IR 05000322/1988004

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Insp Rept 50-322/88-04 on 880328-31.No Noncompliances Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Organization,Program Audit,Records & Repts,Testing & Maint,Locks,Keys & Combinations,Physical Barriers & Security Sys Power Supply
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 05/02/1988
From: Keimig R, Lancaster W, Martin W
Shared Package
ML20153F178 List:
50-322-88-04, 50-322-88-4, NUDOCS 8805100260
Download: ML20153F182 (5)



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Report N /88-04 Docket N Licente No. NPF-19 Licensee: Long Island Lighting Company 175 East Old County Road Hicksville, New York 11801 Facility Name: Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Inspection At: Wading River, New York

  • Inspection Conducted: March 28-31, 1988 Type of Inspection: Rontine, Unannounced Physical Security Inspection Inspectors: @. ame aAMA./ pi,g A-T f Walter G. Martin, Physical Security Inspector date

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Ak 6-04I William K. Lancaster date Physical Security Inspector e

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Approved by: fQ,d .4wY S- E- 5B Bichard R.'Keimigrphief date Safeguards Secti W, DRSS Inspection Summary: Unannounced, Physical Security Inspection on March 28 - 31,1988 (Report No. 50-322/88-04)

Areas Inspected: Organization; Program Audit; Records and Reports; Testing and Maintenance; Locks, Keys, and Combinations; Physical Barriers - Protected and Vital Areas; Security System Power Supply; Lighting; Assessment Aids; Access Control - Personnel, Packages, and Vehicles; Detection Aids - Protected and Vital Areas; Alarm Stations; Communications; Personnel Training and Qualifications; and Safeguards Contingency Plan Exercises.


Results: The licenste was found to be in conpliance with NRC requirements in the areas inspected.

8805100260 880504 PDR ADOCK0500g2

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DETAILS Key Persons Contacted LILC0 W. Steiger, Plant Manager R. Gutman, Manager, Nuclear Operations Support Department J. Devlin, Security Division Manager W. Maloney, QC Manager, Nuclear Quality Assurance Departm:nt C. Seaman, Quality Systems Manager A. Downs, Security Administration Supervisor J. Welsh, Security Operations Supervisor F. Santora, Security Engineer G. Gisonda, Supervisor, Nuclear Licensing T. Durando, Licensing Engineer D. Smith, Compliance Engineer J. Mirauglia, Compliance Engineer USNRC F. Crescenzo, Resident Inspector The inspectors also interviewed other licensee personnel and members of the contract guard forc . Security Plan and Implementing Procedures The inspectors met with licensee representatives a.. discussed the NRC-approved Physical Security Plan (the Plan) and its implementing procedures. As a result of these discussions, and a review of the plan, it was determined that the implementing procedures were current, clear, .

concise and consistent with commitments in the Pla ;

3. Security Organization The inspectors reviewed the security organization and deteruined that all positions were filled and the organization was as depicted in the Pla . Security Program Audit The inspectors reviewed security program audit reports and verified that the audits had been conducted in accordance with the Plan. The audits were comprehensive in scope and the audit results were reported to the appropriate levels of managemen The review included the response of the security organization to the audit findings and the corrective action taken to remedy any adverse findings. The documented corrective actions appeared appropriate for the findings.


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3 Records and Reports The inspectors reviewed testing and maintenance records and records of security event Testing and Maintenance Records:

The testing and maintenance records committed to in the Plan were on file and readily available for licensee review and NRC inspectin Security Event Reports:

The inspectors reviewed, and discussed with the licensee, the security events (listed below) that had been reported to the NRC in accordance with 10 CFR 73.71(c), since May 1, 1987. No discrepancies were identified relative to reporting the events or the actions take Security event report nos.87-004 87-007 87-018 87-019 6. Testing and Maintenance The inspectors reviewed the testing and maintenance records and procedures for the intrusion detection system, card readers, X-ray machines, metal detectors, explosives detectors, and assessment aid No discrepancies were identified relative to either the records or procedure . Testing and Maintenance The inspectors confirmed that the licensee's key and lock control program is being administered in accordance with the Plan and appropriate implementing procedere . Physical Barriers - Protected area The inspectors conducted a physical inspection of the protected area barrie The inspectors determined, by observation, that the barriers are installed and maintained as described in the Pla . Physical Barriers - Vital Areas The inspectors observed that the licensee maintained the physical barriers surrounding the vital areas in conformance with the Pla . __

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-4-1 Security System Power Supply The inspectors reviewed the emergency power supply for the security


system and found it to be in accordance with the Plan, 1 Lighting The inspectors observed the lighting within the Protected Area during the hours of darkness (7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.) on March 30, 1988. All areas were adequately lighted to allow observation of activities and to meet commitments in the Pla . Assessment Aids The inspectors observed the operation of the assessment aids system including during times when artificial lighting was being used (see Paragraph 11), and determined it to be functioning in accordance with the Pla . Access Control - Personnel The inspectors observed that all personnel entering the Protected Area are searched for unsuthorized material and that personnel access controls and search equipment are adequate and appropriate for their intended purpos . Access Control - Packages The inspectors observed that the licensee controls the flow of packages and materials into and out of the Protected Area. Packages are searched and materials are appropriately examined by use of equipment using procedures which are adequate for the purpose. The licensee is in conformance with the Plan and regulatory requirement . Access Control - Vehicles The inspectors observed that the licensee searches and escorts, as required, all vehicles that enter the Protected Area and searches all vehicles that exi The licensee controls all vehicles in conformance with the Pla . Detection Aids - Protected Area The inspectors observed, selectively tasted the Protected Area perimeter detection aids, and determined that they are installed, maintained, and operated as committed to in the Pla . Detection Aids - Vital Areas The inspectors reviewed, selectively tested, and observed guard force response to the vital area detection aids. The detection aids are in conformance with the Plan, the tests verified that the alarms are l

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. functioning properly, and the guard force response was promp '18. ' Alarm Stations


The inspectors observed the operation of both the central alarm station (CAS).and the secondary alarm station (SAS) and found them to be '

operating as committed to in the Plan. CAS and SAS operators were interviewed by the inspectors and were found to be knowledgeable of their responsibilities and dutie . Communication The inspectors observed that the communications capabilities in both th central alarm station (CAS) and the secondary alarm station (SAS), are in accordance with the Plan. Also, the inspectors reviewed testing records for the various means of communications available to the security force and found them to be as committed to in the Pla . personnel Training and Qualifications l The inspectors reviewed selected training records and procedures and i found them to be in accordance with the NRC-approved training and qualifications. pla . Safeguards Contingency Plan Implementation Review The inspectors ascertained that the licensee's program for responding to i security threats and other contingencies, as outlined in the Plan, are adequate. In addition, the inspector reviewed the contingency event drills conducted since January 1, 1988. It was noted during this review that while the operations organization did not~ participate in the drills conducted by the security organization, the security organization actively participate in the frequent (about once a month) site emergency exercises. Three of the last six site emergency drills were based en

security events requiring and achieving an active interface between the security and operations organizations for an effective exercis . Exi_t Interview The inspectors met with the licensee representatives listed in paragraph


1 at the conclusion of the inspection on March 31, 1988. At that time,


the purpose and scope of tM inspection were reviewed and the findings were presente At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspectors.