m j (500 ftresidgnce, the nearest

) producing broad leaf vegetation and the nearest milk producing animal in each of the 22

  • meteorological sectors within a distance of five miles.

If a land use census identifies a location (s) that yicids a calculated done or dose commitment (via the same exposure pathway) 207. greater than at the location from which sampics are currently being obtained the new location (s) trill be added to the radiological environmental monitoring prooram within 30 days. The sampling location (s), excluding the coatrol station location, having the lowest calculated dose or fose commitment (c), via the same exposure pathway, may be deleted from this monitoring program after October 31 of the year in which this land use'cersus was conducted. Any location from which milk can no longer he obtained may be dropped from the surveillance program after notifying the NRC in writing that they are no longer obtainable at that location.

O V The land use census shall be conducted during the growing season at least once per 12 months calendar year using that information that will provide the best results, such as by a doorne-door survey, aerial survey, general observations, or by consulting local agriculture authorities. The results of the land census shall be included in the Annual Radiological Environmer.tal Operating Report.

5.3 Inter Laboratory Comparison Program The laboratories of the licensee and/or licensee's contractors which perform analyses shall participue in the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory Intercomparisons Studies (Crosscheck) Program or equivalent program. This participation shall include all of the determinations (sample medium-radionuclide combination) that are offered by EPA and that also are included in the monitoring program. The results of analysis of these crosscheck samples shall be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.

Broad Icaf vegetation sampling of at 1 cast three different types of vegetation may be performed at the site boundary in each of two different sectors with the highest predicted D/Qs in lieu of the garden census. Specifications for broad Icaf vegetation sampling in Tabic 5.1-1 shall be followed, g including analysis of control nampics.

! ) Ott l 2D: ODCM Page : 75 Rev. : 2 If the results of a determination in the EPA crosscheck program (or equivalent program) are outside the specified control l'imits, the laboratory shall investigate the cause of the problem and take steps to correct it. The results of this investigation and corrective action shall be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.

i s

f I

l l

I n


O O O NF@ggg Table 5.1-1 PNPP Radiological Environmental Mcnitoring Program Analysis Sample Media Locations

  • Sampling Frequency Type Frequency Airborne radioiodine 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 35 Continuous sampler operation Radioiodine Weekly following and with collection weekly or as I-131 l canister change particulates required by dust loading, Particulates Weekly following ga) l loading, whichever is mere Gross Beta filter change frequent -

Gamma Isotopic Composite, by I location quarterly Direct Radiation At each airborne Cont.tnuous sampling, one TLD Gamma Dose Quarterly (3 TLDs/ location) monitoring location exchanged quarterly 1 through 24, 35, Continuous sampling, one TLD Gamma Dose Annually 41, 42, 43, 45 exchanged annually Continuous sampling, one TLD Camma Dose Quarterly or exchanged quarterly or under emergency under emergency situations situations Waterborne Composite ( 11 'l Composite, by surface g) 28, 34 l location, quarterly drinking 36, 37 Cross Beta Monthly l Gamma Isotopic Monthly Sediment from 25, 26, 27, 32 Semiannually -- Spring and Gamma Isotopic Semiannually shoreline Fall as weather permits l

See footnotes at end of table. }jd 2 y N



Table 5.1-1 (Cont.)

PNPP Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Analysis Sample Media Locations

  • Sampling Frequency Type Frequency Ingestg 30, 31, 33 Monthly when animals are not 1-131, Monthly l Milk on pasture Gamma Isotopic 30, 31, 33 Semimonthly when animals are I-131, Semimonthly l on pasture Gamma Isotopic Fish 25, 32 Semiannually -- Spring and Gamma Semiannually Faflasweatherpermits Isotopic (edible portion)

Food Products -

Human Consumption 38, 39 Monthly during growing season I-131, Monthly during l Gamma growing season Isotopic I-131, Animal Consumption 30, 31, 33 Annually, location determined by Gamma Isotopic Annually l annual milk - animal and garden census Sampling locations were selected on the basis of Iccal ecology, meteorology, physical charactizations of the region, and demographic and land use features of the site vicinity. Other factors considered were applicable regulatory guidelines (Appendix I to 10CFR50, Regulatory Guides 4.1, 4.2, and 4.8), population distribution (from environmental report), ease of access to sampling stations, security, future program integrity (e.g., not placing TLD's near areas under construction or where the potential for vandalism is high, and the NRC Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position on radiological environmental monitoring as revised in Revision 1, November 1979 (reference 1). In addition, certain locations where PNPP operations are unlikely to affect levels of radiation or radioactivity were selected as control locations. y?@


.. . ?


O O O Footnotes to Table 5.1-1 (Cont.)

(a) Particulate sample filters will be analyzed for gross beta 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or more after sampling to allow for radon and thoron daughter decay.

(b) Gamma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma-emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluents from the facility. If gross beta activity in air or water is greater than ten 1

times the mean of control samples for any medium, gamma isotopic analysis will be performed on the individual samples.

-(c) Composite samples will be collected with equipment that is capable of collecting an aliquot at time intervals '

a that are very short (e.g., hourly) relative to the.compositing period (e.g., monthly).

(d) Biweekly (2 week period) I-131 analysis on each composite is to be performed shen the dose calculated from the consumption of water is greater than 1 mrem / year (using ODCM methodology for maximum organ and age group).

(e) When milk sampling is not performed, samples of three kinds of broad leaf vegetation grown nearest each of the two different offsite locations of highest predicted annual average ground level D/Q and one sample of each of similar broad leaf vegetation grown 15 to 30 km distant in the least prevalent wind direction


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P .O\ \

V ) .NJ Table 5.1-2 .

Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations in Environmental Samples WATER AIRBORNEPARTICULgTE FISH MILK FOOD PRODUCTS ANALYSIS (pCi/1) OR, CASES (pCi/m ) (pCi/kg, wet) (pCi/1) (pC1/kg, wet) 2 x 10 4f*)

H-3 3 0 Mn-54 1 x 10 3 x 10 Fe-59 4 x 10 1 x 10 3

co-58 1 x 10 3 x 10 2

Co-60 3 x 10 1 x 10 2 4 Zn-65 3 x 10 2 x 10 2

Zr-Nb-95 4 x 10 2

1-131 2 0.9 3 1 x 10 Cs-134 30 10 1 x 10 60- 1 x 10 3 3 Cs-137 50 20 2 x 10 70 2 x 10 2

Ba-La-140 2 x 10 3 x 10 2 (a) For drinking water samples. The value given is the 40CFR 141 value.

i E2k


. . . . .?

"a8 9-

... . . .v Table 5.1-3 Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample Analysis and (*} (} '

Lower Limit of Detection (LLD)

WATER AIRBORNEPARTICULgTE FISH MILK FOOD PRODUCTS SEDIMENT l ANALYSIS ("} (pCi/L) OR CASES (pCi/m ) (pCi/kg, vet) (pCi/L) (pCi/kg, wet) (pCi/kg, dry)

-2 Gross Beta 4 1 x 10 H-3 2000(d) ,

Mn-54 15 130 Fe-59 30 260 co-58, 60 15 130 2n-65 30 260 Nb-95 30 Zr-95 15

-2 I-131 1(*) 7 x 10 1 60 l Cs-134 15 5 x 10- 130 15 60 150 Cs-137 18 6 x 10~ 150 18 80 180 Ba-140 60 60 1

La-140 15 15

? 9: ;

.. .. ?.


m Table 5.1-3 (Cont.)

Table Notations a

Required detection capabilities for thermoluminescent dosimeters used for environmental measurements shall be in accordance with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 4.13, except for specification negarding energy dependence. Correction factors shall be,provided for energy ranges not meeting the energy dependence speci-fication.


b The methodology for determining the LLD is contained in Appendix B.

c This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be considered. Other peaks that are identifiable,-

together with those of the above nuclides, shall also be analyzed and reported in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Specification For these radionuclides in Technical Specification Table 4.12-1 which are not detected, the typical LLDs for the measurement system will be separately reported in the annual report.

d If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 3000 pCi/l may be used. b

  • If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 15 pCi/l may be used.

N 3

m GsD P

, c;E O b

?% a

"$8 9

O O .,0: .

Table 5.1-4

'NI*@gf Sampling Locations and Media for Environmental Monitoring .

Perry Nuclear Power Plant Location Distance No. Description (Miles) Direction Media 1 Redbird (Haines Road, North of West Chapel Road) 3.4 ENE APT, AI, TLD, On pole 3303609; first pole south of first dr'ivevay of left PR, SO 2 Site Boundary; Tree line 0.7 E TLD, SO Ash tree 1000 feet NNW of second transmission tower from road 3 Meteorological Tower 1.0 SE APT, AI, TLD On fence surrounding the equipment shelter 4 On pole #W79/SPG5-30; inside auxiliary road gate of Parmly Road 0.7 S APT, AI, TLD, SO 5 Site Boundary, Quincy Substation 0.6 SW APT,.AI, TLD On pole #L1283/9300, east side of substation 6 Concord Service Center (Control) . 11.0 SSW APT, AI, TLD, Auburn Road south of Rt. 90; on inside rear fence next to gate PR, SO 7 Site Boundary; Lockwood Road Bus turnaround, on the right, 100 feet 0.6 NE TLD, AIR l past the turnaround on tree with white dot.

8 Site Boundary; Tree Line, behind nursery off Antioch Road, follow 0.8 ENE TLD to end of nursery. On tree near creek with white dot.

9 Site Boundary; Transmission Line Tower 0.7 ESE TLD Third tower from Antioch Road toward the plant 10 South-southeast Corner Security Fence 0.8 SSE TLD  ;

On pole at turn in the fence 11 Transmission Line Tower 0.6 SSW TLD On tower at SW corner of Center and Parmly Roads 12 Site Boundary; Transmission Line Tower 0.6 WSW TLD, PR, SO Access road from N side of Parmly ~just W of location #5 E2S

< v .-

r * *

. . .. U.



.o o /gp O '

.Iable 5.1-4 (Cont.)~ h Sampling Locations and Media for Environmental Monitoring Perry Nuclear Power Plant v Location Distance No. Tescription (Miles) Direction Media (1) 13 Madison-on-the-Lake 4.7 ENE TLD At end of Whitewood Dri.% N of Chapel Road, NW side of turnaround on pv '#835803 14 Hubbard Road (South of North Ridge Road) 4.9 E. TLD, SO On pole #28974.on W side of road, S-side of McMackin Creek 15 Madison Substation (Eagle Street) 5.1 ESE TLD On utility pole inside substation fence 16 Dayton Road (North of Interstate 90) 5.0 SE TLD On pole #572203 on left after dirt driveway which is just after the .charp left on Dayton 17 Chadwick Road (Cul de Sac South of Interstate 90) 5.2 SSE TLD On pole #276222/118Z011; last pole on left 18 Blair Road 5.0 S TLD, SO On pole on lefe just af ter road makes 90 degree lef t curve down hill heading towards river 19 Lane Road and South Ridge Road- 5.3 SSW TLD On pole #PC5648, 100 feet north of intersection 20 Nursery Road at Route 2 Overpass 5.3 SU TLD, SO On pole #828976 across from entrance to Route-2 21 Hardy Road at Painesville Tosnship Park 5.1 WSW TLD On pole #378345, east of park entrance 22 Painesville ~6.9 SW TLD On S side of Main Street across from Evergreen Cemetery on tree with white dot 60 feet west of pole #DBPG296 E'2'@

?% c


"$e 9


INFogygpggg _ y .l Table 5.1-4 (Cont.) p [#L ,

Sampling Locations and Media for Environmental Monitoring U Perry Nuclear Power Plant i

Location Distance No. . Description (Miles) Direction' Media 23 Fairport Harbor (High Street and New Street) 7.9 '

TLD On pole on rear substation facing street 24 St. Clair Ave. Substation (Control) 15.1 SW TLD In Mentor; on rear fence corner near railroad tracks 25 PNPP Discharge 0.6 NNW SED, FSR 26 Offshore at Redbird, vicinity of Ohio Water Service Company Intake 4.2 ENE SED 27 Offshore, vicinity of Fairport Harbor Water Supply System Intake 7.9 WSW SED 1 28 Ashtabula (Control), CEI Cenerating Station Intake 22.0 ENE WTR i -.5 29 Deleted 30 Deleied "-~~-"'~~~

31 Deleted 4, 32 Mentor-on-the-Lake (Control) 15.8 WSW FSR, SED Ar t.

33 Brookglen Farm (Control), Cr'ig e residence, Callow Road, Leroy 10.2 S MLK 34 PNPP Intake 0.7 NW WTR 35 Site Boundary; north of transmission line, next to transformer, 0.6 E APT, AI, TLD

g. follow tree line 2P 36 Painesville Water Supply Intake 3.9 WSW WTR 37 Ohio Water Service Company Pump Station, 4.1 ENE WTR '

Creen Road, Madison 38 Seith Farm, 2861 Antioch Road, 1.1 E FF 0.5 miles from North Ridge Road

  • l" 39 Coldings Farm Stand 1.8 SSW FP 3515 North Ridge Road

' F2E


  • h?


Q xj  %/

Table 5.1-4 (Cont.) ,-

Sampling Locations and Media for Environmental Monitoring ,

Perry Nuclear Power Plant -

Location Distance No. Description (Miles) Direction Media ( }

40 Deleted 41 Clark Road 1.1 SW TLD One-half mile from Center Road. On pole No. 561969, south side of road 42 Parmly Road , 0.8 S TLD One-half mile from Center Road, located on utility pole No. 582923 near southwest corner of plant fence i 43 Parmly Road 1.0 SSE- TLD Approximately 0.6. miles from Center Road next to stream.

Tree with white dot 50 feet from road, left of stream.

44 Deleted 45 Clark Road 0.9 SSW - TLD Approximately 0.2 miles from Center Road on Pole No.

561960, south side of road 46 Deleted l

(1) APT = Air particulate 3 WTR = Water FP = Food Products AI = Air iodine FSH = Fish SO - Soil TLD = Ambient gamma dose rate MLK = Milk PR = Precipitation SED = Sediment E20


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OM12D: ODCM Page : 89 Rev. : 2 O Appendix A AtmospheriafiSPersionandDePO8itionParameters 9


l l


O Page : .90 Rev. : 2

The atmospheric dispersion and deposition parameters used to calculate j gaseous effluent doses' calculated using the following equations.

l Dose calculations will be performed using hourly meteorological and effluent data. All atmospheric releases at PNPP are considered to be ground-level releases.

! a. Constant Mean Wind Direction Relative Dispersion Factor 1

i 2.032 T X/Q = (A-1)

(G) (x) (a)


X/Q = the relative dispersion-factor at ground level, in s/m ;

Tg = the terrain correction factor, from FSAR Table 2.3-26, dimensionless; i

l u = the wind speed (measured at 10m), in m/s;

! x = the distance of calculation, in m; 2.032 ='(2/r)b divided by the width in radians of a 22.5*

sector l'

2 Il q c

l l

a = the lesser of (a +

2w or a *3 Where:

11 = the building height (44.8m); ,

= the vertical dispersion coefficient, per Regulatory "

Cuide 1.111, in m.

b. Depleted Relative Dispersion Factor i

X/Qd = (X/Q)(DEj ) (A-2) l Where:

X/Qd = the depleted relative dispersion f3ctor (for airborne halogens and particulates), in s/m ;

i l



OM12D: ODCM Page : 91 Rev. : 2 DPL 3

= the ground depletion factor for the j th distance, inter-polated from Table A-1, dimensionless; X/Q = the relative dispersion factor, as per equation A-1.

c. Ground Deposition d

D/Q = (A-3) 0.3927 x Where:

D/Q=therelativedeposit{onperunitarea (for halogens and particulates), in m~ ;

th DEP = the ground deposition factor for tge j distance, interpolated from Table A-1, in m ;

T g = terrain correction factor, from FSAR Table 2.3-26, dimensionless; O

\ /

x = the j th distance, in m; 0.3927 = radians per 22b' sector O


O . O CL Table A-1 Atmospheric Depletion and Deposition Factors

! Pasquill Distance (meters)  ;

] Stability .

', Class 200 500 1,000 2,000 3,000- 6,000- 10,000 30,000 50,000 80,000  ;

ls '

Depletion Factors (DPL ) All 0.970 0.936 0.900- 0.860- 0.832 0.770 0.714 0.590 0.517 0.440 i

r 4

j-Deposition Factors (DEP )(m-l) All 1.25E-4 8.0E-5 5.4E-5 3.2E-5 2.6E-5 1.5E-5 9.9E-6 4.5E-6 3.0E-6 2.0E-6 i

1 i

l teel '

Wd J

9 i i ]l

! b -


-2 i


  1. 4 ,

1 F c:ES i rre .

i fi s i . . .v i

Nco n


OM12D: ODCM Page : 93 l Rev. : 2 l

The following tables contain annual average atmospheric dispersion and deposition parameters for long-term releases at PNPP. Long-term releases are those that occur greater than 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> per year. The highest annual average relative concentratien (X/Q) value at the site boundary for sectors overland shall be used for radioactive gaseous effluent monitor setpoint. calculations. The dispersion model used was XDQD0Q. with PNPP FSAR site-specific terrain adjustment factors included. Dispersion values are based on reven years of meteorological data (May 1. 1972 to April 30, 1974 and Septembcr 1, 1977 to August 31, 1982), ground-level releases, sector opread for purge calculations, and twelve wind speed classes.

l l


l l

1 h


r i

i im i.

Q OM12D: ODCM Page : 94 Rev. : 2 l-l Table A-2 Site Boundary Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition Parameters for PNPP Unit 1



N O. 18 5.7E-05 1.6E-07 NNE O.25 1.OE-05 7.9E-08 NE. O.42 5.8E 3.1E-08 ENE O.67 2.1E-06 1.6E-08 E O 67 '2.2E-06 1.8E-08 ESE O.67 1.6E-06 1.3E-08 SE O.'79 1.4E-06 1.1E-08

( SSE O.82 2.2E-06 1.4E-OB I

T S 0.01 2.7E-06 1.6E-08 SSW O.80 1.3E-06 6.8E-09 SW O.65 2.3E-06 1.1E-08 WSW O. 56 4.2E-06 1.J.C 08

. W O.27 2.5E-05 4.6E-08 I WNW O.18 5.9E-05 8.4E-08 NW O.17 6.6E-05 1.~1E-07 NNW O 17 5.9E-05 1: 2E-07 i e-l Table A-3 Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition Parameters at the Nearest Residences for PNPP Unit 1 DISTANCE X/G D/G SECTOR (MILES) (SEC./ CUB. METER) (PER SG. METER)

NE O. 8 2.2E-06 1.1E-08 ENE 1. 0 1.1E-06 8.2E-09 E 1. 2 5.9E-07 4.6E-09 ESE 1. 2 4.4E-07 3.4E-09 SE 1. 2 3.9E-07 2.9E-09 SSE O. 9 1.9E-06 1.2E-08 S 0. 9 2.2E-06 1.3E-08 SSW 1 0 9.5E-07 4.7E-09 SW 1. 2 5.OE-07 2.2E-09 O WSW 1. 1 8.7E-07 2.7E-09

, ,i

.(' OM12D: ODCM Page : 95 Rev. : 2 Table A-4 Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition Parameters at the Nearest Milk Animal Locations for PNPP Unit 1 SECTOR DISTAfJCE' X/G D/O (MILES) (SEC / CUD. METER) (PER SG METER)

SSE 1. 0 1.6E-06 1.OE-08 ESE 1. 3 3.9E-07 3 OE-09 ESE 1. 4 3.5E-07 2 6E-09 SE 1. 5 2-8E-07 2 OE-09 E 2. 0 2.7E-07 1.9E-09 SW 2. 3 1.9E-07 7.2E-10 SSE 2. 6 1.OE-07 5 4E-10 SE 3. 6 7 2E-OS 4 2E-10 Table A-5 Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition Parameters at'the Nearest Carden Locations for PNPP Unit i SECTOR DISTANCE X/G D/G (MILES) (SEC./CUS. METER) (PER SG. METER)

SSE O. 9 1.9E-06 1.2E-08 5 1. 0 1.9E-06 1.1E-08 NE O. 8 2.2E-06 1.1E-08 SE 1. 1 4.5E-07 3.4E-09 ENE 1. 1 6.7E-07 4.SE-09 E 1. 2 5.9E-07 4.6E-09 ESE 1. 2 4.4E-07 3.4E-09 WSLJ 1. 2 7.6E-07 2,3E-09 SW 1. 3 4.4E-07 2.OE-09 SSW 1. 5 3.3E-07 1.SE-09


() OM12D: ODCM Page : 96 Rev. : 2 Table A-6 a

Atmospheric Dispersion (X/Q)3)s (s/m a Function of Distance O. 2 0. 3 O. 4 0. 5 0. 6 SECTOR (MILES) (MILES) . (MILES) (MILES) (MILES)

N 4.904E-05 2.453E-05 1.525E-OS 1.057E-05 7 918E-06 NNE 2.656E-05 1.360E-05 8.640E-06 6.082E-06 4 612E-06 NE 1 859E-05 9 760E-06 6 293E-06 4 460E-06 3.383E-06 ENE 1.327E-05 7.129E-06 4.636E-06 3.293E-06 2.490E-06 E 1.363E-05 7.362E-06 4.760E-06 3 367E-06 2.538E-06 ESE 1.025E-05 5.566E-06 3 602E-06 2.547E-06 1.916E-06 SE 1 113E-05 6.061E-06 3.935E-06 2.788E-06 2.100E-06 SSE 1.894E-05 1.022E-05 6.647E-06 4 718E-06 3 560E-06 5 2.283E-05 1.227E-05 7.932E-06 3 615E-06 4.238E-06 SSW 1.142E-05 6.079E-06 3.925E-06 2.777E-06 2.097E-06 SW 1.449E-05 7.663E-06 4.928E-06 3.479E-06 2 622E-06 WSW 2.151E-05 1.111E-05 7.031E-06 4.934E-06 3.733E-06 fi W 4.184E-05 2.081E-05 1 281E-05 8.833E-06 6.606E-06

\/ WNW 4.669E-05 2.298E-05.1 401E-05 9.573E-06 7.093E-06 NW 4.908E-05 2.423E-05 1.482E-05 1.015E-05 7.521E-06 NNW 4.580E-05 2.266E-05 1. 390E-05 9. 541E-06 7 083E-06 O. 7 0. 8 0. 9 1. 0 1. 1 SECTOR (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES)


N 6.139E-06 4.968E-06 d.203E-06 3.636E-06 1.949E-06 NNE 3.622E-06 2.947E-06 2.481E-06 2.132E-06 1.278E-06 NE 2.662E-06 2.165E-06 1.815E-06 1.352E-06 9.269E-07 ENE 1.957E-06 1.588E-06 1.325E-06 1.129E-06 6.710E-07 E 1.991E-06 1.613E-06 1.343E-06 1.141E-06 6.768E-07 ESE 1.501E-06 1.215E-06 1. 010E-06 8. 371E-07 5. 000E-07 1.647E-06 1.334E-06 1.108E-06 9.402E-07 4.456E-07 SE SSE 2.796E-06 2.266E-06 1.885E-06 1.601E-06 5.524E-07 S 3.327E-06 2.697E-06 2.247E-06 1.911E-06 7.340E-07 SSW 1.646E-06 1.335E-06 1.114E-06 9.486E-07 5.223E-07 SW 2.053E-06 1.664E-06 1.391E-06 1.188E-06 5.667E-07 WSW 2.927E-06 2.380E-06 2.OO2E-06 1.719E-06 8.671E-07 W 5.110E-06 4.135E-06 3.504E-06 3.036E-06 1.630E-06

() WNW NW NNW 5.434E-06 4.378E-06 3.719E-06 3.235E-06 1.845E-06 3.764E-06 4.643E-06 3.941E-06 3.425E-06 1.952E-06 5.439E-06 4.385E-06 3.720E-06 3.230E-06 1.039E-06 i

U OM12D: ODCM Page : 97

Rev. : 2 Table A-6 (Cont.)

a Atmospheric Dispersion (X/Q)3)s (s/m a Function of Distance SECTOR 1, 2 1. 3 1. 4 1. 5 1. 6 (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES)

N 1.729E-06 1.549E-06 1.399E-06 1.273E-06 1.166E-06 NNE 1.128E-06 1.OO6E-06 9.050E-07 8.202E-07 7.485E-07 NE 8.150E-07 7.243E-07 6.494E-07 5 867E-07 5 340E-07 ENE 5.878E-07 5.203E-07 4.652E-07 4- 190E-07 3.803E-07 E 5.917E-07 5.230E-07 4.667E-07 4.197E-07 3.804E-07 ESE 4. 437E-07 3. 919E-0 7 3. 494E-07 3.140E-07 2. 843E-07 SE 3.891E-07 3.406E-07 3.062E-07 2.751E-07 2.491E-07 SSE 4.829E-07 4.267E-07 3.807E-07 3.423E-07 3.102E-07 5 6.424E-07 5.684E-07 5.076E-07 4 569E-07 4.145E-07 SSW 4.576E-07 4. 054E-07 3. 624E-07 3. 266E-07 2 965E-07 SW 4 976E-07 4.417E-07 3.955E-07 3.570E-07 3.246E-07 WSW 7.648E-07 6.814E-07, 6.125E-07 5.547E-07 5.060E-07 W 1.44SE-06 1.299E-06 1.175E-06 1.070E-06 9.809E-07

-\_p/ WMW 1.644E-06 1.479E-06 1.341E-06 1.224E-06 1.124E-06 NW 1.733E-06 1.563E-06 1.416E-06-1.292E-06 1.186E-06 NNW 1.637E-06 1.471E-06 1.332E-06 1.214E-06 1.115E-06 4

SECTOR 1, 7 ' 1. 8 1. 9 2. 0 2. 1 (MILES) (MILES). (MILES) (MILES) ' ( M ILES )

i N 1.074E-06 9.931E-07 9.226E-07 8.604E-07 0.052E-07 NNE 6.867E-07 6.331E-07 5.864E-07 5.453E-07 5.090E-07 NE 4.886E-07 4.494E-07 4.153E-07 3.854E-07 3.263E-07 ENE 3.471E-07 3.184E-07 2.936E-07 2.718E-07 2 526E-07 E 3.467E-07 3.177E-07 2.925E-07 2.705E-07 2.283E-07 ESE 2.590E-07 2.371E-07 2.182E-07 2.017E-07 1.871E-07 SC 2.268E-07 2.076E-07 1.910E-07 1.765E-07 1.637E-07 SSE 2.827E-07 2.590E-07 2.384E-07 2.205E-07 1.407E-07 5 3.780E-07 3.466E-07 3.194E-07 2.955E-07 1.373E-07 SSW 2.706E-07 2.484E-07 2.290E-07 2.121E-07 1.409E-07 SW 2.968E-07 2.727E-07 2.518E-07 2.335E-07 2.173E-07

WSW 4.639E-07 4.275E-07 3.957E-07 3.678E-07 5.303E-07 W 9.037E-07 8.365E-07 7.777E-07 7 258E-07 1.050E-06 O

WNW NW 1 038E-06 9.622E-07 8.960E-07 8.375E-07 1.142E-06 1.095E-06 1.015E-06 9.445E-07 8.826E-07 8.275E-07 NNu 1.028E-06 9.527E-07 8.865E-07 8 281E-07 7.761E-07 I .

_ _ _ _ - - - _ _ . . _ _ _- ~ - _ _ _ _ . - --. _ _ . _ _ -._ _

A h V) f OM12D: ODCM Page : 98 Rev. : 2 Table A-6 (Cont.)

a Atmospheric Dispersion (s/m (X/Q)3)s a Function of Distance SECTOR 2. 2 2. 3 2. 4 2. 5 2. 6 (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES)

N 7.560E-07 7.118E-07 6.720E-07 6.359E-07 6.033E-07 NNE 4.766E-07 4.477E-07 4.217E-07 3.982E-07 3.770E-07 NF 3. 050E-07 2. 859E-07 2. 68SE-07 2. 534E.-07 2. 395E-07 ENE 2.356E-07 2.205E-07. 2.069E-07 1.947E-07 1.837E-07 E 2.127E-07 1.988E-07 1. 864E-07 1. 752E-07 1.652E-07 ESE 1.743E-07 1.628E-07 1.525E-07 1.433E-07 1.351E-07 SE 1.524E-07 1.424E-07 1.334E-07 1.253E-07 1.181E-07 SSE 1:311E-07 1.225E-07 1.149E-07 1.080E-07 1.018E-07 5 1.200E-07 1.197E-07 1.123E-07 1.056E-07 9.963E-08 SSW 1 314E-07 1.230E-07 1.154E-07 1.087E-07 1.025E-07 SW 2.030E-07 1.902E-07 1.787E-07 1.683E-07 1.590E-07 A WSW 4.964E-07 4.661E-07 4.388E-07 4.142E-07 3.920E-07 W 9.867E-07 9.296E-07 8.780E-07 8.313E-07 7.891E-07 Wr.".J 1.075E-06 1.014E-06 9.387E-07 9.088E-07 8.63eE-07 NW 7.782E-07 7.339E-07 6.939E-07 6 576E-07 6.247E-07 NrJW 7.297E-07 6.879E-07 6.502E-07 6.161E-07 5.852E-07 SECTOR 2. 7 2. 8 2. 9 3. 0 3.1 (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES)

N 3.734E-07 5.460E-07 5.208E-07 4.976E-07 4.762E-07 NNE ').576E-07 3.398E-07 3.235E-07 3.086E-07 2.948E-07 NE 2.268E-07 2.152E-07 2.046E-07 1.949E-07 1.859E-07 ENE 1.737E-07 1.645E-07 1.562E-07 1.485E-07 1.415E-07 E 1.560E-07 1.477E-07 1.401E-07 1.331E-07 1.267E-07 ESE 1.275E-07 1.207E-07 1.144E-07 1.087E-07 9.399E-08 SE 1.115E-07 1.054E-07 9.996E-08 9.493E-08 9.031E-08 SSE 9.613E-08 9.099E-08 8.630E-08 8.2OOE-08 7.805E-08 S 9.415E-08 8.917E-08 8.462E-08 8.044E-08 7.661E-08 SSid 9.697E-08 9.189E-08 8.725E-08 8 299E-08 7.907E-08 SW 1.505E-07 1.428E-07 1.357E-07 1.291E-07 1.231E-07 WStJ 3.716E-07 3.531E-07 3.360E-07 3.204E-07 2 520E-07 i W 7.503E-07 7.147E-07 6.820E-07 6.519E-07 5.874E-07 d WNN 8.220E-07 7.838E-07 7.487E-07 7.164E-07 7.722E-07.

NtJ 5.945E-07 5.668E-07 5.413E-07 5 178E-07 5.*12E-07 NNW 3.567E-07 5.307E-07 5.067E-07 4.846E-07 4 642E-07 t _ _ -

r .

OM12D: ODCM Page : 99 Rev. : 2 Table A-6 (Cont.)

a Atmospheric Dispersion (s/m (X/Q)3)s a Function of Distance SECTOR 3. 2 3. 3 3. 4 3. 5 3. 6 (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES)

N 4.563E-07 4.379E-07 4.20SE-07 4 047E-07 3 899E-07 NNE 2.820E-07 2.702E-07 2.592E-07.2.489E-07 2 395E-07 NE 1 777E-07 1.700E-07 1.629E-07 1.562E-07 1 301E-07 ENE 1.350E-07 1.290E-07 1.234E-07 1.182E-07 1.135E-07 E 1.208E-07 1.154E-07 1.103E-07 1.056E-07 1.013E-07

.ESE 8. 958E-08 8. 550E-08 8.173E-08 7. 821E-08 7: 499E-08 SE 8.606E-08 8.213E-08 7.849E-08 7.51QE-08 7 2OOE-08 SSE 7.441E-08 7.105E-08 6.794E-08 6.503E-08 6 237E-08 S 7.307E-OS 6.980E-08 6.678E-08 6.395E-08 6.136E-08 55:4 7.546E-08 7.212E-08 6.902E-08 6.613E-08 6 348E-08 SW 1.176E-07 1.12SE-07 1.077E-07 1,033E-07 9.922E-08 WSW 2.410E-07 2.308E-07 2.214E-07 2.125E-07 2.044E-07 u 5.631E-07 5.406E-07 5.196E-07 4.999E-07 4.818E-07 WNW 7.409E-07 7.118E-07 6.848E-07 6.593E-07 6 359E-07

)- MW 5.192E-07 4.987E-07 4.797E-07 4.618E-07 4.454E-07 NNU 4.452E-07 4.276E-07 4.112E-07 3.958E-07 3.817E-07 SECTOR 3. 7 3. 8 3. 9 4. 0 4. 1 (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES)

N 3.759E-07 3.628E-07 3.504E-07 3.388E-07 2.981E-07 NNE 2.336E-07 2.222E-07 2.144E-07 2.070E-07 1.819E-07 NE 1.44<E-07 1.390E-07 1.339E-07 1.292E-07 1.247E-07 ENE 1.090E-07 1.048E-07 1.OO9E-07 9.718E-08 9.373E-08 l E 9.722E-08-9.342E-08 8.987E-08 8 653E-08 8.341E-08 ESE 7.196E-08 6.912E-08 6.647E-08 6.399E-OS 6.166E-08

} SE 6 90BC-08 6.635E-08 6.380E-08 6.140E-08 5.378E-08.

SSE 5 987E-08 5.753E-08 5.533E-08 5.328E-08 5 135E-08 S 5.892E-08 5.664E-08 5.451E-08 5.231E-08 5.063E-08 SSW 6.098E-08 5.865E-08 5.646E-08 5.441E-08 5.248E-08 SW 9.537E-08 9.178E-08 8.841E-08 8.325E-08 8.228E-08 WSW 1.967E-07 1.896E-07 1.828E-07 1.765E-07 1.462E-07 W 4.646E-07 4.485E-07 4.334E-07 4.191E-07 3 043E WNW 6.137E-07 S.929E-07 5.733E-07 5.548E-07 4.180E-07

() NW NNN 4.298E-07 3.682E-07 4.151E-07 3 556E-07 4.013E-07 3.438E-07 3.883E-07 3.761E-07 3.326E-07 2.928E-07 t .. .

t OM12D: ODCM Page : 100 Rev. : 2 l

Table A-6 (Cont.)

a Atmospheric Dispersion (s/m (X/Q)3)s a Function of Distance SECTOR 4, 2 4, 3 .

4. 4 4. 5 4. 6 (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) l N 2.887E-07 2.798E-07 2.714E-07 2 634E-07 2.359E-07 NNE 1.759E-07 1.703E-07 1.650E-07 1.599E-07 1.552E-07 NE 1.205E-07 1.166E-07 1.128E-07 1.093E-07 1.059E-07 ENE 9.047E-08 8.740E-08 8.451E-08 8.176E-08 7.921E-08 E 8.046E-08 7.769E-OO 7.508E-08 7.260E-08 7.03CE-08 ESE 5.946E-08 5.740E-08 5.545E-08 5.361E-08 5.189E-08 SE 5.186E-08 5.OOSE-08 4.835E-08 4.673E-08 4.523E-08 SSE 4.954E-08 4.783E-08 4.622E-OO 4.469E-08 4.327E-08 5 4.886E-08 4.719E-08 4.562E-08 4.413E-08 4.274E-08 l

SSW 3.067E-08 4.896E-08 4.735E-08 4.581E-08 4.439E-08 SN 7.940E-08 7.684E-08 7.435E-08 7.198E-08 6.978E-08 WSW 1.413E-07 1.368E-07 1.325E-07 1 284E-07 1.246E-07

. W 2.948E-07 2.858E-07 2.773E-07 2.691E-07 2.616E-07 Wifu 4.051E-07 3.930E-07 3.815E-07 3.706E-07 3.603E-07 NW 3. 645E-07 3. 336E-07 3. 432E-07 3 333E-07 3. 241E-07 NNW 2. 837E-07 2. 752E-07 2. 671E-07 2. 593E-07 2. 521E-07 SECTOR 4. 7 4. 8 4. 9 5. 0 (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES)

N 2.487E-07 2.419E-07 2.354E-07 2.292E-07 NNE 1.507E-07 1.464E-07 1.423E-07 1.384E-07 NE 1.028E-07 9.975E-08 9.689E-08 9.416E-08 ENE 7.676E-08 7.443E-08 7.223E-OO 7.014E-08

. E 6.809E-08 6.600E-08 6.402E-08 6.214E-OB ESE 5.025E-08 4.869E-08 4.722E-08 4.582E-08 SE 4.379E-08 4.244E-08 4.115E-08 3 992E-08 SSE 4.191E-08 4.063E-08 3.941E-OO 3 825E-08 S 4.141E-08 4.015E-08 3.896E-08 3.782E-08 SSW 4.302E-08 4.173E-08 4.05CE-08 3 934E-08 Su 6.767E-08 6.367E-08 6.377E-OO 6 196E-08 WSU 1.210E-07 1.175E-07 1.142E-07 1.110E-07 N 2.543E-07 2.474E-07 2.408E-07 2 345E-07

(, WNW 3.505E-07 3.411E-07 3.322E-07 3 237E-07 NW 3.152E-07 3 068E-07 2.987E-07 2 910E-07 NNW 2 452E-07 2 386E-07 2 323E-07 2 263E-07

OH12D: ODCM Page : 101 Rev. : 2 Table A-7 Atmospheric Deposition (D/Q),as a Function of Distance (m)

SECTOR O. 2 O. 3 . O. 4 0. 5 O. 6 (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES)

