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Summary of 890330 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Issues on Suppression Pool Temps for Plant
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 04/06/1989
From: Crocker L
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Matthews D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8904170232
Download: ML20248K164 (4)



  1. p~* g UNITED STATES

-9" jo,% NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION y j WASHINGTON, D C. 20555 k ..... p April 6, 1989 Docket Nos. : 50-321 50-366 MEMORANDUM FOR: David B. Matthews, Director i Project Directorate 11-3 )

Division of Reactor Projects-I/II FROM: Lawrence P. Crocker, Project Manager i Project Directorate II-3 Division of Reactor Projects-1/II  ;





On March 30, 1989, a meeting was held at the NRC offices in Rockville, I Maryland to discuss several issues relating to suppression pool temperatures  !

for Plant Hatch. In attendance were Mr. J. Heidt, Manager of Licensing for the Hatch plant for Georgia Power Company; Mr. Kudrick, Section Leader in the Plant Systems Branch, NRC; and the undersigned. The meeting had been requested by the licensee.

Georgia Power Company (the licensee) presently has two amendment requests relating to the suppression pool temperature limit under review by the staff.

The first of these (TACs 69406/69407) would revise the present Technical Specification limits on suppression pool temperature from 95 F to 100 F.

This increase would provide the licensee with a slight margin of operating flexibility during the summer months when the 95 F limit is difficult to maintain due to the warm river water (heat sink) temperatures. The second change (TACs -68398/68399) would further revise the TS to require initiation of suppression pool cooling at 100 F and plant scram when the pool temperature reaches 110 F.  ;

The staff review for the first of these changes is expected to be completed by i May of 1989 in time for a TS amendment to be issued prior to the hot summer months. However, as the second request now stands, it likely will be disapproved since it would change not only the temperature limits, but also the philosophy for controlling the temperature and protecting the plant from excessive temperature.

Mr. Heidt indicated that the licensee would reconsider its second request to see if it could be modified to still embrace the philosophy of the existing TS.

We also discussed the matter of suppression pool temperature sensors. While the licensee now has a total of 15 sensors installed in the suppression pool (for '

each unit) only 4 are used to arrive at a pool bulk temperature. The other sensors are used to provide information to the Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS). The licensee was issued a Notice of Deviation in Inspection Report 88-38 m Q I j e,o m o2a2 e,9pyy pop ADOCK ghb l l P


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for failure to use all of the sensors to establish the bulk pool _ temperature. In the response to the deviation, the licensee proposed to use all 15 sensors to 1 establish the bulk pool temperature. The discussion at-the meeting centered on how best to handle the TS changes that would be required to acknowledge the use of all the sensors, and whether further modifications might be needed in order to accommodate the use of all 15 sensors. It was agreed that the sensors as now installed are adequate to establish a weighted average bulk pool temperature, ,

and that plant historical data could probably be used to provide acceptable correlations to cover instances of sensor failure.  ;

The license will propose appropriate changes to the TS to cover the use of all 15 sensors in establishing the bulk pool temperature. '

original Signed By:

Lawrence P. Crocker, Project Manager Project Directorate 11-3 Divsion of Reactor Projects -I/II ,

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation j cc: See next page 1

1 1

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PD I-3 PDII-3 LCroc ker: sw SDMatthews 4/p/89 () 4/ 6/89

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, , -l Mr. W. G. . Hairston,- III - Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, g Georgia Power Company Units Nos. I and 2' f CC:

G. F. Trowbridge, Esq. Mr.-R. P. Mcdonald Shaw, Pittman, Potts and Trowbridge Executive Vice President -

2300 N Street, N. W. Nuclear Operations-Washington, D.C. 20037 Georgia Power Company P.O. Box 1295 Mr. L. T. Gucwa . Birmingham, Alabama 35201 Engineering Department _

Georgia Power Company Mr. Alan R. Herdt, Chief  !

P. O. Box 1295 . Project Branch #3 Birmingham, Alabama 35201 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission t' 101 Marietta Street, NW, Suite 2900 Nuclear Safety and Compliance Ma' nager Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Georgia Power Company P. O. Box 442 Baxley, Georgia 31513 Mr. Louis B. Long Southern Company Services,-Inc.

P. O. Box 1295 Birmingham, Alabama 35201 Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Route 1, Box 725

. Baxley, Georgia 31513


Regional Administrator, Region II U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 101 Marietta Street, Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. Charles H. Badger Office of Planning and Budget Room 610 270 Washington Street, S.W.

1.tlanta, Georgia 30334 Mr. J. Leonard Ledbetter, Commissioner Department of. Natural Resources 270 Washington Street, N.W.

- Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Chairman Appling County Commissioners County Courthouse Baxley, Georgia 31513

k :lt ' ' ' .



DATED: April 6,'1989 Facility:

  • Hatch :1/2-

, DocketaFile.or Central File -

NRC PDR-Local PDR PDII-3 Reading 'I

. T. Mu r l ey . 12-G-18' t' J.-Sniezek 12-G-18 D._Matthews. 14-H-25 M. Rood. 14-H-25 L. . Crocker 14-H-25 OGC ' 15-B-18.

E. Jordan- MNBB-3302 B. Grires ' 9-A-2 ACRS(10) . P-315 B. Borchardt 17-D-19 J. Kudrick 8-D-1 j

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