PNO-I-85-053, on 850726,scram Signal Generated Due to Low Reactor Water Level.Normal Suction Valve from Suppression Pool for Loop a Opened Before Alternate Suction for Shutdown Cooling Valve Closed.Approx 3,000 Gallons Drained

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PNO-I-85-053:on 850726,scram Signal Generated Due to Low Reactor Water Level.Normal Suction Valve from Suppression Pool for Loop a Opened Before Alternate Suction for Shutdown Cooling Valve Closed.Approx 3,000 Gallons Drained
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 07/26/1985
From: Joshua Berry, Strosnider J
PNO-I-85-053, PNO-I-85-53, NUDOCS 8508010378
Download: ML20126M500 (1)

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DCS No: 50-322850726 Date: July 26, 1985 PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATION OF EVENT OR UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE--PNO-I-85-53 This preliminary notificatio# constitutes EARLY notice of events of POSSIBLE safety or public interest significance. The information is as initially received without verification or evaluation, and is basically all that is known by the Region I staff on this date, ,

e Facility:

  • Licensee Emergency Classification:

Long Island Lighting Company Notification of Unusual Event Shoreham Nuclear' Power Station Alert Brsokhaven, New York Site Area Emergency Docket No. 50-322 General Emergency X Not Applicable Subjsct: REACTOR SCRAM SIGNAL DUE TO LOW WATER LEVEL At 6:43 A.M. this morning, a scram signal was generated due to low reactor water level while the reactor was in cold shutdown. RHR loops A and B were lined up for shutdown cooling, with loop B in operation. The operating staff was in the process of realigning loop A of the RHR system into the standby LPCI mode. The normal suction valva from the Suppression Pool for loop A was opened before the loop A alternate suction for shutdown cooling valve was completely closed. This resulted in approximately 3000 gallons of water being drained from the Reactor Coolant System to the Suppression Pool via the RHR Loop A Suction Lines. Reactor vessel water level reached approximately -10". The apparent cause of the event was operator error. At the time of shift change, Reactor vessel water level had been restored to +43", temp was 121*F, and RHR loop B was operating in the shutdown cooling mode.

Regional inspectors are following up on the event.

Tha State of New York has been notified.

CONTACT: J. Berry J. Strosnider 488-1124 488-1128 DISTRIBUTION:

H. St. MNBB Phillips E/W Willste Mail: ADM:0MB Chairman Palladino EDO NRR IE NMSS DOT:Trans only Comm. Zech PA OIA RES Comm. Bernthal ELD AE0D Comm. Roberts Comm. Asselstine :ri ACRS Air Rights INPO- - g SECY SP NSAC-4 CA PDR Regional Offices TMI Resident Section if II RI Resident Office TD Licensee:

i (Reactor Licensees)

Region I Form 83 (Rev. July,1984) 8508010378 850726 ,)

PDR IbE >'


PNO-I-85-053 PDR c3 l '