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Louisiana Energy Services, LLC, Dba Urenco USA, Submittal of License Amendment Request for Revision for MCNP6 Validation Report (LAR 21-03)
Person / Time
Site: 07003103
Issue date: 12/10/2021
From: Lorskulsint P
Louisiana Energy Services, URENCO USA
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
LAR 21-03, LES-21-162-NRC
Download: ML21349A142 (5)


LES-21-162-NRC December 10, 2021 Attn: Document Control Desk Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Louisiana Energy Services, LLC NRC Docket No. 70-3103

~USA The Nalionm Enrichment Facility


License Amendment Request for Revision for Urenco USA (UUSA) MCNP6 Validation Report (LAR 21-03)


1. LES-18-089-NRC, LAR 18-04 Addition of MCNP6 for Nuclear Criticality Safety Analysis Pursuant to the requirements of SNM-2010 License Condition 25, License Condition 30, and in accordance with 10 CFR 70.34, Louisiana Energy Services, LLC, also dba Urenco USA (UUSA), hereby requests a revision to the existing UUSA MCNP6 Validation Report and an amendment to the UUSA Safety Analysis Report (SAR).

In Reference 1, UUSA submitted a License Amendment Request (LAR) identifying a revision to the Nuclear Criticality Safety Validation Report to include use of the MCNP6 (version 1.0) computer code for criticality applications at UUSA in addition to the existing licensed criticality code of MONK8A. The proposed changes in this LAR are only related to MCNP6 and:

revises the range of uranium enrichment evaluated in the UUSA MCNP6 Validation Report to support increasing the U-235 enrichment licensed limit from 5.5 weight percent (wt%) U-235 to up to 10 wt% U-235 and allows additional flexibility for potential further enrichment increases for future activities adds critical benchmarks containing Boron Carbide (B4C) absorber rods to accommodate potential future analyses for 30B-X cylinders removes Attachment B containing the MCNP input files and relocates them into the UUSA MCNP6 User Guide UUSA considers the information provided in Enclosures 1, 2 and 3 of this license amendment as proprietary and requests that the information be withheld from public disclosure in accordance with 1 O CFR 2.390(a)(4). Enclosure 4 provides an affidavit supporting this request. provides a description, technical analysis, basis, and safety significance of the proposed change. Enclosure 2 provides applicable portions of the License Basis Documents proposed to be revised with the changes annotated on each page. Enclosure 3 provides the revised UUSA MCNP6 Validation Report for the proposed uranium enrichment and other referenced changes.

UUSA appreciates the efforts of the NRC staff in supporting the review and approval of this important amendment in a timely manner. Should there be any questions concerning this submittal please contact Wyatt Padgett, Compliance and Licensing Manager, at 575-394-5257.

Louisiana Energy Services, LLC UUSA I P.O. Box 17891 Eunice I New Mexico I 88231 I USA T: +1 (575) 394 4646 I W:

© 2021 Louisiana Energy Services, LLC

LES-21-162-NRC Respectfully, g---

Paul [orskulsint Chief Nuclear Officer


1) Description of Proposed Changes (LAR-21-03)
2) Markup Pages to License Basis Documents (Safety Analysis Report and ISA Summary)
3) Urenco USA (UUSA) MCNP6 Validation, NCS-REP-002-05
4) Affidavit

LES-21-162-NRC Cc:

Jacob Zimmerman, Enrichment & Conversion Branch Chief U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Jacob.Zimmerman@N Matthew Bartlett - UUSA Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Matthew. Cynthia Taylor-Region II Projects Branch I Chief U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

LES-21-162-NRC Affidavit

LES-21-162-NRC Affidavit I, Paul Lorskulsint, being duly sworn, state that I am the Chief Nuclear Officer for Louisiana Energy Services (LES), dba Urenco USA (UUSA); that I am authorized on the part of said company to sign and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") this document; and that all statements made and matters set forth herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief:

1. LES wishes to have withheld from public disclosure the following documents:
  • Enclosure 1 Description of Proposed Changes (LAR-21-03)
  • Enclosure 2 Markup Pages to Licensing Basis Documents
  • Enclosure 3 Urenco USA (UUSA) MCNP6 Validation, NCS-REP-002-05
2. The information contained in the document cited in 1 above for which exemption from public disclosure is requested is proprietary information related to commercial aspects of the Urenco USA Facility. LES requests that this information be exempt from disclosure pursuant to the provisions in 10 CFR Part 2.390(a)(4).
3. Public disclosure of the information in the above enclosure to this submittal has the potential to result in substantial harm to the competitive position of LES, provide valuable business information to competitors of LES which they could duplicate without having to expend their own resources to develop, and reduce or foreclose the availability of profit opportunities.
4. The information stated in this affidavit has been submitted in accordance with the applicable parts of 10 CFR 2.390 and the guidance contained in NUREG-1556, Vol.

20, Appendix C.4.

I declare under penalty of perjury tha?regoing is true and correct.

Executed on 11/iJ /ir by: _c-_..::..f_:~----------



Paul Lorskulsint Chief Nuclear Officer Louisiana Energy Services, LLC I certify the above named person appeared before me and executed this document on this~ day of J)Qcororur, 2021.

~ancm.~:UornQl\\Q Notary Public My commission expires: ~\\\\,OL \\ \\..Q

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OFFICIAL SEAL Ver6nlca Romero NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW MEXICO My Commission Expires l.Q I I \\0 I.;oa l\\