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Louisiana Energy Services, LLC - 2020 Annual Decommissioning Funding Cost Estimate
Person / Time
Site: 07003103
Issue date: 09/03/2020
From: Cowne S
Louisiana Energy Services, URENCO USA
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML20255A130 List:
Download: ML20255A131 (3)


LES-20-00079-NRC I

SEP O 3 2020 ATTN: Document Control Desk


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Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Louisiana Energy Services, LLC NRC Docket No. 70-3103


2020 Annual Decommissioning Funding Cost Estimate


1. Louisiana Energy Services Materials License SNM-201 O The National Enrichment Facility Pursuant to Reference 1 Condition 16d, Louisiana Energy Services, LLC, dba URENCO USA (UUSA) herewith provides the annual decommissioning cost estimate for NRC approval. The following changes have been made since the 2019 estimate.
1. The estimates have been adjusted for inflation.
2. The latest Department of Energy disposal cost estimate has been incorporated.

Following NRC approval, UUSA will provide, by December 15, 2020, the Decommissioning Funding Cost Estimate and the executed financial assurance instruments as required by Reference 1, Condition 16d.

This letter and Enclosure 1 contain proprietary information in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390(a)(4). UUSA requests that they be withheld from public disclosure.

If you have any questions regarding this License Amendment Request, you may contact Wyatt Padgett, Licensing and Performance Assessment Manager, at 575-394-5257.

. owne uclear Officer



2020 Decommissioning Funding Cost Estimate


Affidavit I,

Louisiana Energy Services, LLC UUSA I P.O. Box 1789 I Eunice I New Mexico I 88231 I USA T: +1 (575) 394 4646 I W:

LES-20-00079-NRC cc:

Karl Sturzebecher, Project Manager-UUSA U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Jacob Zimmerman, Enrichment & Conversion Branch Chief U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards

ENCLOSURE 2 AFFIDAVIT I, Stephen Cowne. being duly sworn. state that I am the Chief Nuclear Officer for Louisiana Energy Services (LES). dba URENCO USA (UUSA). I am authorized on the part of said company to sign and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRG) this document and that air statements made and matters set forth herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. information. and belief:

1. LES wishes to have withheld from public disclosure the following documents:

LES*20-00079~NRC - 2020 Annual Decommissioning Funding Cost Estimate

2. The information contained in the documents cited in 1 above for which exemption from public disclosure is requested concern classified matter protection. UUSA requests that this information be exempt from disclosure pursuant to the provisions in 10 CFR Part 2.390(d)(1).
3. The information sought to be withheld is not available in public sources. to the best of UUSA's knowfedge and belief
4. The information stated in this affidavit has been submitted in accordance with the applicable parts of 10 CFR 2 390 and the guidance contained in NUREG*1556.

Vol. 20. Appendix C.4.

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. Nuclear Officer Louisiana Energy Services, LLC I certify the above named person appeared before me and executed this document on this ~day of September, 2020.

Notary Public My commission expires: ~\\AOL \\\\1, U>2'::I OFFICIAL SEAL VenSnlcaRomero NOTARY PUBUC STATE OF NEW MEXICO M,COllunlttionExplln to\\ I~ i -ZQ2,t\\