ML22074A022 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 07003103 |
Issue date: | 03/11/2022 |
From: | Lorskulsint P Louisiana Energy Services, URENCO USA |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards |
Shared Package | |
ML22074A031 | List: |
References | |
LES-22-044-NRC | |
Download: ML22074A022 (5) | |
LES-22-044-NRC March 11, 2022 USA The National Enrichment Facility Attn: Document Control Desk Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Louisiana Energy Services, LLC
,NRC Docket No. 70-3103
Supplemental License Amendment Request for Revision for Urenco USA (UUSA) MCNP6 Validation Report (LAR 21-03)
- 1. LES-21-162-NRC, License Amendment Request for Revision for Urenco USA (UUSA) MCNP6 Validation Report (LAR 21-03)
- 2. IN-22-013-NRC, Request for Additional Information Regarding Revision of MCNP6 Criticality Code Validation Report (LAR 21-03)
In Reference 1, Louisiana Energy Services, LLC, also dba Urenco USA (UUSA), requested a License Amendment to incorporate changes to the UUSA MCNP6 Validation Report and other Licensing Basis Documents. In Reference 2, NRC responded with Requests for Additional Information (RAls). As a result of responding to the RAls in Reference 2, additional changes were proposed to the information provided in Reference 1. The purpose of this letter is to provide a supplemental License Amendment Request that replaces the request in Reference 1 in its entirety and to provide RAI responses and updated information.
Pursuant to the requirements of SNM-2010 License Condition 25, License Condition 30, and in accordance with 10 CFR 70.34, Louisiana Energy Services, LLC, also dba Urenco USA (UUSA), hereby requests a revision to the existing UUSA MCNP6 Validation Report and an amendment to the UUSA Safety Analysis Report (SAR).
The proposed changes in this LAR are only related to MCNP6 and:
provides the responses to RAls presented in Reference 2 revises the range of uranium enrichment evaluated in the UUSA MCNP6 Validation Report to support increasing the U-235 enrichment licensed limit from 5.5 weight percent (wt%) U-235 to up to 10 wt% U-235 and allows additional flexibility for potential further enrichment increases for future activities adds critical benchmarks containing Boron Carbide (B4C) absorber rods to accommodate potential future analyses for 308-X cylinders removes Attachment B containing the MCNP input files and relocates them into the UUSA MCNP6 User Guide UUSA considers the information provided in Enclosures 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this license amendment as proprietary and requests that the information be withheld from public disclosure in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390(a)(4). Enclosure 5 provides an affidavit supporting this request.
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I Louisiana Energy Services, LLC UUSA I P.O. Box 1789 1 Eunice I New Mexico 188231 I USA T: +1 (575) 394 4646 I W:
- - - ---------~
~E$"'2i-944:NRG; Enclosllre:11 co_ntafn~*th~ responses'to the questie>_n~.ii,n Reference 2. Enclosure 2 provides:
a,d~~cri~!ion/t~cl:m!c_a[1:1n1=1iysi~.. basi~, and.'s!=lfety significance of the proposed cha~gei
,Enclg~µ're:'~ pre>'{id~.s*Elpplicablepqrtions~of the:License. Basis Documents proposed toibe reyisect~witt), the1 c:hange~ annotated,on *each ;page, Er:iblosure 4 pro~id~ the revised UUSA MCNP6 Validation ReporUor the proposed,uraniurri *enrichrrierit and other referenced chan~es;
- uw~Aappfeciat~s:the effoftsioftne NRC:staffJn supporting the rflview emd 1;1pprovaJ of thiaimport~nt anfendment in.~~ timely rna.11ner::,~he>,UI~' there ber ar,y questic:mi:; cp,r:icen:ting this submittal :pleE1se.C<?11tr:tc::t Wy1;1tt 'Padgett,' Qornpli~rjce and Licensjng Manager, at 5?5~~94-',§2§7'.
Re~speqtfuHy, i
l:?a*u L kulsif;it
- chiel'Nuciear: officer 1 f Re.spori's,es'te> RAi 'ouestibns for I.AB 21-:031
- 2) De~criptt9itof Pr9posed Change~ (LAR:21-03):
,3) Markup P.ages to License Basis ocurrients (Safety Analysis Report ahd
,.JS~:S.timmaryJ *
- 4) UrericO: l:l~A (UUSA)' MCNP6 Valfda!io.n,,I'J¢.$~8EP"QQ2,-06 2>2Affiq§!ylt
LES-22-044-NRC Cc:
Jacob Zimmerman, Enrichment & Conversion Branch Chief U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Matthew Bartlett - UUSA Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Robert Williams - Region 11 Projects Branch I Chief U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Robert. Jonathan Rowley - Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
LES-22-04-4.-NRC EnclQsure.3 Affidavit I, Paul LorskLilsint, being duly sworn, state that I am the. Chief Nuclear Officedorloulsiana Energy Services '(t.ESj; dba Uren(;o l.JSA cu:usA); that i a.rn authorized on the* part of said
- company,fosign 'arid file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ('iNRC) this.document;
, ~nd that 'afI, statf:Jments macle and matten, set forth herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledQ~ *. information,.and: belief:
' L tES':wishes to* have withheld from, pUblic disclosure the following documents:
~! ~n9lo.sure 1, :Respor;is~to1f{AI Q~estit?ns "or-I.AR 21'-03
~t Enclosure 2, iDescript!t>rfof Proposed Changes (LAR..,21-03)
- ' Enclosure '3, Markup Pages Jo LicE:!nse, f?asis Dbc!Jm~11ts (Safety Analysis Repo_rt and ISA Summary
,s Enclosure "4, UrencffUS"A (UUSA) MCNP6'Validation, NCS-REtP-002-06
- 2. The information contained' in the document cited iii 1: above for which exemption from P,t1bJic:~~iscl9sureJs*requeste~ is, pr<>pr,~ta_ry lnforma~ion rel~tecl fo commerq!af a~pects of the Urenco USA Facility.,LEq requeststhatthis 'information be exempt from disclosure pursuant totheprovisions,in1QCF~ Part?,-~~,O(a)(4).
3; PubliC disclosure of the information in the above enclosure to this submittal has the, pc>tE3riti~ij~o' result,h SJJl;>stanti~I fo1:rm,Jo tH~ c:9rnpetitjve positibfi bf LES, prdvidevalUable business information to competitOrs *of LES 1which they could duplicate without having to expend Jtiejr pwn r~§QlJrces tc;, q~yE3lc~p, and, r,e~LJce odoreclose"the civailabJfity of profit opportt.mities.
- 4. *the information Slfilted in this:affidavithas been submitted in acco(darice with the applicable:parts,,of'10 CFR:2;390' and the guidance cont~jnecf in t\\JUB~G-t5Sg, v()r.zo,
1 decfar,e 1,1n.c.ter pE3n,~}ty 9( P-§Jrjury:tbat th~ f ~ihg :is true andi correct.
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- chief Nuclear:Officer L9ui~fana, Energy Se~icesLu:..c I c:erµfy'.ij,e-abo\\/e',persQnappear~d b.efo're m~ and.eiecuted this d*ocument.on' this \\ 1-!!l day_*ot ta,\\.fQh 1202'2 *.
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,Notary, Public
LES-22-044-NRC Affidavit