N 1.396E-07 7.578E-08 4.836E-08 3 383E-02 2.516E-08 NNE 1.107E-07 6.OO8E-08 3.834E-08 2 682E-08 1.995E-08 NE 9.733E-08 5.284E-08 3.372E-08 2.359E-08 1.755E-08 ENE 1.067E-07 5.795E-08 3.698E-08 2 587E-08 1.924E-08 E 1.184E-07 6.429E-08 4.103E-08 2.870E-08 2.135E-08 ESE 8.865E-08'4.813E-08 3.071E-08 2.149E-08 1.598E-08 SE 9.402E-08 5.105E-08 3.258E-08 2.279E-08 1.695E-08 SSE 1.338E-07 7.266E-08 4.637E-08 3.244E-08 2.413E-08 ,

S 1.429E-07 7.757E-08 4.951E-08 3.463E-08 2.576E-08 SSN 6.094E-08 3.309E-08 2.111E-08 1.477E-08 1.099E-08 SW 7.267E-08 3.945E-08 2.518E-08 1.761E-08 1.310E-08 WSW 7.117E-08 3.864E-08 2.466E-08 1.725E-08 1.283E-08 W 7.129E-08 3.870E-08 2.470E-08 1.728E-08 1.285E-08

\ WNW 6.970E-08 3.784E-08 2.415E-08 1.689E-08 1.256E-08 NLJ 8 904E-08 4.834E-08 3.085E-08 2.138E-08 1.605E-08 NNW 9.623E-08 5.225E-08 3.334E-08.2.332E-08 1.735E-08 SECTOR O. 7 O. 8 0. 9 1. 0 1. 1 6 (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES)

N 1.954E-08 1.560E-OP 1.277E-08 1.068E-08 5.345E-09 l NNE 1.349E-08 1.237E-08 1.013E-08 8.465E-09 4.945E-09 l

NE 1.362E-08 1.088E-08 8.907E-09 7.445E-09 4.350E-09 ENE 1.494E-08 1.193E-08 9.768E-09 8.164E-09 4.770E-09 E 1.658E-08 1.323E-08 1.084E-08 9.058E-09 5.292E-09 ESE 1.241E-08 9.905E-09 8.112E-09 6.781E-09 3.961E-09 SE 1.316E-08 1.051E-08 8.605E-09 7.192E-09 3.361E-09 SSE 1.874E-08 1.496E-08 1.22SE-08 1.024E-08 3.480E-09 S 2.030E-08 1.597E-08 1.308E-08 1.093E-08 4.128E-09 SSW 8.531E-09 6.810E-09 5.577E-09 4.662E-09 2.521E-09

[ SW 1.017E-08 8.120E-09 6.651E-09 5.559E-09 2.598E-09 WSW 9.963E-09 7.953E-09 6.513E-09 5.444E-09 2.678E-09 W 9.980E-09 7.966E-09 6.524E-09 5.453E-09 2.832E-09

-WNW 9.757E-09 7.788E-09 6 379E-09 5.332E-09 2.932E-09 O NW NNW 1.246E-08 1 347E-08 9.949E-09 1.075E-08 8.148E-09 8.807E-09 6.811E-09 7.361E-09 3.745E-09 4.047E-09


(, OM12D: ODCM Page : 102 Rev. : 2 Table A-7 (Cont.)

Atmospheric Deposition (D/Q).,as a Function of Distance


(m ')

SECTOR 1. 2 1. 3 . 1. 4 1. 5 1. 6 (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES)

N 4.777E-09 4.163E-09 3.664E-09 3.252E-09 2.910E-09 NNE 4.260E-09 3.713E-09 3.268E-09 2.900E-09 2.395E-09 NE 3.747E-09 3.265E-09 2.874E-09 2.551E-09 2.283E-09 ENE 4 109E-09 3.581E-09 3.151E-09-2: 797E-09 2.503E-09 E 4.559E-09 3.973E-09 3.497E-09 3.104E-09 2.777E-09 ESE 3.413E-09 2.974E-09 2 617E-09 2.323E-09 2.079E-09 SE 2.896E-09 2.524E-09 2 221E-09 1.971E-09 1.764E-09 SSE 2.998E-09 2.612E-09 2.299E-09 2.041E-09 1.826E-09 5 3.556E-09 3.099E-09 2.727E-09 2.421E-09 2 166E-09 SSU 2.172E-09 1.892E-09 1.666E-09 1.478E-09 1.323E-09 SW 2.239E-09 1.950E-09 1.717E-09 1.524E-09 1.363E-09 WSu 2.307E-09 2 011E-09 1.770E-09 1.571E-09 1.406E-09 N 2.440E-09 2.126E-09 1.871E-09 1.661E-09 1.486E-09 O.' WNW 2.525E-09 2.201E-09 1.937E-09 1.719E-09 1.338E-09 NW ,

3.226E-09 2.811E-09 2.474E-09 2.196E-09 1.965E-09 NNW 3.487E-09 3.039E-09 2.674E-09 2.374E-09 2.124E-09 SECTOR g,7 1, g 1, 9 2. O 2. 1 (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES)

N 2.619E-09 2.371E-09 2.158E-09 1.973E-09 1.812E-09 NNE 2.336E-09 2.115E-09 1.925E-09 1.760E-09 1.616E-09

.NE 2.053E-09 1.860E-09 1.693E-09 1.548E-09 1.292E-09 ENE 2.253E-09 2.040E-09 1.856E-09 1.697E-09 1.558E-09 E 2.500E-09 2.263E-09 2.059E-09 1.883E-09 1.572E-09 ESE 1.871E-09 1.694E-09 1.542E-09 1.410E-09 1.294E-09 SE 1.589E-09 1.437E-09 1.'308E-09 1.196E-09 1.098E-09 SSE 1.644E-09 1. ~ 488E-09 1.354E-09 1.238E49 7.816E-10 S 1.750E-09 1.765E-09 1.606E-09 1.469E-09 6.743E-10 SSW 1.191E-09 1.078E-09 9.810E-10 8.969E-10 5.883E-10 SW 1.227E-09 1.111E-09 1.011E-09 9.244E-10 8.488E-10 WSW 1.265E-09 1.145E-09 1.042E-09 9.530E-10 1.352E-09 W 1.338E-09 1.211E-09 1.102E-09 1.OO8E-09 1.430E-09 WN*.J 1.385E-09 1.254E-09 1.141E-09 1.043E-09 1.393E-09 NW 1 769E-09'1.601E-09 1.457E-09 1.333E-09 1.223E-09 NNW 1.912E-09 1.731E-09 1 575E-09 1.440E-09 1.322E-09 l



i DU@HK@# @lW l p

(. OM12D: ODCM Page : 103 Rev. : 2 Table A-7 (Cont.)

l Atmospheric Deposition (D/Q).,as a Function of Distance


( (m ')

SECTOR 2. 2 2. 3 2. 4 2. 5 2. 6

-(MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) f4 1.670E-09 1.344E-09 1.433E-09 1.334E-09 1.245E-09 NNF 1.489E-09 1.377E-09 1.278E-09 1.189E-09 1.110E-09 NE 1.191E-09 1.101E-09 1.022E-09 9.511E-10 8.879E-10 ENE 1.436E-09 1.328E-09 1.233E-09.1.147E-09 1.071E-09 E 1.449E-09 1.340E-09 1.243E-09 1.157E-09~1.080E-09 ESE 1.193E-09 1.103E-09 1.024E-09 9.528E-10 8.895E-10 SE 1.012E-09 9.362E-10 8.687E-10 8.085E-10 7.548E-10 SSE 7.204E-10 6.663E-10 6.183E-10 5.754E-10 3.372E-10 i

