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Louisiana Energy Services, LLC, Dba Urenco USA, Affidavit
Person / Time
Site: 07003103
Issue date: 02/05/2024
From: Lorskulsint P
Louisiana Energy Services, URENCO USA
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML24036A301 List:
Download: ML24036A303 (1)


LES-24-016-NRC ENCLOSURE1 Affidavit USA The National Enrichment Facility I, Paul Lorskulsint, being duly sworn, state that I am the Chief Nuclear Officer for Louisiana Energy Services, LLC (LES) at the Urenco USA Facility; that I am authorized on the part of said company to sign and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission this document; and that all statements made and matters set forth herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief:

LES wishes to have withheld from public disclosure the following document:

License Amendment Request (LAR 23-02), NRC Post-Submittal Meeting slide deck, dated 24 January 2024.

The information contained in the document cited in above for which exemption from public disclosure is requested is owned by Urenco USA. The information contained in the documents cited above for which exemption from public disclosure is requested includes 1) proprietary information related to commercial aspects of the Urenco USA Facility and 2) security related information. LES requests that the proprietary and Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information (SUNSI) be exempt from disclosure pursuant to the provisions in 1 O CFR 2.390(a)(4) and 10 CFR 2.390(d).

Public disclosure of the information in the above Enclosure to this submittal has the potential to result in substantial harm to the competitive position of LES, provide valuable business information to competitors of LES which they could duplicate without having to expend their own resources to develop, and reduce or foreclose the availability of profit opportunities.

The information sought to be withheld is not available in public sources, to the best of LES' knowledge and belief.

The information stated in this affidavit has been submitted in accordance with the applicable parts of 1 O CFR 2.390 and the guidance from NRC RIS-2004-11 and RIS-2005-31 Revision 1,, Appendix 1 (Fuel Cycle Facility Reviews).

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

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Paul Lorskulsint Chief Nuclear Officer Louisiana Energy Services, LLC Date I certify the above named person appeared before me and executed this document on this Sl:tl day of +fbn 1N'j 2024.

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()i l \\.Sl :t 0 Notary Public Louisiana Energy Services, LLC UUSA I P.O. Box 1789 I Eunice I New Mexico j 88231 I USA T: +1 (575) 394 4646 I W:

© 2024 Louisiana Energy Services, LLC My cbmm~on expires: \\\\ \\r\\.~.. \\1*v..Q():zq STATEOFNEWMEXIC(j...