S 6.215E-10 5.749E-10 5.334E-10 4.964E-10 4.634E-10 SSW 5.422E-10 5.015E-10 4.653E-10 4.331E-10 4cO43E-10 SW 7.823E-10 7.236E-10 6.714E-10 6 249E-10 5.834E-10 WSW 1.246E-09 1.153E-09 1.070E-09 9.956E-10 9.294E-10

(~N W 1.318E-09 1.219E-09 1.131E-09 1.053E-09 9.827E-10

( WNW 1.284E-09 1.188E-09 1.102E-09 1.026E-09 9.575E-10 NW 1.128E-09 1.043E-09 9.678E-10 9.OO7E-10 8.409E-10 NNW 1 219E-09 1.127E-09 1.046E-09 9.735E-10 9.089E-10 i

SECTOR 2. 7 2. 8 2. 9 3. O 3. 1 (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) f4 1.165E-09 1.092E-09 1.026E-09 9.666E-10 9.120E-10 f.NE 1.039E-09 9.742E-10 9.1552-10 8.621E-10 8.134E-10 NE 8.307E-10 7.789E-10 7.320E-10 6.893E-10 6.304E-10 ENE 1.OO2E-09 9.396E-10 8.830E-10 8.315E-10 7.845E-10 E 1.011E-09 9.477E-10 8.906E-10 8.387E-10 7.913E-10 ESE 8.322E-10 7.804E-10 7.334E-10 6.906E-10 5.923E-10 SE 7.061E-10 6.622E-10 6.223E-10 5.860E-10 5.529E-10 SSE* 5.026E-10 4.713E-10 4.429E-10 4.171E-10 3.935E-10 S 4.336E-10 4.066E-10 3.821E-10 3.598E-10 3.395E-10 SSW 3.782E-10 3.547E-10 3.333E-10 3 139E-10 2.961E-10 SW. 3.458E-10 5.118E-10 4.810E-10 4.529E-10 4.273E-10  !

WSW 8.695E-10 8.154E-10 7.663E-10 7.216E-10 3.607E-10 l i W 9.194E-10 8.621E-10 8.102E-10 7.630E-10 6.775E-10 (O/ WfM 8.958E-10 8.400E-10 7.894E-10 7.434E-10 7.890E-10 l NW 7.867E-10 7.377E-10 6.933E-10 6.528E-10 6.719E-10 Nf!W 8.503E-10 7.973E-10 7.493E-10 7.056E-10 6.657E-10


, \s OM12D: ODCM Page : 104 Rev. : 2 Table A-7 (Cont.)

Atmospheric Deposition (D/Q),as a Function of Distance (m ')

. SECTOR 3. 2 3. 3 . 3. 4 3. 5 3. 6 (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES)

N 8.620E-10 8.161E-10 7.739E-10 7.347E-10 6.991E-10 NNE 7.689E-10 7.279E-10 6.902E-10 6.552E-10 6.235E-10 NE 6.147E-10 5.820E-10 5.518E-10 5.239E-10 4.985E-10 ENE 7.415E-10 7.020E-10 6.657E-10 6 320E-10-6.014E-10 E 7.479E-10 7.081E-10 6.714E-10 6 374E-10 6.066E-10 ESE 3.598E-10 5.3OOE-10 5.026E-10 4.771E-10 4.541E-10 SE 5.225E-10 4.947E-10 4.691E-10 4.454E-10 4.238E-10 SSE 3.719E-10 3.521E-10 3.339E-10 3.170E-10 3.016E-10 S 3.209E-10 3.038E-10 2.880E-10 2.735E-10 2.602E-10 SSW 2.799E-10 2.650E-10 2.513E-10 2.386E-10 2.270E-10 Su 4.039E-10 3.824E-10 3.626E-10 3.442E-10 3.276E-10 WSW 3.299E-10 5.017E-10 4.757E-10 4.516E-10 4.298E-10 r~ N 6.403E-10 6.062E-10 5.749E-10 5.458E-10 3.193E-10

( ,g/ WNW 7.457E-10 7.060E-10 6.695E-10 6.356E-10 6.048E-10 NW 6.351E-10 6.013E-10 5.702E-10 5.413E-10 5.151E-10 NNW 6.292E-10 5.957E-10 5.649E-10 3.363E-10 5.103E-10

>a SECTOR 3. 7 3. 8 3. 9 4. 0 4. 1 (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES)

N 6.657E-10 6.347E-10 6.059E-10 5.791E-10 5.036E-10 NNE 5.937E-10 3.661E-10 5.404E-10 5.165E-10 4.492E-10 NE 4.747E-10 4.526E-10 4.321E-10 4.129E-10 3.951E-10 ENE 5.727E-10 5.460E-10 5.212E-10 4.981E-10 4.766E-10 E 5.776E-10 5.507E-10 5 257E-10 5.024E-10 4.807E-10 ESE 4.324E-10 4.122E-10~3.935E-10 3 761E-10 3.598E-10 SE 4. 036E-10 3. 848E-10 3. 673E-10 3. 510E-10 3. 053E-10 SSE 2.872E-10 2.739E-10 2.614E-10 2.498E-10 2.390E-10 S 2 478E-10 2.363E-10 2.255E-10 2.155E-10 2.062E-10 SSW 2.162E-10 2.061E-10 1.968E-10 1.880E-10 1.799E-10 SW 3.119E-10 2.974E-10 2.839E-10 2.713E-10 2.596E-10 WSU 4.093E-10 3.902E-10 3.725E-10 3 560E-10 2.919E-10 i W 4.945E-10 4.715E-10 4.501E-10 4.302E-10 3.087E-10

WNW 3.759E-10 5.491E-10 5.242E-10 5.010E-10 3.728E-10 NW 4.905E-10 4.677E-10 4.464E-10 4 266E-10 4.082E-10 NNW 4.859E-10 4.633E-10 4.423E-10 4.227E-10 3.676E-10


i D

' (V OM12D: ODCM Page : 105 Rev. : 2 Table A-7 (Cont.)

AtmosphericDeposition(D/QyasaFunctionofDistance (m )

SECTOR 4. 2 4. 3 ' . 4. 4 4. 5 4. 6 (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES)

N 4.823E-10 4.624E-10 4.437E-10 4.260E-10 4.097E-10 NNE 4.302E-10 4.124E-10 3.957E-10 3.800E-10 3.654E-10 NE 3.784E-10 3.627E-10 3.480E-10 3.342E-10 3.214E-10 ENE 4.564E-10 4.375E-10 4.19EE-10 4.031E-10 3.877E-10 E 4.603E-10 4.413E-10 4.234E-10 4.066E-10 3.910E-10 ESE 3.446E-10 3c333E-10 3.170E-10 3.044E-10 2.927E-10 SE 2.924E-10 2.803E-10 2.690E-10 2.583E-10 2.484E-10 SSE 2.289E-10 2 195E-10 2.106E-10 2.022E-10 1.944E-10 S 1 975E-10 1.893E-10 1. 817ti.-10 1. 744E- 10 1.677E-10 SStJ 1.723E-10 1.652E-10 1.385E-10 1.522E-10 1.463E-10 SW 2.486E-10 2.333E-10 2.287E-10 2.196E-10 2.112E-10 WSW 2.796E-10 2.690E-10 2.572E-10 2.469E-10 2.375E-10 2.956E-10 2.834E-10 2.719E-10 2.611E-10 2.511E-10

, p)

(^^' WNW W

3.570E-10 3.909E-10 3.422E-10 3.284E-10 3.~153E-10 3.032E-10 3.747E-10 3.596E-10 3.453E-10 3 320E-10

, NW NNW 3.321E-10 3.375E-10 3.239E-10 3 110E-10 2.991E-10 r


4. 7 4. 8 4. 9 5. O (MILES) (MILES) (MILES) (MILES)

N 3.941E-10 3.795E-10 3.656E-10 3.325E-10 NNE 3.515E-10 3.334E-10 3.261E-10 3.144E-10 NE 3.092E-10 2.977E-10 2.868E-10 2.765E-10 ENE 3.729E-10 3.391E-10 3.460E-10 3.336E-10 E 3.762E-10 3.622E-10 3.469E-10 3.364E-10

, ESE 2.816E-10 2.711E-10 2.612E-10 2.519E-10 SE 2.339E-10 2.300E-10 2.216E-10 2.137E-10 SSE 1.871E-10 1.801E-10 1.735E-10 1 673E-10 S 1.614E-10 1.554E-10 1.497E-10 1.443E-10 SSU 1.408E-10 1.355E-10 1.306E-10 1.259E-10 SW 2.031E-10 1.956E-10 1.884E-10 1.817E-10 WSW 2.285E-10 2.199E-10 2.119E-10 2.043E-10

/~ W 2.415E-10 2.326E-10 2.241E-10 2.160E-10

(._.T) WNW 2.917E-10 2.839E-10 2.706E-10 2.609E-10 NW 3.194E-10 3.075E-10 2.963E-10 2.857E-10 NNW 2.877E-10 2.770E-10 2.669E-10 2.573E-10

. OM12D: ODCM Page - 106 Rev. : 2 f


i i,

I 4

i 1

i f

4 l

1 Appendix B Lower Limit of Detection 4

i f

I 4

i 1

k i

O i

I l

. _ _ _ - . ~ .


)' OM12D: ODCM

-Nf'_/ Page : 107 Rev. : 2 r

L The lower limit of detection (LLD) is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will be detected with a 95 percent probability with a 5 percent probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.

For a. measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation) based on grcss beta, gross alpha, liquid scintillation, or other analyses where a background count determined by a separate measurement with no sample (or blank sample) is subtracted from the gross sample count to obtain a net count due to sample activity:

h 3.3 'b \

{f 'b +

l (B-1)


k*s E b/

(C)(E)(V)(Y ) exp (- A A t)


LLD = the "apriori" lower limit of detection, as defined

) above; C = the conversion factor of transformations $cr unit time per uCi or pCi;

, ' E = the detector efficiency; .

r = the background count rate in units of transformations b

per unit time; -

t = the counting time of background; b

t = the counting t1mc of the sample; V = the sample size, in units of mass or; O


'N Offl20: ODCM Page : 108 Rev. : 2 Y" = the fractional radiochemical sample collection or concen-tration yield (when applicable);

6t = for plant effluents, the elapsed time between the midpoint of sample collection and time of counting; for environ-mental samples, the elapsed time between sample collection l (or end of the sample collection period) and . time of counting; A = the radioactive decay constant for the radionuclide in question.

For'the purpose of routine analyses, count times for both the sample (s) and background (s) are equal. This satisfies the given Technical Specifica- '

tion lower limit of detection definition, as the numerator of equation b is the standard deviation of the back-B-1 simplifies to 4.66 S ' " *#

b ground count rate or the count rate of a blank sample as appropriate.

The LLD is defined as an "apriori" (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and_not as an "a posteriori" (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.

For gamma ray spectroscopy analyses (Canberra Spectran - F Version 2):

- L D eXP. (0.69J -t/tq)

(C)(E)(t)(V)(Y )(Y y)

, Where:

LLD = the lower limit of detection, in uCi or pCi per unit mass or volume; a

C = the conversion factor of transformations per unit time

per uCi or pCi;

, E = the detector efficiency for the energy in question;

, t = the data collection (counting) time of sample; t

g = the half-life of the radionuclide in question; 1

l LO i



! ,) Page : 109 Rev. : 2 V = the sample size, in units of mass or volume; Y' = the fractional radiochemical, sample collection, or con-centration yield (when applicable);

Yy= the yield of the gamma ray in question; At = for plant effluents the clapsed time between midpoint of sample collection and time of counting; for environ-mental samples, the elapsed time between sample collec-tion (or end of the sample collection period) and the time of counting; g - the detection limit

=k + 2k (1 + ) (B (B-2a) 3+B)+I+a 2


BI = the number of counts in n background channels below the



peak due to Compton scattering, etc., determined at the same time a photopeak is measured; B2 = the number of counts in the n background channels above the peak; k = an abscissa nf the normal distribution corresponding to confidence level,

= 1.645 at a confidence level of 95%;


. j

. . . - . .~ . . . - - - .


, i. . Page : 110 Rev. : 2 REFERENCES

1. Title 10 " Energy," Chapter 1, Code of Federal Regulations; Part 20, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, January 1, 1984. '


2. Title 10 " Energy " Chapter 1, Code of Federal Regulations; Part

-50; U.S.'Covernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, January'1, 1984.

3. Title 40, " Protection of Environment," Chapter 1, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 190, Federal Register, Vol. 42, Washington, D.C.

20402, January 13, 1977.

4. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, '" Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nucicar Power Plants," USNRC NUPEG-0133, Washington, D.C. 20555, October, 1981.
5. U.S.NuclearRegulatoryCommission,"braft Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for PWR's," USNRC NUREG-0473, Revision 2


Washington, D.C. 20555, February, 1980.

6. Regulatory Guide 1.21, " Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting s Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials

, in Liquid and Caseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear l Power Plants," Revision 1, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

l Washington, D.C.' 20555, June 1974.

l l 7. Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from l Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating l Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix 1 " Revision 0, U.S.

I Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555, March, 1976.

8. Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix 1," Revision 1 U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, October 1977.

9. Regulatory Guide 1.111. " Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Caseous Effluents in Routine Releases i from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors," Revision 1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, July 1977,
10. Regulatory Guide 1.113. " Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Implementing Appendix I," Revision 1 U.S. Nucicar Regulatory O Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, April 1977.


n, l

OM12D: ODCM Page : 111 - LAST Rev. : 2 REFERENCES (Cont.)

  • i
11. Regulatory Guide 4.15. " Quality Assurance for Radiological Mont.7 ring Programs (Normal Operation) - Effluent Streams and the Environment," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.

20555, February, 1979.

12. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, " Branch Technical Position,"

Revision 1, Washington, D.C. 20555, November,1979.

13. Perry Nuclear Power Plant', Unit I and 2. " Final Safety Analysis Report," Amendment 14. The Cleveland Electric illuminating Company, Perry, Ohio 44081, August, 1984.
14. Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, " Environmental Report, Operating License Stage," Supplement 3, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Perry, Ohio 44081, November, 1981. s
15. Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, " Radiological f Environmental Monitoring Program Manual," The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Perry, Ohio 44081, February, 1985.


16. " Midas User's Manual, for the Cleveland: Electric 111uminating Company, Perry Nuclear Power Plant," Pickard, Lowe and Garrick, -

Washington, D.C. 20036, July, 1983.

17. Kocher, D.C., " Radioactive Decay Data Tables," Technical Information Center, U.S. Department of Energy, Springfield, Virginia 22161, September, 1985.


{' ,


l l

iO DW/0DCMi/mae


NUCLEA R February 10, 1986 PY-CEI/NRR-0430 L Dr. W. D. Butler, Director BWR Project Directorate No. 4 Division of BWR Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Perry Nuclear Power Plant Docket Nos. 50-440; 50-441 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual

Dear Dr. Butler:

Attached is Revision 2 to the Perry Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. Changes previously agreed to with your staff have been incorporated.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments concerning this matter.

Very tri ly yours, il !1R. Edelman Murra' Vice President Nuclear Group MRE:njc Attachment ec: Jay Silberg, Esq.

John Stefano (2)

J. Grobe l

A ld u HwH - I/HC's fttu SPPPoHT th (LI AW)

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